The Ascension Mysteries has sold 5,465 total units as of a week after its release, making it the 11th most popular book in the world according to actual sales data!
Hillary and her running mate Kaine’s new book, Stronger Together, only sold 2,912 units as of its first week.
What the…. ?
A top candidate for an imminent American election, with perpetual media coverage and massive marketing dollars, only sold half as many copies as our book?
The Ascension Mysteries sits comfortably at #11, based on real-world sales data from the Nielsen ratings, which appears in the Publisher’s Weekly list.
Why, then, did The Ascension Mysteries not appear anywhere on the New York Times list — particularly since the PW and NYT lists share 12 out of 20 titles?
UPDATED next morning. MAJOR UPDATE same evening. Updates appear as highlights in red. It is now PAGE LOCKED as of 9:51 Pacific time, 9/15.
Bad dreams about reptilians, new images… and lots more in the Hillary section, which got a huge update once we had good internet service!
The Ascension Mysteries has performed nearly twice as well as our previous book, The Synchronicity Key, did after its first week.
The Synchronicity Key also debuted higher on the New York Times best-seller list than our first book, The Source Field Investigations, had.
This sizable achievement wouldn’t have been possible without your awesome support — and for that I sincerely thank you!
At the same time, for some inexplicable reason, all we have heard from the New York Times best-seller list, for two weeks running, is crickets.
Our publisher called them up to ask what was going on, and their answer was essentially, “Sorry, you didn’t make it.”
This cannot be based on actual sales figures — so what the heck is going on here?
Publishing industry insiders rely on the Nielsen ratings to tell them which titles are the top sellers in the world, based on actual sales numbers.
In order to see the entire Nielsen BookScan database, you have to go through an intensive process including paying fees and a complex, personal registration.
However, the top-selling books in the Nielsen BookScan database appear, along with their accurate sales numbers, on the Publisher’s Weekly best-seller list.
This allows you to see “who’s who in the zoo” without having to pay monthly fees, get an insider’s certification and give up all your personal information.
As you can see below, The Ascension Mysteries came in at an astonishing #11 out of all books in the entire Nielsen database, at 5,465 units:
The link where this data is currently visible is, although it changes every week.
The category you are seeing above is Hardcover Nonfiction — and there we are at #11.
We took a snapshot of our ranking to commemorate this achievement!
I started suspecting trouble when we found out we had not hit the New York Times best-seller list after the first week.
That was last Wednesday, September 7th. I did not make a big stink about it at the time, and instead chose to hold tight.
The Source Field Investigations did not appear on the NYT list until the second week, so this gave us some reason for hope.
At that time, the NYT said they had to calculate the difference between online sales and the other methods they use to create their rankings.
Supposedly, online sales is still a new and mysterious territory for them, and therefore those sales do not count as highly as their other methods.
Nonetheless, since we demolished the numbers for The Synchronicity Key by nearly double, it seemed like we had it in the bag.
I had this gnawing feeling that we weren’t going to get it, though. I was quite disappointed to find out that my intuitive data was accurate in this case.
Now we will look at the same category of Hardcover Nonfiction for the same timeframe, but this time on the New York Times best-seller list.
This list changes weekly, but you can see it in its current form at
Here is the full list for the same time period:
The most astonishing part of this “mystery” is what happens when we compare the titles on the New York Times list with the titles on the Publisher’s Weekly list.
Here are the top 20 books from both lists, with the New York Times on the left and the Nielsen / Publisher’s Weekly rank on the right:
- The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo (Both)
- Hillbilly Elegy (Both)
- Between the World and Me / When Breath Becomes Air
- When Breath Becomes Air / Clean House: Exposing Govt Secrets and Lies
- Armageddon / Present Over Perfect
- Hamilton / In Trump We Trust
- The Perfect Horse / Hillary’s America
- Grit / Hamilton
- White Trash / Armageddon
- Crisis of Character / The Perfect Horse
- Shoe Dog / The Ascension Mysteries
- Being Mortal / Guinness World Records 2017
- Trump Revealed / Crisis of Character
- The Kingdom of Speech / Trump Revealed
- American Heiress / Grit
- Hillary’s America / Calming Therapy
- In Trump We Trust / Liars
- Liars / Art of Coloring
- Tribe / White Trash
- Powerhouse / Cookin’ It With Kix
As you can see, out of a total of 20 slots, fully 12 of the same books appear on both lists.
Here they are:
- The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo
- Hillbilly Elegy
- When Breath Becomes Air
- Armageddon
- Hamilton
- In Trump We Trust
- The Perfect Horse
- Hillary’s America
- Grit
- White Trash
- Crisis of Character
- Liars
Additionally, Shoe Dog shares the same slot on the NYT as The Ascension Mysteries did in the Nielsen ratings, #11, but appears at #24 on Publisher’s Weekly.
Next, let’s take a look at the 12th through 20th slots on the Publisher’s Weekly list.
Pay particular attention to the total number of sales in the last week for each of these titles:
Although The Ascension Mysteries came in at 5,386 total units by the first week alone, it was beaten on the NYT list by:
Crisis of Character at 4,746 units
Grit at 3,918 units
Liars at 3,861 units
White Trash at 3,643 units
Grit came in at #8 on the New York Times best-seller list. White Trash came in at #9, and Crisis of Character rounded it out at #10.
The lowest-ranking book among these four on the New York Times best-seller list was Liars, at #18.
If 3,861 units can get you a #18 ranking, then why did The Ascension Mysteries get nothing at all after 5,386 units — fully 1,525 more books?
How did we beat #8 on the New York Times best-seller list, Grit, by 1,468 units, and still not appear anywhere whatsoever on the entire list?
If these lists were in any way related to voting, where actual sales figures count as votes, then this would appear to be a rigged election.
The Ascension Mysteries exposes hardcore government conspiracies, including mass-media manipulation and indoctrination.
We have heard directly from multiple insiders that a wide variety of “forbidden” intel appears throughout the book, and particularly in the second half.
It would be easy to assume that “someone on the inside” — i.e. the Cabal — made damn sure The Ascension Mysteries would never appear on the NYT list.
The NYT does not publish how they determine who gets on their list. Their techniques are mysterious and their answers are vague.
Within the “fine print” of how they determine what goes on the list, we see the following:
The sales venues for print books include independent book retailers; national, regional and local chains; online and multimedia entertainment retailers; university, gift, supermarket and discount department stores; and newsstands.
It is therefore possible that this is not the result of any conspiracy, but is just a function of their not “weighing” online sales anywhere near as heavily.
At the same time, the total secrecy in which the ranking system takes place allows for the possibility that “edits” could be made.
We have a raft of great radio shows coming up for you to enjoy this week.
Those shows will expose many new listeners to the book, and get them interested in ordering a copy.
It will also be great for you to hear if you are a fan of this work, as all of these interviews thus far have been excellent.
Additionally, we have two different major public figures who are on the verge of stepping forward to help us out.
I will refrain from naming either of them until they take decisive action, but if they do both help out, we could still hit the list.
Again, the reason why this is important is not about making money — it is about the credibility that a New York Times best-seller ranking confers.
Hillary and her running mate Kaine’s book came out just a week after The Ascension Mysteries did.
As of right now, Hillary’s book has 106 reviews on Amazon, with an average rating of two stars.
As of this same moment, The Ascension Mysteries has 234 customer reviews — over twice as many — with an average rating of five stars.
We published this article in the mountainous wilderness of Canada, on my annual September trip.
I wasn’t able to see it online after publishing it, since internet access here is highly restricted. The page wouldn’t load.
Now this morning, very early, it’s fine — and I realized the numbers were hard to see.
Both books have gotten more reviews just since last night, and particularly Hillary’s — after its failure became a top story on Drudge Report.
That is exactly the type of publicity Hillary doesn’t want.
The book went from 108 to 173 reviews, and its ranking dropped from two stars to an abysmal one and a half:
Here is the 235th review that just came in since we first published this article last night.
This is a totally random sample and just happens to have been the most recent one as of right now.
It is from Jason Parsley on September 15, 2016, entitled “A Meticulously Researched Book of Good Info:”
The Ascension Mysteries is one of the most anticipated releases of 2016. I couldn’t wait for this book to come out and David delivered!
The first half shows the reader David’s personal struggles to find his truth. This is an inspiring section that humanizes this great researcher and thinker. I got a lot out of this section as it adds to Wilcock’s credibility and it offers a blueprint for redemption and spiritual growth.
The second half of the book is an excellent overview and update. Old fans will be more than pleased as it ties together many data points David has hinted at in his updates and interviews.
New fans will be blown away by David’s rigorous research and credible reporting. Wilcock provides us with an excellent updated history of the solar system and a good survey of our current situation.
I got a lot out of the book on multiple levels. (FIVE STARS)
The Ascension Mysteries debuted with 5,386 sales, whereas Stronger Together only had 2,912 sales on its release.
Stronger Together is supposed to be the definitive collection of policies for how a top Presidential candidate will run the country if she wins.
This astonishingly bleak performance led The Week to dub Hillary’s new book as “a certifiable flop by publishing industry standards.”
You can see the article at
Never in my wildest imagination would I have believed that something like this would happen.
Hillary is getting wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage, whereas The Ascension Mysteries and its writer does not exist in that world whatsoever — obviously.
Hillary has millions of dollars of campaign cash behind her to market this book — and yet we sold almost twice as many copies upon release.
Stronger Together debuted with 2,912 units sold and we came in with 5,386.
Had we sold a mere 438 additional books in the first week, we would have literally doubled the performance of Stronger Together.
This entire election has become nothing less than a surrealistic acid trip — and these numbers only make it even more outrageous.
Hillary’s running mate, Kaine, happens to have a last name almost identical to that of Cain.
In the Bible, Eve has two children — Cain and Abel — and Cain ends up murdering his brother.
In Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal, now with over 425,000 unique views, we reveal how this group believes Cain was Eve’s child with Lucifer.
[I consider this article to be “required reading”, particularly if you have read The Ascension Mysteries. It goes into critical details that are not in the book.]
Click here to go directly to the “Bloodline of Cain” section of this investigation, which I wrote in October 2014.
Eve was tempted by the “serpent” in the garden. Instead of being a snake, this was believed to be an extraterrestrial.
Biting the apple was actually a sexual metaphor.
Scene from the movie “Noah” — intercutting an apple that “breathes” on the vine with serpent symbolism.
This story was given a very in-your-face treatment in the recent Hollywood film Noah, which was very different from the account most people are familiar with.
The insider “Bruce,” who greatly helped me with intel in The Ascension Mysteries, was the first to reveal the secrets of the Cain bloodline to me.
At some point I suddenly thought of a recent election… and he laughed and acknowledged me as I made the connection.
Cabal members are taught in their religion to believe they are all descendants of the bloodline of Cain, and therefore are gods among the rest of us.
So then why, out of all the people Hillary could have picked for her VP running mate, did she choose a man with the name Kaine?
Stronger Together. Teaming up with Kaine. Hmmm. Is this merely a coincidence?
Knowing what I know, and having written a very popular short book about it, I must admit I laughed out loud when I heard the name of her VP pick.
None of this makes sense until you understand a very basic and intrinsic point: This is a religion, and they take it very seriously.
I do support religious freedom, as long as you do not use your beliefs as a weapon that makes you feel entitled to harm others.
This creepy and unfamiliar Cabal religion may be responsible for the following “joke” that was found in the Wikileaks cache of leaked Hillary emails:
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05764911 Date: 07/31/2015
With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
This is not exactly the kind of thing most people would just randomly joke about — and yet there it is on Wikileaks.
The Cabal does indeed have a giant statue of the owl-headed god Moloch at Bohemian Grove.
Moloch is an ancient Carthaginian god that appeared to be a giant human with an elongated skull, wearing an owl-like mask, as I discuss in Wisdom Teachings.
The Carthaginians routinely sacrificed human infants to this and other extraterrestrial “gods” such as Baal, who walked among them at that time in history.
The Romans defeated the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars, and insiders believe they absorbed the religions and gods of Carthage as well.
The Cabal still enacts “mock” human sacrifices to Moloch in the “Cremation of Care” ritual to this day.
Yeeikes! Wow. This got dark pretty fast. Now you have a better idea of the challenge the international Alliance has in bringing out full disclosure.
Luciferians have a playful, carefree attitude when they talk about their religion to others. It is very serious and it is also something they laugh about.
They do not think they are doing anything negative or evil. That is another important point.
They actually believe they are “saving” us from a corrupt god that restricts knowledge, freedom and sexuality.
Nonetheless, their practices and ceremonies can get very dark, as Stanley Kubrick accurately revealed in Eyes Wide Shut.
All of us have had experiences of “coincidence” or synchronicity, showing us a Higher Power exists in the universe.
No matter how dark this stuff may seem, there is an extremely benevolent and positive force in the universe that is protecting us.
The more you learn about this stuff, the more your faith is tested. It can take years to have this new intel fully “seat” in you — where you return to a positive perspective.
The Ascension Mysteries has the subtitle Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil for a reason.
This is not just a story in a book. It is the story of all of us, and of what we are really facing here on earth.
Great leaders like Jesus were right on the money about the practices we need to adopt in order to serve the greatest good and enjoy spiritual protection.
Both sides of this battle ultimately involve ETs of a sort — and various groups on earth are in contact with each side of the conflict.
The choices we make every day — whether to be of service to self or service to others — determine how the global game plays out.
In The Ascension Mysteries, I trace the full history of this extraterrestrial “refugee group,” which may actually have a 500,000-year history in our solar system.
They believe they are the descendants of a group that originated on and around the moons of Saturn — and an exploded planet that is now the Asteroid Belt.
As weird as this sounds, multiple insiders independently confirmed the same story. Ascension Mysteries has the data and images of ET ruins to help prove it.
I will be discussing how all of this ties into the election in three imminently-emerging radio shows — so stay tuned for that!
We have two marvelous aces up our sleeve here, and therefore it is much too early to declare a post-mortem on The Ascension Mysteries for the NYT list.
If either of these guys step up, it seems very likely that we will make it.
The information in the book has the power to dramatically change the world. That is why it is almost entirely receiving five-star reviews.
I thank you again for your support. If you haven’t gotten your hardcover copy yet, please do so.
If you do have a copy and haven’t written an Amazon review yet — which is approximately 5,200 of you out there! — then please do so now.
The Cabal is sure to sweep in with a raft of one-star reviews that try to tell you it is terrible — yet the real people reading it have almost all given it five stars.
I was repeatedly asked by my Higher Self, such as in dreams, to share the personal data that appears in the first half.
This was NOT something that I wanted to do. I bare my soul and share data that is much more private and personal than most people would ever reveal.
It was very painful to write that section and I even had panic attacks as I was doing it.
Later I would go back and read it with fresh eyes and be able to see it from a vantage point apart from my own experience.
The reason this material was included is that it very poignantly illustrates how the Ascension process actually works in someone’s own life.
It also was intended to reveal that even someone whose life seems completely damaged beyond repair can still turn around and make significant contributions.
The vast majority of the reviewers get it — and a very small number stop reading before the second half and write mud-slinging reviews.
This, again, is why it is important that legitimate reviews from people who “get it,” and read both halves considerately, appear and have a voice.
Regardless of what happens from here on out, there are much bigger things in store for us than a number on a list.
Disclosure is on the way, and with it will come great surprises for everyone.
Those who have been investigating and exposing the truth will find themselves getting lots of unexpected attention from the newly-informed mainstream.
Our insider data suggests that we are finally going to see many of the changes we have been hoping for soon enough.
There is much more to say about all of this, including an analysis of the top films of 2016.
The Alliance has shown its hand in the biggest sci-fi blockbusters of the year like never before.
We will have much more to say on this — very likely through a video — in the not-too-distant future.
Some of that footage was filmed today in one of the most beautiful mountain views in the world, here in Banff, Canada — so stay tuned!
I just woke up with quite the wild dream after writing the original article. The time was 5:16 AM.
I was helping a dedicated warrior fight a long-term battle against a negative force. At times I became him and at other times he was someone else.
We were never clear — I was never clear — whether what we were fighting was real. Everything appeared to be controlled by a giant serpent.
However, at the very end he was proven shockingly correct. While he was off fighting this battle, he managed to slay this serpent-like dragon.
What he brought back was not in the form of a serpent, however. I saw the bodies of three different types of negative ETs that he had taken out.
They looked somewhat like store-packaged forms of turkeys, including the color and shape. They were also wrapped that way, but these were no turkeys.
The dream ended as we were going to have to figure out how to dispose of the bodies. It was very intense and nasty and I woke up with a start.
It was quite a shock to see him suddenly come back and there they were, fully real and physically dead, right in front of me.
This was obviously related to the contents of the new book and events that we are told are already occurring right now in our present.
I felt that this was one I was intended to share with you, so there you have it. Hopefully the next round will be… more pleasant!
Patterns of repeating digits are often used to convey messages that someone “from above” is guiding us in the work we are doing.
Without any effort, I see patterns of numbers appear when I post updates to these articles.
It just happened again after I alerted everyone on Facebook to the fact that I just made a major update to this entire article.
When I went in there, this was what I saw:
I see this as yet another of so many great examples that we have documented on this site. It is a “Good Job” from the universe!
By the way, I will be speaking at the One Love festival — a sort of Burning Man without the burning — as of the weekend of October 4th in Ojai, CA, north of LA.
I enjoy doing events that mix music and public speaking together, as it creates quite the festive vibe and has great opportunities for people watching and networking.
Don’t miss it!
Lastly, don’t forget to visit our new website,, and enter your email address in for Ascension updates!
Thanks so much!
A lie is still a lie, no matter how many times it’s repeated or how many people believe it.
They vilified Hillary to keep the dark government in place. The cabal isn’t gone simply because HC didn’t win the election. Is everyone truly that naive?
They played on fears yet again. If ETs ate “loosh” before, they are bloated from feasting on the fear and hatred everyone believes is necessary to survive. No other person is someone’s enemy. Each person is the only enemy to themselves.
But this game of control continues. Trump is no one’s savior. He is a controlling personality who is insecure and needs to be right (read David’s last book). Those who voted for him will be stunned after they realize what really happened. That’s the real “told you so” party, and it won’t be fun for any of us.
Pizzagate is a bunch of bs. The poor kids working at that pizza parlor are getting death threats over terrible lies. Shame on anyone spreading that garbage.
You are brilliant David for putting ep 193 info together, great the way you draw insightful ideas and real good graphics, you are really getting the graphic production quality up to a high pro level
Hello Mods and Folks!
Here goes one of the links for the human evolution jump!!
Probably I am the last to know this:
It is the ‘Disclosure’; Cosmic Disclosure link
As we know, David has been interviewing Corey Goode about amazing cosmic things on the Gaia channel.
Has to do with the Secret Space Program Alliance – SSP Alliance – the good guy division of the SSP
This seems to be the transcripts of these shows.
Starting at this link above with:
Cosmic Disclosure: The Message for Humankind
Season 1, Episode 1
Mr. Goode tells some wild and amazing things. Highly recommend.
The “Pizza Gate Scandal” is more likely to be used to further the “fake news” control system that is currently taking shape. It’s not just likely but already evident.
#133 Biaxalflip what do you mean, Wikileaks being compromised?? Sorry, I don’t know that reference
Now, it seems that Hillary Clinton is getting involved in Jill Stein’s recount effort in Wisconsin. It also seems that Hillary and Jill have reached a road block of sorts. According to this article- and Jill cannot file for a direct Request for a recount in Pennsylvania, they must Take it to court. This could hold them up well past the deadlines to apply for the recounts of these different states. Obviously, the Cabal is attempting a coup in this country of the Presidential election. At this point, it doesn’t seem very probable that that will happen, however. I was wondering what David thought of all this?
David! This #PizzaGate thing is blowing up! It sure doesn’t seem like they want this disclosed though! Where are you? What is your take on this? The whole pedo ring is coming to a light!
certainly it is folly to say only sith deal in absolutes?
gray can be blank indefinite (not infinite) void or gray can be binary absolute inclusive (not mutually exclusive) dense. infinity (not indefinite) only applies to things that begin and end in cycles(not absolute) absolute-pure complete (holy) total decisive. inclusive-whole. phi is indefinite. the phi ratio is absolute.
The top left picture in post #306 looks like the H shaped buildings that Corey Goode talks about…
News article in mainstream about alien city on Venus
Venus ‘home to ALIEN COLONY that built CITY on planet surface’
Commenter writes
“Black magick is real. Demons are real. They’re some kind of parasitic alien energy creature from another dimension. They have built our entire civilization as a giant farm for fresh-squeezed soul juice which is called “loosh”. The elites actually have it worse than us. The demons have been selectively beeeding them for sociopathy, low-vibrational brainwaves and ease of entering into dissociative states, all of which make them easier to possess. They aspire to be possessed. It’s the only way to survive in one of the bloodline families- those who make poor “gloves” will be sacrificed. This has been going on for thousands of years.”
THANKS SO MUCH, Fred, for posting this most incredible 3-Part interview!! This is EXCLUSIVE! ANYone “on the fence” or totally unknowing of the extraterrestrial interaction that has been going on here on Earth would be well advided to spend time listening to this in its entirety. AWESOME!
I’m shocked no one on here is talking about #PizzaGate. This could easily be one of the biggest stories of our lifetimes. It is bringing light to the dark underbelly of a vast pedophile ring which has ties to many figures in Washington and Hollywood.
All of the subreddits featuring this story have been removed. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter has also been censoring this story. Between Wikileaks being compromised and PizzaGate gaining traction, we are very likely witnessing the last death throes of the beast.
Here is an archived subreddit – which has recently been deleted – that does a masterful job in putting the pieces of this story for the ages together.
@Fred – Let me expand on “divine intervention”; the fact that in the early morning hours of November 9th, a very dark and sinister cabal which has been in control of this country for many decades, was spectacularly defeated by being prevented from having their puppet installed as President of the United States.
As far as your perception of this group of people being racist, misogynist, homophobic and supported by the KKK – I’ll have to pass on explaining that one to you on this platform (not enough space) – other than pointing out to you that the people who convinced you of this are masters of deception; research “Operation Mockingbird” and David’s “Financial Tyranny” to gain some insight of the machinations of the Cabal’s psyops through corporate media outlets.
[Moderator: We have a great discussion forum onsite where much longer posts are allowed.]
He still needs to be accountable to all the people and citizens of the country…not just his favorites.
I am the other Fred…. :sigh:
Its a bit difficult to see any nefarious purpose that might (somehow?) lie behind this incredible-sounding list that Neil Keenan has posted for the new prez. Anyone?
Hi Paulie.
“Certainly Trump’s win was total divine intervention!!”
Please, explain to me how a group of racists, misognists, and homophobes supported by the KKK leading the country is a divine intervention. I’m open to your opinion, knowing that things not always are as they seem.
How many people reading these comments realize that – EVERYTHING David has been talking about for years, is actually materializing right before our eyes? I mean – is this exiting or what? What an AMAZING privilege to collectively accomplish this.
Give this comment a thumbs up if you agree. 🙂
[quote [Quoting "Fred"][quote]Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview – Part 2
FRED!!! WOW!! Thank you for this post. I was halfway thru this Part 2 before realizing it,so I went back to #1….. shheeeesh!Can’t WAIT for Part 3 now!! Awesome. Thanks, again. – Tunkah
I am watching The Last Mimzy as we speak….
The first thing the kids find in the box is a ,,Glasspad,,….
Discernment needs to be used more now than ever.
All governments, business’s, military and NGO’s have these issues.
Money=power. power=control. control=lack of freedom.
Even alternative news and similar sites have people who fake news for gain, whether it be power/money/control.
We can’t live in a cocoon, bury our head in the sand any more. We must all start to take ownership and work toward a common good.
No good being airy fairy, we’re not going to be saved by ET’s or miraculously ascend to another dimension, it may seem controversial, however, why has it not happened before now.
Many good people have come and gone, some more deservedly than others should have ‘been saved’, so like me, wake up open your eyes and work toward the life and world we all want. Peace.
To #288
Not the Blue Spheres. Those are superimposed and not corrected/rotated pictures of the Sun.
The two NASA STEREO satellites (SECCHI A & SECCHI B) take images of the Sun from opposing sides.
One of the 10 cameras from SECCHI A (EUVI 171) took images of the Sun and those images bled over on top of 3 images taken by 3 other SECCHI A cameras (HI1 STARS, HI1 SREM & HI2 SREM).
So the object is the Sun rotating from top to bottom – pictures of the Sun that got superimposed on the picture taken by those other three cameras. The images from that satellite come in upside down, then they are corrected in computers before we get to see the final images. Those superimposed images has not been corrected/inverted and rotated left to right.
Such a mess with those satellites has never happened. Was this a genuine malfunction or is anyone trying to discredit Corey and David?
[quote [Quoting "James"]Are you ok with this? Steve Bannon likes satan.He is the guy Trump listens to the most. Are you really ok with that?
The media completely took that quote out of context. As they love doing to Trump and co with everything.
Blue sphere??? Mystery sphere spotted zooming past sun by NASA satellites – sparking conspiracy theories over UFOs.
David! I am looking forward to hearing your take on recent events. You have been very quiet for quite a while! I thought maybe you were waiting to see how the election played out. I imagine you are struggling to keep up with events. Certainly Trump’s win was total divine intervention!! (In my humble opinion!) Since the word divine is in your web site name and you have talked about divine intervention in the past, I think the divine intervention in the election of President Trump warrants a new article! I LOVE your articles on word events.
Are you ok with this? Steve Bannon likes satan.He is the guy Trump listens to the most. Are you really ok with that?
In the future possibly, but for now Donald Trump was the only candidate who could have defeated Hillary and her pay to play scam which obviously included most media owners. I read that Rupert Murdoch (Fox) finally decided to back him because it would be good for ratings.
Trump is, for the sake of argument, a true Independent, since the Reps didn’t really back him either.
Why don’t you go on Jo Rogan’s podcast? He’s very open to talking to anybody and would be a great way of getting more people to hear about what’s going on.
Simon & Garfunkel got it right way back in 1965:
if you substitute
“I am blinded by the light,
Of God and Truth, and Lame Stream Media,
And I wander in the night without direction.”
Not as poetic, but nonetheless true.
In Indian Vedic Literature there is explanation of the world in terms of gods (one could call them alien intelligence / extraterrestrial intelligence). Physicist Dr. John Hagelin (Harvard, CERN) has explained the Lagrangian and other physics principles in term of the laws of nature showing how the ‘gods’: shiva, visnu, brahma, etc, are really principals / operators that can be found in physics.
So in that case, you could say that physical law is extraterrestrial intelligence.