David’s November interview with Fulford is finally revealed! The Powers that Were are threatening to set off the New Madrid Fault with HAARP as a last-ditch effort to avoid their defeat. We can stop them — and here’s how.
For two years before the Japan disaster, Benjamin Fulford was on record saying the Powers that Were had planned to attack Japan with an earthquake weapon — and set off the nuclear reactors.
This is a matter of public certainty, as he announced these plans in two different videos as well as in numerous updates. This is the main reason why the Internet exploded with articles about HAARP in the aftermath of the Japan disaster.
These same negative groups are now apparently trying to set off the New Madrid Fault, which runs parallel with the Mississippi River — as there are some fifteen different nuclear reactors along the fault line.
Apparently the floods are a precursor to this — in an attempt to lubricate the fault line and increase the likelihood of it happening.
I believe this is all happening now because these groups are very, very close to defeat — and are using this as a final attempt to blackmail and coerce the rest of the world into backing off of the attack.
The defeat has been going on for some time — and I am now releasing an interview I did with Fulford last November that goes into detail about how the global community is ganging up on the “Old World Order” and demanding they stand down.
Let me say, right up front, that I do not believe the negative factions will be able — or allowed — to commit this act of mass destruction. However, I cannot deny that my own insiders have warned me of exactly the same attack plans as what Fulford has disclosed.
In advance of the Japan disaster, I posted dreams here that gave strong hints as to what was going to happen — a major new disaster — as I wrote in a previous entry of David’s Blog.
I have had other dreams, equally credible, that implied that even bigger events than Japan were planned — but would not be allowed to occur by the higher forces that protect this planet.
I believe we can help stop this from happening — based on the scientific evidence I have put together for my new book, The Source Field Investigations.
This is also a key aspect of what will be featured in the CONVERGENCE movie, which now appears to be very close to having “script lock” (hopefully by the beginning of June) and financing in place.
We have four different financing sources to choose from — each of which appear to be clean and not connected with any negative factions. I will, of course, use every resource I have available, including intuitive faculties, to make the best possible choice.
Here is what Fulford had to say about this threat in his own most recent update to his paid blog:
The “once in 500 year” flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources.
The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance.
The people planning this attack are the same ones who orchestrated the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster attack on Japan, the sources said. The attack on Japan involved long term planning….
The investigative trail goes from there to George Bush Senior and his mafia gang as well as US Senator J. Rockefeller. If the American people wish to prevent a greater tragedy than the one that hit Japan, they must arrest these and other Washington D.C. criminals.…
Despite all the chaos, fear and blustering going on, people must realize that such tactics are part and parcel of high-stakes negotiations. Because of the sensitive nature of these negotiations there is much we are being asked not to write at this time.
However, based on this information, we believe the end result will be world peace. The people in the Vatican seem to really think the world is going to end but that is just not true, the world is about to be reborn.
World peace, an end to poverty, an end to environmental destruction and the release of new technologies will follow shortly after the announcement of a new financial system. A long predicted golden age is about to begin.
Here’s what I wrote immediately after reading Fulford’s new update:
Hello Everyone,
I must admit that once again, a lot of the things Ben is hearing are echoed by what my own insiders are telling me.
I revealed my own ‘intel’ in a major new post regarding a possibly imminent Disclosure event here:
I have to work hard to not pass along information that comes across as fear and doom. It does involve a great deal of discernment and an understanding of the significance of the influence I now have on how people think and feel about things in the world.
Bear in mind that these folks are CONSTANTLY trying to create mass doom and destruction on an epic scale. This has never changed.
For a really good history lesson in this, go back and read Peter David Beter’s website of insider reports from the 1970s:
I described how this applies to the Rothschild and Rockefeller factions, as well as a third Christian group opposing them in Russia called the “New Kremlin,” in my own epic Ebook, Disclosure Endgame:
What you realize is that these negative factions are constantly working an angle that would create anarchy, chaos, martial law, you name it. Groups like the New Kremlin have been using similar secrecy and tradecraft, for well over 200 years now, to oppose them.
The negative groups have STILL not realized that they are only able to do what they are ALLOWED to do.
In order to answer the question of “who allows them,” it is ultimately necessary to break through into at least some minimum grade of understanding regarding the fact that Earth is a laboratory for spiritual growth.
Beings with capabilities far vaster than any ETs we might normally think of are making sure that we are never offered more on Earth than what we are creating. In that sense the world becomes a perfect mirror for our own collective disharmony.
It certainly appears as if everything you’re seeing, hearing and reading about is a story that is “out there,” and has no direct significance to your own life. This is the illusion.
The reality is that the world is offering us precisely what we need to be awakened — on a mass, worldwide level. You can dislike the process, but we’re not at a level where we have any direct say in whether it works this way.
That means the greater objective is to understand the process, and understand that you, right now, reading this, have far more control over the outcome than you may have ever realized.
The real battle that is being fought is for how you think and feel each day. Not about which faction gets to win control of the financial system. Not about whether Disclosure happens (and I do believe it will.)
Once you understand this, you can become an active participant in the solution. It doesn’t require you to subscribe to anything, pay any money or even leave the house. All it requires is a positive attitude — to have love be the primary force that runs through your thoughts, emotions and actions.
That is the real challenge we are being offered. That is the gift of life on Earth at this time. To see love where others can only see hate.
Without an understanding of the real nature of the game here on Earth, the fear-oriented propaganda that is being released can seem utterly overwhelming.
I’ve been online since 1995, and from the very first day I’ve been reading people freaking out, saying that Martial Law was imminent, that we were all about to be rounded up into FEMA camps, that the US Dollar was about to collapse, that there were about to be massive earth changes that would wipe us all out, that World War III was about to begin, et cetera et cetera.
It’s helpful for ‘newbies’ to be reminded of the fact that all these terrifying things have been sitting around on the store shelves, ready and waiting for you to buy them, this entire time.
If you were into Peter David Beter in the 70s and early 80s it was the same deal. Same with other insiders such as Sherman Skolnick in the 80s and 90s, the early, mid and late-90s Art Bell show, Alex Jones, et cetera.
After personally experiencing 16 years of reading this kind of ‘alarmist’ stuff, and never seeing the worst of it come to pass (9/11 being a notable exception, six years after I started watching all of this), I now realize that they can plan whatever they want, but nothing will be allowed to materialize beyond whatever we have invited.
I cannot change the fact that the Japan quake happened. What I can do is tell you that Ben is absolutely correct, in that the same people who planned and executed this quake want to do the same thing in the US.
I do not feel the US would handle themselves as exemplary as the Japanese did in the aftermath of such a crisis.
The size and scope of what they are hoping to accomplish with this New Madrid quake is significantly larger and more damaging than what was done in Japan. And for that same reason, I strongly doubt it will produce the results they are seeking.
Again, I urge you to realize that you can hate all you want, but you are voting for disasters to occur if you stay in this state of consciousness.
This is final exams time. It is critical that each of us move into a state of loving kindness, as best we are able in our own humble ways, in order to ensure the safety and security of this planet.
My new book The Source Field Investigations will provide the long-awaited, hard scientific proof that this is how it really works. I wish I could get it out there sooner than August 18th, but I cannot.
I can tell you now that this is one of the main points in there, and that it CAN be proven. Natural disasters, including massive earthquakes, can be and ARE BEING dramatically affected by our state of consciousness.
Ultimately this is due to the fact that these disasters are caused by a rotational ‘spin’ that is worked into the gravitational field. Gravity pushes the air, the water and the liquid mantle under the crust around in circuits.
When those circuits flow the way they are supposed to — which is provably occurring in geometric “flow” patterns — the Earth is healthy.
Human consciousness can either enhance this flow or restrict it. Our brain waves actually merge with the flow and either smooth it out or create static that disrupts it.
When we are in a state of loving kindness and peace, we get smooth brainwaves. Those brainwaves in turn strengthen the spin field in gravity and the Earth is made healthy.
When we are in a state of static and chaos, our brainwaves get very choppy and violent. This literally affects the spin of gravity and creates stress in the Earth.
When enough people create static and chaos, the spin fields cannot flow in a given area the way they should. This creates a pressure buildup in the surrounding area, because the current needs to go somewhere but now it is being stopped up. Earthquakes, volcanoes and natural disasters are the result.
It’s the Earth’s immune system — and in the aftermath of such a crisis, we have to pull together and support each other, and the quality of our conscious interaction with each other again improves. Health is restored — because ultimately the main reason why the Earth is here is for us.
Look. This is not a drill. This is how it really works. We need to use this ‘technology’ now, not later, to insure that this birthing process goes smoothly.
These insiders are trying to destroy the planet and get rid of what they call “surplus people” in the hopes of saving their bacon from imminent defeat. I do not believe they will succeed.
Again — please understand that we DO have the power to control the outcome. We are NOT helpless. If you read something like what Ben just wrote and it terrifies you, TAKE THE POWER BACK.
Understand that we live in a holographic universe. Understand that reality is composed of intelligent energy — One Mind — that is loving in nature.
Everything we see, feel, think and do is either moving us towards Unity — towards our own Identity — or towards separation — further entrenching the forces of the Ego.
This ego is a false self. It seems paradoxical, because it is also the identity you have known and lived with most of your life.
However, it can give way to a part of you that is much more aligned with your own internal guidance system, where you no longer need to blow in the winds of fear and be tossed and turned by each new drama, each new destabilizing, de-cohering event in your own life and in the world.
There is no point in discussing government corruption, earth changes and the possibility of a better world if we don’t fundamentally address the deepest mystery. This is a holographic universe, and we are never offered more than what we create.
There is no doubt in my mind that if every person who reads these words actually makes a deliberate effort to create coherent consciousness in their own minds and hearts, and to visualize the stress leaving the center of the US, that we have enough ‘numbers’ to stop this from happening.
I’m sure a number of people are too cynical, too sarcastic, too war-hardened from ‘fear porn’ to actually do this. They’ll read these words, say “that sounds nice,” but then not do it.
I’m asking you to DO IT. This is the final exam. The negatives have very little time left and this is their endgame maneuver. We need to stop them. You can help.
Not only are you helping the planet, you are breaking down cycles of negative karma in your own life that will ultimately make you much happier and more fulfilled.
Thank you for your help. I’m not the only one asking — this is a humble request from the people who are assisting this planet in its evolution from outside the matrix of our physical reality.
– David Wilcock
A few people in Fulford’s community were very persistent in posting attacks about me after I wrote the above.
One legitimate argument they raised was that I had done an interview with Fulford and had never posted it, as promised. I realized that this was the perfect time to go back, dust it off and finish the job — which I then did as of May 11th, 2011.
So, without further ado, here are both of those MP3s. The first one is an introduction. The second is the Fulford interview, with a brief introduction and a closing statement from me after the interview ended.
I’m here in Seattle for our next major Convergence conference — and we have a great crowd. I have to go get on stage immediately — I am really burning the candle at both ends here!
We also have the
Canadian Rockies trip coming up soon. This is an eight-day adventure where I take out a small group into some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. We did this once before and it may well have been my all-time favorite event.
This region of Alberta is known for its UFO sightings if you’re willing to stay up late. They may well be the reverse-engineered kind, but those who stayed up for it got quite a show.
Jim Hart was there — our CONVERGENCE writer — and saw incredible points of light zipping around in clearly non-Newtonian movements, which blew his mind. No one woke me up — they thought I needed the sleep!
This group probably won’t be much bigger than 30 people, and we have a whole mountain chateau to ourselves — so if you have ever thought about doing a vacation like this, it’s quite an experience — complete with lots of great lecture material.
I thank all of you who have pre-ordered my new book from the bottom of my heart. The simple bottom-line truth is that if we hit 15,000 pre-orders, we automatically debut on the New York Times best-seller list.
Imagine what this can do — hard scientific proof that can defeat the Illuminati / Old World Order agenda and empower people with scientific proof that we can stop these disasters from happening with our own consciousness.
Right now we’re just under a quarter of the way there — and we have until August 18th to make this happen.
We had a fantastic ‘bump’ on Amazon when we first announced this and you began doing the pre-orders — we literally went from about 75,000 to 14 in one day, causing a nearly 500 thousand percent increase.
According to my publisher this is effectively “unprecedented in the publishing industry”, and has already caused a lot of interest. As one example, we now have the top audio book company, Brilliance, working with us, and foreign publishers are lining up.
I’ll be recording all the voice parts for the book as of the last week in May — I won the rights to be the narrator — and will let you know when it becomes available for pre-ordering! Electronic versions — such as for the Kindle — will also be available as of August 18th as well.
The pre-order price lets you save a little over ten dollars from the retail price at 29.95 in most cases.
There was some price confusion when the book was first announced, as it was originally slated to be only 350 pages. I threw in material that I intended to save for other books — including the first five chapters you will now read! — because I realized it was so important to get this all out in one master work.
The page count is now 528 the last time I checked — but it still is comfortable enough to hold with one hand and read in bed, as I have been doing with the review copies. I don’t need to sleep with it under my pillow, though… 🙂
The initial feedback has been spectacular. I must say that having it in the review-copy form, and actually holding it in my hands and knowing that I accomplished this, in the face of so much adversity, is an amazing feeling. I can’t wait for the gorgeous hardcover in August!
I will update you as we move towards our goal. Many of you have said you want to help us reach this and I so appreciate it. You could read this book for years and still not extract all the ‘meat’ from it… as it’s the very best of the best of my entire life’s research work.
Again, I thank you for ‘voting’ in this important campaign with your pre-orders. I wish I had more time just to sit and read it myself, because each time I do, I keep getting a deeper appreciation of the scope and majesty of everything I put together in there.
Enjoy your two new CD-length, free MP3s — and we’ll talk soon!
If you haven’t heard the audio yet, you will be dazzled at the scope of information I’m about to cover.
Disclosure is quickly becoming a reality… and it presents us with an incredible opportunity.
I don’t want this to turn into a huge fear campaign — but that’s what they’re banking on. They want you to be afraid of ETs.
Educate yourself — and learn the truth!
Hits: 288,012
I dont know what your new article says yet, but I’m making a happy dance before I read it.
I don’t like David… I love him!
Hi David,
I wonder if you intend to have a chat with Benjamin Fulford again in the near future to gather any other updated information that may have came out after the Japanese earthquake and the current occurrence of widespread flooding in the US.
Thank you very much.
As always you inspire us to find the loving solution from within.
I offer the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian prayer to Mother Earth, and to all those people who have separated from Love.
I Love You
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you.
Now is not the time to become enlightened and hang out in a cave
“Some of those around you will seem particularly charged with a sense of mission and inspiration, and provide a role of leadership.
This becomes the natural choice of all who unveil the true Self from amongst the miasma of illusion, and it can become your choice as well.
Now is not the time to “become enlightened” and hide out in a cave; rather, it is to share that which you have experienced with others in whatever way is most suitable for them.
For many, a smile or word of encouragement is plenty, and you should never feel so high and mighty on your spiritual quest for wisdom and truth that you fail to remember the all-encompassing importance of sharing your life and love with others on the most basic level, without casting expectations as to who or when or how.
If you miss that most generic aspect of the spiritual quest, then you will be slowly dying inside and wonder why things aren’t going any better for you.”
Go out and participate in this global awakening.
Thank you for this update David, I’m sending all my love and light to the new madrid fault, and to the rest of the world.
Keep up the great work, and to everyone else, MEDITATE…spread the love!! 🙂
You are the judge of your domain -Corey
Adding another comment, but this is also a question for the Moderator, as I understand that David doesn’t address questions here.
I belong to several communities of people who are doing exactly what David is asking us to do in this blog post, and in his first mp3.
That is, we are doing the best we can to send our positive thoughts and visions and feelings to Mother Earth. We do it because it feels good, because we recognize she needs it from us, etc., etc.
Now I, myself, am fascinated by the information that David is bringing forth. It helps me to see a bigger picture, and I do NOT catch the doom and gloom fever.
But I know that many people that I know will just scoff at all of the discussion about the Illuminati and the people and technology that David reveals.
So my question is: How important IS it that people know all these things?
I’M intrigued and want to know more…. but is there any value in informing people who don’t want to think about these issues, if they have already gotten to the point of knowing that we need to align our positive thoughts to heal the Earth?
I mean, the people I know do not have their heads in the sand by any means, but most of them tend to dismiss “conspiracy theories” or in fact, don’t have the time that it will take them to bone up on all of this.
They have chosen other priorities.
I like to share what I learn, but I’m feeling like I should probably keep a lid on the pearls I’m picking up from David until I feel I can more easily work this information into conversations, in a way that is authentic for ME.
And that’s OK, don’t you think? If my friends are DOING THE POSITIVE WORK that we need to do to protect the Earth and Humanity and All Beings, they don’t need to learn all the kinds of information that David is revealing, do they?
Or do you (David), or you (the Moderator), or you (this community) feel that there ARE some basic issues that people should become aware of around disclosure and ETs and new technology and the dark forces that most of us feel that we CAN overcome, but would shock us if we really knew the truth?
I think I know my answer: people learn what they need to learn when they need to learn it, and it’s not my job to force it on them, if they’re not comfortable hearing it.
But I do want to say that *I* am eager to learn as much as I can.
I DO feel that there are many people out there who have taken a different path, David, to the point that you’ve reached, which is to realize that LOVE is all there is.
And we DO have the power to create our own outcomes in this world, not only for ourselves, but for all people and the very Earth that we live on.
I guess I’m just wondering if there are some things in all this information that people would be better off knowing SOONER rather than later…….
Thanks for listening!
[Moderator: There’s no simple answer — each person is a separate case. I’ve heard David recommend the “Rule of Ten Percent” — give ’em ten percent of what you would really like to say, stop talking and let them respond for however long they want to before doing the next ten percent — if they are interested.]
…love from Greece!
Excellent work again, David.
Have you ever seen Dutchsinse YouTube videos? He describes how many of the scalar/HAARP effects are visible in the national weather radars.
Also, there is a loud click at the very start of each part. Perhaps you missed this when editing.
Thank you, David. I’m fairly new to your work but I’m catching up and inspired.
I wonder if you and your “fans” know about the Global Coherence Initiative. I’d provide a link but I don’t want to appear to be spamming.
I’m not plugging anything of my own, just another organization that is doing great work in this area!
Just Google it and you’ll find them. They are DOING IT! 😉
“A few people in Fulford’s community were very persistent in posting attacks about me after I wrote the above.”
That’s awesome, David! Personal growth often comes out of the frustration and anger of a person confronting their own previous incomplete understanding in thoughts and beliefs.
You have challenged my own thinking and beliefs many times. And thank you for that!
here’s a powerful technique i learned for manifesting things or releasing negative energy. it’s called the “aloha breath technique”.
1. send your mind to the new madrid area.
2. then take a deep breath thru the nose while saying “aloh” in your mind. meanwhile imagine a ball of light spinning within your heart.
3. breath out fast from your mouth while saying “ha!” in your mind. mouth the word while breathing out.
4. as you breath out imagine that ball of energy expanding out from your heart to the whole area.
5. before breathing in again, in the silence between breaths say the command in your mind “release the stress now!” or “relax the tension in this area now!” or some such command to remove the negative tension of the fault.
6. breath in again and repeat 4 to 5 times.
this technique is very powerful and must not be abused.
i have “commanded” arguing surfers, spouses and strangers to “calm down, relax now!” and the results have been astounding. sometimes instantaneously.
i have found keys, been helped miraculously, calmed the strong winds, called on waves, etc, by this technique.
if you don’t believe in Hawaiian huna you substitute the “aloha” with other worldwide sacred power words that are 3 syllables and end in “ha” or “a” such as:
ahava, allah ha, ishvara, jehova, yehovah, yeshuwa, mabuhay
try it. let me know if you get results. the people i’ve taught this secret have reported simply amazing results.
jo veno
Dave, I don’t always agree with your “current event” updates, but we always agree on the stuff that matters.
I’m really glad to see the positive encouragement in your blog as of late.
You’re giving advice that I’d give if I had a proper outlet – thanks a lot, dude.
Thank you David for reminding the readers that the outer reality only mirrors what’s happening inside of us – this is really the most critical fact to comprehend when dealing with the topics described.
I believe in a loving mankind of brothers and sisters and that we will all manifest a new world that will be beyond anything that we’ve ever dreamed of.
love and light to all of you!
Sorry, that previous comment I provided a url link, it is Giving a 404 error when You click on it, the correct link is:
Thank You!
Matt Sicotte
but also has disclosure been ‘imminent’ and ‘just around the corner’ for ever as well?
it seems like the iraqi dinar investment – always just about to pop with someone claiming to have ‘insider knowledge’ . . but . . . nothing ever happens, does it!?
i say this with a smile and dinar investors will know what i mean! lol
love and light,
[Moderator: Many people will probably never be able to see that it is actually going to happen until it does — then there will be a chorus of “We already knew that”‘s…]
We’re playing those mind games together,
Pushing barriers, planting seeds,
Playing the mind guerilla,
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth,
We all been playing mind games forever,
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil.
Doing the mind guerilla,
Some call it the search for the grail,
Love is the answer and you know that for sure,
Love is flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Faith in the future outta the now,
You just can’t beat on those mind guerillas,
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind,
Yeah we’re playing those mind games forever,
Projecting our images in space and in time,
Yes is the answer and you know that for sure,
Yes is the surrender you got to let it, you got to let it go,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Doing the ritual dance inn the sun,
Millions of mind guerrillas,
Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel,
Keep on playing those mind games forever,
Raising the spirit of peace and love, not war,
(I want you to make love, not war, I know you’ve heard it before)
In episode “epiphany” of Stargate Atlantis, the SAT discovered an artificial ground created by “the ancients” for later generations pursuing “ascension”
For those who are seeking higher plane of existence the moment they realize that the ‘monster’ which has been harassing them is really their own creation because of fear, that they have the power to send it away if they change ‘attitude’.
‘Attitude’ as explained by “The Tao of Crop Circles”
They achieve “ascension” once that burden is gone
The circular and snow peaked mountain range is reminiscent of the famed Shambhala, believed to be located somewhere in the Himalayas.
“The Kalachakra Tantra describes Shambhala as a perpetual bastion of peace and wisdom; it also foretells the decline of the world beyond its borders, where the Buddha’s teachings will gradually be forgotten.
The climax of the kingdom’s history arrives when the outside world has reached its spiritual nadir: then, Shambhala’s last king, Rudra Chakrin, and the kingdom’s vast armies will mount their horses and gallop over the mountains, cleansing the world of blight and ushering in a thousand-year Golden Age.”
Perhaps there is a reason to why the ‘stargate’ in “The Event” is located in Tibet.
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom
David is absolutely right when he says “Earth is a laboratory for spiritual growth”.
P.S. a news update, according to the Japanese media, the leaders of Japan, Korea and China will hold a meeting in Tokyo on May 21-22, but Japanese government is requesting the meeting to be relocated to Fukushima.
This is a sign that Japan is definitely trying to break away from Anglo-American control.
Hey David. Have you ever come accross or investigated the material of Dr. David R. Hawkins?
I would highly recommend his books as the material contained therein could be the most useful tool in your endeavor…
For example, the ability to accurately discern truth from falsehood about anything in time or space would make all of this heresay and obscure insider accounts/testimonies infinitely more clear.
It seems that this is one of the biggest discoveries of human history, yet I haven’t seen any mention of his work or this discovery by you or any of your affiliates. Perhaps it is too confrontational to delusional fallacy, LOL.
Peace be with you All.
[Moderator: David has said at several conferences that his readings told him to never ask yes or no questions, as many times there is no clear yes or no answer.
I have personally seen several cases of people misusing “muscle testing” as if it is 100-percent accurate and whatever they get from it must be the truth, full stop.]
Thank You very much David for providing this Interesting interview with Benjamin Fulford.
It is ironic that You Have posted this, as I just heard about Fulford right after the first Earth quake in Japan back in mid March of 2011.
His Info is rather Accurate, and I Have done My Own due diligence to verify His Accuracy with a method You may or may not Be familiar with known as kinesiology (Better known as muscle testing).
To Learn more about this Technique, Please go to:
Thank You very much again for Doing what You Do, as it Gives Me Hope that the masses are beginning to Be more Aware of the Truth!
Receive Care,
Matt Sicotte
I wonder why in China’s October Surprise in which they took out several large technological systems, why didn’t they take out HAARP? And why didn’t HAARP attack China rather than Japan and possibly the US?
As to bin Laden, I am confused. They wanted him alive to beef up the whole military thing, I get that. But they also wanted to go into Iraq from the beginning and oil was the obvious reason.
They make their money from oil and they intend to steal it or get a special deal from Iraq. So if bin Laden was disrupting Iraqi oil lines, then the faction which is still in control should have wanted to stop him.
[Moderator: My understanding is that they wanted Bin Laden to destroy oil lines because it would have driven the price of oil way down had the Iraqi oil become available for use… in the present situation, if it is true, the people who run the oil companies profit from having gas be at a higher price. ?. ]
Pass the good energy to the left please.
Keep the articles coming!
Thank you, David. Sometimes it’s nice to have a reminder like this.
It can occasionally seem like a major disaster is the best catalyst to shock people out of their comfort and allow them to discover love.
Perhaps this is why the Japan quake and other smaller events were allowed to happen, but it’s nice to see other approaches.
Thank You David for your latest release. You mention about meditation affecting the the group conciousness.
The Rosicrucian training that I went through years ago taught that thoughts shared through the same way that you have talked about.
They even used the phrase “Thoughts have wings” in their advertisements.
Everyone must understand that every thought and every action that we take is openly available to be “known” by everyone else in our universe if they really want to “know…
The energy field that Earth has been going through since 1939 has increased our awareness quite a bit.
Those of us that have been watching our syncronicities know that this change has become much greater during the last year.
This is just one of the many ways that our minds/souls have been opening up and remembering how to use our God given abilities.
We all have been given the chance to grow.
Thank you David for all that you have been doing to help wake us up.
The abilities are already there. We just need to remember that we are immortal, spiritual beings and these abilities are our inherent nature…
Mr Safety
Hey David. Great response–thanks for bringing it back around to loving understanding. It’s so important to keep introducing and reintroducing that perspective.
I was wondering if you’ve ever encountered any of the work done by the Heartmath Institute? They do a lot of work mapping EEG/EKG (brainwave/ heartwave) entrainment.
They’ve thoroughly and scientifically documented the beneficial effect that coherent heart energy (i.e. feelings of love, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, compassion) has on the brain, where it literally rewires the erratic and incoherent brain patterns of anger, fear, and worry into a balanced, energetically efficient system.
They market it is as a stress-reduction system, but their approach is implicitly spiritual, and really corresponds perfectly with what (I imagine!) you’ll talk about in your book.
The change is always fundamentally up to us, and I really believe that the heart is the key to stabilizing our selves and the people around us 🙂
[Moderator: I think David mentions one of their studies in his lectures.]
Hello spirit Light family ! Greetings from Manila Philippines !
Thank you David for your enlightening articles and videos. We really appreciate it so much.
All humans in Mother Gaia should now unite in peace, harmony and resonate with Love. Victory is at hand !
Our hearts and love emotions is the key ! This is GLOBAL PEOPLE POWER ! We love you all ! Mabuhay !
I’ve been thinking lately about these ‘negative elite’. For them to do the things they do, (or at least try) they must be coming from a place of heartlessness.
I say this meaning, not that they choose to be heartless, but that they don’t access their hearts enough to realize that these ideas that they have are bad ones.
They must be raised in such a depraved, loveless reality, to believe that they can control other people.
We shouldn’t hate these people, we should pity them for being so detached from what really matters.
They have grown up on hate — the way to defeat them is with love.
The greatest way to punish them is to teach them remorse, and let them punish themselves with the overwhelming realization of what they’ve been doing.
Good stuff David, looking forward to your next entry.
The first mp3 was great.
Too bad David can’t just sit down and freestyle into the mic every month or two because audio updates are the best.
Thank you!, thank you!, thank you!, for your insight, your research and your concern for this planet and it’s people.
I pre-ordered your book and can’t wait for it’s arrival.
Count me in among the positive numbers.
Thanks David for this reminder to come back to the Self and not get pulled into the swirling mass off negativity.
I loved how you described: “that reality is composed of intelligent energy…” very beautiful and made me feel instantly peaceful when I read it.
I look forward to the future and to raising my two girls to be powerful women who will help contribute to the new earth.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for”
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
So glad you finally posted this David, I felt it was the right time.
Everything we’ve known beforehand was the ‘theory’, now is where we have to put our abilities to good use.
Well said and felt, David, my friend. It is the time it is.
Thank you for the rallying cry, the final exam note, and, most of all, for the Love. It is the essence of us all.
Onward to 5D.
In Love and Light and Power,
Its interesting, I was just at Nassim Harameins Delegate convergence last weekend, and his take on Japan and the upcoming earth changes are that b/c it is the result of the Suns increased activity, we can’t really stop it from occuring.
Even if Haarp was dismantled tonight, our sun is still amping up its storms at epic levels and that is going to effect the volcanos/earthquake activity on our planet in a way thats going to cause many souls to leave.
Anyhoo, You rock David, thanks for the info, Im greatly looking forward to this transition with huge love and gratitude,
[Moderator: David said we certainly have nothing to lose by trying. He has offered the proof at many conferences and Haramein should check it out!]
David, Thank you for everything that you are doing to help us all in this most auspicious time.
It never grows old, the realization, that LOVE is ALL that is.
We all are born of GOD. We all are holy spirits — you can see it in our eyes. No need for supplication.
There is nothing you need ask for, when you are one with life. Creative is our nature. We are constantly expanding. Forever shall we grow.
No need for education. There’s no reason to be taught, what you already know. All spirits are our brothers. All spirits are our sisters.
Now can you see the light? Give up all confrontations. What the hell are we fighting for, when there is no wrong or right?
I love you all! David W
[Moderator: Some people misunderstand the idea of “no wrong or right.” In the Law of One series it is explained that you have free will to do what you want… but if you take away someone else’s free will, it will be balanced through karma.]
i just finished listening to the first audio blog and it was well done!
i like the idea of everyone meditating to relieve the stress in the fault line.
we all know art bell years back had experiments where everyone meditated and it changed the course of several storms.
if everyone does this meditation, we can prevent disasters from happening.
Thank You David!
It is amazing to see how people claim to “know” what is going on and why you didn’t post it sooner, and yet they criticize and judge without understanding what they are really doing.
Your article on Ben’s blog really hit some between the eyes and they did not even realize it!!
Many thanks for all you do and Blessings to you and your staff!!!
“All you need is love.”
If every person who reads these words actually makes a deliberate effort to create coherent consciousness in their own minds and hearts, and to visualize the stress leaving the center of the US, that we have enough ‘numbers’ to stop this from happening.”
I’m in. Let’s pour the good vibe on’em!
Thanks, David. Peace. 🙂
passin round that gud energy
gotta keep Memphis still pimpin
Thanks David
Thank you, David!
And again, you are posting right before another one of your amazing events! Most generous of your time and energy.
(Madison, WI)