At last — the long-awaited sequel to 2012 Enigma (#1 on Google, December 1, 2008) is finally here! Watch it for FREE right now!
In this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition.
Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years due to a natural galactic process, which is also creating climate change throughout our entire solar system. If the prophecies are correct, psychic abilities and powers such as telekinesis, levitation, spiritual healing and telepathy may soon become as common as breathing.
The Mayan Calendar, the Timeline in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the story of Jesus Christ in the Bible and many other ancient mystery schools and spiritual teachings all speak of a great tribulation that transforms Earth into a Utopian Age. Many misunderstand these prophecies as predicting pole shift, asteroid collisions, supervolcano eruptions or Armageddon thanks to Planet X, alien invasion, Illuminati/government takeover, or a solar event.
Russian physics reveals that anti-gravity, free energy and time travel technology arise from a Source Field that is the energy of Mind, Spirit and Consciousness. Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design and evolution occurs in sudden bursts that repeat in 26 and 62 million year cycles, apparently the result of energy waves gradually rippling out from the center of the galaxy and transforming our DNA.
For at least 1200 years, crop circles have presented symbolic messages of DNA transformation and even Ascension on or around December 21, 2012. Easter Island, Stonehenge and some 4000 ancient sites are built on a Global Grid of energy that creates portals in space and time, such as the Bermuda Triangle. Rapture may indeed occur, but in a very different way than most believe.
Project Camelot whistleblowers reveal that extraterrestrials look human like us and may even be time travelers from our future! Edgar Cayce and the Law of One reveal we have a Higher Self leading us through reincarnation and Graduation.
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Official Divine Cosmos YouTube Channel:
hi my name is icarly i like 2012
hi david were i can watch the video in spanish subtitles
[Moderator: We have not had the time to make videos with subtitles in other languages, however I do think some people have done it themselves if you search YouTube.]
Where can I get a free download of this?
[Admin: You can watch it on Youtube]
What is the Physical Source of the Universe ?
Where did Existence come from?
Now we have three ( 3) sources of the Universe:
Big bang , vacuum and God.
Which of them is correct ?
About big band and God my opinion is:
the action, when the God compressed all Universe
into his palm, physicists had named -a singular point
And action, when the God opened his palm, physicists had named – the Big Bang
And about vacuum Paul Dirac wrote:
‘ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion, is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description of something more complex? ‘
Israel Socratus
Good morning. My name is Andrzej. I do not know how I can contact with David but please tell him, he is right that if you will not be able to love others it will not be able to take on onother incarnation here.
The only people who will be able to be born, will be those who are capable of unconditional love.
I’m not a medium, but after one of my dreams I had a feeling that if our ultimate court will rely on the fact that those who behave well in the course of their lives are reborn again a new incarnation. Better.
Those who acted in bad, they disappear. It will be some kind of punishment for their conduct in the earthly, carnal life. I felt psychological pain resulting from the emptiness and nothingness what remains after that you do not born again.
You feel it as emptiness and nothingness. You have the feeling that no one loves you and no one does not depend on you. You are nobody. Nothing. You do not exist.
ps. I hope you understand my English. I explained it from Polish into English using Google Translate.
my e-mail is:
Thank you David!
For all of the amazing information and Humor will take you a lot further than blaming others for things that sometimes are not really anyone’s fault!
(the car break in situation)
We live in such a backwards world and I find myself in many situations like the ones you have been dealing with.
I just sit and laugh and think boy this world is so serious and it is all just a game!!
May sound disrespectful but, I get so annoyed with how fearful we are and we are all taught this at such a young age.
The sad thing is those people breaking into your car are just being manipulated to cause harm to others that could help them out of their situation.
We were all taught to fit within a certain box and if you did not…. you fear for your own life and learn to succumb to negativity.
Don’t let these chaotic days get to you and keep up the good work!!
Wow David that was amazing!! Thank you!
Well I guess there’s no chance of a date then David, as I have blue eyes hahah. 😀
Wow, Dear David, thank you so much for this great You Tube launch! It’s been a pleasure to watch, Love & Light
I feel that torsion fields are the basis for a lot of claims in this video, especially in the first parts when discussing pyramid power, yet mythbusters replicated an experiment to test the effects of pyramid power and found nothing, no sharper razor blades, flowers and fruit decayed at the same pace with the experimental group in the pyramid and the control group outside, they used the sacred geometrical dimensions taken from Giza, they alligned it to the north star, tested exactly where the kings chamber would be, and got no detectable effects.
If people are ever going to understand this phenomenon if it really does exist, i feel it is very important that results be replicable or at least there should be a rigid protocol for replication so there is no excuses for getting a certain set of results in one place like the ukraine and not another.
The same goes for the salamander and frog transfer of DNA through light.
I thank and appreciate Mr. Wilcock bringing these findings to light, but what good are they if they can’t be replicated by the laymen?
There is a lot of very interesting data and assertions on this site and most is free which i love, but i think the gem of this site has yet to be posted, and that is rigid experimental protocols that can be replicated concerning torsion fields and DNA transfer through light.
These are the basis for most of the research on this site and if they’re not replicable, that throws a huge wrench into the validity of the claims made here.
Please don’t misunderstand, i am not a hardcore skeptic, but i do have wisdom in my heart and i cannot accept anything at face value anymore, this criticism is meant to be constructive.
[Moderator: David’s new book will have all the references for everything given in his presentations.]
David, in regard to amount of information we have today, including the most information you are providing, the only truly beneficial realisation i came up with is that looking far and around is a sure way of missing what is in front of your eyes.
I must kill some of your positivism by saying you are not taking into consideration IMPORTANT fact about environment we are living in, namely the fact that you must kill, directly or indirectly, something other than yourself in order to survive.
Unless there are changes that will make anything and everything live without ruining someone elses living, we can not, in any way, speak of Earthly paradise!
The easiest way to realise how far away from the truth human specie went is to go naked in nature, no food or anything else provided by few thousand years of human adaptation to environment, no knowledge told to you by others, no thoughts in that direction, and see and feel reality for yourself.
Not for few hours, no no, make it few weeks, if you can!
You will see how easily information you think of as important now losses all of it’s value, and after a while you’ll be thankful for that.
Just DO IT :o)
David 你是好样的
I’m am totally impressed with the wealth of information provided.
I was amazed when you talked about the grain of sand and how it became a living organism, made me think of an old teaching, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
You’ve managed to bring new hope into my life with these videos.
Just this morning I was asking myself what kind of life are we leaving to our grandchildren and to my amazement your videos came to light (lightbulb experience).
Mega Thanks!
Many thanks for inspiring revelations.
Indeed “The truth shall set you free” has been expounded clearly for the latter days that we are in.
Your clarity will assist many to grasp truth and realise their I AM ness, and oneness with the All.
Thank You. Derrick.
Indeed, Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch appear to have discovered a biological method of effectively creating antecedents from progeny – without using genetic engineering.
Or as both researchers put it: “Our experiments do not involve a mutation of the organism in question, which in the case of genetic engineering involves channelling an additional gene into the organism.
No entirely new organism is created. In the electrostatic field, only the gene expression is altered – the retrieval of the existing gene. That is something different.”
In addition to corn and trout experiments, the results of experiments with wheat were also amazing: thus the cereal exposed to the electrostatic field developed new proteins, which people looked for in the original wheat to no avail.
Furthermore, it surprisingly produced much larger roots than the control group.
This had the advantage of allowing the crops to grow far more rapidly.
And occasionally in these experiments, a variant emerged which resembled the genetic antecedents of the wheat.
Thus, a meadow grass-like arrangement of ear shoots and small narrow leaves was observed, for example.
“In the case of our ‘manipulated’ wheat, growth was so rapid that it was ripe in four weeks instead of the usual seven months”, Heinz Schürch recalled.
“However one has to say that although the ears and stalks were somewhat smaller, there were more ears per plant.
The actual benefit is that we could cultivate this wheat in regions where spring and summer are short – where conventional wheat cannot be grown at all.”
In this case, one can also cheerfully refrain from using pesticides and herbicides:
“The pests that have adapted to the growth process of normal wheat have not yet developed when we harvest our wheat as early as four to eight weeks after planting.”
The Third World in particular could benefit from this method of cultivation that is both environmentally friendly and inexpensive.
For “primeval cereals” from an electric field yield more than modern genetically engineered varieties and do not require fertilisers.
Furthermore, it is completely natural and thus healthier. It can be grown by anybody at minimal cost.
After Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch both passed away unexpectedly in 2001, their experiments were continued by Guido Ebner’s son, Daniel – himself a biologist – on a private basis.
He now wants to export this electric field technology to Africa as soon as possible, as part of an aid project, with the assistance of the former assistant to the UN Food Representative, Professor Jean Ziegler, in order to make it available to local farmers – free of charge, as an ecological alternative to the controversial genetically engineered seeds of the international agro-multinationals.
Do you see a connection to the chinese “space-seed-experiments” ?
Hi David!
Amazing work again! Looking forward to your book. I hope it will be translated too 🙂
When i watched the third part of the video i had to think about this amazing discovery, on which my brother and i want to experiment in our garden too.
The “Primeval Code” – the ecological alternative to controversial genetic engineering!
Can the global food problem at last be solved – without using genetic engineering?
In his new book the “Primeval Code” (Munich 2007) Swiss journalist Luc Bürgin unveils the secret of a sensational biological discovery at the pharmaceutical giant Ciba (now Novartis), which unfortunately has been ignored by the experts up to the present day.
In laboratory experiments the researchers there Dr. Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch exposed cereal seeds and fish eggs to an “electrostatic field” – in other words, to a high voltage field, in which no current flows.
Unexpectedly primeval organisms grew out of these seeds and eggs: a fern that no botanist was able to identify; primeval corn with up to twelve ears per stalk; wheat that was ready to be harvested in just four to six weeks.
And giant trout, extinct in Europe for 130 years, with so-called salmon hooks.
It was as if these organisms accessed their own genetic memories on command in the electric field, a phenomenon, which the English biochemist, Rupert Sheldrake, for instance believes is possible.
The Swiss pharmaceutical group patented the process – and then stopped the research in 1992.
Why? Because “primeval cereals” generated by an electric field, in contrast to modern strains of seeds, require hardly any fertilisers or pesticides – i.e. crop protection agents, sold as priority products by Ciba at that time.
The discovery was soon forgotten, without the global scientific community taking any notice.
In collaboration with the researchers involved – or rather their sons, in this book, the author has for the first time now disclosed in detail how the principle of this revolutionary bio-experiment works.
Previously unpublished research reports, 64 exclusive photos, English-language patent specifications and interviews document the “Primeval Code” in all its aspects.
Nevertheless many scientists who think along conventional lines may remain sceptical about this inexplicable biological effect.
But now for the first time, renowned German expert botanists such as Professor Edgar Wagner of the University of Freiburg and Professor Gunter Rothe from the University of Mainz make positive statements about it in the book.
Rothe even had replicated the Ciba experiments in detail at his university in 2001 – and was successful.
And also for the first time, even a Nobel laureate – the world-famous Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber – is taking up the cudgels for this controversial discovery.
Back then, Arber had given an expert opinion on the Ciba experiments in person in the laboratory.
The professor said to the author: “I was impressed!”
[Moderator: I got to see David’s outline for 2012 Enigma and he mentioned Ciba-Geigy in there. However, he only cited it being done with plants.
This is probably news to him, so I’ll make sure he sees it. Thanks!]
hey david, stopping by to say the video was awesome and apparently your name has somehow been heard by random people I bump into 🙂 yay to getting the word out.
Sorry to digress here but I just wanted to mention that the video that was before engima when you took a screenshot is very interesting indeed.
The thumbnail is of a movie adaptation of a VERY pop. cartoon series called Avatar:the last airbender.
In a nutcase, it deals with a kid ‘avatar’ whose is the current reincarnated embodiment of many previous avatars before him, each able to wield the four elements(fire,earth,water,air).
The series deals with battling against the fire nation which has enslaved the other 3 nations of the world (water,earth,air).
The avatar kid ends up befriending youth from all the nations (even the excommunicated fire prince)and leads a revolt and saves the world from the clutches of the powerlords of the fire nation.
There’s mention of a comet that blocks out the sun…
This is an example of how the youth are being exposed to this type of media dealing with being in tune with ‘spirit’/nature.
This could be interpreted as the indigo children of the times and an end to the corrupt manipulators of this world.
Interesting how it was this that was next to enigma eh?
[Moderator: A very fascinating link. I’m going to make sure David sees this as he’ll probably want to write about it.]
Hi, Can you or some can post english subtitles?
[Moderator: Our Transcription Team already has a rush order on this, but we’re human and can only work so fast.]
Would be very interested to hear David’s take on these recent events:
funny, i just saw what appears to be some type of flying apparatus in the show glee, in the beginning of the episode Laryngitis when they put puck in the garbage and the camera looks up…..
check it…. it zooms by appears and disappears
Great material.
I noticed that the first two crop circles of the season are very near the ley lines you were talking about, near stone henge.
Thank you for your hard work and endless curiosity.
Wow the videos are simply amazing the best I have seen!
Very encouraging and enlightening to say the least….one question, are you single?? =)
Thank you for your contribution!!!
[Moderator: We are inundated with all manner of romantic proposals towards David, including some that are disappointingly similar to stalkers.]
You have to see this!
Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Brief
Jupiter Has Lost a Cloud Stripe, New Photos Reveal
😉 All day long, I’m doing the Happy Dance! Watched all the videos over 2 days and I can’t tell you how good I feel!
Thank you so much for putting this info out with all the examples, photos and proofs.
Graduating, indeed! Looking forward to the “I Told You So” party! LOL Bless you, David.
I’m in the process of watching 2012 Event Horizon and I find myself continually saying ‘WOW’.
So many thoughts entering my brain.
When I saw the picture of the ley lines, I noticed that the line going straight north from the node off the coast of Florida, seems to run (as best I can tell from the scale) right thru the city where I live which is St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (just west of Niagara Falls).
I’ve always been amazed at how many churches there are in this city and many of them are very large, multi-story modern buildings with parking lots as large as what some shopping malls have.
I also picked up on the fact that directly north of us, is Toronto which has the CN Tower and the thought occurred to me that it’s our version of the Washington Monument obelisk.
When you talked about the Earth acting as a lens for esp abilities at 13:30 local sidereal time, I actually had tears in my eyes.
I asked myself why 13:30 and not 12:00 local sidereal time. That extra hour and a half had to mean something. So I did a calculation.
If the actual peak intensity is really 13 hours, 28 minutes and 48 seconds, then that extra 1 hour, 28 minutes and 48 seconds will be equal to a golden ration 6.18% of a 24 hour day.
Could it be that we can and should meditate during that peak intensity as a way of boosting our attempts to raise our frequency and energy and perhaps accelerate our transformation?
May God bless you and watch over you, David.
My Very Best Regards,
Dietmar Wehr
Outstanding! Very nicely done.
Hello David,
I’ve been reading you for a while now and doing my research to put pieces of puzzle together.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us…
Here something that maybe will add to your questions and answers:
David, Great new vid. I enjoyed it very much.
You should really check out Rudolf Steiner’s work in agriculture, and more recent studies in paramagnetic rock.
I think there are a lot of connections to your discussion here about pyramids.
Calcium Carbonate (lime) is one of the most common and useful agricultural amendments, and there is a lot of research showing that certain mineral structures are “paramagnetic,” coupling with the magnetism of plants to increase vitality.
Highly mineralized soils, like glacial deposits, are very productive.
There’s even some evidence indicating that medieval churches were used in a way similar to how you’re describing the pyramid – they were built of CaCO3 and situated in such a way to improve the surrounding soil.
Many studies have been done with very small “paramagnetic generators” showing major improvements in soil and plants.
Steiner has a bunch of wacky stuff in his papers on “biodynamics” (it’s been followed throughout the decades) that really comports with your work.
I think you could help put some better structure to paramagnetism in agriculture, and might pick up some new data and concepts.
Keep up the great work!
I cannot express how heartfelt and soulful the 2012 Event Horizon is. What a refreshing change from the Doom and Gloom 2012vers eh?
While I am not as eloquent in how you are able to deliver your message, it’s like hearing something in another language…
I cannot speak but understand you on an intuitive and psychic level.
You are funny, scientific, spiritual, and I (and many I am certain) resonate with you message as I have not done save for my own personal interest in energy healing with crystals.
The Christ Consciousness, the love He spoke of…yeah, this is the age we are to usher in and then some…
In love and light,
Well done David, you have done an outstanding job as usual.
I truly appreciate your devotion and the tremendous amount of effort you put into the presentation.
You tie everything together so beautifully and you speak so eloquently.
One definitely needs to view the videos more than once because it is packed with so much information; it is difficult to absorb it all.
Much love and blessings!
Dear David,
The video is giving a whole new perspective and needed comfort to the many “ascensioners” (new word/smile) on the planet with your down to earth approach.
It is time for the “real” us to awaken and be together as One, minus the games we have played for too long. Luv. jc
“There has never been a greater time in the entirety of your human history as this moment now.
Every action that you perceive and perform in your daily life and your larger global life will be forever remembered.
As we speak, the actions that you go through are indeed being recorded on the skein of space and time, by the pen or the quill of the Christ self, revealed through your own inner desire to perfect yourselves in Light and in Love.”
Amen and Amen!
Wilcock Readings……1998
Hi David, would it be possible to get a transcript of these new videos?
[Moderator: The Transcription Team already has a rush job on this. Patience.]
It’s always a pleasure to watch what you just remind us all!
And it is amazing to see how you can become so large and complex information into something easy to understand. Thank you!
I have been to one of your conferences and tuning in for a over a year or so.
Your own evolution and quality in this presentation deserves kudos not to mention the information you are sharing.
I had so hoped to invest in your movie but did not quite have the entire investment needed.
You are an inspiration thank you! You definitely have me hooked like a mystery! HAHA!!
And a thank you to all those who helped create these videos.
R Mac