On 12/21, we received remarkable high-level briefings about the takedown of the Deep State now in process.
Hours later we called the now-legendary 4Chan insider Mega Anon, who confirmed almost everything we heard in the briefings as being true.
She added much more detail we had never heard before, almost all of which is included in the second section of this report. I am very glad she reached out and made personal contact with us.
Mass indictments of arch-criminals are already happening. We can prove that 4,289 sealed indictments have appeared just between October 30 and November 22, 2017.
The normal limit is not more than 1000 sealed indictments for the entire year.
We are now also seeing many quiet arrests of lower and mid-level Deep State operatives.
Many higher-level people from the Deep State are apparently now wearing ankle bracelets with GPS monitoring to prevent them from fleeing the country.
[UPDATE: The Deep State is attacking the s–t out of this with hacks. Best bet is to use a Mac and stay away from Google browsers and/or Android phones.]
[UPDATE, 12/27: Three black SUVs followed our insider Emery and abducted his dog last night. The dog was found and is alive. More at the end.]
Just as our insiders had predicted, a limited UFO disclosure is now starting to happen as the Deep State’s back is up against the wall.
This is the last card they have left to play. They are hoping that they can throw off the ‘heat’ by getting us captivated in a magnificent new story.
Disclosure is only the latest in a series of very exciting signposts that true change is upon us.
So much new information has come in from high-level briefings that this is only the first of a series that will be at least three parts in length.
This first section illustrates how the Alliance “mass arrest” strategy has evolved – taking the Cabal / Deep State completely by surprise.
The accusations and resignations we are seeing in the open world, such as of politicians and Hollywood figures, barely begins to cover the full story.
This information will certainly trigger mega-hack attacks on this site and increase personal risks – so please help us spread the word ASAP!
And Merry Christmas! Here’s some Disclosure under the tree for you to unwrap and enjoy this holiday season.
On Saturday, December 16th, the New York Times and Politico both announced that we are not alone in the universe… nor in our airspace.
For really the first time in recorded, modern history, UFOs are being treated with complete seriousness — by whatever is left of the mainstream media [MSM].
This included military films of strange UFOs in flight, as well as statements from Pentagon insiders that unusual, non-terrestrial alloys have been found.
A group of credible experts who are calling themselves “The I-Team” are behind this, and they do indeed have impeccable credentials.
For whatever reason, the entire MSM has jumped on board this story, unlike anything we’ve ever seen in history. It has been quite stunning to watch.
Also amusing is how little anything has changed. The public has been so conditioned to UFO reality that we really haven’t felt much of a pulse in the public.
Here is a list of MSM links that started appearing in email chain letters shortly after this happened — in addition to the New York Times and Politico links we already shared:
MSNBC: UFO Pentagon Program
CBS: Government UFO Program
CNN: We May Not Be Alone
Washington Post: The Aliens Are Coming — And No One Cares
UK Independent: US Gov Recovered Material They Do Not Recognize from UFO
Fox News: Out of This World Encounter
Blink-182 was arguably the top rock band of the 1990s, or at least could comfortably share the title belt with groups like Green Day and Oasis:
In fact, to fans of previous musical generations, Blink-182 might be two notches above nursery rhymes in terms of the grand musical canon.
Rolling Stone would call their 1999 album Enema of the State “harmless,” which is profoundly wrong.
Simply because there’s a huge demographic of college kids thinking hard about music who consider Blink-182 one of the most important bands of all time, in about a decade, the band’s best songs will achieve the respectable ubiquity of classic-rock radio.
This trio’s former guitarist Tom DeLonge has spearheaded the disclosure effort that just launched its first real volley into the mainstream on Saturday, December 16th, 2017.
DeLonge left the band in 2005 to focus his time on building towards the events now taking place. In 2015, he notably turned down a reunion offer, arguably to remain focused on this goal.
DeLonge’s initial public unveiling of his initiative took place in an event on October 11th, revealing that he did indeed have a team of high-level insiders.
We covered this event here, on this site, when the team suddenly announced it the day before.
Many people complained that they didn’t get more information at the time… and Tom De Longe’s very next tweet from that same day was quite revealing:
Every word spoken has been planned for months, the biggest stuff has yet to come. Anyone complaining has no clue whats going on at the DOD.
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
Every word [we have] spoken has been planned for months. Very interesting. Planned by who? And for what purpose?
This tweet strongly suggests that the Department of Defense (DOD) was either conducting this as a coordinated effort that went well beyond DeLonge himself, or was actively blocking it.
It may also be that people in the “I Team” believe the DOD is opposing them, when in fact their efforts are being carefully guided behind the scenes.
DeLonge’s statement that “the biggest stuff has yet to come” is now prophetic, as the October 11th event was ignored, but the December 16th event lit up the entire MSM like a Christmas tree.
Let’s not forget that it is now an “open secret” that the mainstream media is still largely CIA-controlled, just as Congressional hearings revealed in 1975-76.
The CIA is apparently the intelligence agency most directly connected to the Deep State, based upon the testimony of multiple insiders.
In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s, public scrutiny was aimed towards the US intelligence agencies.
Journalist Seymour Hersh published a damning expose’ of domestic CIA surveillance in 1975. This led to the Church Committee investigating these wrongdoings in Congressional hearings.
In April 1976, the Church Committee published its findings, which included the following revelations about both foreign and domestic media:
For foreign news media, the report concluded that:
The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.
These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.[7]
For domestic media, the report states:
Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half are “accredited” by U.S. media organizations …
The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad …
More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.[7]
This is just a small taste of what you start learning when you delve into conspiracy analysis.
It is now widely accepted that the mainstream media is a mouthpiece for the Deep State, as the Church Committee discovered over 40 years ago.
Therefore, since the MSM jumped on this story with unprecedented enthusiasm, almost everyone in the existing UFO community is freaking out about it.
That same day, October 11th, DeLonge announced on Twitter that they have Steve Justice, a former Lockheed Skunkworks employee, who can actually build us an anti-gravity machine:
1. Most call it Anti-Gravity, but we are aiming to Engineer Space-Time itself. Invest now and own technology that will seem like majic. pic.twitter.com/PrsOBTapwV
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
2. To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science aims to build this vehicle with Steve Justice, FMR Director of Advanced Programs SkunkWorks
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
The technology that may or may not exist will never come out because it is sekret. It must be invented by a private company to benefit world pic.twitter.com/b02JPAY2tM
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
Everyone must pitch in and own it together or it WILL GET SHUT DOWN #DangerousGameHere
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
PLEASE WATCH: Public company launched to investigate UFOs https://t.co/MUDaCWaJ7h
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 12, 2017
The apparent mis-spelling of the word “secret” in the above tweet is a nod to DeLonge’s co-authored, two-part book series entitled Sekret Machines.
With the inclusion of the letter K, it becomes a German word. [Correction: it is German-like, but actually means “secrete” in that language, not secret.]
Sekret Machines is “truth disguised as fiction” that describes how the German Nazis were the first to invent anti-gravity technology.
It also delineates how a cover-up has continued, complete with German scientists migrating to the US after WWII under Project Paperclip.
Therefore, DeLonge’s tweets strongly imply that a breakthrough like this must come from the private sector, and that it is a “dangerous game” to try to release it because of this hidden German element still present in the US.
Another tweet from this same day pointed to the Department of Defense as owning everything built by the defense contractors — and therefore holding it all back from us:
No. They don’t own what they build. The “client” does. Which is the Department of Defense. They can not show you or rebuild things. https://t.co/EEgm9BT1ol
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) October 11, 2017
In response to ongoing criticism of the launch event, DeLonge tweeted on November 19th in a hashtag that their “strategy (was) unfolding brilliantly” and said the initial October 11th event “was nothing:”
The launch event was nothing… hold tight. #StrategyUnfoldingBrilliantly https://t.co/jdvaDJTfCi
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) November 19, 2017
When someone accused him of “insanity” on this same day, he told them to “wait three weeks” and he would get the last laugh:
Ha. Wait 3 weeks, and I’ll accept your apology then. https://t.co/22x5q1YVPa
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) November 19, 2017
Three more weeks would have led to Sunday, December 10th.
The actual event did not occur until the following Saturday, December 16th, which was nearly four weeks.
For whatever reason, the timing of the big announcement had to be delayed — for reasons DeLonge was not privy to.
Just three days before the big news dropped, on December 13th, DeLonge tweeted his strong anticipation of a coming event.
He was obviously not in control of when this was going to happen. An undefined “they” was responsible for picking the exact moment:
Something’s coming, and everyday they tell me “one more day.” Ugh… but I will look back at it as one of my life’s greatest accomplishments
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) December 14, 2017
DeLonge obviously knew the gravity of what this event would be, if he was saying it would be “one of my life’s greatest accomplishments.”
Howver, when he said “something’s coming,” that may imply that he himself wasn’t exactly sure what the contents of this disclosure would be.
Sure enough, the entire MSM jumped behind this story in a coordinated effort unlike anything we’ve seen in UFO history.
In some ways this became like a litmus test of how much the MSM can still sway the public opinion.
Judging by the response, any old-school fears of a 1938 War of the Worlds-style “mass panic,” with people stuffing wet towels up their chimneys, are a relic of a forgotten past.
Nothing happened. It was more of a mass “Already knew that.”
The company I work for, Gaia, experienced a very similiar response in June when video investigations of a three-fingered humanoid mummy were released.
These videos did get millions of views, and every video was released for free, but again… nothing changed.
The next day after the above tweet, on December 14th, an ever-more-anxious DeLonge tweeted a strong hint that they had something very amazing.
Apparently, they already have an experiment that may demonstrate dematerialization as well as anti-gravity:
what do you get when you zap a layered piece of Bismuth and Magnesium with Terahertz energy? The dissolution of mass. Or, at least the effect of which. We are working on an experiment for you all. #KindOfLikeAntiGravity. https://t.co/lIbZraNEDE
— Tom DeLonge (@tomdelonge) December 14, 2017
This really caught my attention, as insiders have told me for many years that electrified bismuth can do all sorts of unusual things if handled properly.
It is not clear whether this experiment causes optical “dissolution of mass”, as in dematerialization, or just the reduction of its apparent weight — as in anti-gravity.
There are certainly techniques known in the classified world that can do both, which I have been hearing about from insiders for many years.
DeLonge is not making up a strange term by saying “terahertz energy.” This refers to very high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
And since I have been researching UFOs online almost since the dawn of the internet in 1995, I immediately made some connections from “the old days.”
It’s like the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the ending of the UFO cover-up investigation online are coming together — across a 21-year bridge.
First of all, Pete Peterson, a high-ranking insider, designed a system for extracting bismuth into long, thin wires, as coils made from this wire would indeed demonstrate anti-gravity.
The engineers had experienced a problem with these wires not extending long enough, which Pete was able to solve for them. He first told me about this in 2009.
However, back in 1996, Coast to Coast radio host Art Bell received strange artifacts in the mail, which he soon entitled “Art’s Parts.”
When this first came out in April 1996, it was a gigantic sensation throughout the UFO community. I had only been online for six months at this point.
Art had an estimated 20 million people listening to each of his radio shows. There was almost zero competition back then.
Here is an actual image of what Art saw when he opened up the manila envelope with the parts in it, along with a US 25-cent piece for a size reference.
My grandfather was a member of the Retrieval Team, sent to the crash site, just after the incident was reported. He died in 1974, but not before he had sat down with some of us, and talked about the incident.
I am currently serving in the military, hold a Security Clearance, and do NOT wish to “go public”, and risk losing my career and commission.
Nonetheless, I would like to briefly tell you what my own grandfather told me about Roswell.
In fact, I enclose for your safekeeping “samples” that were in the possession of my grandfather until he died, and which I have had since his own estate was settled.
As I understand it, they came from the UFO debris, and were among a large batch subsequently sent to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio from New Mexico.
My grandfather was able to “appropriate” them, and stated that the metallic samples are “pure extract aluminum”. You will note that they appear old & tempered, and they have been placed in tissue-paper, and in baggies for posterity.
I have had them since 1974, and after considerable thought and reflection, give them to you. Feel free to share them with any of your friends in the UFO Research Community.
This insider’s grandfather apparently received telepathic communication from a still-living occupant of the craft, as this classic article went on to reveal:
A lone surviving occupant was found within the Disc, and it was apparent [that] its left leg was broken….
Grandad was part of the Team that went with the surviving occupant. The occupant communicated via telepathic means. It spoke perfect English, and communicated the following:
The Disc was a “probeship” dispatched from a “launchship” that was stationed at the dimensional gateway to the Terran Solar System, 32 light years from Terra.
They had been conducting operations on Terra for over 100 years.
Another group was exploring Mars, and Io.
Each “probeship” carried a crew of three. A “launchship” had a crew of (100) one-hundred….
Grandad spent a total of 26 weeks in the Team that examined and debriefed the lone survivor of the Roswell crash.
Grandad’s affiliation with the “project” ended when the occupant was to be transported to a long-term facility. He was placed on-board a USAF Transport aircraft that was to be sent to Washington, D.C.
The aircraft and all aboard disappeared under mysterious and disturbing circumstances enroute to Washington, D.C.
It may interest you that three Fighter aircraft, dispatched to investigate a distress call from the Transport, experienced many electrical malfunctioning systems failures as they entered the airspace of the transport’s last reported location.
No crash or debris of the Transport was ever found. The Team was disbanded.
Electrical malfunctions are frequently associated with portal activity — whether natural or technological, as I discuss in my first book, The Source Field Investigations.
Several of the “Partial Disclosure” scenarios we’ve heard about, including the recent X-Files reboot, want to shed new light on the story of the surviving Roswell occupant.
Many insiders said this being was code-named EBE, for “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.”
This may also be why Spielberg chose the similar-sounding term ET for his movie of the same title.
Remember… if the US government came into possession of the Roswell wreckage, they gained access to a craft that was capable of interstellar travel.
And if they could study, analyze and “reverse-engineer” it, then we would have the abilty to take ET home.
Ben Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunkworks, frequently ended his talks with a joke, saying “The Air Force has just given us a contract to take E.T. back home.”
Many investigators have suspected there was truth within this seemingly tongue-in-cheek “joke” he told.
Under electrical stimulation, researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe were seeing what appeared to be anti-gravity effects from these alleged Roswell artifacts.
When “Art’s Parts” were analyzed in a laboratory for their exact chemical composition, they were found to have large amounts of bismuth… and magnesium.
That’s right. These exact same two elements just appeared in Tom DeLonge’s tweet about the “unusual alloy” from December 14th.
DeLonge said they generate anti-gravity and the dissolution of mass under high electromagnetic charge.
With all of this in mind, I was very surprised to see this same bismuth-magnesium alloy appear in an “official disclosure” fully 21 years later. The Alpha and the Omega.
It may be that later, planned stages of the Tom DeLonge disclosure will actually feature a discussion of Art’s Parts.
Even if no one else had access to this wreckage but Art, anyone with a sample of this material has still had over 20 years to build working prototypes out of it.
On the same day the blockbuster articles emerged, December 16th, 2017, Senator Harry Reid tweeted a surprisingly open-minded endorsement of the disclosure:
If anyone says they have the answers, they’re fooling themselves.
We don’t know the answers but we have plenty of evidence to support asking the questions. This is about science and national security. If America doesn’t take the lead in answering these questions, others will.
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) December 16, 2017
Reid’s tweet, saying “this is about… national security,” coupled with the fact that the disclosure came from the “Threat Identification Program” in the Pentagon, has many investigators worried.
The idea that UFOs might be a “threat to national security” has been a constant feature of Deep State fear-mongering from the very beginning.
Yet, after all this time, not one openly hostile action has ever been taken against us by anything UFO-related — whether it is one of ours or one of ‘theirs.’
On December 21st, it was announced that Harry Reid is calling for Congressional investigations into the UFO phenomenon.
“I don’t know anything about exotic materials, but [there is] a lot of talk about it,” Reid said.
What he does know is that the explosion of news coverage about the UFO issue has caught the attention of Congress.
Reid’s phone started ringing immediately, he says, [from] people from Congress and the business community who’ve always been interested in the subject but were afraid to admit it.
Reid thinks the time may be right to re-launch a formal inquiry.
This is exactly what the Disclosure Project and its 39 witnesses have been demanding ever since 2001… and never got.
Oh, the times, they are a-changin’….
There is enormous, almost unilateral concern in the UFO community that all of this could be building to some sort of “Alien Threat” narrative.
I attended the original Disclosure Project event in 2001 as an invited VIP, after having appeared twice on the Art Bell Show a few months prior.
At this event, Carol Rosin revealed that the Deep State’s final endgame, if they were ever really in danger of defeat, would involve a hoaxed “alien invasion.”
This was confessed to her by NASA founder and ex-German scientist Wernher Von Braun on his deathbed.
By that time, he knew the Deep State had the reverse-engineered craft in place that could make an “alien invasion” seem fully believable — and utterly devastating.
In light of what we now know from a group we call the Alliance, (more on that below,) it seems very unlikely that this “Alien 9/11” could ever actually occur.
At this point, disclosure seems to be more of a tool to try to distract the public… as we build toward an epic exposure of the darkness within the Deep State.
The arrests and indictments are working their way up to some of the very highest-level people — who have been sitting on these UFO secrets for 70 years.
We did also find out from the principal author of the initial New York Times article, Leslie Kean, that it was number one on the NYT website after its release:
The story is #1 most viewed on the Times website, and #1 Trending! It has more than 800 comments. https://t.co/KqaY9vpDfW
— Leslie Kean (@lesliekean) December 17, 2017
This shows that within the MSM’s own universe, this has indeed become an immensely popular story — overshadowing everything else in their entire arsenal.
So what exactly is going on here? Why now? And who, or what, is the Alliance?
In case you are new to all of this, my participation in the Disclosure Project was not the beginning of my direct involvement in this community.
I have had access to various insiders with highly classified information all the way back since 1993.
As of 2018, I will have been online as a UFO researcher for 22 years. During that time I have gained the trust of many insiders.
Part of how I “made it” this long is by being able to maintain confidentiality when asked.
Keeping certain things private also gives me an excellent means to assess and evaluate new insiders as they appear.
Many, many people have come forward with fake narratives. To the best of my ability, I will never call any attention to someone who is doing this.
One of the best ways the Deep State can destroy a researcher’s credbility is to develop a fake insider, and then destroy his crediblity after the community embraces and publicizes him.
This all started for me in 1993, when a college friend of mine revealed that his physics professor had worked in the higher echelons of NASA throughout most of the 1970s.
This professor confirmed to his entire class that UFOs were real. We were not being told the truth because “they” were afraid of a mass, public panic… so he said.
My friend got a private student-teacher briefing after class that went on for two hours, where he got far more detail than the rest of the class had received.
I heard all the details soon after it happened. This was the ‘spark’ that ignited my life-long quest to uncover the truth of the UFO phenomenon.
I looked up the professor, who is now deceased, and confirmed his NASA service. I am not sharing his name out of respect to his family’s privacy.
The professor said that he was allowed to tell people one-on-one like this, but he would deny everything if anyone ever asked him about it again.
He also said “they” would never allow this story to become headline news on the New York Times.
You can imagine how excited I was when my brother called me on December 16th, 2017. I hadn’t seen the headlines yet. It finally happened!
Now that the New York Times actually broke a story telling us that UFOs are real and are extraterrestrial in nature, we have clearly reached a very unique moment in time.
Something has shifted that has caused this jealously-guarded secret to finally be released.
The true story of what is really going on in the world right now is very deep.
If you are new to this, what I am about to tell you may seem like little more than the treatment for an amazing sci-fi conspiracy film.
Nonetheless, many people are fighting and dying in a “shadow World War III” right now, and most of us don’t even know about it.
This war includes weather-manipulating technology responsible for the lack of rain in Southern California for well over 250 days now, leading to huge wildfires.
I was personally affected by this on December 6th, when terrifyingly loud Emergency Broadcast System sirens went off on our phones — and we were threatened with possible imminent evacuation.
Thankfully, we were fine. Despite the lumps we are taking, this war is now reaching a stunning and very positive conclusion.
Almost everything I heard in my initial 1993 disclosure was validated four years later in The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip Corso.
This colonel was personally responsible for taking key items from the Roswell wreckage and farming it out to defense contractors as “foreign technology.”
I met further insiders at a UFO conference I attended in Connecticut in November 1996 – including a Lockheed official who again validated what the professor told my friend.
Everyone including Corso said that the Roswell crash really happened, and we were able to “reverse engineer” many very useful technologies from it.
This included computer chips, solid-state transistors, lasers, LED lights, fiber-optic cables, infrared night vision, Velcro, Kevlar and non-stick cling-wrap.
In addition, other technologies remained classified – including free energy, anti-gravity, energetic super-healing systems and warp drive / portal travel.
Even back then, it also occurred to me that if interstellar-capable spacecraft were crashing here, and we were rebuilding them, then we might well be able to fly outside of our own solar system.
This also meant that we would almost certainly be building outposts and bases on other planets and moons — while keeping it all very highly classified.
This could help to explain monuments on the moon and Mars that Richard C. Hoagland was frequently discussing on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.
After meeting most of the 39 insiders at the Disclosure Project in 2001, including Carol Rosin, I came into contact with a man wanting to be called Daniel as of 2003.
Daniel is only one of a series of insiders who gave me fascinating information about the secret UFO-related programs that have been going on.
The information each insider has shared with me is truly vast. Any decent summary of what I learned is far beyond the scope of this one article.
I summarized many of the key insiders and their secrets in the second half of my new book, The Ascension Mysteries.
Here is a rough list of the ten most important insiders I met, the year it started, and a very brief summary of some of what they told me.
2003: DANIEL. A seat from a crashed UFO was hooked up to a power supply and generated portals allowing travel through time and space.
2007: BRUCE. Worked at Area 51. Hoagland’s top insider, revealed glass-like ancient ruins have been found all over our Solar System.
2007: HENRY DEACON. Claimed to have worked on Mars and other outposts, repairing advanced technology and meeting multiple ETs.
2008: BOB DEAN. Told me in confidence that he had been through portal travel, and it felt like a sudden, moderate electrical shock in the body.
2008: JACOB. Claimed to have visited over 2000 off-planet locations and personally seen over 400 different types of ETs. Very high-level.
2008: EMERY SMITH. Personally involved in autopsying some 3000 different extraterrestrial corpses at Sandia, in Los Alamos / Kirtland AFB.
2009: PETE PETERSON. Confirmed a vast, hi-tech secret space program (SSP), interactions with 14 different types of ETs, including reptilians.
2010: MARK. An aeronautics designer I met through Pete who has eight different ways of generating anti-gravity, and worked with ETs at Area 51.
2014: COREY GOODE. Gave much more detail on the SSP outlined by Deacon, Dean, Jacob and Peterson. Went public in 2015.
2016: WILLIAM TOMPKINS. Vet from WWII who debriefed US spies in German SSP. Learned of ET reptilians, helped develop SSP craft.
Each one of these insiders has shared vast amounts of intel with me — often enough to fill entire books without ever getting boring.
As of this time, Daniel, Bruce, Jacob and Mark have never come forward, and have said very little, if anything, to anyone else.
Mark has indicated a potential openness to come forward, but it hasn’t happened yet. With the right funding we could develop anti-gravity propulsion systems.
I recently gave Emery Smith the psedonym Paul. He stayed hidden until last week, when his debut episode appeared on Cosmic Disclosure.
The threats on Emery’s life led to him sharing far, far more with me, immediately before and during these tapings, than I had ever heard him say before.
For this same reason I only briefly mentioned some of what he had talked about in The Ascension Mysteries.
There were a few conversations we had when he visited me in 2012 that I had so sorely wished we had recorded for posterity.
With all that being said, the discussions we just had on camera were much, much better.
The Gaia staff were all saying this was some of the most amazing disclosure-related testimony they had ever heard.
Emery was essentially forced to come forward after having everything he owned stolen, followed by a head-on collision that totaled his vehicle and nearly killed him.
Both of these events occurred very soon after I had leaked aspects of what he had told me, under the pseudonym “Paul.”
The burglaries occurred only shortly after he had finished living in my house for two months — after he had already suffered a variety of crippling setbacks.
Then, his head-on collision occurred only 30 minutes after I published another article with more of his intel.
The other driver deliberately steered into his lane and accelerated, as we described in previous articles. It was very highly suspicious. We got the message.
Emery had already shown off his ET-autopsying skills in the movie Sirius, where he worked with Dr. Steven Greer to obtain samples from the Atacama Humanoid.
In case you missed this fascinating story, some of the world’s leading geneticists confirmed this tiny, shrunken corpse was not a deformed fetus.
It was human-like, but had very unusual characteristics, including a much-larger skull and other abnormal skeletal features.
A DNA test of the sample Emery removed ended up demonstrating about 88 percent human characteristics — and as much as 12 percent that was “anomalous.”
When you take a look at it, you can easily see why.
Gaia is still awaiting the results of similar tests from multiple three-fingered humanoid mummies found in Peru.
In this case, they were mummified with a mixture of diatomaceous earth, forming a white powdery surface over the bodies.
These attacks against Emery were almost certainly from the Deep State, and its online troll-attack subsidiary we have been calling the Dark Alliance.
Corey Goode and I both had our lives threatened. My warning apparently came straight from the Rothschilds through an insider, as I discussed in earlier articles.
I was concerned enough about the risks that I waited for months until the Dark Alliance had given us enough rope to hang them with — metaphorically speaking.
William Tompkins actually died during this same timeframe — just hours before the total solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017. The threat was very real.
Pete Peterson had everything he owned stolen out of his house. These items were worth much more than the low six-figure amount the bank was claiming he owed on his property.
Corey Goode was being smeared online with an unbelievable number of videos and articles featuring highly exaggerated, overblown attacks.
I was threatened with death if I did not “publicly divorce” him. The plan was then for him to be killed and for it to appear as a suicide, out of despondency and ruin.
Once I decided to support Corey anyway, my car suffered a sudden loss of all braking power — seemingly in direct response to the threats I had received.
In the aftermath of this violent brush with death, I told Emery the only way he could protect himself would be to come forward.
We have now taped 15 episodes of his testimony at Gaia for his own safety. The copies are stored in multiple locations for security reasons.
I do feel we managed to capture a good summary of his most amazing experiences after many years in the insider world.
That being said, we still have barely even scratched the surface of describing the three thousand different types of ET bodies he witnessed and autopsied.
This was only one of a series of mind-blowing assignments he had during his time in the Air Force and related black-ops divisions.
Emery has already produced multiple authentic documents that prove his elaborate, high-level military service.
His testimony is very, very amazing. His public outing is as significant of an event in the UFO community as what we saw with William Tompkins.
Emery is prepared to do live videos, radio shows and other events to help get the word out, and encourage a fuller form of disclosure.
He also helps to “ground” the Corey Goode info in a more terrestrial package. His MD-level knowledge of anatomy and related jargon is very impressive.
At this time, Emery has been all but completely financially devastated by the Deep State. He has no car, no furniture and can barely even afford food.
I have helped him as much as I can this year and am also low on funds at this point, due to initiatives I will be announcing in the coming year.
I therefore strongly encourage you to step up and send Emery an emergency donation at https://www.paypal.me/EmerySmith72.
This war for disclosure is very real, and without your support, the soldiers on the front lines won’t make it. So please help Emery have a Merry Christmas.
Emery’s alleged experiences shed amazing new light on everything we have heard from other SSP whistleblowers, as mentioned above.
As I said, Corey Goode has been providing intel to me personally since October 2014, and went public as of the spring of 2015.
Much of Corey’s information concerns the so-called Secret Space Program. He claims to have served on a cigar-shaped craft in a program called Solar Warden.
It is very rare that people in these programs ever get to return to Earth. Those who do are typically “blank-slated,” with their memories erased.
Only an average of 4 percent of them have any memories at all. The scope of Corey’s recall is very rare, and makes him a highly valuable asset for Disclosure.
I might not have believed everything Corey was saying if it hadn’t been for Daniel, Bruce, Deacon, Dean, Jacob, Emery, Pete, Mark and others I had spoken to before him.
With this pedigree as a background, I found Corey telling me dozens upon dozens of things I had already heard from others, and had never made public.
William Tompkins further enhanced Corey’s credibility — and with Emery finally stepping forward, it has gone up even more.
Emery claims to have been in underground bases, but was never taken off-planet as far as he consciously knew.
Nonetheless, it is fascinating to speculate as to how the folks at Kirtland AFB could have come into possession of such a dazzling variety of ET corpses.
There were dozens of operating rooms just on the one floor of Sandia Labs that Emery worked in — and there were also dozens of floors.
Corey’s experiences read like an amazing series of sci-fi movie scripts — and as he has revealed, there is high-level interest around this content from various groups.
I encourage you to visit SecretSpaceProgram.com to see what he is up to now. His other existing website is SphereBeingAlliance.com.
I am not going to recap all of his testimony in this article, as I have done it before in many previous entries of David’s Blog since 2015. Some of it also appears in The Ascension Mysteries.
Much more of it will be covered, as well as how it ties in with my own bizarre experiences, in my new book Awakening in the Dream, due in August.
Additionally, our half-hour-long Gaia show Cosmic Disclosure has been running weekly now for two and a half years. Only now have we gotten through most of Corey’s testimony.
The best way to dive into this story is to become a Gaia subscriber, which gets you full access to everything, and begin watching Cosmic Disclosure from the inaugural episode.
That same debut episode — Season 1, Episode 1 — can be watched freely on YouTube by clicking here.
Parts Two and Three of this new article series will have far more to say about Corey’s remarkable experiences, bringing this cosmic narrative right up to the present.
Emery was never allowed to ask questions about the many bizarre humanoid bodies he autopsied at Kirtland Air Force Base.
Everything he saw was human, more or less. However, it appeared as if any type of life we see on earth had evolved into a human-like form somewhere else.
They all typically had two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears and so forth. This was called “the five-star pattern,” after the head and four limbs.
With that said, some looked like they evolved from insects. Others were aquatic types. Many were mammalian in some way. Others were reptilian-derived.
He told me that many ETs are shorter than we are. The overall average of what he saw is only slightly above waist height for a typical human adult.
Others can be significantly taller. In one case he saw a body that was nearly 40 feet tall, and had a very rough skin — almost with a rock-like appearance.
This might seem fanciful to you, but Emery never profited off of any of this — and only came forward after suffering the head-on collision.
In our inaugural episode, which will be released freely online in January, Emery breaks into tears near the end when talking about these threats on his life.
As a result of coming forward so prominently, Corey was contacted by multiple different groups of insiders, at various levels of secrecy.
This included an alliance that formed within the Secret Space Program, or SSP, he originally worked in. This group has full interstellar travel capability and was started by the US Navy.
More recently, he was contacted by another SSP that is run by the Air Force-based military-industrial complex here on Earth. We call this the MIC SSP.
The MIC SSP folks are told that we have craft zipping around the solar system, but they cannot travel outside of its boundaries.
Most of them believe that modern ETs do not exist — though they are told that our solar system is littered with ruins of ancient civilizations.
Bruce is an example of an insider I know who has access to the MIC / Air Force SSP. Pete Peterson, to a degree, is working with it as well.
Pete had heard rumors about a greater Navy SSP, and went from an initial great skepticism of Corey’s claims to an overall acceptance.
Emery has realized that his own experiences with the autopsies, and other special projects he worked on, give compelling clues that Corey is telling the truth.
Bruce tends to think the MIC SSP narrative is the highest form of truth there is, and feels, as Pete once did, that Corey must be lying.
This just helps shed some light on how complex the interactions between insiders can be. Not everyone is “on board” with everyone else.
Beginning in 2016, Corey was also abducted and interrogated by a tough colonel within the MIC SSP who we are calling Sigmund.
This is a brand-new artistic rendition, from Corey’s team, that is pretty close to what Sigmund looks like:
Sigmund only believed what he was taught about the MIC SSP — namely that we had advanced craft, but had never left our solar system.
In fact, he was being lined up as a major public whistleblower who would emerge in later stages of the disclosure process we are just starting to see now.
It was very important that someone like Sigmund absolutely believe that the Air Force / MIC secret space program was as far as we had ever gotten.
That way, even if he was captured, interrogated, tortured and killed, he would never deviate from the “approved” storyline he had been given.
Yet, when doing advanced testing on Corey, such as with hair analysis, Sigmund confirmed trace elements that can only be found when people travel to off-planet areas in our solar system.
Sigmund rooted out and compromised many SSP Alliance members before realizing that Corey was telling the truth — and that he had been lied to on an epic scale.
At that point, the Deep State went after him. He was forced to go into hiding. He has only recently resurfaced, and is fascinated by what he is now learning.
Our third update will have detailed new reports of what Sigmund has most recently seen and heard. It is very, very fascinating stuff.
Corey has also been approached by people within what I usually call the Alliance, for short, and which he tends to call the Earth Alliance.
This is a group of multiple factions that are opposed to the Cabal / Deep State. It may consist of as much as 90 percent of the US military at this point.
The Alliance also encompasses a significant majority of the sixteen US intelligence agencies, as well as the governments in most other countries of the world, to varying degrees.
The Deep State / Cabal has been cranking out films that support their agenda since the dawn of the silent era.
Much more recently, the Alliance has been fighting back with a variety of films that reveal critical elements of the truth.
The latest must-see Alliance film to blow the whistle on the Deep State is American Made, starring Tom Cruise — who is a key figure in many Alliance films.
American Made just came out this past week on streaming video for purchase, and will be available to rent as of January 2nd.
This film totally exposes the Clinton-Bush cocaine-smuggling and money laundering operation that was conducted out of Mena, Arkansas. Don’t miss it.
If you used to believe that all Hollywood films were made and controlled by the Deep State, this one may very well change your mind.
The most shocking scene in the movie is when the smuggler has been arrested by a huge team of different agents, only to have Governor Clinton personally call in and set him free.
You watch as the entire town of Mena, Arkansas — the state where Bill Clinton was governor — is transformed from a sleepy hamlet into a money-laundering boom town.
Tom Cruise’s character ended up making so much money that he literally ran out of places to hide it — even by digging holes to bury it in the yard.
The film shows exactly how the CIA worked to out-maneuver the DEA and other agencies, and even how it all spilled over into the Iran-Contra scandal.
The movie did not do very well at the box office, but will undoubtedly soon be considered required viewing as the arrests reach critical mass.
Certain elements within the CIA and the FBI are among those most heavily compromised by the Deep State at this time, according to various insiders.
The high-level personnel in the Deep State — some politicians and others who are not — are well aware of the Navy and Air Force secret space programs.
They are obsessed with power. Their ability to “control space” and keep us land-bound has only enhanced their feelings that they are “gods.”
They have been hiding an incredible amount of information from us since these programs first began picking up steam in late-1930s Germany.
The only way to really understand how people could be this cynical, harsh and diabolical towards others is to delve into the mind of the psychopath.
We now know that psychopaths have an abnormally low amount of electrical activity in their frontal lobes, which help to process empathy, love and compassion.
Here are the twenty key traits of these people, as defined by the Hare Psychopathy Checklist:
- glib and superficial charm
- grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
- need for stimulation
- pathological lying
- cunning and manipulativeness
- lack of remorse or guilt
- shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
- callousness and lack of empathy
- parasitic lifestyle
- poor behavioral controls
- sexual promiscuity
- early behavior problems
- lack of realistic long-term goals
- impulsivity
- irresponsibility
- failure to accept responsibility for own actions
- many short-term marital relationships
- juvenile delinquency
- revocation of conditional release
- criminal versatility
Standard psychological estimates have concluded that four percent of men and two percent of women in today’s world are psychopaths.
Most of them are not violent. However, they have a nearly unstoppable need to dominate, control and manipulate others every single day of their lives.
If they even miss one day where they don’t get to humiliate, degrade and abuse someone, they start to become very agitated and unbalanced.
I have unfortunately had multiple experiences with these types of people, which strongly motivated me to take on the Deep State.
Imagine what would happen when you have an entire group of these types of people who are working together to seek total world power.
Unfortunately, these top Deep State people have a very, very sick occult religion that includes pedophilia and satanic-type practices, such as animal and human sacrifice.
We have extensively covered this aspect of the story on this website, including the constant appearance of their symbols in movies, television shows, video games, music videos and the like.
This includes elements like the Masonic square and compass, the All-Seeing Eye, the two Masonic pillars, the Templar cross, and so on.
Strangely, their religious tradition requires them to “hide it out in the open” and tell us what they are doing, such as in thinly-disguised fiction.
If you want to see a truly shocking film example of this that checks off almost everything on the list, watch the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film.
This accurately portrays how a satanic group infiltrated elite secret societies, and helped to terrorize them into supporting the creation of the Federal Reserve.
The film begins with a truly disturbing scene, where the head villain is using black magic to force a woman to sacrifice herself with a dagger.
It also very interestingly shows how these people do not actually possess occult powers, but rather use elaborate trickery to make themselves appear as evil gods.
Again, this is the Revealing of the Method. Hiding it out in the open. The film is absolutely loaded with Cabal symbols from beginning to end.
They feel that if they openly show us what they are doing, and we still fall for it, then we deserve to be enslaved.
This may also explain why Robert Downey, Jr. ended up getting involved very heavily in making films for the Alliance, as his Iron Man / Tony Stark character.
The second Sherlock Holmes film from 2011 wasn’t as in-your-face with the propaganda as the first one, but still has some obvious elements, such as Downey drawing a pentagram with a serpent and cross, and sitting inside of it.
Many audience members sounded off about the excessive attempts to infuse the entire film with blatant sexual jokes and innuendoes.
Speaking of nonsense, allow me to talk (briefly) about the naked man scene. For no apparent reason at all—a pudgy, middle-aged man comes out to greet his young, just-married female houseguest one morning while wearing … nothing.
[DW: He also expresses his fascination that any man would ever be interested in a woman.]
Did the scene get a laugh? Sure. Unexpected nudity is reliably effective at accomplishing that feat. But it’s also a textbook definition of gratuitous. As is, I’m compelled to add here, the sequence in which Holmes and Watson “share a sleeper car” with the former dressed in drag.
Equally squirmy, in a radically different way, is Moriarty skewering Holmes with what amounts to a giant fishhook, then watching in catlike amusement as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s ageless hero contorts and dangles—screaming.
I realize Moriarty’s a really bad guy and all, but I could have done without that scene too.
Many, if not most people in the so-called Illuminati / Cabal are deeply traumatized victims who would do just about anything to escape it with their lives.
This is not commonly understood in the alternative community. Everyone in this group is abused. Many people only are participating because they are forced to.
However, at the highest levels you do have some truly sick individuals who actually enjoy what they are doing, and embrace the practices.
As an example, the Pizzagate revelations that emerged from the October 2016 Wikileaks data dump are not at all fake news.
Sadly, this is all very real. We covered it in stomach-churning detail last December, in Endgame: Part I.
Most people in the inside world of the Deep State are not doing these heinous things. Many of them didn’t even know about it until fairly recently.
That being said, some insiders have told me that “rank and file” members of the FBI have been systematically blocked from investigating elite pedophilia all along.
That, thankfully, has changed just since the end of last year… dramatically so.
The MIC SSP is now largely opposed to the Deep State, as is the Earth Alliance.
For years now we have been sharing details of a hyper-complex operation to expose, indict and arrest the Deep State.
Benjamin Fulford was telegraphing an operation of this nature as of 2007. I began getting personal leaks about it from Pete Peterson in 2009.
Once Corey came forward, he was “brought back in” by various groups and given detailed briefings on Alliance operations.
By 2011, I was regularly sharing intel I was hearing about a plan for “mass arrests” of top Deep State operatives.
Bear in mind that Pete Peterson alone was gathering intel from well over 20 completely different sources within the Alliance.
It appeared that the arrests would involve military operations in multiple key areas here in America and around the world to grab the bad guys.
We were also told to expect a possible disruption of goods and services for up to two weeks — and therefore to have stored food and water on hand, good for at least that length of time.
Furthermore, the insiders told us that when the Deep State was treading very close to the boundary of this type of full defeat, they would start releasing some of the “Crown Jewels” they have been holding on to.
What we are seeing in the media just since our last article in November makes it seem quite obvious that this is now taking place.
However, let’s not get too caught up in the Tom DeLonge group’s announcement.
That is only one of a whole constellation of “options” for disclosure that are being put out there.
The Deep State wants to have multiple back-up plans — even dozens — in the event that any one, or a series of options becomes compromised or otherwise useless in some way.
They may back off of the plans to use the “Antarctic Atlantis” storyline after we so thoroughly exposed it, beginning last December, as an example.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the stories that are emerging, and add in the insider perspective we have on them from Corey and others.
The first relevant piece of data concerns a very large new chamber that was announced in the Great Pyramid as of November 2nd, 2017.
11/2: New Chamber Discovered Inside the Great Pyramid
11/2: Great Pyramid’s Hidden Chamber Revealed
According to multiple insiders, the Deep State operatives are already well aware of this chamber and its contents.
This huge, hidden room may very well be what John Ora Kinnaman discovered in or around 1922, in the enigmatic story of Kinnaman’s Entrance.
This archived article goes into great detail on the subject. Noted scholar Andrew Collins believed Kinnaman may have been creating fantasy stories.
Nonetheless, our insiders have confirmed that this chamber in the Great Pyramid has been known about for some time, and plans are in place to reveal it to us.
They may discover a “secret passageway” that leads into this chamber, where they then dazzle us with the obviously ET, high-tech toys and artifacts we have heard are still inside.
Since the Deep State occult religion is very Pyramid-centric, this might help cement their narrative that their belief system came from “the gods.”
Less than two weeks after this announcement, on November 14th, another enigmatic “new discovery” was announced at the Mayan pyramid of Kukulcan.
In this case, the stories refer to it as a “secret passageway” that was discovered, which leads to a “natural underground cave” or cenote that the pyramid was built over.
The hint of this cave can be seen in the below image where it says “Cavidad,” or cavity.
11/14: Secret Passageway Found Under Mayan Temple
A secret passageway has been discovered under a 1,000-year-old Mexican pyramid….
The new discovery of the underground passage is believed to lead to a cenote or water-filled cave at the Temple of Kikulkan in Mexico’s Chichen Itza….
At present, the team have discovered the passage, although have not physically explored it yet as it’s currently blocked by a smaller burial chamber known as the Ossuary.
Dr de Anda told El Universal: ‘Through the Ossuary, we can enter the cave beneath the structure and there we found a blocked passageway, probably closed off by the ancient Mayans themselves.
‘We will enter again and this time we will try to open it to see if the passageway leads us to the entrance of the cenote beneath the pyramid.’
Once again, we are told that this underground chamber has already been entered and explored by Deep State operatives, and has ET relics that would not disappoint us in the least.
Remember that Tom DeLonge’s team is aiming to fund a Lockheed-inspired anti-gravity craft that may be based on crashed extraterrestrial wreckage.
It is any coincidence, then, that on the day after the Mayan chamber was announced, we were told about an Earth-size, possibly habitable planet right next door?
Think about it… if some type of SSP is announced, and the craft already exist, we could “pop over” there in no time — just like the “Art’s Parts” grandfather suggested the ETs had done at Roswell.
11/15: Earth-Size Planet May Be Habitable 11 Light Years Away
Just three days later, the Los Angeles Police Department announced that they are investigating nearly 24 different criminal sexual cases in Hollywood:
11/18: LAPD Investigates Nearly 24 Sex Crime Cases Tied to Hollywood
Los Angeles police are investigating almost two dozen cases of alleged criminal sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the entertainment industry, a senior department official told NBC News.
The cases involve individuals who are known publicly as well as others who have not yet been identified, the official said Friday.
Allegations span from misdemeanor sexual battery to felony rape, and in many cases, there are multiple complaints lodged against the same individual, the official said. With calls from victims continuing to roll in, the number of investigations is expected to rise.
While police have not said publicly who is under investigation, law enforcement’s response comes after a mounting list of Hollywood heavy hitters, including Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, have been accused of some form of sexual misconduct.
Then, one week later, the number had jumped from less than 24 up to 28 open investigations in Hollywood, and 37 more in other areas. Take a look:
11/25: LAPD Reveals 28 Open Investigations Into Hollywood, 37 More in Other Jurisdictions
The LAPD says it has 28 open sex-crime investigations linked to Hollywood and the media, and that it expects more will come.
As well as the investigations it currently has open, the force has also passed on 37 cases to other jurisdictions where it believes the crimes may have occurred.
‘We anticipate the LAPD and other jurisdictions will receive even more high profile sex crime reports in the coming weeks and months,’ Police Chief Charlie Beck told the LA Times.
‘We encourage all victims of sexual assault to come forward to report these crimes.’
That last sentence is very important. The LAPD is saying that even if you have signed an NDA, as most have been forced to do, now is the time to come forward.
When we add it up, we are talking about an astonishing sixty-five different figures in the entertainment world now under investigation.
However, as we study the very exciting subject of recent, sealed indictments, there appear to be at least 4,289 cases now in progress.
A sealed indictment may be filed in a case where an organized crime syndicate is under active investigation.
This allows the authorities to nab certain individuals in the cartel, without making a public statement of who is being targeted.
It is now a provable fact that the number of sealed indictments on the current Federal record is vastly higher than usual, by orders of magnitude.
Read this excerpt for the provable details, obtained from the PACER.gov legal website:
11/27: 4289 Sealed Federal Indictments / Cases in All 94 Federal Districts
From October 30 through November 22, 2017, there are 4,289 sealed indictments filed in past 3 weeks in all 94 federal District Court Districts in the United States. This is utterly unprecedented in US history.
The “normal” is 1000 in 12 months.
[DW: Notice there are a total of 687 different indictments in the four federal districts of California alone.]
Scuttlebutt from my former colleagues in the Intel Community is that the feds are going to “swoop” all of them in one massive action, to “drain the swamp.”…
At the link below is the PROOF, taken directly from United States District Court computers via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER.gov) system, which is the automated filing system for ALL United States federal courts.
These official court records show that between October 30 and November 22, 2017, a grand total of 4,289 SEALED Indictments/Cases now have docket Numbers from various federal courts. This has NEVER happened before.
Yes, there have been occasional SEALED cases- maybe three or four per District. It was previously considered “unusual” to have five or six such sealed cases.
Now, in some Districts, there are several HUNDRED such sealed cases, all filed between October 30 and November 22, 2017 —– about three weeks!
The most remarkable feature of this Hal Turner update is the production of what appears to be the actual search warrant for Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
We have covered this story before. Weiner apparently had a folder on this computer entitled “Life Insurance,” which had multiple, highly incriminating pieces of evidence in it.
This apparently includes photos and videos of extremely high-level Deep State personnel involved in pedophilia, satanic activities and so forth.
Alex Jones has been claiming in recent weeks that he has gotten to see some of this “disgusting” content, and it included footage of “an orgy on Air Force One,” (one of) the (former) presidents’ planes.
Here is the first page of the warrant, dated almost exactly a year ago: December 20th, 2016.
If you go through this entire document, you will read statements about the Clinton emails that were found in the laptop.
Most interesting is entire pages where much of the text has been blanked out.
It appears that these multiple blanked-out passages have “smoking gun” intelligence that has paved the way for the indictments.
This could very well include highly upsetting, Pizzagate-related content.
Number 3 on this next page clearly mentions that damning information related to Hillary Clinton was found on the laptop:
Clinton is again mentioned on page 9 of the document, along with one of many large chunks of “sealed” text:
The last page of the indictment, seen below, said that the full contents of this information is “not known to (blank) or the public.”
In this case, the “blank” may very well be Hillary herself. Notice also that the investigating agent’s name was blanked out for his / her own protection:
The 4,289 sealed indictments are a provable fact, as are the contents of this document… which again are “not known to (Hillary) or the public.”
Again, I recommend visiting the Hal Turner website to read more of the details on this stunning case.
Various insiders such as Mega Anon, who we are now in contact with, has said Hillary is already wearing a GPS bracelet because of this and other sealed indictments.
She is apparently hiding it by wearing a surgical boot out in public.
On December 14th, the Daily Mail and other outlets noted that Hillary was still wearing the boot two months after allegedly breaking her toe, which is unusual.
Two days after the LAPD called for anyone and everyone to come forward with information against Hollywood elite perversions, another major disclosure event occurred.
NASA announced that a bizarre, cigar-shaped “asteroid” had been spotted tumbling end-over-end through our solar system.
It was given the Hawaiian-sounding name Oumuamua — and this obviously looked much more like a spacecraft than an asteroid.
11/20: NASA’s Cigar-Shaped, Interstellar “Asteroid” (Summary of Articles)
Almost immediately, people began speculating that this was much more like a spaceship than an asteroid.
It also triggered a raft of hilarious internet memes, such as this Cheech and Chong-inspired spoof:
Exactly three weeks after NASA first announced the existence of this very strange object, the MSM began exploding with speculation of its ET origins.
Bear in mind that this was December 11th… only five days before the epic Tom DeLonge mass disclosure event:
12/11: Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Could be Artificial, ET Investigators Suggest
It could turn out to be the greatest discovery humanity has ever made.
Scientists are planning to investigate a mysterious cigar-shaped asteroid which entered our solar system to see if it’s an alien probe.
The strange space rock has been named A/2017 U1, or ‘Oumuamua, and is the first asteroid seen arriving in our galactic neighbourhood after speeding through interstellar space – the name for the blank and vast void between stars.
The 400 metre-long asteroid may have been travelling through space on its lonely journey for hundreds of millions of years before it was snared by the sun’s gravitational pull.
But scientists from Breakthrough Listen project think there’s a small chance it’s a spaceship built by some advanced civilisation.
A telescope will now be trained on the object to see whether it’s producing any signals – which would indicate it’s alien in origin – or whether it’s just a plain old asteroid on a solitary path through the heavens.
The unidentified object is up to 800 metres long but very thin and elongated. It is bright red and appears to have been blasted by cosmic rays.
It zoomed through the solar system at a speed of about 60,000 miles per hour before catapulting out into space again to continue its solitary trek between the stars.
However, its strange shape offers few clues about how it was formed, boosting speculation about its artificial origins.
Could it actually be a reconnaissance craft sent out by an alien mothership?
Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist from Harvard University thinks there’s a small chance that the asteroid could finally reveal whether humanity is alone in the universe.
‘Perhaps the aliens have a mothership that travels fast and releases baby spacecraft that freely fall into planetary systems on a reconnaissance mission,’ Loeb told Scientific American.
‘In such a case, we might be able to intercept a communication signal between the different spacecraft.’
Here is another example of many articles that speculated on the same idea:
12/11: Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Being Investigated For Signs of ET Tech
Then on December 14th, it was announced that Stephen Hawking, our modern-day Einstein, was leading an investigation on whether this was an exterrestrial probe.
The mysterious cigar-shaped object, dubbed “Oumuamua”, soared past Earth last month.
It travelled unimaginable distances at almost 200,000mph.
And now a scientific body, led by Mr Hawking, is trying to find out if the object is an alien probe or a previously unseen natural phenomenon….
Hawking and his colleagues at Breakthrough Listen said: “Researchers working on long-distance space transportation have previously suggested that a cigar or needle shape is the most likely architecture for an interstellar spacecraft, since this would minimise friction and damage from interstellar gas and dust.”…
Scientists believe the space rock is made of alien metal and has been ravaged by cosmic rays over millions of years.
Just to give you a teaser of what Corey is feverishly writing up for Part Three of this new series, this object apparently IS an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
The MIC SSP, as we said, has craft that can travel throughout our solar system — and has had them for many years.
According to Sigmund, they have already flown out to this object, landed on it and managed to find a way inside.
Corey was lucky enough to see actual video of the interior. This was one case where I definitely felt jealous.
Most of the technology in the object was long since cleaned out.
Nonetheless, there is a stunning treasure-trove of super-advanced goodies inside.
The MIC SSP now feel our technology will make quantum leaps by examining, studying and emulating this technology.
They have advanced chronometric dating systems that suggest the object is over a billion years old.
This ties it back in with the enigmatic “Ancient Builder Race,” which apparently left ruined, glass-like pyramids, domes and obelisks all over our solar system.
The Ancient Builder Race is heavily discussed in the second half of The Ascension Mysteries, based on reports from multiple insiders.
Most excitingly, there are apparently three different types of beings in advanced stasis fields inside the craft.
Written inscriptions have also helped to give us possible insights into this mysterious culture.
I know, I get it… this sounds crazy. Just remember what you read here. It may “go mainstream” a lot sooner than we think.
Add it up: the MSM is already heavily teasing that they have interstellar-capable craft, that habitable worlds are nearby, and this “asteroid” may be a ship.
Hidden chambers in pyramids of Giza and Kukulcan may have artifacts in them that directly relate to what we will find in Oumuamua.
On this same day, December 14th, we had the MSM declare that Hillary was still wearing her suspicious surgical boot:
12/14: Hillary Wearing Surgical Boot TWO MONTHS After Alleged Broken Toe
We also heard the surprising news that Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, was stepping down in the near future:
12/14: Paul Ryan Stepping Down
Of course, the usual reasons such as wanting to spend more time with his family were given.
However, in light of the 4,289 sealed indictments and the raging #MeToo campaign, the timing of this is more than a little suspicious.
Now we are finally back to the point in our timeline where this article began. Here again are some of the many links that flourished at the time:
12/16: The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs
12/16: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program
12/16: Two Navy Airmen and an Object That “Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen”
MSNBC: UFO Pentagon Program
CBS: Government UFO Program
CNN: We May Not Be Alone
Washington Post: The Aliens Are Coming — And No One Cares
UK Independent: US Gov Recovered Material They Do Not Recognize from UFO
Fox News: Out of This World Encounter
12/18: The Most Intriguing Details in the Pentagon UFO Reports
12/18: Govt Admits UFO Studies. So About Those Area 51 Conspiracy Theories…
For decades, Americans were told that Area 51 didn’t really exist and that the U.S. government had no official interest in aliens or UFOs.
Statements to the contrary, official-sounding people cautioned, were probably the musings of crackpots in tinfoil hats.
Well, score one for the crackpots.
The Pentagon has officially confirmed that there was, in fact, a $22 million government program to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats” — government-speak for UFOs.
Right in the thick of all this excitement, on December 19th, the top story on Drudge Report was of a remarkable and secret new plane from Boeing.
This was exactly the type of craft we were told would start being released to the public in the “Partial Disclosure” scenario.
I go through multiple slides of this sort of craft, as seen in predictive Hollywood movies, beginning at 2:07:04 in The Antarctic Atlantis, a YouTube video with over 1.2 million views.
Furthermore, Goode and other insiders have said that once they declassify anti-gravity, the rotor-style propellers would be replaced with anti-gravity generating engines.
If you start at precisely 2:10:28, you can hear the exact moment where I predicted that very thing on stage in February of this year.
12/19: Drudge Top Story: Boeing Unveiling Secret VTOL Plane
The radical design combines fixed-wing technology from planes with rotary-wing technology from helicopters.
This same day, December 19th, we heard results from initial analyses of Oumuamua.
It continues to defy expectations. It does not at all have the characteristics of a comet, as would be expected — and it is very, very ancient.
12/19: The Icy Secrets of an Interstellar Visitor (Oumuamua)
The earliest analysis of the light from ‘Oumuamua, conducted by its discoverers in Hawaii, revealed a strange, fast-spinning, cigar-like object unlike anything they’ve ever seen. The latest analyses continue to produce tantalizing results, further challenging long-standing predictions for the first visitor to our solar system.
‘Oumuamua has a thick crust of carbon-rich material, hardened by years of exposure to cosmic radiation in interstellar space, that could be protecting an icy interior, according to a new analysis in Nature Astronomy of the object in visible and near-infrared wavelengths.
The coating could explain why ‘Oumuamua shows no signs of being a comet, the kind of object scientists long expected would coast into our solar system.
‘Oumuamua didn’t show signatures of ice or minerals found in rock, which means it’s neither icy nor rocky, at least not exactly. But it did show signs of carbon compounds….
If ‘Oumuamua has ice, as a comet would, it may be hiding beneath a mantle half a meter thick, formed after hundreds of millions—perhaps even billions—of years of bombardment by high-energy particles.
This one may appear to be a stretch, but then again maybe not.
If the Deep State truly has an elaborate presence in space, it wouldn’t be hard for them to sculpt an asteroid with a death-like skull symbol using mining machines.
The skull and crossbones, after all, is one of the most common symbols of the Cabal. And this asteroid does look “too good to be true,” in the natural sense.
It is also interesting to note that this creepy asteroid last came by on the ritually significant date of All Hallow’s Eve — and was announced as returning again, exactly on the Winter Solstice.
Both dates are of key significance in the occult religion of the Deep State.
12/21: Skull-Shaped Asteroid To Make Close Pass By Earth
· The space rock first passed our planet on October 31, 2015, in time for Halloween
· Experts studying the 2015 flyby published a paper detailing their observations
· The comet’s approach led to claims that it could spell doom for planet Earth
· Its comeback will give scientists opportunity to study the strange object again
The Winter Solstice is the darkest, most difficult day of the year due to it having the latest sunrise and earliest sunset.
If the features of this asteroid were deliberately sculpted by the Deep State, it could have been intended to give a subconscious message of “death from space.”
One of the bullet points in the list at the top of the article said, “it could spell doom for planet Earth.”
This could again be used as a type of occult foreshadowing, in an attempt to get the public fearing an “alien invasion” in light of the “sanctioned disclosure” now underway.
Nope. Not buying it. Sorry, guys.
Also on 12/21, the content-aggregator site Digg, which pools the most popular articles online, had a feature entitled “Aliens Definitely Exist:”
12/21: Digg – Aliens Definitely Exist
Oh Hell Yeah Baby, Aliens Are Definitely Real
By now, you’ve probably already read that the Pentagon was secretly investigating reports of unidentified flying objects from 2007 to 2012. They have the videos. They have the freaking alloys. Alloys!
I know you know all this. But I just want to point out two things.
First, I think it’s fantastic that we’re all just excited and welcome the existence of extra terrestrials on this planet. Not in a delusional “Abduct me baby!” kind of a way, but “Heck, this planet could use an outside actor to really come in and shake things up.”
This planet has been running on autopilot for the past few millennia, it’s about dang time some consultants come in and determine if humanity really is all it’s cracked up to be.
Second, the group that now possess the alloys, To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, was co-founded by none other than Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge.
We are now aware of the presence of aliens because of the guy who released an album called “Take Off Your Pants And Jacket.”
Incredible. What a small world and universe we live in.
Google has exhibited enormous criminal behavior in their mass, unconstitutional censorship of content on YouTube, Gmail, their search-engine results, and so on.
Another sign that the Alliance’s plans are really working occurred when Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, announced his sudden resignation.
This occurred amidst rumors that he was a serial womanizer:
12/21: Google Exec Chairman Stepping Down in Surprise Announcement
Eric Schmidt shocked Silicon Valley with a surprise announcement Thursday that he’s stepping down as executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet….
But the timing of Schmidt’s sudden move — along with the fact that Alphabet waited three days to disclose that Schmidt had told the company he was stepping down, according to a filing — raised questions.
Schmidt is a known womanizer despite being married for 37 years to Wendy Schmidt, who said in 2012 they started living separate lives because she felt like “a piece of luggage” following him around the world.
As if everything else I’ve shared with you wasn’t enough, on 12/21, top scientists announced that “life in the universe is common.”
This paves the way for Oumuamua to be an ancient spaceship, for Roswell to have been a genuine extraterrestrial craft, and so much more.
Take a look:
A new analysis of the oldest known fossil microorganisms provides strong evidence to support an increasingly widespread understanding that life in the universe is common.
The microorganisms, from Western Australia, are 3.465 billion years old.
Scientists from UCLA and the University of Wisconsin–Madison report today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that two of the species they studied appear to have performed a primitive form of photosynthesis, another apparently produced methane gas, and two others appear to have consumed methane and used it to build their cell walls.
The evidence that a diverse group of organisms had already evolved extremely early in the Earth’s history — combined with scientists’ knowledge of the vast number of stars in the universe and the growing understanding that planets orbit so many of them — strengthens the case for life existing elsewhere in the universe, because it would be extremely unlikely that life formed quickly on Earth but did not arise anywhere else.
“By 3.465 billion years ago, life was already diverse on Earth; that’s clear — primitive photosynthesizers, methane producers, methane users,” said J. William Schopf, a professor of paleobiology in the UCLA College, and the study’s lead author.
“These are the first data that show the very diverse organisms at that time in Earth’s history, and our previous research has shown that there were sulfur users 3.4 billion years ago as well.
“This tells us life had to have begun substantially earlier and it confirms that it was not difficult for primitive life to form and to evolve into more advanced microorganisms.”
Schopf said scientists still do not know how much earlier life might have begun.
“But, if the conditions are right, it looks like life in the universe should be widespread,” he said.
As we will explore in Section Two, also on this same day, the Winter Solstice, December 21st, another surprise attack was pulled against the Deep State.
Many operatives had their money, and all access to further money, frozen as of the wee hours of December 21st.
They woke up to find there was nothing left in their bank accounts, whether on or off the books, and no way to get more.
Here is a bit of the text of the order, which we will read in more detail in Section Two:
….This Executive Order… [is] declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world….
The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order.
It also blocks the property and interests in property of any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:
(1) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged in, serious human rights abuse;
(2) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:
(a) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or
(b) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption….
We will inevitably get comments from people who are terrified by this, and say it is a Hitler-type attempted takeover of the US government.
Let’s be clear, again, that I never thought I would have anything nice to say about Donald J. Trump in the past.
That being said, his candidacy was supported by the Alliance, and the Alliance is calling the shots in the decisions that are being made — not the Deep State.
This is a mess for many people, who are not seeing anything positive come out of this, and in fact are terrified — as the MSM has taught them to be.
The briefings I have received have painted a very, very different picture, as we will again cover more in Section Two.
There is clearly a civil war going on between Deep State elements, such as the CIA-controlled MSM, and this administration.
Friday night, December 22nd, shortly after dark, my phone started buzzing. And buzzing. And buzzing. And buzzing.
I didn’t check it at first, but then I wondered what in the world was going on.
Friends of mine from Venice all the way to Joshua Tree were breathlessly encouraging me to “go outside right now!”
Sure enough, there in my backyard was a staggering sight — the gorgeous, glowing remnant of a SpaceX rocket launch by none other than Elon Musk.
This was unannounced, and traumatized many people. Was it a missile attack from North Korea? Was it a UFO? Were we OK?
I ended up consoling each of my friends who wrote in. I knew right away it was just going to be a missile test. Similar things had happened before.
Once again, we had the Deep State seemingly coordinating moves like this to achieve a greater overall purpose.
Almost immediately, it became the top story on the Drudge Report:
The very next morning after this epic sighting, right before Christmas on December 23rd, the DeLonge disclosure went even farther than it had before.
Headlines were now saying that UFOs had been proven to exist beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever:
Earth may well have been visited by UFOs from outer space, the former head of a secret US government programme has told The Telegraph.
Luis Elizondo said the existence of supremely advanced unidentified aircraft, using technology that did not belong to any nation, had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt”.
Until two months ago, from his office on the fifth floor of The Pentagon, Mr Elizondo, a career intelligence officer, ran the innocuously named Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was funded with $22 million in “black ops money” from Congress.
The existence of the real-life X-Files department, which began in 2007, was revealed this week and confirmed by the Pentagon.
In an interview with the Telegraph, Mr Elizondo said much of what he could discuss was still classified.
All of this is very exciting. It appears to be confirming an epic dream I had a few months ago, in which I was told that disclosure would happen.
The dream said everything I’ve been working to achieve throughout my entire career would soon be coming true. And even before the end of 2017, it is already starting to happen.
As we head into Section Two of this report, we will delve into what the new briefings have told us about the Alliance’s plans to defeat the Deep State once and for all.
We can now prove that 4,289 sealed indictments were filed in just three weeks, mostly in November. This is unprecedented in all American history.
We also read excerpts from a court document naming Hillary Clinton and the Weiner laptop from last December, filled with tons of interesting cross-outs.
The last two months of news stories, once properly understood, reads like a scene-by-scene treatment for an amazing sci-fi thriller film.
In Section One, we talked about the different levels of the Secret Space Program that may exist, thanks to the testimony of many brave insiders.
I gave a list of ten names of people whose detailed accounts have integrated in truly remarkable ways — vastly beyond any possibility of disinformation.
This now includes Emery Smith, who I urged to come forward after 10 years when he was nearly killed by an obviously intentional head-on collision.
Emery has astonishingly detailed information on approximately three thousand different types of extraterrestrial bodies he autopsied at Kirtland AFB.
The grand, unifying explanation for everything we have discussed so far is that an Alliance is working diligently to free our planet from financial tyranny.
The dragon of the Deep State, in this case, is sitting upon a huge pile of gold that is much greater in value than we ever could have imagined.
Not only have they flattened out the economy of the entire world, they have literally built the Star Trek Age with our money — and hoarded it all for themselves.
It seems hard to even imagine how much our world will change if the Alliance can fully defeat the Deep State — but it is nonetheless absolutely real.
The first major steps toward a full disclosure were just taken as of the Tom DeLonge / I Team group’s announcement on Saturday, December 16, 2017.
This Christmas, we are now waking up into a world in which the mainstream is now telling us that “UFOs Definitely Exist,” and ancient craft are tumbling through our solar system.
The amount of fear-mongering around the current US administration is so high that it can be very difficult for anyone to see things objectively.
So let me say this again: the Alliance is much bigger, and much older, than anything we have seen taking place since the 2016 election.
The current US president is simply cooperating with a plan I started hearing about almost a decade ago.
I routinely run into people who think there is absolutely nothing positive about the new administration whatsoever.
However, once I explain to them what I personally know from insiders, and how the dots connect, they start opening up to a greater potential reality.
Asking simple questions can be a great way to get the wheels turning without sounding like a political zealot.
“Have you ever in your life seen such an aggressive war between the mainstream media and a sitting US president?”
“Isn’t the mainstream media supposed to be a tool for the government to release propaganda and further its agendas?”
“Are we seeing a revolutionary uprising taking place against entrenched sexual predators in Hollywood and the government?”
“Is it possible that a guy like Trump is heavily ego-invested in actually fulfilling his campaign promises to “drain the swamp” of the Deep State?”
“Wouldn’t all of this start to make sense if you acknowledge that the Alliance I was telling you about — now a majority of the US military — is real?”
“What might happen if all the cool stuff we were talking about before was actually declassified — and we got our money back?”
Also, please remember that many people are covertly fighting and dying, right now, to save us from a group of people who are as evil as you can possibly imagine.
The battle has become exceptionally lethal, and it is amazing how covert the whole thing still has been… at least up until now. Most people still have no idea.
The Deep State has obsessively tried everything they can think of to kill billions of people. Nuclear war. Viral pandemics. Engineered natural disasters.
Economic collapse. Weaponized food and vaccines. Epic wars. Terror attacks. Catalysts for martial law. And even the faked “alien invasion” threat.
While many in this audience sarcastically debate whether any of this is even real, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians who are risking their lives like never before to save our planet.
They deserve our honor, respect and appreciation. Many heroes will rise to take partial credit for these decades-long efforts once the operations are complete.
Many of the people who are the most hateful against the Alliance online are actually paid Deep State operatives — whose job is to incite conflict, as proven by the Snowden documents.
The Deep State folks literally wanted to reduce earth’s population to half a billion people, and openly published their intent in the so-called Georgia Guidestones.
I first received direct, firsthand knowledge of an Alliance working to defeat the genocidal Deep State in July 2009 – from Pete Peterson, a high-level insider.
This meeting led to a three-part YouTube interview with Project Camelot, in which I focused on medical and scientific issues with Pete in the second video.
The story of an organized resistance to the Deep State within the US military, in collaboration with many other nations, has inspired courage and hope.
Many seemingly mysterious headlines take on far greater significance and clarity once the true nature of the battle is understood, as we saw in Section One.
Since Pete first started briefing me, other high-level insiders have added their own direct knowledge of this “shadow World War III” that is now reaching its climax.
Despite the enormous risks involved, we have sought these people out and compiled their data to help ensure success.
With all that being said, never before have we seen so many visible events and headlines that point towards the same inexorable conclusion:
This is the big one.
The Deep State is losing this war on every front. The Deep State takedown we have been prognosticating for so long… is now happening.
The number of Hollywood and political elites already being exposed for sexual misconduct alone is so high that it has become very difficult to keep up with it.
In the old world, the Deep State protected its own, no matter what — and this extended right through to the bribed, corrupt judges who would issue baby-soft slaps on the wrist, if anything.
Not anymore.
The intel we are about to share with you is allegedly coming from the very highest levels of the Alliance.
On December 21st, the insider Corey Goode sent me a written summary of multiple high-level briefings he had over the preceding 48 hours.
I immediately called the new insider Mega Anon, who only appeared on the scene as of May 2017 with her astounding 4Chan debut.
This was only the third time we had ever spoken — after she had given me a secure means of contacting her by voice.
Up until this time, she wasn’t entirely sure whether the intel sources Corey was plugged into were accurate or not.
She was very impressed with the quality of the briefings Corey had received – hot off the presses and never before made public anywhere.
Multiple times she laughed out loud in amazement. And in every case, she confirmed the leaked data was true, and added far more intel to the mix.
She was speaking so fast and with such dazzling complexity that I could not write it all down – but I do feel we captured all the important elements in this article.
She also has a great deal of personality, sarcasm and snark. She would make a great character for a political thriller movie as the bad-ass female agent.
Mega Anon was the subject of three previous, huge articles we have written, which I highly recommend you read for greater context:
Something Very Big is Coming, Part I on October 10th, 2017; Part II on October 22nd, and Part III on November 12th.
You may not understand the gravity and awesomeness of what is going on if you haven’t read and studied these prior posts.
Mega has generated an enormous amount of written text since her debut, sharing unique, high-level briefings with the 4Chan community and the world.
This is not easy stuff to read, nor hear. Real insiders typically know so much, and have such specialized intel, that it is easy to get lost.
Mega has an encyclopedic knowledge of names and political events that can quickly leave you in the dust, particularly when she delivers it verbally.
I like to ask odd, specific questions that are slightly off-topic to test how an alleged insider reacts – and she has passed every test like this with flying colors.
In this last call, she was casually walking around the house doing various errands while nearly overwhelming me with the speed of information delivery.
I did my best to write it all down, but in certain cases I missed things as she was speaking just much too fast. I did get over 90 percent of it.
I feel Mega’s credibility is further enhanced by the fact that she genuinely wants to remain anonymous.
She has nothing to gain and everything to lose by coming forward. She is not seeking a spotlight. She does not want to do radio, video or anything else.
In this last call, she told me I am the only person she is sharing information with verbally.
Otherwise, her participation has been limited to posts on the Pol forum on 4Chan.
She does not work for the military or any intelligence agency. Out of respect for her privacy and safety, I have not asked questions about exactly who she is.
Suffice it to say that she has direct access to almost everyone of significance in the current administration, as well as other key Alliance assets.
She is thoroughly aware of the Alliance and its plans to save our planet, as she is on the front lines with the committees that are planning these actions.
I initially found her because she had gained some publicity in the alternative media for leaking intel that was similar to what I have been saying since 2009.
Our detailed coverage of her material in the aftermath of the Vegas shootings brought her a far greater audience.
She is still coping with what has happened. She honestly never thought her writings would go much beyond small audiences in 4Chan.
In several cases, people she personally knows have sent her tweets or articles, all excited about the new Mega Anon stuff, having no idea it is her.
Even our own immediate audience for these articles is in the hundreds of thousands, and the ripple effect from them is much greater.
Our second article on October 22nd went into far more detail, and confirmed 4Chan was an excellent venue for insiders to release intel to this community.
Just six days later, the mysterious new insider Q Anon began posting on 4Chan, ultimately gaining far wider alternative coverage than Mega ever has.
We summarized the Q Anon intel on November 12th in a lengthy article that showed how this source accurately predicted the mass arrests in Saudi Arabia.
At the time, I could never have imagined that Mega Anon would actually contact me personally. This is the first time I am telling that story in a formal article.
At the time of this writing, each of our three preceding articles on Mega Anon has generated an average of around three hundred thousand unique views.
This, in turn, seeds the alternative community with content that reaches millions, thanks to the many other videos, radio shows and articles that then occur.
When we talked the other night, she genuinely thought her work was just going to stay on 4Chan and not ignite such a wildfire of interest.
She is still overwhelmed by the whole thing. However, she doesn’t have a whole lot of time to dwell on it… she is a very busy person.
So how did I come into contact with this person?
The answer is that she got publicly angry at me… in a useful way. I will show you exactly how and where it happened.
In my three-part article series, I was convinced that Mega was the same insider who had been writing on 4Chan since mid-2016, claiming to be from the FBI.
She had a similar means of speaking, similar intel, and similar quirks in things like spelling, grammar and sentence mechanics.
Ultimately, she publicly stated that she had called and left a message on my answering machine right before Thanksgiving, proving she was a female.
There was some anger and bluster in there for sure, but enough compliments were sandwiched in as well that I did not feel threatened by it:
I think I’ve decided that when the fan has hit all the s–t it can and the MSM has nothing else to report but the truth anymore, I’m going to out myself (on here of course), just so every EVERY SINGLE ONE of these “e-celebs” who thinks they’re “helping” with their “research”, “analysis”, “breakdowns/explanations” of my posts, as if they’re confirming who I actually AM, or WHO I’m affiliated with or not, has to eat their own s–t, for being no less credible than the SAME MSM they denounce.
So let’s keep it “anon”, keep the posts HERE and let THEM CHOOSE how they’ll proceed.
But it sure would suck for people like, but not limited to, David Wilcock, to have to “explain” to his tens of thousands of innocent readers and viewers, how the very same , “sources”, “expertise”, “research”, “analytics” he uses to “validate” and “verify” his disclosure and ascension theories/ predictions, could also lead him to be SO INCREDIBLY WRONG about ME.
If he wants to use actual “evidence” provided by a “source” to support his claims about me, maybe he should just post audio of the voicemail I personally left him the day before Thanksgiving.
THAT’S REAL. He knows it. I know it. So why would he or his buddy Corey Goode post the things they have? I just don’t get it. Same for all these other people. It’s just disappointing.
I rushed to the phone and waded through a backlog of 23 voicemails, which can often happen when I get this busy.
Boom… there she was. Her voice was hardened and sarcastic… and she was definitely pissed off! Nonetheless, she had invited me to call her back.
I was impressed that she was able to find my number at all, since it is totally private and I do not accept calls from people I don’t already know.
I wrote down the number and immediately called her back. She was using a “burner phone” with special tech in it to further enhance security.
I opened up with a sincere apology, as I now knew that she was definitely the real thing.
Once she knew I genuinely respected her and was sorry for the misunderstanding, the conversation got very, very, very interesting.
The call was much too short, as I had to dash out the door for a funeral of a relative I had never met.
Nonetheless, my mind was bursting with the implications of all the data she had shared in that short blast.
It took over a week before I had enough time in my schedule to talk to her again, and in that case it lasted well over an hour.
By this point we were already getting along like old friends. We had both publicly confirmed in writing that we were now in contact.
Her confirmation was posted on Decemer 3rd, as you can read here in the official 4Chan archive system known as 4plebs:
On Friday… I found myself getting a call back from David Wilcock on Ancient Aliens, who I ONLY CALLED IN THE FIRST PLACE because he first thought I was a man, who’s posted a lot longer than I have and then told tens of thousands of people all the things HE “thought” I was.
I’m vague, but I DO NOT mislead.
So, when he called me back, I answered, we chatted and that was that. He now knows and can personally confirm I am an actual woman like I say, and not exactly who he thought I was.
He’s not a bad dude, BTW. He’s nice, well-spoken and quick-witted. So if you see this, it was nice to chat with you, Mr. Wilcock! ;o)
Once you find someone with genuine intel, and you also possess unique and valuable information, there is an immediate bond.
We all ultimately want the same thing – a world that is free from rapacious predators who seek to destroy the lives of our children and everyone else.
The holidays have been very busy for multiple reasons. After this very interesting call I again got overwhelmed with other responsibilities.
However, once Corey Goode received a short but powerful cluster of new briefings for immediate public release, I knew it was time to call her again.
I was not disappointed in the least. She also came to realize, from this conversation, that Corey’s access was indeed authentic.
In order to set up the contents of our third call, I want to share some intel with you to get things started.
The Q Anon disclosures were very significant, as they started happening only about three weeks after I first called attention to Mega, and one week after I really put her in the spotlight.
This publicity spilled over into other large venues like Alex Jones’ Infowars, and proved that insiders could use this method to release intel anonymously.
We covered some of this material in previous articles, particularly Part Three of Something Very Big is Coming.
There were astonishing statements being made predicting exactly the type of Alliance overthrow of the Deep State that we have been talking about for so long.
In fact, the Q briefings were so much in the “too good to be true” category that when I was on the air with Jimmy Church on November 21st, I found out that some people thought I was Q.
I have been so busy that I didn’t even have time to post this great radio show on this site… so you can click here and listen once you finish this article.
I will put another link to it at the end of this article for your convenience so you don’t lose track of it. After reading all of this investigation, it will seem very prophetic.
I was so taken aback by the possibility that I would ever even have the time or desire to “larp” as Q, that for a moment I was literally speechless.
[LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. When someone is larping, they are posing as someone else anonymously and telling fascinating, fake stories to generate interest.
Larpers are very hated on 4Chan. We also have a huge problem with larping in this field, as many people want to pretend to be insiders from the Alliance, SSP and so on.]
Without getting into too much detail for security reasons, Mega was convinced that the original Q briefings in late October were absolutely authentic.
Some of the so-called “tripcode” stuff that appeared in some of the posts was very, very compelling to insiders who know exactly what that is.
She believed something changed as it headed into November, and does not see the rest of it as credible. She has sounded off about this at some depth online.
I have heard from Corey’s insiders that the common insider consensus is that intelligence agencies began posing as Q some time in November.
The original poster may or may not still be writing. There is a lot of confusion around this issue.
However, everyone I am talking to, or hearing from through others, seems to agree that at least the beginning of the Q stuff was bang on.
In our past article we assembled various clues suggesting that Q might actually be the US president himself — or at least is working directly with him.
So, in order to set up our discussion for this section, I am going to share some choice excerpts from the “golden days” of Q.
What you will see here is a compelling trail of breadcrumbs suggesting that we are indeed building up to mass arrests of the Deep State:
10/29: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/P3Lk4PKG/order/asc/
Anonymous ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 09:47:07 No.147104628
Many in our govt worship Satan. Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.
Where is HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]? Why is the NG [National Guard] called up across 12 cities?
Trust in your President.
Anonymous ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 10:11:40 No.147106598
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons.
To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
10/29: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/2ep3vYPd/order/asc/
Anonymous ID:2ep3vYPd Sun 29 Oct 2017 12:01:15 No.147122474
>>147121738 Military intelligence / state secrets release and approval by POTUS biggest kept secret so far.
This avoids certain agencies to prevent leaks and awareness made to targets.
The one area evil could never control was our military, which is why owning the Presidency was absolutely critical.
Anonymous ID:2ep3vYPd Sun 29 Oct 2017 12:15:32 No.147123922
If AG [Attorney General] Sessions prosecuted HRC, Obama, and the restm do you believe he would appear to remain an impartial arm of Justice?
Could he then continue to serve POTUS throughout his term to accomplish other big ticket items?
There is another arm handling this, whereby congressional approvals are not necessary as provided by the State Secrets rule as upheld by the SC [Supreme Court].
[There is] No civil war. They have no power. [This is] All projected by MSM.
Antifa is allowed to remain for a reason, just like the Muslim Brotherhood for another. Have faith.
10/29: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/Eka5Om1K/order/asc/
Anonymous ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 19:58:37 No.147167304
Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails?
Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members.
Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet, etc., which could never happen.
Remember he lied about knowing, but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
Anonymous ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 20:57:27 No.147173287
Remember, the FBI, and MI [Military Intelligence], have an open investigation into the CF [Clinton Foundation]. Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared?
How much money sent to CF under disguise of H [Haiti] relief went to H [Hillary]? What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid?
What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Dig!!!!!
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats.
Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.
Anonymous ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 21:20:11 No.147175452
Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC [Supreme Court]
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI [Military Intelligence] [to] take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?
What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important?
Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.
10/31: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/grTMpzrL/order/asc/
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 20:31:00 No.147437247
Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA [Make America Great Again] promise.
POTUS knows he must clean house (gov’t) in order to ‘free up’ and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation.
This was always the priority.
Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work.
All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he’s 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 21:57:15 No.147445681
Who controls the NG [National Guard]?
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:11:52 No.147446992
Note MI [Military Intelligence] has the same SAPs [Special Access Protocols] as NSA, CIA etc., as designated post 9-11.
Why is this relevant?
Who can be held hostage and controlled?
CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?
They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive [Presidency] hostage or engage with bad actors.
Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:27:03 No.147448408
Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission.
For the betterment of the country, not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told.
You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:34:11 No.147449010
Follow up to last post.
Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason).
[DW: As we have written in previous articles here, Cain is considered to be the father of the Luciferian / Cabal bloodline.]
This all has meaning – everything stated.
[It is] Big picture stuff – few positions allow for this direct knowledge. Proof to begin 11.3.
[DW: Amazingly, November 3rd was the exact day where dozens of top officials in the Saudi government were arrested.
How could any “larper” have possibly known about this in advance?]
We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.
God bless.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:41:54 No.147449624
Think about it logically.
The only way [to save the planet from the Deep State] is [with] the military.
Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:56:06 No.147450817
Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state.
Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:38:23 No.147454188
World stalemate.
We all have the goods on everyone else.
That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).
We are in one of the most critical times of our country.
Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched.
There is so much string-pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:44:10 No.147454631
Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful.
It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide, and rest assured some will be jailed as deep-cover agents).
Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:51:49 No.147455196
I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.
11/1: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/pGukiFmX/order/asc/
Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 21:54:52 No.147581302
Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?
Why is this relevant?
Who owes a lot to very bad actors?
How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory….
If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).
Dig deeper – missing critical points to paint the full picture.
There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.
Please be safe and pray for those in harm’s way as they continually protect and serve our great country.
Even if Mega is right, and the rest of the Q stuff is at least partially disinformation, we are stil getting a very, very interesting picture painted here.
This is where it feels appropriate to add in the briefings I had gotten from Corey and written up in the previous article.
All of what you are about to read, until I say END EXCERPT, was from our article on November 12th. Take a look:
At the same time that MegAnon finally resurfaced and vouched for the authenticity of Q Anon, Corey Goode passed along a major new briefing.
This information is coming to him from a relatively new group that has connections to the very highest levels here on Earth.
The contents were very similar to what we were already seeing — and confirmed many things. Take a look:
[11/5/17, 6:49:36 AM] Corey Goode: Wow, just received a briefing.
The military is indeed getting ready for a potential decapitation of the Cabal with surgical strikes by SF [Special Forces] Teams.
They are already training by taping out floor plans of their targets on the floors of hangars and practicing kicking in doors.
They are also being briefed on their potential targets.
A “limited coup” is looking more and more likely.
In the briefing they once again stated the importance of having a minimum of 2 weeks of food/water in our homes.
[11/5/17, 6:56:31 AM] Corey Goode: It was further revealed that the Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed.
They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.
Their investigation has since expanded dramatically.
So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.
Some of the really bad ones have already left.
Our SF [Special Forces] teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.
Wow… the briefings have been pretty heavy recently. We shall see what happens, as no plan survives the battlefield.
[11/5/17, 10:36:40 AM] David Wilcock: Well, get this… MegAnon just resurfaced and seems to think Q is predominantly accurate. Now what you’re telling me lines up as well.
Apparently another 9/11 was planned and thwarted very recently, as in 11/2, and the arrests would have taken place this weekend had it worked.
They are both also flagging the awesome importance of Saudi Arabia’s recent mass arrests as another immediate precursor of what will happen here.
CG: I was told this morning that this is mostly accurate, but the dates are ambitious.
DW: Wow. SF means Strike Force, I assume?
CG: Special Forces.
DW: Ah. Exactly how many hours of briefings have you had in just the recent past?
CG: 26 hours from one source and 15 hours from another source.
DW: My God!
CG: No kidding, dude.
DW: So we can say that?
CG: Yes.
A swarm of Alliance operations are coiled and ready to strike.
DW: Well, just thinking of the skeptics here, let me ask a question.
If there are only about 14 possible hours a day that you could actively be briefed, and if this occurred over a weekend, that’s three days where you did nothing else but listen to people talk.
CG: They were spread out over 7 days. 26 hrs in just 3 1/2 days alone.
DW: That is a lot.
CG: Yes, it’s enough to make you brain dead, actually.
DW: Wow. I am cold and tingling all over.
CG: Most of the operations are non-violent, or what we wouldn’t typically think of as military.
They will range from propaganda, electronic warfare and covert teams that arrest people.
Some Secret Service/Body Guard positions were infiltrated, and some of these top figures are basically in custody and don’t even know it.
Many of the targets of these operations have their jets on 24-hour standby notice. Pilots are sleeping at air hangars, ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
Many of the targets of these operations have been denied safe haven in some of the bunkers where they were promised sanctuary, which is typical Cabal.
The planes will be intercepted by the US Air Force if they try to leave US Airspace.
The hangars are under observation and they now have a way to shut down all underground shuttles simultaneously.
[11/5/17, 11:11:51 AM] David Wilcock: I assume this is all for pub?
CG: Yes.
DW: Awesome. Very exciting.
With the distraction of holidays, briefings have dried up much like all other aspects in the working world.
Nonetheless, on November 15th, Corey got some stunning new updates that I haven’t shared with you until now. Here they are:
[11/15/17, 7:45:08 PM] Corey Goode: I am hearing chatter that indicates that things are looking VERY bad for the Cabal.
The Cabal has mostly acted like a crime family and has never kept its eggs in one basket.
The Clintons found a way to control a large portion of their money, and have been gathering as many of these eggs as possible into their baskets.
This was a huge risk but brilliant on the Clintons’ part. They made it so that if they were ever taken down, the Cabal went down with them.
Sessions may appoint a public investigation, but I’m told that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are among the names already in sealed indictments.
Things are so tied into the Clintons that I was told that it is possible that she would suddenly succumb to her health issues. Then they will say that since she is dead, there is no reason to investigate further.
What would be found would be made public. It is expected that new laws would be created to make much of the unethical politics illegal.
The Alliance may agree also to a deal where all of these political cabal types would not be prosecuted, but removed from politics for life. They would be made into examples for why the new laws are needed.
I am told that some of these special operations groups monitoring the Cabal have been making covert raids to abduct other persons of interest.
These people have been identified by a cache of recent info that was made available to a few secret grand juries.
The next mega-briefing appeared very recently, on December 21st.
In order to enhnace readability, I will begin by summarizing what the very highest levels of the Alliance wanted to pass along to us through Corey.
Then we will see the responses I got when I shared these talking points with Mega Anon. Suffice it to say that she was very impressed.
[12/21/17, 11:17:37 AM] Corey Goode: There are reports of MAJOR TROOP MOVEMENTS to the Korean Peninsula.
The news this morning showed US Special Forces training with South Korean troops to take nuclear sites.
The chatter on North Korea is getting pretty heavy.
America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme, The Telegraph understands.
The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said.
One option is destroying a launch site before it is used by the regime for a new missile test. Stockpiles of weapons could also be targeted.
The hope is that military force would show Kim Jong-un that America is “serious” about stopping further nuclear development and trigger negotiations.
Three sources – two former US officials familiar with current thinking and a third figure in the administration – confirmed military options were being worked up.]
I was fascinated by this part of the briefing in particular:
CG: Some of the troop movements are said to be done via underground tube train systems. Navy Seals travel on these all the time.
The Atlanta airport black out was caused by thermite grenades that took out backup/redundant power stations.
[12/14: Catastrophic Power Outage Shuts Down Atlanta Airport
Flight operations at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport have grounded to a halt after a suffering a massive power outage around 1 pm local time on Sunday.
The bustling airport that handles an average of more than 280,000 travelers a day has been plunged into pitch black darkness.
Footage captured by WSB-TV in Atlanta show airport officials making their way through darkened terminal buildings with only flashlights to guide them.
Georgia Power, the airport’s utility provider, is on the scene and working to restore power by midnight tonight, the company said in a statement.
The company believes the outage was the result of a fire that caused extensive damage to one of its underground electrical facilities. No employees or passengers were in danger at any time, Georgia Power said.
Consequently, the Federal Aviation Administration has issued a ground stop for all aircraft bound for Atlanta. This means that planes headed for the airport will be held at their point of origination….
Delta Air Lines has, thus far, canceled more than 900 flights on Sunday as a result of the outage and is working to deplane those stuck on board its aircraft at the airport.
The airline expects to cancel another 300 flights on Monday. Atlanta is Delta’s home base from which it operates more than 1,000 departures a day to more than 200 destinations.]
CG: This was all done to cause confusion and distractions for the Alliance to grab ONE PERSON! This was a high value target, or so I am told.
The Alliance has been making some big moves as far as grabbing people to be interrogated.
The Military is being used secretly in ways that will freak out most of the population when they find out, but it will be justified for removing the Cabal.
I am looking for confirmation on this from other sources.
The people who did these arrests were most likely ex-US Special Forces soldiers who are now corporate military types.
Immediately after I posted this, insiders sent Corey Goode an email going into more detail about the oddities of the Atlanta fire.
I have included it here for your edification if you are interested. If not, just skip ahead to the next heading.

CG: I hear that Trump has been watching Alliance operations as they happen live at all hours of the day.
It sounds like a lot of people are being picked up, and have been for the last few days.
They “SAY” the Human Trafficking Networks have been mostly decapitated from these operations. They are basically stopping the international slave trade.
I still need confirmation on many of the VERY bold Alliance claims that are going on. It all sounds like “too good to be true”-type stuff.
[12/21/17, 4:20:01 PM] David Wilcock: Very cool!
[12/21/17, 4:20:03 PM] Corey Goode: The “rank and file” members of the Department of Justice and FBI are in an UPROAR about the scandals that are now emerging.
They are patriots who are worried about the integrity of the justice system. The FBI Rank & File as well as employee groups and retiree groups are demanding that the IG [Inspector General] takes care of it.
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in those programs.
The OIG investigates alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by DOJ employees and also audits and inspects DOJ programs. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.]
DW: It seems pretty amazing how much they are getting done without making it so obvious that everybody knows about it.
CG: Looks like some of these sealed indictments are of DOJ and FBI Executive types.
There are SO MANY COVERT OPS going on right now… it is astounding. Far beyond the scope of what even the most forward-thinking people in our field may realize.
They have been yanking pedophile and human-trafficking-ring people from every dirty corner of the world.
DW: Fantastic.
CG: MANY key people are now finding out that they are being indicted and are trying to plea out or turn in States Evidence.
The investigations have been done so well and covertly that they don’t need very many people to testify.
There is some talk I don’t like. There is talk of not only secret grand juries, but also secret courts that may try some of the more classified crimes.
The human trafficking rings may fall under this secret court provision.
This has not actually happened yet, but is being seriously discussed in some of the Alliance think tanks that are making a lot of the US Alliance factions’ policies.
DW: Very, very interesting.
Most of this briefing was terrestrial in nature, but this next chunk was definitely SSP-related.
Mega does not have access to information of this type, though she is open-minded about the possibilities.
CG: Now there is talk of strange dogfights taking place with craft that travel at almost unimaginable speeds – Mach 3 all the way up to Mach 5.
These craft are unlike anything that has ever been seen.
Special weapons systems are also being used. These craft are masked/ invisible.
They fly so fast that you couldn’t see them anyway. This part goes along with the briefing that Gonzales and I got from Sigmund.
[DW: Those briefings will be in our third report, with this being the first. We hope to release all of this intel promptly.
Corey has had many delays and distractions that have prevented him from finishing the write-up more quickly.]
The Earth Alliance is using the same triangle-shaped craft they used in Antarctica a year ago.
Some battles have occurred around Antarctica, including some sabotage operations that temporarily shut down the spaceport down there that the Nazis had only recently handed over.
These are very advanced craft, using technology that is as good as what they have in the ICC [Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate,] if not better.
Someone asked why there has been no debris from these dog fights. The answer is that there are few shoot-downs, but lots of tries on both sides.
Some shoot-downs have occurred, including one that left some debris on a few farms in the Northeast United States.
The farmers involved have had their debts paid off in exchange for silence. This occurred at more than one farm.
In this next section, we hear that the Alliance feels if some of the worst cases were made public, it would be too destabilizing:
CG: It sounds like they now have Soros on a platter. There are a few other names I don’t know who are in the same boat.
It sounds like some of the public figures who were involved in pedophilia and human trafficking are going to be charged for corruption in some cases.
They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot.
These secret courts are going to possibly try a lot of people for crimes that we may never hear about.
I don’t dig that at all. It is only being discussed so far.
Someone asked about the Justices who were being indicted. This was so sensitive that the person giving the briefing said they would only answer that question in private.
DW: Very interesting. It doesn’t surprise me that this would go all the way up to the Supreme Court.
CG: It looks like two branches of our government may get an enema.
[DW: The three branches of the US Government are the Executive, which centers around the presidency; the Legislative, which includes 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in the US Congress; and the Judicial, which is the system of courts that enforce the laws passed by the legislative branch.
Here, Corey appears to be referring to a major purge of the Legislative and Judicial branches.]
Hundreds of judges are going to be taken down. This will involve Federal and State judges, and proceed all the way down to the local levels.
This is the same intel we have been hearing for some time now.
DW: Not at all surprising.
CG: LOL. Someone asked, “Who will run the cities and states if we arrest them all?” The presenter just laughed.
DW: Yes… It is going to be quite a wild ride.
CG: We discussed Q-Anon briefly but not Mega Anon. The Alliance knows for sure who Q is now, and they say it’s pretty stunning.
[DW: We have already speculated that Q Anon may well be the president himself, possibly working with a team of people to write and distribute the information. Corey wouldn’t say who exactly it was.]
In this next excerpt, we got the Alliance’s view on what is happening through Tom DeLonge and his team, which include top CIA officials.
DW: Did anyone say whether the Tom Delonge disclosure was Cabal-related, as an attempt to throw off everything?
CG: Oh, yes… that its a frantic attempt to distract the public.
DW: No doubt. To me it is very obvious that this is what they are doing.
[DW: With that being said, I do not blame Tom DeLonge for this. He has called for transparency in disclosure and I am happy to assist him.]
CG: More of the Cabal’s disclosure narrative agenda will drop out as we move closer to taking them fully down. This we knew all along.
DW: Is the Cabal going to pull some kind of Antarctica card as well?
CG: I would suspect so. They would have to go nuclear at some point. If these people start getting tried in secret courts, though… I don’t know.
They did say that some of the secret courts would be military in nature. They could involve penalties that include firing squads and gallows.
DW: I totally got that from what you said before. Some prominent people are just going to end up missing, and we might never really know what happened.
We got “notes” from the Alliance saying it was very important to clarify that their operatives are not torturing Deep State members on any regular basis.
Anyone who did do this — and there were a few cases — has been prevented from doing any more of it.
CG: The Alliance also wanted me to clear something up. They are NOT capturing and torturing these peodophiles on a large scale.
There were isolated and very disturbing incidents of this type, but thankfully not very many.
The Alliance operators who were responsible have since been removed from the field.
They were not at all happy with the perception I had left people with recently. Every effort is being made to handle these criminals as ethically as possible.
DW: I will totally fix that. No problem.
As we saw in the Q Anon briefings, there may be a moment where the National Guard does indeed conduct some form of mass arrests in the US.
This and other related events may lead to a temporary disruption of goods and services.
So, even though I know you are tired of hearing it, we again have been warned to keep some simple things on hand, just in case.
This is not expected to last very long, if it happens at all. Mega has also said the whole process should be relatively painless for the people.
CG: They again recommended that everyone have a minimum of two weeks of emergency food and water in case commerce shuts down temporarily.
They do feel this is unlikely, but it is still a possibility that we should be aware of.
They said there might be interruptions in our basic utilities in certain areas, such as electricity and water services.
DW: Understood.
My next question was to ask whether these Alliance activities will help lead to the release of long-anticipated forbidden technologies.
This could include planet-saving things such as free energy, anti-gravity, portal travel and advanced super-healing systems.
DW: Does the Alliance have any plans for rolling out some of the forbidden technologies? Was anything like that discussed?
CG: Yes. They would prefer to do it while they are attacking North Korea, which they call NOKO.
They also have an opportunity to disclose some interesting things through the upcoming audit of the Department of Defense.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2017 — The Defense Department is starting the first agencywide financial audit in its history, Pentagon officials announced today….
Defense Department Comptroller David L. Norquist… said he received the DoD Office of Inspector General’s notification that the financial statement audit begins this month.
The audit is massive. It will examine every aspect of the department from personnel to real property to weapons to supplies to bases.
About 1,200 auditors will fan out across the department to conduct it, Pentagon officials said.
“It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DoD’s management of every taxpayer dollar,” Norquist said.]
DW: How soon do you think that strike is going to happen?
CG: I don’t know. They are actively moving assets to the region.
The last part of this briefing involved a link to the executive order we mentioned before. In light of everything else we are discussing, this is very interesting.
CG: Check this out. This executive order that was passed today is very, very significant to everything we are talking about:
Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), I hereby report that I have issued the enclosed Executive Order (the “order”) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world….
The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order. It also blocks the property and interests in property of any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:
(1) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged in, serious human rights abuse;
(2) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:
(a) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or
(b) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption….
Very soon after this briefing had concluded, I turned around and called Mega Anon to get her take on what was shared.
As I described, she was talking so fast my fingers were falling apart trying to get it all down. I definitely missed some of it but captured the majority.
This is not a verbatim transcript, as some of it had to be reconstructed from notes — but it is fairly close.
Here’s what she had to say.
DW: The first interesting thing we got from Corey’s briefings is the idea that Trump is getting a live video feed of the arrests as they happen.
MA: The first arrest like this that Trump got to see on video was four months ago.
The idea that Trump is seeing these arrests via a live video feed is true, but it is not every one. There have been three major ones and then there was some bad audio on the fourth.
MA: I know you have talked about some of the more outrageous disclosure stuff. There are plans in place to force this sort of thing to the surface.
One example would be a Mars mission. NASA will come out and say it will cost this much. Trump will counter and force them to do it for less.
Then they will have to explain why the sciences and tech they lied to everybody about will have to be utilized in order to make it happen at that price.
NASA is going to implode on itself, just like the Air Force and contractors like Lockheed. It’s also like the DNC investigating themselves.
NASA will end up doing their own disclosure.
First we will have to prove that the earth is not what we think it is. Elon Musk is very involved in this, and has been in contact with top people.
Some of this involves Trump’s uncle. There is a lot more to that backstory.
Trump is going to say “Look how long they have been lying to you.”
They are going to try to say “We just found out about this.” They are trying to drive the media narrative.
DW: Okay. The next thing we got in the briefing is the idea that the recent shutdown of the Atlanta airport was deliberately engineered to grab one key individual.
MA: I don’t like to say that everything in Atlanta happened just to grab one person. The grounding of all flights wasn’t just a distraction.
What was trying to take off was what we call a cow cargo plane.
[UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: After a link someone sent me, it is very likely that she sald CAL Cargo. Read this link for more details.]
The shutdown was about what was being brought in to Atlanta and what was going to leave from Atlanta.
Bin Laden and the Bin Talals got to leave the US right after 9/11. Bush and Rumsfeld approved those flights.
When the FAA grounds an entire airport like in Atlanta, once that approval comes in, someone really high up has to give any plane permission to leave.
They have to tell the FAA not to keep that plane grounded.
That person is not on our side. Whoever gave that order, I am not going to say.
“People” were on that plane, but there are other things that look a lot like Vegas and smell a lot like Hilary’s back-door Libya gun runs.
It should also remind you of Fast and Furious, where people kill a border patrol agent to ensure they can get through.
This shipment did not involve nukes. These people are just dying to have a nuclear fallout, but none of them will survive it even if they think they would.
[UPDATE: This again seems to refer back to the link about the CAL Cargo plane, as the blogger postulated that nukes were in it.]
It was guns and drugs.
There are plenty of black projects and employees in Atlanta. There are a lot of people in the TSA who work for these departments.
They can help get things through customs without inspection. They often run guns up to MS-13, the Mexican / Latino terrorist group.
Hillary, Soros and others were building up MS-13 to make them a domestic terror group. Now those plans are falling apart.
DW: Do you think the woman who told everyone they were going to die in Vegas before the shooting was from MS-13? The news reports said she was a Latina.
[10/2: Woman Told Vegas Crowd They Would All Die Before Shooting
Concert goers were told “You’re all going to f***ing die” less than an hour before the Las Vegas shooting started, it has been claimed.
A woman in the crowd is said to have yelled the warning about 45 minutes before the Route 91 Harvest festival became the venue for the worst mass shooting in US history….
She described the woman who gave the warning as “Hispanic, probably about 5ft 5, [with] brown hair”, and said the woman’s boyfriend was also Hispanic.
The authorities have yet to comment on whether the woman’s warning was just a bizarre coincidence, or whether it actually did have something to do with the mass shooting.]
MA: The woman who told the crowd they were all going to die in Vegas was a Filipina, not a Latina.
It was actually Paddock’s girlfriend, who was supposed to be in Manila. They didn’t go and grab her from the Philippines. She was already here. She never left.
That plane going out of Atlanta had more on it than a person or two. I’ll say two. One of them was really important. It was not Soros.
The plan wasn’t to sting people on the plane. The plan was to intercept the transaction of the plane running through. The sting ended up being a bonus.
Many people are already being picked up.
MA: Here’s the other thing. This is how you can tell who has an indictment sealed. It all boils down to who does not have a deal.
Anyone wearing an ankle bracelet does not have a deal. There are articles saying Manafort paid 10M dollars for bail. He got a deal.
[11/30: Manafort Strikes $11 Million Bail Deal With Prosecutors
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has reached an $11 million bail agreement with prosecutors that could clear the way for him to be released from the house arrest he’s been under for the past four weeks.
In court filings released Thursday afternoon, Manafort’s defense attorneys revealed “an agreed-upon bail package” with lawyers from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office, which obtained an indictment last month charging Manafort and business partner Rick Gates with money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents….
Both the prosecution and defense also propose ending GPS monitoring of Manafort, something Jackson said she was reluctant to do during a hearing earlier this month.
Under the proposal, Manafort would be permitted to travel in Virginia, New York, Florida and Washington, D.C., with other domestic travel requiring permission from the court.]
MA: Hillary has never had a deal. Q was wrong about that.
She asked for a deal before the election. That’s why she didn’t concede right away. She was hoping Trump would give her a deal.
That’s why Podesta came out that night and left everything hanging.
DW: I heard that she was also reeling drunk at the time, and they were worried about her embarrassing herself.
MA: She was very drunk that night. Someone had messed with her meds. The dosages have increased two years ago.
DW: Articles have come out about Hillary wearing the same boot for two months now and how strange that is for just a broken toe.
[12/14: Hillary Spotted Wearing Surgical Boot TWO MONTHS After Breaking Toe
Hillary Clinton has been spotted still wearing her surgical boot two months after she fell down some stairs in her heels and broke her toe….
Clinton strode out onto the stage, in a striking monochrome leather ensemble. But what was most noticeable was the bulky post-op shoe on her right foot – which she has been wearing since she took a tumble and broke her toe in October.]
MA: The boot allows for stability without putting pressure on the foot. I am not denying those can’t be standard practice for older people with injuries, even for this long.
Hillary’s is not standard, nor is McCain’s.
They are going to speed up his natural causes. He is going to want them to do it. He wants to go down in history as a POW, not a criminal.
The people with ankle bracelets are on house arrest. The people with sealed indictments and no deal have ankle bracelets.
Awan didn’t get his until after he was arrested. They want to prevent flight risks. It’s the law. Huma’s was showing right through her pants leg recently.
MA: From day one of the new administration, the arrests started locally.
Sessions knew what his job was. Let Mueller and the investigation flop on its own.
In the meantime, cripple the human trafficking network within the country.
Get other countries to drain their swamps. Go after the local networks first.
Don’t wait for the MSM to tell you and aggregate the numbers. You have to read local news sources and put it together on your own. It’s all there.
Major networks have been broken in California, Florida, South Carolina and many more.
For example, just do a search for December 2017, child trafficking, child abuse, human trafficking. Look for local news reports.
Over 40,000 people who were working in these rings have now been arrested.
I can’t wait for the DOJ report on this that will emerge in 2018. The numbers will come out in April or May.
With the arrests, you work your way up from local up through regional.
MA: People are so upset about the Pizzagate stuff. Here’s the thing. It’s not just kids, older teens or adults, and prostitutes raped by pimps.
This is also the drug problem. This is the gun problem.
Whenever you say Pizzagate, you should also say gun gate, drugs gate.
It’s not just that they are trafficking kids and people. They are trafficking everything else along with them too.
Carloads of Mexican and South American kids do not cross the border without a few kilos and some scrubbed guns.
Our biggest core problems do not actually come from the sources we are taught to believe. They are being supplied for us.
When the public finds out the government has been the one supplying illegal guns, it will cripple the attacks against the NRA and the efforts for gun control.
MA: Today Trump signed that executive order. He cut off trafficking and how they can receive funding inside the US.
Today he signed the order saying that if you are someone outside the country, or inside the country who works with these groups we are going to identify, you will be arrested.
There are a whole lot of people who woke up this morning at 3:53 am and are now broke. Their assets have been frozen and seized.
Now they can’t even access the money they did have, and all their channels to get more are dried up.
You don’t have to be indicted or given notice. Now we are just going to come in and take it. We don’t want to give you a chance to scurry your money away.
This will trickle down to family courts and Child Protective Services. These people have already gotten the message.
By going after the local groups, you scare the f – out of people who don’t have cover.
These people are scared and the supply dried up. If you are working in Virginia and you are watching part of your network dry up, now you are scared.
DW: Are these local child trafficking groups also involved in satanic practices, such as ritual sacrifice?
MA: Mostly not. Granted, there are sick f-s in this world. If you beat, rape, buy a kid, transport, swipe, sell them off, those are sick people.
Satanists, Luciferians whatever you want to call them, they do exist.
I get people are tying this to these ritualistic sacrifices. That is a very, very, very, very small subset of what is going on.
Some people just get off on raping, beating, killing kids. Not choking them out at the neck and drinking their blood, buying up babies.
Some people just keep kids as slaves. Some steal kids on their own. They pick them up off the street, rape and murder them.
Not everyone is trying to get 147 kids together so they can drink the blood on some stage and rape them.
That’s what the elite do because they can get that many kids. Those things can happen. That is the very one percent of this.
Those are also the people who know there are aliens and secret bases in Antarctica.
This is what makes it so hard for people to grasp on to.
MA: There is really something there with Edgar Welch, who only shot one computer.
[6/14: Pizzagate Gunman Says He Was Foolish, Reckless and Sorry
Federal prosecutors countered in their own memo to the judge that it was “entirely the product of good luck” that no one was shot when Welch entered Comet Ping Pong carrying a fully loaded AR-15 military-style rifle and revolver seeking to investigate a viral Internet rumor known as “Pizzagate.”…
Welch, whose neat cursive handwriting on ruled paper was excerpted and cited by his lawyer, said he “came to D.C. with the intent of helping people” and to relieve suffering, “especially the suffering of a child.”
He expressed “sincere regret for any emotional trauma I might have caused, especially to the families who were present.”
Welch added, “It was never my intention to harm or frighten innocent lives, but I realize now just how foolish and reckless my decision was.”]
MA: The elites who do this are the Illuminati types. Their actions may be more symbolic, like a communion.
It’s like a religion. People tend to do ceremonial things. It amounts to traditions and rituals.
Some of them do take the organs and use the organs after termination. It’s a business.
Companies like Raytheon are also involved. People were making these maps, where all these companies engaged in child trafficking, organ harvesting.
MA: Some people think that everyone working in these networks are raping and murdering kids, drinking their blood. This is not true.
Within Pizzagate, from everybody who swipes a kid to everyone who murders a kid, drinks the blood and sells organs, maybe five percent total engage in the total process.
Other people are just contributing around it, directly or indirectly, just like drug trafficking. They may just be shuffling money around.
Some smugglers don’t do their own drugs, they just sell them. They don’t take the guns for themselves that they get.
They just sell them off in the street, or to the cops or whatever. They take the kids or coordinate.
MA: James Alefantis didn’t actually rape kids in the back room. It may have happened sometimes, but this wasn’t the norm.
It’s not like he was herding kids into a back room and auctioning them off. The business was just a front for money to come in and out of.
It wasn’t like a holding cell. Kids were dropped off individually and handed off.
They just launder the money, take the cuts, and do it under their business entity.
So many companies have no clue that the money they are investing is going into this.
If you have donated to the UN or the Red Cross, you could be just as liable, without even realizing it.
[DW: By this point it was getting super-fast and I couldn’t track all of it. Here are my “best available” notes from this section.]
MA: Comey didn’t want to be in the swamp. He didn’t even know half of the stuff that was going on.
Strzok is going to blow the lid off on that. Prestep not so much. Can’t find stuff on Strzok. He reported to Prestep and McCabe directly.
Text messages will be important. Not SMS. Going through a glyph app on Tor.
MA: Mueller and Comey set up the whole operation we are seeing now. They are friends.
Muller warned Comey of things he had learned during his tenure. Tricks were being played behind his back.
Some of it had to do with 9/11. This is how they got Mueller in the bed so bad with them.
They just exploit these people. Mueller is dirty as f-, just like Comey.
If you have any integrity, you would have just resigned. Instead you let them keep f-ing you.
People actually do kill themselves rather than have their family die. They can’t live with themselves. The fact that Rumsfeld is still alive after 9/11 is disgusting.
The other thing Strzok is going to bring out is going to make Chris Seal and CrowdStrike look really dirty. He made all the documents.
[DW: There is no love here for Obama. I am accurately passing along what she said and you can draw your own conclusions.]
MA: I am going to blow the lid on Obama a little bit. We are using his birth certificate against him.
He tried to take his own archives from Laurel. The reason we are playing him right now is because we are going to need him.
He really f-ed up the country. He was just a groomed idiot. He did not have a presidency and he knows it.
When 2012 hit, that’s when he really started…. He had an ego out the door. He never had to try anything.
His career arc was planned well before he was college, even in HS. He got fast-tracked.
He was a senator for 2 years. He only voted on 3 things. He was a community organizer.
Obama got a lot of money for trafficking. What do they do? Hello ACORN.
[ACORN 2009 Undercover Videos Controversy
In 2009, workers at offices of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a non-profit organization that had been involved for nearly 40 years in voter registration, community organizing and advocacy for low- and moderate-income people, were secretly recorded by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe….
In July and August 2009, Giles and O’Keefe visited ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Giles dressed as a prostitute, while O’Keefe wore white khakis with a blue dress shirt and/or tie and claimed to be her boyfriend.[30]
Giles and O’Keefe recorded the encounters using hidden cameras[17] and pretended to be seeking advice on how to run an illegal business[31] that included the use of underage girls in the sex trade.]
MA: Obama started to hate Hillary after 2012. She let Benghazi happen right before his election.
Her deep state tried to make a deal with his real deep state. Her deep state was comprised of Pakistanis, and Saudis through bin-Talal.
She told Obama that she will take Benghazi on the chin. In exchange, she said, “You will pardon me if anything serious comes up.
In the meantime, I am not going to say anything about your birth or records. Your deep state will promise mine that I will win in 2016.”
Hillary and Trump both know Obama is not a natural born citizen. This has been held over him for some time now.
MA: Big s–t will start happening as of January 2nd. I have nothing specific on that date.
This is simply the first day that everyone is back to work and there are no big distractions left.
The entire country has been so lied to that they are at the point of breaking. The only people to worry about having war with is ourselves.
DW: Some of the briefings have suggested that Hillary had a file on the Cabal that she could use against them if they turned on her. That way, she could not be made into a scapegoat or otherwise sacrificed.
This turned out to be brilliant, because so much damning information was stored in one spot, which you are not supposed to do. Any thoughts?
MA: That is absolutely correct. Hillary has everything on the Establishment / Deep State. This was a critical mistake on her part that makes things much easier now.
Much of the Cabal have deals. Hillary has no deal. There are not even any operatives or contractors who will touch her with a ten-foot pole now.
She may well end up dying, as in her “natural causes” will speed up.
MA: Hillary has no options. She is hiding out in NY. Huma goes and visits her all the time. Podesta has been out there three times in the last four months.
They are being quiet because they have nothing to say. Her own deep state has dried up around her.
She had a network on the side that was funded by Soros types, Rothschilds and so on.
They pushed BLM and Antifa, hoping it would just be enough to get their goals met.
Poor Soros. After investing 18 million or billion, nothing is happening with Antifa.
They aren’t showing up anywhere to do their paid protests. Half of the coordinators of these groups now have ankle bracelets on.
MA: There is another layer your source is missing. People are scared to even be named.
Lois Lerner is scared for her life if her testimony gets revealed. I am using her as an example since it is already public.
She is one shining example we need to pay attention to. They are scared they will lose their lives by being publicly put forward.
They will wear an ankle bracelet, and are afraid their own bosses will kill them.
They don’t even want to be seen coming into congressional meetings or committees. They know they will be offed.
They came to the administration, DOJ, through Chris Wray specifically.
They asked, “How can we help? We want to help, but I am scared. I have no cover. I live a civilian life now.”
MA: The public will know about all of this, but the swamp needs to drain first.
The administration is willing to extend a hand. Trump said it out loud since so many people were creeping out from the shadows.
This was happening even when he was still in the primaries.
DW: The briefing also said that lower-level workers in the DOJ and FBI are upset about what is being revealed. There is internal chaos.
MA: With the FBI being in the position they are in, how can you trust people? You don’t know who is on your team or not.
The FBI is involved in so much. This is why Trump tries to stress all the time that confidence has increased twofold over the last eleven months.
They are seeing the things he said come to fruition. There are a lot of FBI, CIA, NSA agents, people in the intel community, DOJ themselves, cleaning up their stuff.
Sessions did a good job. He said you can’t s–t where you eat. The DOJ cleaned themselves up swiftly.
I wish people had more faith and saw beyond some of these things. The turnaround has been incredible.
The people who were concerned were the good people in the FBI. Now you find out your whole company is corrupt.
They begin asking, “Are we going to lose our jobs?”
MA: As for the Luciferian and ritual sacrifice thing, 95 percent of people in the FBI don’t actually realize what is happening and what they are doing.
I don’t like to make this analogy, but it is basically the same with 95 percent of people in the human trafficking arena.
You may have donated to Haiti for their disaster relief, and now you find out Hillary is using that money to do things to kids.
During the last three months, the attitude has really shifted. Trump has talked about the CIA and the five pillars. They have seen his words come into action.
They have noticed this went deep. Lots of people are involved in this. A lot of them have already been arrested.
Those are the types you won’t hear about. You are not ever going to know.
MA: As I said, the three key agencies that will be affected by this are the FBI, the CIA, and the FED. They will be gutted and restored to what they were.
They are going to operate they way they should, and will never be allowed to exploit us the way they did again.
A lot of arrests have already happened. People have been detained, tried and convicted. You will never see them again.
MA: How do you maintain the faith in your biggest agencies and departments? You don’t let them know you have arrested 604 FBI people. If you did that, people would freak out.
I am not saying there were 604 arrests directly within the FBI. Some of them are contractors. Some are like Strzok.
The point is that you can’t just get rid of the FBI. It would undermine the entire structure of government.
Many FBI agents couldn’t believe that people they knew for years were being arrested. Throughout the entire time they knew them, they had no idea that anything nefarious was going on.
MA: Trey Gowdy was sticking it to Chris Wray on a YouTube video. Gowdy is a hothead saying the things you want to say.
[DW: He really ramps up and raises his voice to a degree around the 5-minute mark.]
[12/7: Trey Gowdy GRILLS FBI Director Chris Wray With Tricky Questions
Someone has to have a big enough mouth. He’s there to talk s–t and make you feel vindicated.
Trump wants you to feel these wins with him: to “get the get,” so to speak.
MA: It took everything Roy Moore had not to pop the lid on the decoding thing.
[11/22: Spokesman for Senate Candidate Roy Moore Resigns
The communications director for U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore has resigned, Moore’s campaign said Wednesday, as the Alabama Republican combats allegations that he harassed and sexually assaulted girls as young as 14.
The Washingtonian first reported Wednesday that John Rogers, Moore’s spokesman, had left the campaign.
The Reuters news agency reported Wednesday that Rogers decided to leave the campaign on Nov. 17, according to a campaign statement.
DW: Condolezza Rice made a speech referring to Roy Moore without mentioning him by name, requiring “decoding,” as follows:
For someone who’s not a politician, Condoleezza Rice is as politically savvy as they come….
On Monday the Alabamian released a statement about the December 12 special election pitting Republican Roy Moore against Democrat Doug Jones–without mentioning either candidate by name.
She did not reveal whom she’s supporting, either–then again, she did.
So, for anyone having trouble deciphering what Rice really said, I’m here to help as Rice’s Keepin’-It-Real Election Translator….]
MA: Trump would love to tell you about the FBI, CIA. He can’t give you that get. He is going to get some of them.
Trump recently did a test for the live video feed on Periscope, which is a video app on Twitter.
It was a test run. He wanted to see how many hours they had.
They are test running many areas of communication that are going to be huge.
He wants direct access to you.
He knows he can’t really touch the public MSM [mainstream media.]
MA: January 2nd is going to feel like a new world. I am not saying anything epic is going to happen that day.
Everyone will be back to work. A new year begins. There are no breaks. No Christmas.
We are no longer finishing out the first year of these efforts.
We really got the dredge of everything – the low-hanging, dirty fruit. Now we are ready to get the bigger guns.
The only people left to grab are folks like Loretta Lynch, Holder, Obama and Hillary. THOUSANDS of people have already gone down.
MA: You won’t be able to prove that this happened for a really long time.
It will appear that people just went off, and you won’t hear of them again.
McCabe was demoted three and a half weeks ago. He didn’t show up on the Hill for the first hearing. They swooped in.
Two weeks ago he was fired. He was formally indicted, and they stuck him with an ankle bracelet.
I don’t care if people believe me because he is. He has zero chance of getting out of it.
[12/23: Trump Attacks FBI Officials Amid Reports of Personnel Changes
WASHINGTON — President Trump attacked the deputy director of the FBI on Saturday, amid reports that he was planning to retire from the agency.
Andrew McCabe, who served as the agency’s acting director this summer after Trump fired former director James Comey, has found himself a lightning rod for GOP attacks on the FBI’s handling of politically charged investigations into both Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.
Among the allegations: That McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because his wife — as a candidate for state senator in Virginia in 2005 — received $675,000 from the Democratic party and its allies.]
MA: Regarding the idea of an epic Hollywood-style surge of mass arrests, everybody wants a big show but we can’t afford it as a country.
The Fed has been pumping so much money into our economy over the last 12 years. If they ever adjusted those rates, they could collapse the economy.
Something has happened. People think it has to be a nuke. Like the equivalent of a 4Chan happening in the MSM.
Think about this. A full release of this information is all would take to literally cripple us.
The economic numbers are really bad. Trump is not going to remind you of that. As far as we are concerned, we are stable, have been stable and increasingly so.
MA: The Pol group on 4Chan doesn’t realize they are a psy-op project, at least in part.
The deep state wants you to call out the Jews, and to hate blacks. They want you to be defending Trump, and spread BS all over the internet.
Then they blame you and justify the MSM when anything goes wrong.
That’s why I hate the Q thing. Read the very first post. I can’t tell you what is going on. This is my second side project.
This has gotten very long and I wanted to get it out as early as possible on Christmas Day. So here we are.
There are obviously many fascinating things to explore here. The briefings are far more complex than you may have thought.
Again, our friend Emery Smith is in urgent need of your help at this time. It would be wonderful if you could help him out through this crisis:
Emery’s Official Paypal Address:
Lastly, here again is the link to the now-prophetic radio show I did with Jimmy Church on November 21st.
Many of the things I talked about in Section One were discussed in this show, before the UFO disclosure really shifted into high gear:
I am almost finished with the live-video streaming solution I wanted to create. All the hurdles have now been crossed. So be on the lookout for that.
Additionally, we still have two more parts to get through.
Part Two is a very amazing update to the cosmic / ET saga that Corey has been getting since March 2015.
We already have it written up in its initial form. As a teaser, it suggests that the “space war” has now largely been won.
The higher-level ETs are going to take care of the Draco on our behalf. All we have to deal with now is cleaning up the Deep State here on Earth.
Part Three discusses Sigmund and more details of what they found on Oumuamua, which is very fascinating.
Lots more is on the way, so stay tuned — and again we thank you for your support!
Please say your prayers for the safe and successful completion of the Alliance’s goals, as they are indeed vital to our future survival.
Merry Christmas!
I am happy to report that the Alliance is very, very happy with what we managed to accomplish here on such short notice.
The article has already surged to over 50,000 unique views in eight hours… on Christmas Day, no less.
Additionally, Emery has been moved to tears by the outpouring of support you have already shown him.
Emery Smith
Here is a text he sent me at 2:56 pm.
Emery Smith:
Merry Christmas guys! PayPal is starting to ignite! Thank you thank you thank you, we’re crying!
Unbelievable response and amazing quotes and messages of sincere gratitude to you and I. Thank you David.
I really am emotionally drained and happy and never thought this miracle could happen. Fill you in later.
Thank you so much for this incredible outpouring of support and interest in the Alliance and its hard work.
I came in this morning at 6:26, an hour before posting yesterday, and got the seemingly inevitable repeating-digit synchronicity when I looked at the hit counter.
This time it was a “quad,” with four 9s:
I checked it again immediately after adding the above graphic to see how fast we would actually hit 100K, and now it was at 99449 — three 9s and two 4s:
I kept checking as we carrened toward the big moment, and it was amazing, as almost every click had a “numerical synchronicity” pattern:
It seems very unlikely that this many repeating digits would ever normally appear with such a fast-moving hit counter, on almost every click.
This is just “something that happens” without having to think about it. I do believe, as I have said before, that this involves ESP of some sort that we all innately have and can develop.
Another update: I took a three-hour morning nap after being so exhausted, got back up and checked it once. Like magic, this is what I saw:
Number sequences that count evenly, up or down, are definitely part of this overall phenomenon as well.
So I realy liked seeing 111,987. As far as synchronicities go, it feels like it may be telling us there is a “countdown” to some very significant events.
This phenomenon has happened to me for so many years that my entire second book was themed around synchronicity, and had that in the title.
It also seems to reflect very well upon the success of the message we are sharing here.
Please continue to help spread the word, as these Alliance actions are very significant planet-healing initiatives that should be well-known in our community.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. Here was a part of it:
We pulled over to let dogs pee and in 5 min three black SUVs followed us right after sunset. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! I’m devastated! My only last family member
Emery was extremely distraught, as expressed in other personal texts I will refrain from sharing. His health was also very bad, with what he believed was pneumonia.
This could have been the result of how rough things got before we bailed him out, coupled with lack of sleep and massive stress.
For some time we didn’t hear very much. I was just encouraging him to get to a safe place and make sure to hydrate.
I was very sorry about the dog. I could only imagine what might have happened, and my thoughts were pretty dark, I must say.
This was very obviously a Dark Alliance targeted attack, not just three random black SUVs who happened to follow him and want to abduct his dog.
The whole thing was just crazy. “Someone” obviously ordered this attack. That same “someone” is clearly trying to intimidate us into not speaking about the Secret Space Program.
This is an act of total desperation. If the Deep State were smart, they would totally avoid targeting someone like this after they came out.
By doing this attack, they are absolutely, 100 percent signaling that Emery is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
That means that some aspect of the Deep State already has a program where even one employee, in only 3-4 years of time, can personally autopsy 3000 different ET bodies.
Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job.
Again, Emery has no “smoking gun” that can absolutely prove everything Corey is saying is true.
He has seen live ETs in person as well, at various times, including tall humanoid reptilian types. So there are many, many validations.
Part of why Corey made sense to me was that I had heard Emery’s stories long before we ever spoke. Now you are getting this for the first time.
Please send your prayers and support to Emery in this difficult time. “They” are trying to punish him for coming forward, and it only further proves he is for real.
The story had an unexpected twist, well after I first heard the news. Emery is already plugged into Alliance networks.
With that in mind, check out the text I got after having a long time to think about this and mourn his dog:
We have recovered Raven who was thrown out of an SUV on the highway. An angelic woman took her to Pet Smart to buy her water and snacks and posted on Facebook ASAP, which my colleagues immediately zeroed in on and contacted her! The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites!
We are very, very grateful that Emery’s dog Raven was not killed, and that he was able to get the dog back.
The adversary very likely did not count on anything like this happening.
I have asked Emery to get as much documented evidence about this as possible, so fake Dark Alliance trolls won’t accuse him of making this up.
It was similarly irrefutable for him to take pictures of his car after he suffered a head-on collision. Just so we are clear. This is all very real.
Anyone accusing him of making this up is acting like a psychopath and should be shunned.
I recommended documenting any tissue damage to the dog, photos of the Facebook post with the name scrubbed, et cetera.
Since Emery already gave us the initial bulk of all of his coolest stories in the course of 15 episodes, I am not sure why this was done.
Granted, we can go into a lot more detail, and we plan to. This kind of a move, however, just reeks of desperation.
The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. They don’t even care at this point. It’s just wild and chaotic.
With that being said, we will not let Emery’s life be in vain. This only further motivates us to do whatever we can to get the truth out.
This is a very real battle, with very high stakes. So please consider giving financial assistance to Emery if you have not already done so.
He became very despondent from this, as expected. He is only human, as are we all. The Cabal folks seem very angry and jealous right now.
If we can step away from the immediate shock, horror and crisis of this, we can be grateful that he got his dog back, relatively unscathed.
This also is a very significant event in the history of disclosure. Acts of terror like this reek of total desperation. It can come back around on them in very unexpected ways.
From a spiritual perspective, attacks against Emery like this (or anyone else) also authorize the “good guys” to do much more to quicken the Deep State’s downfall.
After coming back from breakfast and checking on this with a single click, there was another repeating-digit pattern — this time 555.
I asked Emery and his associates to provide proof of where the dog’s discovery was announced on social media.
I obviously do believe him, but in today’s sad world of paid Dark Alliance trolls, who viciously attack everything, some degree of proof is useful.
This is the first level of what came in. Much more documentation will follow. We will probably write a separate update about these events.
Please devote some time to praying and / or sending positive, loving thoughts to Emery right now, as he is in very poor health. Thanks.
In case you linked to this article from somewhere else, and are not on our email list, Twitter or Facebook feeds, you might not realize we just wrote another article.
Emery has had a fever of 105, a blood oxygen level as low as 90 percent, and severe shortness of breath.
This part of the story had enough detail that we wrote an entirely new article about it. For his safety, at first, we did not mention he was in the hospital.
The symptoms came on very strongly, immediately after the group of three SUVs abducted his dog.
This is very serious and we are calling for your loving thoughts and prayers of healing.
Merry Christmas!
I find the following paragraph to be not too well informed…at least the part about operatives, or contractors.
“Much of the Cabal have deals. Hillary has no deal. There are not even any operatives or contractors who will touch her with a ten-foot pole now.
Are the funds of the cartels in Mexico being dry up? There sure is a lot of corruption in Mexico’s government. Just recently a new law was approved to use the national military to stop any protests that may arise in the near future (taxes on gas prices are going up again) I don’t know how many of you know what happened to a peaceful demonstration in Mexico City back on October 2, 1968 in the Tlatelolco area. The military stop the demonstration/protest by firing at all the civilians. Hundreds were shot that day. We don’t want history repeating itself. They call this new law the law of national security. (Ley de Seguridad Nacional). I pray that the satanic narco-politicians in Mexico will no longer rule the country. George Soros is or was a huge player in Mexican politics, if Soros is out I can only hope that the Mexican corrupt government is getting weaker and weaker. Thank you David and team for all you do.
Any update on the Emery Smith survival fund? Has enough money been raised to be able to help him in a significant way?
Great article. Let’s hope this world will be a better place to live in. So much corruption happening. I’d always dreamed of interstellar travel. Reading this article was like opening up a Xmas present with all these goodies coming out. Thanks David. Hope you had a good Xmas and wishing you a great 2018.
Thank you, David. But be cautious. IMO, DeLonge is a cabal plant. Ask yourselves, of all people, why him, why now? He’s under someone’s control.
We all seem to be thinking the same thing: without full transparency, how can we trust those in charge? We can’t. I understand the need for some covert action. But we deserve a full telling of what will happen or has happened—including every single abuse of Earth’s people and the planet.
Those of us who understand all of this can help those who don’t and may freak out. So, rip those blinders off!
This won’t be a fundamental, long-lasting change without the harsh truth. This is our world, not only theirs. If this alliance is real, and more advanced, they will realize the logic in that. If not, how can anyone have hope for our future? Belief is not the same as the truth.
Secret courts and and false legacies? Soinds like the Cabal is being replaced more than removed. If we try to protect people from the truth we are, in effect/affect, supporting the lie. Not to mention breathing new life into the caste system where equality under the law is a laughable joke. Hopefully, they are wiser than to perpetuate the fear and deception that has brought us to this point.
It must be a very difficult life, rarely being able to trust.
#103 Wendi 2017-12-26 17:49
Wendi is right; people must know or the Cabal will patiently REGROUP and try again by your grandchild’s time- and they will succeed in their goals then. WE MUST DEFEAT THEM NOW….imagine if in 1776 the Minutemen went home after winning a couple of skirmishes; went home saying ” Well, we showed them.” Think about that for a minute.
We must FINISH IT- No unfinished efforts….or every one who the Cabal has killed and ruined their lives; autistic; destroyed children, Satanist/ Human Cannibal people and the people they SACRIFICED….you know; murdered people who will will have died F-O-R N-O-T-H-I-N-G
These people don’t quit…….they won’t stop; they respect no boundaries, no law, and no rules. Only force.
Michele Baillie
Bring the truth to light and embrace as One. It is the way to freedom and love.
Of course not!! Don’t you think there would be a roaring tourist trade taking heli-tours to the ‘edge of the world’ if it was?
Report from iron mountain says that if environmentalism doesn’t work to unite for global gov then they will use aliens
I hope I am not just speaking for myself when I say that these “secret trials” and convictions where supposedly thousands of people have already been tried is 100% completely unacceptable. The American people—-who pay for this process and the salaries of those employed in this process—-deserve a government that is open and communicating to us at all times about the state of our country. If people are being arrested, tried and convicted we have a right to know about every single one of them. The truth shall set us free.
If the alliance is making deals and trying people behind the backs of the American people then they are no better than the Deep State. It still adds up a covert group executing the business of this country without the consensus or knowledge of its citizens, further enslaving us to the unknown.
As taxpayers, and indeed, the true heart of America—-its guts and it’s essence—we the people demand the truth in all its ugly forms.
This is very important re: Sphere Being Alliance website.
I have been trying to access the website all morning but have been unsuccessful…keep getting the same error message as follows:
This site can’t be reached
spherebeingalliance.com’s server IP address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Tried different browsers & different searches – no access!
Wonder if website got hacked???
Have screen shot on my cell phone if needed.
Dear Emery: I pray that protective light shines around you and yours protecting you from those dark forces that would seek to undermine, disrupt or interrupt your courage and bravery. I thank you for the information you share. I know all things are not provable but there is truth without proof. DW shows there are many things that can be proven through his inexhaustible resources. Thank you for the links but also the stimulating of a mind that likes to research. You totally check out.
CTRL and hit the link with your left click mouse. No need for David to worry about those smaller things 😉 I’m glad he wrote us another Truth article!
Keep the good work always protected with LIGHT/LOVE from our Infinite Creator!
Much LOVE and LIGHT for ALL!
Thanks for the update. It’s great news and a blessing to all. Thanks to everyone involved making this happen and to all those who sacrificed their lives and careers and took on the dangers to give us a better life. I do appreciate you and them. Would you happen to know if there is some type of device being used to block our natural frequency connection to earth?
Be safe David, Meganon, Corey, Pete, Alliances, PresidentTrump and all of you who are fighting to make things better for everyone.
Thank you David this has made my Christmas 🙂 Finally finally these nasty folks and their nasty deeds are being stopped … I would like it ALL to be disclosed though, not done in secrecy … Why should their crimes continue to be hidden? Their crimes need to be exposed for all to see imo. I feel also that humanity should stay very discerning regarding ET’s we don’t want to get rid of one control system to then be replaced by another, even if they do profess to be ‘friendly’ … After all what do we really know of their true intentions??
All you have to do is, Right click on the link with your mouse. Then select open in new window. Or open in New tab.
Hope this helps
It should be clear to all of us that partial disclosure has a spiritual dimension. Ra/Blue Avians created this mess inadvertently. By helping the alliance in direct and indirect ways, they are leveling the playing field. A partial disclosure puts the ball in our court. It forces us to push forward, and win the ball game on a level playing field. Without our problems being completely solved by an external source.
Though I understand why a lot of information will never be disclosed as it would harm the US, I would deeply welcome it. I think the majority of people anywhere, who keep on refusing to accept even the least of these truths, needs the shock of the full truth, because when you go soft on them they will just keep spinning their way out of this. They’ll never learn. They’ll invent their own interpretation of the facts while in my view they need a few buckets of ice cold water so they will never fall in the same traps again. Sometimes the naked truth is a wonderful healer.
If this world is going to get healed I think it is vital to fully understand why it did, and what made it so terribly sick in the first place.
Emery would benefit from Oil of Oregano. Needs to take a few drops in the back of the throat followed with water.
Please get your information by casting as wide a net as possible! Even with David’s sensational blog, we gain perspective by having multiple vantage points!
“Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?”
-Abraham Lincoln
The Shape of Water.
Joseph Campbell would have loved the power of this mythological wonder to emotionally uplift and inspire toward heroism.
I was really blown away by it’s beauty; especially the expressions of compassion.
If people around the world can watch and respond positively to this movie on a large scale, which I think is very possible, then full disclosure will only mean chaos for those who have perpetrated a negative agenda.
We CAN handle the truth.
That was awesome. Thanks.
[Moderator: Translation reads:
“I come from Taiwan, I am also concerned about your news. Thank you for your efforts. May everything be fine.”]
Anyone who fucks with a dog is a complete and total shitbag, especially if it is just to fuck with a dude. That is just some evil shit, to fuck with a dude’s dog. What a bunch of assholes!
I’ve been on both 4chan and 8chan for a while. I’ve followed both mega and Q….regardless of who’s real or who’s not isn’t the point, who cares because Q got people researching and talking to each other.
People have spent hours vetting and researching our government like I’ve never seen in my life. It’s quite amazing. These are incredible times and it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. We’re all in this together.
I’m glad Emery got his dog back. It’s very likely they put a chip or other device in the dog to spy on Emery..
Sending my prayers, Healing, Light and protection to Emery and thank you for coming forward!!
. .
The Third Hijacking of America?
Is a new type of Fascism now being quietly and covertly installed in America deep within the Secret Space War Program
Thank you for posting the 20 officially recognized traits of psychopathy. Keeping people unaware of these specifics, and using the word psychopath loosely or as an insult has only served to maintain the ignorance of psychopathy that gives psychopaths free rein in our civilization, to our great detriment. Also, by keeping psychopathy understood by the public to be a mental illness rather than a genetically distinct type of human only serves to give them sympathy when they deserve none.
It occurred to me the other day that in spite of the damage psychopaths do to humanity, there is no public policy towards them. It is assumed that the same laws we are all subject to will suffice to keep them in check, if we think about it at all. But I would suggest that psychopaths, as a very dangerous type of human, at least need to be identified, required to disclose their status to all they meet, and be forbidden from holding any position of authority over others.
So, is the earth flat or not?
Donation sent to Emery with lots of love and light for his service toward disclosure.
Thanks for all your incredible dedication and work David it is much appreciated as you have done so much to inform the public.
Just as a precaution I would recommend that Emery have his dog checked out for implants and/or chips asap.
Thank you so very much David for everything you’re doing and the amazing information you’re providing to us.
We’re so grateful to you and everyone else in this path for a much better future in the whole solar system.
We’re so sorry to hear about Emery’s “accidents”. Please forward to him the below link about reversing pneumonia. Andrew Saul PhD is one of the best on Vitamins.
His website is: http://www.doctoryourself.com and here is the link for the video mentioned above:
All of you are constantly in our prayers and thoughts. God bless you ALL.
I still prefer Lord of the Rings.
Thank you for putting all these astonishing and overwhelming information together David!
I have been very frustrated and saddened ever since the 2016 election that many good-hearted people around me would be misguided by the MSM propaganda, and I hope that the taking down of the Cabal could help putting them and the whole human society on a more enlightened path.
I’m currently finishing my college degree in game design. I hope soon I could contribute to fighting the good fight by creating alternative entertainment. You have inspired me in so many aspects of my studies and my life, and I aim to put all the inspirations I got from you into my work in the future!
Merry belated Christmas and happy new year!
Hi David.
Thank you for this article.
There are spiritual societies, that are not Satanic.
The year 1966 was the year of the fire horse.
And what I discovered in 1965-66 is connected to the ongoing, everyday spiritual battle happening now. It is a perfect synchronicity.
thanks for all the info!
One request though: please make links open in a new page