The Norway Spiral is back — but this time it’s jumping all over the place in the skies of Australia. This is a manmade phenomenon that shows Disclosure is getting closer and closer all the time!
The longer the oil spill goes on unchecked, the faster we can expect to see Disclosure really happen. There are plenty of technologies capable of plugging the spill, and those who are in a position to disclose, and ready to disclose, made a fantastic leap forward with this latest phenomenon.
The Disclosure-related news events are flying in so fast that I literally have to keep updating you on a week-to-week basis, here in David’s Blog on, in order to keep up with it. As you will see, the “Phobos is an artificial moon” story we covered a few weeks ago has also gained incredible new ‘legs’!
In order to follow the ‘Spiral’ part of the story, it’s important for you to go back and re-read Disclosure Endgame, where we covered the original Norway Spiral in detail.
Now, half a year later, we have exactly the same spiral phenomenon re-appearing — but with a new twist that makes it utterly impossible for it to be called a missile.
This is so new that the story is completely on an evolving basis. I have no idea how far this is going to go in the mainstream media yet — but it is very exciting!
I’ve already gotten bombarded with emails about it, so I’m sure it’s going to really get traction.
The above image is a forensic artist’s illustration of the spiral in Australia. The difference, again, is that this time it jumped all over the sky (emphasis added):
SIGHTINGS have been reported throughout the state’s southeast of a mysterious light travelling in an erratic fashion across the sky in the early morning hours.
Witnesses reported watching a ball of light move across the sky for up to five minutes at about 5.50am on Saturday.
“It was a perfect spiral of light,” one Redcliffe witness told The Sunday Mail.
“I realised soon it was not the moon but that it was shooting like a comet from the southern sky and off into the northwest.”
Another Brisbane resident said: “There was absolutely no sound in a perfectly clear, darkened sky before dawn.”
Police and search and rescue crews confirmed they had received calls from Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast about the UFO.
This spiral was witnessed by so many people in Australia that even at this early stage, just in time for the weekend when the world really needs some cheering up, that there are already other media outlets reporting it in more detail.
And interestingly, ABC gave us a photograph — which as you can see is effectively identical to the Norway Spiral:
This article goes into a lot more detail about how erratic this spiral’s maneuvers were — totally outside the behavior of a stray missile. And in just hours since they first posted it, we now have video at the below link as well!
The video is close-angle on the object, so it’s not clear whether the jerky movements are the Spiral itself or the camera — but hopefully other videos will follow that are taken from a fixed, static position.
This skeptic-friendly missile idea, of course, was how the mainstream media tried to explain away what happened in Norway, directly before Obama’s acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Can they pull it off again to explain this one? Hell no. As I said in David’s Blog, this is the manifestation of a war between insider factions — and it may be just about over.
The oil spill may actually be the tipping point we’ve been waiting for — as otherwise we’re probably going to see the whole East Coast of the United States wiped out for its oceans and beaches, not to mention all the high-value properties, which will have an irreversible effect upon the economy.
[Remember — I openly posted a dream where the New World Order guys would make one last, big attempt to destroy the Earth — but then there was an incredible manifestation in the sky, which in the dream was Mother Mary, who stopped it before it could truly ruin the planet.]
Among other details, we find out that this spiral was so big it was seen across three different states in Australia — New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT (emphasis added):
People across New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT say they were startled this morning by a huge white light moving across the sky.
Canberra resident James Butcher says he was driving home from a night out with his brother when they spotted the “strange spiral light in the sky”.
“It had a distinct bright centre, much like a bright star, indicating an object shedding light trails, spiralling and fattening out from it,” he said.
“The effect lasted only two or three minutes, moving and descending quickly out of view.
“The colour was yellowish but this may have been blurred and tinted by the morning fog.”
Wollongong man Eddie Wise says he also saw the light during his morning walk just before 6:00am.
He says he has never seen anything like it.
“It was like a yellowish, greenish light with a light spiral around it,” he said.
“It sort of moved around, bobbed up and down and then it went behind a cloud.
“I’m just amazed. I want to know what it was.”
A caller to the ABC, Robyn, says she saw the phenomenon from her home on Sydney’s north shore just before 6:00am.
She says it was over within two minutes.
“There was this white light up in the sky like a huge revolving moon,” Robyn said.
“At first I thought it was the moon but it was travelling so fast, high up above the eastern horizon and twirling as it went.
“It was just amazing and to be quite frank, I was quite frightened and my heart’s still pounding.”
Queensland Sightings
A number of people from Morayfield and Caboolture in Queensland have reported that they too saw a white light in the sky about 5:50am.
“It was just the one light. I just came home from my walk and I happened to look up in the sky, and here it was racing across the sky,” Linda told 612 ABC Brisbane.
“I bashed on the window for my husband to have a look and he flew out.
“It was spectacular.”
Linda described the light as like a lollipop swirl.
She says the light came from the west and was headed east, out to sea.
“It was just unreal. There was a cloud in the sky – just this light with a swirl in the middle,” she said.
Peter, from Balmoral, says he saw the light while he was on a ferry terminal on the Brisbane River.
“It certainly had that lollipop-type swirl … but it was travelling low and fairly fast, and as it went past me and I looked up, it looked like a row of lights, maybe four lights,” he said.
Denise, at Pine Mountain, told ABC radio in Brisbane that she saw the lights shortly before 6:00am.
“I got up at about 5:45 to let my horse out of his stable … and I saw this coming from a north-west direction towards the south-east,” she said.
“There was no noise. It was like bands of ribbon coming out of it and it looked like it was coming through a cloud, yet there were no clouds.”
An astronomer says space junk or meteors are the most likely explanations for the UFO sightings.
Right… Space junk. You’ve gotta love the stray skeptical nonsense thrown in for comic relief… he may as well have said “Swamp Gas!”
Ironically, this skeptic’s explanation was
so ridiculous that when I went back and
checked the same link again, they had ‘updated’ the article by deleting that quote entirely. Nonetheless, here’s the proof that it was originally there:
After I posted this article the first time — and we’re only talking 30 minutes here — I found out about yet another mainstream media link to this sighting.
In this case the video is even better than the other one, because you hear the people watching it in awe and amazement — and you see it move behind trees, which would substantially increase the difficulty of hoaxing it.
And — can you believe it — they’re actually trying to go with the ‘rocket’ story again! (Emphasis added):
Scores of people across Australia’s east coast say they saw bizarre yellow-green light zooming across the sky “like a lollipop swirl” early this morning.
It is not clear what the light was although there is speculation it may have been the Falcon 9 rocket which launched into space yesterday.
The light trail was seen between 5.45am and 6am by people in Canberra, Sydney’s north shore and Queensland, ABC News reports.
PHOTOS: Spiralling ‘UFO’ seen over Australia
Several ninemsn readers said they saw the mystery light.
“It was moving west to east with a jumbled electronic sound,” Jim White said.
Hayley Farry said she and a group of friends saw the light while out jogging.
“It was really weird, like nothing else I had ever seen before,” Ms Farry said.
“We were trying to guess what it may have been, we were convinced it certainly was not normal.”
ABC Radio Brisbane 612 caller Linda said the light travelled from the west, headed east and then out to sea.
“There wasn’t a cloud in the sky — just this light with a swirl in the middle,” she said.
Another caller said there was no noise in the sky as the light passed over.
“It was like bands of ribbon coming out of it and it looked like it was coming through a cloud, yet there were no clouds,” she said.
Canberra local James Butcher said the light had a bright centre that resembled a star.
“The colour was yellowish but this may have been blurred and tinted by the morning fog,” Mr Butcher said.
The Falcon 9 rocket, which launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida yesterday, went into low-Earth orbit just nine minutes after blast off.
Rocket? Give me a break. Read the other articles. It was jumping all over the sky, this way and that. Missiles can’t do that. This is not a missile.
I just called Richard C. Hoagland on the phone and he told me I was the fourth person to literally call him simultaneously.
We’re going to have a conference about this tonight, but between this and the next amazing piece of information you’re about to read below, we now have every reason to believe that some very big and very positive things are about to happen, and we need to prepare for it as best we can.
I really do think we’re going to see some action very soon. In fact, over two months ago, one insider told me the exact window of time we’re in right now would represent a substantial event — though I wasn’t told exactly what would happen.
This spiral event fits in perfectly with what I was told.
I did not publicize this in advance because I had a “wait and see” attitude about it, but this latest ‘rocketing spiral’ happened only 3 days before the time window I was told, of June 7-8th.
I have reason to believe this event is what I was told would happen, as the only clue the insider gave me as to what it might be came in a pun: “something ‘rocketing’ will come forward… [as of June 7-8th]… it has to,” which at the time didn’t make a lot of sense.
Now I get it.
The other very significant advance that happened this week (May 28th) is the Daily Galaxy, a mainstream media science blog, actually covered the “artificial moon hypothesis” regarding Phobos — and quoted Hoagland’s site directly!
Remember — writing about it as if it were funny is a way to break people into the truth where they don’t feel threatened. (Emphasis added):
Mars’ Moon Phobos has been analyzed as being one-third hollow according to European Space Agency reports, which has triggered some wild and utterly fascinating rumors and speculation that we’ve featured below.
From “The Phobos Blog” — published on March 25th: General, Science 25 March, 2010 17:21
Radio science result from 2008 Phobos Flyby now accepted for publication:
We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos.
We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid.
For a Martian moon that is demonstrably “1/3 hollow” … as measured by two totally independent space programs, and separated by ~20 years … under any likely astrophysical formation scenario cannot exist as just a “natural” moon.
The MARSIS radar imaging experiment — according to “inside” ESA sources recounted “a Phobos’ interior filled with ‘cavernous, geometric rooms … right-angle walls … and floors — detectable via the semi-regular ‘structure of the returning, interior radar echoes …’ as they were impressed upon the reflected MARSIS signals ….'”
MARSIS was physically seeing (via this radar) a three-dimensional, totally artificial, interior world … within Phobos; and a “reflection void interior geometry” … which correlated eerily with the earlier (lower-resolution) Phobos “interior gravity tracking data ….”
No natural “space rock” could possibly possess such an enormous range of “natural radar absorbers and reflectors”; nothing “natural” could reflect (or absorb) EM energy that way across so many orders of magnitude.
In other words — the MARSIS radar reflections officially published on the official ESA Phobos website… contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly “supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside ‘a huge … geometric … hollow spaceship’
In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly “internal, 3-D geometric-looking” radar signature.
The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments — “imaging” … “internal mass distribution” (tracking) … and “internal radar imaging” — now agreed that “the interior of Phobos is ‘partially hollow … with internal, geometric “voids” inside it ….'”
Meaning that- Phobos is artificial.
Strangely, the Daily Galaxy did not drop this story — in fact, only five days later they added to it, and posted a newer, sexier and much longer and more detailed version as of June 3rd — just one day before the Australia Spiral!
Are you seeing a pattern developing here? We seem to be spiraling in towards a very real answer!
Here’s a screen capture of the post from their site:

Yes… we now have mainstream media writing up the same information two times in five days — boldly putting out the idea that “Phobos is a 1.5-mile-long, extremely ancient and battered spacecraft!”
Remember — this is what the folks at ESA told Hoagland they had found. They also made it clear that they could use his help to bring this information out to the world. Now we’re seeing them make good on that promise, apparently, with such bold attention being paid to it in the Daily Galaxy.
Check this out (emphasis added):
Some of the more fascinating, and wild speculative theories swirling around the Phobos Grunt Mission at sites like see it as “the single most important scientific mission in the history of the past half-century of modern solar system exploration ….
With Phobos as an ancient solar system relic from an extraordinarly distant, pre-human, apparently solar-system-wide ancient high-tech civilization.
One that could ultimately turn out to be directly related to our own.”
It is expected that Earth-based ESA stations will take part in controlling Phobos-Grunt, receiving telemetry and making trajectory measurements, including implementation of very long-baseline interferometry (VLBI).
This cooperation is realized on the basis of the agreement on collaboration of the Russian Federal Space Agency and ESA in the framework of the Phobos-Grunt and ExoMars projects (see post above).
In the late 1950s and 1960s, the unusual orbital characteristics of Phobos led to speculations that it might be hollow.
Around 1958, Russian astrophysicist Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky, studying the secular acceleration of Phobos’ orbital motion, suggested a “thin sheet metal” structure for Phobos, a suggestion which led to speculations that Phobos was of artificial origin.
Shklovsky based his analysis on estimates of the upper Martian atmosphere’s density, and deduced that for the weak braking effect to be able to account for the secular acceleration, Phobos had to be very light.
The density of Phobos has now been directly measured by spacecraft to be 1.887 g/cm³,[4] which is inconsistent with a hollow shell.
In addition, images obtained by the Viking probes in the 1970s clearly showed a natural object, not an artificial one, and the “hollow Phobos” speculations have been relegated to the status of a historical curiosity.
However, mapping by the Mars Express probe and subsequent volume calculations do suggest the possible presence of vast caverns within the moon and indicate that it is not a solid chunk of rock but a porous body instead.
The porosity of Phobos was calculated to be 30% ± 5%, or a quarter to a third of the moon being hollow, likely in the form of large voids.
In a July 22, 2009 interview with C-Span U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin said:
“We should go boldly where man has not gone before. Fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit Phobos, a moon of Mars.
There’s a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours.
When people find out about that they’re going to say ‘Who put that there? Who put that there?’ The universe put it there.”
Fascinating! It’s a wonderful gift to be laboring in the vineyards for so many years, and to finally see these two events happening at the same time.
I have told you for some time that this was on the way, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that this is not mere speculation.
It’s not channeling, not pseudoscience, and not delusional fantasy.
The truth is very simple: we are not alone.
We are being prepared to enter a galactic community of human beings much like us. This is what all the 2012 prophecies are about.
I’m not spending a lot of time writing about UFOs in the book, because by the time you get it in your hot little hands this October or thereabouts, it may already be a moot point.
Another very satisfying new development for me is that we had a meeting about CONVERGENCE as of Thursday, and in so doing we’ve nailed the ending of the film — and are now expecting a “final first draft” within 2-3 weeks.
I got the first 79 pages earlier this week and they are utterly superb. I did not see any pages prior to this point for the entire year and a half we’ve been developing this project — but it was totally worth the wait!
In fact, Jim Hart, who has worked with Spielberg, Zemeckis and Coppola, wrote the Disclosure film CONTACT, and is in development with other very significant players I cannot yet name, told me he feels CONVERGENCE is now the best script he’s ever written.
And honestly, I can see why.
The ending came to us in a flash of insight, started by a suggestion Jim’s writing partner Amanda Welles had made earlier in an email to him, which I only saw right then as she got the idea to forward me the letter in our meeting at her house Thursday.
Within less than a minute, I realized that her idea could be adapted and modified to become the big ending we were looking for. And then once that flashed in, an equally poignant scene came in along with it that makes the ending even stronger and more amazing.
The chills were making the hairs stand up on our arms as we thought it all through — and when I left the meeting and started my car, the odometer was at 84333. I immediately photographed it and ran back in to show them that “the coordinates are set!”
Now we’re in a space where we have an asset that we can begin using to attract major players. We’re looking at the very, very top directors and actors to be involved in this film, though I won’t name any names at this point, and with Jim’s connections we can literally access anyone we want.
Furthermore, there are at least three different major sources of financing, from three different countries, that could allow us to meet our budgetary needs.
However, in the very short term, there is still an opportunity for you to get involved as an investor, if you are interested, with a 10K minimum buy-in.
The last time we offered this, we had an overwhelming response. And that’s due to the credibility and trust I’ve built with you, week after week, for all these years.
This is the last time we will ever be able to offer a low-cost film investment in this project. We really only need a small additional amount to resolve our contracts, pay legal fees and be prepared to do the requisite schmoozing necessary to get this film into production!
You will work directly through me if you become an investor in this project, and given the volatility in the markets, it’s not a bad idea right now. I just dissolved my little IRA account (long story) because I don’t want any of my money hanging out in the stock / securities markets at this time.
If you would like to be involved, send me an email through our website form by clicking on the words “Contact Us” at the top of this page, and then filling in the form. Let me know how much you are ready to invest and I will get back in touch with you either way.
The success of ‘Avatar’ bodes very well for a film like this — and until I finally saw pages this week, I really had no idea how amazing the film would really be. I am impressed beyond my very wildest expectations. It brings up some impatience, because I want to see this film in theaters now!
To then be able to help sculpt the ending in real time, and write some of the script pages myself, (can’t go into detail,) is incredible.
I must say that to have my life’s work realized into a film this intense and powerful is an honor I can’t even articulate in words.
We expect that the team we have created is going to be responsible for a variety of influential pieces of media — this is just the beginning!
Thank you for your ongoing support in helping us get the word out.
Despite the incredible quality and power of our work, the Los Angeles conference is still only seeing a fairly small number of attendees. Given how things usually go in terms of the loads, this is probably going to be our smallest, most intimate conference yet.
[We should still break even at this point, but I won’t make anything from this conference unless more ticket sales will come in between now and the event. I’m happy to do it either way!]
So, if you sign up for it, you will almost certainly get to speak with me for more than just a few fleeting moments — and the information I will be sharing is going to rock!
It’s always interesting to watch the threads of synchronicity intertwining the people who do actually go to the events. The networking is one of the most interesting and powerful aspects of these conferences, and that’s why we leave breaks long enough for you to get to know each other!
Mark your calendar — it begins Friday, June 25th at the Westin Hotel near the big LAX Airport!
As for my vacation plans, I intend to actually head out and do something fun once I finish the book, which will hopefully be in a week.
After all this time, I am most definitely ready for a genuine vacation, and that’s part of why I sold the little IRA! I’m cleared for takeoff!
The Disclosure story is fascinating to watch, and the synchronicities in my own life have become very powerful in how they coincide with the real-world data that is going on.
I hope you are as inspired by these possibilities as I am. We don’t know when or how this is all going to finally break, but I have very strong reason to believe it will — and when it does, it’s going to be the most legendary event in recorded human history.
As of this Sunday night, we should be ready to launch a new product: Wanderer Awakening Select. This is my epic ‘metaphysical musical’ that teaches you the critical steps you need to learn in relationships with others and in transcending the Ego, so as to clear your slate and access the Higher Self.
There are a total of 25 songs on Wanderer Awakening where I’m singing, as well as 25 songs that have voice-over narration in them that tell this epic, two-and-a-half-hour metaphysical story.
Don’t forget that Larry is a nine-time Grammy winning musician, producer and engineer, a phenomenal guitar player (one of his Grammys was for a guitar solo,) and has been involved in multi-platinum-selling projects. He feels, without reservation, that Wanderer Awakening represents his finest work.
I personally am blown away by what we accomplished — I could have never possibly imagined I’d be able to create music that sounded this great! I would love to hear acts coming out from the mainstream music industry at this time that have production values like we achieved in this record.
Given the economy, and the fact that so many of you order our 17.99 product, we’ve decided to do something unprecedented for this music collection.
We’re going to put out 17 of the vocal songs on the record, in order of how they appear in the story — and offer it to you for 17.99, right in line with conventional Itunes / Amazon price points for recorded music.
That way we are making it far easier for you to jump in and access these timeless classics we created. There is no question that this will change your overall experience of this site and our work. It’s the first time that I’ve ever worked on a music project that I wanted to keep listening to, over and over again, once I finished it.
I personally designed the Select collection, picked the 17 songs, and insured that the whole thing fits onto one CD if you want to burn a copy of it.
Listening to it in this order really made it come alive again for me — and I could see this version of the album opening our work to many, many more people in the future!
Best of all, the 17.99 will act as a credit towards any of the other versions if you later wish to upgrade. The eight other vocal songs that are not on Wanderer Awakening Select are still quite good. Some of the ‘cuts’ were very hard for me to make.
Nonetheless, many of the best songs appear in this collection. Every single one of them is ‘strong’ in my opinion and stands on its own as a great piece of music.
By offering your 17.99 as a credit, if you get interested, you can ‘upgrade’ and hear the full two-and-a-half-hour musical.
I can’t wait for you to hear this music, as I am extremely proud of it and want you to be able to enjoy it as well!
Hits: 165,734
I’m seeing some posts on the Canadian spiral hoax.
I would like to inform you all, that the weather space team investigated the location from which that video was filmed once they had the address of the sender.
They did this via Google street maps, and found that it was Florida USA, not Canada.
Why would any one try and deceive everyone of the location unless they were trying to cover up something.
The YouTube video with all the Google street map evidence has already been removed.
Amazement: Leading Bilderbergers leave office
It is interesting that two important German politicians and Bilderbergers resigned most recently.
They are Germany’s president Horst Köhler, once the head of IMF, and Roland Koch, conservative President of the German state Hesse.
Koch is listed as recent Bilderberg attendant, as provided by the shadowy institution’s secretary in the Netherlands.
Köhler, who resigned his post as reprentative head of state, took part at least once, possibly more times (I don’t have the data available right now.)
It is still discussed why both have resigned so abruptly, without apparent and particularly striking reasons.
Alternative media suggests that Köhler is needed for something else, probably for deals with China, so that he was somehow ‘inclined’ to resign.
Koch, on the other hand, was supposedly advised to leave because of his criticism of the Euro-policy.
Or did they just jump off the ship to save their skins 😉
Be that as it may, this could be a sign of some changes going on. Let’s be aware of funny resignations.
I want to write something regarding synchronicity – specially numbers.
After I’ve watched one of David’s videos I was amazed by the fact that we should pay closer attention to our thoughts and information we get after we see a specific number on the clocks (etc.) e.g. 11:11, 12:12 …
It sometimes have happened to me before but I didn’t pay attention to those numbers. After I’ve watched David’s video those numbers started to show to me very (VERY) often.
At the moment I can see them more then 10 times per day and sometimes even more than 20 e.g. 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 12:21, 14:41 etc.
I want to add that I do not look at the clock more often than before and I’m sure everybody is getting this kind of synchronicity very often now.
Sometimes I think that I can see more those number then normal ones 😉 (yeah I know this is also called paranoia 😉 but I can assure you all that I’m more than fine 😀
Peace & love to you all 🙂
I got some good news from my higher self on the disclosure front.
Another disclosure dream (that’s 4 in 2 months!) where not only do i see thousands of spaceships in the sky, this time people aren’t so afraid.
One even came down and communicated telepathically with me as i was meditating (in the dream) and told me to eat foods from the ground and not of the flesh.
Lastly, there was a part when Obama was going into this huge garage-like building followed by about a dozen flying saucers and I’m there watching him, really excited about what is taking place.
I then look over and see Arnold Schwarzenegger with a very sinister look on his face.
He reaches into his pocket as if to pull out a gun but……it was just a banana!!
He looks very disappointed and I continue cheering with the rest of the crowd who came to see Obama with the ETs.
In my opinion, this is the best sign that disclosure is really coming and however it may try to be stopped, it cannot be.
It is inevitable.
If anyone has had any similar dreams, post them if you feel like it would help everyone else keep hope alive.
Universal Love,
Your music is fantastic, I hope David listens to it, it would make great background music while David orates meditation. Very soothing and relaxing.
I would like to add some information and forecast of the near future, or now.
So, as a disclaimer, a forecast is just an analysis of information that we all have currently agreed upon, but as we all may suspect; we can feel time as it is accelerating at a new psychological pace and into a new space.
I have a theory on the significance of the spirals; it’s a simple one that I am sure many, many people may share as well.
Crop circles have been representative of the earth, of our long term schooling in 3 dimensionality.
The spirals in the sky represent a new level of ethereal acknowledgment, but as we come into psychological and spiritual attunement of this we will realize it has always been going on; the perceived delay was interpreted as, “we simply weren’t ready, nor did we want or need any time before now.”
So, to get to the point of what I want to say. The shapes in the sky will possibly take on greater complexities which would be graduations from the crop circles.
As David and many others have forecasted, the next arena we will enter into will be what is perceived as super human abilities.
This is all a reflection of our selves, for whatever reason we agreed on this amnesia- which I personally get so frustrated about.
It’s like asking oneself, “Why did I cut my hand off, as I wander around aimlessly, looking for a purpose to use my missing hand?”
I have been spending some time looking at things and asking to myself, “Can I really make it float, can I make it lift, can I make a call someone without a phone…why not?”
(Can I or ‘may’ I?)
The problem is I forgot almost everything immediately after I woke up.
At the end of my dream I’ve regain my conciousness (lucid dream) and first thing I’ve started to do was writing down all the information that I’ve received (inside the dream 😉 – of course very quickly I understood that this is pointless so I’ve started to repeat everything in my (concious) mind inside the dream – but it didn’t help…
After I woke up my mind was almost immediately cleaned out.
After I made my previous post I’ve recall some interesting information regarding healing nature of LED devices (I heard about this on Argusoog Radio – Watermen Files – 2010.05.14).
I had this thought because I didn’t understand how we can change a colour of light using sound – and now I think (of course I can be wrong) that maybe we can connect sound to light using some device (e.g. LED)..
..and my idea is to connect healing nature of LED devices with sound.
If you connect specific colours to specific sound tones and lets say connect sound peach to LED brightness (or something else) and after that you play specific harmonic tune – maybe healing power could be even stronger for human body by this technique? I don’t know..
I thought about LED device, because in my dream I’ve changed colour of the light of small candles from yellow/red to blue (which now I think looked very similar to LED diodes).
I also remember that in my dream I thought about specific machine that generates some kind of sound (maybe light and sound) so it can look similar to solarium machine but can heal human body 😉
p.s. I’ve also received information inside the dream regarding something not known to me regarding my brother’s girlfriend which I’ve confirmed later asking my brother about this 🙂
So maybe that was a confirmation for me that the dream was not a total BS 😉
p.s.2 Paul, I’ve saw your Youtube channel and I have to say that you are very talented musician 🙂 I’m also a “musician” (just my hobby) – you can hear my music on my website 🙂
Hi David,
This is all so interesting. I’ve wanted to post this several times because nobody ever mentions it, but last November similar clouds were seen over the Salt Lake City/Ogden mountains after a crazy “meteor” lit up the night sky effectively turning night into day.
I remember waking up that morning to let my dogs out(before I knew about the meteor fly over) and I saw the strangest looking clouds above the mountains.
I wish I had been awake enough to snap a picture. Someone else did and here is a link to the picture.
My view of the clouds was much more dramatic that what this picture shows, but someone else posted a video of the Canadian spiral and that’s exactly what they looked like here in Utah.
There are too many of these things happening in too short of a time period for it not to be something more than natural phenomenon:
im so glad this oil spill is happening, not happy with the fact that its pouting our earth even more then it already is, but these guys are on there toes and its no accident/coincidence that this is happening to them..
the longer it lasts, the closer we are to the government releasing new technologies to us that we can all benefit from, that they never previously released due to it will replace a lot of their existing technology that can cause there profits to plummet, its going to get to the point to where they don’t have a choice but to have to make this move.
and of course soon flowing after will be a formal disclosure. we have been patiently waiting. and our patients will be greatly rewarded.
Hi David!
I just had a dream last night that Disclosure was about to happen and I saw a bunch of human-like ET’s with smiles on their faces in a large room or auditorium.
And I also dreamt of David teaching and talking to a small group of people including myself.
I am so encouraged by this latest news!
Thanks for all your hard work and keeping us informed!
And there goes the euro…
perhaps a nitpick, but just because the spiral may have been generated by on-the-ground technology and on-the-ground beings does not preclude that they were ET beings using ET technology that they brought to or built on-planet.
David has shared that ET’s often appear almost identical to the earthborn humans. Both/and is usually an optional interpretation.
As an addendum to the Becker-Hagens grid feat on ‘2012 Event Horizon’: the ancient Ural fortress Arkaim aka ‘the Russian Stonehenge'(Russia’s strongest anomaly zone) is placed precisely on one of these nodes, here’s the link to the Pravda article in English:
Note: I’ve updated my previous post to include the clickable links… I know what a pain that can be to view otherwise. Thanks!
Richard C. Hoagland appeared briefly in the first half hour to comment on several news stories, including the successful launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket (link), potential signs of life on Saturn’s moon Titan (link), a new Jupiter impact captured on video (link), and the BP oil spill.
Hoagland suggested the massive spill could be eradicated using oil-eating microbes in a process called bioremediation, and encouraged listeners to e-mail the White House recommending this approach.
You can learn about the oil-eating microbes Richard C. Hoagland mentions in this video.
Also, join FaceBook’s 1 Million People Who Support Using “Oil Eating” Microbes in the Gulf
Lastly, on Coast to Coast AM, David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, energy, and the hidden codes in the Universe, as well as how sunspot activity is affecting the Earth.
George Noory mentions David Wilcock. Fascinating interview.
Best Wishes!
X-files episode, alien asked where he was from he immediately says “mars…or a little left of it”.
Is this Phobos…thanks David and crew for the positive update…love to you all!!
@ Digital
Very interesting comment about sound waves, would love to hear more about this, you might be interested in my YouTube channel perhaps. it’s PaulFromStokeUK
Paul 🙂
Remember what C S Lewis wrote at the end of Out of the Silent Planet:
“If we could just get a small percentage of people to stop calling it SPACE and start calling it heaven…”
because, of course, it is filled with life, admittedly not all of it organic, but that’s another story.
It is only ironic that you now repeat the same perspective that Lewis took over 50 years ago – the siege will not last forever.
Ooops, sorry, guess that link for a free version of The Wailing Asteroid is no longer valid. You can still get it from Amazon, though.
I should have checked first, feel free to edit my original post.
Exciting times, thanks for the encouraging update, David!
When I was a kid, a favorite book that my brother and I shared was “The Wailing Asteroid” by Murray Leinster, a pulp fiction writer of the 50’s.
Great story about an independent engineering type, who keeps having the same dream from his childhood about a hollow asteroid, a star gate and two moons that began after he slept next to a strange, small cube that his uncle gave him that had been found in some caves.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the planet begins receiving a repeating signal from space that triggers more memories..
he reconstructs a drive unit from a weapon in his dreams, that powers a ship he builds with his buddies and his secretary, and on and on…
great story, and many interesting parallels with Phobos, pre-history, star gates, etc.
It’s online for free, although it’s better if you can hold the paperback in your hands ( I still have mine.)
Here’s the link for anyone interested… fun reading, the good guys win, and some interesting insights from a pulp fiction story written 50 years ago:
Have fun, all!
To Volta 1: its not that its happening more often, its just that your looking for it all the time and you just notice it now
There are several hoax videos of the Western Canada Spiral, but tell me what you think of this one:
It is very different from the other videos, the biggest difference being that it does not look CGI like the others.
It is also different than the other spirals, but it had that curious zig zag pattern in it.
Let me know what you think. I don’t think this particular video is a hoax.
-Carson from Spokane
all of a sudden there is all kinds of spiral sitings through out the world.
WOW i just got a sync wile i typed this (5:55PM)
any ways i guess its safe to assume that some of these sightings are fake and others are not. any and all comments are welcomed.
-truth,love, and knowledge
I thought I would share a spontaneous journal entry on the Norway Spiral that I wrote a few weeks back.
I discussed this spiral with my nephews, who thougt it surely was manmade, but left minds open for joint venture with messengers.
A n g e l s o n L a n d
Unearthly sound unknown skin-surround technology inside
Arrived intact relaxed on cosmic wax no attack fact
Spiral messages so blue for you not adieu–hello monsieur
Concentric patterns galactic taverns adrift with spiritual gifts
In all spaces and times this wine Divine sent to let the light shine
On sleeping children’s minds showing new kinds of knowing
From the center of blackness signs attract the masses God practices exactness
Enter Winter in America Haita in quaking disaster awakening the master’s master
The giant breast that protects the rest of aching humanity like a waking nanny dream
Replacing nightmares of millennial madness assessing the state of spiritual sadness
Uncovering the rest of ensouled secrets bound to reveal Man within Jesus
A martyr for glorious sins in the name of men so wars shall end when angels
Descend on land again heal the Earth midwife rebirth enlighten our worth remove our curse
Lift the veils so darkness no longer entails deception of our DNA trail that deep sixes
Man-made tales and pseudo-histories and a fake Holy Grail that omits sacred helixes
Templates of heaven beamed to Eden with reverent compassion for ascension awaits as this Stargate
Aims to embrace the human race with intelligent grace to truthfully face its original fate
And see the joy on Creator’s face as we embrace the Love imbibe the light learn our place
This human race in third density space can with its hand reach out again to accept the plan
For God to reunite with Man
1- are you saying these spirals are ‘other’ or man-made via harrp?
2- are you saying that their very presence is a sign of ‘disclosure’ or that it is the source disclosing themselves?
has it not been established that this spiral is a man-made fake?
there seems to be conflicting statements all over including the videos you comment on dave, no offence
2+1= yet another 3
And I bet David was shivering his timbers when he took that photo…lol.
last night my girlfriend and i watched an episode of X-files (i belive we are in the 6th season).
the episode was about an african-american baseball player that was an alien in the form of a human.
he is discovered by a friendly security guard who eventually ask were he is from and the alien/human immediately answers: “mars…or a little left of it”
the episode also mention the roswell incident in 1947 (19.5 or 19.47) 😉
……we are here folks….thank you all, you included David and crew.
you helped cheer up a energy zapping day! or perhaps just upgrading!!! peace from all this chaos….great time to be alive
I’m happy to hear you will be taking a genuine vacation. You deserve it my friend! Thank you for all that you do 😉
Maybe this is the precursor to a ‘Project Bluebeam’ kind of thing. Maybe not.
Whatever happens will be what happens. I am hoping for peace, but if you’ve been out amongst the sheeple you’ve seen that very few of them are even aware of this stuff.
Those of us that are would be considered ‘the fringe.’
There are over 300 million people in the U.S. What percentage, REALISTICALLY, do you reckon have any clue about any of this?
Go London! {Reign of Fire}
Here is an article claiming the spiral was a rocket!!
Love and Light,
Wow great article once again David.
I would just like to mention that we have had some strange weather in Sydney Australia the past week or two with a low pressure system hovering just off the coast.
There has been reports of water spouts and twister like formations over coastline areas as well.
Sydney is roughly in the middle of Brisbane and the ACT so im thinking that this weather may be a possible effect of the spiral seen by a large number of people?
Time will tell.
It is also interesting that the spiral’s timing corresponds with the Bildeberg meeting in Spain.
There has been some incredibly positive news coming out of this year’s Bildeberg meeting as reported by Charlie Skelton who blogs for the Guardian, in which (protesters) or rather, lobbyist for freedom were chanting to the police-
“There are brains under your helmets, and hearts under your badges,” and one of the police officers broke rank and told his colleagues, “I just can’t do this.”
This is incredible news and it may be just the beginning of a massive tide of peaceful resistance which will lead to a better world in which we will truly be ready for peaceful interaction with our galactic ancestors.
People are waking up and I expect to see this occurring on larger and more prolific scales.
It would be incredible to see a true and independent investigation into 911 along with disclosure, so we shall see.
I am very excited to say the least.
Onething on the 5th mentioned something about David’s thermometer.
Strange that the temperature is the only number on the scale that’s an exact match to -40 Centigrade.
David, I wish I could have donated more than $25.00, but I’m unemployed. Your $000000 worth it.
If those spirals in both Norway and Australia were caused by HAARP, I do get worried. See 😥
David your previous blog on fear-porn helped to ease my mind.
Thanks for the update David, it is much appreciated.
Enjoy your well deserved vacation!
Heather, how about this one:
The answers are within not without! 🙂
Dear David,
Thank you for the update; I know the jubilee is close, and I trust in your guidance; after all, I’ve been following your writing for over 35 years.
I am trusting in my higher power’s guidance, as you have suggested recently. The spiral, and all the happenings are exciting and hopeful to me.
I had watched the Fulford-Rense interview last week (twice actually).
Last Mon night, I had a powerful dream, and I knew right away what it meant. I hope you don’t mind my sharing it.
I was in a forest in a beautiful contemporary house with my children and Benjamin Fulford.
I remember feeling safe, feeling great love and admiration for him.
I walked outside to the lake, and started to slip down an embankment, where I saw an enormous brown snake below me, and I was very worried.
As I started to fall, a cream colored snake was coming directly at me, at a very fast pace.
Just as it was upon me, it heard the commotion of the dark snake below.
The white snake let out a huge roaring hiss, and dropped down to engage in battle.
I am terrified of snakes, but when I awoke, I knew it was a good dream, and it was a message that we are being protected.
Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice. You are always in my prayers. Enjoy your well deserved vacation.
Richard C. Hoagland appeared briefly in the first half hour to comment on several news stories, including the successful launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket (link), potential signs of life on Saturn’s moon Titan (link), a new Jupiter impact captured on video (link), and the BP oil spill.
Hoagland suggested the massive spill could be eradicated using oil-eating microbes in a process called bioremediation, and encouraged listeners to e-mail the White House recommending this approach.
You can learn about the oil-eating microbes Richard C. Hoagland mentions in this video.
Also, join FaceBook’s 1 Million People Who Support Using “Oil Eating” Microbes in the Gulf
Lastly, on Coast to Coast AM, David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, energy, and the hidden codes in the Universe, as well as how sunspot activity is affecting the Earth.
George Noory mentions David Wilcock. Fascinating interview.
Best Wishes!
This is very exciting!
I think everyone is feeling that we are approaching some kind of crescendo and that the old ways are no longer working.
Even people with no political interests are agreeing that something is very odd in the handling of the oil mess and that they may be trying to kill us!
David mentioned in an earlier blog that matters seemed to shift in a positive manner after Michael Jackson’s death on June 25th of last year.
David had a predictive dream about Michael Jackson prior to his death in which Michael told him he would one day be bigger than MJ.
True to his vision, last June 25th, David’s movie on 2012 was unexpectedly the No. 1 video on Youtube. I don’t believe this is a coincidence.
As some of you know, MJ made an oblique reference to 2012 in the movie This Is It when he said we had four years to get it right or it would be irreversible.
Last month, Ben Fulford made mention that Michael Jackson was one of those celebrity insiders that was on the good side. Rense, the interviewer, changed the subject and never returned to it.
I have spent hours of research and have concluded that Michael Jackson is not dead and that he is working behind the scenes to defeat the NWO.
Many of us in the hoax community speculate that his return is imminent. Could this be the big event that everyone is feeling?
After all, if there is an ‘announcement,’ what more recognizable name than MJ who has powerful friends all around the world, not to mention millions of fans.
This may sound crazy to people who have not followed this hoax from the inception, but I would encourage anyone with interest to check out some of the many hoax videos on Youtube.
Excellent blog as usual Dave, I resonate with everything you say and also do agree that disclosure will happen, just not too sure when..
I will be purchasing the Wanderer Awakening this week!
Heather, I agree with you, It really does look like the dark cabal is collapsing at a very fast pace.
I think we are on the verge of a paradigm shift.. 😉