On January 30, 2013, top Russian network REN-TV aired “Shadow Gold”–ANOTHER three-hour documentary blasting Financial Tyranny. See it here NOW, before it is officially translated!
India is also picking up the Financial Tyranny investigation as well. The alliance is finally revealing itself — and demanding justice.
[MAJOR UPDATES, Same Night — “India Has Every Right to be Pissed Off.” Next Morning — Update on SIRIUS Disclosure film.
The graphic you just saw at the top of this article is what all the official, on-the-books gold in the world looks like — if you formed it into a single cube.
Once you see it as a cube, whose edges fit comfortably into an Olympic-sized swimming pool, it’s easy to have a new perspective.
Is this really all the gold that has ever been pulled out of the Earth — worldwide — in all of recorded human history?
Apparently not. The real amount is about 14 and a half of these cubes.
The total volume — now being hidden away by the international version of the Federal Reserve, called the BIS — is 2,420,937.4 metric tons.
That’s two million, 420 thousand, 937.4 tons of gold.
This is, quite literally, considered the greatest secret of modern history.
Not anymore. [Scroll down to the bottom for the embedded video.]
World Wars I and II were fake.
Both sides were secretly being run by the same people — with the same goal.
Over 100 million people died — for a completely different reason than they thought.
Both sides fighting these wars — Axis and Allies — were owned and controlled by the same international bankers.
That is the great, ugly truth we must face if we want to heal this planet.
These world wars were used to plunder central banks and private holdings of their gold — worldwide — and turn them over to the Federal Reserve.
The mass seizures of gold occurred before, during and after World War I as well.
Look… I know how horrible this is. It’s almost beyond imagination.
About one percent of our audience — some of whom may be paid to do this — attack us with astonishing passion, fury and violence online.
Laughter and sarcasm is not going to help us get through this.
Some may decide to do this in order to avoid facing a very uncomfortable truth.
Others hyper-scrutinize the data, desperately seeking to find one incorrect point — hoping to then discredit the entire investigation.
In so doing, they feel like they have vanquished the demon of Truth — and can continue to stay in the “real world” a little longer.
Nonetheless, once this truth is exposed and healed, on a worldwide level, the resulting benefits will be absolutely spectacular.
Now there are six hours of prime-time documentaries — on one of the top Russian television networks — directly supporting our investigation.
REN-TV admitted to me that
Financial Tyranny was “utterly groundbreaking” — and was the main text they used to fuel both documentaries.
The entire Bolshevik Revolution, which formed the Soviet Union from 1917-1922, was not-so-secretly financed by the Federal Reserve bankers.
If you don’t believe me, type in “bolshevik revolution federal reserve” into any Internet search engine — and
start reading.
On April 5, 1933, Executive Order 6102 was used to make it illegal to own gold in the United States.
Violations for “gold hoarding” were punishable by up to a 10,000-dollar fine, ten years in prison, or both.
This letter was ordered to be “posted in a conspicuous place” by the US Postmaster General — during the worst part of the Great Depression.
Everyone had less than a month to comply.
Their gold was purchased at 20 dollars an ounce — and then quickly revalued up to 35 dollars an ounce after it was over.
The Nazis did a wonderful job of plundering the central banks in every country they invaded — and stashing away the gold for their paymasters.
In 1939, the Soviet Union under Stalin signed a pact with the Nazis, under Hitler.
This was a key part of the Federal Reserve plan — to unite the opposition and create the grounds for a true world war.
Little did anyone know that the same people who financed Stalin and Hitler were controlling the United States’ financial system.
The Federal Reserve financed and backed the Soviet Union. They financed and backed Nazi Germany.
They also financed and backed Japan in the Meiji Restoration.
“Meiji” means “Illuminated Ones” — i.e. the Illuminati.
They seized control of the financial system of the United States in 1913 — and used its vast resources and military might as a staging area for their plans.
Even after World War II, Federal Reserve associates continued to pass vital information between the US and the USSR — including nuclear secrets.
Aug. 7, 2012: Rothschild Betrayed Nuclear Secrets to Soviet Union [Originally Posted Oct. 23, 1994]
THE LATE Lord Rothschild, scientist, think-tank head, first- class cricketer, bomb-disposal expert and MI5 agent, was a super-spy for the Russians, according to a forthcoming book.
The Fifth Man, by the Australian author Roland Perry, claims to prove that Victor Rothschild stole ‘all major UK / US weapons developments in the Second World War’, including biological warfare, the atomic bomb and radar.
Specifically, he alleges that Rothschild, not Klaus Fuchs, or, as is generally believed, the civil servant John Cairncross, first alerted Stalin to Allied plans to build an atom bomb using plutonium 235.
Perry also claims that Rothschild, who died in 1990, was involved ‘in so many aspects of spying that he seemed like a super-agent, sabotaging every Western intelligence initiative for 20 years after the war’.
The evidence offered is largely derived from three days of interviews in Moscow with seven retired KGB officers, some identified only by initials.
These “greenbacks” were issued by the US Treasury.
They were backed by the equity of the United States government, but not by precious metals — and could not be taxed by foreign bankers.
That made them very, very angry.
The bankers — soon to be known as the Federal Reserve — had ordered Lincoln to pay between 24 to 36 percent tax on all the money he needed to finance the Civil War.
This next political cartoon was a political attack piece from the bankers that became the Federal Reserve — against Lincoln’s efforts to save the US economy.
Lincoln is pictured sitting back in his chair, laughing and saying “All this reminds me of a most capital joke.”
2,420,937.4 metric tons of gold was seized, between 1895 and 1945, in the hopes of creating a New World Order — as
Financial Tyranny revealed.
85 percent of this gold was originally mined and hidden away in Asia.
Its existence, and whereabouts, was kept highly secret. No one wanted their gold to be stolen!
Fourteen and a half cubes of gold. 2.4 million metric tons. The greatest secret of modern history. How is this possible — and who cares?
It does sound like the plot of an epic “conspiracy thriller” movie — far too outlandish to be true — but the evidence is overwhelming.
The gold was seized as part of a worldwide plan for domination and control that goes back to at least the late 1700s, if not earlier.
By stealing everyone’s gold, no one could compete with the worldwide “magic printing press” — creating money out of thin air.
Those in power could determine who lives and who dies — who eats and who starves — by controlling the flow of currency.
The countries who secretly handed over their gold — or had it stolen from them — knew that it had ended up with the Federal Reserve.
They were given Federal Reserve bonds — in astronomical dollar values — as collateral for their “deposits” into the Bank for International Settlements, or BIS.
These “Global Collateral Accounts” were then used to create incredible amounts of money for the insiders and their cronies.
Many of the rightful heirs to this fortune were never given a red cent. Not one dollar of the Collateral Accounts was shared outside the Federal Reseve clique.
This was considered the most highly classified and dangerous secret of them all — much more than the UFO cover-up.
Over the years I’ve now had six different groups or entities attempt to bribe me — with spectacular amounts of money — to secure my allegiance and cooperation.
The reason why I knew about the Global Collateral Accounts when the Dragon Family lawsuit came out is that I was personally invited to profit from them.
An ex-CIA operative told me “Nothing is more valuable to the insider community than the ability to influence millions of people. Never forget that, David.”
In each of these cases, my money would be generated through a very highly secretive system — all tied in with the Federal Reserve.
I would act as a broker, facilitating transactions between the world’s central banks — called “trades.”
I would have to cough up some money up front, but in some cases not more than about 13,000 dollars.
Making a personal, trackable payment of private money is part of the deal — and must be included.
This is the “blood sacrifice” that seals the deal on the occult level — and provides a paper trail they can use to destroy you.
13K buys you an “aged shelf corporation”.
You then “monetize the debt” of the corporation and open a 100K line of credit against it — with a Fed bank.
The 100K is then used as collateral to get you a one-million-dollar line of credit — with a different Federal Reserve bank.
The 1M is then packaged with money from others — and put in “trade”.
You now have a bank account that privately holds money on behalf of the world’s central banks.
After the Bretton Woods treaty of 1945 — which Nazi Germany was also involved in — it was ruled that central banks could not hold their own assets.
They cannot do business with each other directly. They need “brokers,” like you, to facilitate the buying and selling of bonds, currency and other assets.
This system has been kept very secret — in order to support the health and safety of the “brokers.”
Once you’re in the system, the profits quickly pay off the credit lines you originally took out.
Now you’re making up to 20 percent compound interest per week — on a million dollars.
I knew this was the ultimate “deal with the devil” — and rejected each of these offers.
The Global Collateral Accounts have been used to finance all kinds of things.
The profits were originally intended to rebuild Europe after World War II. At least that’s how it was sold to the ethical leaders of the world.
Now the Accounts have paid for propaganda campaigns, political assassinations, gun running, drug running, underground bases, top-secret space programs, you name it.
Much of the stolen gold belongs to the Dragon Family — an ancient Asian group that has kept quiet for their own safety.
The Dragon Family gave Neil Keenan 134.5 billion dollars in Federal Reserve bonds — now worth a trillion dollars in modern values — in the hopes of exposing the truth.
I wrote a post on Benjamin Fulford’s blog criticizing the lawsuit — and the alliance behind it contacted me to correct my mistakes.
As of December 1st, 2011, I began receiving a massive amount of photographs and documents from the Dragon Family alliance by email.
Just two days later — on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 — I received a death threat from a very high-level source… but I continued the investigation.
Kerry Cassidy brought me on the radio less than an hour after I received the death threat. I was highly emotional and terrified — but I did not stop.
In fact, this death threat caused me to expand “Part Two” of the original investigation into a full-length book.
I felt like if the Federal Reserve was going to take me down, I would “go out in a blaze of glory” — as the old saying goes.
Two weeks later, on December 31, 2011, David Hutzler sent me critical information from the alliance — directing me to a treasure-trove of hidden data on the Unwanted Publicity Intelligence website.
Then, a week later, on January 6, 2012, David Hutzler and his son Mackie each suffered multiple gunshot wounds in their home — which then burned down.
Off the record, I heard that Mackie was found to have three bullet wounds, and David had seven.
Despite this very blatant double murder, I released the finished product of
Financial Tyranny a week after their deaths — on January 13, 2012.
I did this to help out an international alliance — now over 150 countries — that wants to see the truth exposed, and justice served.
On April 8, 2012, Easter Sunday, a friend of mine died a tragic, violent death — literally right around the corner from my house.
This friend had been involved in one of the offers I had to join the Collateral Accounts.
He overheard someone mention my name at a party of influential people in Los Angeles — and in turn got me the invitation.
There was no way to prove that his death was anything other than a tragic accident, but it was still extremely sad.
The police could not immediately identify his body, even though he had a drivers’ license in his wallet.
Even after his sudden death, I went ahead and posted the liens anyway. I felt that the value of doing this was greater than the potential risk.
Then, on Friday, June 22nd, 2012, one of my top insiders, with access to highly classified information, was nearly poisoned to death by a strange bio-weapon.
This insider had passed along a great deal of actionable information about the Collateral Accounts.
He was also a firsthand witness to several of the bunkers that stored the gold — in staggering amounts.
After about two more months, I was weary of this fight — and the lack of any immediate results.
The international alliance had promised more aggressive actions to end Financial Tyranny than what we actually saw.
I could risk my own life — and directly or indirectly risk the lives of others — but I had no control over what the alliance did, nor when.
We needed action, not talk. If they refused to act, then I was not going to publicize their efforts any further.
I took a big break from pursuing this investigation — thanks in part to some dreams I had, telling me to relax and get grounded.
I headed off to Canada, beginning in early September, and had a major relaxing trip — where I tried to heal from the stress of all this work.
I didn’t write anything more about this subject until
December 16, 2012 — after REN-TV contacted me to do their first documentary.
This was an astonishing surprise. A three hour, prime-time documentary — on one of the top Russian networks.
I’ve been deeply involved in trying to get a television show put together for my book The Source Field Investigations.
I have seen firsthand how tightly controlled the TV and film industries are — at least in America.
I honestly never expected — not in a million years — that any TV documentaries would be made about this.
At least not until after the arrests.
REN-TV had told me the show was going to air on December 16th.
Apparently, my videotaped testimony added so much that they pushed the release date ahead by another month.
Given how much I have explored and unearthed the real, hidden truth of world economics, I am credited as an “economist” in the show.
Now, as of today — January 30, 2013 — another, even more powerful and focused three-hour documentary has been released by REN-TV on this subject.
I have known about this for weeks. They asked me not to publicize it until it came out — for security purposes.
The second taping featured over 30 questions — which were much more detailed than the first round. I am told I am featured in all three sections.
This show has just been seen by as many as 138 million people in Russia — based on the potential size of the REN-TV prime-time audience.

We are actively working on getting BOTH documentaries translated and subtitled in English — ASAP.
Right for now, this is only available in Russian — but here it is, for your viewing pleasure.
You can get a decent idea of what they are talking about just from the fast-moving imagery.
My parts are in audible English under the voiceover — and you can scrub through the timeline and see where they appear.
Literally on the same day that this Russian documentary came out, a major Indian news website called First Post promoted our investigation as well.
This seems like a good time to reveal another unpleasant story.
I understand that this next part might seem so overwhelming that you might have a hard time getting through it.
The stakes in this battle are very, very high. The moves that are being made are so outrageous that it seems impossible to believe — even ludicrous.
Again, please let me remind you. We do NOT want to worship the Cabal with fear.
Nor will we bury our heads in the sand — and pretend that this is all a “conspiracy theory” and means nothing.
Instead, we will expose the Cabal — with the truth.
Although the above link says “We in India are extremely safe and happy,” India has every right to be pissed off at the Federal Reserve.
It started on July 26, 2012 — when India’s oldest and largest TV network “lobbed a legal grenade” at the Cabal.
Out of nowhere, India posted a groundbreaking lawsuit against the Nielsen Ratings — accusing them of manipulating the viewership ratings of TV shows.
This lawsuit was filed in the New York State Supreme Court, by New Delhi Television, LTD., against the Nielsen conglomerate.
The world’s largest media corporations, including the Nielsens, are heavily controlled by the Federal Reserve.
July 26, 2012: India Takes On the Nielsens — Link to Huge Court Document
This story didn’t make it into the media until four days later — July 30th, 2012 — in The Hollywood Reporter.
July 30: India’s Largest Network Sues Nielsen for Billions Over Manipulating TV Ratings
New Delhi Television Limited, India’s oldest and largest news network, has lobbed a legal grenade at The Nielsen Co.
In a 194-page lawsuit filed in New York court late last week, NDTV accuses Nielsen of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by manipulating viewership data in favor of channels that are willing to provide bribes to its officials.
According to NDTV, rampant manipulation of viewership data has been going on for eight years.
When presented with evidence earlier this year, top executives at Nielsen pledged to make changes. But the Indian news giant says these promises have been false ones.
The Indian company is now seeking billions of dollars in damages from Nielsen, looking to punish its top corporate officers and demanding that Nielsen essentially be kicked out of the country.
As our excerpt goes on, we find out that this lawsuit could be “very serious” — and potentially bring the whole house of cards tumbling down.
July 30: India’s Largest Network Sues Nielsen for Billions Over Manipulating TV Ratings
The lawsuit contains merely allegations against the venerable ratings research company that operates in more than 100 countries, earns more than $5 billion a year and has been around since 1923.
But if proved, they could be very serious. A Nielsen spokesperson said the company “has a longstanding policy of not commenting on pending legal matters.”….
Nielsen, which formerly owned
The Hollywood Reporter, is described as a company that is now owned by “sponsors” — private-equity firms that include KKR, The Blackstone Group,
The [Bush-owned] Carlyle Group, Thomas H. Lee Partners, Alpinvest Partners, Hellman & Friedman and Centerview Partners….
NDTV is now demanding significant damages: at least $810 million for fraud, at least $580 million for negligence and hundreds of millions more for a range of causes of action including tortious interference and breach of fiduciary duty.
The plaintiff is also going after Nielsen’s top officers like Calhoun for violation of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. (Nielsen is based in the Netherlands.)….
If that’s not enough, the complaint (which can be read on the following page) suggests that similar bad activity is happening elsewhere — in Florida, Turkey and the Philippines.
The same day that the Hollywood Reporter covered this groundbreaking lawsuit, India was struck with the first in a series of crippling tragedies.
Four days isn’t too bad for a turnaround time — to destroy a nation’s power grid.
You’ve gotta give the Cabal some credit.
If this was indeed deliberate, and they could pull this off in such a short turnaround time, these guys are good.
But not good enough.
July 30: India’s Power Grid Crashes, Affecting 370M People
While the midsummer outage was unique in its reach – it hit 370 million people, more than the population of the United States and Canada combined – its impact was softened by Indians’ familiarity with almost daily blackouts of varying duration.
Hospitals and major businesses have backup generators that seamlessly kick in during power cuts, and upscale homes are hooked to backup systems powered by truck batteries.
Then, the very next day, a separate incident caused an additional 670 MILLION people in India to lose power.
In just two days, in two seemingly unrelated incidents, a total of HALF of all the 1.2 BILLION people in India lost their power.
Is it really that hard to destroy a power grid — if you are willing and able to play dirty tricks?
India’s woes were not yet over, as we shall see.
July 31, 2012: Second India Blackout Cuts Power to 670M
(Reuters) – Grids supplying electricity to half of India’s 1.2 billion people collapsed on Tuesday, trapping coal miners, stranding train travellers and plunging hospitals into darkness in the second major blackout in as many days.
Stretching from Assam, near
China, to the Himalayas and the northwestern deserts of Rajasthan, the outage was the
worst to hit India in more than a decade and
embarrassed the government, which has failed to build up enough power capacity to meet soaring demand.
“Even before we could figure out the reason for yesterday’s failure, we had more grid failures today,” said R. N. Nayak, chairman of the state-run Power Grid Corporation.
This incident was immediately followed by a high-level attack — from none other than the chief economist at Deutsche Bank, and CNBC.
This article openly mocked India for losing their electrical power — and analogized it to losing their “lofty ambitions” of standing up to the Cabal:
Aug. 1, 2012: A “Superpower” That Couldn’t Keep the Lights On [Attack Piece]
Taimur Baig, chief economist at Deutsche Bank told CNBC earlier this month: “the [Indian government’s] rhetoric needs to be followed with concrete actions expeditiously, as investors are unlikely to give policy makers a prolonged period of benefit of doubt.”
Without those urgent reforms, India may finally have to turn the lights off on its lofty ambitions of superpower status.
If you are having trouble visualizing an event of this scope and magnitude, CNBC also gave you a photographic tour of what it looked like:
Aug. 1: Scenes from India’s Power Outage
Then, while much of India was still reeling from this total blackout, a sudden flash flood struck at least 2000 people.
The Bhagirathi river flash-flooded — after what was blamed on a sudden burst of weather activity.
This incident may or may not be related to the power outage and the lawsuit — but it is worth pointing out.
Aug. 4: Indian Flash Floods Affect Thousands
At least 2,000 people have been affected after flash flooding of the river Bhagirathi triggered by a cloudburst near Uttarkashi town in India’s hilly Uttarakhand state.
Seven people have been killed in the floods, and at least 38 are reported missing. 200 families living near the river have been evacuated.
Sikhs are humble, spiritual people — whose faith originates from India. Almost all Sikhs are Indian.
Just two days after the flooding, while the power was still being restored for half of India’s 1.2 billion people, they suffered an even more humiliating blow.
A tragic mass shooting was perpetrated against a group of Sikhs in America — by a US Military psy-ops veteran.
If this was deliberately planned, it could have two purposes.
One, it warned India not to “go there” with the Nielsen lawsuit.
Two, it demonized Indian Sikhs as “terrorists” to the American people.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Aug. 5, 2012: 5 Things to Know About Sikh Religion
Again, as we read this CBS article, we find out that the shooter was a psy-ops veteran of the US military.
Aug. 6: Sikh Temple Shooter ID’ed as US Military Psy-Ops Veteran
OAK CREEK, Wis. (CBSDC/AP) — Authorities tell
CBS News that the shooter behind the deadly massacre at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin Sunday has been identified as 40-year-old Wade Michael Page.
Page previously served in the U.S. military, but was no longer on active duty, sources tell CBS News.
CBS News reports that Page enlisted in the Army in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998.
He was last stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in the psychological operations unit.
Even though the gunman’s motives were a mystery Sunday, Kaur said the shootings reopened wounds in a community whose members have found themselves frequent targets of hate-based attacks since Sept. 11.
“We are experiencing it as a hate crime,” she said. “Every Sikh American today is hurting, grieving and afraid.”
The story gets even stranger when we see that CNN played “Only The Good Die Young” after covering this story — that same day.
Was this merely an accident — or a deliberate mocking and threatening attempt, believing India could do nothing to stop them?
Aug. 6, 2012: CNN Plays “Only the Good Die Young” After Temple Shooting Discussion
Eight days after
playing the song “Stupid Girls” before a story about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the scoring geniuses at CNN were at it again.
After coming out of a break following a long segment about the Sikh temple shootings in Wisconsin, viewers of Monday’s Starting Point were treated to Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Die Young” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary)….
After about a six minute discussion, the program cut to a commercial break. Upon return, viewers were greeted with Billy Joel:
Well, they showed you a statue, told you to pray
They built you a temple and locked you away
Ah but they never told you the price that you pay,
For the things that you might have done…
Only the good die young
That’s what I said
Only the good die young
Only the good die young….
Honestly, on a day when the nation is grieving a massacre at a temple, couldn’t someone at CNN notice how inappropriate this was, especially following a segment about the shootings?
Amardeep Kaleka, the director of SIRIUS — a groundbreaking documentary disclosing the truth of the UFO phenomenon — lost his father in this same shooting.
It appears that the Kaleka family owned and ran this temple.
I had already been invited to participate in Kaleka’s SIRIUS documentary when this happened.
I sent them my sincere condolences — and decided, yet again, that we will not be intimidated by death threats.
My testimony is now a central part of Kaleka’s documentary — which is coming very soon.
Aug. 6: Greer’s Filmmaker’s Father Arm Kaleka Killed in Temple Massacre
Aug. 6: Amardeep Kaleka – Greer’s Filmmaker – Lost His Father
Is this “just another Disclosure film” with high-ranking insiders — the likes of which we’ve seen so many before?
Not exactly.
What if Kaleka’s film is about to present the world’s first intact, preserved specimen of an extraterrestrial humanoid?
On July 28, 2012 — two days after India’s shocking Nielsen lawsuit — Dr. Steven Greer posted the following urgent message on his blog.
Amardeep Kaleka’s father was murdered in the Sikh temple shootings — just nine days after they went public with this message.
I will inter-cut images from the SIRIUS trailer itself as we go.
The above X-ray might look like something you don’t want to meet, but this type of human is among the smallest visiting Earth — as it turns out.
The most recent SIRIUS trailer reveals this enigmatic corpse was found in the Atacama desert — and indicates a Spring 2013 release date.
There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased.
This EBE is in the possession of a cooperative institute, desiring further scientific evaluation of the possible ET.
We cannot reveal, at this time, the location of this being — or the name of the person or persons who possess it.
Dr. Jan Bravo– who is a STAR Board member and a fellow Emergency Physician– and I have actually visited the group that possesses this EBE — and have personally and professionally examined the being.
It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man-made.
It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs — and is humanoid.
We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being.
Its anatomy, however, is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans).
As you can imagine, the security and scientific issues surrounding the further testing of this potentially explosive and world-changing evidence are mind-boggling.
However, we feel we simply must proceed expeditiously but cautiously.
The costs of doing proper MRI testing, full and dispositive forensic-level DNA testing, and carbon dating with other isotope testing are considerable — and certainly not currently funded.
We must rule out other hominids, bizarre genetic defects and so forth.
But it is most certainly an actual biological specimen – and it may be – well, what it looks like.
If you can assist further with funding the campaign for Sirius, we will attempt to carry out this scientific inquiry — however daunting it may be.
We are currently investigating what these costs will be, but they will certainly be in the tens of thousands of dollars — and perhaps more.
Dr. Bravo, myself, Dr. Ted Loder, Professor Emeritus University of New Hampshire, and other scientists who wish to remain confidential will be doing the examinations and testing.
A top DNA lab will be engaged for appropriate DNA evaluation.
The only reason I mention this sensitive matter at this time is that in order for this possible ET body to be properly evaluated and disclosed in “Sirius” – which is planned for completion in December 2012 — we must act immediately.
We will need your help with funding this and the rest of “Sirius”. And we cannot buy the safety and security that millions of people knowing about what we are doing can afford.
Shadowy classified projects would prefer for us not to proceed, just as they wished that we not proceed with
DisclosureProject.org in 2001.
But we did.
And we are here to tell the tale — because millions of people knew what we were doing, well before that historic event.
You — the public — are our shield. You are our protectors, along with providence.
While the testing will be confidential, and done very discreetly until results are known– the fact that we are pursuing this evidence must be known by millions of people in order for us to be protected.
Tell everyone you know — now.
The worst case scenario is that this being is not what it appears to be. But if it is: My God!
So let’s review what we’ve just explored here.
India’s number one TV network filed a huge, billion-dollar lawsuit against the Federal Reserve-controlled TV ratings organization, the Nielsens.
India’s lawsuit was poised to explode the media corruption and propaganda at the core of Financial Tyranny.
The Caryle Group, a Bush corporation, is one of the directors of the Nielsen Ratings.
Four days after this groundbreaking lawsuit appeared, India lost its power.
In two back-to-back incidents, half of the entire country blacked out.
Then, less than a week later, a mass shooting struck at the heart of the Indian people in America.
I don’t want to depress you by pointing this out. None of us have stopped fighting for freedom.
These are the actions of a desperate Cabal — willing to do huge, cowboy moves in order to try to beat back the opposition.
Now — at last — I feel that the risks I took with my own life, the failed assassinations, and the deaths of my friends and colleagues have not been in vain.
The information has been released. A full-length book, six hours of prime-time documentaries in Russia, and news coverage from India has now emerged.
Once the truth is set free, it can never be stopped.
The sooner we inform others — and are brave enough to stand up and spread the word — the sooner this planet will heal.
This is only the beginning.
The first few rocks of the avalanche are falling around the Federal Reserve and their shadowy controllers.
Do you hear that sound?
It is the sound of freedom.
There is additional, interesting information on Greer’s blog about the recovered ET corpse — as we see in the following excerpts.
Amazing New Results from Possible ET Body
October 18, 2012 | By
After many weeks of travel, we are back to report that amazing results have been obtained from our study of the small possible ET body, which was discussed in an earlier blog post.
Dr. Bravo, Emery Smith and I traveled to the country that is now home to this small, possible ET body — and were able to successfully obtain extensive X-Ray and CT Scans of the entire body.
We were also able to obtain DNA samples under sterile, surgical conditions. These DNA samples are now being studied by one of the world’s top geneticists.
The X-Ray and CT scan show an intact, actual biological humanoid organism — without question.
Astonishing 3-D images were able to be constructed of the body from the detailed CT scan, and we were able to see internal organs such as lungs, and what I am fairly sure is a heart structure.
These images have just been examined by the world’s foremost authority on skeletal abnormalities, dysplasias and fetal skeletal syndromes.
He has stated that this being is unlike any known skeletal structure found in humans.
We also know that it is not an ancient hominid, and while humanoid, not apparently human.
Both this expert, as well as the radiologist who is head of the imaging center where all X-rays and CTs were done, have stated that the bone density precludes the body being that of a 20-22 week, aborted human fetus.
There is just too much calcium in the bone for this being to have been the result of a fetus of that age.
Both doctors feel that the being was post-natal at the time of death (that it had lived for some time outside the womb, if indeed a womb is involved…).
The procedures for the DNA studies are complex and time-consuming.
Literally, the state-of-the-art technology available on earth will be brought to bear on this study.
The team of experts are, without a doubt, the most advanced and professional team that could possibly be assembled.
The DNA studies will take around 2 months — and possibly longer.
Since this is a story that is probably about to get much, much bigger, it’s good to cover the facts — including this writeup from Greer’s site administrator.
December 19, 2012
Years ago, Dr. Greer met with the principals at the Institute that has possession of this little Being.
They spoke at length — and described how it was found in the Atacama desert in South America, and how people near where the Being was found spoke about seeing these Beings — and egg-shaped ET craft.
Dr. Greer put that information together with the testimony of Jonathan Weygandt — who, as a Marine, was in that area — at the site of a downed, egg-shaped ET craft.
Both the film interview with Weygandt, and his transcribed testimony, have been provided to the filmmakers.
Weygandt’s testimony is fascinating, because not only was he right next to this craft that he describes as “shaped something between an egg and a teardrop”, “dynamic” and “really organic” — but he felt the occupants of the craft were trying to communicate with him.
Extraordinary! And from a Marine!
(You can read his testimony in “Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History”.)
The Cabal are masters of psy-ops, disinformation and fear-mongering.
Tens of billions of dollars have been spent on propaganda — leading us to feel absolutely terrified of non-terrestrial humans.
Is the death of Kaleka’s father really a “coincidence” — given the power of this evidence to free humanity from the Cabal?
Even if the visitors WERE negative — and the vast majority are not — we STILL should be given the technology that was recovered.
This technology can literally save our planet — and propel us directly into the real Space Age.
There is nothing funny about that. This is a matter of life and death — for everyone.
Honestly, when seemingly normal people attack this information, you have to wonder why.
They dishonor the brave, and utterly innocent men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
I prefer to focus on the 99 percent of you who are sending us your love, support and encouragement.
If this information is true — and I definitely believe it is — then we have the real, practical ability to turn this global nightmare around.
The fight for freedom is never easy. Terrible sacrifices have already been made.
But we can do it.
And we will.
I was so blown away by this news that I took what you just read at the end and re-worked it into an entirely new article — the very next day.
It turns out that a nearly identical little being appeared in Russia — in 1996.
This being ALSO came out of an egg-shaped craft — and was completely benevolent.
Hits: 261,365
thank you David: for your info, even in the time of Buddha, bad beings, nagas (serpents) and others disturbed the Buddha, here is a protective verse handed down by the good beings for those virtuous spiritual warriors! Be Well and Happy!
Thanks you very much and be carefull, I love you
Wonderful post.
Without the horrors perpetrated by the “cabal” and the contract overshadowing their behaviors across time, there never would have been enough energy-containment here and from that not enough density in the Planet and this illusion time-line so the call for help could reach real-dimensions.
Help did arrive in Nov. 2002 and directed that the “old-story” of the Thwarting illusion be supplanted in Nov. 2009, and the NEW STORY commenced.
Though these links are quite dated now, they may be of use as insight for some:
http://bit.ly/_Bildebergers-Denuded ~ check out the Nov 2009 publishing date on “The Reason You Have Lost Control of the Planet…”
It gives me great comfort to read a recounting of the activities and events that David has covered over the past 14 months.
To see this material in hindsight, as I’ve been present to David’s writings during this period, it feels very real and things are proceeding in a very to-be-expected way.
We might at times question the truth of this information, but in retrospect the sequences of events and the continuity of the information stand up very well. I’m encouraged and as enthusiastic as ever for the Cabal’s tyranny to end. Peace and prayers to you, David.
David I love your blue, blue eyes and I am certain that a blue shirt would make your eyes stand out more kind a like the shirt you wore on the cover of The forcefield. I often get inspiration from looking at that picture perhaps because wearing blue enforces the throat chackra – cmmunication… Love your stuff ..Sincerely Idapingala
David, your work affects so much. Also thank you 4 providing a way 4 lightworkers 2 communicate w/ each other here. I love the fan posts.
@ Jack #26 & Robert #5: Visualize, meditate, intend; pray if you are a prayor; your vibes affect ur local area & the Earth & all of us. Each 1 of us who holds these intentions 4 change & 4 growth, 4 ourselves & 4 all of human experience, strengthens the vibe. 4 all of us.
Robert, I 1st found David’s work in SFI @ local rural small-town library. I was enchanted, later bought own copy, big fan ever since. You think your own contribution is so small? Who donated 2 that library? Some anonymous person who helped me 2 find more truth.
ALL of us are part of this change. ALL of us contribute, even if just quiet prayer or visualization off in some rural corner. We all are here 4 this!
Hi David
Thank you for all you are doing – and risking – to get this information out to us. My question is this: the fact that two 3 hour programmes have now be made on Financial Tyranny and put out on Russian TV can hardly escaped the attention of senior Russian politicians. What do you suppose is their thinking about this matter?
I understand that they are one of the 150 nations who want to see this tyranny brought to an end and do seem to be playing an opposition role with regard to the policies of the USA and its satelites with regard to Islamic issues, but more discretely than during the cold war.
What is your take on their game plan in allowing these TV programmes to go on?
Thanks you David! Aum!
The gray shirt reminds me of Luke Skywalker
These days I feel as if I am changing on the inside. As if the basic substructure of our reality, the quantum sea, has in itself begun to change. The veil of truth has been lifted. I feel as if there is a divine mechanism to these changes. What an amazing time to be alive.
To be able to actually witness whatever it is that is about to take place. It’s like we’re all just actors in a play. We’re all just a part of the Quantum Cosmic dance. The changes have begun. 2012 is a beginning, as well as an end.
These days it is the wise teachings of Jesus Christ that make the most sense to me. His words help me to keep my head while the world around me goes increasingly insane. Thank you to David Wil ka ka!!! for your awesome web page. Can’t wait to watch English translations.
This quote: ” A top DNA lab will be engaged for appropriate DNA evaluation.
The only reason I mention this sensitive matter at this time is that in order for this possible ET body to be properly evaluated and disclosed in “Sirius” – which is planned for completion in December 2012 — we must act immediately.”
Did you mean it is planned for completion in December 2013? Because 2012 is over lol
WOW David!!
Thank you for your Courage and Perseverance!
The Force is With You!!
So proud of the Russians and the Indians!!
Awakening to the Truth is accelerating!!
Sounds like it is definitely time to prepare for the Big Economic Shift
and Free Energy!!
Namaste and Happy New Yuga!
& fans, love your interesting info!
Pt2. p73: “GOLD transmits a certain frequency. It is very deeply connected w/ *the force & vibration you describe as LOVE, the connective energy that supports all things.* The gold & crystals inside Earth move this consciousness thru Earth like your veins move blood thru your body.” [my emphasis]
What w/ our human civilizations be like if we handled gold every day as money? If gold were the physically used symbol of our exchange of human effort, intellectual property, resources, energy? & if we contemplated gold, not as wealth, but as a vibration that helps us 2 attune 2 the universal flow of LOVE?
Tibetal bowls made w/ gold.
& note word “created” in pt 1 quotes. Hmm.
So the vast part of mined gold (that we know about; did Sumerian “gods” remove a lot of mined gold from Earth? How much?) *is kept physically from human contact.* By the Cabal-type folks. Hmm. Now what’s their entire motive/s?
This too shall pass, so be calm. Everything is changing. What shall pass? This great revelation, the most recent of many by David. The cabal and its childish, uber-selfish treachery. Our own attachments to the life, and the central person, we think we know. Everything shall pass. What is not a thing, is eternal, outside of time and space. That we are.
Dear David,
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Everything you do is so top rate. This particular blog, had my heart pounding with excitement. I feel this is the final cork on the bottle, and at last, there is real hope of seeing the end of financial tyranny all over the world. And I’m so excited about the little hominoid discovery and so pleased that you are part of the examination team. I feel this information will open the floodgates for the long awaited disclosure.
Sending you many good wishes and blessings..
Judy Gibson
Hi David, when is your 2012 I-Told-Ya-So Party??
Do you suppose David has anything to do with this? Rejoice! The end is nigh! http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/gold-bank-run-acceleratingnow-the-swiss-want-their-gold-back-all-1040-tons-of-it/ was reading something today about how the ascension process started on 12/21 and should be complete by fall. Kinda makes sense based on what I’m experiencing. Also, apparently The Sanctuary of Thoth, an occult secret society, has stopped taking new members on 12/12/12 and published their whole system on sanctuaryofthoth.com. I’ve heard that this should start becoming more commonplace as, to the illuminated, the whole planet was initiated on 12/21. They believe they have known how to consciously evolve for eons and that mankind could not be awakening now if they had not made it so bad in the world that evolution had to occur to save the planet. We actually would’ve had an easier time without them but we either way we are Here Now. Welcome to your ascension. Love and Light to all
Hey Guys,
I wanted to share these videos. Again, sorry if someone else already shared them but, important info. Good to see this info getting out.
The untouchables part one http://youtu.be/x2YrRsIninA
part two http://youtu.be/Hfa87ll2Y2Y
Death to the image; Hail the new flesh
This paradigm has grown old.
But winter must let into spring.
Hi David,
just knowing how you like numbers, there is a massage for you on 444 (this article’s time) in Doreen Virtue’s book of numbers: “There are angels – they are everywhere around you! You are completely loved, supported, and guided by many Heavenly beings, and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR”. Maybe it will give you some comfort, just wanted to share.
This mini-ET, assuming it is authentic (and why not?, is proof that human intelligence is not related to evolution of brain size. With this sized brain they apparently have the technology to travel the universe. What does brain size have to do with consciousness and intelligence?
How about N’kisi, the African gray parrot owned by Aimée Morgana, who has over a 1000 word vocabulary, constructs long sentences (up to 12+ words in length), uses correct English tenses or invents irregular verbs he doesn’t know (e.g. “flied” for flew), has a sense of humor, and has telepathic abilities. What is a parrot’s brain volume?
We’re just beginning to understand these things, and it requires disclosure of new concepts that lie outside of the established science dogma. Time to kiss that dogma goodbye.
Count me in David…ah, but you knew that already!
Thanks again for your bravery and diligent work.
(p.s. Hooray for the Mods…they make many of the Comments well worth the read)
Thank-you David, for this very timely piece you’ve put together from all your research and on-going truth movement.
This article was just posted on NaturalNews today:
Record withdrawals at U.S. banks as Americans lose trust in financial system
You probably haven’t heard much about it from the mainstream media, but the latest figures released by the privately-owned Federal Reserve (FED) indicate that America’s largest banks saw record cash withdrawals during the first full week of January 2013. As reported by Bloomberg Businessweek and scant others, account holders withdrew a record $114 billion in just one week, which represents the largest one-week withdrawal sum made in America since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038902_fractional_reserve_banking_withdrawals_economic_collapse.html#ixzz2JbuWnAqh
there are beautiful people who post here, and say they feel the ‘change in the air’, positive change, but i think the reason is because of your hope and desire for a better world (hope i’m wrong), and that you are gentle and kind people.
let’s look at reality though, france, warring in mali, UK, david cameron says ‘we are keen to send troops to mali’, even though i’m sure the UK people do not want to, syria, bad, still under terrorist attacks, libya, bad, isreal, really bad, now flying into other countries and bombing, japan, bad, trying to play tough with china, korea, bad, sounding like eager to start warring, UN, going to mali?, and of course, the USA, usual stuff, spreading the seeds of war.
yes positive things are happening, but very bad signs are also everywhere, if it is a race, doesn’t look good because most people are asleep and the media is heavily controlled.
[Moderator: There are a lot of people who comment on this blog that say the exact same thing, over and over now. Instead of repeating this mantra, consider this: if you follow this website then you might actually believe, or you might otherwise know from reading other material that one of the most ancient wisdom teachings of all is that your thoughts effect/create the world around you, so please choose not to get stuck in the mire of what appears to be and choose to be a soultution.
If you are the last wo/man standing and you are still trying to make it better, then better we could all be that example than complain or give up because what we want hasn’t happened yet. Prayer, meditation, visualization have all been proven to effect “reality”.]
You are a great investigator and have done some exceptional work over the years. Did you listen to the interview Kerry (project camelot) did with David-Wynn Miller last week?
He seems to have a unique take on what is going on, plus also has some impressive credentials according to his videos. Maybe he would be a good resource for you to connect some more missing pieces.
Keep up the investigation. It is what you love doing and it is definitely appreciated.
I HATE that gray shirt!!!
Now the time has come….. to open hearts…..to become ONE…..and tell the story of our very distant past! Thank You David from all hearts good and not so good!
hi David
I truly burst into tears reading your news letter today, almost all my mothers family was kiiled during world war 2, in Tunisia, and I know the Nazis are still dominate and rule the banking system, Energy resources, midia, politics and religion.
it is a vast , huge organization, and I know it is going on for a few hundred of years,if not from day one of our existence upon earth,
[s][s]I send you a huge wave of blessings energy, to bless you and all your dear ones, for being able to do such significance work – to help man kind -heal and overcome this tragedy, it brought upon it self.[/s][/s]
I love you -deep from the core my heart, and wish, your work will carry great fruit , joy, love, prosperity, abundance, and happiness to all of us, all around the globe!!
much love
Orya 🙂
hey whaaassssup!
i like that little guy who the doctors are checking out! it’s either a cool alien or a leprechaun. either way i’m stoked!
your buddy,
stan frizzzzlefry!
Thanks for your courageous and tireless efforts, David!
Stay safe, stay well, and keep up your most important work.
Major banking scandal in italy with world’s oldes bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena
also today major banking scandal in england, will have to pay small andmedium sizedbusiness
This has to be seen by every single soul in the world. I am offering my voice as a Spanish V-O talent. Just let me know when and you can count on me.
My heart is higher up with my mind & soul scrambling after them with this AWESOME post, David! Wow !
Thank you so much for ALL of this. So good to see Dr. Greer’s work being mentioned here as well. Everything is truly coming together. SO nice.
Excelente trabajo, como siempre. Contais con mi apoyo.
Un Saludo
Excellent work, as always. You are provided with my support.
A Greeting
Great article.
It really has felt, of late, that things are moving forward. The fact that India has picked up on the Financial Tyranny story feels like the beginning of a domino effect. Eventually it’ll get through to the west, regardless of the control tactics in place.
Looking forward to watching the powers crumble over the next few years.
Thanks for the great work David et al.
Terrific Blog!
Thanks for all your research Dave! Hopefully, this information will manifest justice before the Cabal enacts the Apocalypse to cover their trail of blood & greed…
Only time will tell!
Peace and Love Divine Cosmos!
thank you as always David and Crew !!!! i wanted to give some attention to a new car commercial for the superbowl…it has Willem Dafoe as the devil….of course the devil sports a masonic ring…. 😉
Thank you so much, David, for your hard work, perseverance, and courage. You have done a tremendous job, and we will be eternally grateful to you for exposing the truth. The truth is light, and it cannot be hidden. Thank you for helping to unmask all the lies.
Terrific blog!
Thanks for all your research Dave! Hopefully, this will be made manifest before the Cabal tries to ‘start’ the Apocalypse to cover their tracks!
Only time will tell!
Peace & Love Divine Cosmos!
The cabal developed these unconventional weapons (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis etc) because of their denial plausibility. They can whack another country with ‘Acts of God’ and cause great suffering and no-one can point the finger at the culprits.
Listen to this great interview with Joseph Farrell on the breakaway civilization and how it has been funded. Also covers covert wars, ETs, gold backed certificates, looting of gold by Nazis and Japanese etc