Independent insider sources and measurable real-world data confirm the war for Full Disclosure has gone “red hot.”
New triangular fighter craft allegedly made by Boeing have created a decisive tipping-point in the wars now taking place over Antarctica and elsewhere.
We are now seeing the fulfillment of prophecies dating all the way back to the Bible and other ancient texts.
This is a very exciting time and we can “expect the unexpected” as we move forward into the future.
MASSIVE UPDATE, NEXT MORNING: Entire New Section Added! Do Not Miss it!
For those who are paying attention, it is becoming increasingly clear that “reality” is just another story we have been told.
We are so addicted to this complex body of concepts that we believe our version of “reality” to be the absolute, inerrant truth.
Nonetheless, in the post-Snowden era, we now know a secret as huge as mass NSA surveillance was occurring right under our noses, largely unseen.
Only a few lone voices in the wilderness were alerting us to the problem — and were often disrespected for their alleged “conspiracy theories.”
It is surprising how quickly most of us have settled back into the idea of things being “normal” after learning these outrageous violations are taking place.
We often feel these issues are far beyond our ability to influence as individuals. This is decidedly not the case.
Similarly, the UFO phenomenon has always been a mystery that we just can’t quite fit into a box easily.
How many are out there? Where did they come from? What do they look like? Are there good guys and bad guys? And why won’t they show themselves?
The intel I have gathered from insiders over the last 20 years reveals a vastly more complex story than most people could have possibly imagined.
Humans like us can evolve into beings who have a much different perception of time — such as where a thousand years of our time becomes like one year.
These people are still very much physical, flesh-and-blood beings — and do appear to be regularly operating all around us in our own airspace.
They can also bring us into their time continuum so that their perception becomes the new “normal” for us once we go there.
If you have seen my TV shows, conferences, videos and books, then you have a good grasp of how far-reaching and ancient these mysteries really are.
Powerful international alliances have formed and are aggressively pushing for a full disclosure of the truth.
This is a very real phenomenon. I did not realize how important our articles were to the Alliance effort until very recently — as we will discuss.
The Ascension Mysteries, arriving August 30th, is the most complete compendium of this high-level insider data that I have ever assembled.
For the first time, we have a full-disclosure overview of the hidden history of our solar system — going back over two billion years — in one single document.
Now let’s assume that “it” actually happens. Some kind of official statement is made, revealing we are not alone in the universe.
We are already getting deliciously close to that happening on a variety of fronts — including new insider intel we have come across.
However, even if we get a full disclosure of intelligent, technological civilizations being extremely common around us, we are still missing huge pieces of the puzzle.
We are still largely unaware of the spiritual reality that surrounds us and infuses our lives with purpose and meaning.
Very few can appreciate the complexity with which the ET / UFO phenomenon intersects with what we think of as spiritual reality.
Both “angels” and “demons” are very real, and are not just wispy ghosts existing in some never-never land, as common folklore may suggest.
The real story is far more interesting, and can bleed directly over into our reality — including us finding the technology and bodies of deceased “angels.”
These beings are working all around us. Certain air corridors have enough traffic that they would look like busy highways if you had the right equipment.
I am told the most recent military night-vision gear — so-called “fourth generation” — may allow you to see a little more of what is going on in our skies.
Since their technology is significantly more advanced than what we openly possess, the visitors are capable of remaining hidden. This is called “masking.”
This masking technology uses strategies where gravity is altered, allowing light waves to bend around an object — thus making it completely invisible.
If you were to actually collide with that object in the air, you would still crash into it.
Flight corridors for all commerical and private airliners are deliberately built not to intersect with giant floating cities and “highways” already in our skies.
We also know that the “report” from weapons that fire out of these exotic craft, and the explosions that then result, also cannot be masked.
Thus, strange atmospheric phenomena can be seen in the case of open warfare — and various craft can and do sustain direct impacts.
If such a flying craft was sufficiently damaged, it could then plunge to the earth, creating a wreckage site with high-tech debris and ET bodies.
Our “government” is very actively going around and cleaning up these messes, creating cover stories whenever this type of event occurs.
This so-called “government” is really a non-elected body of powerful elites who run the military-industrial complex and the Western financial system.
Though some people use terms like “Illuminati” or “New World Order” to describe this group, we typically refer to them here as the Cabal.
They have been fully engaging with these various ET civilizations since at least the 1930s — and have managed to keep the entire operation a secret.
Our intel reveals these shoot-downs are happening far more often now, and are creating huge “meteor” sightings. This is a very significant development.
Certain groups that had peacefully interacted for generations, if not thousands of years, are now openly warring with each other in our skies.
Though their ships can remain masked under normal conditions, their weapons fire cannot be hidden. They do become visible if they are shot down.
So many shoot-downs are now occurring that there is great concern that an advanced technology could come crashing down in a major metropolitan area.
Phoenix, June 2nd, 2016: Obviously an Asteroid (LOL)
Just over a month ago, on May 17th, 2016, a suspicious “meteor sighting” took place in the New England sky, centering around Maine.
It made a loud explosive noise as it flashed.
It was so bright and anomalous that the Portland, Maine Police Department referred to it as a possible “alien spaceship.”
A huge flash lit up the sky across New England around 1 a.m. Tuesday. Hundreds of people across the region reported seeing the flash, which was likely a fireball – a bright meteor or object that enters Earth’s atmosphere.
The sight was captured on police dashcam video in Portland, Maine, and also spotted by NECN viewers from Killington, Vermont, to Haverhill, Massachusetts. Surveillance video at Burlington International Airport also caught the amazing sight on camera….
“Around that time I was just getting home from work, and I heard a loud boom here in Livermore Falls (Maine),” said Brian Pelletier. “I just chalked it up to somebody starting up a motorcycle or something. But I bet it was from that.”…
“The meteor (or alien spaceship) was caught on camera at approximately 0050 hours,” the Portland Police Department wrote on Facebook.
“Let’s hope the visitors are friendly. They could just be some of Stephen King’s friends on there way to visit him.”
The American Meteor Society website has a complete index of all reported meteor sightings around the world.
The entire Northeast United States, and beyond, was lit up and physically shaken by this massive aerial spectacle.
As you just read, it was so strange that the Portland Police Department joked that it may be an “alien spaceship” and hoped “the visitors are friendly.”
Cover stories are already being lined up for a technological crash in an urban area in the event that it happens.
This will include possibly admitting that it is a classified aircraft.
These write-ups and video news clips have already been created in the event that they are needed, which could be any time now, given how the war is going.
The Cabal is extremely concerned about this happening and how they will manage it once it does.
This could actually be the tipping point that drives us directly into disclosure.
We again got dangerously close to disclosure with the very bizarre streaking phenomenon over Arizona that appeared in the early morning of June 2nd.
This was just over two weeks after the huge New England fireball had occurred.
The AMS had 412 different eyewitness reports of this object, even though it occurred around 4AM.
The visible sighting reports came in from seven very large states, including AZ, UT, NM, CA, TX, CO and NV.
The official sources tried to say this incredible, zig-zagging mess in the sky was caused by… wait for it… an “asteroid.”

(CNN) — A fireball lit up the early-morning skies around Phoenix Thursday, leaving groggy residents wondering if it was a meteor, an explosion or something else.
A Phoenix Police Department spokesman told CNN that they got more than 60 calls about the possible meteor, which was seen at about 4 a.m. (7 a.m. ET).
“Many of the callers mistakenly believed they were being burglarized due to the accompanying sound created,” Sgt. Jonathan Howard said.
Phoenix resident John Burgmeier said he heard multiple booms as the fireball came out of the northeast.
“(It) literally made the entire sky bright,” he said. “It was like it was daytime.”
People who missed the show woke up to see the squiggly trails it left behind.

A huge streak of light brightened the sky early Thursday morning, prompting worry and curiosity from many Valley residents.
Watch the videos in the player above to see different views from ABC15 viewers around the Valley.
The first reports came in right around 4 a.m. from around the Valley and even in areas like Yuma, Flagstaff and Pine Top.
Several callers also reported feeling the ground shake.
After dawn, a strange trail of cloud-like patterns was left in the sky.
NASA estimates a small asteroid, approximately 10 feet in diameter with a mass in the tens of tons, entered the atmosphere above Arizona just before 4 a.m.
Reports place the object 57 miles above the Tonto National Forest, east of Payson. It was last seen 22 miles above the forest.
According to NASA, there were no reports of any damage or injuries, only light and sonic booms.
NASA believes there are meteorites scattered on the ground north of Tucson.
NASA is having difficulties obtaining data on the fireball because many cameras were saturated by the bright light.
Hey Look, It’s Harvey the Loop-Dee-Loo Asteroid. All He Needs is Love!
An “asteroid”. Zig-zagging around in space like Lee Harvey Oswald’s “Lone Gunman” bullet that killed Kennedy. Brighter than daylight.
This clearly looks more like the smoke trail billowing out of a distressed, frantic craft than the aftermath of an incoming asteroid.
If an asteroid breaks up in our atmosphere, it should fan out in a radial pattern from a common center, like a typical fireworks explosion.
Then the shattered pieces would all fall downward thanks to the effects of gravity.
What we see in this trail of squiggles appears to be a self-propelled object that is providing its own thrust as it flailed in the air before blowing up.
It’s the same sort of pattern we would see from a balloon that is zipping wildly around a room after being popped.
Then we see this massive blast of bright light — and the ground shook as the wreckage thundered to the earth.
Cabal-funded clean-up crews sweep into the crash site area wherever this occurs, and do their best to completely remove the evidence and cover it up.
The squiggling smoke trails this damaged craft left behind remained visible well after the sun had come up.
Back on May 29th, we released briefing information from the Alliance telling us to expect events just like this, four days before it actually happened.
Part One of this article series featured the graphic of exotic craft being shot down — just as you see at the top of this page.
In the opening paragraph of an article revealing the “War Has Gone Red Hot”, we said the following:
The art at the top of this article is a professional rendition of the aerial part of the battle that is happening now, based on high-level intel.
This is not at all a normal situation.
Due to “masking” technology this war is mostly invisible to us, but there are traces of the battle that we can measure.
Just four days after we published that image and the teaser paragraph about the war in the heavens, we had the Phoenix incident on June 2nd.
The Phoenix incident made it to the front page of Drudge Report, complete with a photo of the strange smoke trail it left behind.
I was very impressed to see the intel come true so soon after we leaked it — though I was distracted enough at the time that I did not photograph the headline.
This majorly publicized event helped to confirm the veracity and the urgency of the information we were given.
On June 6th, four days atfter Phoenix, another mysterious “fireball” sighting occurred over thirteen different American states, with very similar characteristics.
The AMS received sighting reports in the states of IA, IL, MO, IN, KS, KY, AR, MI, TN, SD, OH, OK and NE.
Dozens of people reported seeing what they thought was a meteor fall above the St. Louis area about 11:40 a.m. Monday.
Reports on social media surfaced about the sight, described by some as as a flash that fell from the sky and disappeared a couple hundred feet above the horizon.
Tom Stolze, who runs the website posted a video of a bright light falling in the sky to the northwest of an outdoor camera in O’Fallon, Mo.
As of Monday night, the American Meteor Society received 77 reports of a fireball seen over Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas and Kentucky. Several of those reports were in the St. Louis area.
“It looked like one of the more expensive fireworks shooting down instead of up.
“I could have sworn it landed in the field I was driving by!” one report from Wendelin, Ill., in the eastern part of the state, said on the society site.
One person saw the flash above Berkeley: “I saw a streak of white light followed by a burst of yellow/ orange before the object disappeared,” he wrote….
The American Meteor Society says on its website that a fireball is another term for a very bright meteor.
“A bolide is a special type of fireball which explodes in a bright terminal flash at its end, often with visible fragmentation….
“Additionally, the brighter the fireball, the more rare is the event.”
It is certainly interesting to have three of these highly rare “bolide” events in one month.
This occurred right while our intel said we should be expecting such sightings, because there is an unprecedented shooting war going on.
As we have said before, paid skeptics and perma-trolls overlook any and all compelling data of this type and just accuse us of having “no evidence.”
Enjoy their hatred a little bit longer while you still can. Savor the flavor. It will soon become extinct.
If our intel is right, the cover-up is going to come crashing down. Literally.
We are one “meteor” away from an event that could completely change the world forever.
This is only one of a variety of ways in which the teetering, groaning edifice of the Cabal is about to come thundering down to Earth.
While I do believe some of this as it’s now 2018 and some have come to light, and I’ve always known more was going on, much of this does seem a little bogus. The red flag that really made me realize this is when you said “the arrival of Jesus, and the angelic beings that helped guide us through those interesing times”. Now, you’re all about full disclosure, yet you throw that fake news at us like its the truth. So why only leave that as a non disclosure? The whole idea of religion is the control and guilt business. You dont have to be religious to know right from wrong, evil from good, but when you take the time and realize the story of jesus chris has already been told almost exactly many if not centuries prior, in the story of Dionysus, a descendant of Zeus and mortal woman Semele. The story of of the virgin meri and iusa, story of horus and isis, story of imanuel, story of inanna (ishtar) I could go on and on I’m sure. The point is if you’re going to put out to everyone that you’re all knowing and wanting to have complete full disclosure you cant be just as bad as the ones you’re supposedly against, mixing truth with lies and fiction. Because that’s no different than the cabal/ illuminati/ elite as far as tricking or indoctrinating.
I just want to express gratitude to Corey, David and anyone else behind the scenes fighting for us. I did have a question and I’m sorry if it has already been answered but i just wanted to know if Children and Animals we’re going to be on during the coming shift? Thanks again, Kristen
Great stuff David thanks for the info.
I just saw this on The New Daily. Soft/partial disclosure. Check it out-
I am proud of you for not looking at, and absorbing those messages that are shot in your direction with the intention to do harm. I am inspired by your drive, and your work ethic. I am curious Mr. Wilcock, You must have a reason that you spend time getting people to not think your crazy.. Maybe its that your reaching a larger global audience? I just don’t think that is so. I feel that the people who need to see/ hear you will, and if you are confident in that it may bring you more grace and nobility in your presence with the public. Use your moderators, and Own your role as a Solid Rock. #WecanallSave
Good one Devon, i havn’t laughed that hard for a while! But so damn true! You’d think they’d at least drop the guy a couple bucks for his trouble. Maybe they’re given him credit at the Galactic Bank of Aldebaran! Now, if only that Kalium visa would show up in the mail so David could activate it. 😆
Have a great day!
Your task sounds highly significant and very stressful. Seems rude for the Sphere Beings to show up , ask you to do such an important job and not give you a perdiem, at least. They sound advanced enough to PayPal you some travelling money.
[Moderator: I heard something about a pint basket of brussels sprouts. ]