Finally, after a year and a half of buildup, the team behind Q Anon appears to be on the verge of unsealing thousands of indictments and declassifying a wealth of contentious information.
Our latest briefings indicate that there is a “hard deadline” of mid-September 2019 for what they are calling DECLAS. By then, a huge wealth of world-changing intel should have been released.
It has been quite a long and arduous journey to reach this point, but the proof of a coming Major Event is utterly undeniable once we survey the landscape.
This is a 51,000-word, completely free Ebook. Not one word of it has been wasted.
It took nine days of non-stop effort and a 258-page document of nothing but select links, from last August to the present, to make this a reality.
We needed to put this data all together in one place so the overall message could not be suppressed, blocked or marginalized.
The Deep State has made a series of critical mistakes in this battle, now including the mass betrayal of ALL YouTube content creators in favor of “Approved” mainstream media sources.
In case you haven’t noticed, it has become nearly impossible to find any alternative news on YouTube now. It has become a wasteland of check-marked trash.
We will include unbiased statistics that make this plainly obvious. Then as we go on, you will see compelling new evidence that the all-important DECLAS is finally upon us.
We will review a stunning new insider disclosure that is one of the most significant testimonials we have ever seen… truly. It is an absolute must-read.
Additionally, we will discuss the all-important Quote 2700, what it means for disclosure, and why UFOs and Atlantis are now going mainstream.
This is our first write-up on current events since last October, and we hope you enjoy it! Every current events piece we have written since Christmas 2017 has had nearly 4 million views or more.
Disclosure and DECLAS is finally happening now. Everything we have been working towards throughout our entire online existence is finally coming to fruition.
It is scary and amazing all at the same time. Release the Kraken!
YouTube. Dude. We need to talk.
You have just dropped a nuke (or a dook) on the entire Millennial generation. It is a mass betrayal far beyond anything most people could ever have imagined.
Let me make an analogy for those familiar with the pre-MTV “Golden Age” of rock in the 1970s.
This current YouTube mega-attack could be seen as the cultural equivalent of de-publishing all rock music on every radio station or TV spot in existence in the height of the ’70s.
Then, imagine that all those immortal classics were immediately replaced with non-stop Lawrence Welk, Englebert Humperdinck and Helen Reddy.
[These were my father’s favorite artists to “diss” while he was working as a New York rock critic for popular newspapers in the 1970s.
Compared to the Illuma-Pop being shoveled out now, Helen Reddy’s use of chords, melodies and arrangement is like listening to Mozart.]
Then, to take it a step further, imagine that after destroying their airplay entirely, ALL funding sources to the musicians themselves were terminated… effective immediately.
They have no one they can call, no staff to solve the problem, and no viable legal grounds upon which to sue for damages.
How would they go on tour? How would they get into the studio to record another album?
Could any of them have afforded to finance the construction and promotion of their own airwaves… to compete with Big Radio?
Would they all have been forced to stop writing the hits we now know and love as historical masterpieces, and instead have to go and get “regular jobs?”
Imagine sitting in a restaurant and asking your waiter, “Hey, aren’t you that guy from Deep Purple?”
What happens to a society when its creative visionaries are completely betrayed, disenfranchised and left for dead?
And how would their audiences feel about the entity that killed Rock and replaced it with Schlock?
In case you are not tuned into the world of YouTube, this might all seem like a gross exaggeration, but it truly is not.
YouTube has just killed the modern equivalent of rock and roll. And people are PISSED. This is just the beginning.
And, as we so often like and need to do, this initial phase of the story will expand into a vastly more interesting mega-conspiracy as you read on.
YouTube has just become PooTube — a Myspace of controlled mainstream-media propaganda, now offered up in a shiny white bowl, free of charge, with no cable subscription required.
In Stalinist Russia, no one had money for books, but the propaganda was free. This is a common story throughout history. Bread and circuses.
For as long as this next video remains online, I highly recommend “taking the plunge” and downloading it while YouTube circles the bowl.
The first 22 minutes are a super-cut of top YouTube stars sounding off about the massive betrayal their entire generation has just suffered:
In historical terms, it is hard to even imagine the ramifications of betraying the creative soul of an entire generation — and beheading all of its stars in a virtual mass execution.
It is truly sickening. I have had plenty of beef with YouTube for quite some time myself, as we will discuss, so this is nothing new.
Independent videos are so buried by mainstream content now that the fun has been extinguished, and revenues have drastically decreased.
The Roman saying “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” applies here: “The Voice of the Public is the Voice of God.”
Angering the public this much — taking away their main source of creative passion and joy, and ruining their heroes — is a move you don’t make unless you feel you have no other choice.
It is effectively a suicide leap… sacrificing the public goodwill towards an entire mega-platform for some greater and yet-unseen purpose.
This was clearly a decision. As we go on, we will explore the likely means, motive and opportunity for why this was done.
In the Golden Age of rock, you could buy a musical instrument, learn how to jam, get some friends together and have a great time chasing the dream of stardom.
The ‘learning curve’ was pretty easy. Rock drumming is very basic. We used to call it the “Doom-Chic-DoomDoom-Chic” beat.
Hence the infamous joke, “What do you call a guy who hangs around with a bunch of musicians? A drummer!”
Most basslines are not difficult unless it’s art-rock or jazz fusion. The greatest challenge is in being okay with playing very simple and repetitive patterns, in time, without getting “busy.”
Delicious-sounding power chords on rock guitar only require you to play two strings, and to slide that same simple shape up and down the neck as needed.
Blazing guitar solos and powerful rock vocals are where the more difficult artistry and glory comes into play, but it is all attainable if you practice.
Through the purple haze of beer and weed, a group of losers could come together and make miracles happen on Earth.
If your band held together through all the sex, drugs and infighting, you could start playing bigger gigs, make a decent living, and get to enjoy a bit of the good life.
If you were lucky enough, a record executive might even materialize at one of your shows to offer you the Holy Grail: A record deal!
Every day, my father would get boxes and boxes of signed-rock-band albums from Atlantic, Arista, Capitol, CBS, Columbia, Elektra, EMI, Geffen, Polydor, RCA, Sony, Warner and the like, via UPS.
The records were free, since they all wanted Dad to write about their bands. It was admittedly an amazing phenomenon.
Our entire basement was a Vault of Rock… hundreds of feet of albums stacked four levels high on shelves.
Thousands of bands came and went without getting noticed… but at least they got their record deals and some degree of exposure and fun.
I was also lucky enough to meet hundreds of top rock musicians with Dad backstage, and get to experience their dream world firsthand.
Robert Plant was the only one who stunned me into silence, where I stood two feet away from him and never said a word.
YouTube has become the equivalent rock and roll dream of the younger generation.
Think of it as that sparkling vision of glory that dances in one’s mind while they are high… on life.
Best of all, no musical education, gigging or “woodshedding” is necessary.
Just get on up, get into it, and get involved.
With a very short learning curve, you can open a channel, start talking into your phone or laptop, edit your videos together, figure out where the upload button is, and shoot for the stars.
You may not “make it,” but you can certainly be very inspired in trying. That hope can fuel you through a great deal of adolescent angst.
Knowing that a stunning success is at least theoretically possible is what keeps you going. It is the modern equivalent of shooting for a record deal.
There is clear evidence that the entertainment mega-corps very deliberately destroyed rock and roll — well before finishing off YouTube.
If you study the history of Guns ‘N Roses, they were put through a prolonged equivalent of music school by Geffen Records to develop their signature sound.
This is very often a necessary step, and was considered an industry secret for many years. Now certain films have spilled the beans.
Various documentaries like Muscle Shoals reveal that many, if not most bands did not play on their own albums.
This was because the in-house studio performers were far more talented, and could knock tracks out much faster.
As another example, the entire “Motown Sound” emerged from one single group of performers known as The Funk Brothers. Only the singers changed.
Smokey Robinson wrote a majority of all the Motown songs with the help of The Funk Brothers, regardless of who was singing them.
Similarly, the “West Coast Sound” of so many different top acts was again driven by a single group of musicians called The Wrecking Crew.
Having seen countless rock concerts with my father, I observed firsthand how bands would be actively learning their material while performing live on tour.
I didn’t put together what was happening at the time, but I definitely noticed that they sounded far less ‘tight’ than the studio recordings.
Bands do not just appear out of nowhere and sound great, as a general rule.
Jimmy Page was a prolific, uncredited session player before forming Led Zeppelin. And Toto was a breakaway group of session players.
It takes an entire industry to finance and ‘develop’ the artists — to make them into what they then become.
If the industry no longer chooses to invest in developing artists, then the music itself will die. And that is what has happened.
Since the 1990s, there has been little to no financing, development, promotion or exposure of new rock bands of any real prominence, other than a handful of examples like Papa Roach.
This de-incentivizes people from getting together to make socially transformative musical statements, like we saw in the late 1960s with Woodstock.
The mainstream media has proudly announced this death as if it happened organically, from old age, in articles like the following:
4/8: MSM Declares “Rock is Dead”
Las Vegas (AFP) – Mick Jagger “on the mend” following a heart valve procedure, Ozzy Osbourne postponing his tour over a fall, The Who’s Pete Townshend nearly deaf: time is no longer on the side of rock’s legends….
In a 2018 piece entitled “Rock is Dead, Thank God,” Dan Ozzi, a music critic for Vice, wrote that “the genre has been eclipsed in all measures of popularity and profitability by pop, hip-hop, and EDM.”
“And by those standards, yes, rock is dead.”
And yet, look at this… millennials are clearly going back through the Golden Age of rock’s catalog to hear the songs they want to listen to:
2/7: Millennials Prefer 1960-90s “Golden Age” Music to Today’s (Big Shock)
Research has suggested that modern music really isn’t as good as the old classics.
A study has found that golden oldies stick in millennials’ minds far more than the relatively bland, homogenous pop of today.
A golden age of popular music lasted from the 1960s to the 1990s, academics claimed. Songs from this era proved to be much more memorable than tunes released in the 21st century….
‘Spotify was launched in 2008, well after nearly 90% of the songs we studied were released, which indicates millennials are aware of the music that, in general, preceded their lives and are nonetheless choosing to listen to it,’ said Dr Wallisch.
Not surprisingly, movies like Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman have done very well with their rich soundtracks and performances.
Compared to what we are hearing now, a good Queen or Elton John song seems like an utter and absolute impossibility to achieve.
Disco-funk songs on YouTube have breathless comments of people marveling at how they are playing “Real Instruments.”
The music has taken on almost a mystical, larger-than-life significance, which even dwarfs the respect these artists had in their heyday.
I expect a similar Billy Joel movie will appear before too long as well, as he is still one of the best-selling performers in the world.
Another great example of the potential that still exists for rock music is the Oscar-winning film A Star is Born.
Lady Gaga effectively gave a big middle finger to the cheesy stuff she used to do, with the flashy costumes, ensemble dance moves, synth sounds and hyper-sexuality.
A Star is Born argues that traditional rock has far more emotional authenticity and depth than modern pop. The film’s huge success easily proved the point.
And it’s not just rock. All different types of popular music that stir the soul have been deplatformed, to use a modern term.
The music industry could certainly find new women who could sing like Whitney Houston, but this type of fare is simply never being offered.
This now-infamous quote from the 1970s mega-star Joni Mitchell makes a similar point:

Portrait of Canadian musician Joni Mitchell wearing a loose-fitting white cotton dress, New York, November 1968. This image was from a photo shoot for the fashion magazine Vogue. (Photo by Jack Robinson/Getty Images)
“I heard someone from the music business saying they are no longer looking for talent. They want people with a certain look, and a willingness to cooperate.
I thought, that’s interesting, because I believe a total unwillingness to co-operate is what is necessary to be an artist – not for perverse reasons, but to protect your vision.
The considerations of a corporation, especially now, have nothing to do with art or music.
That’s why I spend my time now painting.”
– Joni Mitchell, quoted in the LA Times, Sept 5th 2004
On April 24th, 2012, a fascinating anonymous whistleblower letter appeared online from an alleged music executive.
He claimed to be a decision-maker in one of the more established companies in the music industry as of the late 80s and early 90s.
In it, he describes a closed, private meeting with a “small group of music industry insiders” he was called into in 1991.
Featured there were some shadowy characters, who none of his colleagues recognized:
4/24/12: The Secret Meeting That Changed Hip-Hop Music and Destroyed a Generation
The meeting was held at a private residence on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I remember about 25 to 30 people being there, most of them familiar faces.
Speaking to those I knew, we joked about the theme of the meeting, as many of us did not care for rap music and failed to see the purpose of being invited to a private gathering to discuss its future.
Among the attendees was a small group of unfamiliar faces who stayed to themselves and made no attempt to socialize beyond their circle.
Based on their behavior and formal appearances, they didn’t seem to be in our industry….

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Brian Rasic / Rex Features (396812dh)
Everyone was asked to sign a strict, one-page NDA. Some left the room immediately when this was offered, but the insider stayed out of curiosity.
Very soon after the meeting began, it turned into a real-life horror movie as the main speaker revealed their hidden agenda:
4/24/12: The Secret Meeting That Changed Hip-Hop Music and Destroyed a Generation
The subject quickly changed as the speaker went on to tell us that the respective companies we represented had invested in a very profitable industry, which could become even more rewarding with our active involvement.
He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of privately owned prisons, and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments….
He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled.
Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice.
He assured us that this would be a great situation for us, because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies — and as employees, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons.
If this was envisioned as a movie scene, you might expect everyone to be chuckling, rubbing their hands together and congratulating their ‘brothers’ in the ‘Illuminati.’
This is not at all what happened:
4/24/12: The Secret Meeting That Changed Hip-Hop Music and Destroyed a Generation
Immediately, silence came over the room. You could have heard a pin drop. I remember looking around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, and saw half of the people with dropped jaws.
My daze was interrupted when someone shouted, “Is this a f****** joke?”
At this point, things became chaotic.
Two of the men who were part of the “unfamiliar” group grabbed the man who shouted out, and attempted to remove him from the house.
A few of us, myself included, tried to intervene. One of them pulled out a gun — and we all backed off.
They separated us from the crowd, and all four of us were escorted outside.
My industry colleague who had opened the meeting earlier hurried out to meet us.
[He] reminded us that we had signed agreements, and would suffer the consequences of speaking about this publicly or even with those who attended the meeting.
I asked him why he was involved with something this corrupt. He replied that it was bigger than the music business… and nothing we’d want to challenge without risking consequences.
This letter aroused great controversy when it appeared in 2012. Many readers simply couldn’t believe it was true. It’s simply too awful.
Based on what I know, the people I have met and the data I have studied, this most definitely does not appear to be a LARP (Live Action Role Play).
It has multiple ‘markers’ I look for in distinguishing true insider testimonials from fictionalized LARPs.
Others have since followed up on these leads and discovered that the main shareholders of the music-industry companies are indeed the top investors in the prison complex as well:
9/7/16: Facts About Hip-Hop And Prison For Profit
Last year Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the biggest name in the private prison industry, contacted 48 states offering to buy their prisons.
One stipulation of eligibility for the deal was particularly bizarre: “an assurance by the agency partner that the agency has sufficient inmate population to maintain a minimum 90% occupancy rate over the term of the contract….
Ninety percent of what Americans read, watch and listen to is controlled by only six media companies.
PBS’s Frontline has described the conglomerates that determine what information is disseminated to the public as a “web of business relationships that now defines America’s media and culture.” Business relationships.
Last year a mere 232 media executives were responsible for the intake of 277 million Americans, controlling all the avenues necessary to manufacture any celebrity and incite any trend….
None of this is exactly breaking news, but when ownership of these media conglomerates is cross-checked with ownership of the biggest names in prison privatization, interesting new facts emerge.
According to public analysis from Bloomberg, the largest holder in Corrections Corporation of America is Vanguard Group Incorporated.
Interestingly enough, Vanguard also holds considerable stake in the media giants determining this country’s culture….
The number-one holder of both Viacom and Time Warner is a company called Blackrock.
Blackrock is the second largest holder in Corrections Corporation of America, second only to Vanguard…
There are many other startling overlaps in private-prison/mass-media ownership, but two underlying facts become clear very quickly:
The people who own the media are the same people who own private prisons. The EXACT same people.
Using one to promote the other is (or “would be,” depending on your analysis) very lucrative….
Conspiracy theorists get a lot of flak for daring entertain the notion that people will do evil things for money.
Historical atrocities like slavery and the Holocaust are universally acknowledged.
Yet, simultaneously adopted is the contradictory position that there can’t possibly be any human beings around intelligent enough and immoral enough to perpetrate such things [now].
And while Blackrock and Vanguard are at it, why not also own the guns that their rap lyrics encourage listeners to use — to speed up their entry into the prison complex?
Mainstream media. Check. The music industry. Check. The prison complex. Check. This is crazy stuff if it turns out to be true.
The insider’s testimony checks out perfectly with the actual, provable facts of this case.
If this alleged meeting actually did happen, then we are looking at some very sinister connections between seemingly disparate corporations.
Indeed, after this alleged meeting in 1991, the entire rap music industry shifted to promote violence and drug abuse. For 28 years.
Let’s not forget that Black music in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, such as Motown and disco, was almost always about people being in love.
Warning: Do not watch the “Pusherman” video if you are recovering from a cocaine habit, as it would be very triggering:
If this horrific plan is indeed real, what happens when we analyze the principal investors in Facebook and Alphabet, the parent company of Google?
12/4/17: Blackrock and Vanguard Are Less Than a Decade Away From Managing $20 Trillion
The firms [Blackrock and Vanguard] are among the biggest holders of some of the world’s largest companies across a range of industries, including Google parent Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. in technology, and lenders like Wells Fargo & Co.
3/19/18: And The Award For Facebook’s Largest Shareholders Goes To….
Key Points: Facebook’s largest shareholders are Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street.
This is what insiders call “vertical integration.”
The same firms that own the mainstream media and music industry also own the social-media giants, Google and YouTube.
Just like we saw with mega-banks in the LIBOR scandal, they only appear to be in competition with each other.
In actuality, they are merely akin to different branch offices within a single, larger (and hidden) corporation.
This interlocking directorate is what many are now calling the Deep State, though it goes by many other names as well.
The sudden, shock merger of YouTube and mainstream media makes far more sense once you understand that they are owned by the same entities.
Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity (with its pyramid-capstone logo) and State Street effectively control the US economy, as well as much of the world.
There are four investment funds — the Big Four — that control the US economy:
- BlackRock
- Vanguard Group
- State Street
- Fidelity
The 8 largest US financial companies — JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley — are 100% controlled by ten shareholders.
The “big four” are major shareholders in all of these eight financial institutions.
As a result, the privately-owned Federal Reserve [which prints the U.S. dollar] is controlled by the Big Four…
The younger generation has almost completely lost interest in corporate television and celebrities at this point.
Unlike other eras, they are not being fed by the popular music that “young people are supposed to like,” simply because mega-corporations tell them to.
Rock music was a great social outlet and therapeutic tool, and it has arguably been killed off by the Big Four despite its innate profitability.
That didn’t snuff out the youthful spark of inspiration. Everyone simply migrated over to the instant, one-man-band world of YouTube.
The cool people are all on YouTube…. or they were.
You don’t need to learn an instrument, you don’t need to team up with other people, and you can “go viral” and become an overnight sensation without ever worrying about a record deal.
If your channel takes off, you can actually make enough money to survive, even while Alphabet / Google / YouTube quietly amasses the other half of your cash.
Perhaps it was my Gen-X cynicism, or my innate suspicion that it was only a matter of time before the noose would tighten on YouTube.
I admit it. I neglected YouTube like an absentee, phone-in father. Success occurred in spite of my actions, not because of them.
I felt incredibly betrayed and unsupported by this platform all along, for reasons we will now discuss.
This will therefore be the first of two ‘personal’ sections of the article, if you are interested. Otherwise, you can click ahead to Section Two.
This story is about as crazy as you can imagine. I ask you to try to visualize what it would be like to actually go through all of this yourself.
There was no love, no inspiration, and no desire for me to participate in YouTube.
I was aware that something was seriously wrong — well before this current “Big Plot Twist” and mass betrayal just happened.
For years I showed up to deliver maybe one or two videos a year. That was it. I still only have 31 videos on my channel as of today.
Literally hundreds of thousands of stolen copies of my material circulated on YouTube. They were low-grade bootlegs of conferences, radio shows and other episodes.
The sheer weight of stolen content would have made it impossible for me to make a living from doing my own videos.
The stolen videos were always monetized, sometimes to perverse extremes. And as I eventually discovered, someone was burning in links to child porn in many of these videos.
This is the first time that I feel safe enough to actually reveal what was going on, with the help of fully-legal photo documentation, as you will soon see.
The ad money was going into a real bank account, which should have been completely traceable and actionable to a real person.
Even with the help of attorneys pointing out the gravity of the crimes involved, we got absolutely nowhere.
The amounts of money involved in this theft were worthy of multiple felony counts for Grand Larceny, likely in the millions.
People would still watch videos that had a line of thirty or more yellow ad dots all marching along the timeline in military formation.
Until I joined a network last year that specialized in alternative content, it was literally impossible for me to get AdSense enabled myself.
I was perpetually waiting for a validation postcard in the mail that never arrived, and there was literally no other way to get started.
And as we will see in Section Two, almost immediately after I finally got up and running this past February with a creator network, I was body-slammed once again.
There was an enormous cottage industry of hundreds, if not thousands of stolen videos being uploaded every day… on various channels.
They were getting plenty of clicks… often tens if not hundreds of thousands of unique views. It was the “big time,” in a sense, but I had no control over it whatsoever.
This entity was almost certainly making far more off of my work than I ever did, just by this incredible industrial-scale operation.
A core of perhaps 100 pieces of content was being constantly and misleadingly re-titled, assigned the current date, and re-uploaded.
Apparently millions of people were going to YouTube, typing in “David Wilcock,” and watching whatever came up.
No one even seemed to care about the name or the origin of the channel. It was all about the name.
I even had people coming up and saying things like, “Hey, I watch you all the time on ____,” as if it was some legitimate entity.
You could look at any one of these channels and see that it had as many as thirty to fifty new uploads per day. Literally!
I made multiple attempts to contact YouTube about this overwhelmingly awesome theft, numbering in the hundreds of thousands of titles.
When you typed in my name and looked at how many videos there were, it went from a quarter million to over 500,000, depending upon when you did it.
YouTube told me that audio-only content, like a radio show appearance, was essentially open source.
Unless I owned and ran the radio show, I could not attach copyright to my audio.
Then, I would have to convince the radio-show copyright holder to fight constantly on my behalf to delete videos. Not going to happen.
Best of all, YouTube told me that “if a person thinks some audio is new, then to them it is,” and they can give it whatever date they want.
I did not want to supply this bootlegging monster with any usable new content.
Any new radio show would instantly “feed the beast” and re-appear hundreds of times a day.
Content was also being edited, modified, and packaged in various ways to make me look stupid, annoying, et cetera.
This even included cases where my voice was deliberately slowed down to make it sound like I had a disability.
The more unprotected radio shows I did, the more this problem would just mushroom completely out of control.
At the same time, there was a constant churn of wildly defamatory and mostly anonymous video attacks.
My audience was becoming enraged. The damage done to my reputation from all of this still reverberates for some people.
Many people were saying “David is So Greedy, Look At All His Ads,” and “Why Is He Constantly Re-Uploading His Old S#it With Misleading Dates to Make Money?”
In that second case, the question itself contained the apparent answer.
As a result, I disavowed the release of any and all audio, such as a radio show, unless the host had Content ID verification and would actually fight to delete bootlegs.
This simple math quickly reduced it down to only two choices: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Fade to Black with Jimmy Church.
At least this way, when the shows were stolen — and they constantly were — it was at least theoretically possible to take the videos down.
Just recently, YouTube demonetized Jimmy Church’s channel — for a good chunk of time.
Their excuse was that he had “far too many videos on his channel that re-appear all over YouTube.” These were his shows with me!
He had a horrific struggle convincing them that he was actually the ORIGINAL SOURCE of this massive cancerous growth!
It was so overwhelming that I could not stand to load up YouTube at all. My sidebar was clogged with endless, low-quality stolen copies of my own stuff.
I was told to file copyright strikes and given no other option. If I did this all day long, it was still impossible to even put a small dent in it.
Occasionally I could actually score “three strikes” and get a channel taken down, but it would immediately sprout back up again, often with the same name, videos and images.
I filmed footage of myself looking at all of this, and did not end up publishing it at the time. I largely kept all of this quiet.
The whole process was so disheartening that I could only ever dip in and TRY to do takedowns once every few months.
I did not have the money to hire someone else to do it for me, and it really served no purpose. This was industrial-scale stuff.
by filing a legal challenge where he claimed that he owned the copyright on my videos!
But wait… that’s me in the videos, and here’s a copy of my driver’s license, YouTube!
Nothing. Crickets.
I had to deal with the guy directly. I didn’t actually look at where those burned-in links went until after he attacked me… and I legally responded.
YouTube forced me to hand over my address and contact info in order to legally respond to a dispute of this nature.
All he had to do was say he was going to use an attorney. He didn’t actually need one to fill out and send the form.
I actually had an email exchange with him, and quickly discovered that he was viciously hateful and manipulative. Not surprising.
He effectively wanted to hold me at gunpoint and have me beg on my knees for forgiveness and clemency, when it was very clear that he would then shoot me anyway.
He wanted me to be grateful for everything that he was doing.
He said he was “Promoting” me and building up the strength of my name. But of course, he never sent me so much as a single dollar of the massive ad revenue he was making off of my work.
It was all very psychopathic stuff. And then I went to the burned-in website addresses he put in my videos and had the shock of a lifetime.
The total lack of support from YouTube for well over a week, despite multiple attorney letters, was incredibly demoralizing and depressing.
It was right during Christmas, while on a family vacation. For several days I had no idea if I would ever get my channel back.
It was only after I wrote an entire emergency article exposing the problem, and asked you to help me, that YouTube restored my channel.
We actually had far more information on this guy than we released at the time. The legal proof was shared with YouTube.
We knew his real name. He had stalked, screamed at, and threatened other associates of mine with violence.
I was fortunate enough to have never dealt with him in person or over a voice line.
He had tried to break into the circuit and just never made it. His content always had very disturbing elements in it.
He was doing this same mass-reuploading to everyone in the UFO / disclosure community. I just seemed to be his biggest target.
We found out he would seduce women, move in with them, abuse them, threaten them, then steal everything they had and leave their house a horrific mess.
There were many different websites documenting these crimes, complete with the pictures, and tracking his movements.
For legal reasons I am not going to give out any of the names or website addresses at this time.
I typed one of his old phishing sites in just now, which had the porn links in it, and it is no longer active.
Either way, this could still be an actionable issue.
We had witnesses to his crimes, but they were terrified to speak because this man was so violently evil.
They knew he was a mega-womanizer and very dangerous, and one of them had witnessed him orchestrating this mass YouTube campaign against me on his computer.
He was apparently working as a team with two other guys, one of whom was his brother and a master computer hacker.
Shortly after they got my contact info through YouTube, I got weird phishing texts purporting to be from my associate Corey Goode.
It also seemed that one of these guys’ names was an alias, since it had a creepy sexual joke implied in the name.
Worst of all, my own videos were being re-uploaded with burned-in links and “bugs” that went over to child exploitation sites.
You could apparently order various disturbing videos through these sites.
This was almost certainly a credit-card phishing scam, and this guy would just ruin your life if he got anything from you.
This proof, again, was shared with YouTube through a top cyber-exploitation attorney.
We did not disclose this publicly at the time for multiple reasons, including simple personal safety.
The name I picked for him was deliberately chosen to hint at what was really going on, but no one connected the dots in a prominent fashion.
This disgusting agenda made his takedown of my own channel, for the better part of a week, all the more sinister.
It absolutely looked like a set-up to frame me for serious crimes that I was completely innocent of.
If my own channel had gone missing, and the only remaining videos linked back to kiddie stuff, that sure looked like a setup.
We finally got someone at YouTube to read our letters, and he promised to help. I believed him.
Our team wanted joint cooperation with law enforcement, as well as the following ‘wish list’ that would have followed:
- Special flagging of anyone who starts uploading videos with this and other key names in them, in bulk;
- Blockage of any and all linked bank accounts from being able to receive AdSense revenue ever again;
- Freezing and depublication of any and all channels linked to these bank accounts;
- IP tracing of where these accounts were originating from;
- Cooperation in handing this sensitive and very serious information over to the FBI;
- Et cetera.
Then our guy disappeared, and others showed up who ignored our entire thread. We were starting over from scratch every time.
First you would get the automated responses that had no awareness of the letter whatsoever, and simply told you to file takedowns or complaints.
Then you might get a ‘real person’ who obviously had not spent more than 30 seconds skimming through your letter or letters.
It was literally impossible to get any protective action on this.
It was a miracle that we were even able to get my channel back at all.
Here is a shortened excerpt from one of the emails we sent to YouTube at the time, which got us nowhere:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David Wilcock <____>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [0-4185000015108] [1-1317000015183] YouTube Partner Support PLEASE HELP: MORE FALSE STRIKES FROM SAME CRIMINAL
A violent criminal is attacking my channel, and is widely exposed online for committing multiple felonies. He has just escalated the war with ANOTHER copyright strike against content that I own….
He burned his own weblink in as well as a “bug” at the bottom right. This obviously indicates he added these things to my existing video. This is copyright theft….
These two websites (in the link) OPENLY SOLICIT their viewers to download “forbidden” X-rated films that appear to involve sex acts with children. They also harvest credit card information….
There are literally dozens of places online where you can read about the awesome scope of “con” that this man has conducted. [LINKS NOT PROVIDED HERE]
He is an international fugitive with multiple felony warrants out for his arrest. He has fled from Britain to France to Spain to Monaco to Iceland….
Finallly, here are two of the disturbing, evil images that we included in the legal package that was sent, taken right off of these linked websites.
There is nothing illegal in these images. I would not upload anything here that was. Nor did I see anything like that on these sites, thankfully.
The girl on the right is wearing a weird Satanic backpack, giving a clear hint that she is supposed to be an under-age schoolgirl.
One of the characters is wearing an Eyes-Wide-Shut-style mask with a phallic nose and “fallen angel” wings.
Notice also that whoever commissioned this illustration used a “Blue Avian” cartoon character that was touching the pizza in the center.
This character shifted from blue to green due to the overall gray filter they used on the original image:
It clearly seemed that this man was being sponsored by very dark forces to do this, and was not acting alone.
[UPDATE: We know that traditional Japanese characters are represented in this illustration. That does not change the fact that the ‘kappa’ is similar in appearance to a Blue Avian, the obvious and very sick pizza references, and the art actually saying “Download ___ episodes now.”]
Corey Goode had asserted on our show that the alleged ‘Blue Avian’ ETs had also helped the Muslims.
Notice that the little Blue Avian guy in the above illustration has a Muslim prayer cap on.
The clear insinuation, from the wording and context, was that people I knew, like Corey, were involved in a “Demon Sex Crime Syndicate.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
This stalker himself may have been a member of some sort of ‘Syndicate’ — in a classic case of projection.
Again… try to imagine if this had happened to you, and someone tried to set you up like this… on such a massive scale.
Potentially tens of thousands of videos are out there, trying to frame you as a peddler of the worst criminal material there is.
You pay for a great attorney. You have tons of evidence. Documents. Websites. Witnesses.
You believe there is no way this will be ignored.
You keep silent in the public eye, because you don’t want to enrage the guy and have him generate even crazier stuff to try to frame you with.
And then… absolutely nothing.
How in the world was this guy actually able to take my entire channel down with false copyright strikes for nearly a week?
The “Teddy Bear” had so greatly diluted my message that it was nearly impossible to find actual, new stuff by typing in my name.
If anyone had bothered to type in the links he burned into many of those videos, they would have soon found their way back to this disturbing solicitation.
I do believe that the law finally caught up with him, just based on how quiet things have gotten in the aftermath.
My lawyer did talk me through the entire process of filing all of this with the FBI through official channels, and I did it.
It also appears that the people Teddy had once hired to upload the videos then took over the business on their own.
In that case it was just to make money. Various clues suggested they were located somewhere in Southeast Asia.
Now it finally appears that YouTube has stopped this mass re-uploading scam as a whole, across the platform. That is a huge relief.
That is one of the main reasons why I even feel comfortable talking about this now. It was very demoralizing at the time.
So yeah. This stuff admittedly messed me up for a while. It is not fun having this level of evil directed at you. It is not at all like being a rock star.
No one was bootlegging rock albums and overdubbing messages in them linking the listener to disgusting criminal material.
Had this hideous frame-up actually caused any problems, I would have definitely gone public with this much sooner.
Social media? Maybe I’ll post something if I feel like it, and maybe for months at a time I will prefer to have a private and solitary life.
If I had really wanted to “Make Money,” I could have / would have / should have done a hell of a lot more than I was doing, like running multi-city conference tours… but I was fine with the quiet life of an artist.
That’s what made it so ironic when various attackers would accuse me of getting rich from this, or only doing it for the money.
If I wanted to ‘cash in’, I would have been constantly deploying social media, doing very regular conferences, and having lots of products for sale.
I did all the Old Stuff — I wrote a few published books, updated my own website, luckily got into a good show on Cable TV, and did three or four real-world conferences a year.
I continued to boldly expose the evil that I saw happening in the world, regardless of all these vicious counter-attacks.
The thing that disturbed me the most about YouTube and social media was that there was no management team I could call and hold accountable.
In the rock and roll era, your band had a manager, an agent, an accountant, and at least one executive at the label who your team could grill if something went wrong.
Not here.
Therefore, in light of my own experience, I can’t say I’m too surprised now that everyone has had the “Big Twist” and an epic betrayal from the tech giants.
If the crimes I exposed with my attorneys were not ‘good enough’ to catch even a moment’s attention, then it was complete anarchy.
The connections between these seemingly separate industries, through financiers like the Big Four, needs to be talked about.
Can I eat Tamari? F…just kidding.
I am excited also! Have we finally made it to this point? Your article is social confirmation. It’s been long and hard, seemingly against all odds, hasn’t it?
Little confused though, aren’t there two nets?
Well written and inspires me to write what I know; am I free to speak it?
At least I’m not arcing bolts from my tips anymore so I can sit and chill. Open wound for sure.
Don’t forget to have a cup of tea,
Or two,
And read my glossary.
EO 122017
I have watched almost all of the History Channel Unidentified series and the thing that bugs me the most about it (aside from the fact that they are all X- Government) is that these things are being treated as threats that have to be acknowledged, so we can defend against them. I say grow up boys because if they can come here and we can’t go there we are screwed. We would be dead three weeks before we realized what had happened. Pray that they are friendly and that the only brought the small diameter probe.
I was thinking about all the times YouTube begged us to trial their subscription based service and I couldn’t imagine paying for it when I get to watch what I want for free. That’s why they are punishing the content creators because consumers like me don’t want to pay a mega Corp more of our hard earned money. They failed with their attempt to go “cable” style.
Wow. What an effed up world we live in. I’ve been ‘awake’ for the better part of 4 years. As I read articles (book?) like this, vids on youtube, etc, the more I’m able to see through the smokescreen of the MSM. I don’t bother to watch any of it, not Fox, not MSNBC, or any other. I swore off those news-feeds about 2 years ago and I’m glad I did. Doing so has made it so much easier to see through the bullshit coming from the MSM. A quick glance at the headlines is usually all it takes for me to see what’s up. Usually no good, it seems. The MSM even lies when the truth would suffice.
I sure wish the Alliance would step it up a tad and help out the patriots who are in the thick of battle against this evil world cabal. We are besieged on all sides it seems.
I was lost and gone without David and Corey. Thanks for your saving material. Consider now that you have a true follower and believer. Not in a religious way,, but truly in a way of disclosure.
I am an avid follower and have purchased several of your books. I also have purchased and watched your movie. I am very glad you came forward with your information about Youtube and how you were compromised. I had thought that you yourself had been commercially overtaken. I am so glad that this has been clarified as I was about to drop from your viewership. I have long ago realized that there is pure evil out there and you are one of the good ones. I know you have yo make a living and wish you well. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you, David, for this amazing trove of information. Your ebook is the most informative and consolidated digest of what is taking place in the history of American politics with regard to the disclosure of the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Please take due diligence and watch your back. We are eagerly looking forward to DECLAS!!!
Hello David, I pause in reading your lengthy treatise to call attention to something you will find interesting. Michael McKibbon heads a company from whim the software running social media was stolen. He often remarks with Douglas Gabriel at various audios at American Intelligence Media. Here is a link to recent talk: Title: Socialist Media TRUMPED by Big Daddy. There is evidence of the control from patents and origins, control by the Queens Privy Council members going on now, in previous discussions. AIM is top-notch in my world as dutiful investigators and very cool retired educators with organized conclave. Believing this perspective will give you some peace, I call this to your attention. McKibbon has expressed a desire that his firm be paid for the abusive treatment, already as established in law, and would quickly move to bring social media into a lawful (1776) condition of policy and practice. Have fun! Very wise and good brothers here. Best wishes for the shift! Salute to your very noble life work contribution!
This Facebook insider is clearly leading the pack in the disclosure wars.
We’ve never had anyone this wealthy blow the whistle on deep state tyranny.
David, this is one of your best blog posts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And thank you for the ascension webinar. We’ve been so frustrated for so long with
expectations falling short. The Zuck dossier is a God-send, and I get the impression
that the author has an awareness of LoO. He might be one of your fans. God Bless!
Thank you for this comprehensive compilation of factual data and statistics to put all into sharp, clear focus as to what is happening globally. This prepares us and equips us with verifiable information. Information is knowledge.
Now, we all need to stick together.
Are there any suggestions of what we can do to help? My understanding is that meditation is critical to aid the cause, and tip the scale of consciousness to bring about this ascension.
Thank you so much David.
You truly are amazing , and full of knowledge.
I thank you
Also thank you for speaking of the law of one, only on book 2, but really great.
I would love to meet you in person, im learning so much from you.
Such gratitude for who you are and what you bring to the world. Prayers for your and Elizabeth’s safety and well-being.
If people realize that taxation so robbery, they will also realize they have no moral obligation to pay taxes. Once this happens on a large scale, the governments will go down the drain and the illuminati will of course go down with them.
This will happen all the wile people are saving money, which means people don’t even have to make big sacrifices to join the movement of our planets liberation.
Now, if God has already given us the solution, why would we ignore it and ask for another one? And if this is a solution that would actually work, why aren’t the alliance presenting it?
I agree that witholding our income taxes is a good strategy but you must also realize that the “money masters” just print fiat dollars out of thin air, so they will not be deterred. However, as a symbolic move it would motivate people to start feeling more FREE and sovereign which encourages good people to further act in integrity and trust thereby assisting in the liberation of the planet.
They will indeed be deterred because every printed dollar adds to the inflation. Yes, inflation can go on with the dollar for a while because it is used all over the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s infinite. Without taxes, governments are doomed.
Further more, the phrase “taxation is robbery”, could easily spread across the world and thus weaken the dollar all over the world.
Take a phrase like “9/11 was an inside job”, which is a phrase that requires books, documentaries, discussions, the withstand of ridicule etc to prove and compare it to the phrase “Taxation is robbery” which is an obvious fact in itself. And still 50% of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job. Imagine the effect of a simple phrase that will have a DIRECT effect on the governments power for every human being that realizes it!
You can’t even have a discussion panel on TV trying to debunk it, because the truth inherit in this statement is so obvious that those who try would only make fools of themselves and prove the point of the message even more. This means you may try to debunk and laugh at Q on national television, but you can’t even scoff at “taxation is robbery” without stepping over the line.
Hi David,
First thanks for sharing with us your insights.
Cobra of 2012Portal talks about the Event and the Galactic Confederation and they are for now held back from helping us sort out the mess on this planet by the Cabal and their ‘Chimera’ handlers because of strangelet devices.
Any way you can clarify and if indeed the skies above are filled with the ‘Light Forces’ as he calls them? Do you agree with this great change that is the ‘Event’?
If you came home late at night and found some strangers in your kitchen who said “Oh, hi! no, we’re not up to something, we’re good people, we’re here to help you”, would you trust them?
Benevolent races don’t just enter other peoples planets like that. And OF COURSE they will tell you they are “from the light” or whatever. What else do you expect in that regard?
Besides, we don’t need help from other races to liberate this planet. We can do this ourselves by letting people know that taxation is robbery.
Thanks for the reply.
Can it be done in time? Because mass arrests have been talked about as far back as 2010 and nothing has happened since. People are sick of the goalposts being shifted and people are starting to think we are being taken along for a ride.
Of course it can. Just let all people who in some way dislikes governments, taxes, politicians, politics, the cabal, the monetary system, environmental destruction, animal cruelty, gmo-foods, satanism, etc etc, that taxation is robbery. They will understand and the word will be spread all by itself. When THIS statement is spread however, things will start happen for real, because people will stop paying actual taxes (thus gaining more power to themselves) and the government will therefore lose actual power.
Spread the word everywhere while you still have the opportunity and tell those people to spred the word further etc, so that things may happen fast. Don’t leave it up to someone else. And remember that you don’t even have to tell everyone. Only those who already dislikes any of the subjects mentioned above.
People aren’t going to wake up on their own, and these days its a matter of pride to be boisterous about one’s ignorance. With a population like that I don’t see enough waking up, not enough and not in time. I know I have tried waking up people and gotten nothing but derision. After a while your own personal psychic integrity comes first.
As usual David you deliver! Thank you so much for your persistence and courage in getting out these topics to prepare us for what’s to come. Much love, protection to you and your family and much gratitude.
David Wilcock, I just got through reading your ebook, and I consider it a labor of love. Your life’s work is a labor of love. I sometimes think your updates are few and far between, but when one shows up, it is an onslaught. Thank you very much for your work. I so look forward to the day when humanity will be completely free and take its proper place in the galactic society. I am still searching for a place to purchase the movie, “The Secret Ingredient”. I am sure it is being censored, but if anyone knows where I can purchase one, please let me know. Prior to my retiring from our Healthcare Cartel, I was always trying to awaken my coworkers to the point that I became the conspiracy theorist in that hospital. Some made fun of my “avoid glyphosate” stanch. It was gratifying when after I had retired someone actually contacted me to inform me her severe IBS had stopped when she followed my advice. My love around you, David.
Thanks Dave for a great and VERY timely article. I knew that social media censoring was going on but did not know the reason. Also loved the info on how rap music was born, very interesting. Looking forward to the big document release!!
– Vince from Albany, NY
Rap music was not “born” from that meeting!! Have you ever heard of A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Pete Rock & CL Smooth etc? All predating that meeting, and all extremely positive. There is lots of great positive hip hop coming out today as well, but the large majority is underground. Just like the majority of great rock music also comes from underground/indie artists. Rock isn’t dead David!! It’s just not in the mainstream anymore.
I noticed all of the strange channel names and putting new dates with old videos. I refused to watch them because I knew deep down what was happening, but the level of corruption is mind blowing. I had the privilege of knowing JJ Jackson. He wrote many of the Motown hits and he finally won his lawsuit against Capital records for attributing his work to someone else that got paid for his work. Then I started hearing KEarth radio playing his songs that he sang himself.
From the Argentinian Patagonia i say Thank You David, i hope you will keep posting great information in the future.
Kick Some Deep State Freaks Ass.
Much love to you and your princess warrior wife.
Really wonderful article. Full of great information, insights and the most important part – a lot of positivity. It takes courage to remain positive in the face of such negativity. Your work encourages me to stay brave and do my own personal work which is mirrored by the information you are relating. That’s how the average person participates in this, change the inside and the outside will change. Face the uncomfortable truths so we can move past them. Be brave and don’t run away when it’s hard. Truly inspiring
Just a side note, the disturbing picture from the attacker to david’s video uploads actually contains japanese references in it. In case no one noticed it, the mask with the long nose is a tengu mask and the bird being looks a lot like a kappa monster. Not sure what to make of it though. But the pizza ials defo a reference on pizzagate i think.
[Moderator: Others have suggested that the bird being may be a kappa monster. The point, though, is that potentially thousands of videos of David, including those talking about Corey, had websites burned into them that went back to this image, clearly of children, offering “X-Rated Downloads” regarding “Demon Sex Crime Syndicates and the Illuminati.” So even if this individual did not commission the image, it appears to have clearly been chosen for its similarity to a Blue Avian. No question. Furthermore, David had already spoken in his talks about the similarities between the Tengu bird beings and the Blue Avians as possibly one and the same, just in two different cultures. Whoever did this very likely knew that.]
Here’s a link to An Open Secret on vimeo if anyone cares:
“The Powers that Were have done their very best to make it impossible to find the original, authentic An Open Secret film, as an example.” David, you make it sound like it’s hard to find. It’s not.
Here’s a couple more links to some lesser known documentaries on the same subject, again if anyone cares:
Conspiracy of Silence
Silence in the House of God
Check out the documentary Spotlight, too.
Bonus treat:
For those of you into archiving this shit use 4K Video Downloader or something similar.
Thank you very much for the links, especially the bonus treat.
Interesting to learn the reason why DT will never do anything about child trafficking.
So far, what we have seen all over the world, is that they arrest always the little men just to show they have done something, but never dismantle the whole thing, same like in drugs. Looking at the overall system and how it has so deep ramifications, in orphanages, social services, charity organisations, organ and human trafficking, disasters, pig farming, etc., things that we don’t even imagine, it is easy to understand why.
Wow, what a read, I’ve been following most of the stuff you’ve highlighted, of particular interest are your comments of the FB insider tell all. Read this a week or so ago and honestly was not surprised, loved your research on the “vertical integration” of the tech giants, makes sooooooo much sense, particularly Blackrock and Fidelity, both Rothschild institutions, joining the dots I presume that the major contractors for the ICC are also controlled by same individuals hence Corey’s comments regarding persons of interest, on our frontal lobe, he saw while addressing the Council on behalf of the Blue Avians and Golden Triangle head beings. Also interesting to note that all the people I know in cyber security and military EW have no ID on ANY social media, I initially believed this was overactive imaginations, turns out there was VERY good reason for this behaviour.
With all due respect to David and the team, just wanted to share some info / observation on the No-No foods listed.
Wheat: I have lived in Canada for quite some time and what I can tell you for sure is that the Multipurpose Wheat flour that you get in most of the dept stores across North America is a processed food poison in disguise. I am originally from India, which is why I can tell this for sure. The original, farm fresh, whole wheat flour is way too different in look, texture, smell and taste. The one that you get from processed stuff is mostly used in restaurants and food shows on TV (what an irony!)
Same goes with other processed whole grain foods and flour. So if you can, locate an Asian/ Indian store nearby and SPECIFICALLY ASK for whole wheat flour from India/Pak/Bangladesh/Srilanka, or one from Ukraine. Its difficult and might be a bit expensive, but the long term benefits outweigh the costs.
Better option: Switch to these flours – Millet (Bajra), Sorghum, or Maize (asian corn) flour. These are better in digestion and also provide more protein and immunity than regular wheat flour. Whats more, these are all gluten free, whereas whole wheat still has gluten which is again a no-no.
Sugar: Again, the processed, refined, almost powdered-like white sugar is a big killer!! The safest possible sugar, is the Raw, brownish crystallized sugar that is again a product of Asia, mostly India and Pak. Fortunately these are becoming more common, so it should be relatively easy to locate.
Hope this helps.
Better option: Switch to Jaggery (palm sugar). It is easily found in Indian stores, but not many know its benefits. Jaggery is the Mother of all sugars, but because of its raw nature, its easily broken down into essential sugars like sucrose, and therefore healthy enough. Its medicinal capabilities are used along with flours like Millet / Bajra and this particular combination is very commonly used in India / Asia to cure cold and fever. It is also used to tackle lack of appetite for any age group.
Hope this helps.
With all due respect, David. Just sharing some points and a question.
Question: We knew something was up with YT when your video on Antarctica and Linda’s insiders went into legal tussle. And you probably knew more than what is public knowledge, so my question is –
What was / is stopping you / your team to jump on to other non-YT platforms like BitChute, Vimeo, Dailymotion? Unless you guys know more inside things than us, I’d say lets start seeing you on these platforms instead on wasting time and energy on trashing YT. Again just a humble suggestion with all due respect.
Perhaps David doesn’t want to give Bitchute etc. the scrutiny from the CIA or whatever.
Many people will only make a move to other platforms when those platforms will have a very significant number of followers. They just do not have that large audience – yet. But nothing stop YouTubers certainly to transfer sensitive stuff on them with a link, instead of censuring themselves.
Trank you David for all you do, and thank you to all the countless brave souls on the battle ground.
Google censorship is in overdrive. Our page is not listed at all anymore by searching for “alternative accommodation ________” Before all this started it was on page one.
Blocking even alternative accommodation?
Many small businesses are badly damaged through this.
Time for the storm to come!
WOW, this is so current. ‘In case you haven’t noticed, it has become nearly impossible to find any alternative news on YouTube now. It has become a wasteland of check-marked trash.’
They are trying to silence us at any cost.
I’ve noticed this as of the last few weeks too. No alternative media, or alternative teachers ever come up in my recommended like they used to. I don’t even like Youtube anymore now.
Thank you for giving us a free e-book. And wow.. What an interesting book!!
Money talks, it’s just another clear picture of how they will make agenda 21 a reality, how they will stop at nothing to achieve their objective, unless we can stop them now. My website is being revised and I would suggest anyone who is interested to wait a week before checking it out.
I just can’t condone anything you’re saying here because you’re constantly trying to placate the Trump haters. It’s as if you have no idea what went down at the FBI and DOJ—extremely serious allegations David. The corruption of our government by the Deep State is quite literally the biggest strike against our country ever witnessed, and some of us know the players and events so well, we can recite the whole horrible scheme by heart. It’s clear you do not have that depth of knowledge.
You have no clear idea that Trump —with all his faults—-was asked to run and to be the face of the pursuit to take our country back from these monsters. He gave up his life, his safety and his business to do so. The man deserves a little respect for that. I can’t think of too many candidates who could pull this off amid daily assaults and threats.
If you want respect from the community, then you need to start telling the truth about Trump rather than tiptoe around it. The Patriots and the white hats of this country owe him a debt of gratitude., and so will the rest of the world when the truth comes out.
Trump did not collude with Russia, David. You seem surprised by that. If you really understood the story, you wouldn’t be.
You are doing a disservice to the truth here to tote your own dislike of our president. I can only surmise that you have refused to truly look at the Russia collusion story. You are a novice at the finer points of the story and don’t know the difference between Stockz or Pappadopolis.
Therefore, it’s hard to take you seriously. True intellects have no biases. The truth is just the truth.
Keep up the fantastic work David! Trump’s gmo craziness was balanced by your focus on organics & ect in your AWESOME report!
My God,
That is the subtlest put down I have ever seen!
Recall the NLP psychologists tasked with guiding/directing Obama-Team strategies. Trump is the Neuro-Linguistic Programming “mirror,” held up to the Leftism-driven libertines, which magical reflectivity keeps the libertine Deep State wildly off-balance, confused, and terrified–witnessin/seeing their own evil SHADOW unmasked and exposed in MAGIC-MIRROR Trump. -RB
respectfully, and without going into all the reasons why some believe you’re misguided and thoroughly confused, you should consider that your opinion isn’t “the truth” but just…your opinion
and for someone who claims to know her facts so well, let me give you a little assistance, it’s “Strzok” and “Papadopoulos”…and that’s the truth
People seem to have forgotten the direction this world would have taken had the other candidate come to power. She was quite eager to start a war with Russia by imposing a no-fly zone over Syria.
And Putin has indicated more than a few times at various public appearances he is quite willing to ensure the rest of the world goes down if the Russian Federation goes down, and they have the weaponry to back their words up, and they are not bogged down by the bureaucratic inefficiencies that plague the US military industrial complex (compare the Lockheed Martin F-35 to the Russian Su-35).
Your own genius ‘opinion’ and politics based on left-wing garbage would be out of the window if the Russian President was pushed into taking retaliatory action by the other candidate. Have fun then using transgender bathrooms in a nuclear wasteland.
I understand your point…but is the dig at transgender people really necessary? I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and it pains me to see so much homophobia being so casually thrown around in the alternative press these days. It’s completely unnecessary and divisive.
Here in Eurasia we aren’t burdened by the mental illness that is ‘liberalism’ That’s why we are making the money and the influx of westerners to places like Singapore speaks louder than any 50 page thesis paper by a lobotomised western college student doing a useless degree like gender studies that does nothing to contribute the basic building blocks of civilization.
Eurasia controls over 70% of the world’s GDP because we don’t subscribe to this garbage of special rights for this group of people. We also hold your debt, and we hold most of the economic and military cards.
Better wake up now or it will be just ashes you will be smelling when you are forced by circumstance to do so.
Actually not supporting transgender insanity is not the same as homophobia.
I’m fine with homosexuality, but supporting people to try to physically change their biological gender instead of doing the work on the emotional (and sometimes other levels) is just insanity. Regardless of being left/right-wing. But now transgenderism has been lumped in with homosexuality…No.
Madge, I hear your frustration at what you seem to consider David’s quasi-apologetic discernment of President Trump’s role in the Alliance take down of the global cartel. I encourage you to consider that many people, like Zach S. here, express such an anti-Trump bias that it would be difficult to reach those people with the more overarching truth of the situation without a less enthusiastic approach to President Trump.
I have come to embrace President Trump and his role in the Great Awakening.
Louise Hay (Hay House Publishing) counseled finding an alternative to “should” and “need to” when encouraging another person, if you truly want to reach them in an understanding way.
That said, I encourage you to consider the tone of your approach. I believe much of what you say to be true and correct. I also think that it is possible to know the facts of a situation without knowing how to spell particular words, like Strzok and Papadopoulos. Zach, I hope that in the future you hold yourself to a better, more gentlemanly standard than resorting to a remark of that caliber. I’ve read very insightful comments from you in the past.
Trump supporters have been the subject of the worst treatment of an electoral group we have seen in memory. It was at the point where people were told by their relatives to not talk about the Trump victory over Thanksgiving just after the election victory. They have been subject to brutal physical assaults (bike lock attack, good thing that trashbag got doxxed by Anonymous and he is hiding for his life in whatever rat hole he came out of), they have lost friends and relatives over Trump, people’s hair have been set on fire, and numerous death threats and threats against their families and children, who wouldn’t understand why ‘grownups’ fight over this sort of thing.
Unfortunately her approach is the result of the siege mentality that’s the inevitable result of the treatment that group has gotten from the same hypocrites who claim ‘love and tolerance’. No one should expect any different.
Let’s raise our expectations of one another and ourselves.
Let’s treat each other by the Golden Rule.
I totally agree with Madge – this is as important, if not more important than any of the other issues being talked about. If David had been honest instead of tip toeing around the subject this would have been an even better book.
Thank you Madge for saying everything, especially about Trump.
I heard 3 retired generals asked Trump to run.
The deep state couldn’t be defeated with a cabal president. The generals know that Clinton and Bush are deep state operatives.
The Russian collusion psyop was designed to also put Trump in a corner where he would be reluctant to talk to Putin as any communication would ‘verify’ the lies of the Russian collusion psy-op
This is what the US would be facing had the other candidate won.
‘If we are attacked, we will go into Heaven as martyrs. Our enemies won’t even have time to repent.’ – Putin at Valdai Conference 2018, to loud cheers and applause from business representatives throughout Eurasia, Africa and the Americas, ‘enemies’ referring to the Anglo-American sphere.
Poseidon (NATO designation: Kanyon) Torpedo:
200 Megatonne Cobalt Thermonuclear device
Cobalt Bomb – a nuclear device designed to contaminate a large area with radioactive material
“According NukeMap simulations, the size of the radioactive area will be about 1700×300 kilometers. For this purpose, the Poseidon is believed to be equipped with a toxic cobalt bomb, containing Cobalt-60. Poseidon appears to be a deterrent weapon of last resort.
An aircraft carrier battle group would have reduced chances of defending itself against it. The drone could detonate its very large warhead at standoff range, and anti-submarine warfare units would have very little time to react because of the speed at which it travels.”
Asymmetric counter to weapon missile defense systems, was created among other weapons like the Sarmat (NATO designation, Satan-2) ICBM, (one of which is capable of destroying an area the size of Texas), in response to US pulling out of ABM treaty in 2000s.
I’m sure David is just doing his best to connect with his (perceived) audience. There are loads of Regina Meredith types in the new age community. (Is that fair to say? She was fairly anti Trump I remember watching astrology videos where she pushed that quite a lot. She was very upset that a woman isn’t President.)
I think in general though the right wing that is rising has sort of taken over its opposition. In the UK there is not much real opposition against Boris Johnson (or Nigel Farage, apparently polling that if there was a GE today he would be Prime Minister!). The progressive left has outshouted itself and people have grown bored while the non mainstream right is still bursting with enthusiasm they might get some small victory. Remainers are sounding hollow, they just don’t have anything left in the outrage box. Their arguments have been taken apart repeatedly by common sense. Non globalist remainers are talking sense ‘I supported remain but we lost’.
Madge, you have totally misinterpreted and misunderstood how DW feels about Trump. Please understand David downplays his true feelings about Trump to minimize the knee-jerk triggering that happens when Trump haters hear anything non-negative about Trump. David is attempting to avoid instantly alienating Trump haters from listening to the deep and profound implications of what has occurred in the past on Planet Earth … and what is about to happen.
Please reevaluate your assessment of DW’s opinion of Trump based on this heads-up. Thank you.
David is doing a great job and a dangerous one.
The same go,s for President Trump and the Patriots.
Greetings from the Netherlands.
yep, a few months worth of those born in 52, ALL of those born 53, 54, 55 and half of those born in 56 get the biggest shaft of ALL time! And its still a very unknown topic, while putting Trump into office those of us born within these years are only known to ourselves. When we try to explain what Obama did to us we are scoffed at, and belittled into obscurity, only 30 to 40 years from now will someone write a book about the last years of the baby-boomers who took the full force of the muslim message on America from our “great world recession” , without a doubt THEE most taboo subject in the world!
A lot of hard work and time went into this new document and David gave us all this for free!
It is hard to earn a living and to contribute your time with this document and others before shows your level of commitment that you have.
I can only say a big thank you David Wilcock and family
The last card the henious devils play is the pity card like: “I’m so sorry. I accept that I Desevererve (smi) to be never forgiven for what I’ve done. God used me as a villian to give you the chance to be a hero. And the Satan tricked me into obliging to be the bad guy for God’s sake..that’s how GOd’s story- drama goes…I didn’t know I was lying ’cause I was deceived into beliving my evil self… woe is me…. ( blah.,.blah..blah…). Let me prove to you I’m so-so verily very really real-ly sin-searly sorery… Give me your sword, and I’ll kill myself right now….I promiss…cross my heart I hope to die… Please…. for pity sake, I beg you to GIVE ME THE SWORD.. please… Its cruel to leave me burning in my own self -hatred…. I mean it!!! For real this time…
FOR- (f__in’) – GIVE ME THE SWORD !!!!! Whaaaa…. ” *cries like a baby*
Thank you David. I spent the afternoon today getting through your ebook. It is ultimately terrifying and exhilarating. I have been following you since your very beginning. We are all exhausted from waiting but you continue to stoke the fires of Hope.
How does Trump separating children from their parents at the Mexican border and then keeping them in squalid conditions fit into this narrative?
I totally respect and love you David! Thank you for all you do for humanity.
I think it needs to be acknowledged what Trump is doing for humanity, too, at great peril to his life and once comfortable livelihood. You should be telling your readers to give this man a little respect. He will go down in history as a hero for stopping the Deep State whether anyone likes it or not.
Also, Harvard grads do not spell roommate as “room-mate” or scared as “scarred.” I doubt a Harvard guy wrote that letter. Too many typos and errors.
My brother has a PhD in Chemistry and still can’t spell for crap. Just saying that spelling errors don’t mean you’re not smart. Some people are just don’t have the spelling “gene.”
I wish there was a way for us regular Joes to support the Alliance. Blessings to you and your household David.
We may not be able to help the Alliance directly but everything we do helps the overall effort. Honestly I think its going to be all of us disconnected free radicals floating around the system guided by our own intuition that is really going to tip the scales for the home team. The cabal cannot anticipate what we dont even know we are going to do. If you feel a sudden spark of inspiration and it seems achievable then do that. All these things may seem disconnected but will coalesce in a beautifully unpredictable way
Well put.
If you let people know that taxation is robbery, people will realize they are being ruled by a gang of robbers (and one does not even have to go in to conspiracy theories to prove this because the fact of this statement is already obvious).
Once this happens, people will realize they have no moral obligation to pay taxes and thus, the government will inevitably lose its income and fall. This means of course that the illuminati also will fall. This is a perfect solution because everyone who joins the movement will save money saving the world.
What a labor of love! Thank you for this insightful e-book! Take care and best of health!
Hi David, I was hoping to purchase a hard disc copy of Above Majestic on dvd to own, but I cannot find anyone who sells it, you see I would have bought 6 copies so I could send them to my brother & sisters who believe that I am MAD when I try to discuss this topic with them . I hope that disclosure happens soon cause I am about to do something stupid , like doing myself in , being disowned by your family is the hardest thing that has ever happened to me, I am so lonely . thank you for all your hard work in trying to educate the people of earth to what is going on, I hope all the nay sayers get to repeat the 3rd dimension on a worse planet then earth , Karma`s a bitch, because otherwise what is the point to life ! Regards Bro.
Hi David, I am also having the same problem as you, I even contacted David Wilcocks website an was told on online version could be found online… I do not remember where. Strange !!! If you find out more please tell me… Thanks.
Wrong, man. It’s the little lies that are hardest to hide. The BIG lies keep themselves hidden by the peoples’ own incredulity. We’ve been brainwashed since birth and those we’ve been taught to trust the most, are the most guilty of deception. This is an impossible notion to most folks, and it’s not their fault. We/they have been deeply CONDITIONED to reject information outside of the approved narrative laid out by “the authorities” of truth. At some point in time (hopefully soon…though we’ve been hearing “soon” for so long) the painful truth will be impossible to deny any longer, and those who have thoughtlessly and automatically dismissed the truth seekers will need the truth seekers to guide them back into reality.
Hi David, I was disowned by my family as well. it was incredibly traumatic and still hurts. hang in there buddy because it gets better. you are worthy of love. Email me if you want somebody to talk to. [email protected]
You are not alone in this struggle. I’m pretty much an outcast to my family too. I can hear them some times, there comes crazy ole uncle Ken. I’d never say I told you so, but soon enough they’ll know how right I was. I get no pleasure in that thought.
You are a miracle of the universe. I harmonize with your frequency.