About The Author
David Wilcock
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. David’s message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama.
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David’s Articles
SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (New Free Movie!)December 14, 2019 | Hits: 10,150,769
DECLAS, Disclosure and David’s #1 New Ascension Film Incoming!November 18, 2019 | Hits: 10,290,784
IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed!July 7, 2019 | Hits: 11,203,308
DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation… But Why? [Free Ebook!]June 25, 2019 | Hits: 10,817,399
David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries: 4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos!March 19, 2019 | Hits: 11,711,774
Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the OmegaJanuary 6, 2019 | Hits: 13,150,361
Discussion of David’s Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary!October 30, 2018 | Hits: 14,701,823
MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space ProgramOctober 27, 2018 | Hits: 14,554,459
Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?September 8, 2018 | Hits: 14,826,365
New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It BackJuly 2, 2018 | Hits: 14,450,604
Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening NowApril 27, 2018 | Hits: 14,329,450
David Wilcock Marriage Announcement: A Happy Life!March 4, 2018 | Hits: 14,158,225
Tom DeLonge Group Stunningly Debunked: Curtains for Partial Disclosure?February 9, 2018 | Hits: 14,115,818
Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity’s Billion-Year LegacyJanuary 12, 2018 | Hits: 14,275,694
ET Autopsy Insider Emery Smith Hit With Massive Attack After Coming ForwardDecember 29, 2017 | Hits: 14,138,068
David you’re trying so hard to make us think you are right about all you’re saying I can’t help but think this actually is service to self, in some way at least. How can’t you handle death and silence instead ? Here is a valuable thought that came thru my heart and mind today in meditation, in french. I believe it’s as much for me as for others.
“The Law is never gonna bend to our own (the one(s) we’ve created for ourselves). The proof for this is that so few are/will make it flying, whilst the most are dying failing to have opened to anything bigger (yet ?).”
Forgivness is bigger than the Law, and yes, there definitely is a loving Creator.
The Law is a subsystem of love and forgivness and I believe is the measure for/of our consciousness.
Forgot to mention that it would be interesting indeed to see how perspectives would be if there was a Total absence of spiritual (etc) literature.
Folks are impressionable, especially when needs, or perceived needs abound.
Write your own bible, emerald tablet, handbook for ascension etc etc….
Everyone here is still going to die, in the usual ways, and experience what leads up to it.
That’s one of my intents; quick, neat and painless. Now this would be a gift from god.
The rest is, as mentioned, a karmic treadmill trap cum catch 22. You there! You should be out saving starving kids rather than reading feel good concoctions. Don’t feed them meat or else!
I’ve an excuse with both a debilitated sun and jupiter. Perhaps someone could shed some light on that as I still can’t figure out what I might have done, if anything. Einstein had two fallen planets but they also took part in strong yogas which enhanced auspiciousness.
I don’t have those yogas and it shows. Guess I was a real jerk in another life. NOT like these elites, who get great natal alignments which pave the way to their exalted status…in which they then sell out the planet and it’s inhabitants via exploitation/bio weaponization etcetc.
Karma…weirdness and something is amiss with this. I’m guessing it’s a mind trick. Like when the boy in Dune had to put his hand in the box…
[Moderator: You may love the book “The Greatness of Saturn” by Robert Svoboda. I think this is a great book to help overcome the feeling of difficult astrology. It helped me not go crazy through my Saturn return and embrace the lessons I am here to learn more deeply. ]
Fabulous! Ever so concise and straight to the point! Namaste!
Has anyone heard about these damaged underground cities Anywhere else but here?
As for Karma, I think it’s the ultimate joke on man – if the doctrine is valid – that he has to contend with karmic payback; whilst living within a food chain. This is the ultimate catch 22. Claiming self defense doesn’t cut it.
But if we, individually, are our own judge, then perhaps being a psychopath has it’s benefits…
Ascension. If Any conscious effort is required, many simply won’t make it. As far as I can tell, if it happens in any way remotely akin as to what new age types say, it will be a shift more into what takes place in your mind’s eye and inner plane work. Anything beyond that, like some in your face dimensional flip simply isn’t going to happen. What happened before? Only thing on record was vast destruction.
thank you.
another great step forward for all of us.
thank you for the great video.
it really just becomes more and more apparent that the deeper down the road we travel with “this road map” the more simple and fulfilling life becomes.
thanks again team divinecosmos!
one of the cats at my sanctuary is ill at the moment and has difficulty nose breathing…
when I played this video, his respirations immediately returned to normal and clear and he became peaceful.
Love and thanks from the animals and from me.
Mary keating
Ai Kansha cat sanctuary, Co. Limerick, Ireland.
Hi David,
Not bad for a 4000 year old Egyptian priest. I find your stuff to be awe inspiring, well researched, and very helpful for the laymen to stay in the know. True service to others.
I believe the karmic wheel is more like a dysfunctional family of souls that we find ourselves in because darkness fell on our world and the universe cried out to us to do our share, to do our part in raising Christ Consciousness, but we then forgot how to raise ourselves up once we are with those subject to the fallen.
The principle of Good and Evil, it manifests differently here in the 3rd density than it does on the higher planes but all those who are striving here, don’t we also have a place in casting light on those renegade souls who have manipulated the info we have been experiencing?
I heard it said the number one law in the universe is that a more advanced species should not alter the course of a less advanced one.
I thank the Creator every day that the imbalance from beyond has been brought into balance from those who are now standing against those in opposition to the law of one.
Are those other beings that have exploited our world not also coming to face the music?
How did a good concept like good and evil get so out of balance in our world?
Was it to bring our tortured existance into the databases of the Akashic records along with the confederation of planets, helping to rectify some weak minded more advanced beings than ourselves?
We share in a burden of being less than worthy for having the symbiotic relationship we have endured alongside of some very negative influences but what do we bring to the bigger picture?
Does everyone reading this really think it’s about whether or not “I” make ascension or not? It’s about all of us collectively.
We don’t know how many but adding ourselves is one more right there. Its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Much love David,
Nice Video. Great message of oneness.
I like the stock footage of the moving clouds and nature scenes; nice feel for the narrative. Oh yeah, the music’s not bad either.
Dear David
In this brief and profound video you have validated my soul’s knowing and the life coarse I have struggled to accomplish.
Your gift of wisdom has given me the support to go forward with my soul’s journey at this critical time in my life.
With Love,
Susan Randazzo
Thank you for sharing this David!
Deepest gratitude to you David.
You have been an inspiration to me for over 10 years.
I’d like to share some music that anyone can use for meditative or introspective purposes.
Peace & Wonder to all.
Hi David,
Off the charts workshop on 11/11/11.
Hope people are feeling your love better when you Hug!
Have two Pharmacies in Palm Springs and Palm Desert that may be interested in carying your remedies. Please have someone contact me.
Also have a very high consciousness international author/lecturer that is interested in helping you spread your work.
Please have someone contact me.
Love and Blessings, Harry
[Moderator: David does not personally vend any “remedies” at conferences, but he does sometimes have one or two vendors at the conferences.]
Daivd…I want to say again how great the video
is and thank you so much…I was wondering if
I could ask the moderator if the article would
be coming out that David said was almost done
before he became ill?
Thank you
Thanks David: What a great movie, I never got so much out of such a short movie. I’m wondering though about what you are saying on ascension.
I’m told over & over in my pendulum work that to make ascension, one must have been in the 3rd density 56% of a cycle (14,515 years), besides being over 50% of Love & Service to Others.
I’ve learned that only 7% of us has been around that long. Might you be setting up a lot of people for a big letdown? Could you check it out and let me know if I’m right?
hi David, again an amazing video of yours, i can litteraly listen to you for hours upon hours..
you get so deep down into the root of things, into the root of soul, ego, and spirit!!!
listening to your SFI -is the most educating & fascinating thing, in this era of times, the most profound work anybody has ever done in the serounding fields of science and conciosness.
I am from Israel, and I really wish to bring this work into all Israeli science institutions, so real scientist that come from this place will start to see and be aware of the nature of truth in this palnet -earth.
I thank you in my behalf, also in behalf of humanity!!!
I post it a lot in my facebook -the SFI, AND TEL EVERY ONE IT IS IMPORTANT THEY BUY A COPY, SO – IT WILL MAKE IT INTO THE NY TIMES NEWS,from there it will be easy to make it into mainstream media channels -to come to the light and service of all of us here!!
and video formate blogging -is so much more favorable – to my taste , much more then a written text…. so alive, vivid,
dont know what you have done, but you look 20 years younger then your earth age!!!
to life
In Light
Simplicity is key.
Thank you David (Edgar) 🙂
David, Thanks for your insight for all!
Thanks David, Let’s BELOVEJOY!
Good Thoughts and Visuals. Thank you!
This was great David. Really, really good concepts and teachings.
You rock!
I will continue to occupy myself with meditation, love, forgiveness and creating beautiful music etc.
This, and joining the “occupy wall street movement” is how I will continue to serve others.
Thanks for helping us to remember what is important.
Another great ‘download’ of info. You inspire me to continue to let go of past hurts and relationship trauma.
Thank you, thank you brother. Keep well.
Thank you David! Love and good vibes from Buenos Aires!
thank you for spreading the love. will pass it on.
Don’t fear, forgive & be love in all you do. The simplest ticket to the new earth 😉 Great one Dave!
Oh David, Thank You so much for this lesson. I am crying because it’s as if you just have made the key to the Universe :-*
You are such a blessing in my life and countless other wanderers !!! Thank You David.
Wishing You all the best as well :-*
I just finished reading your book “The Source Field”. I absolutely loved it. Thank you David for all your effort & hard work and dedication to helping humanity evolve.
Thanks David…I appreciate your generous sharing, may you never be tempted to stoop to the market commercialism of many ‘Soul savers’ .
Your sincerity comes through loud and clear.
Nice video David, keep up this “Great Work”!
Wow David you wipe the smudges from the window of understanding and open an avenue for advancement to all who have ears to hear. Thank you so much Mamaste!
Really lovely David. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for this David! It’s important to be reminded occasionally about who we really are.
Thank you David.
Very valuable info. Thanks so much for all the work you do for all of us. Aloha.
Thank you for your service to others. I serve to be perfect, to be perfect to serve!
Many thanks, David. You’ve been guiding us in this direction for some time and this is a great reminder. I’ll be adding this to my blog!
Great Video! Thank you David…