Shortly after the Project Camelot trailer suddenly aired on TruTV, we discovered that National Geographic heavily featured David in a show called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters. It airs tomorrow (Friday) night, 11/23… at (gulp) 4AM Eastern time.
[UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: This show was blatant, in-your-face disinformation — reducing the entire Atlantis scenario, and a wealth of provable data I gave in that interview, to two miniscule pieces of data which were then attacked and “debunked.”
The people who knowingly participate in whitewashes like this should be well advised. There will come a time where knowingly lying to the public about such critically important matters will be punishable as a criminal offense.]
Conventional reality is getting a major reality check. Disclosure is happening now. Great secrets have been held from us. I want to see the truth get out there — and have done my very best to move the ball forward.
My old college dorm buddy from New Paltz, NY left me a message a few weeks ago and congratulated me, saying he saw me on National Geographic… and said that I “did really well.”
At the time, I thought he must have been referring to one of the seven Ancient Aliens episodes I was featured in. These still air all the time, and between this and my other videos, there’s a good chance that I get recognized these days when I go out in public.
I was somewhat surprised to hear that they were now airing these Ancient Aliens episodes on other networks.
Finally he and I spoke on the phone a couple nights ago — while I was recovering from a nasty winter flu virus.
The worst hell I went through was this past weekend. This bug really flattened me out — but I’m well on my way back now after less than a week.
I asked him about “the National Geographic thing” and he said he had seen it back as early as April. It was a special on Atlantis!
This is when I got really interested. I had indeed been filmed by National Geographic for an Atlantis special over two years ago — but as far as I knew, they never used the footage.
This filming occurred in close proximity to when I had been interviewed for Ancient Aliens, but before any of those episodes actually aired.
National Geographic flew me out to a seaside university building in Florida and we did a full-day shoot, where I focused in very specifically on the subject of Plato’s account of Atlantis.
In addition to rather extensive interview questions, they shot a lot of “cutaways,” including shots of me looking at the ocean, walking on the beach, et cetera.
I thought they asked a lot of great questions and I remember being satisfied with my responses, though this was only one of many subjects I could have talked about.
After the shooting, I spoke to someone else who had been filmed for the show and got the sense that I had “gotten in too late” for my footage to be used.
I had never mentioned this shoot on this site, because until something actually airs, you really don’t know if it’s a done deal or not — so I just forgot about it.
Nonetheless, they paid to fly an entire crew over to Miami from Great Britain, and also paid my airfare and hotel to fly me out there as well.
The production team also told me, at the time, that they were “very impressed” with what I said.
Now my college buddy was telling me that I was “prominently featured” in this other National Geographic show as “the only real pro-Atlantis scholar they had,” and I was given “a lot of airtime” in the show.
My friend couldn’t remember what month it aired in. He also couldn’t remember what it was actually called.
I knew this was going to be a bit of a challenge — and I was also surprised that this was the first time I’d ever heard about it.
After we got off the phone I did some search-engine sleuthing, and within a few minutes I was able to locate the actual episode I am featured in.
“The Truth Behind” series focuses on various esoteric subjects. This particular episode is called The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters.
The premise is similar to the episode I was originally filmed for — a group of guys who think they’ve found Atlantis in a smaller and more conventional-type location.
This episode is going to air on Friday, November 23rd, 2012, at 4AM Eastern time. This should be a little more “doable” on the West Coast, coming in at 1AM instead.
I myself have not seen it yet. There is no way to access it online — you have to watch it when it comes on TV. I will be looking forward to it and am not sure what will happen!
I think the folks at National Geographic were having a little fun with us when they chose the original airdate for the show.
This little discovery popped up when I first loaded the video page, and before the browser recognized that I had a compatible player.
This screen only lasted about 3 seconds, but I was able to repeat the process and get a screen capture of it:
DECEMBER 21, 2011!
That’s right — the original airdate of The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters, or at least of the page they put online to announce it, was December 21, 2011 — exactly one year before the Mayan Calendar end-date.
I think this was probably done deliberately, given that I was heavily featured in the show and I’ve frequently discussed the Mayan Calendar end-date.
In my view, December 21, 2012 has always indicated the beginning of a wonderful new Golden Age — not a doom-and-gloom apocalypse.
This has been a debilitating virus — and in my weaker state, I wrote about something and promoted it before I’d actually seen it. I’m still not used to thinking cynically enough to have been prepared for what a mess this was.
This show, unfortunately, was the worst-case scenario of what can happen when you do an interview, sign your rights away, and have no control over the final edit. I am also very well aware now of why they never told me about this show.
I remember that they had lots of questions about the Bimini wall, and really wanted me to drill in on that subject — as well as the Greek island of Santorini, and Plato’s account of Atlantis in the Timaeus and Critias.
I had told them that neither the Bimini wall nor Santorini were very strong data points — and at that point I hadn’t finished The Source Field Investigations yet, but said when my book was done, it would speak for itself.
I gave them some truly marvelous information and kept waiting for the “final segment” where they would start using it.
Instead, they controlled the entire argument, start to finish. They handed me a list of questions, told me what they wanted me to discuss, and everything outside those very narrow guidelines was thrown in the garbage.
By “debunking” the Bimini wall and the idea of Santorini as Atlantis, the show ended in a proclamation that “Atlantis is a myth”.
This tactic may have worked in the 1980s — and that’s what this whitewash felt like — but thankfully with the Internet, you can do your own research, make your own videos and avoid ridiculous “straw man” arguments like this.
The problem here is I do not believe this is the product of open-minded research. I gave more than enough hard-hitting data in my edit that if they wanted to give a balanced view, they had plenty to work with.
I very clearly said that Atlantis was just one name for a formerly worldwide civilization. It certainly did not all sink, and there is plenty of evidence left behind. There are existing ruins all over the planet in the form of megalithic stone structures.
All 3,300 of these ancient stone structures are built on a “Global Grid” of lines that originate from the twelve “vortex points” where ships and planes disappear on Earth, as discovered by Ivan T. Sanderson in the 1960s.
Sanderson did the hard work of plotting out where ships and planes were disappearing, going back through the entire history of aviation and much of the available marine history as well.
These twelve points, curiously enough, were evenly spaced apart from each other.
These twelve points formed a geometric pattern called an “icosahedron”, and when you turn it inside out you get the “dodecahedron.” I’ve been writing about this Grid since my first free book, The Shift of the Ages, here on Divine Cosmos.
Three Russian scientists, Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov, were the first to add in the dodecahedron. This was not imagination: it started with hard, physical research of plotting out where many thousands of ships and planes vanished or crashed.
The Russians then looked all over the world, at every structure ever made out of gigantic stones, and found that all of them — with no exceptions, some 3,300 in total — were directly built on one of the lines formed by connecting these 12 “vortex” points.
This obviously was not an accident. Everyone in the world was working by the same building plans. This alone is very clear evidence in support of a worldwide, advanced civilization.
I really don’t feel a need to keep going at this point, since I’ve written extensively on these subjects already. Most people who are interested in this subject have done enough research to pick apart such a weak argument as what this show presented.
Had I known that there was a way to see this before it aired, and had I watched it first, I probably never would have bothered to give it any publicity — here or elsewhere.
Instead, I’m only more committed to produce my own show, do it right the first time, and get out the next piece — which will be a lot more interesting. Let’s get back to what I had originally written before I saw the show!
I had something else happen that was very exciting during the time I was lying in bed all day, sleeping off this virus.
As I will report in my next update, while I was half-awake, half-asleep, I heard a very clear speaking voice tell me to read my dream / reading journal — specifically around September 13, 1997.
I was absolutely astonished by what I found. There was an extremely blatant reference made, in a reading from this time, to what I would be doing “after fifteen years”.
I got a bit nervous for a second, as this all seemed much too weird — but I quickly did the math and found out that yes, in fact, I was re-reading these passages “after fifteen years!”
September 13, 1997 plus fifteen years is September 13, 2012 — and I was reading this as of November 19, 2012, just two months after the “ideal” fifteen-year time loop.
Time-bending phenomena became a basic part of my reality when I started doing readings in 1996. I would hear words, speak them into a tape recorder, and then the words would describe whatever I was just doing when I transcribed them.
The transcription often would be a month behind, and yet every time I sat down to do this, the words would refer to something that just happened.
As the years went by, I had longer-term time-loops as well. I’d be guided to go back and read a certain area, only to find remarkably present-centered references in it.
This fifteen-year time loop is loaded with references to my present-day thoughts and environment. This has certainly happened before, and the longest time it ever happened in the past was nine years — from 1997 to 2006.
The best instance of it in that case, among many others, was that the 1997 transcript referred to sweet potatoes that had gone to sprout and formed stalks — and in fact I had that exact situation growing on the top of my refrigerator.
The most exciting part of the 15-year time loop, to me, is it has validated that we are heading into some breathtakingly positive changes as a planet.
People may not realize that the events unfolding are part of the Mayan Calendar end-date, and that’s OK — the real point is that things are predicted to start getting much, much better from here on out.
Our prior hotel, the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Beach Resort, ended up going out of business, but we had a seamless transition over to the Sheraton, which I’ve also stayed at before and is very nice.
In fact, the last time I visited Kona and stayed at the Outrigger, I went to the Sheraton first — seemingly by accident. Nonetheless, it just “felt right” to go there!
This is a really great way to book a nice vacation, during cold winter months, and also get the 16-hour, all-weekend Convergence experience — complete with VIP meet-and-greet time with me.
The last time I was in Hawaii, I did an elaborate snorkeling trip at a nearby coral reef — and it was totally awesome. This picture is similar to what I was seeing:
We do not charge extra for doing these events in a resort location — it’s the same price as any other city we speak in. Yet, since this is a high-traffic tourist area, flights and hotel are much less expensive than for many other resort-type trips.
I have already told my team that even if only seven people come, and we “lose our shirt” on this event financially, I will still be holding it. No cancellations! If the group stays small, it will be that much more intimate for all participants involved.
Hits: 177,581
Thank you for your work as always! Just wanted to put it out there that in my little circle of life I have basically no indigo or wanderer contact on daily bases so im surrounded with people with lots of room to grow and im very happy to see how many of them are coming around and getting up on the new age bandwagon more then ever before! The sun is coming out so to speak, and it’s a wonderful sight to say the least!
You need not be too surprised, David.
Recall the Project Camelot interview with Graham Hancock in which he told of the ‘independent’ archaeologist who spent some time off the coast of southern Japan taking extensively photographing the unexplained ‘terraces’ found there.
She put her story together with the pictures and submitted them to Nat’l Geo, which rejected her worthy proposition outright.
Yes, it bites hard when one is fooled by the mainstream media. Next time, keep in mind that shoveling the public with disinformation [and ‘missed’ education] is what they have learned to do best.
Onward with the truth!
Hi David
as the subject of Atlantis is a great passion of mine I would like to draw your attention to the material published by prof. Arysio Santos and prof. James McCanney, both whom I consider to by the most authoritative in this field.
Santos has located Atlantis in Indonesia via a very clever piece of investigative research. In the ancient days the sea mariners considered the Atlantic ocean of today to be the eastern Atlantic while the pacific was the western Atlantic.( the naming of the pacific ocean has only been a recent event) With the poles being in different positions at the end of the last ice age, (north pole over the great lakes, and the south pole in the Indian ocean -James McCanney)) no axial tilt, and the ocean levels 300 hundred feet lower than today, the topography of the ancient world was very different than ours.
Using this context, the pillars of Hercules were found to be not at the entrance to the Mediterranean,( which has been the starting point of modern scholars) but between the islands of Sumatra and Java. The Java sea was dry land during this era, and Plato’s description fits this location perfectly. In fact the narrative of Jason and the agronauts begins to make perfect sense when you move it to the Indian ocean which was the central Atlantic in those far gone days.
When Santos first published his manuscript in 1997 he was paid a visit by the feds , and his funding was cut for an exhibition to Indonesia.
In McCanney’s book “Atlantis to Tesla the Kolbrin connection” James makes reference to the fact that not long after Santos published his manuscript that the US navy found Atlantis where Santos had indicated and then begun underwater excavations of the site.
They have been using nuclear subs to transport and store artefacts from Atlantis at the secret submarine base in western Australia, where they are being archived and kept hidden from the public.
I would love to view these artefacts and hope that once full disclosure is under way, that ordinary people like myself will be given such an opportunity.
What unites the Jerry Sandusky story, the David Petraeus story and the Jimmy Savile story?
The Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta. SMOM.
The Order of Malta is a cult that uses the rape of children to control powerful people worldwide by compromising them morally, recording events with secret cameras, and then blackmailing their targets.
If David is correct, and mass arrests are underway, then these stories are foundational for larger revelations to come.
Malta Watcher
OH DAVID !! They USED you!! The CONTROLLED MSM did!! NOT good! I guess we all here on your blog will be wary of ANY TV show that gets aired from now on, about ANY long-pondered-about “civilizations, myths, beliefs,” etc. I’m so sorry they did that to you!!
I was also supposed to be interviewed for the Nat Geo story that David was interviewed for. The UK crew backed out on me weeks before they were to come to my house and film in Florida.
I have written a story about my harrowing experience in Bimini where we felt the 10,000 souls still there.
I have recently seen a Documentary on Regular Broadcast TV – regarding the existence of Extra terrestrial intelligence. It was about John Glen and some of the early apollo missions. They actually try to dis-prove what he saw above earth, and stated that in fact, he saw ice Particles. REALLY ? Ice Particles?? The Mainstream is really trying to keep people in the dark. Im confident that our generation (children of baby-boomers) are going to be AWAKE on a massive scale as the years go on!
For those of you still wanting to see the show, You can DL it here if you are into torrents, or the next air time is FRI DEC 7 9AM ET.
Official site:
Its pretty groovy chickens to come to a place where people feel and think the same!
Have to say thankyou to you David and crew for coming along! and to finding others who just understand. 🙂 🙂
Maaan I wish I could go to Hawaii, wanted to come and chill with you for ageeess! Student budget thougghhhhh!
– Maybe I should post this on the other disclosure thread but I don’t know how to get in touch with ‘Daniel’ and wanted to ask him about Dr. Walter Russell who wrote a New Concept of the Universe. When I was about 16 I read Larson’s papers along with the Ra Material and found Russell’s book to be talking about basically the same thing with slightly different terminology, it’s presented in a way which is alot easier for people to grasp BECAUSE IT HAS PICTURES! YAAAYYY. Then you can build some pretty cool things along with knowing specific frequencies and geometric ratios!
As a physics student academia is a bit lame for spiritual people lol and It’s really brass talking to academics! BUUTTTT hopefully that will change soon!
ANNYYYWAYY! Love/Light, Adonai and Namaste and to anyone reading this your awesome and so is everyone you know and dont know 🙂 🙂 🙂 Epic WIN for the One Infinite Creator! x
Nic the very grateful Sickhead from England
Wish I could make it David, unfortunately I’m from the uk, glad to see an update 🙂
want to thank you for filling my live with the truths and values that are inspiring to me ,i’m working (live plan) in a very low vibration,place but with some awesome people. in the Canadian pr airy,And most people i work with are from spiritual background,but now have forgotten all this and can not even cope within the so called real world, they have forgotten there teachings i’m helping to trigger the memory for for me you are my inspiration and you are making a big difference in there lives, aldo they mostly don’t know you.
Thank you for all the knowledge you share.
Thank you for all the wisdom you
…Thank you so much David,much blessings!:-)
Dearest David,
Thanks for putting things in perspective again. It will soon become clear to all that everything we thought we knew is quite different in reality.
And that we can live in peace, harmony and love together with this beautiful planet.
A new Atlantis is rising is there is no force going to stop that!
Dear David,
I wholeheartedly agree that when we enter the “Age of Transparency” those who spread disinformation will be prosecuted, but not only that, the spreaders of deceit will be instantly recognized for who they are — blatant liars who spread fear. Our auras will change, but more importantly, people will begin to recognize the lies and deceit in other people’s aura fields.
There is a chapter called the “Age of Transparency” on page 285 in this free to view eBook: The book is called “Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms.” Highly recommended!
Thanks for the update, and feel better soon! I was in Hawaii back in June, and so wish I could make your upcoming conference!
Happy Holidays & hope you have a wonderful turn out!
Hopefully I can at least bump that 7 up to 8 if I can get my daughter to come with me in February! Would love a small group personally but obviously don’t wish for the financial repercussions! Stay well…
Please remember, the saying, “a few bad apples…” applies in every walk of life.
Most are sincere… be discerning, keep what resonates with you and discard everything else.
Love & Light
Billy Joe 🙂
Don’t feel bad David, like they say in the biz, even bad publicity is still publicity 😉 . Some may have seen that show and then looked you up on the internet.. 🙂
The awakening continues!
Hope you’re feeling better David. Take some Iodine or Iodoral.
As for National Geographic, they seem to have joined the dark side. Some time ago they did a Crop Circle special that could have been wonderful. Instead, they mocked the whole thing. They have clearly lost their way. Forgive your enemies but remember their names!
Arrrr… David! With the number of doco appearances you’ve done now I thought your radar would be up to these monkeys! lol It happens to the best of them though.
Having directed and produced umpteen docos in my time (as well as some of the bigger multi-million dollar ones for the NatGeos and alike out there), I can tell you that as soon as you sign that release form.. all bets are off and they own your arse that remains on celluloid for time in moratorium and they’ll use it how they see fit. Period.
Context and Balance be damned.
If the network wants it delivered a ‘certain’ way, then the network gets it delivered a ‘certain’ way. Sure, they may not control the funding, but the control the global broadcast platform and the audience numbers… and that’s where the power really lies.
Numbers of eyes = Dollars per minute from sponsorship = minimal network investment = maximum profit margin for network shareholders = renewed contracts for Network Exes on big salaries and packages.
Unfortunately the only people left ‘working’ for these mega-networks and providing them this new ‘contend between ad breaks’ are those prepared to deliver them what their research and marketing departments tell the commissioners of the programs/docos etc what’s currently rating and what’s not… and ‘sensationalism’ and ‘infotainment’ is what they’ve been demanding now for years. You can’t help but see what’s happening when you scan the their schedules. the number of bullsh*t ‘concept shows’ running on Discovery and NatGeo etc is alarming compared to 10-15 years ago!
It’s not about ‘documenting’ proven scientific facts anymore… it’s about the latest, wacky idea or program concept that resembles more closely a ‘High School Science Projects on Steroids’ rather than ‘Scientific and Historic Investigation’ based on fact and credible, balanced argument of such.
Anyone producing at this level knows exactly how easy it is to lead an interview subject, to construct their contributions to fit ‘the story’ rather than the truth or the correct context… you just have to know at the outset what you want the slant to be and script accordingly, to suit the network and to suit what you’ve got in the can already from the likes of unsuspecting David Wilcots and others just as trusting and assuming of the historic National Geographic brand and what that has always stood for in the past. Easy mistake David… and it’s this that prey upon, but they’re burning many experts in many fields on the way through and that has to mean that their days are surely numbered. I cross my fingers, as currently they can still cause damage on a wide scale when pounding their dross and drivel on unsuspecting or unaware minds the world over.
Trust none of these ‘sell outs’ in this day and age… they’re working because they choose to compromise their journalistic ethics and any principles they may have once had about documenting the facts, the provable evidence or the scientific proof in front of them, no matter how inconvenient the deviation from the original story structure happens to be or how uncomfortable the rabbit hole is that truth and presented facts will always lead you down.
It’s a crying shame, as much the true talent left that particular building years ago… ‘difficult to work with’, ‘has trouble following network briefs’ ‘too ready to argue the factual detail’ and ‘will let ‘facts’ stand in the way of a good story’… the list goes on.
In short, those remaining do what they’re told… or they starve.
… or they change to advertising like me!! haha… and I label them sell-outs. Go figure… at least it doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what it is right?? Right??
(sorry… very long post! didn’t mean for it to end up like this! My very best though David… you’re doing outstanding work and from a place foreign to my former collegues – one of ‘integrity’.
Kia Kaha a Arohanui my friend.
And here I was looking forward to watching your video on my birthday (sigh).
And the 33 synchronicity again. . .
I don’t have the link to where you talked about the Masons maxing out at 33 levels of membership but I’m almost certain you DID mention it.
and here with the 3300 ancient stone structures (33 x 1000 = 3300).
And in the last article about the Camelot video, 33 hours to travel from here to mars in a special craft. Are they mocking us, or what?
Or are they latching onto something bigger to catch a ride — like barnacles on the hull of a ship?
By the way, David, my father and I pre-ordered your upcoming book, The Synchronicity key.
We both keep mentioning your book (source field investigations) when we feel like the person we might be talking to could benefit from the knowledge within.
Thank you for all that you do to bring more information to the rest of us! And thank you for introducing us to Daniel’s information on
I’m so sorry to hear that you got snookered by malicious liars. It’s not your fault though — it’s theirs.
Hi, just wanted to wish all my brothers and sisters from all over the world a VERY happy transition period. I have not even had a chance to read this but I AM sure its awesome like everything else DW shares with us.
Just wanted to leave a link for now and I hope alex has had a chance to read my response on DW’s Contact, Article.
The time loop you mention is very interesting David. I was told in my sleep state to “Look at the Quatumn”.(15yrs ago!!) Being a mum and housewife, was absolutely clueless, until now. You have enlightened me through your videos, all makes perdect sense, also many synchronicities :-))
All Blessings xx
That episode is on tonight! Thursday night not Friday night. The 23rd starts at midnight. I have already found it In the listings and set my recorder.
Thanks for your help to change this world, i appreciate it a lot. I wish that peoples wake up more n more, but many still dont see the difference between a cloud n a chemtrail,it make me sad, i born awake and i’m tired, realy, we all need a change. Love and respect to all of you.
Fire-side with Source Field Investigations today and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Giving Thanks to you David, all Mods and all others who support the work you tirelessly engage in and the love you inspire on planet.
It’s a wonderful surprise, always, to read your thoughts, absorb your wisdom and witness your/our progress. Never a dull moment these days. 😉
Sending warm fire-side strong hugs & thanks… to you all- for coloring my world brilliantly.
Interesting as always. 8)
WoW, I just turned to check out posters comments & didn’t expect an update. Thank you David!!!
As soon as I read the title of this program I knew I had seen a reference to it last week.
Here is the link to the episode (air date 22/12/12):
Enjoy 🙂
Good job David! Keep up the good work, mi amigo!
Thanks for the update David! Great work as always. And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Great work David! I am wondering if the Atlantis will rise again.
Hey David!
Much love, light, and healing your way! Start feeling Better!! In this moment there is love coming to you!
btw, Cool Blog Entry. I was also surprised when I arrived at the site for Thanksgiving Day! (so thanks!!)
I also saw you in the Atlantis Hunters! It was a good show and you did a fantastic job!
I hope to make the Hawaii Gathering! I wish you were having it in Kauai seeing that Kauai is my favorite island, but any island to escape old man winter is good in Feb!
If I can make the trip it will be great to finally meet you and experience you in a small group setting!!
Take Care,
~Andrew 🙂
Did a torrent search and found this episode; The Truth Behind: Atlantis Hunters 😉
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! I have felt very strange and ill for the past couple of weeks but nothing will ever fully materialised which is a bit frustrating..
Ive heard from several sources that its been a tough couple of weeks energetically, but i feel something shifted for the better today!
I can really feel a sense of anticipation building.. But more than that, suprisingly, a sense of relief and peace.. Things do feel as though they are getting easier for us, the light and truth bringers.
Theres not as much to push against, it feels safer and easier to shine our lights and be who we are.
Synchroncities are so frequent and we are being led to the people and places that resonate with us, the time of walking alone is over.. right now manifestation is so fast and accurate too, all you have to do is ask with a pure heart and if its for the best it will happen! Now really is the time, our time..
Ps if i had the spare money i would nothing more to join david and the others in hawaii.. When youre in london again ill be there with bells on 😛 (british saying!)
ah rats! that image of a video fooled me 🙂 thankful for you DW. mucho love, love, love :-*
I wonder how many of your followers/viewers actually watch television and have not unplugged from the tube which is a known mind entrainment by TBTB.
I personally no longer watch broadcast stations. I am connected via sonos and can view youtube, netflix, hulu-(don’t), and some weather channels, pandora, but don’t have cable or local tv and have not missed a moment of tv gazing and certainly do not miss commercials.
keep it up!!! Loving your work sir!
aaaah yeeah… I like when I get two blogs in a month! 😀
/signed… information hogg .P