Back in Action!

Just a brief update to let you know that David is bouncing back from the nastiest flu he’s had in over three years. We plan to release more detailed material soon!
Many of you have asked me to write shorter updates and keep you in the loop, even if I don’t have the time or the energy to do something more substantial. So here it is!
I am obviously very interested in what will actually happen as we go through the Mayan Calendar end-date. This has been my total focus, even while I was pulling through a powerful illness.
I am not expecting a cataclysm or disaster. December 21st, 2012 is very likely the end of a 25,920-year cycle that over 30 ancient cultures had “encoded” into their mythologies — by some source unknown to mainstream science.
These ancient cultures had no tangible, physical way to connect with each other across time and space — and yet two top historians in the 1960s, Santillana and von Dechend, made a very compelling case of the worldwide appearance of this cycle in mythology.
The technical name for this cycle is “the precession of the equinoxes.” I first learned about its prevalence in ancient cultures by reading “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock in 1995.
This cycle is heavily discussed in The Source Field Investigations, my videos, and many other articles on this site.
This 25,920-year cycle isn’t just a feature of mythology — it represents the apparent motion of the stars in the night sky, which drift by 1 degree every 72 years when you look at them on the same day each year — such as the Winter Solstice.
In Western astrology, the cycle is divided up into 12 parts of 2,160 years each — known as the “Ages of the Zodiac.” We are now moving into the “Age of Aquarius.”
The most exciting aspect of this cycle is that the ancient prophecies almost always tell us the end of this cycle will usher in a profoundly wonderful Golden Age on earth — unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.
It does appear that the Mayan Calendar end-date of December 21st is a technically accurate day for when this shift-point will occur. The scholarship on this being the correct end-date for the calendar is certainly compelling.
At 5,125 years, the Mayan Calendar is very nearly one-fifth of this “master cycle” in length. [Technically it comes out to 25,625 years as opposed to 25,920 — or a mere 295 years shy of the “ideal harmonic” cycle length of 25,920 years.]
As I argued in The Source Field Investigations, the prophecies around this date, and its outcome, are worldwide — and the vast majority of them indicate a positive, not a negative outcome.
The book I’m writing now is The Synchronicity Key. Unfortunately I have been so overwhelmed with things to do that we had to bump ahead the release date to August 2013. I am still in the process of finishing the book.
In retrospect, it makes more sense for me to wait until after December 21st to hand in this manuscript, since this “great cycle” is the main subject of the book.
There is strong evidence that extraterrestrial humans visited Earth in our distant past, and deliberately “seeded” this cycle into ancient mythologies — for our own times.
The quest to find out what this cycle “does,” if anything, and what it means for humanity, has been my strongest passion since I began reading the Law of One series in January 1996.
Perhaps the most significant element, as I have now discovered, is that history keeps repeating itself — with astonishing precision — in time intervals that are precise “harmonics” of this cycle of 25,920 years.
One example of a “harmonic” would be 1/12th of the total cycle — or 2,160 years, i.e. an “Age of the Zodiac.”
As it turns out, there is an astonishing correlation between Roman history and American history beginning at least in 1896.
You simply take Roman events and move them 2,160 years ahead — and there are many shocking correlations.
Based on all the evidence, the 25,920-year cycle is the visible result of an energetic structure we are moving through as a solar system.
This energetic structure has an effect on how we think and feel — far more than we currently believe would be possible in mainstream science.
I now believe this energetic structure is geometric in nature, and is being created by a “brown dwarf” that our Sun orbits around — in 25,920-year cycles.
There is an abundance of evidence for this that will be featured in my new book, and possibly an upcoming video. Most of the clues to put this together are already in The Source Field Investigations.
Walter Cruttenden has done an excellent job laying out the evidence that we live in a binary solar system in his book “Lost Star of Myth and Time.”
I realized this had to be the solution in the summertime, right before I headed out for a tour of Australia and New Zealand — and I have featured it in every lecture I’ve given since then.
It would appear, therefore, that the end of the cycle represents a time in which much greater peace, happiness and abundance can result.
The old “torture wheels” of war, deprivation and pain stop repeating, and we have the opportunity for a very significant change.
The Law of One series mentioned the “25,000-year cycle” as well, without ever referring to the “precession of the equinoxes” or the Mayan Calendar.
They pinned the shift-point as somewhere around 30 years after January, 1981. We are still within the “window”, as I said in an earlier article.
The Law of One series indicates that we will move into an energetic structure in which the basic nature of the photon — of matter, energy and consciousness — will change into a higher, more loving form they call “fourth density.”
I am very, very glad that we have made it this far through the “2012 zone” without world wars, huge economic collapses or the many other massive disasters that have been prognosticated by so many doomsayers.
I am very much looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds.
I may write more later, but right now I have to dash out the door. I am getting a haircut for a very important shoot I can’t talk about just yet!
THANK YOU DAVID. from the bottom of my heart thank you for you are one of those great beings who have come to earth for a grand cause. I have since given up alcohol too many negative beings come with that. I understand where you are coming from.
Ive been wanting to write for awhile to say that in my estimation ouve more than surpassed releasing all karma . whatever you did in another lifetime is a long long time ago. so now i believe only magnificent blessings are upon you. also you need to hear the good stuff and not the bad the best thing you did was stop reading the garbage low energy statments. i am happy that you did that. we need to stick togehter we are all one just like Ra says. be good to yourself …ill take the same advise thank you again david my brother.
tim larlee
i beleive that your website is being monitored by some moronic security spy network because i have sent two comments that have been deleted and although the subject is controversial my language is clear and consise with no bad language.if this does not get through i shall not be making anymore comments.
I just saw “Rise of the Guardians” Childrens movie and this is a movie with the largest amount of disclosure that I have ever seen. I recommend all watch this movie as portals, time travel, a pole shift, loss of electricity and fear versus the light are all exposed in this movie, covered up with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny!! I think I was the only one in the theatre that really knew what was going on.
Love and light. 5 days to 21 December. Make your circle with found objects, gather your family and celebrate.
I know that you are busy..However, if you could just provide an update per the recent shooting of all those children etc.
In the end the shooter commits suicide.
When Hitler took over, the first thing he did was get rid of the guns. Then he killed off protestors and so on.
I read that when its time, the veil will come down and we will all know that we live in a fascist country.
First the problem is created, then the reaction and then a solution. Are we the people willing to live under a tyranny run by a cruel eliete.
Less than a week away from the 21st. and the usual suspects are still at it…an elementary school? When does this stop?
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Just read December 8, 2012 comment by Independent Observer and thought I would add this
Does the Sun and the “Son” bathe the earth with love and light at Christmas time?
According to the book “Mystery of the Christos” by Corinne Heline the Christ Spirit has four aspects: cosmic, planetary, historical and mystical. This Christ Spirit makes four major contacts with the earth during the solstices and equinoxes.
Heline states that the events in the life of Jesus the Christ represent the initiatory steps that each one of us must take to become a Christed soul. The Christ is not a person but a “office” or “position” we ALL attain to.
At Christmas is the “sacrifice” of the Cosmic Christ. This “being” comes down to earth and fills every atom of space and all living things with love and light. Is this why there is a renewed feeling of love, goodwill, and joy at this time of year?
At this same time of year our physical sun, which brings life to us and to our planet, comes closest to the earth than any other time of year. The sun is at its lowest point in the sky at Winter solstice December 21st. The sun is above the horizon the least amount of time during that day. The Winter solstice is known as the shortest day of the year.
For three days between the Winter solstice and Christmas morn the sun “rests” at the horizon. The sun moves the least amount at the horizon at this time. This is a nautical fact. It is as if the sun or “Son” rests in the “tomb” of physicality for these three days waiting for the Resurrection of the Christ Spirit on Christmas morning. The earth is bathed with the love and light of the Archangelic Cosmic Christ Spirit renewing the earth and its people in an ever rising, spiraling, evolution to bring heaven down to earth. It is as if the Christ child awakens and is reborn after bringing the light back to the world. The sun and the “Son” rises.
“The story of the Sun God and the Son of God are one in the same.” Lyman Stowe
The celebration of Christmas does not end on December 25th. The next 12 days December 26-January 6 (Epiphany) are known as the 12 Holy days or the Holy of Holies.This is the time when one can dedicate themselves to the divine path of God Goddess.
Passage from “Christmas Meditations on the 12 Holy Days December 26-January 6” by Merry C. Battles
“Every year on January 3 (or 4), the earth in its elliptical orbit around the sun comes closer to it than any other time of the year. Instead of 93 million miles away, we come within 90 million miles. This is very symbolic, as the earth comes closer to the sun to receive more light.
“One year, on the ninth holy day, January 3, I was enjoying my daughter and grandsons at my home. All day long I kept telling them the thought meditation of the day: “Ye are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) I have one window in my bedroom where the sun shines in on a little table. I had a quartz crystal ball, cut flat on the bottom, sitting on a cloth. I was lying down relaxing and all of a sudden I looked over and saw smoke! The sun’s rays from 90 million miles away came in my window and through the crystal to start a fire! It was a confirmation of what I had been saying all day, “Ye are the light of the world.” Each one of us has a special light to shine and share with our planet. Be mindful of what you say!””
Enjoy this coming Christmas season along with Hanukkah, Kwanza, and other religious observances of this sacred time remembering that we are
ⓒ2012Merry C. Battles
Wanted to dhare this with your readers.
Love and Merry Christmas!
December 21, 2012 – Is it the end or the beginning?
There is no monster. The monster is ignorance.
December 21, 2012 – Is it the end or the beginning?
The ancients speak of this time as the Shift of the Ages. All time past, present, and future
has the opportunity to speed up or slow down, stop, and then start all over again at a higher level of integration.
When a system reaches chaos and gets sick it needs healing. At first it is disintegration and then it starts to rearrange at a higher
level of organization. This can be compared to a body getting sick and then healing with all the pieces in a better organization.
We are all doing that in our lives if we are doing our “homework.” The whole Universe is going through a transformation. – A new birth.
With birth there are definitely labor pains and then the new dawn approaches.
The old, outmoded, trying situations are cleaned out and will be detoxed as the new world, the new human/divine being emerges. This is akin to the caterpillar coming out of its cocoon as the beautiful butterfly.
We all have a choice right NOW. Do we believe in the destruction of our Great Mother Earth or can we see a bright future of peace and harmony?
The outcome depends on ALL of us together.
When you feel scared, overwhelmed, or chaotic, go into your room be quiet and center yourself. It will pass. Think about the love you feel and the love and kindness you can give.
Can you see the glorious future that awaits us all when we can chose love and peace?Most of all – Believe in LOVE.
©2012 Merry C. Battles
Hey David,
I hope you feel much better now! I have a question for you. Are you familiar with the Hollow earth theory and the story about Olaf Jansen in 1829 that is written down in a book called “The smokey God”. Rodney M Cluff is a researcher you maybe know who knows a great deal about this subject. In 2003, Rodney was contacted by Steve Currey of the Expedition Company of Provo, Utah who asked him to help plan an expedition to Our Hollow Earth. They put together the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition with plans to take an airliner into the Arctic to pin-point the location of the North Polar Opening, and then follow that with a sea expedition chartering the Russian Nuclear Icebreaker, the Yamal.
Unfortunately, in 2006, three months before the departure date of the over flight of the Arctic, Steve discovered he had 6 inoperable brain tumors, and died two months later. His family cancelled their involvement in the expedition and returned all expedition members’ monies. The reason i tell you this is that yoy where talking about the 25,920-year cycle and the prophecy (ancient knowledge that is been kept alive for all that time). Olaf was telling in his book that he met giant humans inside the inner world and that they told him they where living inside the earth for at least over 20,000 years. Could these beings be a link in this prophecy that we find all over the world? I mean it sounds like a fairy-tale but still..what if it has some truth in it. I know the Nazi’s went to the antartic and there occult Vril-Thule Society. They told legends too about this.
I just wanted to note this to you. You probably have researched it.
😉 Thanks for the update and greetings from Holland
another article if anyone wishes to learn a bit more about nutrition as I have been investigating.
I wanted to tell you of the adventure I had while in Apopka FL. My home there is located very close to an Apollo Rendevoux 1 mission (1967) Module! It is the piece of machinery that takes pictures of the actual manned rocket! I was at home, and like you know, I kept hearing and visualizing weird anomaly! We found a homobox, a genetic marker for human life hear on Earth. That was a great scientific feat! Also, I was prepared to go to dinner with my then husband, he has taken ill, since the birth of my last child. He passed out at the wheel. When I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw the equipment come up out of the ground. In my view, its preticularly amazing, since I have very exceptional RV. I watched the craft approach for aproximatly 3 minutes, and then it reversed its trajectory, and went back into the ground. I know from the fuel used, which was a violet color, and appears as smoke, that this was a lunar module of some kind. After the craft went back into the ground I woke Billy up. We are studying now, why the craft came up so suddenly. Any information would be helpful. There is much to worry about unfortunatly, as it looks like this may have caused the Chernobyl accident. More interesting is the appearance of Edgar Cayce, some three houses down. It seems we had a mission. It is a strange occourance,Edgar Cayce and I share the same birthday, and many of the same traits. He was a quide for me, in instructing the crossed poles behind Pluto, to uncross, saving us from a polar shift. I am glad you are well, much to talk about. Rape genes, ect. I am glad you are well now! Jennifer Pagan
Neil Keenan update:
The Changing of the Guard (Video) . . . I believe this announcement from Neil Keenan is the game changer we’ve all been praying for. . . ~J
David or Mods or anyone else, please take a look at Sirius! Tonight it was extremely bright and appeared larger. It was stunning.
This is one of the best cams to look at it with.
This is where you can look at the stills of the sky cam.
Or you could look at these.
Also, there have been very large streaks of light which I can’t say are meteors. They could now have the ability to chemtrail above earth’s atmosphere or they could be lasers. A few lights have looked like actual “ships.”
I’ve been watching the sky because it’s so beautiful. I didn’t expect to see Sirius glow like this. I have an image from 12-08-12 and tonight (12-14-12) if you want to see the difference.
FRANKFURT — After a raid at Deutsche Bank’s headquarters, the company disclosed Wednesday that two of its highest-ranking executives were a focus of a tax evasion investigation, dealing a fresh blow to the German institution’s already battered reputation.
(reposting this – forgot the link first time 🙁 )
So glad you are feeling better.
This will give you an added lift David. Check out this YouTube video at PRECISELY the 2:22:22 point. You are having a discussion with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy and interject a word right then while Bill is speaking. For some reason I felt compelled to check this out while watching for the first time. Knocked my socks off.
“Let ’em figure it out themselves. You’ve done so much.” If anyone has ever said that to you David, I want you to know, I get it.
Hi David,
I hope your recent illness provided some positive catalyst for you and that you are feeling better. I’am looking foward to participating on your forums soon.
Love & Light
thanks for writing the source field. I am finally reading the last chapter and plan to let my hubbie read it.
I have learned much…however, its bee a struggle because I have such a limited background with the sciences.
I see many people who seem to be having all sorts of pain etc. I even started having insomia. I do have pain too. I have read all of this is part of the awakening taking place. Perhaps when I had pain before, it didnt seem as intense as now. I like to concentrate on being positive and mediating and asking for help from my higher sources.
Its very difficult in these times not to revert back to negative thoughts esp with the mainstream nightly propaganda called news. With the ways things are, these elietes continue to want to start ww3 to benefit themselves. You continue to say David, we are being watched over by higher intelligence. Not all of us here, want war, poverty, suffering. Its really a small minority. I so want to believe that our speice is kind and loving.
I want peace for our planet. I am working on myself to be more patient and more understanding. Its tough…All these great concepts are not so easy to live by…
Hi David,
I am waiting for my Divine Power. I want to be set free. Every night I am woken up by OBE’s. I hear crackling radio sounds. Is like an old transmission from an a.m. radio station. Is this normal? Hope u get well soon.
[Moderator: It is normal if you have a pineal gland that is starting to work.]
Hi David / Moderator,
I had an interesting experience yesterday. I was reviewing several saved youtube clips that I’ve enjoyed regarding Disclosure, etc. While reviewing them, I decided that I’d like to know what songs were playing with an app on my phone called soundhound. One song was by Prince ‘Introduction’, the other song was by Jean Michel Jarre ‘Oxygene IV’. This was done at 1:59 PM and 2:05PM respectively.
Those times are important, because my son, who is in kindergarten, was not home while I was doing this. Later that evening, I was playing the prince song while I was making dinner for my 3 sons. My oldest, 5 yrs old, recognized the song and said he thought that I was watching a Lego Video on youtube. I informed him that may be the same song, however I wasn’t watching any video. Howerver, I was curious to see how accurate he was, so I let him maneuver through youtube to show me what he was talking about.
Unbelievably, it was not the Prince song, but it was the Jean Michel Jarre ‘Oxygene IV’ song. I had not played that song in front of him. It had been over 3 hours since I heard it last. So, of the 2 songs that I had found online that day, he only heard me playing the pirnce song, but made the correlation with the other even though he never heard it. They are not similar songs. If you play them, you’ll know what I”m talking about. The probability of this coincidence is beyond my mathematical ability.
He must’ve been sharing a frequency with me that I cannot explain.
Moderator / David – Do you have any input on what connection we shared? Can you point me in a direction that I can explore this further? This cannot be a coincidence.
[Moderator: Telepathy works just like this! Some people say though telepathy works not on the principle of reaching out/reading the other persons mind, but going inward to the place where you are one/where you share a mind. Its amazing when stuff like this happens, but also very natural and happens frequently to people that are living in harmony with themselves and others, or who are closely bonded.]
Something very strange happened to me yesterday, and I don’t know how to explain it. I will try my best, though.
While I was sitting at my desk, on 12/12/12, I felt something physically came out of my mouth and went straight up in my nostrils. Here is the weird part: My mouth was closed the entire time, and it happened really fast. It was as if a ghost thing came out of my mouth and went up into my nostrils. I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s nothing no one would have seen. I just felt it but saw nothing.
It happened so quickly that I did not have any time to react. I just chalked it up to things happening b/c 12/21/12 is approaching fast.
Can anyone shed any light on this? I would greatly appreciate it.
~Peace & Love~
Well, since this may be the last update before the end of the year I will just say thanks to David and his staff for running this website and producing all the quality articles over the last few years.
[Moderator: Thank you for your thanks, we really appreciate everyone’s support and are grateful for everyone who comes to and participates in this website, reads or listens to David’s work.]
Jen Eramith – Is there anything we can know about the day of December 21st? What can we expect on that day based on previous prophesies and based on what is actually happening now?
This day does have a unique and powerful energy. This is the solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Winter Solstice, in the Southern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice. This is a major turning point for the year, and because this year is a major turning point for humanity, this is the day that represents that shift. But the entire shift does not happen on one single day. The entire shift is already underway and you will continue to adjust to it in the years to come.
It is important on this day that you honor the shifts in your life, but do not expect that everything will shift and change all by itself. Unless you are involved in a group who creates a shift, for instance by acting as if it is the end of the world, then this day will likely unfold like any other. Resist the temptation to make something big happen, or to create a problem where none really exists. The shift is real, but it has already begun and you are already in the middle of adjusting to it. Everything about life on Planet Earth is changing in the ways that were prophesied, and this day is simply the central moment, like the eye of the storm…
So – very correct way to understand situation on planet Earth!
Peace, Love and Light to all beings on and around this planet. The time of the momentous shift has arrived. We have come to assist the liberation of this planet. Covert operations nearly completed, mission nearly completed. We are one.
I find that the more sleep I get ( I need 9 to 10 hours a day,normally, now ) , the HEALTHIER I __FEEL__ (kind of a “glowy” feeling all over my entire being…). I wonder if it would help YOU to SLEEEEP when your body craves it, and thus bolster your natural healthiness?? Some days, I’m “all caught up on my sleep needs” and don’t even NEED a nap. Others, I just canNOT function UNTIL I __GET THAT NAP!__ And sometimes, when I DO surrender to that, I wake up with the inside of my eyeballs feeling like they’re full of “mint water”….a VERY refreshing physical sensation!! I want YOU to “FEEL GOOD ALL OVER” ALL THE TIME! I wish this “fate” upon EVERYONE ELSE /TOO/ !! 🙂
[Moderator: He already knows & naps when possible… its all true : ) Thanks!]
My personal opinion abouth what is going to happen is pretty much nothing dramatic…
Dec 22nd will arrive and the world will still be the same…
However the DNA is changing.. evidence shows this. Future generations will change this planet.. the corrupt paradim we live in now will die of old age.. no one lives forever.. out with the old.. in with the new.. it could take a life time, we may not see it ourselves.. but on the grand scale of things it will be like the blink of an eye..
I love to think that in 2013 everything will correct itself but it just seems too far fetched to me. I’m not expecting any mass arrests or mass media disclosure, it will be very gradual.. peoples values will shift through the decades, structures will collapse, the corrupt will whither away and be diluted…
This is how I image the future. If you want a better life, you’ve got to go out there and make it happen.. Don’t wait for some false saviour to come and make everything better..
Forgiveness, compassion and love one another, raise the vibration, expand the consciousnes.. it is the only way.
Thanks for the hard work, and glad to hear your doing well! I’ve really enjoyed Daniel’s material. So glad he keeps posting stuff.
Came across a really cool comic by an abductee that details his (super interesting) account of abduction- with great illustrations:
I know this is off topic… Im just looking for guidance.
Does anyone know what to do about student loans? I have about 70,000 dollars of debt in private student loans. I graduated in may of ’11. And have used up all deferments.
I was just denied a consolidation request with a big bank. I only make 8.75 an hour and am just trying to get by. (sorry for the sad story, I know there are people that are a lot worse off than me)
I am just wondering if anyone has gone through the same thing and what they did? I keep looking online and Im not sure what to do next.
Lets hope this 2012 thing is better than anyone can have imagined. I look forward to a world full of peace and freedom (and no debt)! haha
much love!
We The People Now Re-Declare in 2012…. The Declaration of Independence!
This petition is for the purpose of a public Re-Declaration of Independence that declares our Independence from the illegal US Government CORPORATION, thereby RESTORING our organic and lawful united States Government, which puts the illegal US Government CORPORATION and all its illegal BAR association members throughout ALL three branches of government on notice, and establishes a mandate by the Power and Authority of “We the People” for their immediate removal from office as mandated by the authority of the original 13th Amendment.
Created: Nov 24, 2012
Here is the link to sign the petition
listen to the interview, read the transcript, sign the petition!
Happy 12/12/12 12:12:12 Divine Cosmos. Hope some day I’ll get a chance to meet David and his team. Perhaps when we sit down to discuss a movie project, or Maybe in orbit during one of the council gatherings 😉
the link ‘lady godiva’ gave about ‘panic around the world because of 2012 mayan thingy made me laugh, in australia here, hardly anyone even knows much about that, lol, let alone the nwo.
oh, and the date 2012/12/12 has passed here, only thing i saw that was meaningful is obomba has recognised the free syrian army as the rightful government, which mean he recognises terrorists to rule syria …
12-12-12 message from the star nations
“2012 A-Z” – A Galaxial Event of Disneyesque Proportion
highly recommended.
Very informative, humorous, accurate, and entertaining!
David, I’m glad you’re doing better. Did they chemtrail the skies while you were in Banff or were you close to any Canadian fracking? 8)
Arianna, The film, “2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning” is beyond disturbing. Did you watch the entire thing? It made me sick to my stomach; like an intellectual flu.
Yes, the people are all very reasonable and sound like they are for what David has written about. But who is delivering the “other” messages? People who tend towards anger – not love – to get messages across, like Alex Jones.
And, at the very end, it has an actor playing Hitler, telling the world to unite. What evolved, critical thinker would ever utilize Hitler to portray a “new” world? That’s a rhetorical question.
Telling people to believe in ONE God, which they do in the film, is still a method of control.
They are playing on your trust. It’s the old NWO story, twisted to take advantage of people.
David, Have you taken into consideration that this is a leap year, which is a manmade change? Wouldn’t 12-20-2012 be more in keeping with, “as above, so below?”
I wish the very best for all of you.
Love, Annie
Dear David,
I agree!In this liquid reality everything depends on us.
We are ready for the fall in a new era.
Thanks to you,you are the sound of this new era.
I’m with you David, take care of you touch, eat and smell… the thing I know is when this people can’t do anything directly so they have the power to do it indirectly.. Maybe it’s time to think to a fight club concept… 😉
Idle no more
Samson Cree Nation to launch peaceful blockade
David, I wouldn’t worry about writing small articles for people. Its not your job to live life for anyone.
If people want to know what is going on they need to figure it out for themselves. You are not responsible for those who have some spiritual growing up to do…let people spoon feed themselves.
not putting anyone down….I just do not see why david or anyone else should have to do so much work for so many. If you are alive here on earth at this time it is because you agreed to it. Do YOUR job.
Anyways, here is a youtube channel with lots of great info for all….
You sound peaceful. Good to hear.
‘Thanks for being a freak and taping yourself, so I can see I am not a lonely freak.’
-Randy Grove”
Hello there!
Thank you for the update David. Sorry to hear you have been getting sick so much. You must really run yourself down with all the work you do.
Take care and keep smiling. The universe is far more magical than we ever imagined! As far as I am concerned, things have already been shifting for some time. The shift really started to affect me in spring of 2011.
In love and light,
Anna Maria