Survey the incredibly wide-ranging evidence — including video — that certain insider factions are pushing for UFO/ET Disclosure very soon. The Norway Spiral is only the most recent attempt to ‘force’ the issue — after the US failed to deliver on November 27th.
[First Four Parts Published 11:59 PM, Christmas Eve 2009!]
By David Wilcock
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
To everything, there is a season — and a time for every purpose under heaven.
A remarkable structure appeared in the skies over northern Norway on December 9, 2009 — a stunning aerial formation, as you see in the above, unaltered photograph, that was massive in size and hung there rotating in space for ten to fifteen minutes straight.
We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the mainstream media’s explanation for the Norway Spiral cannot be correct.
We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the mainstream media’s explanation for the Norway Spiral cannot be correct — as you will soon see. And that raises many more questions.
If the visual sight of this Spiral wasn’t interesting enough, the context certainly was — it showed up the day before Obama was set to receive his Nobel Peace Prize in the very same country.
Also, on that very same day, December 9, 2009, hundreds of eyewitnesses reported — and two of them filmed — a gigantic, triangular pyramid-shaped UFO that hovered over the Kremlin in Russia for hours — from daylight on into darkness.
Coincidence? Once you review all the evidence, you will see how compelling this case really is — and how these ‘islands’ really do connect below the surface.
The Norway Spiral is only the most recent indication that an incredible, seemingly-impossible moment in human civilization and consciousness may actually be about to happen — the open, formal announcement that we are not alone in the Universe.
We will also convincingly argue that perhaps the number-one reason why the truth is about to come out is that the primary group responsible for the UFO cover-up can no longer afford to keep it a secret.
It costs a lot of money to harass, intimidate and discredit the opposition on such a huge issue as this, for such a prolonged period of time — and the group responsible for the secrecy is now functionally bankrupt, and is being systematically taken down by opposing insider factions who want Disclosure.
Last year’s shockingly sudden economic collapse — and the unmitigated political disaster of the short-term bailouts that were handed out to the usual suspects — is a strong piece of supporting evidence to suggest that the money simply isn’t there anymore to finance the enormous political / military / corporate machine required to keep this enormous secret under wraps.
All empires in recorded history have crumbled from over-extending themselves financially. History repeats itself. This time, the results will be much better than most of us could ever have expected.
No one holding the reins of power would have let something as grotesquely embarrassing as the bailouts occur… potentially leading to the revolutionary overthrow of their own corporate and governmental authority… unless they’d had no other choice. It’s the very simple logic of power — Never Let ‘Em See You Sweat. The supporting evidence makes that case very, very clearly.
You can laugh if you want to, and attack everyone who doesn’t think the same way you do as being a loser and a crank, but you may be in for quite a surprise when such a Disclosure is actually made. In fact, the insiders who have kept this secret for the last 60 years are counting on the skeptics, debunkers and religious fundamentalists to freak out and destabilize society once they are finally told the truth — though I highly doubt that will actually happen.
Instead of absolutely believing you will never hear any “genuine proof” that UFOs exist, or ever see a ‘real one’ with your own eyes, I invite you to try the intellectual exercise of at least allowing yourself to ask the “What If.” Just try. As a Highly Intelligent Skeptic you have to be willing to consider all possibilities, rather than automatically assuming your opinion must be correct.
As a Highly Intelligent Skeptic you have to be willing to consider all possibilities, rather than automatically assuming your opinion must be correct.
What if the government actually did tell you UFOs were real? What if we are surrounded by intelligent life throughout the Universe? What if humans like us have evolved on other planets besides the Earth? What if there are technologies out there that are vastly superior to our own — and our cherished ‘laws’ of physics need to be completely rewritten?
What if our own technology was dramatically assisted by this “celestial endowment?” What if the extraterrestrial presence was considered the highest secret of all, due to its potential to eliminate the oil-based economy, and has been carefully kept under wraps — with deadly force — for six decades now, but is finally falling apart?
I mean, think about it — after all this talk of UFOs for so many years; after all the movies, documentaries, books, TV shows and the like; after all the evidence you have been exposed to throughout your life, do you honestly believe the whole, entire thing is completely and totally BS?
Can you sincerely be confident that every single sighting ever reported in human history must be a lie or a hoax, and every single whistleblower is similarly concocting fairytales — despite the career destruction, poverty and ridicule they endure, notwithstanding the tired old lies you may have heard about them “selling their stories” and becoming ‘rich’ from them?
(I know many of these UFO whistleblowers personally. Very few, if any, are lucky enough to function above a subsistence level.)
I’m serious. This is your life. You do with it what you want. But can you absolutely be sure you are right? What happens if you’re not? Who will you owe your sincerest apologies to then?
In light of the tremendous, irrefutable body of evidence that is available, who really is the naive one? You, the Highly Intelligent Skeptic, or all the people you so cavalierly insult as being stupid, ignorant savages for looking at this vast body of compelling data… and concluding that it might actually be true?
You may not have to wait much longer to find the answers to these questions. We are on the threshold of what may well be the most exciting moment in human history. Or, shall we say, Earth-born human history.
Despite how surreal it was to watch two of the world’s tallest buildings crumble to ashes after two planes crashed into them in 2001, 9/11 actually did happen. It was 100-percent real. No one disputes that fact. The ‘bully’, so to speak, sure terrorized the whole schoolyard with that one.
9/11 was an incredible, world-changing event that forever altered society as we know it. In many ways, a formal announcement that “We Are Not Alone” would have a similarly vast game-changing effect — quite a bit more than 9/11 . And I am confident that Disclosure will have a far more positive effect than 9/11 ever did, regardless of whatever plans might be underway to manipulate it for political gain.
We may very well be about to discover, as a planet, that the UFO phenomenon is not a hoax, not a fantasy, nor a delusion — but a very real situation that has been ongoing since well before human beings ever walked the face of the Earth.
Since this entire game is still being played behind the scenes, it can be easy to overlook the stunning clues that have emerged, particularly in more recent times — but that’s precisely why we wrote this paper. Once we have a greater understanding of what we’re looking at — in events that may at first seem completely mysterious, random and inexplicable — the case becomes extremely compelling.
Some of the key factions involved in this grand football game are tired of waiting. They’re playing for keeps. No more treating us like children. This is it. Game over. Childhood’s End. We need to know the truth — and we need it now.
Considering the evidence we will reveal, the Norway Spiral might be likened to Batman’s signal — calling in the end of the bully’s nefarious reign over the schoolyard, with the arrival of not just one, but a whole group of more powerful opponents who can actually defeat him. They’ve been working on this for a long time — some two centuries now.
And I’m not talking about ETs coming in for a landing here… I’m talking about other factions of the world’s leadership structures that are sick and tired of the lies, treachery, deceit and secrecy. The UFO cover-up sprung out of a toxic system that was already well in place by the 1940s, as we shall discuss.
Before we plunge fully into this epic discussion, we can nicely summarize the ‘hologram’ of our current situation on Earth with the following analogy:
The bully didn’t want any of the kids in ‘his’ schoolyard to play with the other kids — the ones who lived all throughout the neighborhood.
He guarded the gates. He liked being the Big Fish in a Small Pond. He told elaborate stories of how evil, treacherous and deceptive the other kids were.
He wanted everyone to respect him and pay him for protection, while fearing anyone and everyone else around them — including him most of all.
If the kids found out they had all these other friends in the neighborhood who could have helped them, they might have quickly forgotten about the bully… and laughed at his once-fearsome authority.
Over the years, the bully grew weak and tired. He couldn’t beat people up anymore, so he started paying his friends to do it.
Now he has run out of money to pay all his friends. They, too, became tired of all his lies and backstabbing games — so as soon as his money ran out, they ditched him.
It took a while for all the kids on the schoolyard to realize the bully could not hurt them anymore. His power was so feared, so legendary, that the stories of his beatings continued to awe and inspire them for some time.
But there were cracks in the armor. A series of signs — irrefutable and undeniable — started happening that gradually made the kids realize the bully’s power to hurt them had evaporated.
Now all the people he shamed, humiliated and attacked over the years are finally standing up — and they’re going to tell us the truth.
They’re going to tell their story… of what it was like to live in fear of this bully for so many years, and never be able to share the secret truth of the horrors he was putting them through.
Once the bully is gone, the children can run and sing and dance and play happily — quickly recovering from the nightmare of abuse they endured for so long. They won’t have to hand over all their lunch money to him and his friends any more.
And they will soon find out they have a lot more friends than they ever could have imagined — regardless of whatever horror stories the bully tried to tell them about how mean and evil all the other kids were.
Let’s discuss some very basic, common-sense thoughts about the Norway Spiral sighting itself for a minute — before we get into the irrefutable scientific proof — yes, mathematical proof — that the “official explanation” must be a lie.
If you still believe the official story that the Spiral was nothing more than a Bulava missile, as almost all mainstream media outlets now suggest, isn’t it interesting that the Russians would have chosen December 9, 2009, in skies that were visible over Norway, to do a nuclear missile test — knowing they had decisively failed on every preceding attempt with this prototype, as all the articles said?
Why would the Russians have set themselves up for such an obvious and epic military failure — in an area the entire world’s attention was momentarily focused on?
Couldn’t they have waited for a less-conspicuous day to try it out — if there was even the slightest chance it was going to screw up in such a tremendously embarrassing fashion?
Did you also notice that the video of the Spiral that was aired by Russia Today — one of the mainstream Russian television networks — was much, much clearer and stranger-looking than the grainy, brief versions shown in Western mainstream television media? Watch the good-quality Russian version first, followed by the type of plausible-deniability version shown in Western media, and see for yourself.
The first video you see here is from Russia Today, followed by a more typical mainstream-media treatment from CNN.
If it were only a missile, why did the American mainstream media stick to grainy, short clips of it that denied the viewer the full impact of what was really being seen in the Norwegian sky — making it much easier to believe it was merely a rocket malfunctioning, and therefore keeping their audience from understanding what all the fuss was about?
Regardless of what created the apparition — and we’ll get to that in a minute — the timing of the event is almost certainly not an accident, nor a coincidence.
For starters, no documented photo or video of a missile failure looks anything close to what we’ve just seen in Norway. The only video used by skeptics as ‘proof’ that a missile failure could look anything like this is of a typical rocket in flight — complete with the exhaust trail, which then gives off a farty little smoke-ring when it extinguishes. This doesn’t even begin to match up to how awesome the Norway Spiral looks.
In short, the “official explanation” was so laughable — so old school — that almost every UFO blogger and enthusiast on Earth wrote about this stunning phenomenon with breathless enthusiasm.
At the time we began this piece on 12/12, 2009, when you searched for “Norway spiral UFO” on Google, over one million, five hundred eighty thousand hits came up — just three days after it happened:
Similarly, a search for “spiral ufo video” yielded 1,120,000 hits, making it very difficult to search for any other phenomena like this that may have appeared in the past. By any reckoning, this is a very, very big event in UFOlogy — hardly anything else has ever attracted this much attention so quickly.
I discussed the Norway Spiral on Whistleblower Radio with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot the same day Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize — Thursday, December 10th, 2009. In this show, we also covered another amazing event that had just occurred. While I was live on the air, Kerry sent me this link to a video of what appeared to be a gigantic pyramid-shaped UFO hovering over the Kremlin — Russia’s own equivalent of the White House.
Strangely enough, the Kremlin Pyramid appeared the very same day as the Norway Spiral. Despite the overwhelmingly strange appearance of the Spiral creating a viral-video sensation, the Kremlin Pyramid video shot to the number-one position on the Russian YouTube’s most-viewed list. This then created a mainstream-media television news story on Russia Today, posted here on their website, dated December 11th.
The giant pyramid — actually a tetrahedron, since it has a triangular base rather than a square one — lazily turns in the air like a hot-air balloon, never makes any sudden, jerky moves unlike other alleged UFO sightings, looks fairly grainy in both the daytime and nighttime videos that were shot, and may be an excellent fake… as we will discuss.
The daytime video is only 12 seconds long, taken at a fixed angle, whereas the separate nighttime video was dynamically shot from within a moving car:
My own experience as Executive Producer of CONVERGENCE The Movie, and in doing free videos for Divine Cosmos, has already involved work with computer animators and visual FX staff.
Faking a video like the Kremlin Pyramid Night Shot would require some highly savvy CG post-production and compositing work:
- Complex motion tracking so the UFO remains properly and believably positioned relative to the constantly-wobbling items around it, along with the ever-changing camera angles;
- Precisely adjusting the CG light sources in a hypothetical 3D space to remain consistent with all other motion tracking, so the object catches the right reflections as it keeps slowly rolling in the night sky;
- Masking out street lights, power lines, trees and everything else properly so the object appears to be at the proper three-dimensional depth in the shot, leaving no traces of error; and lastly,
- Perfectly hand-tweaking lighting and opacity settings to compensate for the ever-shifting glare from the windows of the moving car, in addition to all the other 3D lighting concerns.
Thus, even if it was a fake, someone would have needed to put some real time and money into this operation.
However, that still doesn’t account for the fact that according to the UK Daily Mail, hundreds of different people witnessed this UFO hovering over the Kremlin the same day the videos came out… with the naked eye!
Now that we have eyewitness sightings, it becomes extremely unlikely, if not impossible, that such a sophisticated fake as the nighttime video from within a moving car could have been shot, post-produced and rendered out into a finished product… the very same day.
If the videos were indeed fake and produced in advance of the alleged sighting, this suggests a highly premeditated effort in place. However, if there was indeed an “unidentified flying object” in the sky that hundreds of people could see, then why the heck would you need to create a fake video of something other than what people were actually seeing in the first place?
The only way you could ‘debunk’ this sighting is to either say that the hundreds of eyewitnesses reported by Russian mainstream media are lying (see below), or else you have to come up with a physical explanation for whatever was in the sky — such as a gigantic inflatable, like a pyramid-shaped dirigible, and / or some sort of holographic projection.
And again, let’s not forget — this potential prelude to a “Landing on the Kremlin Lawn” in Red Square — rather than the White House lawn — happened on the very same day as the Norway Spiral! (emphasis added):
The UFO hovered for hours over Red Square in the Russian capital, and was seen by hundreds of people.
The identity of the shape has not been confirmed, but internet forums are buzzing with the sighting.The UFO appeared on December 9th, the same night that a mysterious blue spiral light appeared over Norway. That was later attributed to a failed rocket launch from Russia.Some have likened the object to one of the spaceships from Star Wars.But others have said it is merely a reflection from inside the cameraman’s car. If the object exists, experts estimate that it could be up to a mile wide.
Some commentators have reacted skeptically to the videos, and have pointed out that if hundreds of people had seen the object, more videos and photos would have emerged by now.Russian reports ruled out a UFO, but police have refused to comment.Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO analyst, said it was ‘one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I’ve ever seen’.‘At first I thought this was a reflection, but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory.’A spokesman for aerospace journal Jane’s News said: ‘We have no idea what it is.’
Whether real or fake, the timing of the Kremlin Pyramid’s appearance is consistent with a greater pattern. Hundreds of people witnessed something hovering over the Russian capitol — on the very same day that the Norway Spiral appeared.
If it is somehow still a fake, it definitely was meant to capture our attention. And that again raises many new questions as to the motive for doing so.
The story has now even been covered by other mainstream media outlets, including The Independent, Pravda (who got the date wrong, claiming it was the 18th — and Michael Salla speculates this could be a faction of the Russian government that is trying to deliberately blur the connection to the Norway Spiral) and even FOX. Both the Independent and FOX mention how the Russian television media was giving this sighting very heavy-rotation coverage.
If it was a hot-air balloon of some kind, think about the amount of money you would have to spend to create a mile-wide tetrahedron-shaped hot air balloon. It would be the most massive, not to mention the most expensive balloon ever made — or at least ever openly acknowledged.
If such a technology already did exist in a classified project, why bring it out on that particular day — the very same day as the Norway Spiral?
And why fly the Pyramid directly over Red Square — as if the alleged ETs were ready to produce the Russian equivalent of the proverbial “landing on the White House lawn,” thus treating the United States as if it were no longer ‘relevant’ as the world’s sole-remaining superpower?
Now again, whether you like him or not, carefully consider the fact that two of the “most extraordinary UFO clips ever seen” appeared the day before Obama finally got what may be seen as the proper credentials to represent Planet Earth to our extraterrestrial neighbors — a sitting US President who is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
You may also be aware that these two huge sightings appeared only 12 days after the Disclosure date that was allegedly planned by the Obama administration — a date which has obviously been postponed to some future point.
Dr. Pete Peterson, a very credible insider, had three different high-level sources in media and government tell him the same story in June 2009, independently — that Disclosure is indeed imminent. The date had been set for November 27, 2009, and would come from the White House, by Obama himself, as a two-hour television address aired around the world.
Dr. Peterson had been shown the actual scheduled television time that had been booked, and said any time he’d heard something from three sources of this caliber, it turned out to be true.
It also made tactical sense to have done this on November 27th, as it was the day after Thanksgiving. Almost all American families would be home together, and thus they would be in a much better position to absorb the impact of such a stunning, world-changing announcement.
Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot, who were with me when we all heard this, both leaked the date — whereas I maintained the secret until after it came and went. I was almost certain that giving away the secret date ensured it wouldn’t — nay, couldn’t — have happened on that particular day.
But that certainly doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
A mere twelve days after the initial plan had been dropped, Obama may have been sent a very clear warning — perhaps one of the last of this type he will ever have the chance to receive before the rug is whipped out from under him.
What was the message?
“Either make it official… or we’re going to do it for you.”
Look at these two huge events — whether real or hoaxed — happening on the very same day.
No matter how you slice it, something is going on here.
And yet we’ve barely even begun to look at the incredible evidence to support the whole idea that these are end-game events in a grand battle to finally conclude 60 years of UFO secrecy, and bring Disclosure out to the masses, once and for all.
In order to flesh out the evidence for our case further, we need to take a very close look at the Norway Spiral. Is it a genuine ET manifestation, a failed Russian missile test, or something else entirely… something manmade?
If we can prove the Norway Spiral is manmade, and is not a missile, this lends even greater support to the idea that a Disclosure Endgame is now playing itself out on the world stage, in real time.
And that is a very exciting prospect indeed — because although these latest events may not be of extraterrestrial origin, a significant percentage of the UFO phenomenon definitely is.
The Norway Spiral attracted vastly more attention and analysis than the Kremlin Pyramid — probably because many more people photographed, filmed and witnessed it. No matter where you were, all throughout Norway, it was quite visible — and very, very strange-looking.
Speculations about what the Spiral is, and “whodunit,” are as wide and as far-reaching on the Internet as the formation itself was over the Norwegian sky.
Many people have commented how it clearly seems to be emanating from a single bright point on the ground — looking as if some sort of massive projection system were beaming it up into the sky… using a ‘blue beam’:
Granted, a rocket launched from the ground would have a trail that started from a single point, but it is unlikely that its exhaust would have created such a perfectly round teardrop shape — in addition to creating the blue spiral in the center. Yet, that is what we might see if a ground-based projection system were beaming up a circular shape into the atmosphere — like the Batman symbol.
We know this image was taken from the island of Tromsø, facing the southeast — hence you can see the sun starting to rise on the horizon.
Many may need to believe this is a missile, so they can continue feeling comfortable in their own ‘consensus reality’ for a little longer — but that blue corkscrew spiral hanging in the air for 10-15 minutes, never dissipating or fading until after it opened out into a curious, perfectly round “black hole” shape, (see picture below,) is anything but normal.
If it were indeed a missile, how was it simultaneously creating a perfectly circular spiral that was white — while also maintaining the blue corkscrew formation at the same time?
Forget the official explanations that say it “must” be a missile.
Bottom line: the corkscrew never changes color. It remains blue. It does not dissipate, but stays completely visible, as a spiral, without the particles ever spreading out, for 10-15 minutes — while the concentric white circles stay completely white!
The ‘missile’ doesn’t release any other gases, of any color, in any other direction. Just white, in a perfectly concentric series of spirals, and blue in a bizarre corkscrew spiral that never went away until the whole thing spread apart and disappeared.
We’re supposed to believe the same missile created two different colors simultaneously — but then they never blended in with each other.
This ‘missile’ is starting to sound as supernaturally powerful as Lee Harvey Oswald’s magic zig-zagging bullet.
If this stunning aerial phenomenon is a natural result of missiles malfunctioning, there should be plenty of other examples that are at least partially as fascinating as this that we can look at. And yet, there are very few, if any — much to the chagrin of skeptics, who would just as quickly want to forget this had ever happened.
None of these observations will change the conviction and smug arrogance of many skeptics. They’re out there. They’re completely convinced. They are Scientific and anyone else is a Dangerous Nutcase. We know. Thank you for your opinion. The truth is about to break free either way. You’ll see.
People can think whatever they want — and if something is repeated enough times, you can’t help but start to believe it, and thus become convinced that this spectacular formation, the likes of which has never before been seen, must be nothing more than a gorgeously misguided missile.
Or is it?
Thanks to the research of our correspondent Arash Amini, we now have irrefutable scientific proof that the Norway Spiral could not have been a missile.
Even if the Spiral was positioned just past the mountains in the below photograph, as it appears to be, the missile exhaust would need to be rotating more than twice as fast as the highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth — which was clocked at 318 miles per hour, in the middle of a tornado!
The story begins with a video by Kevin Martin, who was the first to demonstrate, via his clever investigative work with Google Earth, exactly where the mountains in the following photograph are located. It is a delicious irony that the hard work of a dedicated skeptic provided the very data that completely destroys the official cover-up story, once and for all — even as he was stridently hoping to defend it.
Kevin’s video, where he argues in favor of the official explanation, can be watched here. As this 100-percent verbatim transcript reveals, he takes a condescending, strangely inarticulate and thus inadvertently humorous pot-shot against anyone who thinks it is other than a missile (this may be why comments are disabled on the video):
Looks beautiful, but this has been completely explained.It boggles the mind how high the percent of human intelligence cannot pick out simple explanations like this.We must be bored, or we feel like we are higher in life than we actually are.If we continue to think this way in large numbers, we will never expand past the era we are in now.Considering the future is we are still in the dark ages.Time to think logically, people.Ninety percent of human brains cannot compute fluid dynamics, location physics and depth perception. This is Kevin Martin, meteorologist, reporting for the Southern California weather authority.
Well, I’m bored enough to compute some location physics — how about you?
In his new paper, our correspondent Amini plotted out, on a map, where the alleged missile launch took place in the White Sea. The important point here is the distance involved — namely 971.26 kilometers, or a little over 600 miles:

On the morning of December 9th, reports of strange, spinning spirals flooded the internet and media outlets. They have come to be known as the “Norway Spirals”.Though popularly attributed to a failed test-launch of a Russian “RSM-56 Bulava” Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), it can be shown with some basic trigonometry that this explanation is physically impossible.From a single, time-lapsed photo and any one of the many videos of the spirals, the speed at which the “ripples” caused by the phenomena propagate can be calculated at two limits:1) In the lower limit, the spiral is taken to be directly over the mountain in the photograph (9.63km away) and the velocity of the “ripple” propagation is approximately 316.8m/s.2) In the upper limit, the spiral is taken to be directly over the White Sea (971km away) and the velocity of the “ripple” propagation is found to be approximately 32,873m/s.It is assumed that the missile, the alleged cause of the spirals, would be somewhere between these two points at the moment of the malfunction. Yet, these velocities suggest that the observed “ripples” cannot be smoke — and therefore the spiral could not be caused by a missile.
The lower limit velocity of 316.58m/s is equivalent to about 710mph. This is over twice the 318mph world record for the fastest wind speed recorded (which was caused by a tornado).
The speed of the “ripple” propagation at the lower limit is far greater than any particulate could travel in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, the “ripples” move away from the center of the spiral with a near constant speed. Particulates moving at such speeds should dissipate quite rapidly.
This impossible speed is calculated as if the spiral’s center were above the mountain. And yet, the further away we assume the spiral is, the larger the speed of the “ripples.”…
There is no physically possible distance at which a missile could be the cause of the spirals in question.
Now what the hell is going on here? A missile could not have created the Norway Spiral. There is no longer any question about this. It is a scientific fact.
We will explore this connection further on the next ‘page’ of this Report — entitled The Norway Spiral Explained.
Rock on, brother!
David, you have once again blew my mind!! And I’m not even half way through yet!
Tremendous book, David. I throughly enjoyed the read. Can’t wait to read the conclusion!
Completely amazingly Wow! Many thanks David and Merry Christmas!
😀 Great job David. I’ve been checking diligently for the latest update.
What a work of science and detective genius. Especially like the debunking of the Anti-Obama crazies.
I can’t tell you how painful it was to read the details behind the cauees of the grief and pain of the last 60 years of history. So many of my peers slaughtered in Korea, VietNam, etc.
Thank you again. Have a great Christmas (celebrating the return of the Christ Consciousness to Earth) and hurry back to your keyboard to finish the story.
I can hardly wait!
Thnx so much for all your energy and effort David!
Wishing us sunshine in our hearts, starlight in our soul and miracles in our life:-*
There were also other very impressive UFO
sightings at the time of the Nobel Peace
Prize ceremony in Norway:
(‘Obama UFO Nobel peace prize UFO´s in Oslo Norway december 10-12-2009’)
Those UFOs look similar to the ones filmed by Brad Drenning in Arizona not so long ago:
Also read this MUFON report pertaining to case number 21109, which corroborates this:
…Watch this film on youtube, what you see there has been going on for several months outside my house about 3-5 miles from where i live,
i have filled reports to the norwegian ufo community, but they don’t seem to take it serious,
i’m a former private pilot so know most of the lights in the sky, theese lights are NOT from a normal known aircraft,
i don’t have video camera, and don’t need it, the UFO or what we should call it shows up several times in a week,
one night they hang in the skies for more than 3 hours, to me it looks like theese objects are “talking” to each other,
if you are an expert on ufo’s please feel free to contact me on mailadress [email protected] , because i would like to know more about theese light,
at my place they allways shows up one and one, in 30 minutes they are making triangles and other shapes in the air,
the altitude of theese objects is different, and sometimes they are very close to our property, i live out on the country, and have nearly 100 % free view 360 degrees up in the sky,
my wife said i was stupid until she saw the show one evening, theese objects don’t make any sound at all, and are changing colors in different speeds and patterns
i live about 50 miles from Oslo, i know more people around norway, have sen the same thing.
Hope to get contact with people who knows something about thees lights Best Regards Torben Norway
Another tip:
Paratopia recently had two important interviews with various crop-circle reporters.
Collin Andrews revealed some very interesting new details about the ‘Blond Aliens’ sighting by the policeman and the strange things that happened to the policeman after his encounter: (the November 27 and December 17 interviews)
Dear David,
Thank you for this Great Christmas gift!
Take your time to finish it, we will be with you all the way!
I’m halfway thru the article and it’s fabulous!
From Holland Merry Christmas to All!
Christa ;-))
Hey! Thanks David, your article is sweet, cool, great, Awesome! 😀
So once I started reading I had this random idea to do an online I-Ching reading on the topic of Disclosure:
I got the hexagram “Progress” (obvious message there, haha!)
And then I saw “progress” is hexagram No. 35, which is also the number you mention lots of times as the years it took for Beter’s prediction of economic breakdown to come true!
Cool, although that type of synchronicity frequently gets so weird it doesn’t even surprise me anymore, know what I mean?? 😛 Uhh…
Well, then I actually read the flavor text for the hexagram a third time and it hit me (emphasis added):
“Like the Sun rising effortlessly upward at the DAWN OF A NEW DAY, you will find yourself elevated to new heights.
This fortunate hexagram suggests career advancement and recognition for a job well done. Expect greater responsibility, prosperity and kinship.
This is an opportunity to benefit others while experiencing your own radiance and splendor. Your inner nature grows in brightness and purity.
This is a time of awakening to your life’s purpose.”
Dawn of a new day? Ta-daaa! Surprise?
I know from that interview with Project Camelot that it scared the crap out of poor Jordan Maxwell (it’s even in the first episode of V)… but thats ‘cos the Illumi-naughty use that motif, too!
Anyways, I thought about sharing this uplifting reading with all of you guys — and there you go!
As the Wise Men watched for the star in the east, we are thankful for David’s wisdom about the meaning of the “phenomena” that has been appearing, and will be present henceforth, as we prepare for the birthing of the Second Coming – Christ Consciousness, to restore the Planet Earth to its original design and purpose…….
where we can look in each other’s eyes and know we are Home and safe again.
As a result, we will, as Cayce said, “know ourselves as individuals and be conscious of our at-one-ment with God and all humanity.”
Love to all of us. jc
Light Triangle!
Have you notice there’s a luminous triangle in the Norway spiral footage, the light is coming from it’s left lower corner.
It reminded me of the Barbury Castle cropcircle, although the spiral it’s not the same.
Thanks David,
happy 2009-2010 from south america,
Dear David,
Thank you so much. I’ve been checking for the article daily.
Thank you really. Just posting the article today is a great sign for me. I will read it immediately and comment again after reading.
Today, I thought about all the systems of domination, destruction and negative that violate the free will of others … plus I want the end of the dark energies now. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted and sad.
I wanted a sign that dark energies are crumbling … really.
I knew your article was coming soon.
In a conversation with the Universe, I heard them say heard “all is going well” and to look on David’s blog for the article. It’s a sign.
Then, of course, I quickly said, “It’s Christmas.”
Now, I don’t celebrate the commercial Christmas, but many do. So I couldn’t fathom that an article would be up, so immediately I became scared saying, “Don’t give me signs that I know won’t be.” I was afraid of the feeling of a broken heart.
So I looked, as I do everyday. To my absolute amazement, the article was posted.
And when I look at the posting time, it was exactly in the time frame the Universe talked about the “article up” as a sign.
Thank God for you David. This is incredible. Thank you so much for all you do. Words are not enough to express my gratitude.
I will read it now with great excitement.:-)
Outstanding article David! I’m blasting it out on the net for exposure. Exciting times indeed!
We’re tuned in and eager for your next piece. My girl Alexis and I look forward to meeting you one day soon.
David, you are mistaking rotational speed and propogation speed from the center of the spiral outward.
Amini’s paper is excellent, but you are making just a small mistake with words. “it would have to be rotating at more than twenty miles per second!”
Nope, it’s rotating once per second (1 Hz, Hertz). The spiral is expanding from the center at 20 miles per second though!
Thank you David.
I have earlier sent a myspace mesage regarding the landling of aliens in germany india and teh White House long back around the first week of december ,please check the same,…
mu dreams actually tell me that we would be in regular touch with aliens and a news anchor would be announcingthe advent of ETs on planet earth ,and especially an alien spaceship landing on the lawns of the White House and many kids going to the ET for an autograph ,
please read the my space message sent ..Love and Light , Sunil ,
i would shortly send it once again in case u missed it and for others as well..:-*
Thanks thanks!! The best news for the Christmas Day! Will looking forward the next issues. It is indeed an exciting time to live in.
Have a merry Christmas and more joyful and prosperous new year to everyone!
WOW! And again WOW!
That must have taken weeks to prepare! It has taken me hours to read. And as ever, you have done it all for free – thanks.
Happy Christmas and thank you for the lessons in Physics and history!!
Each time you release an update, I cant help but think you wont be able to top that and sure enough you have done it again.
My head is trying to digest this mass of positive information.
God bless you and thank you so very much for releasing it today!
Love and light,
I enjoyed unwrapping that one! Thank you beloved
Just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for being one the the few sane, uplifting, clear thinking people.
A voice of reason and hope for the world.
My teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said many times that ‘Heaven is descending on earth’, that a new world is coming of peace and joy and upliftment.
The idea of ET’s coming from heaven and helping it all happen definitely gives new meaning to his phrase of heaven descending.
Well done, David, for documenting this in concrete terms.
Jai Guru Dev
thank you, David,for all you’re doing…
Great write-up and a lot of info to digest. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thank you david
We realy love you (even if you did not publish this or say a thing about it) we still love you
Much Love,
David –
Thank you for the best Christmas gift you could possibly give each of us.
Thank you for all the hard work that went into the preparation of the document.
Love and Light my Friend
Richard Guertin
Dear David,
Thanks for your light, your love.
Before reading, I wish all of you much love in the beautiful days to come.
Its snowy white here, and feels like a dream.
What a fantastic gift on this day David… Thank you… I will read with great interest and thank you for your dedication to the truth and your support in these crucial times.
Joy to you and the world indeed
Noeline Clayfield
Thank you so much for this e-book. By far the best present I got this Christmas. 😛
I’m amazed how every blog you post continues to astound me with new, incredibly comprehensive information.
Know that your work is very much appreciated. I, myself, was a suicidal atheist, convinced that life had no meaning beyond what I could perceive a mere 6 months ago, and the information and hope you’re making available quite literally saved my life.
Love and light.
Great work, David. Happy Holy Days. Love, Doug
David ,
Although I cannot do justice to your incredible piece of work with these few sentences , I just wanted to thank you with a message that after nearly 28 years of obtaining Knowledge , this is one of the most spectacular things I have ever read in our life .
Indeed , It’s not about putting anyone on a pedal stool , but indeed you are a true wise man and I am astounded by the level of gut-wrenching effort you have put into ” Disclosure End game ” .
I truly thank you for your selfless work .
I look forward to the conclusion , Thanks to you and all the other Kindreds as we head to a world we never thought we’d live to see.
Parts 1-3 are duplicated with part 4 showing on page 7. MIght consider fixing that. 🙂
Mind blowing, outstanding, enthralling. Great work David. It’s Time !!!
Thank you so much. It is a marvellous Christmas Gift and it will be translated by our team as tthe people da do not know English can read it, learn from it and get an enlarged conscious.
In Love and Light
Excellent work as usual. This goes a loooong way to opening the eyes, minds and hearts of all seekers and believers alike.
The love and light is emanating from you unfettered, as always. “The Truth shall set you free.” Freedom from fear.
It could almost be said that even in the Bible, disclosure/the dethroning of the NWO and the like was prophesized when it says: “and the meek shall inherit the Earth.”
We, the opressed, brainwashed, blind masses who struggle to bring Unity and Peace to this world and all others.
Look forward to seeing you in S.F.!!!
In Love and Light,
Thank you for this Christmas gift.
The idea that the Norway spiral was a demonstration of technology is compelling, and fits into the overall narrative that is beginning to emerge.
I have always been keen to the concept that it is not a single faction controlling the world, but instead that there is a sort of world mafia, with its own convoluted collection of families, alliances, power plays, egos, lies, confusions, fears and anxieties.
The fraud that was exposed in the 2008 economic collapse was the beginning of the end for one of these factions, and I can’t help but wonder how long we will last into 2010 without the bottom dropping out again.
Would a second crisis force “arrests” and “announcements” to be made?
i love you all:D
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I look forward to reading it.
YES! I’ve been waiting for this article for so long! Love it!
David, you are the MAN! hahah
I’ll tell you what, I have had synchronicity overload in just the past few weeks it’s getting to the point where it’s ridiculous.
In fact, when I first found you on the internet, I had turned on my computer for the first time after a week of meditation and your 2012 enigma video was the first thing I saw.
Since then I have read basically everything you’ve written online. I’ve not been meditating as much ever since you’ve gotten me on the 2012 bandwagon hahah ironic i know, but it’s exciting!
you fellow supporter
Light it up! 😛
David, what an absolutely AWESOME Christmas present!
Thought I’d check out DC just after midnight Christmas Eve, not expecting anything, and then WHAMMO, seven pages (and probably more as you update).
Cannot wait to absorb this incredible work of yours.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you and Merry Christmas!
Love, NancyA 🙂
Brilliant, the wait is over, impressive article David!