Over three hours of stunning new information about the Secret Space Program and the greater questions of spontaneous human evolution that are being raised for those “in the know!”
Everything is reaching a climax, both on and off-planet. The recent announcement of the hacking of all records for all US federal employees, even the most classified, is only the latest major signpost of a coming, epic change.
UPDATE 6:30 PM PST: The MP3 link originally did not work but has since been fixed. Please right-click on it and then select “Save As” so you have a copy!
As one of many examples, California’s water crisis should be solvable within a matter of a few months once we get disclosure.
In fact, water could quickly become California’s most profitable export, sending it to parched regions all throughout Middle America and beyond.
Multiple technologies already exist that can easily de-salinate ocean water. California is right next to an ocean. There is water everywhere! What is the problem?
“Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink” may have been true in the pirate era, but we do have the means to alleviate those problems today.
One of the technologies we are directly aware of will desalinate ocean water, generate free energy and produce any element in the Periodic Table as a by-product.
This technology already has the quiet support of one of the most prestigious universities in the country. I have heard about it from more than one independent source.
On a personal level, knowing these technologies exist and that they have not been released yet is extremely frustrating.
For now, I continue to be almost ridiculously over-conservative with my water usage. Days without showering and the yellow toilet. Good thing I live alone. 🙂
It is interesting to simultaneously reflect on the fact that “the darkest hour is before the dawn,” and we are far closer to it than most people could ever imagine.
We are on the verge of an epic series of disclosures that will make all other information, books, videos and media in the UFO field seem hopelessly outdated.
Everyone will be suddenly flooded with a “learning curve” that will simultaneously be more amazing and more horrifying than they had ever imagined.
Never again will we look at the records from our current civilization the same way. In the “After Disclosure” or AD world, everything will be very different.
Yes… we are going to need to learn some pretty upsetting things to get through this transition.
However, the positives far outweigh the emotional shock that the negatives will temporarily put us all through, as a planet and a (hybridized) species.
There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA — for many thousands of years.
We have a much broader spectrum of emotions than most other human species out there.
It is both our single greatest weakness and our most powerful strength — once we learn how to harness its power for the positive.
Like being surrounded by a drowning ocean of “useless” sea water, once we learn the command we have over reality, our thirst for the Beyond will be slaked.
Bottom line: there are good guys and bad guys in the universe. Both are allowed to present their messages to us. The future we experience is the result of the choices we make.
Our natural destiny is to go through moments of quantum change — where the ground state of reality itself, and all the assumptions that go along with it, is fundamentally and suddenly altered.
We are not protected from negativity any more than our collective free will decides. When we act in selfish, manipulative, controlling and violent ways, that in turn allows elite controllers to do the same things to us on a larger scale.
“You are blaming ME for this problem? F- you, David! I haven’t done anything wrong! I am frickin’ awesome!”
Not you per se, my friend. Humanity as a collective has created these problems. Some of them have built up from thousands of years of karmic patterns.
As I explained in The Synchronicity Key, the Edgar Cayce Readings detailed many hundreds of cases where people were suffering debilitating karma from acts they had performed back in ancient Rome.
Examples were given including people laughing at a little girl as she got her insides ripped out by a lion in the coliseum.
Despite this being a socially-acceptable pastime for the era, any sufficiently negative emotion towards another who is in pain and agony will generate karma.
The weirdest and most significant realization to come out of The Synchronicity Key is the fact that history keeps looping around and around, very precisely, like the movie Groundhog Day.
The precision with which this happens is utterly astonishing. In some cases, the repetition can be timed almost down to the day in cycles lasting 2,160 years.
In the interview transcript you are about to read, I told Jimmy Church I do not consider myself to be a smart person.
That being said, figuring out how to properly investigate and write about these cycles of history, making them understandable, is probably my headiest achievement yet.
The benevolent ETs I so often talk about in Ancient Aliens on History Channel (I am a regular, featured in over 35 episodes) seeded the “cycle numbers” in multiple cultures around the world.
This area of study was so arcane that in order to rescue it for our time, it required incredible effort — pulling together tiny threads of data I encountered over 20 years of time.
It also is not conducive to a show like Ancient Aliens, due to its complexity, and thus no episodes have been made about this phenomenon at this time.
Now we have a solid body of evidence that history is programmed by a greater cosmic intelligence to guide us through an intelligently-defined “script” for spiritual enlightenment.
In order to be a true Christian, it is necessary to understand and accept the reality of reincarnation. According to the direct inheritors of the original teachings, this was the greatest secret of Christ.
The term “burn in hell” (Gehenna) really means to alleviate (burn off) karma. The word we now call “eternity” (Aion) simply means a cycle of time.
The “eternal hell” we were warned about is not some cosmic purgatory we experience after death. It is happening now — and the flames are hotter than ever.
The ETs, positive or negative, are simply not allowed to make a big showing. They cannot spontaneously decide to drop in and make an appearance on the Tonight Show.
The Prime Directive is not just a theme you hear about on Star Trek. It is an absolute law in the universe that all beings, positive and negative, must follow.
However, certain individuals can indeed receive contact directly. This is a fundamental part of how we learn the truth, both in the past and present.
Corey Goode came forward and began sharing massive amounts of intel with me on the Secret Space Program (SSP) last October, 2014.
I wrote everything down as he was telling me. He independently verified hundreds of things I had heard from other insiders.
It was only after he decided to officially drop his pseudonym, GoodETxSG, and come forward that he began receiving direct ET contact in the present.
It has been truly surreal to hear the new updates from him as he has been pulled into well over a dozen different off-planet meetings since that time.
A fundamental part of the “Prime Directive” is truth without proof.
The higher-level beings cannot simply reveal themselves to us. There must be a calling, where a sufficient number of people request their help, before intervention can occur.
We are truly blessed to have ongoing “Divine Intervention” taking place. This is the only thing that has stopped the Cabal from destroying most of our lives.
The Cabal has been very innovative in coming up with a multitude of different ways to try to kill the majority of people on earth.
One of the more upsetting and shocking ones I learned about, from three different credible insiders, is actually called “The Zombie Program.”
Using advanced cloning techniques, 150 million humans were manufactured in the US, all held in underground bases west of the Rockies, and another 100 million in Europe.
They would look more or less like ordinary people — not what you see in the movies. The men might typically be wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans.
However, they are given a strange infectious virus that can make them bleed out of every orifice, including their fingernails.
They are programmed to have an insatiable craving to attack and eat other humans who do not have the infection.
When normal people come in contact with the pathogens in their blood, they will die a horrible death within 24 hours.
Simply being scratched by the fingernails from one of these beings would be enough to cause death.
The Cabal also manufactured an aerosol that could be sprayed over an area where these “zombies” were released. It would cause their death but leave ordinary folks alone.
Otherwise, the only way to effectively kill the zombies would be to separate the brain stem from the neck, such as through beheading.
The Cabal’s plan was to release this plague, bring about the deaths of millions to achieve their depopulation goals, and then shut off the plague with the aerosol.
At that point, they had intended for us to have descended into mass starvation, rioting, anarchy and chaos, leading to martial law and internment camps (which people would flock to in fear of “zombies.”)
The technology was in place to generate this “zombie apocalypse” all the way back in the 1960s.
The “Night of the Living Dead” was the first major movie to try to use social engineering to get this apocalypse to be “authorized” by the benevolent ETs.
If enough of us saw these movies and really believed that zombies would attack us on a mass level, then thanks to the Prime Directive, the benevolent ETs would be forced to let it happen.
The benevolent ETs have blocked the “zombie program” so effectively that it has never been allowed to occur.
Simply put, not enough people genuinely believe that zombies are real for this to ever be allowed to happen.
The Cabal is very well aware of this. They continue to crank out a tremendous amount of zombie apocalypse films and TV shows, hoping to get another chance.
Other lifeforms that do not look anywhere near as similar to us have also been engineered with the zombie virus.
The preferred design that would currently be used, if “authorized,” are little beings that look like “Greys” and are only about two feet tall.
The hope was that they could be “sneaky,” run around quickly, evade capture and scratch people on the legs to cause death.
In this sense, the Cabal felt that if enough people believed in negative “Grey” ETs, the hope was that authorization could then be granted.
Again, this will never be allowed to occur. Every attempt to create mass depopulation, both conventional and unconventional, has been thwarted.
What you just read is an example of intel I have been aware of for some time, have held on to, and said I did not ever want to release it because it was upsetting and “fear porn.”
However, we are now being asked by the Alliance to release this information in advance of a much greater “data dump” that will come our way with Disclosure.
It is too late for the Cabal to stop Disclosure. It is definitely going to happen.
I have been waylaid by a very busy schedule, as we will discuss, but I am definitely continuing the fight to write articles and produce videos about all of this.
I discussed the zombie program in my last talk at the recent Contact in the Desert conference, having no idea how a live audience, including one 8-year-old child, would respond.
Given that the kid was in the audience, certain details were definitely not shared that I might have done otherwise.
Quite to my surprise, everyone seemed perfectly OK with it. They were very grateful to finally hear the truth, and not have me censor things I thought were too intense for us to hear.
As part of this initiative to “disclose as much as you can, as fast as you can,” I did two different radio shows to promote the then-upcoming conference.
Since the conference, I had an Ancient Aliens taping that required a great deal of study, as always.
Since the taping, I have been recovering.
So to review, I had the New Living Expo event, hardly any down-time, then a major Gaiam taping of eight episodes, followed days later by the Contact event, followed days later by Ancient Aliens, and then a big recovery period.
At the same time, “negative greeting”, as defined by the Law of One series, has been taking shot after shot after shot at me. It is difficult to keep going amidst all of this.
One small but significant part of the negative greeting is that we are getting very blatant death threats from the Cabal — like never before.
This has been coupled with a very intense increase in the amount of hatred written about me by paid Cabal bloggers on the Internet.
Again, I no longer care about the online hate. Most of the trouble has been in dealing with personal issues and the cleansing and healing of painful life experiences and memories.
Yes, it all sounds crazy. However, with the full scope of ET technology available to the Cabal, making programmable clones is not at all difficult.
In fact, a similar cloning program began making most of the “Greys” that were actually doing abductions, beginning in the 1960s.
Some abductions are genuinely ET-related. People are being brought into slavery off-planet in large numbers.
That is another unpleasant truth we will soon be confronted with. The movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” was intended to help soften the blow.
Supposedly there is more than enough technology and capability in place to recover all surviving captives in the post-Disclosure world.
Thankfully these highly negative programs are quickly being shut down.
The negative elite have already lost. Now they are just in the final “limbo” period before it becomes public.
Rather than worrying too much about trying to prove all of this data, we have been instructed to simply release as much of the truth as we can.
This will help buffer the emotional shock and gravity of people hearing so much of this upsetting material all at once.
I have held on to the knowledge of the zombie program for at least two years now — but no more. That is just one of a variety of weird things there are to know.
So with all that said, I am quite pleased with both of the radio shows I did.
The first one was transcribed and submitted by an anonymous individual, beginning a half hour after I started speaking — and was discussing my music work.
As soon as we “went deep” and got into the cosmic stuff, the transcript started.
The second show was that same Thursday with Richard Garner, entitled What in the World!, which airs on SiriusXM with a station out of Canada entitled “Canada Talks.”
This appearance was very highly bizarre for me.
Fifteen minutes before airtime, I planned out a whole routine around a particular song — “Wild World” by Cat Stevens.
I figured that if I mentioned the song, they would later play it in the show. It was utterly stupefying, and extremely shocking, when that same song started playing as I was live on the air.
By the time Richard got me speaking, I had composed myself — but only partly. Every hair on my arms and the back of my neck was standing up.
Here is the brand-new show on Canada Talks / Sirius XM where you can hear my surprise in the aftermath of this highly strange synchronicity:
Richard Garner has been a good friend of mine and an associate for years now. I appreciate the quality and consistency of his work.
Many people are out there saying they are radio show hosts, but I am very choosy about who I work with. Richard always does a great job.
We actually didn’t get that much into the Secret Space Program in this show, but I still think you will find it well worth your time.
Synchronicity and mass, spontaneous human evolution were both major topics we covered.
We taped it on Tuesday, May 26th, at 12 noon California time — and it aired on the evening of Thursday, May 28th.
This next show was taped live on Monday, May 25th, 2015 — Memorial Day.
As I said, the transcriber did not include the first half-hour of our discussion, since it focused on “transient” things like my jazz drumming studies and current fingerstyle guitar work.
An audio version came out that had certain large sections removed. I knew these were some of the most intense sections. It did not appear to be an accident.
It took a full two weeks for Jimmy Church’s people to release a non-edited copy of the original.
I went in and restored the missing sections myself, since the transcriber was working off of the original, edited audio.
The fact that these exact sections “mysteriously” were not included in the original audio is highly interesting once you read what I said.
6/10: Full Audio of DW on Jimmy Church, Ep. 259, 5/25
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter.
He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with.
The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement.
David’s message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama.
(different DW here) If you believe in ascension in all its manifestations, it should not matter if someone tries to label you a homosexual. Belief it or not, it’s not a bad thing. By your continually asserting a specific sexuality out of the blue in videos or on here, makes me feel I’m less of a human being, because you believe it to affect your reputation. How could a detractor implying that you are gay, stigmatize and slander your work, unless you believe it? By not ignoring them, you give them more ammunition. But why would someone’s sexuality, whom they love and what they do in private, matter to topics of universal consciousness and ascension anyway? How about trying less to prove your sexuality and pandering to trolls, and more of what we fans come here for? Just you.. Your knowledge, your voice, your fire, your gentleness. signed~~ gay fan who lives well and commands respect regardless of my sexuality. 🙂 Peace..
I’m a subscriber to your show at GAIAMTV.COM and I read your blog here. I took yours and Jimmy’s advice to watch THEY LIVE and wow! It is very creepy to say the least. There is a NEW video of THEY LIVE 2. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. I really love your show and I had just purchased your newest audiobook a few weeks back which I will be reading it soon. This is the link for the new They Live 2 on youtube that I found this morning. It has disturbed me greatly. Just OMG! It is not for the faint hearted to say the least. I’m kind of wishing I hadn’t seen it now. Can you and Jimmy give your opinions about it? Please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR1fNIMtJaI
“THE DRACO REALLY LOVE TO WATCH TELEVISION”, I remember something that George Kavassilas said on July 15th 2014 which is exactly one year ago today. https://youtu.be/5eFoRx0WpnU?t=4941
“The DNA is what programs your cells.”
“The DNA is a program that’s been inserted and interacts with our genetics.”
“The way DNA talks to your genetics uses the element of phosphorus.”
“Guess what every single device that you look at in our world of technology uses to interface between the electronic signal and the light it emits into your eyes? Phosphorus.”
“Every single screen you look at has a film, a membrane of phosphorus. So not only are they programming us by the element through our DNA, now they have included it through our world of technology aswell.”
Searching this transcript I got a synchronization. A total of 777 occurrences of the letter F 🙂 [img]http://www.maclabbet.com/777.jpg[/img]
I listened to both of these radio shows and wow, they are really great. Good job David in releasing more great info.
I wanted to bring one thing up though, David may want to clarify what he meant when he says “I’m not a homosexual”. The context may have made this statement sound as if this was a negative practice that would allow for negative attacks. I think David meant this to say that socially homosexuality is still a controversial lifestyle that would leave you open for people to question his integrity.
Hindusthani, not to trash on your religion but the phrase “we know” is something you should be careful about. All religious people claim they know and most times, they really don’t. There are aliens, ETs, Star People out there, from other planets, systems and dimensions. You may call them something else due to your religious beliefs, but people and beings who live on other planets are, in my book, aliens/Ets for sure. It’s not just about different realms – it has nothing to do with the dead. Aliens/Ets are not the dead!
David great info I’m feeling a change is imminent . I am very proficient with adobe premirer cc and photoshop and have used after effects aswell. If you need any help let me know.im retired and have a lot of time to help the cause. Stew
You have put alot of pieces together for me the last couple of years. I understand the event is inevitable. I don’t like what has happened to us over our existence, but I’ve had a hell of head start for my healing in this. When people hear the full spectrum of atrocities I hope we come together. I don’t think we could’ve have got there without people like you David and our multicultural space friends. Stay strong David we’ve waited our whole lives for this. The world is not flat anymore that’s for sure
Thanks for another great article David, love to you and all! Here in Australia we are also drought affected in many regions so we know the yellow toilet! A genuine suggestion to everyone: Please pee outside in nature, mother earth will appreciate the liquid and nutrition when where is little rain. If you’re shy one can even get an insert for the toilet bowl so you can catch and pour it!)
IT IS FRUSTRATING THAT WE HAVEN’T HAD RESULTS YET I’ve been hearing this over and over again. It is like “the boy who cried Wolf.”
I was beginning to feel the same way. However, some of the things David says in this article concerning ascension and our comparative spiritual development agree with things I have been taught. Do not be concerned about achieving ascension, be concerned about fulfilling your destiny as a human being and all will be well.
Some clarity please. You state that some 40 ETs have tinkered with our DNA and ancient cultures talk about “the gods” – well isn’t that breaking the universal law or Prime Directive? Also- I heard that cruise ships desalinate ocean water if that’s true then we must already have and are using that technology-right? Clarity greatly appreciated.
[Moderator: Perhaps without the intervention of ET, we’d still be second density primates.]
[Quoting "Thumb Looshers"]Are there people that ONLY come here to push thumbs down in a comment?? Haha
Seriously the haters are ramping up their efforts. If you don’t want to take the information for what it is don’t attack the messenger.
I feel like a lot of what is being said has a basis in fact on some level, whether 50% or 95% of it is true it’s still worth digesting it all and putting it away for later.
David is a great “red cross worker” and deserves our support and love.
I will continue to spread the message of love where I go because unfortunately until this event happens we will continue to be bombarded with concerns of money, how to put food on the table and so forth and tend to forget the most important message of all. And that is just what they want us to do.
[Moderator: Sometimes in these loosh-generating events, whether done deliberately or not, it is important to focus on positive material to help combat the problem. I believe that is what David is doing here.]
So who are these top shelf illuminaries that have already been taken off planet? Seems to me it would be big news if someone of that caliber just went missing…
[Moderator: The secret government people of significance do not hold elected office and are not known to the general public.]
Reading Corey’s report of his visit to a base near the south pole of Mars, loaded with humans, and guns, and molten rock tunnels really is a big pop!! of seeing/knowing and being with them, helping with Love.
David you seem like you’re a smart guy, and your efforts are paying off. I like the vision you project of our future, the cabals plans seem pretty dismal for the majority. I’ll look forward to looking back on this era and
laughing about our strange shared trip. Everything is going by faster & faster, but not fast enough. Sometimes life is like a scary roller coaster, and I can’t wait to be free. Living like a refugee is no way to be.
To me it sounds way too far out there. But I just read it as an interesting story. Whether its all true or not, it is entertaining. I’d like to see any tiny bit of truth, but I guess thats not the point of this Corey guy’s posts.
http://wespenre.com/5/paper16-the-destiny-of-a-royal-species.htm#6 Wes Penre gets it wrong about Hindu Ved, AIF etc because, we are always taught that ‘the entire universe is within us’ it only needs to be explored. What he suggest to escape from all this is actually ‘Pranayam’ which is a major component of Hindu Yog practices.
Also I don’t understand the obsession in proving that Egypt/Annunaki/Sumerian or some one else as predecessor of Hindus, it is laughable.
Meaning of Hindu = Sanatan Dharma (not religion) = Eternal without beginning & end
As Hindus we always know about reincarnation. We also know about the infinite dimensions layered into 14 ‘lokas’ seven below us seven above from present level. Many stories with deeper meaning than just the literal meaning are there. eg Mother Earth was taken to lower dimensions by demon. She was brought up ( Ascension ) by one of Vishnus Avatar called ‘Varaha’. Sounds familiar during present times isn’t it. So for us there is no alien, only going from one level to another.
Is it just me, or is today wierd Like a glitch in the matrix What’s going on with cern? Im picking up on something,Just wanted to reach out to see if others feel like the snow globe cracked?
Wait until around July 4th and onwards then tell me what frequencies you feel 😉
I was doubting all this Blue Avian suff and I still am… but since then certain things kept happening which have made me reconsider my doubts; the world really is changing for the better, every day. Magic really is coming back to this world! The more people expand their consciousness and believe, the more things will be possible :’)
Take a good look at who we have designated as an Elitist, and then take a second to think about the HAARP weather attacks, the GMO food contamination, the toxins that you are breathing from the constant spraying of the Chem-trails, the Fiat money system that has enslaved us all into an unpayable debt and last, all of the millions of dead people as a result of many, many wars.
I do not believe you will be unhappy with your role as things continue.
My understanding is that there is an upward seeking of the personality and the downward pouring of the Creator. The upward seeking requires more effort for its downward pouring the harder things get. What will happen when things work out is the downward pouring will happen en- mass.
So you will recieve for quite a while and not have to contribute too much? Or contribution in response not out of necessity, and ‘push’.
Hi All, I hope you had a great weekend and hope a greater one coming up!!! Words of the week on wisdomteachings.com… orgone,bions and yes proof, haha yes I said IT, lol…Thanks again Dave awesome work.. talking about proof Dr De Meo pic with test tubes behind him, had my science teacher to think and go onto LLResearch to prove me wrong. ” learn from the best”. Hey I’m sending some good vibes on that phd chance you’ve got, and am cheering for you. Ok those was for last week!!! Now if I pick some notes and or keywords for the coming up week? Uumm! Circumvent? Yes I did , lol. What made me do that was some lessons form the past; like drake’s greenlight, Winston Shrout’s strawman, birth certificate and whatnot, and fulford? Well, You’ve stopped posting there so I guess… Next week’s ahead? Yes Circumvent! When it comes to, “smells released by the pores in our skin from the foods we eat”? And Dog and Pony shows? Donations button… well ” No Pun Intended”?
The 38 energy condensing stations across the solar system fueling the quarantine grid have been destroyed. However, there remains 14 energy capacitors stations built on our planet on the junction points of the earth’s grid. Any energy healing work only temporarily discharges their batteries and it keeps recharging itself. Destroying them physically will be much more difficult than in space (the Avians can’t intervene here). I believe 1 is under the great pyramid of Egypt and the 13 others are in military bases built on these junction points. Solution? Asking Gaia to shift its energy grid. It will shift 3km to the North-East-East, leaving all those bases off the grid.
If we wait for people to wake up, we won’t get anywhere. It takes one person with faith the size of a mustard’s seed to shift the world.
There’s an interesting new television show called “Mr. Robot” that is about a hacker who sees through the matrix. It’s on Usanetwork.com,and you can see the pilot, but it airs on Wednesday June 24th.
Glad to hear that Pete Peterson is still around. Have high hopes that when all this goes down that he will be able to distribute his healing equipment. Thanks again for all your hard work David! Can’t even remember how many years I have followed you.
[Quoting "Jordana"]Is it just me, or is today wierd Like a glitch in the matrix What’s going on with cern? Im picking up on something,Just wanted to reach out to see if others feel like the snow globe cracked?
[Quoting "DB"]9/11 and the death of Princess Diana must have both been feasts for the looshaholics…
With the death of Princess Diana, …
The grief surrounding 9/11 goes without saying.
I was too young. I think I must have blocked a lot off at that age. But OMG Virginia Tech; I felt it intensely for FIVE DAYS before it happened. It felt extremely bad, one of the not so good periods for me, when he went on his shooting spree it lifted because the ‘apprehension’ was gone.
I also got something… bizarrely, when Gordon Brown left office. He clearly was following an agenda (Gold selling) but perhaps there were people that liked him or he was doing the minimum of their agenda and intended to do good things?
David, you are the only one online that I trust for correct information about what’s going on. I have followed you since 2001. I would like to know your opinion of Cobra and Karen Hudes. Do you think either of them is telling the truth? Thanks
Hi David. In my opinion, most people,no matter what is their situation, want to be who they are, want to be them selves.In 2017 most people will not want this ascension magic mushroom, and special abilities, that some new age cult gurus are trying to promote. I think very,very few people would feel comfortable with this 2017 ascension trip.If It happen,it could only be for the very few people who want it. Ascension is possible for individuals. Humans are the highest beings in the Universe, not the reptiles, or rocks, or bugs, or birds, or triffids.
Here’s a simple loosh *fix*. I often receive information upon awakening and this is it for this problem. Claim your loosh and specify that it is NOT to be stolen, that you will give it out consciously to only those you wish to give it to.
Loosh is stolen during time of emotion (the greater the emotion, the more you become a beacon), which is why after you have an emotional response, you feel drained. Because, quite literally, you are. No one has mentioned the energy drain after sex, but it’s there.
Since making this announcement aloud and forcibly, I am feeling MUCH more centered and strong. I intend to continue to make this statement loudly and forcibly until I completely vibrate at this frequency.
Is it just me, or is today wierd Like a glitch in the matrix What’s going on with cern? Im picking up on something,Just wanted to reach out to see if others feel like the snow globe cracked?
(different DW here) If you believe in ascension in all its manifestations, it should not matter if someone tries to label you a homosexual. Belief it or not, it’s not a bad thing. By your continually asserting a specific sexuality out of the blue in videos or on here, makes me feel I’m less of a human being, because you believe it to affect your reputation. How could a detractor implying that you are gay, stigmatize and slander your work, unless you believe it? By not ignoring them, you give them more ammunition. But why would someone’s sexuality, whom they love and what they do in private, matter to topics of universal consciousness and ascension anyway? How about trying less to prove your sexuality and pandering to trolls, and more of what we fans come here for? Just you.. Your knowledge, your voice, your fire, your gentleness. signed~~ gay fan who lives well and commands respect regardless of my sexuality. 🙂 Peace..
I’m a subscriber to your show at GAIAMTV.COM and I read your blog here. I took yours and Jimmy’s advice to watch THEY LIVE and wow! It is very creepy to say the least. There is a NEW video of THEY LIVE 2. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. I really love your show and I had just purchased your newest audiobook a few weeks back which I will be reading it soon. This is the link for the new They Live 2 on youtube that I found this morning. It has disturbed me greatly. Just OMG! It is not for the faint hearted to say the least. I’m kind of wishing I hadn’t seen it now. Can you and Jimmy give your opinions about it? Please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR1fNIMtJaI
Thank you.
“THE DRACO REALLY LOVE TO WATCH TELEVISION”, I remember something that George Kavassilas said on July 15th 2014 which is exactly one year ago today. https://youtu.be/5eFoRx0WpnU?t=4941
“The DNA is what programs your cells.”
“The DNA is a program that’s been inserted and interacts with our genetics.”
“The way DNA talks to your genetics uses the element of phosphorus.”
“Guess what every single device that you look at in our world of technology uses to interface between the electronic signal and the light it emits into your eyes? Phosphorus.”
“Every single screen you look at has a film, a membrane of phosphorus. So not only are they programming us by the element through our DNA, now they have included it through our world of technology aswell.”
Searching this transcript I got a synchronization. A total of 777 occurrences of the letter F 🙂
David discusses Stairway to Heaven as an ascension song. This short Youtube video shows Robert Plant discussing the song’s meaning.
I listened to both of these radio shows and wow, they are really great. Good job David in releasing more great info.
I wanted to bring one thing up though, David may want to clarify what he meant when he says “I’m not a homosexual”. The context may have made this statement sound as if this was a negative practice that would allow for negative attacks. I think David meant this to say that socially homosexuality is still a controversial lifestyle that would leave you open for people to question his integrity.
Hindusthani, not to trash on your religion but the phrase “we know” is something you should be careful about. All religious people claim they know and most times, they really don’t. There are aliens, ETs, Star People out there, from other planets, systems and dimensions. You may call them something else due to your religious beliefs, but people and beings who live on other planets are, in my book, aliens/Ets for sure. It’s not just about different realms – it has nothing to do with the dead. Aliens/Ets are not the dead!
David great info I’m feeling a change is imminent . I am very proficient with adobe premirer cc and photoshop and have used after effects aswell. If you need any help let me know.im retired and have a lot of time to help the cause.
Well done, David. Things are truly accelerating. Thanks for all the hard work. You are very much appreciated.
You have put alot of pieces together for me the last couple of years. I understand the event is inevitable. I don’t like what has happened to us over our existence, but I’ve had a hell of head start for my healing in this. When people hear the full spectrum of atrocities I hope we come together. I don’t think we could’ve have got there without people like you David and our multicultural space friends. Stay strong David we’ve waited our whole lives for this. The world is not flat anymore that’s for sure
Thanks for another great article David, love to you and all!
Here in Australia we are also drought affected in many regions so we know the yellow toilet!
A genuine suggestion to everyone:
Please pee outside in nature, mother earth will appreciate the liquid and nutrition when where is little rain. If you’re shy one can even get an insert for the toilet bowl so you can catch and pour it!)
I was beginning to feel the same way. However, some of the things David says in this article concerning ascension and our comparative spiritual development agree with things I have been taught. Do not be concerned about achieving ascension, be concerned about fulfilling your destiny as a human being and all will be well.
Some clarity please. You state that some 40 ETs have tinkered with our DNA and ancient cultures talk about “the gods” – well isn’t that breaking the universal law or Prime Directive?
Also- I heard that cruise ships desalinate ocean water if that’s true then we must already have and are using that technology-right?
Clarity greatly appreciated.
[Moderator: Perhaps without the intervention of ET, we’d still be second density primates.]
Seriously the haters are ramping up their efforts.
If you don’t want to take the information for what it is don’t attack the messenger.
I feel like a lot of what is being said has a basis in fact on some level, whether 50% or 95% of it is true it’s still worth digesting it all and putting it away for later.
David is a great “red cross worker” and deserves our support and love.
I will continue to spread the message of love where I go because unfortunately until this event happens we will continue to be bombarded with concerns of money, how to put food on the table and so forth and tend to forget the most important message of all. And that is just what they want us to do.
Thanks so much David.
Please share your thoughts on the Charleston ‘shooting’ as it is becoming a nation-changing event.
Is this exposé the back story?
Was The Charleston Church Shooting Yet Another False Flag Distraction Event?
Many blessings all around!
[Moderator: Sometimes in these loosh-generating events, whether done deliberately or not, it is important to focus on positive material to help combat the problem. I believe that is what David is doing here.]
So who are these top shelf illuminaries that have already been taken off planet? Seems to me it would be big news if someone of that caliber just went missing…
[Moderator: The secret government people of significance do not hold elected office and are not known to the general public.]
Wow ! Just breathe !
Reading Corey’s report of his visit to a base near the south pole of Mars, loaded with humans, and guns, and molten rock tunnels really is a big pop!! of seeing/knowing and being with them, helping with Love.
David you seem like you’re a smart guy, and your efforts are paying off. I like the vision you project of our future, the cabals plans seem pretty dismal for the majority. I’ll look forward to looking back on this era and
laughing about our strange shared trip. Everything is going by faster & faster, but not fast enough. Sometimes life is like a scary roller coaster, and I can’t wait to be free. Living like a refugee is no way to be.
Keep your pimp hand strong, Bro. 8)
Anla, as a former model I would encourage gardening. Read Anastasia ‘ s Ringing Cedar series please.
Heres a link to CoreyGoodeETs latest blog entry http://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/joint-ssp-sphere-alliance-icc-leadership-conference-tour-of-mars-colony-on-6-20.html
To me it sounds way too far out there. But I just read it as an interesting story. Whether its all true or not, it is entertaining. I’d like to see any tiny bit of truth, but I guess thats not the point of this Corey guy’s posts.
We’ll see I guess right?
Wes Penre gets it wrong about Hindu Ved, AIF etc because, we are always taught that ‘the entire universe is within us’ it only needs to be explored. What he suggest to escape from all this is actually ‘Pranayam’ which is a major component of Hindu Yog practices.
Also I don’t understand the obsession in proving that Egypt/Annunaki/Sumerian or some one else as predecessor of Hindus, it is laughable.
Meaning of Hindu = Sanatan Dharma (not religion) = Eternal without beginning & end
watch this interesting clip
As Hindus we always know about reincarnation. We also know about the infinite dimensions layered into 14 ‘lokas’ seven below us seven above from present level. Many stories with deeper meaning than just the literal meaning are there. eg Mother Earth was taken to lower dimensions by demon. She was brought up ( Ascension ) by one of Vishnus Avatar called ‘Varaha’. Sounds familiar during present times isn’t it. So for us there is no alien, only going from one level to another.
dear family, this is amazing and beautiful, isn`t it?:
Is it just me, or is today wierd
Like a glitch in the matrix
What’s going on with cern?
Im picking up on something,Just wanted to reach out to see if others feel like the snow globe cracked?
Wait until around July 4th and onwards then tell me what frequencies you feel 😉
I was doubting all this Blue Avian suff and I still am… but since then certain things kept happening which have made me reconsider my doubts; the world really is changing for the better, every day. Magic really is coming back to this world!
The more people expand their consciousness and believe, the more things will be possible :’)
I do not believe you will be unhappy with your role as things continue.
My understanding is that there is an upward seeking of the personality and the downward pouring of the Creator. The upward seeking requires more effort for its downward pouring the harder things get. What will happen when things work out is the downward pouring will happen en- mass.
So you will recieve for quite a while and not have to contribute too much? Or contribution in response not out of necessity, and ‘push’.
Hi All, I hope you had a great weekend and hope a greater one coming up!!!
Words of the week on wisdomteachings.com… orgone,bions and yes proof, haha yes I said IT, lol…Thanks again Dave awesome work.. talking about proof Dr De Meo pic with test tubes behind him, had my science teacher to think and go onto LLResearch to prove me wrong. ” learn from the best”. Hey I’m sending some good vibes on that phd chance you’ve got, and am cheering for you. Ok those was for last week!!! Now if I pick some notes and or keywords for the coming up week? Uumm! Circumvent? Yes I did , lol. What made me do that was some lessons form the past; like drake’s greenlight, Winston Shrout’s strawman, birth certificate and whatnot, and fulford? Well, You’ve stopped posting there so I guess… Next week’s ahead? Yes Circumvent! When it comes to, “smells released by the pores in our skin from the foods we eat”? And Dog and Pony shows? Donations button… well ” No Pun Intended”?
The 38 energy condensing stations across the solar system fueling the quarantine grid have been destroyed. However, there remains 14 energy capacitors stations built on our planet on the junction points of the earth’s grid. Any energy healing work only temporarily discharges their batteries and it keeps recharging itself. Destroying them physically will be much more difficult than in space (the Avians can’t intervene here). I believe 1 is under the great pyramid of Egypt and the 13 others are in military bases built on these junction points. Solution? Asking Gaia to shift its energy grid. It will shift 3km to the North-East-East, leaving all those bases off the grid.
If we wait for people to wake up, we won’t get anywhere. It takes one person with faith the size of a mustard’s seed to shift the world.
There’s an interesting new television show called “Mr. Robot” that is about a hacker who sees through the matrix. It’s on Usanetwork.com,and you can see the pilot, but it airs on Wednesday June 24th.
It will be interesting to see if it continues to be disclosure-esque or if it changes in tone. Either way, it will awaken some!
Some commentators move on to interviewing their guests by asking the right questions and filling in the gaps. Perhaps this is the way David is moving.
Glad to hear that Pete Peterson is still around. Have high hopes that when all this goes down that he will be able to distribute his healing equipment.
Thanks again for all your hard work David! Can’t even remember how many years I have followed you.
Hi David,
That same site you just posted has another interesting article on the incredible moon structure.
How does it fit with the SSP?
Why has NASA not disclosed the 5-mile high white tower structure on the moon?
Thank ya!
Eh-hem. Neptune retrograde. Enuf said… 🙂
I was too young. I think I must have blocked a lot off at that age. But OMG Virginia Tech; I felt it intensely for FIVE DAYS before it happened. It felt extremely bad, one of the not so good periods for me, when he went on his shooting spree it lifted because the ‘apprehension’ was gone.
I also got something… bizarrely, when Gordon Brown left office. He clearly was following an agenda (Gold selling) but perhaps there were people that liked him or he was doing the minimum of their agenda and intended to do good things?
David, you are the only one online that I trust for correct information about what’s going on. I have followed you since 2001. I would like to know your opinion of Cobra and Karen Hudes. Do you think either of them is telling the truth? Thanks
Hi David.
In my opinion, most people,no matter what is their situation, want to be who they are, want to be them selves.In 2017 most people will not want this ascension magic mushroom, and special abilities, that some new age cult gurus are trying to promote. I think very,very few people would feel comfortable with this 2017 ascension trip.If It happen,it could only be for the very few people who want it.
Ascension is possible for individuals. Humans are the highest beings in the Universe, not the reptiles, or rocks, or bugs, or birds, or triffids.
Here’s a simple loosh *fix*. I often receive information upon awakening and this is it for this problem. Claim your loosh and specify that it is NOT to be stolen, that you will give it out consciously to only those you wish to give it to.
Loosh is stolen during time of emotion (the greater the emotion, the more you become a beacon), which is why after you have an emotional response, you feel drained. Because, quite literally, you are. No one has mentioned the energy drain after sex, but it’s there.
Since making this announcement aloud and forcibly, I am feeling MUCH more centered and strong. I intend to continue to make this statement loudly and forcibly until I completely vibrate at this frequency.
Is it just me, or is today wierd
Like a glitch in the matrix
What’s going on with cern?
Im picking up on something,Just wanted to reach out to see if others feel like the snow globe cracked?
Hit # 88,033 @ 12:20 AM ,PDT , 6-21-15 , — Summer Solstice
This video is a form of very definite Disclosure , a real eye-opener, about “Climate Change”….the title is :
” What the media isn’t telling you about Climate Change ” ( 26:56 mins. )
It was published 2-15-15 .