The US version of Graham Hancock’s new book, Entangled, has just come out! If you haven’t read it yet, you should… and Graham’s also on tour here in the US for a limited time, starting now — so go see him, as it’s extremely affordable!
It is absolutely stunning to see this week’s National Press Club conference about UFOs powering down nuclear missile installations getting consistent, worldwide media coverage in the mainstream.
The single best link is still where it all started — CNN. Here’s a taste:
Seven former U.S. Air Force personnel gathered in Washington Monday to recount UFO sightings over nuclear weapons facilities in decades past – accounts that a UFO researcher says show extraterrestrial beings are interested in the world’s nuclear arms race and may be sending humans a message.At a news conference at the National Press Club, the six former officers and one ex-enlisted man recalled either personal sightings or reports from subordinates and others of UFOs hovering over nuclear missile silos or nuclear weapons storage areas in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.Three of the former Air Force officers – though they hadn’t seen the UFOs themselves – told reporters that UFOs hovering over silos around Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967 appeared to have temporarily deactivated some of the nuclear missiles.Much of the testimony already has appeared in books, websites and elsewhere. But UFO researcher and author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, said the time has come for the U.S. government to acknowledge the UFO visits.“I believe – these gentlemen believe – that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race which began at the end of World War II,” said Hastings, who added that more than 120 former military personnel have told him about UFOs visiting nuclear sites.“Regarding the missile shutdown incidents, my opinion … is that whoever are aboard these craft are sending a signal to both Washington and Moscow, among others, that we are playing with fire – that the possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially threatens the human race and the integrity of the planetary environment,” he said.
Granted, this should be the top news of every station, every hour, all the time, but we’re not there yet.
Nonetheless, these men are absolutely credible — six of them are officers — and everyone is hearing about what they have to say.
It’s satisfying for me on a personal level, considering I’ve been aware for some time that this gradual public education program is in the works, and that it is definitely working up to a formal understanding and admission that we have a galactic human family.
Some might want to indulge in fear that these UFOs are somehow here to hurt us, but even the military witnesses themselves are saying it appears these ETs are trying to stop us from blowing up the planet.
Disclosure needs our help. The ETs have been around and been interested in us for a lot longer than since the first Trinity test went off. Their efforts have been benign, and the fruits are found all over the planet — in stone.
And right for now, the best video I have available for you to educate people about the historic ET contacts on this planet is this interview I conducted with Graham Hancock last summer! A slick 90-minute documentary movie that we don’t charge you to watch!
I was very honored when Graham said this was the best interview he ever had from anyone. His son Luke did an amazing job post-producing it, and then Graham and Santha did a second pass and added in many more pictures to back everything up. Check it out and enjoy!
Honestly, I hardly ever read books anymore. But after we sat down and did the above interview, I got a lot more interested in Graham’s maiden voyage as a fiction writer!
I honestly expected it might not be that good. When Graham slipped me a copy of the working manuscript, I swallowed hard and said I’d “Give it a Look” — but I ended up devouring it!
I was immediately drawn in by the compelling characters — particularly the troubled, drug-addled daughter of a wealthy Hollywood media mogul, who has some very dark secrets of his own.
This daughter becomes the unlikely hero in the story — having out-of-body experiences and astonishing mystical awakenings that put her directly at odds with the Establishment, who want to lock her away and say she’s ‘crazy’ — while in truth she’s having genuine time-travel experiences and fighting a very real battle between good and evil.
Her ally in this stunning, time-bending journey is a woman from 24,000 years ago — in a time when the very last of the Neanderthals were dying out.
Graham chose to give these folks contemporary-sounding dialogue, which really works for me — though the film version will have to find a workaround for that. And there’s a really wonderful ‘reveal’ about the Neanderthals — namely that they are fully-functioning telepaths who can communicate freely with the mind, though not with their physical bodies.
I was particularly surprised by this section, as Graham unknowingly gave a perfect description of a little-known point we find in the Law of One series!
In case you don’t know, the Law of One is my philosophical basis, and serves as an unparalleled resource for accurate intuitively-derived information about the ‘Management’ level of ETs assisting Earth at this time.
Almost all of my scientific and spiritual investigations are rooted directly in passages within these books. Furthermore, I can usually gauge how accurate a whistleblower’s intel is by how closely it lines up with what we’ve already heard about our “galactic family” of humans in the Law of One series.
I have had many, many, many astonishing validations of what is in the Law of One series from independent whistleblowers who knew nothing about it. And these are not broadstroke generalities, but amazingly specific factoids that are highly unlikely to be chance or accidental.
It’s been happening for a long time now — and when so many different pieces all line up, that’s a very good sign that you’re dealing with the truth.
Graham also seems to have ‘downloaded’ true information, psychically, while on his ayahuasca journey that led to this book. Therefore I feel it is a very significant truth-sharing and a modern mythology for our time that is desperately needed right now.
According to the Law of One series, Hancock was right — the Neanderthals were fully intelligent, fully-functional souls, like us, who were trapped in bodies that could not allow them to speak — nor had the dexterity to allow them to really build a civilization.
This was a form of karmic alleviation — as these souls had originated on a planet that once lived where we now have the Asteroid Belt, and they blew themselves to smithereens by not keeping their own negative planetary elite in check.
This was a long, long time ago, and the amount of damage it caused was quite extreme.
The people from ‘Maldek’ made a conscious, collective decision, once they finally got UN-tangled from the “knot of fear” that this disaster created, to incarnate on Earth with their minds intact — but in bodies that could not allow them to develop into a civilization capable of destroying themselves again.
The people of Maldek realized that their own collective ignorance and denial had allowed these negative forces to fester on their planet, to the point of literally destroying them.
Each one of them was ultimately responsible, in some way — because they hadn’t bothered to care when all the warning signs were in place.
The negative forces on any given planet represent a mirror-image of the shadow within the people. If we let that shadow go too far in ourselves, without any momentum to heal or to change, then it grows larger and larger on the world stage.
The higher forces MUST give us a very large degree of free will. That’s the other point many people don’t realize.
They think ‘God’ will just come in and kick some butt once they’ve learned about all these nasty things — but otherwise, if we’re expected to do some of the heavy lifting, they can easily have a knee-jerk reaction and conclude there must not be a God at all.
Thankfully, we are being carefully guided through this awakening process with the utmost care and focus — to insure that everyone gets what they need out of it and the metamorphosis is as peaceful and stable as possible.
The positive spiritual forces now have the full authority to stop a disaster like Maldek from ever happening again, and are watching events with far more precision than they had in the past.
This is precisely what is behind the UFO visitations over nuclear missile installations that just went public this week.
Therefore, I would say the synchronicity of this conference with the US publication of Graham’s book is very auspicious — particularly because he directly identifies the spiritual form of the real enemy we’re dealing with, and entwines us in a fascinating thrill ride through space and time as the heroes struggle to defeat pure evil — in all its different guises.
We do not need to be afraid of such planet-ending disasters coming our way this time around. Obviously, if ETs are protecting us from nukes, they aren’t going to allow the Earth to be destroyed by other means either.
Nonetheless, we certainly are well-advised to make sure our own shadow projections are recognized and healed, so we can re-integrate ourselves and shut down the machinery of pain that keeps revealing it to us otherwise.
With all that being said, I was amazed when I read this part of Graham’s book. How did he pick up on so many of these connections? I know he hasn’t read the Law of One series, but I had to laugh as so many very specific talking points kept coming up — and were presented in such an entertaining way.
Part of the answer to ‘how’ this book was written, as you heard at the end of our video, is that Graham had this New Epic Myth for Humanity downloaded into his mind in one single, incredible vision while taking ayahuasca.
As I’ve often said, I don’t personally recommend using psychedelics — you can have a bad trip, and everything they can do is attainable on your own without them — but under properly monitored and protected circumstances, it is possible for extraordinary visionary experiences to take place.
Once you’ve opened the door and caught a glimpse of the Great Mystery, the key isn’t to keep going back there over and over again, hoping you can earn a permanent Day Pass. The key is to bring something back with you, and help the world with it. And that’s exactly what Graham has done here!
This is no faltering maiden voyage — this is a seasoned, incredibly engaging fiction writer who just never decided to write a book like this before.
“Fingerprints of the Gods” and other books already had a great story and ‘flow’ — but Entangled is a modern masterpiece, a myth of the ages, a definitive landmark in time-travel fiction.
As a Hollywood producer, I can already see huge potential for screen adaptation of Graham’s new book. And best of all, it’s clean… we’re not talking about Illuminati propaganda disguised as entertainment, which has become the lay of the land. Their philosophy seems to be, “Why spend the money if we’re not going to hide the message in there somewhere?”
OK, well… perhaps Graham’s book is truth disguised as entertainment… but that’s what we want!
This is really what the Dan Brown books should be like. There was always that oomph… that taste for the book that I wanted to capture… but it just never grabbed me the way other masters of the craft have done. And I’m sure Brown won’t mind me saying that, as the numbers show he’s doing very, very well on his own!
Hancock has amazed me with what he’s done here — delivered captivating characters, an immediately engrossing storyline, and a narrative momentum that keeps you so glued to the book that you’d better free up a nice block of time before you crack the cover open.
This is why, as I said before, Entangled is the good guys’ scintillating new answer to Dan Brown.
This writeup from Hancock’s site gives us a tantalizingly teasing little taste of what’s in store:
When a drug overdose causes Leoni, a troubled teen from twenty-first-century Los Angeles, to have a near-death experience, her soul is lifted from the modern world and flung into a parallel time 24,000 years in the past.
There her fate becomes entangled with that of Ria, a young Stone Age woman fighting for her life against the ferocious Illimani, an army of evil led by the vicious Sulpa, a powerful demon determined to destroy humanity.
As the invaders annihilate Ria’s people, inflicting torture and human sacrifice, Sulpa moves ever closer to his ultimate goal: to manifest physically in the twenty-first century and condemn all of mankind to perpetual slavery. The hour is late and any chance of stopping him seems lost.
But there is still hope, if Leoni and Ria can rise to the challenge fate has set them. Uniting outside the flow of earth time, they must venture forth into regions of wonder, master their own deepest fears, and fight battles they could never have prepared for, if Sulpa is to be defeated…
If you get hints of Real Stuff in there from this writeup, then Dude… you’re obviously starting to get the point. This is a Great Teaching — and is urgently needed in today’s world.
In case you didn’t see it at the end of our video, here’s Graham’s trailer for this amazing new book, done with the help of his son Luke:
I found Graham’s own introduction, where he reads the first and second chapters of the book, to be a great way to get the “flavor” for the first chapter, which deals with the struggles of the modern humans and Neanderthals some 24,000 years ago.
Graham’s English accent really adds a nice flavor to the mix. Be forewarned, though — this is Not Safe For Work / NSFW because he does “Drop the F Bomb” in his book for dramatic effect:
Here’s where we see Graham reading the second half of the first chapter:
There are even more videos available on Graham’s video page from the official Entangled website, including him reading the second chapter that introduces our controversial Hollywood gal. There is also a lot of interesting background information you can read on the Science of Entangled page — and it’s all free!
The official US launch is happening right now — as of today, October 1st! You can order it directly from here, on Amazon:
If you haven’t read a “real book” in a while, you won’t be disappointed with this. It’s nice to take a break from the little articles and free stuff that blows around the Net like a rain of confetti, and get yourself all wrapped up into a full-length, engrossing work of quality.
I would do a lot more visionary fiction reading myself if I were not so constantly focused on trying to make confetti of my own — as well as the meatier stuff.
Graham Hancock has spent decades researching and writing some of the most ambitious and successful nonfiction investigations into ancient civilizations and wisdom. Entangled uses all of Hancock’s skills and knowledge to propel a fantasy adventure like nothing else preceding it.
Entangled is a time-slip novel alternating between present-day California, Brazil, and prehistoric Spain, with two teenage female protagonists who must come together to avert an incredibly bloodthirsty takeover of the human race.
Entangled is the first book in a trilogy relating the story of an unrelentingly evil master magician named Sulpa who is on the loose and determined to destroy humanity.
Leoni, a troubled teen from modern-day Los Angeles, and Ria, a young woman who lives in Stone Age Spain, meet in a parallel dimension outside the flow of time to stop Sulpa’s spectacular, deadly materialization of the modern world.
Entangled rides a growing wave of interest in parallel dimensions and imaginary worlds (The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Golden Compass are recent Hollywood examples) and will have immediate appeal to readers of Philip Pullman, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, and Kate Mosse, among others.
But Entangled has the added merit of being grounded in solid anthropological and scientific research. Hancock calls on his years of research into cutting-edge issues, including the “Neanderthal Enigma,” the nature of consciousness, the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics, parallel realms, time travel, and near-death and out-of-body experiences.
Graham Hancock is the author of Fingerprints of the Gods, The Sign and the Seal, Underworld, Supernatural, and other best-selling investigations of historical mysteries.
Time: 7:30PM – 10:00PM
Venue: Arlington Center – Arlington, MA 369 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, MA
Venue URL:
Admission: $10
Saturday 10/2: Signing at Borders (South Portland, ME)
Time: 2:00PM – 5:00PM
Venue: Borders Bookstore – 430 Gorham Road South Portland, ME
Venue URL:|South+Portland+ME|133
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: Free
Saturday 10/2: Life of Millions of Years: The Ancient Egyptian Quest for Immortality. Lecture by Graham Hancock accompanying a major photographic exhibition by Santha Faiia at The Museum of African Culture (Portland, ME)
Time 5:00 PM –7PM,
Venue: The Museum of African Culture, 13 Brown Street, Portland, ME 0401
Exhibition URL:
Venue URL:
Tuesday 10/5: Bodhi Tree Bookstore Lecture and Signing (Los Angeles, CA)
Time: 7:30PM – 10:00PM
Venue: Bodhi Tree Bookstore – 8585 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: Free
Wednesday 10/6: Skylight Books Lecture and Signing (Los Angeles, CA)
Time: 7:30PM – 10:00PM
Venue: Skylight Books – 1818 N. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: Free
Thursday 10/7: Evolver Bay Area Lecture and Signing (San Francisco, CA)
Time: 9:00PM – 10:30PM
Venue: SeraPhi, 1117 Howard St., San Francisco, CA
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: $11
Saturday 10/9: Capitola Book Cafe Reading and Signing (Capitola, CA)
Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM
Venue: Capitola Book Cafe 1475 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: Free
Sunday 10/10: Wordstock Literary Festival (Portland, OR)
Time: 5:30PM
Venue: Wordstock Oregon Convention Center – Portland, OR – Columbia Sportswear Stage 777 North M L King Boulevard East Portland, OR
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Tuesday 10/12 – Sunday 10/17: Dimensional Shift: RS Fall Retreat (Boulder, UT)
Venue: The Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch in Boulder, 3995 Hells Backbone Road, Boulder, Utah
Event URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Wednesday 10/20: Lecture and Signing at The Alignment Center (New York, NY)
Time: 7:30PM – 10:30PM
Venue: The Alignment Center, 120 West 28th Street (between 6th & 7th Avenues), New York, NY 10010
Venue URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: $10 Advance / $15 Door. To purchase tickets:
Friday 10/22: Breathe Books Event with Daniel Pinchbeck (Baltimore, MD)
Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM
Venue: Breathe Books 810 W 36th Street Baltimore, MD
Venue URL:
Event Facebook URL:
Admission: $5
Saturday 10/23: Beahive Lecture and Signing (Kingston, NY)
Time: 7:00PM – 10:00PM
Venue: BEAHIVE 314 Wall Street in Kingston, NY
Event URL:
Event Facebook URL:
Admission: $10
Sunday 10/24: Leture and Signing at Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (Wappingers Falls, NY)
Time: 5:00PM – 8:00PM
Venue: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors: 46 Deer Hill Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Event URL:
Facebook Event URL:
Admission: $10
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I have read some of Graham books Like the sign and the seal,Lords of poverty, finger prints of the GOD. I am so interesting and admire him. he leads the mind in to truth and advanced thinking.By now I have information about His first fiction by Title “Entangled” but I can’t obtain it in my country market accuses the alternative way is on line accuses to download however, I couldn’t afford the price even-if there is no mechanization on line market.
Then, please any person, organization or likely groups donate me a free charge of this beloved and astonishing book through my e mail address
Hi David and Graham
Read Graham’s book – and loved it! Got a hardcopy delivered from Amazon.
OK, Graham – when is the sequel coming out? How long do we have to wait to find out how it works out for Leoni?
Great structure for the novel – cliffhanger after cliffhanger.
Note to all – get the book!
An update by Dr Richard Boylan on oct 22
Thanks to David for this great interview. I just wrote the following email to all aid institutions, which have pissed me off with their greedy behaviour.
Hi guys
Watch the interview with Graham Hancock on David Wilcock’s website:
Furthermore watch the documentries on:
In case you guys would really want to help practice Kathara Healing provided by Azurite Press:
From Kathara Level 2 on you can use the following practice to heal obnoxious people harming animals:
exhale, inhale pale silver light from earthcore and Kee-Ra-Sha frequency into the heart chakra, visualize the target person or building and exhale forcefully the energy from the heart chakra.
Please stop ripping off innocent people.
btw: I saw a Rhanthia described in A’shayana’s book Voyagers – The Sleeping Abductees page 280. Furthermore, I got a Mind-to-Mind transmission of an Aethien (page 9 in the same book) on a photo on late 2009.
In Tulku Thondup’s book Masters of Meditation and Miracle descriptions of accounts of people meeting Rhanthia. In addition the Tibetans call UFO’s zar, which is described in the Notes to the Fourth Dodrupchen page 314ff
Similar to the Norway Spiral which happened Last november new phenomenon in Gloucestershire…is it a portal /wormhole / HAARP / natural phenomenon ????
Treasure at the bottom of the ‘Icebow’: A rare optical phenomenon is captured on camera
A motorist nearly crashed as he was blinded by the brilliant white light of an optical phenomenon known as an ice rainbow.
Keen photographer Reyaz Limalia, spotted the rare sight while driving near Birdlip, Gloucestershire and stopped the car to take a picture, although not before he nearly crashed into another vehicle coming in the other direction, due to the radiant light reflecting on his windscreen.
Known to weather officials call a ‘22 degrees halo’ because of its circular formation of 22° around the sun, Rayez is one of the only few to have captured one of these rare sights on camera.
Read more:
Valley of Pyramids found in Bosnia…
Earthquake counts go up as moon comes closer: BAARC
BAARC seismologists have discovered that earth, not just water, responds to the moon
Water on the Moon: A Billion Gallons!
Scientists Say LCROSS Moon Mission Found Enough Ice in Crater to Fill 1,500 Olympic Pools
LCROSS Impact Data Indicates Water on Moon
From a NASA page:
“Fast-growing sunspot 1112 is crackling with solar flares. The three strongest of this 24 hour period: an M3-flare at 1910 UT on Oct. 16th, a C1-flare at 0900 UT and another C1-flare at 1740 UT on Oct. 17th. So far, none of the blasts has hurled a substantial CME toward Earth.
In addition, a vast filament of magnetism is cutting across the sun’s southern hemisphere, measuring about 400,000 km. A bright ‘hot spot’ just north of the filament’s midpoint is UV radiation from sunspot 1112. The proximity is no coincidence; the filament appears to be rooted in the sunspot below. If the sunspot flares, it could cause the entire structure to erupt. But so far, none of the flares has destabilized the filament. ”
Since the predictive linguistics report (out Friday from, unless circumstances intervene – again) have been pointing toward the October 26-28 date range, a decent-sized solar eruption in that timeframe would be circumstantial evidence that the Sun is ramping up an 87 point something day cycle and some of the folks who are pointing to big solar trouble in 2012 could be right. Might be only eight cycles (or 87 point whatever) left to run before whatever…
Also, there are several celestial events happening during this time period, including the full moon:
October 20 – Comet Hartley 2 will make its closest approach to Earth, coming within 11.2 million miles. For a few days around October 20, the comet should be bright enough to view with the naked eye in the early morning sky. You will, however, need to be far away from the glow of city lights. Look to the east just before sunrise. In early November, NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft will observe comet Hartley 2 from a distance of about 600 miles.
October 21, 22 – Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids is an average shower producing about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. This shower usually peaks on the 21st, but it is highly irregular. A good show could be experienced on any morning from October 20 – 24, and some meteors may be seen any time from October 17 – 25. Best viewing will be to the east after midnight.
October 23 – Full Moon
It’s anyone’s guess whether any of these celestial phenomena helped to trigger the large 6.9 earthquake that occurred earlier today along the Baja California peninsula of Mexico near Sinaloa.
Spectacular Cosmic Display Marks 3D Launch
The solar system has been brought to life in a spectacular display over London’s skyline.
The show above the Royal Greenwich Observatory was organised to promote the launch this month of Sky 3D – Europe’s first 3D TV channel.
Nine helium-filled “planets” up to 20ft-wide were illuminated and floated above the landmark.
It recreated scenes from the 3D premiere of The Universe: 7 Wonders Of The Solar System, from History, which will screen on Sky 3D, channel 217, at 9pm on Sunday, October 24.
John Cassy, Sky 3D’s channel director, said: “The phenomenal universe we live in has captured the imagination of generations for centuries and we wanted to add yet another dimension.
“It’s taken a team of 17 people over 100 hours to recreate the solar system over the London skyline.”
NASA and DARPA Plan ‘Hundred-Year Starship’ To Bring Humans to Other Worlds And Leave Them There Forever
NASA and DARPA have joined forces to build something called a Hundred-Year Starship, according to the director of NASA’s Ames Research Center. Simon “Pete” Worden said NASA contributed $100,000 to the project and DARPA kicked in $1 million.
“The human space program is now really aimed at settling other worlds,” Worden said, according to a Singularity University blog that covered the event.‘hundred-year-starship’-could-bring-humans-other-worlds-and-leave-them-there-forever
Apocalypse or Apocalypsis means the lifting of the veil. Decloaking? Full blown Disclosure!
Exploring Sacred Artifacts of the Ancients
Klaus Dona was interviewed by Bill Ryan at Project Avalon (in addition to this new interview) and is the Art Exhibition Curator for the Habsburg Haus of Austria.
Klaus and has organized many international exhibitions. His background and approach is viewed as unconventional in the fixed world of archeology.
Dona has specialized in unique and unexplained findings in his worldwide travels. With vigor and passion, he is driven to shed light to the public on such finds as crystal skulls, giant bones, carvings and sculptures in forms that do not fit into the contemporary view of our timeline.
UFO’s over major US cities for past 8 days
Have you noticed since Oct. 10th there have been a rash of UFO sightings all over the US; New York, El Paso, Phoenix and LA to name a few?
Draco over at the Galactic Messages blog compiled the videos from the last 8 days; these sightings have not gotten wide spread attention but if they keep happening than maybe MSM media can ignore it for long.
UFO’s over El Paso, Tx Oct. 17
UFO’s over Phoenix, Arizona Oct. 17
UFO’s over Manhattan, New York, Oct. 13
UFO over Garden Grove, California Oct. 10
UFO’s over College Station, Tx Oct. 10
Retiring judge writes about 20 years of service…
Yahoo article stating the Mayan calendar could be wrong and that 2012 prophecy could be off by 50 to 100 years…I hope not!
Maybe David could comment on this in his next blog…that is…if it’s even worth commenting on at all. 😉
Hi David. I just bought “Entangled” and I am enjoying it – the way that the “Uglies” (Neanderthals) are portrayed as fierce-looking but actually gentle telepaths is cool. 8) Thanks for recommending it.
The people commenting on this blog speak in the now, so beautiful all we share in totality is the here and now together,
i would really love to extend my hand out to each and eveyone and ask you all to please come to Aotearoa New Zealand where the only requirement to becoming a Kiwi is to have the love of our babies and un-born babies, please read kiwiallegiance.blogspot .
Please use the rugby world cup as an excuse and we will organise the true Global event with an open invitation to our Galactic members of our community, in the tree of life choosing love over fear, i am another yourself everyman
CRANZ, Calendar Reform Aotearoa New Zealand, Kiwiallegiance and mission statement, follow thirteen months of 28 days following the star Sirius.
My Grandfather whom was a Maori Ratana church Minister told me God came over in a cloud and spoke to T.W.Ratana the Maori Prophet The same way he spoke to Noah, God said i have been to the for corners of the world and Aotearoa New Zealand is the Alpha Omega
the land of the rising sun and it’s up to the people of this land to lead the way in love peace and harmony, i understand now knowing synchronicity of Galactic clock and all it opens the 4th dimension to access ourselves collectively to dream free time for all that can handle it.
Calendar Reform Aotearoa New Zealand, everything else is just another trainsmash of the Gregorian Frequency of disconnected heart bio-rhythm. i am another yourself in the tree of life holo deck 5, choosing Love over fear.
“As I’ve often said, I don’t personally recommend using psychedelics — you can have a bad trip, and everything they can do is attainable on your own without them”
Anybody who knows anything about DMT knows that it is naturally in the body of every person, animal, and plant. You dont need to smoke it or drink aya to be able to benefit from it spiritually. So when David says the above quote he is quite literally correct.
May all be in love and light 🙂
To all those awaiting Davids Next Blog ( in a couple of days ) …comment posted by David on Benjamin Fulfords website
” At the highest levels, so I am hearing, there is a systematic takedown of these corrupt elements already underway.
The part I heard that Ben hasn’t said, at least not that I can recall any time recently, is that many of the worst offenders within the insider ultra-high-finance / central banking world have ALREADY been thrown in prison and nullified.
There are very, very, very interesting things going on.
Multiple sources are all converging on the same time window for really civilization-defining events to take place: it begins in November (this has nothing to do with Clif High, by the way, though I respect him), reaches a peak in January, but could continue through until March.
All of this is subject to change, of course, but this is what I’m hearing from very high-quality sources on the inside.
Some of the negative factions are planning dire maneuvers as their last-ditch effort — but I really don’t get the sense they will work out, particularly because they are now under such high scrutiny.
The chatter around disclosure has become massive. I’m getting ready to write up an article about this but needed to have a major information pow-wow with my best sources first to get caught up. Hopefully in the next couple of days that will go up, and I will reiterate these points in greater, more appreciable detail.
David Wilcock
Carson, thanks so much for sharing that, very much looking forward to David’s update.
@Blessings: thank you for your messages, and to everyone who posts here, there’s such a lot of uplifting and thought provoking information to take away, I really value everyone’s contributions.
Great news … blog post from David appears to be in the works.
Thanks David, I know you are so busy, your contributions to humanity are greatly appreciated.
Something’s definitely ‘in the air’ (no pun intended) 🙂 It can only be a good thing when it happens, and I couldn’t be more ready for the disclosure, the sooner the better. Blessings to all.
David’s comment posted on this week’s Fulford blog:
[Quote]Fascinating. I had a new, very well-informed contact show up recently and he described exactly the same thing.
At the highest levels, so I am hearing, there is a systematic takedown of these corrupt elements already underway.
The part I heard that Ben hasn’t said, at least not that I can recall any time recently, is that many of the worst offenders within the insider ultra-high-finance / central banking world have ALREADY been thrown in prison and nullified.
There are very, very, very interesting things going on.
Multiple sources are all converging on the same time window for really civilization-defining events to take place: it begins in November (this has nothing to do with Clif High, by the way, though I respect him), reaches a peak in January, but could continue through until March.
All of this is subject to change, of course, but this is what I’m hearing from very high-quality sources on the inside.
Some of the negative factions are planning dire maneuvers as their last-ditch effort — but I really don’t get the sense they will work out, particularly because they are now under such high scrutiny.
The chatter around disclosure has become massive. I’m getting ready to write up an article about this but needed to have a major information pow-wow with my best sources first to get caught up. Hopefully in the next couple of days that will go up, and I will reiterate these points in greater, more appreciable detail.
David Wilcock
I really enjoyed the interview. I learned so much and look forward to reading Mr. Hancock’s books.
David, thanks so much for the work you do.
Hi Michael Steering,
You asked where to go for more information about various ‘enlightenment topics’. I’d start by researching the net and find out who teaches what you like to learn. …then go there.
No better time than the moment.
When I found the teacher/teaching I needed, I followed…
That’s the way it works.
Otherwise you are just playing at it.
Today I wrote Suzy back, tail between my legs, and asked her to ask Matthew and Hatonn again if they were spaceships. Hatonn responded:
“Steve, this is Hatonn. You are being very conscientious about presenting accurate information — thank you. We need more sane voices like yours to offset the pure hogwash that’s circulating. Yes, of course there were ships over New York City that day. We’re showing up there and many other places all around Earth. As Suzy wrote you before, this is part of ramping up our activity to hasten the time when we’re officially recognized.” (2)
So there you have it. Confirmation of the decloaking from very reliable sources
On Oct 14, 2010, the day after the reported Oct 13, 2010 UFO decloakings over New York City and other areas of the world (as predicted by a former NORAD officer), Dr. Mazian Othman, Director of the UN Outer Space Office, held a press conference at UN headquarters in New York and candidly and spoke her mind on the extraterrestrial presence and extraterrestrial contact’s-dr-othman-states-et-life-is-a-possibility’/
Mysterious Lights Over East El Paso on Oct 15 are the Same as NYC on Oct 13, News Channel 9
Could this be disclosure …
Viacom networks MTV, BET and CMT are giving an hour of free air time to President Obama less than three weeks before the midterm elections
The so-called “A Conversation with President Obama” will be live and commercial-free on six Viacom networks at 4 p.m. on Thursday. The networks will not give equal time to a Republican before the election, according to a spokeswoman
Will you write up a post giving us an update and talking about the economy before you write your post with your big announcement at the end of the month?
To Michael Sterling,
Here’s what I’ve found.
Stop trying to save or change or persuade or convince others.
You are the Creator.
Create the experience and most importantly the emotional energetic vibration (human’s feel this as feelings) that you desire.
How would you feel if your family, friends and loved ones did “awaken”?
Feel that way. Feel it as a constant waking, living meditation and constant waking, living prayer. Focus your vibration to resonate at that feeling / vibrational level.
Then love the others unconditionally as you love yourself unconditionally.
Many people get confused on what unconditional anything is.
Unconditional love is maintaining the energetic energy / vibration / internal feeling of love energy, regardless of what is going on or has manifested around you.
Very tricky stuff. Requires master level focus.
Unconditional anger … well a number of humans have been much better at this. You know them.
Regardless of what goes on around them … they are angry, complaining and finding what is wrong.
That’s unconditional anger.
Human experience has many levels of emotions that become unconditional.
Look around at others.
You talk about those who are not “seeing the light.”
Could it be they are unconditionally a sleep? Could it be that the light could be all around them and they would focus only on that which is not light … or which is less than light?
See … many people live unconditionally. The question is unconditionally what … what energetic signature level, vibration or emotional feeling.
When I began to say and flow the mantra that “100% Pure Love and Light Fill Me, Surround Me and Protect Me” and then flowed well being from above my head through my spine into the earth and then back up from the earth, through my spine, flowing upwards above my head, and did that over and over … well my outside surroundings started changing.
People began to “awaken” more, become kinder, more abundance, more peace, more happiness.
Instead of thinking you need “them” to do something for you to find your contentment, focus on yourself as the Creator, creating your own contentment first inside at the energetic level, then holding that energetic level KNOWING it WILL manifest into being your experience.
Love them, let them off the hook … they will like you better for it, and you will show by example the “awakening” and “ascension” and “unconditional love” energy you are wanting them to figure out and live.
YOU be the change you want to see … and drop the convincing.
Michael, the best thing to do is to just not bring it up. Remember that all is perfect. They are exactly where they need to be right now for their own highest good.
Proselytizing them will cause you to receive catalyst (in the form of arguments etc) and isn’t very positive due to the fact that your trying to interfere with their free will on some level. A much more effective thing to do is to stay in a positive loving spiritual space which will help them (and the planet) enormously on an energetic and vibrational level.
Good Luck.
Love and Blessings
Dear David
You will by now, I’m sure, have come across the website (and observed the buzz it’s generating) carrying “prophetic” messages from an individual who claims to represent “The Agency” (one of several similar groups, they have said).
Given the odd solar activity of recent days:
…predictions by the “Web Bot” of “something big” in early November, and messages warning to “stay out of the sun” when a “green meteor” (that isn’t a meteor) appears in our atmosphere from “The Agency” one wonders whether an interesting event is imminent.
It would be very interesting to hear your views on “The Agency”.
Best wishes
Michael, Ive been in your situation, and I’m sure many of us have. The best thing to do is to just let them believe what they believe and focus on loving, accepting, and forgiving them regardless.
It’s their free will to believe what they want. It’s best to just not bring it up, and keep in mind that we are on the brink of disclosure anyway 🙂
Hahaha, talk about ask and you shall receive, I went to llresearch and carla spoke in depth of the blue-ray-chakra, and quite clearly pointed out that you must allow others to ask the questions, before try your best to give them they most honest and loving anwser..
so I guess patients and understanding were they lesson need…
Thank you, in love
(P.s. total type-o last night, a phylums a catagory of angles, akin to density, what we need are legions.. drugs are bad lol)
US Shuts Down New York City Airspace Over UFO ‘Threat’
Interesting to note is that New York City joins China in having a major airport closed due to UFO’s this week when two luminous objects appeared in the skies over northwestern Taiyuan in Shanxi Province on October 11th, the second such incident to occur since earlier this month when another airport was closed in Inner Mongolia after also being said to have been interfered with by a UFO.
A Decloaking Did Occur on October 13, 2010
October 13 did turn out to be a red-letter day for UFO sightings. The Canadian ex-NORAD officer stands vindicated: There appears to have been a decloaking yesterday. The most impressive display was a mass decloaking over New York City, but sightings were reported in a number of other places as well, including Seattle, San Francisco, Orlando, Puerto Rico, and Malaysia.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see more and more reports appearing on Youtube. I need the Observer Corps to keep a lookout and report in!
Fifi has supplied us with a few videos now on the New York sightings. Many thanks, Fifi!