For at least the last 85 years, Pyramid scholars have predicted 2010 as the year “the bottom falls out of the world” — but this is a necessary trigger for a coming Golden Age. Historical events are now unfolding in real time, validating ancient prophecies!
If you haven’t yet watched our new release, 2012 Event Horizon, I recommend it — as I give valuable information in the video that I’m not going to reiterate here, due to time constraints.
Suffice it to say that in 1864, Piazzi Smyth discovered a key alignment involving the Great Pyramid, where the former pole-star Alpha Draconis shined down to the bottom of the Descending Passage while Alcyone of the Pleiades was directly overhead — in about 2170 BC. (It was later corrected to 2141 BC.)
Pyramid researcher Robert Menzies had already theorized that the passages within the Great Pyramid were a “Message in Stone,” conveying historical information.
After finding out about Smyth’s alignment, Menzies expected to find a marker inside the Descending Passage that would indicate where you would begin counting a hypothetical timeline, expressed in Pyramid Inches.
Sure enough, Smyth noticed that the “Scored Lines” fit the intended description very nicely. And once you began counting “one inch equals one year” from this point, all sorts of highly noteworthy events in history jump out as key points where the passages change.
What’s so cool about Pyramid Inches is there are exactly 500 million of them in the diameter of the Earth from the North Pole, through the center, to the South Pole. They amount to 1.00106 British inches in length.
Therefore, it appears the Pyramid’s designer scaled everything to the natural measurements of the Earth in a very precise manner.
Even well-meaning and polite readers of my material often have trouble believing in the Pyramid Timeline, so I’ve gone significantly out of my way to strengthen the Pyramid data in my upcoming book 2012 Enigma: Blueprints for a Golden Age, which should be available as of late this Fall.
I must admit that the complexity of this section of the book has been nothing short of staggering to work on — but my forte is writing it up in such a way that it doesn’t feel difficult to read.
I should finish the entire Pyramid section today and move on to much easier parts to write, since I’ve been dealing with them much longer and their data has already been outlined and structured in much more detail.
To be perfectly honest with you, it is very difficult to tear myself away from this intense of a creative process in order to update you as to what is going on — but events are happening so rapidly now that I cannot content myself with letting weeks go by without new posts.
Let me be clear that I am not doing this to appease people who write in and complain. I’m doing this because I genuinely don’t want you to suffer needlessly as you watch these events unfolding.
As the oil disaster has mushroomed in scope, I found something I had forgotten about: namely the year 2010 is directly flagged in the Pyramid Timeline as the year where “the bottom will fall out of the world.”
If you look at a diagram of the internal passages of the Pyramid, and look at the Subterranean Chamber, there is an area that dips lower than the others that is called the ‘Pit.’
The lowest depth of the Pit begins in the year 2010. This was openly predicted in Lemesurier’s 1977 book as the year where the materialistic world would reach the full extent of its visible collapse — to help usher in a mass awakening.
The events that are now happening show us that we are indeed living through those prophecies.
We’ve had a few downright vicious letters come in, as if this oil disaster somehow invalidates everything we’ve been saying about where we are all heading as a planet.
I do understand and empathize with you if this disaster is really freaking you out. Let’s not forget that there are so many diverse prophecies relating to 2012 that we absolutely SHOULD expect that things will get really intense as we head into this time.
That’s part of the script that we’re going through.
The script is intended to create a mass awakening.
The greater reality is that our entire experience of life on Earth is ultimately a grand illusion, whose purpose is to awaken us to the basic importance of loving and respecting each other.
Therefore, I believe the high-level ET Management permitted this disaster to occur. It very likely is an inside job by the wounded lion of the New World Order, slashing at everything around him in his final death throes.
Why, you ask, would something like this be permitted?
Remember — we are at the end of the entire third-density cycle. This is truly a monumental event — for the entire history of this watery blue planet known as Earth. Therefore, we should expect that world events will become increasingly monumental as we get closer to the Big Moment.
In this case, we are being given a very powerful lesson that it is time to stop using this century-old technology of oil-burning internal combustion engines.
There are many, many power players in the world who are ready to roll out alternative technologies that can eliminate our need to pay for energy.
So, when I see this happening, I see a worldwide teachable moment. Unfortunately, humanity has been so ridiculously stubborn and unwilling to change on this planet that events of this magnitude are necessary to shock us into greater awareness.
I had some of those jarring events in my own life recently. My car got broken into at my conference in San Francisco, and the next day I had a minor but nonetheless real car accident on the road while driving to my next conference in Santa Cruz — with no driver’s side window!
I’m certainly not perfect, and sometimes I get frustrated about being put in a position where so many others look to me for guidance, while I myself am still learning and evolving and making mistakes.
It would be easy — and fun — to take some time off and completely ignore my work on this site for, say, a solid two weeks, even a month. No email, no messages, no telephone, nothing but my own contemplative relationship with the greater Identity of the universe, preferably somewhere out in the mountains and trees.
I’ve never done that. Not since I started this site in February 1999.
I don’t feel I have the luxury of doing that at this point. Even when there is a gap in posting, I’m still working my tail off, either on the book or on developing new content that hasn’t yet appeared.
The reason why I don’t stop at this point is the Principle of Honor. This means doing things you may not always enjoy because you’ve made an agreement with your Higher Self, and with others, to take on a certain degree of responsibility.
It is thus your honor / duty to perform the work you have chosen.
Given the challenges I face, and the overwhelming number of people who are urgently trying to get in contact with me every day, I step back and reflect on how silly the whole thing often feels.
I’ve met many other people who are recognized public figures and can assure you this is a very common reaction people have to significant public exposure.
Lately I’ve had experiences where I look at myself in the mirror and wonder why in the world so many people chase me down and want to meet me or otherwise connect with me personally in the letters they send.
Really, by comparison to the beings who are out there in the Universe, and more importantly to your own Higher Self, meeting me in person would be decidedly lackluster.
I moved in with the original founders of L/L Research — the surviving channels for the original Law of One series — and expected that magical things would happen to me once I got there.
I felt that since this awesome work had come through them, some of it would rub off on me when I went there.
The truth is that we went through a full array of typical human problems and difficulties.
Whatever glorious transformation I was expecting did not happen.
It was just people in community, sometimes getting along and sometimes not getting along. Very flawed, very real, very human people. I was happy I went there and I was happy I left. I do wish them all the best, and am extremely, extremely grateful for the Law of One series.
Over time I’ve had people I put on pedestals. I’ve also been fortunate enough to meet almost every single one of them and work with them in some form.
While I don’t knock the ‘wow factor’ of this, you still have yourself at the end of the day. Your heroes are real people. You may meet them when they are tired, or cranky, or hungry, or thirsty, or otherwise not in the right mood to socialize. It happens!
Obviously, I’m not Santa Claus and I can’t even hope to answer the letters coming in, and I no longer guarantee I even see them because there are just too many. I’ve bulked up my volunteer staff to help me handle the load because it is so significant.
As I’m going to explain after my little rant, the most important being you want to meet is your own Self, in its greater sense.
I’ve had a major bone to pick with Facebook long before the Big Revolt got started recently. As I’ve said on the contact page, anything written into our own website email weighs significantly more than any attempt to contact via Facebook.
One of the things that I have not seen discussed in the big privacy debacle with Facebook is that when they instituted the new changes late last year, they also opened the floodgates and allowed people to post ‘gifts’ onto other people’s Wall.
No option was ever given to block the Gifts, unlike what had happened with Apps, where they were all killed off fairly quickly by diligent effort of blocking them.
So many people thought it was a cool idea to send Gifts that it threatened to choke the entire page from any legitimate discussions. And remember, Gifts are a business. People write them and get paid for how many times they are accessed.
Before I put staff to work on it and found out about a blocker application called Defensio, I spent significant time each day fighting the ‘gifts’. Not only do you have to stop them, you also have to face the bruised egos of those who sent them. Hence we lost about five ‘friends’ a day.
I was more than happy to hand off the entire thing to staff, no regrets. I did not delete my Facebook pages because it does give you a way to discuss my work, and to get updates from me when something new is posted.
Nonetheless, letters to me on Facebook almost certainly will not be seen or read. Thankfully we now have so many bottlenecked friend requests — significantly more than a thousand — that they no longer allow new ones to be submitted. The Fan Page, or whatever they’re now deciding to call it to be more politically correct, is the way to go.
The only reason I’m even bothering to tell you any of this is that I am arguably dealing with hundreds of requests for my personal time every single day of the week.
I’m sure every single person writing in would be interesting and fun to talk to and hang out with — and again, such luxury simply does not exist in the real world. There are no lottery winners at this point. I just don’t have the time.
The only thing I can say, in response to that obvious conundrum, is that the most important meeting you can have is with your own Higher Self. And the way this is done is in seeking the love within this moment.
It’s easy to lose track of that. When we go long enough without tuning in, we get hammered — just like I did with these recent mishaps in my own life.
I do believe they are negative greetings. No doubt. The circumstances are far too metaphysically strange to be attributable to random chance. Nonetheless, I do not believe any physical third-density Illuminati / New World Order ‘agency’ is responsible for causing these events.
However, it is a fact that both the theft of a Divine Cosmos laptop in Hawaii and the break-in of my car in San Francisco were performed by severe chemical-dependents.
The Hawaiian theft was from a severe drug addict who brought the computer back to rehab, and bragged about having stolen it. Although we are not certain, he may have actually been ballsy enough to walk right in and steal it while we all had our eyes closed and were meditating!
He didn’t even delete his personal information off of the machine when we got it back — it was all easily available in the History folder.
We found out what girls he was hooking up with on Myspace. We watched their videos and appreciated their musical abilities. We also found out where he planned to fly for the Big Getaway he was planning out of rehab.
The San Francisco break-in was from a severe and probably homeless alcoholic. He was missing most of his teeth, was overweight, and his clothes were old and tattered.
It took him three attempts to break my glass and try to grab the GPS I had inside.
I even heard the car alarm going off — it was quite loud and distracting — but I had no idea it was my own car.
Those blasted car alarms, I thought to myself. Can’t even hear myself think. Funny, it sounds like my alarm, but nobody would break into my car. Of course not!
The third attempt was a success — but before he even made it ten feet away from the car, he was arrested.
He got so involved in the struggle to break in that he didn’t even notice the police car that was cruising right down the road as he achieved ‘success.’
In both cases I honestly did not wish my attackers any ill will.
In the case of the laptop theft, we never met the young man who did it. However, in the second case, the peace officers had my car thief handcuffed right there on the street. It was cold and late. I could almost see my breath.
I was standing out there, and he was just three feet away from me in a heap on the sidewalk.
Although this could be my own projection, the police almost seemed to be egging me on to say something nasty to him. This was the vibe I got, very clearly, and I don’t think I was making this up:
“There he is. He’s CAPTURED!
We got him! Right there! That’s him! He’s CAPTURED!
You can say something if you want to. Go ahead!
He’s the Villain, you’re the Victim. Let ‘er rip… we’ll look the other way…
This is your Big Moment! Use it!
All your anger, all your fear, all your rage — this is your guy. Your Scapegoat.
You’re lucky. You earned this. He destroyed your car. We got him. Now it’s your turn.
I know this sounds corny, but I looked into his eyes and all I could see was love. The peace officers were just as amazed by this as he was.
Honestly, his eyes were those of a pleading young child, desperately lonely and hungry and confused.
It had been so long since anyone had cared about him. I certainly was not going to make it worse.
Perhaps my treatment of him might give him hope that he is not such a loathsome and terrible person after all, despite what the world was probably showing and telling him almost every day and night of his life.
Only other homeless people might offer him any respite from this nightmare, but they are also living in fear and scarcity and cannot be trusted.
A neighbor of mine let his cat go outside and it got eaten up by the coyotes. While this was tragic, I don’t hate the coyotes for doing it. Nor could I hate either of these two people for their crimes against my property.
However, in both cases they got absorbed into the criminal justice system and will be doing prison time. That’s part of the chain of karma that happens in these events — and I’m not going to interrupt that flow either.
I believe both of these events happened to me as yet another means in which I’m being given personal symbolism about planetary events. These are not ‘random’ accidents. They are meant to be intepreted as synchronicities with dream-like metaphors about bigger events.
This is undoubtedly due to the fact that I’m a public figure, and events in my own life can be used as symbolic representations of global issues — on purpose.
In both cases, these crimes were miraculously stopped by the intervention of Peace Officers. The attackers got away with nothing. I did not lose my valuables.
There was damage, yes… I spent a long, long time cleaning broken glass out of my car — but nothing really was lost.
The oil spill disaster is a massive Teachable Moment for humanity. We will have a major clean-up to do, like I did with all my glass. But the perpetrators will not get away with their crimes. Justice is being served. It’s just not totally, one-hundred-percent, blatantly obvious to everyone yet.
I honestly do think we’re heading into a formal Disclosure. As I’ve said so many times now, this must occur simultaneously with a collapse of the power structure that has been keeping these things a secret.
We’re only halfway through 2010 at this point, and already the Pyramid Timeline seems to be remarkably accurate. This, of course, makes the obviously wonderful 2012 prophecy equally likely to be worthy of serious consideration.
There are new events you can track in the media that reveal how close these events really are. So before I get back to work on my book, I’m going to share some of them with you.
A Russian MP has asked President Dmitry Medvedev to investigate claims by a regional president that he has met aliens on board a spaceship.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the leader of the southern region of Kalmykia, made his claim in a television interview.
MP Andre Lebedev is not just asking whether Mr Ilyumzhinov is fit to govern.
He is also concerned that, if he was abducted, he may have revealed details about his job and state secrets.
The MP has written a letter to Mr Medvedev raising a list of his concerns.
In his letter he says that – assuming the whole thing was not just a bad joke – it was an historic event and should have been reported to the Kremlin.
He also asks if there are official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets.
Mr Ilyumzhinov said in an interview on primetime television that he had been taken on board an alien spaceship which had come to planet Earth to take samples – and claims to have several witnesses.
He has been president of Kalmykia, a small Buddhist region of Russia which lies on the shores of the Caspian Sea, for 17 years.
The millionaire former businessman has a reputation as an eccentric character.
As president of the World Chess Federation, he has spent tens of millions of dollars turning the impoverished republic into a mecca for chess players – building an entire village to host international tournaments.
OK… this one is not new, but I didn’t find it until recently — and it validates everything I’ve been saying very nicely:
Desperate to see the US emulate the British Government and disclose reported “contact” with UFOs, the enthusiasts have written to Mr Obama to ask that his administration comes clean about the contents of America’s “X-Files”.
They believe they have good prospects of success after public statements of support from both John Podesta, who is running Mr Obama’s White House transition team, and Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico – a UFO sighting hotspot – who is expected to secure a cabinet post.
In the letter to Mr Obama, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee calls on the President-Elect to “end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race”.
The group wants the incoming president to insist on a “full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies regarding what they know” and to open congressional hearings “to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath.”
The campaigners, who resent their common portrayal as nuts and conspiracy theorists, have high hopes of success due to their inside track with Mr Obama.
When he was the White House chief of staff under Bill Clinton, Mr Podesta led a project to declassify 800 million pages of intelligence documents. In a press conference, still available to watch on the YouTube website, Mr Podesta said: “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.”
Gov Richardson, a former presidential candidate and fellow UFO aficionado, has written a forward to a book on the so-called Roswell Incident in New Mexico, where campaigners believe an alien spacecraft crash landed near the town of Roswell in 1947 and that the corpses of humanoid aliens have been kept hidden under lock and key by the government.
He has called for full disclosure by the Pentagon of what really occurred and reiterated his belief that there had been a “cover-up” during a presidential debate last year.
The campaigners, who want the truth “out there”, believe that the British Government’s decision to declassify thousands of UFO sighting documents this year has made it untenable for the US to maintain its policy of non-disclosure.
Only last week a US Air Force pilot, Milton Torres, whose testimony was released from the British archives, appeared on US television explaining how he was ordered to shoot down a large UFO over the UK in 1957 and then silenced by military officials, who told him never to speak of the incident.
Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee, expects to have gathered 40,000 signatures via email and fax by Mr Obama’s inauguration day on Jan 20 in support of his calls for openness.
He told The Sunday Telegraph: “The truth embargo is now at the end of the line. The release of documents in Britain and France has put huge pressure on the US. It makes the government here look pretty stupid.
“I think we are seeing the Democrats moving towards disclosure. John Podesta has outed himself as an enthusiast. He thinks the American public can handle the truth. Bill Richardson thinks there was a cover-up.”
Mr Bassett also believes that military and intelligence officials have studied the technology of alien spacecraft, material that would help the US develop new energy resources, as Mr Obama wishes, that will lessen US dependency on Middle Eastern oil.
What’s going on here? Are we being prepared for a Disclosure that comes through some sort of SETI method?
It’s very interesting that Hartwig Hausdorf is the only person outside of China to have visited and photographed the Chinese Pyramids. The Chinese legends say they were built by visitors in flying silver ships. This is cleverly omitted in the article, but obviously relevant.
Are the insiders planning on having us think Voyager 2 has been reprogrammed by ETs who want to send us a message? It’s another intriguing possibility for Disclosure that I hadn’t even thought of.
It is frustrating that they don’t give you any further information about the nature or content of the change in the signals. They obviously want to create mystery and see if the public bites:
Hartwig Hausdorf, a German academic, believes that the reason Voyager 2, an unmanned probe that has been in space since 1977, is sending strange messages that are confusing scientists, is because it has been taken over by extraterrestrial life.
Since its launch, Voyager 2 has been sending streams of data back to Earth for study by scientists, but on April 22, 2010, that stream of information suddenly changed.
Nasa claimed that a software problem with the flight data system was the cause but Mr Hausdorf believes it could be the work of aliens.
This is because all other parts of the spacecraft appear to be functioning fine.
told the German newspaper Bild: “It seems almost as if someone has reprogrammed or hijacked the probe – thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth.”
Voyager 2 carries a disk with greetings in 55 languages on it in case the craft encounters other life forms.
Dr Edward Stone, a scientist on the project,
said the desk, called the Golden Record, is “a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials.
“The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record-a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.”
David Cameron recently became Prime Minister of Great Britain, in case you didn’t already know. Only a few months ago, this article came out where he made bold campaign promises to disclose the truth if he won.
Now’s the time, David. Put your money where your mouth is, and let’s do this:
Mr Cameron, speaking at one of his regular Cameron Direct meetings, where he takes the public’s questions, joked that Business Secretary Lord Mandelson was one of the alien beings.
The Conservative leader promised to be “entirely open and frank” about what the Government knows about close encounters after he was questioned about a spate of mysterious incidents at the meeting in Tynemouth, on Tyneside.
A member of the audience asked: “In July last year the respected scientist and astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon, spoke on a British radio station.
“He said the American government had had contact with extra terrestrials on multiple occasions and that these were ongoing.
“He spoke about the Roswell event in 1947 where wreckage of a downed UFO was recovered and found to contain alien bodies.
“He said this event was real but was covered up by the Government for many years.
“Do you agree with me that the British people have a right to know if we have been visited, and if so, when you become prime minister will you seek to lift the veil of secrecy and give the public the truth that they deserve and that has been covered up for all these years?”
Mr Cameron laughed and replied: “I’m convinced we have been visited by alien life forms – and one of them is the trade secretary Peter Mandelson.”
He added: “I have no idea there is intelligent life out there and no idea whether any of the sightings which have taken place or whether any incidents which have taken place have any basis in truth.
“I do believe in freedom of information and openness and this question has been asked from time to time and I think we should be as open and clear as possible.
“What has tended to happen when people have looked at the Roswell incident, or when people have looked at pictures, is a rational explanation tends to be produced to try and show what has happened is not what those who believe in UFOs suggest.
“But I think we should be a open as possible, so I would be quite happy to give you a guarantee that if I became prime minister I would always be entirely open and frank about these things.
“I don’t think any of us have any clue whether there’s intelligent life out there and it is certainly not something that any Government should seek to hide from anyone.”
He apologised to the man for the joke.
The knowledge of what’s really going on within politics is spreading like wildfire. Everyone knows about the New World Order and the Illuminati now. This means they have no chance of holding on to power. It’s inevitable that they will be exposed.
The only move left to make is to ridicule the process:
Future historians tracing the crackup of the Republican Party may well look to May 8, 2010, as an inflection point.
That was the day, as is now well known, that Sen. Robert Bennett, who took the conservative position 84 percent of the time over his career, was deemed not conservative enough by fellow Utah Republicans and
booted out of the primary.
Less well known, but equally ominous, is what happened that same day, 2,500 miles east in Maine.
There, the state Republican Party chucked its platform — a sensible New England mix of free-market economics and conservation — and adopted a
manifesto of insanity: abolishing the Federal Reserve, calling global warming a “myth,” sealing the border, and, as a final plank, fighting “efforts to create a one world government.”
One world government? Do our friends Down East fear an invasion from the Canadian maritime provinces? A Viking flotilla coming from Iceland under cover of volcanic ash?
Notice that every single link on this otherwise fairly ordinary UFO article opens up to a whole wealth of other stories revealing the truth about UFOs — and remember, once again this is all mainstream media:
Derivatives allow for massive amounts of money to be stolen — you basically can just write in how many zeroes you want and call it money. If they get taken away, the whole thing is over.
Read this next article carefully and see for yourself. Despite all the lies and spin in the conspiracy propaganda media disguised as independent alternative journalism, we really are seeing the leadership of the United States Government directly attacking the problem:
Remember — most alternative / conspiracy media has been hopelessly lost to the New World Order propaganda machine. Many articles are fake, and many others have been taken in by the ocean of hate and disinformation, and feel they’re doing the right thing.
Regardless of what you may believe, the fight over this new legislation is very real. Neither side of the media, mainstream or alternative, will cover this letter from Obama, so I’m putting it in here for you to read and make up your own mind:
On Thursday, the Senate passed historic Wall Street reform. This movement proved again that the strongest special interests, who for so long have called the shots in Washington, can be beat.
When opponents in Congress tried to block the legislation altogether, you stood up — and they backed down. When the lobbyists pushed for loopholes and exemptions just before a final vote, you did not relent — and we fought them off.
Your support brought us to this day — and, because of that, we’re poised to implement sensible reforms that will provide a stronger foundation for economic growth.
Now, the House and Senate must iron out their differences before I can sign it into law. But the financial industry will not give up.
They have already spent more than $1 million per member of Congress, lobbying on this issue. And in the coming days, they will go all in. This is their last shot to stall, weaken, or kill reform, and they are not accustomed to losing.
But this movement has you — and together, we have beaten the special interests before.
Every American has a stake in this bill.
If you have ever been treated unfairly by a credit card company, this reform works for you — never again will Americans be duped by fine print or hidden fees.
If you ever try to take out a home loan or student loan, this reform works for you — putting an end to predatory and deceptive lending practices.
And, if you or your small business relies on credit from community banks that are being punished for playing by the rules while their competitors do not, this reform works for you — reining in the big banks and making sure all our lenders are subject to tough oversight.
These reforms would put in place the strongest consumer financial protections in history. And, by helping safeguard our economy from recklessness on Wall Street, it would ensure that a crisis like the one that caused this recession never happens again.
This is not a zero-sum game where Wall Street loses and Main Street wins. As we have learned, in today’s economy, we are all connected. When the economy prospers, we all win. Senators of both parties recognize that fact, and that is why lawmakers stood up to the lobbyists and worked across the aisle to ensure that Wall Street reform passed.
But this fight is not yet over. And it is up to us to overcome this final test and pass reform into law. When we do, the power of this movement to make change in Washington — despite the best efforts of the special interests — will no longer be up for debate.
These last two stories jumped out at me for obvious reasons. Online hatred is at epidemic proportions. Some people get so upset from it that they literally commit suicide:
Schoolboy Hangs Himself From Online Bullying
Many others are dealing with it by speaking to their haters directly. Though this video has profane language in it, the point is well made: No matter who you are, if you have a presence on the Internet, you’re going to be viciously hated and attacked:
To All My Haters on YouTube
That’s all I’ve got for right now… the book is coming along very well. Hopefully we’re going to have the new Graham Hancock interview video out some time next week. We’re doing final renders now and making sure everything is perfect — and I’m sure you’re going to love it.
My next big event is in Los Angeles and I hope to see you there, as I will have stunning new material to share — and I do go out of my way to meet every attendee in person, for what it’s worth!
I just wanted to personally thank all of you who wrote in comments, letters and messages of support. I really do appreciate it!
Part of what keeps me so motivated is the fact that I’m seeing such huge events happening that fulfill the prognostications I’ve made for so long.
Yes, on one level I’m writing a truly paradigm-blasting book on the coming Golden Age, but on another level it goes much beyond that. I do feel like I’m completely redefining the nature of everything I’ve ever done.
I’ve decided not to keep repeating myself about how many different ways I’m breaking new ground and re-defining everything I’ve ever done in this manuscript, but that process has continued happening as the book itself is written.
Even yesterday I had another stunning insight in terms of structure — where I realized how I could put the mind-blowing stuff before the really, really mind-blowing stuff, thus making the argument even more powerful.
I honestly have never put this much time or energy into any one thing before. The only thing that approaches this much effort on my part is Wanderer Awakening.
It’s also very cool that after all this time and struggle on many levels for both of us, Jim is finally reaching the finish line on the first draft of CONVERGENCE.
The process has been ongoing with my own creative support, although I have yet to draw any screenwriter fees from the production money since he started working. We are going to need to raise some more 10k+ investments in the next month or two, which I will be announcing soon — I have to be in a position where I can manage those contacts first!
Our script definitely has some ocean themes — and in some senses, this too seems to have been prophetic.
Once we have a better idea of the scope and duration of this problem with the oil spill, we can easily address that in the film — giving us even more relevance to current events.
It seems like 2010 is shooting by at an incredible speed. I only reviewed all my dreams since February a few days ago, and now we’re almost in June. I’m going to have a nice, round eighteen years of clean time as of September 21st.
By the way, I do plan on taking a break — after the book is finished and probably after I do the Los Angeles Convergence, but before the big crop circle trip in England. I used our sacred tour in the Canadian Rockies the same way, and highly enjoyed that experience — in fact, my goal is to find myself in a similarly beautiful natural landscape!
Thanks again for your kind wishes and support. The end is in sight with the book and I’m making the final big push. My goal after this is finished will be to always allow more time for contemplation and freedom in my life, so I don’t feel so pressured!
Hits: 119,858
I was so excited to see this update that I read the comments first to see what everyone was saying.
Thank you David. Thanks Again.
Met David in Hawaii. Definitely not lackluster. Love you man.
As a bartender I find myself surrounded by simple minds.
Last night a girl came in wearing a shirt that said “I ‘heart’ haters”
Synchronous yes? I laughed.
I feel the illusion around me. I’m watching it happen in real time.
I have seen a ufo. Up close. Real close. I know the matrix has me. I just don’t care. Maybe I’m just lazy?
Thank you for your time and effort in bringing the latest info. to your fellow travelers.
I would really encourage Dave to do what he really wants to do, as far as what he said: “It would be easy — and fun — to take some time off and completely ignore my work on this site for, say, a solid two weeks, even a month.
No email, no messages, no telephone, nothing but my own contemplative relationship with the greater Identity of the universe, preferably somewhere out in the mountains and trees.”
I know he is not perfect because if you are human that goes without saying, but I just cannot believe that he is so different that he won’t take time for himself.
It is unnecessary to be a martyr.
In the overall scheme of things, he’d be helping others more, if he helped himself first.
An airline pilot will always tell the people on board when there’s a problem to put on their oxygen mask on first before helping others.
I am lighting a candle for him and all his helpers and joining you for peace, love and light now.
This particular blog resonated strongly with me, primarily based on its simplicity. And yet, it can seem overwhelmingly difficult.
I loved what you wrote about duty. So few people these days truly understand the honor of duty. Our spiritual path.
I definitely feel and see the changes in our physical world daily.
The overwhelming assault on the waters of this world and all the creatures who call it, “home.”
The audacity of some to assume it does not affect the whole, is mind-boggling.
Honestly, can anyone NOT feel the tension? And yet you continue to affirm to us that more beautiful times are in store for us.
Let us pray so.
Continued success. I always look forward to reading your blogs.
I appreciate your humility and effort to point out the phenomenon of people seeking answers outside themselves.
That being said, i think your right in saying we are now witnessing a worldwide teachable moment.
Unfortunately, people are not being effected by the disaster that they also happen to be active participants in.
According to the huffington post the bp gas spill is not effecting consumers purchasing choices as it did in the exxon valdez case.
The 10,000 bp branded stations across the country including arco are not suffering a decline in sales.
Its sad but things are going to have to get way worse before they get better.
Humanity needs a slap across the face and events are ramping up to a giant slap and its looking like this could be the year.
The hopi indian prophecies have nine signs.
“this is the seventh sign: you will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it.”
I hope there wrong. Keep up the good work david.
Thanks for your dedication, your vision, your resolve and your responsibility to your Higher Self.
It is recognized and greatly appreciated by many, many people.
Don’t worry, I don’t put you up on a pedestal. I’ve already learned that lesson from past experiences in religion.
I do value your input and your function in these times. Thank you.
Thanks for the update, David, and for sharing what has happened in your own life.
I fully agree with you that events that happen to you as a public figure can and do have relevance to us all as symbolic messages of what is happening on a bigger level.
I also agree with the others in this community that you can and should take at least a few days off to recharge your batteries.
To us you would not be letting us down in terms of your commitments and responsibilities.
You have proven to us long ago that you are honoring and fulfilling them more than adequately.
Thanks also for the points about each of us meeting and loving ourselves and getting answers from within more than from any other person outside of ourselves.
That is a very important lesson for each of us, and we are all well on our way to doing just that, looking within for validation and answers.
The Pyramid timeline falling into a pit this year sounds right on the money, too.
I have always felt that the transition will be as gentle as possible, but we will be taken through exactly what we need to go through and as far as we need to go to change our habits and ways of thinking. Hence the spill as a teachable moment, as you say.
I had two points to make about the oil leak and disclosure.
One is my observation, particularly after reading in the news this morning that there is yet another delay of a few more days to do the “top kill” method of sending in heavy mud and cement to cap the well, pushing it into the middle of this coming week, that no attempt to stem the flow will be successful until at least Wednesday.
The reason, I believe, is to some degree from the astrology world, at least from Vedic astrology (Jyotish).
It says that Mars goes out of its house of debilitation, Cancer, where it has been for almost eight months, and into a new sign, Leo on Wednesday, the 26th.
This debilitation of Mars has been a real strain for all of us, as has been pointed out by many astrologers, and it has had a cascade effect as follows: “Saturn (ruling oil) is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor, Mercury, (commerce) which is ruled by a debilitated Mars (property),” according to Vedic astrologer David Hawthorne.
Likewise, Saturn has been retrograde for many months, too, but finally goes direct a few days later, on May 30th. Those of us who follow this have all waited for that day, too.
So come June 1st, many things begin to lift and open up and I think we will see more progress in the world.
I also feel that if disclosure happened right now, some would ask, “Why haven’t the ETs stopped this catastrophe, or why did they allow it to happen in the first place?”
In some way, the oil spill is too distracting right now for disclosure to take center stage unless it somehow fits in with the spill.
I agree the spill is a teachable moment for the world intent on getting people to turn away from the use of fossil fuels.
That shift in human understanding is necessary, but if disclosure happened now, it would need to be explained in terms that addressed what we are going through, or will go through in the coming months, as a planet regarding our dependence on fossil fuels.
I want disclosure ASAP, as we all do, but it will be interesting to see how it would dovetail with the current ecological catastrophe.
I remain hopeful this can all happen in some way that is perfect and makes sense.
Once the ecological effects are more widely known and evoke that revulsion to fossil fuels, maybe the ETs will reverse its effects, if that is in our contract with the Divine.
That would certainly make the ETs the hero and get our attention.
Blessings on you, David. Thanks for all your great work.
Thank you for all that you do David!
All of us who are connected with your work have been called to do important work during this time in the world.
You help to keep us connected and in alignment with the light.
Be well and take time for you. We need you…
I really appreciate so much of your info, but not to get too far into details, your analysis of Obama bringing financial justice to the New World Order is really strange to those who have been studying the Wall Street insiders that are all throughout Obama’s administration.
The foxes are watching the hen house.
But I do think that there is going to be financial reform due to the nature of the beast- it will destroy itself.
The only way we are getting out of the financial black hole will be through liquidating the debt and bringing grand juries against the banking and Wall Street insiders who have created this system through fiat manipulation, and then we can return to something sound.
Otherwise, it will be like trying to prop with hot air balloons a financial 747 that is falling apart.
But in essence I agree with what you’re saying, but I feel that your Obama analysis is misconstrued, but regardless, the same ends will be achieved.
Thanks for all your hard work on informing us of what is going on. I can feel it and appreciate you. 😉
You sound like you’re getting tired, my friend. You owe it to yourself and the collective to reboot and rejuvenate.
We are heading for one hell of a ride, and we are all going to need a bit of a reserve to rely on.
The mountains and trees are just what you need to replenish.
To the journey,
Yes, the same intuition came to me.
I thought that we may need something this horrible to happen to shock the sheep like TV News AM radio heads out of their hypnosis.
I also think the response by BP and our Federal Government being lack luster is creating greater awareness about whats really going on.
The marriage of corporations and state power is defined as fascism. Now I’m hearing people clamor about why we let BP clean this up with their chemicals.
Eventually this oil problem will get so bad, NO ONE will be able to ignore it, and every one in the USA will be demanding for alternative fuels.
If in fact a disclosure that includes zero point energy happens, then this does all seem like the perfect storm to topple TPTB.
Not only do we have oil disaster, but we also have the banking issue.
Rand Paul winning recently was a big move for Libertarians everywhere.
And as he and his father want nothing better than to axe the Federal Reserve, this is a significant event.
Also the fact that all the nations around the world seem to be having economic troubles ties in with the “bottom falling out of the world”.
It may get worse. But soon I think we will see a new era of innovation.
We are very close to the best years the world has ever seen.
Hi David,
Thanks so much for sharing your insights.
Just wanted to let you know that I’m also concerned with your book schedule.
I hope your publisher is fine with your plans for completing the book by June.
You’ll definitely be known all over the world soon, probably once your book is out.
Thanks friend.
David, after meeting you in Austin, I realize your insights and message is a gift to us all.
I completely understand your ‘Principle of Honor’, but meditation is essential to restore your batteries and keep your focus.
Take time to smell the roses, even if it is for only a moment.
Peace, always.
David, you wonder why people look up to you for answers?
The reason is you do great research and analysis that most can’t or don’t have the time to do.
Then you put it together in a neat little package which makes sense of it all.
You bring so much information to the public that they’d never know otherwise because of your knowledge and contacts.
I can speak for many when I say thank you for what you’ve done and continue to do.
You’re one of the great pioneers of the coming Golden Age.
Hi David – have you heard about the latest “spiral” in Canada? See this amazing surreal video, looks almost CGI.
[Moderator: Yes, we’ve had a bunch of links come in about this. David looked at it and said it IS computer graphics. Not real.]
Your dedication is Outstanding to say the least, I often wonder how you keep it all together, you are fantastic at time management.
Since I was laid off back in January I have dedicated my time to research, study and spiritual development during these times of Ascension.
There is so much material to cover and learn, and there are days that go by where I feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to cover it all.
I say this to point out, in all that you do, you are detailed, and take the time to collaborate all you speak on, and most times from several sources.
It is my Hope that those individuals that follow your input take that into consideration and look at the bigger picture here.
There are a lot of folks who struggle with balancing their checkbooks, not to mention the simplest tasks in their personal lives.
In the end, and I do mean this respectfully, the Journey comes down to each of us in the scheme of Collective Consciousness and Oneness.
There will come a time in the not to distant future for all people to remove the pacifier from their mouth and make some pretty heavy choices in the course of “Self.”
I close with, Thank You for keeping us in the loop and up to speed, I look forward to your input every time.
Take some time NOW for you David. We have only just begun. We are going to be looking to you for input and wisdom as things really Heat up in times to come.
For those who pull at David, please cut him some slack. What David covers in a day most could not cover in a span of 6 months.
I AM indeed honored to walk beside you David, Love in the Oneness!
Hi David,
Thanks again for thinking about us and taking the time to give us an update. No doubt as per usual I will check tomorrow morning for another!!
Do take a break and rest your mind and body if you need to. You work so hard you deserve it. Can you finish the book first though!! ;-);-)
Sending you positive energy brother and also the 2 guys who stole from you. As you said, they may not have ever been shown love in their lives and could do with some.
Love and blessings to you
[Moderator: I know for a fact that David isn’t even considering taking a break until he finishes the book — but it’s looking pretty good now.]
“I’m certainly not perfect, and sometimes I get frustrated about being put in a position where so many others look to me for guidance, while I myself am still learning and evolving and making mistakes”
thats why i love you David and ALL your work even if i dont always have access to it.
I’m so sorry about the recent events in your life, but its nice to know that you are not entirely removed from our reality and are experiencing life as we all are.
i wish you didnt have “haters” or stalker like advances. and i know what you mean about FB.
i became a fan hoping my “friends” would read your name at the very least and maybe later they will find your work.
But there was some very angry person saying all kinds of things about you, to you and i just stopped reading.
have not visited your FB page since.
but i love the link on my news feed to your site when you update.
A few nights ago i had the worst night of my life.
My husband, drunk, hit me in the face 3 times and later put a gun in his mouth.
I’m okay and will be okay, but once the fighting stopped and I laid in bed wondering about EVERYTHING relevant to this moment now, something kept playing over and over in my head.
It was a scene from a Disney movie: Kung Fu Panda.
There is a tortoise that realizes it’s his time to go. As he looks to the stars, his body dematerializes into flowers.
All the flowers from the nearby tree are swept away in the wind with him.
I’m getting goosebumps as I recall this now. How nice it would be to not “die” but just transform. :-*
I apologize to anyone reading: horrible grammar, I know, and incorrect spelling all over the place — but like David, I don’t have much time at the moment.
[Moderator: If your husband is threatening violence with a gun, you may seriously want to consider whether this is a situation you should stay in.
Remember, David often talks about how there are no paradoxes. We feel obligated to stay in something even when it’s bad.
Protecting your own life is more important than protecting someone else’s hurt feelings. The visions you’re having are accurate in showing you how much better you’ll feel when you’re not being abused all the time.
We all love you and will pray for you!]
Thank you so much. I’d like to personally tell you how much your work is appreciated by all of us, but this comment should do just fine. 🙂
And yea, I’d kill to be out in the mountains and trees just vibing high with life too!
Tough to forget family and friends nowadays and I definitely feel what you’re talking about.
We certainly have a responsibility to our community that we wear proudly as a badge of honor/light through these times.
And yo, these times are awesome, I know you agree.
Thanks David for your continued dedication, as well as reminding all of us to look within for validation.
David, I like and appreciate all the effort and work you do.
I enjoy reading what you have to say.
And believe you are a special being at this time in our History.
May God be with you, watching over you at all times.
Mike from Texas
Wow David, it’s so nice to see you do the human thing, coming down to “our” level.
I think I enjoyed that more than all the so intelligent things you come up that just blow my mind anyway.
Where do you get all that stuff?
It’s just too much, so I am very sorry for your pain but that chance you had to “walk the walk, and talk the talk” was an incredibly powerful moment, that shows you are really who you say you are and MUCH MUCH MORE!
Keep on keeping on David, we love you!
It is thus OUR honor / duty to perform the work WE have chosen.
David! All your hard work has made such an enormous difference to the world.
Thank you so much Brother !!
seeking the love within this moment
somewhere out in the mountains and trees.
Disclosure may not be in Davids court, but It is in mine.
thanks for the update david! all of the effort you put into this website is GREATLY appreciated.
keep harboring those good vibes and stay well!
cant wait for the next article! adonai!
David, thanks so much for taking the time to write!
But for real, if you feel you need to take time off, please do it.
We love you for what you’re doing, but if you feel strain, or any of that, just take a rest.
You’re here to enjoy life! I’ll say a prayer you are able to take a breath first as all this goes down.
Love for you man! Woo!! 😉
Hey David. Vacation can sometimes be a part of the work.
Take some time off of some sort so that you can keep working!
(Had a dream about you meeting the guardian of the 5th dimension…)
oh you can delete any gifts that appear on your page on fB!
Thanks for all the good and relevant information. 🙂
Thank you David. Isn’t it fun growing up on this planet?
Your efforts here are much appreciated. Don’t kill yourself for all of our sake.
Go take your trip. You deserve it. Thanks Brother!
Thank you David for this update, it is always appreciated.
Sorry to hear about the break in, into your car and the accident, I’m glad that you came away unscathed.
Your ability to show compassion to the person who broke into your car, is very admirable and an important lesson for us all to learn, thank you.
Keep well and may you always be protected by God.
Dave – Thanks for fightin’ the good fight!! Great new up-to-the-minute info here. You’re the best.
Can’t wait for the vid with Hancock and your book is top of the list when it comes out.
Hoping personal things for you cool off a little by June. Ever go surfing?
The greater ‘Identity’ you speak of has a personality that wants to love you and be called ‘Abba’,’Father’.
The resonating connection you have with Edgar Cayce would I believe be encouraged by the dutiful persistence he displayed in knowing and keeping to the will of the Lord in accordance with the Scriptures.
I wonder how you can maintain such close relation with him yet not with the God he loved and served.
I appreciate all the tiresome research you share and your enthusiastic search for the truth.
The insights you freely offer have been valuable to me in my journey of ‘being’ 🙂 curious too.
[Moderator: This is unusual but I let it through. God is God is God at the end of the day — one Infinite Creator.]
Thank you, I always look forward to your positive spin!
The Washington Post piece mocking the ‘anti New World Order’ policy was written by Dana Milbank.
I looked him up and apparently he was a member of the Skull and Bones society at Yale.
David – your commentaries on world events are enlightening and appreciated.
That said, as far as ET disclosure is concerned, I don’t believe the ball is in your court right now.
We can see all kinds of predictions and evidence that disclosure will happen, but it ultimately doesn’t happen until it happens, and it is up to our governments to decide whether they do it or not.
You’ve laid your cards on the table the best you could, and now we need to put our focus on our leaders and see what actions they take.
Many thanks to you David for taking the time and consideration to inform the masses.
And our mass is obviously growing.
thanks for the update dave 😉