Shortly after the Project Camelot trailer suddenly aired on TruTV, we discovered that National Geographic heavily featured David in a show called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters. It airs tomorrow (Friday) night, 11/23… at (gulp) 4AM Eastern time.
[UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: This show was blatant, in-your-face disinformation — reducing the entire Atlantis scenario, and a wealth of provable data I gave in that interview, to two miniscule pieces of data which were then attacked and “debunked.”
The people who knowingly participate in whitewashes like this should be well advised. There will come a time where knowingly lying to the public about such critically important matters will be punishable as a criminal offense.]
Conventional reality is getting a major reality check. Disclosure is happening now. Great secrets have been held from us. I want to see the truth get out there — and have done my very best to move the ball forward.
My old college dorm buddy from New Paltz, NY left me a message a few weeks ago and congratulated me, saying he saw me on National Geographic… and said that I “did really well.”
At the time, I thought he must have been referring to one of the seven Ancient Aliens episodes I was featured in. These still air all the time, and between this and my other videos, there’s a good chance that I get recognized these days when I go out in public.
I was somewhat surprised to hear that they were now airing these Ancient Aliens episodes on other networks.
Finally he and I spoke on the phone a couple nights ago — while I was recovering from a nasty winter flu virus.
The worst hell I went through was this past weekend. This bug really flattened me out — but I’m well on my way back now after less than a week.
I asked him about “the National Geographic thing” and he said he had seen it back as early as April. It was a special on Atlantis!
This is when I got really interested. I had indeed been filmed by National Geographic for an Atlantis special over two years ago — but as far as I knew, they never used the footage.
This filming occurred in close proximity to when I had been interviewed for Ancient Aliens, but before any of those episodes actually aired.
National Geographic flew me out to a seaside university building in Florida and we did a full-day shoot, where I focused in very specifically on the subject of Plato’s account of Atlantis.
In addition to rather extensive interview questions, they shot a lot of “cutaways,” including shots of me looking at the ocean, walking on the beach, et cetera.
I thought they asked a lot of great questions and I remember being satisfied with my responses, though this was only one of many subjects I could have talked about.
After the shooting, I spoke to someone else who had been filmed for the show and got the sense that I had “gotten in too late” for my footage to be used.
I had never mentioned this shoot on this site, because until something actually airs, you really don’t know if it’s a done deal or not — so I just forgot about it.
Nonetheless, they paid to fly an entire crew over to Miami from Great Britain, and also paid my airfare and hotel to fly me out there as well.
The production team also told me, at the time, that they were “very impressed” with what I said.
Now my college buddy was telling me that I was “prominently featured” in this other National Geographic show as “the only real pro-Atlantis scholar they had,” and I was given “a lot of airtime” in the show.
My friend couldn’t remember what month it aired in. He also couldn’t remember what it was actually called.
I knew this was going to be a bit of a challenge — and I was also surprised that this was the first time I’d ever heard about it.
After we got off the phone I did some search-engine sleuthing, and within a few minutes I was able to locate the actual episode I am featured in.
“The Truth Behind” series focuses on various esoteric subjects. This particular episode is called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters.
The premise is similar to the episode I was originally filmed for — a group of guys who think they’ve found Atlantis in a smaller and more conventional-type location.
This episode is going to air on Friday, November 23rd, 2012, at 4AM Eastern time. This should be a little more “doable” on the West Coast, coming in at 1AM instead.
I myself have not seen it yet. There is no way to access it online — you have to watch it when it comes on TV. I will be looking forward to it and am not sure what will happen!
I think the folks at National Geographic were having a little fun with us when they chose the original airdate for the show.
This little discovery popped up when I first loaded the video page, and before the browser recognized that I had a compatible player.
This screen only lasted about 3 seconds, but I was able to repeat the process and get a screen capture of it:
DECEMBER 21, 2011!
That’s right — the original airdate of The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters, or at least of the page they put online to announce it, was December 21, 2011 — exactly one year before the Mayan Calendar end-date.
I think this was probably done deliberately, given that I was heavily featured in the show and I’ve frequently discussed the Mayan Calendar end-date.
In my view, December 21, 2012 has always indicated the beginning of a wonderful new Golden Age — not a doom-and-gloom apocalypse.
This has been a debilitating virus — and in my weaker state, I wrote about something and promoted it before I’d actually seen it. I’m still not used to thinking cynically enough to have been prepared for what a mess this was.
This show, unfortunately, was the worst-case scenario of what can happen when you do an interview, sign your rights away, and have no control over the final edit. I am also very well aware now of why they never told me about this show.
I remember that they had lots of questions about the Bimini wall, and really wanted me to drill in on that subject — as well as the Greek island of Santorini, and Plato’s account of Atlantis in the Timaeus and Critias.
I had told them that neither the Bimini wall nor Santorini were very strong data points — and at that point I hadn’t finished The Source Field Investigations yet, but said when my book was done, it would speak for itself.
I gave them some truly marvelous information and kept waiting for the “final segment” where they would start using it.
Instead, they controlled the entire argument, start to finish. They handed me a list of questions, told me what they wanted me to discuss, and everything outside those very narrow guidelines was thrown in the garbage.
By “debunking” the Bimini wall and the idea of Santorini as Atlantis, the show ended in a proclamation that “Atlantis is a myth”.
This tactic may have worked in the 1980s — and that’s what this whitewash felt like — but thankfully with the Internet, you can do your own research, make your own videos and avoid ridiculous “straw man” arguments like this.
The problem here is I do not believe this is the product of open-minded research. I gave more than enough hard-hitting data in my edit that if they wanted to give a balanced view, they had plenty to work with.
I very clearly said that Atlantis was just one name for a formerly worldwide civilization. It certainly did not all sink, and there is plenty of evidence left behind. There are existing ruins all over the planet in the form of megalithic stone structures.
All 3,300 of these ancient stone structures are built on a “Global Grid” of lines that originate from the twelve “vortex points” where ships and planes disappear on Earth, as discovered by Ivan T. Sanderson in the 1960s.
Sanderson did the hard work of plotting out where ships and planes were disappearing, going back through the entire history of aviation and much of the available marine history as well.
These twelve points, curiously enough, were evenly spaced apart from each other.
These twelve points formed a geometric pattern called an “icosahedron”, and when you turn it inside out you get the “dodecahedron.” I’ve been writing about this Grid since my first free book, The Shift of the Ages, here on Divine Cosmos.
Three Russian scientists, Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov, were the first to add in the dodecahedron. This was not imagination: it started with hard, physical research of plotting out where many thousands of ships and planes vanished or crashed.
The Russians then looked all over the world, at every structure ever made out of gigantic stones, and found that all of them — with no exceptions, some 3,300 in total — were directly built on one of the lines formed by connecting these 12 “vortex” points.
This obviously was not an accident. Everyone in the world was working by the same building plans. This alone is very clear evidence in support of a worldwide, advanced civilization.
I really don’t feel a need to keep going at this point, since I’ve written extensively on these subjects already. Most people who are interested in this subject have done enough research to pick apart such a weak argument as what this show presented.
Had I known that there was a way to see this before it aired, and had I watched it first, I probably never would have bothered to give it any publicity — here or elsewhere.
Instead, I’m only more committed to produce my own show, do it right the first time, and get out the next piece — which will be a lot more interesting. Let’s get back to what I had originally written before I saw the show!
I had something else happen that was very exciting during the time I was lying in bed all day, sleeping off this virus.
As I will report in my next update, while I was half-awake, half-asleep, I heard a very clear speaking voice tell me to read my dream / reading journal — specifically around September 13, 1997.
I was absolutely astonished by what I found. There was an extremely blatant reference made, in a reading from this time, to what I would be doing “after fifteen years”.
I got a bit nervous for a second, as this all seemed much too weird — but I quickly did the math and found out that yes, in fact, I was re-reading these passages “after fifteen years!”
September 13, 1997 plus fifteen years is September 13, 2012 — and I was reading this as of November 19, 2012, just two months after the “ideal” fifteen-year time loop.
Time-bending phenomena became a basic part of my reality when I started doing readings in 1996. I would hear words, speak them into a tape recorder, and then the words would describe whatever I was just doing when I transcribed them.
The transcription often would be a month behind, and yet every time I sat down to do this, the words would refer to something that just happened.
As the years went by, I had longer-term time-loops as well. I’d be guided to go back and read a certain area, only to find remarkably present-centered references in it.
This fifteen-year time loop is loaded with references to my present-day thoughts and environment. This has certainly happened before, and the longest time it ever happened in the past was nine years — from 1997 to 2006.
The best instance of it in that case, among many others, was that the 1997 transcript referred to sweet potatoes that had gone to sprout and formed stalks — and in fact I had that exact situation growing on the top of my refrigerator.
The most exciting part of the 15-year time loop, to me, is it has validated that we are heading into some breathtakingly positive changes as a planet.
People may not realize that the events unfolding are part of the Mayan Calendar end-date, and that’s OK — the real point is that things are predicted to start getting much, much better from here on out.
Our prior hotel, the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Beach Resort, ended up going out of business, but we had a seamless transition over to the Sheraton, which I’ve also stayed at before and is very nice.
In fact, the last time I visited Kona and stayed at the Outrigger, I went to the Sheraton first — seemingly by accident. Nonetheless, it just “felt right” to go there!
This is a really great way to book a nice vacation, during cold winter months, and also get the 16-hour, all-weekend Convergence experience — complete with VIP meet-and-greet time with me.
The last time I was in Hawaii, I did an elaborate snorkeling trip at a nearby coral reef — and it was totally awesome. This picture is similar to what I was seeing:
We do not charge extra for doing these events in a resort location — it’s the same price as any other city we speak in. Yet, since this is a high-traffic tourist area, flights and hotel are much less expensive than for many other resort-type trips.
I have already told my team that even if only seven people come, and we “lose our shirt” on this event financially, I will still be holding it. No cancellations! If the group stays small, it will be that much more intimate for all participants involved.
Hits: 177,562
Benjamin Fulford blog.
Carl Boudreau’s Astrology Blog
I know only too well the horror of being misrepresented and edited in the press, its terrible and unethical. Reminds me of the Penn and Teller show that poo-poo’s anything they don’t agree with, the show maybe called “Bullshit” but quite honestly, it left such a non affect on me I instantly forgot its name 😉 They mainly poo-pooed supernatural and spiritual stuff, like telepathy, tarot etc. The tarot reader they showed was the most stereotypical fake tarot reader you ever did see, in perfect Hollywood razzle dazzle style. Sad and childish, a soul who has not yet woken from the slumber of the ego. Real skeptics research. ;-P Peace every1
Aloha All,
Neil Keenan responded to the accusations here
alright alright… David, I hear too often of you being sick from the flu. Time to enlighten you a bit about nutrition. I am a nutritional researcher/investigator and what I am about to reveal to you is a long investigation of myself into the connection between nutrition and the physical body. I run a blog in hebrew, so I can help you there, but I wrote this up for you and anyone else wishing to posses knowledge base power for better responsibility over their health. I call my blog “The Community for Responsible Nutrition” (in hebrew of course)… I got about 35 articles already and I am working on the secret of the “Fountain of Youth”. Read the following link, hope it helps:
Have y’all checked out DC Forum? Warning… read the rules of engagement first as the mods there are hard ass. Mark
Hi David.
In the 1950is, the aliens were all from Mars, Venus, and from our Solar System.
But now, the aliens are from the Orion, and Sirius, and from other Galaxies, and dimensions.
Maybe something to think about?
I read all the books from Zecharia Sitchin, and the only aliens lived here on Earth, were just the Anunnaki, 600 of them.
Enlil, and Enki were brothers and from royalty.
Enlil never liked the Earthlings,he was very
jealous, and opposed Enki in everything.
But the Earthlings loved the Anunnaki, and Enki.
The sciences, technology and knowledge was not free to all Anunnaki, it was all on something like computer chips, and Enki was holding them.
But when Anu visited Earth about 4000 BC, He ordered to tech the Earthlings agriculture, government, and sciences, and make all knowledge available also for the Anunnaki, and leave the Earth, let the Earthlings inherit the Earth.
After,about 560 BC they all left, and most of the people were lost without them and the people were hoping and waiting, for the return
of the Gods for many hundreds of years.
In the bible,also the only aliens are the Anunnaki.
But now David Ike and the channelers talking about reptilians, and draco, and other demons and creatures. But I think most of the
channelers get all this stuff from the lower astral plane,and not from higher dimensions.
So I think there will be no big ufo disclosure, no mass landings, no alien invasion, it is all misinformation.
The only ufo now is man made, and astral phenomena.
The governments around the World know not much more about aliens, than we do,and that is why
they got secret agents spreading misinformation.
Hello there. First there was a big house, with all of our family members, hector abuela,lizy, etc… something happened we all had to evacuate, we made sure everyone was one, after that happened there was a renaisance in the house, new technology that would repair and heal was available, new systems of cleaning a dog and a cat that would be best friends were available everything was optimized, there was a renaisance but first there had to be a rebirthing of the old, there was like a fire in the house we were all living in, the new systems were amazing life forms of superexceptional abilities, then at the end i was trying to get there through some vines wihtout being seen, someone tried to help me with alterior motives.
Hey David,
Nevermind those haters over at Nat Geo. Get a hold of Graham (Hancock), I believe Nat Geo buried his research , too. In fact, this program may have been a part of that burial, I haven’t watched it yet… but you two ought to get together and call them out on it;-). I don’t know if you are still in touch with him, but, David, you and Graham together could really be a force of nature!
Had an idea viz are evolution. We know – because we have been informed enough – that all our past and future versions/incarnations of ourselves are happening now, we also know that there is concept of parallel lives where versions of ourselves have continued on at divergent choice points, in a sense that means all our lives whatever their nature are happening now, they are all parallel lives.
We know from Dan Burisch’s work about P52 and P45 J rods that these races were versions of our own race from the future one from the earths surface, one from underground. Now think about this. What if every alien we have ever encountered: insectoid, lionheaded, arcturan, reptilean, every description of humanoid, were all just future versions of ourselves from different choice points and different phases of our future evolution. The negative reptileans would be if we made a lot of future bad choices and got into the whole dog eat dog thing with our technology, the enlightened arcturans if we soldiered on developing our hearts more. So we are really just looking at future versions of ourselves which is why in so much channelling of ET’s they state ‘we are you’ (Cassiopeian etc)
So why come back here to the seed point. Because this time we make/have made the choices that will enable us to transcend all the different versions of ourselves into something more wonderful and desirable still, which is why the neg Et’s would really love to sabotage it – because we can be right nastys when we want to be – and the positives want to witness and help it along – because for all our faults we have the most beautiful hearts in the cosmos.
All we have to do is be ourselves – our inherent divinity is taking/will take care of the rest.
(Just a thought, should have put in on a forum but thought it might be small and entertaining enough to sit here)
@ 87l!ght posted on November 26, 2012
I agree with you, I don’t think David was duped either. I think their attempt to use him, backfired on them.
It turned out that they managed to show MANY MORE people that they were dis-info agents. I feel his being featured caused many people to research him, and maybe come to his web-site.
When they came to his web-site, they found out the truth. Bravo David, you are truly wise, for sure.
We are greatly indebted to you, and the Moderators that help you spread the truth, THANK YOU!!!
Love & Light
Billy Joe 🙂
So, I don’t know if anyone can relate to this, but I’ve been having some highly recurrent dreams.
Basically, I’m somewhere usually with a lot of people around, and I look up to the sky and see tons of spacecraft flying around. These are spacecraft of all kinds. Sometimes they’re big, sometimes they’re small. Sometimes they’re flying around like crazy, sometimes they’re just chillin’ up there. At any rate, they’re making themselves known on a global scale. There are just so many of them.
Every time I see that they’re here, I’m overwhelmed with joy and awe. It’s at that point that I look for people who share my excitement, but no one ever does. They all see it, but for some reason they’re in denial. One way or another they brush it off somehow or just ignore it completely.
Last night I had the same dream only something else happened. No spacecraft appeared to be up there, but then the sky sort of disappeared, revealing the REAL sky and there they were.
I do feel as though I understand this on a personal level but that’s not what I’m after. I’m wondering if anyone else here has had this dream?
Hey David,
Any idea on what Obama may have told Romney? Do you think he may have told him it’s ‘game over’ for you pal?
Today on
Awesomely written by astrologer Stephanie Azaria…channeling Kuthumi.
The subject was Yesterday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse…the lesson was the importance of how our thoughts create everything…great reminder, imo.
” How is it for you? Is it fun? Is it pleasant? Is it rough? The point is, it’s all your construct… it’s the way you’re writing the script.
“At this point, we can, technically, look at the world we’re living in and recognize that everything in it is a thought we have. It’s time to take full responsibility for that. Whatever is in your world that you don’t want to find there, go all the way back to its origin, YOUR THOUGHT, and change it. Look at that person place or thing you dislike finding in your world long enough to realize your original thought, otherwise you won’t be able to change it. Have to go to the root, and it’s always your thinking.
“We will be riding this eclipse for a couple more weeks, Mercury will retrace his own shadow and Jupiter will retrograde back to the eclipse point at the end of January. Inside this point in space that contains everything, we have the illusion of time. And while we know time is more a 3D construct than anything else, we can still make use of it to bring our SELVES to the zero point… the place where our thought is in perfect alignment with our heart. From that place we create a new world. Are you ready?” (Stephanie Azaria).
” When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you are doing, you are doing what you are meant to be doing.”
Gary Zukav
Oh, shoot! I posted my comment too quickly.
David, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope you get well soon.
~Peace & Love~
Am I the only one that notices something very strange about the moon? It seems much brighter, and it appears as if it stays in one place much longer than usual. What in the world is going on?
~Peace & Love~
everyone please watch new great vedeo from poof on american is the link.American
You know, I have been seeing a trend in the news lately… All the politicians you normally see with a calm and reserved demeanor have recently been appearing a lot more nervous and unable to keep up their normal facades. I don’t know if that perception is just my own but if not, it’s definitely a good sign.
I’m hoping that something big does happen in the next month… I would recommend that you reinforce the point that the Dec 21st date is a loose reference point, though. For me it would seem advisable to have it clear that absolutely nothing Earth shattering may happen 3 weeks from now. This way the clear obviousness of that point would make it harder for misguided individuals to project negative emotions at you.
What do y’all think of this video’s info, dated Nov. 28, 2012 ??
HI Friends,
Announcing the “Live ET Contact Celebration 12.21.12”
This is an epic celebration of Human-ET contact and cooperation!
We hope to get hundreds of CE-5 (Close Enounters of the 5th Kind) groups participating in many countries. And our team members at ‘’ will make sure that live streaming of your ET Contact event via video camera is possible. Lights, Cameras, Action, my friends! We would love to see your smiling faces on the web page as you conduct your CE-5 on Dec. 21.
This is the LARGEST MOBILIZATION of the CE-5 community ever. Most of you have enough imagination to anticipate the Higher Good that can come of this Dec. 21 event. The ETs are ready and waiting for us! They have told me that each person will have the positive experience that is appropriate for them.
Let’s not forget to ask our ET Friends to co-create our positive planetary future at this time.
This event is historic! Spread the news. Join in at:
After you join, log in as a Member and learn more about the event and the teleconference this Sunday, Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. ET. It’s on a first come, first served basis for the limited lines we have. Click on “Live ET Contact Celebration 12/21/12” to register for the teleconference. We hope to have a special surprise guest for you plus lots of info on how to livestream your CE-5 event.
Onward! Are you in for creating Universal Peace?
Kosta Makreas
Founder & Facilitator, “Global CE-5 ET Contact”, “”
Sign The Document at [url], Sign the [/url]petition here:
Note: Be sure to sign BOTH the Full Doc at Soldierhugs and the petition! Note: Both and will send you a confirmation email you MUST click on to verify your email address. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER or RE-TRY IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE IT. Thank you Brothers and Sisters in Freedom!
@ jonathan
how did i know there would be a price to pay for this “get out of any debt” bit of information.
“yea yea guys i’m gonna help you get out of debt and prosper, get your life back in financial order. I’ll tell you how to do it riiiight after you send me 99$.”
why would someone who is debt and bill free need 99 dollars from everyone.
hey correct me if i’m wrong but as soon as saw the little line of accepted credit cards and then the price to that information, i called BS.
I also want to share a link to a video that people here may enjoy. It’s quite beautiful, and mentions a number of concepts which David has discussed, including the pineal, oneness with love, and the source of consciousness.
Apologies if this has been circulating here already. Enjoy!
Jonathon posted a link to dissolve your debt. This is a scam. People are encouraged to send a check for $100 to learn about a “secret” way of dissolving debt.
Before you do check out:
Here is what one guy posted about this scam:
Well, I have a in-law who sprung a hundred dollars for a book called Dissolve Your Debt – something like that. They tell you that the IRS has created a “straw man” of everyone and each one has something like two million dollars in an account that can be used if you know this arcane, magical incantation as it were: you have to write/print at a 45 degree angle (on the bill/statement that you wish paid) in BLUE (only or the mo-jo is weak) “Accepted for Value No Levy Due…” then your “account number (SSN!) in RED ink as it is the color of “blood” or some-such. So you do this up and get this – MAIL it Certified to… the flippin Internal Revenue Service. Supposedly if you did it right and the planets align, etc – they will never tell you word one but your next statement will magically show a zero balance. I am not joking – I checked the three EXCLUSIVE addresses that must be used. They really are IRS facilities! One resource I found says that this crap is a known scam, called a SIGHT DRAFT. The IRS says that these are illegal and that they prosecute VIGOROUSLY. This in-law has gone outlaw, having smugly and boastfully sent at least three “Accepted for Values” – one to each IRS location. So – am I right? is ol’ Dad the smart-a** going to eventually get some shiny bracelets and a hefty fine if not actual incarceration? Also, just Google “Accepted for Value” and/or “No Levy Due”. The sites you’ll find are shocking in the stuff they preach and just the damned smugness and attitude of these… what can best be called parasites. They want to live in this system and enjoy the benefits, but when they must pay up, they want to cry that they are “sovereign citizens” and that they’ll sue, etc. One tater-head actually claims that they told-off a motorcycle cop that they weren’t DRIVING, they were traveling and as such are immune from traffic laws, etc and that they’d sue the officer. He supposedly went away flustered and without writing a ticket. Will post again if the feds hang smartypants out to dry. Please reply if you are in the know on this scam or especially if you do work for the IRS! Thanks!
Sorry to go on about this, but again I don’t want my fellows here to fall for such rubbish. Upon closer inspection I discovered the name of the author of the ‘dissolve your debt’ book. The name is Jonathan Hawley. Poster was Jonathan and initialed J.H at the end. So it’s safe to assume that post was a plug for his book. After an hour or two searching online, I’ve discovered many dissatisfied people, especially those who rang up to order, recovered a recorded message asking for around 100 dollars, and upon hanging up were subjected to call-backs almost immediately with another, more persuasive message. This is only my opinion, but I would warn others to steer well clear of this. To me it seems to be an attempt to prey on the weak, especially by mentioning NESARA prior to introducing the link to that site and his book as an ‘easy fix to debt problems. I call BS on this one. It can be done, depending on certain conditions, and will not work for everybody. The only way to achieve it properly is taking the freeman route. It is certainly not achieved by the ‘accepted for value’ type methods alone, that can be done wrong very easily and does not work on its own. I recommend mods that you analyse any posted info on this before allowing it, I assure you Jonathan’s method will lead many to failure at worst, that’s if/when they ever receive his misleading material after paying a lot of money without any guarantee or any proof that the testimonies are real customers. The whole thing stinks to be honest. The lesson here guys, if you wanna take an important step into the lawful/legal system, EDUCATE YOURSELVES, and do it for FREE. (end of rant – to be clear I will not respond to Jonathan on this should the opportunity arise, I’ll let everyone else make up their own minds) Hope everyone is well!
[Moderator: Who has the time!? Maybe you should be the moderator : ) ]
Hi David and all,
I also tuned out of NG some years ago. It would be fun though to see statistics of viewratings, compared to the viewrating of this article.
That they aired it at such an impossible earlymorning time could suggest they probably do not believe much people still swallow such as such…
I hope again, as with the airing recently of the base on marsch investigation video of 3 years ago, they are now actualy mostly getting people to wake up more as to what’s on realy, seeing through theire brainwash with such actions.
If I could finance it I would register for the Hawai meeting. At this point I can not. I could finance it when you came to Amsterdam in 2011 just in the nick of time at the time you came, so who knows
Kind regards,
Hello David, two points occurred re the doc and I am going to share them, not because I don’t think you are aware of them already, more that they might be useful generally… kind of.
If I was given definite knowledge that certain extraordinary events would transpire and wanted to share the info out of a sense of service, eventually, given enough interest, the media – press tv – might take it up and I could reasonably expect a trashing of the ‘let’s look at the latest daft thing to come to our attention…’ variety, but in the process of trashing me a fair amount of the ideas and predictions would get an airing thereby giving them more publicity and planting seeds in a wider, more general band of public consciousness; then when the predictions started coming true people would remember where they heard them and… you can see where this is going.
Ok, they were dishonest in their dealings in that they did not say how your contribution would be handled or may have even lead you to believe they would be more sympathetic/respectful of it, but at the end of the day – regardless of the ego knock – you helped to put bread on the table of your fellow man/woman, and when you get beyond the surface issues, that’s no mean thing nowadays. So whereas I fully sympathise with your dislike of the duplicity and lack of respect – which may have happened/been forced on them in the editing, the original intention of those involved being to make a more balanced film – ultimately I am sure you will not regret your involvement; and thank you for doing the research and giving your time here, if the programme failed to be completely objective and open minded in its approach, at least you didn’t.
This is in regards to @Jonathan’s recent post from Dissolve your debt. David or mods can you verify this as being legit? It seems too good to be true. He states several times that the information is free and if you read to the end of his website there is a 100.00 charge for the information. I am not willing to give my credit card number out to anyone on the internet without checking them out first. In a google search, page after page leads you right back to their site….tricky marketing? Can anyone else give a testimony if they have erased their debt using his method? Peace…
No Mention of Paulina Zelitsky’s 2002 footage of pyramid structures off the coast of Cuba two miles deep and funded by National Geographic?
If not then Atlantis Hunters is intentionally leading people down the wrong path.
P.s. I realize Jonathan’s link isn’t specifically towards becoming a freeman, but its a step in that direction, using lawful methods to.dissolve debt is certainly a part of it. And again, it isn’t as simple as that site claims it to be. Tread carefully.
Mods, I’m in shock, I understand you must be busy but some posts really should be checked properly before they are allowed through!
Jonathan’s post, 26th November 2012, contains a link to a page that is extremely typical of a scam. Don’t get me wrong; the topic of strawman and freemen is true, it can be achieved, and can be done so entirely lawfully. It isn’t easy, but it sure is possible. My problem with this is – that site is CHARGING MONEY for a book on how to do this, ridiculous! This information is completely free to obtain, and is available in abundance if you know where to look. I’m not having a go at you Jonathan, the freeman subject is one people deserve to be aware of. But even if that link doesn’t lead to a scam (many sites that use that layout and structure, a lot look almost identical, and a lot have been used by scams before), or even if it’s just a case of not knowing for sure what level of good info the book contains, the fact is that nobody should pay money for it. Especially when there’s zero guarantee that they’ll get decent info that actually works, or achieve any results from it’s content. Personally, I’m suspicious that whilst it may contain enough truth to convince those who buy it to pursue it’s guide, but enough lies to make them falter, which during the freeman process can literally land you in prison.
It’s an extremely delicate process, and requires a LOT of due diligence. Below I have included links to FREE information on this, even so I wish to warn everybody that I post none of it as an incentive to do it, and that if you do decide to go ahead with the difficult process of becoming a freeman, it requires time and knowledge, you MUST know what you are doing and know it well! But most of all, never pay for this information, it flies right in the face of what being a freeman is all about.
Before you do anything, you must educate yourself on what it means to truly be a freeman. You must first understand what prevents you from being a freeman currently, and that means learning what your ‘strawman’ is.
Please go here and read up on it:
The bottom of that site has many great links to delve further into the subject, I would recommend almost all of them.
Afterwards, check out the following:
Great guide and info specific to the strawman and freeman movement.
Video presentation: John Harris’ A Carpenter’s View – this guy knows his stuff and lawfully became a freeman.
Documentary: From the makers of ‘Esoteric Agenda’ and ‘Kymatica’ this one is titled ‘Ungrip’ and follows the story of a man who successfully became a freeman, again without breaking any law whatsoever.
I hope this is posted mods, as I said Jonathan’s link is a bad place to start on such a delicate process! It’s not advisable to do it at all UNLESS you put in the time and effort to do this properly as everybody’s situation is different and thus the process can vary; there is NO singular step by step guide that applies to everybody, you need to know the difference between LAWFUL and LEGAL and how each one either does or does not apply to you, you need to understand COMMON LAW thoroughly, you need to understand how to completely avoid representing your strawman at all times when dealing with everybody from the ‘police’ all the way through to the ‘courts’ and how to avoid consenting to STATUTES at all times also.
It’s very, very complex, therefore one book, that you have to pay money for, with no real proof of it’s contents besides a few suggestive paragraphs in a misleading structure of a website, is simply the wrong way to go about this altogether. I hope this helps!
Again Jonathan, this isn’t a dig at you, it’s a dig at those who exploit the freeman path. I’ve come across clear disinfo on it that’s been dressed up as being genuine, and that disinfo has led people to years behind bars! The book in that link you gave looks very suspect to me and people deserve to attain this information for free and from people who have achieved freeman status and can prove that they know what they’re talking about in detail.
Whilst we’re on the subject, I sure hope David’s mention of the word strawman in this article wasn;t related to this, as I know for a fact that it isn’t ridiculous at all. It didn’t seem like he was referring to the freeman subject.. Anyway, I hope this clears the subject up for those who aren’t fully aware.
Namaste, Mathew
Further evidence of Saturn’s hexagonal “polar nexus”. High resolution images released by NASA just yesterday.
You have to see this image for sure:
Here is the link that I found on YT re: David in “Atlantis Hunters”
Was DW’s voice disguised?
~Peace & Love~
David Wilcock Goes Into Detail About What He Thinks May Happen on December 21, 2012:
I came across this vid by accident when I was trying to search for the vid in this blog that would not open.
~Peace & Love~
Great work David! I believe disclosure and freedom will go hand-in-hand. Go to this site to re-declare your independence and demand that the original 13th amendment be enforced. Thank You.…-declaration-independence/0mtlLrYl?
I’ve been following you for a little while now, but I too wanted to say thank you for all of your work.
Moreover, thank you for your openness and honesty, particularly in this article. It’s difficult to own up to our mistakes, and even more so to admit when we have been ‘duped’, as it were.
It must be very difficult to be in a position like your own. Speaking out about controversial topics and challenging the current paradigm, all while dodging disinformation and attempts by detractors to set you up in a straw-man position. You’ve been doing great work and I am always highly anticipating your next article (or video)!
Also, to the Moderator(s), thank you for your hard work and diligence regarding the comments. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates it. Also, sorry if this comment runs on a bit too long. I know that grinds your gears, but I personally enjoy many of the long-winded/extra-informative comments that pop up here every now and then.
May Love and Light be with you all
So, uh, what is up with the Neil Keenan BS? Just look at American Kabuki’s site and find the trail
Keenan ordered to cease and decist by a Dr Soerkanto?
Thanks Mod & David. Sending a bubble of light , love and protection
[Moderator: See my comment two comments down.]
Huge Drama over the recent Cease & Desist orders to Neil Keenan who is claiming to be the signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts.
Multiple dramas about this is being reported at
I wonder what David, Fulford, and Drake has to say about this, also Neil Keenan has not responded to these accusations yet?
This shiz is crazy!
[Moderator: This letter was discredited months ago and is making its rounds on the internet again, it is not rooted in fact.]
Great update David.
Looking forward to the next article. I hope you will give some commentary on the many large scale current world events and how you see things moving forward as we approach and cross that elusive end date.
I have started taking Blue Ice Skate Liver Oil caplets in an effort to invigorate my pineal gland and I can say after a couple of weeks I am already finding benefits. Meditative states seem a lot easier to maintain and quicker to initiate – I would definitely recommend this to others.
Also, for anyone interested in Egypt and the Pyramids / Sphinx etc, here is a video of my recent trip in October with lots of footage of the Pyramids and the Sphinx as they stand in 2012.
EGYPT 2012: Tour from Cairo to The Giza Plateau ~ Pyramids & Sphinx:
Peace and Love to all
Disinformation agents Alex Jones, Benjamin Fulfort, Drake. The latter two were cited on some investigations on this site.