Just like the people in Melanesia, who we discussed in Part One, we think “we are it.” The skeptics are simply more adamant about it than others.

The Melanesians were shocked when American soldiers landed during World War II and began giving them advanced technology they called “Cargo.”

The people believed these soldiers were gods, and created “Cargo cults” that exerted significant power for decades — even in the face of contrary evidence.

Their devotion even took the form of building elaborate straw models of the exotic, super-high-tech craft they had witnessed.






The people of Melanesia couldn’t imagine that there was any intelligent life outside of their own little cluster of islands.

The oceans surrounding those islands just went off into the great unknown, and had remained unexplored in their society.

They created elaborate systems of beliefs that were based on the few soldiers, planes and gadgets they had seen with their own eyes.

Tremendous numbers of assumptions were made. All of them appeared to be perfectly logical at the time, and formed the basis of new religions.

From our perspective in the “civilized world,” we can see that their beliefs were very, very far apart from the greater reality that was surrounding them.



Similarly, we think the “island continents” of Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas are the only places on, in and around Earth where any people live.

We do not realize how many more people surround us — using various areas for living space, and technologies to keep themselves cloaked from our sight.

This includes as many as 2,500 different underground bases, often built into massive honeycomb-type limestone caverns deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

These caverns can be 20 to 40 miles deep, and miles wide — ready for mass habitation.

They are naturally lit by a bio-luminescent bacteria that grows on the upper areas of the caves.

They have naturally-occuring, weird flora and fauna that is mostly white, but life from the surface can also be brought in and do quite well.

They also enjoy excellent protection against floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and other natural disasters on the Earth’s surface.

It is going to be quite a “rude awakening” for us to realize we were this clueless about such a massive presence of intelligent life all around us.



Whistleblower Sgt. Clifford Stone reported working on a UFO crash-retrieval team for the military in the 1970s and 80s, up until he got out in 1989.

He had a flip-book of 57 different types of human ETs that were operating in our airspace and could end up crashing anywhere on Earth.

They were jokingly referred to as the “Heinz 57,” after the popular ketchup brand claiming to have manufactured 57 different varieties since 1869.



The flipbook had detailed information about the types of craft they would fly, what they looked like, and other necessary characteristics he needed to know.

One of the great mysteries, as he explained in the Disclosure Project back in 2001, was that each of these groups was human or humanlike in appearance.



This suggests a galactic or universal intelligence is steering the evolution of intelligent life along well-established tracklines, forming humanoid organisms.

It also appears these 57 different groups are not just popping in for a visit from outside our solar system.

They already live here along with the rest of us — in other regions outside the “islands” of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

They have lots of comfortable space in different places than what we are accustomed to thinking of as livable areas.

Their higher technology allows them to make use of areas we would normally consider to be inaccessible at this time.



There are a series of large, habitable regions underneath the ice of Antarctica that are host to certain groups, including those of the Cabal.

This works much the same way as an igloo in Alaska, where even though the walls are made out of ice, a small fire inside can keep it nice and warm.

Natural ice caves are created by the heat of sub-surface volcanic activity. There is land you can walk and build on, breathable air, and running water.

Here is an image commissioned by Corey Goode of one of the Cabal’s own bases underneath the Antarctic ice, complete with buildings and exotic craft.



Corey Goode recently provided us with a map of six different naturally volcanic areas under Antarctica that are home to secret Cabal bases.

Each red circle corresponds to an area that has been developed and has people living there comfortably right now.

These areas also show up on heat maps of Antarctica as visible volcanic hot-spots.



Access to Antartica is strictly controlled, meaning we cannot just go and check it out for ourselves.

The freezing cold of the surface area also makes it very difficult for any indivdual or group from our ordinary world to try to go sightseeing.

According to the 94-year-old aerospace engineer William Tompkins, there are also two much larger habitable caverns off to the right of Antarctica.

Their combined landmass is quite significant, dwarfing the size of either of the largest two ovals on this map.

They are almost vertical, on a slight diagonal angle, and run from the top of the continent to the bottom — creating a vast amount of livable space.



Both of these enormous strips of land are under the exclusive control of reptilian ETs known as the Draco.

According to Pete Peterson, and confirmed by Goode and others, the Cabal has often referred to this type of ET as Saurians.

They have vast, densely populated cities in these areas, composed of buildings that are far more high-tech than anything we see on the surface.

The Draco are on the losing end of a war througout the galaxy that has beaten them back into our solar system and a few neighboring ones.

The Draco have built vast cities in these two caverns below the Antarctic ice, with populations numbering at least in the millions.

Their total population numbers in our solar system could now be as many as seven billion — comparable to our own native population on Earth.

We are protected from them by benevolent ETs that will never allow them to do more than we have invited by our own collective free will.

Furthermore, their time here on Earth is very likely about to come to an end.



According to Tompkins, the Draco cut a deal with the Germans before World War II, and offered the smaller areas in the above image as a concession prize.

This allowed the Germans to begin developing their own secret space program, using technology given directly to them by the Draco.

The plan was to create a “Dark Fleet” of ships and personnel that could go out and begin conquering other worlds, as the Nazis attempted to do here.

The Draco would be leading the effort, and needed the industrial might of the Germans to help produce a sufficiently large army to make it possible.



Again, I acknowledge how bizarre this sounds to most people, but there is a staggering amount of interconnecting evidence that suggests it is true.

Tompkins acquired this intel from over 1200 different embedded American spies he personally debriefed between 1942 and 1946.

[UPDATE: Dr. Michael Salla corrected me on this. It was 29 embedded spies with a total of 1200 debriefings over four years.]

The security was so high that he was the only person in America tasked with the job of interviewing these assets from within the German space program.

[UPDATE: Salla indicated Tompkins was the only one disseminating the intel, but he was one of five doing the interviews.

This included an Admiral and three Captains. There was also a stenographer taking dictation.]

I have now had many hours of conversation with him on the phone, exploring this fascinating subject, and his credibility is rock solid.

For people who really know this world, all we are doing here is giving a history lesson and updating it with the things that are happening now.




The white craft you see in the middle of the under-ice cave image is what we are calling a “bus,” built by another humanlike group living inside the earth.

This group, who refer to themselves as the Anshar, have a much more accelerated perception of time than we do.

Thus, events that took place thousands of years ago, as we measure time, could be considered as fairly recent history for them.

Almost all of the things we cover on Ancient Aliens, including giant stone monuments and even Atlantis, are considered very recent by these standards.

The arrival of Jesus, and the angelic beings that helped guide us through those interesing times, was also a last-minute development from this vantage point.

This gives us a remarkably different perspective on how we see such civilizations.

As we revealed in Part One, Irish and Scottish scientists proved that different lifeforms we see on Earth have surprisingly different perceptions of time speed.



The Anshar only came into the scene as of last September, but they have now become one of the most interesting and important elements of our story.

They routinely maintain telepathic contact with many of us, usually subconsciously. I have had clear and obvious messages from them as well.

They do appear to have a key role in helping us go through this epic transition that is heading our way.