Our Divine Cosmos servers were completely taken offline for several days due to an unprecedented viral attack — but we’re back online and good to go!
I just finished up three conferences, three weekends in a row — the Atlanta TruthCon, the Conscious Life Expo and the Miami Convergence. It was quite an intense schedule, but I managed to deliver six completely unique talks — two in Atlanta, three in Los Angeles and a new all-weekend talk in Miami!
The results were wonderful. The crowds keep getting bigger as people realize that what I’ve been saying is true –and as my own grasp of this material expands, the intensity of what I can convey keeps increasing. I was told by my own staff that my talk in Miami was the best I’ve ever done — and there’s another one coming up soon in Dallas!
I made great connections with Bob Dean, Steven Greer, Michael Tellinger and Stanton Friedman at the TruthCon, and was equally thrilled to be on George Noory’s 2012 panel at the Conscious Life Expo — though there were so many panelists that no one got very much time to talk. Dannion Brinkley and I had a lot of fun, as always.
I caught a respiratory virus at the TruthCon, and started feeling the effects of it the very night I came home. It was the hardest I’ve suffered through anything like this in two years — as overall I’m much healthier now than I was in the past, where I worked myself much too hard.
We did get a lot of frustrated emails from people wondering where the next update was, but I could only do so much under these conditions.
Some people requested I write something short just to let everyone know what was going on, but those articles often trigger a raft of complaints as well — in this case wondering why it isn’t more substantial.
However, after this hack attack, a short update seemed warranted. I could complain at great length about how difficult my life has been recently, but even if I wanted to, I don’t have the time right now to do it.
In the midst of this almost impossibly complex schedule — I only had one day off after Conscious Life Expo before I flew out to Miami, still coughing green mucus — I also was dealing with the final deadline for The Source Field Investigations, where I review the final copy-edited version of the manuscript and lock in all the images we will be using — and their permissions.
At this point I’m still not done with all that work, but hoping to be finished very soon, as the entire release date hinges on whether I can meet this final deadline or not.
In the future I really don’t want to be this busy anymore. I will almost certainly write other books, but this one was the grand synopsis of my life’s work, with over 1,060 different references — and therefore nothing else will ever be this complex or difficult again.
It has been interesting to be so immersed in this material — between doing my events and working on this manuscript — while I was also suffering with this illness. Many people have caught this virus and it is a nasty one — no doubt. I’m finally just about through the worst of it now, which is a great relief.
It seemed rather holographic that our site was viciously attacked by a virus — the worst we’ve ever had in the entire time I’ve had this website online since 1999 — while I was still getting over my own virus.
This is the second time we’ve had a very powerful attack on our site since the beginning of the year. The first attack in mid-January destroyed nearly three weeks’ worth of posts to the discussion forum, and actually ruined much of the equipment in our server’s computer system, including the motherboard and hard drives.
In response, we’ve now instituted a far more robust backup system, so our data is far more secure than before. And whenever I actually write something new, there are multiple backups made — so I will probably never lose any written data.
Please do not mirror our articles on other websites. This does not help protect us and is copyright infringement, and we do issue complaints and takedown notices. Excerpts with links are always the way to go.
It took several days to restore our service in this latest round — and during this time, more than one dire-sounding message appeared when people tried to access this page, including “Forbidden — you don’t have permission to access this server” and the even more depressing-sounding “Account Suspended.”
It would be cheap and easy to blame this on “the government” or other nefarious insider groups opposing my work, but that does not appear to be what we are dealing with.
The reality, at least as far as we have been able to determine, is that this is the result of hackers from China and other countries who attack sites that use our particular form of software.
They try to literally hack and take over the site — and install a completely different webpage that appears to be selling watches and handbags.
In order to get there, they have to begin by attempting to crush the life out of the site using a mass, coordinated “denial of service” attack — bombarding us with so many hits from different virus-compromised computer systems that no one can access the site.
This started happening to us as of this past Saturday, and we only just now recovered as of Wednesday.
They do not discriminate about what types of sites they attack. The problem is widespread and once you know the details, there is plenty you can find out about it online.
The Internet community is responding to these attacks by consistently improving security — and as it gets harder for them to get results, they get increasingly desperate — and target the sites with the highest amount of traffic.
In this case it almost worked, and we found plenty of evidence of their attempts to completely rewrite files on our site to sell watches and handbags, including the main page — but they were not successful.
We get illegal sales comments all the time that try to pass through as regular comments, but we do read everything and we block them. If you attempt to ‘buy’ the items from these websites, you never receive anything and your credit card information is then stolen.
We have isolated and quarantined the problem and I can assure you that your transactions with us are absolutely secure. What they were trying to do is rewrite the entire website and direct you to an entirely different payment gateway under their explicit control.
These crude methods are nowhere near sophisticated enough to break through the multiple firewalls of security associated with our own payment systems. We have the highest quality transaction systems available, and they are explicitly designed to withstand these attacks.
All that being said, I must confess that I have had some very, very intense prophetic dreams lately… and another one this morning.
Typically I don’t write about these dreams until after I see what they are leading up to — but in this case, I have had such a cluster of them in a short time that I do think something may be fairly imminent.
The last time around, this all seemed to be leading up to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting — and the event was very soon after one of the dreams. In this case I believe they are forecasting economic and geo-political events that may be fairly imminent.
In the first dream, I was at a location that was a combination of my mother’s house and where I live now. A series of giant balls of ice seemed to be catapulted towards us in the distance.
It actually looked quite beautiful at first. They were traveling in a long parabolic arc and it’s not something you normally see. I was quite surprised by it.
At first I didn’t think they’d hit us, but they all started landing very close — so I had to duck and cover. As they landed, the whole ground shook. Some of them missed us by only a few feet.
Miraculously, none of them actually hit our house — though if one of them had, it would have destroyed it completely.
I ended up having a 1930s-style antique car that I needed to move out of the way to safety, as otherwise it could get hit by these giant balls — so I did move it. Everything seemed to be safe where I ended up going, and I felt like it would end soon.
In reality, my mother was going through a lot of trouble from ice and snow during this time, and I thought that might have been it.
Also, since water is emotion in dreams, frozen water indicates emotional difficulties — feeling emotionally frozen by events happening in your life. These seem to be collective dreams — and this first one occurred as the US was blanketed in a snowstorm.
Just three days ago, I had a dream of an absolutely colossal-sized ocean area made of rippling, broken, brownish-gray ice. It all looked like the Arctic. I can’t even describe how huge and how intense the ripples were.
The entire surface of this vast area of ice was constantly undulating — like a vast body of water that was really churning. It was as if I was seeing a vast, frozen ocean, covered with broken ice, that was now experiencing incredibly huge waves.
One undulation could easily move up and down as much as 1000 feet. There was no way to predict exactly what parts would undulate — and obviously anything of this scale was extremely dangerous.
In the beginning, there were roughly two halves to it that seemed to move in symmetry, with a dividing line down the middle — but the symmetry soon ended.
Military guys — adolescents — were trying to surf these waves, beginning at a high point and then skiiing down on their feet. They were being quite reckless in the face of how incredibly it was moving — like a gigantic living creature.
At this point the severity and intensity of its movements seemed to double. They then realized it was much too dangerous, and they could easily be killed. I was one of the ones who warned them — but it was obvious.
I was able to surf over it without any problem, and now I needed to do so — as otherwise it could become a serious problem.
Only by tracking its movements could it be studied and analyzed so as to prevent further damage. Apparently I was one of the only people who could do this safely — but I had absolute confidence.
At the same time, the military kids went on to do something else to get their kicks — and they ended up diving into a large fishtank with living fish in it.
They did not care about the fish that were being splashed out of the tank and killed by their antics. I was forced to personally write them up and hold them responsible for this reckless behavior — and I did.
The third dream was this morning. In this case, I was in a woodsy area that looked like the Northeast United States. I apparently had a house near this area.
I knew that a volcano was going to go off, and I knew that when it went off, it would be a massive explosion made entirely of oil.
People didn’t believe me that this was going to happen. I had warned them about it and they didn’t believe me. Then, suddenly and without prior warning, it started going off.
At the very beginning it was a single stream of oil coming straight up out of the mountain I could see in the distance. It was almost contained, as if it could be turned into an oil well.
It still looked huge, and potentially quite problematic, but it seemed like it could be controlled.
Then there was a much, much bigger blast. Suddenly and without warning, literally everything you could see in this vast area, of many square miles of forested land as far as the eye could see, was covered with oil.
There were entire settlements — cities with streets, buildings and houses — that were now covered with oil in the wake of this event.
Furthermore, it seemed to be flowing out of the ground so fast that it was like a massive river of oil coming out. The undulations of the river reminded me of the undulations of the ice in my other dream, but on a smaller scale.
There was still plenty of green — it wasn’t like every single thing was completely covered with oil — but the scope of damage was vast. It had all the hallmarks of the Gulf disaster, only this time it was on land.
I knew this disaster would not be able to be contained for a while, but that ultimately it would be brought under control and everything would be restored.
I wasn’t sure whether I’d be able to stay in my house — and in the short term it did look pretty awful. However, I also knew the first rainstorm would wash away a lot of the oil.
I do believe these dreams are talking about economic events. The US government is flirting with a possible shutdown. There is ever-increasing unrest and regime change in the Middle East. And this morning’s dream is predicting something that could shake things up, for a while, as much as the Gulf oil volcano once did.
It’s very unusual for me to pass data like this along in advance, but in another case I had a massive dream that Michael Jackson died in my arms of a heart attack — and a short time later, he did die of a heart attack.
Furthermore, these dreams are very similar to the ones I passed along after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. One dream had me plunge out of the sky while I was flying, but I was OK.
A second dream involved a volcano going off near an island and I was able to flee, but only after significant destruction had already occurred.
A third dream involved a volcano going off near my house, covering it in what looked like cooked oatmeal and a top layer of raspberry jam. I knew it would be a while before I could access my house, but everything would clean up.
This redundancy shows me that although Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting was part of the story, these dreams appear to be speaking about something bigger that we haven’t actually seen yet.
I do think the negative elite are on their last legs — and though they were not apparently responsible for this website attack, I do feel that metaphorically all these things are interrelated.
The message, as always, is to prepare but not to panic. One consistent element of these dreams is that things look bad but there are miraculous ways to get through it that are not visible while it is happening — at least not to most.
I had the same data during the BP oil spill while everyone was shouting “doom and gloom” on the Internet. I expect that whatever is about to happen will also make people think and say the same things.
Ultimately, this is all part of what we have to go through to pave the way for a better, brighter future. The negative will not go down without a very hard fight. It does seem that events are reaching a “critical mass” and the next phase is going to hurt, but will be necessary for us all to go through.
I have to get back to my book now, but I’ve done my part in passing these dreams along — and will continue to pass along anything else that has this type of quality to it. Once things calm down in my schedule I will write a fuller update.
I do recommend you study our new video, Access Your Higher Self, as I now have released all my own methods for how to capture and analyze your dreams, and make direct contact with your own Higher Self for guidance and support. Thanks!
My webmaster informed me that someone wrote in and was worried that his credit card data may have been compromised by this attack. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Even if a hacker completely defeated our security and got into the “back end” of the website, and then systematically went through each and every line of code in every file we have, he would never even find a single credit card number. Nothing.
Granted, he may be able to download our videos and MP3 files that would normally be by subscription only — but this would be the full extent of unpublished data he could access.
When you make a transaction, your financial data is securely locked away in only one of two places — either PayPal’s own servers or Authorize.net, our credit processor, which has a very robust security system that is completely separate from anything on our own site.
No passwords are stored on our server either, if a hacker wanted to try to access our bank accounts to withdraw money we already took in.
There is simply no way that anyone could use the data on our server to steal our money or anyone else’s. Any such theft attempt would require that you click on a suspicious link and enter your credit card data in an unfamiliar area that is not SSL certified. Most browsers would be screaming at you in bright red letters to stop before you could ever finish the job.
We get people trying to pass these suspicious links into our comments section at least once or twice a week — but we never let them through.
‘Nuff said.
Thanks for an incredible weekend in Miami, David. You have completely revitalized and re-focused my spiritual journey. Right after I shook your hand I got in my car to start the 5-hour drive back home and the odometer said “222 miles to empty.” I laughed my ass off. Glad my higher self agreed the weekend with you was time well spent.
AP article on Hawaii Earthquake, link followed from Drudge.
Read here.
Earthquake feels illuminati. Article too in the mentioning of a “Katrina Woodcock”.
Seems too me to be an attempt at associating W-cock type names with another highly charged word. Katrina. Hmmmm….
Just a thought.
Doing my best at turning inward. Don’t even jones anymore when blogs are far between.
Thanks for everything David. Much Love.
So glad you and your site are OK and here. You are one of the bright stars of this Universe! Sending Love and Healing thoughts to you. I also think the chemtrails might be the culprit for your illness. And you are not the only lightworker that is having a series of hard knocks lately; it seems to be happening to many! Take care of yourself!
David: Concerning the october chine surprise article, I have one big question to you :
Why would the BRIC + ET Alliance choose to send these 120 packages to the world leaders instead of just revealing its content to the general public and show the free energy generators working prototypes ?
It all sounds strange, and withut logical explanation to me.
Hi David ! Happy your site is back again..
I follow-up your work since 2 years ago, from Argentina.
Related to the China October Surprise story, I do not understand one thing: why would they just tell and show the general public about the content of their package instead of sending them to the 120 world leading countries, if their purpose ( BRIC + ET Alliance) is to leverage the individual consciousness and knowledge ?
I do not understand
Thanks for the update David.
Interesting dreams, I look forward to seeing how the deeper meanings unfold.
Take sometime off and pamper yourself, you deserve it.
Dear David
I am so grateful that you write the newsletter so often. Your service to the world is tremendous.
I do want to tell you though that a captain must take care of himself, otherwise the ship has noone to sail it. If you go down from giving out too much
whats the use of ot all? I could not bear that thought.
I would like to give you a break David and a nice hot cup of camomille tea some rest in your favorite chair and most of all a LOT of LOVE and praise.
In fact I suggest that everyone who reads this to send David Many LOVING HEALING thoughts in return for all he has poured and continue to pour out to us.
Perhaps by sending love to david his virus will dissapear much faster..
Get well David 🙂
Love Ida
This is how we respond to the Hack Attack and all attempts to control and dominate others. We Do Not Accept It!
World Freedom Day…IS THIS MOMENT!!! Every Moment! Put Your Heart’s Energy Into It This Very Moment and I guarantee You that You Will Feel A Response in Your Heart. Be Still and Listen…
I went out and raised My Consciousness to the Heavens and gave Gratitude to the Imagination of the Creator that allows for Each of Us to Choose and Create our vision of what We want. Each and everyone of Us!!
The song “Imagine” by John Lennon is echoing in MY Heart and filling my Body with Light. The Allman Brothers song “Love Is In The Air” intermingles also. “People Can You Feel It, Love Is In the Air, Love Is Everywhere.”
Government’s are responding with Thought and Sanctions that might be put in Place, rather than Emotion and military force. This cycle is Dissolving before our very Eyes, Hearts and Minds. “Military Madness” by Graham Nash comes to mind. If the physical body needs to be sacrificed so be it. Freedom IS the Lack of Fear
This Moment is What All People have Come Together to Create!!! CONGRATULATIONS AND SO IT IS!!!
Blessings, Robert
Good to have you all back up and running!
Thank you David for all your help, glad your bak online. Things are very hard out here and very difficult, but I do aggree with you that we do have to go through some hard challenges inorder to grow.
David, I am happy you shared your latest dreams, it seems there is a trend. I have been having similar experiences, the good is that it all ends well. I have also been having round table meetings, very relax and very happy none the less the subject is that the events to come are going to be intense and life changing.
The friends at the table including my higher self all say, stay calm, be happy, do not panic it all well work out. I have stopped posting bad news on your FB page, since if every one notices it is the same theme over and over again. Almost as if the powers at work (dark ones) want us to react and hit the streets or panic etc… so please lets all keep shining the light, the dark ones are fading, they are the ones in panic and despair.
The consensus at these round tables in my dreams is take care of your health, eat the best food available, exercise, share and love.
Thank you David. Peace and Love everyone!
When you described the massive undulating waves of brown-gray ice, I thought about humanity at large. When you spoke of the split, I thought about how people are divided at this end cycle time, with those that will eventually end up on a better earth and those that will have to stay in 3rd dimensional struggle.
The military adolescents, to me, represent those souls who are in their “adolescent” period of incarnations on earth. That is about the time when they feel energetic and cocky and make waves in the world that are not always positive; souls who often are literally in the military or politics or some position where they can assert their influence, for example – and souls who are innately of the positive persuasion, but are misguided, like some evangelists or Tea Partiers.
That the adolescents jumped into the fish tank illustrates to me that their unchecked actions effect the people who are more more motivated towards reaching Christ Consciousness or Ascension. David held them responsible in the dream, which is what we all must do. The destructive ones are out of control so we need to speak up and do whatever we must do to neutralize them.
As I read the dream about the oil volcano, all I could think about was the trouble that’s brewing regarding oil right now, and the oil countries wanting to stick it to the U.S. In fact, countries around the world are beginning to “Just Say No” to the U.S. in many ways. (For example, demanding Fair Trade, or weaning away from the U.S. dollar as the basis for world currency). As bad as our economy is now, I can’t help but think our troubles are only beginning. In the end, it will work itself out all across the Globe… but I wonder how far off that day is?
does any one know were i can get cheap MRI’s or what types of food i can i store, u can email me at lugubriouso@yahoo.com, please and thank u.
Good to hear from you David, and glad to see things are progressing well on your book.
I found this article on Pyramid Techhnology and it reminded me of your interpretation of the “torsion fields” and how a new understanding of gravity will pave the way to a new energy future. Its amazing to watch how fast this information is spreading on the internet. Now its just a matter of the “mainstream” catching up…(ancient aliens is a fantasic example of this by the way)… All these doom and gloom movies about alien invasions are getting old fast. I’m ready for the positive to take over…how about a movie about a large uplifting contact event where we are reunited with our long lost ancestors…
I’m really looking forward to your movie and hoping it makes it out before 2012 hits. Thanks again for your comittment to evolution. I’ve purchased just about all your products, and for any wondering, it is well worth the modest price you charge.
Glad that you’re doing fine, David, and thanks for the update.
As far as I am concerned, it was obvious that you had been working a lot, although the sickness part was unexpected.
If I can give any advice in such matters. it would be this: drink A LOT of water.
Other than that, there is a feeling that something has already changed since this year started, and a big event will come up on the last date of this month.
As you said, we have to go through it anyhow, as much as we have been with all that has happened in our lives.
Glad to see the site back up. Must have been some virus to penetrate the Motherboard and HDD, not the work of an amateur.
if anyone ever gets cloned it should be someone like you david 🙂 one for the radio shows, one writing books, one doing convergences etc.and at least one -maybe even two- doing daily updates on this site. the world is spinning so fast at the moment it’s hard to stay in pace. websites like yours provide “real” information, as opposed to mainstream news sites.. what i’m trying to say is: thank you very much for the efford you put in to making this world a nicer, more possitive place to get stuck in.
mitakuye oyasin
Have to comment quick before going to work —
Neptune is about to go back home to its own house in Pisces. Here’s what one psychic/astrologer had to say about that:
“Our scientists have offered a plausible theory that the odd tilt of Neptune might be due to an actual ocean of liquid diamonds that might be affecting its electromagnetic field. The action creating this could be the cause of the strongest winds in our solar system along the surface of Neptune’s gorgeous ocean-blue atmosphere where hydrogen from methane rises against diamonds settling into their glittering ocean – pretty cool, huh? So what does this imagery offer us?”
An “ocean of liquid diamonds” ?? Ice?
Glad you’ve got your technology back up — I’ve seen those sales sites taking over other’s sites, too.
A busy time! Past difficulties are conquered. Luck be with you!
Thank you for everything you do David for humanity. You truly are a light in the world.
1930s — Hitler abolished Unions in 1933 and jailed a bunch of Union members.
Stay well; yes, I did hear that Nano Silver kills every kind of Virus.
Hello David,last night i have vivid dream,you know the rings swings in Santa Monica beach, (id id live there for well with my two kids 1980)so I’m 56 now and in my dream I swing the rings
almost to end and all thees people I know was bet I cant finish allow to end so the chains got tangled and I was so quick to an tangle them so I can finnish and I touch the ground with my feed, just befor the end and this man siding on sand with his back to me was so familiar I hug him whit all my heart and I wake up I live in Whistler, BC And I’m healer!
Thanks so much for the updates. Helps keep a perspective on things. Keep on keepin on!!
This illness sounds exactly like what Regina Meredith from Conscious Media Network described in her personal blog, after attending the Conscious Living Expo in LA:
I highly recommend this for joomla sites… a bit to configure, but it will keep you safe…
Hello 8)
So happy you are recovering, silver is what keeps me well..Thanks for the update, I too like many others are always awaiting for your inspiritional insights..we are blessed to have you among us.
The events that are taking place are truly amazing to watch…The Event is being brought back which when it left the air, it left many of us wondering if that was it!!!!
I also see the Alien movies are out…just saw I Am Number Four and now Aliens and Cowboys is coming soon.
The Magnetic pole being off and going off 25 miles a year!!! Something is a brewing. I hope to see you soon at one of your conferences, I plan on the Denver one. Stay Well
Hi David – so glad you and your website are “feeling” better.
The Miami Converence was incredible. I am still pondering all of the information that you shared. I was looking through my notes and I can’t believe how much you covered – everything I am interested in: megolithic structurs, pineal gland, DNA, planets, solar system, energetic waves, crop circles, dreams, UFO’s, and so much more.
I HIGHLY recommend that anyone who is interested in and connected to this beautiful shift that we are experiencing go to David’s Convergence. Find a way – it is totally worth it.
In Love and Light
Was getting a little worried about you David & staff! Thanks for checking in. I realize that visits to your website and others like it are not to get a fix, but to check in with like minded people and share this ride…I read all the comments and really appreciate not being alone in this amusement park.
About Fulford, I really get a weird vibe from everything that guy writes. I’ve decided that feeling is telling me to avoid what he’s “contributing.”
David, sending a beam of healing your way as a thanks for all the energy you put out for all.
Alone, 528 Hz will sound like 528 Hz – and not much else.
Youtube seems to have a plethora of stuff about ET craft moving in. There’s also (incredible) stuff about stellar maps as landmarks or district layouts. So obvious it’s inconceivable I haven’t heard mention of this after two decades of search. I do Not mean Masonic etc symbolism.
As it seems objective, it’s thus to ask Why they would build Earthen works as reflections of stellar patterns.
Are these products of sentimentalism or are they in effect utilitarian? Certain factions went to a lot of trouble building this stuff.
A kind of a claiming of the turf? I was asking myself what kind of psychology would go to all that trouble in landmarks and symbol.
I also had the idea that All this stuff could have been both planned and executed ages ago, for mass deception according to a particular schedule.
As a loyal fan and long time follower of your work, let me just start out by saying I am so thankful for all that you have done for humanity and your continuous strife “against all odds” the seek and uncover the truth. You Rock!!!!
However, i must beg you at this time to please not blame all “DDOS”er’s for what happened to your website. There is a cyber war happening right now and as in any war there are good guys as well as bad guys.
The good guys, who affectionately are called “Hackavists” work day and night to support the portestors in North Africa and the Middle East. The have been a present force helping Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Iran, Bahran and fighting “the powers that be” in a very real sense by restoring internet connections, and passing along information on what to do to reach the outside world where there is little to no available communication outlets.
In addition, they also use tactics like DDOS to take down the websites of Dictators who post pictures of alleged protestors to be killed. These hackavists truely have a heart for the oppressed and much of the information you hear from the media concerning the terrible treatment of peaceful protestors was first given to these folks who have established direct communication to the protestors on the ground.
As with many things in life, DDOS can also be used for the bad. Just this week the “Iranian Cyber Army” attacked “Voice of America” and 94 of its affiliates in retaliation to the Hacktivists, they simply do not want the world to find out just how bad it is in Iran for the protestors while at the same time condemning Lybia’s government for their actions.
In closing, you have never been one to pass on information without first doing your research and I urge you at this time to look into this more and see for yourself. I hope you feel better soon and send love your way!
Hi David . I am glad that you and your website are back to health.
I think people get frustrated when they don’t hear from you, you seem to be the comfort and security from this confusing world. They just need to be patient as well as independently be informative.
Regarding your dream about Volcano exploding oil in North America.
What a coincident. Yesterday, Lindsay Williams was just talking to Alex Jones information from the Global Elite, about North America, from
Alaska and the rocky mountains stretching out to Canada, having the largest and trillions worth of white crude oil reserve that has been suppress from the American people from the 1970’s in order to buy oil from the Arab nation and in turn to buy our securities & debt.
The American oil will not be produce until the oil hikes up to $200 a barrel, but in turn will be sold to us and the world at an astronomical price. They will then have their control & NWO. For more
details, please check Alex Jones website.
Not to worry. I prefer to look forward to the New heaven on earth.
Anyway, Thank you David for all of your wonderful work. Take it easy.
You are very important to us. Please take care and God bless.
hi David
I have facebook links since three days indicating that yellow stone has more than 20 small earthquakes per day since a week. And that the official website for quakes doesnt show them on their website. You can join the “gulf crusade” on facebook if you want to know more.
Thanks for sharing. I feel so deeply that things are getting very much intense on deep deep levels.
take care everybody
bye for now
Hope you are feeling better David. I admire the continuous effort you make to bring what you do to us. Here’s hoping you get some down time!
I had to write after reading about your dream… Myself, I hadn’t remembered but a couple of dreams in the last couple of years. But since the 10th of this month, have had dreams every night and they are vivid with detail.
Last night, I dreamt that I was having a family gathering on my front lawn in an unknown suburban area (I actually live in the country and no one at the family reunion was someone I really know). Visible was a large mound of garbage, had to have been at least 150 ft high, peaked, rather like a volcano (interesting eh?). At one point, we realized that there was a fire starting near the top, and given the material that was burning, we feared an explosion.
And we got one, the top of the mound blew off sending flaming garbage in all directions, raining down on every home in a large area. Miraculously, no one in our party was hurt. We decided to leave the area though, because we knew that an explosion from father in the mound would be highly destuctive.
We started walking down streets, away from the garbage (not sure why we were walking) but there was a need for continuous movement, still feeling the imminent danger.
I noticed that only certain houses were on fire, and they were relatively small fires, on a roof, in a back yard, etc. As we made our way further from the potential explosion, we would come to 3-way stops and have to decide to go left or right, to get to the next street that could take us North – I think.
Sometimes we turned right because the next street north was closer than if we went left. Or sometimes we turned away from a closer connection because the neighbourhood was “unsavoury” (I remembered seeing a couple dozen Harleys in one driveway and thought “bike gang”).
I woke up before I experienced a larger explosion. But I did notice that our party seemed to grow considerably as we navigated the streets. I was a leader of the group and made the decisions about direction and speed.
Thought I would share because of the similarities. I know things are changing here on earth, and I feel they are for the better. 😉
To all, much love and light
@Volk wrote; “By the way, I’ve recently become interested in Dr. Leo Horowitz and the 528 hz stuff.
I’ve ‘converted’ a few music tracks over and I notice a difference. Not sure if I’m just fooling myself, or if I’m onto something.”
[Moderator: “There may be something behind the 528-hertz frequency concept, but to say that all music should be boycotted if it doesn’t work this way is to effectively destroy the credibility of everything except the author of said music. That doesn’t feel right.]”
For me this idea of 528-hertz does not seem right. Originally it was (and still is with indigenous people that did not succumb there music to world stander) A as 432Hz. The 440 Hz was implemented without any consensus of the musicians or musicologists community by the Nazi’s, and not corrected after the War.
Johan Oldenkamp “Free Energy”
Wrote in his Free to download e-book: Page 28: In Cosmic Music, the basic vibration frequency of the note A is always 432 times a second, expressed as 432 Hertz (or 432 Hz for short). To deliberately disconnect us from the Cosmic Vibrations, the control freaks urged about seventy years ago that the A of all musical instruments must vibrate at 440 Hz in the basic octave. Furthermore, they replaced the harmonic scale in which the A is the heart tone by a scale that uses a base tone.
Page 29: In the Cosmic Scale, we see also the musical note C – which is generally the do – vibrate at 512 Hz. When we repeatingly go down to each previous octave, then after nine times we end up with the first do oscillating with a frequency of exactly 1 Hz. This is of course no coincidence, because 512 equal 29 (or 23^2). A.s.o..
Love your website,
Kind regards
Thank You and Bless You. I wish you all the best in the coming times, whatever they may turn out to be. Your wellbeing can only be a good thing for the well being of us ALL.
Whoa! Is that synchronicity or what?! Right after reading this, the latest blog from David and posting my previous comment, I went to check my email and hit on the news that a massive iceberg had broken off the glacier right after the New Zealand quake. Events do seem to be picking up at an exponential pace. Enjoy.
Peace, Philip
I’m glad to know that David’s website is up and running again. I’ve followed his blog for several years now, and
In regard to Volk’s comment and concerns, I haven’t been keeping up with the Fulford/Horowitz ?dispute?, but I have the following comment, having at some time listened to the 528hz tone at some website or other:
I have been a piano tuner for many years, and, in checking the equal-tempered scale for 528hz, I find that it lies between C and C# in A440 tuning. Some modern pianos (and therefore any instruments or vocalists playing or singing with them) are tuned to A442, which is approximately C528. The vast majority of listeners would not be able to tell the difference between A442 and C528+or- a fraction of a hz, even those with so-called perfect pitch. The standard for tuning prior to c.1900 was A435, and Renaissance and Baroque-period instruments were tuned as low as A415, which might have come close to a scale based on D528, which, if I recall correctly, may correspond to a harmonic of the Earth’s resonant frequency, so there may be some validity in the use of C528 for “opening the heart,” but I would think toning with your own voice with the intention of healing or opening the heart chakra would be more likely to do the job than resorting to any external stimuli, which should be chosen and encountered with care and discrimination where possible, since all vibrations (music, noise, light, etc.) can have effects, often profound, on a person’s life, especially when repeated in his or her experience. Enjoy.
Peace, Philip
Good to finally hear some news again; ionterestingly, every time I have recently tried to access Project Camelot lately it takes me to a 2012 site insteqd – and one which looks like it may contain disinformation. Hope yours stays secure.
Funny that you should mention Michael Jackson again in a dream. I recall that you dreamt that one day you would be bigger than MJ and on the day he ‘died’ your video was for a moment No. 1 on Youtube.
Do you think there’s any truth to the rumors that he hoaxed his own death and is planning a shocking comeback the world remember for quite some time?
[Moderator: David does not think it was a hoax.]
…..I always am in heavy anticipation of more chatter from you…….but……you are only human as well, so we should all let up a bit…..thank you for being as diligent as you are able to be with your blog!!!!!!!!! It all blows my mind how succinct and right on your are !!! lots of love……………
Hi David,
Gutte besserung as z germans say 🙂
Always good to hear from you,
Best Wishes,
Michael from Poland
Hi David,
Be well in health & spirit.
Glad your site is back up & not compromised.
Much buried & hidden energies now being released globally – Transmutated & Transformed thru the power of WE. Unity Consciousness Wave abounds!
Namaste to you & your staff