On Monday, March 21st, the Supreme Court gave the Federal Reserve two weeks to reveal where all the money has gone since November 2008. Was the Japan disaster an attack — to threaten the world into submission and hopefully stop the audit?
I have been deeply and permanently affected by the Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. We cannot look backward. We must keep moving forward, with the bravery and vigilance necessary to seek the truth — and use it.
In October 2003, I did a three-and-a-half-week tour of Japan to promote a limited printing run of my first book The Shift of the Ages in Japanese. I saw many beautiful places in a very short period of time. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
One of my stops was in Sendai — an incredibly magical and enchanted place. I visited sylvan Shinto shrines there, and I could feel the presence of these ancient epochs of history.
The people had allegedly been in contact with benevolent ‘Gods’ who came from Anemono Toribune, or “Flying Boats from the Universe.” Quiet, magnificent temples were built at the exact spots where contact had apparently occurred.
No one speaks — but I was allowed to play my Native American flute. Deep. Haunting. Melodious. Honorable. Whispers of ancient promises long forgotten, but never abandoned. Those who had gathered around me were moved to tears.
It was extremely difficult for me to see images of Sendai and other Japanese cities having been so utterly destroyed. There is probably nothing left of those beautiful places where I once stood and offered my song to the ancestors of Japan.
My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible catastrophe.
All my defenses came down. I had to let myself cry.
I could not bring myself to watch most of the videos of mass destruction that were being released.
The media saturates us with images of disasters when these things happen. After 9/11, I watched the planes hitting the towers, and the towers falling down, so many times that I eventually became numb.
In this case I hardly watched anything. And I kept the sound down when I did.
Right as this horrific disaster was unfolding, all my final-final deadlines for my book with Penguin had come due.
Everything I had worked for, after all these years, had reached its critical moment — and my “child” now desperately needed my full and undivided attention.
Despite how overwhelmed I was feeling, and the hundreds of letters requesting I write something about this disaster immediately, I stayed in there and I finished the job.
If I had avoided my responsibility, critical flaws would have appeared in the final version. Flaws I had the power to prevent. Flaws I would have to live with for the rest of my life — forever questioning whether I had done the right thing.
It was a very tough call — but I decided that the greater good would be served by completing my epic work when it needed me most.
I still haven’t had the opportunity to go back and appreciate the finished product with a fresh perspective — as experiencer rather than creator — but I very much look forward to it, as I have no regrets.
Looking back now, I do feel that The Source Field Investigations vastly outmatches any other video, article, lecture or book I’ve ever done — in terms of the scope, depth and power of the verifiable scientific material I put together.
It presents many new and unprecedented keys to unlock the mysteries of ancient science. We can create the Golden Age so many prophecies foretold… as we move through this period of great difficulty into the wonders that lie beyond.
I’m not asking you to believe that a Golden Age will happen after 2012.
I spread out the blueprints and show you exactly how we are going to get there.
The Ancients left us all the puzzle pieces we need.
First we have to find these pieces — which I have been locating and collecting for more than 30 years now. Then we have to sort through them, put the very best of them together, and explore what we’ve got.
If we do this thoroughly enough, we can fix all the mistakes and wrong turns we have made in science — for the last 400 years.
These mistakes have held us back from understanding extraterrestrial humans and their greatest secrets — free energy, gravity shielding, instantaneous healing, stargate ‘portal’ technology — both natural and artificial — and time travel.
Nothing is outside our grasp once we understand how the Universe really works. The Golden Age that awaits us is beyond the capacity of most people’s ability to even imagine.
We do have some significant difficulty to work through before we get there — but I believe we’re moving through some of the worst of it right now.
That’s why I took the time to write this article for you to read, think about and consider — rather than a small, insignificant update or teaser.
Japan was a reality. Not special effects. Not CG. Not a movie. Real people. Real suffering.
I can’t change the fact that it happened. All I can do is look within myself. If I like what I see, that’s great. If not, I can change it.
As I raced to finish the book, I also spent time in deep meditation and really crystallized my focus on who I am, why I am here and what all of this really means — both for myself and for humanity.
Right after the Japan disaster, rapper 50 Cent was widely chastised for writing a series of insensitive ‘tweets’ about what had happened. Many people feel the need to make jokes in order to process such an overwhelming tragedy.
50 Cent was also the only celebrity, thus far, to verbalize something that has obviously been on everyone’s mind since then — whether they like it or not:
“Man they made a movie about all this 2012 now you think that was a lucky guess?”
What do the 2012 prophecies really foretell? Was Japan just a brief glimmer of something that will soon be much worse?
Is there any Divine power in the Universe that is looking out for us? Or, were all these ancient prophecies merely intended to give us plenty of advance notice of when we were all going to die?
I believe there is great significance to the 2012 prophecies — and it goes far beyond the limited, myopic “doom and gloom” perspective that is so rampant on the Internet as well as in mainstream media.
In fact, the science I present in The Source Field Investigations, as well as my upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE, emphatically proves that the worst thing we can do for the Earth — and for our own future — is to indulge in fear and paranoia.
A new disaster like this only further emphasizes the importance of using the knowledge we have — and seeking our own answers rather than relying on blind faith.
However, before we discuss the potential significance of this event, and its implications, many people are obviously very concerned about the potential of radiation poisoning — and / or additional catastrophes that may take place.
On a physical level, no one can be sure of anything. That’s what is so scary right now.
Do we really know if they will be able to cool down all the reactors? Unfortunately not. However, I do believe there has been a great deal of irresponsible fear-mongering on the Internet, as always.
On a metaphysical level, I published a prophecy on this website that something as big and as scary as the BP oil spill was about to happen — imminently — but that we would indeed get through it.
Like the BP oil spill, I said that this event would scare the crap out of everybody, and lead to all sorts of paranoia and fear.
Like the BP oil spill, I also said this event would ultimately not be anywhere near as globally destructive as people feared it would be — certainly not an “Extinction-Level Event.”
Two weeks later, this prophecy came true.
I have eighteen years of experience writing my dreams down every morning and analyzing them. I have had hundreds, if not thousands of stunningly accurate prophecies come through as a result of this practice.
My point in telling you this is not to brag about psychic ability. Those who wish to snicker and laugh do so out of fear and sorrow, which they may not even be fully conscious of — and hardly anything, short of a jarring event of this scope and magnitude, will convince them to change their opinions.
The prophecy clearly said these events will not destroy the planet. Instead, they may be one of the final trigger-points we need to generate a mass, worldwide spiritual awakening — and a final defeat of the negative forces that have been strangling us.
In this case, I only published a handful of dreams from a much larger mosaic of data that has been coming in since at least 1996 — giving me a wide variety of clues about the events that are happening right now.
When I write you these articles, I am drawing off of that entire mosaic — not just the few isolated pieces I happened to publish before certain parts of the overall vision came true.
That mosaic of data also includes the testimony of a variety of real-world ‘insiders’ who have established trust and credibility with me — and have consistently passed along useful information that later proved verifiable and correct.
I published the prophecy on February 23, 2011 — just two weeks before the quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. About 45,000 people read it on my site before the event actually happened — and you may have been one of them.
In order to avoid sensationalizing my prophecy, I called the article “Bouncing Back from Hack Attack” — a playful combination of my recovery from a month-long, hacking respiratory virus as well as two very nasty and very powerful cyber-attacks to our website.
The coughing was from fatigue — due to how hard I was working to finish my book.
The cyber-attacks involved thousands of different computers, each with unique IP addresses, overloading our server with massive numbers of ‘hits’ per second — for days and days on end.
Their goal is to make the site load so slowly that no one can get in. Ultimately it groans and crashes.
Apparently after the server has been partially destroyed — we literally lost two hard drives due to overheating in the first case — normal security protocols may not work the same way anymore. They then have a chance to gain access and rewrite the website, using the server components that survived.
This is why we found files attempting to transform Divine Cosmos into a trap for unwary travelers to buy watches, handbags and gold at allegedly very cheap prices — only to get redirected to a foreign, unsecured site that attempts to steal their credit card.
We have taken drastic, time-consuming and expensive measures to build a far more bullet-proof system as a result, and have had to accept certain sacrifices in the process — such as a much faster cutoff time once I’ve logged in.
After I wrote the prophecy and the quake actually happened, a third massive attack hit our server during our Dallas Convergence — in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.
Once again, this knocked us out of service — and it took us nearly a week to rebuild the website. Even if I had the time to write about Japan, I could not. One wrong move in the rebuilding process could quickly collapse us all over again — so it was very difficult work.
Each one of these attacks started while we were doing a conference — where we had the least available time to address it. And, in each case, dire-sounding messages like “Account Suspended” appeared on our site, and nothing else — sometimes for days at a time — triggering conspiracy theories and gossip on the Internet.
These attacks appeared to be the work of foreign credit-card thieves — but now that so many of the things I’ve been telling you about are coming true, almost faster than I can write them up, I’m not so sure that’s all there is to it.
Given the precise timing of the attacks, whoever is conducting them is clearly paying specific attention to us — which seems to be more trouble than spam-oriented hackers would normally go to.
It would make sense to disguise a high-level ‘insider’ attack as if it were merely foreign con artists trying to make a buck. Thankfully, we were not financially damaged by the down-time and have now built a much stronger, faster system.
Here’s what I posted on February 23, 2011 — having no idea whether any of this would come true or not. All I knew was that the dreams were so strong that I would be a fool not to say something — given the accuracy I have experienced so many times before.
In this case I have extracted the most pertinent parts of the written prophecy — using three periods at the beginning or end of a sentence to mark the cuts — and bolded certain sentences for emphasis.
Prophecy of Imminent Disaster — Feb. 23, 2011
I must confess that I have had some very, very intense prophetic dreams lately… and another one this morning.
Typically I don’t write about these dreams until after I see what they are leading up to — but in this case, I have had such a cluster of them in a short time that I do think something may be fairly imminent.
The last time around, this all seemed to be leading up to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting — and [that] event [happened] very soon after one of the dreams. In this case I believe they are forecasting economic and geo-political events that may be fairly imminent…
[In the third of these dreams,] the scope of damage [I saw] was vast. It had all the hallmarks of the Gulf disaster, only this time it was on land.
I knew this disaster would not be able to be contained for a while, but that ultimately it would be brought under control and everything would be restored…
This morning’s dream is predicting something that could shake things up, for a while, as much as the Gulf oil volcano once did.
It’s very unusual for me to pass data like this along in advance, but in another case I had a massive dream that Michael Jackson died in my arms of a heart attack — and a short time later, he did die of a heart attack…
Although Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting was part of the story, these dreams appear to be speaking about something bigger that we haven’t actually seen yet…
…The message, as always, is to prepare but not to panic. One consistent element of these dreams is that things look bad but there are miraculous ways to get through it that are not visible while it is happening — at least not to most.
I had the same data during the BP oil spill while everyone was shouting “doom and gloom” on the Internet. I expect that whatever is about to happen will also make people think and say the same things.
Ultimately, this is all part of what we have to go through to pave the way for a better, brighter future.
The negative will not go down without a very hard fight. It does seem that events are reaching a “critical mass” and the next phase is going to hurt, but will be necessary for us all to go through.
The public is very rapidly becoming aware, on a worldwide level, that highly negative forces exist on Earth — and are manipulating governments, militaries and corporations behind the scenes.
Fear provides a very effective shield against taking this truth in. When you get close to it, if you’re not ready for it you feel deeply tired and depressed — barely able to keep your eyes open — but then as soon as you do something else, you’re fine.
You may also find yourself attacking, shaming and humiliating those who would offer you the information. It’s much easier to villify a convenient, local target rather than contemplate a vast, seemingly unstoppable evil.
However, as we move through great tragedy and grief in our lives, we become emotionally sober enough to see the world for what it really is. That may be the single most important reason for why any of this has to happen in the first place.
The malevolent attitude and behavior of Hitler and Mussolini did not disappear after World War II. It now appears to be quite common within certain circles — although it became far more carefully concealed after the mid-20th century.
These power groups also came in contact with undeniable proof that we are not alone in the Universe — at least since the 1940s. Many credible witnesses and insiders have verified that the Roswell crash was real — and live ETs were recovered.
I do feel that anyone who still refuses to believe that intelligently-piloted, super-advanced spacecraft are operating in our skies is suffering from an anxiety disorder — and should therefore be treated with compassion.
In my opinion, the most useful and far-reaching ‘response’ to this cover-up happened from 1981 to 1984 — where a dialogue between Dr. Don Elkins and an allegedly extraterrestrial intelligence calling itself ‘Ra’ took place over the course of 106 sessions.
My new book, The Source Field Investigations, validates hundreds of specific, scientific points in this “Law of One” series — and dramatically expands upon and enhances what we started with in many cases.
Thankfully, after all this work, it’s going to be out there for everyone to read as of August 18th — and can be pre-ordered right now.
The science stands up so well on its own that I don’t even mention the Law of One series until the Acknowledgements section at the very end — but Law of One students will have a much easier time with the material if they read this book first.
The Law of One series also offers a richly detailed cosmological view — where One Infinite Creator divided itself from “intelligent infinity” into “intelligent energy,” which in turn has formed the building blocks of the Universe as we know it.
If true, this would mean that everything is alive. Everything is sacred. Everything has purpose.
Our lives on Earth are apparently being guided through a complex series of spiritual lessons, through multiple physical incarnations, to eventually reach the end of a 25,000-year cycle.
In 1981, Ra said this cycle would end in “approximately 30 years” — and later confirmed the year 2011 as being “an appropriate probable / possible time” for when we would reach the “quantum leap,” as they called it.
They also said there would be no additional Earth Changes and related physical catastrophes once the cycle was over.
The Mayan Calendar was never mentioned. Nor was the year 2012. Nor was the Age of Aquarius. In 1981, hardly anyone even knew about the Mayan Calendar end-date — but the timelines still matched up.
2012 may still be a more accurate figure, as Ra said the 30-year window they gave was only “approximate.”
At the end of this cycle — which is directly tethered to measurable movements of the Earth, Sun and Galaxy, as I have now proven — we have the opportunity to “Graduate,” and evolve into a higher form of what it means to be human.
All the greatest tricks you’ve seen anyone do in movies will soon become commonplace — for those who are ready to step into it.
We are told that the Earth is actually a vast school for spiritual learning — maintained by very high-level ETs whose job is to insure that you will find whatever you seek — whether positive or negative.
Ra’s message, which included the physical gift of the Great Pyramid, was apparently co-opted by negative extraterrestrial humans.
These ‘Gods’ manipulated the Egyptian priesthood, many thousands of years ago, into creating a hierarchical, occult and self-serving system that amounts to a highly sophisticated form of black magic.
This was not Ra’s original intent at all. At the very beginning of the Law of One series, Ra apologizes for having inadvertently and naively created the “negative elite” — or what most people would now call the New World Order or Illuminati.
Due to the free will principle, or “first distortion of the Law of One,” as it is called, these negative forces have to be allowed to cause suffering, pain and even mass death here on Earth — within certain limits.
However, the part that so few people understand is that the negative elite are actually kept on a tight leash. They can only do what they are allowed to do — as a direct mirror of the negativity that we are creating as a people on this planet.
Now they are out of time. The cycle is about to end. They think they know what is going to happen, and that they can control the outcome, but this has always and forever been a great misperception on their part.
This is another area where the new research I’ve done is really a game-changer. Though they have preserved the knowledge of this cycle and believe it will lead to a worldwide cataclysm, they have been strongly misled.
The oldest prophecies that speak of this cycle change are from the Zoroastrian tradition. Zarathustra, whose name was Westernized as “Zoroaster”, copied over ancient records from the primordial Aryan civilization.
In The Source Field Investigations, I cite compelling evidence that the hub of this civilization was originally located in Siberia before the last great Ice Age.
This Ice Age, where the land was suddenly overrun by glaciers in a very short period of time and sea level rose by as much as 300 feet, appears to have been the result of a pole shift — where tropical areas suddenly became polar regions.
Atlantis, originally an “island continent” surrounded by water, became Antarctica — and all the water that washed over it was quick-frozen into ice.
Some of the insiders I have spoken with have told me that most of the remains of Atlantis were crushed under this massive weight of ice — but there are certain pockets where you can still find some very neat stuff.
In the Law of One series, the Atlantean cataclysm is directly blamed on the use of nuclear weapons — not on a natural Earth cycle that was built into the design of the Universe to wipe us out.
It appears that the world’s elite are unaware of this, and believe that the Earth intends to kill us off at the end of a cycle as a natural part of what happens.
They see this as proof that their negative, every-man-for-himself, Deist philosophy is in fact the way the Universe works.
They are eagerly awaiting what they think is going to be a massive catastrophe that destroys almost all life on Earth — unless you’ve hidden out in an underground or off-world base.
The movie ‘2012’ lays out their plans for how they think this is going to happen. Watch the end-credits all the way through and you will see that the movie was based on “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock, which was about Atlantis.
They absolutely believe that whatever happened to Atlantis is a natural cycle, and it will happen again in or around 2012 — perhaps closer to 2017, based on what some insiders have told me. Others disagree with this and think it is indeed 2012.
Plato’s original account of Atlantis formed the basis of everything else that followed. It has given irreversible credibility to any discussion of “the A word,” particularly in light of all the physical evidence of massive stone structures that were left behind.
Plato’s report clearly indicates that the Atlanteans were at war with a rival civilization. The Cayce Readings said this civilization later migrated to India, but in ancient times they were called “Rama”.
Other scholars such as David Hatcher Childress — who has appeared in many episodes of Ancient Aliens on History Channel, including several that I was in — found independent validation of Cayce’s account:
The so-called “Rama Empire” of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern, and western India.
Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and was ruled by “enlightened Priest-Kings” who governed the cities, The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as “The Seven Rishi Cities.”
According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines which were called “Vimanas.” The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer.
It flew with the “speed of the wind” and gave forth a “melodious sound.” There were at least four different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders (“cigar shaped airships”).
The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous, it would take volumes to relate what they had to say.
The ancient Indians, who manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals on the control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in existence, and some have even been translated into English.
In Plato’s account, the people of Egypt and Greece united against the Atlanteans, who were trying to colonize their land — and fended them off. Shortly after this defeat, Atlantis sank — but the Egyptians did not know why.
I want you to read the whole story for yourself — as it was originally written in the Timaeus.
I have bolded certain passages for emphasis. One of them negates many common, faltering attempts to identify Atlantis as a small island — as it was “larger than Libya and Asia put together”:
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour.
For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.
This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles.
The island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean…
Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent.
Furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia.
This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits.
And then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes.
And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders — and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars.
But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.
Plato got in serious trouble for ‘leaking’ this secret account of Atlantis from the Egyptian priesthood. Ever since he wrote it, scholars have been hunting for proof of Atlantis and have tried to understand exactly what happened, and where it was.
The Cayce Readings and the Law of One series, when combined, give us new insights that dovetail nicely with provable evidence we can dig up through research.
According to the Law of One series, Atlantis sank because of a nuclear attack — not a natural Earth cycle. The Cayce Readings imply a similar story… and given the reliability of the Law of One series in so many other areas, I’m inclined to think it is correct.
When we put all the pieces together, this is what appears to have happened.
Soon after Egypt and Greece fended off the Atlantean invasion, the Ramans dropped nukes on Atlantis in an attempt to defeat them and force them to surrender — similar to how America ended World War II by nuking Japan.
There are several obvious references to the use of nuclear weapons in the Hindu Vedic scriptures — which are easily found with a quick Google search.
Instead of winning the war, the Ramans threw the Earth into an unimaginable catastrophe — and ruined it for everyone.
No one could have imagined that nuclear weapons would be powerful enough to shift the Earth’s equilibrium in space, causing tropical regions to become polar — and vice versa.
The survivors of the Rama empire became known as the ‘Aryans.’
These original ‘Aryans’ were not Caucasian at all. As ice swept over the former paradise of Siberia, they migrated southwards in two groups — one to India and one to Iran.
The latest, greatest scholarship on the Aryan civilization pinpoints Siberia as their main center of origin — and the Zoroastrian scriptures clearly say they had to evacuate and move south due to the sudden crush of ice and terrible winter weather.
It appears that ‘Gods’ continued interacting with the Indians — which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Zarathustra, however, adhered more closely to the original ancient Raman records. This therefore appears to be the closest we can get to what the original, ancient, positive ETs actually told us about the end of the 25,000-year cycle.
The original teachings were almost certainly given before the Ramans nuked Atlantis. I highly doubt the positive ETs had anything to do with this horrific attack — and would have stopped it if they had caught it fast enough.
Now, the ETs are being vastly more careful, and precisely monitor any and all nuclear sites on Earth — as I have written about in detail several times before. Many disasters have been stopped.
According to scholars, the Zoroastrian prophecies influenced every other Western culture and its view of what will happen in “end times” — including Judaism and Christianity.
Without exception, every Jew, every Christian and every Muslim owes their vision of an End of the Age to the Zoroastrian inheritance — not to mention any and all of the secret mystery schools. Unfortunately, like the “telephone game,” the story has been significantly changed over time.
In The Source Field Investigations, I cite breathtaking new research into the original Zoroastrian scriptures by Boyce and Grenet, which conclusively proves that the original prophecies did not say the world would be wiped out by this cycle change.
Using new data that only became available in very recent times, Boyce and Grenet identified that this “doom and gloom” element was originally added in by the early Hebrews.
Boyce and Grenet feel this probably was the result of their imprisonment and enslavement by the Egyptians — and how that horrible suffering in turn affected their view of future events.
It is also easy to see how anyone in possession of the secret story of Atlantis could assume that the cataclysm was caused by this same cycle — and not through the use of massive weapons that couldn’t have even been imagined in those times.
This same mistake persists through until the present day — as seen by the creators of the movie 2012 optioning the rights to Graham Hancock’s “Fingerprints of the Gods,” which was about the fall of Atlantis.
The actual Zoroastrian prophecies are quite amazing. They do indicate the possibility that the flow of time itself, as we now know it, goes through some sort of radical change. Something profound happens at the most basic level of matter, energy and consciousness.
This seems impossible to most people and undoubtedly triggers sarcastic laughter — but this will also change once people study the “Magnificent” scientific evidence I present in the new book — as Graham Hancock called it.
This massive ‘download’ of information comes out in a gorgeous hardcover book on August 18th, and is already available for pre-orders — at a much lower price than retail!
My publisher tells me that if a mere two days’ worth of the people who visit our site pre-order this book before August 18th, we will automatically debut on the New York Times best-seller list.
Why does this matter? It has nothing to do with ego or generating lots of money. (In fact, we make a lot less on these online pre-orders anyway… since you will get it for over ten dollars less than the retail price.)
No… this is about making our voice heard, and getting this information out to the mainstream. It’s about credibility.
This book takes you far beyond any Disclosure involving a formal announcement that ETs exist. It is an awe-inspiring summary of all the science that has been suppressed by the negative elite — for at least the last century.
You can lock it in now at this super-low price anyone can afford, forget about it, and know that it will deliciously arrive in the mail… at the earliest possible second that it becomes available.
Thank you so much for helping us out! Everything I’ve ever said in any of my lectures or videos is in here, with extensive documented references — plus much more that no one has ever seen or heard.
There is no doubt that the Zoroastrian texts predict a major energetic event. However, it is also clearly spelled out that it does not wipe out the Earth in cataclysms.
Furthermore, these scriptures clearly indicate that the negative will be defeated — not in one sudden, stunning blow, but gradually weakening more and more until they finally just give out.
I believe that prophecy is about to come true — and may even have been fulfilled, to a large degree, before the book comes out. This is one of the most exciting articles I’ve ever written, because everything I’ve been telling you to expect for so long is finally happening.
Japan was a terrible disaster and we can’t change that. However, if you think this is just going to go on and on, I believe you have missed the point.
The negative elite are on their last legs — and at this point, there are remarkable news events that prove everything I’ve been saying is correct.
This means it is very likely that we are about to see the perpetrators go into hiding — and whenever this happens, it will be quite a massive change in society and government as we know it.
They believe it will create anarchy and chaos. I personally do not. Nonetheless it is good to have some stored food and water on hand so you can be prepared for the worst, just in case.
The insiders say to be ready for six months. I highly doubt there will be disruptions of anywhere near that length. However, if you end up in an area where there are short-term problems, obviously it’s good to have some basic supplies at home.
I don’t like dropping dates, but April 8th is going to be a very, very interesting day. This has gotten a bit long, so I will save the bulk of this argument for an update that will emerge by or before this date.
Three different massive events all coalesce on this one focal-point — just a week before taxes are due in the US:
SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST THE FED: The Supreme Court has given the Federal Reserve a two-week deadline to reveal where the money went — as of Monday, March 21st. This decision is one of the most significant events in American history. That brings us to April 4th — four days before the 8th.
GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: The Democrats and Republicans in Congress cannot agree on a budget. The US government will therefore shut down as of April 8th — and there is no indication anyone will stop it. That means no paychecks, no services, et cetera — for an indeterminate time.
NEW BRETTON WOODS: On this very same day, the first meeting to completely overhaul the world’s financial system will take place. Other countries will now have much more of a say. This is the literal fulfillment of everything Fulford and I have been saying for so long.
This will create a massive wave of prosperity and directly pave the way for the release of clean, ‘free’ energy technology.
The final ‘endgame’ plan of the insiders, as I understand it, is to hit the US with a massive earthquake along the New Madrid fault line during the same approximate time that the government goes into shutdown.
Then, they hope, all the welfare recipients and government employees stop getting their money due to the shutdown. Society quickly disintegrates as all the services stop happening. Meanwhile, the perpetrators flee, or have already fled the country.
I’m frankly amazed the conspiracy media hasn’t put all this together yet, but they will soon enough. We’ll get to that in Part Two. Suffice it to say I do not believe these events will unfold as they are planning.
I think it is very important to understand that the majority of the people in these negative groups are only cooperating because they have been forced to. I know some of them myself and am aware of the horrors they have been subjected to.
Did we blame every German for the actions of Hitler and his cohorts in World War II, and hold each of them equally accountable?
Recent dreams have again indicated that many people will not share this view, and will react with fear and violence — at least at first.
I do not judge or condemn you if you’ve been involved in this. You have a safe place here and will not be hated or criticized.
Your leaders have lied to you by making you think that if there is a God, you would be rejected.
I am personally aware of what you have been through. I am sorry about what happened to you. And I want you to know there is a way out of this that doesn’t involve you being tortured like an animal.
There is abundant evidence that the “negative elite” have been trying to collapse the Earth into worldwide anarchy, chaos and pandemonium throughout the entire 20th century, and on into today — but somehow it just never works out that way.
They still don’t understand that they get their marching orders directly from the people. They are only allowed to create negativity to a degree that is sufficient to balance what We, The People create within our own lives.
The Law of One series tells us our lives on Earth are part of a vast illusion. It is so carefully maintained that even these great worldly powers — with time-traveling technology they got from ETs and other neat toys — are completely unaware of the fact that their plans can never succeed.
If you could see things from Ra’s perspective, you would understand that ultimately there is no drama. There is no crisis. There is no conflict. There are no paradoxes.
There is only ‘catalyst’, as they call it — experiences that we will be offered to the exact degree of precision necessary to open our hearts and awaken our minds.
We live in a spiritual reality. Everything we think, see and do is being scrupulously monitored and studied by a greater aspect of our own selves.
Your “Higher Self” already exists now — in what you would think of as the future. It is millions of years more advanced than the level you appear to be at now.
Nonetheless, since it exists in a reality where time is not confined to a linear progression, it works to guide you through your life.
Dreams are one important way for your Higher Self to get a message through. At other times, the world itself follows the language and logic of the dream plane.
Disclosure — the concept of extraterrestrial humans being formally introduced to us — would definitely represent an irreversible tipping-point in our planet’s history, where many apparent dreams suddenly become vividly real.
For two years now, Fulford has been saying that once the Federal Reserve is defeated and a new financial system is announced, we will get Disclosure of free energy technologies that can radically change the planet.
He has also been saying, for two years, that Japan was being threatened with earthquake weapons that would trigger a nuclear disaster — because Japan cut off the flow of money to the Rockefeller faction that has been in place since Rockefeller money was loaned to them, at an exploitive rate, to rebuild their country after World War II.
Now do you see why I’m so excited about what is about to happen?
The story goes much, much farther than this — but right for now, I just want to get this preliminary summary out there. The rest will follow as soon as I get the chance.
You can be with me on April 8th in San Francisco — and get live updates as they come in about what, if anything, happens. We also have a major event coming up in London — so if you are in Europe, this is your big chance!
The Access Your Higher Self video gives you a nearly four-hour course in how to remember, analyze and understand your dreams, and develop your deepest psychic abilities — using the same protocols I developed myself. Many people have jumped in and feel it is well worth the price!
Thanks again for all your support. Look within your heart and you will find the answers you seek.
Penguin has listed The Source Field Investigations on their own page:
The Source Field Investigations
The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies
David Wilcock – Author
Book: Hardcover | 9.25 x 6.25in | ISBN 9780525952046 | 18 Aug 2011 | Dutton Adult | 18 – AND UP
Based on a hugely popular Internet documentary, this exploration of historic signs and symbolism determines what the future holds for humanity come 2012.
“If you believe there is no special significance to the year 2012, then prepare yourself for a guided tour through the most incredible scientific mysteries in the modern world, which may be the rediscovery of an ancient system of physics and spirituality that was once widely used and understood, but has since crumbled almost completely into ruin.” –The Source Field Investigations
In his documentary The 2012 Enigma-viewed more than two million times- David Wilcock exposed many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan calendar, and much more. And in this book, his seminal work, he’ll expose even more.
Calling upon fascinating areas of alternative science, Wilcock’s unique philosophy connects the human species and the rest of the cosmos, proposing that it is in our power to usher in the Golden Age prophesied in so many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions.
Unlike the doom- and-gloom viewpoints depicted in big-budget disaster films, Wilcock believes that 2012 may be a watermark for when a widespread acceptance of a greater reality will begin to occur-and in his book, he lays out many of the blueprints for such a Golden Age.
“David Wilcock is a leading thinker who makes a magnificent case in these pages that a golden age is indeed within our grasp.”
-Graham Hancock, bestselling author of Fingerprints of the Gods, from the foreword
You can also order the book on The Book Depository, pay with Paypal and get free international shipping, by clicking here:
[David’s final note: As we struggle to upgrade our website to avoid hacker attacks, we are having technical glitches. There are thousands of hits to this article but only a small percentage of them are appearing on the hit counter at this time.]
WOW! The hit counter might still only be showing 500-some hits, due to our problems with rebuilding the site from a hack, but we just skyrocketed up Amazon from a rank of 75,216 to 17!!!
That’s a 442,347-percent increase — and has made us the Number One Mover and Shaker in the world on Amazon!
See for yourself with this screen capture:
I am mystified, awed and humbled! Thank you SO MUCH for your help. This is the best birthday present I could have ever asked for!
LOL… without even trying, the image I took was originally 1212 by 999. Coincidence?
MONDAY 3:48 AM — 17 up to 15!
I just checked it again and we’ve now posted a nearly 500 thousand percent growth in the last 24 hours — and are now holding solid at the 15th most popular book on Amazon right now:
I never expected anything this dramatic. Thank you all for making this possible. Without you, this never would have happened!
I sincerely appreciate all your support — so much love and gratitude to you all!
I just pre-ordered your book. I plan on donating to the library I work at, when I finish it. I’m excited!
So grateful for this update, and for you, David.
I’ve been listening to your MP3s nonstop lately. They’re the only things that seem to make sense out of the craziness these days.
I know you get LOTS of heavy criticism. Please know that I love your wonderful insight and am so grateful to have found you and your teachings.
Please do take good care of yourself. Thanks again.
Hello David,
Yesterday I was presented to your work by watching a video in youtube (Event Horizon) and I could not stop watching everything else I could find.
I am Brazilian and believe in Allan Kardec’s work compiled in the 5 books of the Spiritist Doctrine and I must tell you that the information you bring corroborate his work beautifully.
God bless you and keep you away from the evil nets of the ego.
Will Social Security payments stop in April ?
[Moderator: It is very likely that the negative forces will not get their wishes met on this.]
What do you think of the date of Prince William’s wedding? I am wondering if any “events” that could happen in April could be considered “human sacrifice” for Walpurgis?
Thank you so much, Mr. Wilcock.
Your words give me so much courage.
love from Japan
If any of you would like to experience what a Golden Age is like, then I highly suggest that you smoke DMT.
I am not a drug user and never have been…but last Sunday I have gotten the opportunity to inhale this natural chemical and what I experienced is beyond anything I can describe in words.
It was soo BEAUTIFUL. I literally left my body and went to a place that can be called the “5th Demension”. It lasted for about 6 minutes but I thought I was there for hours.
I saw the most complex geometrical patterns and colors that do not exist here. I interacted with alien beings and the “I” became WE. When I was there I completely lost my ego…IT WAS SOO AWESOME!!!
[Moderator: What you are describing is 5MEO-DMT, a toad venom powder.
It can create exhilarating experiences for some people. It also can make people feel as if they are dying and have massive panic attacks.
In some cases it can lead to death or significant cognitive impairment. We know people are using these drugs, but we do not recommend them due to the severe risks involved.]
Great post!
My husband and I look forward to reading your new book!
Will you be speaking in/around Chicago/Indy anytime soon?
With gratitude and love,
Brandi & Tony
Dearest David
First of all, didn’t you just have a birthday? Happy Happy Birthday, dear David!
Thank you so very much for your fearless diligence in disseminating some of the most wonder-full information of Creation.
I attended your Austin Convergence last year in April. The attendees of that conference have remained in contact as a group continuing to share with each other new information.
I am so very grateful to your steadfastness. And get very excited when I know that you are having a conference somewhere in the world and how, as a result of your conferences, you are assisting – exponentially – in the awakening of all humanity to the greater Divine Plan.
I pray for the protection of you, your Mom, Larry and all of those who are in your traveling entourage.
I have been anticipating, with patience, your next newsletter to us.
This morning, I opened an email that had a link to a downloadable document being a Lawsuit against the Pope presented to the International Criminal Court on February 14 2011. (link below)
THEN, another email with the headline:
Military officer’s 9/11 case against Bush officials to be heard April 5
THEN – I received your email that an update was posted!!
Much is afoot and I can feel the excitement in the air!
Take good care of yourself, David.
Much Love, Light and Peace to you!!
This is the time of awakening where all things hidden are to come out into the light.
I think it’s time that you came forward and not only be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, which you are, but also come forward and tell the world that you are RA and you wrote The Law of One.
This confirms how your energy field highly resonates with the Law of One because you wrote it.
I think its okay for you to finally come forward and be who you are out in the open without fear as an example for all of us to follow.
I know you feel responsible for this, but we all chose and allowed this as an important lesson.
The grand experiment, or the dream of all of us who chose this journey on earth, was to carve an extremely dense body form and make it ready to hold the full spectrum of universal essence, or light, or consciousness in a body.
This process of carving the vessel takes many lifetimes and many diverse experiences at both polar extremes on the quantum field of energetics.
The key, now that the mass consciousness has had all of those diverse experiences, is to now bring them all together into unity and ascend. Above dualistic consciousness, there is no good or evil, just unity.
So, no need to apologize.
Just to let you know what I’m saying is: I AM originally from the Sirius star system, descended through the planetary Logos Lord Sanat of the Kumara’s of Venus, who seeded the heart energy on planet earth.
In this life I hold a sacred very refined energy which is to expand and become manifest and awakened in the next few years.
I’m not hiding this anymore and I think all of us need to step into who we are and why we are here.
I think you have made been very bold and very forthcoming with your essence and your purpose David and we love and appreciate you for it.
Don’t worry about the naysayers. Go ahead and BE Ra, Edgar Cayce and David all rolled into one!
First of all, I have to say that I am a dedicated Canadian reader and I have also been studying the Law Of One for a few years.
In fact, it was that material which originally turned me onto Divine Cosmos.
I just want to start out by saying, excellent work, David! And I’m hoping that I can join you when you come up and stay in the Rockies here in beautiful Western Canada.
The Chateau is only a short drive from where I live. 🙂
I also wanted to chime in about Carla’s book, “The Law of One-101: The Choice”.
It’s a fantastic book, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in how they can live the Law Of One and implement it in their own life on a daily basis.
Now, to the point…
Living in Canada, I’m curious to see how these events:
map/play out with political events currently going on in Canada.
The last election in this country resulted in a minority government with a PM who seems to be single-handedly attempting to destroy the credibility of the political system from within.
(Multiple prorogues, clerical “errors”, dictatorial actions, the G8 debacle, etc.)
Many things that this minority government has done, while questioned at the time, appear to have had an overall agenda of essentially making patently obvious that we have a system which is broken and does not serve the people of this country at all.
And now, for the first time in the history of our country, we have a government that is being charged with contempt, parliament is being dissolved and we all are facing a federal election at the beginning of May.
It just seems interesting to me that the timing of these events seems to be particularly synchronous.
So far, from what I’ve seen, the Japanese people have shown incredible dignity during this horrible tragedy.
I hope the rest of the world will pick up from this and endure any possible future events in the same light. Also, I can’t wait to read the book!
Thank you for offering optimism and providing direction for thought. It seems I have much to catch up on, or re-learn, even before your book is in hand.
Rather than overwhelmed, my spirit just seemed to be charged by some fuel in this introduction alone.
Here’s hoping given enough background, alumni support, player strategy and latest insights, I can get back in the game.
Sidelined for too long now by a “designer disease”, and so crowded on the bench, may this be part strength and conditioning manual, with some winning team playbook.
In turn, not only capable of contributing “on the field”, wouldn’t it be nice to also help (coach) others successfully- like teaching my daughter the truth.
“Boyce and Grenet feel this probably was the result of their imprisonment and enslavement by the Egyptians — and how that horrible suffering in turn affected their view of future events.”
They need to research this aspect of history itself! Archeology doesn’t say much about this particular “captivity” (or “exodus” for that matter).
It is Co-opted and corrupted (pagan) Creation Myth for theo-political ends, as you know.
There are seasoned scientists who have found “Atlantis” to Represent a Creation Myth as well. NOT to say there was no pre cataclysmic civilization.
However, Descriptions of the Island of Atlantis clearly fits an aether to matter creation process.
I wonder about the higher selves of all those souls who’ve suffered inconceivably. But I guess physical suffering is moot.
Karma? How is it that our top ranking psychopaths got to the top? You will find this in their natal chart!!
Now if that Auspiciousness – to get to the top etc – is in the Chart, what does that make? They were destined… thus what does that then mean?
These Same bloodlines have been around for quite sometime, at the top.
Stalin for example, died. That soul’s next closest incarnation may not necessarily be destined to suffer… Unless, Stalin’s subconscious mind felt he deserves to be judged.
Otherwise, “his” other incarnations could end up having similar auspicious natal alignments as anyone else. It would be impossible for a soul to work all that out anyway. It would take the course of a celestial time span.
Someone will have to do a study to prove that Current worst case scenarios are folks who are paying off serious karma (and visa versa). May not be the case at all.
Kill in one life and poof, you might end up with moon conjunct venus and jupiter in the 9th house for your next round!!
Again, if otherwise, somehow our vaporous points of awareness on the astral consciously choose when and where to incarnate. So this means some folks chose to experience say saturn square everything.
So Bill chose boon and Fred chose bane. Fred is a fool. AND if boon is spiritually bad, then the Entire game is a friggin set up!!
This is along winded way of saying there is randomness out there. If there was No randomness whatsoever, the mechanics of nature would lock up.
If you are relatively healthy, taking any antibiotics (or even rodentcides etc etc) is basically critter abuse, to be dealt with in karmic fashion.
While you are reading this (etc), many kids are literally starving to death. You will reap the karma for not helping them.
As you pay taxes you financially support black ops and fascist imperialism etc.
There is obviously something amiss with the doctrine of karma as we, the rabble have it.
A. Crowley had a good take as to the ludicrous nature of karmic payback. I think the elite’s actually know the workings of it and suspect that’s why they’ve been, at the top for so long.
We’ll see… can’t wait to get the book tho. I am an eternal spirit in the flesh, eternal with an all knowing higher self… hence, I need to read another about our universe… >
THAT Fact sums it ALL up. If you get me.
[Moderator: Well… uh, hmm… thanks for your opinion?]
Thank you David,
I always look forward to your articles, they are inspiring and filled with such a degree of care and concern, with such clarity, so as not to be misunderstood.
I send you love and light.
Finally mercury retrograde brought you back David!
Yesterday night i had the strangest dream including David, this happened only once during the years i’ve been on DC.
I will try to interpret it with the tools we had in the “Access you higher self” online course.
The Japanese disaster and the upheaval in Africa and Middle east have heavily occupied my mind, but i’m aware of the importance to keep our spirits up and be thankful for what we’we got and celebrate the best we can.
And i will preorder you book for sure!
I am an avid reader of your articles and blog. I even limit the interviews from Project Camelot to those that include you.
I do this because you are one of the only “alternative news providers, conspiracists, enlightened citizens, etc” who will not falter in their pursuit of positive energy!
These times are scary, but you never stop advocating for the elimination of fear and the pursuit of enlightenment.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Thank you for reaching out to the world. I know that I am just one of many people who continue to be inspired by your work.
Now that your book is done take a vacation for goodness’ sake.
Someone with your spiritual prowess shouldn’t be getting sick!
Remember that sometimes the best way to take care of each other is to keep ourselves healthy and happy.
Let me know if you find a cute, blonde girl giving you a high-five in your dreams, that’d be me.
I’m going to have to add an extra post to echo Daniel and thank the Moderator.
I’ve always really enjoyed you commenting on negative comments, especially when you don’t deal with them lightly.
We obviously can’t get David to answer our questions on here, so that basically means we have you.
Thank you, especially for commenting all over Earl’s fear-oriented post.
I’m glad you let posts through like that because it shows what we’re up against.
It’s usually born of people believing the Illuminati are still all-powerful.
I also am glad you let that first person comment about how David and his publishers are somehow profiteers.
This hits home for me because I got tired of the very high prices for various conventions and classes — and how even if you bought the people’s books, you couldn’t get the info.
I understand why many of these things are so expensive, but I’ve always adhered to the Power of Free. So I love seeing huge books you can read with Adobe for free.
So combining this love and my disdain for trying to have a real conversation on a forum filled with “skeptics” is what led to me creating my own site, which I can’t plug for various reasons here (not for profit info based sites should be different, as it would be okay for someone else to link to my site).
I basically ended up with a 200 page e-book with 1200+ links. Then I paid for a site to put it on and solidly chose not to have any advertising, a big problem with many alternative sites.
I put several months worth of effort into this site and I have only received one reader email, but I’m still very happy with what I’ve created and that I’ve kept it free and ad-free.
So this may seem like I should side with the person saying David’s book should be free, which is why I felt I am an appropriate person to comment on this.
David’s book should absolutely not be free, and I am absolutely stunned that it is only $15 (assumably that’s presale price only, though).
I would happily pay more for the book.
I know most of us agree, which is why it always bothers me when people complain about researchers being paid for their effort.
David very easily could make us pay to read his blog — like Fulford does.
Yet we have plenty of people lamenting about David not updating as often, while complaining about how long it’s taking for this book to be released — even though I’m very surprised it’s going to be this early.
It is impossible to make everyone happy here, especially those who still seem seated in fear/anger/anxiety — who instead of doing their own research, expect it to be done for them, for free.
So yes, many more things should be free, especially after they’ve been released for a year or so — but David has put far too much time into this encyclopedic volume to make it free.
There are 4 other ebooks you can read for free on his site, so where’s the acknowledgement of that?
Here’s links to them:
Shift of the Ages – https://divinecosmos.com/resources/shiftoftheages/1.html
Science of Oneness – https://divinecosmos.com/resources/scienceofoneness/toc.html
The Divine Cosmos –
A Scientific Blueprint for Ascension doesn’t want to load the page –
Disclosure Endgame –
If that’s not enough, how about all of his free YT videos — including his Project Camelot interview and co-interview videos, 2012 Enigma and 2012 Event Horizon — or are those not free enough?
[Moderator: I sincerely thank you for standing up for David, and for me.]
My channeling led me to the date of april 15th. This is so weird.
As soon as i channeled that information i looked online and there was alot of predictions about things that are going to happen around this time.
I also predicted the japan earthquake, pretty unreal.
I’ve been having so many doubts about myself. I guess these are times that will reinforce my confidence.
Hi David, and thank you, you are a truly amazing beautiful soul.
I appreciate and am grateful for your tireless and tremendous work you do to keep our spirits up and informed on what is happening around us.
I look forward to the book. From my world to yours, love and peace —
Thanks David !
Thanks a bunch, David!!!
I feel good about what is to come… I pre-ordered your book today!! Can’t wait to read it.
It took me several years to come to the conclusion that all this negative stuff has a positive side and I believe that we need the negative in order to evolve as a species.
Basically, the people are at fault for all the things that happen and not the Governments of this world.
Soldiers sign up to kill people they they have never met, It is the doctor that prescribes the death-meds, the Parents that allow their children to be vacinated, the teacher that dumbs children down, the banker that takes away peoples homes, the people that accept paper money instead of silver or gold, the people that give their money to Wallstreet, the cop that puts people in jail where there is no victim…ect…
So yes, we need economic collapses, Famines, War, destruction, corruption ect…in order to wake-up and realize that all this stuff that is happening is a result of what we are doing to ourselves.
If we are looking for anybody to blame, then all we have to do is to look into the mirror.
So the people are waking up on a massive scale and now we are going through these “birth pains”.
A new world will come out of this…a world where there is abundance and wealth for all.
We are in the process of transitioning from a 00-Civilisation to a 01-civilization.
If the goal was to enslave everybody on this planet, then we would of never gotten this massive network called Internet in the first place.
Also, there is a reason why 9/11 was made so obvious…because the devine plan is to wake us up and let us evolve out of this slavery!
There is a reason why the Jews have been allowed to be in control of so many big businesses. They are being “set-up” as the Fall guy.
They are being used on a massive, massive scale… only to fall very hard from their high thrones.
I see future Nueremburg-style trials where all these people that have been profiting off humanity’s misery will fall like hot potatoes.
This is what I see…a New World Order.
[Moderator: Jews are not the problem and are no better off than anyone else at this point. Thank you for your insights.]
Great update first off.
I listen to quite a whole lot of Talk Radio, so obviously the government shutdown has been brought up plenty, it is what the Dems are using to scare the weak Repubs.
Obviously not passing a budget for last year was part of this plan, which also is using the CRs to keep necessary and real cuts from being made. I’ve heard many congresspeople say that a government shutdown is not a government shutdown like it’s been portrayed, including by David.
The government shuts down all the time, anytime there is a big snow the government gets shutdown, obviously for several days sometime. So this won’t be the classic Dem fearmongering of “poor and old people are going to die”.
Everything that involves sending people checks is done automatically and will continue to be done, many Repubs have also vowed to pass something that keeps funding the actual government too, that way the Dems will have no way to slither out of their obligations.
The only people it will affect are those actually working for the government, and I certainly don’t see these people not being paid, they’d probably get paid for not working, which I’d consider a very good deal.
But I definetly agree with your analysis of things hitting the fan quite soon. Those days are definitely important, but we’ve also got a few others to look out for.
Last year for Skull and Bones 322 (March 22) we got the HC bill signed into law, with 22 pens of course. This year we got invading Libya without going to Congress, a very impeachable offense.
Then there are the ones that are coming soon which have to deal with various “satanic” holidays, which begins April 19 and goes until early May.
Many major events have happened during this period, and many which have lined up with the occult rituals, such as those calling for child sacrifice and fire sacrifice. Last year we got the clearly intentional BP Oil spill, so these will certainly be dates to look for.
Here’s a couple links which discuss these satanic dates and past events taking place on those dates:
And one that covers all of the dates:
[Moderator: David’s insiders lean more Republican than Democrat, at least in the US — and they are the ones who said this government shutdown could be serious.]
As “coincidence” would have it, I got an Amazon gift certificate yesterday just above the amount necessary to pre-order your new book!
I see that the “oil” you talk about in your prophetic dream is actually a reference to radioactivity. If you replace it with that it becomes obvious.
Thanks for your work David. I much appreciate it!
[Moderator: You are exactly correct about the oil being used to symbolize radioactivity. This is also how the connection was made that this would be as big as the BP oil spill.]
Wonderful overveiw David. Much gratitude to you on your assessments and sharing !
Exciting to say the very least! Take care.
Thanks once again for the enlightening update, David. It was well worth the wait and I eagerly await the next one around this date of April 8th. 🙂
I’ve already pre-ordered your book. I have no doubt at all that it will be debuted on that best-seller list.
Your recent and future success is well-deserved. Good luck!
And it’s whispered that soon,
If we all call the tune,
Then the Piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn,
For those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter
If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow,
Don’t be alarmed now,
It’s just a Spring clean for the May Queen
Yes there are two paths you can go by,
But in the long run,
There’s still time to change the road you’re on
Your head is humming and it won’t go,
Because you don’t know,
The Piper’s calling you to join him
Dear lady can you hear the wind blow,
And did you know,
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind
Truer words have never been spoken/written.
[Moderator: Years ago, David wrote a piece on “Stairway to Heaven” and said he felt it was prophetic of the coming Golden Age — probably more than Robert Plant realized when he wrote it.]
With all due respect for the work you have done, please give credit to L/L Research and Carla L. Rueckert.
Your readers should know that after Don Elkin’s death, she and Jim McCarty continued researching and publishing the transcripts of the Law of One.
After over 30 years of continued research, much attention should be given to llresearch.org, especially Carla’s new book The Law of One-101: The Choice that gives an easy and concise breakdown of the Law of One.
Thanks for your time.
[Moderator: There are hundreds of links and references to Carla Rueckert and L/L Research on this website. Thanks for letting us know about her new book… we haven’t seen it yet!]
Thanks David! Excellent as usual and right on time!
Your explanation of the cycles of the Earth and Atlantis resonate strongly with all the other info I’ve been getting.
Interesting times ahead, thanks for all your hard work and diligence, I can’t wait for your book!
“The tiny island sags downstream, because the life they lived is, is dead.”
– James Marshall Hendrix, a wonderful spiritual being who came to share his truth with the world.
For some reason, every time I think about Atlantis, I start to feel very depressed, as if I somehow had a hand in it’s downfall.
Or perhaps it’s because such a beautiful thing had to be destroyed, I don’t know.
Either way, wonderful article David.
Thank you for taking the time out of your ridiculously busy schedule to inform and enlighten us.
I can’t wait to participate in a powerful meditation session with you and all others on this site in 2013 🙂
Mods, thank you for everything you do as well.
In love and light
Just pre-ordered the book. 15 bucks for the hardcover version is not bad at all.
I know I will end up ordering it anyway, so I might as well try and get it on the best-seller list. 8)
I had a powerful dream the other night where a meteor hit and created a tsunami.
I was sucked under the water where I ended up, with others, inside the body of a giant man.
The dream had a theme of death and dying, and I was surprised that I was not afraid… I had an acceptance of death.
I thought it interesting and possibly correlative to this quote: “and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth”
Have been really looking forward to this post. Thanks for continuing to keep us informed. I have pre-ordered the book.
I find the Zoroaster material really interesting. Along the years I have developed a deep affinity for the Indian civilization.
Thanks a bunch for all your hard work!
Excellent article David and well worth the wait as always!
I will be pre-ordering your book, in hopes that it does shoot to the top of the charts!
For sometime now, I find the way you help us connect the dots, so incredibly helpful, so deepest gratitude for that!!
Question: With the utmost respect to the Moderators, would it not be possible for them to offer their comments outside of a given post?
I find it rather confusing reading their comments within, as in the case of Earl Francisco’s post.
I am of the humble opinion that unless a post is untoward, rude or disrespectful and/or violates DC protocols, there is no need for their comments to be within someone else’s post and they should consider offering their comments and addendums outside, utilising the quotes like other forum members.
Perhaps they could muster the respect to allow us to read other posts unfettered by their incessant rebuttals and commentary, is all I’m suggesting.
[Moderator: In the case of that one post, it was either a choice of my offering those comments (which I rarely ever do) or deleting it completely (this post was right on the edge of being too disrespectful to allow.)
Posting here is a privilege, not a right — and if people are going to make harsh and unfair attacks, it is important to clear the misperceptions.
Every time you see brackets and the word ‘moderator,’ I put in what I said… so you can read it more a dialogue.
There should be nothing difficult about reading it this way — in fact others have already posted their thanks.]
Thank you for this informative and positive post that you have given. I am experiencing a very positive feeling from all that you have shared.
I would like to see this information spread into the mass media as widely as possible.
I shall do my part by sending this email link to as many mass media personalities as possible.
They will do with it as they will but at least they will have access to a different view of things to come.
I would hope that others will join me in this effort. Of course, I will also forward David’s email to all of my friends.
Thank you for the positive message with so many verifiable facts.
Just ordered 6 copies of the book…..congratulations on completing it!!!
How many pre-orders do we need to hit NYT #1?
Incredible information, especially about Atlantis’ fall.
Knowing the truth about the past is of the essence to understanding and modifying the present and the future.
Be Happy, Richard
[Moderator: We may not be cleared to give the exact number, but as David said, if everyone who visited this site in a 2-day period pre-orders it, we’ll debut as a New York Times bestseller.]
Brilliant and sensitive update. Thank you.
Is there a link/place we can go to to read the Supreme Courts orders? I tried http://www.supremecourt.gov/but couldn’t find anything.
P.S. Must be in the air, I am also ordering two books… can hardly wait.
[Moderator: There are many… try this:
Praise to Moderator!!!
Wonderful responses to comments posted!… Keep up the great work… integrity, honesty and positive focus should be greatly recognized and valued with your contribution!!!
Well done! and much love!
David, et al,
I was introduced to your work just this past year because of FB. Brilliant in scope to say the least – thank you!
I absolutely believe in the “field” as I too have prophetic visions and have been writing them for some time.
Below is one from 1986 where I saw the speciation of humanity from within the field (I was in a state of Samadhi).
I look forward to reading your book 🙂
Truth, Love & Courage,
Homo Loci (Genius Loci)
We are in the midst of the speciation of a new human – I’ve coined this evolutionary leap, this tribe: Homo Loci.
The following poem, Genius Loci, is spun from a prophecy I received some twenty-five years ago.
In the initial prophecy and state of Samadhi the term appeared as Homo Faber, but in the years since I’ve come to believe that the term Homo Loci speaks best of our life and times.
Homo Loci (loci: plural for locus) has shown up in all cultures in all times – appellated as prophets, shamans, witches, avatars, healers, guides, teachers, medicine men and woman, yogis, bodhis, et cetera.
They inspirit the flesh with a fruite seed of God’s telesis – moving humanity ever closer to an illuminated destination.
Now they are arriving en masse, as Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and other contemporarily labeled children to address God’s telesis openly, humanity’s issues directly and to fulfill our destiny universally.
This speciation of God’s progeny – from those few scattered and notable luminaries of yore to an epoch of ubiquitous proportions at present- is bracketed in Genius Loci below to indicate the NOW.
Homo Loci is the answer to the test of time, a divinely inspired lot whose creative impulse is to render God’s telesis to fruition: planned progress through creative and social forces.
Homo Loci is a tool – an evolutionary genius created to guide the human seed back to its Divined source.
Genius Loci
I saw God arrested
In lieu of time vested,
And watched my surrogate link
Into hoary labyrinths sink.
It ensconced with love obtuse
Deranging not life’s hitherto ruse…
From jihad to genocide it immolated,
So weary of death we prostrated,
But death held little favor
For this rebellious Homo Faber,
And upon my horizon it molt
Where from religious nosism I bolt,
Into increate frontiers, too ostracized,
Upon an eclectic field, too romanticized.
[I saw the identity of all indigenous,
An epoch ripe, borne of telesis],
An empowerment so sublime
As to bridge eschatological time.
My faculties sensing consummation
In clairvoyant ken, gleaned alembication.
I bore this industry to create
A character incarnate a higher state.
Thus, with incunabula belate
I intrepidly plied God’s fate
And fixed my mortality
To breaching God’s very identity
Only to find
We were one of a kind.
Tris Legacy
Written in a state of Samadhi – 1986
[Moderator: Very nice — thanks!]