Flight 370 could have become the most devastating terrorist attack in recorded history. Could this Boeing 777 — or one just like it — have been used to murder the leaders of the top 53 nations on Earth?
Why were 20 scientists with Cosmic Top Secret clearances on Flight 370 — and did some group feel it was absolutely necessary to stop them?
Did one of the passengers on Flight 370 successfully send out a message indicating he was being held on a “prison ship” near the biggest US/UK military base in the Indian Ocean — and that the other passengers were still alive?
The secret powers running the military-industrial complex, the Federal Reserve banking system and key Western nations — i.e. the Cabal or “Illuminati” — may have just tried to achieve the ultimate world coup. Thankfully, they failed.
Had their plan succeeded, it would have become the defining story of our time — and almost certainly would have started a world war.
Thankfully, the shadowy, elusive group that was likely responsible for this “botched job” may be on the brink of true defeat.
By not fearing them, and being brave enough to objectively examine the evidence, Flight 370 may well be the straw that breaks the Cabal’s back.
[Re-envisioned Cabal graphic by David Wilcock, divinecosmos.com]
You won’t find any cynical sarcasm, doom or hopelessness here. This is not “fear porn.” There’s already plenty of that.
This is a story of hope — where we “connect the dots” and suggest that we are now witnessing the defeat of the greatest villain of all time.
It is a complicated story, with a variety of astonishing twists and turns; and never in the least bit dull or boring.
A vast international alliance including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, is working to defeat the Cabal.
The sheer size of this investigation, and the number of graphics, has required that we break it into at least two parts. This is the first of those parts.
You will not only find clear and compelling evidence that such a Cabal exists. You will also learn about a vast international alliance that is working to defeat them.
So far, all of this has been happening behind the scenes, with certain headlines suggesting greater mysteries are at work. That may all soon change.
When the truth finally comes out, the last 300 years of world history — at least — may soon be viewed very differently than they are today; and we will have a much happier world.
Admittedly, it can be very upsetting to imagine a cabal of of power-hungry people who want to create a “New World Order” of total domination and control.
In case you think this is a “fringe” belief, relegated to “a few crazies on the internet,” think again.
Just one year ago, a whopping 28 percent of American voters — including 38 percent of Republicans — told an anonymous stranger on the phone that they believe there is a Cabal.
Specifically, they agreed that “Secretive power elite with a globalist agenda are conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or a New World Order.”
Since these results were in the sky-blue days of blissful ignorance before the NSA disclosures, we can easily assume these numbers have since doubled.
That would now mean that 56 percent of American voters and 76 percent of Republican voters believe a “secret power elite” are “conspiring to rule the world.”
The lesson here is obvious. According to the 2013 Census, there are 316 million, 128 thousand 839 people living in America today.
If these percentages hold true outside the voting public, then 88 million, 516 thousand and 74 Americans believed in the Cabal before the NSA disclosures ever emerged.
This is by no means a small group. 88.5 million Americans is a “critical mass.”
Once we consider how widespread these beliefs are outside the United States, we see that at least hundreds of millions, if not well over a billion people believe in a “secret power elite”.
The “eight percent” are very good at making it sound like everyone agrees with them — such as when they write scathing YouTube and Facebook comments.
How can anyone within the 92-percent majority blend the concept of a world-power-seeking Cabal into their existing spiritual beliefs?
When we start reading about these nefarious plots, it can seem as if there is no way out. We may have incredible fear, anxiety and even panic attacks.
However, there are far more people who believe in the Cabal than there are in the Cabal itself — including the employees they hired to spy on us.
Together, we are much bigger and tougher than this bully on the playground.
One of my favorite analogies is this: if 99 people are starving in a sealed room, and one person is sitting on a mountain of food, sooner or later he will be overthrown.
He can carry all the weapons he wants, but it’s still only a matter of time before the people will organize against him.
Sarah McLendon heard a rare confession of how strong — and feared — the public really is from a senior member of the Cabal in 1992.
Sarah was the “grand dame” of the White House press corps at the time — the doyenne, to enlist another SAT word to our noble cause.
Sarah McLendon was there at every White House press conference. She was very vocal, highly respected, and had interviewed every president since Eisenhower.
She had an aggressive manner of questioning that “made the veins stand out” on President Eisenhower’s head, as one example.
Here she is when she was already a well-established journalist, interviewing President John F. Kennedy:
I sat directly behind Sarah at the Disclosure Project Executive Summary Briefing for VIPs and Members of Congress on May 10, 2001 in Washington, DC.
Admittedly I knew what I was doing, as she was a legend — and I did get to have a nice conversation with her at such a momentous occasion.
This was also my first exposure to a large group of insiders who had worked for the government / military industrial complex in top-secret programs.
I had worked five years online to become a public figure — and managed to meet the majority of all the insiders who had come forward at this event.
The Disclosure Project was organized by Dr. Steven Greer, and pulled together 39 top whistleblowers prepared to testify before Congress about UFOs.
I also appeared in Amardeep Kaleka’s 2013 documentary SIRIUS, covering this story. Greer confirmed my presence at the 2001 briefing in a radio show we did together.
The debut of SIRIUS remained at the top of the Most Popular list on Huffington Post for several days — due in no small part to the public shock of seeing the photo of a purported ET corpse.
The tiny humanoid was definitely biological.
DNA tests from leading expert Dr. Garry Nolan revealed it was humanlike, but was approximately 11 percent different from us.
Sarah McLendon knew there were many secrets — and that we were being lied to.
Without her political power, the Disclosure Project might never have made it to the National Press Club.
When I met Sarah at the Disclosure Project, she was in a wheelchair, but she was still full of vim and vigor; extremely upbeat and cheerful.
Here she is with former President Bill Clinton a few years before I met her.
Sarah established the bi-weekly McLendon News Service newsletter in 1946, as her 2003 obituary in The Guardian revealed:
McLendon grew up in Tyler, Texas, and graduated from the local junior college before going on to the University of Missouri’s famous Pulitzer school of journalism.
She started work in 1931 for two papers in Tyler and one in Beaumont, Texas. In 1944 she moved to the Washington bureau of the Philadelphia Daily News.
Two years later she established her own news service for a whole string of small Texas papers, providing a biweekly Washington newsletter, full of political gossip and inside dope for papers that could not afford their own Washington correspondent.
She also offered a radio commentary, taken at its height by 1200 radio stations.
The McLendon News Service featured a June 1992 interview where she asked George H. W. Bush a riveting question:
“What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra?”
Perhaps disarmed by her genteel Southern hospitality, Bush Senior’s now-infamous reply betrayed an astonishing moment of truth:
Not everything printed in the McLendon News Service ended up in the newspapers — obviously. This quote certainly did not.
Lt. Commander Alexander Martin (almartinraw.com), who once testified in the Iran-Contra hearings, publicly revealed he read this quote in Sarah’s newsletter.
Martin told this story on Tom Valentine’s Radio Free America program when he was a guest on July 10, 1995.
Tom Valentine now writes for Veterans Today. Al Martin still maintains his website, Al Martin Raw.com.
I highly discourage this violent “lynch mob” mentality. It is the worst thing we could do.
Much of the Cabal is compartmentalized, meaning that lower-level members have no idea of what goes on at the top.
This was revealed by ex-NSA whistleblower Jim Stone in May 2012, who we will hear a lot more from later on.
There is something that I am sure most people do not realize when they talk about the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.
And that is that these agencies have no people in them that are allowed to know what their work is really used for.
A tyrannical government will always seek out honest people and use them to do evil by restricting information from them….
[They only] see one small part of the total mission, and the reason given to them is so that one individual cannot see what is happening from start to finish and then sell out to the “enemy”.
Their field of knowledge is restricted to one small piece of the job, or “compartment”. This restriction of information is called compartmentalization….
So again, to label many thousands of people as “Illuminati” and demand instant, vigilante justice is another form of mass atrocity — and should be avoided.
The Cabal knows the public is much stronger than they are.
I am only sharing Bush’s “lynching” quote here to suggest that the Cabal knows the public is much stronger than they are — once the truth breaks out.
Some insiders have told me the Cabal has had long-standing plans in place to flee, in massive numbers, at the first sign that everything has broken open.
What might the “truth about Iraq-gate” have been that George H.W. Bush was so concerned about?
Lt. Commander Al Martin may have found an answer — as what the Bush Administration planned to do in the 2003 war was even worse than first one.
Lt. Commander Al Martin was leaking a great deal of high-quality classified intel when I was actively reading his site in the late 1990s / early 2000s.
In 2003, Martin’s sources revealed that the Cabal sent in a CIA team to plant WMDs in Iraq — right where Donald Rumsfeld said they would be found.
“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”
– George W. Bush, January 28, 2003
“We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.”
– Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003
If these weapons had been found, we may well have had “World War III in the Middle East” — and ended up on a very different timeline.
According to Martin’s sources, the 100-person CIA team tasked with planting these deadly materials was killed in a friendly-fire “fragging” incident.
The soldiers who attacked them apparently had no idea what their full mission entailed — or at least they had not been briefed about it.
The CIA agents who were about to plant the WMDs were killed, or deserted, after Army soldiers were alerted to another one of their plans.
The agents were also there to rob Iraqi banks, museums and Saddam’s royal palaces of all of their riches after the 2003 Iraq invasion.
This story was bravely covered by the Daily Times Monitor, a mainstream media outlet in Pakistan, on August 13, 2003 — but nowhere else.
This may sound crazy — particularly if you are still in the fading minority who still want to believe in a more-or-less benevolent government and media.
Nonetheless, two high-ranking military personnel — Nelda Rogers and Al Martin — risked their lives to get this story out.
According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander and 28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to “plant” WMDs inside the country.
Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower, claims the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by “friendly fire”, the Environmentalists Against War report.
Nelda Rogers is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the DoD. She has become so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this latest CIA-military fiasco in Iraq.
According to Al Martin Raw.com, “Ms Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.”….
Ms Rogers reports that this particular covert operation team was manned by former military personnel and “the unit was paid through the Department of Agriculture in order to hide it, which is also very commonplace”.
According to Al Martin Raw.com, “the Agriculture Department has often been used as a paymaster on behalf of the CIA, DIA, NSA and others”.
As we read more of this astonishing article, we find out that 100 people were involved in this covert operation — and none of them survived.
According to the Al Martin Raw.com story, another aspect of Ms Rogers’ report concerns a covert operation which was to locate the assets of Saddam Hussein and his family, including cash, gold bullion, jewelry and assorted valuable antiquities.
The problem became evident when “the operation in Iraq involved 100 people, all of whom apparently are now dead, having succumbed to so-called ‘friendly fire’.
“The scope of this operation included the penetration of the Central Bank of Iraq, other large commercial banks in Baghdad, the Iraqi National Museum and certain presidential palaces where monies and bullion were secreted.”
“They identified about $2 billion in cash, another $150 million in Euros, in physical banknotes, and about another $100 million in sundry foreign currencies ranging from Yen to British Pounds,” reports Al Martin.
“These people died, mostly in the same place in Baghdad, supposedly from a stray cruise missile or a combination of missiles and bombs that went astray,” Martin continues.
“There were supposedly 76 who died there and the other 24 died through a variety of ‘friendly fire’, ‘mistaken identity’ and some of them—their whereabouts are simply unknown.”…
“This was a contingent of CIA/ DoD operatives, but it was really the CIA that bungled it,” Ms Rogers said….
“CIA people were supposed to be handling it,” Martin continues.
“They had a special ‘black’ aircraft to fly [the stolen goods] out. But none of that happened because the regular US Army showed up, stumbled onto it and everyone involved had to scramble.”
It may well be that a hidden Pentagon alliance knew what this CIA team was there to do — and had to order them to be taken out for the greater good.
One of the consequences of this CIA operation was the Bush cartel came in possession of a massive glut of nearly worthless Iraqi dinars.
There is an astonishing amount of fairly well-written information online making people think they will make millions of dollars in a “currency revaluation” that increases the value of the dinar.
For ten years now, the classic “Tuesday-Friday Game” has been played. Always “the money is coming,” and when it’s not Tuesday, it bumps ahead to Friday, and so on, figuratively speaking.
My own journalism has often been co-opted by this group as well. Sadly, there are people who have refinanced their homes and dumped their life savings into dinars.
At least three different trusted insiders have told me this is a scam by the Bush cartel to monetize otherwise worthless paper — while also identifying people who “know too much.”
Here is one well-written expose of the dinar scam. To make the whole intrigue of this story even juicier, the expose’ is written by Mike Rothschild.
The insiders who told me this are brave, patriotic whistleblowers who claim to be part of a vast alliance working to defeat the Cabal.
Rothschild versus Bush may well be one of the most significant insider wars between opposing factions within the Cabal.
It is quite a mistake to think everyone in the Cabal agrees on who gets to be in charge. The only thing they agree on is secrecy.
There are multiple warring factions in the Cabal. The only thing they agree on is secrecy.
Hardly any of the dinar supporters are out there using their real names and identities in public. Always pseudonyms and Internet avatars.
Interestingly, the alleged insiders within the dinar group are also leaking a significant amount of real information about a global financial reset.
Dinars may go up in value to some degree — and many other currencies will as well. The overall effect should be extremely positive for everyone.
This is where the story gets a lot more interesting — sorting fact from fiction. We will discuss the truth behind the financial system change later in this investigation.
If some of the rumors I am hearing are true, then this might all happen a lot sooner than we think.
Stories of a group that is diabolical enough to plant fake WMDs in Iraq, as a pretext for World War III, are admittedly unpleasant to read.
Most people are trained to automatically discount stories of the Cabal, try to “debunk” them, poke holes in the credibility of the witnesses, et cetera.
You can certainly do that if you want to. The links are all there.
However, just as an exercise, let’s assume the overall concept is true. Let’s assume that this Cabal does indeed exist.
This can be a very, very disturbing reality to have to sit with and integrate into your normal, everyday life.
It’s a lot worse than what we now know about the NSA.
Nonetheless, if you are one of the 92 percent who believe in a greater intelligence that is loving, then some part of you knows this is all going to work out.
Even a die-hard rationalist might conclude that the only way this global adversary can keep going is if we remain ignorant of who it is and what it is doing.
Once we see and understand what is going on, a critical shift will occur in which it will be impossible for the “bad guys” to ever hurt us again.
That moment appears to be much closer than most people would ever think — and it will transform our world in ways few can even imagine.
We’ve had an amazingly effective villain in our global story — but once certain critical mistakes are made, the game is up. There’s no turning back.
Flight 370 is very likely the biggest “botched job” in the history of the Cabal.
And it happened while hundreds of millions of people are now paying attention.
Now that we’ve started talking about the bad stuff — i.e. the existence of the Cabal — I want to balance it out by talking about some of the good stuff.
And by “good,” I mean the “weird, metaphysical stuff” that has always been the main focus of my work.
For over 30 years, I have worked to find that place where science and spirit meet — and where they are ultimately saying the same things.
My first book The Source Field Investigations was a tour-de-force with over 1000 scientific references to help support the 92 percent who believe in a Supreme Being.
Skeptics also come up against a towering inferno of data from reputable Ph.D.’s that threatens to collapse the existing model of a sterile, dead universe forever.
The publisher cut 700 pages down to 500, without losing most of the data I included — so it is extremely rich in new information, page after page.
I have been offered an honorary Ph.D degree for the first half alone, where I extensively discuss the mysteries of DNA.
In short, we have conclusive evidence that the universe is alive. The basic “background energy” of the quantum realm builds DNA out of inanimate matter.
Other than The Source Field Investigations, the best way to learn about this new scientific model is on my weekly television series, Wisdom Teachings.
In my second book I proved that the universe is not only alive, it has a personality and a plan for all of us to follow — just like the 92 percent believe.
This time I went in knowing exactly how many pages it had to be, and I crafted a much more user-friendly narrative flow — following the rules of filmic storytelling.
Researchers like Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell have named this greater universal intelligence the “collective unconscious”.
Certain thoughts, symbols and patterns repeat in everyone’s dreams, visionary experiences and intuitive states. These symbols are called archetypes.
The archetypes are essentially all-inclusive. Everything that has happened, is happening and will happen to us fits into one of these patterns.
Each archetype is a specific experience we will have in life — both the ups and the downs.
There is a certain order in which each of these archetypes follow one another. Together, they form a story.
The story has a beginning, middle and ending. The Hindus call it the Wheel of Karma. Campbell called it the Hero’s Journey.
We keep repeating the basic experiences that make up this story — and we learn from them all along the way.
In the process of mastering the story, we become stronger, wiser, more loving, more intelligent and more responsible.
We learn to face our fears and become true spiritual adults.
As I argue in The Synchronicity Key, this story is also written into the progress of history itself. Time is not linear — it is cyclical.
Nothing that happens to us is random. The main “plot points” in the global story are quite specific. The precision with which these cycles repeat is astonishing.
For some seemingly inexplicable reason, the most significant events in history keep repeating — in remarkably organized, time-calibrated ways.
Our most important time-fractal was seeded throughout more than 30 ancient cultures — and we know it as the 2,160-year Age of the Zodiac.
This is particularly interesting since we just shifted into a new 2,160-year cycle — the Age of Aquarius — as of December 21, 2012.
Less than six months later, the Cabal was very actively being exposed by the Snowden NSA revelations.
Now there are so many provocative and fascinating headlines coming out that I literally cannot keep up with them on a day-to-day basis.
It is quite a serious adjustment to think of history as following a pre-designed script, written by a greater cosmic intelligence — but the data is conclusive.
Russian scientist Dr. Anatoly Fomenko revealed that all of recorded history is repeating itself in cyclical patterns — all the way back to Sumer.
I never understood the full importance of the Ages of the Zodiac until I did all the homework and wrote a book about it.
I had studied these cycles for a long time — but never really understood the full importance of the Ages of the Zodiac until I wrote The Synchronicity Key.
It will be quite interesting to live in a world where this becomes common knowledge — as it apparently was to the ancient civilizations that preserved the information.
There are multiple clues in the Bible showing that the people and “angels” of that time were aware of these cycles, and hid them in various passages.
In our personal lives we have glimpses of a greater reality through events such as synchronicity — the bizarre correspondences of seemingly unrelated events.
Most interestingly, even the behaviors of sociopathic organized crime syndicates are all being governed by some greater identity we all share.
Right now we are at the very end of World War III — in cyclical terms.
This time things are very different than they were in Rome. The equivalent of World War III has been much more covert — and almost unknown to the general public.
In The Synchronicity Key, I rigorously prove that World Wars I and II both happened precisely in alignment with the Zodiac cycle.
Last time around, these epic conflicts pitted Rome versus Carthage in the Age of Aries — in the first, second and third Punic Wars.
Carthage was located in the land we now call Tunisia. They had a direct marine attack route to Rome through a nearby peninsula.
This time around, very similar events have played out between the United States and Germany in the Age of Pisces.
The beginnings, endings and key plot points of what are now being called “World Wars” appeared precisely 2,160 years after their Roman counterparts.
I can only touch upon this body of data in an Internet posting. It took 500 pages and nearly 700 references to properly make the case in a full-length book.
The proof is so voluminous, and the data so extensive, that it would take a full-length book for someone to even try to adequately attack the science.
The Carthaginian general Hannibal came back as the German Nazi warlord Hitler.
They did very similar things, at the same times, in the same places, exactly 2,160 years apart.
[These events are not exactly the same, but they have a remarkable number of similarities.]
These two men even look the same, minus the differences in facial hair.
Interestingly, the players in these cycles and the roles they play can shift.
This seems to depend upon who actually learns from their experiences and who ends up blindly repeating them.
The powerful faction within the United States that emigrated from Germany after World War II, such as in Project Paperclip, is the group that is now being defeated.
World War III has been fought quietly and covertly.
Hardly anyone has even understood it was a war.
They do not know who is fighting, nor why they are fighting.
BRICS Alliance Leaders: Brazil, Russia, India and China (South Africa not pictured)
One might argue that World War III began in August 2011.
At this time, the first two of approximately 26 underground bases, built and used by the Cabal, were destroyed with some form of advanced technology.
These underground cities were intended to be safe zones the Cabal would hide out in after destroying the surface of the earth in a nuclear war.
They were built with Tunnel Boring Machines or TBMs, like the ones you see below. Existing underground caves are also used whenever possible.
Each photo is clickable to the source where it came from, and is entirely real. These are not Photoshopped. They are photos of actual machines in use.
The idea of underground bases may seem laughable to you right now. It may seem even more laughable that something could have destroyed them.
For many people, the idea of the NSA tapping everyone’s phones was laughable prior to June 2013.
The main hide-out for top executives in Washington DC was destroyed in August 2011, creating a 5.7 earthquake that shook the entire East Coast of the United States.
This put the Cabal establishment on “Code Red” status.
They have been in an ever-accelerating spiral of defeat since this initial, staggering loss.
However, it’s much like an illegal drug dealer having his grow room completely burglarized and destroyed. Who is he going to call? The police?
Some Internet commentators are looking at the conflict in the Ukraine, economic uncertainties and currency wars, and think a new world war is about to begin.
What they do not realize is that the third and final world war is about to end — or at the very least reach a major, undeniable turning point.
I boldly predicted this would happen in The Synchronicity Key, and provided a cogent scientific argument for why it would occur.
The book debuted at #8 on the New York Times best-seller list.
It is astonishing to watch as the cycles continue to prove how perfectly they work.
This doesn’t mean everything will suddenly become wonderful and free as we go through the events that will soon be appearing.
It will take time for the public to learn the truth — and adapt to it.
Just as we have already been seeing with the NSA disclosures, the process will probably be more gradual than some of us might prefer.
However, it does appear that decisive steps in a positive direction will occur in a very short period of time.
Although there is a great deal of tangible, physical evidence, I also consider the data from my dreams, which I have remembered and analyzed daily for over 21 years now.
The dreams have been pounding me almost every morning with the same message lately: “It’s almost here! It’s about to happen. Get ready!”
I’m also hearing that the Cabal will be in so much trouble that our biggest concern will be to stop people from creating a total witch-hunt.
A huge new crop of people will suddenly become so angry they will literally want to murder anyone even remotely associated with the government.
This is one of the key things my dreams keep telling me lately.
In order to stop the Wheel of Karma from repeating itself yet again, it is important that we learn our lesson — and not treat everyone as equally guilty.
On Monday, March 17, 2014, I had quite the amazing dream — which really stood out above all the others.
In this dream, I was living inside a house that was owned by the Cabal I am now referring to — the so-called “Illuminati.”
I tried to leave the upstairs of the house by the back porch, but it was crumbling apart. I barely made it back in alive.
I was told it would “all be fixed tomorrow” and not to worry about it.
However, I soon realized that the whole house was crumbling apart like this.
There were huge, visible holes in the floorboards. Everything was in splinters. The whole house could completely fall apart at any moment.
Ultimately I was seated at a table with members of this Cabal — elite, wealthy men and their wives. The men were trying to convince me to join them.
I told them there was no way I would join.
“Not only do I disagree with your philosophy and your violent methods, your entire house is about to fall apart — and you are completely in denial about it!”
“Nonsense,” the head ringleader replied.
“We are the power. Nothing can stop us. We are invincible. We cannot and will not be defeated. It is impossible.”
Right after he said this, the entire room started shaking all around us.
It was happening! The entire Illuminati house was falling down!
Everything was churning with incredible violence! Was this just a dream? What the hell is happening?
I woke up — and the entire room was still shaking! In real life!
My bed was lurching wildly, forward and backward. There were about 17 fast pulses, more or less, from what I remember.
It was a real-life 4.4 earthquake in Los Angeles — timed perfectly with the end of my dream, at 6:30 AM!
This is what the same earthquake looked like as it hit the KTLA morning news staff during their broadcast:
Unfortunately I cannot prove that I had this dream. Skeptics may have a rousing good time saying I made this up, I lied, I exaggerated, et cetera.
Nonetheless, the dream had gone on for at least 20 minutes before the big finale where the room started shaking and woke me up.
For me, this was another powerful manifestation of synchronicity — where seemingly impossible events occur to communicate a meaningful message.
This particular event had such incredibly visceral potency that it made me realize the Cabal’s defeat will probably materialize sooner than I thought.
The defeat of the Cabal will be a major, completely unexpected turning point in our global Hero’s Journey story.
Few of us will see it coming. Everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing when the big news finally breaks.
Jung and Campbell argue that we are all experiencing this Hero’s Journey story in our own lives.
One of the most powerful and legendary versions of the Hero’s Journey story is found in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
The villain in the Christ story is twofold.
In the spiritual sense, it is a battle against a negative force.
In the physical, it is a battle against the Roman Empire.
Ironically, once you understand the history of the Cabal, you will see that it’s the same enemy Moses faced in Egypt, and Jesus faced in Jerusalem.
The story of Jesus is one of the purest forms of the Hero’s Journey we are all going through — the process of Ascension.
A secret body of mystery-school teachings, built around seizing and maintaining physical and spiritual power, started in Babylon and was absorbed by Egypt.
Egypt was eventually conquered by Rome — and these teachings quickly made it to the highest levels.
The Romans worked their way into England over a 150-year period, beginning shortly after the time of Jesus — and never left.
From there, these same people infiltrated countries all throughout Europe — and very effectively conquered the world over the course of many years.
In order for our global story to have a global nemesis, it was necessary for this villain to reach worldwide prominence during the times we are now in.
Joseph Campbell argued that the Hero’s Journey reveals a psychological process we all go through.
The villain represents our own undeveloped ego — and our selfishness.
By facing off against the villain, we are facing our own greatest flaws — and eventually achieving a complete triumph over them.
Many, many other myths and stories fit this exact same pattern of archetypes. It is literally hard-wired into our spiritual DNA.
Each of us will embark upon a quest for something we deeply want, face off against a villain, and ultimately prevail — gaining new insights along the way.
As I discovered by co-authoring a film with the writer of the movie CONTACT, this story is also hard-wired into the Hollywood screenwriting process.
We are almost finished with the final draft of our film CONVERGENCE — and I have learned quite a bit these last eight years.
All great myths, as well as all modern movies and TV shows, are built around the same story structure — which Campbell called The Hero’s Journey.
Let’s assume that Jung and Campbell’s basic premise is true. Let’s assume we are in the midst of a global story as well as our own individual stories.
In order to tell a really great story, we need a really great villain.
Our global story is punctuated by mega-events no one can ignore — such as world wars.
The disappearance of Flight 370 has become one of the greatest mysteries in the history of aviation. It has become an intriguing part of our global story.
Millions of people are now poring over this story, looking for every crack in the official version they can find, and attempting to discover the hidden truth.
Collectively, we are learning that we have a massive villain in the real world that eclipses anything we’ve ever seen in a movie or read in a book.
The NSA disclosures have been many people’s first hint that such a nemesis does in fact exist.
As many more people are now discovering, the NSA story is only the equivalent of finding a single hair at a gruesome crime scene.
The NSA story may not have told us who is really doing this, nor why they’re doing it. We must face incredible fear in order to look any deeper.
You can spend your entire life studying the movements of this villain — ten to fourteen hours a day — and still only understand a small portion of what is going on.
Although there is plenty of evidence that this villain does exist, there is also a great deal of evidence that a worldwide alliance is working to defeat them.
I was very fortunate to be contacted by multiple insiders who are working for this alliance — and who risked their lives to share the details of it with us.
The main reason why these insiders contacted me is that I have been revealing deep secrets to millions of people online since 1996, and have established credibility.
My first appearance on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, the nation’s largest nighttime talk radio program, occurred in early 2001 with an estimated 20 million listeners.
I also built trust, over more than a decade, by never betraying the identities or private details of any of my sources.
I have since published multiple investigations on various government secrets — including a free, full-length ebook entitled Financial Tyranny.
Financial Tyranny is an epic “download” of information most people are completely unaware of — including never-before-seen insider testimony and photographs.
If you think “no one is paying attention to this,” bear in mind that Financial Tyranny is about to hit one and a half million views at the time of this writing:
Much to my surprise, a major Russian television network developed Financial Tyranny into two full-length, three-hour prime time documentaries a year later.
I was filmed answering an extensive number of questions, and my answers appear all throughout the show.
You can read our announcement of the first half and the second half at these links.
Both of these videos can be found, complete with English subtitles you can access by the CC button at the bottom of the window, at our YouTube page.
The first half of the video can be watched here, with subtitles. The second subtitled section can be watched here.
Both of these shows aired on prime time Russian national television. I was told their audience is between 12 and 21 million people for any given show.
Now, as we head into the next section, we will begin looking directly at the Nemesis.
We need to expose what is going on in order to heal it.
This is much like the old axiom no one wants to hear, but we know it’s true as soon as the words are spoken:
“If you throw up, you’ll feel better.”
We could easily have begun the investigation with this next section, but the truth might come across as quite depressing without the context you’ve just read.
Furthermore, I believe a universal intelligence has allowed all of this to happen in order to propel us into a mass, global awakening.
My father’s best Vietnam War buddy, Reggie Taylor, died earlier this year. In his honor, I want to share my favorite story that he told me as a child.
Reggie told me that after the war, they had a big party where everyone brought their own type of booze — beer, wine, hard liquor, et cetera.
All the booze was poured into a full-sized bathtub. It was constantly changing and evolving as new people poured in new things and drank the results.
Together, it was called Hairy Buffalo Punch.
Reggie said “everything was fine until somebody added the peppermint schnapps.”
“What happened then,” I answered?
“Everybody started puking. It was horrible,” he laughed.
In many ways, the headlines we are seeing right now in the world’s media are mixing up the ultimate tub of Hairy Buffalo Punch.
Which one will be the Peppermint Schnapps?
What I am about to tell you might sound crazy — but it may also be true.
What if Flight 370 was remotely piloted to a huge US military base in the Indian Ocean named Diego Garcia?
What if a very similar “drone” aircraft had already been outfitted with explosives?
What if the drone was scheduled to be flown into The Hague on March 24, 2014, simultaneously killing heads of state from the top 53 nations in the world?
What if a Boeing 777 cargo plane was actually intercepted by two F-16s on the way to The Hague that day — and diverted from its landing trajectory?
What if that story was quietly published in the mainstream media by CNN — but never linked to the Flight 370 story?
Why in the world would the military-industrial complex want to kill people who were apparently leading some of its key countries?
Could it be that the military-industrial complex is on the verge of a spectacular defeat?
Could it be that some of the people in that room were responsible for ensuring this plan would succeed?
Would a horrible event like this end up creating a devastating new war?
Would a huge new war be the only event distracting enough to stop the military-industrial complex from finally being defeated?
To start a World War, you need a really good trigger. An event so far-reaching, so horrible, so traumatizing that the people demand instant justice: shoot first and ask questions later.
Governments can create atrocities to traumatize the public and start a massive war before anyone has time to question them.
No one knows exactly who the culprit is — other than what the media tells them to believe.
Governments harness this huge public unrest and mobilize the people into an instant, colossal war.
Fueled by the outrage of World War I, the British Empire raised an all-volunteer army of two million men.
Great Britain also drafted all young men within a certain age range into the military — by force.
Many other nations forced mandatory military service upon their young men as well.
Certain events can create enough public outrage to start a world war.
Before anyone has time to think, the mechanized slaughter of millions of people is underway.
Defense budgets explode — and huge profits roll into the military-industrial complex.
“We’ll take one of everything. No… make that one hundred thousand! We’ve got a war to win!”
Any other issues or problems the military-industrial complex may have been facing are then swept aside in the furious distraction and terror of a new war.
All other political concerns — all lawsuits, punitive actions, et cetera — are completely washed away in the sleepless, shrieking 24-hour news coverage.
World War I started with a simple act: the assassination of Austria’s leader, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, on June 28, 1914.
One political death was more than enough to start the entire process.
Ferdinand’s blood-stained, bullet-punctured military jacket is still on display to this very day.
Within a little over a month, war was spreading like wildfire throughout all of Europe.
The United States was dragged in when German U-boats bombed and sank the Lusitania ocean liner on May 8, 1915, killing 1,198 people.
The United States didn’t actually enter the war until 1917, but this devastating event was the first major provocation that brought them in.
America’s involvement in World War II started when 353 Japanese aircraft attacked America’s biggest Pacific military base — Pearl Harbor in Hawaii — on December 7, 1941.
2,402 Americans died. 1,282 were wounded. 188 US aircraft were destroyed. Eight battleships, three cruisers, three destroyers, an anti-aircraft ship and a minelayer ship were damaged or destroyed.
Germany and Italy declared war on the United States just four days later — on December 11th.
The United States immediately declared war on Germany and Italy in return — having already gone to war with Japan.
Much like our conventional view of the Universe, America’s involvement in World War II began with a big bang.
The destruction of Pearl Harbor pulled America into World War II even faster than the murder of Austria’s leader and the sinking of the Lusitania had the first time.
According to top British spy Sir William Stevenson, in his whistleblower book “A Man Called Intrepid,” Britain and the US were secretly working to pull Americans into the war.
Sir William Stevenson was the chief of British intelligence for the entire Western Hemisphere in World War II — and Ian Fleming’s original inspiration for James Bond.
Why was it necessary to pull America into World War II?
Hitler had been ransacking Europe since his invasion of Poland in the fall of 1939.
America did not want to get involved in a foreign war with a fearsome adversary — even to protect their own beloved allies.
Pearl Harbor was the trigger that finally got Americans sufficiently outraged to commit to joining the war — so they would fight and die for their country.
Thanks to 16 years of research by one man, including a review of over 200,000 government documents released by the Freedom of Information Act, we now know that FDR ensured that Pearl Harbor would be attacked.
He did this by provoking the Japanese in a variety of ways, such as imposing fuel sanctions on them that would have quickly destroyed their country.
You probably fall into one of three camps on the issue of FDR deliberately provoking the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.
You either already know about it, believe it is totally plausible, or think it’s completely ridiculous.
Nonetheless, FDR’s treason has been legally proven with extensive documentation.
The proof is far beyond anything that would be needed in a legal case to make a conviction.
Unbeknownst to the Japanese, their communications were tapped — and all their codes had been broken.
The Japanese were under full surveillance — with no secrets. They were completely unaware that their information security had been compromised.
Once FDR found out the Japanese had taken the bait, he dismissed all of his insiders’ warnings of an impending strike against Pearl Harbor.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor with no resistance whatsoever.
This was conclusively proven as fact by Robert B. Stinnett — who was also a World War II veteran. The results were published in his 2002 book, Day of Deceit.
As you can see on the front cover, the Chicago Sun-Times called it “Perhaps the most revelatory document of our time.”
Here is the official summary of Stinnett’s book:
In Day of Deceit, Robert Stinnett delivers the definitive final chapter on America’s greatest secret and our worst military disaster.
Drawing on twenty years of research and access to scores of previously classified documents, Stinnett proves that Pearl Harbor was not an accident, a mere failure of American intelligence, or a brilliant Japanese military coup.
By showing that ample warning of the attack was on FDR’s desk and, furthermore, that a plan to push Japan into war was initiated at the highest levels of the U.S. government, he ends up profoundly altering our understanding of one of the most significant events in American history.
The Independent Institute wrote a fine summary of Stinnett’s work in the following article, dated March 11, 2002 — in the early aftermath of 9/11.
According to Stinnett, the answers to the mysteries of Pearl Harbor can be found in the extraordinary number of documents he was able to attain through Freedom of Information Act requests.
Cable after cable of decryptions, scores of military messages that America was intercepting, clearly showed that Japanese ships were preparing for war and heading straight for Hawaii.
Stinnett, an author, journalist, and World War II veteran, spent sixteen years delving into the National Archives.
He pored over more than 200,000 documents, and conducted dozens of interviews.
This meticulous research led Stinnet to a firmly-held conclusion: FDR knew.
If you read the full article we just linked to, you may find these last two questions from an interview with Stinnett particularly relevant:
What kind of attention did your book get from the mainstream media? Did it get as much attention as you thought it would?
Stinnett: Most of the mainstream print media has given Day Of Deceit very fine reviews.
That includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, et al.
Mainstream TV has not been forthcoming. The exceptions have been C-Span, PAX TV, and local television stations.
Neither ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or Fox News have carried a word….
Why do you think the information in your book is important?
Stinnett: It’s important because it reveals the lengths that some people in the American government will go to deceive the American public, and to keep this vital information—in our land of the First Amendment—from the people.
And that’s against everything I believe in.
Think about this for a minute. It has now been proven, as an absolute, irrefutable fact, that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was coming — and did nothing to stop it.
If you go on to read the comments below this article, you will find this excerpt from Haddington O’Heart on January 22, 2014.
As O’Heart says here, Stinnet’s documents also prove that US officials created similar trigger events to start World War I and Vietnam:
We will embed the last two sentences here as physical text, just so you really get the point:
[Stinnett’s] book goes on to cite clear Allied deceit involved in the sinking the of the Lusitania before WWI, and the made-up Gulf of Tonkin incident by President Johnson during the Viet Nam era…
And you STILL think there’s no possibility of 9/11 [being an] “Inside Job”??
Relatively simple actions such as assassinating a political leader, blowing up a ship, goading an enemy into making an attack, or fabricating an incident entirely, have been used to start massive wars.
This is not “conspiracy theory.” It is a proven fact.
We can still argue about who is doing this, and why, but we have absolute, irrefutable proof that it has been done.
There is also no reason to believe that the people who think and act this way have simply disappeared — or have stopped making similar plans.
On May 1, 2001, just four months before the “unthinkable” horror of 9/11, ABC News broke the most damning story of all.
A plan to create fake terrorist attacks against the United States was approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and only stopped by President Kennedy himself.
Each branch of the military — Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines — has a number-one official who leads it. Most of these officials are called the Chief of Staff.
The heads of all branches of the American military asked Kennedy to approve a plan to create multiple, fake terrorist attacks against American targets in order to start a new war.
Together, they are called the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They form a central part of the president’s advisory committee known as his “cabinet.”
The Marines are technically a division within the US Navy. The Coast Guard is also a branch of the military, but was not included in the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration.
The National Guard is available to the governors of each state for disaster assistance, and was also not represented in the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration.
The Joint Chiefs’ plan was code-named Operation Northwoods. Their plan called for fake terrorism to be staged in and around the United States.
This is called a “false flag operation.” You create a self-inflicted wound and then blame it on your enemy. This gives you a worthy reason to attack them.
The highest-ranking military officials in America, from every branch but the Coast Guard, planned on killing innocent Americans and blaming it on Cuba.
The Joint Chiefs wanted to create real disasters — such as blowing up an American ship in Guatanamo Bay, or even hijacking airliners and using them to attack targets, such as in US cities.
This was expected to create “a helpful wave of national indignation” to start a new war.
At this time, their main target was the USSR’s nearest ally to the US, Cuba — only 90 miles away from the Florida coast.
These fake attacks, in turn, could be used to quickly escalate into a war with the Soviet Union — and start World War III.
If there was a World War III back then, it might not have lasted very long. Earth would be glowing in the dark while the perps hid out underground.
Remember — this was not pulled from a conspiracy site. This was hot off the presses of ABC News on May 1, 2001:
The Northwoods material, including the original documents, was leaked to James Bamford — the author of the 1983 classic The Puzzle Palace.
The NSA waged a hard fight to stop The Puzzle Palace from coming out, and did temporarily get it pulled from bookstores — but they lost the battle.
According to the New York Times, “until now [1983,] no one has published a comprehensive and detailed report on the agency.”
Amazon’s own review of Bamford’s book after its 1997 re-release is quite revealing — now that most of this information is common knowledge:
In 1947, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand signed a secret treaty in which they agreed to cooperate in matters of signals intelligence.
In effect, the governments agreed to pool their geographic and technological assets in order to listen in on the electronic communications of China, the Soviet Union, and other Cold War bad guys–all in the interest of truth, justice, and the American Way, naturally.
The thing is, the system apparently catches everything.
Government security services, led by the U.S. National Security Agency, screen a large part (and perhaps all) of the voice and data traffic that flows over the global communications network.
Fifty years later, the European Union is investigating possible violations of its citizens’ privacy rights by the NSA.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center, a public advocacy group, has filed suit against the NSA, alleging that the organization has illegally spied on U.S. citizens.
Being a super-secret spy agency and all, it’s tough to get a handle on what’s really going on at the NSA.
However, James Bamford has done great work in documenting the agency’s origins and Cold War exploits in The Puzzle Palace.
Beginning with the earliest days of cryptography (code-making and code-breaking are large parts of the NSA’s mission), Bamford explains how the agency’s predecessors helped win World War II by breaking the German Enigma machine and defeating the Japanese Purple cipher….
Bamford backs his serious historical and technical material (this is a carefully researched work of nonfiction) with warnings about how easily the NSA’s technology could work against the democracies of the world.
Bamford quotes U.S. Senator Frank Church: “If this government ever became a tyranny … the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny.
“There would be no way to fight back, because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government … is within the reach of the government to know.”
This is scary stuff. –David Wall
The Northwoods documents were first published in James Bamford’s astonishing, NSA-exposing book from 2001, Body of Secrets:
Here is an excerpt from the Publisher’s Weekly review of Body of Secrets in 2001:
The National Security Agency (NSA), writes Bamford, has made the United States an “eavesdropping superpower,” capable of capturing, deciphering and analyzing “signal intelligence” communications — in whatever form it may exist, and from whatever nation it may be transmitted.
Yet with a budget ($4 billion a year) and staff (numbering in the tens of thousands) that dwarf its more famous cousin, the CIA, and with a headquarters, known as “Crypto City,” that is its own self-contained community, little is known of NSA among the public and, more troublingly, even within other parts of government.
Uncovering the secrets of NSA, its history and operations, has become Bamford’s life’s work, first begun in his now classic The Puzzle Palace (1982) and continued in this significantly revised and expanded present volume.
With remarkable access to highly sensitive documents and information, Bamford takes the reader from the beginnings of NSA during the early cold war, through its roles in such watershed events as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War, to the amazingly sophisticated developments in information technology taking place within NSA today.
What Bamford discovers is at times surprising, often quite troubling but always fascinating.
In his conclusion, he is at once awed and deeply disturbed by what NSA can now do: ever more sophisticated surveillance techniques can mean ever greater assaults on the basic right of individual privacy.
In a computer system that can store five trillion pages of text, anyone and everyone can be monitored… This is the stuff spy thrillers are made from.
You already know about the NSA — but if you haven’t seen the Northwoods information before, you may be feeling quite shocked by now.
At least one member of Congress made sure these Northwoods documents were leaked to Bamford in time for his May 2001 book release.
These documents, again, revealed a plan from 1962 that involved hijacking passenger airliners and attacking American cities with them to start a war.
Was this leak merely a random event? Or was it produced by a secret alliance that anticipated similar attacks in the near future — and wanted to stop them?
By this point, you may be feeling like you want to stop reading so you can maintain a kinder, gentler, simpler view of the world.
Many others choose to “attack the messenger” and try to find flaws in his or her argument — as this is much easier than looking at the facts.
The utter impossibility of believing people could think and act like this — treating human life as utterly expendable — can make the truth very difficult to swallow.
Nonetheless, it is an established fact that approximately 4 percent of men and 2 percent of women are sociopaths — capable of acting without conscience.
Most of them are nonviolent. However, violent sociopaths are truly dangerous people. They can torture or murder others and feel no remorse whatsoever.
The Cabal is truly the world’s largest, oldest, most comprehensive organized crime syndicate — run by a centuries-old cult of sociopathic people.
Here is the author of this explosive book, James Bamford, on C-SPAN — now that his damning expose’ of the NSA has become common knowledge after Snowden.
Our inability to fathom such actions may be precisely how this same group of people, and their descendants, have been able to control us for so long.
Even a beloved American astronaut, John Glenn, would have been effortlessly sacrificed to get the next world war going.
Read this next excerpt from ABC’s groundbreaking 2001 article:
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities….
America’s top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: “We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,” and, “casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.”
Details of the plans are described in Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a new book by investigative reporter James Bamford about the history of America’s largest spy agency, the National Security Agency [NSA].
However, the plans were not connected to the agency, he notes….
The Joint Chiefs even proposed using the potential death of astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for war with Cuba, the documents show.
Should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, they wrote, “the objective is to provide irrevocable proof … that the fault lies with the Communists et all Cuba [sic].”…
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are the highest-ranking members of each branch of the military. They report directly to the President of the United States.
Let’s take a look at them. Remember that all of these men completely agreed with staging terrorism, and presented the plan to John F. Kennedy.
General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Army, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
General George Decker, Army Chief of Staff
General Curtis E. LeMay, Air Force Chief of Staff
Admiral George W. Anderson, Chief of Naval Operations
General David M. Shoup, Commandant of the Marine Corps
President John F. Kennedy with Northwoods Joint Chiefs of Staff: LeMay, Lemnitzer, Decker, Anderson and Shoup
When we read the Northwoods document, we see that others are involved besides the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The original request for a plan to create a pretext to invade Cuba came from Brigadier General Edward Landsdale:
Brig. Gen. Edward Landsdale, Chief of Operations of the Cuba Project
The two secretaries named as knowing accomplices in the Operation Northwoods document are Rear Admiral Francis J. Blouin and Brigadier General Michael J. Ingelido:
Rear Admiral Francis J. Blouin, Commander of US Navy Amphibious Force, Secretary of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Brig. Gen. Michael J. Ingelido, Air Force, Secretary of Joint Chiefs of Staff
On September 30, 1962, just six months after he vetoed Operation Northwoods, Kennedy sacked Army Chief of Staff George Decker and appointed General Earle Wheeler in his place.
General Earle G. Wheeler, Army Chief of Staff
Kennedy also sacked General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, less than a year after hearing about this deeply disturbing plan.
On October 1, 1962, Kennedy appointed General Maxwell D. Taylor to replace Lemnitzer as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
JFK and his brother Robert both felt General Taylor had “unquestionable integrity, sincerity, intelligence, and diplomacy.”
General Maxwell D. Taylor, Army, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Here are two images of the Joint Chiefs of Staff together, shortly after Kennedy appointed Taylor as their new chairman and Wheeler as Army Chief of Staff.
In this first image, notice Taylor is closer to Kennedy than anyone else. Taylor also stands with his right shoulder behind Kennedy out of respect.
By comparison, General Curtis LeMay is very rigid and is making sure no part of his body touches Kennedy.
Notice also the body language of Shoup, Wheeler and LeMay on the left, all of whom are huddled together with full contact on their arms:
This next image shows Wheeler, Le May, Taylor, Anderson and Shoup meeting together, shortly after Taylor’s appointment.
Taylor looks noticeably confident, with his hands held together in a hopeful, expectant position.
By comparison, LeMay, to the immediate left of Taylor, looks noticeably stiff and distrustful.
LeMay appears visibly uncomfortable by raising his shoulder, almost like he is flinching away from Taylor, and cocking an eyebrow.
As we go on reading this literally explosive ABC expose’, we find out that other plans continued to be examined after Operation Northwoods failed.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff continued developing these sociopathic plans even after their major staff turnovers and firings.
The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who, with the signed plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on March 13, 1962, recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the military….
[After Northwoods,] the Joint Chiefs continued to plan “pretext” operations at least through 1963.
One idea was to create a war between Cuba and another Latin American country so that the United States could intervene.
Another was to pay someone in the Castro government to attack U.S. forces at the Guantanamo naval base — an act, which Bamford notes, would have amounted to treason.
And another was to fly low level U-2 flights over Cuba, with the intention of having one shot down as a pretext for a war.
“There really was a worry at the time about the military going off crazy and they did, but they never succeeded, but it wasn’t for lack of trying,” he says….
Not everyone in the military supported such treason. Patriotic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were aware of a pervasive threat, as we will see.
Furthermore, Bamford — the world’s premier NSA scholar of his time — was tipped off by someone within the Congressionally-appointed Assassination Records Review Board.
This well-placed insider knew exactly what Bamford would find in those documents — and told him right where to look, so the truth would get out.
40 years later, we finally learned the secrets of this dark chapter of American history.
This wouldn’t have happened unless Congress passed new laws to declassify documents in the wake of new interest in the Kennedy assassination in 1992.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee published its own report on right-wing extremism in the military, warning a “considerable danger” in the “education and propaganda activities of military personnel” had been uncovered.
The committee even called for an examination of any ties between Lemnitzer and right-wing groups. But Congress didn’t get wind of Northwoods, says Bamford….
As public interest in the assassination swelled after [the 1992 film] JFK’s release, Congress passed a law designed to increase the public’s access to government records related to the assassination.
The author says a friend on the [Congressional Assassination Records Review] board tipped him off to the documents.
Afraid of a congressional investigation, Lemnitzer had ordered all Joint Chiefs documents related to the Bay of Pigs destroyed, says Bamford. But somehow, these remained.
“The scary thing is none of this stuff comes out until 40 years after,” says Bamford.
It is possible that Kennedy’s good friend General Taylor realized similar plans had been used to assassinate the President of the United States.
Taylor may have been quite conflicted, playing along when he first heard about these plans, but hiding original copies of the documents as well.
In order for Lemnitzer’s orders for the destruction of these documents to be ignored, someone right at the top had to be responsible.
No insider has told me it was Taylor and I have no proof of it — just a strong suspicion, based upon the evidence.
Although what we have just read is very powerful, we can do even better — and learn even more.
The strongest dose of Truth we can get is to read the actual Northwoods document itself — which is available here in PDF form.
In light of what just happened with Flight 370, and what we’ve learned about the staging of major wars, certain excerpts may now seem particularly relevant.
Just to get started, let’s take a look at the top page of this document.
It was originally a highly classified document. The technical term was Top Secret Special Handling NOFORN.
Special Handling means the document is only stored in the most secure location possible. NOFORN means “Not For Release to Foreign Nationals.”
The document was never intended to be seen by anyone outside this group — until patriots in the Congress declassified it and had it stamped as such.
If you need to translate this document into another language, a written transcript has been posted here.
This first excerpt indicates that world opinion would be “favorably affected” by these staged, absolutely false terrorist attacks.
The Cuban government would be framed as being “rash and irresponsible, and as an alarming and unpredictable threat” — which would force the US to attack.
In this next excerpt, we see that “other agencies” will provide “similar submissions” of ideas.
These “other agencies” could easily include the NSA, the CIA and so on:
In this next excerpt, we see that “seemingly unrelated events” would be staged to combine with a “logical buildup of events.”
The goal of doing all this — agreed upon by the top personnel in every branch of the US military — would be to “provide adequate justification for US military intervention.”
They would “camouflage the ultimate objective” by blaming all of these destructive events on Cuba.
This would include attacking “other countries” and blaming it on their selected enemy.
In this next excerpt we see that “US resources,” such as “an F-86 properly painted,” could be modified to look like a Russian / Cuban MIG fighter jet.
This fake aircraft could then be used to stage an attack on American assets.
The Joint Chiefs planned to kill civilians and / or soldiers in these attacks, as it says elsewhere in the document.
As you can see, in “about three months” the US could create “reasonable copies of the [Russian / Cuban] MIG” aircraft.
They do acknowledge there is a “security risk” in attempting this plan — but they were obviously willing to try it.
In this next excerpt, we see that “civil air and surface craft” — such as passenger airliners — could be hijacked.
These hijacked planes could then be blamed on the enemy — in this case Cuba.
“Genuine defections” of Cuban civilians and military personnel, piloting planes and boats to attack America, “should be encouraged.”
In this next excerpt, we see that a civil passenger aircraft could fly out of Miami, only to be swapped with an “exact duplicate.”
The civil aircraft would actually belong to a “CIA proprietary organization,” i.e. a front company — but the public would never know it.
In this seemingly far-reaching plan, each passenger would be in on it — and would fly under “carefully prepared aliases.”
These fake personalities would all be considered dead once the plane crashed — creating a new American tragedy.
Once the original plane was swapped with the duplicate, it “would be converted to a drone” so as not to waste it.
In this very next section, we see that the two nearly-identical planes would rendezvous in the air.
The “actual aircraft” with the CIA agents posing as normal passengers, under fake aliases, would then be swapped with a “drone aircraft.”
The plane carrying the passengers would then “descend to minimum altitude and go directly into an auxiliary field at Eglin AFB.”
The passengers, all of whom were in on it in this case, would be “evacuated” at Eglin Air Force Base.
The “drone aircraft” would then “fly the filed flight plan.”
This means the plane would crash into its intended target, possibly with extra explosives for an enhanced destructive impact.
The American public would believe that 200-plus civilians had died — each of whom had “carefully prepared aliases,” so as to appear to be real people.
[Please note I do not think this is what happened to Flight 370. As we will reveal in Part Two, it appears the passengers are being held on a CIA prison ship north of the Maldives.]
In this case, the real CIA agents could then leave Eglin AFB and re-integrate into society, since their true identities had never been betrayed in the event.
Plan 9 calls for a staged incident where the public believes that a US Air Force plane was “destroyed… over international waters in an unprovoked attack.”
This, again, would be blamed on the enemy — in this case Cuba.
As Plan 9 continues, we see that the American public would be told that an F-101 pilot had been shot down. Faked audio of a distress call would be released.
In fact, the real pilot would “fly directly west at extremely low altitude and land at a secure base.”
Then, “the aircraft would be met by the proper people, quickly stored” and repainted with a “new tail number.”
The pilot, “who had performed the mission under an alias, would resume his proper identity and return to his normal place of business.”
A submarine or surface boat could be used to “disburse F-101 parts, parachute, etc.” at “precisely the same time that the aircraft was presumably shot down.”
This high-quality fake debris would be planted in the same location as the crash was said to have occurred.
The honest pilots who went out and discovered the wreckage would return to Homestead Air Force Base with “a true story as far as they knew.”
The “search ships and aircraft” would then find “parts of aircraft” that matched the story that had been sold to the public.
In this final image, taken from the beginning of the document, we see that this was a highly classified operation.
It was so classified, in fact, that no one below the Joint Chiefs of Staff themselves, and the agencies they were working with, were allowed to know about it.
The military personnel who were NOT to be told about this included commanders of unified or specified commands, US officers assigned to NATO activities, and the US’s own chairman of the United Nations Military Staff Committee.
Everyone below the Joint Chiefs and the President himself was simply not on a “need to know basis” about these plans:
President John F. Kennedy must have been deeply troubled by this document — on a variety of levels.
Imagine, if you can, being the President of the United States. Imagine the top representatives of all branches of your military outlining this plan with straight faces.
It would be obvious that if such criminal, treasonous and murderously deceptive terrorism would be used against the American people, anything was possible.
Kennedy obviously sensed his own life was in grave danger.
His own death could have been used to create a “helpful wave of national indignation” — as his eyes read the same letters you see now:
Bear in mind that no credible “debunking” of this document has ever been done.
The NSA data that James Bamford originally leaked to the public has now become common knowledge.
ABC News leaked the Operation Northwoods documents, which members of Congress hand-picked for Bamford — and took them very seriously.
The Northwoods data also does not stand alone.
We can see an overall trend of “false flag” terrorism in what other researchers had already uncovered about World War I, World War II, Vietnam and fake WMDs to be planted in Iraq.
More importantly, there are extraordinary similarities between the hijacking plans in Operation Northwoods and the evidence now emerging from Flight 370.
Just to review what we’ve seen in the previous section, the highest-ranking military personnel in America recommended to President Kennedy that fake terrorist attacks be staged with airliners.
Real airliners would be swapped with drones, flown at extremely low altitudes and repainted.
The drones would then attack their intended targets. The attacks would be blamed on the enemy of choice — in that case Cuba.
In other plans, the public would be told a plane had crashed — such as a plane filled with passengers.
The real passengers would all be CIA agents. The plane would fly into a military base at a very low altitude.
The passengers would then re-assume their original identities and blend back into society.
Submarines and / or surface boats would then be used to plant fake wreckage in the water immediately after the event.
This plan was leaked by Congress and vetted out and published by ABC News in May, 2001 — in partnership with NSA whistleblower James Bamford.
Plan 9 of Operation Northwoods in particular has stunning relevance to what we have just seen with the mystery of Flight 370.
It absolutely appears as if Flight 370 had originally been intended to follow a similar plan — but the plotters made a series of terrible mistakes.
Since Plan 9 of Operation Northwoods has become extremely relevant in light of the Flight 370 mystery, let’s take a look at the entire page:
Let’s say that there are people who still follow these plans — almost with a religious fervor.
A secretive group may have been using staged terrorism to create wars for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Let’s say plans like these have worked very well — for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
It’s an elaborate magic show — a con job — used to create a desired outcome, and force the public into a war.
Let’s not forget that World War I started when the leader of Austria was shot to death. America’s involvement in World War II started when Pearl Harbor was attacked.
What if you could combine the triggers that either started or accelerated World War I and II — namely political assassinations and air attacks — into one single mega-event?
What if you then came up with an event that was so powerful, so destructive, so awesome that it far outmatched the triggers for World Wars I and II?
What if a mysterious hijacking — so we think — turned into the most devastating mass political assassination in human history?
What if the real plane was safely landed at a US military base and swapped out with a drone — already pre-loaded with explosives?
What if you ended up blaming this same stunt on your enemy — hijacking the plane, holding passengers hostage, and fitting it with explosives?
What if the drone — a matching Boeing 777 — was then crashed into a United Nations meeting?
What if this happened to be a meeting where the leaders from the top 53 nations on Earth — mostly presidents and prime ministers — had gathered?
Many insiders believe the airliner that ditched in Pennsylvania during 9/11 was headed for the US Congress building.
If the legislative branch had largely been destroyed, martial law would have immediately needed to be declared.
If the leaders of every significant nation on Earth were all killed in a single event, how many of these countries would then declare martial law?
How long would it take for the enraged public to demand justice — and for a new world war to have begun?
Wouldn’t this have been the most incredibly effective terrorist attack of all time, had it succeeded?
What if you “disembarked” the original passengers as hostages on your military base — but they never knew who had abducted them?
What if they passed out on the plane from lack of oxygen — such as by having the plane fly up to around 45,000 feet and partially outgassing its cabin pressure?
What if you had a computerized autopilot system that kicked in?
What if the pilots suddenly had no control over what the plane was doing, and lost consciousness like everyone else?
What if the passengers woke up with locked bags over their heads — never to see light again — and had their hands zip-tied behind their backs?
This is very, very disturbing. I get that. And I am sorry about that. I didn’t make any of this up and I don’t want to live in a world like this — but it’s real.
As you will see, the pieces line up very well.
We cannot change what has happened here.
However, by fearlessly educating ourselves, we can make a strong push for the truth.
Once the truth comes out, these plans will no longer be able to succeed.
A relatively small group of people — i.e. the Cabal — can finally be exposed for who and what they are.
We will be astonished at how effectively they played the game.
They have truly been the greatest villains in human history — triggering lifetimes’ worth of work for scholars studying their moves.
They will laugh at our ignorance and say they are innocent even in the face of irrefutable evidence.
[Cabal “Better Living Through Fear” Ad Modified by David Wilcock, divinecosmos.com]
We will address the sudden decapitation of elected world leadership in a second. First, let’s return to Flight 370 — and what might have really happened.
What if you had two or three of your own agents on the plane who quietly put on small gas masks as everyone else lost oxygen and fell asleep?
What if these agents of yours then went around tying everyone up?
What if these agents could speak a foreign language — from whatever country you intended to blame the hijacking upon?
What if they could also convincingly fake speaking English and Chinese with a thick accent — to tell people they had been hijacked when they all woke up?
What if the passengers awoke, never knew who had abducted them, and ended up in a secure facility — having no idea how they got there or who did it?
You could then use these people in a fake hostage situation and blame it on your enemy of choice — Northwoods-style.
You could tell the public that your enemy hijacked the plane, landed it on their own base, took everyone off, and then loaded it with explosives.
You could use these hostages to demand further concessions and pin the blame on your most hated group — such as Islamic militants.
Would those mysterious Iranian passengers with faked passports suddenly have become part of a vast, international conspiracy?
Such a meeting of world leaders is not a “what if.” It did happen — on March 24th and 25th, 2014.
They met in the United Nations building at The Hague in the Netherlands.
It was called the Nuclear Security Summit — and was started by President Obama in 2009. He was there — as were many, many others.
You are about to read a list of names and titles that could have become far more well-known to everyone in the world — if such an attack had succeeded.
This is the type of once-in-a-lifetime headline we would have seen:
Imagine how quickly we could have escalated into a world war if all 58 of these leaders, and their aides, had died at the same time:
- Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte
- Jordan King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein
- UAE His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
- Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan
- Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev
- China President Xi Jinping
- Finland President Sauli Niinistö
- France President François Hollande
- Gabon President Ali Bongo Ondimba
- Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev
- Lithuania President Dalia Grybauskaitė
- Nigeria President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
- Republic of Korea President Park Geun-hye
- Romania President Traian Basescu
- Switzerland President Didier Burkhalter
- Turkey President Abdullah Gul
- USA President Barack Obama
- Argentina Vice President Amado Boudou
- Brazil Vice President Michel Temer
- Indonesia Vice President Boediono
- Philippines Vice President Jejomar C. Binay
- Algeria Prime Minister Youcef Yousfi
- Belgium Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo
- Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper
- Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt
- Georgia Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili
- Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel
- Italy Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
- Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
- Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg
- Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
- New Zealand Prime Minister John Key
- Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
- Sweden Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt
- United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron
- Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung
- Czech Republic Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek
- Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin
- Australia Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop
- Chile Minister of Foreign Affairs Heraldo Muñoz
- Egypt Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hamdi Sanad Loza
- Hungary Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi
- India Minister of Foreign Affairs Salman Khurshid
- Israel Minister of Intelligence / Strategic Affairs Yuval Steinitz
- Morocco Minister of Foreign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar
- Mexico Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs & Human Rights Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo
- Poland Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski
- Russia Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov
- Saudi Arabia President of the King Abdullah City for Atomic & Renewable Energy Hashim Yamani
- South Africa Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
- Spain Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gonzalo de Benito
- Thailand Special Envoy of the Prime Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow
- Ukraine Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrii Deshchytsia
- EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso
- EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy
- IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano
- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
- INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble
The mainstream media has barely even mentioned how a Boeing 777-ER — exactly like Flight 370 — was escorted away from the Hague by two F-16s.
(CNN) — The Royal Dutch Air Force scrambled fighter jets on Monday to intercept a cargo plane that entered Dutch airspace without proper clearance as world leaders gathered in the Netherlands for a nuclear security summit.
The LAN Cargo Boeing 777 bound for Amsterdam from Miami “was diverted away” from Dutch airspace due to restrictions around the summit in The Hague, Edmund Messchaert, spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, told CNN.
Messchaert said Dutch F16 fighters followed protocol and escorted the plane to Germany without incident.
He said LAN Cargo apparently forgot to apply for permission to land or didn’t know airspace restrictions were in place for the summit.
A statement from the hauler, based in Chile, confirmed Flight UC 1503 wasn’t able to land in Amsterdam and was diverted to Frankfurt “because of an error in the special classification of the flight.”
The plane was later permitted to continue to Amsterdam, the airline said.
Is this just a ridiculous conspiracy theory? Not according to Preston James on Veterans Today, who has proven contact with high-ranking military insiders.
Dr. James does write some pretty bizarre-sounding stuff, but the deeper into this world you get, the stranger it becomes.
On March 8, 2014, the NeoCons went for broke with their hijacking of China Southern Airlines Flight CZ 748 [Malaysia MH370].
A sister ship (matching Boeing 777) had also been purchased along with this aircraft to be used in a Deep-Black op — a “bait & switch” False-Flag attack plan to start a nuclear WW3 between Russia and America over Iran, Syria and the Ukraine.
The sister ship was dressed-out and retrofitted with high tech explosive devices.
It was flown from Miami with its final destination the Hague, Netherlands — to crash into the meeting place for the Nuclear Summit on March 24, 2014.(1)
Thanks to the Dutch Air Force and some entity that neutralized the special “black box” cloaking devices installed on the Boeing 777, this terror flight was forced to divert from its final attack descent upon the Nuclear Summit Meeting at the Hague, Netherlands.(2)…
The Flying-Bomb 777… heading directly into the Hague was diverted mid-flight by two Dutch Air Force F-16′s as it entered Dutch Airspace, because it started showing up on their Defense Radar System, but did not have any required transponder signals.(4)
Black-Box cloaking device was strangely and unexpectedly “neutralized”.
It is believed that the Black Box cloaking device failed, and resulted in the flight being recognized on the Dutch Defense Radar System.
It appears that the Black Box was neutralized by interference or countermeasures also based on ultra-high-tech “Beyond-Black” alien technology.
By now you may be connecting a lot of dots — and thinking about many other pieces of data you have already encountered, and how they all fit together.
Before Part Two comes out, here is your homework assignment.
Take the puzzle pieces we’ve laid out here, including the exact plans in the Northwoods document, and put them together with what you now know.
If you combine Northwoods with Flight 370, the story becomes far more compelling than it already was.
This story is very quickly becoming mainstream. Sarah Bajc, the wife of MH370 passenger Philip Wood, just spoke on CNN — and really let the Cabal have it.
Here are two reports of Sarah Bajc’s astonishing testimony from CNN:
Sarah Bajc, girlfriend of Malaysian Flight 370 passenger Philip Wood, claimed on CNN Friday that she was told about eye witness reports that MH370 was spotted “accompanied by fighter planes” prior to its ‘disappearance’.
Bajc also told CNN that she and other passengers family members are confident that the plane is not only still intact, but that the passengers have also survived.
KUALA LUMPUR (INTELLIHUB) — In a strange twist of events Sara Bajc, the girlfriend of missing flight 370 passenger Phillip Wood, told CNN how the Malaysian military and even the U.S. are likely involved in a massive cover-up surrounding the aircraft’s disappearance on the morning of Mar. 8.
Astonishingly Bajc told CNN, “The jet [flight 370] had actually been accompanied by fighter planes, there is some witness to that.”.
“I think we need to have a better view into where that plane went and who has got it now”, Bajc told CNN going on to explain how she felt her boyfriend Phillip Wood was still alive somewhere.
Bajc also pointed out that the general consensus amongst family members also leans toward the plane still being intact somewhere, alluding to a militarized operation.
“I am sure that the military in Malaysia knew that plane was there and has tracked that plane in some way. Now whether they were in control of it or not we don’t know.
Many people are saying that the United States is involved […] but the general thinking across the families here and even non-families […] believe this was a military operation of some sort.”, said Bajc.
Shockingly, this dovetails with information already obtained by Intellihub News which, via GPS metadata, puts Phillip Wood in a holding cell at the U.S. controlled military base Diego Garcia.
Sarah Bajc may have misunderstood the story of the “drone” 777 flying into a landing area near The Hague, and being escorted by two F-16s, with the original hijacked flight.
Either way, it is quite remarkable, and encouraging, to see how quickly the official story is falling apart — even in the mainstream media.
I don’t expect this video to last, but copies of it will undoubtedly always be out there and we will try to adapt to the changes as they occur.
CNN also just fought back against the Cabal by releasing new data at the time of this writing, April 6th:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) — Along with new signs that searchers could be nearing the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, a fresh mystery surfaced Sunday.
The aircraft skirted Indonesian airspace as it went off the grid and veered off course, a senior Malaysian government source told CNN.
The new analysis of the flight’s path means the plane may have been taken along a route designed to avoid radar detection, the source said.
But why would someone steer the plane that way, and where is it now?
Those are key questions that investigators are trying to answer — and fast.
To highlight the overall momentous changes that are occurring at this time, I thought up a new Tarot card for the Cabal.
This is really the combination of three of the archetypes — The Devil, The Lightning-Struck Tower of Destruction, and The World, where it all works out positively.
The brilliantly talented illustrator Patrick Blaine realized this vision for me, as it was beyond my own graphic-design abilities to do it well.
Enjoy — and in this case I do hope to have the rest of this investigation written up very soon. There is much more to say.
I have a document of over 360 pages of links that I am trying to consolidate by doing this.
I do believe that a profound breakthrough is at hand. The first of the dominoes have already started falling. The outcome is obvious — for those with eyes to see.
This story is evolving on a day-by-day basis, so at this point our best bet is to “expect the unexpected.”
In terms of the great cycles, now is the time for a momentous change. We will discuss that, and much more, in Part Two. Stay tuned!
I will be speaking at the New Living Expo on the weekend of April 25th in action-packed, graphics-rich presentations with the most affordable prices of the year.
Come check it out if you are in or around the San Francisco area — or don’t mind traveling!
And don’t forget I have 30 minutes of new material every week on Gaiam TV, still available for 9.99 a month. It’s like a whole new conference every Monday!
Hey David, mods, fans! EU organizations fighting psychotronics & more! Where’s R centers in USA?!
We at the Coalition against Covert Harassment demand a total ban in the European Union on all weapons systems operating on new physics principles used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment including electronic weapons, electromagnetic weapons, magnetic weapons, directed energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, frequency weapons, genetic weapons, scalar weapons, *psychotronic weapons,* chemtrail aerosol weapons, implant weapons, nanotechnology weapons, high frequency active auroral weapons (HAARP), and information technology weapons.
International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies
(Here’s 1:) USA branch in Sacramento, CA
(my new phrase: Abuse Tech!)
Be well all!
Wow 3 replies on bitcon comment!
Always good to get feedback, positive or negative, I say 🙂
OK, 8 potential decimal points seems a good build in.
Kudos on comeback.
Still, you got:
-largest bitcoin exchange, mtgox, losing $63 million in deposits
-mtgox claiming bankruptcy
-mtgox CEO suspected of committing suicide
-creator of bitcoin disassociating from it
-almost (if not all) bitcoin created was bought with dollars (or other fiat currencies)
-minimal merchant acceptance in bitcoin
-even more minimal salary acceptance in bitcoin
-no networking structure for dealers who accept bitcoin (that I know)
-highly volatile moves up and down in value
There is an ever growing mass of people who are not interested in,and do not want ANY MORE FORMS OF MONETARY SYSTEMS. Money is an invention of the Cabal used as a form of total control and manipulation.The RIGHTS we were born to have:- FREE FOOD/WATER FREE SHELTER FREE POWER FREE MOVEMENT
These have been taken away from us and we have been forced to pay for our God given rights on this Earth.Whole lifetimes lost in work and drudgery just to survive.
Imagine not having to pay for these things and having time to find our true purpose.What do we need money for???? My God i think we have all bought enough material THINGS to last a million lifetimes!!!
Looking PAST the old ways of living and seeing a life so different from anything we have ever had before:- THIS IS WHAT IS NEEDED.
The White Hats Report
stories-of-our.html" target="_blank">http://www.oneworldofnations.com/2013/12/our-last-stand-report-3-
I stopped frequently reading articles at divinecosmos.
It doesn’t help me.
What does help is focussing on my own life and becoming the best version of myself so I can actually do something about all this bulls**t.
Divine cosmos has given me plenty of insight, knowledge and wisdom. Thanks for all that, really! but I’m so done with all the speculation and the waiting and the loads of blablah.
It’s time to actually change things by working towards the best version of you that you can possibly be! (well at least for me it’s time).
” My life is probably over, even as bad as it was. I have to switch modes of living now, they have no doubt wrecked my life and behaved in such an abberant way that it made me wonder if they hated their country.
I am limiting my online time with this web site to an hour a day, and will never visit the same cyber cafe twice. If American “intelligence” wanted me dead or irrelevant before, now they will no doubt be in drone strike mode, there is a difference between simply bumping a bee hive and trying to eat one while naked. My days are numbered.”
from jimstonefreelance.com
Keep Jim Stone in your thoughts and prayers and donate to his site if you can. I do not know him or am associated with him in any way other than as a regular reader of his, but he is a valuable alternative news source, IMO.
Keep an open mind with your belief’s on who the Dali Lama is. Fullford is not always wrong imo. 😉
I check back here everyday to see if David has posted anything new; but in all fairness there is so much happening right now, and so much disinformation to boot, that he has to research everything thoroughly and fact check all his information before publishing anything. Unfortunately it’s just going to take a while In order for it to be comprehensive and factual, plus he’s got other activities that require his attention. I think we need to have a little more patience and understanding
I agree with Anthony, I trust my feelings. The feeling I get from the Dalai Lama is Unconditional Love in it’s purest form!
Love & Light,
All the people, the animals, the birds, bugs and branches, worms; the glinting sunlight, our waters, the planets, our grasses, our mountains and villages throughout the ages, galaxies and galactic clusters and tiny new plants… all of these, are our expression of one life, one consciousness which shall never in any measure be lessened or fail; or die at all, in reality. That which has lived is always alive, forever – despite appearances.
Hey David…
why don’t you touch on the subject of the Birth Certificates being actually a “death Certificate” and a “certificate of Bastardhood”…showing that we are not naturally but civilly dead since they put down a fictitious name rather than the true name which is “Last, First M.I.” [name of the Father, Son and holy Ghost]. And the mother is listed with her Maiden name…which is to make us “illegitimately born”.
Hey David, mods, fans. Psychotronics mil-tech now used by neighbor civilians: my personal experience @E AZ, USA. Tx #449 Fred.
The satellites [+/- neighbors’ tuning electronics] can be programmed 2 track & monitor *various frequencies on different parts of ur body.* These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity & frequency mapping & tracking *to people’s eyes, ears, temples, *& private parts.* … a particle beam = also a frequency weapon.
… or depending on *the mood or intent of the person interfacing w/ the technology,* you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, *electronically raped, or tortured.*
Happening now. We all r not free until all of this is shut down.
Be well all.
One thing I take issue with from Fulford’s report is his condemnation of the Dalai Lama as a “Nazi asset.” Having read his words and seen him speak once, the Dalai Lama has struck me as a genuinely positive, spiritual man doing his part to heal the world. Not at all sure why Fulford would attack him so viciously. What does David make of this?
That is because you are not taking into account the divisiblity of the bitcoin. Before making comments might be an idea to actually learn something about the topic you are discussing. Just a thought. Why read DW, who believes in thorough examination of facts if you do not apply this to yourself people?
David, i’m with you and your good work, but Fulford is accusing the Dalai Lama of bei g a murderer and a Hitlerian
will you distance yourself from these abhorant suggestions
A Bitcoin (BTC) can be divided into 8 decimal places beyond unity. As time progresses, and if demand for BTCs continues to grow, BTCs will increase in value. Today $1.00 is worth about 0.0023 BTCs. At some point in the future, $1.00 could be worth 0.00000001 BTCs. But by then the dollar, and likely other fiat currencies, will have essentially lost all its value and BTCs would replace fiat currencies as the preferred currency.
Bitcoins can be traded in tiny fractions of bitcoins…
I am very disappointed that my first time comments did not get posted considering that I am a long time patriot of this website and have been a very good supporter of David’s. I have directed so many individuals to this website and really had hope against all odds that this information was something that we could finally trust.
Yittle Lamb 🙁
[Moderator: Nothing personal, but with so many commenters faulting David in regard to the frequency of his blog entries, many are not being approved. David’s approach to his blog has been very well considered. Thanks for your support!]
Stareseeds, wonderers, light workers,light warriors, guardians…..
I think this information is worth considering for your discernment..
You may not be taken by it at first, but a lot of it may start resonating after watching a second or third time.
Hi David.
It would be interesting, if you would research the past lives of Joan of Arc, Hitler, Richard Nixon, And Bill Clinton in not just one cycle back in history, but in several cycles, several past lives. Edgar Casey used to read people’s past lives I think, from the Akashic records, and many times he gave several past life.
If you can research from Akashic records, it is the accurate history, and past life history.
George Hunt Willamson, in his book; The Secret Places Of The Lion
also list many people in history, and give many of their past life incarnations, but a very long time ago I read his book, and I dont remember now if Joan of Arc and Hitler, and Bill Clinton or Edgar Casey, Swedenborg, or who was in his book, but it was many, many people, and many of their past life incarnations.
Joshua Tree Retreat with Dr. Greer – August 11, 2014 – August 17, 2014
See more at: http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/contact-retreat-with-dr-greer/
This week long expedition is limited to about 25 registrants and provides for an intensive training program with Dr. Greer.
Hi David.
In my opinion most people can only see the evil, and dark side of the fiat money. And nobody talks about the positive side. Without fiat money, Europe would be still in ruins after the World war. Fiat money built nations, half the World would be still in the dark ages, would be not much manufacturing, science, and education would be a way back, people would be using horse and wagon, few people would be using electricity, would be no Moon landings, and no space program, and internet.
In every country in the World we still need more and more fiat money, without it we would be heading not not into the new age, but back to the dark ages.But I agree that the money system should be cleaned up from all the corruptions.
But this is just my opinions, maybe you can research more the positive
side of the fiat money system,for our time, for this period it was and is the way to go.In the new age maybe will be different system.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about, that people can’t understand it. I HAVE been perfectly honest with myself and it’s impossible for anyone to grasp what I’m talking about if you haven’t known what I’ve known. So in that sense I don’t blame you for your words.
No matter what I do, no matter how well I ground/clear myself before I ask these questions in meditations, I ALWAYS come back with the same answer, that I experienced a very rare and unnecessary event.
It angers me when people talk about things they know nothing about. So don’t you DARE think that you know something I don’t about this, because you don’t.
Hi Baby Blue, # 450,
“the number of bitcoins in existence will never exceed 21 million”
so says…
Doesn’t exactly seem like the bitcon quantity (managed by an ALGOrithm) can support all the trading needs of +7000 million people, does it?
you could try VPN services like MediaHint or UnblockUS
Hi, “MindQuandary”
Your cometary left me in suspense; I wondered: who will own this “Mind”? ** I know that “the devil is in the details”! ** [Just another quandary]. It’s complicated!
madness! grateful for your affection!
Namaste = 3; I was born on the day December 3, 64 = 26
N @ maste!
QEG resonance is easy, but over unity not so much, as I expected. Still waiting.
Not many people who are in to matters of the spirit are very savvy when it comes to economics and money unfortunaty Bitty, that is why we get taken for a ride more often then not. Bitcoin is a great way forward, as even gold involves digging the ground and invading other nations still. Bitcoin is a real alternative but has, like most other great ideas, been surrounded with superstition and nonesense. People scream ‘mark of the beast’ without having any knowledge on the topic. You know how single minded and stupid some people can be. GEEZ! I wish it good luck and hope it succeeds and would like to see DW comment on this topic. 😛 Decentralization and transparency are difficult for some to comprehend.
Very interesting
The States could have a ConCon and change the constitution of the USA because ” the state legislature of Michigan became the 34 th state to demand a “Constitutional Convention” in the United States.”
If it is true, this could be used to make very helpful changes.
Dear David,
It is very disappointing that Gaiam TV is really only fully available in Canada and USA….isint it important that the rest of the world can access the feed ???? I was wanting to sign up but im in NZ
Love your work Kind regards Phil
[Moderator: I can sympathize – David probably feels the same way. Here’s a link to a contact page at Gaiam where we can share our concerns:
Another Xcellent Interview by Jesse with Judy Wood regarding the reality of 9/11. She is also on Gaiam Tv.
[quote [Quoting "nb"]Check out exclusive video on Toronto Globe and Mail. Edward Snowden – MUST WATCH!!!
Hi Bitty #439
I was in the casino today, and nobody played with Bitcoins, everybody used 20 and hundred dollar bills. I think the bitcoin is confusing to people, we all want to know what is the dollar value of bitcoin? And if it is not in dollar value, it is nothing, it is no value. We can only imagine it in dollar value. Bitcoin can not exist without the dollar value behind it?
The world is seeing over recent decades an upsurging of shared, multiplying geometric heart-wave coherency and energetic ‘coming to the fore’ of the green ray of unconditional love.
There is also, as a result, a crystallization and distillation of hate being reduced to itself, condensed and becoming spotlighted and seen, exposed – as it also comes to the fore.
It’s because the world is seeing a grand climax in terms of the separation of chosen paths.
Perhaps it is folly to assume that we can use the tools of darkness to further the light… the coming golden age which we may create perhaps involves our coming to terms with the dark side, owning our part in it’s creation, blessing it and moving on, just leaving it behind; as it has only involved us historically with our prior permission and ongoing collaboration.
The dark welcomes our remonstrance and involvement, and is utterly defeated by our unconditional blessings.
@431 Laura Martins
You are very welcome Laura =) I couldn’t in good conscience let your comment pass by without saying anything. I’m sure we have all felt like we weren’t being listened to in our lives, and I wanted to be a shoulder to lean on, even if it was only slightly, and offer a helping hand if I could.
Namaste =3