The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
David Wilcock 978-1101984079 Description: New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock has become one of the leading writers exploring ancient mysteries and new science. With his latest book, The Ascension Mysteries, David will take readers on a surprising and enthralling journey through the history of the universe, exploring the great Cosmic Battle surrounding our own Ascension. David Wilcock’s previous New York Times bestsellers, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key, used cutting-edge alternative science to reveal oft-hidden truths about our universe. In The Ascension Mysteries, David takes us on a gripping personal journey that describes the secret cosmic battle between positive and negative happening every day, hidden in both the traumas of our own lives and the world’s headlines. The Ascension Mysteries explores the towering personal obstacles David overcame to unlock the great secrets of our universe and looks ahead to what this battle means for each of us personally. By unifying ancient texts from a variety of religions with scientific data and insider testimony, David presents a stunning conclusion—that Earth is on the verge of a massive cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we now know it and will utterly defeat the great villains of our time. |
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I am seam to be having issues figuring out how/where to pre-order your new book? also interested in more info and potentially signing up for your upcoming workshop/class if its still possible?
I have been following and nerding out over all of your wonderful and life altering work for years now. I really THANK YOU for all you have been doing!!!
I have followed all things SPACE since Sputnik in 1958 and everything since.
However, until I found you and your group I had been starved of information.
I am English and I am outside every night between 0200 and 0330 searching for something and I am 72 years of age. Before I have finished on this Planet I want to see our Galactic friends, if I was honest I keep hoping one will land in my back garden and take me to another planet. I do wish you and your young lucky group all the very best, it’s a great time to be young as you know everything has been hidden from us, the older generation. I always knew something and someone was out their and nothing surprises me.
Keep up the great work and a massive thank you for what you all do, it’s a real pleasure to have known you and your friends.
Good luck with the future.
I’m same age same thing watch Sputnik as a kid or the whole neighborhood did. Saw UFO’ s,would love to see a real ufo up close before I leave and also my star friends. Or just acknowledge from government.
Beautiful I found your writing and I feel compelled to send you Love from beautiful Galicia with sunshine and may your dreams come true dear Ron, you give me hope that we can wake up everyone and help get through it all together as one! Where we go one we go all! Nina and family
Hey David . it may be time to visit the mid west. Kansas city , MO.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
bonjour, quand auront en France la traduction du livre sur The Ascension Mysteries, cela fait un an qu’il est sorti, et il est déjà traduit dans d’autres langues, et nous toujours rien, j’ai même demandé aux Editions Ariane ils ne le traduiront pas,
Annie T
Hi, I would like to know when The Ascension Mysteries is going to be translated in french.
thank you 😳
I want a copy of Ascension Mysteries. Amazon cancelled my order and say they don’t know when they will restock.
Would you send me a copy? Let me know how I can pay you.
Thanks much and keep up the good work…
When will the Publishers release the eBook Version in iBooks-iTunes-Australia, or even Kindle, where I had it ordered, but then Kindle cancelled the order and said it was no longer going to be available on Kindle, NOW iTunes-Australia cannot provide it either…Have been trying, since the release of the dead-tree format version release in USA, have contacted iTunes and they refer me back to the Publisher…
when Will the publisher decide they have sold enough hard-copy books to allow its release onto eReader versions for those of us with reading-challenges who use enhanced-eReaders for reading almost everything…
IS this release being withheld from us because the Cabal has taken control of the Publishers and don’t want THIS Book made available???
I would love to have your book the ascencion mysteries in an audible version, as for me it’s much easier to understand. As a live in teh Netherlands i found that i could not purchase the audible version due to rights. Is there any other option? Could you please help me out?
Sincerely, Norma
good morning. When the book will be released in Spanish?
Ordered 3 copies! still no word on ship dates from amazon, but I’m looking forward to getting these things out!
Fantastic! Who needs the Source of All Knowledge, which Edgar Cayce and Helen Schucman accessed, when you have David’s independent intellectual insights?
Just bought “The Ascension Mysteries” through amazon uk. Looking very much forward to read it when i get it. Thanks for all your efforts and your work.
I just ordered your book, and I noticed it will become available on my birthday . . . August 30 . . . synchronicity!