Shortly after the Project Camelot trailer suddenly aired on TruTV, we discovered that National Geographic heavily featured David in a show called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters. It airs tomorrow (Friday) night, 11/23… at (gulp) 4AM Eastern time.
[UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: This show was blatant, in-your-face disinformation — reducing the entire Atlantis scenario, and a wealth of provable data I gave in that interview, to two miniscule pieces of data which were then attacked and “debunked.”
The people who knowingly participate in whitewashes like this should be well advised. There will come a time where knowingly lying to the public about such critically important matters will be punishable as a criminal offense.]
Conventional reality is getting a major reality check. Disclosure is happening now. Great secrets have been held from us. I want to see the truth get out there — and have done my very best to move the ball forward.
My old college dorm buddy from New Paltz, NY left me a message a few weeks ago and congratulated me, saying he saw me on National Geographic… and said that I “did really well.”
At the time, I thought he must have been referring to one of the seven Ancient Aliens episodes I was featured in. These still air all the time, and between this and my other videos, there’s a good chance that I get recognized these days when I go out in public.
I was somewhat surprised to hear that they were now airing these Ancient Aliens episodes on other networks.
Finally he and I spoke on the phone a couple nights ago — while I was recovering from a nasty winter flu virus.
The worst hell I went through was this past weekend. This bug really flattened me out — but I’m well on my way back now after less than a week.
I asked him about “the National Geographic thing” and he said he had seen it back as early as April. It was a special on Atlantis!
This is when I got really interested. I had indeed been filmed by National Geographic for an Atlantis special over two years ago — but as far as I knew, they never used the footage.
This filming occurred in close proximity to when I had been interviewed for Ancient Aliens, but before any of those episodes actually aired.
National Geographic flew me out to a seaside university building in Florida and we did a full-day shoot, where I focused in very specifically on the subject of Plato’s account of Atlantis.
In addition to rather extensive interview questions, they shot a lot of “cutaways,” including shots of me looking at the ocean, walking on the beach, et cetera.
I thought they asked a lot of great questions and I remember being satisfied with my responses, though this was only one of many subjects I could have talked about.
After the shooting, I spoke to someone else who had been filmed for the show and got the sense that I had “gotten in too late” for my footage to be used.
I had never mentioned this shoot on this site, because until something actually airs, you really don’t know if it’s a done deal or not — so I just forgot about it.
Nonetheless, they paid to fly an entire crew over to Miami from Great Britain, and also paid my airfare and hotel to fly me out there as well.
The production team also told me, at the time, that they were “very impressed” with what I said.
Now my college buddy was telling me that I was “prominently featured” in this other National Geographic show as “the only real pro-Atlantis scholar they had,” and I was given “a lot of airtime” in the show.
My friend couldn’t remember what month it aired in. He also couldn’t remember what it was actually called.
I knew this was going to be a bit of a challenge — and I was also surprised that this was the first time I’d ever heard about it.
After we got off the phone I did some search-engine sleuthing, and within a few minutes I was able to locate the actual episode I am featured in.
“The Truth Behind” series focuses on various esoteric subjects. This particular episode is called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters.
The premise is similar to the episode I was originally filmed for — a group of guys who think they’ve found Atlantis in a smaller and more conventional-type location.
This episode is going to air on Friday, November 23rd, 2012, at 4AM Eastern time. This should be a little more “doable” on the West Coast, coming in at 1AM instead.
I myself have not seen it yet. There is no way to access it online — you have to watch it when it comes on TV. I will be looking forward to it and am not sure what will happen!
I think the folks at National Geographic were having a little fun with us when they chose the original airdate for the show.
This little discovery popped up when I first loaded the video page, and before the browser recognized that I had a compatible player.
This screen only lasted about 3 seconds, but I was able to repeat the process and get a screen capture of it:
DECEMBER 21, 2011!
That’s right — the original airdate of The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters, or at least of the page they put online to announce it, was December 21, 2011 — exactly one year before the Mayan Calendar end-date.
I think this was probably done deliberately, given that I was heavily featured in the show and I’ve frequently discussed the Mayan Calendar end-date.
In my view, December 21, 2012 has always indicated the beginning of a wonderful new Golden Age — not a doom-and-gloom apocalypse.
This has been a debilitating virus — and in my weaker state, I wrote about something and promoted it before I’d actually seen it. I’m still not used to thinking cynically enough to have been prepared for what a mess this was.
This show, unfortunately, was the worst-case scenario of what can happen when you do an interview, sign your rights away, and have no control over the final edit. I am also very well aware now of why they never told me about this show.
I remember that they had lots of questions about the Bimini wall, and really wanted me to drill in on that subject — as well as the Greek island of Santorini, and Plato’s account of Atlantis in the Timaeus and Critias.
I had told them that neither the Bimini wall nor Santorini were very strong data points — and at that point I hadn’t finished The Source Field Investigations yet, but said when my book was done, it would speak for itself.
I gave them some truly marvelous information and kept waiting for the “final segment” where they would start using it.
Instead, they controlled the entire argument, start to finish. They handed me a list of questions, told me what they wanted me to discuss, and everything outside those very narrow guidelines was thrown in the garbage.
By “debunking” the Bimini wall and the idea of Santorini as Atlantis, the show ended in a proclamation that “Atlantis is a myth”.
This tactic may have worked in the 1980s — and that’s what this whitewash felt like — but thankfully with the Internet, you can do your own research, make your own videos and avoid ridiculous “straw man” arguments like this.
The problem here is I do not believe this is the product of open-minded research. I gave more than enough hard-hitting data in my edit that if they wanted to give a balanced view, they had plenty to work with.
I very clearly said that Atlantis was just one name for a formerly worldwide civilization. It certainly did not all sink, and there is plenty of evidence left behind. There are existing ruins all over the planet in the form of megalithic stone structures.
All 3,300 of these ancient stone structures are built on a “Global Grid” of lines that originate from the twelve “vortex points” where ships and planes disappear on Earth, as discovered by Ivan T. Sanderson in the 1960s.
Sanderson did the hard work of plotting out where ships and planes were disappearing, going back through the entire history of aviation and much of the available marine history as well.
These twelve points, curiously enough, were evenly spaced apart from each other.
These twelve points formed a geometric pattern called an “icosahedron”, and when you turn it inside out you get the “dodecahedron.” I’ve been writing about this Grid since my first free book, The Shift of the Ages, here on Divine Cosmos.
Three Russian scientists, Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov, were the first to add in the dodecahedron. This was not imagination: it started with hard, physical research of plotting out where many thousands of ships and planes vanished or crashed.
The Russians then looked all over the world, at every structure ever made out of gigantic stones, and found that all of them — with no exceptions, some 3,300 in total — were directly built on one of the lines formed by connecting these 12 “vortex” points.
This obviously was not an accident. Everyone in the world was working by the same building plans. This alone is very clear evidence in support of a worldwide, advanced civilization.
I really don’t feel a need to keep going at this point, since I’ve written extensively on these subjects already. Most people who are interested in this subject have done enough research to pick apart such a weak argument as what this show presented.
Had I known that there was a way to see this before it aired, and had I watched it first, I probably never would have bothered to give it any publicity — here or elsewhere.
Instead, I’m only more committed to produce my own show, do it right the first time, and get out the next piece — which will be a lot more interesting. Let’s get back to what I had originally written before I saw the show!
I had something else happen that was very exciting during the time I was lying in bed all day, sleeping off this virus.
As I will report in my next update, while I was half-awake, half-asleep, I heard a very clear speaking voice tell me to read my dream / reading journal — specifically around September 13, 1997.
I was absolutely astonished by what I found. There was an extremely blatant reference made, in a reading from this time, to what I would be doing “after fifteen years”.
I got a bit nervous for a second, as this all seemed much too weird — but I quickly did the math and found out that yes, in fact, I was re-reading these passages “after fifteen years!”
September 13, 1997 plus fifteen years is September 13, 2012 — and I was reading this as of November 19, 2012, just two months after the “ideal” fifteen-year time loop.
Time-bending phenomena became a basic part of my reality when I started doing readings in 1996. I would hear words, speak them into a tape recorder, and then the words would describe whatever I was just doing when I transcribed them.
The transcription often would be a month behind, and yet every time I sat down to do this, the words would refer to something that just happened.
As the years went by, I had longer-term time-loops as well. I’d be guided to go back and read a certain area, only to find remarkably present-centered references in it.
This fifteen-year time loop is loaded with references to my present-day thoughts and environment. This has certainly happened before, and the longest time it ever happened in the past was nine years — from 1997 to 2006.
The best instance of it in that case, among many others, was that the 1997 transcript referred to sweet potatoes that had gone to sprout and formed stalks — and in fact I had that exact situation growing on the top of my refrigerator.
The most exciting part of the 15-year time loop, to me, is it has validated that we are heading into some breathtakingly positive changes as a planet.
People may not realize that the events unfolding are part of the Mayan Calendar end-date, and that’s OK — the real point is that things are predicted to start getting much, much better from here on out.
Our prior hotel, the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Beach Resort, ended up going out of business, but we had a seamless transition over to the Sheraton, which I’ve also stayed at before and is very nice.
In fact, the last time I visited Kona and stayed at the Outrigger, I went to the Sheraton first — seemingly by accident. Nonetheless, it just “felt right” to go there!
This is a really great way to book a nice vacation, during cold winter months, and also get the 16-hour, all-weekend Convergence experience — complete with VIP meet-and-greet time with me.
The last time I was in Hawaii, I did an elaborate snorkeling trip at a nearby coral reef — and it was totally awesome. This picture is similar to what I was seeing:
We do not charge extra for doing these events in a resort location — it’s the same price as any other city we speak in. Yet, since this is a high-traffic tourist area, flights and hotel are much less expensive than for many other resort-type trips.
I have already told my team that even if only seven people come, and we “lose our shirt” on this event financially, I will still be holding it. No cancellations! If the group stays small, it will be that much more intimate for all participants involved.
Hits: 177,415
I’ve seen the numbers 1212 manifest to me every day for the past week or so unintentionally in unrelated situations. Before that it was once or twice a week. Looking forward to next Wednesday! 🙂
@ 871!ght
Hello again Matthew
Eh… my understanding was that The Bank of England was derived from and modelled upon the Bank of Amsterdam.
If you think about it, it’s implausible that a vehemently Protestant king, Wilhelm of Orange, once installed on the English throne, would charter a central bank with strongly papist links!
It has been claimed that the “elected representatives of the people” cannot discuss the Bank of England in Parliament and that its shareholders are secret.
Perhaps it’s that secrecy that allows someone (Jordan Maxwell?) to make absurd claims about the Society of Jesus and its supposed power-reach.
Those shareholders are thought to include The Crown (currently personified in Elizabeth the Second) and the Rothschild dynasty.
Of course it would be truly daft to even attempt to claim the United States’ current central bank, the Federal Reserve, was some kind of Jesuit outfit since of course the shareholders of The Fed have been revealed. Most of them would have Saturday as their holy day, if you catch my drift.
To paraphrase Meyer Amschel Rothschild, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and it won’t matter if the candidate seeking office is Republican or Democrat. Both will dance to Tel Aviv’s tune.”
Some balance is needed pertaining to the New Age philosophy.
“The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement Final Cut”
Be wary of the Occupy movement. for true info on discharging debt legally. its called an EFT. i hve no affiliation…just free!
Fred and Nina Gurterez. the new site is
I do not know where else to share this information, but I feel that it is somehow important:
Last night I had a disturbing dream in which an old man was carrying several serpents into a crowd of maybe a dozen of so men and women. He tried to get anyone from the crowd to swallow one of the snakes head-first, and it seemed that nobody would dare risk the danger. As the old man turned to me, suddenly a muscular man came up from behind the old man and bit the head of one of the snakes around the old man’s shoulders. As he did this, two of the snakes bit him, one on each hand and he writhed on the ground. He was turning into a serpent. Screams came from the crowd, and the old man fell to the ground, suddenly terrified of the snakes he was carrying. We watched in horror as an enormous snake sunk its four teeth into old man’s head.
The crowd began screaming in terror as the old man was consumed whole. It was near this point in my dream that I realized I was somehow watching these events unfold as though watching them on television. I knew that I was out of danger, but was severely disturbed by what I was witnessing. On a different location, or on another channel, many people were gathered around a dessert canyon.
They started committing suicide by throwing themselves from the cliffs and others by cutting the tops of their heads off with samurai-swords. I could not bear to watch any more, and so I turned away. Almost immediately, the dream ended and I woke up in deep concern that something had happened today. I turned on the news, but everything seems to be as it was.
I do not know if any of you are gifted in dream interpretation, but there was a profoundly symbolic quality to this dream, and I am posting it here because I am not well versed in such things and I felt strongly that someone will find the information to be useful.
If this is an inappropriate place, my sincerest apologies. I neither believe that this should best be interpreted as a bad omen, nor that only a negative interpretation is appropriate. But most especially, this was posted out of a desire to help in some way.
A friend Emailed the following site to me :
and after reading it, I scrolled down the right-hand side of that page and “discovered” the following link that was enheartening to consider :
[url] " target="_blank">
and after reading it, I scrolled down the right-hand side of that page and “discovered” the following link that was enheartening to consider :
To Candice, December 4th, if you reaad the latest article on the site, espicially the title itself, i think you will discover why there has been no update since. Looks like whoever they are, they are taking the time to focus on themselves in the run up to 21/12. Here’s the link for your convenience
I too will be taking a break soon, from all tv, phone, internet activity. It’s time now more than ever that we should be spending in meditation and reflection, some last-minute revision so to speak!
Namaste 🙂
I wonder why David is so quiet when we are so close to the end of the Mayan calendar. David I hope you are OK. Please take very good care of yourself and be well. We need you around.
thank you for being a light in this world.
Thanks for inspiring us,
thanks for informing us,
thanks for all you do,
thank you for being yourself even when the disinfo that this video in this article was shown
I understand your need to be a little more cynical, and even this your experience is something we can all learn from (and you were generous to share with us your thinking about this whole event, so thank you for your generosity, it is a big part of what makes you the great man that you are), however, I hope you remain in your heart rather than become jaded and give into their game (maybe, rather than cynical, this has helped you become even wiser, while retaining that light hearted and hopeful and optimistic attitude we have come to know and love)
Stay in the light, this is how you are both appreciated and how you give your best. Let all else drop away and fade away from your attention.
Your attention is better spent on the beneficial and productive and optimistic, not to mention value adding and earth evolving.
Peace and Love to all on this board and everywhere
Happy 2012 12 21 to all, it is just around the corner obviously, and I hope it is happy and joyful even if it is less than what we exepcted, or would like
Heya Wilcock, I have something corresponds to your past work on here:
Harold Pinter(Man passed away in 2008):
Nobel Lecturer
In addition to my earlier comment about 12/12/12, I just rechecked the Timewave Calculator created by Terence mckenna,
which if you put the end date to Dec.23.2012, You will see a huge novelty boom on the Twelfth of December . 12/12/12!!! This means something of great novelty will happen on this day.
Heres the link, Make sure to set the zero date to Dec.23.2012 . 8)
Just thought I’d like to share something a bit special. I was talking with my mother who is a huge believer in the Virgin Mary due to her Catholic roots. She told me the 12th of this month is her birthday.
Almost all depictions of the Virgin Mary show her on top of some kind of “arc” with a angel underneath it with wings to represent that She can fly.
Also her Golden Aura is always expressed by showing Yellow Rays coming off of her body.
12/12/12 – Virgin Mary’s “Birthday”
I also remember one of David’s dream logs saying he say a HUGE Mary stopping a meteor in the sky.
Just an interesting connection I made randomly. Maybe it means something.
Hi David
I had an interesting dream…A real message came through to me. It seems the most simple things turn out to be the most complicated.
In my dream, I was being interviewed for a job I once held…All knew me. I thought I was positive etc. Well, as it turns out, I didnt think like the rest of them and they all thought I was negative. I realized that if I thought the same way all of them did, then I wouldnt be negative to them. However, moving on in my dream, I was considered negative by the next group because I changed my thinking to be like the first group.
What I realized is this, Being positive for me is being kind to others. Its not being negative to stand up for ones beliefs tho, they are different from others who one shares friendships with. Its ok to disagree, but its divine to accept people for who we are. We have free will. We can choose to accept or be mean and not approve because we dont like how another thinks.
Some of the most simple concepts are extremely hard to live by. Its very hard to view the world as it is today. We see so much injustice. We see a select group who continues to bleed the rest of the world…Its so hard not to hate. Its hard not to fear and wonder what is going to happen. It hurts to watch other suffers. Its no fair that a few have so much and so many have so little.
Just seems that such simple concepts are so hard to live by.
When the declaration of indep was written, it said we had the right to happiness among other things….I often wondered if that applied to women and blacks…Back then women couldnt vote and blacks were slaves. I read later on that founding fathers wrote our consitituion inspired that we would be an honorable people…When we stopped being that way, our leaders would reflect what our society would became.
Women vote and black supposedly are free in America…However, in America, none of us are really free except to pay taxes to an eliete who continues to enslave us. Poverty continues and so does ignorance. Corporations call the shots and now we are even being forced into getting vaccines etc. If we dont pay our taxes, we can go to jail and loose everything. Yet, elietes who run and own this country dont pay taxes and laugh all the way to their off shore banks.
Human slavery still continues in the world and there are places where women are still considered chattel property.
Such simple concepts are so hard to understand and live by….Are humans really superior…
as i write this it is thursday dec.6,2012 and i must share with david and the mods, and the readers that last night i had dream that i saw a commercial on my little tv here in my little apartment in calgary canada….for david’s movie ”Convergence” !!!
i was so happy when i woke up….i still am.
holding the light no matter how dark it ”appears” to be.
Go ancient 😉
Grindstone Bakery in Rohnert Park, CA
Your local bakery may have a reasonable sourdough loaf.
Dave is featured on AOL news 🙂|maing7|dl3|sec1_lnk3&pLid=241650
David —
What’s up?
The number synchronicities are going like crazy these past couple of days. This usually means you are about to post some new info.
Sometimes, I feel like it means that you have come across some extremely pertinent things and are beginning to write them up.
Whatever the case, they’ve been happening constantly, even hit counter tonite – 67711.
Hope you are over the ick and feeling better now.
Kerry had an interesting guy on her radio show tonite (sorry don’t remember his name at the moment). He has a very interesting take on the Tarot – the Tarot and Pi. Definitely helps to put into perspective the mind set of those who created the Tarot. He has a pretty nice video about it – going to go finish watching it now.
So anyway … getting something ready to post here? More insights from the HS? What are they telling you?
Even with the frequency-lowering external things happening in my life right now, still, I’ve certainly been feeling very much in-tune lately and would love to hear what’s been going on with you.
P.S. Kerry is also doing an update with Dr. Keshe soon, I think tomorrow or Friday, if you and/or the other readers/commenters haven’t heard yet.
Music for the soul and to uplift the spirit…. thought some of you might like….. New Dawn…
" target="_blank">
I had a dream with a introduction to how a flying saucer operates, very lucid, just showing it off from real close, it looked like a very good video production of it flying, up close it looked like it shone and it went as far as the edge of space, very awe inspiring. very real!
Having been a consistent reader/commenter here for a couple years, I know this will interest many others here.
I recently completed a video expose that is a true labor of love for me. It is entitled “The Batman Theater Shooting: It’s time to see behind the cloak”, but that title is a little misleading.
In reality, in a 55 minute setup I provide context for the Aurora shooting in which I go into 7 other “Staged Events” demonstrating how each is not as the historical record would have us believe. In addition, I provide an overview of the US and international involvement in financial crimes that are the background motive and provide the funding for these events. This is almost entirely derived from David’s body of work.
It’s worth it for the 9/11 profile alone, but the third and final chapter on the Aurora event is a MUST SEE for anyone following that event or other staged shootings. Please watch, comment if you have any and pass along so that this gets the play I believe it deserves.
Peter – Tyranny News Network
I love David’s site and check it everyday! We are told to cut out enriched white flour and eat more wheat but what if that’s not much better. Just thought I’d share this. 😮
Thought there might be interest:
Lapis Exillis
Surviving abduction, shadowed by mysterious deaths and even torture, international intelligence adviser and code-breaker Louis Buff Parry emerges out of three decades of research into the world’s most arcane and influential secret societies throughout the Western and Middle-Eastern world. A common theme of these Secret Societies was an obsession to possess a particular ancient stone artifact, the Lapis Exillis, the stone that is the grail, last discovered in 1743. Citing great scholars, the early founders of sciences and powerful luminaries of the past, Louis Buff Parry pieces together a startling story supported by remarkable facts sure to radically change your views of history forever. Lapis Exillis is a journey to uncover the mystery, murder, and mayhem that surrounds the dramatic events behind this well concealed history and reveals how this stone artifact has influenced the central powers governing the true destiny of western civilization.
Will there be a Quantum Awakening…….? Will there be Disclosure…..? Will we be free……? in……
If anyone is interested in a legitimate organization/movement to get out of debt, visit It is a part of the Occupy Movement and the manual of info is free to download now. It is filled with info on handling medical, student, commercial, etc. all kinds of debt. It is a movement dedicated to freeing all people from debt. Pass it on. Take action.
Does anybody know what happened to the guy who has the Jonny dont play Youtube videos and he also has a new site called Dis-infowars? He has not posted anything new in over two weeks. I really enjoy his insight during these crazy times as he has helped me to stay out of fear. Many people have re-posted his videos here so I was hoping somoeone knows if he is ok. I also want to thank everyone in this community who contribute so much and help me to know I am not alone. Wonderful beautiful times are here! I have manifested so many small things in the past few months. So…think Happy thoughts! 🙂
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Music for all.
“You probably heard Sophia, the Illuminati Order is trying to make a one of the lasts pushes and start a world war. They are using the same strategy of lies like it was 9 cycles ago. The archons are making this push, through their servants within this order. The time sequence yet is not ready for a changes to take place, so if they will initiate this attack before solstice, it will take place. Not world wide war, but it will escalate into this until 05-19-13. As a human being and knowing what everyone wants, I can say that this war can be stopped, the mass meditation on 12-12-12 at 12th hour is what can change their ways for the rest of their days. Tell Followers of Light that You need help and they will help You! They will be humanity’s best allies in the years to comeSmile”
A mass meditation needs to take place on this date. Cobra from the Portal 2012 site has been calling for a meditation on this date, and a recent Salusa message also mentioned that they would would be happy to see a global meditation on this date. I urge each and every one of you to put aside 15 minutes at 12pm GMT to aid the situation and help humanity and gaia through this period. As lightworkers we need to unite as one on this date. The end is near. Lets make it happen.
Mods, I would REALLY like Davids reaction to this inquiry. As I write this, its Dec.4. David, what are you going to do on December 21st? Normal routine, consult RA, meditate, see a movie, talk to family, write, study, go to a park, visit friends??? Just curious.
zip – I love you (so excited to see you posted). Your posts open my heart, and I want to read more…you are wonderful.
David, I LOVE LOVE you too! :-*
Happy New Year everybody!
Has David commented on Ac Tah’s Mayan explanation of 12/21/12?
Just curious about a few things, done of which have been asked before yet left unanswered. A fresh question, did David ever mention or cover the Jesuits in any articles? He’s covered a lor of things, but I’ve not come across his mention of such a vital topic when it comes to tracing the cabals power structure to the top. Especial when covering banking institutions, all roads lead to rome. The bank of England was created by the bank of Rome (Vatican Bank) and the federal reserve came after that, again with easily traceable Jesuit control. so to go in depth to expose federal.control surely should lead to exposing Jesuit interests? Then again, it is they who have been behind the majority of centuries of chaos, I wouldn’t blame David for avoiding that step if he were aware of their full history. Anyways, my other point is will he ever mention his current opinion on ‘alternative figures’ such as Ben fulford who is posting confusingly vague articles as always, I’ve never considered him as definite disinfo but it’s hard to take someone seriously without any hard investigative work shown along side his claims like David achieves. And drake, where do I begin? At one point he was in the spotlight enough to be ‘fully vetted’ and be complete focus of an article/interview transcript here. Since then, well it’s gone pretty quiet. I’m aware he is still providing so called ‘vital weekly updates’ but he’s become unbearable to listen to. I’m not debating anyone’s credentials here, I couldn’t possibly know for sure. What.I’m wondering simpl is will David ever mention further opinion or support of them here, or has his focus on spiritual articles (which are great) become the entire focus and left other ‘cabal exposers’ to carry on without published support from David? I’m really curious where ye stands on all this now, there’s loose ends that others have.wondered about and with ascension coming up it would be nice to know why there’s a lack of mention about them now
Here is a print-and-play boardgame I made called “Illuminati Endgame 2012”.
This game is about the historic struggle of the free peoples of the World against the control of the Illuminati. The game is also about pyramids.
I think people who read this website will recognize where many elements in the game come from.
The game starts at the dawn of cilization about 5000 years ago. The “Illuminati” must achieve world domination before 2012. Otherwise human consciousness awakens and ends their influence.
There are two opposing teams in this game. On one side are the “Free Peoples” players who can only win or lose together. Their main goal is to survive. On the other side are the “Illuminati” players who must both the defeat the “Free Peoples” players and lastly also their team members to win the game individually. Illuminati players need to get as much power as possible. Nobody knows who belongs to which side at the start of the game.
Here is a photo of the game:
Here is the game itself with rules and all parts:
Have fun!
Wow…I noticed the same thing about the moon over Thanksgiving weekend. The house I was staying at has two very high windows close to the cathedral ceiling. I was sitting in the same spot for what seemed to be an hour or so & the moon never moved. I could see it through one of these high windows. Every now and then, I would look up, & it seemed to be in the same place. I even mentioned it to the people I was with, but nobody was paying attention to it like I was. I’m surpised to hear someone has noticed this phenomenon too…thought it was just my imagination.
to Sam posting on Nov. 30, asking if anyone else has had similar recurring dreams. I have recently had one that reminded me of his. in it,I am with a friend and we are seeing amazing symbols and designs in the sky. I tell my friend, ‘I often see these symbols in dreams, but NOW we are seeing them in waking reality!’ I am so amazed but my friend kind of has to go…not interested to talk about it. I’m still very excited anyway..
Dear David The National Geographic is controlled by the Illuminati.
Chris Everad proved this when N.G documentary on crop circles claimed the guy who shot the footage of the balls of light making the crop circle hoxed it. They even had a ‘agent’ pretending to be the guy who shot the film telling everyone ‘He thought it would be a weeze to fool everyone’.
They forgot one major detail.
The guy who really shot the film ran straight to the Barge Inn pub to show the locals his video(1990s) of the crop formation being made by the balls of light. All the people in the pub who watched The National Geographic programme said it was NOT the same man in the film. They even got his name wrong.
You must know Chris Everard, he will tell you all about it. It is on his DVD Secret Space 3. Love to you my friend keep strong. David
Let me clarify something here regarding the whole “dissolve your debt” issue.
Does the A4V or accepted for value work? No, it does not, however in theory it should but the IRS is not going to make it that easy for those belligerent debt-terminators.
Is there a “secret” to dissolving debt? Well…if you want to call it that…yes, there is. If you can understand that there is no “money”, from a constitutional perspective (gold/Silver)and that the people are the source of the credit in this whole bankruptcy, then you are already half way there to eliminate your debt. The other half is where it get’s more difficult and complex.
Every time you get a bill (example: Electric Bill), these corporations have to provide you with a check to “pay” your bill since the U.S. is operating in a declared state of bankruptcy (Ch. 11 reorganization)and the “people” are the actual creditors in this commerce game. Sometimes it is called a coupon or voucher. You basically have to turn the coupon into a money order/check in order to get redemption. You have to use the IRS as your friend to “zero-out” your account. This is done with a 1099-OID, an 8281, 1040-V, 1096 and a 1040.
I could go much, much further into detail…but I think the moderator would shoot me if I did and I don’t plan to write a novel here on DC.
So yes…you are the “BANK” because we are the source of the credit…not the wall street banksters. We have more credit then they do…because ours is unlimited…theirs isn’t.
What you need to understand when learning this process is everything about securities, CUSIP numbers, bonds…the one on the back of your SSN-Card is a CUSIP number. You need to understand accounting, tax law and trust law…once you have all that under your hat…you can then part the red sea and go back to the holy land.
In a nut shell…all public debt can be eliminated with a stroke of a pen…just need to learn the process.
Peter Joseph started his own series, it’s called “Culture in Decline”
His latest episode is by far the best one>
I respect you David but I don’t believe something special is going to occur during the great month. Everything will remain the same until we come to the conclusion that’s the end of the monetary system and time to replace it with something different. Things will change and change happens every day but the future for each is different and it doesn’t matter if it’s related to a closing cycle. About the cycle, it’s just that, a closing 25920 and nothing more. Everything looks problematic and most will not survive but with some help from outside forces we might have a bright future. The problem is they don’t want to intervene and only talk about how we should do our things etc. but they should know that this world isn’t ruled by us but by evil (reptilian) crap. When they help us get rid of the evil scums the human race can evolve in to what it supposed to be. Than we can become (maybe) a race in the stars going were no human beings gone before. A trip to Mars would be a good start but than on a free energy star ship.8)
Glad I’m not the only one to post BS call on Jonathan’s post.
To Candice, Nov 28th. I’m sure if you have checked and seen your post, you will also have seen mine and others. To be clear, it can be achieved. But, and that’s a huge but, it can only be done through a lot of research and understanding.
Becoming a freeman is not easy to achieve. There’s an extreme amount of disinfo out there. Even if one does achieve it, living in such a way is difficult in itself. You can’t just clear debt and carry on like normal, it isn’t that simple. The links I posted explain why.
Personally I would love to join such a process. I’ve studied it in more detail than a lot of topics, but I’m a full time carer and I know I am not meant to pursue such a life, despite how much I would love to do so.
I’m sure some here may even call BS on the freeman/strawman topic in its entirety. I would kindly suggest those who do would take another look at it but look at better sources. There’s much more to it than the debt side of it, which is possibly the most difficult part initially. The amount of disinfo on that sure does smear the whole process. It can be done, but not without extreme sacrifices.
I’ll end with this, do some research, do not take anything about it as incentives to do it, if you can feasibly become part of a freeman way of life, be aware that it is difficult both initially and the lifestyle that follows. I just think it’s important to understand it does exist but there is no simple quick fix about any of it like its made out to be.
Besides, with the golden age on the horizon things such as this will eventually become irrelevant anyway 🙂
An interesting author, scientist, psychologist. Writing about Syncrynocity, analysing your dreams, connecting to “god”, how quantum physics connects to how we all create our own reality. That “we need every individual to co-create and explore all possibilities”.
Also about how some people say “I am God” and are seen a magicians or mad but are doing amazing things.