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The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

(draft of Pt 1)

This is an early draft of the international best seller now available for purchase online and in book stores nationwide.

From the book:

Here we are in the twenty-first century with a world in upheaval — terrorists, anthrax, plagues, financial uncertainty and political unrest — a world not so different from the world that Edgar Cayce prophetically described many years ago, perhaps less an earthquake or two. Is it possible that Cayce has actually reincarnated and walks among us today? Edgar Cayce was born in 1877 and departed this plane in 1945. He left a legacy that has changed the lives of millions of people who are dedicated to spiritual awakening. We live our mortal lives in this physical universe with our miniscule conscious awareness, but Edgar Cayce all but proved to us that we live on after death. Anyone who has studied some of the hundreds of books written about Cayce and his readings can’t help but give serious consideration to the perpetual existence of our essence and of our ultimate return, clothed in a new body somewhere down the road. And each time we reincarnate, once again the memory of all our previous lives is hidden from our waking consciousness as we enter into another round of earthbound experience. Cayce gave us a multitude of clues as to how this process works, as well as the meaning of karma and the importance of service to others, among many, many other metaphysical topics.

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