This morning I had a dream so intense it literally left me in tears — describing a planetary healing in progress. [Updated!] A very similar dream was submitted as a comment on yesterday’s article right while I was typing up my own dream!
By David Wilcock
[Photo by Louise Brocklehurst]
The comments and email you have been sending in about the article I finished yesterday have been incredible. The vast majority of the piece all flowed out of me on Saturday, in one very long day. It was really only meant as an overview / introduction to the transcript of my October 6th appearance on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory that kicked off this whole revolution on the Internet about disclosure.
If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend it. You can click here to go directly to that piece and figure out why everyone’s so thrilled with it.
Ironically, I felt I just needed to “get it out of the way” before I went into more of the hard data showing that formal Disclosure is very likely being planned and executed. Richard Hoagland has recently come in and helped me put even more of this data together — and it will absolutely knock your socks off.
There’s an incredible case building for this being real — including statements Obama himself has made recently that are very interesting.
What I heard from Dr. Greer in his two lectures at last weekend’s Phoenix conference is also a pretty stunning set of developments. Disclosure has definitely gotten the green light from the insider powers-that-be.
They may well try to spin it to their advantage, but I wouldn’t get hung up on that. The positive aspects will far outweigh the negative. I just need time to write up all the pieces into a nice summary — but after what just happened this morning, this had to come first!
Little did I know how much of an impact my “initial overview” would have with you. Of course, I am very grateful for that.
Many of you are saying it’s the best piece I’ve ever written, but for me it was just a brief summary / overview of the “Big Picture” — things I’ve known about for thirteen years as a result of having studied the Law of One series, which is the philosophical and scientific basis of this website.
If you haven’t read it yet, or at least gone through the Study Guide you can find in the Books section here on, then this might all come as a surprise to you. It doesn’t have to be that way!
Most people are unaware that the ETs we see in UFOs, with amazing technology and Ascended abilities, are still only fourth or fifth density — as defined in the Law of One series. Sixth density beings are vastly more interesting and powerful by comparison — and they collectively maintain a supercomplex and highly effective “illusion” on our planet.
This ‘illusion’ is constructed so we have the “opportunity of separation”.
Say what? You mean they want us to have the ‘opportunity’ to feel alone, isolated, separated and fearful if we so choose?
Absolutely correct.
That’s the environment that must be created — artificially — in order for our growth to occur. In order for us to realize that these feelings are an illusion. That the truth has always been available to us — by seeking the love in this moment.
Thanks to the ‘illusion,’ we can honestly and genuinely believe we are alone, abandoned and vulnerable to unseen chaotic forces that could destroy us.
We can be completely convinced that the ‘real world’ is entirely free of magic, synchronicity or any higher oversight — but the ‘illusion’ will still deliver us karma, very reliably.
Spiritual awakening often comes in the process of realizing there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the things we put out there and the things that then come back to us in our lives — seemingly at random.
Many people become aware of this, but still think of it as some sort of ‘universal law’ that works almost like gravity — it just is, without any real intelligent supervision and staffing involved in making sure it works. This is a preliminary assumption that proves incorrect as you begin understanding what’s really going on, and how it works.
The sixth density beings running this illusion are very, very clever — but they will throw you tons and tons of hints that an intelligence is behind the events happening to you — if you start paying attention and studying the patterns.
The basic rule of karma is that whatever you measure out to others, events will happen that return similar experiences to you in your own life. Create love and service, by helping others, and many unexpected blessings will “just seem” to happen, as if by ‘magic.’
Create pain and fear, by manipulating and controlling others, and the things you hold most dear will be stripped clean from you. Since time is speeding up, in terms of the duration between emotionally powerful events in our lives, the speed with which negative karma returns is also dramatically increasing. That being said, if your infringements upon others are strong enough, you may not be able to alleviate all of it within your own frame of reference in one life.
As we learn in Michael Newton’s books, Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls, many souls cannot work off all their negative karma in one lifetime, and end up having to reincarnate in much more dire circumstances later on in order to restore their own spiritual balance.
There is no circumventing the Law of Karma. I have heard or read about Illuminati folks, time and again, saying they are above it. The analogies they use are that they are a ‘natural force’ like fire. And fire, of course, is just fire — it doesn’t earn any karma one way or the other. This is decisively not the case for any human being living on this or any other planet, out in space, in higher densities, or wherever.
The Illuminati believe they can continue going along, doing things the way they’ve been doing them, because they’ve never been stopped. What they don’t realize is that they are indeed allowed to do a great deal, but it never goes past certain limits.
They need to feel like they have free will, and can do what they want. They need to believe that the events that keep shutting them down, and blocking all their plans, are merely setbacks — not something intelligently orchestrated where the outcome has always been known, because it is being very carefully managed.
Thus, the negative elite will never be allowed to push things to a point that would truly damage or destroy humanity itself as a collective.
Granted, there are indeed many areas on Earth where great human suffering can and does occur. The souls who go there have many reasons for doing so. Two of the more common reasons are that they may either seek to become much stronger spiritually, and / or to alleviate karma accrued from other lifetimes.
Either way, the negative elite will never be allowed to put the Earth into a state where there is more negative than positive in our day-to-day experience. The ‘illusion’ requires that we have equal opportunities to seek the positive as we do in seeking the negative.
This way, it is totally a product of our own choosing whether we will accept that there is love, or that life is all about pain and suffering and no one cares.
The sixth density beings oversee and ‘manage’ this process, while fourth and fifth density beings collaborate in making sure these manifestations occur.
Bear in mind this process can include the manifestation of something as destructive as a car crash. It will be designed so that the body is injured exactly as much as your Higher Self — the sixth density being running the show — feels is warranted.
This was very bluntly demonstrated to me when my own contact with the Higher Self began in 1996, in the form of directly channeled verbal messages. I was repeatedly told to stop passing people on our two-lane highway, which was often done in dangerous circumstances.
I also was an angry driver because many people would go as much as ten miles below the speed limit on a road that was supposed to be 55. I would take risks to get past them — but never imagined I might have a head-on collision from it. This was part of why I needed the lesson — it would prevent something far worse from happening — an accident that could have killed me.
I was repeatedly warned to stop doing this, but I just couldn’t handle getting stuck behind those slowpoke drivers. I did not listen. The behavior continued. I thought the Higher Self was all love and light, and didn’t realize what might happen if I failed to heed the warning.
That Tuesday, right around this same time of December some thirteen years ago now, I was told in a message, very clearly:
“My gift to the world will be a three-and-a-half by eleven sheet of paper. Expect it on Friday. Ninety minutes ’till ten o’clock.”
That Friday, at 8:30 am — 90 minutes ’til 10:00 — I was involved in a car accident. I rear-ended the woman in front of me because of all the slush on the road. The officer wrote me up a ticket for the accident. The ticket was printed on a 3 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper.
The woman tried to sue me for 200,000 dollars, claiming she’d had a neck injury, even though the dent on her bumper was no bigger than a dime. I overheard the firemen and emergency staff discussing this in great surprise, thinking she was lying as her story kept changing, getting worse and worse — to the point that she finally said her head hit the steering wheel and dribbled on it multiple times like a basketball.
In the beginning she didn’t say it hit the wheel at all. There was no bruise or marking to suggest this happened. I also had gone up to her after it first happened and confirmed she could move her head and neck around without any pain. After all, I was driving to a “med certification” class, where they were teaching us how to assess trauma cases just like this.
She was brought into the ambulance in a full foam stretcher that immobilized her head and neck. She was then treated and released from the hospital, after they found nothing wrong with her. She then told my insurance company she began “intensive chiropractic treatments” the very next day. However, this was not hard to do, because she already worked for a chiropractor.
I was absolutely terrified that this lawsuit would completely wipe me out financially, and I would be paying her for the rest of my life. My insurance agent told me they found in their investigation that she had already done this several times before — and won. As soon as it happened again, she went right into profit-creating mode. I was just the poor sucker standing between her and the big payday.
I actually did have to go to court, and saw her with a huge entourage of sketchy-looking folks in denim, plaid and old baseball caps waiting for me in the courtroom. They never saw me. In the back room, I ended up entering a guilty plea with the officer who called me aside. He asked me if my car did, in fact, contact her bumper, and I said yes. That was tantamount to a guilty plea, he said, so I went with it and got the hell out of there.
They eventually dropped their offer to 10K, and that was the last I ever heard of it. As far as I know, she never got any money for this stunt. My insurance rates did not go up and no one told me what the final outcome was. But the lesson it all gave me, and the way it was orchestrated by my sixth density Higher Self, really did… shall we say… connect with me.
You could also say it hit me pretty hard.
This was when I really learned and understood that everything happening on the planet is being ‘managed’ — even the times we most feel alone, isolated and abandoned. And now, it seems, we have reached a point of Graduation as a planet. After all this time, we are finally being given the opportunity to know for a fact that we are not alone in the universe. It’s really going to happen. And that is a very exciting prospect.
The whole post was originally triggered by my hearing, “through the grapevine” as it were, that Daniel Pinchbeck — another popular 2012 scholar — was starting to get emails from people who were very upset that nothing happened on November 27th — that very same day. Those people were trying to insinuate that my credibility and career was now ‘destroyed’ as a result of nothing having happened.
Admittedly I was very upset by this — though not at Daniel. I had never said anything would happen on that day. My dreams indicated the disclosure would happen during the same timeframe as a massive economic event that few would have ever anticipated. That’s always been my stance.
Here is the key summary I wrote of the message my dreams have been giving me over the last two years, in more than fifty different installments:
You will stare into the face of the abyss. The darkest of all dark nights in human history. An economic catastrophe that seems so vast in scope it will appear there is no way out.
Yet, this is but the darkest hour before the dawn. You are witnessing a pivotal moment — the lightning-fast breakdown of negative-elite structures that have held your people imprisoned and enslaved for so long.
The people will rise up and create sweeping economic reforms on a massive scale most would have considered unthinkable. There will be great assistance from an international coalition of countries who are directly opposed to the corrupt New World Order system.
Much of this toxic international Ponzi scheme will fall apart practically overnight. Those most responsible for the problems will experience major upheavals, loss of prestige and power, and will be literally brought to their knees.
In their final death throes they will make attempts to harm or destroy a substantial amount of the world’s population. These efforts will fail, because Management will not allow them to infringe any more than humanity’s collective free will allows them to.
And humanity’s collective free will is not inviting a mass, genocidal die-off.
The negative elite can see this upheaval coming. They are absolutely terrified of what will manifest in their own immediate futures when it occurs. It is unstoppable. They know this.
They want to convince themselves they are managing and controlling it, even while seeing blatant signs it is much bigger than they are.
They believe such chaotic upheavals will happen to everyone, but this will not be the case. The positive effects this will have for the average person are nothing short of miraculous.
These changes also pave the way for, or are accompanied by, a much more formal realization that we are not alone in the Universe.
With the collapse of the secrecy and financing of the corrupt factions comes the release of new energy technology that can dramatically transform the biosphere and the quality of all life on Earth within a reasonable timeframe.
The stunning advance in knowledge and truth will create an incredible spiritual renaissance in humanity — an explosion of new seekers who know the truth and wish to understand the deepest questions: Who are we, why are we here, and where are we going.
Bill Ryan of Project Camelot leaked the date onstage in Zurich, and with everyone filming it in the audience, it went all over the Internet — thus ensuring it would not, and probably could not, happen on that day.
My article was then rushed out in response to what I heard from Daniel, because I realized the longer I went without making a statement, the worse it would get. I started it the morning after the 27th and it was published late that night, around 2:30 am California time.
There were a few mistakes here and there, and I had to go back through and format the radio interview so it read better — with individual subject headings, extra text for explanation, et cetera. Then yesterday I finished the job by loading in all the relevant Pyramid Timeline graphics, which really added to the piece.
I also put in graphics of the wall being smashed out after the pipe burst, and the bizarre, clean break that happened to the dinner plate I was eating off of while having a very important meeting with insiders.
I also put in a section at the end, after the radio show, where I explained how Wanderer Awakening is like a musical channeling of the Law of One — much more than just songs to listen to and enjoy.
This morning I had a dream that was so incredible it literally left me in tears. And as I often do, I checked my email when I was working on it. I get my own email notifications when someone posts a comment to the website, just like the moderators. An email came in notifying me of a comment someone posted with a dream that was so extraordinarily similar to my own, in its tone, content and ultimate meaning, that I had to stop whatever else I was doing and write this first.
This is clearly another example of Management at work — and we can expect more and more of these synchronicities as we go forward. This was obviously meant for everyone.
We will begin with the dream I just woke up from an hour and a half ago.
Tuesday 12 / 1 / 09 – 8:28 am
D: I caught it just before they started banging away on the repairs to the house at 8:30 am… very nice! And what a dream… my God!
An earlier section had some rapid results that came together for me
It was very positive and it didn’t take very long
It seemed to focus on people being helped in a very dramatic way
I woke up briefly and quickly was able to get back to sleep
The next dream worked up to an incredible and very tense ending
I was in something that reminded me slightly of the girls’ first floor hall of Bouton Hall
This, of course, was where Yumi, my first girlfriend, lived when we got together
However, in this case it was a much more serious situation
We were now back in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
This hallway now led directly into a Hitler-style mass killing machine
It clearly seemed to be an incinerator
You walked off the edge and it dropped you down into an area that burned you alive
I had a guy ahead of me I was friends with
He alternated between Bill Levine (who is doing music for 2012 Event Horizon) and Daniel Pinchbeck
Earlier along he had a lot more weight on him
He was scared and wanted to know what was going to happen
Behind me I had a girlfriend
I had been confident that none of us would have to go through with this hideous death
I then was able to have a brief, private discussion with Saddam myself
He told me that I would be left alone, because I was special, but my friend and fellow 2012 scholar would have to go
I was absolutely horrified when I realized this is what was going to happen
Nonetheless, I could not bear to tell him the truth and have his final minutes be in fear
I came back out of the room and he asked me, breathlessly, what was going to happen
I couldn’t bear to tell him the truth
I told him we would be fine – this was just a checkpoint we needed to go through
I also had no idea whether my girlfriend would be spared just because I was going to be
Saddam then called him in personally
The environment was very tense – but Bill was quite dignified
Saddam ordered him to take off all of his clothes
He was confident, from what I told him, that he wasn’t going to die – but definitely worried
He had a lot of clothes to take off – and it did take some time
I now realized for sure that it was an incinerator – and Saddam wanted to make sure he burned cleanly
I got the sense Saddam was worried about how heavy he was and whether it would stress the incinerator too much – particularly with the clothes
Bill / Daniel’s weight dramatically changed as he shed all his clothes
He became much thinner and healthier as he stripped off all the layers, down to boxers and socks at the end
Somewhere as all this was going on I had a vision where I briefly saw and interacted with this one-man band in the basement, one floor below me
It was this black guy who was sitting at a piano with a microphone for his voice
He had his left foot going to a bass-drum pedal and his right foot went to something else – perhaps a hi-hat
There was another guy behind him on the right side, perhaps doing backup vocals, accordion, harp, et cetera – but clearly this guy was the main focus
I’m not sure if he actually played, but it was clear that he was a blues man
I then was back at the center of the action
Bill was back out in the hallway, just about finished taking off his things for the ‘checkpoint’
I went in there and started engaging Saddam on a deeper level
I said to him, “You may be missing a very important opportunity here.”
“How do you mean?” he replied.
“I have great respect for your country, your people and your customs,” I said.
“I also reach millions of people through my writing on my website.”
“If you change your mind about this one thing, and keep us alive, I will write in a favorable way about Iraq – and help bring everyone else to a respect and understanding about you.”
“If you kill us, though, you just perpetuate the cycle. More and more people will come after you – and the world is a lot bigger than you are.”
“It seems to me like you’re throwing away a really great opportunity here. You can just let go of whatever has made you so angry that you want to do this, and we’ll work together so everybody wins.”
He spent some time thinking about it and suddenly had a major shift
He leaped up out of the desk and said “You’re absolutely right! I do need your help. I want my people to be honored and respected. And I’m never going to get there if I keep doing this.”
I could hardly contain myself – I was absolutely overwhelmed with joy and relief
He then said, “You are all free to go. We’ll work together and find a way to respect each other.”
When I went back out into the hallway, my friend was gone
I wasn’t sure if this message had come through in time – there was a little bit of last-minute angst
I then again found myself in front of the blues man who was doing the one-man band
Again he didn’t play anything, but we looked at each other and clearly shared an understanding
I then came back out to the front of the building
I was completely overjoyed to see my friend there – alive!
I completely lost it and burst into tears, right in the dream, hugging him
He had no idea how close he was to the edge – and I was thrilled to see him
The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming – and I knew I would follow through on my promise to the people of Iraq
What an incredible opening of the heart that was! Even better, while I was writing it down, someone posted a comment to the article I just wrote that had the same exact theme. I’m definitely going to write this up!
My initial thoughts are that the one-man band in the basement represents me, and others like me who have their own websites and are sole voices in the darkness, speaking out about things much bigger than they are here on Earth. Or so it seems. He was literally the one-man band.
Obviously, the greater message was about an opening of the heart. Learning to respect each other and live together, in peace, on the planet.
It very much is geared towards the Illuminati — or at least certain elements of them who are able to realize that all biological human life should stick together. We all share a common lineage. We are One.
All that karma, pending in future lifetimes and already well on its way as the old systems crumble to dust, can be alleviated by making this shift.
Each person has to decide for themselves what is truth, and what they will believe.
Nonetheless, the power and impact of this message was heavily enhanced by the dream sent in by our reader, Arthur, at the exact same time I was writing up all the above.
Here is Arthur’s dream. If you have any kind of an open mind, I’m sure you’ll be as amazed by this as I was when I first saw it…
—–Original Message—–
From: Divine Cosmos
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:52 AM
Content Title: Disclosure Updates and Transcript of Coast Announcement, 10/6!
Comment Title:
Author: Arthur
Email: [Redacted]
Link to content:
Hi, recently I also had a dream involving Obama.
There is more detail to it, of course, but basically it revolved around Obama having a sort of diplomatic discussion.
It was settled that the person (or more like a “thing”) he was meeting with (in a lone wooden hut atop a small hill) would finally end — and give up its malicious plans and /or its grip upon the world.
(This other person was more like a representation of illuminati controllers. Appeared like an embodiment of evil, a rider of the apocalypse, but in quasi-human form.)
I don’t know how that was settled finally, I only “felt” that it was from the outside, sort of.
And the concept was very non-linear in a quantum physical sense; the dispute was settled because of two parallel events of the same thing, past and present affecting each other. Only now it was finally turning out to something grand.
The significant thing for me was that it was very lucid after that… because of the implications of the situation in the dream.
Finally the knowingness that everything would turn out totally amazing for everyone on the planet.
And intense emotional release, like just letting your whole face get wet with tears, crying on and on, simply from the AWESOME amount of relief and surrender (this state of relief is the more lucid part of dreams that I remember having lately, not just once. And they always feel very prophetic and real)…
Thanks, to everyone (especially the Moderator, too, hehe)… — Thou, as I, art God! :-* — for this is the esoteric meaning of Namasté
It’s 12:10 am and I’m out of time right now, so the dreams you see above are just the raw data. I have to go do errands and I have an important CONVERGENCE meeting to catch. If my hair’s a bit unkempt we’ll just have to go with it, as I didn’t have time to take a shower yet.
I will come back later and flesh this all out with greater text discussing the implications of these two dreams back to back. I think you can already see what an amazing synchronicity we have here!
Very exciting!
This whole story has just gotten even more interesting — with yet additional layers of synchronicity / telepathy / Management to add into the mix!
It turns out that the REAL Bill Levine, the same guy who was specifically featured in the dream as a character flip-flopping with Daniel Pinchbeck, has indeed been wearing four different layers of clothing in the last few days.
Even better, get this — just last week he sat in a life-sized replica of Hitler’s gas chambers!
This kind of synchronicity, remember, was par for the course when I did any one of 500 client readings while I was active in that capacity from 1998 to 2005. This is the kind of thing that made people burst into tears on the phone so many times.
In a very real sense, I got used to it. Once you’ve had it work so well, so many times, you just start accepting that the ability does exist, and that dreams can have very powerful psychic messages in them — much more than you can usually ever get in the waking state unless you can do the deep-trance work.
Here’s the letter he just sent me so you can read this for yourself!
—–Original Message—–
From: Bill LevineSent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:57 PM
To: David Wilcock
Subject: DreamHa ha ha! Great dream! I love you too, man!I’m up here at the Squaw Creek Resort, Lake Tahoe, doing a Tibetan Dzogchen retreat. (see the rigpa wiki for more on Dzogchen). My antennae are up so I must be send and receiving at full blast.Was trying to read your ET post Sunday night, didn’t have time…. read dream today. Like the theme of how understanding and respect yields forgiveness and tolerance.You were spot on with your psychic hits:1) I am wearing four layers of clothes on my torso, 2 pairs of socks to combat the cold air at the retreat.2) Last week, i visted the LA Museum of Tolerance and sat in the gas chambers used by Hitler. Exact life size replicas.3) I am having fears due to financial insecurity due to the death of the Hollywood live music industry and career changes, and on some level 2012 changes. (I’m glad to know one-man bands might do well!)4) Dzogchen teachings on Saturday night were literally mind-blowing. The lama, Sogyal Rinpoche, gazed at the whole audience and introduced many to the sky-like Nature of Mind, especially for those ready. This information could transform the entire world into a more spaciously abiding, mindfully aware place.More later,Bill
This adds a much more personal aspect to the dream — and also contains the key to deciphering its symbols.
Notice that Bill was forced to strip down in my dream — and as he did he lost a substantial amount of weight. Such a weight loss would be considered a really powerful healing for anyone. In dreams, weight symbolizes emotional worry that has remained unprocessed. So this character went through a profound healing in the course of being threatened by Saddam’s character symbolizing the Illuminati.
And again, he ended up getting through unscathed, despite what looked like a very terrifying situation of certain doom. This is precisely the message so many other of these dreams I’m having have given us.
This emphasizes the value of ‘catalyst’, as Ra calls it in the Law of One series. The ‘illusion’ we are living in does feature very real tragedy, crises and pain to the physical body. One cannot change the fact that atrocities have indeed occurred in the past. The entire 20th century fulfills all the most negative prophecies within all the ancient world spiritual traditions.
It is very difficult for most people to get past the fact that such atrocities can and do happen, and yet still be able to accept that they are ultimately in a loving, conscious Universe.
Yet, as I said on Coast, we can find answers within books like Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton, where people were hypnotically regressed to the time in between lifetimes.
In such accounts, time and again we find that some of the strongest and bravest souls will choose to go through very adverse circumstances — up to and including torture, starvation, atrocities and even death.
Granted, in some cases people are also working off negative karma. Bear in mind that whatever we bring upon others must be brought upon us. That is the Law, and no one escapes it — negative, positive or the indifferent atheist. Each time someone commits a senseless atrocity, they already have guaranteed they will have to go through the same thing themselves — and / or an equivalent amount of really difficult stuff to make up for it.
The Law of One also describes cases where negatively polarized entities will deliberately program in lifetimes where they are tortured to death so they can further “hone a blunt edge of hatred” for others. They then accrue a very strong soul memory of the torture, which in turn gives them the stomach to hurt people even more in future lifetimes.
By comparison, a strong soul will go through sheer and utter adversity — the practical equivalent of the hero’s crucifixion archetype — and never compromise on their core ideals, their dignity, their morals, their love and truth. They may well have to make terrible choices, and feel guilty about them, but as long as their overall motivation remains positive, very substantial growth is made.
Bear in mind that while you are hanging out up there as a soul in the higher realms, it will be very obvious to you that if you knock out one lifetime like this on Earth — with extreme adversity — you could end up making thousands or even tens of thousands of years’ worth of spiritual growth progress in one shot.
And whether or not someone here on Earth is concerned about spiritual growth, it becomes very clear in reading Newton’s books that this is absolutely and entirely our focus in the higher realms. Everyone. Without exception.
We all have a soul memory of ‘teachers’ who go through exactly the same things with us as you read on this website and others like it. That’s part of why there’s such an attraction for people to this kind of material. It peels back the curtain and reminds us of who we really are, and what our original goals were for coming here and living this life.
Let there be no doubt that countless plans have been made to disrupt the continuity of life in Western society. Some of these plans do include concentration camps where dissidents would ‘mysteriously’ disappear.
Granted, a majority of what people call ‘FEMA camps’ on the internet are really not — but that doesn’t change the fact that such plans really were made. In the case of Katrina, they were actually called into action. If you want to see a real New World Order concentration camp, visit your local sports arena.
No kidding. The real plans I was made aware of by Daniel, one of my earlier insider contacts, included building Superdomes in all the major cities, (which has now been done,) herding everyone inside in the event of a major social upheaval, and then not letting them out until everyone was gone.
The powers that be had one shot to try out this plan. Now everyone has gotten wise and knows not to go to the Superdome in the event of an emergency. And the vast majority of people who went through that did not perish, though it certainly was very unpleasant while they were in there.
What my readings have been saying for so many years now is that there are nowhere near enough people to hold the guns for these NWO-oriented plans to ever actually work.
The proof of that is in the very fact that my friend Bill Levine was indeed visiting a holocaust museum and sitting in a life-sized replica of a gas chamber.
We have made movies about this, grieved about it, cried about it, and learned the lesson from deep within ourselves: THIS MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
Granted, there are some whose culture is so abusive and full of torment that they would want to bring this level of suffering down upon others — but there are nowhere near enough of them anymore for any of these plans to work. And that goes for anyone from any country — for those who would whip out the old ‘UN Troops in the US” canard.
There are Taliban-style violent extremists in any culture, but they always are a minority — and again, in the West, you could try to order your troops, police, et cetera to do terrible things, but they have free will, and an ever-increasing sense of conscience.
We know this madness has to stop, and we’re not going to tolerate anything else. No matter how ‘alien’ someone may seem to us, or how much we’ve been taught to hate them.
With all that being said, I thought I’d share my first hate-mail of the day with you. It helps to show the duality that we still live within. It also was a good insight for me into the kinds of accusations being made towards folks like me by people who are ‘paid bloggers’ in the employ of the New World Order types as they increasingly struggle to attack anyone and everyone opposing their plans.
Apparently I am passing subliminal messages to you in my audio blogs. It’s news to me… I wouldn’t even know how to do it — but now I’ve been exposed:
—–Original Message—–
From: [Redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 12:15 AM
To: Divine CosmosSubject: Divine Cosmos: TruthUsed to be a massive found, recently found out the truth about olDavid Wilcock, Apart from your subliminals on your files, your a scam artist after money and fame, the light with shine through all your bullshit. Nice try asshole.
I actually laughed really hard when I got this. I would love to see one single other site on the Internet that has as much free, quality inspirational content — both science and spiritual, spanning the range of full-length movies, audio files and articles — generated by one person. And the last line is so New York — reminding me of these guys from the city I knew in college.
Throw a little mafia-style Bronx flavor into the line reading and you’ll get the full dose. Layer in your ‘wiseguy’ Three Stooges voice and now you’re even more into the fun zone. “Nysh try, ash-hole! Woob-woob-woob-woob-woob!”
The truth is what you make of it. If you want to see the truth of the love in this moment, the answer is right there within you. If you want to hate and attack others, that is your choice as well.
Many people can’t help but hate me because I threaten the whole structure of hate they’ve built up in their egoic mind — the structure that frames them as an outsider battling forces much more powerful than they are, locked in a duel to the death, where only the strong survive.
The important part to remember here is that as we are attacked, so do we grow by having a healthy response, rather than engaging the energy of the attacker with anger and fear. Recognize their confusion and see how fun they feel it is to mount such attacks, on some level. No one does a behavior like this unless they enjoy it and get a payoff out of it.
You can appreciate and recognize them while also having strict boundaries, so that certain lines will never be crossed. That’s the real trick, as I’ve said before. You are not a child, thrown to the wolves and powerless. You have the ability and the right to protect yourself from people who would try to steal your energy. You can feel it when it starts happening to you, and gently, lovingly but firmly establish that this will not go on.
That’s what we’re all doing now as a planet with the negative elite. This is the core behind why Disclosure is coming. This is the main reason why the Illuminati are in free-fall collapse.
Expect the unexpected — in a good way. Things are about to get a lot more interesting.
You are being notified in advance so you do not get infected with the fear the mainstream media will be putting out in copious quantities once these prophecies begin coming true.
Whether you use this knowledge or not is up to you.
The fact that such powerful dream synchronicity has been displayed here, in real time, should help you understand that these forces very much can coordinate things on a massive level — much more than the typical atheist could ever allow himself to believe, due to his war-hardened cynicism.
Keep your chin up in the midst of the difficulties you are going through as we make this transition. This was but one of many dreams showing us that the outrageous fear porn you read and hear about on so many websites these days will never come to pass. We’ve outgrown the need for it. We won’t benefit from this happening again, as a species. It’s time for something new.
The world is transforming. Are you going to go with it, and BE love, or cling to the riverbank in fear?
The choice is yours.
i had a profound visitaion from a guide, angel. i was remote viewing, spontaneously, i don’t have that ability,it just activated, i guess, i was lucid, it’s confusing what was happening.
i have no idea where i was. visited a couple of different rooms, never walked through any doors. i do know one place i was. my room. i just got up out of bed and was looking and walking around my room, looked out the window. everything was in black and white and grey, no color.
then she appeared. in color and she was gorgeous, and i was glad to see her. she was in a human body. never said a word. now, mind you everything is still in black and white ,but her.
were in my room. then she turn to into the lightbody the golden lightbody, and gradually dematerialzed from feet to head. when she i was so sad i devistated she was gone and woke in tears. knowing i just seen a benevolant being.
this human activation thing is definitely real, what we think will happen. i’m ready to turn it up. just a little, will blow you mind. what the humans can do.
peace and becoming light
hello david, it seems to me and others that you have got caught up in the trips and your music, we are not receiving enough material , only stuff thaat we already know, lets pick it up a bit robert
I typed in “How to play MP3 files” and guess what site came up? Yours!!!
Love Light, Ian
I love this site.
I had a thought, perhaps someone can help me out?
I have been following the Abraham teachings for quite some time (the channeling by Esther Hicks) and they (the Beings) say that karma does not exist.
I’ve been in two minds about this. For one, I know we live in a binary, dual world, where cause & effect are very obvious, and karma fits in because what you do has consequences; and then, I also believe their message that we’re “source energy” and karma is directly resultant from the thoughts we have, ie, “Law of Attraction”, and not to fear because it is that emotion (and other emotions like it) that bring about what you don’t want to happen.
They don’t agree with there being any ‘Management’ system in place such as the 6th dimensional beings David has discussed.
So my query is this: is karma real? or is it a reflection of the “Law of Attraction”? And are we fully in charge of our own individual realities that merge with others’s individual realities?
I have been feeling an urge to buy some of the Dali Lama books and read more about tibetan buddism. I’ve also enrolled into an Ancient History course at Uni (have no idea why, but I’m following an urge on that one too)
[Moderator: The discussion forum is the best place to pose questions like this and be able to interact with people directly.]
David. I enjoy your energy and openness to issues. About a year ago, I had a strong inner urge to change, seek answers and wake up, whatever the hell that means. Later on my wife looked at me and said, “you have changed”, worried.
I have always had experiences including several of UFO’s darting in patterns all over the sky in my dreams which seemed prophetic, a great number of them.
I also seem to have dreams that direct me or show the way. The latest is odd in which millions of mice attack some people whom are or seem well off.
Nex, a woman and man run into a great house with thick doors and barricade themselves within. I watched the mice organize themselves into a large square against the door and commence chewing an 2″x2 hole through the door. I found this confusing as they only needed a small opening.
One way to move forward is to start referring to “the powers that be” as “the powers that were” !
Quote: “We all have a soul memory of ‘teachers’ who go through exactly the same things with us as you read on this website and others like it. That’s part of why there’s such an attraction for people to this kind of material. It peels back the curtain and reminds us of who we really are, and what our original goals were for coming here and living this life”.
Hi David, this is so true! Thanks for putting it in words,this is an amazing uplifting experience, no fear at all.
Since downloading these disclosures and truths in my soul, it’s an ongoing Awake and Aware experience and very joyful, I think we are in for a very great surprise party, this year.
Thanks David and kind regards from Marian.
Happiness, timelessness will rise in frequency, this related with each other.
So there extercie will become greater when you become more divine this is a positive correlation.
Multidimensionality is the new thoughtplatform of understanding reality.
In essence all is unlimited divided by unlimited moments and situations.
So we are all unlimited characters with unlimited experiences.
Forgetting that we all eternal THAT makes the game.
Still there must be more knowlegde that can’t be comprehend and can’t be perceived or understand by our 6 senses, this makes experience more interesting to solve.
I BELIEVE WE WILL AND DON’T WAT TO KNOW EVERYTHING, Otherwise if we knew, we would automatically throw ourselfs in forgetfullness.
THE CYCLES IS ENDLESS and will allways be.
Creation is perfect functional and pleasant at the same time.
There might be more templates of creations in the wholeness we have not discovered.
Before we can comprehend new realities and choose to play them.
The game on planet earth for ascended masters is to help the ones who live in darkness find there way back to love and light.
The masterplan should have a mathematical standard for the ones who can ascend and the one who will experience other lifetimes.
Our existence is interconnected with all multidimensional beings 3d,4d,5d,6d and so on..
The managers are responsible and well trained souls with invisible technologies in our wildest dreams.
Like stopping time, fixing the matrix, changing energies, fixing timelines. Create synchronicity.
They instruct angels to do the work.
there iq is 1000+. there body is the galaxy.
Earth, sun and other planets are bodies.
MATRIX is real fun.
I am an ascended masters just like many others here.
We all play different contexts of realities with different challenges and different opportunities.
Hi, David. Love your work and have been inspired by your videos and writings on your website.
I have had many dreams over the past year or so that are extremely vivid with regards to many visitors in the sky showing up at one time.
My dreams of visitation have always been with a sky full of ships, always in multiples and all types of shapes and sizes.
However, the scariest dream yet was being on vacation in the tropics(which we do every February)with my wife and son and experiencing what I would call a solar flare.
I could feel the flash of light pass through my body as we rushed inside for protection.
I awoke from the dream at the moment that it was lights out for us as things went black after the rainbow of colors passed through us.
I had the sinking feeling that we had perished, but I couldn’t be sure because I awoke in a state of panic. There was no time for reaction to it happening in the dream. It was very sudden.
I have to say that I believe in my heart that the Mayans, Hopi, and others knew what is coming. Unfortunately for us, we won’t know for sure how accurate their future forcasts have been until the moment passes us and either something happens, or it doesn’t.
My sister and I saw a UFO in Michigan in about 1980. It was extremely low in the clear summer sky. Shaped like a barbell(cylindrical, shiny, and black, it passed over our heads at maybe 50 feet.
Passing over our heads you could only hear the whisp of air and no other sound. We were in the country and the night was beautiful and we watched it come at us, over us, and continue north until it went out of sight.
I would love to get hypnotized to see if I could draw a picture of what we saw. I know what I saw but I thought it would be interesting to compare what my subconscience would say.
No one that we were aware of reported any sightings like ours. However, this was before the internet so our ablity to harness information wasn’t like now.
I just wish to God we had been able to film what we saw. Our parents thought we may have seen a satellite, but it was so low and close to us that it could not have been possible to be silently passing over us.
50 feet is too low for something to fly without propulsion of some sort, right?
We could hear the air as it passed along through the sky and nothing else. At least with two of us witnessing the same thing I knew we weren’t dreaming. It happened.
Thanks for letting me share. One thing I can say for sure. Thanks to people like yourself and all the people interviewed by Bill and Kerry I have come to believe that we are eternal spirits.
So no matter what happens in the near future when my time comes I’ll be ready to move on to the next part of my journey. Until then I try to keep right with God and others so that when it does happen I’ll be ready.
Keep up the great work, David. Happy New Year to all. Regards, Jayman
P.S. Was it you that told us about the Giza Powerplant with Christopher Dunn? That has been one of the most compellign arguments to me about ancient aliens.
That and the suggestions of Von Daniken. Same with Carl Johan Calleman and the Mayan timeline overlayed the world history timeline. Fascinating stuff. Thanks, again, David. Bye!
When October 14th 2008 came and no thousand mile alien space craft materialised, like many others I was very dissapointed, but, thanks to my curiosity to this uneventfull event I became aware and this brought me to a whole new way of thinking and has awakened me to the truth of our existence.
We have been lied to all of our lives and the time of disclosure is at hand. Changes in my physical and spiritual life has revealed this to me.
Our world as we used to know it will change dramaticaly in 2010. Fear not! For the changes that are coming for us and earth are nessesary.
Evil and hate shall be washed away, peace and love will soon reside, namaste, namaste.;-)
Hey, somebody asked about “ascension symptoms.” Here’s some –
Some days you might feel like your emotions are just out of control – one minute you feel negative, angry or disappointed, the next you might feel as happy as you’ve ever felt in your life for no particular reason.
You may feel your perceptions are much more open – you can see auras, hear things telepathically, feel the Earth changes.
Also, you may become very disinterested in playing society games — the kind of car you drive doesn’t really matter to you anymore or if you even drive one, the kind of clothes you wear is less important.
What you do or don’t eat may be coming to the forefront – fast food and most meat may be starting to make you feel really sick.
The issue of spending all your time and efforts on earning more and spending more may not seem all that important to you any more. Many people are experiencing sleep disturbances – sometimes you just want to sleep and feel sleepy all the time and sometimes you may feel like you have too much energy, can’t sleep at all.
Your sleeping patterns may be changing – stay up all night and sleep all day or vice versa – wake up in the middle of the night and fall asleep at dinner time.
You may feel some sort of crystallization in your body or some sort of weird aches and pains.
Just try to eat organic, get exercise that relaxes you, and sleep when you feel you need to. Meditation is a great help to staying focused.
I have followed your writings and project camelot for some time. As well as IONS authors, and many others.
After listening to your disclosure talk I noticed a sound in my condo that was unusual that has been going on all day..(tried to dismiss it)I have a very upscale condo that beeps when appliances are not doing what they think (much to my dismay)
But finally wanted to find out what this pulsing noise was about. I have 3 pictures from NASA that I downloaded and framed…one of wind..hurricane (i live in Fl) one of the sun and one of the earth. ..I have a fountain for the water.
I discovered that the vibrating noise was coming from the picture of the earth which was very disgruntling. I have had these pics up for 1 .5 yrs and nothing like this has happened before
pure buddhism answers all the questions you have about universe ,its just your 6 senses which just creates the illusive world around you . (Yes something like the Matrix film) .
You are subject unlimited number of rebirths and deaths as you go along sansara. – i have been reading this site for some time now ,but as a buddhist i feel i know far better about universe and various life forms better
This synchronicity, awakening, unification, disclosure that is occurring on earth can be summed up by the fact that the collective thought of the universe is getting closer and closer to being focused on earth.
This process is accelerating the closer we get. There are no limits to collective thought.
This global awakening, healing, unification, synchronicity that is happening can be summed up by the fact that earth is getting closer and closer to having the collective thought of the universe focused on it.
Your work is fantastic. I am consistently amazed at the volume of incredible information you put out month after month.
Your particular spin on reality ties things together in a truly inspiring and cohesive manner that is always fascinating and clear.
After the Norway spiral I began checking your blog obsessively, eager for your take on it all, and you did not disappoint.
In fact, this information is much, much more than I ever expected, and pulls so much together. Things are finally starting to make some sense.
Thank you for your efforts in bringing out the truth. You are doing a great service to humanity. Peace and love to you!
I too have been having lucid , vivid dreams may I share one I had right after Obama got into office.
Two civil war soliders are standing by a pig being bbq. The pig was skinless the meat glistened pink in my dream it was gross.
The screws were all made of wood what was in the ground and through the pig , like big tree limbs.
The two civil war soilders noticed the stomach of the pig there was movement a baby pig was kicking.
The soilders approached the officer in charge which was standing close by and said sir, this pig is pregnant the baby is moving inside of it.
The officer ingoring the two soilders, they say it again and the third time the officer replies.
Take the pig down allow the baby to be born then put the pig back on the pit to be bbq, then I awoke.
I believe the civil war soilders represents the civil unrest americans are having and going to have toward the economy and those that are behind it.
The pig represents greed , being butchered and roasted is the end of that pig’s reign but a new baby is born a piglet.
Now what does this mean a new era of greed or a new begining which this is what birth means. I never saw who was in charge in my dream .
I have had others like this and while awake I have had past life visions. For sometime the dreams were coming almost nitely now I either can’t remember them or have taken a break, the vision too.
I have dreamt of being on board a space ship more than once saw my parents, father was proud I incarnated to this time mother wasn’t so happy she didn’t want me to leave.
I have been a greeter on board a ship saw many different life forms not all humaniod form.
Sat on a floating platform in the heavens four pillars like greek one being on the throne his hair was flowing , waves of grey beautiful , others were sitting too I can’t remember how many maybe four/five.
I stood behind a pillar soooo honored to look over creation the stars awesome, then a boy 12/13 blonde curly hair wearning a white togo came to me whispered in my ear we giggled and walked away I believe he was a christ child.
Another dream, I believe a regressed memory. Teenagers myself and boyfriend around the age of 16 (boyfriend has been my husband for 35years.)
The year is 72 standing on front porch at night I’m looking at the stars saying how pretty they are then all of sudden boom.
Above the treetop in my yard I see a disc shape UFO I can see the lights on the bottom blinking seems I remember them being blue/red/green.
We freak run inside a knock comes to the door. I get up answer it the most beauitful man is standing there blond hair, fair , the bluest eyes I have ever seen, wearing an all white outfit.
All he says to me is this don’t fear me but fear your government.
I had this dream or recall by dream form about five years ago when my journey began.
The last I want to ask if you know what this could be , this past summer I have been sky watching staying up late sometimes two/three A.M.
One morning I saw something flying towards me at first it looked like a firefly’s light. As it got closer it looked more like a small disc clear shape thing with flashing lights on the bottom, it was around six inches across .
It flew around me checked me out then flew as high as the clouds , this happened to me three times this past summer this little craft checking me out.
At first I thought I was seeing things but when it happened two more times well….I have no clue what it was other than maybe a probe?
So many things off and on has happened to me over my lifetime.
The recent movie the fourth kind this has been happening to my son exactly like the movie except he doesn’t see a owl.
I woke in the middle of the night and saw three light beings in my room with hundreds of tiny lights everywhere.
I have seen a man with a glowing green pack walk through my bedroom. I have awoken to hearing Gilgamesh being called, didn’t know who he was until I asked my son then I googled it.
Don’t know if I was the one calling, over hearing this or Gilgamesh himself. I have seen visions of me being an Egyptian woman very kind , a man several times in past lives, a evil looking witch.
I have heard disembodied voices, seen shadows, have seen a perfect in form ghost walking down stairs, see what she is wearing and carrying.
Have had on telepathy experience scared me but it came true . And people that have passed are always visiting me in my sleep.
Had demonic punk rockers come to me in sleep /dream state and tell me they’re of satan’s hoof , the one speaking name is southern and that planet x is real.
Thanks for your time I hope someone reads this and can give me any clues to what those little flying disc are.
sally gordley
indianapolis indiana
I’m sure you get this a lot but you are a tremendous person.
This material is great and is becoming more and more popular and more importantly available to more and more people.
Your message of love and peace and ways of explaining things to people is at the highest possible level.
Thank you very much and this stuff is just so exciting. Can’t wait for disclosure!! haha
Everyday I will write a new blog about my rediscoveries about life and love.
Jij bent liefde
You are love
Als jij kiest om liefde te voelen dan zal je dat ook voelen
If you choose to feel love you will feel love
De illusies onthoudt je om van jezelf en anderen te houden
The illusions withhold you from loving yourselfs and others.
Regels, voorwaarden, cultuur, religie en andere verzonnen illusies creeërt een matrix voor jouw waarin jij geloofd dat je op een bepaald manier moet gedragen om uiteindelijk gelukkig te worden.
Rules, conditions, culture, religion and all other invented illusions create a matrix for you to think you need to behave yourself in a certain way to eventually become happy.
Speel niet de spelletjes dat gemaakt is door de matrix die jouw laat denken dat als je meespeelt pas gelukkig bent.
Don’t play the games the matrix have constructed for you to think that you are happy.
Voel het geluk, liefde en enthousiasme in je lichaam
Feel the happiness, love and excitement in your body.
Voel de liefde voor jezelf en anderen.
Feel the love for yourselfs and others.
Je bent geconditioneerd om te geloven dat je geluk moet verdienen!!
You are conditioned to believe that happiness must be earned!
Normen en waarden verzonnen door de maatschappij en andere collective groepen creeëren leefstijlen waarbij je alleen gelukkig kan worden wanneer je tot een bepaalde groep behoort dat zich op een bepaald manier gedragen.
Standards and Values made by society and collective groups created Lifestyles where you can only be happy when you belong to a certain group
that behave in a certain way.
hecht jezelf niet aan illusies gecreeërd door andere mensen.
Don’t attach yourself to illusions made up by other people.
De matrix waar we nu in leven is gebaseerd op angst, controle en slavernij dit systeem geconstrueerd door de elite.
The matrix that we are now living in is based on Fear, control, slavery constructed by the elite.
Door niet te participeren in deze constructies van realiteit.
Word een liefhebbende angstloos wezen.
By not participating in their constructions of reality.
Become a loving fearless being.
Geluk bestaat elke dag, het is in je gedachte, je wilskracht.
Happiness exists everyday, it is in your mind, your will.
Stop het verzinnen van nieuwe regels en voorwaarden om gelukkig te zijn.
Stop inventing new rules, new conditions to become happy.
Voorwaarden en regels creeëren verwachtingen. Je wilt niet lijden aan teleurstellingen die je ooit te wachten staat.
Conditions and rules create expectations you don’t want to suffer from dissapointments.
Ego is gebaseerd op een zelfgemaakte constructie van jouw zelf
Ego is based on a selfmade construct of your selfclaimed Identity.
Het is irrationeel, emotioneel en het heeft geen logica van de realiteit.
It’s irrational, emotional and have no logic sense on reality.
Vraag jezelf af, zoek en onderzoek je vragen als je de antwoord niet.
Question yourself and search and investigate if you don’t know the answer.
Denk niet voel, stop het creeëren van illusies
Don’t think just feel, don’t create illusions
Passieve weerstand: Doe niet mee met de illusies van de overheid, jij bent een slaaf van de maatschappij die hun gecreeërd hebben.
Passive resistance: Do not participate in your governments illusion, you are a slave of their society.
Moderne slavernij!!
Modern Slavery!!
Creeër een nieuw manier van leven gebaseerd op wetenschap en spiritualiteit.
Create a new way of living based on science and spirituality.
Doe aan zelfstudie we hebben de mogelijkheid om heel veel goede en belangrijke informatie op internet te vinden en de alternatieve media.
Self educate yourself we have the possibility to find useful information on the internet and the alternative media.
Heel veel liefde voor het hele universum en wie aan het lezen is.
Much love to the entire universe and who is reading this.
Onthoud wees in liefde met jezelf elke second van de dag.
Remember be in love with yourself and others every second of the day.
Liefs Arsjaad,
Much love my friend, keep it up. Be blessed with wisdom and health.
I got attacked by so many physics professors by unfolding my knowledge of the geometrical vacuum of space.
They told me that I was inferior to human kind. I told them to have a happy Christmas.
Hello David and All Here-
I have been having dreams confirming that disclosure is imminent.
A couple of weeks ago I told someone ‘ I’d better write my speech soon’ meaning my ‘ET 101’ speech that I will be called upon to give to bring the public up to speed on the contact topic after the tv disclosure predicted by David has happened.
Then last night someone in my dream told me ‘you will be giving your speech in 2 days’…
Christmas, in 2 days, was the deadline given by David on the coast interview, for the tv disclosure.
Something is about to happen! Better get my speech done..:-)
Dear David. I have the answer you are looking for.
Unconditional Love Noel.
Happy Christmas in every moment
That is so interesting. I also had a dream that nothing will happen in the next 3 years and the transition will be delayed for 10 up to 12 years due to some problems with the inner Earth vortexes. As you already know everything can change.
From my very reliable sources the disclosure will be done during the last world war when people will be able to see beings for 4th and 5th dimensions.
Pretty amazing, right?
Keep up the good work David!
Normally I’m a vivid dreamer. The last 2 months my dreamtime has been unusually quiet and uninspiring…until today.
Just before waking I dreamt I was in a group of peasants having a picnic under the stars. After sharing a meal we started singing as a group.
I looked up and saw the bright light of the International Space Station tracking across the stars.
Suddenly a number of spaceships appeared and generated huge geometric symbols high in the night sky. There was no panic, everyone looked up in wonder and silence, lost in their own thoughts
Then a voice said: “ We are many worlds, this is the consensus of but one”.
Then we were watching a documentary style video clearly provided by the “others”, but with a human voice-over.
We were shown the earth rotating in space (Google earth style) and then Australia (my home) came into view.
A cluster of yellow spheres were gathered in the west and then the video zoomed in on the central desert area.
The voice-over said: “They appear to be showing us the Campbell aborigines, we don’t know why or what this means”.
My thoughts on waking: This was meant for all of us (the peasants, or common people). No media, no government grandstanding. In the eyes of the “others” we are all equal.
Why the use of a European name associated with an aboriginal group? Perhaps alluding to the Bradfield paintings?
A set of unique rock paintings depicting large red human figures with curious adornments. Wandjina paintings are also common in the same area. These are haloed figures believed to be cloud and rain spirits.
Curious dream but I felt so much at peace.
I have been watching all of your video and interviews on youtube and stuff with project camelot.
I have been researching this stuff for the past year. Since my research has started I have been haveing drems where I am traped underwater with no way of surfacing and like anyone would react I strugle to surface so that I can get a breath.
when it gets to the point that I can no longer hold my breath I seem to come to terms with reality of the situation and just take a breath.
The great thing about this is that once I take the breath instead of dying I am able to breath while still under water and I feel free and swim about enjoying the fact that I can breath under water.
My inturpitaion of this is that though things are going to get to the point that we feel we can no longer take what is being thrown at us by the powers that be.
if we can just take comfort in ourselves and breath we realize that we can take what ever comes our way and feel free in knowing that we are going to be alright.
I just wanted to share that some parts of my dreams are beginning to feel like actual thoughts that I have in reality, as apposed to thoughts I produce in a dream.
wow i had a dream where you apear in it david.
in the dream you were talking on the phone with a other woman she looked a bit chubby and brown hair the two of you talked about ufo disclosure.
it was so awesome. i heared althose numbers and words. than you hung up and said you need to tell me that something big is gona happen!!
i thougth ‘AWESOME !! when are they comeing? how do they look like, are they SUPER AWESOME?!!’ you said ‘alright, let’s play a video game :D’…..
sure than you can tell me after this i said. later we painted a picture than we tryed to solve the mystery of crop circles by staring hours at the picture.
building a sand castle , playing music i remember you did not know how to tune your guitar 😛
when i woke i thought that dream makes no sense 🙁 i still haven’t hear the big news. it just a dream on the other hand 😛
Amazing sychronicity…I think everyones unconscence mind is picking up on this same energy
Ive had an urge to keep track of my dreams latley n ive been writing them down every morning since 12/5
I had this interesting dream on 12/10…I was in my room and my cousin was over, but it was a younger version of him wen he was like 7 or 8
there were two dogs n we were taking care of them, eventually they transformed into two babies
then we were in the woods, a few more of my family members are there.
were at this broke down rotted cabin and the babies have now become children, like 5 or 6 years old and there father is there with them…
hes dressed in hunting gear and the kids are ripping open and eating a freshly killd animal like a bunch of wolves
I kept thinking theyre extremely primitve n we need to help them evolve..but only one kid would let us help the others refused our help and walked off into the woods
(this next part i dont understand because im not even a christian)
next i see my sister kneeling on the ground and holding an extremely exhausted and faint looking Jesus Christ in her arms..
i walked up to him n i kneeled n i said “Jesus you are the most spiritually evolved being on our planet, please have mercy on our souls”…
then he looked at me n rose up full of energy again and flew away..
as i wathched him i could see the entire galaxy from like an outerspace view n he flew directly into the center of the galaxy…
i immedietly wanted to follow him so i started flying there, but before i could get there batman came out of nowhere n grabbed me by the shirt with both hands n wouldnt let me go
(I think the overall message was in order to evolve we must first let go of the superhero in us all..the part of us that overestimates our ability to change other people..n realize the first change we need to make is within ourselves)
everyday since this dream ive been having increasingly strange similer dreams, alot involvong obama and panic and signs in the sky..i dont know wut to make of it though
Pay atention to your dreams
I’ve been experiencing some of the bodily changes associated with the earth nearing the galactic core.
Would you be able to list some things to be expected with the nearing of 2012?
I want to know if anyone else is experiencing any “changes” in their bodies and lifestyles that we don’t really know why are happening.
I had a vision fifteen years ago i want to share with you. In a meditation I saw figure slowly spinning in space. It was a pasty swarthy skinned man dressed in a gown of midnight blue with golden stars adorning it.
I had seen a man dressed in a similar fashion in a previous dream years before. He and I were in a laboratory in the midst of the stars and he was schooling me on how the universe worked.
This figure in my meditation wore the same sorcerer’s hat the teacher wore and it matched his gown. He was peacefully asleep with his arms folded over his chest.
I saw him in many meditations for many years thereafter. For years I couldn not figure out what the meaning was behind seeing him.
About five years ago at this time, I had a profound spirtual experience. I always leaned towards the Eastern philosophies for my spirtual growth, but this time, I strongly became connected with Mother Mary.
She brought about many deep insights for me and taught me about the white rose and true spritual meaning of Christmas. She has been a pertinent guide in my spiritual growth ever since.
With her guidance in a meditation I viewed this figure once again and he opened his eyes and looked at me. Now in many mediatations I see him. He stands beside me a lot.
Recently, after reading a passage in the Secret Doctrine, which lead me to you, by the way, I had a vision of Michangelo’s ceiling painting in the Sistene Chapel of man touching God.
I distinctly saw their fingertips touching and a spark between them. I realized at that moment who this man was.
He is my higher self (He is one of those that was involved in creating us) and that I was reaching for him and, he me.
The spark that incurred between us was that of matter joining spirit. I realize that we are becoming one.
I must say, with news or this dream and my recent revelation, it makes this a very exciting time.
After reading these dream, it has brought about a sort of relief. I have been so uncertain of what 2012 holds for humanity. I know about many of the things you talk about.
I know about the experiments and the advanced technology and about the other beings. I’ve known about them since I was 12.
When I saw Stargate, I was tickled and knew it was written by someone who knew what I knew. I too know about the grey men, the illumanti or whatever you wish to call them.
This was verified by my first and only human spiritual advisor. I know that they have had charge of this world for a long time and that their time is almost up.
They have not won yet and I don’t believe they will. People’s hearts are opening and their minds are beginning to follow.
There are other beings out there too who are set on seeing that the greys keep to the bargain.
They offer humanity manu to see past the fear and I think many are ready to receive it.
This was confirmed for me when the world looked to someone like Obama (the blues man).
To me he represents that the world wants better. I have been worried because he is so quiet now and is becoming unpopular.
I realize the old order has not given up and continues to blur this event with fear and dissention.
I want Obama to prevail and these dreams give me hope. It shows me that what is to come is bigger than them.
They will struggle to the end, but they know, that if all is destroyed, all that they have worked for will be in vein, as well.
I think your vision of Sadaam (someone who was bought and sold by them) spoke just this. “I do want my people to be honored and respected.”
” I won’t get far if I continue in this way.”
You see, even though these beings deal in darkness they are still apart of the light. They are apart of the plan.
They are the creator’s creation too and, although they are like spoiled stubborn children, they will have the option to evolve as well. They will have to take the rockier road. however.
You and Bill (the voice of the people) and many others are speaking out and reaching millions through the Internet books and film.
You are helping people by campainging, confirming and clarifying the truth. The greys cannot stop this. You said, “The world is bigger than you.”
There is no accident that this Internet is here because people need and want to wake up from the deception that has been practiced for centuries by our most prestigious institutions.
It is becoming less and less effective. Especially for many of the children.
These little beings are coming here in droves with a whole new way of thinking.
The old ways don’t apply to them. Because they don’t buy into the rules of the past set by the old order, they are labled ADHD, ADD and so on and are given drugs to make them conform.
They are told that they don’t fit in. However, more and more of them keep showing up with their new DNA.
They are built for our future and I believe they are being fought for and protected by these other beings. It is to be their world.
There is no place for the greys’ ways for them and these ways will soon will be obselete.
These children are the ones that were calling for Obama. So the other fellow’s and your dream make sense to me.
And right on the heels of the Norway Spiral, we have a pyramid hovering over Red Square in Moscow. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Hi David,
I am going to BE love. Inspired in part by your words, I have been practicing this fully since October (and felt a connection from you in support of that).
It was the answer to my intention, set in 2004, to bring love into every area of my life.
It was evident in my other practices, which were undoing the blocks and leading me to one simple, quiet, active truth: BE Love.
Thank you for being a part of this for myself and so many others.
Great photo at the end of this article! It speaks volumes.
In gratitude,
I’m excited for the new disclosure article!!!!!!
The spiral light over the netherlands – reminds me of the bat beam or bat light – what was it called?
You know, the light the mayor would shine in the sky to call Batman for help? Holy cow! 😉 HAHA – enough humor —
I am a cable TV watcher. Truly amazing how many “alien” movies have been on these past couple of months – all of them – War of the Worlds, all the Alien series, The Day The Earth Stood Still, X-Men, all the Governator ones, over and over again.
The ones that aren’t so fearsome, they’ve been on, too, just not as much – late night or in the afternoons – ET, etc., etc. Saw The Last Mimsy once.
My question – Which alien race is it that is related to this most recent occurrence – the use of – is it scalar energy? – in the Netherlands.
I’m a Coloradian – many of us are very much aware of ET presences, i.e. the Alien Ambassador idea was proposed last year and set to be on the ballot this year.
Is there any way you, David, can know which alien race is responsible for this most recent obtruse occurrence?
Hi David …on Tuesday I rescued Journey Of Souls from a friend’s rubbish and have not be able to put it down (I had read it years ago but this time everything made perfect sense)….
So I’m on page 190 when I have a break and log onto your site via Project Camelot pitching straight into your blissful rave about 6 density beings, and the fact that we are being ‘managed’.
I was able to open my heart and accept everything you were saying because it fitted so nicely with what Michael is saying – just HAD to tell you this and to thank you for lifting me higher…..blessing to you David…Lyn
I actually had a dream that i was walking down a hallway talking to you Mr. Wilcock. I was requesting your help with something, you had this huge smile on your face, you were very eager and happy to help me.
I wish i could remember exactly what it is i asked of you, but i think it has something to do with all the synchronicities that have been happening to me lately.
I never knew what a synchronicity even was till i found you. Although i am very new to all this stuff so this could be all in my head.
Either way you were one of the most benevolent characters that i can remember in a dream and i thought you should know this.
Strange i only found out you existed just recently (mth or so) and you have already invaded my dreams. There’s something great about you…. Look forward to your next piece.
AVATAR looks like a total disclosure film about wanderers.
it’s funny because there’ve been visions of me as a blue skinned person, even photoshoots have been done of me as a blue shiny skinned alien character well before this movie was in my/our awareness
Hi David,
Love your work. I too, had a very significant dream that ties in with the disclosure thing. You can read about it here:
Also, a while ago I had a dream about Obama as well. Unfortunately I did not write it down right away but all i remember from that dream that he was listening to ‘sucks-ups’ instead of listening to me. he didn’t really ‘see’ me.
One other thing that is fascinating to me, is that I am being guided to see all these movies. It’s fascinating to see that recently all the movies I am guided to see have our ‘hidden’ secrets in them.
You can read about that here:
Anyhow.. don’t work too hard, take good care of yourself!
LOVE, Apple