Listen to over 90 minutes of brand-new, FREE radio shows — with Laura Fox at Raw Spirit Festival and William Henry on Revelations Radio! You don’t want to miss either of these!
I am very happy to report that unless there is some sort of major upset, (which is highly unlikely,) I will have a wonderful new announcement to make by the end of October!
Years and years and years of work are finally paying off in ways I had only hoped might happen… if I got really lucky.
I’m really looking forward to seeing the results — but it did involve a great expenditure of time, forcing me to drop everything and work just on this for almost the entire month!
Furthermore, the disclosure articles in mainstream media are becoming ever-increasingly frequent. Whether or not this translates into any immediate results remains to be seen — however, I do think we’re going to see some remarkable changes as we head into next year either way.
Since I’m still decompressing from a major energy output, and feel everyone’s had a good chance to flash their canine teeth in the previous blog, let’s go ahead and keep it simple this time… and talk about stuff we can all agree on.
So let’s get on to unwrapping your free new gifts… and enjoying them!
Both of these radio shows came from an inspired place… and I’m going to recommend you listen to them in reverse order!
Just yesterday, Friday September 24, 2010, I was broadcast live at the Raw Spirit Festival for the first 15 minutes, to open the conference, by Laura Fox! Our show continued for an additional 45 minutes after my opening salutations.
Here’s the link you can right-click on and save as a file on your hard drive to listen to:
I will also be appearing at the Epic Eden Hot Springs Retreat, October 6-10! If you haven’t already seen it, check out the video that gives you an overview of the community at this conference — it’s nice:
On Wednesday, September 15, 2010, the first of a two-part series I did with William Henry aired on his own Revelations Radio program — within UFO legend Whitley Strieber’s superb Unknown Country site!
This gives you a marvelous taste of what we’re going to be discussing at our conference in Tempe, Arizona as of November 19th through the 21st.
The second half of the radio show should be available for MP3 download on this site very soon — and I’ll link to it in the next post as soon as it’s available.
Both halves of this show are excellent, and stand alone — so here’s your first homeopathic dose of truth serum. You might notice a bit of dizziness at first — that’s just the DNA activation / cellular memory decryption process. Nothing to worry about!
We’re still working on finalizing the CONVERGENCE script, and have had challenges on both sides of the fence that formed irreversible obstacles we had to tackle first.
However, we’re just about back on track. I’m preparing to finish my part of the work this weekend, time permitting, and hopefully we’ll have a ‘locked’ draft, ready to shop around, within a month!
The industry slows to a crawl as you head towards Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we may not actually bring in the heavyweights for our “targeted reads” until January — but we’ll see how it goes.
The Miami conference in February is now up on this site as well — and this is the first time in many years I’ve spoken in Florida, so don’t miss it… particularly if you live in the Southeast!
Our hotel is right near Coral Castle, “America’s Stonehenge” — and though we have no official transportation system, we’ll definitely be making a group visit to the site for those who want to go as an ‘elective’ part of the conference.
There are some wonderful products you can experience on this site if / when you decide you want more!
Check out The Science of Peace for an excellent set of three 65-minute-long MP3s. In this series, I give a remarkable ‘download’ on the science of consciousness — with a continuous stream of background music we composed specifically to follow the narrative!
We embargoed this product for two years because originally the content was so similar to what I was going to put into the CONVERGENCE movie that our film attorneys said we shouldn’t release it.
This is still our best lecture-oriented product and if you haven’t gotten yours yet, you will be delightfully surprised when you do!
Synchronicity, visions, mystical experiences. Feeling like an outsider in this world. Wondering why the dreams and visions you see haven’t yet become obvious to everyone…
If these and other things are happening to you, then you may in fact be a Wanderer. Your soul may have originated from a higher plane of existence. There are only about 100 million of us on the planet right now, but we flock to websites like this!
Until you have an Awakening, and discover who you really are, a lot of needless suffering and misery will likely happen. Once you do realize the truth, and can accept who you are and get confirmation, things get a lot brighter!
I’ve known this about myself for many years — but when it came time to tell the story, I felt a musical journey was the best way to help you explore and uncover this new reality for yourself!
After well over a year of requests, we’ve now released a ‘Select,’ vocal-songs-only version of Wanderer Awakening — an epic journey into the deep emotional work that is required to make contact with your Higher Self!
As I said in the radio show with Laura, until you do this emotional clearing work, you’re not going to be able to make that contact a reality.
It took me years and years to move through my own struggles that were holding me back from achieving my true potential — and now I’ve put the entire story into an epic musical adventure that is deeply personal and inspiring!
Now with the Select version, you can hear seventeen of the best vocal songs off the album (yes, I’m also a lead singer — you’ll be surprised!) for 17.99.
I honestly never imagined it would turn out this good. It is truly one of the finest creative works I’ve ever done in my life.
The Select version stands alone as a great music album — and if you want to hear the full 50-song project, complete with all the spoken-word interludes with musical background that give you the complete story, your initial purchase price is fully credited towards the rest!
Larry Seyer co-produced and co-wrote both Science of Peace and Wanderer Awakening with me, and he works as an engineer on many high-profile projects in the music industry — and has won a total of nine Grammy awards.
Larry also is a highly gifted spiritual teacher in his own right — and you can enjoy his weekly podcasts and other offerings here at Larry’s Corner of the Cosmos.
The engineer is the person who makes the music sound like what you hear in the final mix — and this can have a remarkable effect on the overall quality of any recording. This art of engineering, mixing and mastering is frequently being whittled away in the modern, do-it-yourself era of home studios.
Many, many letters have come in expressing utter amazement at the quality of the music in Wanderer Awakening. We hit off a wide variety of different musical styles on the project, and Larry feels it’s the finest work he’s ever done!
Here’s a video made from one of the songs — which describes the rush of new love our hero experiences early in his journey, once he has stepped into a human form and become a Wanderer:
Until next we meet, may you indeed have the best day ever! Hopefully these new gifts can help that process along!
Needless to say, I was baffled when I saw this Fox news report.
I can’t believe the existence of our cosmic family is finally getting some mainstream attention.
is the link to the full Press Conference video.
Seems like the spiral gets faster and tighter by the day. However I really hope that for us wanderers, we remember that the goal is the journey, not the destination. Namaste to all. Hang on tight.
Disclosure it’s happening, please check CNN (TV/Website) about the military personnel admitting they’ve know the existence of UFO and alien life.
The CNN moderator is making trashing/making fun and dismissing such events. 🙂
The Mayan Calendar – the Long Count – began on August 11th in 3114 BC which was/is 3108 years prior to the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC.
3114 – 6 = 3108 = 111 X 7 X 4
The year 2012 is 5126 years from 3114 BC. 5126 factors into 233 prime X 22 which means that the year 2012 is the advent of the 23rd “I (9) Am (14)” cycle of 233 prime years which will take us to the year 2245. 233 prime years prior to 2012 brings us back to the year 1779.
5126 divides by 2 to equal 2563 and 2563 years prior to 2012 brings us to the year 551 BC.
You were born 551 X 10 = 5510 days from the day I was born – ie. 19580205 + 5510 days = 19730308.
There’s no end….
Even a tie-in between 551, your birth and the first day I prayed the rosary on 20040910.
BTW, the Universal Numerical Date (UND) for 20121221 – which is the Leo (356th) day of the year – will be 737193 which factors into 3461 prime X 213.
3461 prime – 1571 prime (the prime of your UND 722660) = 1890 which means that the completion of year one (1) of this cycle was 1891 which is 89 “Prime of Leo (356)” between two ones (1) and (1) which also factors into 61 “Prime of Christ (389912)” and 31 which is the prime of The (285) Lord (3694) God (764) = 4743 = 31 prime X 153. In other words the number-year 1891 corresponds to “Christ The Lord God”.
I just stumbled into your work a few days ago. WOW!
I am the moderator of a national conference call-show that’s been going strong for 167+ consecutive weeks. It’s called “The National Collective Consciousness Conference Call”. We’ve had many incredible guests on our show. We have an email list that’s 7000+ which we use to send out updates each week about our upcoming call-show which begins every Thursday at 9 pm EST.
We would be honored if you could come on even for just a short period as I know you must be very busy. Our website is and we stream on
On a separate note one of my hobbies is numbers, specifically prime numbers. One of THE most credible and famous individuals with firsthand UFO experiences, Dean Fagerstrom – according to Philip J. Imbrogno’s book, – taught me this ancient Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences over a 2 1/2 year period beginning in March of 2001.
Your birth on March 8, 1973 happens to be EXACTLY Jesus (15131) prime days from August 11, 2014 which, according to this science – outlined in Dean’s 1400+ page unpublished “The Book of Anglion” – will be the 2020th anniversary of the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC.
And if you are ever in Chicago – which is located on the 41st latitude N – on August 11th you will see the sun rise over Lake Michigan at EXACTLY 5:55 am which is the advent of the Leo (356th) minute of the New (555) Day which is ONE (1) minute from the End (554) of darkness.
The Leo (356th) prime number is 2389 which is composed of 23 prime – which corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is our Lord’s original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai “I Am…the Lord thy God…” Exodus 20:2 – and 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.
And each year in the northern hemisphere where our Lord lived the Winter Solstice begins on the Leo (356th) day of the year which is when the Sun STOPS falling and stands still for 2 days before beginning its ascent of the first 1 degree on Christmas Eve which completes itself on Christmas Day.
The 41st latitude north corresponds to 41 prime which is the prime of “I am the light of the word” John 8:12 as follows:
I (9) Am (14) the (285) light (39782) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime X 2375.
I have had many incredible things happen to me since learning this science for it provides a window into seeing the world in a completely different light – beyond space-time – or time-space – perhaps as you so eloquently outline in your presentations.
Numbers – especially prime numbers – have elements of both particles (matter) and waves (light). The more you learn and apply these simple 5th grade math methods to your daily observational experiences the more you/we/I become blown away by the incredibly precise-defined-perfect musical-numerical-spiritual connections and order that manifests between everyone and everything, etc.
The Universal Numerical Date (UND) on the day you were born, 19730308, was 722660 – which is the number of day back to the birth of Christ (August 11th in 6 BC) – which factors into 1571 prime X 23 prime X 20. Pretty cool that you were born on the 23 “I (9) Am (14)” prime day wave that connects all the way back to the birth of our Lord!
As for 1571 prime – well it’s 402 from 1973 – the year of your birth – and the EXACT midpoint is 1772 which is the year that the great mathemetician-scientist-inventor-theologian Emmanuel Swedenborg passed-ascended into Heaven on March 29th. According to Dean Fagerstrom – type his name into Google – this Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences is overseen from Heaven by Emanuel Swedenborg within a society called “The Anglion Society” – “anglion” corresponds to “the language of angels”.
My late father’s 23rd “I (9) Am (14)” birthday, 19480122, fell on the 23 “I Am” prime day wave that connects to your birth and the birth of Christ! He passed away on 19960903 which was/is EXACTLY 23 “I Am” days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate, etc.
Really no end to these incredible numerical-musical wonders!
Thanks for what you are doing. Let me know if you can come on our call-show – see – which begins at 9 pm EST every Thursday evening.
Peace and God Bless,
Fred Smart
CNN has some clips from the National Press Club conference from Monday (27-SEP-2010) where former military personnel testified that UFOs were responsible for nuclear weapons being disarmed.
They “… believe this planet is being visited by beings from another world”
I’m excited because disclosure is making it into mainstream media.
Ahh, looks like Drudge has now moved the article links to their archives:
Monday September 27, 2010
22:43:29 Small-town mayor stoned to death in Mexico… *
22:19:17 PILOTS SHOCK CLAIM: Aliens have deactivated nuke missiles… *
Hi Everyone!
Wow, look at this:
CNN has picked up the story on the 7 retired Military Men talking about their experiences.
Also, the Drudge Report has two links listed:
PILOTS SHOCK CLAIM: Aliens have deactivated nuke missiles…
UN to appoint space ambassador to greet aliens…
Seeing that these articles are listed on CNN and Drudge has me giddy.
So, is this enough? Can we say that disclosure is now official?
Blessings all,
David, if you would like to organise a conference for Wellington New Zealand or Sydney Australia I would be happy to assist in anyway possible.
I think you would find Wellington in particular, a “hub” of extraodinary psychic activity.
Tony, Sydney, Australia
At about 29:45 on the William Henry interview you say you’ve gone off track or something similar on the spiritual stuff while discussing the scientific stuff.
You do that a lot, and I had a flash about why that is: the scientific stuff prepares the rational, “left side” brain for a level of input that will get it the hell outta the way.
Then our right-side, intuitive mind can bridge to our spirit for a dose of “real” reality.
But the point is that you simply help us get to the door; you don’t open it, nor lead us thru, nor control the experience in any way.
First principle, and you achieve it by getting “sidetracked”!
Yeah, sidetracked my ass.
Disclosure Conference at the National Press Club, Washington, streamed live on CNN (10 am Pacific Time, Monday 27 Sept 2010)
The full video is archived here (1 hr, 11 mins):
Enjoy! This is very credible, heavy-hitting mainstream content. This MIGHT just be something historic.
Oh no, no no no … I screamed to hard here on 26 september.
Look what is published at Project Avalon :
27 September 2010
Disclosure conference at the Washington Press Club right now, streamed live on CNN. (10.30 am Pacific Time, Monday 27 Sept)
This MIGHT just be something historic. More later on this in a post update later today.
It was live today but I missed it. It will come online again in some time.
Maybe all people were begging for as-soon-as-possible disclosure.
ESA LEGO: This is how kids can learn how to research Phobos.
This *might* be just a coincidence, but ESA launched a Lego pack for kids to study the landing on asteroid. Would suite nicely on how all people should be prepared for the disclosure, children too.
Thank you so much for sharing these latest interviews and other information, as always, it’s very uplifting to hear from you.
Thank you to Joy, who posted earlier in the message thread for the hint about how to listen to part-2 of the William Henry interview.
I don’t mean to be impatient, and I very much look forward to the official posting, but I love hearing what David has to say, so I went hunting for a link.
I understand completely if the moderator(s) don’t want to let this through, because David has already announced that appear on DivineCosmos in the near future, but otherwise, you can listen here:
…click on the “September 22, 2010
David Wilcock Week 2″ link to listen in.
Blessings to all
[Moderator: This is streaming-only, not a download, but we’ll have the MP3 once the next show goes up, probably Wednesday — at which point this link will no longer function.]
I too believe disclosure is near – from what I have seen and heard lately.
Thanks for making me feel “almost” normal in my wandering hours here on earth.
Looking forward to purchasing your wonderful and beautiful music!
Much Aloha,
I didn’t know you could sing as well. Multi talented.
As I listened to the song, I couldn’t get past the background music. It sounds like Joe Jackson’s Steppin Out.
Did you sample that or was it produced by someone similar?
I have always loved that song, so I could pick up on the similarity in the background.
[Moderator: Everything was composed by David and Larry on Larry’s studio system. There are no samples of other musicians’ tracks.]
United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth
If aliens ever land on Earth there will no longer be any confusion over who will greet them with the news the United Nations is set to appoint an astrophysicist to be their first human contact.
Mazlan Othman is expected to be tasked with coordinating humanity’s response to an extraterrestrial visit, if ever required.
The 58-year-old Malaysian will tell a conference next week that with the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting around other stars, the detection of alien life is becoming more and more likely.
Read more:
Revealed: What our solar system would look like to alien astronomers
UFOs ‘attacked U.S. nuclear missile sites’: Retired Air Force Officers to break their silence
Last updated at 2:08 PM on 26th September 2010
Read more:
Major news! UN to appoint rep. for first contact with aliens:
For those of you still waiting: you can listen to the second part of the radio-show with William Henry on his website Revelations Radio !
I did so yesterday evening and it was once again a joyful event….
Hey David, I’m really looking forward to the end of October.
Thanks so much for putting the radio interviews on….it is so heartening to hear your message….
I am so thankful I found you.
Thank you for reminding me of the fact that you don’t have to be a healer in order to be a lightworker.. I needed it!
love & light
I think we all feel privileged to be alive in this small slice of time in the long history of mankind.
Now too we will be seeing your name explode across the pages of history, I wonder what the future sages will call you — “The great Awakener”?
Personally, I hope you appear on the Oprah show too, because I think she too is a kindred sprit with a special covenant with the Creator while within her own experience on this Earth.
Continue to stand in your truth as you have been doing. I have done this myself all my life, things ALWAYS seem to turn out good for me.
Like you I have now come to the realization that there has always been an unseen hand guiding us through our own choices.
David, continue to follow that unseen intuition you have, for it has many millennia to gather wisdom from many mistakes and successes during the evolution of mankind.
From the many cycles of time: mankind is being self awakened, by doing so deliverance from slavery to a grand future with our other brothers and sisters out there in the stars.
We are to become an asset to the others of the universe for we will have been forged in the fire of evolution and emerged with a tempered steel of wisdom.
David, honor the commitment and patience of our unseen mentors from beyond the material dimension.
I hope when our turn comes to mentoring “we will be smarter than our teachers”.
Words begin to escape me…for I still feel small and weak with self doubt down here..material 3D is always a tough place…all I have for armor is my integrity.
David, re. Food Blog, glad you relented to some animal protein, you are too young for the bags & shadows seen in your videos. I am twice your age and do not have them ….yet.
Be well great teacher, thank you for showing the way, thank you listening..
There is this awesome article in the Daily Mail today reporting how UFOS attacked U.S nuclear missle sites.
Air force officers are giving a press conference tomorrow based on the information.
It’s quite exciting, and Thank God they did shut the sites down. Here’s a quote from the article.
“The men are expected to describe the ongoing and disturbing intervention of UFOs at nuclear weapon sites, including examples of how several missiles inexplicably malfunctioned while unidentified disc-shaped object hovered nearby.”
Read more:
simply amazing !!!
you the man “DW”
words can’t explain your wonderful tireless charming efforts to awaken your fellow mates in this wonderful time we are in…
I love you 🙂 and send all my energy to you in your amazing efforts….
-love is light-
A disclosure maybe here in a minute, must be here so quick as possible. For me there must be a shock to let people THINK, but wisely …
… Otherwise people will not learning lessons of maded faults.
Let them take a breath, like ‘Holy Wholy’, ‘Shit !!!’ you know (by expanding their minds by new things).
Because of what I see happening now (for sure in Belgium) : Hunting on poeple without a job to fill the open places for career, even they don’t like that – throwing away what work they like todo. That all in favor of one word ‘Crisis !’.
But they want to stall your loan, food is gotten more expensive and we will fall in another crisis : Cause they cannot buy more but less.
No no, the world economy must be ‘stopped for a minute’ by an disclosure that gives people probably (must be me) a big shock.
DUDE! Your are still the man! Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work…I really dig the science behind the law of one.
I realize i am wandering too bro.
Can’t wait for the book…rock it!
Loved your interview with David Wolfe and Nick Good.
Thanks for all your hard work and keeping us informed. I know it will pay off very soon!
Love and light.
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Looks like Disclosure is just “right” around the corner. We are THIS close!!!
Fan Tastic.
Good job David. Thanks for the Inspiration, Love, and Light. That you continue to share.
-Brandon B. — Long Beach, CA
OK. Downloaded. Looking forward to part two with WH.
It all came down like drinking out of a fire hose ;-), but I’m loving that.
I hope you find some time to relax.
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens…
THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earths first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.
Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN’s little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.
Oh I forgot I wanted to tell y’all too!! My baby girl was just born!!!!
3:33 pm !!!! Really !!!
She’s alive!!!!!!!!!!:D
I just picked some guy up off the road after he crashed his motorcycle right in front of me. Wow…I can’t believe I just witnessed that. I hope he’s ok. Send him some light folks, k?
David, much love and light. Hope we meet again.
I feel it amping up, but honestly I’m ready to see something drastic. I know it’s not up to me, but I’m tired of waiting. I know I know…paitience. Love you ALL!!
Thank you brother!
Tons of love, light and high vibrations!
Hope disclosure and results that could open the eyes and hearts of “non-believers” start coming out in an undisputable manner very soon!
David Wilcock, Thank you for the influences you have had on me.
I have begun to change some old habits, and am working on developing new ones.
I Thank The Creator and my Higher Self for this opportunity. Bless you All!
Hi David
Many, many thanks for all your hard work, David.
The information you give is so interesting, fascinating and inspiring.
I’m so pleased to see news stories that show we are making progress and hopefully very soon we will take an amazing step in the right direction.
Much love and light
Hey David, once again it’s great to hear from you! It really is great to have some more inspirational information!
The night before the harvest moon last week, my friend and I were driving back into town from a restaurant, and were encountered by 2 glowing orbs hanging over a cow field!!!
Everyday, 2012 makes itself more evident. I thank you for helping to open people up to this reality!
Wow, an interview with WH!
After your announcement of the Nov. event with him I checked him out, ordered his remarkable DVD’s and watched all of them after the crop-circle-tour.
Thank you very much and now off to listening to the show…!
Lots of love your way!
We attended the UFO X Fest to catch your presentation and were thoroughly enthralled by your talk!
You have a way of presenting these complex, yet fascinating concepts and discoveries that kept us engaged the entire time.
We can’t wait for your book!
Thank you for your work 🙂