Call in this Sunday for a Disclosure tour-de-force with Richard C. Hoagland, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan — truly a ‘Dream Team’! We’re getting closer and closer to the Big Moment — and now you can hear the collective wisdom of these speakers as we share our views!
All four of us are in contact with significant insiders — and everyone agrees that the Old World Order is already trying to make a last-ditch attempt at collapsing the economy. Personally I do not believe they will succeed, but there could be a rough patch.
At the same time, we’re in the midst of a fascinating Disclosure horse race. It keeps getting more and more intense — and there are layers to the story that none of us have said publicly yet.
This protected format gives us the opportunity to speak freely and really get into detail about what is going on. Knowing it will not be broadcast all over the Internet allows us to leak information we otherwise could not — or would not, for our own safety.
Richard and I have had some conversations about “The Event” privately, and that is a fascinating discussion. Here you have NBC putting out a show in prime time that blatantly describes a struggle for Disclosure in the White House.
Richard has insights into The Event that I hadn’t ever thought of. I’ve always wanted you to be able to eavesdrop on one of our conversations — and now you’ll get the chance!
I like to focus on the pragmatic things — so one of the focal points for me is going to be scientific disclosure — how the ETs built the Pyramids, the science of stargate travel, explaining the Global Grid and natural dimensional portals, the deeper meaning of the 2012 prophecies, and more.
Since I will have finished all the edits for The Source Field Investigations by then, all my latest, greatest new stuff will be very fresh in my mind — so I come loaded with a great deal of hard evidence to back up these astonishing ideas.
There will undoubtedly be some drama in the show as I want to have a discussion with Bill about his powerful and controversial new insider, who does not think anything will happen in 2012 — but still has some very fascinating and unique perspectives.
We can expect a lively debate where Hoagland and I share our views of what we think will happen in 2012, Kerry will add in her own valuable perspective, complete with her background of multiple insiders — and Bill will likely want to play devil’s advocate.
The synthesis of ideas that comes out of this type of discussion is definitely worth the effort it takes to get there!
Kerry has already publicly stated she doesn’t think China has our best interests in mind — so China’s October Surprise is going to be another intriguing discussion we will have.
The evidence is undeniable that a wide variety of bizarre equipment failures are happening all within a short time. The recent decrease of these failures out in the open suggests that at least part of the behind-the-scenes objective has been fulfilled.
Others, including Duncan Roads of Nexus Magazine, have independently leaked their own insider testimony of this same situation — and there were similarities and differences to what I heard.
Some of the ‘leaked’ independent story seems like disinformation to me — and it will definitely be interesting to hear everyone’s take on what’s going on and see how we find consensus on this issue.
Whether China has our best interests in mind or not, this war between factions could create some very interesting results — and this story updates so quickly that there will undoubtedly be new information about it by this Sunday.
I will be bringing in the latest from Fulford and my own sources about what seems to be an ever-accelerating defeat for the Old World Order. We will discuss various scenarios of what will happen, how it will happen, and when.
Here’s a statement I got from Hoagland about some of what he will be discussing:
Hoagland will be presenting new Ritual Evidence of an official ‘NASA ritual calendar’ to its own version of ‘disclosure’ — linking it simultaneously, symbolically, to ‘2012’ ….
He will discuss in-depth, in the three-hour teleconference, a half dozen of these repeating “ritual signs” present in current events–
And, explain their interrelationship–
Leading to venturing an “educated guess” at … “what comes next?” 🙂
This is bound to be a fascinating area of discussion, as I have no idea what these six ritual signs are right now… but there’s undoubtedly going to be some wild times in finding out!
I’m sure the Masonic symbolism will come up at some point — and all of us have fascinating insights as to this secretive organization and how blatant they are becoming in what they put out there.
I want to ask Richard about the insider who told him Mars’ moon Phobos was hollow on the inside and clearly is a space station. We had Buzz Aldrin, a NASA astronaut, openly leaking this story to the public and then meeting privately with Obama before a major space summit.
Richard did tell me recently the person who was going to disclose this got intimidated — unfortunately — but it will be interesting to find out if this story still has ‘legs’, and what might come out of it.
This is inherently an improvisational art form — but we’re going to take the time to really get into it and it should be quite fascinating. And the 2PM Pacific time slot allows Australians to get up early and Europeans to stay up late so everyone gets to enjoy the show!
Since this is a tele-conference, you have a chance to call in and get your own questions answered as well!
Providing all goes as expected, we’re also hoping to have an area where you can see video feeds of each of us as you hear us talk.
I can’t guarantee this will look terrific, as we’re all going to be using Skype and patching into a central hub, and the audio might not sync with the video — but if nothing else it adds a new and exciting layer of possibility to the event!
Richard picked the price of $39 — of course because it’s “19.5 times two!” Why not beat ’em at their own game, he asked? This conference will help all of us during a time we need it most — and we sincerely appreciate your support.
Here’s the writeup from Project Camelot about this event — hope to see you there!
Click below to purchase tickets:
This 3 hour conference will be via password protected audio stream with a video component — and call-in number for questions.
We will talk about Disclosure of all kinds, how disclosure is rolling out, the latest evidence and secret testimony we have received, and our take on where we are headed.
Access information will be sent out approx. 1-2 hours before the event begins on December 19th.
- Richard Hoagland
- David Wilcock
- Bill Ryan
- Kerry Cassidy
We regret that at this point we can’t offer a toll free number or 800 number — therefore you are likely to incur a long distance call charge unless you have a free long distance telephone plan, use a discounted plan of some kind, or have a Skype account (recommended).
We are not responsible for long distance charges.
Regrettably we are unable to provide the teleconference for a reduced rate after the day of the event.
IMPORTANT: We need to pay the speakers. Please understand and help us make these teleconferences possible in the future by supporting our efforts! All profits go to support the work of the speakers and to pay our engineers (Tommy & Steve).
We hope to see you there!
Note from Webmaster
Project Camelot has asked us to announce that all who paid to attend this teleconference will receive a link to download an audio copy once it has been edited.
Divine Cosmos is not selling tickets, nor is it responsible for sending out these emails. Please do not contact us asking where to download the file(s), when you will receive the email etc. We do not know. David was one of the speakers for this event which was produced by Project Camelot. They have this information, not us.
As a personal note, I finished my taping of the professional version of
“Access Your Higher Self” on Sunday — with the cameraman who did Michael Moore’s last two movies and the History Channel shoots for Ancient Aliens.
Last night we deployed the source tapes into post-production — so it’s full-steam ahead!
It took us a while to get everyone’s schedules to line up, as our cameraman is constantly working — and I’ve had my hands full with the Source Field Investigations rewrite as well. I do apologize for the delay from our original planned shoot time!
We used the same type of camera George Lucas used for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The result looks fantastic — and I expanded and improved the material based upon your suggestions!
There will actually be four videos, each of which hovers around an hour in length — some less, some more. The finished version will have music, visuals and an incredible professional look!
You can already watch what is online now when you order the playback-only version of the original online conference. In a way, this is where I first ‘wrote’ the presentation — like a first draft.
I refined and expanded the presentation in four key areas for the professional version, despite how blown away everyone was by the original.
First of all, I made new slides for the beginning section where I discuss the true nature of Mind as an energy field.
I brought in even more evidence that this is how we actually think, and why that helps us contact our Higher Self — we really just have to break the conditioning.
The section on dreams now has several more slides where I go into additional details of what various symbols mean — conferring even more value than the original!
Then, in the section where I actually teach you how to do deep-trance psychic readings, just like I’ve done since 1996, I created a raft of new slides — and broke the whole process down much more sequentially and systematically than in the original.
There are also new exercises I give in the professional version that I had forgotten to mention in the original — but were very helpful for me when I first got started. These techniques include what I call “Climbing the Ladder” and “Deep-Sea Fishing.” I also made specific slides regarding shielding out negative influences.
I also added another entirely new section of slides and discussion on how to have a business doing psychic readings for others.
I went through my full list of ‘intake questions’ to ask your clients and map out their subconscious, and discussed important hazards you face in the work and how to minimize potential difficulties.
This was based on some very minor critiques we had. All these issues have now been addressed — and the finished product has been strongly enhanced by it!
If the bad guys ever ‘got’ me, I now have left a complete inheritance to the world — great music, great videos, a wonderful film script, an incredible book, remarkable weekend conferences and sacred tours, some great TV appearances, and a comprehensive tutorial on how to do what I do psychically — much of which is completely proprietary information.
I don’t think the Man’s gonna get me — I certainly hope not — but I realized that I’ve now left no stone unturned, and it’s a great feeling. There is nothing left that can be suppressed. It’s all been put out there now! Full Disclosure!
Our cameraman and his wife were so blown away by what I presented, and the fact that my delivery was literally flawless for four hours — no “cut, let me say that again” — that they said they want to be our first customers when it comes out!
Anyone who orders Access Your Higher Self will get this new post-produced version as soon as we release it — hopefully before the end of the year!
You can download the original version right now, and will be notified of a new download area as soon as the professional version is available. Enjoy — and thanks again for your holiday support and good wishes!
So many of you have written in kind thoughts that I really appreciate it. No one wants to be shamed when they’re trying to do a good job and get paid a responsible fee for it.
I’ve had many people tell me I could have charged much more for a complete teaching on how to do psychic readings. As I say in the video, I have held nothing back. This is everything I know to teach you about how to do what I do.
If you practice these techniques as I explain them to you, there is no reason why you shouldn’t start getting results — and accessing your Higher Self!
Don’t forget I’m speaking at the Atlanta Truth Convention on February 4th-6th. I have a Friday night keynote and an extended Sunday workshop you can order separately.
I also really hope to see you at one of my weekend extravaganzas:
MIAMI, FLORIDA: February 18-20, 2011
Crowne Plaza Miami International Airport
950 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, FL 33126
Phone: 305-446-9000 ext. 3166
DALLAS, TEXAS: March 11-13, 2011
Park Inn DFW Airport South
4600 W. Airport Freeway
Irving TX 75062
Phone: 972-313-0800
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: April 8-10, 2011
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
1500 Van Ness
San Francisco CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-4000
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: May 13-15, 2011
DoubleTree Guest Suites Seattle Airport/Southcenter
16500 Southcenter Parkway
Seattle WA 98188
Phone: 206-575-8220
DENVER, COLORADO: June 10-12, 2011
Crowne Plaza
Denver International Airport Convention Center
15500 East 40th Avenue
Denver CO 80239
Phone: 303-371-9494
Also be on the lookout for an eight-day extended retreat in the Canadian Rockies coming up in July. We are moving our Italy tour to September/October due to a schedule conflict. Sorry if you wanted the original June window!
We just did this Rockies trip last year, but it was so fantastic and so enjoyable — particularly since we take over the whole chateau and there’s no one else there but us — that we decided to do it again!
Attendance will be strictly limited to not exceed the capacity of the chateau and two tour buses with comfortable room for everyone — and you can find out more by contacting my friend Kevin Fitzgerald at 805-587-7734 or [email protected] by email.
We’re going to see some different mountains this time, but I expect it will be just as memorable and stunning as the first! This was my favorite sacred tour out of any I’ve ever done — Egypt, the Caribbean, the Mexican Riviera, et cetera — and I’m looking forward to the next conjunction!
I’ll bet my CONVERGENCE screenwriters Jim and Amanda will totally be on board to do this as well — so they should also be a great addition to the family!
Hits: 122,637
Hi David,
i read you will go with your group in Damanhur Italy..well, if you are on the road of freedom…that isn t really the right place, my friend..wonderful stuff they do…but it is a totally New Age, piramidal power structure!
Bye Paolo
[Moderator: Thank you for sharing your experience. We were only going for a day to check it out, but the trip is being rescheduled.]
For what it is worth, I believe that the reason some people have an issue with ”asking for a fee” is ultimately a good one: it means they are becoming aware of our common-ground common-sense spirituality and see that money in this area has no future. It’s a great thing to see so many people even aware of collective psychic phenomenon.
As David and others have explained, there is a difference between selling spirituality for a profit margin and asking for compensation for hard work. I can completely see that difference here.
Thank you, David; for all you have been willing to share ”for free”. And, everyone that is doing the same thing in their own lives! It has been such a long road; again, it is great to see divine creative work happening at all.
Peace, Love, and Empathy,
@ moderator.
On the greenpastures website, which of those products is activator X and what is the significance of de-calcifying the pineal gland?
[Moderator: Vegans, look away! The skate liver oil in particular has the highest concentration of the “Activator X” which is a form of vitamin K (I think) found in “sacred foods” which are basically particular foods that Dr. Weston Price found to be cultivated by certain populations that didn’t brush their teeth for instance but had no tooth decay.
The significance of decalcifying the pineal gland is that once you break apart the calcified minerals that may be making it stiff, motionless and basically useless, you regain its functionality which can result in increase in accuracy regarding psychic phenomenon, allowing your intuitive abilities to keep you safe and guide you, as well as your ability to envision your reality into being becomes more powerful, this being the physical part of your “third eye”.
Personally I have begun literally seeing lights coming off of objects, it has increased my auric vision, my lucid dreaming and my overall sense of peace and well being. We do not get any kick backs from endorsing this product, we just happen to think it works really well. The butter oil also has Activator X, but to less concentration. Not sure how much less.]
Thank you for being you. There is so much arrogance out there today. Would you ask Richard if he is going to update Enterprise Mission in the near future. i used to be on his Enterprise group.. I am looking forward to all the goodies Sunday. Even Kerry. she provides a very good service.
Mr Safety
David your work is so wonderful and is helping so many people.
I think you should charge more, much much more money for all your workshops,and music.
You work so hard David no amount of money is enough to thank you for your role in bringing disclosure. Please ignore the naysayers we dont need them any ways.
Bless you David
Hi Dave
I have been following your work for about 2 years now, and I have grown from it immensely. Can I share with you a book that so complements all your (in my view) fantastic work. Its called, Insights with Adronis by Jefferson Viscardi.
I would love to know when all that you have been sharing with us will come out into the open- ie ET Disclosure, Free energy, our spiritual and genetic heritage etc. I’d LOVE it to happen whilst my dear parents are still alive, still who really knows what the true Timetable for these events occuring will be.
We can speculate, talk around the ‘campfire’ and so on. You are doing a fantastic job of joining the dots together, and I for one am very happy that you are here on the same boat as it were as the rest of us here. Can you talk about your take on life after death at some time please?
Enough of my ramblin’ on. I must say I enjoy reading the comments just as much as your input David. We live in very exciting times, I’m glad to be here, still very much ‘alive and a kickin’!
To EileenH
Drunvalo Melchizedek?
Oh, you mean ol’ BERNARD!
I like people who can get along without changing their name to Ramtha, Grandma Star twinkle, Quazmigaloo Zanithaprang or some such.
Then again, how is anyone going to start a religious ‘movement’ (pun intended) or achieve ‘guru’ status with a name like… I dunno… Vernon Howell, for instance!
Ahh well, each to his/her own I suppose!!
Be Cool! (I am!)
The reasoning that Stuxnet came from China was intelligently debated in the popular TWiT broadcast Tech News Today by Tom Merritt, ep 140 about 18 mins into the show. Great confirmation Dave is on track!
Another malfunction ??
Drone crash in El Paso under investigation
(CNN) — Federal authorities were investigating Friday the circumstances of a drone that crashed in El Paso, Texas, this week, which U.S. officials said originated in Mexico.
Mexican Attorney General spokeswoman Rocio Torres denied her country’s involvement with the drone Friday, but later in the day, another Mexican official said the drone was being operated by the Ministry of Public Security and was following a target at the time of the mechanical malfunction.
The Mexican official did not know the nature of the surveillance but said “we know they were following a target.” He did not know how the malfunction affected that operation, if at all.
The Coral Castle was built by one man, and not ET’s, and moved by one man and his truck and no hydraulic equipment.. Tons of stonelike and very heavy coral blocks.
Bravo David, continue to carry the torch.If I don’t get to talk to you on the tele-conference, have a glorious holiday!!
From Part 2, Chapter 8 The Only Planet of Choice
JOHN: Now there are at this time many confusing messages coming from different psychic and prophetic sources. What are the criteria that people should use to discern between these different sources?
Tom: First and foremost we explain in this manner: as there are corporation heads, one of which knows all, and different divisions underneath which know the area of expertise of their department, it is the same in the realm of communication from those who exist in other realms. A few sources know all of the picture, and many know parts of it. But be careful when they make you glorious: always challenge, look for consistency, and never accept that that goes against your natural inclination or your higher intuitive self. Be careful they do not feed your ego in order to manipulate you, for there are also those who would wish the destruction of Planet Earth. Do not fall into the trap that Planet Earth will be destroyed.
In your world there are many that speak, many that bring forth information: we bring forth to you information that has not been brought forth in time past, and it is the next step of forward evolutionary movement. It is important for the peoples upon Planet Earth to understand they are not alone, and that they carry within them the coding that can evolve Planet Earth to achieve its proper purpose.
Remember this: those who seek to control are in high profile in the front of society and lead people in a direction that helps them evade their own responsibility. But bear in mind that acceleration is now absolutely important. We have come to the beginning of acceleration of evolutionary forwardness of Planet Earth.
There is a great necessity to accelerate, for the oceans of Planet Earth, the trees and forests, the skies and atmospheres, the very essence of breathing, the life-force, have reached a level of contamination bringing the downward destruction of Earth.
We call upon your energies and commitment for alerting the peoples of this planet, the governments of Earth and the communities of Earth. The innermost core of humankind is beginning to grow and to glow. The essence and understanding of their beginnings is awakening, to bring about change. You are part of that change.
You are children of that change, you are responsible for that change. Without your commitment to acceleration, if the change were to come in its own time, without your input, then the planet would be in a situation in which most of humankind could not exist. Accept your ability to create the pattern that brings about understanding and the truth of who you are.
Earth was created to be the paradise of all paradise in its perfection. It is time for forgiveness, forgiveness of self: for humankind to understand that to maintain fear and dissension is to maintain annihilation. Humankind has begun the process of annihilation. Yet there is a great future for the fulfillment of the destiny of Earth.
Accept that you have a part to play in bringing it to fulfillment. You have no limitation. Your limits and boundaries are created only by your fears. This does not mean that you should climb a thousand meter mountain and then plunge off it. It means that you must have practical application of understanding of yourself, in truth. It means that you must begin to extend yourself in the capacities of your mind and thoughts.
Your physical bodies have limitations upon this physical planet, but your minds and thoughts can expand and grow, touch all corners of the Universe. And when it understands the truth of self, it can relieve the burdens of this physical world that have held it in bondage. You humans are a kaleidoscope, and will appear at times confused – yet with one turn you can become elements of beauty and purity, and with that you may travel the spheres of the Universe.
For those interested, here are the links to the GLP-posts dealing with the China-surprise event (the delivery of the suitcases to the embassies) from GLP:
Dear Moderators,
Yall talked about the Law of One saying basically you can’t offer help to people who haven’t asked for it… WOW. I would like to dig into this a little more. Can you direct?
[Moderator: You can go to and do a search on “We do not offer service where none is requested,” or smaller fragments of that key sentence, and see what you find.]
Hi David,
Do you think that you could release your next article after this Sunday’s online event’s Disclosure? I am waiting eagerly for what Benjamin Fulford has to be say or maybe you could do another update with him and release it together as well.
Thank you very much.
Thought I update everyone on Drunvalo Melchizedek. and his new youtube video on meeting with Plasma beings (just google it)in the Four Corners area of the U.S. this past year.
My friends and I have been waiting for a second person to confirm his story and this has just happened
We got a partial confirmation, from someone
who attended one of the events he mentions
and they did indeed recall an experience with Plasma beings and going to their underworld location.
They also seem to have be experienced some clearing as a result (an experience you often have with mystic teachings). I will report back as soon as I hear more. A very good spiritual teacher (I call him the best), who already has had similar experiences, will be interviewing the individual who lives in Australia.
David you HAVE left no stone unturned and we thank you for that….filling in the scientific gaps in such a heartfelt way to help attune others – I hope now brings you the contentment that you deserve of a job well done!
I am being compelled to be the instigator of the following….
Law of One:
Q65.12 Questioner: Then each of the Wanderers here acts as a function of the biases he has developed in any way he sees fit to communicate or simply be in his polarity to aid the total consciousness of the planet. Is there any physical way in which he aids, perhaps by his vibrations somehow just adding to the planet just as electrical polarity or charging a battery? Does that also aid the planet, just the physical presence of the Wanderers?
{You can read the full “answer”, but at the end of it – -These words have suddenly popped out at me!!!} ……..
“………Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? YES, my friends. It is not probable; BUT IT IS EVER POSSIBLE.
“He who strives to possess supernal charity for the world, throwing out emanations of love like billows rippled by a summer breeze, kissing the pebbly shore in music attuned with nature, has attained a growth whose power can uplift the world”….(from “The Hidden Way Across the Threshold”) and beautifully stated…
Can we love any harder….can we emanate more compassion, can we focus on one moment of inspiration together like a Divine Musical note and pierce through the cosmos….I think so…
so I say forget the illusion and
Let’s do this!!!
Love IS All there is
David you are truly amazing.
Speaking of all this government disclosure I find it almost amusing as to what is happening in my personal life. I am being guided almost as if it was step by step by this A Course In Miracles book that I found on your website. (Funny I decided to purchase this book almost instantaneously, as I’m admittedly not a big reader.) Pretty amazing how my Holy Relationship has manifested for Us to come together when we lived across country.
Currently the book is bidding my Holy Brother and I look on the ego’s “secret” thoughts in an attempt to understand the truth that our minds are actually one. I made him aware of the lustful thoughts I have had of his current girlfriend.
This was not easy. But I felt disclosure was needed and he actually brought up the feeling of his defense mechanisms kicking in before I could muster up the courage to tell him. Then it came pouring out.
Amazing how guided my Savior is without ever reading the book himself. At any rate this is my successful story of disclosure happening in my speck of the cosmos. Although I know there is more to do… here’s to hoping this reflects on a global scale.
None of this would have ever been possible without you David. Consider me astonished.
Now if I could just figure out that illusive Holy Instant.
dropping ego is key to enlightenment
promoting self while interviewing others is distracting at best
honor all as supreme individuals of potential enlightenment
Thank you for being a way shower. We are grateful, only love for you!! Humanity is so lucky to have you! Namaste brother of light and love!
Hey DW,
The link to Tom’s radio show is great. I am now combing back through the others and learning new stuff.
The little bit on the second last show you did was fantastic! Learning just that little bit about dinosaurs and accidental time-space jumps really gets my mind running, which is a nice contrast to the tranquility of living with your core work.
Did you consider the orange-pterodactyl could also be construed as a Pheonix? Perhaps a T-rex became Godzilla? Perhaps the Jurassic park kitchen scene happened in some underground base?
The physical brain is a powerful tool of association, and you inspire us to get to work using it! Thanks.
Hi Moderator (much love! :D), you need to see this:
I have been pondering about whether there would be any more mysterious system failures like the ones that David uses to connect the dots in the last interview and blog. I came to the conclusion that to the enemies of the Chinese, the message would have been pretty redundant (this is one of the possibilities), so they could quickly move on to their next strategic step.
Now I actually saw another (from Dec. 15, I am reposting this from Ben Fulford’s blog comments: )
This is awesome, too! (another blatant sign of the energetic shift in our sun?) I’m guessing David is already in the know on this piece of info… 🙂
Just look at this animation (this was filmed in extreme ultraviolet, it makes the whole action look kind of psychedelic/hyperdimensional to me):
And here’s something to lighten up your day a bit, this video is just about the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a while 🙂
>> Dreaming Puppy Talks In His Sleep [VIDEO]
[url]" target="_blank">
And here’s something to lighten up your day a bit, this video is just about the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a while 🙂
>> Dreaming Puppy Talks In His Sleep [VIDEO]
Seems even this little puppy is doing some intensive *dream-work* 🙂 (maybe talking it out with his higher self?) hehe
UFO shot down over Israeli nuclear plant, military says
Object shot out of sky above Israeli nuclear plant, military says
By the CNN Wire Staff
December 16, 2010 — Updated 1735 GMT (0135 HKT)
Jerusalem (CNN) — The Israeli Air Force shot down an unidentified flying object over the Dimona nuclear plant in the Negev Desert Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said.
The object appeared in a designated no-fly zone, the air force was scrambled and the object was shot down, the IDF said.
HMS Ambush
trapped on dry land by technical glitch 16 Dec 2010
HMS Ambush, the second of the Royal Navy’s next generation of submarines, was official “launched” without actuallty entering the water because of a technical hitch.
UK to launch its biggest, deadliest nuclear submarine
London, Dec 14 (IANS)
A nuclear reactor which can power a small city and guided-missiles that can pulverise an enemy more than 1,000 miles away — meet HMS Ambush, the Royal Navy’s newest killer submarine.
Grounded nuclear submarine HMS Astute ‘breaks down’
12 December 2010
A nuclear-powered submarine which ran aground off the Isle of Skye in October has had to return to port because of a defect, the Ministry of Defence says.
HMS Calamity: 12/12/2010
It ran aground, then collided with a tug – now our flagship £1.2bn submarine has broken down
HMS Astute 22 Oct 2010
is the first of seven new nuclear-powered submarines of its class and will undergo repairs over the weekend. The Navy hopes it will be back at sea this week.
The £1.2 billion HMS Astute was forced to limp back into its home port of Faslane after a mechanical failure during sea trials the previous day off the coast of Scotland
Read more:…z17xxJmWXC
French aircraft carrier 31 Oct 2010
set to defend Britain breaks down
The flagship French aircraft carrier which is set to play a key role in defending Britain over the next decade has broken down.
50 of US nuclear stockpile goes offline 27 Oct 2010
A computer glitch resulted in 50 US nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, going offline for 45 minutes over the weekend, according to the Pentagon.
[url]" target="_blank">[url]
50 of US nuclear stockpile goes offline 27 Oct 2010
A computer glitch resulted in 50 US nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, going offline for 45 minutes over the weekend, according to the Pentagon.
I’m glad that I am not the only one who noticed some issues. It is good to hear that “agreements have been made” for this talk.
Moderator, thank you for your comment on my post,
It is a real challenge when we are stuck in a 3D body in a 3D world. Since we cannot read each other’s minds yet, it is still necessary to communicate verbally.
I believe that treating each other courteously during communication is an important part of our current paradigm. This also means setting boundaries when we are being mistreated. When we ascend, the Law of One teachings will be possible to achieve with 100% accuracy.
At this point, achieving 51% is considered a success (from what David tells us).
My OVER 51% positive side feels compassion for the lonely child inside her who is simply pining for attention. My LESS than 49% negative side thinks someone should set her strait.
What would happen if no one taught their children manners and simply waited until they wanted to know how to behave in our current society?
Maybe we could all pitch in and buy Kerry a Public Speaking course for Christmas? I took such a class and it helped me quite a bit in learning to avoid disfluencies and understanding methods for organizing a speech that is appealing to the listener.
Sweet Beaver!
Hey David, I am so excited about your coming to Atlanta in February….I live close enough to actually attend!!! I am a bit confused about the schedule detailed at the site as they are talking about Tier II and Tier III taking place on October 15 and Nov. 1st of 2010….I definitely want to attend the Atlanta event, and may be able to round up a group of like-minded friends to come with me.
Is there a better site to access the information about this event? Thanks, David, for all you are doing to get information out there for all of us. I am a huge fan!!!
[Moderator: You can email [email protected] with your questions.]
UPDATE 1-U.S. missile-defense test fails over Pacific
Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:38pm EST
High, Thanks for all the exciting and wonderfull news around and about ‘ufo disclosure’! I just like to relay a message here I received through my Twitter account:
infogranny Cute #UFO message: #china #government
about 4 hours ago via web
“….The leaked information states that the Chinese are making plans to build an embassy, complete with UFO landing pad in the Kunlun Mountains near Tibet. Cohen explains that around 3,000 years ago three wise men worked together with alien visitors to create humans in laboratories hidden deep within the Kunlun Mountains, and now due to the increased volume of UFO sightings in China the Chinese have concluded that these alien visitors are returning.”
Kind regards,
I personally have no problem with the style of interviews that Kerry conducts. I have gleaned so much good workable information from her interviews and this led me in directions that I may not have gone in myself.
This information has enabled our group to cover more ground in specific areas that we may have not known we needed to cover.
Our group members are all very appreciative for Kerry’s hard work and we honor her tremendously and have been for the 3 years we’ve been following Camelot.
We have found that each person who is engaged in this work bring to the table their own beliefs, opinions and styles and this is how we feel the truth eventually comes to the surface.
Bill, Kerry, David, Richard and so many others are giving to us, without measure the ability to bring our true expression into being.
We stand united in taking our power back, one thought, one idea, one spirit at a time.
I will be on the road working in China! But if you offer the play back I will gladly pay for the fly on the wall conversation! JUICY!
A great idea for your brothers and sisters outside the USA to get in on the action, it’s so sad living in China sometimes as no one ever comes here to teach, lecture etc. I’m one of the few voluntary information discriminator 😛
You deserve a Christmas present after all, a donation is not too much to give to someone who gives so much energy. Happy Christmas David, be well.
[Moderator: The Law of One talks extensively about the importance of mystery as an invitation into the deeper truths of Existence. David
consistently redirects people into these greater revelations, using the information as a springboard.]
Hi Dave! Nice work!
Wonder if there’s chance to see you in Europe?
Many greetings from Macedonia.Keep doing excellent job!
‘Stuxnet virus set back Iran’s nuclear program by 2 years’
12/15/2010 05:15
Top German computer consultant tells ‘Post’ virus was as effective as military strike, a huge success; expert speculates IDF creator of virus.
The Stuxnet virus, which has attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities and which Israel is suspected of creating, has set back the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program by two years, a top German computer consultant who was one of the first experts to analyze the program’s code told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
U.S. missile-defense test fails over Pacific
Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:38pm EST
* Test was a repeat of a failed exercise in January
* No preliminary explanation of failure provided
* System is sole US defense against long-range missiles (Updates throughout, adds companies involved)
India’s test fire of an upgraded version Agni-II nuclear-capable cruise missile has been a failure, Indian news reports say.
The maiden test launch of Agni-II plus, a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile, ended in a massive failure, the Indian Express said on Friday.
The missile dropped off into the sea a few seconds after it was launched from Wheeler Island, off the Orissa Coast, the English-language Indian daily newspaper said on its website.
India’s NDTV also declared the test as a failure.
It was not immediately clear why the test had failed
[Moderator: Please include brackets in links, thanks! Before the link use (url) and after with no space use (/url) but replace the parentheses with [ and ]
Many of us only have 56k Dial Up , please make a DVD or an Mp3 download I am happy to pay.
Its been a long time since this site was just a Bulletin Board with 700 members.
Thanks David I always come to DC to offset the dark material that is so available.
Over here in Australia we don’t get “The Event” always forget about us eh?
David… Melbourne
[Moderator: It will likely be available for sale afterwords, still waiting on final confirmation of that.]
Don’t like Kerry’s style at all and it frankly borders on the rude when interviewing people who frankly have a lot more interesting things to say then her which I want hear without her constant interruptions.
There are plenty of courses to improve on ones interviewing skills without meaning to sound mean but this subject is too delicate and need to let people’s train of thought conclude before jumping in . thank you for the overall great concept which is invaluable
I don’t wish to complain but have to concur that Kerry’s interviewing style should have markedly improved by now. It comes across as quite ego-laden. In contrast to David’s, Richard’s or Bill’s pace and eloquence, it’s rather an obvious sore thumb sticking out.
I appreciate the Law of One rule about offering help. I also appreciate the ongoing effort Kerry is making to bring forth the information she is. Just feel it could be time to take it up a professional notch or two.
Hey David,
I am a huge supporter and will gladly pay for your content. You deserve to be treated well for creating such a great product.
I am excited to be on the call for Sunday’s Disclosure teleconference, however, I have to piggy-back on Lorraine’s comments about the speaking abilities of the various panelists.
I have no doubt David will shine in his contributions to the discussion, and I’m sure Hoagland will do the same.
I have only seen one interview with Kerry and Bill, and sure enough, she kept talking over him. It was painful to watch. I do not want to pay to witness this kind of chaos.
So, I humbly ask that all four speakers agree upon the logistics ahead of time, so that there is a moderator/facilitator and each panelist gets their say without being interrupted or stepped on by other speakers.
It would be a monumental shame to let this occasion degenerate into an unintelligible cluster* (sorry for slang but it really encapsulates what I fear could happen).
Other than that concern, I am very excited to hear what you all have to say!
[Moderator: I think this has been discussed and agreements have been made.]
Rachel mentions taking a “…special oil supplement [she] found out about in Tempe…” for de-calcifying the Pineal and dreamwork.
Would love to know what that one is if someone (David/Moderators) could pleeeeaaase tell me!
(I apologise if this has already been covered).
Also has anyone had any good results for lucid dreaming with any of these ‘binaural beats’ or trance induction audio recordings? I would love to hear about it!
Thank you kindly
[Moderator: if you are vegan LOOK AWAY!! Sustainable ethical company sells skate liver and butter oil from organic New Zeland cows fed fast growing grass, based on work of Dr. Weston Price “Activator X” decalicfies the pineal gland. Binaural beats – found this worked very well with the sound and light goggles!!]
Howdy ppl!
Tess is ABSOLUTELY right about that Camelot lady and that tune of hers that she puts on EVERY SINGLE VIDEO! One of the best observations in the responses here yet!
Be polite but firm when you confront her about it David!
Sure There are bigger issues I could have bothered to addressed… but honestly…
P.S. (dedicated to Assange and Chomsky) The WTC conspiracy theories are complete and utter rubbish… Oh and JFK died of natural causes too!