Call in this Sunday for a Disclosure tour-de-force with Richard C. Hoagland, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan — truly a ‘Dream Team’! We’re getting closer and closer to the Big Moment — and now you can hear the collective wisdom of these speakers as we share our views!
All four of us are in contact with significant insiders — and everyone agrees that the Old World Order is already trying to make a last-ditch attempt at collapsing the economy. Personally I do not believe they will succeed, but there could be a rough patch.
At the same time, we’re in the midst of a fascinating Disclosure horse race. It keeps getting more and more intense — and there are layers to the story that none of us have said publicly yet.
This protected format gives us the opportunity to speak freely and really get into detail about what is going on. Knowing it will not be broadcast all over the Internet allows us to leak information we otherwise could not — or would not, for our own safety.
Richard and I have had some conversations about “The Event” privately, and that is a fascinating discussion. Here you have NBC putting out a show in prime time that blatantly describes a struggle for Disclosure in the White House.
Richard has insights into The Event that I hadn’t ever thought of. I’ve always wanted you to be able to eavesdrop on one of our conversations — and now you’ll get the chance!
I like to focus on the pragmatic things — so one of the focal points for me is going to be scientific disclosure — how the ETs built the Pyramids, the science of stargate travel, explaining the Global Grid and natural dimensional portals, the deeper meaning of the 2012 prophecies, and more.
Since I will have finished all the edits for The Source Field Investigations by then, all my latest, greatest new stuff will be very fresh in my mind — so I come loaded with a great deal of hard evidence to back up these astonishing ideas.
There will undoubtedly be some drama in the show as I want to have a discussion with Bill about his powerful and controversial new insider, who does not think anything will happen in 2012 — but still has some very fascinating and unique perspectives.
We can expect a lively debate where Hoagland and I share our views of what we think will happen in 2012, Kerry will add in her own valuable perspective, complete with her background of multiple insiders — and Bill will likely want to play devil’s advocate.
The synthesis of ideas that comes out of this type of discussion is definitely worth the effort it takes to get there!
Kerry has already publicly stated she doesn’t think China has our best interests in mind — so China’s October Surprise is going to be another intriguing discussion we will have.
The evidence is undeniable that a wide variety of bizarre equipment failures are happening all within a short time. The recent decrease of these failures out in the open suggests that at least part of the behind-the-scenes objective has been fulfilled.
Others, including Duncan Roads of Nexus Magazine, have independently leaked their own insider testimony of this same situation — and there were similarities and differences to what I heard.
Some of the ‘leaked’ independent story seems like disinformation to me — and it will definitely be interesting to hear everyone’s take on what’s going on and see how we find consensus on this issue.
Whether China has our best interests in mind or not, this war between factions could create some very interesting results — and this story updates so quickly that there will undoubtedly be new information about it by this Sunday.
I will be bringing in the latest from Fulford and my own sources about what seems to be an ever-accelerating defeat for the Old World Order. We will discuss various scenarios of what will happen, how it will happen, and when.
Here’s a statement I got from Hoagland about some of what he will be discussing:
Hoagland will be presenting new Ritual Evidence of an official ‘NASA ritual calendar’ to its own version of ‘disclosure’ — linking it simultaneously, symbolically, to ‘2012’ ….
He will discuss in-depth, in the three-hour teleconference, a half dozen of these repeating “ritual signs” present in current events–
And, explain their interrelationship–
Leading to venturing an “educated guess” at … “what comes next?” 🙂
This is bound to be a fascinating area of discussion, as I have no idea what these six ritual signs are right now… but there’s undoubtedly going to be some wild times in finding out!
I’m sure the Masonic symbolism will come up at some point — and all of us have fascinating insights as to this secretive organization and how blatant they are becoming in what they put out there.
I want to ask Richard about the insider who told him Mars’ moon Phobos was hollow on the inside and clearly is a space station. We had Buzz Aldrin, a NASA astronaut, openly leaking this story to the public and then meeting privately with Obama before a major space summit.
Richard did tell me recently the person who was going to disclose this got intimidated — unfortunately — but it will be interesting to find out if this story still has ‘legs’, and what might come out of it.
This is inherently an improvisational art form — but we’re going to take the time to really get into it and it should be quite fascinating. And the 2PM Pacific time slot allows Australians to get up early and Europeans to stay up late so everyone gets to enjoy the show!
Since this is a tele-conference, you have a chance to call in and get your own questions answered as well!
Providing all goes as expected, we’re also hoping to have an area where you can see video feeds of each of us as you hear us talk.
I can’t guarantee this will look terrific, as we’re all going to be using Skype and patching into a central hub, and the audio might not sync with the video — but if nothing else it adds a new and exciting layer of possibility to the event!
Richard picked the price of $39 — of course because it’s “19.5 times two!” Why not beat ’em at their own game, he asked? This conference will help all of us during a time we need it most — and we sincerely appreciate your support.
Here’s the writeup from Project Camelot about this event — hope to see you there!
Click below to purchase tickets:
This 3 hour conference will be via password protected audio stream with a video component — and call-in number for questions.
We will talk about Disclosure of all kinds, how disclosure is rolling out, the latest evidence and secret testimony we have received, and our take on where we are headed.
Access information will be sent out approx. 1-2 hours before the event begins on December 19th.
- Richard Hoagland
- David Wilcock
- Bill Ryan
- Kerry Cassidy
We regret that at this point we can’t offer a toll free number or 800 number — therefore you are likely to incur a long distance call charge unless you have a free long distance telephone plan, use a discounted plan of some kind, or have a Skype account (recommended).
We are not responsible for long distance charges.
Regrettably we are unable to provide the teleconference for a reduced rate after the day of the event.
IMPORTANT: We need to pay the speakers. Please understand and help us make these teleconferences possible in the future by supporting our efforts! All profits go to support the work of the speakers and to pay our engineers (Tommy & Steve).
We hope to see you there!
Note from Webmaster
Project Camelot has asked us to announce that all who paid to attend this teleconference will receive a link to download an audio copy once it has been edited.
Divine Cosmos is not selling tickets, nor is it responsible for sending out these emails. Please do not contact us asking where to download the file(s), when you will receive the email etc. We do not know. David was one of the speakers for this event which was produced by Project Camelot. They have this information, not us.
As a personal note, I finished my taping of the professional version of
“Access Your Higher Self” on Sunday — with the cameraman who did Michael Moore’s last two movies and the History Channel shoots for Ancient Aliens.
Last night we deployed the source tapes into post-production — so it’s full-steam ahead!
It took us a while to get everyone’s schedules to line up, as our cameraman is constantly working — and I’ve had my hands full with the Source Field Investigations rewrite as well. I do apologize for the delay from our original planned shoot time!
We used the same type of camera George Lucas used for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The result looks fantastic — and I expanded and improved the material based upon your suggestions!
There will actually be four videos, each of which hovers around an hour in length — some less, some more. The finished version will have music, visuals and an incredible professional look!
You can already watch what is online now when you order the playback-only version of the original online conference. In a way, this is where I first ‘wrote’ the presentation — like a first draft.
I refined and expanded the presentation in four key areas for the professional version, despite how blown away everyone was by the original.
First of all, I made new slides for the beginning section where I discuss the true nature of Mind as an energy field.
I brought in even more evidence that this is how we actually think, and why that helps us contact our Higher Self — we really just have to break the conditioning.
The section on dreams now has several more slides where I go into additional details of what various symbols mean — conferring even more value than the original!
Then, in the section where I actually teach you how to do deep-trance psychic readings, just like I’ve done since 1996, I created a raft of new slides — and broke the whole process down much more sequentially and systematically than in the original.
There are also new exercises I give in the professional version that I had forgotten to mention in the original — but were very helpful for me when I first got started. These techniques include what I call “Climbing the Ladder” and “Deep-Sea Fishing.” I also made specific slides regarding shielding out negative influences.
I also added another entirely new section of slides and discussion on how to have a business doing psychic readings for others.
I went through my full list of ‘intake questions’ to ask your clients and map out their subconscious, and discussed important hazards you face in the work and how to minimize potential difficulties.
This was based on some very minor critiques we had. All these issues have now been addressed — and the finished product has been strongly enhanced by it!
If the bad guys ever ‘got’ me, I now have left a complete inheritance to the world — great music, great videos, a wonderful film script, an incredible book, remarkable weekend conferences and sacred tours, some great TV appearances, and a comprehensive tutorial on how to do what I do psychically — much of which is completely proprietary information.
I don’t think the Man’s gonna get me — I certainly hope not — but I realized that I’ve now left no stone unturned, and it’s a great feeling. There is nothing left that can be suppressed. It’s all been put out there now! Full Disclosure!
Our cameraman and his wife were so blown away by what I presented, and the fact that my delivery was literally flawless for four hours — no “cut, let me say that again” — that they said they want to be our first customers when it comes out!
Anyone who orders Access Your Higher Self will get this new post-produced version as soon as we release it — hopefully before the end of the year!
You can download the original version right now, and will be notified of a new download area as soon as the professional version is available. Enjoy — and thanks again for your holiday support and good wishes!
So many of you have written in kind thoughts that I really appreciate it. No one wants to be shamed when they’re trying to do a good job and get paid a responsible fee for it.
I’ve had many people tell me I could have charged much more for a complete teaching on how to do psychic readings. As I say in the video, I have held nothing back. This is everything I know to teach you about how to do what I do.
If you practice these techniques as I explain them to you, there is no reason why you shouldn’t start getting results — and accessing your Higher Self!
Don’t forget I’m speaking at the Atlanta Truth Convention on February 4th-6th. I have a Friday night keynote and an extended Sunday workshop you can order separately.
I also really hope to see you at one of my weekend extravaganzas:
MIAMI, FLORIDA: February 18-20, 2011
Crowne Plaza Miami International Airport
950 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, FL 33126
Phone: 305-446-9000 ext. 3166
DALLAS, TEXAS: March 11-13, 2011
Park Inn DFW Airport South
4600 W. Airport Freeway
Irving TX 75062
Phone: 972-313-0800
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: April 8-10, 2011
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
1500 Van Ness
San Francisco CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-4000
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: May 13-15, 2011
DoubleTree Guest Suites Seattle Airport/Southcenter
16500 Southcenter Parkway
Seattle WA 98188
Phone: 206-575-8220
DENVER, COLORADO: June 10-12, 2011
Crowne Plaza
Denver International Airport Convention Center
15500 East 40th Avenue
Denver CO 80239
Phone: 303-371-9494
Also be on the lookout for an eight-day extended retreat in the Canadian Rockies coming up in July. We are moving our Italy tour to September/October due to a schedule conflict. Sorry if you wanted the original June window!
We just did this Rockies trip last year, but it was so fantastic and so enjoyable — particularly since we take over the whole chateau and there’s no one else there but us — that we decided to do it again!
Attendance will be strictly limited to not exceed the capacity of the chateau and two tour buses with comfortable room for everyone — and you can find out more by contacting my friend Kevin Fitzgerald at 805-587-7734 or [email protected] by email.
We’re going to see some different mountains this time, but I expect it will be just as memorable and stunning as the first! This was my favorite sacred tour out of any I’ve ever done — Egypt, the Caribbean, the Mexican Riviera, et cetera — and I’m looking forward to the next conjunction!
I’ll bet my CONVERGENCE screenwriters Jim and Amanda will totally be on board to do this as well — so they should also be a great addition to the family!
Hits: 122,637
The $39 fee from a numerological view is 3 which translates to expression and sensitivity: 3 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
How very appropriate.
Ok so…, whatever it is you´re inhaling David – I want it too!
Thank you for all the amazing things you are doing. If we don´t get a disclosure after this, we probably never will!
Take care!
[Moderator: Only fresh air.]
Hi David, wonderful stuff I only wish I could get to one of your conferences, but here in Ireland we are financially screwed.
To make matters worse I am on disability benefit and unable to afford a trip or even a contribution and that makes me feel bad when I see all the wonderful videos and reports you give us.
One day in the future I will find a way to get to see you. With so much depressing negative stuff on the web its really good to hear your positive revelations, you have indeed lifted me out of depression which goes with my illness.
Thank you a million times over for keeping us enlightened. (If I ever win the lotto you will be my first beneficiary) Bless you Robert.
[Moderator: The point is not to further bankrupt people who are in a difficult situation, but for all organizations that are benefical to recieve support from people who are able. We are happy to provide freely to you and are grateful for your loving energy.]
I just wanted to do my part to stretch the stats on your emails in general to minimize that 1-2% of hate. I almost wish you wouldn’t take that so personally, except that if you were totally ignorant of your critics and you inevitably ended up face to face with someone, you would not have had the opportunity to build up your defenses.
How hurtful to get that message out of the blue without being prepared for it? But 1-2% is quite a minority and shouldn’t it really not consume much more than 1-2% of your energy?
Anyway thank you for your work. Outside of my actual personal relationships, I can’t think of any individual out there that I am more grateful for (except maybe those who brought thru the LoO).
I especially appreciate that when you speak, you speak for an hour or more. Always wonderful. No dreary tease.
I’m sure you were aware that (Kevin? Dennis?) Quaid and his wife claimed refugee status in Canada. They were claiming that someone was going around killing celebrities and that they were next. I could not have rolled my eyes harder without hurting myself.
In fact, I thought it was offensive and insulting that they seemed to believe they could use their wealth and status to gain favor from our humanitarian system that really comes to the aid of the most desperate people who really have nowhere else to turn in the world.
The arrogance that anything and everything can, will and should be bought off… Maybe I was harsh?
I also would love to participate on the 19th but can’t – I would still be willing to pay the same price after the fact. Audio only is fine.
Anyway, oceans of love and even more gratitude for what you do.
Will you PLEASE talk to her about playing that song on EVERY SINGLE video? It’s a great song, great … but ENOUGH already. I like David’s singing too but I’d go bats if I had to hear the same song over and over again, do something if you can.
The China discussion should be interesting, the paradox of them helping to beat the Illuminati while still being a bit totalitarian themselves is certainly at odds.
I’m under the impression that it’s like with Japan, where the government is still filled with plenty of monsters, but behind the scene there are billionaires who are fighting the good fight.
It seems like every new Fulford update has him talking about “Satanists” being rooted out of governments. The whole Chinese Mr. X with the not-so-benevolent alien contact throws that all for a loop too.
Another thing is Russia, I definitely can see the New Kremlin people fighting the US, but the Russian gov still provokes the former USSR states and Russia is seriously lagging behind in knowledge of the Illuminati and aliens and such, yet Russia Today is the best MSM TV source we have in the US. Or how North Korea can’t stand the Illuminati, but still go along with certain Illuminati plans.
So that’s something huge to talk about: many nations have secret organizations (like the multi-colored Dragon Societies) which have been sticking it to the Illuminati and have the upperhand these days.
Yet the countries they’re in still do things that don’t agree with this. China is participating in economic warfare, but they won’t just disclose aliens or the Illuminati, that’s just not right, or common sensical.
If these organizations really wanted to hit the Illuminati hard, they’d just have to have a 10 minute news conference to tell us the truth about many matters, the Illuminati, aliens, and free energy is all they would need to briefly mention.
They wouldn’t even have to get specific, they could just tell us that we’ve been enslaved by monsters since before recorded history. The uprising that would happen because of this would be far more effective than economic warfare.
I understand that everything is about divine right timing and I understand that most of these benevolent secret societies are in contact with benev ETs.
But there has to be at least one group that hasn’t been explained how this needs to happen with a specific timeline, this group should, common sense tells us, at the very least tell us that we’re being lied to constantly.
It all comes down to this, if these groups do exist, which I believe they most certainly do (there’s plenty of proof), then they shouldn’t be doing everything behind the scenes like the Illuminati, they should be open with us, they’ve already won.
There’d be far less danger of the Illuminati having a last ditch maniacal arm flailing if we were more informed. There are a huge and growing number of people who already know all of this information, it’s been public domain for quite some time, it’s just the “regular” people who don’t know about this stuff.
So if an announcement was made that informed us that there was a secret group of monsters ruining everything, they could even mention CFR, Trilateral, and Bilderberg, then there would be an uprising that made the Tea Party look like a little shindig.
We just need “officials” to tell the public that all these ideas are true, that they know for a fact that they’re true, they don’t even have to explain them. If someone who worked on a black budget program comes out and tells us about it, the average person won’t believe it, but if a government gives permission for someone to tell us that these things are true, then far more people will believe them.
This is my problem with Obama, I understand he’s on our side, but he is walking in-step with these monsters and he’s promoting their tyranny with full force. If he could even get on the air for a minute, he could tell us enough truth, inform us he’s had many threats on his life by these people, that people would take all this “conspiracy” stuff seriously.
If I were Obama, only knowing what he knows, I would surround myself with some trustworthy people and I would hold a conference, or bring it up during an already schelduled talk. If he wanted to be our President, then he should have been willing to give his life up to tell us the truth, he likely would have been fine too, had he done it smartly. If Eisenhower knew what Obama knew, he most certainly would have told us and he was a five star general, you’d think a “community organizer” should be able to tell the community the truth without fear. Though Fulford does mention that he’s helping to root out some of the Khazarians, but if you’re willing to do that, you should be willing to tell us the truth, until then, I consider him working against us, but somewhat on our side.
So that’s what it comes down to, if all these people are on our side and fighting these monsters, then why the heck won’t they do it in the mainstream? They’ve already won, the riff raff just need swept out and sent to jail. But we continue to wait while people suffer, it just doesn’t make sense, divine timing or otherwise.
I just signed up for the Seattle conference and I’m very excited. See you in May!
Pony 😉
Love you David! You do such great work. What a light unto the world!
WOW just blown away by the work you do, you are such a spiritual boon to anyone on the path of truth. Thank you!
Great News! And non too soon. Now they are showing promotions for the TV series “V” with the lead actress opening her mouth and baring huge, reptilian like, teeth. Suposed to be a ‘shocker’ and ahint that the “V” are here to eat us. WTF? Is this fear pornor what!
Anxious to be able to ‘drop-in’ on the conversation this Saturday.
Thank you David for these extraordinary opportunities.
David, I think you’re one of the best teachers out there. I love how articulate you have become, love how nice you always are with interruptions, how you can take control of your interviews and keep your thought and return to it.
Every time I listen to you I feel uplifted, and in these interesting times, that’s such a blessing!
I was in the “Access Your Higher Self” event. So grateful for the insight. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you so very much, David. The information you have provided can not be measured in a financial way – It is worth more than the dollars or material wealth that can be counted on this Earth to me and millions of others!!!
I am so very grateful as God has provided, once again, what we need by one of his Earth Angels – David Wilcock!!
I would love to support this, however I have my Christmas dinner to go to and won’t be home in time 🙁
I would rather be watching this though (Holiday Drama usually ensues which can be intensely awkward)
Good Luck David you are loved!
[Moderator: May be able to purchase afterwords will let everyone know soon]
Dear David or Moderator,
For me it is not possible to attent the disclosure tour de force this sunday and it was not clear to me if it is possible to still pay for it and look at the video afterwards, like you made it possible with the video’s of Acessing your Higher Self.
If so I would be happy to pay 39 USD for looking this event of disclosure (project camelot) afterwards, so count me in than!!
With love, Pauline
[Moderator: David says its very likely they will but it is not yet certain, because the video feed could turn out poorly…]
Go David!
There are a lot of thing you say, especially those related to the law of one, that really help to understand existence.
I know you mean well.
I understand you people need to charge to be able to continue! So go on!
I still have bought nothing, but one of these days i will.
Thankyou David! Kreecher and I noticed the missing parts in the dreamsection and now you give us so much more! And thankyou Mercury retrograde, sometimes the communicationproblems turn into something even better!
I’m going away for some weeks and will have to wait until then to get the new video, something to look forward to coming home…
I get so much out of the valuable information you share! I look forward to seeing you in a few months in SF.
Having attended an event a few months back in San Leandro, CA you give off such a warm and genuine energy along with providing such detail in a manner easy to comprehend this truly is an excellent value for the money!
Thank you again for your contributions in enlightenment as we face the up and coming challenges and excitement ahead in our world!
Tom Jones
Feels like I’m in the boat with you David. You’re a light to this path we’re all on.
Glad you feel your task is complete; but there’s so much more to look forward too.
Thanks so much for presenting POSITIVE information and always expressing hope and love to those that follow your words.
David, you are an excellent speaker, but Kerry Cassidy says “um” so often that I find it hard to listen to her. She also cuts other people off and talks over them, especially Bill. I feel bad for him when this happens.
Kerry knows a lot of interesting info but should have improved on speaking skills by now, after 4 years of doing Project Camelot! Has anyone else noticed? I think someone should tell her 🙂
[Moderator: Law of One says basically you can’t offer help to people who haven’t asked for it.]
Hey David, just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work and mind blowing material that you have given to all of us. I definitely plan on getting the access your higher self videos and I believe they are going to be worth every penny.
Thank you David. The amount of information you give always astounds me…so much so that I check in nearly every day just in case you have offered something new, and when you are busy and we don’t hear for a few weeks I get worried in case ‘the man’ has pounced (Look what has happened to Julian. Guys in your government openly say they want him dead!)
The Event has not reached Australia yet – more’s the pity because from what you say it would appear that this program is giving people up-to-date information.
I have one complaint….I can’t buy stuff, your store set-up is too convoluted.
Thank you David for giving us soooooo much!
Blessings Lyn
Thanks again for all your contributions to the one infinte creator! 🙂
Your other-selves are very grateful!
David, the info you provide firmly supported with a good amount of evidence is always appreciated and pleasure to read.
Quick question, since you mentioned the pyramids might be talked about, have you heard anything about newly discovered pyramids in Bosnia? Some claim it might be a hoax, but the researchers seem to have excavated a number of artifacts over there.
The person who discovered them claims they are the largest pyramids in the world. I’d love to hear what you and the other guests have to say on this topic.
[Moderator: David has confirmed in live lectures that he does think they are real.]
Thanks for your work Dave, I’m going to check out the 4 speaker event on the 19th. I’m looking to learn more about what’s going on.
I’m personally trying to find out what China’s plans are in all this with the pendulum.
Tell your audience they can call into the conference with gmail FREE!!! No need to incur phone charges!!!
I am very excited to see the higher quality remake of the online webinar. If I am not mistaken the camera used to shoot The Phantom menace was The Sony CineAlta HDW-F900, nice. My greatest hope though is that you will shoot the Convergence movie in 4k 3D.
Also, looking forward to the phone conference.
DrBruceKing on
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The higher self conference was the best $33 I’ve EVER spent, and probably ever will spend. I am so grateful to have gotten the discount, because it made it financially possible for me to attend the virtual conference right after going to Tempe Convergence.
[Moderator: Tempe conference attendees received a discount because there was not time to go into the entire body of information.]
I’m looking forward to the new version, but I’m not waiting for it. I have already started doing the dreamwork, and I also started taking the special oil supplement I found out about in Tempe while I was still at there!
My dreams have been very vivid when I do remember them, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any. I can only guess what they will be like once my pineal gland is even more decalcified. 😮
Wow, I am really excited to see this new video on the dream/higher self conference! I was hoping you would include some extras and you did. 🙂 What a great Christmas gift! Thank you so much. I think all of us appreciate you going the extra mile.
I wanted to mention that since the conference I have been working with my dreams nearly every morning. Today, after working with last night’s dreams, something really clicked for me.
I can’t even put my finger on it, except I feel like I resolved some issues/messages my HS has been trying to get through. The happy side effect was I got out of bed feeling really happy and looking forward to my day.
That hasn’t happened in a long time! Also, the characters in my dreams (aspects of myself) are becoming more and more loving and emitting a blissful kind of love I have rarely experienced in my waking life. I attribute this totally to what I have learned through your conference.
I think I will attend the Disclosure conference, too. I can’t help it, I love being in the loop.
Just a little favor: Would you please consider creating a password protected room on the forum where those of us participating in the online conferences can discuss the content privately?
Thanks so much for all you do. I continue to be impressed!;-)
Wonderful! David’s coming to Canada! That will be wonderful and I hope to make the trip out from Vancouver Island.
Merry Christmas David and thank you…to you and your fabulous moderator who helps deflect the constant low energy push hovering at the periphery of patience. Grace under fire…a rare gift.
You light-dwellers are truly an inspiration and have helped me change my life. Blessings to you all.I’m a gourmet food manufacturer. Any chance I can send you a healthy gift just to say thanks?
Hi there,
Will the conference be available for purchase after “the event” takes place?
Unfortunately I won`t be home on the 19th…
[Moderator: Not sure, will ask David to update his post…]
You may actually be the anti-christ, or a false prophet or just evil incarnate, but your stuff usually helps to calm me during moments of hopelessness.
I hope The Highest Possible Conscious Perspective isn’t insane and doesn’t get off on suffering. Oh I so hope that.
[Moderator: I think this is the nicest “you might be the anti-christ” letter we have ever received. David works diligently to offer you this information to the best of his normal human ability. I feel that we house the power of source within ourselves and are in the process of educating ourselves how to choose not to suffer whenever possible, which is at least usually if not always.]
well that was totally weird. I went online to see if richard hoagland had any updates and I was disappointed when I couldn’t find any… Then for some odd reason I decided to check here!
Thanks so much David 🙂
Brother David,
Thank you for the gracious gifts of data, you absolutely radiate light and love. I am excitedly awaiting the cohesion of information that you and Brother Fulford had on your most recent connections.
My higher consciousness, in Christ, has shared with me 3 pings on the following; The data points that Brother David and Brother Fulford provide paint THE clearest available pictures of what is occurring.
Helping those who are still “tunnel-visioned” and those “still groggy” to wake up a little more and expand their perspective, for the already occurring shift and the ones to follow. They also serve as a “launchpad” for all of us whom are awake, to instill even more light and love into all ourselves and all The Earths.
I am grateful to all who are aligned with the truth, for truth obsoletes faith igniting exploration and expansion of many aspects of Creation.
In love and light
with deepest gratitude
If suitcases filled with cash are the answer, the question must be how to get Kerry and Bill in the same room at the same time.
Moderator i have heard Willy (apt abbreviation of Wilcock) talk on blog radio how he wont publish ‘negative’ comments, so just between me and you, don’t you think Willy is the offspring of some sordid union between Kerry Cassidy and Richard Hoagland? When will this be DISCLOSED?
And if you don’t think there is anything wrong with Hoagland’s hair just imagine him in a 1970’s silver space jump suit.
[Moderator: I’m not really sure what your point is, but hey, different strokes… I think Richard Hoagland’s hair would look hot enough to win a fashion week style award when matched with a silver onesie. I actually think David is the love child of Jane Fonda and David Spade.]
No kidding you should have charged more! Those flamers had no right to complain.
You have shared your personal psychic techniqes and lessons, which you have honed for years, for a VERY reasonable price. You have been more than generous, David. I might even argue that you’ve been TOO generous.
Perhaps you need to temper your 4th-density compassion/generosity with some more 5th-density wisdom/pragmatism. XD
I’m greatly looking forward to the talk on Sunday. It should be fascinating.
Thank you David!! ;-);-);-) ;-);-);-)
I can’t believe you’ve posted three blogs within one week.
I’m used to waiting at least one week before you post something new.
This has been a nice change of pace.
Never mind the haters and keep up the good work.
Sweet! I’m so glad that my psychic ability alerted me to check Divine Cosmos today. I thought to myself, “No, he won’t have posted anything yet; he just posted something on Saturday.”
I ignored that thought, went to your website, and voila, “Whoops, there it is!” Yeah! I look forward to Sunday’s interview with you, Richard, Kerry, and Bill. These are definitely interesting and exciting times we live in.
I have to admit, though, it’s curious to me how Disclosure is such a big deal. I’ve known for some time that beings from other planets are an integral part of our existence, although when I look around me, I see how the “world”has been steeped in denial, which leads to ignorance. Thank you for helping to turn up the light!
Love, Megan
hello david,
thank you for your work/service.
a note about “the event”.
‘inostranka’ [as in camp inostranka] is a russian word. it means a female foreigner.
David , I have written in before to thank you for your Astounding, mindblowing info you have presented over the years that
I’ve been reading your books, and insider info.
I want to thank you again for your impeccable word, your love and support for the progression of humanity,your generousity of time, and immense free info you”ve made available to the public, and your intention for the expansion of Consciousness, and Heaven on Earth.
Your are, as far as I’m concerned, a gift to Humanity , and have truely helped me in my own path of expansion of self, to realize we are all the extension of each other, and part of the One Creator.I hope one day to thank you in person.
Hey Dave just wanted to thank you for devoting your life to this and being a good role model, someone I someday aspire to be.
You’re the man, love you, and good luck! 🙂