49 top Saudi officials were arrested and hundreds more have had their bank accounts seized, beginning on November 4th.
Once we understand that these individuals were coordinating ISIS, 9/11 and other “false flag” attacks for the Cabal, the significance of these arrests becomes quite awesome.
The above image is of some of these officials trying to sleep on tiny cots and single blankets under the bright lights of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Saudi Arabia.
This is only one of dozens of explosive news stories all suggesting… you guessed it… Something Very Big is Coming, as we forecasted in Parts One and Two.
We have been granted the privilege of sharing new briefing details that are mission-critical and have not yet appeared anywhere else in quite this form.
This is going to be a shorter article than the previous rounds as there are many distractions occurring in the immediate term — but this needs to get out.
UPDATED Same Night, Next Morning: Do not miss! Scroll to red subheadings near the end.
We have extensively documented evidence that the world is secretly run by a cultish, racist, genocidal and sexually perverted group we call the Cabal.
We have also presented ongoing evidence of an increasingly powerful international alliance that is working to defeat this menacing, occult power elite.
One major surprise for newbies, or “normies” in 4Chan lingo, is the fact that much of the US military and intelligence community is now working against the Cabal.
The Alliance is clearly winning the battle. The events that are now exposing the Cabal are not happening in a vacuum. They are all very intentional.
We are indeed seeing the final stages of a “shadow World War III” coming to a completion.
The Saudi mass arrests of November 4th are as potentially significant as the defeat of the Germans in WWII — or at least some other key part of the Axis.
Even those who are the most disconnected from any knowledge of the Allliance and its workings are seeing undeniable, revolutionary changes.
Vegas was a horribly botched “false flag” incident intended to disarm the American public and make body scanners as commonplace as doorways.
This incident was littered with ritual symbology, as we discussed in Part One — including the attacks happening right in front of a pyramid with a glowing capstone.
At least three major media products ended up forecasting the event: the movie Mars Attacks, the movie The Hangover, and the Robbie Williams song “Me and My Monkey.”
The investigations into possible multiple shooters have now revealed compelling evidence of helicopters being used in the operation to insert and extract operatives.
Insider trading was another key element of Vegas, including MGM top brass selling off their holdings in advance — at 33 dollars a share, which has occult significance.
Several commenters pointed out that George Soros also had “just so happened” to take out a 42 million-dollar “open short” on MGM right before the disaster.
This meant that as MGM hemorraged money, Soros got to drink the blood.
In Part Two, we saw groundbreaking new testimony from an insider on the 4Chan discussion group about what really happened at Vegas — and where it is going.
Although this tragic event only occurred less than a month and a half ago, so many things have happened since then that it feels like an eternity.
No surveillance footage has been produced. No formal investigation has been launched.
The closest we got to a sanctioned eyewitness was “Jesus Campos” appearing on Ellen.
Jesus Camp is possibly the single most mocking and degrading film ever made against Christian conservatives by Hollywood.
This was the worst mass shooting in American history, and the mainstream media just tried to rush right past it like it never happened.
This is another absolutely criminal indictment of the press, and the greater apparatus that is using it to promote mass destruction.
It has been three weeks since we wrote Part Two, which documented stunning defeats for the Cabal and far more significant events to come in the near future.
In retrospect, Vegas looks like a panicked attempt to distract the public before the Weinstein scandal and other massive defeats arrived. It clearly did not work.
What we are witnessing at this time is a stunning unraveling of elite sexual abuse rings and cover-ups. Each new day is another horrifying and depressing “reveal.”
We went into great detail exploring the words of a 4Chan insider who has been called MegAnon. The contents have been extremely interesting to say the least.
This appears to be the same person who was active since at least July 2016, and who successfully predicted the contents of the Wikileaks Pedogate emails that appeared that same October.
Most recently, this 4Chan FBI insider predicted that the US President would soon make a speech that would utterly expose the Cabal.
This speech would greatly impugn the historic credibility of the FBI, CIA and Federal Reserve, pinning almost unthinkably massive crimes on each one.
We also heard that Wikileaks has a cache of documents, photos and videos that are vastly worse than the October 2016 “Pizzagate” scandal.
Julian Assange released a code, known as a “hash,” that apparently would de-encrypt this file once it was released — whenever that turned out to be.
This file was apparently seized by the NYPD from Antony Weiner’s laptop after he was arrested for pedophilia charges — and before the FBI got their hands on it.
The file was undoubtedly compiled with the help of his wife Huma Abedin, who was vice chairwoman of Hillary’s campaign.
The title of the file was Life Insurance. It was apparently intended to be used as leverage to keep Weiner and Abedin from being assassinated.
The existence of this file, and its contents, was predicted in disclosures from a DC insider at TBRNews, as well as MegAnon on 4Chan — among others.
The earliest possible date for this Wikileaks file to be released, based on previous patterns, was October 21st.
We rushed to release Part Two during this time, having no idea exactly how soon this “data dump” would be released.
The article was intended to provide proper context for those who might have difficulty following such a complex story.
There are over 10,000 political threads a day just in the part of 4Chan where the insider was posting, so we also worked to unify those documents in various links.
That way, even if you are not able to take the time to do this research on your own, the whole process could be greatly simplified.
Just half an hour after we released Part Two, one of our top insiders we have been calling Paul was nearly killed in a head-on collision.
This was particularly significant because we had released more of his highly sensitive intel in that same article.
I didn’t find out what happened until a day or two after the event took place, as he had been in the hospital.
This was the same insider who had everything he owned stolen, with nothing left but an armor-piercing bullet on the countertop of his home.
This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August:
The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in.
They were so frightened by whatever this was that they wouldn’t even enter the house. They dropped Paul off outside and he had to go in alone:
The attack was very spiteful, including smashing all his crystals to bits on the floor and stealing every personal record and belonging from the previous 30 years.
Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored — and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed:
In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision.
Paul had just pulled out of a grocery store onto a busy, double-lane road. The driver of an oncoming car steered directly into Paul’s lane.
Paul had a brick wall to his side, leaving him with nowhere else to turn… and no escape. It was the perfect trap.
Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course — and actually accelerated.
The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision.
Paul turned away from the car to try to change the impact angle and reduce the severity of the crash at the very last second.
This may very well have been a move that saved his life, even though it brought the impact even closer to his side of the car.
Paul’s body collided with the windshield, leaving visible cracks as you can see here. Blood was found on the window and the driver’s side door.
Luckily, he escaped with whiplash and a concussion and nothing more severe, other than the final loss of everything he owned.
Since then, we have taken elaborate precautions to insure that his valuable information can never be lost.
We will have more to say on that soon enough.
Barely two hours after I got this horrible news, I had an intriguing personal event occur that I saw as a harbinger of great global changes ahead.
There has been a particular situation in my life that has often been used in dreams as a direct, one-to-one comparison with the Cabal.
I found out firsthand that the police were closing in on this same situation, and were about to make a very significant arrest that could end the whole thing.
It was a very surprising and completely unexpected event. I spoke with a police officer about it for some time.
I noticed the synchronistic power of what had happened almost immediately.
For various reasons, including my own safety, I cannot be any more specific about what this was — but it was very impressive to say the least.
Since this situation was directly analogized with the Cabal in dozens of dreams, I saw it as a synchronistic prophecy of pending mass arrests.
This event piqued my curiosity about what events might soon unfold that would help to validate a global prophecy of this nature.
I would not be disappointed.
I didn’t have time to put this one in the previous article, but on October 20th, the Cabal aspect of the US government pulled another weird symbolic gesture.
The US deficit for fiscal year 2017 was said to be precisely $666 billion.
This again invoked the same symbolism as we saw in the Vegas shootings and many other “false flag” events:
I saw this as another sign of a wounded and angry Cabal shouting out in rage on the way to its inevitable defeat.
They were openly bragging about how they can cook the books, while also advertising their occult religion and attempting to create fear.
Then on October 23rd, the Mueller probe — which most people thought was against Trump — then trained its scope on the Podesta Group.
This was yet another validation of what the 4Chan insider Meganon had said.
We were told that those implicated in Pedogate would be arrested, but not perhaps for the reasons we had expected.
The very next day, October 24th, another sensation occurred.
This story was also well-covered on Zero Hedge.
The entire Cabal-owned Internet behemoths of Twitter, Facebook, GooTube and Apple News have since been censoring all truth journalism as “Fake News.”
Now we find definitive evidence that this entire argument was built on a wall of lies.
Insiders had already revealed to us that the entire “Fake News” narrative and the resulting censorship was intended to suppress Pedogate in the first place.
Again, this does not mean I am part of the “Alt Right” or anything else. My main interest is in seeing the Cabal exposed and defeated.
Let’s be clear that the Cabal has heavily compromised both sides of the political spectrum in America — and I was raised in a traditionally Democratic family.
On this very same day, a woman came forward to say that George H. W. Bush groped her in a photo — and he admitted it and apologized.
The excuse about not being able to lift his arm above a woman’s butt was so lame and shocking that many people sounded off about it on the internet.
A day later, a second woman came forward with an almost identical assault story.
By the 26th, the number of women claiming this type of abuse from the same man had already accelerated up to four.
It goes without saying that this is the behavior of a psychopathic, perverted individual — particularly since it happened right as the photos were taken.
Also on this very same day, 10/24, we saw a direct arrest where the term “Cheese Pizza” was used to catch someone searching for child porn.
Prosecutors say an undercover officer first made contact with Salamak after he posted on Craigslist that he was looking for women and moms “that are into Cheese Pizza,” a reference to child pornography.
After police executed a search warrant on his email, prosecutors say they found an email with five attachments showing nude images of young girls.
This effectively proves that the term “cheese pizza” — and other related food items in the Pedogate emails — are indeed references to child pornography.
The timing of this announcement was very interesting in light of everything else that has been going on.
The very next day, 10/25, we found out that Hillary was the subject of yet another Congressional investigation involving almost unimaginable crimes.
This time it involved Hillary selling rights to uranium, which could be modified into nuclear weapons, for… get this… Russia!
Hillary Clinton is back in the crosshairs of Congressional investigators after two House committees launched investigations into the circumstances surrounding the Obama-era Uranium One deal.
[This was] more than a year after suspicions of a quid-pro-quo were first raised by Peter Schweizer in his infamous “Clinton Cash” expose.
The Hill breathed new life into those allegations last week when it reported on an FBI investigation into attempts by Russian nuclear industry officials at the US-based subsidiary of Rosatom (the Russian nuclear agency) to bribe and extort their way into control of Canada-based Uranium One — and by extension, the 20% of US uranium assets it controls.
This is so bizarre that you can’t even make it up… and the timing again suggests all the pieces are being put in place for a mass arrest scenario in the US.
On this same day, I made a rare appearance on Outer Limits Radio to discuss everything that was happening up until that moment in time.
The next big story was the release of the JFK assassination files as of October 26th — the very next day.
These files had been classified for as many as 54 years… and the timing was intriguing to say the least.
The US president had said all the files would be released, but when the time came, a good number of them were still withheld.
Insiders told me that this delay was due to a fierce internal battle over “who would be sacrificed” — with the Bush clan at the top of the list of suspects.
A page at the National Archives summarized the work that was being done on this issue.
An article on Inforwars revealed how Roger Stone had a key influence in recommending that these documents be released — and what they might contain.
The very next day, 10/27, the NY Post revealed how the new documents showed the KGB believed Lyndon Baines Johnson had ordered Kennedy’s death, leading to him becoming President.
NBC News revealed how FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said the public must believe Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone.
The UK Telegraph revealed that the British press got a telephone call about “big news” that was about to occur just 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot.
Zero Hedge covered the fact that a bullet hole had been found in the front windshield of Kennedy’s car, and the government felt there were at least two shooters.
These stories were like ghosts from a forgotten time, forever changing the “official narrative” of the lone gunman. Why now?
On the same exact day that the new JFK assassination files came out, an enormous glowing sphere appeared over Siberia, prompting UFO fears.
Russia has been hit by a wave of reports of a giant UFO in the sky last night with spectacular pictures of an enormous glowing ball illuminating northern Siberia.
Social media erupted with claims of ‘aliens arriving,’ and locals in far flung parts of the country told of ‘shivers down their spines’.
While the source of the light has not been confirmed, some have suggested that it was the trace of four rockets launched by the Russian military that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky.
A similar light was seen in the skies over Norway in December 2009, which was caused by a failed missile.
During that incident, the peculiar spiral shaped light pattern was created from reflection of the sun in the leaking fuel.
This was a multi-colored, luminous ball that stayed visible in the air for quite some time.
I do not believe it was an extraterrestrial vehicle. I do believe it was created by microwave-based technologies, just like the Norway Spiral.
The official explanation of rockets was deliberately ridiculous, in order to make people ask the right questions.
My feeling about this incident was that the sphere was intentionally produced by HAARP facilities in control of the Alliance, most likely in Russia.
The idea, again, is to “push the envelope” towards a full disclosure by getting people thinking and talking about UFOs, and seeing an inexplicable object.
The UFO cover-up is another aspect of the Cabal’s information suppression that we have been expecting will crumble in the midst of all this.
Two days later, we saw the first major A-list actor take the fall in the Hollywood pedophilia accusations — none other than Kevin Spacey.
His current top Netflix show, House of Cards, was immediately announced as being canceled after the release of Season Six.
Then, as more accusations occurred by November 1st, Netflix brought an immediate end to all future House of Cards episodes.
The next day after this started, 10/30, Corey Feldman revealed he would release the names of every person he knew of who had abused him as a child in Hollywood.
Rose McGowan was arrested for drug possession this same day, which was very suspicious timing — since she has been a leading voice against the abuse.
It didn’t take long for me to remember that Kevin Spacey had very bravely exposed the Cabal like never before on House of Cards back in June 2017.
The latest season of the Netflix drama House of Cards features an episode in which politicians attend a Bohemian Grove-like retreat complete with an ominous statue and a mock human sacrifice.
Season 5, episode 8, puts the series’ protagonist Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, inside a wooded retreat for powerful men dubbed, “Elysian Fields.”
“Some of the most powerful men in the world are gathered in this clearing,” Underwood states, proceeding throughout the episode to scheme at the club with other influential members.
The episode starts with robed figures chanting in the woods while conducting a ceremony in which they set a human effigy ablaze.
A crow serves as a substitute for the Bohemian club’s real mascot, the owl.
When Infowars founder Alex Jones famously infiltrated and taped inside The Grove in 2000, he documented the “Cremation of Care” ritual, in which hooded men sacrificed a human effigy to an owl deity with the goal to rid themselves of worry throughout their stay.
Bohemian Grove has also hosted numerous influential political figures and former US presidents, including Bilderberg kingpin Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, George HW and George W Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, who called out the club’s homosexual activity.
I am not saying that what Kevin Spacey did to his victims was right. Far from it.
What I am saying is that House of Cards has been bravely exposing the murders and crimes of the Clinton administration, where Spacey is Bill and Robin Wright is Hillary.
Although Spacey does not greatly resemble Bill, the similarity between Robin Wright and Hillary is undeniable.
We see Spacey kill people throughout the show, invoking memories of the countless bizarre murders associated with the Clintons.
However, the Cabal may have felt the exposure of Bohemian Grove crossed the line. The Alliance may well have been behind this.
Since everything was falling apart for the Cabal anyway, they may have deliberately pushed Spacey’s accusations to the forefront as a punishment… and a warning.
The gang saying that would be appropriate here is Snitches get stitches.
By November 1st, it was openly acknowledged that Hollywood was in a panic, having no idea who would be next in the ongoing exposures.
The Canadian government is still effectively controlled by Great Britain, which has been a Cabal stronghold for some time, although the Alliance is gaining ground.
Another potentially Alliance-driven disclosure was when a Canadian gold bar that was supposedly authentic was discovered to be fraudulent.
That’s right. The bar was bought from an official Canadian government source, but once assayed, it was nothing more than a worthless fake.
This suggests the possibility of mass tampering taking place with the gold supply at the very highest levels — as another form of emergency Cabal fundraiser.
At this point, the number of highly noteworthy events in such a short time makes a very clear case for some sort of mass arrests in the making.
The 4Chan FBI insider, Meganon, posted on October 30th, but then failed to write a single word on 4Chan as of 10/31, 11/1, 11/2 and 11/3.
Nothing appeared on 11/4 at first either.
With everything going on, this five-day stretch felt like far too long. I did fear the worst, and talked to all my closest associates about it.
I was planning on summarizing the above at this time, but I was very busy and I wanted to see what was happening with this critical insider first.
The insider thankfully resurfaced on Saturday, November 4th, but the update didn’t actually appear on the Reddit site until November 5th.
Meganon revealed that he had been fascinated by the arrival of a new insider people were calling Q, and felt no need to respond as it all unfolded.
I started hearing about the Q insider very soon after he emerged, with a bang, on October 31st, 2017. Once again the forum was 4Chan.
At first when I saw this, I felt like it was “too good to be true.” Another high-level insider started saying very interesting things, and clearly was not MegAnon.
This whole release seemed to be in direct response to the attention Alex Jones, myself and others had recently called to MegAnon, making it far more widely known.
The corresponding silence of MegAnon had me fearing, at first, that he had been completely stopped, and this new insider was part of the same operation.
I wondered if someone was hoping that we would just forget about MegAnon and jump right over to Q as if nothing had happened.
A numerical code on the second and most significant release from November 1st, 2017, as we will see, was “4, 10, 20.”
Various sleuths have since pointed out that if this is an alphanumeric code, where the numbers correspond to letters of the alphabet, it would be:
4=D, 10=J, 20=T…
As in DJT.
Donald J. Trump.
I have no idea if “Q Anon” is really the President of the United States, but considering how he has already used Twitter to leak intel, it is entirely possible.
There are a variety of clues in these posts that suggest it could indeed be him, or that he is at least assisting whomever is doing it.
Again, the Reddit user ToddWhiskey has created a complete summary of ALL Q Anon posts, and continually updates it as they come out.
Here are certain key phrases from the first Q Anon release that may suggest Trump himself is the author. This is not a complete collection, just a sample:
Military Intelligence….
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn’t corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn’t the MB [Muslim Brotherhood] been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller’s background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
Whether you like or dislike Trump, it isn’t hard to imagine that this could actually be him talking about himself in third-person questioning form.
How many people would even be in a position to have access to intel like this, if it is indeed true?
Once you decode the numbers, it practically screams out at you from every line. It’s very obvious.
The “one organization left that isn’t corrupt” appears to be a reference to the Marines, thanks to the context. SCI is Sensitive Compartmented Information.
It also seems likely that the often infuriating “questions only” format of the briefings could have been precisely how Trump was instructed to do this by his advisors.
Bear in mind, no insider I have spoken to has said this is Trump — but as you will see, I have since heard that these disclosures are indeed authentic.
That makes the contents very exciting for me indeed.
Some additional statements from this first day are even more interesting in light of the idea that Trump may be doing the Q Anon posts himself.
This is by no means an all-inclusive list, as that would take too long. This is just a few highlights to pique your interest:
ID:grTMpzrL No.147434025 ViewReport
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.
Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump’s victory).
11.3 – Podesta indicted
11.6 – Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump’s camp (as well as others).
The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin).
A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis.
They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D’s) [Democrats] and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
ID:grTMpzrL No.147445681 ViewReport
Who controls the NG? [National Guard?]
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare.
The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
ID:grTMpzrL No.147452214 ViewReport
Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director?
The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.
ID:grTMpzrL No.147453147 ViewReport
Certainly, there are any number of statements in the above selections that could have been written directly by Trump.
In fact, with the code that was provided the next day, Donald J. Trump becomes the most logical choice for the author by far.
It feels as if 4Chan finally offered him a secret, public platform to give us behind-the-scenes intel about the coming mass arrests.
Who else would be in a position to talk about mind control technology and other weapons in the White House and the need to circumvent it?
Still to this day, it appears that the most significant Q disclosure occurred on November 1st, 2017.
When I first read it, I thought it was “too good to be true” and therefore had to be a Live Action Role Play, or LARP.
I chatted briefly with Brad Kauila Pele on this, and for a while I was going with his name for this insider, LARPAnon… though later I realized it was absolutey real.
In hindsight, I am glad I took my time to study the information deeply, before making any snap conclusions in public.
What we see here is a distinct break from the “questions only” format that occurs throughout the remainder of the disclosures, up to this very day.
That alone makes it very significant.
It is a bold prophecy of the coming mass arrests… only the timeline appeared to be much more optimistic than it should have been, according to some:
ID:pGukiFmX No.147567888 ViewReport
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
ID:pGukiFmX No.147567928 ViewReport
POTUS will be well insulated/ protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.
It is time to take back our country and make America great again.
Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”
God bless my fellow Americans.
ID:pGukiFmX No.147586045 ViewReport
The calm before the storm.
Notice that the language here is Presidential, including the classic opening line, “My fellow Americans.”
We also see Trump’s own phrases, including “the calm before the storm,” “take back our country,” and “make America great again.”
The numbers 4 – 10 – 20 appear to be a coded reference to President Donald J. Trump’s initials, suggesting he may indeed be the author.
This may have been the only way he felt he could make any type of public statement about this before the operations themselves were actually conducted.
After Alex Jones covered the 4Chan insider, and we did a thorough treatment of that same person in Part II, now with over 310 thousand views, this avenue became a more noticeable means of secure communication to the public.
Obviously, nothing “that big” occurred in America between November 3rd and 4th. Nor did we see a public arrest of Podesta.
However, that very same day — November 4th — we did see stunning mass arrests in Saudi Arabia.
Bear in mind that Q Anon said “we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public… actionable 11/4.”
He also said, “false leaks have been made” for protective purposes.
This makes a lot more sense once you understand what multiple insiders have told me for many years now.
Saudi Arabia is not, or at least was not a truly autonomous country.
On a secret level, it was a direct proxy army, intelligence organization and oily funding apparatus for the Cabal.
Apparently, many of the dirty tricks and false flag attacks we see, such as 9/11, Isis and Vegas, were all being orchestrated through Saudi Arabia.
Now we find out from insiders that the 49 people who were arrested in Saudi Arabia on that first day were the key players in this secret, treasonous collusion with the Cabal.
For that same reason, any mass arrests in the United States would be much safer after the key brain for fake terror attacks in the world had been ripped out.
Given the gravity of the mass arrests that then occurred in Saudi Arabia, we can definitely say Q Anon had advance knowledge of a major, upcoming event of massive geopolitical significance.
It appears that the Alliance, working in concert with Trump, met with the new de-facto king of Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed bin-Salman, and said “let’s make a deal.”
The deal was for bin Salman to turn in favor of the Alliance — and perform mass arrests, exposing and defeating the entire Cabal command structure in his country.
This will restore the honor of Saudi Arabia and give them a way to regain legitimacy on the world stage in the aftermath of these stunning mass arrests and disclosures.
Who else would be in a position to have leaked this information in advance besides Donald J. Trump? Who else would the numerical code be in reference to?
Isn’t it interesting that Trump was safely on his plane, visiting Asia, as this stunning mass arrest against the terror brain of the Cabal occurred?
This is exactly what the Q Anon insider predicted would happen on the very same day that it actually occurred.
If Q Anon is indeed Donald J. Trump, or someone working with him to release intel to the public through 4Chan, what were the purposes of disclosing secret meetings outside the White House?
Why did he tell us that weapons and mind control technology had been found in the White House, and had to be removed?
Did the Alliance plan out the Saudi mass arrest operation in areas that were free of any Cabal surveillance?
A clean room is called a SCIF, or Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. No one can monitor these conversations.
The very first four letters Q Anon ever typed were SCI[F]. Is that a coincidence? [Now I’m starting to sound just like him!]
The only disinformation in the report, intentionally confusing the Cabal, was that the mass arrest occurred in Saudi Arabia, not the United States.
At least for now.
On the exact day that Q Anon predicted mass arrests, we saw that very same thing occur in Saudi Arabia — as 49 top political figures were taken into custody.
In a shocking development, late on Saturday the Saudi press reported that prominent billionaire, member of the royal Saudi family, and one of the biggest shareholders of Citi, News Corp. and Twitter – not to mention frequent CNBC guest – Al-Waleed bin Talal,
along with ten senior princes, and some 38 ministers, has been arrested for corruption and money laundering charges
on orders from the new anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, while Royal princes’ private planes have been grounded.
Among those fired and/or arrested are the head of National Royal Guards, Miteb Bin Abdullah, the Minister of Economy and Planning, Adel Fakeih, and Admiral Abdullah bin Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Sultan, the Commander of the Saudi Naval Forces.
[DW: As you can see, these are very big players, and bin Talal was a major financier of controlled mainstream American media.]
As the local press further adds, the supreme committee chaired by Crown Prince and billionaire stops “on charges of money laundering.”…
King Salman also issued a decree forming an anti-corruption committee headed by the crown prince.
Its powers include the ability to trace funds and assets, and prevent their transfer or liquidation on behalf of individuals or entities,
along with the right to take any precautionary actions until cases are referred to relevant investigatory or judiciary authorities, according to a government statement.
The committee’s formation was deemed necessary “due to the propensity of some people for abuse, putting their personal interest above public interest, and stealing public funds,” the Royal Order said….
Furthermore, there is speculation that all private flights and VIP departures out of Saudi Arabia have been suspended temporarily.
[This is] similar to what happened following the last “gentle coup” in June when Prince Mohammed (MBS), 32, replaced his elder cousin, Muhammed bin Nayef, as crown prince.
[This was] a maneuver that removed any doubt of how succession plans will unfold following the reign of King Salman, now 81.
Certain mainstream media articles since this event occurred have tried to raise fears that this is some sort of dangerous takeover of Saudi Arabia.
The insider disclosures we have been surveying here paint a very different picture.
Then on November 7th, we found out that hundreds of top Saudi officials have had their bank accounts frozen.
Saudi Arabia’s surprise crackdown, which led to the arrests of princes, billionaires and officials over the weekend, is expanding beyond those previously detained in what authorities described as an anti-corruption drive.
The central bank ordered banks in the kingdom to freeze the accounts of dozens of individuals who aren’t under arrest, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.
Already, as much as $33 billion in personal wealth belonging to the richest detainees has been put at risk.
More may be on the way: The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority sent a list of hundreds of names to lenders, telling them to freeze any accounts linked to them, two of the people said.
They asked not to be identified because the information is private. No reason has been given for the actions, and central-bank officials didn’t immediately respond to a request seeking comment.
The weekend arrest of princes, officials and billionaires, included Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men and a shareholder in such global companies as Citigroup Inc. and Apple Inc., has reverberated across board rooms and financial institutions in the biggest Arab economy and globally, Saudi stocks fell.
The move also drew support from President Donald Trump, but raised concern among analysts that a power grab was underway.
In all, 11 princes, four ministers and dozens of former ministers and well-known businessmen were taken into custody, according to Saudi media and a senior official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The connection between the imminent Q Anon prognostication of mass arrests, and what we then saw in Saudi Arabia on the very same day, is undeniable.
I was equally impressed when MegAnon finally re-appeared on November 4th and confirmed that Q Anon was the real deal. Take a look:
ID:ZPiu5clk No.147999081 Report
QUESTION: Q Anon shows up. Says that there will be a Podesta indictment on 11/3. Says that will be the sign. Didn’t happen.
Said to expect a major terrorist attack (false flag) on 11/2. Didn’t happen.
Implied there would martial law on 11/4, said CIA launched an attack on Trump, said operations were taking place at Langley, etc – didn’t happen, didn’t happen, didn’t happen.
LARP that won’t die. Add Q Anon to the list.
ID:pHrNcAnK No.148004484 ViewReport
At the same time that MegAnon finally resurfaced and vouched for the authenticity of Q Anon, Corey Goode passed along a major new briefing.
This information is coming to him from a relatively new group that has connections to the very highest levels here on Earth.
The contents were very similar to what we were already seeing — and confirmed many things. Take a look:
[11/5/17, 6:49:36 AM] Corey Goode: Wow, just received a briefing.
The military is indeed getting ready for a potential decapitation of the Cabal with surgical strikes by SF [Special Forces] Teams.
They are already training by taping out floor plans of their targets on the floors of hangars and practicing kicking in doors.
They are also being briefed on their potential targets.
A “limited coup” is looking more and more likely.
In the briefing they once again stated the importance of having a minimum of 2 weeks of food/water in our homes.
[11/5/17, 6:56:31 AM] Corey Goode: It was further revealed that the Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed.
They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.
Their investigation has since expanded dramatically.
So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.
Some of the really bad ones have already left.
Our SF teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.
Wow… the briefings have been pretty heavy recently. We shall see what happens, as no plan survives the battlefield.
[11/5/17, 10:36:40 AM] David Wilcock: Well, get this… MegAnon just resurfaced and seems to think Q is predominantly accurate. Now what you’re telling me lines up as well.
Apparently another 9/11 was planned and thwarted very recently, as in 11/2, and the arrests would have taken place this weekend had it worked.
They are both also flagging the awesome importance of Saudi Arabia’s recent mass arrests as another immediate precursor of what will happen here.
CG: I was told this morning that this is mostly accurate, but the dates are ambitious.
DW: Wow. SF means Strike Force, I assume?
CG: Special Forces.
DW: Ah. Exactly how many hours of briefings have you had in just the recent past?
CG: 26 hours from one source and 15 hours from another source.
DW: My God!
CG: No kidding, dude.
DW: So we can say that?
CG: Yes.
A swarm of Alliance operations are coiled and ready to strike.
DW: Well, just thinking of the skeptics here, let me ask a question.
If there are only about 14 possible hours a day that you could actively be briefed, and if this occurred over a weekend, that’s three days where you did nothing else but listen to people talk.
CG: They were spread out over 7 days. 26 hrs in just 3 1/2 days alone.
DW: That is a lot.
CG: Yes, it’s enough to make you brain dead, actually.
DW: Wow. I am cold and tingling all over.
CG: Most of the operations are non-violent, or what we wouldn’t typically think of as military.
They will range from propaganda, electronic warfare and covert teams that arrest people.
Some Secret Service/Body Guard positions were infiltrated, and some of these top figures are basically in custody and don’t even know it.
Many of the targets of these operations have their jets on 24-hour standby notice. Pilots are sleeping at air hangars, ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
Many of the targets of these operations have been denied safe haven in some of the bunkers where they were promised sanctuary, which is typical Cabal.
The planes will be intercepted by the US Air Force if they try to leave US Airspace.
The hangars are under observation and they now have a way to shut down all underground shuttles simultaneously.
[11/5/17, 11:11:51 AM] David Wilcock: I assume this is all for pub?
CG: Yes.
DW: Awesome. Very exciting.
On the same day the arrests started, top Clinton campaign manager Donna Brazile revealed Hillary had rigged and stolen the nomination and campaign money all along.
Then on November 11th, Drudge tweeted that Brazile is haunted by the possibility that Hillary was responsible for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Let’s not forget that Seth Rich may very well have been the real leaker of the October 2016 Pedogate emails — not Russia:
Newly released excerpts from Donna Brazile’s book “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” reveals the Democrat operative was haunted by the mysterious death of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Drudge says Brazile was so paranoid about snipers shooting her dead that she made a habit of shutting the blinds.
“Brazile writes she was haunted by murder of DNC Seth Rich, and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds so snipers could not see her,” tweeted Drudge on Saturday afternoon.
On November 5th, right after the Saudi mass arrests became the top story on Drudge Report, now the number-one news site in the world, the narrative changed.
A former Air Force veteran, dishonorably discharged, murdered almost everyone in a small Christian church in Texas.
This had the Cabal’s fingerprints all over it, including the idea that the killer may have been under some form of post-hypnotic mind control.
Immediately after this sad and depressing mass shooting, we heard that the top three leaders of the Fed are stepping down:
The top three leaders at the Federal Reserve have either left or will leave their posts soon.
New York Fed President William Dudley — one of the most watched policymakers on Wall Street — said Monday he will step down from his post in mid-2018, about six months before his term is set to end.
“Leading the New York Fed and being a member of the [Fed’s committee] has been a dream job,” Dudley said in a statement on Monday.
Dudley’s announcement comes four days after President Trump nominated Jerome Powell to become the next chairman of the Fed.
Trump’s nomination means current Chair Janet Yellen must step down from her post in February when her term ends. Yellen can remain at the Fed as a governor if she chooses, however doing so would be unprecedented.
In September, former Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer announced his retirement. He officially stepped down in October.
Another sign of key Alliance operations reaching a conclusion regards the defeat of ISIS in Syria.
Their last stronghold just fell.
This should be great news — and is — but it was subject to a mass media blackout.
Instead, the story was covered by the indie news site The Last American Vagabond.
This is further evidence that the entire Cabal terror apparatus is being systematically dismantled.
With mass arrests in Saudi Arabia, it was probably easier to defeat Isis — and further reduce the threats of reprisal terror attacks as the Cabal is defeated.
These insider disclosures from Meganon and Q Anon are so deep and complex that we can’t even begin to cover it all in one article.
That’s where you come in.
ToddWhiskey is doing the hard work of compiling all of this data, with links, so you can easily copy and paste text for your own analysis.
If you are a journalist, this is definitely a story that is evolving hour by hour, and needs our support.
The excitement level was further enhanced when 13,213 additional JFK documents were suddenly released late this week, on November 9th.
This is another area in which swift action is required to find out exactly what truths they may contain.
There will be more to report, but for right now that’s as far as it goes.
Click here to read the MegAnon archive. Click here to read the Q Anon archive.
Thank you again for getting involved and doing your part to help awaken the public to the truth. It is sincerely appreciated by so many of us.
We are fighting for freedom against an adversary that wants us all dead, or at least as their slaves. It is a fight worth dying for.
Thankfully, the Cabal is so weak now that the risk is very little for most people sharing this information.
If you step up now, there will undoubtedly be glory ahead, as you will be one of the leaders who foretold the inevitable.
I had already noticed that this article is number 1222 on this website… meaning the 1,222nd piece of content ever produced.
This was even more interesting because the time of the upload came out to be exactly 11:22 PM, without even trying.
I updated Twitter and Facebook, got ready for bed, brushed my teeth, got in bed, and hit Refresh to proofread it from beginning to end for final error checks.
I was genuinely amazed when I got to the end. At the exact moment I refreshed it, quite beyond conscious awareness, it was at exactly 2,222 views.
Quads are one of the ‘hardest’ synchronicities to get, even though it takes me no conscious awareness to do this. It just works:
I have a great deal of important work that will consume the full day tomorrow, so I do not anticipate any more of these for now.
I do see these connections as great examples of a higher force that is guiding this entire process to restore peace on earth.
Q Anon had indicated that a criminal case against Podesta would appear between November 3rd and 4th.
This again shows he has high-level intel, as we now know an actual lawsuit appeared only two days later.
The gap may be due to normal problems with the legal system filing exactly when you think they will.
This can be found on the official United States Courts website. Take a look:
This again greatly substantiates the idea that whomever Q Anon is, he has access to high-level information before the rest of us do.
UPDATE: The person who sent me this did not realize it was filed by the YouTuber and reporter George Webb. It is not a Federal case.
This does not change the fact that the Podesta Group is closing its doors permanently as of November 15th, suggesting other cases were filed.
Other clues to the number code being alphanumeric are the following post, also from the November 1st collection:
Also note this post in our comments section:
#22 2017-11-13 06:19
This is all getting very exciting. Please help find that photo of the thumbs in the Q and we will put it in here.
Another well-timed event that just took place was a post from Ben Fulford, former East-West bureau chief for Forbes.
Ben has been leaking intel for about a decade now, and at least some of it has proven to be very accurate over time.
This particular quote mirrors certain things MegAnon was strongly alluding to, without actually saying it quite so specifically:
The great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.
…These same NSA sources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on October 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security company http://www.g4s.com/ hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction
in order to kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan (MBS).
Trump and MBS were meeting in secret at the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the mass arrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.
Both Trump and MBS were evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can no longer be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm….
In any case, the Saudi purge has now taken in former Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. and close Bush family ally Bandar Bin Sultan.
Bandar and Crown Prince MBS “may be star witnesses that Israel did 9/11,” the Pentagon sources say.
Of course, the trail to Israel will then lead to the Rothschilds hiding in their complex in Zug, Switzerland.
For now, it is their U.S. operations that are being shut down.
On that front, NSA sources are saying that top Clinton/Bush bagman (and satan-worshipping child torturer) John Podesta was stopped from fleeing the U.S. by U.S. fighter planes and arrested.
The meltdown of the Bush/Clinton cabal is now publicly visible in even the corporate media in the form of news that the Podesta’s companies have shut down.
I doubt I will have time to do any more updates for the next few hours, but check back later tonight or tomorrow just in case.
Who knows what will happen next? It is quite an adventure. Make sure you have your two weeks of food and water.
I also recommend carrying cash, as wherever you are when this happens, you might be stuck there for a while with your cards not working.
Immediately after writing the above, the previous article was at 313137 views. A nice 333 nestled in with an 11, and also 1313. Very cool:
I have had so many briefings on this that I know it far predates Trump’s election, and is not at all a “fascist coup,” as some comments suggest.
Again, they are going to get this done for the greater good either way. What we learn about the Cabal will be very shocking to say the least.
As requested, here is an image that one commenter, Donna, suggested might make “a perfect Q if you trace the thumbs.”
I can’t say this is a perfect Q, more of a flat one if you include both of Trump’s hands, but it is an interesting theory.
The newspaper headline they are obviously responding to underlines their support of the Saudi mass arrests for sure:
This next image, if proven authentic, appears to be of Trump monitoring a 4Chan discussion board:
Indeed, a Reverse Image Search could not find any source image that this would have been manufactured out of with image processing:
Remember with food storage, simple things like rice and beans, and a set of 5-gallon jugs of drinking water, should be sufficient.
LOL… and of course, more 2’s in the hit counter right after I posted the above — 32272:
Then as soon as I re-loaded it for review, we had 3’s popping up at 32533 — with a nice harmonic 25 (5×5) in the middle:
I must say that I am very excited about all of this after leaking intel on these Alliance efforts ever since 2009.
Just before I have to leave here and end this for most of the day, I looked for new posts on the Reddit pages for Meg and Q .
This response to a particular question jumped out at me. I encourage you to look for others and let us know in the comments:
ID:gsyi7i0a No.148668395 Report
ID:HDsgsPtl No.148668880 Report
This domino will come last.
The others will fall because of SA [Saudi Arabia] and NK, you only have to watch now.
China is on board.
The indictments are ready.
Nothing can stop this.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America
This excerpt is of particular significance:
ID:jf2qHqNL No.147992997 ViewReport
They send EMP pulses at directed areas around the world.
Anon, remember how today we were told about “Training” for EMP attack?
VPU-2 is being used to turn off electricity at the compounds the princes are in.
Scotland yard tried to arrest pedophile ring — but they said targets were too high profile, no one can get to them.
Look at the logos. They are built to send “lightening bolts from the sky”.



The moderators notified me that the Podesta lawsuit included here was filed by the journalist George Webb. It was not Federal.
I had a lunch break and decided to pop in here and make that change.
Once I went to take a look at it, the hit counter had a three-digit synchronicity in it — 59929:
Then I decided to hit Refresh again — and WOW! I hit it at exactly 60,000. Very impressive:
There are apparently FAR more interesting things appearing in the Q Anon briefings. I may need to write another update very soon.
We broke previous records by topping out over 100,000 views in just over 24 hours.
I came in to make this update right before bed, after a very busy day, and there were four zeroes in the hit counter — it had just crossed the mark:
I don’t have the time, nor the desire to try to fake this. I also had a bank of 7s appear when I checked it “randomly” at work, and have the pic stored in my phone.
This may be a further underlining of the significance of the following tweet, which appeared from a long-time supporter in my email:
I will be making a major statement from the @WhiteHouse upon my return to D.C. Time and date to be set.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2017
Notice also that this tweet is precisely 24 hours after this article “solved the puzzle” for larger audiences in alternative media. The timing was only off by one minute.
This is certainly compelling, though we still don’t know exactly when things will really start to happen on a larger level.
Each day we are seeing progress and that is encouraging indeed.
I had a dream this morning in which I got absolute confirmation that Trump was writing these 4Chan posts with the collaboration of a small team of highly trusted advisors.
The dream was very intense and left no doubt. Of course it is not ‘real’, but my dreams have been accurate on many, many occasions.
I am now in the airport lounge, flying back to Los Angeles after a major run of new tapings for Gaia. I used the wi-fi to check on the latest comments.
And BOOM… without any conscious thought, and totally in tune with the exact demands of my schedule, there it was: 152999 on the hit counter.
Another part of the dream involved how this same team was using codes in their own way to communicate messages.
Although this dream didn’t spell it out per se, the implication was that things like the Q formation in their thumbs-up image was intentional.
Very interesting indeed. I will stop updating this for now and pick it up again with more info once I am home and things have quieted down.
Really dude? You realize it takes money to run a business right? Money is a part of this reality. Ppl like David ask for money. It’s the easiest way to survive. If you don’t like Trump than stick to watching cnn. I run a business and money is how I and the business survive. It isn’t about scamming or screwing ppl over. Or only caring about money. It’s simple common sense a 1st grader can understand.
mr. willcox
this reads like everything i fell to be the case ( even: i.e. ‘child abduction’ which you mention as being for satanic sacrifice… a notion i have, for years been saying to no avail, is not only or necessarily the work of lone or single individuals but organized and thought out for satanic sacrifice).
but with every ‘tale’ of illumi and OWG or whatever it is always and always just a moment away. it’s-a-comin’!! just keep waitin’ a little bit more and by cracky it’s gonna happen!!!
i have much more belief in my faith than i do in all this mil-speak, intel, 4chan supper hidden secret leaking webizers.
come on man! really. i dig 4 10 20. i thought from the get-go that is was going to be about the ability to ‘out’ and file charges against all the crooks, but even with all the alignment of october 101010’s i just don’t see anything legitimate happening anytime soon!
but thanks!
You must watch too much cnn. You really have no clue.
David, You are WRONG about Public did NOT know about the Podesta Indictment. Check out George Webb Youtube Channel, where he document his Citizen Journalism, in short vids… It is now almost 13 months of vids.. For Me He is the TRUE Hero in this….DAILY Reports, Many times
WAY Ahead of even ALTERNATIV NEWS on the net, with his Findings… https://www.unitedstatescourts.org/federal/dcd/190971/1-0.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjBNy0f58xQ I amk Surprised that YOU Missed out of this Guy…MANY of the CABAL Elite IS following him…and getting SCARED…LOL
I have been following your posts and information faithfully for many years. I have turned MANY people on to your site and books. We have met MANY times over the years at the Conscious Life Expos and other Los Angeles based events. I completely respect you and your information. HOWEVER, I have had (sadly) several encounters with our so called president over the years and I can say from personal experience (none of them good) that he is motivated by ONE thing and ONE thing only. That is Money! He doesn’t give a crap anything or anyone else (except his kids). I have to doubt his benevolence regarding this matter. He would never risk his life or his kids lives for us. Period.. not happening.. I hope I am wrong .. we will see…
the twitter account swamp drainer +++ has the Q photo david is looking for
Thank you David. I recently dreamed of Nov 1-15 being an important window. Then last night dreamed I was going up to many friends and telling them about the Nov 1-15 window, also saying Trump is returning tomorrow and something BIG is going to happen. Wooooo!
Las Vegas. Call it a magic show, or a movie. There is no doubt it was a psyop, and probably/practically/essentially NO ONE died! Case closed! Unless anyone enjoys trying so hard to believe in/rationalize/understand the official story & the alleged mass deaths.
I’m not sure if 4plebs is the best place to read Q’s posts from 4Chan. The site’s code sometimes thinks that some of Q’s posts should be italicized or strike-through if brackets are used. Just go to 4chan’s politically incorrect board and search for the threads called “CBTS.” (which stands for Calm Before The Storm). They have been doing a fantastic job of keeping track of Q’s updates.
I’ve found the newspaper on Trump’s AF1 desk: it’s the issue of Financial Times of Monday 6 November 2017.
Here’s an image of the front page:
And the results in a quick search of that day seem to confirm:
I’m not a premium or print subscriber so cannot dive into the archive of the website itself, but here it should be able to be found:
Thanks for this update, brother in arms 😉
This was really uplifting. Keep the light burning and the love flowing. The truth will set us free, but we have to remain careful. Love to all of you who are fighting this war and to those who can’t.
Some info on Julian Assange’s “hash”:
Releasing a “hash” that is published widely is a way of proving that you had a hold of the files they refer to when you say you did (i.e. when you released the hash)
Not a way of decrypting anything once it is released.
Once he releases what he has, we in the public will be able to take those files and hash them to produce the same extremely rare number he released all those months ago. This will serve to us as cryptographic “proof” that he had the exact same files when he released the hash (and therefore didn’t just receive them yesterday for instance).
This somehow seems relevant to all this…
I have to wonder is the NAVY squadron VSQ-133 “Wizards” did anything to help the Saudi arrests?
They are a electronic attack squadron that just completed a successful training mission on Nov 4 in the evening.
There is a difference between nationalism and supremacy, and supremacists of any belief system or race are to be tolerated. what’s funny is the antifa movement is using techniques that the Nazi brownshirts utilized. It’s political correctness gone to the extreme. They’re actually the Nazis. And what’s funny is that is if these on the left actually were confronted by these cabal people they’d realize that they have been taken for a ride. What they show and what they are-are two completely different things. Be glad you never dealt with one. It’s like Agent Smith and his program from the Matrix to be honest-not any different. You would be considered less than dirt, but would have filled your role superbly. Q is right in what we are facing in the enemy, it’s something completely necessary. We’re weeding the garden, weeds that have been present for a long time and now are being picked.
The “wizard” squadron VAQ-133 is a navy Electronic Attack Squadron
They posted on their Facebook site on Nov 4th at 7:36pm (PST I think) That hey had just returned home from a successful training mission. I am wondering if the training mission had any ties to the Saudi arrests that took place the same day? Seeing as these aircraft seem to have some sort of EMP technology? Go NAVY!
Anyone feel guided to start a GoFundMe for Paul just like for Pete Peterson?
Great job!! as usual.
Mega Anon says don’t fall for the save water and food for the blackouts story.
In reality, you shouldn’t want (let alone wait on pins and needles for), a “happening”, to the extent of what’s being discussed in these, or any threads. ….. your families, children, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. would be COMPLETELY FUCKED. Not for hours, days, weeks, a month or two… they’d be fucked forever. Lights out?! Hahaha, guess what?! The electrical and telecommunications grids and infrastructures are so completely fucked you’d spend the next 50 years trying to get them back on. Remember, in today’s world, there’s pretty much nothing anyone can’t do without power. We certainly aren’t restoring or repairing infrastructure without it. We’re not splicing or trenching new copper, coax, cable, fiber, paths back to dead SWC’s or CO’s filled with millions of dollars worth of dead hardware. You aren’t flipping a switch back on at your municipal power station, right?
Hi David you should join Jordan Sather’s Destroying the Illusion closed group. Lots of people doing great digging and researching and most importantly cross verifying and discerning….they’re on the ball.
Little pieces of a puzzle forming a big picture of change for the better.. It’s fascinating stuff and so clear.. I’ve started to become more aware of these synchronicities recently.. In the space of about 5 minutes this evening I saw a 666 on a taxi licence plate followed by 8181 on a building and a 777 on a car number plate.. Been reading about them when I notice them.. Seeing a lot of 1111 recently too.. Big changes ahead!
Thank you for what you do David. Much Love, Blessings and LightRays to you.
I’ve lost track of how many times in the last 10 years we’ve been told to have two weeks of food and water on hand for the imminent emergency.
In response to the image search: I use TinEye to search for images. That search DOES come up with several hits, but most of them seem to be the 4chan thread, but ALSO looking at his facebook page:
So I would call it neither confirmed, nor denied.
I am so appreciative David,I am not able to do the kind of work that you do here, but have been following you on Gaia since before the start of all this disclosure. Corey too, as well as your whistleblowers, brave people. I have little support in my own beliefs, so I keep to myself, but I trust you. I was not able to keep updated of everything since Nov. 1, but in Alberta, the price of gas skyrocked overnight so I knew something was up! I mean almost $.30/litre overnight since the Saudi arrests! (I knew nothing of the Saudi arrests, our news feed in Canada is a bad as it gets.) Now since you have updated us, David, I understand why. I also understand more about Trump and the crazy things he has been saying since even before the election. The megaanon and Qanon links are priceless, thank you, I follow them when I can.
All the best, David and everyone. You’re in my prayers and meditations.
MegaAnon had more to say today. u/ToddWhiskey created a new post to showcase the new info as well as updating his prior post, too.
Here’s a link to the most recent post…
Thanks, DW, for continuing with the updates. Your ability to lay out the dots concisely is invaluable as a point of reference when helping others get caught up to the BIG picture perspective.
So is the 7.2 earthquake in Iraq/Saudi Arabia yesterday really an earthquake or is a weapons discharge?
Keep up the good work David!
Thank you so much, David, for all of your hard work and the work of those who are helping you. I just wanted to mention that George H.W. Bush has been a serious pedophile, including his own children, for decades. He was one of the major players in the MK-ULTRA Monarch mind control program for many years as well. It does not surprise me that he has been implicated in other sexual advances. If only he would be implicated in the MK-ULTRA program along with Dick Chaney and many, many, many others. That would astounding! Many children, young women and some boys and young men have peen seriously harmed by what these people did to them. Only a small number of them have been deprogrammed. My hope if that this whole program will be disclosed.
Great article. The biggest indicator that Q is Trump was when Trump had a tweet with +++ less than 10 min after Q posted +++. Can you give more connections about how this relates to AI, CERN/white rabbit, and cryptocurrencies
Well done David and HELPERS!! Finally an entree has been served up and we can hopefully put away the appetizers. All joking aside, what is being worked towards seems anything but a joke, is actually the COMPLETE opposite, God willing! Keep up the GREAT work!! God bless us, always!!
My message was cut off. It is important!. I will rephrase as best as I can.
Wait what? Kevin Spacey is a creepy pedo pig. Kevin coming out as gay when he was first accused of pedophilia is disgusting. I do not watch House of Cards. There is a connection I see with the name of the episode of the house of cards season 5 episode 8 called “ Elysiun Fields”. NOTE – anyone can search google for July 2017 a massive pedophile bust with over 90,000 members busted known as “Elysium” . There is no such thing as coincidence. People should be pushing for stricter sentencing ie jail terms for all these abusers. We should demand it.
I have read all of your book David. Especially liked your last one. But I can not wrap my head around that Trump is a good guy.
I believe there are bad guys on both sides. Happy to see things really happening all around the world.
I know we will have disclosure, and a better world for all. But I do not see Trump as Q. I do not trust him at all. I did not trust Hillary either.
Time will tell and I believe all truths will be disclosed soon. Thanks David.
He never said the CIA is helping clean up the mess. He said the Alliance is mostly military and intelligence, I think he meant military intelligence. The military (Secretary of Defense Mattis) has control over the NSA but not the CIA.
Thank you David for putting this together. I pray for President Trump, and everyone risking their lives to bring us the truth. I have trusted Trump from the start and saw blantant media bias and smear campaign against him. On election night, I saw/had visions of angels/light beings sending love and absorbing negativity, surrounding the entire planet and out into the atmosphere, and knew Trump would win and was chosen to for the greater good. I still see this. Not that Trump is a God or anything, he is definitely human just like the rest of us, but he is the one who can help defeat the evil in our world and he is with the help of other amazing people, risking their lives to enrich ours and bring about peace, love, and prosperity. We must all unite in positivity and turn off the negativity. After all, WE are the ones who are truly in control! We can be the change we wish to see in the world and it will come to fruition. God Bless everyone and be love.
Awesome report David W. You have always added light to a deeply dark topic.
I have the distinct feeling that the ones named so far are the disposable muppets that are being hung out to dry, the real puppet master as still concealed and have way more tricks up their sleeves. Beware of weapons of mass distraction.
Remain vigilent, use discression, until the Vatican Bank falls we are all still in harms way.
I dreamt some of these happenings years ago. I don’t understand. Its all coming true. Normally have to keep it to myself, but I saw this. Confirms Im not nuts. This is validation and I thank you.
I knew if I refreshed this page, there would be another update 😆
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Never fails w/the synch – thank you for all the work that you do, David.
Great job,David! Thank you from the depths of my heart.Love & light!