Survey the incredibly wide-ranging evidence — including video — that certain insider factions are pushing for UFO/ET Disclosure very soon. The Norway Spiral is only the most recent attempt to ‘force’ the issue — after the US failed to deliver on November 27th.
[First Four Parts Published 11:59 PM, Christmas Eve 2009!]
By David Wilcock
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
To everything, there is a season — and a time for every purpose under heaven.
A remarkable structure appeared in the skies over northern Norway on December 9, 2009 — a stunning aerial formation, as you see in the above, unaltered photograph, that was massive in size and hung there rotating in space for ten to fifteen minutes straight.
We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the mainstream media’s explanation for the Norway Spiral cannot be correct.
We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the mainstream media’s explanation for the Norway Spiral cannot be correct — as you will soon see. And that raises many more questions.
If the visual sight of this Spiral wasn’t interesting enough, the context certainly was — it showed up the day before Obama was set to receive his Nobel Peace Prize in the very same country.
Also, on that very same day, December 9, 2009, hundreds of eyewitnesses reported — and two of them filmed — a gigantic, triangular pyramid-shaped UFO that hovered over the Kremlin in Russia for hours — from daylight on into darkness.
Coincidence? Once you review all the evidence, you will see how compelling this case really is — and how these ‘islands’ really do connect below the surface.
The Norway Spiral is only the most recent indication that an incredible, seemingly-impossible moment in human civilization and consciousness may actually be about to happen — the open, formal announcement that we are not alone in the Universe.
We will also convincingly argue that perhaps the number-one reason why the truth is about to come out is that the primary group responsible for the UFO cover-up can no longer afford to keep it a secret.
It costs a lot of money to harass, intimidate and discredit the opposition on such a huge issue as this, for such a prolonged period of time — and the group responsible for the secrecy is now functionally bankrupt, and is being systematically taken down by opposing insider factions who want Disclosure.
Last year’s shockingly sudden economic collapse — and the unmitigated political disaster of the short-term bailouts that were handed out to the usual suspects — is a strong piece of supporting evidence to suggest that the money simply isn’t there anymore to finance the enormous political / military / corporate machine required to keep this enormous secret under wraps.
All empires in recorded history have crumbled from over-extending themselves financially. History repeats itself. This time, the results will be much better than most of us could ever have expected.
No one holding the reins of power would have let something as grotesquely embarrassing as the bailouts occur… potentially leading to the revolutionary overthrow of their own corporate and governmental authority… unless they’d had no other choice. It’s the very simple logic of power — Never Let ‘Em See You Sweat. The supporting evidence makes that case very, very clearly.
You can laugh if you want to, and attack everyone who doesn’t think the same way you do as being a loser and a crank, but you may be in for quite a surprise when such a Disclosure is actually made. In fact, the insiders who have kept this secret for the last 60 years are counting on the skeptics, debunkers and religious fundamentalists to freak out and destabilize society once they are finally told the truth — though I highly doubt that will actually happen.
Instead of absolutely believing you will never hear any “genuine proof” that UFOs exist, or ever see a ‘real one’ with your own eyes, I invite you to try the intellectual exercise of at least allowing yourself to ask the “What If.” Just try. As a Highly Intelligent Skeptic you have to be willing to consider all possibilities, rather than automatically assuming your opinion must be correct.
As a Highly Intelligent Skeptic you have to be willing to consider all possibilities, rather than automatically assuming your opinion must be correct.
What if the government actually did tell you UFOs were real? What if we are surrounded by intelligent life throughout the Universe? What if humans like us have evolved on other planets besides the Earth? What if there are technologies out there that are vastly superior to our own — and our cherished ‘laws’ of physics need to be completely rewritten?
What if our own technology was dramatically assisted by this “celestial endowment?” What if the extraterrestrial presence was considered the highest secret of all, due to its potential to eliminate the oil-based economy, and has been carefully kept under wraps — with deadly force — for six decades now, but is finally falling apart?
I mean, think about it — after all this talk of UFOs for so many years; after all the movies, documentaries, books, TV shows and the like; after all the evidence you have been exposed to throughout your life, do you honestly believe the whole, entire thing is completely and totally BS?
Can you sincerely be confident that every single sighting ever reported in human history must be a lie or a hoax, and every single whistleblower is similarly concocting fairytales — despite the career destruction, poverty and ridicule they endure, notwithstanding the tired old lies you may have heard about them “selling their stories” and becoming ‘rich’ from them?
(I know many of these UFO whistleblowers personally. Very few, if any, are lucky enough to function above a subsistence level.)
I’m serious. This is your life. You do with it what you want. But can you absolutely be sure you are right? What happens if you’re not? Who will you owe your sincerest apologies to then?
In light of the tremendous, irrefutable body of evidence that is available, who really is the naive one? You, the Highly Intelligent Skeptic, or all the people you so cavalierly insult as being stupid, ignorant savages for looking at this vast body of compelling data… and concluding that it might actually be true?
You may not have to wait much longer to find the answers to these questions. We are on the threshold of what may well be the most exciting moment in human history. Or, shall we say, Earth-born human history.
Despite how surreal it was to watch two of the world’s tallest buildings crumble to ashes after two planes crashed into them in 2001, 9/11 actually did happen. It was 100-percent real. No one disputes that fact. The ‘bully’, so to speak, sure terrorized the whole schoolyard with that one.
9/11 was an incredible, world-changing event that forever altered society as we know it. In many ways, a formal announcement that “We Are Not Alone” would have a similarly vast game-changing effect — quite a bit more than 9/11 . And I am confident that Disclosure will have a far more positive effect than 9/11 ever did, regardless of whatever plans might be underway to manipulate it for political gain.
We may very well be about to discover, as a planet, that the UFO phenomenon is not a hoax, not a fantasy, nor a delusion — but a very real situation that has been ongoing since well before human beings ever walked the face of the Earth.
Since this entire game is still being played behind the scenes, it can be easy to overlook the stunning clues that have emerged, particularly in more recent times — but that’s precisely why we wrote this paper. Once we have a greater understanding of what we’re looking at — in events that may at first seem completely mysterious, random and inexplicable — the case becomes extremely compelling.
Some of the key factions involved in this grand football game are tired of waiting. They’re playing for keeps. No more treating us like children. This is it. Game over. Childhood’s End. We need to know the truth — and we need it now.
Considering the evidence we will reveal, the Norway Spiral might be likened to Batman’s signal — calling in the end of the bully’s nefarious reign over the schoolyard, with the arrival of not just one, but a whole group of more powerful opponents who can actually defeat him. They’ve been working on this for a long time — some two centuries now.
And I’m not talking about ETs coming in for a landing here… I’m talking about other factions of the world’s leadership structures that are sick and tired of the lies, treachery, deceit and secrecy. The UFO cover-up sprung out of a toxic system that was already well in place by the 1940s, as we shall discuss.
Before we plunge fully into this epic discussion, we can nicely summarize the ‘hologram’ of our current situation on Earth with the following analogy:
The bully didn’t want any of the kids in ‘his’ schoolyard to play with the other kids — the ones who lived all throughout the neighborhood.
He guarded the gates. He liked being the Big Fish in a Small Pond. He told elaborate stories of how evil, treacherous and deceptive the other kids were.
He wanted everyone to respect him and pay him for protection, while fearing anyone and everyone else around them — including him most of all.
If the kids found out they had all these other friends in the neighborhood who could have helped them, they might have quickly forgotten about the bully… and laughed at his once-fearsome authority.
Over the years, the bully grew weak and tired. He couldn’t beat people up anymore, so he started paying his friends to do it.
Now he has run out of money to pay all his friends. They, too, became tired of all his lies and backstabbing games — so as soon as his money ran out, they ditched him.
It took a while for all the kids on the schoolyard to realize the bully could not hurt them anymore. His power was so feared, so legendary, that the stories of his beatings continued to awe and inspire them for some time.
But there were cracks in the armor. A series of signs — irrefutable and undeniable — started happening that gradually made the kids realize the bully’s power to hurt them had evaporated.
Now all the people he shamed, humiliated and attacked over the years are finally standing up — and they’re going to tell us the truth.
They’re going to tell their story… of what it was like to live in fear of this bully for so many years, and never be able to share the secret truth of the horrors he was putting them through.
Once the bully is gone, the children can run and sing and dance and play happily — quickly recovering from the nightmare of abuse they endured for so long. They won’t have to hand over all their lunch money to him and his friends any more.
And they will soon find out they have a lot more friends than they ever could have imagined — regardless of whatever horror stories the bully tried to tell them about how mean and evil all the other kids were.
Let’s discuss some very basic, common-sense thoughts about the Norway Spiral sighting itself for a minute — before we get into the irrefutable scientific proof — yes, mathematical proof — that the “official explanation” must be a lie.
If you still believe the official story that the Spiral was nothing more than a Bulava missile, as almost all mainstream media outlets now suggest, isn’t it interesting that the Russians would have chosen December 9, 2009, in skies that were visible over Norway, to do a nuclear missile test — knowing they had decisively failed on every preceding attempt with this prototype, as all the articles said?
Why would the Russians have set themselves up for such an obvious and epic military failure — in an area the entire world’s attention was momentarily focused on?
Couldn’t they have waited for a less-conspicuous day to try it out — if there was even the slightest chance it was going to screw up in such a tremendously embarrassing fashion?
Did you also notice that the video of the Spiral that was aired by Russia Today — one of the mainstream Russian television networks — was much, much clearer and stranger-looking than the grainy, brief versions shown in Western mainstream television media? Watch the good-quality Russian version first, followed by the type of plausible-deniability version shown in Western media, and see for yourself.
The first video you see here is from Russia Today, followed by a more typical mainstream-media treatment from CNN.
If it were only a missile, why did the American mainstream media stick to grainy, short clips of it that denied the viewer the full impact of what was really being seen in the Norwegian sky — making it much easier to believe it was merely a rocket malfunctioning, and therefore keeping their audience from understanding what all the fuss was about?
Regardless of what created the apparition — and we’ll get to that in a minute — the timing of the event is almost certainly not an accident, nor a coincidence.
For starters, no documented photo or video of a missile failure looks anything close to what we’ve just seen in Norway. The only video used by skeptics as ‘proof’ that a missile failure could look anything like this is of a typical rocket in flight — complete with the exhaust trail, which then gives off a farty little smoke-ring when it extinguishes. This doesn’t even begin to match up to how awesome the Norway Spiral looks.
In short, the “official explanation” was so laughable — so old school — that almost every UFO blogger and enthusiast on Earth wrote about this stunning phenomenon with breathless enthusiasm.
At the time we began this piece on 12/12, 2009, when you searched for “Norway spiral UFO” on Google, over one million, five hundred eighty thousand hits came up — just three days after it happened:
Similarly, a search for “spiral ufo video” yielded 1,120,000 hits, making it very difficult to search for any other phenomena like this that may have appeared in the past. By any reckoning, this is a very, very big event in UFOlogy — hardly anything else has ever attracted this much attention so quickly.
I discussed the Norway Spiral on Whistleblower Radio with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot the same day Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize — Thursday, December 10th, 2009. In this show, we also covered another amazing event that had just occurred. While I was live on the air, Kerry sent me this link to a video of what appeared to be a gigantic pyramid-shaped UFO hovering over the Kremlin — Russia’s own equivalent of the White House.
Strangely enough, the Kremlin Pyramid appeared the very same day as the Norway Spiral. Despite the overwhelmingly strange appearance of the Spiral creating a viral-video sensation, the Kremlin Pyramid video shot to the number-one position on the Russian YouTube’s most-viewed list. This then created a mainstream-media television news story on Russia Today, posted here on their website, dated December 11th.
The giant pyramid — actually a tetrahedron, since it has a triangular base rather than a square one — lazily turns in the air like a hot-air balloon, never makes any sudden, jerky moves unlike other alleged UFO sightings, looks fairly grainy in both the daytime and nighttime videos that were shot, and may be an excellent fake… as we will discuss.
The daytime video is only 12 seconds long, taken at a fixed angle, whereas the separate nighttime video was dynamically shot from within a moving car:
My own experience as Executive Producer of CONVERGENCE The Movie, and in doing free videos for Divine Cosmos, has already involved work with computer animators and visual FX staff.
Faking a video like the Kremlin Pyramid Night Shot would require some highly savvy CG post-production and compositing work:
- Complex motion tracking so the UFO remains properly and believably positioned relative to the constantly-wobbling items around it, along with the ever-changing camera angles;
- Precisely adjusting the CG light sources in a hypothetical 3D space to remain consistent with all other motion tracking, so the object catches the right reflections as it keeps slowly rolling in the night sky;
- Masking out street lights, power lines, trees and everything else properly so the object appears to be at the proper three-dimensional depth in the shot, leaving no traces of error; and lastly,
- Perfectly hand-tweaking lighting and opacity settings to compensate for the ever-shifting glare from the windows of the moving car, in addition to all the other 3D lighting concerns.
Thus, even if it was a fake, someone would have needed to put some real time and money into this operation.
However, that still doesn’t account for the fact that according to the UK Daily Mail, hundreds of different people witnessed this UFO hovering over the Kremlin the same day the videos came out… with the naked eye!
Now that we have eyewitness sightings, it becomes extremely unlikely, if not impossible, that such a sophisticated fake as the nighttime video from within a moving car could have been shot, post-produced and rendered out into a finished product… the very same day.
If the videos were indeed fake and produced in advance of the alleged sighting, this suggests a highly premeditated effort in place. However, if there was indeed an “unidentified flying object” in the sky that hundreds of people could see, then why the heck would you need to create a fake video of something other than what people were actually seeing in the first place?
The only way you could ‘debunk’ this sighting is to either say that the hundreds of eyewitnesses reported by Russian mainstream media are lying (see below), or else you have to come up with a physical explanation for whatever was in the sky — such as a gigantic inflatable, like a pyramid-shaped dirigible, and / or some sort of holographic projection.
And again, let’s not forget — this potential prelude to a “Landing on the Kremlin Lawn” in Red Square — rather than the White House lawn — happened on the very same day as the Norway Spiral! (emphasis added):
The UFO hovered for hours over Red Square in the Russian capital, and was seen by hundreds of people.
The identity of the shape has not been confirmed, but internet forums are buzzing with the sighting.The UFO appeared on December 9th, the same night that a mysterious blue spiral light appeared over Norway. That was later attributed to a failed rocket launch from Russia.Some have likened the object to one of the spaceships from Star Wars.But others have said it is merely a reflection from inside the cameraman’s car. If the object exists, experts estimate that it could be up to a mile wide.
Some commentators have reacted skeptically to the videos, and have pointed out that if hundreds of people had seen the object, more videos and photos would have emerged by now.Russian reports ruled out a UFO, but police have refused to comment.Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO analyst, said it was ‘one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I’ve ever seen’.‘At first I thought this was a reflection, but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory.’A spokesman for aerospace journal Jane’s News said: ‘We have no idea what it is.’
Whether real or fake, the timing of the Kremlin Pyramid’s appearance is consistent with a greater pattern. Hundreds of people witnessed something hovering over the Russian capitol — on the very same day that the Norway Spiral appeared.
If it is somehow still a fake, it definitely was meant to capture our attention. And that again raises many new questions as to the motive for doing so.
The story has now even been covered by other mainstream media outlets, including The Independent, Pravda (who got the date wrong, claiming it was the 18th — and Michael Salla speculates this could be a faction of the Russian government that is trying to deliberately blur the connection to the Norway Spiral) and even FOX. Both the Independent and FOX mention how the Russian television media was giving this sighting very heavy-rotation coverage.
If it was a hot-air balloon of some kind, think about the amount of money you would have to spend to create a mile-wide tetrahedron-shaped hot air balloon. It would be the most massive, not to mention the most expensive balloon ever made — or at least ever openly acknowledged.
If such a technology already did exist in a classified project, why bring it out on that particular day — the very same day as the Norway Spiral?
And why fly the Pyramid directly over Red Square — as if the alleged ETs were ready to produce the Russian equivalent of the proverbial “landing on the White House lawn,” thus treating the United States as if it were no longer ‘relevant’ as the world’s sole-remaining superpower?
Now again, whether you like him or not, carefully consider the fact that two of the “most extraordinary UFO clips ever seen” appeared the day before Obama finally got what may be seen as the proper credentials to represent Planet Earth to our extraterrestrial neighbors — a sitting US President who is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
You may also be aware that these two huge sightings appeared only 12 days after the Disclosure date that was allegedly planned by the Obama administration — a date which has obviously been postponed to some future point.
Dr. Pete Peterson, a very credible insider, had three different high-level sources in media and government tell him the same story in June 2009, independently — that Disclosure is indeed imminent. The date had been set for November 27, 2009, and would come from the White House, by Obama himself, as a two-hour television address aired around the world.
Dr. Peterson had been shown the actual scheduled television time that had been booked, and said any time he’d heard something from three sources of this caliber, it turned out to be true.
It also made tactical sense to have done this on November 27th, as it was the day after Thanksgiving. Almost all American families would be home together, and thus they would be in a much better position to absorb the impact of such a stunning, world-changing announcement.
Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot, who were with me when we all heard this, both leaked the date — whereas I maintained the secret until after it came and went. I was almost certain that giving away the secret date ensured it wouldn’t — nay, couldn’t — have happened on that particular day.
But that certainly doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
A mere twelve days after the initial plan had been dropped, Obama may have been sent a very clear warning — perhaps one of the last of this type he will ever have the chance to receive before the rug is whipped out from under him.
What was the message?
“Either make it official… or we’re going to do it for you.”
Look at these two huge events — whether real or hoaxed — happening on the very same day.
No matter how you slice it, something is going on here.
And yet we’ve barely even begun to look at the incredible evidence to support the whole idea that these are end-game events in a grand battle to finally conclude 60 years of UFO secrecy, and bring Disclosure out to the masses, once and for all.
In order to flesh out the evidence for our case further, we need to take a very close look at the Norway Spiral. Is it a genuine ET manifestation, a failed Russian missile test, or something else entirely… something manmade?
If we can prove the Norway Spiral is manmade, and is not a missile, this lends even greater support to the idea that a Disclosure Endgame is now playing itself out on the world stage, in real time.
And that is a very exciting prospect indeed — because although these latest events may not be of extraterrestrial origin, a significant percentage of the UFO phenomenon definitely is.
The Norway Spiral attracted vastly more attention and analysis than the Kremlin Pyramid — probably because many more people photographed, filmed and witnessed it. No matter where you were, all throughout Norway, it was quite visible — and very, very strange-looking.
Speculations about what the Spiral is, and “whodunit,” are as wide and as far-reaching on the Internet as the formation itself was over the Norwegian sky.
Many people have commented how it clearly seems to be emanating from a single bright point on the ground — looking as if some sort of massive projection system were beaming it up into the sky… using a ‘blue beam’:
Granted, a rocket launched from the ground would have a trail that started from a single point, but it is unlikely that its exhaust would have created such a perfectly round teardrop shape — in addition to creating the blue spiral in the center. Yet, that is what we might see if a ground-based projection system were beaming up a circular shape into the atmosphere — like the Batman symbol.
We know this image was taken from the island of Tromsø, facing the southeast — hence you can see the sun starting to rise on the horizon.
Many may need to believe this is a missile, so they can continue feeling comfortable in their own ‘consensus reality’ for a little longer — but that blue corkscrew spiral hanging in the air for 10-15 minutes, never dissipating or fading until after it opened out into a curious, perfectly round “black hole” shape, (see picture below,) is anything but normal.
If it were indeed a missile, how was it simultaneously creating a perfectly circular spiral that was white — while also maintaining the blue corkscrew formation at the same time?
Forget the official explanations that say it “must” be a missile.
Bottom line: the corkscrew never changes color. It remains blue. It does not dissipate, but stays completely visible, as a spiral, without the particles ever spreading out, for 10-15 minutes — while the concentric white circles stay completely white!
The ‘missile’ doesn’t release any other gases, of any color, in any other direction. Just white, in a perfectly concentric series of spirals, and blue in a bizarre corkscrew spiral that never went away until the whole thing spread apart and disappeared.
We’re supposed to believe the same missile created two different colors simultaneously — but then they never blended in with each other.
This ‘missile’ is starting to sound as supernaturally powerful as Lee Harvey Oswald’s magic zig-zagging bullet.
If this stunning aerial phenomenon is a natural result of missiles malfunctioning, there should be plenty of other examples that are at least partially as fascinating as this that we can look at. And yet, there are very few, if any — much to the chagrin of skeptics, who would just as quickly want to forget this had ever happened.
None of these observations will change the conviction and smug arrogance of many skeptics. They’re out there. They’re completely convinced. They are Scientific and anyone else is a Dangerous Nutcase. We know. Thank you for your opinion. The truth is about to break free either way. You’ll see.
People can think whatever they want — and if something is repeated enough times, you can’t help but start to believe it, and thus become convinced that this spectacular formation, the likes of which has never before been seen, must be nothing more than a gorgeously misguided missile.
Or is it?
Thanks to the research of our correspondent Arash Amini, we now have irrefutable scientific proof that the Norway Spiral could not have been a missile.
Even if the Spiral was positioned just past the mountains in the below photograph, as it appears to be, the missile exhaust would need to be rotating more than twice as fast as the highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth — which was clocked at 318 miles per hour, in the middle of a tornado!
The story begins with a video by Kevin Martin, who was the first to demonstrate, via his clever investigative work with Google Earth, exactly where the mountains in the following photograph are located. It is a delicious irony that the hard work of a dedicated skeptic provided the very data that completely destroys the official cover-up story, once and for all — even as he was stridently hoping to defend it.
Kevin’s video, where he argues in favor of the official explanation, can be watched here. As this 100-percent verbatim transcript reveals, he takes a condescending, strangely inarticulate and thus inadvertently humorous pot-shot against anyone who thinks it is other than a missile (this may be why comments are disabled on the video):
Looks beautiful, but this has been completely explained.It boggles the mind how high the percent of human intelligence cannot pick out simple explanations like this.We must be bored, or we feel like we are higher in life than we actually are.If we continue to think this way in large numbers, we will never expand past the era we are in now.Considering the future is we are still in the dark ages.Time to think logically, people.Ninety percent of human brains cannot compute fluid dynamics, location physics and depth perception. This is Kevin Martin, meteorologist, reporting for the Southern California weather authority.
Well, I’m bored enough to compute some location physics — how about you?
In his new paper, our correspondent Amini plotted out, on a map, where the alleged missile launch took place in the White Sea. The important point here is the distance involved — namely 971.26 kilometers, or a little over 600 miles:

On the morning of December 9th, reports of strange, spinning spirals flooded the internet and media outlets. They have come to be known as the “Norway Spirals”.Though popularly attributed to a failed test-launch of a Russian “RSM-56 Bulava” Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), it can be shown with some basic trigonometry that this explanation is physically impossible.From a single, time-lapsed photo and any one of the many videos of the spirals, the speed at which the “ripples” caused by the phenomena propagate can be calculated at two limits:1) In the lower limit, the spiral is taken to be directly over the mountain in the photograph (9.63km away) and the velocity of the “ripple” propagation is approximately 316.8m/s.2) In the upper limit, the spiral is taken to be directly over the White Sea (971km away) and the velocity of the “ripple” propagation is found to be approximately 32,873m/s.It is assumed that the missile, the alleged cause of the spirals, would be somewhere between these two points at the moment of the malfunction. Yet, these velocities suggest that the observed “ripples” cannot be smoke — and therefore the spiral could not be caused by a missile.
The lower limit velocity of 316.58m/s is equivalent to about 710mph. This is over twice the 318mph world record for the fastest wind speed recorded (which was caused by a tornado).
The speed of the “ripple” propagation at the lower limit is far greater than any particulate could travel in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, the “ripples” move away from the center of the spiral with a near constant speed. Particulates moving at such speeds should dissipate quite rapidly.
This impossible speed is calculated as if the spiral’s center were above the mountain. And yet, the further away we assume the spiral is, the larger the speed of the “ripples.”…
There is no physically possible distance at which a missile could be the cause of the spirals in question.
Now what the hell is going on here? A missile could not have created the Norway Spiral. There is no longer any question about this. It is a scientific fact.
We will explore this connection further on the next ‘page’ of this Report — entitled The Norway Spiral Explained.
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
Arash Amini’s groundbreaking work proves the Norway Spiral could not be a missile, as we discussed on the previous page.
Even if it was located just past the mountain in the photograph, roughly six miles away, the velocity of the spiral would have to be at least 710 miles per hour — which is over twice as fast as the world-record wind speed, from directly inside a tornado.
If the Spiral was caused by a missile from the White Sea, as the conventional explanation insists — a location which is fully 100 times farther away — it would have to be rotating at more than twenty miles per second!
The speed of sound is clocked at 761.2 miles per hour.
Anything over the speed of sound would have caused tremendous sonic booms — but the Spiral was completely silent.
So, if it’s not a missile, then what are we left with for an explanation?
The answer is much more straightforward, and easy to prove, than you may have thought. It just involves some ‘new’ technology that is only now being revealed to the public — via the “show, don’t tell” principle.
As I pointed out on our December 10th Whistleblower Radio program, Richard C. Hoagland discovered something that should be standard fare for every discussion about this — namely that the island of Tromsø, where the Spiral was most visible, “just so happens” to be directly northwest of a major HAARP facility called EISCAT.
Here’s an image of the huge antenna array that has been built there:
What might happen if each of those antennae had the ability to be precisely aimed in a certain direction (they do) — and you had at least one GIGAWATT of power to play around with?
In case you don’t already know, HAARP stands for “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,” and its purpose is to shoot huge amounts of energy into the charged particles of the ionosphere — for “ionospheric heating.” It has long been suspected of having far greater functions and abilities than those which are openly being acknowledged, and I’ve heard some of this testimony from insider witnesses myself.
The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates an ionospheric heating facility, capable of transmitting over 1 GW effective radiated power (ERP), near Tromsø in Norway.
Let’s review some of what Richard Hoagland turned up in his research, as it may be a lot more relevant than we think:
Is it another “coincidence” that, just over the hill from Tromsø, lies a high-tech Norwegian “HAARP antenna farm” — the EISCAT Ramfjordmoen facility (below) — specifically designed to broadcast powerful beams of microwave energy high into space … thereby also creating blatant HD/torsion side-effects in the Earth’s highly-electrified upper “plasma” atmosphere (ionosphere)?
The facility is officially supported by Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan … China … the United Kingdom … and Germany.
As Hoagland just indicated, we now know that Japan and China are two of the countries who are “officially supporting” the EISCAT facility — and with China’s support, that easily means Russia could be involved as well, thanks to their fairly recent and growing alliance with China — an alliance which insiders insist is intended to counter the New World Order / Illuminati.
Therefore, this could very well have been done by those who are openly and actively opposing the New World Order / Illuminati agenda, according to the testimony of controversial figure Benjamin Fulford as well as others — such as Disclosure Project’s Dr. Steven Greer, who has also said there is a very strong push for Disclosure coming from the new Asian alliance.
Still not convinced? It gets better: the EISCAT ionospheric heating facility documented a major surge of power usage — right as the apparition was happening.
The power surged up to the maximum level the EISCAT facility is capable of generating — nearly a gigawatt.
Look at the bottom of the graph to confirm that it was indeed the morning of December 9th, 2009:
We also know the luminous beam had to be coming from the ground up, due to simple physics. The “right hand” rule means that if you stick your right thumb straight ahead of you, aimed in the same direction as any electromagnetic beam you’re studying is traveling, the magnetic field of the beam will always rotate in the direction your fingers are pointing — namely clockwise.
We know there had to be a plasma discharge in the ionosphere due to the extended 10-15 minutes of stable, ongoing brightness that appeared in the sky. In order to get brightness like that, you need charged particles of one kind or another. And obviously, charged particles are beholden to the basic laws of electrodynamics.
Therefore, thanks to the physics of electromagnetic energy, we know it could not have come from a satellite. If a satellite were trying to project such a formation, the beam would have to be rotating backwards — and this would violate the intrinsic laws of electromagnetic field behavior.
If you carefully study this incredible, unenhanced image from an excellent series of photographs that emerged directly after the event on the Norwegian Altaposten website, you can clearly make out at least eighteen, and as many as twenty perfectly concentric layers in the spiral, by looking from bottom to top — just to the left of the second street-light from the top, up to the center of the spiral.
Layers are clearly visible from the center of the spiral all the way down to the tree line on the bottom-left half of the image:
No one in the mainstream media has pointed out this photograph. The spiral is much, much too perfect and multi-layered to support the official explanation that this is a rocket gone haywire.
And here’s another example from the same website:
It’s utterly laughable to think a missile could have done this. The ionosphere is not thick enough — not viscous enough — to hold a spiral of exhaust this cleanly and tightly together, composed of geometrically-perfect circles, with at least 18 concentric layers hanging there in the air for 10-15 minutes.
We already know the spiral is rotating much too fast, at either potential distance, for even one layer to have been caused by missile exhaust — thanks to Arash Amini’s research paper.
And we still have to explain how the blue ‘corkscrew’ beam also hung there, perfectly, for 10-15 minutes, as we said before.
Many comparisons were made to UFOs, wormholes, stargates, portals through space and time, et cetera, and for good reason. At the end of the display, the center of the spiral suddenly disappeared. It widened in a sudden, absolutely perfect circle that was very, very ‘alien’ looking — not at all like something you’d see from a rocket.
Again, if skeptics are so convinced by the “official explanation” that this is a rocket, then explain how missile exhaust can rotate at 710 miles per hour — and produce the footage of any other example where such a rocket creates at least 15 concentric spirals and a geometrically-perfect expanding circle like this, that looks quite literally like a black hole:
In addition, if you squint your eyes and study the above image very closely, faint traces of the same substructure of spirals can clearly be seen. They are visible to a lesser degree on the bottom left, and to a greater degree on the top right of the black hole in the center.
Unfortunately there isn’t quite enough pixel data in this image to bring it out in greater contrast, but you can definitely see there are many, many layers of spirals in the formation.
Based on a rough calculation of how thin each of the layers are, and how far out they appear to go, there could have been as many as 40-50 concentric layers in the spiral if you had been in the right place, at the right time, to photograph this event.
In the face of all the scientific evidence to the contrary, some will still undoubtedly want to believe that missile exhaust could do 40 perfectly concentric layers that would hold up in the Earth’s ionosphere without dissipating for up to 15 minutes. That’s fine.
The bigger question becomes this — is there any other technology that could have potentially created this formation as well?
The answer is… most definitely… Yes.
This interesting article from India Times revealed that publicly-announced HAARP experiments had indeed created a complex visual apparition of “surprising luminescent bands radiating out from the center of a bulls-eye.” Sound familiar?
Bear in mind, this is only what we hear from the mainstream media. In classified programs the technology could be far more sophisticated than this. Also pay attention to the fact that they only needed 3.6 megawatts to make it visible — and the EISCAT facility can do a thousand megawatts! (emphasis added):
HAARP’s high-frequency radio waves can accelerate electrons in the atmosphere, increasing the energy of their collisions and creating a glow.
The technique has previously triggered speckles of light while running at a power of almost 1 megawatt.
But since the facility ramped up to 3.6 megawatts — roughly three times more than a typical broadcast radio transmitter — it has created full-scale artificial auroras that are visible to the naked eye.
[DW: Bear in mind that here they’re only talking about 3.6 megawatts necessary to create a “visible artificial aurora” — whereas EISCAT can do over one GIGA-watt, which is one thousand times greater than a megawatt.]But in February last year, HAARP managed to induce a strange bull’s-eye pattern in the night sky.
Instead of the expected fuzzy, doughnut-shaped blob, surprising irregular luminescent bands radiated out from the centre of the bull’s-eye, according to Todd Pedersen, a research physicist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in Massachusetts, who leads the team that ran the experiment at HAARP.
The team modelled how the energy sent skywards from the HAARP antenna array would trigger these odd shapes.
They determined that the areas of the bull’s-eye with strange light patterns were in regions of denser, partially ionized gas in the atmosphere, as measured by ground-based high-frequency radar used to track the ionosphere.
The same article, more or less, can be found on — but hardly any other mainstream site on the Net covered it in such specific detail.
The article says these curious bulls-eye, luminous-banded patterns will appear where you have partially ionized gas in the atmosphere.
Tromsø is at the very northern tip of Norway, close to the North Pole — and there are a great deal of ionized particles in the atmosphere near the poles, forming the aurora borealis.
Therefore, we already have the proper conditions in the sky over Norway to create a visual manifestation of a “bulls-eye” with “surprising irregular luminescent bands that radiate out from the center.”
And since EISCAT’s gigawatt is equivalent to a thousand megawatts, and the above formation started taking shape at only 3.6 megawatts, you can start to imagine what wonders you could create when you now control 277 TIMES more power than it took to create Dr. Pedersen’s HAARP bulls-eye with luminescent bands.
Dr. Pedersen’s research was conducted at the US Air Force Research Laboratory, which happens to be at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. We know this thanks to a brief update in Physics Today — “HAARP Creates Bulls-Eye in the Sky”. The Physics Today update in turn links to this article in the Nature science journal, which is only accessible by a paid membership.
We have not yet been able to find a single genuine picture of the results of this HAARP experiment itself — nothing.
Wright-Patterson has long been associated with various classified projects related to the UFO cover-up — going all the way back to the infamous Roswell crash, where the debris — and the occupants alleged to have been inside it, some alive and some dead — was allegedly taken to the infamous Hangar 18. There’s a whole History Channel documentary about it at this link.
Curiously, at this same link I just posted to the Wright-Patterson video, I discovered that Russia Today — the mainstream Russian media — is now taking out Google advertisements on UFO websites to link people to their coverage of the Norway Spiral, as this screen-grab reveals:
This is definitely not the actions of a mainstream Russian media attempting to push this story aside as being merely caused by a stray missile. At least one major faction within the Russian government wants the UFO / paranormal connection to be explored — and Google ads are going to be distributed throughout many thousands of UFO-related blogs and websites.
As we shall see later on, it is also important to remember that India was one of the main countries to ‘leak’ this new information about HAARP creating a bulls-eye formation with luminescent bands in the sky.
Whether it was visible to the naked eye or not, we also have incontrovertible evidence of a very similar spiral-type formation being created over an enormous area — namely all of Alaska and a good part of northern British Columbia — thanks to this graphic (pictured below) from an official US Navy Office of Naval Research website on HAARP:
You get an even better idea of how the Norway Spiral could have been created with HAARP if you look at this close-up view of what we get when we use only the positively-charged electric field (seen below) rather than zapping both the positive and negative fields together at the same time, as seen above:
Notice the direction? Yes. Clockwise, when seen from the ground up. Just as we knew it had to be. Just as the Norway Spiral. Both the blue corkscrew and the white spirals in the Norway formation can be explained by extrapolating from these animations.
They are an electromagnetic phenomenon, not an atmospheric one. They therefore can maintain the 710-mile-per-hour velocity, since they are being projected onto reflective particles in the air, rather than being caused by the rotation of loose particles within the air itself.
When we use only the positively-charged field, the concentric layers of the spiral hold together, rather than continually pulling apart as we saw in the first animated graphic above.
The only reason why the spiral appears to dissipate at the bottom of this computer simulation is that this close-up view isn’t wide enough to show the continuing expansion of the spiral.
Since this type of HAARP-created spiral holds together cleanly in the ionosphere, over a large distance, (all of Alaska and a good bit of northern British Columbia in the first graphic), the resulting effect could end up looking just like the Norway Spiral.
And remember — if we are being allowed to see this aspect of HAARP technology on the Internet, then there may very well be other aspects to it that are much more classified… as many insiders and researchers have asserted.
In time, we may find out that these spirals are only one of the simpler tricks you can pull off with HAARP, once you know what you’re doing.
The new kids on the block, with their own EISCAT facility to play around with, may not have as much know-how as the old school UFO cover-up guys in the military-industrial complex — in fact, they may only have learned how to manufacture such a formation with HAARP some time after August 2008, as we shall discuss — but they certainly created quite a sensation — worldwide — with the Norway Spiral.
Arash Amini did not mention Hoagland’s discovery of the EISCAT facility in his paper. He obviously did not visit Enterprise Mission and read the article, which gave the exact location of the EISCAT facility on a map. Otherwise, if Amini had read Hoagland’s report, he almost certainly would have mentioned this stunning correlation.
Remember — thanks to Google Earth, our skeptic Kevin Martin found exactly where the mountains were in the above Norway Spiral photograph.
Arash Amini included a map of where Kevin’s mountain peaks were located in his paper.
Hoagland was not aware of Kevin Martin’s discovery of the exact location of the mountains when he wrote his paper, as it hadn’t been published yet.
Nonetheless, by simply blending Amini and Hoagland’s two maps together and lining up all the landmasses correctly, we get an astonishing result… see for yourself:
That’s right. The EISCAT facility is absolutely dead-center on Amini’s line from Tromsø, where the picture was taken, to the tops of the mountains seen in the picture. The bottom of the Norway Spiral is precisely above EISCAT.
At this point there can be no doubt. EISCAT definitely was responsible for the Norway Spiral. X marks the spot.
If all this is so easy to prove, then why were we told it was a missile? What are ‘they’ trying to hide here?
Let’s go back to the people running EISCAT itself.
Did they try to cover up the fact that they were using their facility — at maximum power — that morning? What the heck was going on in the morning of December 9, 2009 that caused their power consumption to surge to nearly one gigawatt?
They were zapping the mesosphere with Very High Frequencies (VHF) so they would light up the sky like a “Tequila Sunrise,” and they would then record plasma density and temperature in the area.
The timing of the experiment was chosen for when there would a maximum amount of charged particles in the atmosphere, thanks to the ‘meteor dust’ from the “polar mesosphere winter echoes” (PMWE) — thereby making the glow even brighter, since these conditions were quite literally ideal for creating any airborne projection.
Here’s an image of the project summary for Tequila Sunrise:
[Don’t bother or harass the scientists involved, please. They probably had no idea what was really going on here, and should be left alone.]
If you still somehow think the Norway Spiral could not have been anything more than a missile, then where was the “bulls-eye spiral with luminescent bands” that we should have been seeing in the sky during this exact same time?
Shouldn’t we have seen a spiral that was much brighter and more powerful than HAARP’s openly-acknowledged test, which was only 3.6 megawatts as opposed to nearly 1000 megawatts pumped out by EISCAT?
Time to think logically, people.
OK… let’s say you really are ability-impaired when it comes to believing your government and media are lying to you.
Either way, isn’t it ‘fishy’ that Tequila Sunrise “just so happened” to be tested at the exact same time the Russians tested one of their Bulava missiles — in exactly the same spot?
If the Norway Spiral was only caused by a missile, then what the heck happened to Tequila Sunrise? Where did it go?
If all the conditions were right, and it was the most ideal time of the entire year for EISCAT to create a big, bright spiral in the sky, then how come we didn’t see a thing — but then a stray missile somehow miraculously broke all known laws of physics, with its exhaust rotating at an impossible 710 miles an hour, to create the very same spiral phenomenon as HAARP does — if you believe the mainstream media ‘spin’?
Doesn’t it become quite a ‘conspiracy theory’ to think that right in the middle of a HAARP test being conducted that could easily form a luminous spiral in the sky, since it was the perfect time of year to do so, that something else came along instead — and created exactly the same effect?
If we push these facts hard enough, and get the new case into the mainstream media, will they then have to make an embarrassing ‘retraction’, changing the story yet again — to suit the progress of our independent, community-funded, grassroots research?
Does this not sound just like the ever-changing official explanation for the Roswell crash, where the original “weather balloon” cover story had to keep transforming as the research got better and better — so it’s now Project Mogul, where ET-like crash dummies were dropped from the sky inside a completely different top-secret weather balloon project?
Might this variety of super-powered 1000-megawatt HAARP spiral also have the added benefit of creating a missile shield — thereby explaining why the Russian Bulava test was deemed to be a failure, if it did even happen at all?
Did the Russians deliberately shoot their missile into Project Tequila Sunrise, to see if it would indeed blow up and destroy the projectile?
And if so, isn’t it interesting to demonstrate such a technology right before President Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize — proving that they now have a working “Tesla Shield” technology that can defeat any threats that the “New World Order” might try to throw at them — nuclear or otherwise?
And if you can indeed knock out something as solid and resilient as a missile with this technology, what could you do to the weather? Or to seismic fault lines, if you bounced your beam off the ionosphere and then aimed it back down towards the ground on a triangulated point?
This is precisely what many insiders say HAARP is really being used for — weather modification and ‘natural’ disasters. This research article is a preliminary step towards establishing such a connection, despite making some huge and unlikely leaps in logic by tying in worldwide events that HAARP may or may not have been responsible for.
One of the most interesting data points the above author found is this — namely how some of the waves from HAARP in Alaska would converge on a “magnetic conjugate point” in the South Pacific Ocean:
The program will study radio waves generated by the HAARP transmitter in Alaska.
We expect some waves to be ducted along the earth’s magnetic field lines – propagating out beyond five times the earth’s radius and returning to earth at a remote location in the South Pacific Ocean…. {the South Pacific is a hot bed of Seismic Activity}
These waves will propagate through several important physical layers beyond the earth’s atmosphere.
By operating a receiver at the magnetic conjugate point where the waves are most likely to return to earth, we will develop significant scientific understanding of those layers and the processes that affect them.
Therefore, it may well be possible to generate HAARP effects that could potentially be strong enough to knock out a Russian nuclear missile. These same waves could also potentially hit certain locations around the world — including seismic fault lines — by directing them at various magnetic conjugate points.
Another point to consider is that this type of “missile shield” might not normally be visible — but under these ideal conditions with all the charged meteor dust in the ionosphere, we could then see it with the naked eye.
If this is so, then perhaps such technology is being used a lot more often than we realize.
Could this HAARP technology, or some variant of it, be used to create far more complex visible formations than just the Spiral?
The Japanese were able to create a gigantic 15-meter (45-foot-tall) hologram of the Loch Ness Monster by using misty water-vapor to capture the light from a huge projection system. In this video, posted January 2008, a woman’s voice calls out the English word ‘Creature’ in native Japanese pronunciation twice in a row, and then the enormous hologram appears admist the fanfare of Hollywood film-score music:
This definitely proves that very large, complex and stunning holograms can be created in the sky — if you have the right technology and / or conditions to create a reflective environment in the atmosphere — like the ‘meteor dust’ present in the northern latitudes around Norway.
HAARP may or may not have the capability of doing this — but it certainly could be done with existing technology.
The Japanese used water vapor to bounce their holograms off of. And on December 9, 2009, there was plenty of “meteor dust” in the northern latitudes over Norway and Russia to create a reflective surface for a potential holographic technology to bounce off of — more than any other time of the year!
Thus, it is certainly possible that the tetrahedron-shaped triangular ‘pyramid’ over the Kremlin (see Part One) — which appeared that very same day, when the dust in the northern latitudes was at an all-time peak for aerial phenomena to be produced — was a similar holographic technology at work.
A tetrahedron is called a ‘primitive’ in computer graphics, because it is one of the simplest and easiest shapes to make there is. This might also explain why it looks somewhat fuzzy and indistinct in the two available videos from Russia — it was a hologram!
Since the Norway Spiral was clearly manmade, it becomes much more likely that the Kremlin Pyramid was also manmade — by simple logic. They are two visual aspects of the same overall plan, which both appeared the same day. And if that level of manifestation doesn’t produce the desired result, we can expect that even more will happen later on.
Is this a wild leap in logic, or do we have any way to substantiate such speculation? Read on.
Last year we reported how the Russians seized entire truckloads filled with “highly compromising” top-secret documents when they invaded Georgia, and threw out the existing CIA / New World Order agents and spooks that had been stationed there — in the second week of August 2008.
Could these seized documents have included secrets on how to use HAARP, or related technologies, to create holographic projections? Considering what some other whistleblowers have told us about HAARP and “Project Bluebeam” holographic technology, they most certainly could have.
Given the time it would have taken to translate, study and implement the technology found within these documents, when would be the first time a full-blown test could be done — with all the right particles in the air to create maximum visibility?
That’s right — December 2009, during the Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes of ‘meteor dust’ in the skies over Russia.
Russia’s invasion of Georgia / South Ossetia began on August 8th, 2008, and the ceasefire agreement was finalized on August 16, 2008:
The New World Order faction was proven, at that time, to be incapable of defending its own outposts — and allies — against the Russians. And the media totally and completely overlooked this stunning defeat almost as soon as it happened.
Based on the extensive evidence we reviewed at the time, which you can go back and read for yourself, the Circlemakers clearly seemed to be suggesting that the Russians’ acquisition of these documents would be a critical step that would lead to the final defeat of the New World Order.
This was suggested, in part, by at least seven different crop formations, documented on, that all were interpreted, in advance, as putting highly special importance on the date of August 16, 2008.
All of these were published and analyzed before the fact. No one knew what, if anything, would happen on that day:
And here is yet another one:
These are only four of seven formations I found at the time, all flagging the August 16, 2008 date well in advance. [A subscription is required to access Crop Circle Connector archives older than the past year.]
If there was any doubt about the identity and location of the New World Order, the Burderop formation from the same timeframe effectively erased it:
I published a grand analysis of this data on September 19, 2008. By that time, we had insider info from the highly credible “Voice of the White House” source on that explained what really happened after the South Ossetia war — other than the cease-fire agreement Sarkozy helped to arrange:
August 16, 2008. Just another day? Or not?
Multiple “crop circle” formations — using solar-system diagrams and other unique methods to count time — flagged this date as being of great importance.
Wait… what? “Nothing happened on August 16th,” you may say.
Not so. August 16th appears to be the defining day where a vast treasure-trove of highly classified CIA / New World Order documents were seized out of abandoned US/Israeli spy trucks in Georgia.
Insider reports reveal this has created nothing short of a full-blown panic state within the neoconservative ranks of the White House. Here is one of the earlier examples:
Washington, D.C., September 1, 2008: “ When the Russians chased the Georgians back into their own country, our government took great fright, and ordered all American troops out of the area.
Some of these troops took part in the attack on South Ossetia, and Washington was afraid that Americans and Russians would start shooting at each other.
As this could lead to immediate war breaking out between the two countries, and as Russia has the ability to nuke the shit out of us; (unlike other small countries we habitually threaten and bully) we ran like frightened deer.
We also left behind all kinds of highly compromising documents, code machines, etc. to keep Russian military intelligence for days. They did capture Israeli intelligence people and by report, treated them very brutally. The Russians must have been reading Bush‘s orders on torture!
Anyway, there is genuine terror in the halls of the Department of State, the Pentagon and the White House that terrible things could emerge. Guess what, kids? They will.”
Why is this such a good thing? The disclosures these documents contain could well save us from future events that would make 9/11 look like a paper-cut by comparison.
In order to fully track this story, you may want to read my entire 2012 Politics article series:
Part Two: Crop Circle Prophecies
Part Three: Economic Revolution
Part Four: Crop Circle History
Though we obviously do not support the torture of anyone, as the insider mentioned, the Circlemakers clearly seemed to be telling us this Russian seizure of classified documents was very, very important for the future of humanity. At the time we weren’t entirely sure what this meant — but we were clearly being invited to study it in more detail.
One strange synchronicity concerns the flagging of the number 8 in one of the key August 16th prophecy formations — as it was shaped like an 8, and appeared on August 8, 2008 — 8/8/8:
What’s the big deal about 888? I just noticed this passage of text in the article from the Guardian that announced the cease-fire between Russia and Georgia, from the war that started on 8/8/8 and ended with a finished, signed peace treaty just eight days later:
Polish armed forces yesterday paraded in Warsaw to mark a rare defeat of the Russians 888 years ago — and President Lech Kaczynski hailed the accord on the Pentagon project as a boost for Poland’s security.
In return for hosting 10 interceptor rockets said to be intended to destroy any eventual ballistic missile attacks from Iran, Poland is to receive a battery of US Patriot missiles for its air defences and has won a mutual security pact with Washington.
Poland defeated the Russians on August 15th, 888 years before 8/8/8. August 15th is the day before the date flagged by the above 8/8/8 formation, 888 years later. In Christian numerology, 8 is the number of the Christ.
The message may be that now the tables have turned.
Russia was once in the grips of the same forces that ultimately created the New World Order faction. You will read much more about this fact — and how they broke free — in the next section of this paper.
The Poles accomplished a stunning victory against these same ‘Illuminati’ forces 888 years ago — and now history has come full circle.
Except this time, in a nice figure-8 turnaround, the roles are reversed — and “in Russia there comes the hope of the world.” (Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
This is yet another weird synchronicity associated with the Circlemakers. This same 888 formation was also connected to astonishingly synchronistic events in my own personal life, as my Crop Circle Prophecies article detailed. But let’s not get too far off track..
If the Russians have now come into the possession of such holographic projection technologies, they may well have wanted to test them out by doing some fairly simple things first.
The only way to conduct such a test is to make something that is visible to the naked eye — and would therefore constitute a ‘sighting’.
So again… what the heck is going on here, and why are they doing all this?
If your mind is going to a place of fear, then you’re not getting the point yet. This is a very good thing that is happening.
Now let’s do a grand review what we’ve learned about the Norway Spiral, and add it all up to see the ‘big picture’ of what we’re dealing with here:
- You have absolute proof that the arms of the Spiral could not have been missile exhaust — they were rotating at no less than 710 miles per hour.
- You have a HAARP facility right below where the Spiral manifested, as photographed from Tromsø, Norway.
- You have an electromagnetic beam with a clockwise spiral, which proves it had to have come from the ground up.
- You have pictures clearly showing the beam appearing to be ‘projected’ from the ground, where everything tapers down to a bright center point.
- You have open acknowledgement in Indian mainstream media that HAARP can create ‘odd shapes’ of “luminescent bands radiating from the center of a bulls-eye” that are visible to the naked eye — at only 3.6 megawatts.
- You have the EISCAT facility capable of doing 277 times more power than HAARP needed to create a “bulls-eye with luminescent bands”.
- You have the energy readouts showing the EISCAT facility was running at maximum power during the entire time the Norway formation was seen.
- You have animated graphics from the Office of Naval Research proving that identical spiral formations can be created by HAARP over a gigantic area — namely all of Alaska and the northern portion of British Columbia.
- You have ‘TEQUILA sunrise’, a test intended to light up the sky, being conducted in Norway with EISCAT during the exact time the Spiral appeared.
- You have the Russians allegedly shooting a missile right into the area where this super-high-powered EISCAT test is taking place — a missile which promptly blows up and ‘fails’.
- You have video proof from Japan that complex holograms can be projected from the ground into a reflective media in the atmosphere, suggesting HAARP, or a related technology, might be able to do a lot more than just spirals.
- You have a gigantic tetrahedron-shaped UFO hovering over the Kremlin in Russia for hours… on the very same day as the Norway Spiral.
- You have the Circlemakers redundantly flagging the exact date, in advance, that the Russia / Georgia war ended in a ceasefire — August 16, 2008.
- You have a crop formation clearly establishing a Nazi connection with the Bush regime and the Pentagon — prior to the results of the 2008 election.
- You have insider testimony that the Russians acquired a vast treasure-trove of secret New World Order documents in this same August 2008 invasion.
- You have the possibility that the Russians learned how to create holographic projections with HAARP and other technologies as a result of this “new acquisition” in 2008.
- You have the possibility that the Kremlin Pyramid was a field-test of such ‘new’ technology — on the very same day as the equally-manmade Norway Spiral appeared — since it was the best time of the year to get results by bouncing these technologies off of the ‘meteor dust’ in northern latitudes.
And lastly, you have both of these stunning aerial formations appear the day before President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize — in the very same country the Norway Spiral appeared in!
Why is there even a question about what the Norway Spiral really was?
And why has the media completely and totally avoided any discussion or investigation of this?
No one from EISCAT attempted to cover up the surge in power usage that day, nor that the Tequila Sunrise test was scheduled for that same time. The data was so quick and easy to find that it appeared as if we were being invited to find it. Just like how India published the information that proved HAARP could potentially generate such an aerial phenomenon, if calibrated properly.
That makes the mainstream media’s ‘missile only’ explanation seem all the more bizarre. Not so much as a single word has been written about this HAARP / EISCAT connection in mainstream media, even though it is so obvious and easy to find. Various bloggers on the Net have been putting together bits and pieces of this story on their own, such as members of the Above Top Secret discussion forum. I thank you for all your hard work.
HAARP may well open up a whole array of different ‘goodies’ to the end user — weather modification, earthquake weapons, Tesla shields to eliminate missiles, and even holographic projection technology — creating visual wonders that could spark a million and a half Internet articles in a mere 72 hours’ time.
Why has there been a total mainstream-media blackout on EISCAT, and how easily it could have created such a spiral formation during the Tequila Sunrise test?
Could the powers behind the mainstream media be loath to reveal the true existence of “Project Bluebeam” — which, as we’ve heard for years now from a variety of insider witnesses, is a large-scale holographic projection technology that could be used to create fake UFOs and other apparitions to scare the daylights out of people and help usher in a New World Order?
Is this what the Russians found — and learned how to use — when they seized a treasure-trove of top-secret New World Order documents on or around August 16, 2008?
One of my insider witnesses has already confirmed that the Norway Spiral was a blatant public demonstration of the Bluebeam technology — or BB for short — in conjunction with a genuine missile launch that also occurred at the same time, as the mainstream media alleged.
However, given all the supporting evidence we are discussing here, it is very likely that the Norway Spiral was not done by either of the two major warring control groups — whom we are about to cover in much more detail.
Did the New World Order guys ever openly proclaim that an ‘alien threat’ could unite our planet under a single world government? Watch these videos and see for yourself:
India is clearly showing which side they’re on by attacking the New World Order faction’s anti-extraterrestrial propaganda head-on. And they specifically mention this hoaxed alien threat as a genuinely factual — and potentially problematic — situation.
By mentioning Carol Rosin, they also imply the use of Project Bluebeam, though it is not directly stated outright (emphasis added):
Blame it on Cold War paranoia or call it American cultural imperialism, but politics has always been the subtext of Hollywood’s aliens dramas. Some experts even believed there was a grand design in casting aliens as evil.Towards the end of his life, Wernher Von Braun, a NASA scientist, believed that the “haunting images of evil aliens wanting to take over earth” was part of a government plan “to justify weapons in space, based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat.”Just before he died in 1977, Von Braun told his secretary Carol: “Remember, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.”In the mid-80s at the height of the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan actually proposed a space-based weapons programme called ‘Star Wars’.It was the ultimate tribute to the cult of the sinister alien.
It’s increasingly unlikely that Bluebeam could ever be used to create a fake alien invasion at this point, if it does indeed exist. The public has become far, far too knowledgeable about what is going on. The discussions about this formerly-secret project have become so prevalent on the Internet that they even broke into the mainstream media, as you can watch here on MSNBC:
[This link worked as of December 9, 2009. Now it seems to be giving a different video every day. If you find a direct link to Alan Boyle’s video from December 9th, please let me know.]
It’s worth transcribing the above video to see what Alan Boyle actually said in writing, for emphasis:
A spectacular light show in Northern Norway has sparked rumblings around the world.What caused this spiraling pinwheel in the sky? Was it a UFO visitation, scheduled for the Copenhagen climate summit, or maybe it was a practice run for an Armageddon hoax known as Project Bluebeam?The sighting was discussed in Norwegian newspapers and debated over the internet on websites, but space experts say the likeliest explanation is that it was a missile from a Russian submarine that tumbled in the air after its launch to create this bizarre spiral pattern.For, I’m Alan Boyle.
One Internet forum debated whether the fireworks were a test run for “Project Bluebeam,” which supposedly involves creating huge projections in the sky that show scenes of the Second Coming or an alien invasion.
The hoax would clear the way for a one-world government to take over — well, at least that’s what the conspiracy theorists think.
This is very much not a joke, whether Alan Boyle realizes it or not. If he does actually know what he is talking about, perhaps he is doing his patriotic best to quietly alert those people who are listening to the truth.
According to Disclosure Project witness Dr. Carol Rosin, who I met at their Closed Executive Summary Briefing in Washington DC on May 10, 2001, top NASA scientist Wehner Von Braun told her that this exact plan was in place — to use a holographic projection system to create a fake Armageddon / alien invasion as the final step to institute a global control matrix known as the New World Order.
Even though Von Braun was well aware of a Bluebeam-directed hoax prior to his death, that doesn’t mean it will ever actually be used. Nonetheless, it very much had been planned carefully for quite some time, just as India is now calling our attention to — in their mainstream media.
India may very well know the technology is available to make it happen, thanks to the Russians’ seizure of truckloads of highly classified documents on or around August 16, 2008.
Now that the mainstream media is talking about Bluebeam, and everyone has been exposed to the Norway Spiral — an amazing phenomenon that almost certainly was generated by EISCAT — the element of surprise has been eliminated. And that may very well be what was intended by the Russians, the Asians and their allies.
Once you have gained access to the technology and learned how to use it, you telegraph your enemy’s blow — so his nefarious plans cannot be carried out.
Connect the dots. Put the pieces together. Expand the scope of your search. Look for the connections everyone else has missed. Find the truth that is not yet public or obvious.
As you are about to see, the Russians appear to have been recently playing around with other examples of Bluebeam-style technology, by creating fake UFOs in the form of rings of light.
Again, this seems to be an attempt to ramp up public pressure on the Obama administration for a formal Disclosure of the reality of the extraterrestrial presence — and / or to warn him that if he doesn’t do it soon, it will be done without him — and without the United States as the main center of the action.
What better way to force the Disclosure to end up happening — than by creating a series of increasingly blatant visual manifestations that no one can deny — particularly as they keep happening more and more often?
This is the core focus of this entire piece you are now reading — exploring the thrilling possibility that a 60-plus-year cover-up of the UFO / ET presence is finally coming to an end. The evidence and testimony that is now surfacing is nothing short of stunning — both in scope and complexity.
And the Russians definitely seem to be leading the way — suggesting that this Disclosure is not going to be used for negative purposes, given the evidence we will discuss in later sections of this piece. (This is one strong reason why we had to release it all at once, rather than in parts.)
The first UFO-like halo that captured major media attention this year was seen directly over Moscow, on Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 — just two months and two days before the Norway Spiral appeared.
Nothing quite like this had ever been observed or filmed before, and yet the ‘official’ explanation is that it’s just an “optical effect” caused by the sun setting through “weather fronts”.
Who knows… it may even have been a nice, big ‘smoke ring’ of Russian swamp gas — a lenticular cloud which bubbled up after a flock of geese were startled away by a “trick of light and shadow” from the Sun’s reflection off of a stray weather balloon!
Never mind that no one has seen or documented anything quite like this before, after over a century of having the technology of photography at our fingertips.
First we have the links, then the video itself:
Mystery UFO Halo Over MoscowTHIS glowing halo in clouds over Moscow looks like an Independence Day style alien attack.The astonishing ring was spotted over the city and captured on video by stunned locals.
It has been described as a “true mystery” by a UFO expert.
Scores of supernatural enthusiasts have been gripped by the astonishing footage and speculated it could be an ALIEN MOTHERSHIP.
The sighting in the clouds is reminiscent of scenes from the 1996 Hollywood blockbuster Independence Day.
Aliens tried destroy the earth massive using circular ships to zap the planet powerful mega lasers.
Nick Pope, a former UFO analyst for the Ministry of Defence, examined the remarkable footage.
He said: “I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s a true mystery.
“Whatever it is, it’s one of the most beautiful and spectacular things I’ve ever seen.
“Speculation is at fever pitch on the internet.”
“This is being discussed on forums, blogs and email lists all around the world. Some people say it’s a bizarre meteorological effect.
“Theories range from it being an alien mothership, proof of Russian weather modification technology — a weather weapon — or even a sign of the end of the world.
The video has appeared on YouTube and been viewed more than 100,000 times.
The bizarre light was spotted last Wednesday.
But meteorologists rejected theories of the supernatural, calling it an optical effect.
The Moscow’s weather bureau said several weather fronts had passed through Moscow as the sun shined from the west to cause the effect.
A spokesman for the bureau said: “This is purely an optical effect, although it does look impressive.
“If you look closer, you can see sun rays coming through that cloud. Most likely, the sun was setting when the video was being made.”
UFO Cloud over Moscow — Additional Coverage
UFO Cloud Formation Filmed in RomaniaIf viewed from a distance the disc cloud, which is outlined by a ring of sunlight, appears to resemble an alien craft.Meteorologists explained that the phenomenon witnessed in Moscow was just an optical effect produced by rare weather conditions, but the latest clip – apparently filmed at the end of last week – has again set tongues wagging.“How come I have never seen clouds that look like that. Now we get two in a matter of weeks in different places,” wrote one user of the video-sharing website Live Leak where the clip was first posted.Others speculated – with tongues firmly in cheeks – that the twin formations could herald an alien invasion.“Run the two videos and put them beside each other… It’s very strange… are they here?” commented a user named Raginswirler.
Again, here is the video of the second “ring cloud” in less than a month’s time:
As you can see in the above video, the clouds are curiously convex bowl-shaped, pointing downward, in the area inside the ring. That bowl shape, in turn, casts a clear, extended shadow against the surrounding clouds. This is very much unlike anything you normally see in clouds.
It appears that the force of the alleged beam being used can actually distort the otherwise flat layer of clouds into a spherical shape.
I was carefully watching both of these phenomena, but decided not to write about them at the time. I had already been told that an alleged Disclosure was planned for the near future, and figured that if these effects were manmade, and didn’t get enough publicity, the next round would be even more impressive.
I was right.
A month and a half after the Romanian Ring, we got the Norway Spiral, which did not disappoint. And why December 9th, in Norway, if not for the fact that Obama was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize the very next day in Oslo?
Remember Alan Boyle, our MSNBC journalist who said the plans for Bluebeam included a fake alien invasion and / or a manifestation of the Second Coming in the sky?
Well, guess what? A luminous crucifix appeared — again in Russia — in a video from March 2009.
This one didn’t capture anywhere near as much attention as the rings over Moscow and Romania did, and it was seven months earlier in the year than those luminous halos — so perhaps the strategy was then modified to a more conventional UFO-looking phenomenon, so as to attract more attention. It worked.
Richard C. Hoagland turned me on to this video in our recent private discussions about the Norway Spiral. This crucifix is a far more complex formation, and clearly demonstrates a technology that can do a lot more than just create rings and spirals:
Even better, as you can read from the broken-English notes on the original video link, the person who saw and filmed the crucifix could not start his car while it was visible — but once it disappeared, the electrical system operated perfectly (emphasis added):
“Habitant of the city Sharya, Russia, became a witness of the strange phenomenon: in the sky right above his house he saw a glowing cross.
Vladimir Rostovcev shooted a video on his camera. Early in the morning he was going to the job, but he had found out he couldn`t start the engine of his car.
At this moment his attention was attracted by incredible sight… A cross was hunging in the middle of the air a few minutes. Then it had dissolved.
Vladimir says: “It is strange, but after cross dissolved my car was off without problems…“
This electrical anomaly is totally consistent with ‘torsion field’ technology, which the Russians have been working on for over 50 years, as I discuss in the highly-regarded Russian physics section of Divine Cosmos, Chapter One, here on this website.
We’ve known for many years now that torsion fields can temporarily disable electrical equipment.
I have a small, handheld Russian torsion-field generator that has already killed two different hard drives, only to have one of them mysteriously begin working again after a week’s time. By then the charge, or what the Russians call “latent vacuum structuring,” had worn off.
This is exactly what happened to Rostovcev’s car. Russian scientists have proven that torsion fields do this. The HAARP technology may very well excite the torsion fields in a given area due to the extremely high electromagnetic charges involved.
This is nothing new. UFO sightings have long since reported such electrical anomalies for the same reasons. To then see such a stunning demonstration of torsion-field electromagnetic effects in this crucifix sighting is a clear indication that such technologies were indeed being used — and very likely by people here on Earth, rather than ETs.
Thus, considering all the above, December 9, 2009 — the Norway Spiral and Kremlin Pyramid Day — may well have been the playing field for one of the final insider moves, prior to ‘Checkmate’, in an ever-increasing political struggle for Disclosure.
Dr. Steven Greer, the organizer of the May 10, 2001 Executive Summary Briefing for VIPs and Members of Congress I attended in Washington, DC, made the following announcement in a document he originally wrote on January 23, 2009 — and only recently released to the public.
Greer doesn’t specifically mention the Russians, only citing “interests in Europe,” but that may be for security reasons.
Greer got these words directly into President Obama’s hands through a mutual friend. He was later able to confirm that Obama had indeed heard and understood the message (emphasis added):
Interests in Europe, the Vatican and Asia, especially France and China, are urging Disclosure. If the United States does not move forward, these other interests will, and America will be left behind and become increasingly irrelevant in the world. This cannot be allowed to happen.The European and Asian arenas will move with or without US involvement at some point in the very near future, as well they should. Six decades of secrecy is enough.
Less than two months after Dr. Greer wrote these prophetic words to the President of the United States, the Russian Crucifix appeared.
Less than three months after the Russian Crucifix appeared, Dr. Peterson’s three insider sources were told the Obama administration had planned a formal Disclosure — in a two-hour television special — for November 27, 2009.
Just twelve days after the Obama administration canceled the original plan for Disclosure — for whatever reason — the Norway Spiral and Kremlin Pyramid appeared… right before Obama took the Nobel Peace Prize.
Thanks to the massive New World Order document seizure the Circlemakers alerted us to in advance, on or around August 16, 2008, Russia may well be the only country in possession of the appropriate technology to create ‘fake’ UFO sightings — to help force the timetable for Disclosure to move forward.
The above scenario I’ve proposed may very well be what is going on here. There is much more evidence to support this theory — thanks to a treasure-trove of new information that reveals a fascinating storyline of warring insider factions going back centuries in time.
Now that you’ve seen the game, and the various moves that are being played in the recent past, it’s time to study the players. We need to know who they are, what they want and which side they’re on — if they even have a side.
The truth is much more elaborate, and much stranger, than most people who read conspiracy media articles are aware of. However, within the complexity is a very clear and unambiguous thread of hope.
In the next section — which you access by clicking the next ‘page’ link below — we will explore these various factions, their history and struggles with one another, in much more detail.
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
It is very important that you read the other sections to have the context for this one — in case someone linked you directly here first.
The halos, rings, floating crucifix shapes, Norway Spiral and Kremlin Pyramid formations we just discussed — and showed videos of — in the previous sections were very likely generated by HAARP and other such technology.
The Russians may have acquired this know-how thanks to documents they seized after the New World Order forces fled South Ossetia. This war started on 8/8/8, and the peace treaty was finalized on August 16th, 2008 — a date that was redundantly flagged by the Circlemakers.
In addition to these blatant visual manifestations, we now have many other signs that certain groups here on Earth are becoming increasingly aggressive in their attempts to push the timetable for Disclosure forward.
Certain groups here on Earth are becoming increasingly aggressive in their attempts to push the timetable for Disclosure forward.
What you will read in this, the longest of all the sections of this Ebook, is a vast, detailed history lesson of the things you don’t get to hear about in school, or in the media — at least not at this point in time. In the future this will undoubtedly be far more widely known.
Before we open up that discussion, though, it’s important to bring in some additional data that shows us where all this is leading — and how close we may be to a formal Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.
This is what all the greatest battles between these warring factions has led us to — the financial collapse of the New World Order / Rockefeller faction, thus stripping their ability to enforce the UFO cover-up any longer.
As a direct result, we are now seeing an ever-increasing number of UFO stories and ‘proofs’ coming through in the mainstream media — some of which are very bizarre. No longer do you see the ‘balance’ of the skeptics’ sketchy rationalizations coming in to discredit the data itself.
There are so many of these types of stories, appearing so quickly, that we can barely even keep up with them. Many are so astonishing that whole articles could be written about them — but we’ll focus in on some of the best and most interesting ones here.
In this next example, from October 20, 2009 — just over a month before Obama’s originally-planned Disclosure date — a police officer saw three tall ETs who looked just like us, taking instrument readings near a crop circle. Once he spotted them, they ran away at a speed no human we know of could match (emphasis added):
Police Officer Sees Human ETs in Crop Circle”The figures were all over 6ft and had blond hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop.
When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity.
”This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently, close to where the noise was.
”He shouted to the figures who, at first, ignored him, not glancing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running.
”He said; ‘They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.
”I then got scared. The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift.”
The ‘uneasy feeling’ and the headache the officer experienced are also consistent with the presence of high-intensity torsion fields — which were probably what the ETs were using to manipulate the crops with.
On March 22, 2009 — during the exact same time the Russian Crucifix was filmed in the sky — the British government officially released many of its UFO files. We should pay special attention to the following case they pulled out of these files and published. Why did they single out this particular case? Read for yourself (emphasis added):
Human ET Visits Woman in 1989 – March 22, 2009The anonymous woman telephoned RAF Wattisham in Suffolk in a state of distress to describe an encounter she had the previous night. A covering letter in the files notes that it is “one of our more unusual UFO reports”.The woman told the operator at the base that the incident happened as she was walking her dog on a sports field close to her home near Norwich at about 10.30pm on November 20, 1989.She was approached by a man with a “Scandinavian-type accent” who was dressed in a light brown garment like a flying suit.The report notes: “He asked her if she was aware of stories about large circular flattened areas appearing in fields of wheat.[He] then went on to explain that he was from another planet similar to Earth, and that the circles had been caused by others like him who had travelled to Earth.”The man said the purpose of their visits was friendly, but they were told not to have contact with humans for fear that they would be considered a threat.The woman said she was “completely terrified”, and after about 10 minutes the man left.As she ran home she heard a “loud buzzing noise” behind her — and turned to see a large glowing orange-white spherical object rising vertically from behind trees.
The RAF operator who took the statement from the woman said the conversation lasted about an hour and described it as a “genuine call”.
Very interesting indeed. A consistent storyline seems to be emerging here — a story of ethical, friendly ETs who look like us, but are not from Earth — and are directly responsible for making many of the ‘real’ crop circles.
They have abilities and ‘powers’ we would consider to be supernatural, and are clearly able to foresee the future — such as creating at least seven formations in 2008 that flagged the date of August 16th, 2008.
This, again, was the exact time the cease-fire agreement was signed between Russia and Georgia. Around that same time, the Russians seized a huge treasure-trove of highly classified New World Order documents.
With all this evidence — and so much more we have yet to discuss — it appears there is a full timeline to end the UFO cover-up, forever…
Thanks to a plan that was drawn up all the way back on February 12, 2008.
The Norway Spiral may be one of the final stages of this plan — in the Disclosure Endgame we are now witnessing in real time.
A spiral… what an appropriate metaphor to use for those who are fighting the ‘spin control’ of the controlled media!
On that fateful day in February 2008, we now know that the first of a very important and very secret set of United Nations meetings were held. In time, this may be seen as one of the most important dates in human history.
Strong political pressure from a broad coalition of UN nations was placed on those responsible for the UFO cover-up to reveal what they know — and a solid timeline was put in place for Disclosure to occur.
Thanks to multiple, credible insider ‘leaks,’ we now have a detailed account of what was discussed — and decided — by some thirty nations! We will discuss this, and get into the specifics, in Part Five — the Conclusion.
The crucifix, the UFO halos and now the Norway Spiral and Kremlin Pyramid are almost certainly the result of all these insider politics finally bursting into public demonstrations — just as we have been expecting.
If you really think the Spiral is just a missile spinning around in circles, and there’s nothing more to the story, you would be well advised to study the previous sections of this report carefully, read the linked articles, and learn about the bigger story behind all the media’s (ahem) spin.
You have an opportunity to prepare yourself and get informed — so you can be there to help educate and comfort others when they need you.
You have an opportunity to prepare yourself and get informed — so you can be there to help educate and comfort others when they need you.
And they already need you now.
Given the overwhelming preponderance of evidence, it is now safe to say that Disclosure is no longer an ‘if’, but a ‘when.’ And the Norway Spiral events strongly suggest that the ‘when’ will be sooner rather than later — regardless of whatever faltering last-minute attempts are being made to cover it up.
Regardless of how many “know-it-alls” take it for granted that UFOs do exist, once this announcement is made, it will be the most significant event in recorded human history. The scope of the change it will induce is so awesome, so far-reaching, that it staggers the imagination.
Articles like the one you just read about three human ETs taking measurements of a crop circle, and telling people who they are and why they’re making such formations, appear to be last-ditch efforts to get us ready for the truth before it is formally announced.
There are many, many more stories like this that are surfacing, and we can expect they will get more and more interesting as time goes on.
The knowledge we will have to assimilate after Disclosure goes vastly beyond the idea of whether or not there is life on other planets.
We will now have to deal with the existence of non-Earth-born ‘Ascended’ beings with telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, instant psychic healing, et cetera.
We will now have to deal with the reality of gravity-shielding technology, free energy, wormhole / stargate travel through space and time, super-advanced ancient civilizations on Earth that have had open ET contact leading to the building of massive stone structures, and the existence of non-Earth-born ‘Ascended’ beings with telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, instant psychic healing, et cetera.
These so-called ‘Ascended’ beings will be revealed as children of a galaxy that invariably produces human life — on a wide variety of inhabited planets.
These human beings have bodies that are similar, and in some cases nearly identical to our own. With that realization comes the humility of knowing we are far from the most evolved human race in this Galaxy.
We will also find out, sooner or later, that we are genetically compatible with just about every other human species in the galaxy, and our bodies on Earth are the result of extensive interbreeding.
Even more outrageously, some groups here on Earth directly trace their genetic lineage back to an extraterrestrial origin — and have maintained certain highly advanced technologies, in secret, throughout the entire history of human life on Earth — including ‘portal’ or stargate technology that allows for travel through space and time.
As I wrote in my last major article, Disclosure will also pave the way for an understanding of other groups of ETs who are vastly more advanced than your typical folks flying around in gravity-shielding metallic discs.
The good caused by Disclosure will far, far outweigh the bad, regardless of whatever sinister plans may be at work by some members of the military-industrial complex to use Disclosure as a weapon.
The Law of One series appears to be a genuinely clean, high-quality set of messages from one of these higher-level groups, who claims to be involved in “the management and transfer of planetary populations” — hence our use of the term ‘Management’ for these forces.
That piece should probably be read as the sequel to this one. Many people have said it’s the best summary I’ve ever written. I just wrote them in reverse order.
Suffice it to say that for the last two years in particular, I have been consistently shown that the good caused by Disclosure will far, far outweigh the bad, regardless of whatever sinister plans may be at work by some members of the military-industrial complex to use Disclosure as a weapon to further their control.
We can already see signs of a deliberate campaign by factions opposing the New World Order to use Bluebeam-like technology openly and publicly — enough so that any surprise would be spoiled, and the public not so easily fooled in the event that it was attempted to be used for nefarious purposes.
All that being said, most people can’t even begin to imagine what our future will really be like after Disclosure — or how much better it will be than what we have now, on every level.
Again, we will present evidence that Russia, China, India, Japan and other countries have formed a coalition that is actively working to defeat the New World Order and Illuminati factions of the secret world government.
After long and careful consideration of the Norway Spiral phenomenon, as you read in the prior sections, I am convinced that one of its primary functions was to blow the whistle on Bluebeam, so it could not be successfully used against the people.
The real insider struggle for Disclosure is quite fascinating, and requires a great deal of back-story that hardly anyone is familiar with.
The real insider struggle for Disclosure is quite fascinating, and requires a great deal of back-story that hardly anyone is familiar with.
We need to learn about these various insider factions, and their history, before we then broaden our discussion of how these forces are wrestling with each other in the present day — those who are for disclosure and those pushing as hard as they can against it.
I will say that this Ebook is a full disclosure for me on a variety of levels. There is data I’ve been meaning to share with you for over a year, and I’ve promised it at various times, but then not delivered because of how busy I’ve been.
I decided to release everything in one giant multi-section mega-article — a proper Ebook — to ensure I get it all done, and you have a chance to read everything involved.
This is very exciting, because it shows that we are a lot closer to some wonderful manifestations here on Earth than we may have ever dared believe.
As we head into the meat of this section of our in-depth report on the Disclosure Endgame, we will investigate the various factions at work in the world governments — both elected and secret. Without this knowledge in place, the truth is very difficult to discover.
Once you’ve read these summaries of the available information, you will very likely share a much more robust worldview of what is going on: who the players are, and what they want.
Then we can go on to finish our discussion of how all of these factors weigh in on the final breaking down of the wall of secrecy that has existed for so many years around the extraterrestrial issue.
I am truly dazzled by how much the scope of this investigation has widened, recently, thanks to the arrival of a treasure-trove of new insider data that provides an incredible new window into the secret politics of the 1970s and early 80s — namely the work of Dr. Peter David Beter, who we will meet in a minute.
Though the 70s and 80s may seem like a long time ago — many of our readers weren’t even born while Dr. Beter was still alive — events that happened back then are of critical importance in understanding what is happening now.
The discussion of various insider factions can be quite disturbing for a variety of people. So, before we get into it, I want to say a few words about how most people react first — and how toxic it can be without the greater viewpoint of understanding how we are being guided and protected through all of this.
Things on Earth look scary as hell right now, particularly if you are educating yourself about the corruption of secret insider politics. Fear is in such abundance that I coined the now widely-used Internet term ‘fear porn’ to describe the various media offerings that profit off of our nearly insatiable drive to have the living crap scared out of us.
Much like a sexual addiction, the attraction to ‘fear porn’ is primal — sub-verbal:
When you do not have a satisfying sex life, you feel irresistibly compelled to find more sex.
- Every sexy thing you see feeds the compulsion, giving you a momentary cocaine-like high.
- Your heart pounds, your biochemical endorphins fire off, and you feel invigorated.
- On a biological level you are being driven to survive — by reproduction.
When you do not have a satisfying spiritual faith and trust in the goodness of others, you feel irresistibly compelled to find more fear.
- Every scary thing you see feeds the compulsion, giving you a momentary cocaine-like high.
- Your heart pounds, your biochemical endorphins fire off, and you feel invigorated.
- On a biological level you are being driven to survive — by self-protection.
Mainstream media has exploited these two primordial biological drives — sex and fear — for a long time in movies, television shows, news broadcasts, magazines, newspapers and website articles.
Even with movies like ‘2012’ showing you the end of the world with unprecedented photo-realism, that ‘high’ still isn’t good enough for many, many addicts. The fear isn’t real enough. It isn’t visceral enough. The sense of imminent jeopardy isn’t powerful enough. You aren’t genuinely terrified enough.
Like any other type of addict, we build up a ‘tolerance’ to our existing drug of choice — and now we need something with a much bigger, more powerful bang for our buck.
But in this case, we don’t cheat on our wives or husbands — we merely turn on our computer and go to the Internet!
The Internet is where you find the goods. Far more scary than the nightly news.
You quickly discover that the mainstream media is concealing much darker secrets — a worldwide cabal that seems to be the very embodiment of evil itself, which is leading us by the hand towards a seemingly-inescapable fate.
I clearly spelled out all the misunderstandings that arise from Internet fear-porn addiction in the beginning of my most recent large article:
Those who read this website, and / or watch our videos, will understand that the changes we are going through have nothing to do with, and will not involve, any of the following fear-porn scenarios so flagrantly and naively trumpeted on the Internet as if they were imminent facts:
- Government and/or Illuminati takeover of the workings of society, creating a draconian, totalitarian and brutal state of martial law;
- Mass death, either through natural or manmade viruses, tainted vaccines, government ‘death camps,’ engineered starvation, et cetera;
- Collapse of civilization to a pre-industrial state through economic implosion, sudden wars, power grid failures, terrorist attacks, et cetera;
- Epic earth changes that erase most life from the Earth as we now know it — pole shift, solar flares, tsunamis, et cetera, perhaps in 2012;
- Evil extraterrestrials who either pose as good guys first, or simply come in swinging right away — with an attack vastly worse than 9/11.
The real story is far more interesting — and has a much happier ending — than these toxic, fear-drenched viewpoints. The very controllers who are causing all the problems on the planet may very well WANT you to believe these things are all about to happen, but that doesn’t mean they will.
Admittedly, this information about the good that will come from Disclosure came to me in dreams — but they have proven very reliable at predicting future events, and providing accurate personal and global guidance on physical and spiritual issues.
I have documented my dreams in writing every day for the past 17 years, and increasingly familiarized myself with the ‘language’ so as to effectively understand and interpret their meanings. Six months after I started my own dream practice, in 1993, I got my original insider ‘leak’ that UFOs were real — and I’ve been intensely studying the subject ever since.
Over these last 17 years, I have had many hundreds of amazingly accurate future prophecies come through in dreams.
From July 1998 to my final retirement from all one-on-one consultation services in 2005, I processed 500 clients with ‘dream readings.’
On the morning of each client’s session, I would get remarkably clear insights into their personal and spiritual issues, even though all I knew in advance was their name and the day we would do the session. Over these last 17 years, I have had many hundreds of amazingly accurate future prophecies come through in dreams.
Once you know how to use your own dreams as a tool for personal evolution, and begin a regular practice, it is extremely effective and consistent.
Some of the most impressive data can be found in the ‘Readings’ section on my website, We will soon be opening up a series of limited tele-conference seminars where you can experience a live dream-sharing circle with me in real time over the phone, so stay tuned for that.
Though you are certainly welcome to believe whatever you want, I cannot be comfortable with playing “take my word for it” on any intuitive data of this nature.
If the data is any good, then there must be real-world evidence to support it. Hence you are now reading a far-reaching summary of the best evidence we have suggesting that Disclosure really is going to happen.
In order to understand the monumental events that are now reaching their epic and final culmination, you need to have a proper background in place. Only then will you understand who the players are, and what they want.
The Internet has vastly expanded the scope of our available knowledge on these things, but even the most highly educated scholars and researchers in the conspiracy media still tend to be woefully uninformed.
The overwhelming tendency is for them to make broad generalizations. They often reduce a very complex situation into a scenario as basic as pointing your finger at the “bad guy” and yelling “Sic ’em, boy!!!” to the family attack-dog.
And of course, every single person at the higher levels of government, military, media and corporations is “One of Them!”
“Git ’em boy! Go git ’em!”
What starts out as the potential for real scholarship descends into adolescent bullying of anyone and everyone perceived to be “The Enemy” — and I have often gotten lumped into that same ridiculous category myself.
Real insider sources are very difficult to find. Real insider sources who actually tell the truth, rather than disinformation, are much, much more unlikely… and of immeasurable value in helping us piece together this incredibly epic storyline.
I very recently found a treasure-trove of new information on these insider politics that have been going on behind the scenes. Thousands of pages and hundreds of hours of MP3s to listen to — and all for free!
Dr. Peter David Beter came forward in the 1970s with shocking information that completely validates what most of us have only learned about in the last few years… if that.
Here’s a capture from the top of the page of his official website, spelling out some of his credentials — including his work for American gas industries building a pipeline as long as the country of Argentina:
What really struck me was this summary document of all the various subjects Dr. Beter covered in his radio shows beginning in 1973 after his book was published, and his eighty audio tapes, which ran from June 1975 to November 1982.
The information contained in Dr. Beter’s reports is so vast, so fresh, that it’s actually superior to most of the information that has only started coming to light in the last few years.
You really would be well advised to read the whole thing — but the following is just a taste to get you started:
After many years as a highly successful Washington attorney, government official and international legal and financial consultant, Dr. Beter had become famous in 1973 as the author of a best-selling book, The Conspiracy Against the Dollar.In his talk shows Dr. Beter had a habit of saying things which sounded preposterous at the time, but which were proven correct later on.Early in 1973 he declared that Vice President Spiro Agnew would be swept up in a sudden scandal beginning in late summer that would lead quickly to his resignation. At the time Agnew was flying high, and it sounded like an unlikely turn of events. But it happened, right on schedule.In the spring of 1974, Dr. Beter described a sequence of events by which the Watergate Scandal would make Richard Nixon the first U.S. President in history to resign. At the time, Watergate seemed to be running out of steam, and Nixon appeared to be “toughing it out.”Even less believably, Dr. Beter described a secret agreement which he said existed by which then-Vice President Gerald Ford would nominate Nelson Rockefeller to be his new Vice President after Nixon resigned.In the spring of 1974 those things sounded hard to believe indeed. But they took place.Dr. Beter claimed that events like these, while shocking to the public, were planned far in advance. He said that they were known within certain intelligence and even business circles here in America and abroad.Drawing upon his extensive contacts with these circles, Dr. Beter was making public what the privileged few already knew.
If you really want to earn your graduate degree in UFO studies, you need to understand the groups that were already in power… long before UFOs ever became an issue.
Dr. Beter’s testimony gives us an incredible glimpse into the truth behind the scenes, nearly 35 years before this information again became public knowledge from the controversial insider reports of Benjamin Fulford, the former East-West managing editor for Forbes Magazine, and others.
Read on (emphasis added):
Decades ago Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “Nothing in politics ever happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”Decades earlier, Benjamin Disraeli, famed as the Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britain, wrote: “The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public.”Taken together, these two statements illustrate the basic premise which underlies all of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER tape reports.This premise is that major events in politics, economics and international relations are the products of deliberate moves by largely unseen power factions in the world.
All of these factions seek to increase their influence over us, the general population of the world.Each one also wishes to increase its own power at the expense of the other power factions.[DW: This is one of the most important underlying facts that most people in the conspiracy media are only barely starting to become aware of.It is also the key to why these various plans ultimately will fail — the groups end up canceling each other out. This was described to me intuitively long before I had the physical proof to back it up.]Thus there is an ongoing power struggle of titanic dimensions which constantly shapes the news, yet which is little understood–indeed unsuspected–by most people.If these forces are not recognized or understood, current events are inherently baffling, no matter how diligently one may follow the news.This leaves even the best-educated and most intelligent of persons vulnerable to manipulation to suit the purposes of those who pull the strings behind the scenes.By contrast, if the largely unseen forces are known and understood, major events become far more understandable and even, to some extent, predictable.Those informed about these things become far less vulnerable and more difficult to fool by manipulated news and news events.
- The Rockefeller / New World Order / Neocon faction (which Beter calls the Rockefeller Cartel);
- The Rothschild / European Illuminati faction (which Beter calls the Bolshevik-Zionist axis, but identifies with the Rothschilds), and
- Faction Three, or what I call the New International Coalition, whose roots are interconnected with what Beter calls the Christian “New Kremlin” faction in Russia:
Over the course of the 80 AUDIO LETTER tape reports, Dr. Beter reveals that three primary power factions are at work in the world today:1. The Rockefeller Cartel2. The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis3. The New Kremlin RulersThese factions as such have existed for the past century or so, and their relationships with one another have been in a constant state of flux. Their roots, however, are much older and can be traced backward in time for many centuries.
The Rockefeller Cartel is the first of the three great power factions to be dealt with extensively in the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER reports, for at least two reasons.First, while its scope is worldwide, it is headquartered in the United States.Second, it was indisputably the most powerful of the three factions when Dr. Beter began recording his AUDIO LETTER reports in 1975. This situation changed dramatically later on.The Rockefeller Cartel today embraces several hundred of the world’s largest multinational corporations — big oil, big banking and big business.[DW: Of course, with “big business” comes defense contractors and private military corporations — the so-called military-industrial complex.]It is a new kind of empire, with economic assets so great as to be beyond effective control by mere governments.Its headquarters are American, but its perspective is global, with allegiance neither to the United States nor to any other country. It is an empire unto itself.What is today the Rockefeller Cartel was started over a century ago by John D. Rockefeller, Sr.By his well-known cutthroat business tactics, Rockefeller created the Standard Oil trust and made himself America’s first billionaire by the turn of the century.[DW: Elsewhere this summary describes how the Rothschilds set up J.D. Rockefeller in the first place, but had no idea how fast his corporation would grow, nor that his descendants would ultimately turn against their original secret allies.Also, don’t forget that the original banking families that founded the Federal Reserve in 1913 included Rothschilds AND Rockefellers.]Such blatantly unethical practices led to public opposition, which culminated in the Supreme Court decree of 1911 dissolving the Standard Oil trust.By then, however, Rockefeller was becoming more sophisticated, finding ways to hide the true extent of his wealth and power while continuing to expand it.The “trust-busting” era had little lasting effect: by the use of nominees and other devices, it was possible to retain effective control and coordination of the superficially dismantled Standard Oil empire.[DW: It is a little-known fact that SONY stands for Standard Oil of New York — but more importantly, Rockefeller colluded with the Rothschilds to take over the American financial system via the founding of the Federal Reserve.]Throughout the Twentieth Century, from World War I onward, Rockefeller economic power has translated increasingly into Rockefeller political power. This, in turn, has been used to increase Rockefeller economic power still further.For example, oil has played a key role in all of America’s major wars of this century, with the Rockefeller oil interests profiting handsomely. Yet this role has been generally obscured — both in current news accounts during each war, and in historical accounts written later on.The obscuring of key information of this type is a symptom of Rockefeller power expansion into the realms of journalism and teaching. Power is always most secure when it is not recognized, so every effort is made to keep information about it from becoming public.
The Rockefeller machine did such a great job of vote-rigging and vote tampering that they actually did manage to steal their way to victory in 2000.
Gas was initially kept cheap, just over a dollar a gallon, while the American public continued to be systematically brainwashed into buying enormous gas-guzzling SUVs they did not really need.

Dr. Peter Beter (yes, it rhymes) first came to widespread popular attention in 1973, through his best-selling nonfiction book, The Conspiracy Against the Dollar (George Braziller, Inc., N.Y.).It was a gripping tale of international economic intrigue and monetary manipulation, carried out by the coordinated action of multinational corporations grown more powerful than many of their host countries.The objective: to deliberately undermine and ultimately destroy the United States dollar, as a major tool of political and economic conquest under the banner of a “new imperialism.”A crescendo of unhappy consequences were to be expected: an accelerating economic “stagflation” (a now-popular word coined years ago by Dr. Beter), deteriorating financial status of municipal and state governments, deepening social unrest, increasing tensions over the Panama Canal, and more.Events during the past decade have followed to an astonishing degree the blueprint which Dr. Beter revealed in his book.
Again, this wouldn’t have been done if it were not for the constant infighting between these various factions perpetually weakening each other. The classic historical mistake all empires make is they try to grow far too big, far too quickly.
They assume they will make more money than they already have been in order to finance the expansion, but ultimately they run out of gas (pun intended!).
Benjamin Fulford gave additional insider detail on how this story of the tungsten forgeries fits into the ‘big picture’ on the November 17, 2009 entry on his website (emphasis added):
China quietly introduces new financial systemChina has stealthily introduced a new financial system based on the renminbi, which is well on its way to becoming fully convertible — according to a high-level Chinese source.In addition, China is purchasing 10,000 tons of gold to back up a new fund designed to develop and market heretofore forbidden and suppressed [i.e. UFO-related free-energy] technologies.The fund will be based outside of China, and will be controlled by prominent members of the Chinese overseas community.The gold purchase will take some time because of the logistics of transporting it — and the Chinese wish to test it thoroughly. Both the Chinese government and MI6 now confirm reports that much of the gold sold by the Federal Reserve Board over the past decade is in fact gold-plated tungsten.For its part, the renminbi is now convertible with South American currencies, the rouble, Middle-Eastern currencies, the yen, South East Asian currencies and African currencies.“We will slowly introduce our new financial system in parallel with the old one and hope that people steadily migrate towards it,” the Chinese official says.Meanwhile, the latest G20 meeting ended in acrimony and chaos.
The leadership of the West is in total disarray, and will remain so until the Federal Reserve Board’s bankruptcy becomes visible even to the most brainwashed section of the Western public.
This is now expected by January or February.Both MI6 and a senior Chinese government source now predict the collapse of the Federal Reserve dollar by that time.We are also hearing various reports that many Pentagon and other US alphabet suit agency figures with both US and Israeli citizenship have recently fled to Israel. Things are coming to a head.
In September 1974 Dr. Beter acquired a new distinction as “the man who opened Fort Knox.”The previous April Dr. Beter had charged in congressional testimony that the legendary U.S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox had been looted of America’s monetary gold hoard allegedly stored there.
He stood ready to present evidence and witnesses to substantiate his charges. But neither a grand jury nor a congressional inquiry into the matter materialized… so Dr. Beter then took his case directly to the public.Through lectures, radio talk shows, and publication of his charges in a tabloid newspaper (National Tattler), he was able to put such intense pressure on the federal government that a completely unprecedented step was taken in order to still the public outcry.The U.S. Treasury Department arranged a so-called “gold inspection” visit for a few Congressmen and 100 invited newsmen on September 23, 1974.Significantly, however, Dr. Beter himself was not among those invited… nor was any other outside expert on gold.The celebrated Fort Knox visit and the so-called “gold audit” which followed contained many irregularities which the Treasury Department has never explained.
As you can see, this has been coming to a head for a long, long time. That makes the times we’re now in all the more exciting.
Now is the appropriate time to go back to Dr. Beter’s research and bring in the second major faction he discusses — namely the Rothschilds.
Let’s again review the Cayce quote at the beginning of each section of this book. You may not have noticed before that the source specifically mentions the Bolsheviks:
In Russia there comes the hope of the world — not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! …
The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
Notice how carefully Cayce’s source differentiated the Bolshevik faction from the group in Russia they were saying would be “the hope of the world,” even though “it will take years for it to be crystallized.”
The number of years it would take for this to ‘crystallize’ may well have been known to be about 65 — around the same length of time as the UFO cover-up, which fully kicked in as of the Roswell crash… just three years after the above quote came through.
In hindsight, Cayce’s source was very well aware of the opposing “New Kremlin” faction. Dr. Beter reveals that by the late 1970s, this group had already been working for two hundred years to bring down the Rothschild Illuminati.
The Rothschild / Bolshevik faction is much older, and in many ways much more interesting, than the Rockefeller faction, who are only recent 20th Century upstarts by comparison.
Here’s a fascinating taste of what Dr. Beter’s summary tells us about how the Rockefeller faction was attacked and strongly weakened by the Rothschild faction (emphasis added):
For decades the four Rockefeller brothers had things pretty much their own way. They made plans, set up timetables, and generally carried them out without a hitch.But by the time Dr. Beter launched his AUDIO LETTER tape report series, the Rockefeller brothers were beginning to show signs of slippage in their power. They had made mistakes, and some of their timetables were starting to slide.During 1974-75 they were tripped up in certain plans by partial public exposure of massive irregularities surrounding America’s monetary gold supply.Next, during 1976-77, their long-standing secret alliance with the Kremlin fell apart, as their former allies — the Bolsheviks — were overthrown by a new ruling group in Russia.The four Rockefeller brothers made the mistake of welcoming expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the United States.This led by early 1979 to the overthrow of the four Rockefeller brothers by the Bolsheviks here.First John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, died in an alleged auto “accident” in July 1978.Then in late January 1979, Nelson Rockefeller was murdered in the beginning of a full-fledged Bolshevik coup d’etat behind the scenes.Today the Rockefeller Cartel is no longer under the direct control of the Rockefeller family as it was under the four Rockefeller brothers, but it remains a formidable force.As Dr. Beter ended his AUDIO LETTER report series in November 1982, the regrouped Rockefeller Cartel was gradually regaining some of its lost power in a bitter struggle against the Bolsheviks here.
Of course, we now know that the Rockefeller Cartel regained quite a bit of its lost power, before again falling prey to the rival forces struggling to tear them apart.
We have to jump out of Dr. Beter’s summary for a moment to fast-forward some 18 years after the death of J.D. Rockefeller III.
Sherman Skolnick, now deceased, was another treasure-trove of insider information that proved highly accurate upon further examination, as I revealed in my 2003 Secrets of Skolnick paper. Revenge against their adversaries was plotted by the Rockefeller faction for quite some time.
Unlike the common view of Bilderberg as a single-minded Big Brother focused on world domination, Skolnick revealed these warring factions use the Bilderberg meetings as neutral territory in which to argue, fight and agree on certain things.
Notice also the presence of a “Faction Three” intermediary — namely “a top official of the Wallenberg banking monopoly of Sweden and northern Europe.” The Norway Spiral came out of one of these same countries, not surprisingly.
This article was the first in an impressive series Skolnick wrote on the subject in 2002 (emphasis added):
Every year, for almost half a century, they meet in a different country. Their first meeting was in Holland, in 1954. It was arranged by the Dutch Monarchy.
It took place in the Bilderberg Hotel, which became the name of this secret society, one of several, forbidden to be discussed by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press…
The meetings of the Bilderberg Group are about the only place that competing financial forces sit with one another. The Rockefellers, for example, are always there. So are their apparent enemy, the French Rothschilds.
Sitting as a sort of neutral intermediary always is a top official of the Wallenberg banking monopoly of Sweden and northern Europe.
In 1978, when John D. Rockefeller 3rd was assassinated on the road to their upstate New York fortress, we were the ONLY journalists (unpaid, free lance journalists, at that), who dared inquire.
He was the father of John D. Rockfeller 4th, who to be cute, calls himself “Jay”, a supposed Democrat, U.S. Senator from West Virginia.
The Rockefellers like to dominate states with sizeable geography and minerals, but a small population, such as also Arkansas.
In a pinch, to dominate the state, it would not cost that much to buy most every voter and most every media propaganda instrument in the state.
Returning the “favor” of political murder was eighteen years later, when the top member of the French Rothschild Family was murdered in Paris (in 1996).
The American monopoly press was ordered not to mention in detail, if at all, the death of Rothschild.
Or, just run an innocent little item that the French International baron died of a “heart attack”.
[FOX] Presslord/swindler Rupert Murdoch ordered his print and electronic media outlets to avoid, if at all [possible], mentioning the death.
Since this is a very important detail, we will bring in some corroborating data on this suppressed story. We were alerted to this connection by Rayelan Allan of Rumor Mill News, who heard about it from her late husband Gunther, a very high-ranking member of the CIA and the black-ops within the military industrial complex.
The death of 41-year-old Mayor Amschel Rothschild in 1996 was indeed very suspicious. He was found hanged by the soft belt of his towel robe, with the other end tied to the towel rack in the bathroom — which pulled right out of the wall with a simple tug (emphasis added):
Exclusive To *The Spotlight* August 5, 1996 By Sasha Rakoczy
French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according to well-placed European sources. But, French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac has ordered police to close their investigation.
Media outlets worldwide have ignored these mysterious developments. Some have reported the death was a suicide. Other outlets disregarded the death altogether.
As if obeying an invisible choir-master, the world’s competing news organizations silenced their strident sensationalism this month to cover up the mysterious death.
In the United States, newspapers controlled by Rupert Murdoch, the foreign-born owner of the world’s largest media empire, either studiously ignored reports that Rothschild had met a violent end, or relegated it to the back pages as a mere “heart attack.”
A *Spotlight* inquiry has established that Rothschild, 41, a billionaire investment banker and a noted sportsman in excellent health, was discovered lifeless on the floor of the bathroom of his suite at the luxurious Bristol Hotel in Paris on July 8 at 7:32 pm.
Police found that he had been strangled with the heavy cord of his own bathrobe. One end of the cord was attached to a towel rack, as if to suggest that Rothschild’s violent death was self-inflicted.
“The [French] crime scene investigators never called it ‘suicide,'” reporter Theirry de Segonzac told *The Spotlight* in a telephone interview from Paris.
“After photographing the body, one of the detectives gave the towel rack tied to the body a strong tug. It came right out of the wall.”
Had Rothschild really attempted to hang himself from that rack, he would have ended up with nothing worse than a couple of holes in the wall, de Segonzac said.
There was no suicide note, no discernible cause or reason for a finding of suicide, knowledgeable sources say…
“Far from being ‘troubled,’ Amschel Rothschild’s star was on the rise and he relished his success,” says an executive at Keefe, Bruyetter and Co., a respected Wall Street monitor of the financial services industry.
“I don’t believe for a moment he suddenly went and killed himself. There’s much more to this story.”
But with frantic speed — within an hour after the body’s discovery — authorities and news executives in both France and Britain launched an unusual joint offensive to preempt a public inquiry or a press investigation into the circumstances of Rothschild’s death.
“Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors and news managers around the world, ordering them to report Amschel’s death as a heart attack, if at all,” said British broadcast reporter Ian Gooding.
“No one around here has ever seen such pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the end, the cover-up was complete.”
This was in 1996. You can imagine how great the desire for revenge would be on the Rothschild side.
Political assassinations can take a long time to plan and execute — undoubtedly involving incredible spy games over many years of time to gain trust at the highest levels — and we very well may have only witnessed the next chapter of this insider chess match very recently.
Did the Rothschilds finally get revenge at whomever was now the top dog in the Rockefeller faction? It certainly appears that way. James McDonald, serving for eight years as the CEO of Rockefeller & Co, died of a seemingly self-inflicted gunshot wound on September 13, 2009.
Again, it was barely covered in mainstream media (emphasis added):,people,news,rockefeller-financial-adviser-in-suspected-suicide
The financial advisor to some of America’s wealthiest families has been found dead in what appears to be a case of suicide.
He is James S McDonald, 56, chief executive and president of the New York-based investment advisory firm Rockefeller & Co.
He was discovered on Sunday afternoon in his car behind a car dealership in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, about 50 miles south of Boston. McDonald died from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Gregg Miliote, a spokesman for the local district attorney’s office, said McDonald left no note but had “made a phone call to his wife earlier in the day”.
A longtime friend of McDonald’s, Barclay McFadden III, told local reporters that McDonald “took his own life” but would make no further comment. The death is still under investigation.
A Harvard graduate, McDonald had headed Rockefeller & Co for more than eight years. The company was founded more than 100 years ago by oil tycoon John D Rockefeller to manage his family money, and McDonald had built it into a flourishing wealth manager with around £28 billion in client assets.
He had homes in New York and Boston. “He was a highly regarded figure here,” said Tim Vaill, chief executive officer of Boston Private Financial Holdings.
It remains unclear whether his death is connected to his business affairs.
People who knew him professionally have told reporters that they were shocked by his death, and had no knowledge of any specific problems at Rockefeller & Co that might have prompted his suicide.
If it was the world banking crisis that led him to shoot himself, then he will be the latest in a line of high-profile victims.
The New York-based French aristocrat Thierry de la Villehuchet, 65, slit his wrists in December after supposedly losing more than $1.4 billion in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
Adolf Merckle (pictured), the 74-year-old German industrialist, threw himself under a train in January after losing as much as €500 million in the Volkswagen share-selling scandal.
In April, David Kellermann, the 41-year-old acting chief financial officer of the troubled US mortgage lender Freddie Mac, hanged himself at his suburban Washington home.
McDonald, the Rockefeller CEO, was only one of four suspicious deaths of high-level financial figures within a very short time period in September 2009 — in addition to the others you just read about. This mainstream media link covered one of them (emphasis added:)
James S. McDonald, the CEO of money-management firm Rockefeller & Co., died Sunday from an apparently self-inflicted wound. McDonald, who also sat on the board of the NYSE Euronext, the giant stock exchange, was 56 years old.
In a statement obtained by the Wall Street Journal Monday night, Barclay McFadden III, who called himself a friend of McDonald’s family, said McDonald “took his own life,” and said the family would have no further comment.
McDonald’s apparent suicide came less than one week after Finn M. W. Casperson, the former chairman and CEO of Beneficial Corp. and another prominent financial figure, was found dead from a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head near his own home in Westerly, Rhode Island.
Things are definitely heating up to a boiling-over point within the secret insider political world. It’s becoming increasingly lethal.
And again, as you will see in later sections of this document, the disclosure of the UFO issue has been considered as the ultimate death-blow to the Rockefeller oil empire — even though the new technologies that will be created in the aftermath could completely rejuvenate the industrial sector they still have a great deal of influence within.
Now let’s go back to Skolnick, where we were before, in his discussion of the Bilderberg meetings (emphasis added):
The hotel in different countries where they meet each year, are announced as “closed”, for “remodeling”, or a “wedding party”. One year they picked a resort hotel on top of a Swiss mountain, difficult to reach except by air.
The host nation agrees to supply a huge, almost secret security force prepared to brutalize intruders, follow any hardy reporters who may be encamped nearby, and by various brutality and trickery stop any public knowledge.
Hotel employees are likewise pledged to secrecy, which if they violated it, would be severely dealt with. Such as never to be able to work again in that nation.
When the Bilderberg met in 1991, in Baden-Baden, Germany, a purported health resort, invited was a then obscure Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. They anointed him as the next President of the United States.
The election would be a mere set up.
The pressfakers present agreed not to mention, if at all possible, what they all knew. That Clinton was a walking, talking scandal.
Not every American voter can bring themselves to know or believe reality. Namely, every candidate for high office is selected because they are blackmailable.
The Establishment has to reserve the right to pull on the chain, any time they felt like it, to shut down such a candidate if somehow elected to high office.
This, anytime the “powers that be” deemed it necessary, to shut him or her up, to remove them, or, scare them into silence with weird violence directed against the candidate/president’s circle.
As we have been saying all along — both from our intuitive data and with credible insider testimony and research to back it up — Obama did not fit this mold. He was never supposed to win the apparently ‘rigged’ 2008 election. Hillary — Bill’s wife — was the ‘selected’ candidate.
As redundantly explained by the “Voice of the White House” source on, the insiders were terrified because Obama was not blackmailable, despite what Skolnick said about most other presidential candidates here.
Thus, we have seen a variety of ‘weird violence’ directed against him and his circle, as expected — but we’ll get into that later on.
Now that we’ve given you a fairly up-to-date overview of how lethal this insider ‘war’ really is — even at the highest levels — we are ready to dip back into Dr. Beter’s testimony to round out the big picture.
Let’s find out more about the Bolsheviks, the Illuminati and how Russia ties in to all of this.
Our younger readers may not even know what a ‘Bolshevik’ is, other than some name you’re supposed to remember from history class. The Bolsheviks were the party that created Communism in Russia.
Beter’s summary goes into a discussion of this axis, and their connections to Russia, in more detail.
This section of the summary is so fascinating, and so revealing of the secret workings of history, that we are including an extended excerpt, which we will break into sub-headings for easier reading (emphasis added):
In 1917, during the height of World War I, two events took place which were destined to shape much of the history of the Twentieth Century.One was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.The other was the Balfour Declaration, by which the government of Britain threw its support behind the concept of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Both Bolshevism and the political force known as Zionism have common roots which are not widely known.Both were created by the Rothschild interests, whose support was also responsible for the meteoric rise to riches of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., a century ago.
Bolshevism and Zionism also have common historical roots in the so-called “Kingdom of the Jews” of a thousand years ago.This kingdom was situated in what is now southern Russia, between the Black and Caspian Seas. It consisted of a people known as the Khazars, of a Mongol-Turkic origin, whose leader officially adopted Judaism as the state religion.
This was done as a political ploy to enable Khazaria to maintain its political independence of two powerful neighbors.These were the super-powers of that day: the Moslem empire of the Caliphs to the South and the Christian empire of Byzantium to the west.Prior to the official adoption of Judaism, the Khazars were a brutal and warlike people. This did not change when they took upon themselves the politically inspired title of “Jews.”The Khazar empire extended far northward into what, under Christian Prince Vladimir, became known as Russia. The Khazar empire even included the ancient Russian city of Kiev, where Vladimir ruled.
Khazar rule was brutal and oppressive, without any of the compensating advantages offered by other empires, such as protection against outside powers or improved civilization.Finally the Christian forces of Prince Vladimir’s Russia and Byzantium combined to attack the Khazar “Kingdom of the Jews”, so-called, and utterly destroy it.The Khazar “Jews” were driven out of their homeland between the seas, many of them into eastern Europe.There they mingled to some extent with Jews of the diaspora from Palestine, but they carried with them a peculiar heritage. It was a heritage of bitter hatred for Christianity in general and for Russian Christians in particular.Down through the centuries, the “Khazar Jew” dream of regaining their lost empire has been passed down from generation to generation.
This dream has developed into two branches.
One branch emphasizes restoration of power over Russia, and crystallized into Bolshevism. The other branch, emphasizing the old, falsely religious “Kingdom of the Jews” concept, emerged as the political force known as Zionism.Both are aimed at world power. Both are equally ruthless, devoid of regard for human life. They differ only in geographic emphasis and in some tactics.With their common roots and common basic objectives, the Bolsheviks and Zionists work together hand in glove.When Bolshevism was injected into Christian Russia in 1917, it was done with the help of the Rockefeller Cartel.From that time onward there was a covert alliance between those who controlled American policies behind the scenes (the Rockefeller Cartel) and those who ran the Soviet Union (the Bolsheviks).
The Rockefeller Standard Oil interests were given control over marketing of the oil from the giant Russian Baku oil fields in 1926.Over the years, the Rockefeller Cartel saw to it that the Bolshevik regime in Russia was propped up in every way necessary to keep it in power.While the United States and the Soviet Union pretended to be at odds, they actually were involved in a pincers movement to gobble up the entire world.The falsified animosity between Washington and Moscow was staged in order to polarize the world and cause nations to form up into two camps dominated by the two super-powers.
Those who chose to remain independent of both the United States and the Soviet Union — the so-called “Third World” — were targeted for brushfire wars and revolutions to bring them to heel, one by one.Meanwhile the long-term goal was — in the words of a secret White House directive — “to so alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with life in the Soviet Union.”In this way, an all-powerful “one world” government would ultimately be achieved.That was to be the fulfillment of a “commitment” established early in the Twentieth Century by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and allied foundations in the Rockefeller orbit.In order to “merge” American life into the pattern of Soviet life under the Bolsheviks, it was clear that the quality of American life would have to be lowered a great deal.
[The New World Order plan] required subtle movement of the American political system in the direction of dictatorship. It required weakening of America’s financial and monetary system.And to bring about the radical changes desired, it meant wars with the United States carefully maneuvered into a losing position.
America’s first no-win war was the Korean War.A decade later, America became embroiled in the losing Vietnam War, which was artificially dragged out with all possibilities for military victory vetoed by the White House.The final war was to be a carefully programmed “Nuclear War I”, fought primarily on American soil, between the United States and the Soviet Union.Plans called for it to erupt in the late 1970’s, but developments in Russia changed that.
The Bolsheviks who had run the Kremlin since 1917 were the targets of a decades-long overthrow campaign by a tough sect of native Russian Christians.Their power had begun to outweigh that of the Bolsheviks in certain areas starting in 1953, when Stalin died. This was the reason for Nikita Khruschev’s famous “de-Stalinization” campaign afterward.In the mid-1970’s this anti-Bolshevik sect finally reached such a level of power that they completely overthrew and expelled the remaining Bolsheviks in the Kremlin.There followed a heavy wave of expulsions of Bolsheviks from positions of power in Russia, which was depicted in the Western press as emigration.As the Bolsheviks were losing their grip on Russia, so-called detente fell on hard times.The Rockefeller-Soviet alliance had been based on Bolshevik control on the Soviet side, and when that was terminated, so was the secret alliance.
The alliance was fractured by the still-secret Underwater Missile Crisis of 1976; a year later it was broken completely by the equally secret Battle of the Harvest Moon in space.
The third leg of the Russian “space triad” is a fleet of electrogravitic hovering platforms called “cosmospheres.”These could have been developed by the United States, and in the early 1960’s the late General Thomas Power (then commander of the Strategic Air Command) and others urged that this be done.But instead, all of America’s secret space eggs were put into the basket of the Project Apollo moon program.Meanwhile the Soviet Union went ahead with development of these platforms, and in December 1977 their operational deployment began.For several months they announced their presence in hair-raising fashion along the U.S. East Coast and elsewhere by creating mysterious giant air booms.They did this by firing their powerful charged particle beam weapons into the atmosphere in a de-focused mode, in effect causing the air itself to explode.The air booms were an attempt at intimidation of the U.S. Government, but did not accomplish much in that regard.After a few months, the air booms were halted.Today Russian cosmospheres routinely patrol high above all kinds of American strategic targets.They stand guard especially over American ICBM bases, ready to use their beam weapons to blast the missiles at the moment of launch in the event of war.The strategic weapons programs of the United States today are designed, first and foremost, to try to counter the secret “space triad” weapons of the Soviet Union.These weapons have yet to be made public by Russia’s new rulers, who are well aware that it would precipitate a propaganda disaster for them if they did so.Likewise, America’s rulers dare not publicly admit the existence of these weapons which Russia has but America does not.They are afraid that the American public would react with everything from panic, to anger over America’s “space gap”, to rage at having been lied to up to now.Congress too, having been largely manipulated and kept uninformed, could become unruly in the extreme.
Remember — Dr. Beter blew the whistle on this technology well over 10 years before it was observed and filmed. You can see it phasing in and out of visible sight, and the cloaking function is indeed part of the technology.
It may very well be that the teacher Christa McAuliffe, who was on board the Challenger, was being used as a cover — a pawn in a larger game — while a very dangerous new particle-beam-weapon satellite was being flown up in the cargo hold.
This would have been the next major Rockefeller step in line with their previous attempt to put a particle-beam weapon on the Moon, which led to the Battle of the Harvest Moon — where the Russians destroyed their entire base and all its crew.
The Rockefeller faction may have thought they could avoid having the Russians attack such a sensitive payload by putting a teacher on board the Challenger — thus creating a very well-publicized mission and launch — but war is war, and some casualties are inevitable.
At that point the four Rockefeller brothers made a fatal mistake.Since their former secret allies in the Soviet Union had been the Bolsheviks, they welcomed the expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the United States.They reasoned that the expelled Bolsheviks would know the weak spots of the upstart new group who had taken over the Kremlin and could help the Rockefeller Cartel deal with them.What the Rockefeller brothers forgot is that the Bolsheviks are incapable of sharing power with anyone.Worse yet, the Bolsheviks are state socialists, who seek to concentrate all power into the hands of a few (themselves) by way of government.The Rockefeller Cartel, by contrast, represents corporate socialism — the concentration of power into the hands of a few by way of corporations, with minimum governmental interference.Both seek the same goal, but by means which are diametrically opposed. They cannot coexist within the same society.
The Bolsheviks no sooner acquired positions of power here in the United States than they began using it to topple the four Rockefeller brothers.By mid-1978, Bolshevik influence within the Pentagon was causing a radical shift of American strategic policy onto a first-strike nuclear posture.Meanwhile in July 1978, the death of John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, took place, weakening what had been the four-brother unit.In November 1978 the Guyana (Jonestown Cult) Massacre took place, as part of a military operation masterminded by the Pentagon Bolsheviks and with crucial participation by Israeli commandoes.
To choose just one of the many dramatic examples from the AUDIO LETTER series, consider the Guyana Massacre at Jonestown in November, 1978.From start to finish, the Guyana story was filled with anomalies, unanswered questions, conflicting government statements, and news reports that did not quite add up.It began with the slaughter of a U.S. Congressman and accompanying newsmen, yet there was never a subsequent congressional investigation.The victims died of cyanide poisoning, an excruciating death which leaves the face contorted in agony, yet the victims were found arranged in neat, peaceful-looking rows… face-down.
A few days after the massive infusion of American military teams supposedly for clean-up operations, there were sudden huge jumps in body-bag counts.
Hurried explanations by Pentagon spokesmen were so incredible that they were withdrawn and replaced by different stories.
These and many more oddities about the Guyana episode were never resolved, but simply left to fade away from the public memory with time.For those unaware of the behind-the-scenes forces at work in the world, Guyana will remain forever unexplained… as if events so bizarre, major and chilling can happen for no reason at all.
The key missing ingredient in all the news reports about Guyana was the existence of a secret Soviet intermediate-range missile base, not far from Jonestown.
Dr. Beter had reported publicly about the base on many occasions for over four years prior to the sudden headlines from Guyana.
He had also reported on the collapse of a cooperative arrangement formerly in effect between the true rulers of the United States and those of the Soviet Union.
These were the factors which led directly to the Jonestown tragedy — a mass murder, staged as a cover to enable covert military action against the Russian missile base.
Within days after the Jonestown tragedies, Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 made public exactly what had taken place and why.In that tape, Dr. Beter answered in detail questions which otherwise remain unanswered to this day.
The Bolsheviks no sooner acquired positions of power here in the United States than they began using it to topple the four Rockefeller brothers.By mid-1978, Bolshevik influence within the Pentagon was causing a radical shift of American strategic policy onto a first-strike nuclear posture.Meanwhile in July 1978, the death of John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, took place, weakening what had been the four-brother unit.In November 1978 the Guyana (Jonestown Cult) Massacre took place, as part of a military operation masterminded by the Pentagon Bolsheviks and with crucial participation by Israeli commandoes.
Then in January 1979, the all-out Bolshevik grab for power began with the murder of Nelson Rockefeller.During the first few months of 1979, Rockefeller power over the United States Government was shattered by the Bolsheviks here.However, the Bolsheviks were stopped short of complete success in their takeover bid by the intervention of Russia’s KGB.The new Kremlin rulers knew that a complete takeover by the Bolsheviks here would lead quickly to nuclear war, and they acted to prevent it.Even so, Bolshevik control over the Pentagon has been strong ever since early 1979, onward through the end of the AUDIO LETTER series in late 1982.
The Illuminati / Bolshevik penetration of the Pentagon still persists. There are many examples of this, and we will briefly focus on just one of them for now.
The Illuminati / Bolshevik presence within the Pentagon was recently visible in the fiasco involving Air Force One being flown over New York City with a fighter jet in pursuit.
This was attempted to be blamed on President Obama — but as I reported at the time, and will cover again later in this book, he was furious about this — and the top general involved was forced to resign.
Obama’s biggest mistake was to include members of both warring factions — Rockefeller and Rothschild — within his administration.
This toxic combination has been able to thwart many of the things he genuinely wished to do, and thus make him appear to be a liar who spoiled his own campaign promises.
Many people are not informed enough to realize how easily a president can be thrown off by powerful opposition from within these various warring groups. Nonetheless, when it comes to Disclosure, it is unlikely that the cover-up will continue much longer.
A fierce power struggle is underway within the United States Government between the now-entrenched Bolsheviks and the Rockefeller Cartel, which is trying to take back its former power.In addition, a limited new quid pro quo against the Bolsheviks was established by the Rockefeller Cartel and the New Kremlin early in 1982.
The Cartel and the Kremlin still have some accounts to settle with each other, but both are deadly enemies of the Bolsheviks. To destroy them, they have agreed to work together in certain ways.[DW: Again, there is every indication that this alliance was short-lived.]The Bolsheviks here in the United States have as a major goal a deliberate nuclear war by which to smash the Russia which overthrew them. As an avenue toward that war, the Middle East is critical.In that area, the Bolsheviks here are relying upon their close allies, the Zionists, to pave the way for war.
Just as most Americans are unaware of the Bolshevized nature of their government, most Israeli citizens are unaware of the true goals of their Zionist government.Americans and Israelis alike scratch their heads with worry and puzzlement over actions of their respective governments. While constantly talking peace, both are systematically increasing the dangers of war.The radical Zionist regime in power in Israel from 1977 onward is headed by men who were terrorists in the 1940’s.Today, as heads of the world’s third most powerful military power, they continue to practice terrorism, but on a grander scale.Theirs is a doctrine of military terrorism, designed to lead deliberately to new and wider conflicts as the map of Israel grows steadily.The country which calls itself “Israel” today bears little resemblance to the promises of the small but vocal Zionist minority who brought about the Balfour Declaration in 1917.The peaceful, tranquil haven for oppressed Jews does not exist. Instead, the dire warnings published in 1919 by a galaxy of prominent anti-Zionist American Jews have been fulfilled in the bloody history of Zionist Israel.
In many ways the top-level Israelis have become their own separate faction now — and have blackmailed the Rockefeller cartel.
Finally we get to the most hopeful side of the story — namely what the Dr. Beter summary had to say about the third faction, the New Kremlin.
As we just read in the last excerpt, there was indeed a limited ‘quid pro quo’ alliance that the New Kremlin made with the Rockefeller faction, as of 1982, against their commonly-shared enemy, the Rothschild Illuminati / Bolsheviks. This obviously did not last.
Much more information about the New Kremlin faction is available in the transcripts, but this is a good overview (emphasis added):
Dr. Beter first revealed in late 1977 that a new, non-Bolshevik ruling group had taken the reins of top power in the Soviet Union.In the autumn of 1978, he devoted a complete AUDIO LETTER tape (#38) to a special report on Russia and her new rulers.To those who depend upon pronouncements of the United States Government for their image of Russia, Dr. Beter’s reports about the New Kremlin tend to come as a distinct shock.Unlike the atheistic, Satanic Bolsheviks recently overthrown, Russia’s new top rulers are members of a sect of native Russian Christians.This sect is at least two centuries old, and at times had considerable influence with the Czars.Dr. Beter cautions his listeners not to assume that the New Kremlin rulers look at everything in the same way as Western Christians might.For one thing, he points out that it required a patient, arduous campaign of six decades for them to oust the Bolsheviks from top power in Russia.That experience has left them with very definite, vivid opinions about what does and does not work when dealing with people like the Bolsheviks and Zionists.
They also know that rapid, radical change of any type opens the door for revolution — and where there is revolution, Bolshevik-Zionist agents will be there to exploit it.
They are introducing liberalizing changes in Russia gradually, one step at a time.Having come this far, they are trying not to move too fast and thereby risk allowing it all to be undone. Even so, visible changes are occurring.Early in 1979 the first legal shipment of Bibles into Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution took place.That Easter, Handel’s Messiah was performed in Russia for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution — and not in some out-of-the-way place, but at the Moscow Conservatory.Churches are reopening, one by one, all over the Soviet Union — and they are packed, as Dr. Billy Graham told the world upon returning from a Moscow religious conference in May 1982.For saying what he did about what he had seen of religion in Russia, Dr. Graham ran into a hostile reception here in the United States.The Satanic Bolsheviks who now dominate the United States Government are doing everything in their power to paint Russia as an enemy worthy of hate.Anything which interferes with that image is suppressed. Because someday, the Bolsheviks here want America to go to war against Russia.
Again, the New Kremlin faction is well over two centuries old, and directly worked for sixty years as of Beter’s time — now nearly a century — to topple the Illuminati!
The Bolsheviks regained some of their power within Russia after Dr. Beter’s time, but Putin was again able to wrestle Russia free of Illuminati control.
These types of plans obviously are not executed overnight — nor do they involve rapid, revolutionary change, which the other two factions are masters at exploiting for their own gains.
This is precisely what Cayce reading 3976-29 was speaking about when it said, “in Russia there comes the hope of the world… It will take years for it to be crystallized.“
It is clear that the Bolsheviks regained some of their power within Russia after Dr. Beter’s time, but there is very good evidence, including but not limited to whistleblower testimony, that Putin was again able to wrestle Russia free of Illuminati control.
That being said, the Bolsheviks still have a strong presence within Russia — and may be responsible for Pravda trying to date the Norway Spiral as the 18th instead of the 9th, and issuing the public statement that a missile was responsible.
They certainly do not want the UFO cover-up to unravel — but at this point they no longer have the ability to stop it from happening.
When we head into the transcript for Part 38 of Dr. Beter’s Audio Letter series, we get direct evidence that Krushchev’s presidency was a major step forward in the elimination of the Bolsheviks from Russia by the New Kremlin, or what he was here calling the “spiritual Communists.”
One can only imagine the amount of covert, double-agent work that is required to pull something like this off. I can truly say that the average person has no idea what is really required to fight these insider battles behind the scenes.
The direct connection between Krushchev and the New Kremlin proves to be a very important point, as we will soon see (emphasis added):
Their holy war was to progress in three (3) phases. Phase #1 was to involve continued alliance with the Bolsheviks but with the “spiritual Communists” increasing their own power at every turn at the expense of the Bolsheviks.Their operating principle during this phase was to be reduction of severity of purges and repression wherever possible but never at the risk of jeopardizing the over-all take over program.Phase #2, to begin as soon as the “spiritual Communists” became more powerful than the Bolsheviks, was to be the actual weeding out of all Bolsheviks in Russia.And finally, Phase #3 was to involve actual warfare by a non-Bolshevik Russia against Bolshevism world-wide.Phase #1 of the “spiritual Communists'” holy war against Bolshevism lasted for 35 years. The turning point to Phase #2 came on March 5, 1953, with the death of Joseph Stalin.From that point onward the “spiritual Communists” have held the upper hand over their Bolshevik partners although even the Bolsheviks themselves were kept unaware of what was taking place until very recently.
The de-Stalinization campaign of Nikita Khrushchev, which stunned the world over 20 years ago, was the first visible sign of this shift.Now Phase #2 is nearing completion. I can reveal that there is not one Bolshevik in the inner circle of the Kremlin.The same holds true for the top military hierarchy of Russia, and even the military personnel who man all three legs of the Russian space triad (the Moon Base, the Cosmos Interceptor Killer Satellites, and the hovering Cosmospheres)…
It is very important to remember that Dr. Beter has ‘outed’ Krushchev here as a member of the New Kremlin faction — covertly working behind the scenes to topple the Illuminati Bolsheviks.
This point becomes very important in Part Four, as we analyze the surprising back-door negotiations that were going on between Krushchev and President John F. Kennedy.
The New Kremlin worked for sixty years to get into a position of overthrowing the Bolsheviks in Russia. In Part Four, we will expore this Kennedy-Krushchev connection to show how the New Kremlin pursued their goals with Kennedy’s help — namely to defeat the Federal Reserve and end the UFO cover-up.
The New Kremlin faction ultimately came to trust Kennedy after the Cuban Missile Crisis — only to have this new, secret alliance end in tragedy.
You will see fascinating new insights into how the New Kremlin faction ultimately came to trust Kennedy after the Cuban Missile Crisis, sharing their own tactical and logistical support to defeat their common enemy — only to have this new, secret alliance end in tragedy.
Many threads of data support the idea that the New Kremlin group is at the root of the New International Coalition, which contacted Benjamin Fulford after he had been approached by the Rothschild Illuminati group. Fulford’s “Asian Secret Societies” are now claiming to be actively working towards the defeat of the New World Order / Illuminati factions.
Now that we’ve done a guided tour of the newly-discovered history of these rivaling factions, it’s time to bring Disclosure and the UFO cover-up more fully into the picture. Beter’s sources did not seem to be positioned well enough to know the full details of the UFO cover-up, but other witnesses have filled in this very important data.
We will begin that discussion — and re-orient our focus to the core issue of this entire Ebook — as we head into Part Four.
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
I’ve decided not to review the tired old ground of the Roswell crash and other such data that are easily available. The purpose of this Ebook is to explore the fight for Disclosure as it affects us in the present day.
The ‘government’ has had very little to do with UFOs, reverse-engineering, et cetera since the 1950s. The entire subject went into the hands of private corporations — most importantly the Rockefeller military-industrial complex — who protected their secrecy with deadly force.
The Rothschild faction also appears to have reverse-engineered ET technology of their own, but the Rockefeller faction clearly has the greatest control over the UFO cover-up, the crashed discs that were retrieved, and the secret advanced technologies that were created as a result.
Such technology has always been considered a major threat to the oil-based Rockefeller empire — were it ever to get into the hands of the public.
J.P. Morgan, a Rockefeller associate, was responsible for shutting down Nikola Tesla’s wireless free energy technology at Wardenclyffe Tower, seeing the threat it could have posed to their burgeoning oil empire.
Ever since then, the Rockefeller military-industrial complex has put a very high priority on stopping anyone from getting a working free energy technology out into the world. Buyouts, threats and even assassination have all been routinely used.
The government was very quickly taken out of the loop so as to remove any threat of interference. Presidents could not be trusted to maintain the secret, coming and going every four years, with no idea what they were getting themselves into when they started.
Eisenhower watched it all fall out of his control during his eight-year Presidency. The “military-industrial complex” refers to the wide variety of corporations controlled by both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, related to military and defense industries — including all the classified UFO-related projects.
In his farewell speech to the nation on January 17, 1961, Eisenhower made a bold and audacious warning — that “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist”:
In 1999, Dr. Steven Greer published ‘Extraterrestrial Contact,’ where he gave a brief summary of the testimony of whistleblower Brigadier General Steven Lovekin on page 357, using the initials “SL” for anonymity.
Lovekin worked for US Army Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) under Eisenhower, and this position afforded him direct access to the president on numerous occasions.
According to Lovekin, Eisenhower was well aware of the truth of UFOs. Lovekin revealed more of these details in a 2003 interview with Grant Cameron.
Lovekin’s military credentials have been verified by documents such as this one he sent to Dr. Steven Greer. More can be read about the verification of his bonafides here, and Dr. Greer personally defends Lovekin’s credibility in this article.
Pay special attention to Lovekin’s report that an economic recession was responsible for Eisenhower feeling that he was forced to release much more control to the military-industrial complex than had ever before been done. This, too, appears to have been part of a carefully-planned design.
Matt Taibbi recently proved that Goldman Sachs “has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression.” According to numerous whistleblowers I’ve spoken to or am aware of, Goldman Sachs is a key financial corporation within the Rockefeller / Rothschild military-industrial complex — with connections to both of these factions.
Through corporations like Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller faction appears to have been responsible for engineering a ‘serious recession’ that forced the elected US government to give up a great deal of its authority and control over the UFO issue in the 1950s. Here’s what Lovekin had to say in his 2003 interview (emphasis added):
Lovekin: (Laughs) Anyway, [Eisenhower] was doodling UFOs. Anyway, somehow or other he got to taking about UFOs in 1952 shortly before he took office…
There wasn’t too much that was specific, but he did discuss it. It was a very, very important concern of his.
I think one of the things that he was concerned about was we were going through a serious recession back then, and the government had to let go of a lot of its control to the military industrial complex.
He was much concerned about that.
It just wasn’t something that the government could tackle at that moment. Didn’t want to tackle, I guess, would be a better way of putting it.
But yes, he was very much into it.
He believed in them. He realized the concern.
He realized the concern for the American people, and I think that he honestly wanted to do something that was positive, but somehow or other his hands were tied. I am not sure why, but I have an idea.
We would sit around with him when we were at Camp David, and he knew who each and every one of us [was] by name. That was the great thing about being under him.
I was just a sergeant at the time. I was still privy to some stuff that some people wouldn’t be privy to…
Question: Why do you think that there is a cover-up – why the President doesn’t speak out about it? Like a lot of them say that their hands are tied. What’s your gut feeling?
Lovekin: Well because so much of the authority was given away to private firms.
Question: Do you think that this was going on already in the Eisenhower administration?
Lovekin: Yes I do. When he said the main thing we have to fear is the military industrial complex, he wasn’t kidding, and he had the subject matter we are talking about in mind. He was quite explicit about that.
It is extremely likely that Eisenhower passed on the nature of the problem to Kennedy, his successor. Kennedy was the first President not to be formally welcomed into the truth of the UFO phenomenon since its modern era started in the 1940s.
As Dr. Michael Salla, Richard C. Hoagland and others have revealed, Kennedy did find out the truth, and made serious progress towards a public disclosure. Salla’s new video, referenced in the first sentence of the next excerpt, is available in seven parts for free online viewing: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; & Part 7.
Here is an excerpt from Dr. Salla’s writeup about the contents of this video (emphasis added):
Citing official and leaked documents, the video begins with testimonial evidence that President Eisenhower briefed President-Elect Kennedy about the dangers of the military-industrial complex.Eisenhower was concerned that corporate control of technologies retrieved from UFOs, which were clearly identified to be extraterrestrial in origin, would ultimately lead to threats against civil liberties and the American Republic by the military-industrial complex.The video goes on to show that there were three critical periods concerning President Kennedy’s efforts to gain access to classified UFO files.The first began in February 1961, with Kennedy’s Executive Order 10920 to place psychological warfare programs under the control of his national security team.Not long after, on June 28, 1961, Kennedy formally requested his Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Allen Dulles to review the operations of a secretive group called MJ-12, as they related to Cold War psychological warfare plans.Kennedy understood that psychological warfare was used to hide the truth behind UFOs and their extraterrestrial origins, and Kennedy sought to gain access to this information.A leaked document reveals that Kennedy was denied access by Dulles on November 5, 1961.This first period ended with Dulles’ departure as DCI on November 29, 1961, when a top secret set of MJ-12 directives contained in a leaked “burned memo” was finalized in response to Kennedy’s UFO inquiries.
The second period then began and involved Kennedy using his authority as Commander in Chief to learn what he could about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, while being denied access to UFO files by MJ-12 and the counterintelligence (CI) branch of the CIA.
Kennedy visited classified military facilities to view the remnants of UFO crashes and even extraterrestrial bodies.A leaked document reveals that Marilyn Monroe’s death was directly related to her impending public releases concerning Kennedy’s secret visits to military bases to see retrieved UFOs.Kennedy may even have met with one or more ‘contactees’ in order to learn what he could about extraterrestrial life, and receive advice on future political events.One ‘contactee’, George Adamski, was confirmed to have a government ordnance card by a number of independent witnesses.Confirmation of Adamski’s access to restricted military facilities boosted his claims that he regularly briefed senior Pentagon officials after his extraterrestrial contacts.Adamski claims he twice met Kennedy to pass on extraterrestrial information, and even arrange for Kennedy to meet with visiting extraterrestrials in the California desert sometime in 1962.
The third and most critical period began on September 20, 1963 when President Kennedy gave a speech at the UN General Assembly calling for joint space and lunar missions with the USSR.In the subsequent two months up to his assassination on November 22, President Kennedy conducted a high risk political strategy to persuade Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to agree to joint space and lunar cooperation.Khrushchev’s final acceptance, on November 11, [11/11], led to a number of executive actions the next day to implement broad information sharing of scientific data between the U.S. and USSR.Most importantly, leaked documents confirm that this included sharing classified UFO files.Khrushchev’s final acceptance culminated in CIA-CI implementing a secret assassination directive earlier authorized by MJ-12 and Dulles, prior to the latter’s departure as DCI in November 1961.
Again, Dr. Beter’s testimony establishes that Khrushchev had teamed up with the New Kremlin axis, who had been working for decades to overthrow the Bolshevik Illuminati in Russia and end the UFO cover-up.
Had his effort not been neutralized, the expulsion of the Bolsheviks may have happened some 15 years earlier.
As you can see here, MJ-12 and the CIA director Dulles authorized the assassination of Kennedy. Dr. Salla did not cover the story of Executive Order 11110, where Kennedy was directly working to bring down the Federal Reserve — going after both the Rockefeller and Rothschild factions — as well.
Notice the number of the order — 11110 — and the fact that Krushchev had accepted Kennedy’s proposal on 11/11, 1963.
This numerology is also very likely no accident — and is another possible sign that the New Kremlin faction was assisting Kennedy with all these initiatives.
Consider this documented statement President Kennedy made just ten days before his assassination:
Document 31 of 39……..
“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans’ freedom.
And before I leave office, I must inform the Citizen of his plight.”
– PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY (10 days before he was murdered)
This simultaneous push for Disclosure and the elimination of the Federal Reserve, again, is very likely the result of his cooperation with the New Kremlin faction, who already had a long history of fighting the Illuminati.
It is only now — after all this time — that Cayce’s prophecy, “From Russia will come the hope of the world,” is finally coming true.
This faction of the Russian government is reaching the fruition of its long-term plan with the help of the greater international community, as revealed by Benjamin Fulford and others.
A far more personal insight into the assassination of President Kennedy can be gleaned from the testimony of CIA insider Robert Crowley, who was directly involved in the decision-making process that led to this tragic act.
Though Crowley was not fully briefed as to the reasons for why the decision to assassinate was made, he was given enough of the story that we can easily discern the greater truth.
Kennedy very clearly seems to have worked with the New Kremlin folks via Krushchev — and we can clearly prove that this relationship involved the sharing of classified information. has featured an ongoing series of interview transcripts between author Gregory Douglas and a very high-ranking ex-CIA man, Robert T. Crowley, once a leader of the Clandestine Operations Division within the Agency.
The reliability of this intel is excellent, unlike so many other pieces of disinformation littering the conspiracy media. TBRNews has consistently been one of the top sources we have found.
Douglas secretly taped all his conversations with Crowley — and this transcript was posted for the first time in September of 2008.
Though it is shocking to read, it is important to understand for context — as it clearly establishes the collaboration with the New Kremlin faction was very advanced, and directly led to Kennedy’s assassination (emphasis added):
GD: If you want me to do a treatment on this that will be to your benefit, I need to get from you, on the phone is fine, some kind of a rationale for what happened.
I mean, that’s what you want, isn’t it? To let those who come after you fully understand the reasons for your actions.
RTC: Yes, that’s it exactly. If that ever got out, though by now, it probably won’t, I don’t want my son and my grandchildren thinking I was just a common or garden variety assassin.
They should know the reasons for why we acted as we did.
GD: Fine. Go ahead.
RTC: You must understand that we took our duties very seriously. [James Jesus] Angleton was a first class counter-intelligence man and very dedicated.
And he discovers that the most important intelligence reports, the President’s daily briefings from the CIA, are ending up in Moscow.
Within a week of them being given to the President. A week!
And this was not a one-time incident but had been going on for some time. We then tried to find out how this was happening. A major intelligence disaster, Gregory, major.
Now there were several copies of this report disseminated, never mind to whom, so in each one, a little spice was put in.
An identifier, as you will. Nothing that changed the thrust of the report, but a little bit of spice, as Jim [Angleton] used to say.
Jim’s contact in Moscow was a diplomat — never mind which country, because we don’t need to make trouble for him. So from him, we got copies of what Nikita was getting.
So can you imagine how stunned we all were to learn that it was the President’s copy that was being leaked? My God!
Imagine the bind the CIA found themselves in when their own boss — technically speaking — was leaking intel that they considered to be absolutely essential to the security of every man, woman and child in the United States of America.
They felt it was the highest of treason — and it had to be dealt with. But what to do? It’s the President of the United States, by God!
Read on and find out what happened next (emphasis added):
So we couldn’t just walk up to him and ask him how come Khrushchev was reading his briefings a week after we gave them to him.
Jim couldn’t find a way how this was done, but then we had a report that Bobby, his brother, was known to be friendly with a prominent KGB fellow, Bolshakov.
No question of who he was. The TASS man here. Top level. Bobby was known to have had at least one meeting with him.
Hoover was having Bobby watched day and night, because Hoover hated him and wanted to catch him doing something bad so he could leak it to the Post and get him sacked.
Anyway, they found out that Bobby was talking to the Commie on the phone from his home — so we, and Hoover, tapped his phone.
Hoover didn’t know we were doing it too, but that’s Washington politics for you.
And we heard, for sure, that Bobby was sending thermofax copies of this [Presidential Daily Briefing] report to him [i.e. Bolshakov in the KGB].
I mean, there was no question.
And, we learned too that Kennedy was keeping in direct contact with Khrushchev by Bobby and the Russian.
I mean, they were subverting the entire diplomatic system — and God alone knows what Kennedy was talking about!
[DW: Elsewhere in the transcripts, Crowley reveals the extensive insider knowledge and cover-up of the UFO phenomenon.]
We had to make sure of this, and really sure. It was explosive, believe me.
At this point we get to the final moment where the CIA had to decide what to do about this.
Clearly, the fair-minded people in the organization were concerned for the security of the United States and its people. They were obviously not told about Kennedy’s push to release the UFO information and dismantle the Federal Reserve.
Now we get to the moment of truth (emphasis added):
Jim and a few of us sat down, listened to tapes and agent reports and tried to decide what to do.
I mean, Gregory, here we had our President giving, actually giving, the most secret documents to our worst enemy — a man who swore in public he would destroy us!
So, what to do? Make it public? Who would dare to do this?
Of course, we had strong media contacts, but we all decided this was just too mindboggling and negative to let outside that room.
And that is where the decision was made to simply get rid of Kennedy.
He was too independent, he had sacked Dulles and Bissel over the Cuban thing and threatened to Mansfield to break the Agency up.
And here he was giving our worst enemy top secret inside information! I mean it really wasn’t open to discussion. You can see this all, can’t you?
GD: I can see your point of view very clearly.
RTC: What would you have done?
GD: I’m not an important person like those people, so what difference does my opinion make in all this? I’m just trying to find the rationale.
RTC: Well, do you have it?
GD: Yes, very clearly.
Valuable corroborating evidence to support the reliability of this witness can be found in this TBRNews update from May 11, 2009, if you are interested in following up on this story. Scroll down to the summary of Gregory Douglas’ book, “Regicide: The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy.”
Since many scholars now want to blame everything on Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy’s VP, the following excerpt from the above article is interesting, in light of new information that has only recently come to light:
LBJ was concerned that he was also targeted — and had to be assured by J. Edgar Hoover that he was not a target.
This makes the recent disclosure of Lyndon Johnson’s behavior in the immediate aftermath of the Kennedy assassination a lot more understandable (emphasis added):
LBJ Found Crying in Bathroom After Kennedy AssassinationWhat McHugh claimed to have witnessed next was shocking. “I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he was hiding, with the curtain closed,” McHugh recalled.He claimed that LBJ was crying, “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.'”According to the General, Johnson “was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing.”
As Hoagland revealed in his recent lecture at the Secrets conference, which is available for purchase on his Enterprise Mission website, Johnson certainly knew enough to have redecorated the Oval Office in red, though everyone knew Kennedy hated the color red.
This redecoration was ordered by Johnson on short notice, and completed during the exact same weekend Kennedy was assassinated — as if Johnson knew he would never be there to see it, and had commemorated his violent new rise to power by making the entire Oval Office scream with the color of blood.
Now that we’ve explored the rationale for the assassination itself, let’s dig deeper to look for signs of collaboration between Faction Three, through Russia, and the Kennedy administration — in this long-standing battle to bring down the so-called Illuminati.
At this time the Rockefeller and Rothschild factions were still on good terms with each other. The insider battles didn’t flare up until the 1970s, as Dr. Beter revealed in the previous section.
To help illustrate the point, I will bring in data that was shared in a paper I helped edit for Richard C. Hoagland last year entitled “A New Frontier of Hope”. Hoagland gave even more detail on this surprising and little-known collaboration that was underway between Kennedy and Krushchev.
In 1999, Krushchev’s son Sergei released crucial new information about this secret, ‘treasonous’ negotiation the two leaders were having, in private. Two interviews from that same year — one on PBS and the other in an article he wrote for American Heritage Magazine that October — told the tale (emphasis added):
In August 1963 the United States, the U.S.S.R., and Great Britain signed an agreement prohibiting nuclear testing in the atmosphere, underwater, and in outer space.
That same August, Kennedy sent Father a proposal about joining Soviet and American forces for a flight to the moon.
He had first mentioned the idea in Vienna, in June 1961, but at the time Father hadn’t replied.
He thought it might enable the United States to obtain intelligence information and discover that our missile capability was far beneath what we claimed. And that might provoke the Americans to carry out a pre-emptive strike.
In dealing with these rival world factions, one must always remember that there is an ongoing problem with trust. After dealing with the Illuminati for 200 years, the New Kremlin was well aware of the fact that it was very difficult to trust anyone.
It is also entirely possible that Krushchev did not start out in collaboration with the New Kremlin faction, but they were able to get through to him during the course of his leadership.
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1961 was a real-world event reflecting how difficult it was for these governments to actually trust each other — even with covert efforts being made to achieve peace.
This next quote from the PBS article shows how Krushchev started opening up to the idea of a true end to the war — and a joint space project to the Moon together, which may very well have been intended to find known ET ruins up there and announce them to the world:
Then in the August of 1963, President Kennedy met with the Soviet Ambassador Dobrinyin, and then he spoke to the United Nations.
He offered once more to join the efforts [to reach the Moon together], and at that time my father was very serious.
I walked with him, sometime in late October or November, and he told me about all these things. He told me that we have to think about this and maybe accept this idea…
If it would be a joint venture with the Americans, then it would be much cheaper. He thought also of the political achievement of all these things, that then they would begin to trust each other much more.
After the Cuban missile crisis, his trust with President Kennedy was raised very high. He thought that it’s possible to deal with this President.
He didn’t think that they could be friends, but he really wanted to avoid the war, so through this co-operation they could sojourn their thoughts on these achievements.
Kennedy was killed just days after Krushchev was ready to form this allegiance with him — to jointly take down the opposing factions that were blocking Disclosure and pillaging the world’s wealth.
Krushchev only made it another year before he, too, was taken down by those wishing to keep the arms race and the greater Illuminati agenda of the UFO cover-up and the New World Order alive (emphasis added):
I don’t know how Americans would have reacted to knowledge of the radical reduction in Soviet armed forces that was planned, but I would like to hope that the response would have been proportionate.
If so, the Cold War might have ended in 1969, and that year an American astronaut and a Soviet cosmonaut might have stepped onto the moon’s surface together.
But life turned out differently. In November 1963 John F. Kennedy died, and a year later, in October 1964, my father was removed from power.
The leaders who replaced Father hurried to “correct his mistakes” by giving a new impetus to the arms race, and producing tens of thousands of tactical nuclear weapons.
If you have any doubts about the potential magnitude of ruins that were ready and waiting to be found on the Moon, these two articles I co-authored with Richard C. Hoagland in 2007 — coinciding with the release of his new book, Dark Mission — have very compelling photographic evidence that something is up there.
It is far outside the scope of this Ebook to bring all those photographs here now — so I will just share one of many intriguing examples you can find in these two articles— which also revealed how responsive the current Russian media was to promoting this story:
Richard was actually delighted at how much more I found in my own research than what he had already discovered — and again, it’s all reflected in these two articles:
Again, given the technology and insider knowledge that was available, it is very likely that at least one, if not both of these leaders were aware of what they would find on the Moon.
Therefore, a joint Moon mission could have accomplished Disclosure and an end to the New World Order’s plan for World War III all at once.
Sadly, it did not work — but we are in a very different time in history now. Finally — at long last — the time is right. And the Russians have not forgotten about us. Nor has the rest of the world slacked in its responsibility to ensure the safety and freedom of everyone on this planet.
From this point, we’ll stick with the same source — the CIA’s own Robert Crowley — and reveal, in his own words, that the CIA knew enough about the UFO cover-up to be absolutely clear that we were being visited by intelligent, human extraterrestrials.
Just to appease those skeptics who might not think UFOs were considered real within these secret programs, or any subject of concern, this next excerpt of a conversation between Douglas and Crowley reveals quite a bit.
It is very unlikely that Crowley’s man was taken on board a UFO when he walked down his driveway, as you will read here — much more likely that he was grabbed by someone in a rival faction, kidnapped and driven away.
Nonetheless, the subject of people disappearing — through kidnapping or otherwise — proved to be an entrance for Douglas and Crowley to have a discussion about UFOs — particularly when the man who disappeared was an important member of Crowley’s staff (emphasis added):
RTC: Now our man was important to us so we really made a very through investigation. Finances in order, got on well with his wife, didn’t drink or use drugs, and we could basicially account for every minute of his waking life.
Left home, drove to work, worked all day, drove home, dinner with the wife and once in a while a movie in town. The wife did the shopping. Very peaceful and ordered life.
And what happened to him, Gregory? No trace of him anywhere. No phone calls to anyone that didn’t check out, bank account untouched, credit cards and phone calls never used.
Walked down his driveway on a clear day and just vanished off the face of the earth. That was fifteen years ago and nothing, ever. Right off the face of the earth.
GD: That’s a possibility, Robert.
RTC: Went to Heaven?
GD: No, not the silly Rapture fiction. Perhaps some entity from eleswhere nailed him. Abducted him.
RTC: That’s not the sort of thing we put in any kind of official report, Gregory. We can’t even begin to get into that area. Easier to say the Russians got him…
GD: Well, assuming there are such UFOs, don’t the radar people pick them up?
RTC: I read a report back then that is interesting. A radar station out in the wilds. Two men on duty. One goes out to take a piss and sees a huge round object hovering about a half a mile away.
Scared the hell out of him and he ran back inside and told his partner. Radar was working fine but no trace.
The other one thought the pisser was nuts, so he went outside and saw the same thing. More fussing with the set. Nothing. They reported it and other systems got involved.
They both went outside and watched it hover for about ten minutes and then off it went, straight up so fast it was gone in a few seconds.
More calls and nothing to report. When they got off shift, there were some Air Force police and some intelligence people who wanted to talk to them. They had seen nothing and better keep it that way.
Yes, something obviously got in and the radar couldn’t pick it up. Mysteries.
This vanished fellow was on my staff and so I have some inside knowledge of what happened. Abduction was indeed brought up but left way, way behind.
In the end, we put it out that he had been transferred to a special project and left it alone.
In this next part of the same excerpt, we can see the same ‘psychological operations’ at work that Kennedy was so concerned about — and had made a big push to uncover (emphasis added):
RTC: … When my man vanished, we did quite a bit of research and what you say [about the idea that UFOs do exist] is quite true. However, Gregory, I suggest that you look into other matters and stay strictly away from this one.
GD: Why is that?
RTC: You will be branded as a nut, and your many enemies will gleefully get their hands on this and really lambaste you. Just deal with other matters.
If you do something on Kennedy, believe me, all the night creatures will come up from under their wet logs and bite you on the ankles. Try to stay main line and you’ll do much better…
Aside from drawing unwelcome attention from the rabid lunatic fringe, you will get the government excited if you really push this vanishing business.
Why? Because it obviously can lead to the UFO business, and that is strictly off limits.
It’s fine for the nuts to write weird books, but if someone like you, who is a serious writer and an excellent researcher, starts in on this, they will come down on you very quickly.
Just stay away from this and I assure you we will all be happy.
GD: I suppose you’re right. But still…
RTC: Gregory, let it be. OK?
GD: Fine.
This clearly establishes that the UFO subject has been taken very, very seriously by the same inside factions that ordered the assassination of Kennedy.
Crowley had quite a bit to say about Roswell when Gregory Douglas asked him. This is only a part of that discussion, posted on as of September 26, 2008 (emphasis added):
GD: Still trying to create a structure for the Kennedy business. I translated some wartime German documents last week dealing with their flying saucer program. Habermohl?
RTC: I know that the Krauts had one or two, but the name means nothing.
GD: They made and flew at least one prototype but the project was just one of many at the time.
RTC: Well, the U.S. built them after the war. Some place in Canada.
GD: AVRO. The Roe Company.
RTC: Doesn’t ring a bell.
GD: But that means we did have some examples.
RTC: Oh yes, that we did. I told you that the Russians thought these were ours and we thought they were theirs.
I did some sit-downs on this one. Russian Intelligence was one of my fields as you know. And we did have some of these but we used them for high-altitude reconnaissance and photographing.
The U-2 replaced them so we retired them. The Russians had at [least] one working model, that I know.
[DW: This is very likely the Cosmospheres discussed by Dr. Beter.]
GD: So all the sightings were of these planes, or whatever they called them?
RTC: No, not all. Most of the public sightings were basically wishful thinking or mass hysteria. But there certainly were other incidents that were not of our, or the Russian, construction.
GD: Where did they come from?
RTC: No one had any idea. Of course Truman had all of that shut up to prevent another Orson Wells panic.
The idea was to make the whole thing look like a hoax so that people spotting something would ignore it at the risk of being branded a fool.
GD: Know anything about the Roswell business?
RTC: Oh indeed. Now that was the real thing, Gregory. And there were space cadets on board that one.
They had to clamp down on the story and said it was a weather balloon.
As I remember, they retrieved a lot of electronic gadgetry that was highly advanced.
Crowley’s statement about the retrieval of “highly advanced electronic gadgetry” fits in perfectly with the testimony of Col. Philip Corso, who said that many of these advanced technologies were farmed out to defense contractors and corporations.
They were in turn reverse-engineered into many of the things we now take for granted, including lasers, LED lights, fiber optics, infrared night vision, Kevlar, Velcro, Teflon and, most importantly, computer chips.
Now let’s continue with this fascinating excerpt we were just reading. Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, was mentioned — but at the time, this was not a publicly discussed subject, and Gregory Douglas did not know the reference (emphasis added):
RTC: They reconstructed the thing [that crashed in Roswell], or did you know that?
GD: No, I did not. Did they fly it?
RTC: Too complex. Do you know about Groom Lake in Nevada?
GD: No.
RTC: We used it as a U-2 base. Out in the remote desert. They have several of these things there.
One is a reconstruction, and another one was fished out of a lake in Montana, intact, crew and all. That one they did fly around, as I understand.
GD: Why keep it quiet?
RTC: As I said, panic.
The Cold War was in full swing, Korea had happened and everyone was afraid of the Russians so it was decided to play it all down.
We got certified idiots on board and got them to set up Flying Saucer clubs to attract the brainless moths and kept the pot boiling.
You understand that once the government decides on a program, they never change it. They never do. Poor Tom keeps thinking they will rehabilitate his grandfather over Pearl Harbor, but they never will.
I told him that once and I thought he’d weep. First off, no one cares these days about Pearl Harbor and secondly, once a policy has been set, no one will change it later. Same with the saucers.
GD: They have no idea where they came from?
RTC: Absolutely none.
But there were no attacks from any of them, and the best thinking was that they were doing what we were doing — and that is photo recon.
They weren’t from us, because no human could survive the speeds they could move at. Flatten them out.
I hope to God you’re not going to get into that mess, Gregory.
GD: Intellectual curiosity only. What did ours photograph?
RTC: The same things the U-2 did. Military bases like airfields, missile launching areas, naval bases. They took some wonderfully clear pictures.
They had a building down on Fifth and K streets where they processed and printed these. It was the Steuart or Seward Building.
I was in there a couple of times. And some very interesting buildings out on Wilson Boulevard. Remind me to tell you about them some time.
Anyway, I recommend you keep away from the saucer side. As much as they hate you around here, that would all that would be needed to label you a certified lunatic.
The most fascinating ‘leak’ from Robert Crowley about ETs was published on August 17, 2009, from a conversation he had with Douglas on July 24, 1996.
This is yet another stunning confirmation that there are a wide variety of human species in the Galaxy, and some of them look so much like us as to be able to blend in perfectly.
Fear-oriented people can run with this and think up all sorts of terrible scenarios, but the fact is that these people, while different from us and not born on Earth, have been here throughout all of our history — and are working diligently to keep our planet from falling into chaos and disaster.
This is probably the most sensitive aspect of the UFO cover-up of all — namely that ETs are already here on Earth, and they look and speak like the rest of us.
Not covered in Crowley’s testimony here is that they also have ‘Ascended’ abilities, and we are evolving to a point where we will soon gain these abilities as well.
This is considered a very serious threat to both the Rockefeller and Rothschild factions — but there is nothing they can do about it.
Rather than explaining the details of this very curious historic event in my own words, just read this for yourself — it’s mind-blowing:
RTC: I found a very interesting report in the files when I was looking for something else. I misfiled it some time ago.
Anyway, Gregory, I thought I would send it to you but I must say that it is highly sensitive and if you publish anything on or about it, you might have very serious problems.
GD: More CIA assassinations?
RTC: No, actually, this has nothing to do with the CIA. We know about the subject, but it isn’t really in our field, and we want nothing to do with it.
This is about…I think we have talked about the subject before. Vanishing people, flying saucers and so on.
GD: I believe so. Do go on.
RTC: Well, you’ll have the report next week, or whenever Greg gets to the local post office…I mean it runs to about a hundred or more pages. Otherwise, I could stick it into an envelope and leave it for the local route man. And there it is.
Absolutely pure science fiction but in this case, or rather these cases, science facts.
I may have told you about one of our top people who just vanished while walking down his driveway? Well, there is a lot more.
We may have talked about the Roswell business, and we can get back to that later, but the most interesting item in the file is about the woman who was jaywalking in New York, and was hit by some minority trying to escape from the police.
[It was a] terrible impact and knocked her up onto the sidewalk. Right next to a hospital. So, she was rushed there, but died there at once — or more likely was killed by the impact.
So, when they did an autopsy on her, they were lucky because they got right on to her, or whatever it was.
And that was good, because about two hours later, after the body cooled off, it turned to a sort of jelly.
But, this is the fascinating part. It looked like a woman from the outside but once they cut into her, it wasn’t a woman.
GD: It was a transvestite?
RTC: No, it wasn’t human. The insides were all different.
None of the staff had ever seen anything like it before. So, they photographed the body and took out what they hoped might be some kind of organs.
Didn’t do any good because, like the body, the pieces all turned to jelly in the jars.
But there are the affidavits and the photographs, plus the police report of the accident and the emergency room people. Not human.
What it was, no one knows, not to this day.
Fortunately for everyone, one of the doctors was an Air Force reserve officer and he made a call. There was a descent on the hospital, and everyone was grilled and terrified.
One set of the pictures was saved by accident and we got it. And next week, you can have it, if the USPS doesn’t deliver it to Gambon in error.
As far as we know, this picture was never released, unfortunately.
As we continue in this excerpt, we find a data point that correlates with what many other witnesses have said — that much of the UFO cover-up is being done by compartmentalized projects from within the Air Force, or what is called the Air Force, and various corporate clients in the military-industrial complex they work with (emphasis added):
We had no idea what the whole thing was about, but we talked with the Air Force people and they know all about such things. They did their Bluebook project on saucers. They do know, Gregory, but we never will.
GD: Why not?
RTC: You ask a question like that? Orson Wells’ program? Why the issue is national panic, that’s why not.
Harry Truman could see this. The Roswell business and other things were all shut up, and the press fed with reams of fake sightings. They got their in-house historians to write satires on the little green men.
We can clearly see here that the work of disinformation has been going on for some time — and it is being orchestrated from the highest level, to keep us from knowing the real truth about the extraterrestrial presence (emphasis added):
And even now, they encourage the nut fringe to publish silly crap and engage in hair pulling contests, just to keep the public looking at other things.
Panic, Gregory. Tens of thousands of people vanish each year without any trace. We got the transistor from the Roswell wreck, and the Air Force says at least 5% of all flying saucer sightings are real.
And the non-humans walking around. My God, can you imagine the resurrection of the Salem witch trials if the air-brained public ever got it into their fuzzy heads that there were aliens running around the streets?
And I don’t mean Guatemalan housemaids or Mexican gardeners either. No, royal panic. The public would demand answers, and no one in authority can give them.
GD: Oh, they can just make something reasonable up and get it on the front page of the New York Times — and then it’s all quiet on the western front.
RTC: Yes, that’s the usual drill, but that might apply to sightings of strange celestial crockery.
But the thought that something sitting next to you on the bus might be something sinister from another galaxy would cause a royal uproar.
No one here wants to deal with such things, so they are best forgotten or better still, never talked about in the first place.
GD: I remember uncovering a story in July of ’76 about the Legionnaire’s Disease in Philly. I don’t know who was behind it but it was no accident.
I got ABC interested in it and they did one, and only one, story on the air and then were shut up from way on high.
RTC: That was a little mistake from the Ft. Detrick people. The perp was terminated.
GD: So were some old geeks.
RTC: Collateral damage. Yes, I know about that and I laugh every time they mention in the media that it broke out again. Keeps the ball rolling. But the visiting aliens are another matter.
GD: Oh, I understand that. The public would run around like drunken chickens and every nut in the country would be jabbering about his own nut version and of course people would point out homeless eccentrics or, more likely, unwanted neighbors or personal enemies and the public would lynch them.
RTC: That’s the problem.
GD: Is there a solution?
As this passage continues, we find out that the various agencies have been consistently working on this — and they are well aware of the potential for things to spiral out of control if / when the truth is revealed to the public (emphasis added):
RTC: As I understand it, a number of our agencies have been very quietly working on this visitation business for some time.
The problem is that we can’t just send out flyers to hospitals or morgues without it getting out. It would be obvious that if they found something similar, the local press would be alerted and the story might, just possibly might, get out.
Ah well, I have mixed emotions about sending this to you — and you do assure me you won’t copy any of this, or write about it?
GD: Are you joking, Robert? My God, the flying saucer nuts are almost as bad as the Kennedy assassination lunatics.
If I published anything that one of them didn’t dream up in some psych ward when the meds ran out, they would gang up on me, screeching like Irish banshees. I’ve been thinking about doing something on the Kennedy business…
RTC: But after I am no longer around. We agreed on this…
GD: Of course. No, I anticipate the screeching and clawing if I do. And if I ever hinted that there are non-humans among us and, better still, if I could even come close to proving it, my God.
Not only would the Air Force strafe my house at night, but an army of the Undead conspiracy nutties would camp on my lawn and shit all over the grass.
But it is interesting, all in all. I mean, who, or what, are these things? Are they just doing on the ground recon? Are they going to run one of their people for high office? Are they collecting toads to experiment on? Colonists?
RTC: We could go on for days but in the end, I doubt if we’ll ever know.
GD: I suppose if someone at a Burger King saw an old woman’s three foot long black tongue shoot out of her mouth and snatch a Whopper off of a tray, we might have problems.
RTC: There would be a descent of the sanitizing people and a few obits in the local paper. The old lady with the frog tongue would be long gone and so would any witnesses, believe me.
GD: This is a weird conversation Robert, believe me.
RTC: Well, you can see why things like this never get any meaningful press, can’t you?
If some farmer started talking about a giant frog eating his horses, everyone would laugh at the really funny AP article on page thirty, and that would be the end of it.
GD: Probably would be. But what do your people think about all of this?
RTC: That there are aliens among us and that flying saucers are about 98% real.
These new CIA disclosures are mind-blowing — and I am happy to present them, for the first time, as part of the greater context of this story.
Since our focus is on Disclosure in this Ebook, we will now return our focus once more to the New Kremlin faction, to look at what they may have known about the UFO phenomenon on their own.
Did they have any irrefutable proof that it was real? Did Dr. Beter have anything to say about this? Absolutely.
Regardless of whether Eisenhower passed information along to Krushchev or not, the Russians clearly knew about UFOs from their own internal research. This makes it all the more likely that the joint, manned moon mission he was planning with Kennedy had a key emphasis on Disclosure.
Dr. Beter’s Audio Letter #38, which was dedicated to discussing the New Kremlin faction, revealed that the Russians did indeed have direct, incontrovertible proof that UFOs were real (emphasis added):
But looking beyond the immediate needs of their holy war against Bolshevism, the rulers of Russia today are attracted to space by long-term non-military motives.For one thing, they believe that the conquest of space will give mankind all the challenge, all the danger, and all the drama we will ever need without ever again resorting to war among ourselves.But, my friends, Russia’s determination to launch mankind into space really springs from just one more basic conviction.Based upon extensive scientific study, Russia’s rulers are convinced beyond any doubt that we who inhabit the earth are not alone in the universe.They have what they consider to be strong evidence that our galaxy, the Milky Way, harbors not just one but several civilizations more advanced than our own; and they are convinced that we of planet Earth are at the crossroads now.Either mankind will begin to move upward and outward from cradle Earth into space or very soon we will destroy ourselves.If the Russians have their way, mankind will venture into space as the newest member of our galactic community.
This viewpoint of Russia’s ruling circles has gradually crystallized only during the past decade or so; but the studies which were destined to lead to this conclusion resulted from an awesome event which took place in Siberia 70 years ago.On June 30, 1908, a huge object streaked across the skies in that part of the world, plummeting toward the earth.In the heavily forested remote Tunguska area of Siberia, it disappeared in a fantastic explosion; and for days afterward, strange glowing clouds and nighttime brightness in the sky were seen as far away as London, England.The Tunguska region of Siberia is so remote and inaccessible that it was not until 1927 that a Russian expedition succeeded in reaching the explosion site; but since that time the Russians, and only the Russians, have studied the area exhaustively.They have employed every scientific tool that could possibly be of use, because the Tunguska blast area is very strange indeed; and they have reached the definite conclusion that the object that shook Siberia seven decades ago was not a meteor, nor was it any other natural phenomenon.More than a decade ago, Russian aerospace experts, some of them famous even in the West, reached a startling conclusion. Their discovery resulted from analyzing widespread eye witness accounts and other evidence.
The Tunguska space object of 1908 had slowed down and carried out a major change of course.This final maneuver took it over a totally uninhabited area where it exploded at an altitude of several miles.The explosion itself has been estimated as being equivalent to a huge 30-megaton hydrogen bomb; and even today 70 years later, the entire area remains slightly radioactive.To the Russians, there is only one logical explanation that fits the mountain of facts they have compiled about the Tunguska explosion: it was a disabled spacecraft which tried unsuccessfully to make an emergency landing, exploding in mid-air in the process.The story of the great Siberian explosion is fascinating and is well told in a current book–the title is: “THE FIRE CAME BY” by John Baxter and Thomas Atkins, published by Warner Books, New York (1976 Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York).
But the rulers of Russia also have additional reasons for believing mankind is not alone in the cosmos.The Russians have carefully studied UFO reports from around the world. They have restricted their attention very rigidly to those which are solidly documented and backed up by evidence, such as radar; but because of their Tunguska studies, they have also analyzed UFO data with open minds.They are convinced that we are being quietly observed — not by one alien civilization, but by several.As of now, the Russians have not established where these presumed galactic neighbors are coming from, but they are working on it.Powerful radio telescopes and other techniques are in use by the Soviet Union. They are trying to pick up any clues to the possible identity of our visitors.As for the vast distances involved between these unidentified neighbors in our own solar system, the Russians are unperturbed.
In the course of studying scientific areas that are shunned by the West, they have discovered what they believe to be clues to the secret of interstellar travel.
If these clues are correct, they believe that mankind could well be at work on our first starship within a mere generation from now.These are the motivations that are driving the Russians into space; but first, they reason that we must learn to establish ourselves and live in self-supporting ways under conditions radically different from those on earth, and they have settled upon Venus as the first target beyond the moon for experimental colonization.During the past year several space probes have been launched at Venus by both Russia and the United States; but only Russia has ever landed probes on Venus, accomplishing this feat some three years ago with two landers.Here now for the very first time, I can reveal what the Russians have found on Venus: hydrogen, helium, lithium, boron, carbon, oxygen, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, krypton, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, tellurium, iodine, xenon, tungsten, platinum in large quantities, gold also in large quantities, mercury, polonium in modest quantities, astatine, radon, and uranium in modest amounts.The other elements are either non-existent on Venus or present only in trace amounts.Over all, the Russians have concluded that it is technically feasible to sustain life permanently on Venus, so Venus is to become the first planet to be colonized by man.According to Russia’s plan, Venus will be man’s first tiny step to the stars. But of course planet Earth, the cradle of mankind, will remain the only home the vast majority of men will know, or want to know, far into the future.
As you can see, the Russians were well aware of the UFO phenomenon. Kennedy didn’t have access to much of the information himself, so he may very well have gotten briefed by the New Kremlin people through Krushchev on what they knew.
The support and long-term experience of the New Kremlin faction in fighting the Illuminati may well have helped embolden Eisenhower to make his blatant statements against the military-industrial complex in 1961.
The New Kremlin faction finally succeeded in ousting the Bolsheviks from their own country in the late 1970s, as we revealed in Part Three, which in turn caused great damage to the Rockefeller faction who welcomed them into their own ranks.
Nonetheless, the Rockefeller faction regained a great deal of its power in the 1980s — and even the Clinton administration didn’t slow it down very much.
The simple, blatant facts of the 2008 election reveal that it did not go in favor of either the Rockefeller or the Rothschild factions — and the Christian-based New Kremlin group probably has had a lot to do with that, just as they did with supporting Kennedy.
Again, this is exciting news, as we now have a much greater likelihood that Disclosure will happen under this president’s watch. That may very well be the reason why the Spiral was designed to appear in Norway the day before Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize there in Oslo.
The insider propaganda machine of the Rockefeller / Rothschild military-industrial complex has done a fantastic job of channeling our collective Internet fear-porn addiction towards a single target: President Obama.
The last thing they want to do is have him change the game they have so carefully built up after all these years — including UFO secrecy.
Now that you know about the three major warring factions, you may be prepared to accept that Obama was never supposed to win — despite a highly impressive amount of propaganda that has now been released on the Internet to suggest otherwise.
The Illuminati / Rothschild faction wanted Hillary, and the New World Order / Rockefeller faction wanted McCain.
I can hear some of the letters now. It’s only a small percentage of my readership, but they sure do love to hate:
“How dare you… Egomaniac… You’re just so… You f’ing son of a…”
Say what you want, but once you have enough background to see that this world of insider occult politics is far from a unified system where everyone is on the same team, you can clearly see how the different factions took their sides in the last election.
Lady de Rothschild appeared directly on national television to attack and denounce Obama (emphasis added):
In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester discussed her disdain for Democratic presidential candidate and Clinton rival Sen. Barack Obama.“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”Forester was a major donor for Clinton, earning her the title as a “Hillraiser” for helping to raise at least $100,000 for Clinton’s presidential campaign, which she lost to Obama.Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild Ltd., a British holding company owned by a branch of the Rothschild banking family.She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and splits time in London and New York.
Hillary Clinton’s Rich Friend Lady de Rothschild Ambushes Barack Obama:At the Democratic national convention next week, Lynn Forester, Lady de Rothschild, one of Britain’s most influential political hostesses, will be contemplating treachery.She poured her heart and money into Hillary Clinton’s campaign and she is thinking of voting for John McCain, the Republican candidate, for president.
She is not impressed by Barack Obama and doubts he will reach the White House. “My loyalty is to the Democrats winning.Barack Obama is going to have a serious problem getting elected, for good reason,” she said in an interview.“The party needs to face the fact that without Hillary Clinton on the ticket, the Democrats will probably lose.”Rothschild, 54, is a New York businesswoman and top fundraiser for Clinton who married into the British banking dynasty.The billionaire Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, 22 years her senior and former chairman of the family firm, NM Rothschild, will be with her in Denver when Obama is crowned the victor. She regards the presumptive Democratic nominee, 47, as something of a usurper.
Still not convinced? At this point there isn’t much more to say. Either you break through the conditioning or retreat back to the comfortable world you thought was true from all the lies you’ve been reading on the Internet.
Nonetheless, they say seeing is believing — so watch Lady de Rothschild tear into Obama on Fox News with your own eyes:
So now it’s time to speak truth to power.
Those who are addicted to fearing and hating Obama are almost incapable of hearing any evidence to the contrary. And by merely presenting an alternative viewpoint this last year and a half, I now receive a daily diet of vicious hate mail.
The rage in these letters is very intense — and can be highly profane. I often feel like I’m standing next to a junkie who just watched me dump his entire stash into the toilet, and flush it down.
There is so much great anti-Obama material to read that you can stay perpetually high from fear porn — directly from the New World Order / Illuminati minions into your heart and mind.
New articles appear every day — lots of them — and you can spend all your free time becoming more and more convinced that you should hate Obama with a passion that runs as deeply as anything you feel in your life.
The truth is far more revealing than the propaganda.
Since I have been promising the goods for some time, I will now deliver one shocking example of the real truth you don’t hear in the fear-porn-peddling conspiracy media. What you are about to read comes from an insider source who has established impeccable credibility over many years.
This source, an upper-middle-level staff member in Washington, DC — the so-called “Voice of the White House” on — leaked this alleged document, which he procured straight out of the CIA, earlier this year.
Read carefully, as it takes a little while to get to the most important point (emphasis added):
11. […] With the advent of the Internet, identification and penetration of anti-government groups has proven to be nearly impossible.The main cause of this failure is due almost entirely to the Internet, which has proven a haven for dissidents of all kinds.Given that all domestic telephone calls and all Internet email is readily available to various domestic law enforcement agencies, it is still a monumental task to track and identify possible activists and other anti-government individuals or groups.We have assisted in setting up dummy anti-government sites, peopled them with professionals and provided them with almost-believable information to post for the purpose of establishing importance and also in disseminating disinformation.
Persons viewing these sites can readily be identified and tracked.Further, we have an ongoing relationship with several information sites, such as Google, and whenever any viewer seeks information on subjects we deem as potentially negative, this information is automatically forwarded to the concerned agency.
12. The Internet, while impossible to control, is also an excellent recruiting ground for sympathetic or easily-convinced “bloggers” who will quickly disseminate official dissemination for pay or public acclaim.
It is invaluable to distract the public from questioning various governmental actions, both domestic and foreign.For this reason, our organization, and others, have “disinformation” centers that prepare information of a sensational nature which is then released to paid sources who, in turn, disseminate it onto the Internet.The purpose of this is to create a cloaking movement that will point the curious into innocuous areas.
As a case in point, it was imperative to prevent the public sector from looking too deeply into the origins of the 9/11 attacks.To prevent exposure of the actions of members of the top levels of government in this attack, many stories were released, over a long period, to the public through wholly-controlled sites.
Claims of devious plots, mystery methodologies, and often laughable conclusions have proven to be extraordinarily effective in constructive diversion.The collapse of the WTC buildings have been attributed to Thermite bombs, clouds of plasmoid gas and other nonsense but a very gullible American public has easily swallowed all of the fictions.As another example, the DoD has always under-declared its casualty rates in Iraq and Afghanistan because a full accounting could easily lead to public discomfiture and resulting political negativity.
13.The Internet can be utilized to create an atmosphere of fear or of compliancy in furtherance of official policy.This is a particular ploy that worked very effectively during the two Bush administrations.A constant, on-going threat of vague “terrorist” actions inside the United States was material in gaining, and keeping, public support for the actions of the aforesaid administration.However, it must be noted, that threats must occasionally be proven to be true or too many “duds” tend to dull the public sense and, if continued, will lead to disillusion and anger.14.The Internet can be an outstanding command and control mechanism in the marshalling of public opinion in support of a government program.This concept is self-evident but it can prove to be a two-edged sword.If a site advocating a desired program is disclosed to be under our direct, or indirect control, it use to promote an official program can be immediately negated.We were able to utilize this aspect during the run-up to the Iraqi war but it was deemed inadvisable to use during the planned, but later abandoned, aerial attack on Iran in support of Israeli military actions.
This same insider source, “Voice of the White House”, has repeatedly written that the army of Pentagon / CIA / NSA “paid bloggers” has been marshaled, to an unprecedented new degree, to pin all the emerging evils of the two rival factions onto Obama, who is not directly allied nor in agreement with either of them.
I have written about this numerous times, with specific quotes, in David’s Blog, but the typical response of the critics and attackers is just to overlook this data, and / or discard it as irrelevant.
Even now that Fulford, and other sources I have personal access to, are all saying the insiders want to remove Obama from power by January, no matter what, people still don’t get the truth of what’s happening.
Nonetheless, a direct example of this system in action emerged into the mainstream media during the election battle.
This particular battle was obviously fought by the Rockefeller faction against Obama during the election. I was surprised and delighted to find this story, and I’ve just been waiting for the right time to reveal it. That time is now.
The story comes from the Salon online magazine, written by Margriet Oostveen. It is one of the best examples of a “paid blogger” who was hired to write things that were blatantly untrue about Obama in order to support the New World Order.
This does not have the level of ‘juice’ that many other NSA and Pentagon-directed ‘ops’ do, but it certainly shows that such actions were being conducted. If you think that this all stopped once Obama won the election, then you are very naive indeed (emphasis added):
Shocking Expose: McCain Campaign Hiring Ghost-Writers for “Letters To the Editor”:The offer was too alluring to delay — they wanted to put me into action as a ghostwriter. Next to commercials and phone banking, writing letters to the editor is the most important method of the McCain campaign to attract voters.At least that is what’s written in the guidelines that McCain campaign worker Phil Tuchman presents to me…The assignment is simple: We are going to write letters to the editor and we are allowed to make up whatever we want — as long as it adds to the campaign.After today, we are supposed to use our free moments at home to create a flow of fictional fan mail for McCain.“Your letters,” says Phil Tuchman, “will be sent to our campaign offices in battle states. Ohio. Pennsylvania. Virginia. New Hampshire. There we’ll place them in local newspapers.”Place them? I may be wrong, but I thought that in the USA only a newspaper’s editors decided that.“We will show your letters to our supporters in those states,” explains Phil.“If they say: ‘Yeah, he/she is right!’ then we ask them to sign your letter. And then we send that letter to the local newspaper. That’s how we send dozens of letters at once.”No newspaper can refuse a stream of articulate expressions of support, is the thought behind it. “This way, we will always get into some letters column.”
This next section of Oostveen’s article on Salon really shows the extent to which these ‘paid bloggers’ will lie:
It is the day after Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican convention. Today, she is our main subject. The others are already enthusiastically hammering their keyboards. I am struggling with a tiny writer’s block. “Dear Editor …”Phil Tuchman has handed out model letters, and talking points and quotes from Sarah Palin’s speech. But whom do I want to be?Let’s loosen up my fingers a little first — and my principles, too. Am I actually allowed to make up letters? At the moment, it seems to be the only way to demonstrate how this is done in a campaign. So yes.I start practicing attractive sentences about Sarah Palin:“Her biggest plus to me is that, besides being amazingly smart and qualified, she managed to remain a woman like us.She is the PTA hockey moms. She is the working mothers of special needs children. She is every caring mother of a challenging teenager.”Her pregnant daughter Bristol (17) is not a talking point. A talking point is her son Track (19), who will be deployed to Iraq.“And most of all, she is just like any mother of a child who deploys to Iraq in the service of this country.”Now we are getting somewhere. I look around. I type:“My son, too, is there.”Oh god, you liar. Now build up suspense. New paragraph.“And my heart needs him back safe so much.”Yes, yes. Well done. Another paragraph — why not? Now let’s pump some iron in that mother, for after all, we are not with the Democrats here. Look up the right, patriotic phraseology in the model letters.“But when I see him again, I also want to see his face glow with pride. Just like the day he told me he enlisted.”Yes, like that. And now full speed in the direction of McCain’s plans to continue the war. Sell that war. With a mother’s heart.“That is why Senator John McCain could count on my vote from day one.”But whatever happened to Sarah Palin in this story? I gaze out of the window. This takes 10 minutes. Then:“With Sarah Palin, I have even more reason to trust in victory. She represents my heart.”Hmm. Does that sound like total doublespeak? Or does it sound like logical reasoning to a McCain supporter? I cannot come up with anything better.“Sincerely …” I leave the dots for somebody else’s signature.Does Phil Tuchman want to read it?Phil bends over my computer screen and reads. This takes a while. I am expecting roars of laughter or to be kicked out.
Then he says drily: “I like that. It appeals to the hearts of people. Can you write more letters?”
Incredible amounts of money have been spent hiring people just like this to fight the war against Obama — the candidate who was never supposed to win.
From this, we’ve inherited some wonderfully tall tales, such as the Missing Long Form Birth Certificate, the Grandma in Kenya Who Said He Was Born There (a blatant misquoting of what she actually said), the “Puppet of the New World Order” rhetoric, et cetera.
Granted, since he naively stocked his shelves with both Rockefeller and Rothschild interests, he has not been able to accomplish many of the things he set out to do — but this war is far from over, believe me. And Disclosure is the most significant thing that can happen to end the secrecy once and for all.
As we’ve been saying throughout this Ebook, these factions no longer have the strength and power they once did — and they are being forced by the rest of the world to reveal the truth. That’s why we’re seeing the Norway Spiral and other such events.
For now, let’s get back to our narrative thread, with another example of a ‘paid blogger’ who came forward with his story when he realized what he was being asked to do. Notice that he was only offered ten thousand dollars to ‘sell out’.
This is a surprisingly small amount of money to bribe someone on such an important issue, and again shows how broke the Rockefeller faction must be.
In this next example, we have someone who was contracted for this same type of Obama-smearing work, inventing blatant falsehoods. The money was so bad, considering the potential importance of such a ‘manufactured’ finding, that you can see how the financial crisis has affected the New World Order.
In this case, their chosen target backed out when he realized what was being asked of him (emphasis added):
Professor Paid to Try to Link Obama and Ayers:The brother of a Republican congressman and a Republican businessman attempted to pay an professor in Oxford to use software he designed to “prove” that 1960s radical William Ayers helped write Sen. Barack Obama’s biography.
The professor, Dr. Peter Millican, teaches philosophy at Hertford College, Oxford. His software is designed to detect when works are by the same authors by comparing the use of similar words and phrases.The offer was revealed Sunday in a British newspaper.
“He was entirely upfront about this,” the professor said of the Republican businessman who made the offer. “He offered me $10,000 and sent me electronic versions of the text from both books.”
Millican said he took a preliminary look and found the charges that Ayers had had a hand in ghostwriting Obama’s book “very implausible.”
A deal was agreed for “more detailed research,” the paper said, but when Millican “said the results had to be made public, even if no link to Ayers was proved, interest waned.”
The “Voice of the White House” source has often spoken of these ‘paid bloggers’, as I have written before — and he has expressed ongoing amazement that so many of the obviously false stories are taken seriously by the public.
There is a lot more data to back up the idea that Obama’s presidency was assisted by the Illuminati-resisting groups such as those behind Dr. Beter’s “New Kremlin.”
Hoagland has uncovered many startling parallels between the power structure of the Kennedy administration and what is now occurring with the Obama administration.
In fact, Hoagland’s support has been invaluable in helping point out various things I had missed along the way — and we will have several more key points in the Conclusion.
We will have much more to say about the possibility of Disclosure actually happening well within Obama’s first term, and the United Nations meetings that led to all this, in the Conclusion.
In the meantime, another major sign that Disclosure is on the way is the obvious attempts by the Catholic Church to establish a framework in which Catholicism will still be ‘relevant’ in a post-Disclosure world.
You can clearly see the groundwork being laid in this recent interview with Guy Consolmagno that aired on The Colbert Report:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Gold, Frankincense and Mars – Guy Consolmagno | ||||
As of three days after we posted this first section, we’ve had so many of your comments come in — not to mention nearly sixty thousand visits — that I’ve decided to break out a new and different page just to handle them all.
Continue on to the ‘next page’ below to read my preliminary conclusion — and be part of the community feedback about all of this!
In Russia there comes the hope of the world —
Not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom!
That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
Guided by what?
That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit, “In God We Trust.”
(Cayce Reading 3976-29, June 22, 1944)
I wanted to have this Ebook ready as my gift to you by Christmas Eve, and still have time to be with my family and not work constantly on this epic project.
Thus, the conclusion will show up some time after the first week of January, most likely. In the meantime there is a great deal to explore in what we’ve already covered here, particularly if you carefully go back and follow up on some of the key links.
In the conclusion, we will bring you fully up to date with all the evidence suggesting that Disclosure is indeed imminent — either from the Obama administration directly or other groups that will do it for him if he refuses.
We will also cover the ‘V’ television program and show how it is a precision-targeted message against the Obama administration making this announcement.
Disclosure will directly facilitate the release of technologies that can quite literally green the deserts, desalinate ocean water and save the Earth.
We have been caught up in a planetary emergency for quite some time — but these moves towards Disclosure will directly facilitate the release of technologies that can quite literally green the deserts, desalinate ocean water and save the Earth — not to mention ushering in an unprecedented new era of technology and intergalactic cooperation that will make the times we are in now seem dreadful by comparison.
It is a very exciting time we live in. This is the greatest football game in recorded Earth history and I am happy to be here on the 50-yard line giving you the play by play as it happens.
Knowing what is going on before everyone else does is the key to being fully prepared — and helping to do your part to insure this all goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible.
Tickets are still available and I will come prepared with all the latest, greatest new material to discuss this Disclosure, and how it relates to the greater prophecies of 2012 — and the spiritual metamorphosis we are all going through!
Thank you for your support — and do stay tuned!
If to yours and everybodies truth we all find disosure, what will happen then and why do you feel we need to know. If the catallist to your journey is to surrender to love and peace. To become political is to be violent; because you have to compete with your voice over others. And it is the same high but on the otherside of the coin as the sociopaths (you get to be right) Any real truth is ineffability in quality, it needs no semantically backing?.
Well, i think they’re leaking tons of information regarding the “REAL” controlling factions through the media such as movies, entertainment (songs and MTV), cartoons etc. I think the so-called “aliens” are actually not so far away and as for the struggle between factions it all just depends on what “time-line” u want to be in. Here’s a link to something interesting:
“…in the not-so-distant future. Five “Black Points” suddenly appeared around the world as portals to parallel worlds. Immediately after, strange creatures began their invasion from these portals. These creatures are the inhabitants of five worlds—the same worlds in different timeframes. In order to ensure their own future timeframe survives, each of the five invasion forces battle to wipe the other future timeframes out.”
13 dragon families. Things are a bit different, but basically correct. We are working with gold dragon family. We call them the Elders.
If to yours and everybodies truth we all find disosure, what will happen then and why do you feel we need to know. If the catallist to your journey is to surrender to love and peace. To become political is to be violent; because you have to compete with your voice over others. And it is the same high but on the otherside of the coin as the sociopaths (you get to be right) Any real truth is ineffability in quality, it needs no semantically backing?.
You are wonderful David. I’ve recently read the Law Of One, book 1 due to your information. can you please clarify something for us? In the Law of One, 1st book, RA points out how negative it was for entities to land, ie show themselves in a physical form for many reasons. Also, that they eventually decided to only make contact with those seeking the truth through thought form. The sitings and the crop circles were/are there to assist in awakening those that sought it out. this was based on the “Free Will” aspect of the Confederation. Has this changed and, if yes, what communication did you receive that it has? For some reason, at least during this short life of this incarnation…and I’m over 40, there may not be enough of us aware for them to actually make a physical appearance. Please consider deeply and honestly if your belief in this was not sent by the Orion group. Best wishes and be well all of us
I want to give some info to people on this forum since I like it: – find book Russia in wrong mirrors
also – the Great Bulgarian-Arian cavalry preparing to descend on Earth
Dear David,
Thank you for bringing this information forward, and doing it in a way where people can still have “hope” for our future.
I was so impressed by the information and how you were able to tie in sooooo many pieces of the grand puzzle, that I’ve emailed your book to over 250 people on my email list.
May light shine upon you always.
Hello, these links are not working:
“In order to fully track this story, you may want to read my entire 2012 Politics article series:
Part One: Grand Overview
Part Two: Crop Circle Prophecies
Part Three: Economic Revolution
Part Four: Crop Circle History”
Didn;t some people use to say these crops were the basis for some type of economy..?
warrior of spirit: fulford’s interview with rocky is on youtube… or on google video…
David, thank you for a positive stream that we all need today. It is great. Aside from that I would point few moments that raise QUESTIONS in my mind:
1. If President is a positive figure and not one of “them” then why did this constitutional lawyer suggested to trash constitution when stood right by it when he suggested prolonged detention regime in US that is now being manifested through McCain-Leberman Police State Act Proposal? Also, I am not sure but I think I heard/read from you that there was supposed to be some resolution about his birth place recently? Then it refutes the notion that he is not blackmailable… Why he excluded single payer from day one and as a result of the health bill stocks of industry went up? Why is he vocal about giving FED more powers now? Why his cabinet is so full of CFRs of this world (Obama Deception by AJ)
2. Who exactly are the bolsheviks that came to US in 70s and became so powerful so quickly, and how?
3. Why would NWO keep it’s highly classified info about holograms etc in some crappy military base in Georgia??
4. I believe that it was Henry Deacon, Camelot’s one of the most informant whistleblowers, who stated that US and China are hand in glove in everything. Not to mention that why would they store rumbles of WTC doing a favor to a NWO? Does it add up with the story?
5. If the meltdown was done by Rotschilds to poke Rocks, then it contradicts the common opinion that the FED was seeding that collapse for few years through their crazy financing policies in order to crash the market and consolidate on the ruins. Check great article here:
6. I would be careful with Fullford who in my opinion is BS-ing for example that he called Rockefeller’s hotel and talked to him and arranged an interview.Just like that… C’mon, giv me a break here. And then he, a finance-wise guy says that he was offered to cash a $2T+ check “or some other instrument”!!! He was not even sure what it was called?!?!?! And yet he cashed it outright in Japan?? That is kindergarten story for all I know.
But other than that you got a nice story that may uplift people’s moods nowadays. Keep it up.
I think of the big bang and reunification when I look at it.
David, Thank you for the inspiring and indeed exciting e-book.
However, I have certain confusion regarding some of the points you raised.
On what grounds are we sure that the 3rd faction, the international coalition, is intrinsically better than the others, and could indeed come out and save the day?.
Another point. Other than Fulford, can you back the case of Asian secret society with any other solid sources? If not, how can we honest folks put trust in the reality of its existence.
Plus, the alleged Asian secret society is largely made up of gangsters of a kind according to Fulford, in which case, what spiritual credential would they have? Isn`t it just another power struggle over control?
I would really appreciate if you can address my doubts.
[Moderator: As David has said, he has been in personal contact with members of the Asian society.]
Hi there David.
Just wanted to write a quick comment about this…
i had a quick dream where some american dudes asked me to choose some books for myself, so there were some 1000 or more from which to pick but they were small in size.
when they showed me the book it became real book size:-) and the first was “Disclosure” – a light blue book having David`s name and pic on the bottom in a circle.
It just amazed me, so disclosure is really really near ha my friends?:D
Love 2 all
Thank you David for your work to make this world a better place to live.
Atleast newest number of Nordic Countries version of Science Illustrated contains big article about SETI research. It’s a cover story. In the cover it’s titled:
“Message from other intelligent beings”
Science Illustrated is published in 13 countries. In some countries is published more numbers per year than in another countries.
In Britain was this television ad:
Are we truly being prepared for Disclosure?
There was another interesting phenomenon over Norway not too long ago and also not far from Tromsö.
Was mysterious jellyfish in sky caused by space satellite reflecting Northern Lights? (
I think a previous commenter posted a NASA link on this but its not working. Either way, could it be another sign? The satellite explanation for this “jellyfish” seems to be as bogus as the missile spiral explanation.
I wonder just how much the latest ruling by the US Supreme Court will effect the Rockefeller/Rothchild balance of power. It was such a surprise since it overturned over 100 years of precedents.
Thank you for this amazing information, it has definitely made me take time to rethink things. I am awaiting the conscious shift and cannot wait for David’s conclusion.
This article has somehow made sense of many things as it has also given me a calm that I have not felt before.
Thanks you and love and light
I truly can’t wait for the entire world’s, not to mention the united states’ standard of living to skyrocket and stay that way for all time.
Hello David,
I would like to thank you for the outstanding and remarkable efforts, and the extraordinary out of the box way of presenting things.
kind regards
Cologne, Germany
Hello, David
thanks for a good e-book !
I was quite surprised to find in it Casey’s quote about Russia as a source of new spiritual revival.
you might be interested to know, that actually the original Russian tradition – NOT a religion, but a “faith” / culture (what they call VeRa – “to know Ra, original spiritual Light”) – has nothing to do with Christianity at all, be it Orthodox version or Catholic or any other denomination.
it is a VERY ancient tradition at least few thousand years old (in fact even as old as 500mln years – when white race has arrived to this planet first time) and thus the followers of it still call themselves “starovers” (followers of “Old Faith”)
there are not much on-line sources in English on this matter, mostly in Russian.
but here is one Forum where more or less some person (under nickname Sviatorus ) has posted series of posts – which I think pretty well gives the main idea of the whole tradition, as well as answers to some questions.
also, there is this website by Nikolai Levashov, it also has some of Enlg. books which provide the story (or a version) of the human history, particularly :
Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors (only Volume 1 has been translated yet)
so, coming back to Casey’s quote here in your e-book :
– my understanding is that what it actually means is rather that ancient / original Slav-Aryan tradition Ve-Ra (sort of abbreviation from “Vedat Ra” – “To know / understand Ra”), but not from whatever artificial religion as christianity, which by the way has been forcefully imposed upon Russians merely some 2000 years ago.
although their history is at very least 7500 years old (only Peter “the Great”, russian pro-European reformer-tzar, who is reportedly an agent of “parasites”) has changed old Russian calender to Gregorian and “erased” some 5000+ years of Russian history.
so, David, if you seriously taking into consideration words of Casey – I think it is worth checking out this ACTUAL ancient Russian Slav-Aryan (in ancient Europe formerly known as Hyperborean) tradition called “starovers”.
because I think that is what actually gonna restore / revive whatever spiritual Casey meant in his such prediction !