The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the New World Order agenda?
This is some of the most surprising, fascinating and relevant inside intel we have ever posted. Multiple groups have urged us to get this out as fast as possible, and here we are.
The story is so incredible that you may need to just treat it like a sci-fi movie… but even if that’s the only level you can accept it at, you should still find this to be a most fascinating read!
[UPDATED 12/12: Fixed animated GIF for “Sun Cruisers” and added new images of “The Banished.” New Antarctica disclosure article linked at end!]
By Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The truth is exploding across the internet. Millions are learning for the first time that there really is a “negative elite” running the planet, engaging in child trafficking among other heinous crimes.
The Cabal’s brazen efforts to completely destroy this information are quite surprising to the millions who are only now discovering the scope of the problem.
Although this information is extremely disturbing, it is also true. The only way we can heal as a planet is to face it and deal with it, individually and collectively.
Part One of ENDGAME has spread more quickly than anything we’ve ever written before, getting its first 100,000 views in less than 31 hours, hitting 180,000 in five days, and topping 10,000 Facebook Likes.
Perhaps not surprisingly, my (David Wilcock’s) page was completely deleted off of Wikipedia after publishing this expose’. It was always heavily compromised but now it doesn’t exist.
Our goal in Part One was to create a unified resource of information to show how rapidly the Cabal / NWO / Illuminati’s whole agenda is plummeting.
Even if you have read and understood the data in Part One, you still have only identified one small (and very negative) aspect of the “Big Picture.”
The full story is much deeper than most people could even imagine – and reads like an epic series of sci-fi novels with great surprises in each new volume.
If you are a viewer of our weekly Gaia show Cosmic Disclosure, or have been following previous updates on Corey Goode’s intel, then you are already familiar with this new reality.
Corey’s experiences are so highly bizarre that most people identifying as skeptics couldn’t even follow us more than 10 percent of the way – if that.
Nonetheless, Corey’s intel has checked out with what many, many other high-level sources have leaked to me over 20 years of time. The truth is extremely surprising and complex.
The intel also dovetails beautifully with the material in the Law of One series, which I have scientifically validated in three different published books with over 2200 total references.
The Cabal has now taken the incredibly brazen step of black-listing 200 highly popular sites, including Gaia, our main portal for disclosure TV episodes.
They are using Google, Facebook, Apple, Snapchat and other assets to prevent you from ever being able to find these sites—even if your friends wanted you to see them.
YouTube has begun aggressively taking down every person posting videos on this scandal, including all three we mentioned in Part One — David Seaman, “Reality Calls” and the Alex Jones video.
This is the work of a third-world fascist dictatorship—hardly what we would expect in a democracy. If this was truly all just a big misunderstanding, why are they being so aggressive?
Why would Gaia have made it onto the “short list” of 200 Cabal-banned sites if Cosmic Disclosure was just a big joke?
How did we end up threatening the media elite enough that they literally do not want you to have any chance of finding it – even if your friends sent you the link on Facebook or Gmail?
From the world we are working within, the answer is simple. Child trafficking and “spirit cooking” at the highest political levels is still just the very beginning.
The whole subject of UFOs, ancient civilizations, advanced technology and ETs has been strictly controlled by this very negative Cabal.
Much of this classified information is incredibly positive and uplifting – including the idea of an imminent, mass human evolution that many refer to as Ascension.
The Cabal is the proverbial dragon guarding the huge pile of gold and treasure, and the gorgeous virgin being held prisoner.
If this group wasn’t restricting our access to information, we would be living in a vastly more interesting world right now – with much greater technology.
By working around Corey for an average of one out of every six weeks over the last two years, I have seen ample evidence that he is telling the truth — as he has seen and experienced it.
We have endured death threats, betrayal, financial hardship and incredibly toxic abuse. This journey has not at all been fun or easy for him, nor for me.
This is a spiritual war, not just a physical one. The Cabal is messing around with very real forces that are extremely negative and can influence those around us.
It is all too easy to make mistakes and “authorize” attacks to come your way from these same forces.
In my case it comes mainly through the interference of others. This has been extremely difficult and exhausting, but it all reads as fairly mundane stuff in the worldly sense.
In Corey’s case he has had very horrible physical experiences that most would consider paranormal, including being abducted by various human or ET groups.
The only way we can protect ourselves is to try to have as positive and loving of an attitude as possible. Nothing else is sufficient. It is a moment-by-moment discipline.
We also have five different major categories of groups that are now feeding us intel and requesting our assistance. We will learn more about each of them as this update goes on.
Each of these groups is fighting as hard as they can to transform our planet, and have suffered horrible casualties along the way:
1. The Earth Alliance. This is the group Dr. Pieczenik spoke on behalf of in Part One. It is comprised of brave fighters in all 15 of the US intelligence agencies, and many international factions.
2. The MIC SSP (military-industrial complex secret space program). This is a series of factions that believed they were the “only game in town,” up until recently. They are about to be publicly revealed.
3. The SSP Alliance. This is a breakaway group within an SSP that is much more advanced than the MIC version. The SSP is controlled by the Cabal, but the SSP Alliance is definitely not.
4. The Inner-Earth Alliance. There are several different human ET civilizations living in huge caverns beneath the Earth’s surface. Each racial type we see on earth appears in these groups.
5. The Sphere Being Alliance. This is a group of super-advanced ETs that have been called “The Guardians,” and manage the spiritual and physical affairs of entire solar systems.
It is not easy to have requests consistently coming at us from all five of these different groups, with the message always being that each new piece of intel is extremely urgent to disclose.
We keep getting pounded with obstacles and challenges while trying to navigate and meet these expectations.
Despite periodic lapses in both of our productivity levels, Cosmic Disclosure has continued to come out with a new episode every week, uninterrupted.
We are now under direct attack by the Cabal, as they are trying to wipe us out of existence with a total internet blacklist.
Gaia has several weekly shows, with more on the way, as well as over 7000 unique pieces of inspirational and truth-telling media to watch.
The speed and function of the Gaia site has improved considerably and if you have ever thought about signing up for ten bucks a month, we need you now. Thanks!
With AirPlay, an inexpensive Roku box, a Google Play, a Playstation or an Xbox, you can watch it on your big-screen TV in crisp, clean HD and hardly any delays.
What we are hearing from various insiders now is that the Cabal is on the verge of total defeat – for the first time in our entire global history.
The Alliance has become ever-increasingly powerful as more and more people defect to it.
The Cabal knows they are out of time and as of right now, they have largely completed their negotiations on how they will surrender.
At the same time, the Cabal has dirt on the Earth Alliance that they do not want to see go public. Therefore it has turned into more of a truce, where we will get part, but not all of the truth.
This is what we have been calling Partial Disclosure. We are against this happening and will continue fighting for Full Disclosure, which will be much better for everyone.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are aware of what we’ve disclosed, and no one has freaked out about any of it. The excuse that “you can’t handle the truth” is nonsense.
The SSP Alliance, Inner Earth Alliance and Sphere-Being Alliance are all pushing for Full Disclosure as well, which they call the “Optimal Temporal Reality” for our future.
The Partial Disclosure plan includes some admission of wrong-doing, an outing and punishing of mid-level people, and a beneficial global financial reset.
The cosmic aspect of the plan appears to involve three key revelations, perhaps in different stages:
1. A formal, public disclosure of the MIC SSP. They have two large, cloaked orbital platforms, flying black triangle craft, and the ability to travel throughout our solar system.
2. The unveiling of ancient, high-tech ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will prove that “Atlantis” was very real, and far more advanced than we thought.
3. The revealing of extremely ancient ruins – over 1.8 billion years old – within the Earth and throughout our solar system, often made of a crystalline transparent aluminum alloy.
Although this sounds pretty awesome, and would be a great leap forward, this is still only a “Partial Disclosure” that leaves gaping holes in our understanding.
Another potential plan that is in the “optional” category involves the possible disclosure of a single ET group known as the “Tall Whites.” This is the group that Charles Hall and others have met up with.
The Cabal might try to introduce us to this group, explain they have been around for a really long time, and hope that they can get us to follow a mystical new religion offered by these beings.
This would definitely not be in humanity’s best interest.
The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human trafficking rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The Cabal has run out of time – and they know it.
For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to distract and inspire the public if the full nature of their crimes were to become known.
Much of the history and scientific research to support this data, as well as the Full Disclosure version, was written into my new book The Ascension Mysteries in an effort to help the Alliance groups.
The partial disclosure scenario may not include any active ET life operating around us today.
The MIC SSP’s party line will be that apart from ancient visitors, or perhaps an occasional “Gray” or “Tall White,” we are alone.
The MIC SSP does not have the technology to travel outside our solar system, so we would still be kept in a box – just a slightly larger version.
The SSP has much greater technology that could heal our planet. The Cabal could still secretly pursue their depopulation agenda as the partial disclosure unfolded over a 50 to 100-year period.
The Cabal is hoping to re-brand itself as the “good guys” as this partial disclosure scenario rolls out. It is their last and only chance to save their agenda.
Without further ado, I will hand the microphone over to Corey, who will continue our story from here with my co-authored input. It is well worth your time to learn about what is going on.
By now you probably are aware that I, Corey Goode, am a 20-year veteran of a Secret Space Program (SSP) that has technology vastly superior to anything we see in the open world.
David Wilcock had been gathering a variety of insider testimonies for nearly 20 years when I began disclosing everything I knew to him in October 2014.
He was able to validate my testimony by having heard many of the same things from other high-level insiders, at Cosmic Top Secret level and above.
The majority of this insider testimony was completely off the public record and did not appear anywhere online, nor in any alleged fiction in the public domain.
There were so many points of correlation that we stopped counting somewhere after identifying about 60 different highly specific examples.
David’s knowledge of hyper-classified intel similarly convinced me that he was in contact with people who had experienced the same world that I had.
He gained these contacts through being a highly public scholar in UFOs and alternative science who had proven, over many years, that he could be entrusted with confidentiality.
The level of secrecy involved is so high that it is hard for most people to even begin to imagine the world of the SSP.
An experience inside a true SSP base, on Earth or elsewhere in our solar system, would appear very similar to a scene from the movie “Men in Black” or “Guardians of the Galaxy.”
An ever-increasing number of seemingly fictional movies, television shows and video games are preparing us for an eventual disclosure.
Some groups on Earth have been aware that we are not alone, and have remained in active contact with extraterrestrials, for thousands of years.
Many more became involved when the Germans developed flying saucer technology, with ET assistance, in the 1930s.
A vastly interconnected “breakaway civilization” has since developed, almost completely without any public awareness.
William Tompkins was unaware of me or any of my testimony when he wrote Selected By Extraterrestrials.
Ours has strictly been an Internet-based story, and Tompkins is a 94-year-old veteran who is not online.
During WWII, he debriefed 29 different US spies embedded in the German SSP at the time.
There are many astonishing points of correlation between what the two of us are saying – again, far beyond any likelihood of chance.
Interviews with Tompkins were conducted for Gaia before he knew anything about my testimony, but it all lines up beautifully.
There are several episodes where we compare these knowledge bases, and the results are very surprising.
I had basically been “out of the loop” in the SSP since the late 1980s, except for a number of encounters with them in the 1990’s and early 2000’s that were all very brief missions.
Much to my surprise, I was brought back into this world approximately four months after David and I began comparing notes.
I was taken to a base on the Moon that I was already familiar with, entitled the Lunar Operations Command or LOC.
By this point, David had gathered the bulk of my testimony together and had thoroughly briefed the senior management of Gaia on the story.
I was quite surprised to discover that an Alliance had formed within the SSP that wanted to share their remarkable technology with the general population of Earth.
This Alliance partially arose out of the SSP faction I worked within, known as Solar Warden.
There are a total of five different SSP factions, and Solar Warden is made up of members from all five of them.
The “Solar Warden” code name was also discovered by the hacker Gary McKinnon and was independently verified by William Tompkins.
The SSP is already engaged with a diverse community of over 900 different humanlike civilizations that they have regular, ongoing trade with, as well as less frequent contact with many others.
I became a conduit for the SSP Alliance to speak with a group of highly powerful positive ETs that had remained mysterious up until then.
These beings arrived in hundreds of gigantic spheres parked throughout our solar system. The spheres have been coming in since the late 1990s, and have remained cloaked ever since.
David was aware of the spheres ever since they first arrived, as they were often being seen on NASA’s own SOHO satellite and were referred to as “Sun Cruisers.”
No other ET group had anything that was anywhere near this large in size, so it naturally was quite a source of interest.
The “man on the inside” who ended up bringing me into this world again has been given the pseudonym Lt. Col. Gonzales for security reasons.
He had experienced in-person contact with the Sphere Beings while in the SSP at about the same time I had experienced similar contacts while living here in America.
Gonzales did not report these encounters up the chain of command for some time. Nor did I tell anyone about what I had experienced.
In late February 2015, the Sphere Beings asked for me by name through Gonzales. He did not know who I was, and his superiors had to look me up and figure it out.
Up until I was requested by name, the “Sphere Beings” had completely refused to interact with the SSP Alliance – even though the Alliance felt they were trying to do something positive for humanity.
The negative ETs will seek out contact with the most wealthy, powerful elites on earth to promote their tyrannical, dictatorial, service-to-self message.
The positive ETs seek contact with those who can help share their message of love, peace and service to others.
I effectively got thrown into the middle of a debate between the SSP Alliance and the Sphere Beings.
Furthermore, the Sphere Beings wanted me to serve as their ambassador, sharing their perspective not just with the SSP Alliance, but with the general public on earth.
They are here to help guide us through an epic human evolutionary event that many call Ascension.
I have been told this will involve a massive release of energy from the Sun that triggers advancements in DNA and consciousness.
Wilcock’s new book The Ascension Mysteries has references to ancient prophecies of such an event from many different cultures.
The giant spheres are a form of living technology that is used to help smooth out this transition as much as possible.
Without the help of the spheres, such a transition would likely be catastrophic and largely unpredictable.
The main ET group I have interacted with has been the Blue Avians – a race of humanoids with large eyes and birdlike blue feathers on their bodies.
We have since discovered that this is the same group that presented itself to the Egyptians, through avian-looking humanoid ‘gods’ such as Ra and possibly also Thoth.
Their originally positive teachings were greatly distorted into the negative, as was described in the Law of One series.
William Henry found ancient depictions of Blue Avians in Egyptian and other cultures, as reported in Cosmic Disclosure.
Bird-headed humanoids are seen in Babylonian and South American inscriptions as well as those of Egypt.
Certain Bible passages describe Archangel Gabriel as having a bird-like appearance.
Native American cultures also reported contact with “The Bird Tribes,” and the Japanese had the “Tengu bird-men of the mountains.”
The Blue Avians are one of five mysterious, highly advanced ET races that are associated with the giant spheres.
Additionally, the Blue Avians have now absolutely confirmed that they were responsible for the creation of the Law of One series from 1981-1984.
This was a series of 106 question-and-answer sessions between a Ph.D. physicist and UFOlogist and an extraterrestrial intelligence communicating telepathically through Carla Rueckert.
David had been studying the Law of One material heavily since 1996 and had already written two New York Times best-selling books on its complex science before we ever started speaking.
With that being said, the main Blue Avian I am in contact with, Raw-Tear-Eir, has given us a warning about quoting from the Law of One as if it were a religion.
He said many people are starting to “quote chapter and verse” from it, and use it as a belief system that all new information has to meld with or be questioned and possibly rejected.
They made it clear that there are certain distortions in the Law of One material that came from the people at L/L Research who presented it.
If we make it into a bedrock belief system, it can create a personal religion that can be damaging for the individual in their emotional/ spiritual evolution.
Ultimately we must all exercise our own discernment and choose for ourselves what the truth is, without ever worshipping any particular document or source.
It is also important to note that David has had telepathic contact with these same beings, such as through nightly dream analysis, ever since November 10th, 1996.
Due to cosmic laws of free will, David has still never experienced the type of in-person contacts that are now happening to me.
He has been given a roadmap of stages to go through that could lead to these contacts, and writing his new book Awakening in the Dream appears to be one key part of that process.
Since I had already been a part of the SSP in the 1980s, it did not violate my free will to be brought back into it later in life.
This almost obsessive focus with preserving free will is a regular element in every session of the Law of One series.
This story is complex and multifaceted, far beyond anything I would ever dream of trying to invent.
This has also not been a profitable move for me to make.
I would have had a significantly higher income if I was able to go back into the IT field instead of continuing to fight for full disclosure, as I am now doing.
In the course of this work as an ambassador, I have come face-to-face with the highest levels of both the positive and the negative sides of this battle.
Some of these experiences have been so profoundly unpleasant that I can only laugh when people say they wish they could be in my shoes.
The full narrative arc has been traced out in Cosmic Disclosure, our show on Gaia, as well as in these updates at and at David’s website,
I have also met up with an alliance of human-looking beings living in huge, habitable caverns inside the earth. My main contact therein is a priestess named Ka’ Aree.
As described in previous updates, I also recently was introduced to an ambassador from a planet in a nearby star system that recently overthrew their own negative-ET-driven tyranny.
His name is Ambassador Micca. They are now working, predominantly through dream contacts, to help educate us on how to achieve our own freedom from these malevolent beings.
Lt. Commander Gonzales was my original contact with the SSP Alliance and he continues to pass along intel at this time, as seen below.
He originally presented himself as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force. This was his cover ID, and I recently found out he was actually a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy.
Lastly, I have been interacting with a more earth-based SSP that is run by the military-industrial complex (MIC).
The MIC SSP is unaware of the greater space program I was a part of, as we will discuss.
So now, without further ado, we will pick up where we left off in the previous update at and in prior episodes of Cosmic Disclosure.
Once again in the early morning hours of Wednesday, October 26th, I awoke to find that I was walking in the parking lot behind my house.
This type of sleepwalking technology is standard fare for the military-industrial complex (MIC) space program group that has been contacting me in the recent past.
I immediately noticed the same stealth-looking MIC wingless craft that I was taken in last time. It was parked in the same place it had been in the last time I was taken.
The same two airmen greeted me and asked me if I was physically able to walk up the stairs.
Since I had almost fallen after my knee buckled the last time they contacted me, they seemed as though they were being overly cautious.
I went up the stairs, entered the craft and was brought to the familiar room where I had been chemically interrogated before.
This naturally caused me to feel extreme anxiety, since the original interrogations I went through were not pleasant to say the least.
I was asked to sit in the same seat and was buckled in. Once again I was helpless, shackled into the same chair where I had suffered greatly in the past.
I soon heard the craft power up and we lifted off fairly quickly.
A few minutes later the older military man who was in charge came into the room. Since he has white hair and a white goatee, we have decided to call him Sigmund in an homage to Freud.
Sigmund stated that he was a bit perplexed at the information he had received from our last encounter.
In addition to “enhanced interrogation” through chemicals and technology, he had previously taken blood, hair and skin samples and tested them for trace elements, using very advanced methods.
The lab results once again confirmed that I had been in the approximate off-planet locations I had claimed.
The MIC space program people do not have any intelligence suggesting I had ever actually visited these locations. I was never a part of their program.
For this same reason, Sigmund clearly could not believe what he was seeing. My tests proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there was much more to the secret space program than he knew.
As a high-ranking superior officer, this naturally came as quite a shock to him. He was led to believe that he had access to all relevant compartments of the classified world.
The people in the MIC space program have been taught that theirs is the only one that exists. They believe they are the top of the crop, the best of the best, the be-all and end-all.
Since there is a plan in place to disclose their existence, we will now reveal as much about them as possible – so you can get a sense of what they do and don’t know.
They are aware of the existence of Luciferian cabal groups, practicing very advanced black magic on a global scale.
This includes exacting protocols of performing specific ceremonies at specific times. It also involves “hiding out in the open” and telling us what they are doing in symbolic form.
Events like the Grammy Awards, the Super Bowl half-time show or the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies are used to broadcast occult images to millions of people.
This, in turn, ‘authorizes’ the negative forces they are working with to exact greater control over the earth, and enhance their worldly power – as long as no widespread resistance develops.
They do this through seeding our co-creative consciousness with their agenda. Our collective focus is the root power of their magic.
The MIC people often believe that they are literally engaged in a Biblical war against an ancient evil that has taken control of much of the Earth.
The MIC SSP has at least two large space stations in earth’s orbit as well as a number of manned satellites.
They are roughly circular in shape and are large space stations with enough facilities for many people to work in various labs and so forth.
They are also reported to possess floating aircraft carriers that look exactly the same as what we saw in The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
They have black triangular craft that can travel around our solar system, as well as other stealth-looking varieties.
This technology makes them feel that if anything else was going on in our solar system, they would be able to see it.
When they see the crafts from other programs, or of any of a number of ET races, they are simply told that these craft are ours.
They are told that they are not on a need-to-know basis about that particular program and not to speak about their sighting with anyone.
The Cabal is a very, very intelligent group. They built the MIC SSP from the very beginning to be disclosed at some point, as a protective deception to hide the deeper-level SSP.
If anyone in the MIC SSP ranks made unwanted technological or informational breakthroughs, they would be quietly plucked out – just as occurs here in our own level of the cover-up.
Therefore, no one in the MIC SSP will successfully discover portals that take them outside our solar system – as one of many examples.
Certain areas are cordoned off to them as no-fly zones – so they do not see the advanced ET civilizations that already exist in our solar system.
If someone sees something they shouldn’t have, and the idea that it is “one of ours” doesn’t stick, they very likely would disappear – or be re-assigned.
The Cabal knew that if the people in the MIC SSP truly believed what they were being told was the whole and complete truth, none of them could ever threaten the Partial Disclosure scenario.
They could come forward and fight vigorously against any alternative view of reality, because they believed in their heart and soul that they had been given the whole and complete truth.
This is precisely what was happening with Sigmund, the commanding MIC officer who interrogated me, as we will review in a minute.
The MIC SSP are told that we cannot travel outside our solar system.
This is due to gravitational and energetic conditions at the boundary of our heliosphere that make any escape impossible with their current technology.
NASA has already revealed gravitational anomalies with our Pioneer deep space probes as they travel closer to the boundary of our solar system, setting the stage for this announcement.
The MIC folks are also told that there is no need for us to go anywhere else, as we are already surrounded by an “embarrassment of riches” beyond our wildest dreams.
There are many impressive prehistoric intelligent ruins to explore here – from what they call the Ancient Builder Race. The oldest of these ruins date back more than 1.8 billion years.
Most of their members believe that any ETs have long since come and gone from our solar system. The only exception is time travelers from Earth’s own future who have come back and visited us.
The MIC SSP is made up of different military and intelligence groups that have varying levels of knowledge of ET’s.
Some think there are only four or five groups visiting us. Some don’t think any have been here for thousands of years.
The top brass of each branch have basic knowledge of 50+ other ET groups that have visited us.
This knowledge goes back to the 60’s and was standard info in the briefings then for NATO and the DOD, et cetera. It is much more complicated than can be summarized in a paragraph or two.
The mid-level personnel have been told that some humans who have time-traveled here from our own future now look like Grays.
This is due to evolutionary changes from having lived underground for thousands of years.
One of the partial disclosure narratives was designed to focus on this idea – namely that all the human-looking and grey-looking ETs come from competing time lines in our future.
The higher-ups usually know about a handful of ETs that are here now, but they are ordered to keep silent about it.
Some MIC SSP groups believe that we are all the blood descendants, to varying degrees, of pre-Atlantean human ET refugees that they call the “Pre-Adamites,” as we will discuss.
This is also a key feature of the belief systems of the various Cabal groups, at the higher levels.
The Cabal groups believe they have significantly more Pre-Adamite blood than the rest of us, and formed “royal bloodlines” and elite ruling castes as a result.
As Wilcock revealed in The Ascension Mysteries, one of his insiders has worked with the MIC SSP and has been thoroughly educated in their views, as we are explaining them here.
The MIC SSP people are also aware that an energetic change is occurring in our solar system. They expect that this will lead to a massive release from the sun in our near future.
The classic movie 2001 was intended to pave the way for the MIC program’s eventual disclosure.
If a sufficiently massive sighting or a well-publicized data dump from a whistleblower got traction in the mainstream media, the MIC SSP could have been revealed many years earlier.
2001 and 2010 installed all the key pieces of information we would be told, over time, in the aftermath of that eventual disclosure.
If you try to explain to the MIC SSP that a much more advanced space program is operating around them, it is akin to blaspheming a major religion in front of its devoted followers.
Now let’s return to our scene where I am now on the MIC SSP craft, hearing what Sigmund was telling me.
Sigmund revealed that he had been stationed at several classified military installations in Antarctica.
He had spent time in the very area where the Anshar (inner earth group) had taken me on a reconnaissance flight.
He stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash-frozen deep under the ice-shelf.
He confirmed that there were also many animals and “Pre-Adamites” preserved in the ice.
He described the Pre-Adamites as beings with elongated skulls, with strangely proportioned bodies that were obviously not designed for Earth’s gravity and atmospheric pressure.
When we combine this with what Gonzales told me earlier, and the academic research David compiled in The Ascension Mysteries, it does appear that some of these groups were giants by our standards.
Other hybrid groups may have been bred to have more conventional heights, and/ or adapted to Earth’s gravity over time by becoming shorter.
According to Sigmund, this Pre-Adamite group had apparently arrived here from another planet in our solar system that was no longer hospitable.
They arrived here approximately 55,000 to 65,000 years ago, and began to create hybrids of their species and the developing human population.
This fit beautifully with what Gonzales and others had already disclosed, which in turn became the central narrative of the second half of David’s The Ascension Mysteries.
What we now see as Antarctica was the seemingly mythical “lost island” of Atlantis.
The Buache map from 1754 depicts accurate sub-glacial topography of Antarctica.
No one in modern times even saw the continent itself until 1820.
Insiders tell us the Buache, Orontaeus Finaeus and other maps were copied over from ancient scrolls in the Vatican Library.
The earth shifted on its rotational axis, perhaps due to a nuclear war, and the water that inundated the continent quickly flash-froze into a gigantic ice shelf.
Sigmund stated that the hybrid survivors of this catastrophe — who were living on other continents at the time of the great flood – completely lost access to their ancient cities for over 10,000 years.
These beings then began to breed with the human populations in the regions they were stationed in at the time of the disaster.
One major faction of Pre-Adamites was constrained to the Americas, while the other survived in Europe, Africa and Asia.
The 29 embedded German spies Tompkins interviewed during WWII confirmed the Nazis were working with a violent, aggressive reptilian race.
This group is humanoid, but with reptilian features. They have been called the Saurians or the Draco, and pose the biggest problem for everyone in our region of the galaxy.
Surprisingly, the Draco have a central base of operations in our solar system – including huge under-ice facilities in Antarctica.
Hypothetical examples only. No one we know has seen the inside of these bases.
This makes Buzz Aldrin’s latest alleged tweet extremely interesting. We do now know that this tweet was disinformation, but the contents are still important to analyze.
We can prove that he had just visited Antarctica while wearing a shirt encouraging us to get to Mars ASAP.
We did hear that he was there to tour the Pre-Adamite ruins that are now on the verge of being disclosed to us, as part of this transition plan.
Aldrin fell ill and had to be returned home.
The disinfo begins with him allegedly tweeting a pic of an alleged Antarctic pyramid, with the words, “We are all in danger. It is evil itself.”
If this had actually been real and not another internet hoax, it strongly suggested that he was briefed on the existence of the Draco, perhaps “off the record,” and it nearly gave him a heart attack.
My contacts in the SSP Alliance revealed that the Draco have finally allowed the US to excavate new Pre-Adamite archeological sites under the Antarctic ice.
They have also granted permission for the small number of surviving Pre-Adamites to access these areas once again.
These Pre-Adamite people look and sound just like us, except that they have elongated skulls that they must keep hidden if they are ever seen in public.
David asked me how many of these people still live on earth. As of now I do not have any clear intel on their numbers, but it is likely in the thousands, if not more.
The amount of ancient technology and information that has been found preserved in huge libraries under the Antarctic ice is staggering.
I was listening to Sigmund telling me his version of the story and watching his face as he shared the information.
He noticed me looking at him and wondering why he was sharing this with me. This caused him to break off from the current topic.
He then stated that the data they collected from me the last time we met had the telemetry that I had retained subconsciously from the reconnaissance flight under the ice.
This finally convinced him that at least some of what I was saying was true.
David asked me for clarification when I first wrote this. Specifically, I had witnessed information on the heads-up displays in the Anshar “Bus” craft I was riding in.
Under Interrogation, I was able to recall specific telemetry from those displays that proved to be extremely accurate – enough to meet Sigmund’s quality standards.
Sigmund then stated that he was going to alter my state of consciousness again to be able to dig deeper into my experiences and see what else he could glean.
I told him I would prefer it if he didn’t. I would be happy to answer any questions he had.
He ignored me and walked over to pick up a small device that had a metallic-looking cone at the end that looked like some sort of antennae.
He then put in some sort of ear-plugs and turned the device on. I heard the same high pitched noise that I had the last time.
At this point I lost consciousness, as has become the norm when this technology is used.
Whatever conversation I have with Sigmund under the influence of this technology is not available to me after it is over.
The next thing I am able to remember was walking back down the stairs of the craft, with both airmen assisting me down the narrow stairs to the parking lot.
I walked back home and went into my living room. A blue orb was zig-zagging around as if it was waiting for me.
This is a phenomenon that has been ongoing since this all started in February 2015. It is the transportation system used by the Blue Avians.
Many people are starting to see blue or purple orbs, just as I had been told would occur. This is a key part of our mass awakening process.
I indicated that I was ready to be transported and was taken back to the same Mayan Break-Away mothership I had been on before.
The Mayan Break-Away group started out in Mesoamerica, and thanks to a successful ET contact, they were able to migrate off-planet.
They have since become advanced enough to develop a unique technology that appears to be based on the use of stone and consciousness.
They act as a healing group that have provided treatment to Gonzales and many other survivors of SSP enslavement and torture.
There were now six of the Mayans in the room. Three of them were females. I had only seen a female on one occasion before with any degree of closeness.
Gonzales was standing over by the floating stone console looking at it, while a Mayan was working the controls.
He directed his attention to me and greeted me. He walked up and scanned me with the same black stone sphere that he held in his palm the last time.
He smiled and as he lifted it up, he said “Please focus your intention on the magic 8 ball”. He then scanned my head again while I tried to focus on the black stone sphere as he requested.
Once he finished his scan, he turned and walked over to the floating console and somehow placed the stone sphere into the side of it.
He then looked over at the Mayans. They then went into the next room where another stone console was floating, and gave us some privacy.
Gonzales stated that he was sorry he couldn’t share some of the details about why I was being abducted and interrogated up until now.
He stated that this was part of an operation that was seeding information into the ranks of this MIC SSP.
Apparently many of them are disillusioned and questioning whether or not they were indeed at the top of the intelligence totem pole, as they had been led to believe.
He stated that if this information gets to the right people within the MIC SSP, it could hinder the wider plans of doing a partial disclosure of their program.
These individuals now felt there was much more going on in “the programs” than they had been told.
Gonzales further communicated that I had to be unaware of this operation so the interrogators would not figure out this info was being given to them on purpose.
I had assumed that a similar scenario was behind why I had been kept so completely in the dark about what was happening to me — and why all of this had been allowed to occur by the SSP Alliance and the SBA.
Gonzales and I then talked about the conversation I had onboard the MIC SSP craft regarding the Pre-Adamites.
Gonzales confirmed that he had received the same intelligence from some of his SSP Alliance contacts.
The same data also appeared in the reconnaissance flight telemetry that the Anshar had shared with him.
Gonzales soon moved to another topic.
He stated that Cabal proxies had discovered pieces of ancient technologies hidden in time-capsules in many of the ancient Sumerian ruins.
These proxy agents completely razed these ancient ruins to the ground looking for these time capsules.
Sumerian ruin for illustrative purposes only. Notice height of giant man.
These groups not only found several pieces of technology inside the walls of these ruins, they also located some new sites buried below them that were much more ancient.
He stated that these artifacts were being stored in Mosul, Iraq at the moment.
Sumerian ruin in Ur. For illustrative purposes only.
He stated that one of the reasons such a vigorous battle is occurring in Mosul at this time is because various groups are fighting to recover these artifacts.
After these historical sites were destroyed, the Alliance sent operatives to other similar sites across the planet to do sonar scans and try to locate more of these time-capsules.
He stated that they were doing so in the dead of the night, and were using very advanced technologies to try to detect other anomalies around these ancient sites.
According to Gonzales, the ancient technologies that were discovered in Iraq had belonged to this Pre-Adamite group.
This group wants the return of these technical artifacts immediately, considering them to be their private and personal property.
However, certain factions who are now in possession of them will not turn them over.
These are earth human proxy groups that the Cabal had sent on the behalf of the surviving Pre-Adamites. They got the cosmic equivalent of “gold lust” when they saw the treasure.
What further complicates matters is that there are two different royal blood lines among these Pre-Adamites.
These two groups are in a type of competition over the control of the financial and political systems of various countries.
As I have said before, the people we are now calling Pre-Adamites all have psychopathic characteristics by our normal definition of the term.
The elongated “miter” hats everyone wears in the Vatican are one of the ways they have been able to conceal themselves while still operating amongst us.
The surviving Pre-Adamites apparently have blue eyes. For illustrative purposes only.
Gonzales stated that this argument over the Pre-Adamite ruins meant there was an obvious weakening of the Cabal’s “coalition”.
This split in the ranks of these global syndicates was being exploited by the Alliance.
It seems that many of these Cabal groups now see that their organization is about to be fully exposed and brought to justice.
The disclosures David mentioned in Part One did not happen by chance. They are the direct result of the hard work of the Alliance through outlets like Wikileaks.
It appears that many of these people are positioning themselves to cooperate with the Alliance during the prosecution phase.
This, of course, is a very helpful thing.
David and I have both consistently stressed that whistleblowers should be seen as heroes. It is very important that we not devolve into a witch-hunt mentality.
At this point the stone console behind him started flashing symbols in various colors of light. He turned his attention to the control panel as I noticed two of the Mayans entering the room.
All three of them walked to the floating stone console and observed the symbols appearing in an obvious sequence.
He glanced over at me and asked me if I was still having issues with my memory. I stated that indeed I had noticed difficulty in remembering things such as my children’s birthdates, et cetera.
His forehead wrinkled up a bit. He said he wanted to consult the Mayans to see what type of help they could offer.
He then smiled at me as a blue orb entered the room and zipped directly in front of my chest. He continued to smile as he waved good-bye.
I was taken to my living room where I again laid on the couch and fell asleep.
Over the next two days, I was trying to make sense of what occurred. I attempted to meditate on the experiences to see if I could remember what had happened while I was being interrogated.
On the following Saturday, however, I was completely distracted by another encounter with the “Banished” female that had implanted entity attachments in me months earlier.
This had been a highly unpleasant experience where I awoke to her being in a hotel room I was staying in with my family. Everyone else was fast asleep when this happened.
She was completely uninvited. As soon as she noticed that I was aware of what was going on, she was able to make me again go unconscious.
I had still been recovering from the removal of the entity attachment by Ka’ Aree a few weeks prior.
During this recovery time Ka’ Aree had contacted me a few times to let me know my vibration was out of alignment and they were having difficulty getting through to me.
Much of it had to do with the removal of entity attachments, but some of it had to do with some anger issues I had towards an individual who I was working with.
I was still carrying around a bit of trauma and resentment from my previous encounter with the Banished, and the number of weeks it took for Ka’ Aree to let me know I had these entity attachments.
Now, I found myself face to face with this same woman from the “Banished” group. I had gotten up extremely early to do some work while my family was still asleep.
I was once again sitting on my couch with my laptop on the coffee table.
Suddenly I felt static electricity in the air and looked over at the wall where my fireplace was. The wall was starting to warp and bend.
I stood up and backed away to the other side of the coffee table from the wall.
Right where the wall was warping and bowing inward, the same tall blonde female came walking through.
She was taller than I thought I remembered. She was a good 3 or 4 inches taller than me and was wearing a very revealing outfit.
She said “Don’t be afraid, I am Marra and I mean you no harm.” I just stood there slack-jawed in disbelief.
I was both intrigued and a bit afraid after our last encounter. She sensed how I was feeling and smiled as if she was pleased by it.
She narrowed her eyes and smiled even bigger and began to walk towards me. I had part of the L-shaped couch behind me and the coffee table in front of me.
I was thinking of an escape route when all of a sudden there was a brilliant white flash.
When my eyes had adjusted, I immediately saw Ka’ Aree and two men from the Anshar group approaching Marra, who now had a frightened and shocked look on her face.
I looked around and noticed that I was in a smaller domed room that had one door that was covered by the “hard light” force field. I had been portaled into an Anshar inner-earth city.
The two Anshar men escorted Marra out of the room and down a corridor. I was still feeling some of the after-effects of fear and anxiety from the moments in my living room with Marra.
Ka’ Aree walked briskly up to me, placed her hand on the side of my face and looked into my eyes.
I immediately began to calm down and my rapid breathing and heartbeat subsided. I asked her why the Banished was back, and what was her intent.
Ka’ Aree stated that her intentions were not honorable, and that they intervened for good reason.
Ka’ Aree then stated that I would not be bothered by Marra again, but that I needed to keep an eye out for more of her kind who will come looking for her eventually.
I asked what would happen to Marra. Ka’ Aree stated that she will be placed in stasis until upcoming events had fully played out.
She then gave me a hug and put both of her hands on my shoulders.
She looked me in the eyes and told me that I needed to let go of my anger with certain individuals that I am working with, and to focus on getting my vibration back in balance.
She gave me that huge infectious smile of hers, and then patted my shoulders and told me she was sending me back now.
I was still a little bit shocked and confused from the encounter with Marra, and I’m sure my eyes showed it.
After another brilliant flash of light, I was now standing in the same place I had been in prior to the transport.
In the time period since my last update, and up until this point of reporting, I have been brought before Raw-Tear-Eir on three occasions.
Each of them had to do with the re-balancing of my vibratory state, and the frustrating behavior and actions of some people from my inner circle.
During these visits I was able to observe the cosmic scene and noticed that the giant blue spheres were becoming notably more translucent.
The nine metallic spheres were in about the same positions as they had been weeks earlier.
By this point we were getting fairly close to the time of the US Presidential election, which was indeed extremely contentious – as David had opened up with in Part One.
I had already been told many months ago that the SSP Alliance was in support of either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump winning the election.
Both of these men are aware of the Cabal, are not a part of it, and want to see it taken down for the betterment of humanity.
Just days before the election, certain allies I had in the FBI, DHS and FEMA reconnected with me.
They were very excited, because their data showed that Trump was likely to win.
This next phase of insider contact started a few days after I published my last update. It began with a series of hacking attempts on my home computers.
Three of the computers that I use for work began to pop up intrusion alerts. I disconnected from the Internet and ran a few security scans on them out of an abundance of caution.
I found out these Cabal groups have apparently been in a state of panic for weeks, as more and more has been leaked about their involvement in pedophilia and sex slave rings.
They are also organ-harvesting their young victims to sell on the black market. These are just a few of the crimes being committed.
The FBI has been quietly investigating these deplorable crimes for decades. David’s own insiders independently confirmed this to him, and it has now gone public, as we saw in Part One.
The FBI investigators had brought this evidence to several Attorney Generals in the past, only to have them tell the FBI to close their investigations.
The FBI soon realized that major changes would have to occur before they would ever be allowed to bring these people to justice.
The more they investigated, the more prominent and powerful names began to pop up.
It appears that these sex slave and pedophile rings have been associated with close to a third of everyone working in government organizations within the USA and the EU.
It was determined that any attempt to prosecute them would be met by roadblocks.
This appears to be one of the main reasons most of the FBI was behind Donald Trump in the election process.
They knew the Alliance was in favor of Trump becoming the next president. The FBI have been aware of the Alliance for some time.
The FBI believed that if Trump won the election, they would finally have their opportunity to bring this evidence to an Attorney General who would actually prosecute.
This was such a contentious election process that it caused a huge amount of anxiety for people on both sides of the political parties.
Since I had gone public, a few of my sources in the FBI, DHS and FEMA had broken off contact with me because of the crackdown on whistleblowers in the Obama administration.
The day before the election, all three of these people contacted me and told me that Trump would win.
They then began to share quite a lot of inside information with me about the above-mentioned investigations.
I have to admit that I was skeptical of Trump winning, and completely sickened by the details that were given about these pedophilia rings.
I was also a bit suspicious that all three of these individuals contacted me to share intelligence so soon after I was warned that a disinformation campaign against all SSP whistleblowers would occur.
It was clear that I would have to vet these sources all over again.
The following night I was as shocked as everyone else to see Trump actually win the election.
I was able to confirm through other sources that these three individuals were not attempting to discredit me. I then contacted them for a full download.
I found out that Soros is under investigation by the FBI for all he did prior to the election years before, and his involvement in the current riots.
Obama appears to be willing to agree to not pardon Hillary if some of his legacy is preserved somehow.
It appears Trump and Obama are keeping that option open, but I doubt it will occur after hearing all of the POTUS ties to the Clinton investigation that keep popping up.
There is a very unsettled mood among the Establishment types. This was not supposed to happen.
They tried to rig the voting, but underestimated the voter turnout for Trump.
David captured a photograph of the front page of Huffington Post, now controlled by Verizon, on Election Day. It showed a 98% chance of Hillary winning and a 1.7% chance for Trump.
It turned out that there were so many voters for Trump that it outpaced the Soros-owned voting machine “glitches” that they hoped would steal the election.
They had calculated that changing approximately one out of 100 votes for Hillary in the key “swing states” would be sufficient – and they were wrong.
I was clearly told that Soros was financing most of the riots right now, as I just said. There are also lots of revenge attacks occurring against Russia from Cabal-type groups.
I found out that things are very bumpy right now between the Alliance and Cabal. They were NOT supposed to lose the POTUS position.
As David shared in Part One, Dr. Steve Pieczenik revealed that the Alliance was behind the Pizzagate emails. They knew exactly what we were going to find when they leaked them.
The general population is being prepared for some very sickening information about all levels of influence in the US Government.
We are going to find out how many influential people (from BOTH political parties) in the US and the EU have been a part of this massive pedophile ring.
This sex-slave ring has also been used as a device to blackmail powerful people into paying large sums of money, as well as to influence how they make policy decisions.
Once these uncomfortable truths are disclosed, society will not only be ready for more of the truth, they will take to the streets to demand it.
Once we see how much is hiding below the surface and that this is just “the tip of the iceberg,” it will no longer be so easy for any power group to control the people.
Shortly after I renewed these contacts, my wife came in the back door at about 1PM CST and told me a drone was flying all around the back of our house.
I ran outside to see a white drone flying around getting a good look at our house and the parking lot behind us.
For illustrative purposes only. Not exactly how drone actually looked.
It then suddenly flew off quickly to its apparent take-off zone, which had to be pretty far away.
I had recently learned that there are similarities to electro-gravitic craft in the way drones operate and are controlled.
It was further communicated that some of these exotic craft have flight control systems that mimic game controllers or radio remote controls.
I was told that in our near future, we will see our skies fill with three and four-rotor aircraft that look very similar to the drones that are so popular right now.
I was also told these Tri and Quad-Copters would be almost completely automated, with advanced collision avoidance and auto-pilot features.
This scenario would be part of a limited and partial disclosure program. The Cabal had hoped this would result in humanity not being told about anti-gravity technology until some time later.
I was told that the rotors and motors on these drones could be replaced by anti-gravity technologies as they are declassified and become available.
These craft will be used quite a lot by the military and police as well as by various civilian industries.
My interest was peaked to the point to where I decided to purchase a drone of my own to learn how to fly them for myself.
Since I purchased a cheap drone that doesn’t have GPS, all I have done is crash it repeatedly.
I don’t think it was a coincidence that a drone was performing an open reconnaissance of my house so soon after I bought my own.
This visitation happened in the same week where I had purchased a cheap drone at a local electronic toy store, and only twelve hours after I had published my most recent report.
If you have read my last report, then you heard that a shadow revolution is occurring in the USA and is being supported by the Earth Alliance.
So much of this battle is occurring in the background and over the Internet that we are only now beginning to see it bubbling up into the open.
I think we should all be meditating on a smooth transition and a full disclosure for humanity.
Never before have the masses been so fed up with the corruption that is blatantly occurring right in front of our eyes, with no accountability.
We are witnessing the beginning of a grand transition. There will be growing pains for sure, but the end result should make it all worth it.
If we can navigate through this time period honorably, we will have set ourselves up for the Consciousness Renaissance that we have been robbed of for millennia.
Various world political and religious leaders have been brought down to Antarctica in the last year.
The new archeological finds are a major reason for this. They are excitedly taking tours of the findings.
According to sources, the Cabal plans on fleeing to an island in New Zealand, certain areas of South America, and Antarctica.
If so, these meetings may very well be a signal to the Alliance that key members of these Secret Earth Syndicates are preparing to escape justice from an angry American populace.
The Cabal had believed they could steal the election and once again escape their fates. They were wrong.
Perhaps the strangest development of all was when US top diplomat John Kerry flew down to Antarctica right on Election Day:…/28098262.html
Buzz Aldrin visited the ruins as well, and something caused him to fall ill and need to leave the area before he was scheduled to.
Ihave a question but its not on this topic i dont know how to ask you but on here
its about Nibiru and the Annannki ? we know its almost here and that the gov says nothing to warn the people of the world of the comeing danger but play they put on a Dog and pony show to keep the people going Trump dose this hc dose that obama well you know what i mean time is runnung out for the people of earth.
Seems you might be right about the drone David,
See below link regarding flying taxi launch in Dubai this July 2017.
Role on full disclosure.
Love your and Cory’s work, and pray for your safe keeping.
Ron P
Hey there. Good stuff! But just on William Henry’s historical contextualisation for blue avians, citing Japan’s tengu is a little… problematic. 🙂 These were originally never talked about as enlightened or benevolent beings. More like crow-goblins. So it feels somehow superficial to include them as possible blue avians. Unless, of course, it can be shown that their goblin nature in literature and folklore came about through a negative distortion of their true nature – perhaps via royal propaganda. But until that sort of case is made, I feel that mentioning them as potential blue avians, without disclaimer, is a bit disingenuous. 😕
Ja bless!
There is a story in the Daily Mail about some of the elites building places to escape to in New Zealand.
David, we know another empath/traveler who would like to share with you. A math/music/artistic/engineering prodigy he often told people he was waiting for his ‘real people’ to come out from behind the glass to take him home. She was scooped up by Cabal types in DC in early ’80s but was led to Alliance through that.
No more detail as it would expose her/him as they were a force of nature. They are now under some ailment, some toxicity and need to be reconnected lest they slip under. I have a profound intuition that he is vital in protecting our world.
Come on you need to be better than this. It takes less than 1 minute to see that that is a complete fake account. Look at the writing style and the grammar, do you think Giuliani writes like a teenager? Do you think his official account would have so few followers?[/quote]
Service to self dude! Try to be considerate to others since we are all seeing Fake News everywhere and trying to discern truth from fiction. Being a little more caring can go a long way.
Donald Trump’s uncle was in charge of analyzing and developing technology seized from Nikola Tesla after his death.
New TV show on Tesla’s files gong missing…. aired its 1st episode a couple days ago, and one of the first things discussed was the role of Trump’s uncle. Man you were ahead of the times!
Hi David,
Have you ever considered Australia was once Atlantis?
Also, do you think Antarctica could be the firmament in the MIDST of the waters dividing the waters above from the waters below? (Genesis 1:6-8)
I’ve had a recurring dream about riding on a submarine through ice filled waters and seeing lots of fish through the window. Your blogs about Antarctica often remind me of this dream.
Antarctica, gates of heaven…
I left this request on your Cosmic Disclosure recent show, but I thought I’d leave the request here as well, as it definitely has to do with Antarctica, as well. I would love, love, love, love, love to have you guys interview DAVID GRIFFIN and ALEC NEWALD about the so-coined black goo nanotechnology, its relationship to Morgellans, what they think the Falkland Island war (specifically as it relates to THULE ISLAND) was really all about, and the mysterious deaths of 22 Marconi scientists, within 3-4 years, who were working on the same project related to the falkland war—AND (this is prescient, with the new movie about this disaster), how it is believed that the DEEP SEA HORIZON incident was directly connected to an attempt to drill for this stuff. Alec Newald also had direct contact with some blue ETs (not avians) who were trying to de-engineer this nanotechnological substance back in the 70s, before the Falkland War.
David, I’m just curious if you’ve heard any intel on the White House penguin? I’ll just leave it there.
This comment section has turned into a battlefield! What is with all the hate. For those who don`t like the content, don`t read it and go watch CNN! Keep up the good work David.
Dear David,
Just heard the Jan 13, 2017 interview with Jimmy Church and just wanted to give you a heads up on recent chemtrail activity here in southeast Iowa – definitely still happening.
Simon Parkes has some interesting info on chemtrails on his Jan 15, 2017 Connecting Consciousness shoe on Youtube.
Simon Parkes has a very good track record and has some interesting info that is coming from a slightly different angle than you and Corey.
Thanks for all you do. Many Blessings…
…gotta lv all the “pop” in this presentation , I believe “all truth’s are half truth’s” , use the laws against each… and enjoy the ride! …loosen up , it doesn’t get any better than this……check out; Da Hui Shootout Pipline 2017 youtube …whatah-i-know?
Hi all, have you seen this little piece on the unusual structure seen on Antarctica?
Help! True or not true?n because David seems to believe Sitchin…..
I always see Karee’s drawing and wonder what it looks like? And the drawing always reminds me of a singer named Ivy Levan, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and has a very different beauty. she is like this ?[img][/img][img][/img]
Wow! You should write a book instead of writing it as a blog. Call it “Bible2: David’s Adventure” and people will buy it.. I have to say that most of the images and descriptions of what happened to the protagonist are eerily similar to 1950’s to 1970’s alien fiction.
Credible information? Not so much.
Entertaining? Greatly.
[Moderator: The only person who would articulate this opinion is the Teddy Bear. Thanks for helping us track your identities.]
How is the installation (didnt even win the popular vote) of a greed-based sociopath whose chosen, corrupt ilk wants to finish destroying this planet,and wiping out its amazing species somehow seen as a good thing??!
Seriously?! Maybe you all should pay more attention to issues on this planet, because we’ll be lucky to survive the next several years.
The best thing that any ethical, thinking person can do now for the planet is revolt against the corrupt tools in the U.S. government. Fight the machine, and don’t make your fellow citizens the enemy – thats what “they” want, to keep us divided and not focused on their corruption and manipulations.
I would just be happy if you could get these cabal bastards to stop poisoning us with our food, medicine/healthcare and spraying us from the sky like a bunch of roaches! I wouldn’t hold my breath about it though because that is what they do, kill, steal and destroy.
To me, the proverbial trump card being played represents a key resource to gain an advantage, held in reserve until a crucial moment.
While the card itself is just a piece of paper with little intrinsic value, its influence vis-a-vis the game can change the entire outcome.
The Donald is clearly going to be a game changer, a catalyst for something entirely different to happen with our old, corrupt, mass-murderous and out-moded establishment.
As with a spark in a gas filled edifice, the first moment of catalyst will remain entirely unpredictable as to outcome and conceivable collateral damage, even while the edifice is no longer relevant and serves as a diabolical and fatal prison to the neighbourhood.
Without the catalyst, we surely suffocate; whereas with the spark and the pieces falling unpredictably where they may, a tiny spark instantly morphing into gigantic and groundsweeping change, we may find that we are able to breathe again and flourish – a chance to put the pieces together in our own way. Markish
Steve #203
Whilst old people and drug addicts do die of heart attacks, they usually don’t die in 3’s on days the satanists consider the most important days to do their sacrifices.
You also probably aren’t aware of the various forms of “star-whacking” which has been going on for years by the elite in Hollywood who owe their bidding to satan.
Although I can acknowledge that the “27 club” members were mostly
drug addicts (set up to be on drugs by the cabal btw), you still get the other M.O. of murders which they carry out by remote control car crashes i.e. Paul Walker, plane crashes i.e. Randy Rhodes and Stevie Ray Vaughn, and head on collisions, etc.
I could name thousands, but instead of being naive and in denial, do some research yourself and you will find out how many “famous” people have died sudden deaths at the hands of the barbarians who feed off of it and the others’ whose careers skyrocketed to fame.
Very good
The funny thing i how he speaks of CG etc. being manipulated to add to “Alienism” but fails to see his own message having the same potential only more directed at the Cabal, and thus potentially below the possible ET/ED manipulators.
Also, this aids Cabal in confusing us and creating internal conflicts where truth is sought.
The Universe is fractal. Make no mistake in assuming your realization has any limits…if it’s possible on this planet, the same will be possible on a bigger scale. Nobody thought concentration camps were possible, until WW2 was won (or that similar would happen again….Balkan wars anyone?) Did we wipe out Germany? NO!
As long as we master the message of Forgiveness and love of other-self, and live by it, No horror we meet will be to big to endure/forgive.
And true mastery of forgiveness can not be tested by a mere slap in the face.
You can find out about recent Orion contingent incident at the Consistory of the Majestic. Go to North American Consistory of the Majestic thread, then public participation thread, then page 222.
Comments DW/CG?
Coincidence [As if there existed such a thing ;-)]
Man boobs and Polar Penis. Good Times! Amazing article and I got a laugh as well.
Are you guys still on Trump’s side even after he’s pledged his support to Israel, Netanyahu, and the colonization of Palestine territories? Or are the Israeli good guys again? I can’t keep up with these “plot” developments.
[quote [Quoting "Naomi"]Hum, appears they are disclosing and covering up at the same time…
More disclosure?
I don’t get it either. Are we supposed to think that Trump is some sort of spiritually enlightened being because he brags about sexually assaulting women and insults many ethnic groups? This doesn’t seem to be any sort of balanced, enlightened message from God that I want a part of.
All this stuff about defeating this and that. I’d say that the greatest and most powerful thing a person can do is be themselves.
December 27, 2016
Mass Bird Deaths In South New Jersey
Birds falling from the sky in Cumberland County agricultural community of Stow Creek Township, South New Jersey, USA.
December 27, 2016
Massive Fish Kill Hits Two Baltimore Rivers (Not far away from the mass bird deaths)
Massive fish kill in the Gunpowder and Bird rivers, outside Baltimore in the USA state of Maryland.
Or sometimes people just die. Especially when they have spent most of their adult lives consuming drugs and alcohol in vast quantities and oh yes really old people have a tendency to die as well especially after a shock.
Hum, appears they are disclosing and covering up at the same time…
on the trending now page of the NY Post today… 135,615 views so far. Interesting news considering the intel in david’s latest update.