This morning I had a dream so intense it literally left me in tears — describing a planetary healing in progress. [Updated!] A very similar dream was submitted as a comment on yesterday’s article right while I was typing up my own dream!
By David Wilcock
[Photo by Louise Brocklehurst]
The comments and email you have been sending in about the article I finished yesterday have been incredible. The vast majority of the piece all flowed out of me on Saturday, in one very long day. It was really only meant as an overview / introduction to the transcript of my October 6th appearance on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory that kicked off this whole revolution on the Internet about disclosure.
If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend it. You can click here to go directly to that piece and figure out why everyone’s so thrilled with it.
Ironically, I felt I just needed to “get it out of the way” before I went into more of the hard data showing that formal Disclosure is very likely being planned and executed. Richard Hoagland has recently come in and helped me put even more of this data together — and it will absolutely knock your socks off.
There’s an incredible case building for this being real — including statements Obama himself has made recently that are very interesting.
What I heard from Dr. Greer in his two lectures at last weekend’s Phoenix conference is also a pretty stunning set of developments. Disclosure has definitely gotten the green light from the insider powers-that-be.
They may well try to spin it to their advantage, but I wouldn’t get hung up on that. The positive aspects will far outweigh the negative. I just need time to write up all the pieces into a nice summary — but after what just happened this morning, this had to come first!
Little did I know how much of an impact my “initial overview” would have with you. Of course, I am very grateful for that.
Many of you are saying it’s the best piece I’ve ever written, but for me it was just a brief summary / overview of the “Big Picture” — things I’ve known about for thirteen years as a result of having studied the Law of One series, which is the philosophical and scientific basis of this website.
If you haven’t read it yet, or at least gone through the Study Guide you can find in the Books section here on, then this might all come as a surprise to you. It doesn’t have to be that way!
Most people are unaware that the ETs we see in UFOs, with amazing technology and Ascended abilities, are still only fourth or fifth density — as defined in the Law of One series. Sixth density beings are vastly more interesting and powerful by comparison — and they collectively maintain a supercomplex and highly effective “illusion” on our planet.
This ‘illusion’ is constructed so we have the “opportunity of separation”.
Say what? You mean they want us to have the ‘opportunity’ to feel alone, isolated, separated and fearful if we so choose?
Absolutely correct.
That’s the environment that must be created — artificially — in order for our growth to occur. In order for us to realize that these feelings are an illusion. That the truth has always been available to us — by seeking the love in this moment.
Thanks to the ‘illusion,’ we can honestly and genuinely believe we are alone, abandoned and vulnerable to unseen chaotic forces that could destroy us.
We can be completely convinced that the ‘real world’ is entirely free of magic, synchronicity or any higher oversight — but the ‘illusion’ will still deliver us karma, very reliably.
Spiritual awakening often comes in the process of realizing there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the things we put out there and the things that then come back to us in our lives — seemingly at random.
Many people become aware of this, but still think of it as some sort of ‘universal law’ that works almost like gravity — it just is, without any real intelligent supervision and staffing involved in making sure it works. This is a preliminary assumption that proves incorrect as you begin understanding what’s really going on, and how it works.
The sixth density beings running this illusion are very, very clever — but they will throw you tons and tons of hints that an intelligence is behind the events happening to you — if you start paying attention and studying the patterns.
The basic rule of karma is that whatever you measure out to others, events will happen that return similar experiences to you in your own life. Create love and service, by helping others, and many unexpected blessings will “just seem” to happen, as if by ‘magic.’
Create pain and fear, by manipulating and controlling others, and the things you hold most dear will be stripped clean from you. Since time is speeding up, in terms of the duration between emotionally powerful events in our lives, the speed with which negative karma returns is also dramatically increasing. That being said, if your infringements upon others are strong enough, you may not be able to alleviate all of it within your own frame of reference in one life.
As we learn in Michael Newton’s books, Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls, many souls cannot work off all their negative karma in one lifetime, and end up having to reincarnate in much more dire circumstances later on in order to restore their own spiritual balance.
There is no circumventing the Law of Karma. I have heard or read about Illuminati folks, time and again, saying they are above it. The analogies they use are that they are a ‘natural force’ like fire. And fire, of course, is just fire — it doesn’t earn any karma one way or the other. This is decisively not the case for any human being living on this or any other planet, out in space, in higher densities, or wherever.
The Illuminati believe they can continue going along, doing things the way they’ve been doing them, because they’ve never been stopped. What they don’t realize is that they are indeed allowed to do a great deal, but it never goes past certain limits.
They need to feel like they have free will, and can do what they want. They need to believe that the events that keep shutting them down, and blocking all their plans, are merely setbacks — not something intelligently orchestrated where the outcome has always been known, because it is being very carefully managed.
Thus, the negative elite will never be allowed to push things to a point that would truly damage or destroy humanity itself as a collective.
Granted, there are indeed many areas on Earth where great human suffering can and does occur. The souls who go there have many reasons for doing so. Two of the more common reasons are that they may either seek to become much stronger spiritually, and / or to alleviate karma accrued from other lifetimes.
Either way, the negative elite will never be allowed to put the Earth into a state where there is more negative than positive in our day-to-day experience. The ‘illusion’ requires that we have equal opportunities to seek the positive as we do in seeking the negative.
This way, it is totally a product of our own choosing whether we will accept that there is love, or that life is all about pain and suffering and no one cares.
The sixth density beings oversee and ‘manage’ this process, while fourth and fifth density beings collaborate in making sure these manifestations occur.
Bear in mind this process can include the manifestation of something as destructive as a car crash. It will be designed so that the body is injured exactly as much as your Higher Self — the sixth density being running the show — feels is warranted.
This was very bluntly demonstrated to me when my own contact with the Higher Self began in 1996, in the form of directly channeled verbal messages. I was repeatedly told to stop passing people on our two-lane highway, which was often done in dangerous circumstances.
I also was an angry driver because many people would go as much as ten miles below the speed limit on a road that was supposed to be 55. I would take risks to get past them — but never imagined I might have a head-on collision from it. This was part of why I needed the lesson — it would prevent something far worse from happening — an accident that could have killed me.
I was repeatedly warned to stop doing this, but I just couldn’t handle getting stuck behind those slowpoke drivers. I did not listen. The behavior continued. I thought the Higher Self was all love and light, and didn’t realize what might happen if I failed to heed the warning.
That Tuesday, right around this same time of December some thirteen years ago now, I was told in a message, very clearly:
“My gift to the world will be a three-and-a-half by eleven sheet of paper. Expect it on Friday. Ninety minutes ’till ten o’clock.”
That Friday, at 8:30 am — 90 minutes ’til 10:00 — I was involved in a car accident. I rear-ended the woman in front of me because of all the slush on the road. The officer wrote me up a ticket for the accident. The ticket was printed on a 3 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper.
The woman tried to sue me for 200,000 dollars, claiming she’d had a neck injury, even though the dent on her bumper was no bigger than a dime. I overheard the firemen and emergency staff discussing this in great surprise, thinking she was lying as her story kept changing, getting worse and worse — to the point that she finally said her head hit the steering wheel and dribbled on it multiple times like a basketball.
In the beginning she didn’t say it hit the wheel at all. There was no bruise or marking to suggest this happened. I also had gone up to her after it first happened and confirmed she could move her head and neck around without any pain. After all, I was driving to a “med certification” class, where they were teaching us how to assess trauma cases just like this.
She was brought into the ambulance in a full foam stretcher that immobilized her head and neck. She was then treated and released from the hospital, after they found nothing wrong with her. She then told my insurance company she began “intensive chiropractic treatments” the very next day. However, this was not hard to do, because she already worked for a chiropractor.
I was absolutely terrified that this lawsuit would completely wipe me out financially, and I would be paying her for the rest of my life. My insurance agent told me they found in their investigation that she had already done this several times before — and won. As soon as it happened again, she went right into profit-creating mode. I was just the poor sucker standing between her and the big payday.
I actually did have to go to court, and saw her with a huge entourage of sketchy-looking folks in denim, plaid and old baseball caps waiting for me in the courtroom. They never saw me. In the back room, I ended up entering a guilty plea with the officer who called me aside. He asked me if my car did, in fact, contact her bumper, and I said yes. That was tantamount to a guilty plea, he said, so I went with it and got the hell out of there.
They eventually dropped their offer to 10K, and that was the last I ever heard of it. As far as I know, she never got any money for this stunt. My insurance rates did not go up and no one told me what the final outcome was. But the lesson it all gave me, and the way it was orchestrated by my sixth density Higher Self, really did… shall we say… connect with me.
You could also say it hit me pretty hard.
This was when I really learned and understood that everything happening on the planet is being ‘managed’ — even the times we most feel alone, isolated and abandoned. And now, it seems, we have reached a point of Graduation as a planet. After all this time, we are finally being given the opportunity to know for a fact that we are not alone in the universe. It’s really going to happen. And that is a very exciting prospect.
The whole post was originally triggered by my hearing, “through the grapevine” as it were, that Daniel Pinchbeck — another popular 2012 scholar — was starting to get emails from people who were very upset that nothing happened on November 27th — that very same day. Those people were trying to insinuate that my credibility and career was now ‘destroyed’ as a result of nothing having happened.
Admittedly I was very upset by this — though not at Daniel. I had never said anything would happen on that day. My dreams indicated the disclosure would happen during the same timeframe as a massive economic event that few would have ever anticipated. That’s always been my stance.
Here is the key summary I wrote of the message my dreams have been giving me over the last two years, in more than fifty different installments:
You will stare into the face of the abyss. The darkest of all dark nights in human history. An economic catastrophe that seems so vast in scope it will appear there is no way out.
Yet, this is but the darkest hour before the dawn. You are witnessing a pivotal moment — the lightning-fast breakdown of negative-elite structures that have held your people imprisoned and enslaved for so long.
The people will rise up and create sweeping economic reforms on a massive scale most would have considered unthinkable. There will be great assistance from an international coalition of countries who are directly opposed to the corrupt New World Order system.
Much of this toxic international Ponzi scheme will fall apart practically overnight. Those most responsible for the problems will experience major upheavals, loss of prestige and power, and will be literally brought to their knees.
In their final death throes they will make attempts to harm or destroy a substantial amount of the world’s population. These efforts will fail, because Management will not allow them to infringe any more than humanity’s collective free will allows them to.
And humanity’s collective free will is not inviting a mass, genocidal die-off.
The negative elite can see this upheaval coming. They are absolutely terrified of what will manifest in their own immediate futures when it occurs. It is unstoppable. They know this.
They want to convince themselves they are managing and controlling it, even while seeing blatant signs it is much bigger than they are.
They believe such chaotic upheavals will happen to everyone, but this will not be the case. The positive effects this will have for the average person are nothing short of miraculous.
These changes also pave the way for, or are accompanied by, a much more formal realization that we are not alone in the Universe.
With the collapse of the secrecy and financing of the corrupt factions comes the release of new energy technology that can dramatically transform the biosphere and the quality of all life on Earth within a reasonable timeframe.
The stunning advance in knowledge and truth will create an incredible spiritual renaissance in humanity — an explosion of new seekers who know the truth and wish to understand the deepest questions: Who are we, why are we here, and where are we going.
Bill Ryan of Project Camelot leaked the date onstage in Zurich, and with everyone filming it in the audience, it went all over the Internet — thus ensuring it would not, and probably could not, happen on that day.
My article was then rushed out in response to what I heard from Daniel, because I realized the longer I went without making a statement, the worse it would get. I started it the morning after the 27th and it was published late that night, around 2:30 am California time.
There were a few mistakes here and there, and I had to go back through and format the radio interview so it read better — with individual subject headings, extra text for explanation, et cetera. Then yesterday I finished the job by loading in all the relevant Pyramid Timeline graphics, which really added to the piece.
I also put in graphics of the wall being smashed out after the pipe burst, and the bizarre, clean break that happened to the dinner plate I was eating off of while having a very important meeting with insiders.
I also put in a section at the end, after the radio show, where I explained how Wanderer Awakening is like a musical channeling of the Law of One — much more than just songs to listen to and enjoy.
This morning I had a dream that was so incredible it literally left me in tears. And as I often do, I checked my email when I was working on it. I get my own email notifications when someone posts a comment to the website, just like the moderators. An email came in notifying me of a comment someone posted with a dream that was so extraordinarily similar to my own, in its tone, content and ultimate meaning, that I had to stop whatever else I was doing and write this first.
This is clearly another example of Management at work — and we can expect more and more of these synchronicities as we go forward. This was obviously meant for everyone.
We will begin with the dream I just woke up from an hour and a half ago.
Tuesday 12 / 1 / 09 – 8:28 am
D: I caught it just before they started banging away on the repairs to the house at 8:30 am… very nice! And what a dream… my God!
An earlier section had some rapid results that came together for me
It was very positive and it didn’t take very long
It seemed to focus on people being helped in a very dramatic way
I woke up briefly and quickly was able to get back to sleep
The next dream worked up to an incredible and very tense ending
I was in something that reminded me slightly of the girls’ first floor hall of Bouton Hall
This, of course, was where Yumi, my first girlfriend, lived when we got together
However, in this case it was a much more serious situation
We were now back in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
This hallway now led directly into a Hitler-style mass killing machine
It clearly seemed to be an incinerator
You walked off the edge and it dropped you down into an area that burned you alive
I had a guy ahead of me I was friends with
He alternated between Bill Levine (who is doing music for 2012 Event Horizon) and Daniel Pinchbeck
Earlier along he had a lot more weight on him
He was scared and wanted to know what was going to happen
Behind me I had a girlfriend
I had been confident that none of us would have to go through with this hideous death
I then was able to have a brief, private discussion with Saddam myself
He told me that I would be left alone, because I was special, but my friend and fellow 2012 scholar would have to go
I was absolutely horrified when I realized this is what was going to happen
Nonetheless, I could not bear to tell him the truth and have his final minutes be in fear
I came back out of the room and he asked me, breathlessly, what was going to happen
I couldn’t bear to tell him the truth
I told him we would be fine – this was just a checkpoint we needed to go through
I also had no idea whether my girlfriend would be spared just because I was going to be
Saddam then called him in personally
The environment was very tense – but Bill was quite dignified
Saddam ordered him to take off all of his clothes
He was confident, from what I told him, that he wasn’t going to die – but definitely worried
He had a lot of clothes to take off – and it did take some time
I now realized for sure that it was an incinerator – and Saddam wanted to make sure he burned cleanly
I got the sense Saddam was worried about how heavy he was and whether it would stress the incinerator too much – particularly with the clothes
Bill / Daniel’s weight dramatically changed as he shed all his clothes
He became much thinner and healthier as he stripped off all the layers, down to boxers and socks at the end
Somewhere as all this was going on I had a vision where I briefly saw and interacted with this one-man band in the basement, one floor below me
It was this black guy who was sitting at a piano with a microphone for his voice
He had his left foot going to a bass-drum pedal and his right foot went to something else – perhaps a hi-hat
There was another guy behind him on the right side, perhaps doing backup vocals, accordion, harp, et cetera – but clearly this guy was the main focus
I’m not sure if he actually played, but it was clear that he was a blues man
I then was back at the center of the action
Bill was back out in the hallway, just about finished taking off his things for the ‘checkpoint’
I went in there and started engaging Saddam on a deeper level
I said to him, “You may be missing a very important opportunity here.”
“How do you mean?” he replied.
“I have great respect for your country, your people and your customs,” I said.
“I also reach millions of people through my writing on my website.”
“If you change your mind about this one thing, and keep us alive, I will write in a favorable way about Iraq – and help bring everyone else to a respect and understanding about you.”
“If you kill us, though, you just perpetuate the cycle. More and more people will come after you – and the world is a lot bigger than you are.”
“It seems to me like you’re throwing away a really great opportunity here. You can just let go of whatever has made you so angry that you want to do this, and we’ll work together so everybody wins.”
He spent some time thinking about it and suddenly had a major shift
He leaped up out of the desk and said “You’re absolutely right! I do need your help. I want my people to be honored and respected. And I’m never going to get there if I keep doing this.”
I could hardly contain myself – I was absolutely overwhelmed with joy and relief
He then said, “You are all free to go. We’ll work together and find a way to respect each other.”
When I went back out into the hallway, my friend was gone
I wasn’t sure if this message had come through in time – there was a little bit of last-minute angst
I then again found myself in front of the blues man who was doing the one-man band
Again he didn’t play anything, but we looked at each other and clearly shared an understanding
I then came back out to the front of the building
I was completely overjoyed to see my friend there – alive!
I completely lost it and burst into tears, right in the dream, hugging him
He had no idea how close he was to the edge – and I was thrilled to see him
The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming – and I knew I would follow through on my promise to the people of Iraq
What an incredible opening of the heart that was! Even better, while I was writing it down, someone posted a comment to the article I just wrote that had the same exact theme. I’m definitely going to write this up!
My initial thoughts are that the one-man band in the basement represents me, and others like me who have their own websites and are sole voices in the darkness, speaking out about things much bigger than they are here on Earth. Or so it seems. He was literally the one-man band.
Obviously, the greater message was about an opening of the heart. Learning to respect each other and live together, in peace, on the planet.
It very much is geared towards the Illuminati — or at least certain elements of them who are able to realize that all biological human life should stick together. We all share a common lineage. We are One.
All that karma, pending in future lifetimes and already well on its way as the old systems crumble to dust, can be alleviated by making this shift.
Each person has to decide for themselves what is truth, and what they will believe.
Nonetheless, the power and impact of this message was heavily enhanced by the dream sent in by our reader, Arthur, at the exact same time I was writing up all the above.
Here is Arthur’s dream. If you have any kind of an open mind, I’m sure you’ll be as amazed by this as I was when I first saw it…
—–Original Message—–
From: Divine Cosmos
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:52 AM
Content Title: Disclosure Updates and Transcript of Coast Announcement, 10/6!
Comment Title:
Author: Arthur
Email: [Redacted]
Link to content:
Hi, recently I also had a dream involving Obama.
There is more detail to it, of course, but basically it revolved around Obama having a sort of diplomatic discussion.
It was settled that the person (or more like a “thing”) he was meeting with (in a lone wooden hut atop a small hill) would finally end — and give up its malicious plans and /or its grip upon the world.
(This other person was more like a representation of illuminati controllers. Appeared like an embodiment of evil, a rider of the apocalypse, but in quasi-human form.)
I don’t know how that was settled finally, I only “felt” that it was from the outside, sort of.
And the concept was very non-linear in a quantum physical sense; the dispute was settled because of two parallel events of the same thing, past and present affecting each other. Only now it was finally turning out to something grand.
The significant thing for me was that it was very lucid after that… because of the implications of the situation in the dream.
Finally the knowingness that everything would turn out totally amazing for everyone on the planet.
And intense emotional release, like just letting your whole face get wet with tears, crying on and on, simply from the AWESOME amount of relief and surrender (this state of relief is the more lucid part of dreams that I remember having lately, not just once. And they always feel very prophetic and real)…
Thanks, to everyone (especially the Moderator, too, hehe)… — Thou, as I, art God! :-* — for this is the esoteric meaning of Namasté
It’s 12:10 am and I’m out of time right now, so the dreams you see above are just the raw data. I have to go do errands and I have an important CONVERGENCE meeting to catch. If my hair’s a bit unkempt we’ll just have to go with it, as I didn’t have time to take a shower yet.
I will come back later and flesh this all out with greater text discussing the implications of these two dreams back to back. I think you can already see what an amazing synchronicity we have here!
Very exciting!
This whole story has just gotten even more interesting — with yet additional layers of synchronicity / telepathy / Management to add into the mix!
It turns out that the REAL Bill Levine, the same guy who was specifically featured in the dream as a character flip-flopping with Daniel Pinchbeck, has indeed been wearing four different layers of clothing in the last few days.
Even better, get this — just last week he sat in a life-sized replica of Hitler’s gas chambers!
This kind of synchronicity, remember, was par for the course when I did any one of 500 client readings while I was active in that capacity from 1998 to 2005. This is the kind of thing that made people burst into tears on the phone so many times.
In a very real sense, I got used to it. Once you’ve had it work so well, so many times, you just start accepting that the ability does exist, and that dreams can have very powerful psychic messages in them — much more than you can usually ever get in the waking state unless you can do the deep-trance work.
Here’s the letter he just sent me so you can read this for yourself!
—–Original Message—–
From: Bill LevineSent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:57 PM
To: David Wilcock
Subject: DreamHa ha ha! Great dream! I love you too, man!I’m up here at the Squaw Creek Resort, Lake Tahoe, doing a Tibetan Dzogchen retreat. (see the rigpa wiki for more on Dzogchen). My antennae are up so I must be send and receiving at full blast.Was trying to read your ET post Sunday night, didn’t have time…. read dream today. Like the theme of how understanding and respect yields forgiveness and tolerance.You were spot on with your psychic hits:1) I am wearing four layers of clothes on my torso, 2 pairs of socks to combat the cold air at the retreat.2) Last week, i visted the LA Museum of Tolerance and sat in the gas chambers used by Hitler. Exact life size replicas.3) I am having fears due to financial insecurity due to the death of the Hollywood live music industry and career changes, and on some level 2012 changes. (I’m glad to know one-man bands might do well!)4) Dzogchen teachings on Saturday night were literally mind-blowing. The lama, Sogyal Rinpoche, gazed at the whole audience and introduced many to the sky-like Nature of Mind, especially for those ready. This information could transform the entire world into a more spaciously abiding, mindfully aware place.More later,Bill
This adds a much more personal aspect to the dream — and also contains the key to deciphering its symbols.
Notice that Bill was forced to strip down in my dream — and as he did he lost a substantial amount of weight. Such a weight loss would be considered a really powerful healing for anyone. In dreams, weight symbolizes emotional worry that has remained unprocessed. So this character went through a profound healing in the course of being threatened by Saddam’s character symbolizing the Illuminati.
And again, he ended up getting through unscathed, despite what looked like a very terrifying situation of certain doom. This is precisely the message so many other of these dreams I’m having have given us.
This emphasizes the value of ‘catalyst’, as Ra calls it in the Law of One series. The ‘illusion’ we are living in does feature very real tragedy, crises and pain to the physical body. One cannot change the fact that atrocities have indeed occurred in the past. The entire 20th century fulfills all the most negative prophecies within all the ancient world spiritual traditions.
It is very difficult for most people to get past the fact that such atrocities can and do happen, and yet still be able to accept that they are ultimately in a loving, conscious Universe.
Yet, as I said on Coast, we can find answers within books like Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton, where people were hypnotically regressed to the time in between lifetimes.
In such accounts, time and again we find that some of the strongest and bravest souls will choose to go through very adverse circumstances — up to and including torture, starvation, atrocities and even death.
Granted, in some cases people are also working off negative karma. Bear in mind that whatever we bring upon others must be brought upon us. That is the Law, and no one escapes it — negative, positive or the indifferent atheist. Each time someone commits a senseless atrocity, they already have guaranteed they will have to go through the same thing themselves — and / or an equivalent amount of really difficult stuff to make up for it.
The Law of One also describes cases where negatively polarized entities will deliberately program in lifetimes where they are tortured to death so they can further “hone a blunt edge of hatred” for others. They then accrue a very strong soul memory of the torture, which in turn gives them the stomach to hurt people even more in future lifetimes.
By comparison, a strong soul will go through sheer and utter adversity — the practical equivalent of the hero’s crucifixion archetype — and never compromise on their core ideals, their dignity, their morals, their love and truth. They may well have to make terrible choices, and feel guilty about them, but as long as their overall motivation remains positive, very substantial growth is made.
Bear in mind that while you are hanging out up there as a soul in the higher realms, it will be very obvious to you that if you knock out one lifetime like this on Earth — with extreme adversity — you could end up making thousands or even tens of thousands of years’ worth of spiritual growth progress in one shot.
And whether or not someone here on Earth is concerned about spiritual growth, it becomes very clear in reading Newton’s books that this is absolutely and entirely our focus in the higher realms. Everyone. Without exception.
We all have a soul memory of ‘teachers’ who go through exactly the same things with us as you read on this website and others like it. That’s part of why there’s such an attraction for people to this kind of material. It peels back the curtain and reminds us of who we really are, and what our original goals were for coming here and living this life.
Let there be no doubt that countless plans have been made to disrupt the continuity of life in Western society. Some of these plans do include concentration camps where dissidents would ‘mysteriously’ disappear.
Granted, a majority of what people call ‘FEMA camps’ on the internet are really not — but that doesn’t change the fact that such plans really were made. In the case of Katrina, they were actually called into action. If you want to see a real New World Order concentration camp, visit your local sports arena.
No kidding. The real plans I was made aware of by Daniel, one of my earlier insider contacts, included building Superdomes in all the major cities, (which has now been done,) herding everyone inside in the event of a major social upheaval, and then not letting them out until everyone was gone.
The powers that be had one shot to try out this plan. Now everyone has gotten wise and knows not to go to the Superdome in the event of an emergency. And the vast majority of people who went through that did not perish, though it certainly was very unpleasant while they were in there.
What my readings have been saying for so many years now is that there are nowhere near enough people to hold the guns for these NWO-oriented plans to ever actually work.
The proof of that is in the very fact that my friend Bill Levine was indeed visiting a holocaust museum and sitting in a life-sized replica of a gas chamber.
We have made movies about this, grieved about it, cried about it, and learned the lesson from deep within ourselves: THIS MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
Granted, there are some whose culture is so abusive and full of torment that they would want to bring this level of suffering down upon others — but there are nowhere near enough of them anymore for any of these plans to work. And that goes for anyone from any country — for those who would whip out the old ‘UN Troops in the US” canard.
There are Taliban-style violent extremists in any culture, but they always are a minority — and again, in the West, you could try to order your troops, police, et cetera to do terrible things, but they have free will, and an ever-increasing sense of conscience.
We know this madness has to stop, and we’re not going to tolerate anything else. No matter how ‘alien’ someone may seem to us, or how much we’ve been taught to hate them.
With all that being said, I thought I’d share my first hate-mail of the day with you. It helps to show the duality that we still live within. It also was a good insight for me into the kinds of accusations being made towards folks like me by people who are ‘paid bloggers’ in the employ of the New World Order types as they increasingly struggle to attack anyone and everyone opposing their plans.
Apparently I am passing subliminal messages to you in my audio blogs. It’s news to me… I wouldn’t even know how to do it — but now I’ve been exposed:
—–Original Message—–
From: [Redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 12:15 AM
To: Divine CosmosSubject: Divine Cosmos: TruthUsed to be a massive found, recently found out the truth about olDavid Wilcock, Apart from your subliminals on your files, your a scam artist after money and fame, the light with shine through all your bullshit. Nice try asshole.
I actually laughed really hard when I got this. I would love to see one single other site on the Internet that has as much free, quality inspirational content — both science and spiritual, spanning the range of full-length movies, audio files and articles — generated by one person. And the last line is so New York — reminding me of these guys from the city I knew in college.
Throw a little mafia-style Bronx flavor into the line reading and you’ll get the full dose. Layer in your ‘wiseguy’ Three Stooges voice and now you’re even more into the fun zone. “Nysh try, ash-hole! Woob-woob-woob-woob-woob!”
The truth is what you make of it. If you want to see the truth of the love in this moment, the answer is right there within you. If you want to hate and attack others, that is your choice as well.
Many people can’t help but hate me because I threaten the whole structure of hate they’ve built up in their egoic mind — the structure that frames them as an outsider battling forces much more powerful than they are, locked in a duel to the death, where only the strong survive.
The important part to remember here is that as we are attacked, so do we grow by having a healthy response, rather than engaging the energy of the attacker with anger and fear. Recognize their confusion and see how fun they feel it is to mount such attacks, on some level. No one does a behavior like this unless they enjoy it and get a payoff out of it.
You can appreciate and recognize them while also having strict boundaries, so that certain lines will never be crossed. That’s the real trick, as I’ve said before. You are not a child, thrown to the wolves and powerless. You have the ability and the right to protect yourself from people who would try to steal your energy. You can feel it when it starts happening to you, and gently, lovingly but firmly establish that this will not go on.
That’s what we’re all doing now as a planet with the negative elite. This is the core behind why Disclosure is coming. This is the main reason why the Illuminati are in free-fall collapse.
Expect the unexpected — in a good way. Things are about to get a lot more interesting.
You are being notified in advance so you do not get infected with the fear the mainstream media will be putting out in copious quantities once these prophecies begin coming true.
Whether you use this knowledge or not is up to you.
The fact that such powerful dream synchronicity has been displayed here, in real time, should help you understand that these forces very much can coordinate things on a massive level — much more than the typical atheist could ever allow himself to believe, due to his war-hardened cynicism.
Keep your chin up in the midst of the difficulties you are going through as we make this transition. This was but one of many dreams showing us that the outrageous fear porn you read and hear about on so many websites these days will never come to pass. We’ve outgrown the need for it. We won’t benefit from this happening again, as a species. It’s time for something new.
The world is transforming. Are you going to go with it, and BE love, or cling to the riverbank in fear?
The choice is yours.
Well …… you know it is really hard to stop watching you internet videos — are you sure there’s no subliminal messages, so deeply implanted in there that only some kinda mushmouth wiseguy could tell? 😛
Hi there David.
The Denver Daily News, an independent daily newspaper here in Colorado, recently ran an article on the front page called “Liftoff for ET Measure,” discussing Jeff Peckman’s ET ballot initiative.
Unfortunately it is not yet up on their website, but I wanted to mention that this was on the front page of this newspaper, so people are paying attention to this stuff.
If you’re interested you can check at, as they’ve been covering this stuff a lot anyway.
I’m curious David, do you listen to your critics? I had a dream with you in it that I wanted to share that may have something to do with this.
I was talking to you on the phone and I had some kind of message for you, some kind of advice about not being too hard-headed in how you share your opinions or something like that.
You were playing the guitar on the other end, and while the music was lovely, I felt you were not interested in the message.
One possible message for you is to heed the advice of others more (which I’m sure you do anyway! Just throwing it out there.)
You mentioned dreaming about Saddam – I also recently dreamed that I was visiting the North Korean leaders (I’m an international studies major paying attention to Asia).
I was very nervous but they were friendly and accommodating. We were in a completely enclosed room with machinery in it but it was on an upper-level floor, so no basement (i.e. shady secret dealing) type stuff.
I’m just passing this along to encourage you to share any info about Korea that you might run into.
That’s it for now! Look forward to keeping up with you.
Obama, Atlantis and Egypt.
I usually have lots of intuitive dreams with powerful info but this is the first time I dreamt of Obama as well as David Wilcock.
I have to say it has changed my opinion on Obama after feeling his energy.. which goes way back from Atlantis, Egypt and is backed by a lot of ancient knowledge..
although still somewhat misdirected in my opinion.
I think its quite important so here it goes..
05.11.2009 Dream: At first I was down on the ground with a friend of mine and in the distance, high in a building we saw some people.
I told him to fly to them and surprise them with our flying ability. We did so and they were indeed surprised of how we can do this.
Later on the government entered this area and in a short while we had sit down with Obama and were discussing his role in life.
At this point David Wilcock ( had joined us as well.
I asked Obama where is his consciousness from and after a bit deliberation he told us that he comes from Atlantis .. with Egypt being a major development point for him.
He was very much into bringing back the glory of Atlantis mixed with influences from Egypt.
He was also asking us if we knew that everthing in Atlantis was crystal based.
After I saw how much knowledge he had about this I was quite surprised and tried to convince him to release this knowledge in the public in a form of a book or website, even if he would have to do it anonymously but this was something that he was hesitant about and thought that it is not yet the time to do so.
During this experience I could very strongly feel that he was strongly connected with the ancient Egypt.
😀 David,,
OMG as I was reading the article about the Law of One and the evolution of our Planet…
MSNBC is about to run a news piece called
” yes it’s true”… about how a town is going to deal with ET landings….. I will wait till they show it and finish this comment..
So its about Denver and it will vote next year on setting up a commision to decide what to do when ET’s do visit !!!!
David this is so cool….
“THE SUN” newspaper reports that the British M.O.D. have shut down their UFO department.
The MoD states: “In over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the UK.”
They also state that they are neutral as to the (non)existence of extraterrestrial life.
What’s interesting, is that a lot of newspapers and various online media (including the press release I just read in Dutch) have spinned this official statement of the MoD into a statement of “We haven’t found any proof of ET visitation”.
Judging by internet site comments as posted by the general public the overal reaction is: “See, we’re all alone! Told you so!”…. so what’s the PTB’s tactic behind that?
To be honest, I see very little to no evidence that pertains to UFO disclosure in the global media. Even though credible footage of (mass) UFO sightings appears on Youtube, etc. on a weekly (and sometimes even daily) basis, the media in general seem to ostracize/play-down the subject in the usual fashion…
[Moderator: Mr. Wilcock’s next article, now in progress, explains how the European / Rothschild side of the world elite wants to block disclosure. This also seems to be why ‘V’ was made.]
Hey David I wrote this the other night and wanted to share it with you :
Nothing to Fear just accept the change.
I feel we as whole have been experiencing a shift, financially is what were mostly thinking.
Yet with our new President we probably thought we would no longer be involved in the war sending out More troops.
its almost 2010 and one of the Biggest movies out is 2012 , a movie that is negative and tells us HEY WERE ALL GOING TO DIE SOON, SO YOU SHOULD WORRY – no I didnt see that movie , as I feel I’m beyond watching myself be afraid of the doomy end.
meanwhile people are running around afraid of the SWINE FLU , my brother called me tonight right before my signing , telling me “he hasn’t been sleeping for 3 nights because he’s daughters are sick” but he’s just over worried from the Propaganda they we see everywhere .
NEWS FOCUS right now the situation is all about Celebrities , and how they are failing , how they too mess up their lives.
as a society were so obsessive with these famous rich people its our new age Idols like a religious cult we flock to see whats next .
but we can easily put it away and the thing is , ITS A GREAT DISTRACTION of all the other things happening around us .
Christmas is right around the corner , Oh its zooming by. are we going to do all the shopping were used to? or are we going to hide those dollars because of more fear?
you cant go a full day out in public and NOT hear someone say “its because of the economy”
Economy and Gasoline should be this years number 1 hit tune to listen to because that seems to be all we talked about in 2009
So thats some of what’s on the surface , did you keep your job this year?
My dad lost his about 2-3 weeks ago . but I believe that his was a manifestation of his own mind .
the night before he was fired and in my head I thought “it sounds like he wants to get fired” and so he did .
I flew down to Atlanta and did what I promised years ealier , as if we wrote it in the books for our own movie script (which I believe in a big way we really do , we are the main characters of our own Big film , the movie is our lives and it’s up to us what we do in the movie)
but soon after I left atlanta , my dad got a job offer for a higher paying job. also he wouldnt have to keep going to other countries but would be working for the govt. doing quality control for those VEST the ARMY wears , to PROTECT OUR YOUTH.
yeah the same youth of 30,000 Obama just sent over . my Dad might be the guy who over looks the quality to make sure those boys will be ok when they get shot .
This is all coming together in my mind as I write this , Im not going to read it before I post so I appologize for any mistakes , spelling errors ect.
THE POINT IS , were going threw a Big change and in my life , my movie , my time line , I feel like im in the Middle of it , as if I got to DO something to make effort for the change that is coming at us very very fast.
ARE WE READY? ready for what? well to accept that this planet EARTH is full of beings , were all in it together – we can’t judge another any more for their skin , their voice or how they act and look.
Because we too are them all.
Being human we all do so many mistakes , we all do so many sins . its part of being human yet we get to wake up the next day and make a change if we wish to .
to do something different or keep following the same line we’ve been going on day after day.
and as I’ve been laying in bed in night I thank God , I thank the Universe and All of you for everything – for support of my own career and for all the tiny things that add up into Big things.
Sure I feel like I’m supposed to be perfect and it bothes me when Im not , but who is? nobody – we act as if celebs are and so we obsess with them until they fail.
maybe it makes us feel better that they do to? maybe we wait for it ?
So lets accept the change . No the world will not end . and its not the change Obama told us were getting – we see that now pretty clear but Im not pointing fingers , I think things will be different by 2013
actually I know it. and I’m excited to be lucky enough to witness all of this that’s going on.
what will be next? don’t worry what’s next just enjoy the moment of NOW because its always NOW and you might as well be smiling with pure happiness .
with Love and being grateful for the whole experience
Your friend your brother your son
Here’s a dream I had on June 11, 2005, in Santa Fe, NM
Woke up around 10 a.m. from an awesome dream that included OB (out of body) travel. As I drove down a residential street I notice two huge Victorian-style houses that these guys had evidently restored.
They were beautiful and I pulled over to admire them. One of them reminded me of a haunted house that had come up many times in my dreams.
Although nothing horrible had ever happened in those dreams, the house had always felt menacing, scary, and dangerous to me.
I was so intrigued that I got out of the car to have a closer look and found that it was indeed the haunted house of my dreams.
A woman came out of the house at this time. She was a short, older woman with shoulder length, straight gray hair.
She said something to him, I don’t remember what exactly, kind of irritable and unpleasant, but not threatening.
Although I had never seen her in my dreams, I knew she had always been associated with it (owner and/or resident).
It was interesting to see her for the first time and out in the open air on a sunny day.
My dreams of the house were always on dark and murky nights, adding to the menacing feeling, and I was always getting lost in the house and trying to find a way out, often with friends or siblings along for the ride.
The next day I am walking just past sunset. I looked off at the beautiful landscape. The lawns in the neighborhood rolled down in the back onto a huge New Mexico-looking plain, which then rose up into large, barren, rocky mountains in the far distance.
There was very little light left in the sky, just a tinge of red and orange along the tops of the mountains.
As I admired the view, I saw four or five massive (as in about 1,000 feet tall), human-shaped beings fall from the sky onto the side of a facing mountain and begin to walk down it towards the plain in our direction.
They were in silhouette, so I could not see the details of their bodies, just the shape. We noticed that hundreds of people had begun to gather along the back yards facing the mountains.
Apparently, they had heard (on the news?) that these beings had landed and were waiting calmly for their approach.
I was scared and suggested we high-tail it out of there. He agreed and we ran to the other side of the street and into the back yards of the houses there.
The landscape was the same – enormous flat plain, rising up to big rocky mountains in the far distance.
There were some neighbors sitting on the lawns on this side, too. The only difference was that there were thousands of these beings filling the entire plain and walking towards us.
As the nearest beings approached within about ten feet of our small gathering, I could see that as they descended the mountain they had lost their massive size and were now only about 6’5” to 8’ tall.
Slender, athletic build, but I don’t remember any physical details other than that.
We watch, transfixed. I receive a telepathic message from one of the nearest beings telling me that I am to announce their arrival by singing their praises, as it were.
I comply willingly, not with words, just by singing the music that their presence inspires me to sing. They fill me with indescribable joy and I sing beautifully.
I can tell that they have given me the voice I have always wished I had, so that now I can do justice to the beauty they inspire in me.
It is hard to describe in words the intense feelings of joy and celebration that fill me as I sing.
I am communicating through music the beauty that they are and bring to share with us. I become more and more entranced as I sing, finally leaving my body on a wave of pure ecstasy.
I feel the familiar vibrations (that accompany an OB), only these vibrations stay with me in my spirit body as I fly around in absolute bliss.
The entire surface of my spirit body is tingling as I soar through the air, through flocks of flying birds, some flying right through me.
I swoosh down to the ground, pulling up just in time to avoid a crash, and sail back up again having a grand time.
Thanks David for being the wayshower for us. A very inspiring dream indeed. I look forward to this intrepid rollercoaster ride – theres nothing like a good scream to release all the fear!
Much Love and Light to you.
Thanks Dave for your relentless efforts, providing us with new food for the soul in between your busy schedule. Very nice picture by the way, looking good buddy!
Much love from a kindred spirit
Jerome de Bruin
The Netherlands
To David, for these last two absolutely beautiful articles, and for the equally expansive pieces that follow in the comments below, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
My personal experience has been nothing short of divine magic, intense, constant synchronicity and literal dimensional travel into the rapidly approaching 4th density that is infusing into our world so noticeably.
I have gone from a deep knowing that these ideas David and others share are extremely true and the purpose of my being here, to having my socks knocked off just within the past few months as I have had experiences millions of times more profound than ever before within my frame of conscious reference.
I love you all and look forward to all of us realizing our truest potential and wildest dreams…
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Hello David, and everyone else. I have very vivid dreams all the time and I concur that it is all about a choice coming from a personal stand point.
I have sensed this change coming for many years now and I am so excited to see the transformation taking place right before our very eyes.
We truly are the ones we have been waiting for.
The choice to choose love instead of fear has been ours all along but, some have not had that awareness until lately.
The “powers that be” try to keep that truth from us but, soon, they will not be able to sustain there sorry excuse of “control” of us any longer.
This truly is the dawning of the infancy of man falling away and us growing into the totality of who and what we are.
I sent you (David) this thought on Myspace, but I figured I’d send it here as well, just in case you’re too inundated with messages to get to it.
The blues men remind me of Cornel West’s idea, calling America a blues nation and it needs to look to it’s blues people (generally the African-Americans). In this case, I think it’s better to use it as the less often expression of humanity.
What a beautifull dreams are shared here
you know wouldn’t it be AWESOME if we all on this planet had a very powerfull lucide dream.
that we all created unconditional love and lived by it that we gave al the negative things in live ‘people things emotions and stuff especially our shadowself’ an biiiiiggggg hugg !!!
when we wake up all in tears and joy. and we truely want that. goshh i already can feel the vibration this earth will be in.
from one momement we were the most terrible example to live our lives and from the other we live as high evolvde beings, sacred masters in just a shift of consciousness that only took a moment.
i already know what the our brothers and sisters of the stars are saying.
‘gosh!! do you see that !! :O humans were already a big mystery of there expaned emotions, were they get there music from and how they can even dance with the rythm. and now they al are sacred masters in just a blink of an eye, how do they do that !!!!!
ahaha 😀 they still need to live many lives biljoens of years and incarnations especially in the dark side of live before they can experience the same emotions and share diffrent forms of love as we can.
I’ve followed your website for about a year and am convinced you are the “real deal”. Thank you for your courage, integrity and willingness to be vulnerable.
Your insights are thought provoking and most importantly, offer hope to this very weary planet and its inhabitants.
Keep up the great work.
What an amazing synchronicity. i always enjoy hearing other’s experiences with this phenomenon.
Its always hard to understand synchronicities when you havn’t been paying close enough attention to the events in your own life, but when you read about others it almost opens the door for you to open your eyes a little bit more.
The experience that opened my eyes happened in 06 when i was backpacking across europe. my friend and i were exhuasted and hopped a commuter flight to venice where we had a campsite lined up, the only problem was that by the time our flight arrived there were only 2 buses leaving the terminal (as it was midnight).
neither my friend or i spoke italian and were told by attendants at the terminal we should catch the first bus to get to our campsite.
It turned out there was a mix up and we got on the wrong bus. when the bus arrived at our destination we were utterly confused, we didn’t know where we were, it was pooring rain outside, we each had these huge packs, we didnt speak italian (and the bus driver didnt speak english), so we just stood outside the bus like lost lambs while everyone else scattered into the night.
when the bus driver saw us in our confused state he approached us and didnt say anything, just pointed to the bus for us to get on, so we did, really having no other choice. he ended up driving us 25 miles off his route (he was already off work at this point) to our campsite.
we didnt even tell him where we were going, he already knew. when we arrived we both almost broke down in tears, and when we tried to tip him with what little money we had, he wouldnt accept it.
This experience literally shook the foundations of my being, and while we were staying at that campsite i had one of the most profound energy expereinces of my life, i could only liken it to what i have heard refered to as the kundalini, it literally jerked up my spine and woke me from a dead sleep, it was like a conscious seizure and i havn’t really been the same since.
but aside from that, this bus driver, just the fact that he knew where we were going when we didnt even know, the only explanation i have been able to discern is that this was my first conscious expereince of synchronocity, and since then i have had plenty more.
it just takes one and then you never see the world the same again. i hope my experience may have added a little more validity to this phenomenon, synchronicity IS real, you just have to become a silent observer of your own life to see the connection.
Hi David,
This is my Dream………
What I envision for us
With Conscious Commandment, Clear Loving Intention in Co-Creation with my In-Dwelling Spirit, Angels, Guides and Loving Friends I call forth the following:
Right Here and Right Now:
I envision a World of magnificent, joyous peace in the heart of every man, woman, child, animal, creature and life form.
I envision us entering an expanded realm of beauty, excitement, creativity and c0-operation that encompasses not only this planet but the worlds within and the far reaching worlds without.
While still conscious of the “old” world I envision us moving into and through this New Reality in confidence and strong aware connection to one another.
I see and accept that everything we encounter has an expanded aliveness and awareness that ebbs and flows in sync with our hearts and the heart of All-That-Is.
I see our children appearing as joyous bubbles of light and energy….keeping us focused in this world and ever reminding us that we are them and they are us.
I envision that as we adjust to these expanded states of being we are quickly realizing support and encouragement from “those who know the ropes”.
I envision technologies that are being implemented to bring ease of transition and expansion.
I see and accept main energy centers or hubs using zero point energy to provide free energy for transportation, housing, natural farming, pure water and communication. (etc)
I envision a new form of education encompassing the arts, inter-stellar communication, travel, and technology. I see many wise and loving teachers.
I envision a whole new integrated monetary system that supplies every man, woman, and child on this New Earth with prosperous means to survive above and beyond their wildest dreams.
I envision all with ample supply of food, clothing, shelter and things that bring joy beyond measure.
I envision meaningful labor without depleting our natural resources with new and different means of creating abundant life on this planet.
I see sound government for the well-being of all.
I see unity in all forms of spiritual practice and acceptance of the diverse ways to connect with Creator.
For all this I give thanks
This and many things Grander
So Be It
I am very tiring to read that conscious souls have missed to recognize, that the so often horrified issue, called ‘Hitlers human killing gas chambers’ didn’t ever exist. It is the same as with the Hussein mass destruction weapons.
The difference is that the one lie will have been in use by the illuminati for a much longer time than the other.
I would be interested in Your view on that issue Mr. Wilcock.
An Explanation of “Today’s Polarization in Consciousness:
On one side, in a significant number of human beings in all lands and cultures there is an ongoing “contraction” of their state of conscious awareness while, on the other side, also in a great number of human beings there is a progressive “expansion” of their state of conscious awareness.
This situation is very significant because it explains the noticeable polarization of human beings around issues of all types that is seen today.
It is only at certain periods in history that humanity experiences this polarization in the individual and the collective consciousness.
It takes place every time that there is change in the planetary energy that nourishes the development of consciousness — about every 2,200 years.
As we have by now left behind almost completely the nourishing presence of the Sixth Ray energy and begun the era of the Seventh Ray, then we are experiencing this polarization once more.
In the same way that the physical body needs to be nourished by energies that are “physical” in nature, so too one’s consciousness is nourished everyday by energies that are “consciousness” in nature.
This consciousness-nourishing energy is subtle, yet very real and powerful. It is present everywhere and it is absorbed by one’s consciousness every time that one uses consciousness — such as during the process of thinking, during meditation practices, when we use desire to achieve something, or when we use feelings and emotions.
The “contraction” of consciousness seen today in a large number of human beings is thus due to the “starvation” they are experiencing in their consciousness.
For a number of past incarnations these human beings became used to the nourishing qualities and characteristics of the Sixth Ray energy. Now that this energy is no longer available, their consciousness is contracting.
In a sense, their consciousness signature or main quality is that of the Sixth Ray and because of this, they are unable to adapt to the new energy. Most of them will not incarnate again on Earth while the Seventh Ray energy is present.
A side note here: The expression “contraction” of consciousness is a relative term. In fact, human beings seldom lose the gains obtained in the development of consciousness, and the term “contraction” does not mean that the human consciousness actually loses something.
What occurs in many individuals at the turn of a Consciousness Age is simply a cessation of growth in consciousness.
This is felt at a sub-conscious level and the reaction is to protect or insulate the gained development of consciousness from changes.
The way this protection or insulation is expressed in the daily life is through a fear and a subsequent aggression to those states of consciousness, ways of thinking, systems of values and cultures that are different from those of the individual.
On the other hand, the ongoing “expansion” of consciousness seen today in a large number of human beings is due to their capacity to absorb and be nourished by the new energy of the Seventh Ray.
The signature or main quality of their consciousness is that of this Ray consciousness and because of this, their era of opportunity is once more starting.
The main point to be emphasized here is that today’s polarization of consciousness in humanity is the result of the natural cycles of consciousness on our planet.
Those who are experiencing “contraction” are just ending their several-thousand years cycle of growth. Nothing is wrong with them and the future will bring other cycles of opportunity.
As for those who are experiencing “expansion” in consciousness, their newest cycle is just beginning, and the responsibility is in them to create a new civilization and culture that is expressive of the Seventh Ray consciousness.”
Good article David.
I have just been made aware of a U turn on disclosure by insiders, I understand that it will take some more time, possibly a few years before it happen. I don’t know the reason for the U turn.
The UK Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has just been closed. The MoD department, which has dealt with more than 12,000 reports over 135 years was used to assess threats posed by any Unidentified Flying Objects sightings throughout Britain.
Any reports made would now not be investigated or followed up and the hotline had been closed.
No decision was announced and the disclosure was instead buried on its website earlier this month.
It said that in more than 50 years “no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom”.
After investigation, around 5 per cent of reports remain unexplained.
“The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life,”
“The MOD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings.
“Accordingly, and in order to make best use of Defence resources, we have decided that from the 1 December 2009 the dedicated UFO hotline answer-phone service and e-mail address will be withdrawn.”
“MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them.”
Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence UFO project from 1991 to 1994, said it was “outrageous”.
However the programme to release departmental files on UFO matters to the National Archive would continue.
Bless you David, you are the lighthouse in a stormy sea. I was alone, now I’m not. I was doubting my resolve – no longer.
Your blog is a hitch hiker’s guide to a close encounter with full realization…. so much of what you say, I KNOW, but need confirmation.
It’s all good. I would be ever grateful if you could take a moment and google Tempest Grace Gale. Listen to her song, “Calling All People”. She died horribly 2 weeks ago and left a huge hole.
Enjoyed your sharing your dream and its relevance David. It feels fun to share our truths in this newest medium, the internet, and not feel like we need to hide this level.
I’ve never wrote you before but i feel compelled to do it now.
I found you at the long end of search for truth. Pretty much everything in my world was exposed as a lie in the past year or so.
First due to economic meltdown i learned through extensive research that the Federal reserve and illuminists have been robbing us and enslaving us with this fiat money ponzi scheme.
Then i find that my wife has been lying to me for years and is having an affair.
Then due to a lawsuit against my construction company i find out that my liability policy is a joke and the my corporate status doesn’t protect me from being personally liable.
Then i find Project Camelot and i”m sure i don’t have to tell you how many other things that i have been lied to by our own government. And then i find you.
What a gift!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Plow through all the negativity, you are “Our” voice of truth that we all crave.
Peace & Light my brother
Your words travel great distances wanderer.
Keep up all the goodies!
greetings From Holland
It appears we are quickly bulding to a crescendo with all the music synchronizing harmonically. Keep up all of your good work!
love & light,
your spirit continues to show me the path of peace as i learn to become the path…thank you david and the rest of you….yes! YOU
Hi sweetie,
I always feel like your mum (of 60) when you are attacked by lazy brains and mental slobs; I have to sit on my hands not to jump in front of you (well, you know, sort of) or soften the blow or comfort you when they brutalize you.
I know you can very well take care of yourself and handle it, I just wish you would no longer spend a nanosecond of your time to negative contributions.
I can still hear you/read you defending and justifying yourself. Just don’t. Cut it out!
Save your gusto for your work; there we can see you in your finest expression.
Everybody who is able to co -create with you knows and enjoys this.
You can’t win ’em all. Thank you so much for staying on top of it. Be blessed, have fun. I love you dearly.
I still love your messages, I dont think it will ever end for me. Im happy to be in now and to watch everything.
I just cant really get exctied about it, nothing makes my emotions go up or down, Im not even sure if its peace, its stillness.
I do feel like everything goes as was planned… and now it made even more sense.
As a mum to be there is even more pressure to be still and watch the plan go on beyond me.
Thanx for all the explaining, it does make a difference, like connecting dots to see elephant in the room.
Hi David,
Always nice to read your updates, especially pertaining to more information being made available to the public.
I remember reading that Larry Seyer is a student of Course in Miracles, and I would love to see the results of your study of that system of thought.
You can get a fantastic introduction and overview of the Course from a book entitled “The Disappearance of the Universe” by Gary Renard. (Feel free to redact this line if it violates any ToS)
Some of the information in the Course meshes with LoO, but much of it is also very different because the message comes from outside of the various densities within the universe.
Analyzing the universe from within the system can only take one so far. To see the universe clearly, we need to know how and why it all began.
Check it out — I think you will enjoy the boundary stretching experiences that the Course and D.U. provide.
Much Love,
The search for reason is forfeited by the sensibility of doubt. There is a greater need at this time for disclosure be it a futuristic chromosomal construct or a galactic neighbor.
Pontification should cease and W I L L
executed. My will says the showing is ordained to my self and others.
There has been put forth a great volume of disinformation and misdirection that controls oh so many minds that I weep because of the fear it instills and the waves of confusion it emits.
Many people don’t understand what is at stake. A fear base will grow because of the manipulation from the opposition.
The power lies in truth of sight for many as denial becomes irrefutable.
As the Law of Causation keeps everything in balance, I see nothing changing but each polarities intensity.
The religious middle to right have led its faith based disciples on a path so similar and of surrender.
What difference is now since the thoughts are the invisible imagination of those who would surrender to a galactic cross.
Free Will and the Law of Causation dictates a delineation of extremes to a center point from two dictions of opposition and everything in between.
My words stop and my hope filled eyes seek jubilation. Namaste, Asannera
David, the photos of you on this blog page are INCREDIBLE! I get a healing energy from the photo at the top. Your face shows love and beauty — love and beauty that emanate from deep spiritual wisdom.
I’m way behind on this and the previous blog entry, and I am hopeful for time to be able to read and process.
From what I have been able to gather, my gratitude for your being who you are — your service to others — continues to grow exponentially.
Love, NancyA
David, big fan. Seeing as the ‘Law Of One’ is the basis for much of your work, I have collated, edited somewhat, and converted all (I think!) the LOO books to audio files using Natural Reader, making I think, the material much more accessible and digestible.
In all, it amounts to about 20 hours of audio – (3gig in WAV format) – converted to mp3/ogg formats results in file-sizes of about 500-600Meg, AAC format about 350Meg, using the super-compressed format AWB about 130meg, or its narrow-bandwidth cousin AMR, about 70meg (though poorer audio quality).
The latter two are a mobile phone compression standard so either a suitable phone or a computer with a freely-available media player (SPOTxde) would be required for listening.
If you have the interest, the available storage and most importantly, the needed bandwidth, let me know. If not, no biggie! 🙂
Thank you for your honesty…you are helping many of us come to grips with the changes developing in our lives…much love and gratitude….
Love hearing from all of you.
I can honestly express, that these are amazing and wondrous times we are alive in.
Energy follows thought. Just to illustrate, I took a quick break from reading this blog to sort of digest it. I opened the shades in my bedroom.
Thought of the spiritual dreams I’d had lately. Saw the lights flickering, in broad daylight, for a couple seconds more lucid and bright then ever with open eyes.
I felt like laughing, I did, someone helping me remember the I of You, and the truth of eternal love.
(My only Obama-dream was in the context of him hiring me for some fast food restaurant (silly me watching too many cooking shows on the tube methinks).
I failed the cooking miserably but he still hired me.)
Also the piece I was listening to when reading the dream was ‘At the River’ by Groove Armada. I do not listen to this music otherwise, but somehow I found this song.
We still have work to do people. 😉
Catch you later.
i had a dream last year that i was on top of a small hill with my real life brother. we watched with great happiness as two ET space craft landed.
The doors opened and as the beings stepped out to benevolently meet earth human kind, my brother and i kmew exactly how to comfort people that were in fear.
It was a beautiful dream that made me know that when the time comes we will be able to reassure humans that it will be alright, that change is to embraced! yumm feel good dream.
xx holly
Ive been following you since last year. Your website was getting about 1k hits per day. Your up to 7200 hits per day; currently.
That right there… should be proof for anyone that what your saying resonates, and haters, and people who are scared because of the information you share are just not ready to accept truth/love.
Dont lose faith. Just cuz Obama didnt disclose aliens, (I am disappointed as everyone else is of course)Means nothing.
Maybe… the rumor was started with the purpose in mind of “once-again” testing the public waters/opinions/reactions of our own american people, when they are not disclosed. Who knows.
I am just saying that not everyone thinks your a sham brewski. You have more support than you know. anyhow, im sure that well meet one day.
I already feel that things are turning in that direction. I have felt that i have had a part to play in all this for some time now. Well see. its funny to me that i believe in this so much. . .
yet i dont see or feel or have the dreams or out-of-body experiences or esp that people seem to be blessed with. I have been blessed with pain and suffering and basically a life of a vagabond.
Im 26 and never been grounded anywhere, no education. but for some reason i have been all over the united states and a few other countries, where in all these places i have been for short periods of time, where i have met people, and been a part of there lives, and then im suddenly out of no doing of my own,(no choice) forced to pick up an relocate.
I feel like i have been sharing your message out of no free will of my own. It just happens. Here is the Clencher.
I Grew up a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, but i read more text about buddha more than jesus.
Me A Mormon, and hoping that in 2012 your correct. thanks man, for everything. I check your site for updates once a week. Keep up the good work man.
OH and send me some tickets to your next conference. I am not in Crescent city, CA. I have no idea how i ended up here. But… I feel like its why im here. Lift peoples awarness. thx again, Shane.
i just hope you realize how big of a positive influence you have in people’s daily lives. we love you and need you in this world. adonai!
I also had an Obama dream not long ago that caused me to rethink my opinions of the man.
I think of Obama much the same as any aware person, and I never thought him more than another puppet, barely worth attention.
I can’t remember every detail of The Dream, but I’ll say what I do.
I was in a small, simple room. With a bed against a wall, and surronded by friends (and Obama).
We were all standing except for Obama, who was sitting on the bed with his back to me but twisted so he was looking at me.
He looked very weak and desperate, and the dream was my friends trying to convince me that he was “cool” and could chill and hang out with us.
My arms were crossed and I was doubtful, and I don’t remember whether I decided yea or nea, if either.
The most vivid thing about the dream was Obama’s face, it shocked me how clearly I saw a worn, tired, and yet genuine Human Being. I was awake the next moment.
Obama continues to Be a shameful puppet and all that he is to me, but this dream was strong.
Now I find myself almost liking the man, and for some reason I follow the news daily to see if he has done anything extraordinary, as if something BIG is happening everyday.
wondering about the seventh density-i was taught that buddha was the god of the sixth density and that Lucifer was the god of the fourth but chose to live on the sixth density as he was the author of the karma system–the seventh density is about abstract symbols and ritual magic-anyway, about concentration camps here in US–ever been to a nursing home or experienced the Mengele school of medicine practiced on seniors in this country????
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment,
We are choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside
This holy reality, this holy experience.
Choosing to be here in
This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.
Alive, I
In this holy reality, in this holy experience. Choosing to be here in
This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.
Twirling round with this familiar parabol.
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember. we are eternal.
All this pain is an illusion.
About a month ago I had a dream where people I ‘trusted’ stole my purse.
My ET friend was trying to help me find it.
I was frantic, but my friend didn’t see the urgency and was only helping me because he/she/it knew it mattered to me.
Reminds me of your dream where your wallet was stolen. I derived the same message you did- Illuminati stealing my sustenance.
Also had a powerful vision of an old world map. I noticed the directional icon (NSEW) was askew. Suddenly the map (earth) began shaking violently and didn’t stop. The message: The Old World is falling away.
Tsunami dream= deluge of knowledge (disclosure) that will change the landscape of what we believed our reality to be??