David’s November interview with Fulford is finally revealed! The Powers that Were are threatening to set off the New Madrid Fault with HAARP as a last-ditch effort to avoid their defeat. We can stop them — and here’s how.
For two years before the Japan disaster, Benjamin Fulford was on record saying the Powers that Were had planned to attack Japan with an earthquake weapon — and set off the nuclear reactors.
This is a matter of public certainty, as he announced these plans in two different videos as well as in numerous updates. This is the main reason why the Internet exploded with articles about HAARP in the aftermath of the Japan disaster.
These same negative groups are now apparently trying to set off the New Madrid Fault, which runs parallel with the Mississippi River — as there are some fifteen different nuclear reactors along the fault line.
Apparently the floods are a precursor to this — in an attempt to lubricate the fault line and increase the likelihood of it happening.
I believe this is all happening now because these groups are very, very close to defeat — and are using this as a final attempt to blackmail and coerce the rest of the world into backing off of the attack.
The defeat has been going on for some time — and I am now releasing an interview I did with Fulford last November that goes into detail about how the global community is ganging up on the “Old World Order” and demanding they stand down.
Let me say, right up front, that I do not believe the negative factions will be able — or allowed — to commit this act of mass destruction. However, I cannot deny that my own insiders have warned me of exactly the same attack plans as what Fulford has disclosed.
In advance of the Japan disaster, I posted dreams here that gave strong hints as to what was going to happen — a major new disaster — as I wrote in a previous entry of David’s Blog.
I have had other dreams, equally credible, that implied that even bigger events than Japan were planned — but would not be allowed to occur by the higher forces that protect this planet.
I believe we can help stop this from happening — based on the scientific evidence I have put together for my new book, The Source Field Investigations.
This is also a key aspect of what will be featured in the CONVERGENCE movie, which now appears to be very close to having “script lock” (hopefully by the beginning of June) and financing in place.
We have four different financing sources to choose from — each of which appear to be clean and not connected with any negative factions. I will, of course, use every resource I have available, including intuitive faculties, to make the best possible choice.
Here is what Fulford had to say about this threat in his own most recent update to his paid blog:
The “once in 500 year” flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources.
The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance.
The people planning this attack are the same ones who orchestrated the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster attack on Japan, the sources said. The attack on Japan involved long term planning….
The investigative trail goes from there to George Bush Senior and his mafia gang as well as US Senator J. Rockefeller. If the American people wish to prevent a greater tragedy than the one that hit Japan, they must arrest these and other Washington D.C. criminals.…
Despite all the chaos, fear and blustering going on, people must realize that such tactics are part and parcel of high-stakes negotiations. Because of the sensitive nature of these negotiations there is much we are being asked not to write at this time.
However, based on this information, we believe the end result will be world peace. The people in the Vatican seem to really think the world is going to end but that is just not true, the world is about to be reborn.
World peace, an end to poverty, an end to environmental destruction and the release of new technologies will follow shortly after the announcement of a new financial system. A long predicted golden age is about to begin.
Here’s what I wrote immediately after reading Fulford’s new update:
Hello Everyone,
I must admit that once again, a lot of the things Ben is hearing are echoed by what my own insiders are telling me.
I revealed my own ‘intel’ in a major new post regarding a possibly imminent Disclosure event here:
I have to work hard to not pass along information that comes across as fear and doom. It does involve a great deal of discernment and an understanding of the significance of the influence I now have on how people think and feel about things in the world.
Bear in mind that these folks are CONSTANTLY trying to create mass doom and destruction on an epic scale. This has never changed.
For a really good history lesson in this, go back and read Peter David Beter’s website of insider reports from the 1970s:
I described how this applies to the Rothschild and Rockefeller factions, as well as a third Christian group opposing them in Russia called the “New Kremlin,” in my own epic Ebook, Disclosure Endgame:
What you realize is that these negative factions are constantly working an angle that would create anarchy, chaos, martial law, you name it. Groups like the New Kremlin have been using similar secrecy and tradecraft, for well over 200 years now, to oppose them.
The negative groups have STILL not realized that they are only able to do what they are ALLOWED to do.
In order to answer the question of “who allows them,” it is ultimately necessary to break through into at least some minimum grade of understanding regarding the fact that Earth is a laboratory for spiritual growth.
Beings with capabilities far vaster than any ETs we might normally think of are making sure that we are never offered more on Earth than what we are creating. In that sense the world becomes a perfect mirror for our own collective disharmony.
It certainly appears as if everything you’re seeing, hearing and reading about is a story that is “out there,” and has no direct significance to your own life. This is the illusion.
The reality is that the world is offering us precisely what we need to be awakened — on a mass, worldwide level. You can dislike the process, but we’re not at a level where we have any direct say in whether it works this way.
That means the greater objective is to understand the process, and understand that you, right now, reading this, have far more control over the outcome than you may have ever realized.
The real battle that is being fought is for how you think and feel each day. Not about which faction gets to win control of the financial system. Not about whether Disclosure happens (and I do believe it will.)
Once you understand this, you can become an active participant in the solution. It doesn’t require you to subscribe to anything, pay any money or even leave the house. All it requires is a positive attitude — to have love be the primary force that runs through your thoughts, emotions and actions.
That is the real challenge we are being offered. That is the gift of life on Earth at this time. To see love where others can only see hate.
Without an understanding of the real nature of the game here on Earth, the fear-oriented propaganda that is being released can seem utterly overwhelming.
I’ve been online since 1995, and from the very first day I’ve been reading people freaking out, saying that Martial Law was imminent, that we were all about to be rounded up into FEMA camps, that the US Dollar was about to collapse, that there were about to be massive earth changes that would wipe us all out, that World War III was about to begin, et cetera et cetera.
It’s helpful for ‘newbies’ to be reminded of the fact that all these terrifying things have been sitting around on the store shelves, ready and waiting for you to buy them, this entire time.
If you were into Peter David Beter in the 70s and early 80s it was the same deal. Same with other insiders such as Sherman Skolnick in the 80s and 90s, the early, mid and late-90s Art Bell show, Alex Jones, et cetera.
After personally experiencing 16 years of reading this kind of ‘alarmist’ stuff, and never seeing the worst of it come to pass (9/11 being a notable exception, six years after I started watching all of this), I now realize that they can plan whatever they want, but nothing will be allowed to materialize beyond whatever we have invited.
I cannot change the fact that the Japan quake happened. What I can do is tell you that Ben is absolutely correct, in that the same people who planned and executed this quake want to do the same thing in the US.
I do not feel the US would handle themselves as exemplary as the Japanese did in the aftermath of such a crisis.
The size and scope of what they are hoping to accomplish with this New Madrid quake is significantly larger and more damaging than what was done in Japan. And for that same reason, I strongly doubt it will produce the results they are seeking.
Again, I urge you to realize that you can hate all you want, but you are voting for disasters to occur if you stay in this state of consciousness.
This is final exams time. It is critical that each of us move into a state of loving kindness, as best we are able in our own humble ways, in order to ensure the safety and security of this planet.
My new book The Source Field Investigations will provide the long-awaited, hard scientific proof that this is how it really works. I wish I could get it out there sooner than August 18th, but I cannot.
I can tell you now that this is one of the main points in there, and that it CAN be proven. Natural disasters, including massive earthquakes, can be and ARE BEING dramatically affected by our state of consciousness.
Ultimately this is due to the fact that these disasters are caused by a rotational ‘spin’ that is worked into the gravitational field. Gravity pushes the air, the water and the liquid mantle under the crust around in circuits.
When those circuits flow the way they are supposed to — which is provably occurring in geometric “flow” patterns — the Earth is healthy.
Human consciousness can either enhance this flow or restrict it. Our brain waves actually merge with the flow and either smooth it out or create static that disrupts it.
When we are in a state of loving kindness and peace, we get smooth brainwaves. Those brainwaves in turn strengthen the spin field in gravity and the Earth is made healthy.
When we are in a state of static and chaos, our brainwaves get very choppy and violent. This literally affects the spin of gravity and creates stress in the Earth.
When enough people create static and chaos, the spin fields cannot flow in a given area the way they should. This creates a pressure buildup in the surrounding area, because the current needs to go somewhere but now it is being stopped up. Earthquakes, volcanoes and natural disasters are the result.
It’s the Earth’s immune system — and in the aftermath of such a crisis, we have to pull together and support each other, and the quality of our conscious interaction with each other again improves. Health is restored — because ultimately the main reason why the Earth is here is for us.
Look. This is not a drill. This is how it really works. We need to use this ‘technology’ now, not later, to insure that this birthing process goes smoothly.
These insiders are trying to destroy the planet and get rid of what they call “surplus people” in the hopes of saving their bacon from imminent defeat. I do not believe they will succeed.
Again — please understand that we DO have the power to control the outcome. We are NOT helpless. If you read something like what Ben just wrote and it terrifies you, TAKE THE POWER BACK.
Understand that we live in a holographic universe. Understand that reality is composed of intelligent energy — One Mind — that is loving in nature.
Everything we see, feel, think and do is either moving us towards Unity — towards our own Identity — or towards separation — further entrenching the forces of the Ego.
This ego is a false self. It seems paradoxical, because it is also the identity you have known and lived with most of your life.
However, it can give way to a part of you that is much more aligned with your own internal guidance system, where you no longer need to blow in the winds of fear and be tossed and turned by each new drama, each new destabilizing, de-cohering event in your own life and in the world.
There is no point in discussing government corruption, earth changes and the possibility of a better world if we don’t fundamentally address the deepest mystery. This is a holographic universe, and we are never offered more than what we create.
There is no doubt in my mind that if every person who reads these words actually makes a deliberate effort to create coherent consciousness in their own minds and hearts, and to visualize the stress leaving the center of the US, that we have enough ‘numbers’ to stop this from happening.
I’m sure a number of people are too cynical, too sarcastic, too war-hardened from ‘fear porn’ to actually do this. They’ll read these words, say “that sounds nice,” but then not do it.
I’m asking you to DO IT. This is the final exam. The negatives have very little time left and this is their endgame maneuver. We need to stop them. You can help.
Not only are you helping the planet, you are breaking down cycles of negative karma in your own life that will ultimately make you much happier and more fulfilled.
Thank you for your help. I’m not the only one asking — this is a humble request from the people who are assisting this planet in its evolution from outside the matrix of our physical reality.
– David Wilcock
A few people in Fulford’s community were very persistent in posting attacks about me after I wrote the above.
One legitimate argument they raised was that I had done an interview with Fulford and had never posted it, as promised. I realized that this was the perfect time to go back, dust it off and finish the job — which I then did as of May 11th, 2011.
So, without further ado, here are both of those MP3s. The first one is an introduction. The second is the Fulford interview, with a brief introduction and a closing statement from me after the interview ended.
I’m here in Seattle for our next major Convergence conference — and we have a great crowd. I have to go get on stage immediately — I am really burning the candle at both ends here!
We also have the
Canadian Rockies trip coming up soon. This is an eight-day adventure where I take out a small group into some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. We did this once before and it may well have been my all-time favorite event.
This region of Alberta is known for its UFO sightings if you’re willing to stay up late. They may well be the reverse-engineered kind, but those who stayed up for it got quite a show.
Jim Hart was there — our CONVERGENCE writer — and saw incredible points of light zipping around in clearly non-Newtonian movements, which blew his mind. No one woke me up — they thought I needed the sleep!
This group probably won’t be much bigger than 30 people, and we have a whole mountain chateau to ourselves — so if you have ever thought about doing a vacation like this, it’s quite an experience — complete with lots of great lecture material.
I thank all of you who have pre-ordered my new book from the bottom of my heart. The simple bottom-line truth is that if we hit 15,000 pre-orders, we automatically debut on the New York Times best-seller list.
Imagine what this can do — hard scientific proof that can defeat the Illuminati / Old World Order agenda and empower people with scientific proof that we can stop these disasters from happening with our own consciousness.
Right now we’re just under a quarter of the way there — and we have until August 18th to make this happen.
We had a fantastic ‘bump’ on Amazon when we first announced this and you began doing the pre-orders — we literally went from about 75,000 to 14 in one day, causing a nearly 500 thousand percent increase.
According to my publisher this is effectively “unprecedented in the publishing industry”, and has already caused a lot of interest. As one example, we now have the top audio book company, Brilliance, working with us, and foreign publishers are lining up.
I’ll be recording all the voice parts for the book as of the last week in May — I won the rights to be the narrator — and will let you know when it becomes available for pre-ordering! Electronic versions — such as for the Kindle — will also be available as of August 18th as well.
The pre-order price lets you save a little over ten dollars from the retail price at 29.95 in most cases.
There was some price confusion when the book was first announced, as it was originally slated to be only 350 pages. I threw in material that I intended to save for other books — including the first five chapters you will now read! — because I realized it was so important to get this all out in one master work.
The page count is now 528 the last time I checked — but it still is comfortable enough to hold with one hand and read in bed, as I have been doing with the review copies. I don’t need to sleep with it under my pillow, though… 🙂
The initial feedback has been spectacular. I must say that having it in the review-copy form, and actually holding it in my hands and knowing that I accomplished this, in the face of so much adversity, is an amazing feeling. I can’t wait for the gorgeous hardcover in August!
I will update you as we move towards our goal. Many of you have said you want to help us reach this and I so appreciate it. You could read this book for years and still not extract all the ‘meat’ from it… as it’s the very best of the best of my entire life’s research work.
Again, I thank you for ‘voting’ in this important campaign with your pre-orders. I wish I had more time just to sit and read it myself, because each time I do, I keep getting a deeper appreciation of the scope and majesty of everything I put together in there.
Enjoy your two new CD-length, free MP3s — and we’ll talk soon!
If you haven’t heard the audio yet, you will be dazzled at the scope of information I’m about to cover.
Disclosure is quickly becoming a reality… and it presents us with an incredible opportunity.
I don’t want this to turn into a huge fear campaign — but that’s what they’re banking on. They want you to be afraid of ETs.
Educate yourself — and learn the truth!
Hits: 288,011
I have used your scientific research. I’ve experimented with it since I figured out the gist of it.
There’s a trick to fine-tuning its effectiveness, but it absolutely works. It works on every single level of reality.
I have seen consistently that when I utilize the spin field correctly, I get results. It’s almost immediate, but intuition and focus are key.
You have to practice and experiment a little until you learn what it feels like if you haven’t when you’re successful. It’s an act of spirit, but our minds first synchronize with it.
Now has never been a better time to learn the secret and master it. It works for everything, but you have to maintain a sense of presence.
This is very important. The requirements are simple, but we still have to earn our happy ending. It won’t happen unless we make it happen.
This applies to everyone. If you don’t create your preferred future, you’ll be stuck with whatever you’ve personally settled for.
It’s difficult for me to understand sometimes where my awareness ends and the collective consciousness begins. It’s actually very annoying sometimes.
I guess the real truth is that there is no beginning or end. I feel resistance in the Field sometimes, and I may exert a force on that to change it. Or I might not.
The disaster in Japan is one example. I paid far too little attention to that one, and by the time I did the damage had been done. And now the whole issue has gone kind of quiet.
I’m not sure if that’s a good sign. I won’t let it happen again. I’m still not done putting David’s research to the test, but I know it could work. That alone should be enough.
I find David and Ben and all of this very intriguing. However, I have studied New Age with Lucis Trust and I know they are the New World Order religion that is directly connected with the evil UN. This is all very New Age study and one of the greatest beliefs of the New World Order is to get everyone to worship the earth, mother earth, etc. No mention of our Creator and his Son. Not one mention of that.
Hello David and Moderator,
Thank your for your gift of this information today!!!…
David or Moderator, I have been particularly fascinated with the “notion” of the past life of Ra Ta during Atlantis/Early Egypt that “may have been somewhat responsible for the creation of the illuminati negative forces” and how a current reincartion is now working diligently towards neutralizing the negative karma and the effects of this very distant past creation…
Absolutely ASTONISHING!.. if this the case…
My question for either David or Moderator is… has David had any past life regression to the mentioned lifetime where any level of “recall” or memory now is present?…
Thank you so much!
Worked for the TM Movement several times in the 90’s in their health facility. Maharishi talked extensively about the Meditation effect.
He wanted to put thousands of Vedic Pundants around Kosovo to change the energy. US government wanted nothing to do with this.
Have to say the center I worked at was sacred space. Feel a lot of it was from the land itself.
On the other hand the intent of all who worked ther was extremely powerful towards coherence. Hopefully I can come across this energy again in this life.
Suggestion – with the medittion to reduse the Madrid Fault stress-make a point to do it at 1330 LST.
Great post David! For the first time in my life I can feel all that I have done beginning to come together after reading and hearing the audio.
Hi David,
The first time I saw your work, was on Youtube. I was 10 minutes in to the video, you were talking about the Pyradmids and aliens.
I paused the video to look out side, some thing had caught my eye. I counted 20 UFO’s. I’ve got a telescope, and am used to tracking things in the sky. These were genuine, and it was amazing.
I’ve been following your blog and have listened to pretty much everything I can that you’ve done. I meditate daily (currently re-reading the master key system).
I just wanted to let you know, you are doing a service to this Planet, and I look forward to your book.
Thank you David. Solace.
Hi All,
Rather than either/or I feel – both.
Inspired to stay current with events, up to date informed.
I also check in with myself frequently to gage my neutrality and discernment as I peruse the websites and news updates which spew as much fear as function.
I find myself gravitating more and more to Davids reports as they are the most comfortable balance of hard facts and inspired solutions.
Thank you David for offering us your perspective so very “middle path”.
May I suggest a video that supports what I believe I hear, here : ) It is called “The Secret life of Chaos”
I feel it reflects in a very interesting and positive fashion the potential for us to evolve in response to challenge rather than wither in fear and resistance. Tangential to David’s message I believe.
I am here in Colorado looking forward to the Denver Convergence event! Is anyone else signed up?
***In Joy and Light*** Darcy
Write on Big Dave! Been a fan for a few years and I have been biting my nails waiting for your book to arrive. With the end in sight, I don’t know if I can stand the excitement. But I will…
Thank you for the blogs. Best wishes and good vibes==>
PS> By the way, I must reiterate my prior suggestion that the deserts do not need “greening”. They are absolutely perfect as they are. They team with life and are in no way wastelands.
Green a grassland or something else, but deserts are places of deep inspiration, beauty, solitude, and DIVINITY. No greening of deserts. (though it is probably used as an expression…)
I recently listened to an interview with Ralph Ring. For those who don’t know who he is:
“Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr.
With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks which worked… prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.”
He spoke about how he believed that the current monetary system cannot last past June or July of this year.
He talks about how a house he was building was telling him how it wanted to be built. Super interesting interview.
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to hear the second hour unless you are a paid member. Here’s a link to the first hour
Thanks for all your efforts, David.
Add 1 to the presale from me today.
Those lyrics to Mind Games below really vibrated with me – I had never listened closely enough to the message in that tune, obviously.
We love you, David!
Another interesting tidbit, but not meant to stir up any freak outs. (Fear is the mindkiller.)
There is supposedly (unless resceduled due to the recent flooding) a National Level Exercise in the Arkansas/Tennessee area the week of May 16 as follows:
On 16 May 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed that a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 occurred on the southwestern segment of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), with an epicenter at Marked Tree, AR (to the northwest of Memphis, TN).
A second large earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 occurred a short time later on the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (WVSZ), with an epicenter near Mt. Carmel, IN
The Federal Government is actively planning National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE-11), currently scheduled for May 16-20, 2011.
This exercise will be more complex than typical NRC exercises as it will involve numerous licensees (power and non-power reactors, fuel cycle facilities, and materials) and “round the-clock” real-time play over a 4-day period.
The NLE-11 scenario is a large-scale natural
disaster stemming
from a major earthquake
along the New
Madrid Seismic Zone
extending from northeastern
Arkansas to
In the scenario, earthquake effects will be felt
throughout a large section of the middle of the
United States.
The NRC requested participation from interested licensees in the affected region. Many have agreed to support the activity.
This exercise is designed to challenge Federal, State and local authorities, as well as the private sector, in effectively implementing the National Response Framework and its associated implementing mechanisms.”
Got the info from here: http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=194005.0
Thanks for all the good stuff on here, David. And Dustin, loved the “keep Memphis still pimpin” post. LOL!
Time to get busy!
Thank you for the insight to what is really going on in the world, and why. It sure makes it easier to swallow the red pill!;-)
Anyway, your work is invaluable, and appreciated beyond words. Keep up the good work! Namaste! Peace!
I am always thrilled when you, David, write in your blog.
I really look forward to them, especially this one, when you really stressed each one of us has all the power we need by staying in our love vibration as often as possible.
P.S. Would someone please check the technical quality of the mp3s? I tried listening to each one of them, but soon after David’s introduction, the audio stops after every 1-2 seconds. And, I have to click on the “pause” icon and the “start” icon repeatedly. This has never happened before with any mp3 I’ve listened to, but it still could be my computer. You never know.
Thank you!
[Moderator: If you right-click on the MP3 and download it first, instead of just clicking on it and playing it, this will stop.]
Hi all,
Moderators, would you please ask David if he’d be willing to post a guided meditation as an MP3 similar to what he does in his conferences?
The purpose of it would be to obtain a group coherence around relieving the stress from the new Madrid fault line.
I know it’s not necessary, but I’m thinking it’d make us all more powerful if we all participated in it together.
Love to all,
thank you once again for all you do…
As I have already pre-ordered 6 volumes and don’t know more people in my whereabouts (Germany)right now who know enough English to be able to read your book, I feel that’s enough on a personal level,
BUT when reading your update the voice inside of me led me to the idea of offering to buy ten more books to give as a gift to fellow wanderers who are in a less fortunate position money-wise at this special time.
This will help them and it will help you and by way of pushing you to No.I it will help our world….:-)
So if you or your very appreciated moderators come to know about anyone (personally) who really can’t afford the money, please let me know and I’ll be willing to help.
How to manage that I don’t yet know but maybe you could build kind of a fund for that purpose and I could transfer the money to your personal account??
With much love and gratitude
your “fellow crop-circle trekkie” from Hamburg :-))
Just a poem of encouragement to help focus and center your Beingness.
Breathe and Hear the Moon call to you
Walk outside and let Her shine Her light
Around you
In you
Through you
With you
She is there to hold you
Know you, love you, heal you
Daughter and Son of the White Moon
Daughter and Son of the Night
Daughter and son of the Earth
Weavers of magick and secret things
Welders of strength
Breathe, Breathe
In and out, In and out
Touch your toes, your legs, your arms, your hair
Touch you face, your neck, your womb, your strength
You are strong, you are soft
You are creative, you are beyond compare
Breathe in the Moon
Breathe in the Sun
Breathe in the Earth
Breathe in the Trees
Breathe in the Wide, Wide Sky
Be thou Blessed Ten Thousand Fold
Daughter and Son of the White Moon and Silvery Sky
Blessed Be.
All Is Well, All Is In Hand. You are Well.
Blessed Be
Cathy Elisandra Dharma
Has anyone watched the Stansbury Research video about the guy speaking to the dollar’s collapse as #1 reserve note of the world? Any opinions on this?
Hey, some good info here. Am a big fan and always will be.
Want to get some things straight here before I go on assuming. So we have the power to stop their agenda, what went wrong with Japan then?
The people there have handled the aftermath well, so there was no love previously there for this to be allowed to happen? Why were’nt the “surplus” rounded up over there, evacuated, and disposed of?
Why would the US people only be the only “surplus people” worthy of being taken to FEMA camps? Japan would have been a good trial run for their next strike. Just wondering. Thnx man.
Hi David. Just listening to the first mp3 you posted, the intro to the interview with Benjamin Fulford.
You mentioned that Ben had said aliens met with the government in the 1940s… and you also said you had tried to get further info on this but so far hadn’t been able to.
William Cooper said the same thing, although he said it was 1954. Hope this helps.
Times are hard but my birthday is at the end of August, so, with a little noodling on my part–and some big hound dog eyes–my partner gave in and ordered it. Yay!
Our best to you, and many thanks for all you do.
— Zooey
(Bremen, Indiana)
Sometimes I really wonder what “they” want us to believe. We now have movies like “Battle L.A.”, which is a terrible movie with evil E.T.s but we also have “Paul” where a little funny gray is making jokes and smoking pod (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
Then we have Katy Perry’s new song “E.T.” which is about “making love with an alien”. I really wonder if there are different powers behind all this entertainment fighting over our beliefs.
So, yeah, I see the signs for disclosure but I don’t see any success with it or real forthcoming. Looking forward to David’s book but I’m still pessimistic about a real disclosure. Just my opinion.
I just gotta say, that regarding the Event, I’m just watching it for current events, and not for the entertainment, because MAN! It’s getting hard endure it!
Anyway, I’m working on bootstrapping a new reality.
Wish me luck.
Da Asian Brutha
“Divine Timing” Thanks for your insights!
Blessings. As someone who lives close to the New Madrid fault, I would like to personally send graditude to all who send love and light to this area of Mother Earth. We are all ONE. Thank You 🙂
Wanted to share a great article I just read that really lines up with David’s message in a lot of ways, from an astrological/spiritual point of view.
The title is
Neptune in Pisces: The Renaissance of the Soul
Dear David,
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this latest post in the midst of a very busy life.
And thank you for the clarity in describing our Mission.
Each of us has the power to choose an vibration of “loving kindness” in this moment. All we need is the commitment to do our part.
Count me in!
What if it is really true that each of us is powerful beyond our wildest dreams?
What if each person reading this has actually come here to this tender, beautiful planet at this moment for the precise purpose of offering “loving kindness” to Gaia, and all our Brothers and Sisters during this transition?
Count me in!
Once again, David, infinite gratitude for your heart felt contribution to our collective story.
In love and light,
Divinity Student
PS: I just ordered your book at Amazon, partly to read it, as I’m sure it will be amazing, and partly to say “Thanks!” for all the give so freely. I hope each person reading this will also order a copy and add their voice of support to this paradigm busting work.
Here in Southern Manitoba (follow the general direction of the Mississippi north to Canada) we are also experiencing an unusual flood. We are also on a flood plain and are threatened with serious flooding regularly. I have been talking with my father (now retired, but spent his career as a civil engineer dealing with water drainage and water movement through the landscape) and we have not been able to figure out where the water is coming from this year – he has no answer. Sure we had a lot of snow this winter but no more than normal annual amounts in the 70s & 80s; we had a perfect snow melt; there is more agricultural drainage than ever; the water that flows here comes from Western Canada and the US – but nothing accounts for the amount of water in this year’s flooding. Maybe we are at the fringe of the target area of HAARP?
Anyway, bottomless gratitude for what you do David. I will certainly be among those who DO IT.
David you are a leader, a teacher, a facilitator, a guide, and inspiration, a deliverance, a caretaker, and the most “sense making” speaker of our time.
I hope these words find you in your busy schedule and comfort you and reward you for your life’s work. I appreciate it beyond words can describe. I stand on your side and back you up.
I’m convincing everyone I know to pre-order The Source Field Investigation. You’ve inspired me to create my own blog and share my spiral journey and learnings with others as well.
When you believed in yourself to do all that you’ve done in the last 15 years, you did it for someone like me and I hope you know I realize and appreciate your gifts.
I wish I was apart of “edgar calyce’s” inner circle, I would have loved to help bring to the world what you have!
I’m saving up what little money I have to attend a convergence, sign my book when I get there? – also, ever thought of student discounts? 😉
Thanks for the new blog! It is ridiculously awesome!! I will take you up on your challenge to be positive and I will be a shining beacon of optimism and electrifying awareness for everyone to feel!
Peace Bro,
Just pre-ordered. I was apprehensive at first but decided you have provided so much free worthwhile information over the years its the least I can do. Plus I’ll enjoy it anyways =)
Thanks David!
with regards to these weapons manipulating earth energies to created earthquakes and tidal waves/dead fish and birds, previously discussed as harrp issues . .
notice in the warner brothers TV series ‘fringe’ (about parallel realities etc) in the pilot episode, season one disc one, at 1hr 4mins into the episode it’s discussed that an agency is using facilities to create earthquakes and tidal waves, that they are conducting experiments and that “the world is their lab”
psy-op pre-cognitive programming? also note that the ‘patriot act’ is in the script and after it being mentioned the character drops in “we need it”
it was also bought to my attention the other day that these things are called ‘programs’ – programs.
great mp3s by the way, although i am concerned that david is quoting info from ‘godlike productions’ given how the site categorises and labels it’s self even.
also how about spening more time on evidence and theory regards our potential as spiritual beings in human bodies and less focus on ‘insider info’ – let them play their games, lets stay focused on the better, bigger picture?
rock on with love,
Thank You David for all your work. The only choices to me are in the heart, going within. As these swirling negative energies swarm in my field I stay neutral, sending love from my heart,this transforms there energy, but if I react in fear of them, and since we are all one field I go into polarity with them.
This is a process and now we will make our own choices. Fearing the outcome only keeps us in 3D and as David said live in your heart, stay with positive visions and feel and watch how your day shifts into flow and ease. Blessings to all, Pat
Here is a clip from a story on a local news website.
David’s words,as written in this blog entry, are absolutely true, and I am doing my best to set that positive vibration.
He says, “There is no doubt in my mind that if every person who reads these words actually makes a deliberate effort to create coherent consciousness in their own minds and hearts, and to visualize the stress leaving the center of the US, that we have enough ‘numbers’ to stop this from happening.”
I/we am/are blessed beyond words to be able to benefit from David’s work at this critical point in human evolution.
And as others have said,it is likewise a tremendous blessing to read the thoughts and affirmations of those who follow David’s work and post to these blogs.
(Madison, WI)
Well, I’m done with my “yeah but” responses. I too got on line around ’95 and have witnessed the same as David…
There’s an exception here which is the fallout (and stock market perhaps, the scam it is).
If you get past the black outs you’ll find charts showing many places having already been hit with rather high levels of iodine and xenon. This can only get worse. And melt down is now official… apparently.
I say that cause this is how far we’ve come; you can’t take Anything at face value anymore.
Anyway, I to am into inner plane dynamics. And even tho I’ve phucked off a lot it now seems… or I am coming to the realization that my higher self has indeed planned all this out and I am kind of going through the motions.
This is actually a bit more advanced? than what some say and I may be either projecting or losing touch with reality.
But it does seem the case even when I look at my natal chart along with current transits. It’s the Way things Line Up…
I could not have planned this but it seems like something greater than myself has charted a course Through crap that it foresaw.
Now of course this may be the talk of someone who happened not to be at Fukushima, Russian Front, Dachau, Inquisition etc etc. Who knows, “I” may have been through some of these.
But Due to the nature of our universe, I am Choosing to be positive and to even believe what I typed above. I was recently fired twice for lame reasons. I’ve of course $een my end.
This still may come about as I’m not going to live on the street or subsist on cheese macaroni.
But the point is, I will now choose to remain positive or neutral more than ever.
It’s more than Feeling positive however, you need a metaphor to hang onto, imo.
Mine is above and it does seem to be increasingly valid. I also use traditional sources as inspiration such as runes and Norse myth.
Hence, I love going into the woods and charging my heart etc to hopefully tone the local environs and perhaps even tweak/mend something in the aetheric grids as it were.
And here it at least seems the wild birds are catching on!
Recently I was in the zone and for the first time got the sensation of changing into another time line. This was directly related to a choice in leaving defeatism etc. I’m still out of work but as I say, my inner stance is (a bit) different now.
I encourage yous to have a little alter or sacred place and “zap” the aether with positive intent at least twice a day (almost like Matrix Energetics’ 2 pointing).
A good metaphor or myth-belief is a good tool in all this. Just feeling happy doesn’t seem to bring All the requisite subtle aspects together.
ps, any good dream analysts? I’ve recently dreamed of Hitler and the Tall Man from the Phantasm series…neither encounter had a bad vibe however. More conversational!
Maybe I’m coming to terms with my Shadow? Ha, we’ll see…when the next guy looks at me the wrong way!
Hello David and Cosmic Moderators!
This is marvelous work, David, thank you!
In the interview Ben eludes to the idea that these neg. polarity people have access to information like time travel through their technology and astrological projections.
Therefore they may already know events that are likely to occur like massive earthquakes and volcanoes.
HAARP could then if it takes a long time to work be used to amplify the results of events already known to be happening in the “future”.
I really agree that we have the power to change our future through positive thoughts and focusing on unity and unconditional Love.
Last evening I had the idea of practising Thought Field Therapy in order to smooth the thought field of Gaia herself (we can act as surrogates for people, why not Gaia?).
I combined some of the methods I used to create gem elixirs in my past in connecting with the devic realms of the Mississipi River valley and the fault plates beneath.
I asked for the connection of the angelic realms to amplify this session to the highest frequency possible of Love. It was a wonderful energetic session.
There are techniques that many of us have been collecting for years and we can apply now for the benefit of all.
I believe that this is what I came here for to be of service in this modest fashion. Thank you for providing the space and invitation to be conscious of our participation.
What fun to be able to do something to assist in tipping the scales toward our global and universal positive polarity and our own spiritual maturity!
What do you think of creating a specific time, possibly a coming full moon amplifying session or near astrologically significant moment… (I am not qualified to come up with info for this. There are many who are, possibly some of your readers…)
…to have your many reading followers, with a heads-up notification, focus their abilities in mass — each individual’s unique techniques to assist Gaia with releasing toxic thought forms and replacing them with Love and compassion?
(Phew, I would loose points for a run-on sentence there, eh?)
Heart Math and the Global Coherence Initiative have meditation times and online “rooms” to visit just for this purpose.
What do you think, Divine Cosmos could do it too? The more, the merrier.
I will in the mean time, continue with my own work and wish for everyone reading to find a way to assist too.
It is interesting to me how sometimes our microsopic lives reflect macroscopic events, for example Gaia our planetary mother is in need of her children’s love and care (us) and my own mother is also needing my care.
Soon I will be moving to assist her in her home and am very much looking forward to sharing your information with her to help inform her of the much larger picture which she is just beginning to be aware of in her transition years.
Blessings of Love and Light for all of you and with deep gratitude to be present in these amazing times, Cynthia
You are absolutely brilliant David. As many as possible should heed your words.
I too totally believe that what happens in 2012 and beyond is totally up to each and everyone of us to Love as best we can, and we ain’t got much time left.
We must collectively become the solution rather than trying to find the answers to the problem(s).
Be Blessed with love and thanks for your total dedication and attention to detail.
Tony – Singapore.
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the conference in Denver.
Got it!! Thanks for the reminder…
I know this is the way even when the negative is pulling hard on you pick the positive path!!
Think of Yin and Yang. There is always a negative and positive site to all 😉
In lak’ech
People that hadn’t heard the mp3’s are just a bit lost.
I clearly remember the very first interview of David to Ben in January 2010. It was about how the rim of fire was being threatened with an earthquake weapon.
And the first big earthquake to the rim was Chile.
Thank you, David.
Thank, you Moderator(s).
Thank you to all who follow David regularly.
To quote a lyric from the sage & poet Leonard Cohen, “There is a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets in.”
This is our chance to take the cracking in all of our societal institutions and provide so much light and love to all that there is not other possibility than for positive transformation.
At my workplace this past week, there have been some very negative events happening which have cause others whom I work with to completely lose hope.
For a few days, I was letting myself be a victim as well.
Then I realized that there lies a golden opportunity for us to heal the greater wounds within those of us who work there and alchemically turn the negativity into a positive outcome.
(Pardon my analogy, David, as I’m trying to draw a parallel to how things “really work”).
Even though I am not anyone’s boss and have no true position of leadership, I am going to try my best to help people to have a positive attitude to the extremely negative management forces which appear to be “controlling” us.
I’m going to propose not to fight their changes actively anymore, but to apparently “acquiesce” by participating in a form of subtle positive resistance which I’m calling “Operation Let The Wookie Win”.
I pass this on as a very specific example of what I’m doing in my own life to counteract the forces of negativity and bring positive change to those around me.
While my simplistic descriptions may make it seem like I’m misapplying the principles here, it’s my sincere belief that the details of what I’m planning correspond quite nicely with David’s blog post.
Please take David seriously and be positive in whatever manner you can, no matter how difficult it is.
Regardless of whether you disagree with his take on something, regardless of whether you are right-wing or left-wing, regardless of your socioeconomic status, do the best that you can in every single moment.
What we are capable of doing changes and differs from person to person, as a well-rested human has much more vital energy than someone who’s malnourished going on 3 hours of sleep.
That said, even those of us who may not be on the way to 4D can have very positive outcomes on both our own karma as well as the changes in the world around us.
Besides, there is nothing to say that a pure-hearted sacrifice by an unpolarized being in these important years may not result a pleasantly surprising ascension.
Love, live, and love some more. That’s all I’m trying to do, even when I realize I’m doing a poor job of it.
Hi david theres a group talking about the rapture occuring on may 21 2011 and they too are speaking about a great earthquake that will occur at 6:00 pm local time could these two events have any similarities?
Heres their website familyradio.com
[Moderator: I’m sure if David agreed with this, he would obviously have been talking about it…]