Thursday 10 / 9 / 08
This definitive history of “crop circles” reveals the secrets and remarkable prophecy dates recently found — including what may have happened on August 16th!
By David Wilcock
Thanks to movies like M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Signs,’ everyone has heard of “crop circles.”
This is considered another ‘fringe’ subject that most people laughingly dismiss.
In Shyamalan’s movie they were presented as terrifying portents of a worldwide alien invasion:
The first time I ever saw a “crop circle” was in December 1990, on the cover of a new Led Zeppelin CD box set my father gave me for Christmas, just in time to survive my trip into college in 1991.
Even then, I never knew whether it was real or just a clever photographic trick.
I later found out that it was indeed real, and the formation itself appeared at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, on July 11th, 1990:
My next burst of information on ‘crop circles’ came when I read Richard C. Hoagland’s “The Monuments of Mars” in September 1993 — exactly 15 years ago.
The back cover of my 1993 edition featured a black-and-white picture of a gigantic crop formation on the top half of the page.
It had appeared in Barbury Castle, England on August 11, 1991:
I was fascinated to discover that this formation mapped out a very advanced geometric formula.
It had been extensively diagrammed and studied by many different researchers.
As this next diagram partially illustrates, Barbury Castle 1991 gave all the angle relationships that naturally occur when you place a simple geometric solid called a “tetrahedron” inside a sphere.
(A tetrahedron looks like a pyramid, except that instead of a square on the bottom, you have another equilateral triangle):
The Barbury Castle formation is clearly in the shape of a tetrahedron.
You have a giant triangle with an interesting circular shape at each corner.
Lines are drawn from each corner of the triangle towards the center — forming a three-dimensional, pyramid-like object:
Hoagland had already been investigating physics discoveries demonstrating that this pattern — a tetrahedron inside a sphere — seemed to be having a clear effect on the planets.
Each planet, as it rotated, had strong upwellings of energy at the points where the tips of the tetrahedron would naturally emerge, if one vertex was fixed at the north or south pole.
For example, on gas planets you would get giant cyclones right at this “tetrahedral latitude” of 19.5 degrees above or below the Equator.
This is best seen with the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, which has remained in exactly the same place ever since telescopes were first discovered.
The Great Red Spot is big enough to fit more than one Earth inside itself:
Neptune also has a “Great Dark Spot” at the same latitude, and Saturn has faster-rotating bands of clouds at this latitude.
On the solid planets you get giant volcanoes — the Hawaiian island chain on Earth and Olympus Mons on Mars, a volcano three times larger than Mount Everest.
Venus also has two enormous shield volcanoes at this same latitude.
This is obviously a physics more advanced than the mainstream currently accepts.
It centers on the idea that this geometry is somehow involved with energy.
Huge amounts of lava and mantle are surging up to create volcanoes on the solid planets, right where the theory predicts, and gigantic atmospheric vortexes form on the gas planets.
Something has to be causing these volcanoes and super-cyclones to form in these special geometric locations. It’s obviously something we don’t generally know or understand.
I immediately realized that if this phenomenon were studied in greater detail, it was entirely possible that this new physics could be used to generate clean energy at little to no cost.
This same hidden energy source has kept the Great Red Spot cyclone turning on Jupiter for at least 400 years, with no sign of ever slowing down.
I was astonished by the idea that a crop formation had demonstrated such advanced physics concepts.
For years I struggled to understand how these geometric energy patterns could be appearing within the planets, and what it all meant.
As I cover in the three free CONVERGENCE books on this site, and in various David’s Blog entries, I did ultimately figure out that it all had to do with harmonic vibrations appearing as three-dimensional geometric patterns.
That is another discussion.
[5/12/15: The fullest visualization of this system so far is in The Source Field Investigations and my TV show, Wisdom Teachings.]
Barbury Castle 1991 also suggested three-dimensional ‘pyramid’ geometry on one of the corners as well — but you had to draw in the lines in order to see it:
It is far outside the scope of this article series to go through the extensive proof of paranormal activity with the crop circle phenomenon.
In no way can all this data be written off as simply the result of human tampering, nor can it be explained with theories of strange atmospheric vortexes.
One of the best collections of data is written by Geoff Stray and can be found here.
An excellent 66-page book on the history of crop circles can be read for free here.
Lastly, this article by David Pratt is also excellent, and has some of the best pictures.
For those who are not aware, ‘crop circles’ appear overnight, fully formed, in various crops.
One very substantial formation, the “Julia Set”, appeared within a 15-minute period at Stonehenge on July 7, 1996.
A professional surveying engineer said it would take him about two full days to lay out the design:
As Dr. Gil Levengood and other researchers have determined, on the ‘real’ crop formations, the stalks are bent at the growth nodes, not broken:
A similar effect can be produced by microwaving grain — however in these cases the crops often continue growing after being bent.
The problem, of course, is that microwaving would quickly burn the crops — but in the crop formations there is never any sign of burning.
Some researchers have discovered that large amounts of underground water disappear beneath the crop formations right after they form.
This is another sign of an advanced technology being used to draw up the water and suppress the burning of the crops.
The ones that have gained the most attention have been in the English countryside, though they have also appeared throughout Europe and the Americas.
A great number — many thousands — have also been spotted in India, though they have gotten much less publicity and no good pictures seem to be online.
This introduction to David Pratt’s article is an excellent summary:
Every year over 200 designs appear in crops around the world.
These patterns of flattened plants have been reported on every continent, in around 30 countries, but the majority have appeared in southern England.
Since the early 1990s, the original simple circles have developed into huge, intricate, geometrical patterns of stunning precision and beauty.
Most appear in wheat, barley and oil-seed rape, but they have also been reported in rye, oats, flax, maize, sugar cane, peas, potatoes, sunflowers, grass, fruit orchards, rice paddies, snow, and ice.
Over the years, crop formations have been attributed to a variety of mundane causes: drunks armed with string and boards, wild young farmers, disillusioned art students, out-of-work journalists, overapplication of fertilizer, interference from mobile phones, squabbling birds, geometrically-gifted cows, and sex-mad hedgehogs.
Although the general public, mass media and scientific establishment tend to dismiss the entire phenomenon as the work of human pranksters, there is strong evidence that an unexplained force and guiding intelligence are at work.
As incredible as this may sound, documented reports of crop formations go back to at least 815 AD.
Agobard, the Archbishop of Lyons, issued an edict prohibiting pagans from taking seeds out of crop circles for their fertility rituals.
Obviously they were a regular phenomenon for this to be mentioned so casually in the official church records.
These next three excerpts help round out the story. Even the BBC covered this story at one point (emphasis added):
When do the circles date from? One of the earliest reports was in Lyon in 815AD, and a late 16th Century woodcut depicts the devil mowing a field into patterns.
The oldest known recorded crop circle event occurred in the 9th century in France, where the Bishop of Lyon sent out a prohibition to the recently converted locals against using seeds taken from crop circles for pagan fertility rituals.
In 815 AD, Agobard, the archbishop of Lyon, wrote “Against the foolish opinion of the masses about hail and thunder ” and reported that people believed in “Tempestarii ”, which had conjured cloud ships from Magonia, a far-off place in the skies.
These resulted in fierce storms, and a ransom was demanded on behalf of the Magonians in the form of crops they had flattened.
The account was made famous by UFO researcher Jacques Vallee in his “Passport to Magonia ”, in which he underlined that the UFO phenomenon seemed to be a modern variation of an ancient theme…
There is a rich history of crop circle legends where these formations are referred to as “fairy rings” or “fairy circles.”
It was believed the circles were formed in the aftermath of fairies and other mythical beings dancing in circles.
In some cases it seems you have a ring of mushrooms or flowers that grow in a circle, as we will see, but other legends seem consistent with what the Bishop of Lyons was referring to in 815 AD.
You can see from the Wikipedia entry that the “fairy ring” legend is vast in scope and extends through many different cultures, over at least several hundred years — to at least the 12th century:
The Middle English term elferingewort (“elf-ring”), meaning “a ring of daisies caused by elves’ dancing” dates to the 12th century.
Hall, Alaric (2007). Elves in Anglo-Saxon England: Matters of Belief, Health, Gender and Identity. Rochester, New York: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 978-1-84383-294-2
An illustration of a “fairy ring” was also posted in the Wikipedia entry, found in a book on British folklore from 1880.
This is photographic evidence clearly establishing that the fairy ring legend was associated with flattened circles of crops:
This next excerpt on fairy rings goes into greater detail about the “fairy ring” phenomenon as it relates to modern crop circles:
Indeed, circles on the ground have always had a magical connotation.
Take, for example, the fairy rings, which are linked with tales of passers-by that were lured away to the land of the fairies.
As such, these fairy rings were “doorways into other dimensions ”, which is another theory proposed about what crop circles might represent.
In German-speaking Europe, fairy rings are known as Hexenringe, or “witches rings ”, stemming from an old medieval belief that the rings represented places where witches would have their gatherings.
In English folklore, fairy rings were said to be caused by elves, fairies or pixies dancing in a circle, wearing down the grass beneath their feet. These mythical creatures, of course, are often associated with mysterious balls of light.
You may remember that our BBC article mentioned a woodcut of “the Devil mowing a field into patterns,” but it didn’t go into detail.
This is a fascinating chapter in the history of crop circles, documented as happening in 1678.
In short, a farmer was trying to hire someone to harvest his crops, and the laborer wanted to charge more than the farmer could afford.
The farmer angrily chased off the laborer, saying something like “I’d rather have the Devil cut my crops down than pay your price!”
That night a very bright light appeared over the crops — “as if it had been all aflame” — which the farmer clearly noticed, and the next day a crop circle had appeared — “so neatly mow’d… that no Mortal Man was able to do the like”.
The farmer attributed this phenomenon to the so-called “Mowing Devil.”
Here is an actual image of the woodcut, complete with a picture of what the crop circle looked like, along with an illustration of the alleged devil.
After the image we have a transcript of what it actually says:
THE MOWING-DEVIL: OR, STRANGE NEWS OUT OF HARTFORD-SHIRE. Being a True Relation of a Farmer, who Bargaining with a Poor Mower, about the Cutting down Three Half Acres of Oats: upon the Mower’s asking too much, the Farmer swore That the Devil should Mow it rather than He.
And so it fell out, that very Night, the Crop of Oat shew’d as if it had been all of a flame: but next Morning appear’d so neatly mow’d by the Devil or some Infernal Spirit, that no Mortal Man was able to do the like.
Also, How the said Oats ly now in the Field, and the Owner has not Power to fetch them away. Licensed, August 22nd, 1678.
You can see this was taken at least semi-seriously at the time.
This was before the rise of scientific materialism, where people would automatically write the farmer off as insane or misinformed.
During this same time period, very clear, documented evidence of “crop circle” formations can be found in the records of Professor Robert Plot (December 13, 1640 — April 30, 1696).
Plot was an English naturalist, the first Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford, and the first keeper of the Ashmolean Museum.
As it says here, he was also known to look for natural curiosities in several English counties.
He actually discovered a fossilized femur of a Megalosaurus dinosaur, which he considered to be the scrotum of a “giant.”
This may very well be the first documented homo-erotic paleontological discovery:
Plot found various crop circle formations and had a rather fanciful theory of how they formed.
He believed the wind was creating geometrically-perfect vortexes that then affected the crops on the ground.
In these next two illustrations he tried to draw how he thought this was happening:
Dr. Plot also found anomalies in the soil where these formations occurred.
The exact same observations would be recorded over 300 years later by Dr. Gil Levengood.
He is perhaps the most thorough modern researcher providing proof that some formations are definitely not manmade by any conventional means:
Plot examined multiple such formations and states that the soils “under all of them were much looser and dryer than ordinary, and the parts interspersed with a white hoar… much like that in mouldy bread, of a musty rancid smell, but to the tast[e] insipid.” –A Natural History of Staffordshire (1686)
Another clear report of crop-circle activity can be found in the prestigious scientific journal Nature from 1880:
J. Rand Capron, a spectroscopist who lived in the country at Guildown near Guildford, Surrey, in the south of England, [found crop circles in 1880]. The reference is Nature, volume 22, pp 290-291, 29 July 1880.
“Visiting a neighbour’s farm on Wednesday evening (21st), we found a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots.
Examined more closely, these all presented much the same character, viz., a few standing stalks as a centre, some prostrate stalks with their heads arranged pretty evenly in a direction forming a circle round the centre, and outside these a circular wall of stalks which had not suffered…”
Capron tried to explain this as the result of vortexes in the atmosphere creating perfect circles in the crops — just like Professor Robert Plot did two centuries earlier.
Some people still believe this concept, albeit with a few extra flourishes to explain some of the other mysteries.
As you are about to read in the next set of excerpts, we have independent, unique eyewitness reports from the 20th century where people actually watched crop circles forming in real time.
Nothing was there except for light, sound and / or swirling wind.
More recent reports also have indicated balls of light and high-pitched noises during the night.
Here we have the first of two testimonies confirming historical crop circle activity in the 20th century, where people actually saw it happen right in front of them:
An eye-witness case from South Wales was brought to the attention of researchers in 1991 following a letter to the Sunday Mirror. This was on farmland at Cilycwm, 6 km from Llandovery, Dyfed.
Mr William Cyril Williams wrote: “With reference to the corn circles mystery I actually witnessed one being made.
I was standing in a cornfield one morning and saw a whirlwind touching the ground and forming a circle in the corn. It was just the strength of the wind in the whirlwind that formed the circle”.
The event happened in the late 1940’s when he worked on his father’s farm, Penfedw Farm at Cilycwm. He was then in his twenties.
The area is surrounded by hills on all sides, and circles had been seen there “frequently”.
On this occasion, a weekday in August, at about 10.30 to 11 in the morning [or circa 0930-10 GMT] Mr Williams had gone into the wheat field on harvesting day in advance of the cutting and binding machinery, and was crossing the middle of the field when he heard the buzzing noise of a whirlwind starting up only a few metres away.
He then saw a spinning mass of air with dust in it, and, as he watched, in a matter of “only a couple of seconds or so the wheat fell down producing a sharp-edged circle 3 to 4 metres in diameter”.
It looked just like the other crop circles he had seen before, except that this one was completely flat-bottomed — whereas some of the earlier ones had stalks standing at their centres like a conical pyramid.
The vortex then died out rapidly, but during its brief lifetime (under 4 or 5 seconds) it remained at the same place.
This next excerpt is of a similar eyewitness report from 1972.
Bryce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood watched the crops get “pushed down” by an invisible force in a clockwise direction.
The only explanation to what might have caused this is a sound — and other witnesses have since documented hearing high-pitched chirping sounds:
Suddenly, I heard a noise. It seemed as if something pushed down the wheat. That night the air was completely still.
I looked around. The moon had just appeared, shining brightly.
In front of my eyes I could see a great imprint taking shape. The wheat was forced down in a clockwise direction.”
– Bryce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood, first modern crop circles witnesses, Warminster, night of August 12, 1972
This excerpt reveals an even deeper scope to the crop circle activity throughout the 20th century:
Dr Terence Meaden published eye-witness accounts of circles forming in the United Kingdom, one of which dated from the 1930s (see Further Reading).
The witness, Katherine Skin, recalled seeing two circles form on a hot August day in 1934 in Cambridgeshire.
Their appearance was preceded by a whirlwind in which stalks, seeds and dust were visible. Inside the circle she saw that some stalks had been plaited [braided].
Another witness described an event in South Wales, dating from the 1940s, and Meaden also wrote of a double ring photographed in 1960, in Gloucestershire.
This was reported in the Evesham Journal and attracted quite a number of visitors.
Andrews and Delgado (see Further Reading) quote a farmer, Simon Brown, recalling circles on his farm at Headbourne Worthy almost every year since 1958.
Paul Fuller, in The Crop Watcher 14, lists a number of other ‘early’ circles, including reports from the Netherlands, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Turkey and the United States.
The list runs to some 78 items, mainly rings, simple circles or ellipses and multiple circles.
The events around Warminster in the 1960s and 1970s have been the subject of several books, notably those by Arthur Shuttlewood, a journalist who lived in the town.
Things seem to have begun on Christmas Day 1964, with a series of deafening noises, and various strange events continued into 1966.
The area became a hotspot for UFO sightings and it was during a ‘sky watch’ in 1972 that Shuttlewood, apparently, observed the formation of a circle in a grass field.
He described a highpitched hum and a circle being inscribed like ‘the opening of a lady’s fan’.
Up until recently, the mainstream media’s approach to crop circles — if they were covered at all — was fairly dismissive, as in this Discovery article:
Crop circles have been appearing in fields all over the world for the past 30 years. They range from simple, geometric patterns to complex and carefully made compositions.
There have been suggestions that they are made by flying saucers landing and flattening the crops, or even that they are messages left by visiting aliens.
Others think they are created by microwave beams from satellites orbiting the Earth.
Other more rational explanations are that crop circles are man-made hoaxes, attempting to convince the public of extra-terrestrial life on Earth.
Some would argue why would aliens travel all the way to our planet just to flatten a few wheat fields? Why not make contact another, more easily recognisable way?
This perspective changed notably in 2008 thanks to a formation that attracted widespread media attention by having a very interesting mathematical proof in it, as we shall see.
2008 may well be recorded as the most substantial year in the history of “crop circles”.
This was the year they hit the mainstream media with a bigger “splash” than we’ve ever seen before, thanks to a formation that encoded ‘pi’ with multiple-decimal-point accuracy.
This was widely covered by media outside the US, and in some cases even within it as well.
Even the bought-and-sold Neocon media world of Fox News jumped on the bandwagon for this one:,2933,368422,00.html
“Take the pattern and draw radial lines from the center of the central depression through each radial jump,” Reed e-mailed the Web site.
“Take the smallest angle sector and call it one (1), then compare the other 10 sectors contained angle to the smallest and pick the closest single digit for the ratio. They come out as 3.141592654.”
As any math geek knows, that’s the first 10 digits of pi, the irrational but extremely important number that’s defined as a circle’s circumference divided by its diameter.
Crop-circle enthusiasts claim that’s just more proof that the barley and wheat stalks have been stomped on by aliens who seem to have a special affinity for southern England.
If you’re looking for a more in-depth treatment of this decoding, this mainstream English website does a fine job of explaining how it works:
On July 15, 2008, we had a formation in Avebury Manor that directly, bluntly and unabashedly laid out the alignment of the planets on December 21st, 2012 — the end-date of the Mayan Calendar.
Now that the ‘Circlemakers’ had generated some PR, they wanted to maximize its value and deliver a clear message:
“The end of the Mayan Calendar is far from just another ordinary date. Something is going to happen!”
With my own work adding to the weight of data — inspired by the Law of One series — we could append this statement with, “…Something wonderful!”
This formation encoded alignments in all three major sections of the Solar System for December 21st, 2012.
First, the inner planets, as you can see here:
Then we have the central planets and their corresponding images, as this next graphic shows:
Lastly, we also have an alignment in the outer planets, as this final graphic reveals.
The final planet appears to be a stylized version of Pluto, except that it is out of its expected orbital position.
No one is entirely sure what this ‘dislocation’ of Pluto means.
Since Pluto represents the planet of great, revolutionary change in astrology — a true journey through the underworld — this could be a sign of the monumental importance of this time:
On July 23, 2008, the Circlemakers returned after this formation sustained some damage — and substantially changed the basic layout.
A second circle was drawn next to the first, with a variety of odd glyphs surrounding it.
The first circle now had a series of straight lines drawn through it.
This strongly suggested Gerald Hawkins’ mathematical proofs had done in the 1990s, showing the relationship between geometry and musical frequencies.
I have written about this in the CONVERGENCE book series on this website:
Even more importantly, the size of the Sun in the original 2012 diagram was now much, much larger — encompassing the orbits of Venus and Mercury:
Sadly, the mainstream media dropped the ball — and in fact, we are the only alternative media source that covered this 2012 formation with any depth.
If that were the extent of the story, this would still be a rather involved piece… but it goes far, far beyond this initial starting point.
This was only one of two different crop formations that directly flagged the Mayan Calendar end-date this year by direct astronomical timing methods.
West Kennett, June 6th:
This formation illustrated a 40% solar eclipse that was seen in that area of England on August 1st, 2008.
Nick Kollerstrom: “Why does this formation have a single line, that does not define any Sun-ray? This line shows us the 18-fold division of the circle here being used, it enables us to count it.
“It’s a basic Vesica pisces design, with one circle divided into 18, i.e. 20-degree sectors.
“This confirms, I suggest, its relation to the upcoming partial solar eclipse of August 1: the pattern of eclipses recurs every 18 years, 11 days and this is called the Saros Cycle.”



V1 = March 27, 2009, inferior conjunction with Sun, next to EarthV2 = January 11, 2012, superior conjunction with Sun, opposite EarthV3 = October 29, 2010, inferior conjunction with Sun, next to EarthV4 = August 16, 2011, superior conjunction with Sun, opposite EarthV5 = June 6, 2012, inferior conjunction with Sun, solar transit (bright central six-pointed star)V6 = December 21, 2012, three months before superior conjunction with Sun, far right opposite Earth (end of Long Count).





East Kennett of July 7-8, 2008 shows “forty days or two Mayan months” until a near-total lunar eclipse on August 16, 2008.A new crop picture from East Kennett seems to be reminding us of that event with considerable simplicity:Surrounding a standing circle for Earth, we can see forty small symbols in pairs (large-small-large-small) that clearly suggest 2 × 20 = 40 days until a near-total lunar eclipse on August 16, 2008.The most remarkable feature of this new crop picture is that it chooses to use a time symbolism of “2 × 20 = 40 days” until the lunar eclipse in mid-August. Many other crop pictures over the past few weeks have shown Mayan themes, for example in Germany.

While many different explanations of Watchfield Wind Farm might be possible, we still need to explain why they showed us the two numbers “18” and “14” attached to three gear-like balls, then drew that in a field next to a long series of white windmills?

The number 18 has been used repeatedly in 2008 as the number of years in any Saros eclipse cycle involving Earth, Sun and Moon.Following that same logic, there would be approximately 14 days from August 1 until an almost total lunar eclipse on August 16, 2008.Those windmills could be meant to symbolize “rotation” of any astronomical body about its own axis, or of our Moon about the Earth.






In any case, the astronomical logic shown at Milk Hill seems quite amenable to ordinary human understanding, whether it was made by friendly extra-terrestrials, or by local talented fellows with a board and rope! …On that day, precisely 8 days after Milk Hill appeared, our planet Earth will come directly into line between the Moon and the Sun as an 81% partial lunar eclipse (see HERE)…Is this explanation plausible? Have any other crop pictures from 2008 described the same, upcoming lunar eclipse?When studied carefully, it seems as if Milk Hill of August 8 may be just the latest of three pictures to give a countdown in days, from when they appeared until August 16, 2008:East Kennett of July 8 = 2 × 20 = 40 days until August 16Watchfield Wind Farm of August 1 = approximately 14 days until August 16Milk Hill of August 8 = figure-8 or 8 days until a lunar eclipse on August 16Two other pictures from 2008 could be interpreted in terms of similar countdown in days, from when they appeared until August 1, 2008 which was a solar eclipse (visible mainly in Russia or China):South Field of July 22-23 = 10, 9, 8 days until August 1Martinsell Hill of July 27 = 5, 4.5, 4 days until a solar eclipse on August




This simply remarkable formation takes one’s breath away. It has two wonderfully tapered and delicate crescents surrounding the mysterious pentagram.The Pentagram was very important to the Pythagoreans, who were a secret society. This symbol runs through history in many mystical ways.It also appears in Masonic regalia, the layout of Washington DC, and is the basic design for one of the largest buildings on earth, The Pentagon.

Could this be sign of hope from above in these troubled times?This huge Celtic cross appeared in a field on Etchilhampton Hill in Wiltshire. The size is over eight tram lines in width and about twice as long in length.Within the cross is spiral imagery which takes us back to ancient times. Very impressive indeed.



This remarkable, redundant August 16th prophecy fits in with the real-world events leaked regarding the South Ossetia war and the capturing of vital documents.
The New World Order may well have received its critical “death blow” by what happened that very day.
This could effectively free the planet from well over 50 years of hardship and the threat of complete planetary annihilation — so this is by no means insignificant.
Furthermore, with the degree of control that has been exerted over the press, any such change would be tantamount to a mass, worldwide awakening.
Readers may be interested in the Yatesbury spiral crop circle formation that occurred on May 30, 2007. In Morse Code, the most famous phrase is S.O.S., “Save Our Ship.” In the formation, the following phrase is precisely encoded in the 87 circles and spaces: “LOVE THEN TEST EARTH IRE GARDEN SHATTER OR UNITE” – sounding much like an S.O.S. to humanity.
You can see the formation yourself at
Readers may be interested in the Yatesbury spiral crop circle formation that occurred on May 30, 2007. In Morse Code, the most famous phrase is S.O.S., “Save Our Ship.” In the formation, the following phrase is precisely encoded in the 87 circles and spaces: “LOVE THEN TEST EARTH IRE GARDEN SHATTER OR UNITE” – sounding much like an S.O.S. to humanity.
You can see the formation yourself at
A very good site. I like the Crop Circles esp. I think they are a message to humanity. Good things I pray. But we must always be ready for anything. Meditate always as much as poss. Use your mind for answers.
A very good site. I like the Crop Circles esp. I think they are a message to humanity. Good things I pray. But we must always be ready for anything. Meditate always as much as poss. Use your mind for answers.
I was intrigued by the crop circle near the wind generators, that looked like three cogged wheels. I’ve been wondering for some time now whether gears, which are a form of leverage, can be used to convert high speed, low torque rotations of a small motor into slow speed, high torque rotations to power a large generator such that the large generator puts out more power than is used by the small motor. So the combination would generate net energy ie. self-powering.
I was intrigued by the crop circle near the wind generators, that looked like three cogged wheels. I’ve been wondering for some time now whether gears, which are a form of leverage, can be used to convert high speed, low torque rotations of a small motor into slow speed, high torque rotations to power a large generator such that the large generator puts out more power than is used by the small motor. So the combination would generate net energy ie. self-powering.
David,you are a breath of fresh,positive and enlightened air!I am new to you,and so far,i have very,very much enjoyed your site and all of it’s positiveness and information…keep it up 🙂 guitaraddic
David,you are a breath of fresh,positive and enlightened air!I am new to you,and so far,i have very,very much enjoyed your site and all of it’s positiveness and information…keep it up 🙂 guitaraddic
It is really important to have this kind of imformation to keep us away from the things that want us to be always suffering in the dream of a reality that does not exist.
Bendiciones y exitos desde Perú.
It is really important to have this kind of imformation to keep us away from the things that want us to be always suffering in the dream of a reality that does not exist.
Bendiciones y exitos desde Perú.
Interesting observation on the hollow planet theory! What say y’all?David? 😡 :zzz
Interesting observation on the hollow planet theory! What say y’all?David? 😡 :zzz
Very good read. One question: Has anyone noticed that the interior planets shown in the 2012 crop formation indicate that the interior planets are hollow?
Very good read. One question: Has anyone noticed that the interior planets shown in the 2012 crop formation indicate that the interior planets are hollow?
Thank you David, for all that you do.
Thank you David, for all that you do.
Just had to throw another huge “Thanks for the great work!” out there… 😉
Just had to throw another huge “Thanks for the great work!” out there… 😉
Isn’t Citi Bank owned by the Rothchilds-the opposition warring against the Nazis to control the NWO?
Isn’t Citi Bank owned by the Rothchilds-the opposition warring against the Nazis to control the NWO?
You’ve outdone yourself, and just by this article, you’ve pretty much proved that crop circles are not man-made, it’s just not possible. I’ve shown many people this, and people are starting to realize there is more to this universe than meets the eye. Thank you.
You’ve outdone yourself, and just by this article, you’ve pretty much proved that crop circles are not man-made, it’s just not possible. I’ve shown many people this, and people are starting to realize there is more to this universe than meets the eye. Thank you.
Thanks David for your analysis and views. Very interesting. I had the opportunity to visit some crop circles this year in Wiltshire, England. What distinguishes geniune crop circles from man-made ones is the dowsable energies within the genuine crop circles. I had an informative time with my pendulum and dowsing rods within the crop circles. The flow of the energy is in the direction of the lay of the crop. Within the circular sections of the formations, the flow of energy is either circular (clockwise or anti-clokwise) or radial pointing towards the centre. The standing stalk, spirals or nests in the centre of the circles were interestingly not in the exact centre but slightly off-centre. If you walk with dowsing rods towards the edge of the crop formation (while inside the formation), the dowsing rods cross as you reach the edge (standing stalk) indicating a demarcation of energy at the boundary of the crop formation. My pendulum swang wildly while standing within the crop formations but was dead still outside the formations.
Thanks David for your analysis and views. Very interesting. I had the opportunity to visit some crop circles this year in Wiltshire, England. What distinguishes geniune crop circles from man-made ones is the dowsable energies within the genuine crop circles. I had an informative time with my pendulum and dowsing rods within the crop circles. The flow of the energy is in the direction of the lay of the crop. Within the circular sections of the formations, the flow of energy is either circular (clockwise or anti-clokwise) or radial pointing towards the centre. The standing stalk, spirals or nests in the centre of the circles were interestingly not in the exact centre but slightly off-centre. If you walk with dowsing rods towards the edge of the crop formation (while inside the formation), the dowsing rods cross as you reach the edge (standing stalk) indicating a demarcation of energy at the boundary of the crop formation. My pendulum swang wildly while standing within the crop formations but was dead still outside the formations.
Keep up the great work!!
Thank you. 🙂
Keep up the great work!!
Thank you. 🙂
Kiitos! (means thanks in finnish)
Kiitos! (means thanks in finnish)
Never ceasing to amaze..
Never ceasing to amaze..
Just to let you know, I check in periodically to your site to cheer me up. It gives me a lot of peace through all this gloom and doom global economical adjustment going on now. Thank you.
Just to let you know, I check in periodically to your site to cheer me up. It gives me a lot of peace through all this gloom and doom global economical adjustment going on now. Thank you.
After reading this article, I meditated and immediately my entire vision was filled with a swirling clockwise rotation of golden light, a referrence to Christ Consciousness. And so never again will I overlook that the crops are the color of gold. Then, having this swirling light before me, it seemed like the obvious thing to do was to allow myself to be pulled through the center of it. I am sure than my consciousness, on the other side, picked up much information, as I felt a bit of “resistance” as I pulled back into here-now. Thanks to the Circle Makers, for you actions, divinity and love. And Thanks to David, and to the light and love that inspires all of creation to return to Itself.
After reading this article, I meditated and immediately my entire vision was filled with a swirling clockwise rotation of golden light, a referrence to Christ Consciousness. And so never again will I overlook that the crops are the color of gold. Then, having this swirling light before me, it seemed like the obvious thing to do was to allow myself to be pulled through the center of it. I am sure than my consciousness, on the other side, picked up much information, as I felt a bit of “resistance” as I pulled back into here-now. Thanks to the Circle Makers, for you actions, divinity and love. And Thanks to David, and to the light and love that inspires all of creation to return to Itself.
Interesting piece you put together. I think your work is coming to a climax within the next few days, months, years with the downfall of the monetary system in the world.
Interesting piece you put together. I think your work is coming to a climax within the next few days, months, years with the downfall of the monetary system in the world.
I always thought crop circles were maybe something special, but after looking at the above link to David Pratt’s site, and of course all the info in David’s blogs…all I can say is WOW! In a world where we are continually bullied into beliefs of a mundane universe with some mundane god of science or religion, crop circles seem to be a pure and beautiful beacon that beckons to something inside us….both to our logic and intuition. A hearty thanks to David Wilcock for bringing the real significance of these manifestations to my attention!!
I always thought crop circles were maybe something special, but after looking at the above link to David Pratt’s site, and of course all the info in David’s blogs…all I can say is WOW! In a world where we are continually bullied into beliefs of a mundane universe with some mundane god of science or religion, crop circles seem to be a pure and beautiful beacon that beckons to something inside us….both to our logic and intuition. A hearty thanks to David Wilcock for bringing the real significance of these manifestations to my attention!!