Call in this Sunday for a Disclosure tour-de-force with Richard C. Hoagland, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan — truly a ‘Dream Team’! We’re getting closer and closer to the Big Moment — and now you can hear the collective wisdom of these speakers as we share our views!
All four of us are in contact with significant insiders — and everyone agrees that the Old World Order is already trying to make a last-ditch attempt at collapsing the economy. Personally I do not believe they will succeed, but there could be a rough patch.
At the same time, we’re in the midst of a fascinating Disclosure horse race. It keeps getting more and more intense — and there are layers to the story that none of us have said publicly yet.
This protected format gives us the opportunity to speak freely and really get into detail about what is going on. Knowing it will not be broadcast all over the Internet allows us to leak information we otherwise could not — or would not, for our own safety.
Richard and I have had some conversations about “The Event” privately, and that is a fascinating discussion. Here you have NBC putting out a show in prime time that blatantly describes a struggle for Disclosure in the White House.
Richard has insights into The Event that I hadn’t ever thought of. I’ve always wanted you to be able to eavesdrop on one of our conversations — and now you’ll get the chance!
I like to focus on the pragmatic things — so one of the focal points for me is going to be scientific disclosure — how the ETs built the Pyramids, the science of stargate travel, explaining the Global Grid and natural dimensional portals, the deeper meaning of the 2012 prophecies, and more.
Since I will have finished all the edits for The Source Field Investigations by then, all my latest, greatest new stuff will be very fresh in my mind — so I come loaded with a great deal of hard evidence to back up these astonishing ideas.
There will undoubtedly be some drama in the show as I want to have a discussion with Bill about his powerful and controversial new insider, who does not think anything will happen in 2012 — but still has some very fascinating and unique perspectives.
We can expect a lively debate where Hoagland and I share our views of what we think will happen in 2012, Kerry will add in her own valuable perspective, complete with her background of multiple insiders — and Bill will likely want to play devil’s advocate.
The synthesis of ideas that comes out of this type of discussion is definitely worth the effort it takes to get there!
Kerry has already publicly stated she doesn’t think China has our best interests in mind — so China’s October Surprise is going to be another intriguing discussion we will have.
The evidence is undeniable that a wide variety of bizarre equipment failures are happening all within a short time. The recent decrease of these failures out in the open suggests that at least part of the behind-the-scenes objective has been fulfilled.
Others, including Duncan Roads of Nexus Magazine, have independently leaked their own insider testimony of this same situation — and there were similarities and differences to what I heard.
Some of the ‘leaked’ independent story seems like disinformation to me — and it will definitely be interesting to hear everyone’s take on what’s going on and see how we find consensus on this issue.
Whether China has our best interests in mind or not, this war between factions could create some very interesting results — and this story updates so quickly that there will undoubtedly be new information about it by this Sunday.
I will be bringing in the latest from Fulford and my own sources about what seems to be an ever-accelerating defeat for the Old World Order. We will discuss various scenarios of what will happen, how it will happen, and when.
Here’s a statement I got from Hoagland about some of what he will be discussing:
Hoagland will be presenting new Ritual Evidence of an official ‘NASA ritual calendar’ to its own version of ‘disclosure’ — linking it simultaneously, symbolically, to ‘2012’ ….
He will discuss in-depth, in the three-hour teleconference, a half dozen of these repeating “ritual signs” present in current events–
And, explain their interrelationship–
Leading to venturing an “educated guess” at … “what comes next?” 🙂
This is bound to be a fascinating area of discussion, as I have no idea what these six ritual signs are right now… but there’s undoubtedly going to be some wild times in finding out!
I’m sure the Masonic symbolism will come up at some point — and all of us have fascinating insights as to this secretive organization and how blatant they are becoming in what they put out there.
I want to ask Richard about the insider who told him Mars’ moon Phobos was hollow on the inside and clearly is a space station. We had Buzz Aldrin, a NASA astronaut, openly leaking this story to the public and then meeting privately with Obama before a major space summit.
Richard did tell me recently the person who was going to disclose this got intimidated — unfortunately — but it will be interesting to find out if this story still has ‘legs’, and what might come out of it.
This is inherently an improvisational art form — but we’re going to take the time to really get into it and it should be quite fascinating. And the 2PM Pacific time slot allows Australians to get up early and Europeans to stay up late so everyone gets to enjoy the show!
Since this is a tele-conference, you have a chance to call in and get your own questions answered as well!
Providing all goes as expected, we’re also hoping to have an area where you can see video feeds of each of us as you hear us talk.
I can’t guarantee this will look terrific, as we’re all going to be using Skype and patching into a central hub, and the audio might not sync with the video — but if nothing else it adds a new and exciting layer of possibility to the event!
Richard picked the price of $39 — of course because it’s “19.5 times two!” Why not beat ’em at their own game, he asked? This conference will help all of us during a time we need it most — and we sincerely appreciate your support.
Here’s the writeup from Project Camelot about this event — hope to see you there!
Click below to purchase tickets:
This 3 hour conference will be via password protected audio stream with a video component — and call-in number for questions.
We will talk about Disclosure of all kinds, how disclosure is rolling out, the latest evidence and secret testimony we have received, and our take on where we are headed.
Access information will be sent out approx. 1-2 hours before the event begins on December 19th.
- Richard Hoagland
- David Wilcock
- Bill Ryan
- Kerry Cassidy
We regret that at this point we can’t offer a toll free number or 800 number — therefore you are likely to incur a long distance call charge unless you have a free long distance telephone plan, use a discounted plan of some kind, or have a Skype account (recommended).
We are not responsible for long distance charges.
Regrettably we are unable to provide the teleconference for a reduced rate after the day of the event.
IMPORTANT: We need to pay the speakers. Please understand and help us make these teleconferences possible in the future by supporting our efforts! All profits go to support the work of the speakers and to pay our engineers (Tommy & Steve).
We hope to see you there!
Note from Webmaster
Project Camelot has asked us to announce that all who paid to attend this teleconference will receive a link to download an audio copy once it has been edited.
Divine Cosmos is not selling tickets, nor is it responsible for sending out these emails. Please do not contact us asking where to download the file(s), when you will receive the email etc. We do not know. David was one of the speakers for this event which was produced by Project Camelot. They have this information, not us.
As a personal note, I finished my taping of the professional version of
“Access Your Higher Self” on Sunday — with the cameraman who did Michael Moore’s last two movies and the History Channel shoots for Ancient Aliens.
Last night we deployed the source tapes into post-production — so it’s full-steam ahead!
It took us a while to get everyone’s schedules to line up, as our cameraman is constantly working — and I’ve had my hands full with the Source Field Investigations rewrite as well. I do apologize for the delay from our original planned shoot time!
We used the same type of camera George Lucas used for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The result looks fantastic — and I expanded and improved the material based upon your suggestions!
There will actually be four videos, each of which hovers around an hour in length — some less, some more. The finished version will have music, visuals and an incredible professional look!
You can already watch what is online now when you order the playback-only version of the original online conference. In a way, this is where I first ‘wrote’ the presentation — like a first draft.
I refined and expanded the presentation in four key areas for the professional version, despite how blown away everyone was by the original.
First of all, I made new slides for the beginning section where I discuss the true nature of Mind as an energy field.
I brought in even more evidence that this is how we actually think, and why that helps us contact our Higher Self — we really just have to break the conditioning.
The section on dreams now has several more slides where I go into additional details of what various symbols mean — conferring even more value than the original!
Then, in the section where I actually teach you how to do deep-trance psychic readings, just like I’ve done since 1996, I created a raft of new slides — and broke the whole process down much more sequentially and systematically than in the original.
There are also new exercises I give in the professional version that I had forgotten to mention in the original — but were very helpful for me when I first got started. These techniques include what I call “Climbing the Ladder” and “Deep-Sea Fishing.” I also made specific slides regarding shielding out negative influences.
I also added another entirely new section of slides and discussion on how to have a business doing psychic readings for others.
I went through my full list of ‘intake questions’ to ask your clients and map out their subconscious, and discussed important hazards you face in the work and how to minimize potential difficulties.
This was based on some very minor critiques we had. All these issues have now been addressed — and the finished product has been strongly enhanced by it!
If the bad guys ever ‘got’ me, I now have left a complete inheritance to the world — great music, great videos, a wonderful film script, an incredible book, remarkable weekend conferences and sacred tours, some great TV appearances, and a comprehensive tutorial on how to do what I do psychically — much of which is completely proprietary information.
I don’t think the Man’s gonna get me — I certainly hope not — but I realized that I’ve now left no stone unturned, and it’s a great feeling. There is nothing left that can be suppressed. It’s all been put out there now! Full Disclosure!
Our cameraman and his wife were so blown away by what I presented, and the fact that my delivery was literally flawless for four hours — no “cut, let me say that again” — that they said they want to be our first customers when it comes out!
Anyone who orders Access Your Higher Self will get this new post-produced version as soon as we release it — hopefully before the end of the year!
You can download the original version right now, and will be notified of a new download area as soon as the professional version is available. Enjoy — and thanks again for your holiday support and good wishes!
So many of you have written in kind thoughts that I really appreciate it. No one wants to be shamed when they’re trying to do a good job and get paid a responsible fee for it.
I’ve had many people tell me I could have charged much more for a complete teaching on how to do psychic readings. As I say in the video, I have held nothing back. This is everything I know to teach you about how to do what I do.
If you practice these techniques as I explain them to you, there is no reason why you shouldn’t start getting results — and accessing your Higher Self!
Don’t forget I’m speaking at the Atlanta Truth Convention on February 4th-6th. I have a Friday night keynote and an extended Sunday workshop you can order separately.
I also really hope to see you at one of my weekend extravaganzas:
MIAMI, FLORIDA: February 18-20, 2011
Crowne Plaza Miami International Airport
950 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, FL 33126
Phone: 305-446-9000 ext. 3166
DALLAS, TEXAS: March 11-13, 2011
Park Inn DFW Airport South
4600 W. Airport Freeway
Irving TX 75062
Phone: 972-313-0800
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: April 8-10, 2011
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
1500 Van Ness
San Francisco CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-4000
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: May 13-15, 2011
DoubleTree Guest Suites Seattle Airport/Southcenter
16500 Southcenter Parkway
Seattle WA 98188
Phone: 206-575-8220
DENVER, COLORADO: June 10-12, 2011
Crowne Plaza
Denver International Airport Convention Center
15500 East 40th Avenue
Denver CO 80239
Phone: 303-371-9494
Also be on the lookout for an eight-day extended retreat in the Canadian Rockies coming up in July. We are moving our Italy tour to September/October due to a schedule conflict. Sorry if you wanted the original June window!
We just did this Rockies trip last year, but it was so fantastic and so enjoyable — particularly since we take over the whole chateau and there’s no one else there but us — that we decided to do it again!
Attendance will be strictly limited to not exceed the capacity of the chateau and two tour buses with comfortable room for everyone — and you can find out more by contacting my friend Kevin Fitzgerald at 805-587-7734 or [email protected] by email.
We’re going to see some different mountains this time, but I expect it will be just as memorable and stunning as the first! This was my favorite sacred tour out of any I’ve ever done — Egypt, the Caribbean, the Mexican Riviera, et cetera — and I’m looking forward to the next conjunction!
I’ll bet my CONVERGENCE screenwriters Jim and Amanda will totally be on board to do this as well — so they should also be a great addition to the family!
Hits: 122,635
Dear David & All,
A Very Merry Christmas to you from The Netherlands!
Christa 😉
“Great Pyramid Cross-section Image in the Washington DC Planning Map”
scroll down to see this image:
Hi David
In the Law of One Ra is talking about a group of four would know the most powerful teachings on this planet before 2012.
This information might be missleading based on the Bhagavata Purana. They talk about the Kalki Avatar as twenty-second avatar, which is followed by three other avatars:
People interested in free predictions should check out the following web-site:
In addition I’ve read about texts mentioning scorpions and nobody seem to understand it. I think they are talking about the zodiac sign Scopio and it might refere to a person born in my zodiac:
People wanting to spend some money on a western astrology software should check out It is the best and in my case the predictions are highly accurate except it talks about interaction to many interactions with females 😉
Take care and people please support David Wilcock. He does not have private founding as I do and needs money to live on and write nice reports on his web-site.
Merry X-mas
Kalki Avatar 8)
Merry Christmas everyone!:-)
Deeper and deeper into the Sync Hole we go, hehe 🙂
Thanks to Anubis for his comment on the Dzogchen Tibetan buddhist Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Remembering that Tibetan Buddhism was also a topic in David’s last radio show with William Henry, I intuitively felt like searching for Dzog Chen books on Amazon by Namkhai Norbu. One of the first search results had a book cover in a clear rainbow body colored theme, so I thought mmmmh, this is getting interesting.
I ordered that book, along with another called “The Supreme Source”, because I definitely had a good feeling with the book cover design as well 🙂 The second book is authored mostly by one of the long-year students of Norbu.
Sometimes when I am in a good “intuition mode” type of groove, I will often “judge books by their cover” 😉 but until now, that has gotten me phenomenal results in finding information that changes my life towards increasing synchronicity.
A few days later I had “The Supreme Source” sitting on my table in front of me while surfing the web. I had just gotten it in the mail and didn’t start reading right away, the next thing I did was re-listen to that interview with Henry (very exciting info).
So as I started reading later that day, this is what I came across in the first section of the book which introduces the concepts of the Dzog Chen (apparently from the sub section, or tantra, called “Kunjed Gyalpo”).
This is an excerpt before the book goes into some of the mythological background story of this teaching (pg. 22):
Definitely a jaw dropping moment, as I had just listened to the interview and wasn’t expecting to actually get confirmation. 🙂
Rock on,
(the last comment about Fulford wasn’t done by me, that was another Arthur)
To SC, regarding Activator X,
Hi, I was too curious to see if this product was needed by my pineal gland (I still think it is the best idea yet for helping teeth regrow etc.). Since I couldn’t tell, I asked an expert muscle tester, who uses M.T. regularly in his naturopathic practice, to muscle test whether or not my pineal gland was calcified. It was not.
So that is one way to tell.
Hey All!!
{As I just got ready to type this, my tv was on mute but I looked up and saw David on Ancient A’s (last weeks “Angels and Aliens” episode)….stop it with the synchs already!!LOL}
Anyway, the night of the lunar eclipse-solstice, I “asked” for a definitive sign which must include the fact that “they” KNOW where I am located which would let me know they can hear me, and to show me in a dream…..
I then had a “dream” where I was driving down the 405 S. and looked up and saw lights flicker on in sequence two by two until there were a set of eight lights on both sides in a V-shape. Then a MASSIVE mother of all mother ships uncloaked right above and was the size of many football fields covering both sides of the freeway and extending out on each side…it travelled at a very low level above all the cars and was going slow as if driving along with us in absolute silence and I followed it all the way to LAX. (I had just taken someone there the night before)
I woke up and was so stoked I had to draw it!!
It was on a piece of paper in front of me when I was watching the new Ancient A’s.
They showed the volcano erupting in Iceland and there in the video is the EXACT ship I saw in my dream only I saw a much more detailed version…!! I am so beamming right now!!
Since I do have premonitions, I am not sure if this is about to happen, or it was a private showing for me because I asked…
so just sharing…
Luke and Lar I agree w u on the disinformation “agenda” link…what a bunch of *^#!
mave……. maybe this will help:
Love, Light and Merry Christmas to you all!
fulford interview please 😛
David & Company:
I was unfortunately unable to listen in on this teleconference. However, I was (very happily) able to attend the Convergence in Tempe. I was blessed beyond measure by the information given and especially, by the magic of the group meditation and “afterglow”. Thank you for all of your very valuable contributions!!
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours and a very Blessed New Year of 2011.
😥 For those of us that paid for but didn’t get access to the Disclosure Event on Sunday, it would be great if David or the Moderator could encourage Project Camelot to provide the audio. I don’t mind making a donation to this worthy cause but I would have preferred it go to Divine Cosmos, I don’t frequent Kerry’s site.
[Moderator: We are very sorry to anyone who had this problem and audio will definitely be provided to all participants. I am out of the loop on when that will be exactly, however will let Kerry know that this is a problem in case somehow she didn’t.]
Greetings all!
Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday full of magic and love.
My husband bought me the post con ticket as my Christmas present and I’m so excited I’ll get to see David lecture in Atlanta for the first time. Let me apologize in advance for being a squeeing fangirl. 🙂
My Mom may attend with me but before she makes up her mind, she would like to know more about what David will talk about.
Please let me know, once this is decided so I can pass it on to her.
Thanks and much love,
{Moderator: We did provide the TruthCon with a few paragraphs about the talk, if you go to their site you can probably find it.]
Activator X might be better as a tooth decay preventer for me than a spiritual-experience-helper-thingy.
I don’t do yoga or eat tofu so it probably wouldnt have much effect.
Just wanna tell David and everyone that people in Russia are going through shiftchange in consciousness , as many of them start to see they are manipulated by someone of those in power(because of many strange circumstances) , trying to frighten people by organizing radical nationalists’ protests.
Also I can see there is a struggle between different parties , behind the scene, and like David wrote , those who held power until now are weakening, and losing it.
I agree with the comment made by Luke regarding the post about the Luciferian agenda. Though I am not saying to take the post down, in fact do not take it down– leave it as an example of what disinformation looks like.
Remember that disinformation almost always contains a high amount of correct information. It’s the few lies in there that get you.
The litmus test for me is if there is any remote element of fear in the information, watch out.
Interesting to note, over here in New Zealand, the ministry of defence is coming out with documents relating to UFO’s sighting.
Interesting timing…
Here’s a response offered to acs in regard to their question of Dec 21:
The quarantine may not be a total ‘blockade’, IMO – and may be designed to serve not as a plug but an Intelligent, free-will protecting and karma-savvy filter.
In the venue of world-class power politics and the labours of those who are legitimately attempting to polarize negatively, the varying levels of the playing field may well require matching imput from negative principalities which hail ‘from elsewhere’.
Indeed, if the quarantine were absolute, we’d possibly be without access to our guides and higher density wanderers. David has reminded us that there are randomly occurring gaps which can open up here and then, in the fabric of the quarantine net.
Even so, we’ve never seen anything on the scale of a Borg Cube or an Empiric Death Star slip through… have we? 😉 Mark
To David and the Team!
I hope you will all have a relaxing, nice and well deserved Merry Christmas holiday and an excellent and fun Happy New Year celebration.
May 2011 be everything your hearts desires and a year when all your wishes comes true!
@ Mark, thanks for this contribution!
New whistleblower testimony concerning ‘beyond-black’ projects. From cseti web:
“Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death. Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.”…_embedded
Thank you David for your contribution to raising the human awareness on a global level.
Dear Moderator,
Please remove the links posted by Kristi about the so called “luciferian agenda”. I have never read so much nonsense in my entire life. The allegations it makes are unfounded and based on manipulating English words into anything of their liking. Although it bases its theories on the holographic nature of this world, it’s obsession with evil is dangerous. The way it references the illusionist, Criss Angel borders with comedy. This material is nothing but a work of disinformation I hope people don’t fall for in their quest for enlightenment.
David and others have insistently hypothesized that we are being fed “truths” about disclosure through movies and television broadcasts. It appears this trend may extend to other arenas, including governmental hints about our financial system.
No less mainstream institution than the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has put forth a cartoon allegory about the return to the gold standard. Its a fascinating read, which may be more truth than fiction. You decide.
Amazing footage of actual NASA videos/photos that pretty much prove NASA knows far more than they are telling us about life from other places.
I was watching Ancient Aliens the other night and the episode discussed the Nazis and the possibility that aliens were helping the Nazis develop rocket technology.
Apparently Werner Von Braun, a rocket scientist and member of the Nazi party who eventually came to the US to work on our space program, stated that a lot of the Nazi technology was provided by aliens.
It was suggested that after WWII, the US took all the information and technology that had been accumulated and developed by the Nazi party and began our space/rocket program, which was apparently non-existent prior to the end of WWII.
Anyway, my question is, if a quarantine does exist, how did these aliens, who clearly had a negative agenda supported by the fact that they were providing technology to the Nazis, have the ability to penetrate the quarantine?
@ moderator and activator x enthusiasts
Thank you for your information on the green pasture products. I bought them as well, namely the butter oil /cod liver oil blend and the skate liver oil. I chose the liquid version, not the pills. In the case of skate liver oil, there is a little syringe attached to the bottle for dosage.
So far I have not made extraordinary experiences. Maybe I have to take more skate liver oil… 😉 But at least I think the ingredients are essential to prevent and possibly cure tooth decay (just google “ramiel nagel”, if you want to know more about that).
Hi David,
I was wondering if you could briefly explain or comment to all of us what is Benjamin Fulford’s latest weekly update trying to tell us? What are the changes or events that have happened thus far? Are we expecting anything big to happen before this year is out?
Looking forward to see you next article and interview recording with Benjamin Fulford soon. Any chance of you doing some updates with him before publishing the whole article?
Have A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
[Moderator: Fulford has said before the insiders like to plan things around celestial events, and that astrology does sometimes work. He believes the conjunction of the Winter Solstice and a full lunar eclipse is a good sign that major, positive changes are coming soon.]
The “Activator X” that Weston Price discovered playing a crucial role in health has been recently (well, 2007) discovered to be fat-soluble vitamin K2:
As far as I know, and the article mentions sources, as well, this occurs more in the butter oil produced from the milk of cows eating fast-growing fresh grass.
In our local Weston Price chapter, the product Blue Ice® by Green Pastures is very popular, and is a combination of fermented cod liver oil and butter oil, and on the Green Pastures website, they mention Activator X under this product, but while they mention several vitamins for Skate Oil (including K), they do not mention Activator X.
Guys, I simply cannot find a technology section on India Today, I was hoping to read about some technology or something.
However 2 articles stood out, China/India sign Green-Technology agreement, and India/Russian sign space agreement, among others respectively.
My last ‘post’ mentioned I saw the word Telluric and it clicked, so I sent it along hoping maybe that was the word that escaped DW. I still don’t know how pertinent it is BUT, an hour later I went out looking for Potassium Salt which nobody seemed to have, at the third outlet I walked right to the book table and grabbed a single book in a Jone’s/Grail like moment. [The Skin Map].
A christmas present for a semi-initiated with his head in the sand, I wanted to wrap it but my mother suggested I read it. Turns out its fiction about a man meeting is GGrandfather through a ley-line gateway and boom there is the word again, Telluric.
As of that night I had never heard the word before! I have yet to look it up LOL.
Moving right along, after only a few chapters in, it has become apparent that the fictional characters feel extremely nautious and throwup after gate-ing.
Also, the negative entities chasing them control a GIANT MONSTER CAT named BABY. A monumental correlation to Junior @ Montaulk. That’s all in the first three chapters.
This is all an unprecedented refraction of what was going through my head hours before, so much so that it was as if I manifested the fiction to entertain myself.
This is only one of many super-intense syncronicities, and although I do cherish my journey as my own I’m starting to feel the need to send you my correlations.
Let me know if u would like to ‘unsubscribe’, as I am aware you are not requesting my help directly and do not wish to impose on your free will 😛
Thanks guys.
P.s. Ever consider that The Law of One might be a culmination of your current work?
[Moderator: David’s philosophical cornerstone is the Law of One.]
David, I want to forward you a very well written and clear website revealing the luciferian agenda:
From the site:
The number 11 is pivotal in the whole scheme of world history. The ancient Sumerian / Babylonian rulers were the royal reptilian brain based bloodline that was spawned by the intermarrying of luciferian thinking entities with human woman.
The women these luciferian entities conjured up in the first place. These dominant elite bloodlines manifest themself in the world and in so doing, have assumed total control of every established society. Their genetic makeup is reptilian brain based. They are totally concerned with the physical 5 sense, 3 dimensional, illusory reality.
Because of this deep hypnotic trance orientation it is very foreign for them to even consider connecting to the eternal wisdom state. As a result of this total devotion to the 3D illusory realm, the elite of the world take control of all things and in turn program this illusory body we call humanity to perpetuate the luciferian agenda.
There is so much information that explains so much.
The elite communicates through visual syntax (or grammar). This visual syntax moves in a vortex formation (Marko Rodin goes into depth of this). It is what one might call the archetypical mind, etc. Carl Jung called it the subconscious.
Another website is Journal Of Borderland Research.
Please please please take the time to read those sites, you will not regret it!
An open letter to Representative Ron Paul from Benjamin Fulford
Dear Representative Paul,
My name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for the Black, White and Golden Dragon societies as well as for the Red and the Green. These ancient secret societies have a global command structure, partially visible in your local martial arts societies, that is capable of mobilizing a 100 million person army on very short notice in case of an emergency. These ancient societies have gone from dormant to semi-active mode because through the successful wiretapping of meetings of your elite, they have learned of plans to start World War 3, kill at least 4 billion people and destroy much of the Northern hemisphere. You may confirm with your Pentagon or CIA sources that this is all very real.
The reason we are writing an open letter to you is to explain why the Federal Reserve -Board needs to be abolished and the global financial architecture needs to be revamped.
The United States government is bankrupt and has been kept running along these past decades by the goodwill of the peoples of the planet. That good will is running out.
Your financial elite have proposed either devaluing the US dollar or carrying out a hidden devaluation by replacing it with a new currency called the Amero. Both proposals have been rejected. The reason is that by far most US dollars ever created are no longer owned by Americans. Many, often poor, people would suffer enormously if these dollars suddenly lost half of their value.
Our groups have proposed an alternative plan. We have offered to pay back all US debt owed to China by returning gold that was stolen from there during the 20th century. In addition, we plan write off US debt to the rest of the world by taking the US dollars owned by non-Americans, backing them with gold and putting them under the control of a new international meritocratic organization. This organization would never create any fiat currency but merely act as a neutral clearing house for governments, corporations and plutocrats.
The newly debtless United States government would then be free to issue its own government controlled currency. Such a currency would have a lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now has. The result will be that Chinese goods will become more expensive for Americans while US exports will regain their competitiveness. This will allow the US to rebuild its real economy.
However, as the history of the yen and the Plaza Accord show, devaluation alone will not solve the US’s chronic external deficit problem. The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the military industrial complex does not produce trade-able goods.
Pentagon officials have also made it clear to us they would rather start a war than end up like Soviet era generals who suddenly found themselves driving taxis.
We therefore propose that the peoples of the world finance a gradual swords-to-plowshares transition of the military industrial complex. According to the American Association of Scientists, over 6,000 patents have been suppressed for “national security reasons.” We believe an expert review of those patents would unearth a high-tech bonanza for the American people and the US economy that would help ease this transition.
We are also proposing the creation of a global economic planning agency. This agency would be run by the motto “we stand between desires and reality.” The organization would try to surpass the sorry records of the World Bank and the IMF by carrying out an intensive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on the course for exponential expansion into the future. There would be no burden placed on the American people and no threat to US sovereignty posed by this organization. Rather it should provide vast new opportunities for American individuals and corporations.
Finally, although this is purely an American domestic issue, we strongly recommend that you confiscate the funds stolen from the American people this past century by amoral, criminal financiers and return them to their rightful owners. Vladimir Putin was able to quintuple Russian living standards when he did a similar thing in Russia.
The final point we wish to make is that the peoples of the world desire peace. The desperate criminal cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board still wields enormous power and is still trying to start World War 3. We would like to request the help of the American peoples in ending this perverse threat to humanity and the planet.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford
PS: If you would like the hear more, contact me through the US embassy in Tokyo.
Have u seen the movie, “Deep Impact” lately? I’m surprised that this movie was created in 1998…because so many strange coincidences. To name a few, in the movie we have an African American president named, President Beck, and the space craft they used to travel to the comet is called, Orion.
Fast forward to today and we actually have a black president Barack Obama, and a new manned vehicle called the Orion (retooled as Dragon) Also, the president from THE EVENT, and the Alien Leader from THE EVENT are also in this movie.
More key items, in this movie to look for: Weapons of Mass, reference of Hillary and Clinton, look at the symbols the astronaut pushes to activate. Really weird!
@ moderator regarding (greenpastures)
My brother took those liver oil pills but nothing unusual happened with him. I told him maybe he should take more. How long were you taking them before you noticed changes?
[Moderator: I am prone to pineal experiences from yoga and clean diet. YET, the oil took it to another level at the dosage of 2 pills 2-3x’s a day.]
AHOI David , very good disclosure talk ,compliments it made sense the missile launch on the CA coast . Even if the US military might shot in front of the bow and just missed on purpose some Asian satellite !!
Or maybe more bizar the missile was launched `automatic` from US side without having control …
anyhow the news is hot .
otherwise we would be sold to the cia`s hook line and sinker .
john 8)
New whistleblower testimony concerning ‘beyond-black’ projects. From cseti web:
“Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death. Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.”
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You guys may want to check out this thread regarding Benjamin Fulford’s letter to Ron Paul.
I realize David is likely aware of this already, but there may be some useful insights in the replies, such as the infow*** forums posting libel in an attempt to discredit Fulford.
Hello David, first I would like to say it was quite an honor to be a part of the wonderful teleconference having the chance for a question of mine to be answered by you.
However I am mostly addressing this to you to apologize in how I presented the question (and in effect my views on 2012) in a very unbalanced way. I had pointed to Dolores Cannon’s theory of a pole shift, as you stated. That term makes a lot of sense in how its to be viewed by a person.
I suppose I had always percieved it to be a pretty general split of positive and negative energies. Each one “inheriting” one of the two earths that result. From what I’ve gathered that’s the underlying theme though. And from evidence that points to DNA change and a leveling up in frequency among other aspects of her work, it leads me to put validity in it. Being its akin to a dividing cell makes me think as well.
I understand an apology is not necessarily needed, but I feel I embarrassed myself very much unfortunately. I was dumbfounded at how much nervousness smacked me out of nowhere as I had been completely calm and collected and had thought out how to ask my question which I didn’t even correctly present.
Especially in terms of how I have come to perceive and feel about 2012 pertaining to the Old World Order and the energies that are so very apparent. I think I made the question out to be connected to a line of thinking that I still put credence in or at least concentrate on negativity.
But it is quite the opposite. Towards the end when you had mentioned linking to Alex Jones, through Drudge Report I think, made me chuckle because for all intents and purposes he lended a hand to the start of my awakening. 6 or 7 years ago is when I was starting to learn “how the world operates”. It was my upheaval in my spiritual path. Combined with two cycles of massive depression and much soul searching, I think it all ended up to be my own Dark Night of the Soul. My astrology chart even points to such a “dark but pivotal point” occurring in my past lives to set me on my path to spiritual awakening and affinity for metaphysics.
I was certainly unhappy with myself after my question. But I am extremely happy to say I’ve moved far beyond holding onto any negativity whatsoever. Your work of course has been a staple in showing me the love that the Universe has for all creation. Dolores Cannon’s research of the subconcious and past lives has greatly helped me as well.
I truly understand every single thing in the Universe happens for a reason. Nothing but love is behind everything. We exist to experience and to learn the wonders the Universe. Multiverse even.
At times I feel what I can only describe as a “cold chill” through my body when I concentrate and visualize the aspect of Love in All That Is. As I had said I’m in Tucson AZ currently. I was lucky enough to attend the conference in Tempe. I do also hope to attend Denver if all goes as planned.
A friend of mine from Pennsylvania had flown out to make the trip with me. Visiting with him coupled with being able to experience yours and William Henry’s presentation made it one of the best weekends in years. To be compltetly honest, I’m not sure words can describe how grateful I am for the work you’ve done.
While I do hope this email reaches you David, I do feel at ease for at least writing this and posting this for even a small chance for you to see. I really do wish I didn’t lock up as bad as I did on the teleconference. But I suppose the best thing to do is to not dwell on it beyond this point and try to learn from it as best I can.
In Light And Love,
[Moderator: No worries, we are so grateful for your support!]
hope someone who got to attend the teleconference will share some tidbits with those of us who had to miss it.
The word keeps leaking out and confirmations pop up everywhere. Gerald Celente, investment guru just wrote:
“In laboratories and workshops unnoticed by mainstream analysts, scientific visionaries and entrepreneurs are forging a new physics incorporating principles once thought impossible”…
“the Earth in 2012 is a matter of certainty… Even the rational and informed that carefully follow the news of never-ending global crises, may sometimes feel the world is in a perilous state…, be it in heaven or on earth…”
The truth is now “legitimate”…from
I’ve been following your site for over a year now and it has been the most fascinating time in my spiritual and physical life. I have discussed the topics you present with more friends and family than I can count.
Everyone has been very receptive (some are probably just being polite) and intrigued with the ideas you put forth. Now with your appearances on Ancient Aliens and events like the airport in China having closed several times due to UFO’s, these people in my life are more receptive and interested than ever!
I am trying to do my part to bring awareness to those around me as you do to those around you. Fight the good fight David! Your work is worth so much more than the meager fees you ask for.
Don’t give your energy to those who only want to TAKE, leaving you nothing. Your worth every penny and don’t need to justify jack sh*t to those cheap ass persons who’ve never created their own job and have no idea how they would charge if they did.
Peace brother,
Why do you guys never talk about Carl P. Munck’s discovery of the Pyramid Matrix system or the suppressed state of science with William R. Lyne? When you know about them.
Thank you:-)
[Moderator: David cannot discuss everything he knows, obviously, and Munck is covered in David’s first free book on this site, CONVERGENCE: The Shift of the Ages. Lyne’s work is quoted in the second volume, The Science of Oneness. As for Bielek’s quote about biofields, we would need additional documentation to confirm that this exact date was
found independently of Montauk as a biofield for the Earth.]