About The Author
David Wilcock
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. David’s message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama.
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David’s Articles
SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (New Free Movie!)December 14, 2019 | Hits: 10,150,436
DECLAS, Disclosure and David’s #1 New Ascension Film Incoming!November 18, 2019 | Hits: 10,290,441
IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed!July 7, 2019 | Hits: 11,202,965
DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation… But Why? [Free Ebook!]June 25, 2019 | Hits: 10,817,085
David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries: 4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos!March 19, 2019 | Hits: 11,711,457
Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the OmegaJanuary 6, 2019 | Hits: 13,150,044
Discussion of David’s Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary!October 30, 2018 | Hits: 14,701,506
MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space ProgramOctober 27, 2018 | Hits: 14,554,142
Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?September 8, 2018 | Hits: 14,826,050
New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It BackJuly 2, 2018 | Hits: 14,450,288
Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening NowApril 27, 2018 | Hits: 14,329,177
David Wilcock Marriage Announcement: A Happy Life!March 4, 2018 | Hits: 14,157,952
Tom DeLonge Group Stunningly Debunked: Curtains for Partial Disclosure?February 9, 2018 | Hits: 14,115,545
Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity’s Billion-Year LegacyJanuary 12, 2018 | Hits: 14,275,421
ET Autopsy Insider Emery Smith Hit With Massive Attack After Coming ForwardDecember 29, 2017 | Hits: 14,137,795
Hi David. Have you ever heard of aa spirtual being that had the wings and tailvof a hawk . But had a cats face and body. As I had a o.b.e. and this being flew over to me . Also I learned to open my 3rd eye and noticed when I opened it, I noticed that I was inside sumbody else’s body looking out off there eyes.. This I couldn’t believe wot had just happened to my self. Iv also opened my 3rd eye and I can see wot is in front of me, with my eyes closed.. It truely is amazing wot the human mind can do.. This woke me up to see this world in a different way. And II am so thankfully for this..
Thankyou David for your insight on this amazing information
Thank you David for sharing. The info in this video is great! I will share with others who want to part of peace.
Muito obrigada, sua generosidade é envolvente, Deus o abençõe, de todo o coração! ★
★ ☆*✽*✲*CIÇA★
Thank you David.
We LOVE you greatly.
I really liked this video. For everyone who can read this comment i refer to you to another technique which has helped me alot relatively short period of time. Its called “amygdala tickling” taught by Niel slade on his website.
Thx again for this video.
Hellooooooo PEOPLE!!! Finally, divinecosmos.com is reachable from Romania (I wonder why, but … I AM HAPPY!!! for that, so I don’t really care why!)
I love the ideas spoken by David because I myself feel the same way.
I always believed to be impossible to explain something that is so advanced in future to a ordinary and indoctrinated mentality(that is so advanced into the past). David Wilcock, Project Camelot and others like them prove me wrong, and I was so happy when I found out about them. Guys you give life to my life!!!
I am convinced that nothing bad is ever going to happen to you, people are there for you.
You can find the words for many people’s minds. And for that I applaud you and I support you!!( for now, just by share your videos and talk about you and your work, in future I will be able to do more!).
You have done so much good for my mental health,in this crazy world, and I can’t find the words to express my gratitude fully.
As for “Personal Spiritual Development!” … since late childhood I felt like this is the only meaning of life…. because nothing else made any sense, but sadly I could not speak it although I could understand it.
Man, u rock!!!
I am your follower (don’t worry, I wont pop up at window at night, I’m not that crazy!) … for your ideas.
Keep up the best work!
Ecaterina (Katherine)
I love this idea of forbidden science and other astronomically related theories. I saw this movie recently called “Solar Revolution” thats pretty relevant to the science disused in this video, however, it considers the how the end of 2012 will lead our civilization into a completely foreign dimension due to the combination of climate change and the sun’s energy.
There’s a link below where you can view the trailer.
truththeory.com (forward slash) 2012/08/22/solar-revolution-trailer
I can’t thank you enough, I just rewatched this and feel so much more refreshed on the person I am rather than what people put me down as. This time I will not forget it. Your amazing David, very appreciated! ;-):-*:P
Thank you David for such a clear and beautiful teaching. You have stilled my muddy water and have allowed me for the first time to begin seeing with true clarity. Absolutely amazing – Love Peace and Blessings to you
hi, i get spontagus out of body experinces,but only round the winter time,and not the summer ?, iv also opened my third eye chakra,,And get alot of lucid dreams, but why do i mostly only get o.b.e round winter time ??
Buenas tardes,
Me parece muy interesante el que compartas conocimientos
Y me gustaría mucho que colocaras subtítulos en español para comprender todo lo que informas y/o tener la opción de escucharlos en español.
Hoy estuve viendo un documental tuyo y me encantó.
Deberías venir a Medellín – Colombia a dar tus conferencias.
[Moderator: No hablas espanol – lo siento. Gracias.]
Thank you David. You are a true New Age prophet. I am blessed to have had the chance to listen to you. Hopefully a lot of others will also. Continue your amazing work.
Continue being the Positive Light, that you are!!!!!!
Toni J.
Hi, Just thought I would say how soothing this was to hear. It makes absolute sense, thank you so much David.
This was great. Thank you!
Much Love!
Thank you, David, for the inspiration and love you share with us. We came, we saw, we heard, and now we will share with others. Love, peace and blessings from Saginaw, MI.
Pat Miller
Thank you, David, for sharing your experiences, your energy and your love so gracefully with so many…. we are deeply grateful. May love, light and peace always surround you.
Pat Miller, Saginaw, MI
:I amagine how proud your parents must feel for bringing such wonderful soul into this diminution. Thank you Mr. And Mrs Wilcock. Amen.
hello I am Scott E Ware a minister who has always had visions and i think we need to talk it is very very very important for everyone on this planet.
Hello David Wilcock,
You have nailed it in this video. I have watched it for the second time, and it speaks to me.
I have read 2 of your books and I enjoyed them immensely. Thank you for your work. You are awsome!
Delray Beach, Fla, USA
Thank you, David. I like how you broke it down…making it bite size. I’ve studied metaphysics for years, but just discovered you recently on Coast to Coast. I like how you said meditate any way you can. I/we all get caught up in how. I think it just expands with trying. I’ve got about five minutes…Also, interesting how you introduced the Tarot. The Lovers was a perfect analogy since many people are “users” and that breaks it down. I would warn against getting too deep into the occult, however. Can a person read their own Tarot Cards, if they are astute and have the directions that came in the pack? Or, does one need a Tarot reader?
Thanks for all you do….you are so prolific it is staggering.
Knowledge is like the lamp of Diogenes, “sheds light on our dark side”. Thanks David for bringing light into our lives.
David, What an inspiration & enlightenment to humanity & all the animals we share mother earth with….I used to read Edgar Casey’s books & people laughed at me…I just did not care…& then you come along..what a blessing! Thank you for being you and sharing yourself as well as your knowledge. Love & good health always, Annie
While trying to watch this video it does not play but says an error occurred in the center of the frame.
When I try to watch it on youtube by clicking the youtube icon on the lower part of the frame, it took me to a page talking about an error and that highly trained monkeys were going to work on it. The second time it took me to a page with a broken robot drawing talking about how an error occurred, and “That’s all we know”. It worked the time after that in which I tried to watch it off onto youtube.
weird huh?
thank you, David, from my heart. the video, Occupy your self, was beautiful and centering.
be blessed in all ways
peace to your heart
David, any chance you will be in Florida this year?? i would love to be in the presence of your powerful energy.. after many years of research i now feel i have someone at the forefront for this movement, The S F I book is spot on and i believe a must read for anyone wanting to truly understand that one must dig deeper into the past, to see further in the future..
i have used the term Holographic field for years, but like you said in your book, it has gone by many different names.. but, the way you attack the root of issues and explain in simple terms the way you do, is powerful stuff.. thanks for all that you have done and will do.. hope to see you in this life, but will no doubt see you after the vale is lifted.. – holotech
[Moderator: Florida is not yet on the schedule, but as it updates, you will find all the dates and locations at http://www.divinecosmos.com under upcoming appearances.]
Really profound. I have been practicing Sahaja Yoga by Nirmala Ma and this all is like jig saw puzzles falling into place. Thanks David, may God bless you.
I have been dreaming of God and my guru and I think listening to your video I have understood the message being sent across. I believe that we are heading towards tremendous change in awareness. A link to SHRIMATAJI’S LECTURE:
hi david, a few months ago i was meditating and while i was meditating i was listening to the love frequency tones and something weird happen while my eyes closed i saw different colors then it was as if i was going through a worm hole then was was in the air and the clouds where golden,do you think i crazy or something
Good work!!! Nice and thank you 🙂
Hi David
I know you are very busy and your health has been an issue, probably due to an extreme amount
of work in many directions. So I hope you are
able to take some time for yourself over the holidays and get some rest. I want to say that
I very much miss your updates in your blog.
I asked before and didn’t get an answer but what
happened to the update before you became ill, the article that was almost finished? I don’t want this to feel like a preasure question, just
anxious to hear what’s going on.
Thanks very much and have a wonderful Holiday.
Love & Light
Thanks for the wonderful message. It is a message that parallels what I here from my pastor on Sunday and Spirit Cafe.
Thank you so much for this video. It is perfect timing for me. The part about forgiveness is especially meaningful to me.
Hi beautiful David
I’ve was introduced to you by an e-mail I got
about 3 months ago. I am taken by your brilliance
and sincerity. You are quite a gift and blessing.
I have your book and have purchased from your
store. As I’m absorbing the information I now
look at people differently and they respond to
me in a loving way for I had bitterness of what
our leaders are doing to us. Now I just want to
educate my high being. I plan on coming to Texas
and meeting you would be a gift in it self.
With much love Marie
Excellent teaching! Thank you, David!
Is it possible to have the transcript of the video to translate it in various languages.
With Love and Appreciation
[Moderator: We are working on making that available…]