David Wilcock’s only official YouTube channel has been “permanently disabled” after four fake copyright strikes by a single individual, going by the name “Alec Theodore Wallace.”
Ever since December 21st, we have been writing multiple, detailed letters, to everyone we knew “on the inside” at YouTube, with our Internet attorney in the To: field, and got nothing.
Now an anonymous individual has managed to destroy David’s entire YouTube presence. His stolen videos are still online and he is earning felony Grand Theft-level profits from them.
This is punishable by up to three years in prison if he gets caught, particularly with his other crimes factored in — as we will discuss. Wild stuff.
What could possibly have allowed this to happen? There is a much greater cosmic story going on here when we consider the content of the deleted videos themselves, so read on.
If this could happen to David, it could happen to anyone else in this field as well. And there are signs that it already is. We need to hang together or we will hang separately.
Get the intriguing facts of this case — and find out how you can help us regain David’s identity. Please don’t attack YouTube’s staff about this — we need their help.
UPDATED 1/1, 1/2. This investigation got results. Less than 24 hours after posting this expose’, we were back up. See Section Two. Happy New Year 2017!
At the time of this writing, you can go ahead and click on any of these following links and see the same message.
My four top videos were all killed off by a single person — the Honorable Sir Alec Theodore Wallace:
Say what? These were four of our most popular videos. Together they had more than two million views. Three out of four helped launch my published books.
The last two videos announced my book The Ascension Mysteries — well before it came out in August 2013. That’s right. Over three and a half years ago.
Ascension Mysteries and Endgame II were my YouTube comeback videos for 2016 after a long absence, as I finally picked up the author’s pen once more.
These videos were the beginning of a whole new push that was intended to ramp up big-time in 2017. Both were doing phenomenally well.
Ascension had over 350,000 views and Endgame II was pushing 150,000. That’s half a million altogether — amazing numbers in today’s competitive market.
My channel had been online since August 2010 without a single copyright strike — because I make my own videos with my own content.
Thankfully, Gaia is privately-owned, and all 300+ episodes I have on there are secure. This includes my recent appearance on our new show, Buzzsaw with Sean Stone.
Everything I talk about in that episode is directly relevant to what is going on right now. You can see everything for 99 cents in the first month with no penalty fees.
As explained in Endgame II, we have already been put on the “Fake News” kill list, so your help is needed now more than ever. Thanks!
So who the hell is Alec Theodore Wallace?
Let’s just make this loud and clear: I am not a robot. My site is divinecosmos.com. My only official YouTube channel is/was youtube.com/davidwilcock333.
I make my own videos sometimes. I get up in front of a camera and ad-lib my way through Keynote slides. Most of my videos are in front of my audiences.
Copyright attaches as soon as the original work is created, and applies to both published and unpublished works.
As soon as you type words, click the shutter on your camera (or, for many of you, hit the home button on your iPhone), apply paint to canvas or paper or lay down tracks for your next hit, you’ve got a copyright….
I hold the copyright for all of these videos.
Let me say it in plain English:
The thing is, is that, this should be obvious… since it’s, like, my face, my voice, my information and stuff, ya know. Duh!
Every video we have ever made is now dead. Nor can we post any more of them. Our team has a mega-update to the deleted Endgame II video that is now dead in the water until this clears up.
I also just bought a teleprompter so I can read the new articles I write and make videos out of them. That ain’t gonna happen until we get through this.
The last 45 minutes of the original Endgame II video did not have changing visuals, but the final version now awaiting release in our hard drives absolutely does.
The /davidwilcock333 channel no longer exists, even though it was my only official YouTube outlet.
Unless we start committing fraud like Sir Wallace, I am not legally allowed to create new channels either. Those are the rules YouTube put in place.
I represent a whole team of people working in alliance. In one utterly ridiculous series of events, we have been vanquished by a faceless attacker.
Well played, sir, well played.
Up until this ridiculous and lethal strike happened, I had never heard of this person. We started to get inundated with your questions immediately.
All of my videos were either made by myself or with one or two trusted associates who I have immediate access to. My copyright attaches to the videos automatically.
The YouTube system held me guilty as charged, and gave me no recourse when this mysterious individual stole and then destroyed my identity.
Every letter I wrote in was greeted with a robotic response. Then when I finally did get a human being, he disappeared after promising an investigation.
Another robo-letter then said they “spoke to the team” and the case was closed. We lose. He wins. Period.
The real guy did say the holidays were going to delay the team’s investigation, but this has already been going on for over a week. The next business day isn’t until January 2nd.
Alec Theodore Wallace. Dude.
Who the heck uses a full three-part name these days anyway?
Here is what you will see on the first of these four YouTube links.
This video used to be a one-hour-and-52-minute narration of our previous article, ENDGAME II.
I narrated it. Corey Goode’s video guy added the images. There was no “Pizzagate” content in it, so it can’t be from the alleged ban on that topic either.
How does a random, anonymous individual come to think he can own my voice, my writing, my narration and my content — jointly produced with Corey Goode and his team?
The other three links to my book-promoting videos also say the copyright claims were made by “Alec Theodore Wallace,” as you can see for yourself.
Who’s name is on the cover of those books? How many books has Alec Theodore Wallace written? Has anyone ever even seen him?
I’m reaching a bit now, but come on. Something is going on. This just doesn’t smell right.
Let’s try to find out who this guy is — and how he came to believe that he owns my voice, face and creative work.
Nothing whatsoever comes up in a Google search for this name except for pissed-off people, myself included, wondering who the hell this guy is.
President Theodore Roosevelt was often referred to as “Teddy”, and had a popular children’s toy named after him.
Therefore, our insider code-name for this fine fellow is the Teddy Bear.
You are now on a need-to-know basis. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.
Teddy just opened up a can of whoop-ass.
You want to know what song I feel should be playing in the background right now? Let’s take a moment of zen and really appreciate this.
It’s “Family Snapshot,” from Peter Gabriel’s eponymous third solo album from 1980, often called “Melt.”
This song is constantly playing in the background of my mind right now, so you might as well share the soundtrack along with me as you read this.
In my opinion this album is one of the most under-appreciated works of genius in rock history. It definitely helped get me through high school.
The whole album is a meditation on the criminal mastermind, ending up with him using a spoon to eat in the mental hospital after he has been captured for murder.
Then Peter goes on to honor one of the victims — a truly great hero, Steven Biko — in a song that still makes every hair on my body stand up:
If I am going to get into an argument about who is the best rock vocalist and composer of all time, Peter Gabriel would be very high on my list.
Steven is right up there too, and he just won a UN humanitarian award for “Janie’s Got a Fund,” creating advocacy support for victims of sexual violence.
We knew this was coming for months and it is great to finally announce it. Both of these artists have used their public platform to create positive changes in the world.
As I just leaked on Jimmy Church’s radio show the day before the attack, Steven and I have been friends for three years.
He’s a very busy guy and we don’t talk that often, but he did show up as a surprise guest for my 40th birthday party.
Kerry Cassidy was there among about 25 others. I coached everyone on how to handle it before he arrived: “Don’t act like you have any idea who he is!”
Steven is really ‘into’ the metaphysical stuff and his new solo album, We’re All Somebody from Somewhere, is truly superb in its musical and spiritual content.
We are all going through Ascension in our own ways. Music can be a valuable tool for our self-transformative process.
Never did I think that I would be able to empathize with Peter Gabriel’s “Family Snapshot” so deeply — a song written from the inner perspective of a Lee Harvey Oswald-type assassin.
Hmm. Why do these guys always end up with three-part names?
Now let’s drill into this outrageous violation a little deeper and look under the hood — mixing metaphors madly.
Here is what I was seeing within YouTube’s own Content Manager before I got completely locked out of my own account.
I blocked out part of his email address in this image, even though Mr. Wallace posted mine on the internet and encouraged people to send “hate mail” to it.
More on that in a bit.
For now, take a look at what I started seeing as of December 21st, nearly ruining my entire Christmas vacation:
Wait a minute… how does “Alec Theodore Wallace” have anything to do with David Wilcock and Corey Goode?
Quick answer: He doesn’t.
Just wait… it gets worse and worse.
“I…..I’ve been waiting for this….”
Notice also that the above email, which we have partially obscured to preserve the privacy of his assumed identity, has the name of Alfred Wallace.
“Alec” is generally short for Alexander. Alec is an entirely different first name than Alfred.
Now you’ve got Ted and Fred. But apparently they go together like peanut butter and jelly. Two integral components of a $–+ sandwich.
This is a hot lunch I got served up right during the holidays, with no recourse but to shout at the walls in disbelief as the plane hurtled to the ground.
Alfred Wallace is an important historical figure — the co-discoverer of the Theory of Evolution, who co-published a paper with Charles Darwin in 1858:
Hardly anyone else is competing for the name of “Alfred Wallace” on a Google search.
Finally on the ninth page you find another one, but only with Wallace as the middle name — Alfred Wallace Downer, from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
One small problem — “Wally” Downer died in 1994. 22 years ago now.
Other than these two guys, all you get for pages and pages is links to Alfred Russel Wallace, the forgotten co-discoverer of the Theory of Evolution.
Alfred Wallace’s theory was that the best killers are the most highly evolved individuals on earth. They are the force that causes our species to transform.
Therefore, since this dude somehow managed to murder all of my videos, he appears to have built a sardonic joke into his assumed name.
He is “hiding it out in the open,” if you will. We’ve already written extensively about certain folks who use tricks like this to get results.
He may also think that most people will not take the time to research his assumed name — which is about three seconds of work — and discover its origins.
I have no idea how “Mr. Wallace” was able to successfully accomplish this epic attack.
Two of the videos have been promoting my second NYT best-selling book, The Synchronicity Key, since before its release in August 2013.
How could Mr. Wallace own the copyright on three David Wilcock videos, produced and directed by DW, starring DW, about books DW wrote for Penguin?
And why didn’t the automated YouTube system simply check to see which video was posted first?
How did I end up getting treated as guilty until proven innocent for over a week — until my entire identity was scrubbed off of YouTube completely?
The Teddy Bear came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
And he’s all out of bubble gum.
This is one bear that definitely does not hibernate in the winter. Someone woke him up… and he is very grumpy.
That someone was me.
It all started when I filed a copyright strike against him after he stole my new video and rudely burned in his website address… throughout the entire thing.
He also hacked it down from one hour and 52 minutes to 59 minutes.
This was a critical intel update. I wonder what exactly he censored.
And Times New Roman font? Gross. At least use a sans serif font like Arial!
Hey, wait… isn’t that the copywritten image of the alleged “Pre-Adamite” giants from Corey Goode’s own visual FX team?
Yep, that’s the one.
The Teddy Bear translates Copyright as the Right to Copy.
Here are two images from my official, verified Twitter account of when this video, /wu854P7gzJ4, first went up — December 14th, 2016.
The blue check-mark you see is confirmation that this is the “real David Wilcock”, not an impostor account:
Doesn’t that code, wu854…, look familiar? It should. It’s the digital name for the first video the Teddy Bear claimed the Right to Copy for.
Here is a snapshot of the Teddy Bear’s stolen version, complete with the date — December 17th, 2016. This is three days AFTER the original came out:
Shouldn’t YouTube have an automated system that decisively judges whose copy appeared first? Apparently not.
When we filed a takedown against this stolen copy on “Ancient Aliens TV,” it was already at 45,000 views.
Corey’s copy had over 200,000 and I was at about 135,000. We had a soaring viral success on our hands. I didn’t put any ads in my version, as usual.
How does that type of a smash hit look to a con artist?
If you don’t care about getting your own private room in the Big House, it looks like a high-speed Concorde jet stuffed with money.
As this horrible saga went on, Ted filed three strikes, which is a kill shot. Apparently this works even if it’s done by one single individual only.
When the first counter-strike notice came in, YouTube’s system effectively says if you are not willing to file a lawsuit right on the spot, then don’t bother:
The second half of this letter had an absolutely bizarre legal attack in it from “Mr. Wallace,” stridently asserting copyright where none existed:
The address and telephone number traced back to one of the most expensive hotels in Iceland. Huh?
The two-digit number in the blacked-out part of the address was also incorrect by one digit, as a simple Google search confirmed.
How are you supposed to “serve legal process” to an individual with an obvious pseudonym — who gives you a slightly-incorrect hotel address and telephone number?
I have blocked out this information just in case he actually has the dough to live there.
By comparison, when Mr. Wallace gained my information, he blasted it out on the internet and instructed his viewers to send “hate mail” to my YouTube email address.
As you can see, the first strike and counter-notification came in from Ted as of December 21st.
This also happens to be the Winter Solstice, an important ceremonial date.
He quickly hit me with two more strikes against videos he absolutely had no Right to Copy, and certainly did not own, on December 23rd, just two days before Christmas.
Now I had three strikes. I had already been writing YouTube in a panic. I was astonished.
My channel would be dead in seven days… right during the longest holiday blackout period of the entire year.
The longest I could wait was until December 30th — the day before New Year’s. No one would be working normal hours during that time. It was checkmate.
Ted then demanded that I reverse my single, existing strike against him, thereby re-uploading his stolen copy, in order to save my channel.
I politely complied — under duress.
I knew he was in complete violation of copyright, and had told him he was committing serious criminal offenses. My attorney was included in the To: field.
He was amazingly persistent and felt he was in the right. I honestly had never seen or heard of anything like this. He acted like he was untouchable.
Ted knew he had the gun. YouTube was doing nothing. As it went on, he became extremely rude and demeaning.
Yes, I actually had multiple email exchanges with “Alec Theodore Wallace.”
He said he was an admirer of my work. “I don’t really hate you… I don’t care what you do… We were made for each other, me and you…”
YouTube AdSense revenues are generally estimated at being roughly 7 dollars per 1000 views if you put a “rollout ad” at the beginning of your video.
Almost all of the stolen videos we will discuss do just that — and more.
An often-reproduced article on Quora.com estimates five to eight dollars of revenue per 1000 clicks.
The dollar value increases when the audience has more “engagement” with the subject of the video, as in the case of a known public figure like myself.
Therefore, at the $7 per 1000-view price point, a video with 100,000 views adds up to 700 dollars of stolen revenue.
In the one week since my reversal, his stolen copy has skyrocketed to well over 220,000 hits. It’s probably one of the best YouTube scams he’s ever pulled off.
Based on the average of $7 per 1000 clicks for video ads that roll at the beginning, he has now made over $1555 in estimated AdSense revenues.
Will they pay him?
If so, it’s potentially a felony. It’s called Grand Theft in the state of California, where YouTube disputes for anyone outside the US must be litigated.
Ted claims to be living in Reykjavik, Iceland, so therefore this case will be subject to California law as per YouTube’s own notification.
Let’s now take a look at what that law actually says, from trusted sources, just so we are clear on this.
In the US, the 1976 Copyright Act introduced the doctrine of “Fair Use” in section 107.
The Endgame II video was an audio narration of an article jointly written by Corey and me. That means we are the copyright holders.
In the case of written works like an article, the guidelines are very straightforward and strict.
I know them well after having three different published books with Dutton, a Penguin label. You cannot quote more than 500 words from a published work, as a single excerpt.
This is explained on a University of Pittsburgh website on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, among countless others:
…Although there is no precise definition of the concept of fair use, there are some informal quantitative rules of thumb that we can apply.
Prose quotations of more than 500 words in one passage or 2,000 words throughout the manuscript, if from a single copyrighted source, probably ought to be cleared….
If the material quoted—poetry or prose—represents a significant portion of a work, permission must be secured regardless of the total number of words.
Anything over 500 words requires written permission. Period. And if a “significant portion” of a work is copied, it is copyright infringement, which is a crime.
The legal penalties for copyright infringement are:
- Infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits.
- The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed.
- Infringer pays for all attorneys fees and court costs.
- The Court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts.
- The Court can impound the illegal works.
- The infringer can go to jail.
In short, copyright laws do not permit you to duplicate the contents of an article we wrote and sell ads off of it. “Fair Use” for written works only extends to 500 words.
Any stolen monies that are less than $950 are considered “petty theft” under Ca. Penal Code § 514, which is a misdemeanor, subjecting a defendant to a possible jail sentence of six months or less, and a fine of up to $1,000.
Once it crosses the line and goes over $950 — or a total of approximately 136,000+ YouTube views — it becomes Grand Theft, also known as Grand Larceny.
Grand Theft can potentially become a felony under California Penal Code §§ 484 to 502.9.
As it says on CriminalDefenseLawyer.com, a felony Grand Theft conviction can lead to “state prison time of 16 months, 2, or 3 years.”
In other words, if your stolen video of our content does really well, and you actually make a thousand dollars, it could ruin your whole life.
Ted promised we could resolve this “HAPPILY and amicably” if I did as he asked. He lied.
Here is one of his emails expressing his Right to Copy philosophy.
This was December 23rd, immediately after he hit me with the second and third strikes, creating a kill shot:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Alfred Wallace
Date: Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: Happy to resolve your complaint…
To: David Wilcock
Dear David,
When it was time for him to re-upload his versions, he claimed he couldn’t get the system to work.
The videos did not appear on the Claims Retraction page, he said… yet this could have easily been Photoshopped:
I had absolutely no trouble reversing my claim. And why would the blue box say “these videos” if there were no videos below it?
Every strike you ever make is on permanent record and shows up in the window at the link I sent him.
He could very easily have copied the line “No videos were found” from another one of his YouTube channels, since he appears to have many of them.
He then forwarded me emails where he claimed to be asking YouTube to reverse his copyright claims, saying it was a “dire” and “urgent” situation.
It appeared that he was following the proper procedure, emailing them at [email protected].
I have no way of proving whether or not he actually sent those emails. My guess is that he never did.
Either way, nothing happened.
The silence was deafening. I tried to enjoy the Christmas season with my family and it was very hard not to talk about this the whole time.
In this next email from the day before Christmas, he continued to shame and insult me for enforcing my own copyright, even though I had already backed off.
He also gave me “his word” that he would fix this:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Alfred Wallace
Date: Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: Happy to resolve your complaint…
To: David Wilcock
Hi David,
Two days’ earnings? Minimal compared to me? Up until now I haven’t advertised on YouTube at all. And why insult the victim when you’ve already won?
Again… in order to afford to do this full time, I have three jobs — Gaia, writing books and doing conferences. I rent one house. I have one car that is a 2002.
Without juggling all three of these jobs, I couldn’t make it. All this work leads to an extremely busy life with hardly any time left over for friends or recreation.
Additionally I have taken on the greatest negative forces on earth despite ongoing threats and the real possibility of danger to my personal safety.
I have always had trouble with people trying to unfairly cash in on all of this as if it is a business, when for me it is a fight for the future of humanity.
After four more horrible days with no results, a desperately ticking clock and not a word from YouTube — effectively ruining Christmas — I sent him a final email asking him what was going on:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David Wilcock
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Happy to resolve your complaint…
To: Alfred Wallace, [DW’s Attorney]
I am still getting nowhere with YouTube. Please continue trying to revert your copyright strikes on your side as I did for you. Otherwise I will have to do Copyright School and there will be no new videos for three months.
His response to my very polite request was to file yet ANOTHER fake copyright strike!
What happened to his word? What happened to any of the promises he had made up until then? Was anything that he told me actually true?
Finally I was seeing the ugly truth. It sure looked like he was just playing me the entire time. This is what I was now seeing:

YouTube still said nothing. I had three days left.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
I took Copyright School, as instructed, after firmly stating in writing to YouTube that this was not an admission of guilt.
The guidelines appeared to indicate that this would preserve my channel for three months, during which time I would only be restricted from uploading to it.
The video was a simple four minute and 39-second cartoon that explained things I already knew, followed by answering four questions:
Their main purpose, other than to reinforce what you just heard, was to point out that copyrights protect images, audio and video, not people.
I went to bed feeling relieved that I had finally taken action and this thing should now be over until someone actually figures out what happened within their support crew.
And Boom! My channel was dead. Not for three months, as it appeared to say beforehand, but permanently. Copyright school only sped up the inevitable.
Check out the logos on his channel, Ancient Aliens TV. Check out the website name, ancientaliens.tv.
“Oh, it’s Ancient Aliens!” No, it’s not. I have direct contact with them. They do not know who he is and do not want his “help with advertising.”
I would strongly recommend not giving them your credit card information for any reason, as this may well be a ‘phishing’ scam. I knew that all along.
The first thing Ted did after I filed the original strike was to publicly post my real YouTube email address. In later emails he blamed this on his “Business Partner.”
Even better, he encouraged people to send “hate mail” to me at this address, as you can see.
Corey set his own copy of Endgame II to Private, since it seemed this guy could temporarily get away with murder during the holiday season.
Here’s the problem. His ‘earnings’ from stealing our content have already made him so much money — roughly $1555 and counting — that it is a felony.
The “wobbler” clause in Grand Theft cases could easily tip over into felony category by the fact that he is also impersonating a major media corporation.
Iceland may well be a safe haven, but even then this is an incredibly risky move.
Anyone doing this would have to be extremely sophisticated and quite confident that they can evade any and all consequences for their actions.
Why would this random individual be so angry at me? Why not just apologize for stealing the video and burning his logo into it, and walk away?
I didn’t even bother to attack any of the other videos of mine he had stolen.
Also notice the timing of when these uploads occurred. All but one of them were 6 days ago from the time the photo was taken — December 23rd, 2016.
In other words, he uploaded four out of five stolen videos in a single day — Decebmer 17th — followed by another on December 18th.
So, on the day he stole our Endgame II video, he didn’t just do one… he did four, and another one the next day.
How could someone be this confident? And what exactly were we stumbling over here?
I have reason to believe that Ancient Aliens TV may be only one channel within a much greater fraud operation that we have been quietly investigating all year.
Thousands of you have been writing in and complaining about all the fake videos — and this is the first time I am speaking to you about it.
My identity has been stolen on an industrial scale — across dozens of YouTube channels — for all of 2016.
Many others in my field are being hit by these same channels — in fact almost everyone.
The “Ancient Aliens TV” channel openly features industrial-scale theft of videos from all the major stars on the show.
They get taken down and more just keep coming up. It has been utterly incredible to watch… and very depressing.
It all started in 2015, after I filed copyright strikes and takedowns on a fake David Wilcock channel — three different times.
Suddenly they started blooming like mushrooms after a hard rain. That’s what 2016 has been like for me. Behind the scenes this has been deeply upsetting.
I have drastically curtailed the number of radio shows I would do as a result, just to try to give this person or group less “New” content to steal.
YouTube says you must pursue justice through individual takedown notices only. Their system is simply not equipped for anything on this level of scale.
The size and complexity of what is going on is so vast that this would be impossible without at least three full-time employees — maybe even as many as 20.
Is it possible that one individual could be coordinating all of this? Is it possible that I finally spoke to him after an entire year of stealing my identity on an epic scale?
I believe so.
At least three times I have been “almost on the brink” of making a major public statement or video about this, but then stopped to focus on other things.
All that footage is still in the can and can be brought out as needed.
I have strong reason to believe that I have now come face-to-face in cyberspace with the guy who has been masterminding this operation all along.
The Teddy Bear. The Grand Pooh, if you will.
Ted may be stealing content from everyone in the entire Seeking Truth field — in every sub-category — all across the board.
Name a name on Ancient Aliens. Name a UFO researcher. Name someone exposing financial tyranny. Get creative.
YouTube never seems to be able to get to the root of this problem.
If you think I’m being overly paranoid, just wait until you survey the evidence. It is hard to believe, and it would take multiple employees to pull this off.
Worst of all, even after humiliating me in written emails about how much money he thinks I make, if this is him, then he has almost certainly profited far more from my labors than I have.
Why should one guy’s crime ring be draining everyone else’s vitally-needed ad revenues, if that is in fact what is going on? It’s not fair and someone needs to speak up about it.
All of this data has already been turned over to YouTube in emails that up until now seem to have been almost completely ignored.
Yet, almost all of the impersonating channels I pointed out in the below email from August have since been taken down for fraud. I have no idea how this was accomplished but it didn’t come from me.
There are obviously going to be others re-uploading videos as well, but sure seemed obvious all along that we were looking at a centralized operation.
Here is a typical splash screen that you now see when clicking on one of the below channel links:
Notice the strength of the wording: Multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices and misleading content.
By comparison, this is the letter that now appears on my own channel that Mr. Wallace took down:
In case you can’t see it, the message says “This account has been terminated becasue we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted.”
That’s a much less severe-sounding note.
You are about to read a partial excerpt, with links, of a major email to YouTube that ultimately got me nowhere.
I honestly do not think any of us are going to stop the Teddy Bear, if he really is doing all of this. The trick is simply to adapt to him and figure out how to increase security.
Later in August, I filmed myself going through all of the following channels while they were still alive and well. It is absolutely astonishing to watch.
The number of stolen David Wilcock videos that could be uploaded, per day, could be as many as 12 to 20 on one single channel.
Most of them had very few hits, but about one in 25 did well. About one in 75 did very well.
The channels almost all used the same three or four different splash-art graphics at the top of the channel page. This leaf is the most common one:
In addition to many of the deleted channels I filmed, the same formula is still being used on many other active channels, along with the same art, as you are about to see.
These images were occasionally paired with images of Asian girls to make it appear that this was being done out of Southeast Asia.
I expect Ted will be very busy in the virtual “shredding room” tonight, if he is the guy actually doing all of this. We have already documented everything.
Right for now, you can click on these links to channels stealing either Ancient Aliens episodes, DW or both, and see the connections.
This data was sent in to YouTube on December 26th, under Subject: Re: [0-4185000015108] [1-1317000015183] YouTube Partner Support PROOF OF HUGE THEFT OF ANCIENT ALIENS EPISODES BY SAME MAN.
Other channels that appear to also be the work of the same person include:
It goes without saying that watching bootleg copies of these episodes on YouTube is stealing from me, the other talents and the production company.
Please use legitimate avenues to watch them instead.
Here is the original letter that was written back in August, before I had retained an attorney to help me fight this incredible problem.
Countless thousands of people have been complaining about the massive number of “fake” David Wilcock videos that are of old radio shows, but marked as new.
[UPDATE NEXT MORNING: Jimmy Church revealed last night that the same thing was happening to him. He has 578 radio shows out there. He was doing at least 50 takedowns a day in groups of 10 until he got a partner affiliate company to handle it for him.
Thousands of people were writing vicious hate comments about false advertising and over-indulgence in ads, as if he had done all of this himself.
I have had the same experience. This epic theft has created enormous bad blood in the community. It makes us all look like money-grubbing pirates. Some of these videos have 20 ads laced through them. Guys, it’s not us!]
You can just scroll through this email until the red text returns if you don’t want to go through all the specific details.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David Wilcock <___>
Date: Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: [7-7777000012905] URGENT: Truly awe-inspiring scope of identity theft discovered. What do we do about it?
To: [YouTube Staff]
They must have realized they can harness the draw that I have and create enough AdSense money to keep doing it.
In no way do I want to engage with whomever is doing this, as it seems unlikely to be only one person.
You literally have to see it to believe it. That requires a brief but revealing investment of your time in clicking on the “All Videos” lists below.
However, any one of them has at least five of the same stolen videos re-uploaded.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. This may also include a workflow for me to continue reporting these channels as they pop up.
Our immediate recommendation is for you to please NOT threaten or harass YouTube personnel about this.
We do not expect to get any personalized customer service for this investigation until after New Year’s Day. In the meantime we are dead in the water.
While writing this article, we were contacted by a good friend who appears to have a more direct access point to YouTube. Hopefully that will speed this up.
In the meantime, let’s now cover the cosmic aspects of this strange and depressing story in Section Two.
To my mind’s eye, David, you’re taking this well (though you’re probably, in reality, not). I’d be spitting tacks. Still, ya’ gotta’ wonder if it’s some sort of cosmic test.
I’m being harassed by a neighbor, a crazy guy who’s obsessed, and he’s put carpenter’s nails behind my tires, sprinkled blood on my walkway, flipped my electricity off, cut my phone line (I don’t use cells) and done even more mischief.
Like firing a gun all around the perimeter of my house so that I had to call the sheriff.
I’m to the point now of wanting revenge! I’ve had enough! And I wonder, am I being tested?
My heart goes with you in this ordeal. Marilyn
[Moderator: We wish you all the best. David has often said this is the time of maximum testing for all of us.]
Why don’t you collaborate with Gaia.com to distribute your divine cosmos media at no charge? You can keep your website and periodic posts, occasionally create audio/video presentations that Gaia releases to the public at no charge through their youtube channel (if they have one) which would generate traffic back to both your website and to Gaia, thereby generating additional subscriptions for the paid content. They likely could shoulder the defensive burden much easier than you, when it comes to pirating on Youtube.
If you are not interested in generating revenue from Youtube, why not leave that to Gaia, if they are willing, and maintain your visibility and message without having to defend against these attacks? Your message gets out, Gaia flourishes, you flourish, both through Gaia and your own website, and the pirates can face a more well funded defense by Gaia when they seek to take advantage.
He said he was an admirer of my work. “I don’t really hate you… I don’t care what you do… We were made for each other, me and you…”
Sounds like an AI that just can’t help itself.
Why chase a man when you can keep chasing ghosts?
Hmm. Youtube gets more $$ from this thief than you because you don’t do the ads. The only logical response to their preference of this thief over you is boycott Youtube. Hit them where it hurts.
David, After all the fuss about ‘fake news’, I expected this kind of thing to happen – so how about using VIMEO https://vimeo.com/ and suggesting it to everyone who you believe may eventually be subjected to the same treatment as yourself before it is too late, so that it becomes the site that people predominately use & others can upload their work before it disappears. For yourself, it looks like beginning again. I think that President Trump will not tolerate this kind of thuggery though. You can contact his transition team at https://greatagain.gov/ and ask the appropriate individual to look into the situation for you, it’s only 18 days ’till they are in power now (I hope).
You have my support. It saddens me that there are people so caught up in the cash game that they are willing to hurt anyone to get the buck. I from this point until something is done to rectify this will unsubscribe to YouTu and pass it on. The truth teller (you) will prevail. Love and light to both you and Corey.
Mr. Wallace is probably the NWO SSP trying to shut you down. Hopefully the alliance will help you out. It was bound to happen sooner or later. They are in panic mode right now trying to shut down all alternative media after pizzagate.
Post your Videos on Dailymotion and Vimeo and even Rutube if you do not want to get them deleted.
Oh I am so sorry this has happened to you, David. Obviously it has shaken you to your core. Yet it doesn’t surprise most of us 🙁 Would it help to tell you that you are a main reason for me keeping my own stuff together in the last few years? I joined Gaia tv before you came on regularly and was pleased to be able to follow you in Wisdom Teachings and Disclosure and now Cosmic Disclosure, right from the start! I have not missed an episode 🙂 After 2012 many of us were confused, what to do now? And then you started teaching more than anyone else, and what you have been teaching has reached me deeply. I may not understand all of the math and physics etc., but the underlying message is that we are on the right path. I had heard of The Law of One material but was amazed to find it on your website, for that I am very grateful! You are on the right path, you know it. Yes, this is a distraction,of humoungous proportions! Please carry on, we all support you!
Much love!!!
Dave is too high profile. He must also have some friends that are sensitives. This should work out for you after a season. The timing is very curious as I deleted all my stuff from facebook and youtube yesterday. Love ya Dave regardless.
I am so sorry to hear of your YouTube difficulties. Not that it helps, but you are in good company – many of the spiritual writers that i have learned to love and trust over the ascension process have experienced this same type of identity theft and character disparagement Lisa Renee (energetic synthesis.com) writes about this extensively.
It is negative, dark forces, probably non-human (or mind-controlled humans) that are programmed to attack you, David, and others like you that are doing the Great Work of ascension.
Please hang in there and do what you must to protect yourself and your work and stride forward as the Light Bearer that you are.
Thank you!
David, what the hell… the “Forbidden TV” this guy is advertising on his site is X-rated films!
One of them is about Pizzagate and the cartoon art has children in it.
Did you see this?
Another Alfred? The same Alfred?
This name is becoming a symbol of the status quo, which is going away irrevocably!
To David,
Just like Tom 2603 said,
“Get those videos back up in other places” ABSOLUTELY!!!!
You Tube ain’t the only place in town. Hell, you have your own websites!
The goal NOW isn’t to INTRODUCE your material to new people. The people that are going to make the difference, that need the information, that are going to help usher in the changes that we seek are already aware of you and the subject matter.
Our TEAM is already assembled!
The YouTube situation is more like a gauge of how close we are to victory and how desperate they are to avoid defeat.
So no worries David, just do like in Aikido and redirect their negativity back at them by creating NEW venues for your videos to be seen. You have the tools at your disposal so use them.
just keep swimming, just keep swimming! LOL! (Dory from finding Nemo)
We love you brother and we’re with you.
your oathkeepinbrother
My previous message was erased。 high intelligence elite collusion
I agree. Isn’t there something all your millions of fans and supporters can do as a group?
David, see it this way. Karma will affect Mr. Alec in Iceland and measure back the same FULL FORCE back to him.
We all have your back David, I love you and your your work and everything that you have diligently researched to bring full scope to the truth that enlightens us all. Let mr. Alec have is little game, cuz soon it will all come crashing down on him, I guarantee that. Will send positive energy and light to you brother. You’re not alone, we’re all with you.
Love eternal always,
This is what I wrote to You Tube,
“You Tube has terminated the “David Wilcock Official” channel wrongly! You Tube NEEDS to reinstate his channel immediately!
You Tube WILL loose me as a subscriber if you don’t!
WAKE UP You Tube your making a huge mistake!”
Lets all send You Tube a message. No mean msgs, remember that negativity begets negativity.
David works very hard for us, it’s time we work a little for him!!!!
Your oathkeepinbrother
Did I miss the expected time frame for the release of Endgame III? Has that been announced?
Thankfully this all happened during Mercury Retrodgrade, praying for justice and reversal of this outrageous attempt. I wish there was a way to block or ban specific channels on YouTube.
IN case you are feeling defeated I want you to know I only started watching Cosmic Disclosure a few months ago and you and Corey have changed my life.I started The Ascension Mysteries a few days ago and you have motivated me to finally let go of some habits that have been holding me back. Thank you for what you are both doing.I know it’s not easy but stay full of light and love…it will always win out!
Use vimeo.
Stay strong David, you have a lot o supporters who stand with you. You obviously disclosed something that they didn’t want disclosed, and now they’re looking for payback. When you stand with truth, you’ll always win.
David, I highly, highly value the work that you and Corey are doing. Revealing the truth has many challenges!
We create our world – always – the good, the bad and the undesirable. It begs the question – why is this happening?
When something this big happens in my life,I know it is about me – I hold the answer to why. It’s not about ‘out there’
As a Spiritual leader in this world David, you bear a large responsibility to clean your ‘inner house’ so that you can more completely channel the Ascension energies & messages. My question here – what fear are you still holding, what anger or judgement still resides in you or what doubt still plagues you that could result in such an attack?
Second, can you love the perpetrator? If you lead with love, how might that change what is happening?
Thank you David for posting this update. Sorry that they are attacking you like this; guess these attacks could be expected. WOW! What a mess! Please stay safe and know you are surrounded by love & light for protection. Namaste~
David….I have noticed other videos on youtube where people have re-packaged older works of others at today’s date as well….hard to see new content therefore, of the original “artist”……
Have a Happy New Year Anyways!!!!….
seems this scumbag cannot even write his email correctly : according to the website :
[email protected]
This is heartbreaking to hear. I feel it could be a psyop that is being intentionally and deliberately directed at you. Is there anything I/we can do to help? Should we go to thus site in masses and flag/report this Ancient Aliens TV guy directly on YouTubeThis using their own ‘Report’ function? If thousands/millions of your followers reported this guy on YouTube, I am sure his channel would be quickly taken down. is just awful… 🙁
Awaiting instructions…
Wallace was a biologist. Might want to reach out to Eagles Disobey about this matter. http://www.eaglesdisobey.net/spoilers.htm
Good Luck
David, I am reminded of a recent episode of Cosmic Disclosure in which Corey was warned (maybe by Gonzalez?) that a serious wave of “resistance” was being orchestrated. Apparently, here it is! But, it is glaringly obvious to most of us who follow your work and will hopefully soon be rectified. Will continue to follow you on Gaia and this website until all is cleared up!
Hang in there –
As always, I support you David, and Corey for the work that you are doing. I wish I could help. What I also find disturbing is that this illegal attack has also kept you from posting the EndgameIII update, which may actually have been one of the primary goals, to silence you. Love and Prayers and support.
I love you and forgive you. I’m sending you my love. Life is better in the light. Join us!
We all stand together, DW and his team! I submitted 3 reports of scams on 3 of his pirated DW vids, with a polite message regarding stolen and repackaged original content.
Vimeo? Cleeng?
Plenty of others I’m sure too.
Get those videos back up in other places…
Greetings and a Happy New Year to ALL!
David, Keep in mind that it has been said, “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.” Not that it helps materially or monetarily, but it does indicate a value of sorts. Please don’t quit providing your work results to people who are in need.
This copyright “thing” stimulates me to think how it will be implemented in the future, like in an UBUNTU type of environment. In the grand scheme, copyright has no allotment. It is a Caballian tool/idea (imho).
Another thought is that this situation is being overseen by firms that have a “I’m from the so and so, and I am here to help you” kind of mentality. As an aside, recall what John Titor answered when asked about the internet and entertainment in the timeline that he traveled from.
Keep up the good work.
Best regards from the yellow pad with black marked letters. 😉
Don’t think that YouTube isn’t part of the problem. Google owns them and David, your material is on the Alliance side. Google is through and through on the wrong side of things.
hi David, hang in there, we got your back and will stay with you!
Google apparently became main stream media… You will definitely get your material returned. If not on Youtube, then somewhere else. The truth will find as always many other outlets to reveal itself.
All the best for 2017! Greetings from Holland.
Just a thought. Alfred Russell Wallace did indeed come up with the same theory that Darwin had been sitting on for many years. He was the reason Darwin went ahead and presented his work (even using some of Wallace’s illustrations from his time in the Malay Archipelago in the final presentation to the scientific community).
Alfred might have had reason to feel he had had his chance for recognition STOLEN from him. Although this isn’t how history records it. I believe this is why this name was chosen – not survival of the fittest.
It’s stealing from those he sees as taking credit for something unoriginal. This is a theory regarding the offenders – these aren’t my thoughts on David’s work.
Hi David. I love and appreciate all that you have done with your life. It is indeed a great service to us all.
But outside efforts are more efficient if we become aware of our inner state of being.
Feeling disempowered and persecuted, and all other negative focus (which is quite understandable given the nature of the information you bring to light) attracts situations like this.
If you allow yourself to reset internally, compose yourself, and deal with these setbacks without emotional attachment, perhaps things will improve much faster, even your economic and personal life.
You know, we can make a tremendous sacrifices, but in the end, if we do not attract energetic abundance, how can we spread our message in a more expansive way?
I love you.
Thank for the update.
David I am David as well, I wish to remind you that we are challenged at our weakest points.
It could be much worst, and we have plenty examples of dead wistleblowers.
A broader perspective might assist you/us to assess our challenges.
I am grateful for the information and inspiration you introduced into my life. I wish to remind you that we are safe/guarded/watched and brilliant.