As you can see in Part One, we’ve been anticipating mass arrests of a genocidal cabal of world elites on this site since at least 2008, with insider data.
These people literally wanted to kill billions of us, and continue desperately trying to do so. Therefore, some form of mass arrests are absolutely necessary.
We also were getting mysterious, dream-like prophetic data about mass arrests since at least 1999, and possibly as far back as 1996.
In 2017, I began covering the story of Mega Anon, an insider with seemingly close ties to Trump who was also predicting mass arrests in very specific detail.
Unfortunately, it appears that the archived links to what she wrote are now broken. I haven’t checked them all yet.
I do feel I pulled many of the most important quotes from them in my articles.
It is very interesting and revealing to visit the above Reddit link and read the excerpts that this user pulled out from the mass of content.
Mega’s quote from October 6th, 2017 still really stands out for me:
The goal is that when it’s all said and done, there will be no room for question, when it comes to the people.
He won’t have to disclose s#!t like 9/11, OKC, Vegas, Voter Fraud, Russia hacks or collusion, elections rigging, etc. specifically.
When he’s done, it will be a literal “mic drop” on the world’s stage.
No one ever again will have the ability to question who’s responsible for, involved in coordinating, etc. ANYTHING that has ever happened and been considered a “conspiracy theory”, ever again.
When he’s done, the entire world will just KNOW IT ALL. It really is THAT all-encompassing. Like Trump says, “you’ll see”. It just has to happen. We cannot be derailed. Ever again.
Next, consider these words from May 27th, 2017:
You don’t have to like Trump. You don’t have to support him and you don’t have to vote for him in 2020. It’s not about Trump. This far precedes him.
Don’t get caught up in the politics of it all because like your opinions, neither of them matter. We don’t have “parties”. We don’t “elect” those who represent us.
We don’t have (and haven’t for a VERY long time), the freedom of “choice”. (((They))) just let us THINK we do to divide/control us.
And consider this line from December 15th, under “SOMETHING BIG IS COMING! COMEY REFERENCES NUREMBERG”:
I mean, this IS what’s happening. It’s fact. Accept it now and move on.
You don’t need to make this political because (you) don’t like Trump. It’s not about Trump. That’s what they want you to think.
This is about all of them, the dirty establishment and YOU mattering again.
When this is over, you won’t be Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. You’ll hate them all.
She eventually reached out to me and spoke to me on several occasions late last year before cutting off all contact. I do hope she is okay.
It was very clear that she had extensive knowledge of the Alliance plan for mass arrests, and how far back in time it really went.
She wrote it all out on 4Chan, and I was stunned by how much it matched the intel I was receiving from other sources.
She made multiple remarks in our conversations that indicated she had direct, face-to-face access to DJT on multiple occasions.
I presented detailed coverage of her shocking material after the highly suspicious and traumatic Vegas shootings of October 1st, 2017.
Among other things, we heard rumors that POTUS himself was at the hotel in question on that very night, and the shootings were partly intended to stage an assassination that failed.
A good bit of timely investigative material on all of this was released in the Something Very Big is Coming article series, as follows:
Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen? October 11, 2017
Something Very Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke? October 22, 2017
Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat? November 13, 2017
Mega Anon’s work may well have given the Alliance the inspiration it needed to discover a way to communicate securely to the public, as well as to their own covert units.
The first Q Anon posts appeared on 4Chan just seventeen days after I threw Mega Anon’s 4Chan work into the limelight with Is Something Very Big About to Happen?
I must say that I am very, very happy that the Alliance has started communicating their plans openly to the public through the Q Anon posts.
I was aware that these plans were in the works for many, many years, and often felt as if I was one of the only people out there telling you about it.
I have supported the Alliance military and intelligence community in what they are trying to do with this enormously complex operation all along.
That might change if they start trying to justify murdering everyone in the sealed indictments, but again, we also have intel that major prison facilities are being readied.
I wouldn’t care whether a Democrat, Republican or Independent was helping the Alliance. We simply need to see the job get done so our planet can heal.
The Q Anon material is now so vast and extensive, with multiple updates often coming in on a daily basis, that it is way beyond my personal resources of time and energy to research and cover it all.
[The last year has been the busiest of my life, between planning a wedding, buying a house, moving out of state, doing several conferences and working on a major new book all at once.]
In fact, I don’t think any one person could properly interpret and present all the Q Anon information at this point as it keeps coming out.
The sheer volume of raw data being put out by Q Anon has led to legions of online journalists putting the pieces together in articles and videos, which is terrific.
Part of my intention in writing Parts One and Two is to establish the historical context of how long I have been covering this story, along with some of the biggest highlights.
I also wanted to make the point in Part Two that Obama was apparently working with the Alliance to create disclosure in 2009 as well, and received his own death threats.
This planet-saving effort is therefore not at all a partisan issue. The track record of journalism I have on this site about it makes that point very clear.
The Vegas shootings occurred very soon after the sealed indictments began to be filed. That may not have been a coincidence.
Additionally, the Q Anon briefings began as of October 28th, shortly after the appearance of the masses of sealed indictments had begun.
In the beginning, Q Anon gave an uncharacteristically direct set of text that laid out the blueprint for mass arrests, as I quoted in Something Very Big is Coming, Part III.
Q admitted that they had to put out disinformation at times for operational reasons.
Therefore, the idea that these operations would begin in “the next several days” was incorrect.
However, Mega Anon told us that there was indeed a plan on the books to do the arrests within this exact timeframe, as a reaction to the Vegas atrocities, and they had to be scrapped.
Apart from that glitch, for whatever reason it may have happened, we got a remarkable view of what the mass arrest scenario will be like:
ID:pGukiFmX No.147567888 ViewReport
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
I want to note something very important here. One of the very first Q briefings said the Emergency Broadcast System would be used to tell the public the truth.
You just read it yourself. I highlighted the relevant passage above in red. This system apparently bypasses all mainstream and social media censorship and control.
On September 6th, 2018, Q Anon posted information that the Emergency Broadcast System would be tested as of September 20th, 2018:
It is easy to miss the text on the phone in the above image, so here it is in a larger form:
It clearly says “Presidential Alert.” Once you see this in context of the other Q Anon posts — it is either very alarming or exciting, depending upon how you interpret all of this.
Here is another piece of intel, now almost a year old, that is still very highly relevant for today, if we are finally on the verge of seeing mass arrests:
[11/5/17, 6:49:36 AM] Corey Goode: Wow, just received a briefing.
The military is indeed getting ready for a potential decapitation of the Cabal with surgical strikes by SF [Special Forces] Teams.
They are already training by taping out floor plans of their targets on the floors of hangars and practicing kicking in doors.
They are also being briefed on their potential targets.
A “limited coup” is looking more and more likely.
In the briefing they once again stated the importance of having a minimum of 2 weeks of food/water in our homes.
[11/5/17, 6:56:31 AM] Corey Goode: It was further revealed that the Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed.
They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.
Their investigation has since expanded dramatically….
CG: Most of the operations are non-violent, or what we wouldn’t typically think of as military.
They will range from propaganda, electronic warfare and covert teams that arrest people.
Some Secret Service/Body Guard positions were infiltrated, and some of these top figures are basically in custody and don’t even know it.
Many of the targets of these operations have their jets on 24-hour standby notice. Pilots are sleeping at air hangars, ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
Many of the targets of these operations have been denied safe haven in some of the bunkers where they were promised sanctuary, which is typical Cabal.
The planes will be intercepted by the US Air Force if they try to leave US Airspace.
The hangars are under observation and they now have a way to shut down all underground shuttles simultaneously.
We are admittedly skipping over hundreds, if not thousands of newsworthy items to get us right up to the present, with the big news that hit as of August 30th.
Q Anon began releasing a cryptic series of posts, as follows:
I was ten years old when the movie WarGames came out in 1983. It had quite an effect on me at the time, conclusively proving nuclear war was ridiculous.
It all centered around a hacker kid who broke into the US nuclear launch computer systems, named WOPR or War Operations Planning and Response — and nearly started a war in the process.
The line “Shall We Play A Game” comes from the following scene in the movie:
The signature line from this movie comes at the end, when the artificial intelligence of the WOPR computer, calling itself “Joshua,” concludes that nuclear war is unwinnable.
It wargamed out all possible outcomes of global thermonuclear war, and concluded “the only winning move is not to play:”
Joshua/WOPR: Greetings, Professor Falken.
Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua.
Joshua/WOPR: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
Q’s quote of this famous movie line indicates that the Snow White and / or Corona satellites may have also been related to nuclear guidance systems.
Therefore, Q may have anticipated that the Cabal could have launched some sort of nuclear attack before the arrests, and now they will not be able to.
This WarGames quote also implies that Q realizes “the only winning move is not to play” when it comes to nuclear war, and therefore it will be prevented.
Another group of satellites apparently were taken down right after the above, as follows:
Main frequency bands TERMINATED.
Anonymous ID: 709118 No.2809998
yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha
with means OVER THE TARGET
Retaliation – ‘Horizon’ active.
The last quote suggests that some sort of retaliation against the Deep State is taking place, likely with the code-name “Horizon.”
The above quotes seem to imply that the GCHQ and NSA’s mass surveillance system was completely cut off by these actions.
We have phrases like, “BLIND EYES IN THE SKY,” “Main frequency bands TERMINATED, #Goodbye,” “Retaliation”, “OVER THE TARGET” and “NSA NO MORE.”
Their computers also seemed to be down, as implied by the phrase, “DDOS (Directed Denial of Service — a hack attack) 502s (bad gateway error, which is usually a server meltdown), and captcha.”
Later Q briefings suggested that one of the effects of this action was to force Deep State leaders to huddle together in person in order to have any communication.
This was mirrored in another Q Anon post from September 1st, which certainly carries a sarcastic tone.
Remember that a SCIF is a surveillance-proof Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, SS is Secret Service, and the flagging of the word “BILL” suggests this refers to former president Clinton:
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.
Former President’s are still able to arrange SCIFs?
Does the American taxpayer ‘foot the BILL’ for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?
Nice color choice.
It’s a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.
Even more provocative clues were given the next day, suggesting that troops (Operation Specialists) were preparing for the big mass arrest “event,” and would be working in military helicopters, as pictured:
Played by ‘Operation Specialists’ [pre-event] last night.
Anonymous ID: eafdab No.2848894
why did I get extreme goosebumps while listening to this??

This last image appears to have been taken through night-vision goggles.
This appears to imply that this is a photograph of the helicopters that will be used by “Operation Specialists” in the mass arrests “event.”
Another post from the next day, September 3rd, embedded the word DECLAS with a simple numerical code into a statement about an upcoming meeting of Congress:
Where once there was [D-1]ARK
Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT
The obvious key to decipering this is D-1, E-2, C-3, L-4, A-5, S-6, or DECLAS.
In previous communications, Q had used DECLAS to indicate that information would be declassified.
There are two possible meanings here. One is that information damning to both chambers of Congress will be declassified, and that this would shine “light” on that which is seen as “dark.”
Another possible meaning is that Congress itself would be involved in declassifying information that will somehow be damning to the Cabal.
Other briefings have since come in from Corey Goode’s sources saying that a major amount of damning new information is about to be leaked.
An image of this same DECLAS message was then brought back again the next day, September 4th.
This time another enigmatic phrase was added, “A Week to Remember.” This may refer to this coming week of September 10-16.
It is even possible that the Alliance may want to time something around the anniversary of 9/11, which is on a Tuesday:
A Week to Remember.
Plans like this often get thrown off and delayed by necessity, so I would not presume that any of us could know exactly when this “Week to Remember” will be.
The “Presidential” test of the Emergency Broadcast System doesn’t appear until the following week, as of Thursday, September 20th.
Furthermore, it was the entire month of September that was declared “Emergency Preparedness Month,” as we are about to see.
At this point we get the Q quote that Dr. Michael Salla used to argue that these mass arrests will involve military tribunals, not civilian cases:
Interesting line of questions?
Military Law v. Criminal Law.
Think EO.
Think HRC panic.
Do you believe in coincidences?
You have more than you know.
EO stands for Executive Order. HRC is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Again, Dr. Salla’s article breaks this all down very nicely.
The bottom line is that an executive order was passed that will allow for the sealed indictments to be processed under military law.
This was followed by another message on the same day, clearly forecasting major events that will be unfolding in the near future:

Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
Another sign of “big stuff” getting ready to happen was one of the things Q said the next day, September 6th:
Anonymous ID: 3a80bb No.2907383
HEADS UP: Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned –…
National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland.
These first responders, who work tirelessly to safeguard our Nation and protect our citizens, deserve our utmost gratitude and appreciation….
Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility and that it is critical to maintain readiness.
All Americans can prepare for potential disasters by developing and practicing a family emergency response plan, assembling a disaster supply kit, signing up for alerts on mobile devices, setting aside emergency savings, and maintaining adequate insurance policies for their homes and businesses.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign outlines other important steps to best prepare for a major disaster.
This month, I encourage all Americans to take the opportunity to ensure they have an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed.
If you have read all of this and are thinking what I am thinking, then wow.
There are far too many arrows all pointing in the same direction for us to simply ignore this.
Hence I am writing this all up even though there is extremely bad, almost nonexistent internet access where I am now.
If Q Anon is actually doing a LARP here, (Live Action Role Play, i.e. lying for fun and attention,) then this would destroy all the work, credibility and public attention they have built up over nearly a year.
Some of our audience loves this president and some despise him. I have heard the arguments from both sides in great detail.
Either way, I see how serious all of this is, and therefore feel there is a need to bring it to your attention.
If “nothing” happens, particularly by the end of the year, then it is safe to say Q will have been largely, if not completely discredited, as this is huge.
The need to write this up became even more obvious once I began looking at what other insider or alleged insider sources were saying about these same briefings.
Here are a series of updates posted on the Hal Turner Radio Show website beginning the night the Q briefings about the satellites came out.
I have featured this website in the past. There are at least some cases where they got accurate intel that matched up with what other trusted sources said.
This article appears to feature intel that was coming in from people in the CIA, and it began with them freaking out that seven mainframe computers went down.
Admittedly, the exact timing of when the Q posts about the satellites first went up was as of 5:30 PM Eastern time, a little less than an hour before this article appeared:
Nonetheless, this article is a surprisingly fast response, and the Q Anon websites may not be updating readers on new posts right away.
All of this suggests that what we are reading may be based on insiders having real-time reactions to whatever was going on:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018 — 6:24 PM (18:24)
Seven mainframe computers inside the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are now offline for an unknown reason.
The loss of computing has also caused a significant number of US Spy Satellites to go offline.
We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on-hand.
There’s no telling who did this or why . . . and now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.
Developing . . . . check back for updates.
Main Frames “Snow White” 3, 4, 6 and 7 are offline.
Sats Offline include: Corona 1,4, 8, & 16 are dark.
Additional Sat. Offline: Big bird 9 — “KH-9 (BYEMAN codename HEXAGON), commonly known as Big Bird[1] or Keyhole-9, was a series of photographic reconnaissance satellites launched by the United States between 1971 and 1986.”
Just spoke to the Pentagon. The “official” line is “I have no information about any such event. But if such an event were to occur, we would not discuss it publicly.”
Sources from the Intelligence Community now confirming to me several mainframes are, in fact, offline and several spy satellites are dark. Techs working furiously to find out what happened and fix it.
Internal assessment thinking is “Someone targeted our spy satellite systems specifically.
“Someone is now moving certain things they don’t want us to see being moved. This unexpected eventuality is major trouble on every level.”
GCHQ Bude, also known as GCHQ Composite Signals Organisation Station Morwenstow, abbreviated to GCHQ CSO Morwenstow,
is a UK Government satellite ground station and eavesdropping centre located on the north Cornwallcoast at Cleave Camp, between the small villages of Morwenstow and Coombe.
It is operated by the British signals intelligence service, officially known as the Government Communications Headquarters, commonly abbreviated GCHQ.
It is located on part of the site of the former World War II airfield, RAF Cleave.
All kinds of Imaging & Communications Satellites have now been compromised as well…
We are now experiencing an almost complete blackout of most of our “Black-Ops” Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) satellites.
CIA now unable to perform certain “key hole” surveillance, and there are now GIGANTIC holes in our ability to intercept various signals; i.e. certain phones, certain radios, certain internet coms, etc.
Put simply, certain people who previously thought they ran the world, (i.e. the Intelligence Community within CIA and NSA) are now deaf, dumb, and partially blind.
Something massive is taking place. Things like this don’t just happen.
Not sure where this is going, but whatever it is will be gigantic.
CinC NORAD has just declared “DEFCON 4”
The CIA has been trying to restart the super-computer mainframes. They got three to re-start – and they immediately crashed again! Four others are simply not restarting at all.
This is now just over 24 full hours that much of our Intelligence Community communications capabilities globally, REMAIN DEAD.
What I find interesting about this update is that it contains significantly more specific details than what one would have gotten just from reading the Q Anon posts.
Instead of just code names and numbers, we are hearing that the SIGINT and SATCOM systems are completely down.
We are told that this has apparently crippled the ability for the NSA and other groups to conduct mass surveillance on anyone.
This could be a more detailed way of explaining the Q Anon phrases like “BLIND EYES IN THE SKY,” “Main frequency bands TERMINATED, #Goodbye,” “Retaliation”, “OVER THE TARGET” and “NSA NO MORE.”
Without the ability to conduct mass surveillance, the “Operation Specialists, Pre-Event” can make their final moves and get in position without being detected.
Thus, as this purported insider source said, “Something massive is taking place. Things like this don’t just happen.
“Not sure where this is going, but whatever it is will be gigantic.”
Just four days after the Q Anon briefings telegraphed the shutdown of covert mass-surveillance capabilities, our long-term insider Benjamin Fulford weighed in.
Fulford has admittedly had insiders pass disinformation to him on many occasions. No one is disputing that here.
The bottom line, however, is that Ben does continue to get intel from various sources that lines up with what our own trusted insiders have said, in very specific ways at times.
Here is what Fulford’s sources had to say about the SIGINT and SATCOM mass shutdown:
“Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset | September 3rd, 2018
The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that lasted all summer.
The good guys have already begun a series of stunning moves against the cabal, including shooting down their secret satellites, multiple sources confirm….
The satellite shoot-down was first reported by the mysterious blogger “Q” and has been independently confirmed by three separate sources.
“On August 30, CIA satellites and supercomputers were taken down and likely seized by [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s new space force.
“GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database, to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” Pentagon sources explained.
At this point I want to bring in the first bit of information from Pete Peterson, who is thankfully doing well enough now to be getting new briefings on a daily basis.
What Pete said is that the satellites were not “shot down” or destroyed. A curious, advanced, classified technology was used to make them invisible and unusable.
They still exist, but are not accessible in any conventional sense. They may well have been captured and removed from orbit, as Fulford’s insiders have suggested.
[UPDATE: Another investigative article with interesting elements on the satellite takedowns, with data not in this report, can be found here:
Before we get into what other sources have shared with us, let’s continue with a part of what Fulford had to say in this update.
Note that this is the same wording as in the Hal Turner update above, but adds detail that it apparently came from “a CIA source in Asia:”
A CIA source in Asia who was involved in setting up the secret satellite network that was taken down last week issued the following warning to colleagues:
“We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on hand. There’s no telling who did this or why.
“Now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.”…
The communications takedown is a prelude to both a military and financial offensive against the cabal, Pentagon and CIA sources agree.
For reasons of operational security, the Pentagon sources cannot say much about the military action other than “a U.S. military offensive is under way to terminate the defenseless and disoriented cabal.”…
“It appears the October Surprise comes early with the Guns of August, as Trump proclaimed on August 31 that September is ’emergencies month’ and he may drop ‘truth bombs’ about 9/11 and 3/11,” Pentagon sources explain…
There is also a lot of action taking place on the cyber front, with multiple sources saying Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are in the crosshairs, multiple sources agree….
The assault on the California-based tech giants is probably also going to lead to actual military occupation of many high-tech companies in that state, other Pentagon sources note….
[Lastly, CIA] sources say an off-world alliance will soon reveal itself to the world’s public.
This last sentence is particularly interesting, considering that Fulford has been very averse to passing along any UFO-related information in his entire 10-plus years of doing this.
Nonetheless, it fits in very nicely with the briefings we were getting in the articles discussed in Part Two.
With all of this in mind, I reached out to a trusted intel insider who I have had access to for some time, but who I rarely ever ask for updates.
[Please note: This is not Neil Keenan. It’s someone I’ve never talked about here.]
My friend has now shown me conclusive proof that he has access to another insider who is deeply involved with the Dragon Family.
The Dragon Family is the group that holds the majority of the wealth in China, and is the most powerful of a series of factions therein.
The Dragon Family had enormous amounts of gold stolen from them by the Cabal, in the story I reported in Financial Tyranny and the Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit mega-article.
The Dragon Family was apparently responsible for the “China’s October Surprise” event that we covered again here in Part Two, as of 2010.
I have heard many people claim they have contact with the Dragon Family, so I actually didn’t pay much attention to what my friend was saying for some time.
Now that I have seen hard proof in the recent past, this connection has become far more interesting.
First off, the Dragon Family is deeply and directly involved in hyper-classified “Secret Space Program” technology we have reported about for some time.
They used this sort of technology to create all the mysterious EMP-type equipment failures in the “China’s October Surprise” events of 2010.
For this same reason, they have a compound in America that is located near certain underground defense-contractor facilities that are rich with advanced technology.
My friend reported that hundreds of top Dragon Family personnel have flown out to this compound recently, and are signing off on a new financial system.
All the details have apparently been worked out, and everything is prepared to move forward. This would likely be a post-mass-arrests development.
This will apparently include a gold-backed US currency. We have also heard that multi-billion-dollar funds will be released to massively clean up and transform the planet.
I asked my friend to get me in touch with his high-level insider, who admitted to being a fan of my work.
I ended up getting rejected, in what I felt was a truly impressive way. To me, this only made him more credible.
If he was any kind of LARPer, the chances are very likely that he would have jumped at the opportunity to get me on the phone.
This insider made it very clear that he was under strict non-disclosure, and could not talk to me even if he wanted to. His whole focus now is on trying to make sure this deal goes through.
There was no denial of the idea that spy satellites were taken down, and a mass-arrest police action was imminent. The overall plan is enormous in scope.
The insider said that he has worked for thirty years to learn all the things he needed to know to work at the level he is now operating at.
For this same reason, he said the “learning curve” is so steep that it would take an extensive amount of time to get me up to speed, to where I could even understand the conversation.
Even if I had a few one to two-hour conversations with him, it wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to have even a basic framework for discussion.
Plus, he is under NDA, and couldn’t talk to me and fill me in right now even if he wanted to. Hopefully that will change.
However, he did say this, for all of us:
Tell him the coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.
What could this “Mr. X” be referring to when he said “the coming change defies all imagination?”
The latest briefings I received from Pete Peterson seem to be filling in some of the cracks.
I asked Pete what intelligence agencies he worked for in his career, and it includes the CIA, NSA, DIA, DARPA and DHS.
First of all, we got confirmation on the Snow White, Corona and Big Bird satellites being completely disabled with a strange new advanced technology.
He said he could not explain what the Corona satellites are or what they do on the phone, but that they are “defensive devices.”
He confirmed that “a bunch” of Cabal underground bases have been wiped out in the recent past… a major increase.
He said that a new gold-backed currency will be released to the public after the indictments are unsealed and mass arrests take place.
Massive prosperity funds will be released to help stimulate and rejuvenate the world’s economy, ecology and infrastructure.
Social media giants will be publicly outed as being direct assets of the Deep State’s own intelligence agencies.
The declaration of September as “Emergency Preparedness Month” is very serious, and should not be taken lightly.
Quite controversially, he said almost everyone in Congress is included in the sealed indictments for various reasons.
Other details I got from Pete are too specific and sensitive, but I want to give you some of a sense of what was there.
He doesn’t know if an ET-related disclosure will happen right away, but he also feels it is “very unlikely” that we will have to wait very long.
There have been detailed plans on the books for some time to introduce us to multiple ET races, and those people are already here waiting for this.
At some point I asked him to explain what he meant earlier when he said, “Americans are all over the galaxy.”
He reported direct knowledge of 25 or 30 outposts we have throughout the galaxy. We have an average of 300 advanced craft per outpost.
These craft have anti-gravity and can fly at Mach 17 or beyond. Coast-to-coast flights in these “planes,” as he calls them, would take less than an hour.
Each outpost has somewhere between 400 to 1200 soldiers stationed there. Some outposts are larger, and some are smaller.
These outposts are used for trade relationships with important ET groups that have either information or technology we need.
Some of these outposts are on planets, and others are located in “neat abandoned stuff” that we found throughout the galaxy and re-occupied.
Some of the best stuff we re-occupied has only recently been determined to be about 20,000 years old.
For me, the most interesting material I got from him was regarding the plans for UFO-related disclosure, whenever they do emerge.
First of all, he said fifty of our own advanced craft have been flown in. The plan is to unveil these craft to show everyone what ‘we’ have, post-Disclosure.
From the way he described them, these will be very impressive sightings that will electrify the world.
Based on other things he said in the past, we can expect that they will look similar to craft we have seen in a variety of big-budget movies.
Efforts have been in place to teach certain insectoid-type ETs to speak English in underground facilities such as those run by Lockheed.
Apparently, these beings will use normal speech instead of telepathy whenever they are introduced to us.
At one point he said, “Language school is tied up teaching a bunch of crickets to speak.”
People from a total of ten or twelve different planets are here now, apparently waiting to be introduced to us at some future point.
Lastly, he said that many classic UFOs retrieved from various crashes will be made available to the public to see firsthand.
A movie will be made about all of this, and various World’s Fair-type exhibits will be set up in different major cities, where we can view the craft directly.
Another critical detail in trying to piece this whole puzzle together was released by our friends at Collective Evolution on August 24th, 2018.
In a NASA tweet from July, they revealed that a curiously flying-saucer-shaped craft was literally dropped off on the White House lawn.
The date this happened was Sunday, July 22nd, 2018.
Here is a close-up of the view of what this looks like, with the included caption:

NASA’s Orion spacecraft that flew Exploration Flight Test-1 on Dec. 5, 2014 is seen on the South Lawn of the White House, Sunday, July 22, 2018 in Washington, DC. Lockheed Martin, NASA’s prime contractor for Orion, began manufacturing the Orion crew module in 2011 and delivered it in July 2012 to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center where final assembly, integration and testing was completed. More than 1,000 companies across the country manufactured or contributed elements to the spacecraft. Photo Credit: (NASA/Joel Kowsky)
Here is a wide-angle shot of the same image, complete with the crowds beneath it:
Unbelievable. You can’t get much more obvious than this!
Here is a photograph of when the Orion probe was first being raised off the truck by a crane before being lowered into position:
And here is another photograph of this saucer-like object on the White House lawn, from a closer distance:
The next thing we would expect to see, at the time of this writing, is a very contentious “data dump” of new intel.
When we add up all the briefings we are getting from Q Anon, Hal Turner, Fulford, “Mr. X.”, Corey’s insiders, Pete Peterson and others, what we have here is a very compelling story.
Despite how horrible it was to try to do this with basically no internet, I managed to get it done. Now I can rest easy, knowing I did my very best to show you what I am seeing and hearing.
It is quite interesting that the White House has such a never-before-seen dramatization of the classic “UFO landing on the White House lawn” right in front of us.
As I have said to my wife and others, if this was a slot machine it certainly looks like we have a bank of seven cherries all lining up.
Since this article will very likely be blocked, suppressed, et cetera, please just tell your friends to visit and look for it.
I will leave you again with the words of “Mr. X”:
Tell him the coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.
As a final action item, these sources also told us we are very much at risk, in various ways, by posting this information.
Therefore, please take a moment to leave your email address with us in case we lose other forms of communication.
This will not be sold or shared with anyone else. It will be solely used to keep you informed about what we are seeing, hearing and doing.
As an example, new article updates should lead to emails being produced. You may still have to dig them out of Spam or Trash, and should therefore label us as a Preferred Sender.
Thank you — and remember — forewarned is fore-armed. Be prepared… just in case any of this turns out to be true.
Plans can always change, for a variety of unforeseeable reasons, but it certainly looks as if we are getting closer and closer to an “Event.”
This article went live some time after 9 PM local time last night. I checked in here and it had already crossed the 100,000 mark by 4PM the next day, i.e. less than 19 hours:
This effectively breaks a new record as the fastest-climbing ‘viral’ article we have ever written on this site. We thank you for helping us.
Some people have been asking if these alleged satellite shut-downs only affect the United States. Remember what Fulford said in his latest update:
“GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database, to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” Pentagon sources explained.
This implies that we may well see major actions in multiple locations, not just the US, if all of this intel turns out to be correct.
Again, no one can know for sure if this is really going to happen, but I do feel obligated to pass along what I am seeing, particularly since there are specific instructions about being prepared.
Now that millions of eyes are on the Q briefings, as a result of them going fully mainstream since the beginning of August, it is “now or never” in terms of promises and credibility.
The already enormous promises and hints we have seen about coming arrests just went even farther tonight, at 6:07 PM Eastern time:
How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.
What they are obviously saying here is that the Deep State is attacking their credibility harder than ever because “Something VERY BIG is about to drop.”
FISA is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It rose to prominence beginning in 2005 when information first leaked about domestic wiretapping without a warrant.
Therefore, the intended message seems to be that the “big drop” will have something to do with illegal surveillance activities.
In the full context of everything we are seeing, this might one of the final moves that the Q team feels needs to be made before doing the arrests.
I was admittedly intrigued by Fulford’s latest briefing summary, and particularly by some alleged intel he received from the Pentagon:
9/10: Pandemic scare brewing as cabal faces doom
The center of action remains the U.S., where the military government backing President Donald Trump has intensified its takedown of the cabal.
Pentagon sources are saying the next phase in the attack will involve high-level Republicans like former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George Bush Jr.,
who both “will be taken down first for 9/11 treason so that the Democrats can’t complain when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are targeted.”…
[This] next step will involve incriminating Bush Jr. etc. by declassifying Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) documents along with 9/11 documents from when Kavanaugh was Bush’s Staff Secretary from 2001 to 2005, the Pentagon sources say….
The Khazarian cabal is reeling, but they are far from finished. The most deadly counterattack they could make against the Trump regime may come in the form of a stock market crash.
As you can see from the article in the link below, the corporate media has now begun a chorus of doom for the market and the economy:
This almost goes without saying, but if this is true, and the data drops on or around 9/11, it will obviously be quite a sensation.
For years, all the insiders and analysts we have spoken to have said that an open, public proof that 9/11 was the work of the Bush Administration would checkmate the Deep State.
This would also explain lines from Q such as, “What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom].”
This may also explain why the word DECLAS was encoded numerically, with numbers. This could now be seen as a hint to pay attention to numbers: i.e. 9/11, regarding what is declassified.
This also explains why the FISA references are significant. They will apparently expose critical corruption from the Bush Administration related to these issues.
Note also that this 9/11 is the 17-year anniversary of the tragedy, and the 17th letter in the alphabet is Q.
If this is all true, it would definitely appear that the Deep State will respond by trying to fabricate a sudden, massive economic collapse.
Another potential sign of a Deep State counter-attack is Hurricane Florence, now expected to collide with the US East Coast and produce devastation.
For many years we have laid out the evidence that the Deep State has classified HAARP technology that can generate and steer hurricanes.
This is done by using microwave beams to super-heat areas of the atmosphere, creating the necessary high-pressure zones to create and maneuver storms.
The timing of this storm is certainly very interesting, and troubling, if any or all of this intel turns out to be true:
Look at the map for anticipated landfall for this hurricane. It is anticpated to hit South and North Carolina, which is immediately below the US Capitol.
Some of the paths might take it directly up and through Washington, DC.
It could still end up turning toward the north before its initial landfall as well, based on its current position:
9/10: Hurricane Florence Rapidly Intensifying, Landfall Thursday
Florence has rapidly intensified into a dangerous Category 3 hurricane, and appears destined to strengthen into a very dangerous Category 4 hurricane by Tuesday as it heads towards the Southeast U.S. Coast.
Florence is likely to make landfall on Thursday evening or Friday morning on the coast of North Carolina or South Carolina, and the odds continue to increase that Florence will stall on Friday and meander near or over the coast for several days, making the hurricane a devastating rainfall and coastal flooding threat….
Our top intensity models unanimously predict strengthening of Florence into a Category 4 hurricane by Wednesday, and the storm is also expected to increase in size….
If Florence is a Category 3 or 4 hurricane at landfall, it has the capability of generating a 20-foot surge along a 10 – 40 mile stretch of the coast where the right-hand eyewall comes ashore.
If you live in a hurricane-prone location, now is a good time to make sure you have a preparedness plan in place!
Tropical storm-force winds may begin along the coast as early as Thursday morning, so be sure to have all your preparations done by then. If you are asked to evacuate for the storm surge, get out!
The “coincidences” are stacking up more and more here. The timing and anticipated landfall of this hurricane is certainly compelling and frightening.
If this really is the final curtain-call for the Deep State, it absolutely makes sense that they would use every tool they have available to try to throw it off.
If DC was thrown into chaos by a devastating direct hit and 20-foot storm surge, it could create ‘useful’ chaos right as Q’s “VERY BIG” drop is occurring.
The Deep State may also be simply hoping to create enough of a diversion to buy more time, and stop anything from being leaked right now.
For that same reason, we may not see anything drop, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
Again… my goal in writing all of this is not to say anything is going to happen with absolute certainty. It is to connect the dots I am seeing and let you draw your own conclusions.
Please consider giving us a way to reach you in case we lose other means of communication in the resulting potential “chaos” if this is all actually true:
Hi, David. I’ve been interested in your stuff for almost a decade.
Let me tell you about a dream I saw some years ago (I see sometimes dreams of coming situations)
I was in a car. You were on the back seat. The windows of the car were dimmed so you couldn’t see properly outside. The car was parked outside Washington DC some important government building. Things started to happen (beginning of disclosure). I was excited, but worried because you were inside the car studying some important papers and You couldn’t see what was happening around, outside the car.
So. When it starts to happen, be ready to be surprised. You will not see it coming and it will make you open your eyed quickly to many unexpected scenarios.
Thank you
And have a good weekend
The cabal is soon defeated, take a look at this video about ascension and the golden age
David thank you very much for your work – please keep going brother – light is always stronger as darkness
Mods, please do not censor this information.
I am only going to write this once and no where else. If you censor this, then it’s at your loss.
After viewing Mr. Wilcock’s official youtube videos, reading his website here, and so on, after thorough investigation, I decided to come forward with this information.
If you are aware of a underground network called ‘dark net’ or ‘deep web’, then this is what you need to read. Please do research if you do not know what the above words are.
As of July 10th 2018,
I encountered an anomaly in the dark net. Keep in mind, the ‘dark net’ is an entirely different internet underground networking system than of a ‘deep web’. According to what I found, would have massive impact on about 125 million people in the United States, which started on February 1st. 2019. Upon discovery, if it is ever discovered, it will show an impact far worse than the Equifax breach ever occurred. This discovery is based upon on what I found on myself.
I found that my personal information was being ‘sold’ to an unnamed group / party on an auction site which required specific restricted access. I was totally blown away with what the website had on me. It had all the pertinent information ever needed to steal or even to create forged documents, and so on. The link was originally an ‘onion’ based address which then converts itself to an 1024 bit encrypted website, carrying a different hyperlink which carries a very specific anchor link. Yes 1024 BIT! .. that is insane, but at least I was able to devise.
This is NOT a joke. This site even had my photographic ID, (Drivers License), genetic profiling, copy of original birth certificate and everything else that came with it. Where the hell did these guys got such information on me since I never gave my DNA samples to anyone except by birth or in the hospital? … I never was prosecuted once in my entire life – not even a speeding ticket. Simply put, I have no criminal record – none.. nada.. zilch..
I realized then this has massive potential impact on my life. I started reviewing the other files on their servers, and It had an automatic counter which goes over 125 million, count, as linked, to people in the United States alone. Each link I tapped, goes to a person’s profile which is similar to mine.. all that data… if I was an ID thief, I could easily forge a US Passport, medical certification, Drivers License, credit reports, you name it.. ALL of it.. right down to the very basic security protection measures. I compared a copy of the credit record they had on me, to what I have, and it is eeerily accurate right down to the dates and amounts of what owing balance I have on accounts, etc..
The Date of February 1st was the opening date for the auction. Selling over 125 million records on people in the US alone. Starting at 5000 GBP which is in british pound sterling, equaling to $6,267 or so amount in dollars. When the site went online, on February 1st, I could no longer access the website because the restricted access certification key was revoked, as I could no longer forge a new certification key because the link to the entire website disappeared.
So, from there, I am at a loss. When I first discovered this, I alerted credit bureaus of these fraudulent attempts, and so on, and decided to put an halt on all my payments to all creditors that I carried at the time. I no longer wanted to have anything to do with the credit system, nor anything to do with the banking system. I did not report this to the police, or the FBI, etc, because it would cause an conflict of interest with of how I was able to access such restricted websites, PLUS.. as the some of you would know.. the police cannot do much about it anyways.. Not worth wasting my time with them.
I decided to do research on how they achieved access to my DNA report, etc, and it DOES have an uncanny link to the ET connection as well. I found out few things about it and it just scared the living crap out of me… so I started researching this across the internet and incidentally ended up reading David Wilcock’s affiliated websites, videos and so on. What is fascinating is the similarities of what I found in some of his discussions.
So, the 125 million people? … I wager that all of them, including the credit bureaus, security systems, etc, are not aware of this, because I believe I am the ONLY one out of so many people to have experience with investigating online anomalies. I was a private investigator for decades before I retired. I was also a computer software engineer.
The ET connection? is that they are taking information from people from all over the world and are using them to data mine and to determine potential ‘targets’ which can be used in various scenarios such like abductions,, etc… the information I encountered was only for the United States. It is a hypothetical scenario which could blow this whole thing wide open – so, a hint? start researching ‘dark net’ and find a way into their secured systems, and you will find information which WILL validate a lot of what is written. I have seen a lot of it which sparked interest. Why are ‘they’ using the ‘dark net’, of course.. it’s because the majority of the public cannot get into those specific servers linking after an ‘onion’ website.
I do not like being a ‘whistleblower’ but darn it.. this impacted the very way I live my life. ‘Dark net’ is your viable source of entire information which is linked through specific ‘pathways’…
– Best of Luck, everyone!
David I feel you and I need to meet
Before thinking of ET what made you not to think of CIA DNS DHS ?
Since Trump seems to be the Alliance’s choice since they didn’t want to stage a coup d’etat, it seems likely that the deadline for ‘something big’ is November 2020 since that’s the next presidential election.
I wonder what is these channeled ET beings’ take on Christianity being used to destroy/convert the nature spirituality following indigenous communities who are in tune with nature consciousness. There is a lot of wisdom in indigenous cultures that’s not in the Bible, for example, the language of nature (communicating with plants and animals), which can not be studied from a book but can be learned through experience. Is this a case of ETs with different agendas that do not serve the humanity as a whole and/or are they promoting Christianity because that is the only thing that many people in the west still have some kind of roots they can relate to? I come from a place where the roots to nature spirituality haven’t been completely cut off, they are in fact being revived and we are glad to see old oppressive structures lose power and that we have our own voice again, so I’m curious about the objectives of these particular ETs.
Please know that Christianity as it is propogated today is very different than what Jesus taught. Jesus did teach about the connection to Nature, in fact He loved and adored all the animals and Nature. He came in fact to try and reconnect Humanity to Nature and the will of the planet. When I see Him in my inner vision, He is always surrounded by birds and squirrels, the wind and the Sun, laughing and playing in Nature.
Obviously Humanity did not accept the attempted course correction, to get back in alignment with Nature and the will of the planet.
We are now in the time-period where Humanity HAS to get back in alignment with the Divine Plan, which is also the will of the planet for her own life. We are in Her body and She has to be allowed to continue Her lifecycle now. She deserves to see pretty things happening inside Her body 🙂
Our planet wants to see beautiful things, people cooperating again, singing, dancing, and people playing as they should be. This world structure that was rigged to keep humanity doing everything else but truly being in Harmony with their planet and the Universe is not going to be allowed to continue any longer.
The planetary body is our ally in helping this transformation to occur, as you put all your Good Will and Dreams and wishes for Harmony and Beauty to fill the world into the planetary body, through your feet, you are “reprogramming” the planetary matter consciousness.
As the Planetary Matter Consciousness reaches a state of Love (Golden Radiance of the Sun), and the Crown of the planet activates (the currently wandering north pole), then that will give the governments and the good military coalitions the magnetic bandwidth they need to intervene on our behalf and usher in the time period where we can all work together again, cleanse the planet of pollution, and be happy together.
The planetary body is the stage we are reclaiming, reclaiming so She can have Her life back. We the people are meant to serve Her, not the other way around, helping Her chosen dreams and goals for her surface to unfold just as She wants.
As people re-orient to the understanding that the planet is the one in charge of her own life and her own body, and honor that fact, the Divine Plan will have been restored. Once again humans act as the Agents of Beauty that they were meant to be, facilitators of Nature, Wardens of Nature, Guardians and Defenders of the will of the planet for Her own Life.
Eddie Page who says he is Pleadian and a member of the Secret Space Program told people in the Project Aquarius Official Facebook Group that the twins Michael & Daniel were responsible for the fires in California. In his Project Aquarius Book that is available on Kindle he talks about a corridor he has many government documents in the book etc. He says he is Abeil Abbadonius. It seems as though there is a power struggle spiritual war going on.
And yet, still nothing has happened; the deep state is still actively trying to destroy our nation state and no arrests or indictments are on the horizon. we have a saying for these kinds of articles, ”all blow and no go”. Too bad, it would be uplifting if it had any validity to it.
Hi David, any chance you will ever do a live session in Vancouver, Canada? Would love to see you here, thanks for everything you’re doing! God bless.
David Wilcock
great article.
Adobe is part of Illuminati? They have the big eye and the triangles. Too bad we cant add pictures here, Here is the image:
Wow I logged on and there were like totally 666 comments! Awesome sign of the beast dude!
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst
Mark Taylor
Greetings , does anyone has info about recent moon explotion ?
As much as I like to believe conspiracies, I try to pick them apart before believing them. To me, the debris settles and disappears over the course of 2 seconds. An explosion large enough to be seen from Earth would absolutely throw debris into space. With the weak gravitational pull of the moon, it would take longer than 2 seconds to pull the (estimated) 100 miles of debris back to the surface.
more like a small piece of rock (meteorite) struck the moon
A few recent statistics from the US Department of Justice
“Mutation. It is the key to our evolution. It has allowed us to evolve from a single-celled organism to the dominant species on this planet. This process is slow, normally taking thousands of years. But every few hundred millenia, evolution leaps forward.”
David I would like to know what the name of the book on 3 based math is called and the authors name, this is Pete Peterson’s friend that he spoke of in the interview on Gaia, I’m interested in buying that, thanks
allright people lets get lovey duffy here for a moment….
Alien Interview 1 of 12 parts —
Do we know anything at all about how the pope and the Jesuit General are positioning themselves in relation the deep state takedown? The Vatican has stockpiled secrets for centuries. How can full disclosure occur without their participation?
Pope Francis is Jesuit and presents himself as STO. When he meets people, he often requests: “Pray For Me.” As though he is attempting to adjust the political reality at the top of the STS pyramid. Most observers consider him genuine, yet it’s always puzzling since powerful individuals such as he are not allowed to disclose anything substantive.
Thanks again for all you do.
Weinstein might not be held accountable due to manipulation of a witness by cops. Great.
US might pull out of the arms treating with Russia. Pre-election fear porn—fantastic.
No one wants minorities having a say in the upcoming election. PTB scared much?
The videos below are narrated by someone whose voice is eerily similar to that of JFK, Jr. The cabal wouldn’t dare use the son of a president they assassinated to manipulate voters, would they? In the 3rd video, they pull images from the Above Majestic movie trailer. Then they claim that “power has been returned over to the light.” And by “light,” I’m assuming they mean illumination/Illuminati.
“We” are no where near free.
In case no one in the “free” world has see these videos . . .
The worse part of these videos is that they depict us as scared little ninnies who couldn’t possibly handle the truth. Project much, cabal?
Wake up, everyone. Q, these videos, Trump, and “the alliance,” have all been about world order, on their terms, not ours. This manipulation is classic cabal. Just wait. The truth always comes out.
The only good part of this is that people are waking up. But the same old power base is still in place. I’m not being negative, just realistic.
I disagree that these vids make us look like “scared little ninnies”. I find them uplifting. Despite the faults of the current administration, it is facing down particular elements in the societal world order that have been entrenched for hundreds-if not thousands-of years.
President Trump is just the kind of front man with the kind of balls we need to break the wheel. As more and more people awaken to the blanket manipulation was have been subject to, I am confident that our combined efforts will take the ball across the goal line.
Exactly what David was referring to in part I, this is a win:
We just need to be patient.
Why did the solar observatories go down? Was that a part of the other satellites that were taken out as well?
Great Work David and Your Crew ! You must check this out / more universal info: Linda Moulton Howe gave her Keynote Presentation SYMBOLS AND BINARY CODE IN HIGH STRANGENESS PHENOMENA —
missile drop completed at 14:30 CST
consciousness payload
target : earth population
missile drop completed? it seems to be a trend these days to speak in vague and oblique terms, as if that confers validity to the message
God, I love this reply.
Zach S. says “I feel guilty jousting with someone who doesn’t even know how to carry a lance.”
no offense to Dominic here. I think he’s jut giving us an encouraging prayer.
Very interesting read, but that “UFO on the White House Lawn” looks like nothing more than a ‘Splashdown Capsule’ from an Apollo Space Mission… if my ancient memory serves.
I have always been impressed by David’s “Art Aqua” series on Great I have found his tips for remote viewing / channeling to be very helpful in my own tarot + remote sensing work as well. Keep up the great spiritual teaching!
I read an article debunking the sealed indictments which makes a pretty good case. The number of sealed indictments continues to go up if you ONLY look at sealed but failed to also look at un-sealed indictments. Additionally, he suggests that these numbers are pretty typical because they include all kinds of things. I tend to agree that these numbers seems perfectly normal. Have you talked to anyone in the criminal justice field with experience with this kind of thing? David, you need to get some people who are actual experts in the field you are portending to espouse about. I have followed you for a long time but I feel like you are just being strung along by some people who are completely full of it. Like Corey Goode, this guy has presented zero evidence because he CAN’T. I would think there would be at least hundreds of others who have worked on these projects and yet none has ever come forward to.
Inanna I think you need to do more research of your own into the sealed indictments.
Reading 1 article and thinking you have it all figured out is ridiculous.
Ever heard of misinformation being put out there by mainstream media?
Tons of other alternative news sites are reporting on the over 57,000 sealed indictments not just David.
This year a record number of CEO’s, presidents of company’s, directors, high up political figures etc. have stepped down, been fired Etc.
So if you don’t think things are happening I think you need to take a closer look.
Be part of the solution instead of being a part of the problem.
We’re all entitled to our own opinions but attacking David and Corey is not the answer.
If you don’t like what David has to say then why are you on his website?
Debunking the claims about “40,000 sealed indictments” – Qult_Headquarters
A link to what the above comment is referencing. Seems pretty simple and straightforward, and most importantly, something you can actually look into and verify yourself. It does seem as though there’s nothing extraordinary regarding the sealed indictments.
Indiana, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Dr. Steven Greer has published on YouTube several dozen hours of witness testimony from several hundred people. Please do your research. David Wilcock and his sources are by far not alone. You could spend a week just looking at the first couple inches of rabbit hole.
Agreed! Well said. Where is the evidence? With each passing blog, there is supposed to be more and more things going on, the deep state is supposed to be getting defeated, any day now. It seems business as usual to me. I think we are being duped and I believe David, being the sincerely nice guy that he is, is being manipulated.
Inanna, I agree that it compels further investigation. I also wonder about David’s long entry about how these indictments are 17 times more “horrible” than the 2996 fatalities on 9/11. This comparison seems meaningless except to try to add urgency and credibility to the indictments especially when the fatality count is questionable. I wonder if David is counting the “alleged” passengers on all four of the “alleged” planes.
After decades of personal research into the UFO phenom, and with attention given to the eye-witness testimony of pilots, radar operators, military and intelligence professionals and other researchers, I am convinced that we have been and are being visited by “others”.
From whence they come and for what purpose they impinge upon our world is as yet though a bucket of mystery. I have my own ideas, theories and thoughts, but that’s just me.
I do know through my own experience that some of US have been successful with impinging upon other realms of living… I’ve had gifted psychics tell me things that they couldn’t possibly have without some way of retrieving info via means outside of the accepted norm.
I’ve done so, myself. Some kinda give and take, here.
I am aware that this earthy experience represents just one of many stages for life to become. I get through my intuitive faculties that this is one of the most difficult places in which to experience, yet it is also a place of great soul evolution – even if you seem yourself to fail and falter, and grow feeble and haunted by seeming lost opportunity. You’re doing well in ways which might not be apparent to you.
Some who are the bravest among us take on the biggest challenges, and come across as the physically, mentally or emotionally “challenged”, the messes, the fuck ups, and the black sheep.
Often the most beautiful and evolved ones, gifting us and themselves with love.
The murderers, the violent, the criminals and the depraved; all are cycling home in ways which through their neccessity aren’t readily apparent. This is their route to the same love that we all seek. Each path is going to end in love, at the end of the day.
If you become concerned with your advancing years and declining faculties, know that your term here is mercifully temporary; and you get out of here in one piece. There is no end to your being and opportunity, and you will fulfill everything; but there is an end to this particularly challenging hall of mirrors.
This sometimes brutal but temporary place is for learning to love better. Self, others, everything. Here, everybody meets self in their totality, even through others. That’s sometimes euphemistically referred to as karma. The big joke about this place is that there is only one of us… that’s the last big lesson.
That was beautiful. Thank you, for that!
Great post ☺️
You speak my thoughts u are the first person I hav replied to , I’m sincerely grateful relieved maybe even quite safe now ,I hope so ☀️⭐️⚡️
tytyty voice of gold
Hi every one, thanks for the updates and deep insides from all the insiders. I just went back to watch again Disclosure at Gaia, and every time I listen, I hear more.
The time issue is a sensitive thing and I really hope things are moving forward soon…. thank you for the update, I can see changes happening and especially young people waking up!
Why is nobody talking about 5G, this is really totally lethal what is happening. I am lucky that where I live things are still a bit slow, but they are making more and more Cell phone towers. Since many years I use Tesla Plates to help me an I could not use a mobile phone without getting a headache in two minutes before I used Tesla Plates. I upgraded the technique with Orgone, but this will do not much when 5G is implemented!
I really would appreciate some info here, and I think many others too.
Thank you for your dedication and work, Katharina Bless
Hello Katherine Bless…..can you kindly remind us what you meant by 5G I believe in regard to cellphones and new cell towers? Thank you
5G moves 10 time away from 2.4GHz wifi / bluetooth and WATER resonance. That is pretty good for people who complain about their water filled body and head heating up (mainly due to them covering their ears with a mere 2Watt device so the ears can’t cool down the brains 20Watt of self heating). Not very lethal to move away from 2.4GHz.
So whats else could be dangerous? maybe DNA resonance? After all double helix are perfect antennas with the capability to transmit feelings and pick them up too, empathy. Although 10% of the population is of a non-empathic capable deviation of Homo Sapiens, usually those psychopaths in suits, politicians, bankers, … Those will not be target of empathy jammer if a future radio system hits that frequency range.