Watch our spectacular new two-hour documentary film revealing many secrets in The Source Field Investigations, David’s epic new book set to release August 23rd! You’ve waited long enough — now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the ride!
Did human extraterrestrials visit Earth – and predict a Golden Age will culminate in the year 2012, freeing us from evil, fear and doom?
Did the founding fathers of America inherit this prophecy – and encode it directly into the Great Seal of the United States?
Why is there a pyramid with an eye inside a glowing triangle?
Is Novus Ordo Seclorum quoted from an ancient prophecy text – the greatest and most secret treasure of the Roman Empire – predicting that humans on Earth will transmute into “light beings” and achieve Apotheosis – where Man becomes God – and the ‘Gods’ themselves return?
In this mind-blowing new documentary, David Wilcock reveals the stunning scientific proof that DNA and biological life emerge directly out of the Source Field… a universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness – and we are indeed about to experience the Greatest Moment of All Time.
Learn about the pineal gland, Illuminati, government conspiracy, UFOs, DMT, the Mayan Calendar and more!
The Source Field Investigations has taken thirty years to develop — and over two years of intensive focus just to combine the raw data into a massive 700-page outline and then write it all up into a finished product.
Now, at last, we have a full-length documentary film — nearly two hours in length — which highlights only a small percentage of the encyclopedic information I crammed in the book — perhaps 3 percent — but nonetheless weaves a very compelling narrative!
This film is specifically intended to be the sequel to The 2012 Enigma — further enhancing and refining the clarity and “wow factor” of the original message.
We’ve all been working round-the-clock to get this exclusive Divine Cosmos indie release right — and the results have been spectacular! See for yourself:
Again… even though this documentary is impressive just by itself, it only covers a small portion of what’s in the book.
To help give you a greater sense of the scope of The Source Field Investigations, the publisher sent me a series of questions — and I think you’ll like the answers!
Each all-caps heading represents one of the questions I was asked — and the following text is the reply. Some of these subjects will be familiar from the new movie — but others were not covered at all.
It really does take 16 hours to give a well-rounded presentation of this material at an all-weekend conference — and we have another adventure for you to join the community and feel the magic this month, at a gorgeous woodsy venue just outside Atlanta!
The conference is August 26th through 28th at the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center, with 18 lush acres, miles of hiking trails, indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts and a nearby golf course.
Every participant gets the opportunity to meet me, shake my hand and take pictures with me at the end. Click here to sign up today!
Two prominent historians, Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, concluded that a massive number of different ancient myths and spiritual teachings, from all over the world, were ‘encoded’ with information about a 25,920-year cycle in the Earth’s orbit.
Each of these myths indicated that Earth would go through a period of great turmoil as this cycle came to an end, but that it would directly usher in a stunning new Golden Age for humanity.
This cycle completes itself when we move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, which French astronomers concluded would occur in or around the year 2011. The Mayan Calendar is mathematically synchronized with this same cycle, and it marks the cycle change as occurring in December 21, 2012.
Human DNA evolution has moved 100 times faster in the last 5000 years than any other time in history, according to Dr. John Hawks, causing a 7-percent change in its structure – and every planet in the Solar System is experiencing dramatic, recent climate change, which appears to be a fulfillment of these prophecies.
Hebrew, Christian and Islamic prophecies of “end times” are all provably derived from very ancient Zoroastrian sources, according to noteworthy historians Boyce and Grenet.
Surprisingly, the original Zoroastrian prophecies did not say that Earth or its people would be destroyed as we moved through this transition period.
Instead, they said that the flow of time, as we now know it, would dramatically change – literally affecting the physics of reality – and evil would fade away due to the efforts of the just.
This then became misconstrued, over thousands of years, as being a prophecy of “the end of time,” and therefore of Earth’s destruction as we move through this cycle.
Many different spiritual teachings, both ancient and modern, proposed that we live in a Divine Cosmos – and that all space, time, matter, energy and biological life is the product of one infinite Mind.
The first adult book I read was “How to Make ESP Work For You,” by Harold Sherman, when I was seven years old. I practiced the exercises in his book and got stunning results – proving for myself that we do all have an innate psychic ability that can be developed, and that Mind can exist well outside the physical body.
In fifth grade, I found out that Dr. Francis Crick proved that DNA was far too complex to have evolved by random chance.
By the time I was a junior in high school I had several successful “lucid dreaming” experiences – in which I was directly experiencing a thought-responsive environment, where I could levitate objects, fly, walk through walls, manifest anything I wanted, or even change my entire environment with the snap of a finger.
I couldn’t help but wonder if our own physical reality might adhere to some of these same laws – at least to some degree.
My research efforts dramatically accelerated in college, after a friend of mine revealed that his college physics professor said UFOs were real, they had crashed on this planet in Roswell and other events, and we had enjoyed a great number of technological breakthroughs as a result – including solid-state transistors, LED lights, fiber-optic cables, lasers, infrared night vision, Teflon, Kevlar and computer chips.
Equally surprising was the statement that many of the beings found in these ships were human – looking either just like we do or with only superficial differences, such as purple irises. This professor had worked in the higher echelons of NASA in the 1970s and said this was “common knowledge” within his level, but they had all been instructed to keep it secret so as to avoid a War-of-the-Worlds-style mass panic.
By 1995 I had read more than three hundred different books on a wide variety of paranormal subjects, including UFOs, Atlantis, poltergeists, spoonbending, ESP, the Loch Ness Monster, et cetera.
My research culminated in the discovery of the Law of One material in January 1996, which presented an incredibly vast philosophy of science and spirit that fused everything I had read about up until then into an elegant new whole.
I did not want to blindly believe in what these books said, so I became much more focused on researching these subjects – and found that there was a stunning amount of scientific data available that could validate the idea that the Universe is made from a living, conscious Source Field.
After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1991, former Soviet scientists had guaranteed financing from the communist system, but there were no wars left to fight.
Many different divisions began conducting scientific research in pyramids built by Dr. Alexander Golod, using PVC pipes and fiberglass facing – the tallest of which soared at 144 feet in height. Their results were absolutely stunning.
Every type of disease or illness imaginable could be dramatically reduced or even eliminated by the power of the pyramids. One milliliter of water that had been stored in the pyramids was enough to save prematurely-born infants from almost certain death.
In addition, the Russian pyramids had a remarkably positive effect on geophysical processes. Dry areas experienced increased rainfall. Ozone holes closed up. Batteries automatically recharged when placed on top of the pyramids.
Severe weather deflected around the areas where the pyramids were built. Municipal water supplies were purified, even from radioactive waste. Oil wells produced 25 percent more supply, which was also 25 percent cleaner than before. Agricultural seeds generated up to 400 percent larger plants.
Best of all, earthquakes were dramatically reduced. Instead of one giant quake, there were many small and insignificant tremors.
These mainstream Russian scientists submitted their papers to all the best science journals and were invariably turned down. Part of this could be due to the strong bias that most scientists have against groundbreaking new concepts that violate some of their most cherished assumptions.
There may also be a deliberate effort in place to suppress this information. The two most profitable businesses on earth are pharmaceuticals and the oil industry, and these discoveries could render both of them nearly obsolete within a fairly short period of time.
The Source Field Investigations reveals groundbreaking new scientific research proving that the pineal gland is lined with cells that function just like the rods and cones in the retina of the eye.
Electrically, the pineal gland is wired into the brain just like the eye, via a “phototransduction cascade.” Some scientists have concluded there may be photons releasing inside the pineal gland that are picked up much like the eye, but they don’t understand how this could happen.
We do know the pineal gland is filled with a watery fluid that has tiny crystals floating around in it, including calcite and, quite possibly, DMT.
When DMT is synthesized in a laboratory and chipped out of its container, it emits massive bursts of colored light in a “piezochromatic” effect. This suggests that the crystals in the pineal gland could be expanding and contracting, and releasing visible photons, in a manner not unlike the function of a crystal radio.
Chinese scientists discovered that when a trained remote viewer accurately described a target inside a light-shielded room, up to 15,000 photons appeared.
Many people report seeing a “silver cord” between their physical body and “astral body” when having an out-of-body experience – and this cord seems to be anchored into the forehead.
It is possible that the “silver cord” is actually a sort of Einstein-Rosen bridge or ‘stargate’ that connects the physical and astral bodies. Photons detected by the astral body travel through the cord and vibrate crystals in the pineal gland, releasing full-color images that the retinal tissue then sends into the brain.
Many different ancient cultures placed huge importance on the pineal gland, using symbolism such as the pinecone to tell the story.
It may well be that the fleeting visual images we see in our “imagination,” or when “daydreaming,” are in fact direct perceptions of the Source Field via our astral bodies.
The ancient traditions strongly encouraged us to strengthen this perceptive system so we may become far more aware of who and what we really are.
Quantum mechanics seems to be caused by harmonic vibrations rather than ‘particles’. The Source Field appears to be a fluidlike energy field, all throughout the Universe, that powers gravity, time and electromagnetic energy.
Dr. Hans Jenny vibrated fluids with tiny particles floating in them and saw beautiful geometric patterns appear. Physical matter forms out of the Source Field this way – as concluded by Dr. Robert Moon, one of the original Manhattan Project researchers, beginning in 1986. All the mysteries of quantum mechanics could be solved by harmonic geometry.
This same geometry appears in the structure and function of the DNA molecule, as well as in the shape of the continents, undersea volcanic ranges and largest mountain ranges here on Earth.
It also is responsible for the exact spacing between the planets in the Solar System, the organization of massive ‘superclusters’ of galaxies, and even the locations of gas and dust at the farthest reaches of the Cosmos.
If physical matter is nothing more than a geometric vibration within the Source Field, that suggests it may not be as ‘solid’ as we think.
There is a remarkable amount of evidence that consciousness creates its own ‘vibrations’ in the Source Field, which would then be able to generate geometric structures on its own – if focused strongly enough.
At our current level of existence, most people do not have the ability to perform ‘miracles’ like this, but it may well be that the transformation Earth is now going through will make it much easier to access such abilities.
There is overwhelming evidence that “ancient astronauts” visited Earth and used a superior form of technology.
Even the best efforts of today have failed to recreate gigantic stone structures like we see all over the world from ancient times. The Great Pyramid was built with mind-numbing precision, including the fact that it was originally faced with mirror-polished white limestone, making it look like a giant marble sculpture in the desert.
Discover Magazine revealed in December 2009 that skulls had been found in Boskop, South Africa that were significantly larger than conventional human skulls, leading them to suggest that the least intelligent of these people would still have had a 300 IQ.
The Boskops were given religious burials with high honors – not treated as dangerous interlopers and villains. There is no evidence of them invading or conquering Earth – they were apparently revered as great leaders.
Over 3,300 different pyramids, stone circles and other “megalithic” sites were all built according to a worldwide geometric pattern. This was initially discovered by Ivan T. Sanderson after he plotted out where all the ships and planes were disappearing on Earth – in events similar to those seen in the Bermuda Triangle.
A total of twelve equidistant points were identified, forming a simple geometric form called an icosahedron. Russian scientists then found this was the basic building block of a worldwide ‘Grid’ that every single ancient site was built upon – apparently to harness energy these sites were producing.
All of this can be explained by seeing the geometry as a slight spinning movement written into the force of gravity as it moves into the Earth. This gravitational spin moves the atmosphere, the oceans and the molten lava in the mantle under the continents.
Pyramid technology appears to regularize these ‘spin currents,’ insuring a stabler, healthier Earth – and the ancients apparently built pyramids to protect and strengthen the health of people on Earth.
Dr. Peter Gariaev found that DNA acts like a miniature black hole – absorbing all the photons of light in its vicinity and storing them inside the molecule.
In the 1970s, Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp made a similar discovery – concluding there were up to 1000 different photons within a single DNA molecule at any one time.
When we become sick, the DNA loses photons in the areas where the tissue is affected. This suggests that light plays a far more important role in genetics than we ever had imagined.
Gariaev’s most surprising discovery was that the light continued to spiral in the same place after the DNA itself was removed.
Blasts of liquid nitrogen would free these photons from the force field and clear the area, but only for five to eight minutes – and then new photons were captured by the same force. Amazingly, this force continued to capture and store photons for up to thirty days in the same location.
Dr. Luc Montagnier announced in 2011 that he was able to transform ordinary water molecules into DNA within a sealed glass tube – by simply putting another tube of water with DNA in it next door, and zapping them both with a weak electrical current.
This is one of a series of stunning data points suggesting that DNA originates as an energy pattern written into the ‘spin’ of gravity, which then moves atoms and molecules into the proper positions to form life.
This gives dramatic proof that the Source Field is responsible for all life on Earth – and that life almost certainly exists throughout the entire Cosmos.
Many legitimate discoveries have been suppressed, for well over a century, that support this groundbreaking concept. It also makes it far more likely that we are “not alone” in the Universe, and that human life may be far more prevalent than we ever believed.
The year 2012 is when a grand 25,920-year earth cycle reaches its completion. The measurable wobble in the Earth’s axis is broken down into twelve “ages of the zodiac,” each of which is 2,160 years long.
This appears to be far more than a superficial wobble – it appears to be a gravitational effect caused by our movement through the Source Field.
At the end of this cycle, the Source Field increases in its speed and complexity – causing an intelligent re-patterning of DNA.
Dr. Peter Gariaev was able to transform frog eggs into salamander eggs by laser light alone – after directing the laser through salamander eggs. The frog eggs were completely rewritten on a genetic level, and developed into healthy adult salamanders, with no evidence they had originated from frogs.
Dr. John Hawks already discovered that human DNA has been rapidly evolving in the last 5000 years, at a 100-times-faster rate than any other period in history.
Additionally, there is compelling evidence of prior bursts in human evolution 25,000 years ago with the disappearance of Neanderthals as well as 50,000 years ago, when Earth humans abruptly started making artistic and spiritual tools rather than just focusing on survival.
Ancient humans from other planets apparently visited Earth, were seen as “Gods,” and gave prophecies and spiritual teachings to help prepare us for this incredible shift.
By becoming more loving, we are moving into greater alignment with the essence of the Source Field itself, and therefore optimizing our own evolutionary process.
In The Source Field Investigations, compelling new evidence is given that time travel is a natural effect that happens sporadically on Earth, particularly in and around the major ‘vortex points.’
There are many documented cases of “time slips” in which people saw a glowing, spherical orb in front of them, experienced gravitational anomalies and bizarre psychological effects, as if time had slowed down, and then found themselves having traveled anywhere between a few hours to a few days into the future from where they had been.
Even more profound are the many examples of what appear to be dinosaurs that traveled millions of years into the future.
This includes the Loch Ness Monster and other similar creatures as a plesiosaurus, the “Mokele-Mbembe” in Congo as a small brontosaurus-like sauropod, the “Kongamoto,” “Ropen”, “Thunderbird” and/or “Dragon” as being a pterosaur, and a perfect illustration of a stegosaurus carved into a temple wall in Cambodia from 1186 AD.
The spherical orb appears to be a gateway into a parallel reality in which time becomes space and space becomes time. This means that traveling any distance in this parallel reality is equivalent to time travel in our own world.
The Source Field Investigations provides remarkable new scientific evidence that the Universe is built like this, and that time travel therefore is a naturally-accessible phenomenon.
The key is to create enough ‘spin’ within the gravitational field to accelerate atoms over the light-speed boundary, as the book explains.
I have personally spoken to a wide variety of different people who have worked in classified, “top secret” programs in which UFOs were openly acknowledged to be real.
Apparently there is a “Processed Release of Information” or PRI program already underway, in which we are being given more and more evidence that UFOs really exist – so we can be prepared for the truth to be revealed in the near future.
In the final chapter of The Source Field Investigations, I present a variety of data points suggesting that India, China and other nations have been directly contacted by non-terrestrial humans who informed them that they would return in or around December 2012, and make their presence openly known.
Apparently, the world’s governments have been cooperating with this ancient plan by releasing bits and pieces of information to let us know the truth.
There is a strong desire to avoid a panic and to help us accept that we are not alone in the Universe.
I do not believe these people wish to harm us – there is very strong evidence that they have been here all along, guiding and protecting us behind the scenes, including making absolutely sure we will never use nuclear weapons against each other.
The Golden Age is within our grasp – and this book is my own best effort to help us pave the way to the future we all deserve.
We’re still only a third of the way towards our goal of 15,000 pre-orders to debut on the New York Times best-seller list. I am delighted that the release of this book has not been interfered with by the Powers that Were, and it will actually make it into people’s hands.
Too much has happened now for them to be able to suppress this knowledge — but believe me, if they knew what was in there, they would have worked a lot harder. This book couldn’t have even been released had things not been so bad for “Uncle” lately.
Now that it’s too late to stop it from going out there, silence will be the main weapon of choice for the Powers that Were. By simply ignoring it, they might hope this knowledge will simply go away.
We already have the technology to greatly reduce, if not eliminate disease and sickness, free ourselves from fossil-fuel enslavement and the need to pay for energy, and restore the biosphere.
The most important reason for getting these pre-orders up to 15,000 is that it forces the mainstream media to pay attention and take this book seriously.
At this point, prior to the release date, it’s basically a 20 to 25-dollar vote for Disclosure. I’m shocked that our numbers are still so low, considering the power of this information to utterly transform our world. As I’ve said before, since many of our articles get 100,000 views, these numbers should be easy — but for some reason they’re not!
If you’ve already bought a copy, or multiple copies, the video is now a great tool to turn people on to what this is all about — so please share it with your friends and help us nurture the buzz!
If you have been thinking about owning a physical copy, Kindle e-book or the full audiobook series, where I narrate the whole book on a series of CDs and / or MP3s on one CD for less money, now is the time to lock in the most affordable price — as everything bumps up after the official release date of August 23rd.
I will also be appearing in a full-length show on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory on August 22nd, the night before the book comes out — and hopefully that will be the final turning point that will insure a healthy liftoff for this planetary healing initiative.
I thank you for your support! Without you, none of this would be possible… and I do look forward to a society where everyone has the freedom and abundance they need and deserve.
I am very grateful the release of this book has not been stopped — and once I know you’ve got a physical copy in your hands, I can finally relax, knowing for certain that this information has actually managed to get through.
Note from webmaster:
We have created a special forum thread to discuss this video.
Click here to join in the discussion!
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Hits: 312,796
DMT = Divine Moments of Truth
Do you guys think consciousness expanding drugs like dmt, shrooms, and weed will be legal when the illuminati is over with?
Any help is welcome. So pyramids are a great energy source. Does this mean it doesn’t matter if its light or dark energy. If someone uses this shape to, lets say, energize veggie seeds, is this for the white/love energy? Should we that are vibrating to the love within stay away from these symbols of power or use them for love vibrations? Thank you for your time.
[Moderator: The law of karma is in effect when you are using powerful technologies or not; what you put out comes back to you. These technologies like pyramids are safe to use if you trust yourself to use them for the highest good.]
[s]Check the latest news on UFO IN INDIA
ufo in india[/s]
Dear David(and webmaster)god where to start?,Within 2weeks I plan to start lectures in my small town Soderhamn Sweden.Have been so busy now for weeks getting it all together Keisha C Nicolya C M Tsarion D Pinchceck mmm and Not In Least Yourself.
Born Dublin 51Stockholm 72 blessed with 2divine children and 3 grandchildren so far.1987-2002 work alternative med the works from homeopaty to regression.1988 met man from Cusco here to lecture on Macchu Picchu E Ts and Jesus!
I translated for him Stockholm etc,1989 lovely old couple here from LA for weekend on Jesus and ET contacts!One person present was our beloved Thomas Dileva known by all who sang in Swedish album after album songs about ET brothers “We only have each other”,”why not land and open the lid and look out”etc.
2003 early I crash-landed and after 2-3months in psych ward came home closed practise and lived like “anyone”10years.2010oct heard Keisha and I got back on track so NO MATTER WHAT in will be out soon lecturing and maybe doing some analysis to help people figure what they might need most now etc.
Found book by Theilhard de Chardin 20odd years ago and knew he was on target when he said he believed the return of Christ would be a rising to Christ consciousness in the many here.Not popular in church of course he was a Jesuit priest and palaeontologist”!!
There seems to be so much to read now on site but it will have to wait a bit David I am reading the Source Field jumping here and there,just read end disc. I love you LOVE YOU FOR WRITING IT I just know I will meet you at some point.
Years ago when read S mc Laines books always feltbI would meet her on a space ship.When I was on Crete in August I picked lots of tiny shells and stones and put in box to bring with me on m ship for my now 2 yr old Rainbow scout grandchild.
I refused to turn 60 on oct 5th so I told my sons I had changed my birthday to 23aug (started to feel like I was whole first time in Aug 2009.So I turned 18 in Aug and my boys wives and 3 gr children brought me on surprise holiday in August.Have one of your ” old ” books too.
Which video can I find those photos of “things “outside Vatican?
You were lecturing somewhere?Anyhow I am making lists of websites books etc to give out at my lectures so you will be well advertised is this the only way I can send info ? I will keep you updated on how things go Will be posting info about lectures on local billboards schools libraries etc and send some to Dublin etc in case I might go abroad and talk .
Had Spiritual Teacher in India 17 years and have broad knowledge of this and that and “putting things together “but don’t mind if you guys say a prayer for my debut soon.lots of love Therese Sweden.
Alpha Centaurians:
A humanoid species that has aquatic qualities such as gills, webbed feet an hands allowing them to live beneath our seas. They possibly inhabit our deep ocean depths and piloting UFO’s often seen coming out of our oceans. They have been accredited with cattle mutilations, possess such an advanced weapons systems that other specie swill not war with them. Yet others claim they are here to enlighten our consciousness. Also they’ve been described as being a luminous bluish gray in color of various height.
Read more:
ufo in india
Finished reading David’s latest book earlier this week and must urge one and all to read it. Have ordered several more copies to give to friends. Keep up your amazing work.
Wonderful research and I appreciate very much the “coming out of the vault” of all this scientific research that never made the news.
One small misinterpretation in the video. at minute 37:45, the photo of the Egyptian Pineal with the central channel flanked by the Uraeus in a spiral shape does not represent the DNA as you state.
It represent the Egyptian version of the Prana (or Chi)channels Iga and Pingala (male and female)flowing along the central Shushmana that goes to the Pineal, according to all ancient Yogic Scriptures.
All spiritual yogic (and probably taoist) practices seek to awake the Kundalini serpent dormant at the base Chakra in order to make it flow through the 3 clear channels in other to finally awake the Pineal gland.
[Moderator: Several ancient civilizations scholars have associated the caduceus with the DNA spiral, since there is an obvious double helix in the shape of the intertwining serpents.]
Today I finished reading The Source Field Investigations. I couldn’t believe that I had finished it so soon. I just wanted to keep reading.
I enjoyed so much of it and learn a few things too. I just wish it hadn’t ended. Thanks so much David. Mechelle
Very well done, . . however, . . I disagree with the cone shaped alien head theory. The Romans in around 400 A.D. were horrified by the apperance of Atilla & his Huns. They had the very same shaped heads as these so-called “Gods” of Egypt did.
I have’nt read his new book yet, but I did’nt see Wilcox bring up the Huns or thier terrible leader, Atilla in this video. Roman history tells us that the barbaric Huns achieved this defect by encasing thier poor newborns baby-soft heads with tight cloth wrappings until thier skulls hardened as they aged into cone shaped monstrosities.
The effect was a abnormal & visually displeasing diformaty of the cranium.
Either Atilla & every singal ones of his Huns were E.T.’s, OR (the Egyption elite practiced the same technique). Or maybe the Huns figured out how to look like thes so-called “gods”. I’d like to see Mr. Wilcox address this.
P.S. Why has’nt Mr.Wilcox addressed peak oil, or the infinite , debt-based money paradigm system that exists on a finite planet in detail? Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Almost all of humanities technology & 100% of it’s ability to grow & transport food on a global scale are dependant on the cheap supply of finite oil.
(All commercial agricultural products are fossil fuel based) The U.S. hit peak oil production in 1970. Explains the Empire of the U.S. in the middle east does it not? See for more info, or, or, or, or
To not understand the dynamics of oil, & the debt-based money system that has made unknowing slaves of us all, is to not understand the very enviroment in which we live. I for one, will never sit back & hope to be saved by the new golden age. We no longer live in a world where we can plan our way out of trouble. We now have to have options to survive.
David, Mods & All: Re:SFI, killer book! Impressive backup data, well presented and extremely articulate. I purchased 3 hardback copies myself and will probably buy more and I’ve recommended dozens to others. Outstanding concepts, i.e., DNA “phantom” effect – INCREDIBLE! Benzo(a)pyrene & 380nm UV light…ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Gravity vs. Time…NAILED IT! I’m only now just 3/4 done reading it and I can’t hold back my congrats any longer. I can’t wait to see the movie, yee-hah! Thank you, David. YOU DA’ MAN, BUBBA!!!.
Joe Lello
Truly breathtaking … brilliant truths presented intelligently, courageously and with infinite potential for humankind, mother earth and all that is beyond.
Love and Light! Thank you.
Earthquakes can be small and eventually become big because the earth is gonna do it’s natural things, so Pyramids might not have much effect on the power of plate techtonics.
However pyramids probably have power over all of the other things like the ozone and power over sickness.
I want to experiment with pyramids and see what it truly does. This website shows 24-7 daily monitoring of world earthquakes.
I love your book.
thanks for the great book, david. its chock-full of vital information.
i just wanted to state that the image of ‘the primitive mountain’ in the video @ 00:35:31 is almost identical to the ‘shiv-lingam’ a symbol of lord shiva one of the most important hindu deities that make up the hindu trinity.
Hi David,
I am reading The Source Field Investigations.
It is so G R E A T ! !
Peace and Love be with you,
I sent this Pyramid message to the
Portland Oregon Water Bureau because a person had peed in the resevoir :
Randy & David :
Before Portland puts coverings onto their water reserves, please understand and experiment with the ideaology and pythagorean theorem of placing fiberglass pyramid coverings over the water reserves.
Why is there a pyramid on the back of our U.S. dollar bill? Do you trust our founding fathers? I do.
The weblink below will help you to understand the factual effects of pyramids.
If you need further assistance with the experiments or evidence with what pyramid buildings do then please contact : Dr. John DeSalvo :
Dr. DeSalvo’s webiste below explains the facutal evidence that has already been made by a Ukranian scientist Dr. Golod.
Thank you.
Kristy Sokol
To David,
Number 18 in New York Times Bestseller list for Hardback Non-Fiction hope you have seen it.
Your getting there David!!
Love Love Love
I am listening to the first cd of the audiobook of sourcefield investigations.
Already mind blowing stuff!
Hats off to the author,and the scientists who,s r&d has been surpressed by the powers that be.
Well done.
David, I just got your beautiful new book today August 30.
I preordered it from Amazon when this first became possible June 14. I live in Ottawa Canada.
I am very anxious to read it…thanks!
Beyond Transplants: Growing Organs in the Lab – Popular Mechanics ~ Growing replacement organs has been one of the “maybe someday” fantasies of doctors for a generation.
Gone would be long waiting lists for transplants — along with complications arising from tissue rejection. In 2006, medical researchers led by Anthony Atala and Alan Retik announced that they had largely regrown bladders using their patients’ own cells, then implanted them. Science fiction had become fact. ~ This segment from a Popular Mechanics article reminds me of the sanitized scum that grows all kinds of cellular DNA’s.
Questioner: Is there any physical difference between first and second density? For instance if I could see both a first and second-density planet side by side, in my present condition, could I see both of them? Would they both be physical to me?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. All of the octave of your densities would be clearly visible were not the fourth through the seventh freely choosing not to be visible.
this explains why they were not able to see beyond 2012 in montauk project
My 2 cents on Amazon (translated from my review on
5.0 out of 5 stars Get out of the box!, August 30, 2011
Christa, Netherlands – See all my reviews
This review is from: The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies (Hardcover)
This book offers a clear explanation of how to see the 2012 prophecies in the light of the changes going on on our planet Earth, and on the other planets in our Solar system. The writer also explains that we are systematically being conditioned by the “old” media and TV/movies to believe in a apocalyptic “Endtime”! Nothing is further from the truth! It is a change in our perception, of how we treat each other and our beautiful Planet Earth!
Buy this book, you won’t be disappointed, it WILL change your life!
May the Source be with you!
PS: Also check out the video with the same title on the internet!
[s]UFO base in India-China border:Recently during my visit to Himalayas i was surprised to find that there is lots of UFO activity in India and Chinese borders…Have a look at the link you will find it interesting!![/s]
Thanxx for your amazing video , book and works
Everybody has to contribute to changes and create the new world.
Nobody gonna save us, because everything is a co-creation from the knowlegde of every souls awakening. Every souls has the responsibillity to awaken ourself, for the better of ourself but then again, it becomming for the better of everyone.
Listen to this and take these pieces with you
Radio call with a White Hat about the global financial settelments and what has to happen. It’s time to say NO MORE!!
It’s time to stand together
WAKE UP!!;1MjM4NDkw1
I received my copy of The Source Field Investigation a couple of day ago. After reading 50 pages or so I realized as slow of a reader I am.
I would have to order another book. I want my friends to enjoy this info sooner than later. I order another book today. Thank You so much David for answering the big questions. You are the ultimate fighter in the battle for truth. A loving Hero. Steve.
The puzzle seems to slowly fall in to place, looking forward to the book after breathlessly watching the video here an other link which blends in beautifully. Thanks David for what you are doing, love & light John
The Cosmic Plan 01/10
India to announce UFO Disclosure soon:
Namasté. Hi David and Team. I just like to say that i just ordered your book from the book depository. I´m very excited and can´t wait till i receivit and start reading it. I just like to thank you for this excelent work. All the best for you, Namasté,
Yes!!! I’m READING The Source Field Investigations and it is fantastic!
I have it on my Kindle, my laptop, and my ‘droid phone! So, whenever I have downtime, I can read it, wherever I go!
I know, reading a hard copy of the book works the same way, but carrying it around with me digitally is much lighter.
I am looking forward to receiving the book, which should be here in a few days, because the visuals will be different, as well as the text, in a print version.
Even though I appreciate the convenience and availability of digital books, there’s nothing quite like holding a book in my hands and reading it.
I’ll be happy to go to and give lot’s of ***** to David’s book.
Thanks again, David, for writing this book and having it published. You’ve helped inspire me to write the book(s) I’ve put off writing.
@ Victor A
just read you purchased megahydrate and crystal energy.
I know round about 200 people taking them and benefitting (from some spiritual seminars I visited in Germany/Switzerland/Austria), BUT I myself and up to 6 other people I know started having serious problems.
They and I had effusions of blood all over the body and my menses started to be like after childbirth.
None of us first made the correlation to the above mentioned products, it was mere chance we came to speak about it.
One lady had had a surgery and the surgeon asked her what medicine she was taking as the bleeding wouldn’t stop.
Even she hadn’t thought of them prior to our conversation…Being a physician myself I reported these cases back to the company,but they just shrugged it off, saying that even athletes took them and nobody had mentioned these problems before.
But maybe the connection wasn’t being made……
So try them, they do a lot of good to many people (feeling more awake and so on), but just be a little careful in case you endure the above mentioned symptoms. Don’t take too many a day at least in the beginning…..
My SFI audio’s arrived and I LOVE them, except some parts are ‘jumping’ as we say in Germany….anybody else having this problem? I ordered with amazon…….
Love & Light to all of you out there at DC!
[Moderator: If you are using CDs, try copying the contents of the CD into your computer. If you are using MP3s, close other open programs.]
Well looky here, NASA found an 80 degree F brown dwarf about 40 light years away, and towards the end of the article this was said:
“It’s thrilling to me to know we’ve got neighbors out there yet to be discovered. With WISE, we may even find a brown dwarf closer to us than our closest known star.”
Interesting…wouldn’t you say? Considering we’ve been saying something like this would come out eventually anyway?
just checked @ # 19 wed morning 8/24. hooray.
interestingly enough one above “Son of Neptune” as we are escorted out of the piscean age by
David ben Cayce
:-)I do not know if this went through the first time however I will try again:
The arrival of the information in this book has literally “rocked this world”. WOW David, talk about causing a cause. I can’t wait for my books to arrive:-)
As always with love and in friendship to you and members of your staff,
David, the arrival of this book on the open market literally rocked this world. Talk about causing a cause. WOW!!!!! Can’t wait for my books to arrive.
As Always with love and friendship to you and the members of Divine Cosmos,
I received your book yesterday and after a couple chapters I have to say…fantastic job!
You’re work on this is overwhelming and it is incredibly well written for both easy comprehension and entertainment.
I am positive this will give you the recognition that you deserve. Thank you for all of your hard work and bringing this information to such a wide audience.
[Moderator: If you like the book, it will help us immensely for you to go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble and leave a review. We can expect paid disinformant haters to vote one star and otherwise try to take the piss out of this book, so we need real people to say what they feel!]
got my copy of the source field investigations today!
greetings from austria
Yay! David made it to Huffingtonpost!
I just posted a comment as “Abena”. Hopefully some of you can comment, too.
and wow! just look at how they(huffington post) buried the headline way down on the bottom of the books list. . . there’s no rhyme or reason for why they put the headlines the way that they did (not sorting by date nor by alphabetical).
just disappointing.
and Google isn’t helping the issue either. It’s simply not showing that article at all even when I specifically google for Huffington Post and Source Field Investigations.
They (the lame stream media — thank you Michelle Malkan!) are being sly dogs about burying it. . .
[Moderator: HP may be doing this in a two-stage process. We have emailed them photos to use for linking it on their main pages and this may only be the first step for them. Once we know more, David will post the announcement.]