Shortly after the Project Camelot trailer suddenly aired on TruTV, we discovered that National Geographic heavily featured David in a show called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters. It airs tomorrow (Friday) night, 11/23… at (gulp) 4AM Eastern time.
[UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: This show was blatant, in-your-face disinformation — reducing the entire Atlantis scenario, and a wealth of provable data I gave in that interview, to two miniscule pieces of data which were then attacked and “debunked.”
The people who knowingly participate in whitewashes like this should be well advised. There will come a time where knowingly lying to the public about such critically important matters will be punishable as a criminal offense.]
Conventional reality is getting a major reality check. Disclosure is happening now. Great secrets have been held from us. I want to see the truth get out there — and have done my very best to move the ball forward.
My old college dorm buddy from New Paltz, NY left me a message a few weeks ago and congratulated me, saying he saw me on National Geographic… and said that I “did really well.”
At the time, I thought he must have been referring to one of the seven Ancient Aliens episodes I was featured in. These still air all the time, and between this and my other videos, there’s a good chance that I get recognized these days when I go out in public.
I was somewhat surprised to hear that they were now airing these Ancient Aliens episodes on other networks.
Finally he and I spoke on the phone a couple nights ago — while I was recovering from a nasty winter flu virus.
The worst hell I went through was this past weekend. This bug really flattened me out — but I’m well on my way back now after less than a week.
I asked him about “the National Geographic thing” and he said he had seen it back as early as April. It was a special on Atlantis!
This is when I got really interested. I had indeed been filmed by National Geographic for an Atlantis special over two years ago — but as far as I knew, they never used the footage.
This filming occurred in close proximity to when I had been interviewed for Ancient Aliens, but before any of those episodes actually aired.
National Geographic flew me out to a seaside university building in Florida and we did a full-day shoot, where I focused in very specifically on the subject of Plato’s account of Atlantis.
In addition to rather extensive interview questions, they shot a lot of “cutaways,” including shots of me looking at the ocean, walking on the beach, et cetera.
I thought they asked a lot of great questions and I remember being satisfied with my responses, though this was only one of many subjects I could have talked about.
After the shooting, I spoke to someone else who had been filmed for the show and got the sense that I had “gotten in too late” for my footage to be used.
I had never mentioned this shoot on this site, because until something actually airs, you really don’t know if it’s a done deal or not — so I just forgot about it.
Nonetheless, they paid to fly an entire crew over to Miami from Great Britain, and also paid my airfare and hotel to fly me out there as well.
The production team also told me, at the time, that they were “very impressed” with what I said.
Now my college buddy was telling me that I was “prominently featured” in this other National Geographic show as “the only real pro-Atlantis scholar they had,” and I was given “a lot of airtime” in the show.
My friend couldn’t remember what month it aired in. He also couldn’t remember what it was actually called.
I knew this was going to be a bit of a challenge — and I was also surprised that this was the first time I’d ever heard about it.
After we got off the phone I did some search-engine sleuthing, and within a few minutes I was able to locate the actual episode I am featured in.
“The Truth Behind” series focuses on various esoteric subjects. This particular episode is called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters.
The premise is similar to the episode I was originally filmed for — a group of guys who think they’ve found Atlantis in a smaller and more conventional-type location.
This episode is going to air on Friday, November 23rd, 2012, at 4AM Eastern time. This should be a little more “doable” on the West Coast, coming in at 1AM instead.
I myself have not seen it yet. There is no way to access it online — you have to watch it when it comes on TV. I will be looking forward to it and am not sure what will happen!
I think the folks at National Geographic were having a little fun with us when they chose the original airdate for the show.
This little discovery popped up when I first loaded the video page, and before the browser recognized that I had a compatible player.
This screen only lasted about 3 seconds, but I was able to repeat the process and get a screen capture of it:
DECEMBER 21, 2011!
That’s right — the original airdate of The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters, or at least of the page they put online to announce it, was December 21, 2011 — exactly one year before the Mayan Calendar end-date.
I think this was probably done deliberately, given that I was heavily featured in the show and I’ve frequently discussed the Mayan Calendar end-date.
In my view, December 21, 2012 has always indicated the beginning of a wonderful new Golden Age — not a doom-and-gloom apocalypse.
This has been a debilitating virus — and in my weaker state, I wrote about something and promoted it before I’d actually seen it. I’m still not used to thinking cynically enough to have been prepared for what a mess this was.
This show, unfortunately, was the worst-case scenario of what can happen when you do an interview, sign your rights away, and have no control over the final edit. I am also very well aware now of why they never told me about this show.
I remember that they had lots of questions about the Bimini wall, and really wanted me to drill in on that subject — as well as the Greek island of Santorini, and Plato’s account of Atlantis in the Timaeus and Critias.
I had told them that neither the Bimini wall nor Santorini were very strong data points — and at that point I hadn’t finished The Source Field Investigations yet, but said when my book was done, it would speak for itself.
I gave them some truly marvelous information and kept waiting for the “final segment” where they would start using it.
Instead, they controlled the entire argument, start to finish. They handed me a list of questions, told me what they wanted me to discuss, and everything outside those very narrow guidelines was thrown in the garbage.
By “debunking” the Bimini wall and the idea of Santorini as Atlantis, the show ended in a proclamation that “Atlantis is a myth”.
This tactic may have worked in the 1980s — and that’s what this whitewash felt like — but thankfully with the Internet, you can do your own research, make your own videos and avoid ridiculous “straw man” arguments like this.
The problem here is I do not believe this is the product of open-minded research. I gave more than enough hard-hitting data in my edit that if they wanted to give a balanced view, they had plenty to work with.
I very clearly said that Atlantis was just one name for a formerly worldwide civilization. It certainly did not all sink, and there is plenty of evidence left behind. There are existing ruins all over the planet in the form of megalithic stone structures.
All 3,300 of these ancient stone structures are built on a “Global Grid” of lines that originate from the twelve “vortex points” where ships and planes disappear on Earth, as discovered by Ivan T. Sanderson in the 1960s.
Sanderson did the hard work of plotting out where ships and planes were disappearing, going back through the entire history of aviation and much of the available marine history as well.
These twelve points, curiously enough, were evenly spaced apart from each other.
These twelve points formed a geometric pattern called an “icosahedron”, and when you turn it inside out you get the “dodecahedron.” I’ve been writing about this Grid since my first free book, The Shift of the Ages, here on Divine Cosmos.
Three Russian scientists, Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov, were the first to add in the dodecahedron. This was not imagination: it started with hard, physical research of plotting out where many thousands of ships and planes vanished or crashed.
The Russians then looked all over the world, at every structure ever made out of gigantic stones, and found that all of them — with no exceptions, some 3,300 in total — were directly built on one of the lines formed by connecting these 12 “vortex” points.
This obviously was not an accident. Everyone in the world was working by the same building plans. This alone is very clear evidence in support of a worldwide, advanced civilization.
I really don’t feel a need to keep going at this point, since I’ve written extensively on these subjects already. Most people who are interested in this subject have done enough research to pick apart such a weak argument as what this show presented.
Had I known that there was a way to see this before it aired, and had I watched it first, I probably never would have bothered to give it any publicity — here or elsewhere.
Instead, I’m only more committed to produce my own show, do it right the first time, and get out the next piece — which will be a lot more interesting. Let’s get back to what I had originally written before I saw the show!
I had something else happen that was very exciting during the time I was lying in bed all day, sleeping off this virus.
As I will report in my next update, while I was half-awake, half-asleep, I heard a very clear speaking voice tell me to read my dream / reading journal — specifically around September 13, 1997.
I was absolutely astonished by what I found. There was an extremely blatant reference made, in a reading from this time, to what I would be doing “after fifteen years”.
I got a bit nervous for a second, as this all seemed much too weird — but I quickly did the math and found out that yes, in fact, I was re-reading these passages “after fifteen years!”
September 13, 1997 plus fifteen years is September 13, 2012 — and I was reading this as of November 19, 2012, just two months after the “ideal” fifteen-year time loop.
Time-bending phenomena became a basic part of my reality when I started doing readings in 1996. I would hear words, speak them into a tape recorder, and then the words would describe whatever I was just doing when I transcribed them.
The transcription often would be a month behind, and yet every time I sat down to do this, the words would refer to something that just happened.
As the years went by, I had longer-term time-loops as well. I’d be guided to go back and read a certain area, only to find remarkably present-centered references in it.
This fifteen-year time loop is loaded with references to my present-day thoughts and environment. This has certainly happened before, and the longest time it ever happened in the past was nine years — from 1997 to 2006.
The best instance of it in that case, among many others, was that the 1997 transcript referred to sweet potatoes that had gone to sprout and formed stalks — and in fact I had that exact situation growing on the top of my refrigerator.
The most exciting part of the 15-year time loop, to me, is it has validated that we are heading into some breathtakingly positive changes as a planet.
People may not realize that the events unfolding are part of the Mayan Calendar end-date, and that’s OK — the real point is that things are predicted to start getting much, much better from here on out.
Our prior hotel, the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Beach Resort, ended up going out of business, but we had a seamless transition over to the Sheraton, which I’ve also stayed at before and is very nice.
In fact, the last time I visited Kona and stayed at the Outrigger, I went to the Sheraton first — seemingly by accident. Nonetheless, it just “felt right” to go there!
This is a really great way to book a nice vacation, during cold winter months, and also get the 16-hour, all-weekend Convergence experience — complete with VIP meet-and-greet time with me.
The last time I was in Hawaii, I did an elaborate snorkeling trip at a nearby coral reef — and it was totally awesome. This picture is similar to what I was seeing:
We do not charge extra for doing these events in a resort location — it’s the same price as any other city we speak in. Yet, since this is a high-traffic tourist area, flights and hotel are much less expensive than for many other resort-type trips.
I have already told my team that even if only seven people come, and we “lose our shirt” on this event financially, I will still be holding it. No cancellations! If the group stays small, it will be that much more intimate for all participants involved.
Hits: 177,741
Great update David.
Looking forward to the next article. I hope you will give some commentary on the many large scale current world events and how you see things moving forward as we approach and cross that elusive end date.
I have started taking Blue Ice Skate Liver Oil caplets in an effort to invigorate my pineal gland and I can say after a couple of weeks I am already finding benefits. Meditative states seem a lot easier to maintain and quicker to initiate – I would definitely recommend this to others.
Also, for anyone interested in Egypt and the Pyramids / Sphinx etc, here is a video of my recent trip in October with lots of footage of the Pyramids and the Sphinx as they stand in 2012.
EGYPT 2012: Tour from Cairo to The Giza Plateau ~ Pyramids & Sphinx:
Peace and Love to all 😀
Any truth to this claim that Neil Keenan is not who he represents himself to be?
This was quite shocking…
This one was almost too blatant. It spoke a very clear message. I think Vigilent Citizen would find this one interesting if he hasn’t already seen it.
unfortunately, “NatGeo” is a NewsCorp network now — that’s Rupert Murdock himself — and should probably be avoided as a rule.
it’s sad how the network has been allowed to drag down the National Geographic name, although the magazine itself seems to have morphed into a eco-themed pharmaceutical pamphlet with bonus maps… still, it’s too bad that people think the network has anything to do with the magazine we all grew up reading.
natgeo has been visibly ramping up the fear porn, disinfo, and end-of-the-world hysterics over the last 6 or 7 years. fortunately, people are starting to see it for what it is — just one more thing we can all happily leave behind.
David — don’t let it mess with your head, and please don’t ever stop telling the truth, no matter how they use it!
Yo David,
Found this interesting presentation, mainly on mound builders of the ancient Americas, and even more interestingly, giants that inhabited this area.
I thought this may be of some help to your work, or at the very least provide some level of intrigue.
@ Giodorpusan
I find George Kavassilas’ work very interesting, too. And, it’s been somewhat of a concern about this pineal gland/chakra system question for me as well.
I’ve thought about this for awhile now and have come more or less to my own conclusion.
If the pineal gland was not a natural part of our bodies, how come it also appears to be in all the other animals – mammals, reptiles, birds… Does this mean the pineal gland was manufactured as a manipulative tool into ALL so-called ‘higher’ life forms?
I’m not so sure about George’s take on this particular point. I think if it was just humans with a pineal gland, then I’d be more concerned.
Meanwhile, anything can be used as a ‘tool’ against us which is why we must be vigilant.
Anyone attend the COBRA conference in Laguna Beach this past weekend? If so, can you give us an outline or an update?
Moderator: Can you tell us what David thinks about COBRA? Sorry if it has been addressed previously. I may have missed past comments.
I also had a really bad viris after the Obama win the Nazies are pretty upset don’t know if it correlates. I am very psycic and know I am tracked because of it. They have ways of making people ill that they want too. Watch out David this is the final hour of the game for them, expect they won’t go out with a and people like myself knowing and within the light have ruined them.
David is beautiful and smart and truth telling and national geographic is working for the dark side.
what about the 21st as a moment of quantum change? im confused?!
we will NOT find truth in mainstream media!
“trutv” “discovery” “nat geo” “cnn” “ancient aliens”
WILL NOT show us the real info!
if ‘disclosure’ ever happens on tv IT WILL BE DISINFO, it will be a 9/11 trying to rally us into war against all ET people!
This post is regarding information I learned from David at the Tempe convergence. He spoke about this being a binary solar system we are living in.
I have seen mention of twin stars in some interesting places. The movie Tin Tin produced by Steven Speilberg centers around a riddle about two stars.
The most recent connection I found was in Disneyland. In the Lincoln gallery on main street there is a painting entitled ” In the Shadow of the Twin Star.” The painting shows a skull shaped building under two stars. Very strange thing to have at Disneyland. I pointed it out to my husband and was speaking about how they know we have another star in our solar system when a large man came out of nowhere and walked right over to us.
I hope to see this star soon.
Sorry to hear you were misrepresented by the media company that did the Atlantis show. (not surprising)
I think that in the bigger picture, though, the truth of Atlantis is secondary to realizing the ego/identity is an illusion. This is what we are all truly dealing with — from evil elites to beggars on the street.
Waking up to the truth that we are all infinite consciousness is the only thing that will save the world.
Wondering if this is part of disclosure pr just a coincidence? NASA building Faster-than-light warp drive.
I feel George Kavissilas’ work gaining momentum. The chakras never worked for me. Coming from an organic centre (and its starting to happen!) makes so much more sense. Why the hell would our energy have to be fragmented?!
His teachings resonate following ones own heart which is the most valiant thing one can do!
Big props to DW though he’s reaching the masses too! It’s all a big web of information we need to pick our way through
For anyone who is contemplating joining David and Co. in Kona, I can highly recommend it!
I was there last year for David’s conference. It was very impressive and I enjoyed myself immensely.
The Big Island is amazing…it is one of my favorite places on Earth!
I’m hoping to scrape up the cash to make it again this year.
Thanks everyone!
You would think National Geographic would show the footage of the pyramids discovered on their sanctioned undersea expedition led by Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki in 2001. I intuitively think you would be very inclined to bring this up with them.
And my favorite Simpson’s episode with the Stone Cutters sums up the masonic run NG:
Who keeps Atlantis off the maps ‘they do , they do’.
Hit #33330 right now… AH HAHAHA!! >WINK!!< I just wanted to say I appreciate Valerie’s (11/24/12) contribution of articles about Vitamin D ! I’ve filed them away. Thank you, Valerie! Is anyone else experiencing bodily tension nowadays??? Or is it just me?? I normally am filled with happiness and/or Joy….am finding it harder to stay ‘elevated’. Comments, anyone?? Hanging In There !!
Linda 🙂
Heads up all – this weekend coming up – 1-2-3 December – the Earth will physically travel to its place of origin in the Galaxy – literally – it’s what’s known in some prophecies as the “three days of darkness”..this is a joyous event – however – in those areas of low vibrations – “catastrophic” events may occur around those people. This will also trigger immense geological shifts. Let’s shine as much light as possible during this amazing transition.
I’ve noticed a lot of people warning David not to trust NatGeo types, or that he shouldn’t worry about having fallen for them. I don’t think this is the case guys, tbh I’m.sure he was well aware that they were run by disinfo agents. Perhaps he was simply taking an opportunity to allow at least some truth to be included in their show, the vast majority of which are full of lies? I doubt David would have expected it to be an all out truth program on the topic, but he’s achieved the goal of ensuring the program had at least some truth involved. If he was approached to be included yet turned it down, if I were him id regret not having attempted to make a positive contribution to it. Id be well aware they might smear my words and very likely attempt to to debunk it all. But as someone posted, regardless of what anyone made of the show, it may have been enough to inspire them to look up David’s work. That in itself is a god thing. I don’t think David was duped here at all. If anything I think Natgeo’s debunk plan will have backfired this time around as many are becoming distrustful of the media. 🙂 Namaste
I heard from one of his lectures in youtube that theres something great gonna happen in nov 25th. like i dunno
😉 I have a same/simular situation in that these are new potatoes, gone to sprout and growing stalks on top of the washing machine.
Last couple weeks or so that they been there. Very funny!
Hi David –
Chiming in as another with a reminder that those pesky flu-like symptoms are shifts in your DNA. I can only imagine how much brighter you’ll be shining when this round has passed.
Regarding the kerfluffle of your interview and the info you provided to Nat Geo… All I keep hearing internally is this program was buried on purpose and then when it finally did air, it was given no promo or fanfare (somewhat unusual for Nat Geo). The built-in audience potentially was quite large, yet this show slipped by with barely a whimper because the truths given had been distorted.
Keep doing what you’re doing and remember to have fun!
Dear David Wilcock,send you this message for thanking you for your wonderful and positive messages! 21st of December is almost here and I wish all humankind to join together in LOVE and PEACE for the new years to come!
I have to add only one thing regarding this article: NatGeo is one of the MOST propagandist documentary channel I have ever seen…Disinfo,disinfo,disinfo ALL the time.
Since the National Geographic channel is owned by Fox….well enough said. 😀
Hi David.
If you use moringa tea, moringa powder, or apple cider vinegar, or aloe vera juice, you maybe never get sick. Anybody who is on insulin should watch the blood sugar with moringa, as they may have to use much less insulin.
Hits; 29555
I do agree. Disclosure is happening more and more, faster and faster. It seems to be creating a type of desire in folks to want to speed themselves up so far so fast that a lot gets missed because we think we’ve had it so bad.
In a lot of way we have, sure, but…a lot of it, if not most of it, has been self-imposed.
Where we are in the here and now is a very important point in our collective trajectory.
But, to me, each individual’s Ascension point involves the truest expression, and fullest experience, of their initial dimensional and vibrational reality.
There seems to be a growing, collective perspective that seems to indicate that blowing right past the 3-D/4-D experiences and possibilities that’re still abundantly available us, because many perhaps feel they’ve been beaten-up for too long and have become cynical, well…that’s 100% understandable.
But…there’s so much still to do, here, and now.
There’s much to experience, and remember.
Many places to see.
And so many folks would do all those kinds of things, and more, if they could, but they feel like they can’t.
Most feel they don’t have the funding, the time, the status.
This is a belief system, a program, an installed paradigm.
But, it’s a choice…
So many more of us could actually be out there, like our friend David, making a difference, pursuing happiness, getting things done; personally, privately, however!
But…we have generations of debt, don’t we?
THAT must be what’s holding us back…
THAT impossible problem that society hasn’t fixed yet.
If I may, I’d like to give you some very good news.
NESARA is an individual thing, available to you now, if you’re willing to fill-in a few public schooling, educational-type gaps by learning what you SHOULD’VE learned how to do back in your senior year of high school, IMO.
Matter of fact, for the past 79 years, each UNITED STATES CITIZEN has had the ability to finance themselves completely, by their very existence, and it’s had nothing to do with whether or not one’s even employed.
This is a big deal, and WINSTON SHROUT himself has been attesting to this as our factual ability for many years now.
When it comes to keeping what you would consider to be the “necessities” in place, like housing, transportation, insurances, utilities, credit cards, etc; well, they can be correctly and fully handled, on and on-going basis, utilizing the “payment coupons” provided on your bills, to then
generate a check cut from the U.S. GOVERNMENT, to pay the thing, in-full, each time.
These “payment coupons” we’ve all been getting all these years are actually PAYMENT coupons, when you know: how to properly endorse them, how to fully activate them, and then where to send them to be paid.
Like I said, it’s a big deal, and you’ve never been taught how to do it.
Why is that important?
Well, because once you’ve been taught (and it’s not hard), you can finally be more of the full beneficiary of your own life, of your own existence, that you deserve to be, that you deserve to have, by birth-right.
Here’s the low-down, and this is for you, too, David, so please…read carefully:
You can get out of any debt, initially, and over and over again, well into the future, by….
Writing certain words, in a certain way, right on the bills that you get in the mail…
THEN, once you’ve correctly endorsed the bills and payment coupons, you can mail them in to the federal government to have those bills paid through the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY!
There is no limitation to the frequency and/or dollar amount, when it comes to this ability.
This applies to every U.S. CITIZEN since 1933.
This applies to you now.
Right now.
If you’d like to learn how to do this type of thing for yourself, please find much more FREE, resourceful detail and information at this website:
This is guaranteed to you by the U.S. government, and has been for your whole life.
Start funding yourself, get outta debt, and get going already, OK?! : D
Once debt and money are no longer an issue, you’ll be surprised to find out how much time you actually have to spend doing the things that’re really important to you, like…oh, I don’t know, maybe going to David Wilcock’s Divine Cosmos Hawaii Convergence this February 15th – 17th 2013 at the Sheraton Kona Resort and Spa at Keauhou Bay. : D
Happy Thanksgiving 2012, keep up the great work David, and thanks for reading this post!
P.S.: FINAL NOTE – All living UNITED STATES CITIZENS have unlimited credit at the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY. Use it to get out of debt, over and over again. Just search The DISSOLVE Your DEBT Manual.
SIGN Re-Declaration of Independence 2012!
seems that December 21 is no longer an interesting and significant date anymore that can even be left behind? Why is it that David is now focused on 2013 convergences when about several months ago, he had been talking about this coming date like crazy?
Hello all.
National Geographic are peddlers of blatant dis-info/bunk/ sensationalised rubbish and irrelevant tripe like 99.99% of the rest of the MSM, and they have been for a long time if not for as long as they have existed.
They have done nothing to counter the lies and ignorance relating to so many of the important subjects that Wilcock and others are laboring to expose.
To be honest I think it was slightly naive of David to expect a completely open and truthful investigation/analysis from that organization.
Sure they’ll pay you for your time, but they certainly aren’t going to go out of their way to inform or enlighten the masses (that would be completely against the philosophy/religion of their ‘high priests’).
Let’s hope Steven Greer’s efforts with his crowd funded film are truly genuine and uncompromised and can reach a significant audience.
david congratulations’ve always felt there was something internally that I was missing, willingly researching the Internet I found a lot of information of what was happening, and your videos are of worship for people who start to feel something other than what they did not teach. Greetings from Argentina, I apologize for the grammar was made by google traslator
Hi David, I’m Mark, I’m from the Netherlands and I’m a long time follower of your work. I was 15 when I first learned of your existence thanks to the Internet and your website which was ascension2000 back then. There my waking journey started thanks to your compilation / study guide of the Law of One. Now I’m 28 and I’m still enjoying your work and energy.
I purchased your book Source Field Investigations ( about a week ago, but my girlfriend got to it sooner than I. She read a lot and then two days she had her first lucid dream experience. It was awesome! She woke up with a lot of positive energy and luckily that energy affected my energy in a positive way as well.
When she described the experience one of the fascinating things to me is that it sounded like there were waves of interaction between lucidity and normal dreaming. She could take control in numerous situations – first she realised she was in a dream, so she remembered you wrote something that made her want to go outside. Then suddenly she found herself in some kind of tube that was really hard to crawl through. So she realised again that she was dreaming so she could simply “will” herself to be outside and voila, there she was!
She noticed how beautiful nature was with vibrant colours all around, so then she wanted to fly up into the air and she did! Then she wanted to show her mother so out of the blue there her mother was, but when she wanted to show she could fly she couldn’t do it anymore! Then the dream waned a bit although there were more things before she woke up.
David thanks for all you have done, currently do, and will be doing. There are many nefarious stories about what is happening on our planet but once I get lured into reading more I realise that my purpose on this planet is to be of service after our global awakening and not already and that helps me move away from all the darkness that you and I both believe will be gone fairly soon.
I regard myself as one of your friends and I wish you well on your journey. In Lak’ech!
Are you and Daniel the same person? It would make all the sense in the world.
Heads up – next Sat-Sun-Mon the Earth will psychically travel to another region of the galaxy.
Heads up for those in UK especially London! Graham Hancock is doing a lecture tomorrow 7pm – 8:30pm, £10 or £5 concessions! Theories amd new info on atlantis and ancient civilizations and the chance of a ‘bright new epoch’
Im going 🙂
Is there any news on the Keenan situation these days David?
Does the Witness Daniel have any knowledge/information about the Phoenix Lights incident of 1997?
Kind regards Fred.
as per the first paper of daniel, that mentions our solar system travelling through a photon belt causing changes in our sun.
here is another site, mentioning the same thing.
sorry for this post…
the footage in this video is probably a fake, but i was hoping someone here could answer what the footage [at 6 mins into the video] actually is ??
thanks, love and peace,
Hi David, I’m just wondering what you were refering to exactly in your latest post when you said “avoid ridiculous “straw man” arguments”. An interesting choice of words as I have spent many, many hours reading and investigating this theory of the whole “straw man” corporate fiction created by our Gov. and would be really shocked to hear you say that you didn’t believe it to be true. Would love to hear your thoughts on the subject.