80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal.
Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won.
[UPDATED next morning 9:32 am. Credible insider source confirms these accounts and adds new information! Please link to this article but do not re-post it, as it is being dynamically updated as events unfold. Posting key excerpts with the link is encouraged.
UPDATED Monday 9/19. New info from Fulford. 87 countries are now onboard. Poland meeting was apparently disinfo.
UPDATED Wednesday 9/21. No radioactivity was found in either of the bases. Method of attack still unknown. Damage is so extreme there will be no effort to access them. Scroll to bottom of article for more.
NOTE SUNDAY 10/2: There have been significant new developments, including good intel that as many as six additional bases were destroyed soon after the first two. A massive new article is underway but may not be out until midweek, due to several important factors at work. Hang in there!
NOTE THURSDAY 10/6: MASSIVE NEW DEVELOPMENTS: This week, there have been MASSIVE new developments to this story that have forced another round of serious consultations with our key insiders. Part II is mostly finished, but the story is changing faster than we can write it.
I am not permitted to go into specifics, but I can now comfortably say that in addition to the first 8, MANY additional bases have now had all personnel and materials mysteriously removed. It happened within the last week. In this case, the rooms are still there, but they are now empty — except for some broken pieces of furniture.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but this is the situation. Apparently no one has died from any of these incidents. Audio recordings reveal the sounds of furniture sliding all over the place and people yelling for up to 24 hours before it stops.
I also had one of my most trusted sources independently confirm that the Monaco Accords did take place. When I asked why this was never mentioned before, I was told that until I asked the right questions, revealing that I already knew the answers, nothing could be said.
I must admit that since the sources who revealed this latest development to me have demonstrated profound trustworthiness, I was so overwhelmed about the news of the sheer number of bases that have now been affected by this campaign that I burst into tears.
I don’t know how long it will take for the results of all this to be public for everyone, but it most definitely appears that the Old World Order are being forced to surrender by the same ETs that have systematically protected us from nuclear holocaust.
NOTE SUNDAY 10/10: I am sorry that I did not get a chance to update this article when I said I would. In the past week I have left home on two different occasions for extremely important meetings, both of which have highly positive ramifications.
These meetings and locations were completely different, but have some commonalities. In the first case I made the decision within 24 hours of when I departed, and in the second case I literally woke up, got the message, made the decision and was on a plane within four hours.
I apologize for being circumspect, but for security reasons I cannot disclose what either of these meetings are about. Suffice it to say that I am still working on the next article and intend to release it ASAP, though the thrust of the new info is in the above updates.]
On Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, I interviewed one of the most interesting and controversial figures on Earth.
The information in this interview has the potential to rock the world. If the story is true, it already has.
The full, unabridged transcript of this interview follows – and you can download and listen to it yourself here:
Please do not make YouTube videos out of this MP3, though you are welcome to use excerpts of it in your own creative work.
Link your readers and listeners to this article instead, as it contains critical information not in the audio version that shouldn’t be lost.
Headlines and extra comments have been added to enhance readability and context for the interview.
The best way to get you started on this amazing journey is just to hit the ground running. So here we go…
Hi there. This is David Wilcock, and you’re listening to another Divine Cosmos audioblog exclusive interview with Benjamin Fulford.
Fulford has worked for Forbes Magazine as the editor for the Asia-Pacific region. People have tried to attack his credibility on this before, but it is documented. I have checked the references myself.
[Ben has a free website — benjaminfulford.typepad.com — and a low-cost paid journal with free weekly summaries and occasional free articles at benjaminfulford.net. Major new updates appear every Monday morning on the paid site.
I highly recommend going to benjaminfulford.typepad.com right now, as there are two major new updates on this site [1, 2] that give detailed, additional information on everything we are discussing here.]
I will also say that Fulford has contact with an incredible number of different sources. He does seem to back up who these sources are — as much as humanly possible.
Recently, these sources informed him that the earthquakes that occurred in Colorado and the Washington DC area, surrounding August 22nd and 23rd, were, in fact, apparently nuclear strikes against underground military facilities.
[These underground bases] have been built by the US government, ostensibly since the early 1960s, at the cost of trillions of dollars of undocumented taxpayer money that is going into these “black projects.”
The reason why I contacted Benjamin Fulford is I had [first] read this on his blog [and was amazed.]
Then I started to contact my own sources, which have been built up over being a public figure on the Internet since 1999 – and gaining the trust of many people in various classified programs.
I was absolutely astonished when I started to ask around and found out that everyone I know, with one exception who probably wasn’t on a need-to-know basis, confirmed that this attack did happen.
Now again. I’m going to turn it over to Ben in just a second. One more setup thing I want to say here is this.
If you haven’t understood the gravity or the implications of what I’m telling you right now, it’s important to point [one thing] out.
These guys never imagined that these underground facilities could have been attacked. Ever.
So what has happened here is a seismic shift in this insider war – that is arguably as significant as the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.
And in fact, it may very well be the workings of the Universe, in terms of karma, that the people responsible for those attacks have now had it happen to them.
There is undeniable significance in this happening. I was astonished at the depth of detail I have been able to get from my own sources about what happened.
I have been told that the situation is now considered Code Red. However, it is also being withheld from most of the people in these [classified] programs. It’s on a need-to-know basis.
Even the sources I am in contact with, all except for one, did not even have the need-to-know basis high enough to know why this happened. Or who was responsible for it!
So the only thing we know is that the powers that were, as I like to call them, have been putting out stories on the Internet about this event.
What they’re actually doing is they are trying to mine for information. They want to find out who knows what.
And I am astonished that my own sources lack the knowledge that Benjamin Fulford has been putting out as to who is responsible for this… and why [it was done].
My intelligence suggests it is possible that as many as 30,000 people were in each of these two underground cities at the time that [the explosions] went off. So we’re talking about the potential of 60,000 deaths.
We’re also talking about the potential that anyone else working for these programs who is in one of these facilities, which could either be underground or possibly off-world, such as in a space station, on the Moon or elsewhere… is now totally alone and unguarded.
They are not going to be protected. They are not safe. And their superiors are not informing them of the risk they are now in by being in those locations.
I want to set the record straight. I want to get the man to talk to you, the public, and hear, firsthand, what the hell is going on, who did this, why did they do this, and what are the implications.
So Ben, that’s my intro. Let’s hear from you now. I’m very interested in this.
BF: There has been a very esoteric battle over control of the dollar printing machine for the global financial system.
What happened was that at the end of World War II, at the Bretton Woods accords of 1944, Britain, France and the US were given the right to control the world’s currency.
They were supposed to have a Marshall Plan to develop Africa and Asia as well as Europe.
They reneged on their promise, and instead started to fake a “cold war” with the Soviet Union – which was designed to support the military industries.
Then, the group of non-aligned nations – 77 nations – pooled their assets… all their wealth, their gold and other valuables… and set up some global collateral accounts.
They wanted to use this money to start the Marshall Plans for Asia and Africa.
President Kennedy agreed to go along with this after he found out that there was a group that was trying to very seriously get the Soviet Union and the United States to annihilate each other. This was the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The historical accord is called the Hilton Green Memorial. This is available to any serious researcher in financial history.
President Sukarno [of Indonesia] was the signatory for the countries. He was going to give Kennedy – they gave Kennedy 140,000 tons of gold.
Kennedy passed a law allowing Congress, not the Federal Reserve Board, to create dollars [from these gold-backed global collateral accounts given to the United States.]
Kennedy also said, “Let’s go to the Moon, instead of this cold war, to stimulate industry. Let’s develop the poor countries and let’s develop space instead of having this fake Cold War.”
Kennedy did put out a lot of money, but he was assassinated. As you know, the public space program just disappeared in the 1970s when that funding ran out, and just stopped completely. President Sukarno was hounded from office.
The international agreement that left Britain, France and the United States in charge of the world’s financial system expired in 1994. That is why they wound down the Soviet Union.
After 1994, there was no accord at the very top level of the world’s financial system about who would be in charge next. There was a split in the ranks.
The Chinese and the non-aligned nations were pressuring the oligarchs who had been running things since World War II to hand over control of the dollar printing press – the financial system – but they were reluctant.
The international court of justice at the Hague was sued by the Chinese over gold that the Federal Reserve Board owners sold them.
The Federal Reserve Board owners lost this lawsuit, and they were told to hand over the gold… starting on September 12, 2001.
Instead, on September 11th, 2001, as you all know, they gave the world the finger and started this huge, fake, global war on terror. It was part of an attempt [at controlling the planet] by the fascist groups of World War II.
The Nazis and their fascist sympathizers in the US, and England, and Italy, [along] with a group that can be found within the military, in Congress, and in the Vatican, were going to set up a global fascist government.
At the same time, they had this belief that there were too many people. Especially too many, according to them, inferior brown-type people.
They wanted to reduce the world’s population by 90 percent.
DW: This is documented?
BF: Yes, it’s very well documented.
I was invited to join this group by Heizo Takanaka, who was the Japanese finance minister for five years. I have a tape recording of this invitation to prove it.
They were planning to hide in these underground bases after they set off a nuclear holocaust.
The original plan was to start a nuclear war between Iran and Israel.
[They would then] use that as an excuse to set up martial law in the G7 countries.
Then [this new military strength would be used to] prepare for war against China.
This plan fell apart when Russia kicked them out – and Putin re-asserted independence for Russia.
That removed their control – the oil industry – and made that whole plan not work.
The Chinese also stopped buying US treasuries for a while to put pressure on this group.
So they switched strategies. Instead, they tried to suck up to China and offer them a world dictatorship… in partnership with this group.
That’s why in public you saw Obama visit China in 2009 and offer a “G2”. This is how you can confirm this.
In any case, this group that carried out the 9/11 attacks has been under increasing pressure, and under isolation, at the very highest levels.
They are running out of money. They are being cut off.
DW: Ben, right before September 11th, a lot of people forgot about this. Donald Rumsfeld goes on national television and says that they “lost” 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon over the previous decade.
Does that have anything to do with this gold thing you are talking about?
BF: Oh yeah.
That money was used to finance Blackwater – a private army not controlled by the Pentagon.
The Pentagon would not let themselves be controlled by this cabal. So they were trying to do what the Nazis did in World War II – create an elite SS corps that could bully the regular military.
That was where that money went to, as far as my sources are concerned.
DW: Wow.
BF: In any case, we were contacted by smugglers, drug smugglers…
DW: Could you just say who “We” is, for a minute?
BF: “We” is a group of us who are involved in the fight to overthrow this cabal.
It includes members of the CIA, the Pentagon, the [intelligence] agencies, and various [other groups], including Asian secret societies.
We use the name White Dragon. There is another group that calls themselves the White Hats.
We all have the same goal, which is to get this insane group of people out of power.
DW: Some of the criticism I have seen from people on the Internet is, “If this group is so vast and so powerful to fight this cabal, why is Benjamin Fulford the only one talking about this?”
BF: These people like their secrecy – and I am a spokesperson.
When you go to the White House, there is only one voice they give to the public. They prefer to work behind the scenes.
You’ve got to realize we’re dealing in a world where they use assassination like most of us use tissue papers.
DW: Sure.
BF: I’ve had about six murder attempts myself. One of my colleagues, a CIA guy, was recently poisoned with ricin by these guys.
Another one of our members in Switzerland has guards around his house, and they just shot someone last week near his house who was trying to kill him.
Before that, they found a Mafioso by the name of Vincenzo Mazzamaro who had a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device, and was trying to get into his place.
Another one of us had a concrete bag miss him by a couple of inches last week.
DW: Wow.
BF: We’re dealing with some very dangerous people. That’s why there is a need for secrecy.
DW: I’ve also speculated [the following reason why these Asian groups entrusted you with this responsibility.]
You are in Japan, and you’re a “gaijin” – a foreigner, a white person. You have the background of being a distinguished editor for Forbes Magazine.
You are bilingual, you do speak fluent Japanese. There are several videos you have released now that show that. [Start at 2:16 in this video for the latest example.]
This might have been part of what gave you this platform to give these Asian secret societies a voice.
Would you say that is correct?
BF: What happened in my case was that I asked a very simple and obvious question when I was at Forbes.
The Japanese people – that includes both public and the private sector – have about 8 trillion dollars worth of assets overseas.
DW: Eight trillion dollars?
BF: Yeah. That’s in the public record. You can go to the finance ministry homepage and the numbers are there.
According to the UN development report, you need 400 billion to stop environmental destruction and 200 billion to end poverty.
So I’m saying, “Hey, you guys, why don’t you end poverty and stop environmental destruction?”
DW: Okay, hold on, hold on.
BF: It’s a no-brainer!
DW: 400 billion is all it takes to completely stop environmental destruction? How is that possible?
BF: That’s an annual budget. This is the UN development report. You’d have to go through their experts and find out how they did those numbers.
DW: Okay. But that’s public domain.
So the eight trillion is vastly more than what it would take to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
BF: Yeah.
[Wilcock note: Elsewhere, Fulford said he found that a significant percentage of Japanese revenue was being paid to the oil cabal – thanks to exploitive reconstruction contracts with high interest rates that were signed after World War II.
These contracts were reinforced with bribery, blackmail, death threats and assassinations of Japanese government officials who didn’t agree.]
BF: The other thing is that if you look at the statistics, you realize that 90 percent of the world’s savings was being sucked out of the system by the US military-industrial complex.
DW: How do you prove that?
BF: I was a financial journalist for 25 years. This is all public-record stuff.
DW: Ninety percent of the US budget is going to the military.
BF: There’s an easy way to check. Just look at the US external trade deficit and compare it to the US military budget. You’ll find an amazing similarity over the years.
DW: (Laughs)
BF: That’s for the simple reason that the military does not produce tradable goods. They were a parasitic entity on the world economy.
What I said was simply, “Look. Why don’t you just stop paying for this military?” I told this to the Asians – “and instead ask them to [end poverty and environmental destruction] and set them to exploring space?”
It’s the sort of thing that’s just common sense.
DW: Okay, Ben, your audio just cut out on that last sentence. [Missing content was replaced in brackets.]
BF: I think that is common sense.
DW: Okay.
BF: What happened was that an assassination order came out for me.
The South Korean secret police informed the Chinese that there was an order to have me killed.
You can check. My colleague Paul Klebnikov, the Moscow bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, was shot nine times outside of his apartment in Moscow.
He was still alive when the ambulance came an hour later. He got to the hospital and he was put in the hospital elevator. The elevator was stopped for eight minutes – and he died in the elevator.
He was investigating a member of this same group that I was.
He was investigating Boris Berezovsky, one of the oil tycoons.
I was investigating Heizo Takenaka – but they all go back to the same cabal.
DW: Right.
BF: In any case, the South Koreans told the Chinese that an assassination order was out for me. This was because of my publicly calling for the Asians to stop spending their savings on this vast military machine.
You have got to remember, during the Cold War they actually had this anti-Communism excuse.
But, the War on Terror was so obviously fake that it was just ridiculous to anybody who does any serious research or investigation.
DW: Right.
BF: I got invited to join a Chinese secret society that offered me protection from this assassination order – and that’s how I found myself in this secret world of financial power.
The group that offered me protection was the group that was behind the non-aligned nations.
It crosses borders. If you think in terms of countries, you don’t understand how these people work.
They have big factions in China, in the US and in Europe – both against and for them. It crosses borders.
If you think in terms of nation-states, you won’t understand how these groups work.
In any case, a financial battle started. There were many, many public salvos.
In 2006, the Chinese wanted to use their dollars to do something other than buy Treasuries.
They tried to buy the oil company Unocal. Congress passed a law saying they could not.
So then they took their dollars and they went to Africa, South America and everywhere, and started spending them on real things – like mines and agricultural land and commodities.
Not virtual things – like fancy and impossible to understand derivatives products, which are basically con jobs.
DW: Ponzi schemes. Yeah.
BF: Yeah.
The other group tried to retaliate by jacking up food and oil prices.
Remember there were hunger riots in 33 countries at one point.
DW: Yeah.
BF: It was an economist at the World Bank who pointed out the reason people were going hungry was that they were paying farmers to grow oil [ethanol made from corn] instead of food.
That put an end to that.
Then there was a counter-attack.
The [leaders of the cabal] were told that we would no longer accept dollars printed within the United States.
That’s what you know of as the Lehman crisis.
You can check this in the public record.
If you look at Japanese export statistics, from October or November 2008, after the Lehman shock, you will see something like a 76 percent year-to-year drop in Japanese car exports to the US.
This was the Japanese and other people saying, “You can no longer use paper to buy stuff from the rest of the world. You have to trade with real things.”
Of course, your public was not let in on this.
DW: That’s where I think people’s brain is going to get busted. Nobody publicly knows that this Lehman shock had anything to do with Asia.
BF: Yeah, I know. The way you can check it is to look at the export-import statistics after the Lehman shock.
The other way to check it is to look at the Baltic Dry Index. That’s the price of shipping.
You will see that the price of shipping dropped 90 percent right after the Lehman shock.
DW: Wow.
BF: That’s because the ships were no longer going to the US, full of stuff, and then leaving empty [with nothing but worthless paper and IOUs].
These are ways people can verify what I’m saying with public-record information.
DW: Good. Okay.
BF: Getting back to the blowing up of the underground bases, this group was being cut off more and more at a high level, and they were running out of money.
They were trying to extort money from various countries.
They killed the youth group of the ruling party in Norway – that was the Norway attacks – because they were trying to extort the 1.5 trillion-dollar oil fund the Norwegian government controls.
They were saying, “Hey, we’re going to kill you if you don’t hand over your money.”
DW: [They were] just desperately trying to find cash.
BF: Yeah. They invaded Libya to take over their oil fields, because the Libyans told them, “We’re not going to give you oil for your paper anymore.”
DW: Hmmm.
BF: In the case of Japan, again, I have sources who are actually drug smugglers. They have been selling drugs in Japan for 70 years.
These are CIA types. The CIA drug-smuggling division.
They told me that a nuclear bomb had been brought in with their latest shipment of drugs.
This was a 70-kilo shipment of adulterated Thai marijuana that was brought in through Okinawa.
They found a nuclear bomb mixed in with it.
And of course, with these guys, smuggling drugs is one thing, but smuggling nuclear weapons is another.
They told the police, and they told me. I made it public.
They followed the bomb as far as the North Korean citizens’ association headquarters in Tokyo.
I have independent confirmation from a Mr. Paul Lane, of Pentagon military intelligence – he was a part of the Men Who Stare At Goats group – that four nuclear weapons were stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk after it sank.
I think it was in 2000 or something.
It was one of those nuclear weapons that was smuggled in [to Japan].
DW: Stolen by who, though?
BF: This is the Odessa group. The Nazi group. The one that was trying to set up a fascist world government – a Fourth Reich.
DW: Okay. How did they get to the Kursk to get these nukes out?
BF: I don’t know the technical details, but they have submarine bases in various parts of the world. I assume it was from one of these submarine bases.
DW: The next question, then, would be why would they need to get it from the Kursk if they are powerful enough to make their own?
BF: The public nuclear devices are under strict safety protocols. You can’t just take them and then blow them up somewhere. There are too many people involved in the chain of command.
They tried to do that.
There were incidents where [the good guys] just barely stopped a nuclear…
DW: Right. Like the Minot Air Force Base incident.
BF: Yeah, exactly.
DW: The soldiers did a mutiny and would not commit this “Broken Arrow”. That’s what they called it in code terms.
[Insiders attempted to smuggle out a nuclear weapon from Minot AFB. Several of these heroes died as a result of standing up against this plan and refusing to allow the nuclear weapon to be stolen.]
BF: There you go. What they needed was some nuclear weapons that were not under any official government control.
DW: Okay.
BF: There was a Japanese drilling ship known as the Chikuyu Maru that can drill ten kilometers into the seabed.
They were drilling at the exact epicenter of the earthquake.
We had an article from January 17th in a local paper saying they were drilling there.
They put the bomb in the seabed.
This was an attempt to extort money, through terror, from the Japanese.
DW: So they warned Japan that they put the nuke in [the seabed] before they asked for money?
BF: No, they asked for money afterwards.
DW: Oh, wow.
BF: “If you don’t do it, next it’s Mount Fuji.”
DW: For people who don’t know, Fujiyama is right around Tokyo, which is the largest population center of Japan.
BF: Yes. That’s right.
DW: So basically they are saying they would nuke Tokyo, which is how many million people? Thirty or forty million?
BF: Thirty million or so.
DW: Right. Okay.
BF: The Japanese prime minister [Naoto] Kan originally was so cowardly, he just said, “Oh yeah, all right, we’ll sign over money.”
He handed over something like two trillion yen, which is about 20 billion dollars. And they gave him a big bribe.
The evidence that this was not a natural disaster began piling up.
The result has been a battle here in Japan to remove these people from control.
DW: Some people might not realize there is any evidence that Fukushima was not a natural disaster. Could you just briefly touch on a couple of points that you think are the most significant?
BF: If you look at the seismic chart, you will see a sudden explosion.
It’s not like a natural earthquake, where you have pre-shocks. It was just suddenly huge, and then it started fading down.
It was the same with the underground bases.
If you look at a seismic chart, it will look like a big line all of a sudden appearing, and then a smaller line afterwards.
There is no buildup, as you would find in a natural earthquake. [The black lines in this illustration are what a normal earthquake looks like, as explained here.]
There was also a quake in Colorado that has some strange anomallies associated with it. This being that even though this quake was reported in the Denver Post, NY Times, Huff Post, and other local papers, it has been de-listed from the USGS.gov site.
2. Extremely shallow depth — later altered by USGS to a more typical value.
3. Odd seismograph reading. (Air Force insider leaks that it was an underground nuclear explosion.)
4. Shocks felt well over 500 miles from epicenter.
5. “Remarkably low” number of aftershocks.
6. Hurricane Irene was instantly knocked off course.]
BF: There is plenty of evidence [that Fukushima was not a natural earthquake].
The governor of Fukushima province told me they overruled him and put plutonium in reactor number 3.
[This was only] one month before the tsunami incident.
DW: Only a month before?
BF: Yeah.
[The plutonium is what caused most of the radiation poisoning from the disaster.]
And then we had a company called Higashi Nippon House. They make cheap housing in northeastern Japan.
Their stock was shooting up in the month before the attack.
You’ve got to remember: Japan has an aging and shrinking population.
It doesn’t make sense for a cheap housing company’s stock price to go shooting up like that – unless there was something in the works.
The other thing is that a group of us recorded a conversation between Kirk Campbell, who is your deputy foreign minister for Asia, and Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa – on March 9, 2011.
In this conversation, Campbell asked Ozawa not to split the ruling party and force the formation of a new government. [This could easily have resulted in a loss of cabal control over Japan.]
They said [if he agreed to keep the ruling party intact,] they would give him the rights to zeolite [they owned] in Fukushima province. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste.
This conversation was recorded on March 9th – two days before the tsunami attack.
The other point [came in from] a man by the name of Takemasa Kawase, a Japanese military intelligence officer.
[He] subsequently told me that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan after the attack.
[Netanyahu] said that they would cause other nuclear disasters around Japan if they did not start handing over the money.
The chief Mossad agent in Japan, by the way, is a man named Michael Green. He’s a nasty piece of work, and we’re going to remove him from this country soon.
DW: One question, though.
BF: Yeah, but I want to…
DW: OK, go ahead.
BF: In order to confirm what this guy told me, I waned to check – and there was an Israeli company that was in charge of security at the Japanese nuclear plant.
DW: Oh my gosh!
BF: So I was able to independently confirm that through other sources. This is publicly available information – who was in charge of security at Fukushima. It was an Israeli company.
Now go on. What was your question?
DW: First, then, do you believe that Israel is tied in with this cabal you keep mentioning, in some way?
BF: Not Israel, but a clique at the top of the Israeli government, yes.
Most Israelis I consider to be chumps or victims of these people.
For example the cousin of the Shah of Iran, among others, came to us with information that George Bush and his group had given twelve neutron bombs to the government of Iran.
[These were] missiles with neutron bombs on them.
[Elsewhere, Fulford has said these missiles were intended to be used against Israel.
The cabal hoped it would trigger World War III, which would assist them in depopulating the planet and securing greater military control over the people.]
Remember – neutron bombs kill people, but leave buildings intact.
DW: Well, that’s not only treasonous, it sounds crazy.
BF: It is!
The Iranians said “We don’t want them.” They put them at the Iraqi border and asked President Obama to please take them off their hands.
Obama just refused to listen.
DW: Wow.
[Elsewhere, Fulford has said that the “Pentagon White Hats” intend to restore constitutional government to the US after overthrowing the cabal, and want to keep the elected president in power as this happens.
I support this decision, and feel it is the best move to make in order to keep the public calm as this event finally comes to pass.
I would be cautious in blaming Obama personally for this alleged decision not to remove nukes from Iran without gaining additional information first.
The president is the intended fall-guy to draw attention away from the cabal conspirators behind the scenes. His true power is limited. Even if he did want to retrieve the weapons, he may not have had any choice.
It may also have been seen as a trap – far too dangerous to risk the lives of top personnel on what could easily have been a suicide mission.]
BF: Okay? And again, people at the higher level know this is true. In other words, they were going to offer the people of Israel as a kind of ritual sacrifice.
So the Israelis were victims. A lot of them were fooled with Jewish superiority talk, which is really the same as Aryan superiority talk – only you substitute Jew for Aryan.
They were chumps.
Most of the Israelis don’t know what is going on, and they would be appalled to hear it. It’s about a cabal that is above all that.
DW: And it has no religious affiliation.
BF: Well, they are associated with the Abrahamistic religions. Let’s put it that way.
DW: Going back to Babylon, Mesopotamia, all the way back there?
BF: Well, at least going back to the time of the Caesars.
Let’s remember the word “religion.” The etymology of the word “religion” is religare in Latin, which means to re-bind.
What do you re-bind it into? A fascio. What is a fascio? It is a bundle of sticks, but it is also fascism.
At its worst, monotheism – as practiced in the Middle Ages, for example – involved singular control over everybody’s thoughts.
Remember – in the Middle Ages, if you didn’t believe in the official Catholic doctrine, then you and your entire family would be killed – or tortured until you confessed.
DW: Right. That was the Inquisition.
BF: Well, yeah!
And it’s much more sophisticated now.
Five companies control all the major English-[speaking] media – including the TV, the newspapers, the radios, the Hollywood studios.
It’s much more sophisticated now. They’re trying to get everybody to think the same way – and they’re losing [the battle].
9/11, the story there, was just so full of holes and contradictions that they were losing a significant part of their brainwashed audience – including myself, because I was a high-level brainwashee.
DW: Right.
BF: In any case, what happened was that there was a group within the Pentagon and the agencies and stuff that realized this plan was insane.
They knew that the plan to kill 90 percent of humanity was wrong.
They then blew up the underground bases the elites were going to use to hide in when they carried out their nuclear holocaust.
DW: Okay. I want to get back to that, because that is a really central point.
There is one question I want to ask you before we get to that, because that’s the conclusion of the discussion.
Why did these guys need money? If they have so much infrastructure, so many assets, and massive political power, why can’t they just nakedly exercise power… move men around, move munitions around?
Why do they need money? Why are they going around like a crackhead looking for a fix?
Why are they going to all these different countries and trying to scam money off of them? Why can’t they just print dollars and make more money?
BF: Because people aren’t accepting their dollars worldwide.
You’ve got to remember there are 800 US military bases around the world.
If they can’t make the payroll for these guys, they’re going to be marching out of their bases with food bowls in their hands, begging for food.
DW: Right.
BF: They’re being cut off from their oil, from their other resources. That was their Achilles heel – the control of money.
Their private army was self-financing. They had their own industries and their own income.
The US army is dependent on Wall Street financing. That’s why they were dependent on ultimately the Chinese and the Asians, who were financing Wall Street.
That’s why I told the Pentagon guys, “You can have a Starship Enterprise future, exploring the Universe and all that kind of stuff. Just work with us.
“We’re not going to cut you off. You’re not going to end up like the Soviet Union, where you have a general who is now suddenly being forced to drive a taxi in London.
“You can be the good guys again.”
A lot of them said, “Hey, I think that’s a good idea. We want to be heroes again. We don’t want to be the bad guys.”
DW: You’re saying that they have suppressed technology that could bring us into the Starship Enterprise reality.
[Earlier, Fulford had said provocative things on his paid blog, as follows:
A third group based in the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a 5-year swords-to-plowshares transformation of the Pentagon.
This group has the potential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressed for “national security” reasons.
One technology they possess is anti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to be transformed into gardens.
They claim to control technology that allows the creation of portals into other dimensions.
They claim (we have not seen proof but have heard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called underground bases around the world are actually such portals.
Hopefully we will soon be able to see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.]
BF: I don’t know about [the Starship Enterprise being a reality].
But, we can confirm, according to the American Academy of Sciences, that more than six thousand patents have been suppressed for so-called “security” or “public safety” reasons.
[DW: This data point is in my new book “The Source Field Investigations.” The Federation of American Scientists revealed that 5,135 inventions had been classified by the end of FY 2010.
Among other shocking revelations, we now know that any power system that is more than 70-80 percent efficient at converting energy will automatically be declared classified.]
Some of these [patents] probably need to be suppressed. We don’t want everyone to have a backyard nuke, for example.
DW: Sure.
BF: But a lot of them, I’m hearing, were just kept [classified] because these people were acting like dogs in the manger. They only wanted the elite to have it.
So my understanding is that, for example, a lot of the so-called UFOs are just sophisticated earth-based secret aircraft that aren’t available to the public at large.
DW: I would agree with that. Yeah.
[In “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge,” Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project reveals compelling insider testimony that UFO abductions are being carried out by so-called PLFs, or Programmable Life Forms, owned by the cabal.
There are no reports of “alien abduction” prior to the early 1960s with the infamous Betty and Barney Hill case. This appears to be when the PLF technology was first perfected and put into use.
[Throughout the 1950s, there were extensive reports of people having direct contact with benevolent human-looking ETs who told them of a coming Golden Age.
These ETs appear to be the same people who appeared in ancient civilizations around the world and were labeled as “gods” or “angels.”
Many of these 1950s contacts occurred in the US and Canada, and were studied and compiled by Wilbert B. Smith – a Canadian government worker with classified clearance.
An entirely separate set of positive contacts occurred in Italy, and were the subject of the TV documentary “The Friendship Case”, in which key firsthand witnesses broke their silence and spoke about the events they experienced.
[The development and implementation of PLF technology appears to have been a direct counter-strike by the cabal against the positive contacts of the 1950s.
Greer’s contacts confirmed the PLF technology was acquired from ETs – and involves advanced cloning principles to create a “biological robot”.
Apparently, a human fetus is grown in an artificial environment, and without the pressure of the womb, it retains fetal proportions and features – including the large eyes, big head and thin body – on into adulthood.
[According to the Project Camelot testimony of “Mr. X”, an employee for a major defense contractor, the positive ETs gave a very important message to the cabal in the early 1950s.
Several top-secret documents revealed that unless the ETs were specifically invited to show up by a majority of the people, and / or their leaders, they could not appear publicly and openly, on any mass scale, until the end of the year 2012.
This was due to their cooperation with a natural cycle in the Earth – which is apparently governed by a meta-intelligence that exists at the planetary, solar, galactic and universal level – namely the Source Field.
The prophecies and workings of this cycle, and its effects on human evolution, are explored in unprecedented new scientific depth in my book The Source Field Investigations (SFI).
SFI debuted at #18 on the New York Times best-seller list, increased to #16 the second week and is at #18 for the third week.
Our publisher Penguin, incidentally, is not part of the cabal, nor the top five media companies. Extensive secrecy was kept around the book until its release to insure it would not be interfered with.
[Apparently the cabal’s intention behind the “alien abduction” phenomenon was to terrify the public – and help set the stage for a fake “Alien 9/11”.
This fake alien attack has been extensively telegraphed in a multiplicity of different movies – 18 different movies in the recent past alone.
The major media conglomerates are owned by the cabal and produce these “alien invasion” films for propaganda purposes.
[I have sources with additional information that Fulford has only heard about in minor detail.
Namely, ETs have apparently been cooperating with this international resistance group to defeat the cabal.
Advanced ET technologies are now being used to strike and disable cabal assets. Many examples have been given in my “China’s October Surprise” article series, each section of which is linked below, in order.
The joint campaign began last October – and many obvious, public targets were hit, all with zero casualties.
This riveting new detail emerged on June 20, 2011, and completely validated what I had said in the China’s October Surprise article series since November 2010.
[However, the destruction of these two major underground facilities is far more massive than other attacks that occurred in November and December 2010, and thereafter.
These earlier attacks did apparently wipe out a great deal of individual craft and munitions that the cabal could have used to fake an alien invasion, according to the insiders I have spoken to.
However, it was always done a little here, a little there – never all at once. This gave the cabal a false hope that they still had a chance, even as their infrastructure crumbled.
It is very likely that the ETs would not have destroyed two entire underground cities on their own. This attack was much, much bigger than anything else had been.
I believe Fulford is correct in saying that the “good guys” in the Pentagon did this themselves – to stop the genocide from taking place.
[Since the cabal is responsible for manufacturing and implementing the PLFs, the “alien threat” appears to be largely generated from within this group.
Therefore, once we defeat the cabal, we stop the abductions… and the UFO cover-up.]
BF: And so, the point is, let’s develop these patents in a safe way, and you can have a boom time such as we haven’t had in a very long time.
DW: Right. Instead of creating these financial products that are just voodoo, why not actually build infrastructure?
The existing military-industrial complex, I would argue, is probably the only entity on Earth that has the tools, the factories, the infrastructure and the staff to be able to accomplish this.
BF: Yeah! Exactly. And that’s why the generals are now on our side.
The people who are not on our side are mostly bribed politicians in Washington DC, and the Wall Street crowd. So they are being increasingly isolated.
DW: Now what possible reason could they have – these adversaries… Why in the world do they think they want to reduce population?
The average person’s mind shuts down because they can’t conceptualize that anyone would be that evil. So what’s their rationale, as far as you understood it?
BF: The story they tell me is, “Look. We’re destroying the environment. There’s too many people for the planet to support.”
The other thing is these people are elitists. They believe in eugenics.
They say too many stupid people are breeding too much.
Useless eaters. All they do is they destroy the environment, and they don’t produce anything. They just sit around and watch TV.
We don’t need these people. We want to eliminate the weak and the useless, and just keep the elite.
We want to increase and improve the genetic quality of the human race by purging the garbage from the system.
And, we get to save the environment and create a whole new natural ecosystem.
People can forget the Nazis were great green people when it came to preserving nature and natural parks, all that kind of stuff. They were really gung ho.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that he wanted to enslave the non-white peoples and then kill them. It’s right there.
It’s the same group. They’re the same Nazis. The same philosophy.
[DW: Fulford didn’t mention that after World War II, top German scientists were brought over to the US via Project Paperclip.
The rationale was that if the US didn’t get them, they would fall into the hands of the Soviet Union, which was far worse.
It is a well-established, documented fact that Prescott Bush was one of Hitler’s main bankers and financial liaisons.
The other thing the super-elite were saying was, “Hey, we’re really special. We’re really smart. We are the elite, and we should rule the planet like God-kings.
We will need about 500 million slaves or so to keep us pampered, but the rest we don’t need.”
And it’s also about control. They don’t have the brainwashed control over large parts of the planet.
They realized they weren’t going to be able to control these people. So they thought “let’s kill them,” rather than lose control of the planet.
DW: Now a lot of people who read about this stuff online, the vast majority in fact – including most of the guests Jeff Rense or Alex Jones would have on – feel there is an incredible sense of futility.
Everyone seems to go with the knee-jerk reaction that all the governments in the world, all the countries in the world, everybody is in on it.
BF: That’s where they are being used and turned into controlled opposition. They are trying to numb people to the message.
“Yeah, it’s happening, but there is nothing you can do about it. It’s inevitable.”
That’s simply not the case.
DW: Could you explain why that is not the case?
BF: They only now control the G5 countries.
DW: Which countries are those?
BF: Those countries are Italy, France, England, Germany and the United States.
DW: That’s it? You’re saying ALL the other countries in the world they don’t control anymore?
BF: If you look at the countries that accepted the new… I think maybe they’ve got a few subject countries like Honduras, Columbia and places like that.
If you look at the African Union, they put out their own currency backed by Khadafy’s gold – and they don’t support this group.
Or most of the countries in Asia. Russia. China.
DW: What about European countries like Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania?
BF: They were at this meeting. There was a meeting in Monaco at the end of August.
57 countries were invited by the Swiss to discuss cutting these people off financially – and creating an international financial boycott against the controllers of the G5.
DW: Now that’s an incredible statement you’re making. You’re saying 57 different countries, including some of these Eastern European countries…
BF: There were representatives from the Netherlands and Canada there too, OK?
DW: Wow. What about South America?
BF: Yeah, of course. And since then, more than 80 countries have signed on.
We’re reaching a point where it’s going to become public. It’s going to be on the airwaves. It’s going to be on the news. They can’t hide it much longer.
DW: Why the hell haven’t they made this public already?
If people are dying, and these guys are trying to fake an alien invasion – that’s one thing we keep hearing, that they are trying to do an Alien 9/11 – why haven’t they gone public already?
BF: You don’t think they’ve tried?
Look, I had a book proposal at the Berlin book fair. Eleven publishing companies wanted that book out there, including five major ones.
They all came back and said they were told by their bosses they couldn’t do it.
DW: Wow. [In my case, the president of Dutton Books, a Penguin division, contacted me directly. Hardly anyone saw the Source Field book, or its contents, until it was actually published.]
BF: They’ve had people going and telling everybody I’ve ever associated with professionally that I had become an insane drug user.
They control the media. You’ve got to remember that. There are five companies. Five corporations – controlled by people like Rupert Murdoch, Redstone and stuff.
They have a grip over all the TV studios, all the newspapers, the radio stations, Hollywood studios, you name it.
DW: So if their economies are going to go down, they can then say it’s a global economic collapse.
BF: And it’s NOT a global economic collapse!
Again, if you look at the public statistics, you will see that if you exclude the G5 countries, the average growth in the world economy last year was seven percent!
DW: Holy crap!
BF: People are booming! It’s not a world crisis – it’s a crisis among the countries controlled by this cabal.
DW: And it’s only the G5 nations. Wow!
BF: Yes! I mean, look at the statistics. They’re all there. It’s all in the public record.
You just have to look at government websites and check this out.
There’s nothing I’m saying – including the plan to kill 90 percent of the world’s population – that is not in the public record. It’s in their own writings!
We have countless confessions. Wernher Von Braun, the guy behind the Apollo projects, said on his deathbed that they were going to use a fake alien invasion as an excuse for genocide.
It’s crazy stuff – but it’s provable.
These people don’t think like normal humans. I guess it was Herbert Hoover – no, J. Edgar Hoover – who said, when a conspiracy is so big, people’s mind boggles and they go into denial.
In any case, these people are coming down. We’ve got…
DW: (crosstalk) Right. Now you said something that is very provocative.
You said that there is this meeting that happened, with I believe you said 57 different countries, was it?
BF: Yes.
DW: And this happened in Monaco?
BF: Yes. And it was taken on board a ship which went into international waters. According to two witnesses, senator Jay Rockefeller showed up and tried to break into the meeting – and he was physically ejected.
Two black helicopters appeared above the ship during the meeting, and they were chased away by harrier jets.
DW: Now these black helicopters were like Apaches with weapons on them?
BF: I don’t know the details. I just heard that there were two helicopters, and there was a danger that they were going to use some kind of electromagnetic weapon against the ship.
DW: Oh, like scalar technology kind of stuff. Yeah.
BF: And I know that they were chased away by two harrier jets.
DW: Wow!
BF: US military jets.
DW: If they had succeeded with those helicopters, what do you think might have happened there? Would everybody have just died?
BF: Well, they would have killed all the representatives. Then they would have said, “Hey, we’re in charge, and if you try to go against us, we’ll kill you.”
This is what they’ve been doing ever since World War II.
DW: If so many persons of interest died at once, wouldn’t that become a massive international incident that would require investigation anyway?
BF: They have done this before. The Titanic was sunk deliberately to get rid of six hundred senior financiers who were opposed to the taking over of the Federal Reserve Board.
DW: Wow.
BF: They would come up with some story about the Tragedy of Monaco. And the kool-aid drinkers out there would go and believe it!
I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.
[DW: Undoubtedly, the helicopters would have planted and detonated explosives on the boat after neutralizing everyone, and then blamed it on terrorists – and used the incident in an attempt to further their political goals.]
DW: Were you at this meeting yourself, Ben?
BF: No. A close colleague of mine was there. And, I confirmed it from two other people who were there, who aren’t related to that colleague of mine.
DW: Now what about people from the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, or Council on Foreign Relations?
BF: They were deliberately excluded.
DW: Any one of them, no matter who?
BF: No matter who. If they were a member, they weren’t allowed.
DW: And that’s also why Jay Rockefeller wasn’t allowed in.
BF: That’s right.
Remember the Bilderberger meeting that took place in June, in St. Moritz, Switzerland this year?
It was supposed to last until Tuesday. They all had to flee on Sunday night, because they were about to be arrested by the Swiss.
DW: Whoa! I never heard that before.
BF: Well, it’s there!
Again, what happened was a Swiss lawmaker tried to get into the site and he was beaten up.
He went to the Swiss government and said “I’m a Swiss member of parliament, in my own country, and they beat me up and threw me out. That’s illegal.”
They said “Yes. We’ll go arrest them.” They all had to pack their suitcases and flee on Sunday night – before being arrested on Monday.
DW: So this would have been like a paramilitary swat team that would have swept in.
BF: Well yeah – the police authority.
DW: Right.
BF: So there you go. The Bilderbergers were chased out, with their tails between their legs.
DW: Unbelievable!
BF: That’s there for everybody to see.
DW: So you’re saying that this meeting in Monaco took place on a ship. You have representatives from 57 countries.
You said 80 countries now have signed on to this treaty.
Now could we get into some detail about why this is so significant?
What did they talk about? How are they going to pull off doing something like this, where these entities – these five corporations – control the world’s media?
Let’s go into that a little bit.
BF: They don’t control the world’s money, you see.
Once they lose the control of the goons, the people with the guns, then that’s it.
At a certain point, I believe the Pentagon will probably send people in to the TV headquarters in the US.
You’re going to see new faces and a totally different story coming out on your TV sets soon.
DW: That’s also a very heavy statement.
What is the context of the Pentagon in light of this meeting of 57 different countries?
Wouldn’t everybody in the Pentagon be part of the Bilderberg / Trilateral Commission thing?
BF: No. The Pentagon was represented there. The Bilderberg / Trilateral Commission was not.
DW: What percentage of the Pentagon is on the side of this alliance?
BF: I’ve heard that the only generals who are not on board are [guys] like Petraeus.
From what I’ve heard, most of the Joint Chiefs are now with this group.
DW: What about lower levels of the hierarchy? Like the soldiers.
BF: The lower levels are completely pissed off. They support Ron Paul – and they know that there’s something totally wrong.
[DW: My own insiders have told me there is a massive struggle going on within the military between those who would arrest, detain and kill American citizens and those who would not.
The majority are rejecting the plans, roughly 80-90 percent, from what I heard. You can’t win a battle against those odds.]
The opinion polls in the US show that 87 percent of Americans don’t trust Washington. That should tell you the mental state in America now.
And they are saying, “We don’t want these scumbags in charge anymore.” They’re angry, but they’re not sure who they should be angry at.
That’s, I think, how the majority of Americans think.
They know there is something wrong. They know it has something to do with Wall Street and Washington.
They don’t know the details, but they wish somebody would come in and do something about it.
And that is what is going to happen.
These people are going to go to jail.
And I can tell you who the leaders are.
People like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Senior, George Bush Junior, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Tony Blair. We know who they are.
DW: So these are Neocons and their allies.
BF: Neocons is the label that you use for them.
That’s the group that had this crazy plan that somehow they could take over the world’s oil and still control the world through the 21st century.
We know who they are. When you take away that curtain, it’s like the Wizard of Oz. You pull away the curtain and you see a little old man sitting at the control desk.
(crosstalk) And that’s what happened when I went…
DW: (crosstalk) Okay. I think most people would admit that Fox News and News Corporation could be a shill for these guys.
But to say… you’re basically saying that all the media in America, for the most part, is controlled by these folks?
Why would the media not all sound like Fox, then?
BF: How many major networks and Hollywood studios have come out with 9/11 truth? Okay?
DW: Good point.
BF: Just ask yourself that. And then you can understand.
[Henry Makow recently released explosive new testimony from a Hollywood insider who explained that all studio films are inspected and approved by the cabal before release — to insure they promote their core agenda.]
DW: So you would say…
BF: (crosstalk) Look, I have to go, but what I’m telling you is this.
We’ve found this thing called the Global Collateral Accounts. It’s a codebook that shows who’s been using the world’s money since the end of World War II – and for what reason.
It has a list of names. For example, who financed the Vietnam War and why. All that kind of stuff.
We have these records now.
We’re having people abandoning that cabal like rats jumping off a sinking ship.
We have a world Who’s Who coming to us with information.
When this happens, this is going to be, I think, ultimately the biggest thing – certainly since World War II. Possibly the biggest thing in two thousand years.
We’re going to see something… an ancient cabal that has controlled humanity through murder, propaganda and bribery for possibly thousands of years.
It is going to come to an end. It’s going to be something that has not happened in the history of our planet before.
It’s going to be incredible… basically we’re talking about the end of Babylonian-style tyranny.
DW: Wow.
BF: That’s how far it goes back.
Certainly the P2 Freemasonic lodge and the Vatican claim that they have controlled things in secret since the time of Julius Caesar.
DW: Wow. [Another way of saying this is the Roman Empire never really ended – it just became more covert and secretive in its exercising of power.]
BF: I went to Italy. I met them and they tried to poison me. They didn’t think I would come alive out of Italy with the information they gave me – but I did.
[DW: At the time, Fulford did say these people told him about the 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes cycle. They inherited prophecies that a Golden Age would result from this cycle, and its effects, beginning after the year 2012.
They are very off-base about how the prophecy would be fulfilled, as I discuss in my new book – but they have always been keenly aware of this as their timetable, which is why there is such urgency.
Fulford didn’t cover it here, but both the Rockefeller and the Rothschild factions are being forced to step down and relinquish control by this 80-country alliance. That’s why no Bilderberg / CFR / Trilateral members were allowed in.
Some insiders have revealed they are already working out the terms of surrender at a very high level, and the process is quite unbearable for them — with lots of arguing and bruised egos.]
DW: Okay. A couple quick questions just to tie this off.
Who did the underground bases, in your estimation? Who nuked them and why? Does it have any relationship with this meeting in Monaco?
BF: Yes. It was Pentagon white hats saying to the elite, “You’re not going to destroy the surface of the planet and escape yourselves.
“If you’re going to destroy the surface of the planet, you’re going to destroy your families too. You’re not going to escape.”
They made it very clear to them that they are not going to be able to initiate some kind of nuclear holocaust and be able to get away with it.
DW: Right. [There is extensive evidence that the ETs will not allow them to nuke innocent civilians anyway – but they certainly keep trying.
Events like Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima are much less serious than the scope of what could be done in an all-out nuclear attack.
Given the extent to which ETs have powered down any and all Old World Order nuclear assets, it is amazing that the cabal continued to be in denial and believe they would ever be allowed to use them on any significant level.]
These guys must have always thought somehow that these bases were safe. And now none of them are safe.
BF: Yes. They had their greenhouses, and their food supplies, and their big-screen TVs, and their supply of women.
It’s like Dr. Strangelove. “We’ll hide in our tunnels with our young ladies while everybody else up on the surface dies.”
DW: Right.
BF: “Then we’ll come out and we’ll take over the planet – and breed like rabbits.”
Well, that ain’t gonna happen. OK?
DW: You had said on your blog that some of your people who were there in Monaco have detailed maps of these underground bases.
They know exactly where they are. And footage of the bases was shown?
BF: That’s right. [The Pentagon gave this evidence to] the world governments to show, “Yes, it’s true. These crazy people were planning to kill 90 percent of humanity.”
The world’s governments know this.
DW: Okay, so how can we expect that this event will take place? What might happen and when might it happen?
What are we looking at? What are we going into here? What will be the precursors of this?
BF: There are several possibilities.
The one I’m hearing the most, the one that the Pentagon backs, is a lawsuit that would lead to the arrest of the top cabalists.
[DW: My own insiders expect that the dollar is about to collapse, thanks to this coordinated international effort – followed by the official declaration of bankruptcy by the US government. That will be the immediate precursor event.
I have been told the insiders are considering seven different ways in which this collapse could happen. All of them are thought to be potentially very imminent, even before the end of the year.
No one is certain of the exact timing, though, and the “windows” are always changing based on unpredictable events.
The recent announcement of the bankruptcy of the US Postal Service brings us very close to this point already – as one example.
Once this dollar collapse / government bankruptcy is officially acknowledged and recognized by the public at large, the cabal expects riots and social upheaval.
Again, I believe they fantasize far too much about the scope and the severity of what will occur. It’s undoubtedly a coping mechanism.
The cabal members desperately hope the people will turn against each other, as it is their last hope to maintain any control over the situation.
The fear-porn scenarios I have heard seem utterly fanciful – particularly since the majority of the military will turn on those who try to harm the public in any way.
Some of the technology that will be used to turn against the conspirators is highly classified and highly effective. Most people will probably never know it was used.
These “fragging” events will be “friendly fire” indeed. And Americans are not going to hand over their guns and gold.
I did hear that cabal insiders have already planted demolition charges to blow up a large number of critical bridges and runways – isolating various geographical regions and causing food shortages for a period of time.
This massive strike, of course, will be blamed on “terrorists” hitting America at its weakest moment.
This is one of the strongest real threats we face once this epic announcement is finally made. Exposing these plans spoils any element of surprise.
So many insiders are defecting that many, if not most of these explosives will hopefully be located and neutralized in advance – if they haven’t already been.
However, it may be unrealistic to assume that all of them will be neutralized, since they can all be detonated by remote control at the push of a button.
They did hope this attack would lead to mass starvation, anarchy and chaos.
However, even with impaired land transit and airport runways, critical supplies will still get where they are needed by the focused efforts of the just – including the military.
The nationwide Eisenhower interstate system was built to be used as emergency aircraft runways, for example – and it is far too huge to be able to destroy.
Helicopters do not require airstrips either.
The official bankruptcy announcement, and the potential shock of widespread bridge and runway detonations, will be immediately followed by mass arrests.
This will include key staff from all three branches of government: senators, congressmen, judges and executives.
It will also include top military brass, top intelligence personnel, defense contractors, top media moguls, corporate executives, Federal Reserve Board staff, top financiers and “too big to fail” financial entities, et cetera.
Fulford has said that the Pentagon may now house these people, at least temporarily, in the very same “detention camps” they had originally planned on using against American citizens.
Karma’s a bitch.
Everyone on this list is scrambling for a place to hide. The bases near Washington DC and Denver were both quite popular due to their convenient locations.
Most of the top people had comfy, personalized living spaces already set up in these locations – with their own memorabilia, keepsakes and nostalgic items.
Many of these people have also moved their personal belongings to purported safety zones in South America – and only have a minimum number of items left in their own homes in the US.
I am told the cabal members have near-instant escape flights planned. The pilots and aircraft are now on 24-hour notice.
Most of these pilots will probably defect.
I also have very good intel that the personnel staffing these safety zones have already agreed to turn on them as soon as they arrive.
Pilots who do not defect are undoubtedly in mortal peril if they attempt to complete these flights.
Fulford also said the South American countries themselves have now agreed to infiltrate and disrupt these zones – and their incoming flights.
Fulford has talked at length about how the number of insiders who are fearing for their lives is about a million people.
They have been scrambling around the world trying to beg, borrow or steal any land where they could have sanctuary.
They have used earthquake and weather weapons to punish countries who denied them access. This includes the Christchurch quake in New Zealand after the cabal was denied use of their lush, southernmost mega-island.
North Korea is the first country that is even considering helping them, and this development has only occurred very recently.
Kim Jong-Il will only help them if they promise to help him regain control of South Korea. This entire plan is very unlikely to succeed.
And now, back to the recorded interview.]
BF: But right now, they’re also trying to cut a deal.
[The international alliance is] saying, “Hey, look. If you guys will stop the nuclear terror, then maybe we’ll forgive you.”
It’s one of those situations where so many people are involved that it is better to have a truth and reconciliation committee rather than a bunch of arrests and beheadings, you know?
DW: So you’re saying that these underground nuclear strikes against the bases…
BF: (crosstalk) What I’m saying is that there either will be thousands of arrests of prominent people, starting with people like Henry Kissinger…
Or else, they will cut a deal – and appear before a truth and reconciliation committee in exchange for one time of forgiveness.
DW: Do we have a time window on when this all might come to a head?
BF: Well, it’s a war. Who knows what crazy stuff they will do next?
It could be as early as this fall. It could be as late as next summer. I don’t have a precise date.
DW: Okay.
BF: But I’m hearing we’re pretty close now.
[DW: My own sources have said that due to the massive escalation of threat with the destruction of the two underground cities, this event could come to a head before the end of the year.
Also, highly classified documents dating back to 2008 had given a time window of December 2011 for a planned evacuation of the White House due to an “alien invasion”.
So, in order to throw off these planned timetables, action is now happening very quickly.]
DW: Do you think the failure of the Russian airplane that had their entire hockey team onboard was in any way related to this war?
BF: It’s possible. But generally, they would rather get a bunch of generals than hockey players.
There was a crash off the coast of Brazil that was involved in this, I know. But I don’t know about the hockey players.
[DW: This is not what the insiders told me. I heard there is wide speculation that the Russian plane crash was a retaliatory attack.
Specifically, I was told that the average American sports fan is only about one percent as enthusiastic as the average Russian is about their hockey team.
Therefore, this plane crash was a groin kick to the Russian people, giving them a withering emotional and psychological attack.]
DW: OK. So just in summary, then, could you paint a picture for us?
Let’s assume that this happened. Let’s assume that these 80 countries get what they want.
Just pain the picture of what happens. Where do we go as a planet, and how long is it going to take us to get there?
BF: It’s just common sense. We have the technical ability to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a year.
We just don’t have the institutions or the will to do it.
So instead of a fake War on Terror, aimed at financing the defense companies forever, in a useless manner, you have some sort of huge campaign, globally: the equivalent of World War III, but a peaceful one.
And then, start telling people the truth about their history – which they’ve been lied to about so much.
[We will] start building new institutions that are fair, transparent and meritocratic.
Anybody can climb the pyramid and get to the top if they are good enough and determined enough – instead of an inbred family group controlling it.
The people of Japan went through it at the end of World War II. Suddenly they were told their emperor was not a god, and that the war wasn’t actually ending in victory. Soon everything was about to change.
It’s going to be like that.
Ask anyone who went through the end of the Soviet Union what it was like, and you get a pretty good idea about what is coming.
But, unlike the end of the Soviet Union, it is not going to be followed by hardship or poverty. It’s going to be followed by an era of unprecedented prosperity and happiness.
OK? I’ve gotta go.
DW: Great. Thank you so much.
BF: Bye!
DW: That concludes our interview – but it doesn’t conclude the insider updates that I feel are important to share.
One insider told me he is hearing about the Source Field book from 2-3 different key people per day. These are insiders within the black-ops community, who are working against the cabal, at very high levels of classification.
Just to clarify, these are people who routinely work with free energy, anti-gravity, teleportation, stargate travel and time-viewing technology.
They are very excited, as they now realize that SFI is an excellent summary of all the science that has been suppressed — science they use every day in their jobs.
They are well aware of the implications of this science being publicly disclosed to humanity — for the first time in Earth history.
They apparently are seeing that this book can be used to bring the public up to speed much faster than they had expected, and with much less risk or hassle.
No one needs to stick their neck out and risk assassination in order to get the truth out – just recommend that people read the book.
I was also told that these insiders are buying 10 books at a time and sending them via certified mail, with written return receipts, to governors, senators and congressmen.
If the recipients of SFI sign for the book, that now makes them legally liable for being aware of its contents.
Apparently, about half of these books are being returned unsigned.
This suggests that SFI is already being used to set the groundwork for the Disclosure coup itself… which may be coming a lot sooner than most people would imagine.
I had always intended SFI to be used as a critical tool in the Disclosure process. However, I never imagined it would be implemented so quickly and forcefully.
The book was released on the very same day that the second underground city was destroyed. I do not believe this was consciously planned or intentional, but it is synchronistic.
Libya was also overthrown this very same day. Many people argue this was strictly a negative – an attempt by the Cabal to stop Africa’s new financial system before it started.
Either way, in symbolic terms, people associate Libya with a dictatorship.
The east coast earthquake caused the pyramidion at the top of the Washington Monument to crack – in a vertical line down the middle.
This, as I said, is directly where the Eye would be in the classic Illuminati symbol. I do not believe this specific damage was planned or intended by the insiders.
Having both of these massive events happen on the same day is, at the very least, an amazing synchronicity.
I heard from another insider this morning who has a variety of contacts with intelligence agency personnel, central bankers, military officials, et cetera.
He specializes in trying to get free energy out to the public.
He hadn’t even read this article or was aware that I had interviewed Fulford. Yet, the material was the same — but with new updates.
The news from this insider, directly connected to the so-called “Pentagon White Hats,” is extremely positive — if indeed true.
Just two days ago, this same international alliance of 80 countries had another very important meeting in Poland.
Apparently, Timothy Geithner heard about the meeting and appeared there in person, but he was denied entry.
This came from a top Marine who was at the meeting and is overseeing the financial reconstruction efforts.
Undoubtedly, more information will emerge about this from Fulford, as of Monday morning, if it did indeed happen.
These top Pentagon sources have also said that “about 4000” of the people working on the inside for the cabal, behind the scenes, have already been arrested.
It was not indicated where they have been taken, except that it is a very remote location — offering no chance for escape.
There have been critical nuclear attacks against underground cities and sub-shuttle systems.
The mass arrests have already begun, aggressively — but they are still “below the radar”.
As a result of these events, we are told the cabal has now formally agreed to surrender.
Even in the midst of their surrender, they are still trying to push some of their goals forward.
Nonetheless, at this point it seems like a desperate act of futility — like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
This key insider told me that three different people “at the top of the system” have confirmed that the cabal is giving up.
He confirms that once all of this goes public, it will be an incredible historic event — greatly relieving fear on Earth.
His time window is within a month. An independent source said it could be within two months. Fulford says it might not be until next summer.
No one really knows — but when this does happen, it will be one of the single greatest moments in human history.
I have had well over 100 different prophetic dreams in the last few years that were telling me this was going to happen.
Without you, none of this would have been possible. I do very much appreciate your help – and applaud you for your courage and bravery in not giving into the fear, and “voting with your wallet” for Disclosure with your purchase of SFI.
As a result of your amazing support, SFI is now maintaining #18 on the New York Times bestseller list as it finishes off its third week.
Some shortages have occurred due to demand, and I apologize for that. The vast majority of orders are going through smoothly and quickly.
I also want to thank Benjamin Fulford for his tireless work in risking his life to give a public voice to this international effort – which might otherwise have remained totally unknown until the moment itself finally arrived.
The resistance is now so great that it is only a matter of time. It will be the most significant and positive coup in recorded history.
It could seem scary and chaotic to many people when it first happens, and that is why it is important to hear about what is going on in advance – so you can help reassure others who have not been paying enough attention to understand.
As I wrote in the previous article, The Source Field Investigations paints a “big picture” that is quite an adjustment for the average person… but is nonetheless backed up with extensive evidence:
DNA is a product of a quantum energy wave, and is written into the basic laws of the Universe;
The laws that govern the formation of life on Earth also govern the behavior of matter and energy in the Cosmos;
The human design is intrinsic to this galaxy, and probably a good bit of the entire Universe;
Other humans have progressed much, much farther, spiritually and technologically, than we have;
Those humans colonized Earth in the times of Atlantis, and their skulls reveal brain capacities significantly larger than ours;
These people were largely wiped out by a self-inflicted cataclysm caused by nuclear war between rival colonies;
The survivors built pyramids to heal and stabilize the Earth on its axis in the aftermath of this catastrophe;
They had direct knowledge of a natural cycle that propels each inhabited planet through quantum evolutionary leaps;
They were aware of a physical gland in the human brain that governs ESP and is “activated” by this natural cycle;
They knew this galaxy-driven cycle had an exact end-point, measurable by a 25,920-year wobble on any inhabited planet;
They extensively encoded prophecies of this cycle, and its ultimate effects, in dozens of ancient myths worldwide;
They honor the Law of Free Will through most of a planet’s evolution, but are allowed to re-appear at the end of a cycle;
The completion of the cycle creates an energetic springboard that gives humans remarkable “Ascended” abilities;
World governments are utterly incapable of interfering with this process, regardless of what they may try to do.
In case you haven’t already seen it, I recently released a full-length documentary film about the Source Field that has already had nearly 200,000 views — and covers most of the above points in detail.
I particularly focus on the worldwide prophetic information about the 25,920-year cycle — and how it ended up appearing in the Great Seal of the United States.
This film is a significant Disclosure in and of itself. Drop this link to your friends if you are interested — as this can definitely help increase the speed with which these hidden truths become public knowledge.
The Amazon and Barnes and Noble reader reviews are extremely positive — a solid five stars on Amazon — and the book is still being held at a “subsidized” low price by the publisher, for just a little longer, as a thank-you to our loyal readers for your support.
Fulford’s free website at benjaminfulford.typepad.com features a letter from an official who is directly involved in the takedown of the Old World Order. I’d like to end this piece with some great quotes from that letter:
The meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is beginning to quietly emerge as a powerful and dynamic shift in Global Economics — and potentially in Global Politics.
Former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal are now already jumping ship — and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World.
A cataclysmic shift in both Global Politics and Economics is now well underway.
World Governments are coming to understand how the Global Banking System is systematically looting entire economies through theft, fraud, deception and manipulation — which in turn forces Governments to raise taxes that citizens should not have to pay….
Governments are starting to wise up to what are the underlying causes of financial disaster around the World. Their response is simple, and if it could be paraphrased, it would be, “It is time to get these bums who think they run the world from behind closed doors — and drown them like the rats they are”.
This now means that those who, in their arrogance, sought to dominate and control the masses through their subterfuge and fraud, have deluded themselves into a corner — from where there is now no escape for them.
The entire financial mess the world is in will now prove to be a mirage that we, the innocent taxpayer, have been led to believe in….
We are on the cusp of a whole new era for the world.
There is a lot of new information in Fulford’s latest entry at benjaminfulford.net. I will just share a short excerpt that is most relevant to issues we’ve already been discussing here:
Meanwhile, 87 nations have now agreed to participate in the launch of the new financial system, according to three highly placed White Dragon agents.
In addition, both the US and Russian military and law enforcement apparati have agreed to support the new financial system, according
to the agents.
There were disinformation reports out that a European financial meeting this last weekend was a follow-up to the Monaco meeting. This is not true.
The meeting in Europe was held by members of the old cabal who were trying to somehow keep their fiat currencies from imploding.
Any serious financial journalist or expert though, must have been appalled by US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner telling the Europeans to “increase leverage,” in order to solve their economic crisis. This is like telling an underwater gambling addict to start doubling his bets.
The fact of the matter is the Europeans know the Greeks and other Mediterranean countries were mooching off their hard working Northern cousins and they must now stop it. A new Mediterranean currency is what they really need.
However, there have been serious developments in the move towards a new financial system.
Soon all financial trading programs or “platforms” will the shut down for an indeterminate period of time. The aim of this shut-down is to totally clean out and revamp the system. The amount of time needed to clean up the mess is not known.
The tentative date for this shut down has been set at November 11, 2011 (2011/11/11) but as with many dates that have come and gone, the financial cabal will do everything in its power to prevent that from happening. [END FULFORD EXCERPT]
A small percentage of commenters on this article have expressed such massive hatred and distrust of anyone in government or military that they feel they are witnessing some sort of insidious plot to fool everyone yet again.
No forgiveness. No mercy. They’re all demons, demons, demons.
With all due respect, this is genocidal thinking.
We all have to live here on this planet. Together. We need to work this out. If we demonize people as “reptilian shapeshifters”, then we’re just repeating the same old patterns.
Historically, every time we’ve come in contact with a new and different culture, we are told they are horrific monsters who must be destroyed. Meditate on that for a bit and you will immediately recall many different examples.
Each human life is precious beyond measure.
The people in these occult groups have grown up in a culture of total abuse. It is abuse on a level you cannot even imagine. If a regular adult ran through a typical “training session” they would literally die of a heart attack or stroke from fear.
If you try to escape, your own “family” will torture or kill you. The beliefs and philosophies are forced on you whether you like them or not.
It is a widely-overlooked fact that the most significant Illuminati whistleblower ever to come forward, Svali, said there would be a mass exodus out of this group if / when people knew they could escape.
I will give you a link to all of her writings, which were originally on suite101.com, got taken down, and have now been restored.
I must warn you, however, that this material is extremely disturbing. You cannot go back to your former life after you do this. Reading this rocked my world, and I had to move through a serious grief process that required my full attention for several weeks.
There are very graphic descriptions of abuse. Suffice it to say that there is no limit to the degree of malevolence that has been thought of and enacted upon these people by their own “family”.
If you do decide to read it, I recommend starting at the bottom, doing only a little at a time and balancing it with positive, uplifting spiritual material of your own choosing:
What most people in these negative groups don’t realize is that love is a much, much tougher and more difficult discipline than the left-handed path.
We are going to have literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of very heavily traumatized people who will need extensive therapy, rehabilitation and compassion in order to re-integrate themselves after being freed from an unimaginable prison of abuse.
Granted — there will be those who will still want to harm others. We have a justice system for people who commit crimes and it will be used. Extensively.
However, I will be at the front of the line for those who advocate compassion and forgiveness for people who were born into a system that tortured them in unimaginable ways, and gave them not even a shred of hope to ever escape.
Svali reveals that the main incentive to advance in this group is that as you reach higher levels, you are no longer required to hurt as many people, and fewer people are permitted to hurt you.
There is a massive youth movement within this group to use what they have to help humanity, rather than enslave it. Truthfully, once the older members are either arrested or die out, it’s a completely new game. I intend to help them change if I am invited to.
I ask you to seriously step back and consider what you define as “love”, and whether you do really understand what we mean when we say we are all One.
Nineteen years ago today, I stopped using all intoxicating substances… and never went back. I don’t miss it. In much the same way, it would appear that a worldwide “addiction” is finally breaking — and we won’t miss it either.
The negative elite have hit bottom. What happens from here is anyone’s guess, but let us all hope for a quick surrender so that more lives are not lost.
Unfortunately, their tendency has been NOT to surrender, and we cannot expect they will. Additional destruction may be required. There is evidence suggesting they are still planning further moves, as I will discuss.
I am happy to report that the highest-level intelligence sources we have on this subject have now informed us that NO radioactivity was detected in either of the destroyed areas.
What they DID find is now considered a baffling mystery. I acknowledge in advance that this seems difficult to believe. They have now concluded that both bases were destroyed by an instantaneous twenty-fold increase in air pressure.
Let me spell it out for you in plain terms. There is nothing left in either of these areas. Everything in them has been crushed to tiny particles of rubble. There is no point in ever trying to access them again or redevelop. The damage is total.
No one knows how such an event is even possible. There is no record of any attack like this ever having been done before within the insider world.
Fulford’s sources seem very clear about who did this and why it was done. Nonetheless, this attack does not resemble any known terrestrial technology — regardless of how classified it may be.
Therefore, this may have been an ET-assisted attack — consistent with the China’s October Surprise series I’ve been documenting here.
It may be that a massive quantity of air was “portaled” into either base. Portal technology does exist, but it certainly has never before been used like this — and it’s not even clear how it could be done.
It is also possible that some unknown technology was used to expand the size of the air molecules within the bases by a factor of twenty.
Russian “scalar” technology can make things get much hotter or much colder, and can create destructive impulses, but there is no record of anything like this ever having been achieved.
If ETs were responsible, and used advanced portal technology, it may also be that at least some, if not all of the personnel in these facilities were moved to a safe area before the attack was conducted.
If this is the case, none of them have been able to or allowed to make contact as of yet.
I had lamented yesterday that the full scenario of how this 2012 shift will happen is still not clear.
This morning, one of our staff had a very intense dream. In this dream, the Roman Empire was still around, and had not ended.
(This staff person had not read the whole article and was not aware of Fulford saying that the “Illuminati” is just a continuation of the Roman Empire.)
In this dream, some people had now achieved an Ascended state — and were putting these folks on trial.
This very same morning, I had a highly unusual dream where a spiritual healer worked on my head, and as he did so, an “iris” opened up on the top of my head. It looked like an advanced extraterrestrial device.
As the iris opened, brilliant white light burst out. I felt a very powerful electrical sensation that went about three inches into my head, and I also had a unique experience of every vertebrae in my neck getting a spontaneous chiropractic realignment.
The SFI book does give a variety of compelling data points suggesting people will be able to Ascend into the next level of human evolution while here on earth.
However, these dreams seem to be hinting that this process could occur while others are still here in their former human forms. It is interesting that I asked for clarification and this was the answer!
Another interesting “coincidence” was that our webmaster checked the front page of the site earlier today, and right as he did so, the hit counter for this article was at precisely 200,000.
He took a screen capture of it for all of us to see:
This was a nice synchronicity, and the “meta-message” seems to be that everything we are seeing happen at this time is part of a sacred plan to restore peace and order on earth.
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter.
He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with.
The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement.
David’s message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama.
Pre-ordered the hard cover of SFI months ago, and as David said, before I knew it, it beautifully showed up in the mail.
I thought the audio book would be in the range of the $50’s – $60’s – to my surprise, I paid Barnes and Noble a visit and ordered it for the awesome price of $27 and some change including tax and shipping.
Got it in the mail yesterday and I must say it’s wonderful to hear David in impeccable diction recite his Master Piece.
I highly recommend the audio book, it’s great for long drives and you can share the experience as well with anyone else willing to listen.
denisfor from Quebec,Canada
on September 18, 2011 at 2:15 pm
I was so excited while reading the Source Field Investigations that i started designing a little pyramid to be installed over my bed in the area of my head to help activate my pineal gland.
The basis is 24 each long over a 52 inches wide plywood supported by the room wall and 2 pillars of heavy 4 inches plastic tubing.
4 adapters used to fix a toilet on plywood were used to stabilize the 2 extremities of the pillars. I use absolutely no metal screw or nails. Everything stand by is own weigh.
My total expense was 120$. I used 7 rows of heavy toilet paper. I used sheet-rock between the rows because it is easy to cut with a simple cutter.
On the first night, I immediately discovered a different form of sleeping, more deep and restoring energy, with no wake up to urinate before 7h a.m. instead of the 3 or 4 time I use to wake-up for this and no turning around all night because the blood circulation was better and less pain in my feet.
I also observed something different during a nap in the afternoon, being able to fall asleep in less than one minute and feeling completely refresh after 90 minutes sleep.
During the day, I will use my little pyramid to activate water and vitamin to regulate my blood sugar.
In the evening, I just discovered that my living room is immediately over the pyramid which is in the basement and I was so amazed to feel a new form of energy helping me to watch TV very late and read SFI and watch Project Camelot with no collation (small meal), only water in the evening.
I hope to be able to use activated water soon and I intend to progressively stop using caffeine.
Thank you David, for the marvelous information in your book and mp3.
One other thing I want to add to what I was talking about regarding compartmentalization to keep big sercrets secret, and the contruction of those cities, there’s tons, I mean TONS of abandoned roads that are not on GPS or on the maps.
I’ve biked down a fair number of them searching for them on a map or a GPS. Fun hobby by the way, hopefully I won’t get killed while doing that…
Given that, access points can be anywhere. It’s also not hard to have them excluded from the US geological survey. Heck, you can’t scan Area 51 with google earth.
There’s actually a LOT of places that are deliberately removed from the maps, nuclear silos, installations, etc.
Speaking of Area 51, and the question of how can such big secrets be kept secret, I find it interesting that when people question that, they always ignore how it is that so many people work at Area 51, and yet practically nothing escapes about what’s going in there.
Well until Dan Burisch’s testimony. And some pissed off technicians, who interestingly, are only upset at their treatment, but none will come forward about what’s actually going on in there. Which means we only really have Burisch’s info.
So, if only one many, out of many thousands will leak something, what does that tell you about how hard it is to keep big secrets secret?
Think Manhattan Project, if you want another massive secret that was kept secret, or the massive research cities the USSR built, with thousands of people working there, and yet we didn’t find out about, say, the Tsar bomba (world’s biggest nuclear bomb) until the day it detonated. And we didn’t really learn about them until the fall of the USSR in 1989!
I personally find Fulford very credible, because I look for economic and logistic data to back up his statements.
US Treasury data has indicated that China’s stopped buying US Treasury bills.
A long time back, after Fulford made the statement of his “Ninjas going after the “nazi’s pt deux””, (2008), Israel suddenly had an article about how Israelis were going to suffer from a lack of sushi, because they were kicking out all the ethnic Japanese chefs!
That made me do a double take that time.
Not to mention the video of him meeting David Rockefeller. You can’t be a nobody and meet David Rockefeller. In fact, you can’t be a somebody and meet David Rockefeller. Which means Fulford has some serious muscle backing him up.
Each time Fulford’s mentioned something, I don’t go for direct evidence, because that’s impossible to find in such contorted media, I look for the small articles on logistics that correlate.
And so far, scarily, he’s been on the money time after time after time. Like this one about atomic bombs. Which is why those data charts on the Virginia Earthquake vs. normal earthquakes is very very interesting.
Speaking of which, I love the intro to that Video on Fulford. Brings me back to my childhood days of NINJA THEATER with Sho Kosugi! Damn, I’d watch conspiracy shows if they had some random samurai dude eviscerating the air with a katana at the start.
I am fascinated by your work, and I am reading your book. I also follow the research conducted by Richard Hoagland and Bill Ryan (I guess BR is more of a reporter).
It is intriguing now that the three of you are taking different stances on current events..sort of “lines in the sand”.
Ryan flat-out states that he completely disagrees with your last blog post (in his Avalon forum). Hoagland, of course, is championing his idea that Elenin is an alien craft.
He is clear (on facebk) that he only agrees with some of your ideas. You haven’t supported his Elenin stuff.
All of you present your ideas well, and I “want to believe”. As 2012/13 approaches, it will become evident who was right. I hope you and Hoagland both win.
Skeptic – I have one thing to say about your question about how massive secrets can be secret by so many people, and it’s actually not that hard.
You ought to read a book called The Hunt for Zero Point, which is authored by a Jane’s Defense analyst.
If you know what Jane’s Defense is, it’s the world’s oldest and premier military technologies journal.
In the book he goes through a basic technique called “compartmentalization”, where the multiple components are operated on independently by many many different parties, without the knowledge of another party working on a component that interfaces with it.
In fact, most of the parties have no idea what the component is for, other than that it has to have a certain input, and a certain output.
All the parties are controlled by a very tight knit management at the top, where at most 2 or maybe three people know how all the components fit together.
Also, blackmailing 2 or three people at the top, and maybe 8 managers in the middle, who don’t know their existence with each other, is a hell of a lot easier to do than to black mail say, 100,000 people in the separate teams at the bottom.
In fact, if you take these two underground cities as fact, it’s not all that hard to keep it secret.
First, during the Cold War, you have contractors instructed to tunnel deep to build nuclear fallout shelters. “We’re defending America from the Russians, and need shelters that can house 30,000 people”. Then you ostensibly “abandon” them.
Then to connect the two cities, you have contractors in intervening periods cut the tunnels, but not attach them, ostensibly for sewer line and powerline layment.
Small teams later are sent in to demolish the thin line separating them, and after a period of say 20 years, you’d have one long tunnel from end to end, say Colorado to Virginia.
The Top Secret Intelligence establishment, which ballooned under Bush Jr, and is well documented in the Washington Post (National Security Inc), has multitudes of buildings, which are extended by at least 10 levels below ground.
One only has to hire contractors under this visage to equip and furnish the underground cities, under the theme of “the battle against terrorism”. After all, when you’re in an elevator going down in a mine shaft, do you have any idea how far down you’ve gone? No.
In each time, the contractors are told that they’re building sewer tunnels, creating lower levels for staff in the intelligence establishment, connecting power cables to power DC or Denver, for benign reasons, all the while only two maybe three at the top know what’s going on.
A good “benign” reason is for bomb proof data centers. You can find underground datacenters, incidentally, commercially to house your archive tapes. I remember that service existing in the 90’s.
They also used, incidentally, old fall out shelters and abandoned retrofitted mines.
In fact, the best way to know if this is really true, is to take a look at National Security Inc, by Dana Priest, of the Washington Post, and get an overall figure of what’s “officially” spent, multiply that by two (general rule in beauracratic accounting for wasteful government expenditures), and then attempt to figure out what could the double of that cost apply to.
Even better, because of the confusing net of “Top Secret” agencies, a whole alphabet soup of them, it gets even easier to hide procurements within that mess. Obscuring via confusion.
Compartmentalization was practiced in the manufacturing of the super battle ship Yamato (which is how the Japanese escaped the naval tonnage accords), in Soviet Russia’s lunar orbiter program, The F-117 stealth fighter program, and many many other skunk works type programs. It’s not hard to keep big secrets secret that way.
Otherwise, we would’ve known about the F-117 stealth long long before test flights.
Do you have any idea how many thousands of engineers and technicians, scientists and professors, and University research centers worked on that program? And remember, that program ran from 1984 to 1992.
A lot of people worked on that program, and yet not a single secret of it ever leaked out. That’s how effective compartmentalization is.
Thank you again for another great article. I am truly enjoying your book. Even though I am only on chapter 10, I have been so blown away thus far.
I did have one question if I may, the Pyramid of Life you talk about in Chapter 8, is that something you or someone you know have actually applied? I am seriously considering purchasing one of them.
Many thanks again for all your years of research and your part in helping bring about Disclosure.
The contents of the BF interview are exactly what so many want to hear. That is precisely what makes it all so suspect, i.e., it’s wishful thinking.
Just as a test, I searched for the expulsion of the Swiss “lawmaker” from the Bilderberger meeting at St. Moritz last June. It turned out to be an Italian EU(?) MP and there was no news of the Bilderberger’s fleeing.
[Moderator: Obviously they wouldn’t want this story leaking into the media if it were indeed true.]
And I continue to ask: How is any of this possible if positive ET’s had supposedly put a moratorium on the use of nuclear bombs on Earth? This is a glaring contradiction that needs to be addressed.
A simple “I have no idea what has changed to have allowed this to happen” would suffice, but at the very least an acknowledgment of the discrepancy, please?
[Moderator: We still do not know if nukes were used… keep that in mind. There’s plenty of nasty stuff they could have done this with.
David’s sources know very little about what actually was done because no one can get in there.]
Charlotte, did you know that Benjamin Netanyahu has said: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up & blow away.”
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”
On the day of the 9/11 attacks, Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US/Israeli relations. His quick reply was, “It’s very good. . .Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel).”
OfCourse13, I’m a woman who agrees with Matt about Ron Paul!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, David, for your continuing sterling work.
I pre-ordered SFI last month from a local online book store in South Africa with a delivery date of 1 September. The bad news is there’s been a delay. The good news is I should have it in about 10 days.
I’m looking forward to sharing the book with family and friends who do not know your work.
I just received a call telling me a stand-off between the police and 50,000 protesters who have gathered in New York City is poised to occur.
The caller has informed NYC police have order the protesters to disperse by 10:00 PM and the protesters are stating they will refuse to follow the order.
As with the ongoing anti-banker protests in Greece, Spain and in fact throughout Europe, the protests here in the U.S. will be largely or entirely ignored by the corporate / M$M media.
We now have the masses gathering against the Wall Street Bankers. In fact, the word around the rumor mill, is protesters are planning to divert rallies planned this fall in Washington D.C, and other major cities, to join forces against the bankers on their home turf.
whether this information is valid or not is largely a moot point—
the ‘new earth’ (as with all true teachings) is allegorical and refers to metanoia (a new mind) that only comes through dying to yourself—
therefore all of the new age and exoterically religious are still trapped in thought/illusion—
the proof is that you still look to the outside world with hope and in your reaction to this truth—
there is only one conspiracy theory (fact)—that you who read this are still egoic and in imagination—
start seeing your own darkness (by telling the truth of YOU, not pointing the finger at the NWO etc) and Light can enter, then you will not want anything to do with this sick world and its deluded hypocritical population which you are presently a member of!
guy finley is the best teacher around today. ‘namaste’ and ‘love and light’ are just words that you know nothing of presently—‘how dark is the darkness that calls itself the light’.
there’s nothing you can do to escape yourself……..now you will call this (truth) negative, but to say it’s negative is negative!!
I still do not understand why they think the cabal are running out of money? Or that nobody will take their money? That doesn’t make sense to me.
They should have a mass fortune set aside from all the covert activities and why would this money not be accepted?
I also get the impression that David finds more fault with the two Bush men and friends than with any Democratic leaders. Aren’t they all the same. Aren’t the Clintons just as evil?
Isn’t Obama helping our stimulus money end up in London banks? It has felt like Obama was working for the NWO ever since he started. Isn’t Obama connected to George Soros who in turn is connected to the London elite?
Are people really waking up out in the world? Sure some are questioning the gov’t in general but I don’t see much else.
Or maybe it is because my facebook friends are from the midwest. So frustrated with them.
I decided to “risk” retaliation and told them of evidence presented at a 9/11 conference in Canada…….. that there were explosives found in the World Trade Center dust.
I got blasted back on that. If people won’t even consider this how will they open their eyes to what is really going on? They need to open their eyes instead of roll their eyes.
BTY- Does David know who is behind that 9/11 truth conference that was just held in Canada that the main stream media didn’t cover?
If the Moderator could please explain any of this better I would appreciate it.
It’s interesting how so many people, coming at these amazing times from different perspectives, are telling us the same stuff.
Inelia Benz (if you’ve never heard of her, check out this video…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feZqzZUV19w) where she explains that unlike the rest of us, who are spiritual beings stuck in karma driven cycles of reincarnation into physical bodies, she incarnated directly from Source into a physical body for the sole purpose of helping to raise the energy vibration of the planet so that we can successfully make the shift to a new world.
She called it the splitting of the Worlds where everyone in the world “voted” at a very deep subconscious level whether or not they wanted to ascend with mother earth to a new world paradigm.
The vote is over. The “war” between dark and light is essentially over, and the “light” has won. Even though the number choosing not to evolve was larger than those choosing to do so, those ready to move into this new paradigm won the vote because energy of higher vibration is so much stronger than energy at lower vibrations.
Now those choosing not to evolve will not reincarnate back into this new world once they leave it. How this will all play out remains to be seen.
The one thing i don’t understand is how this interview presents information that has created a MAJOR turning point in the plan to destroy most of us, and ben fulford acts like he’s got to go get his laundry or something at the end of the interview.
I mean really, was the pizza delivery guy at the door? Did he have to go drop a big deucer? What could possibly be more important than spending an hour or two to communicate this extremely important turn of events in our human history?
This is certainly “explosive” information. Just a thought…I know David likes to back up his work with substantial evidence….has there been any official missing persons reports in Colorado or Virgina in the three weeks since the “Earth Quakes”?
It would just seem likely that if up to 60,000 people had expired in these “attacks” that some family members would be concerned.
Fulford has made some outrageous claims in the past on his paid blog, such as that Obama would not return to the United States after his meetings in the UK earlier this year.
I truly appreciate the positive spin that David puts on where we are headed and all the documented footnotes in SFI.
I suppose we will see how things develop in the coming months.
Fascinating times indeed!
[Moderator: I have heard David say many of the people in these bases are permanent residents — particularly because with portal technology, they can go planet-hopping as needed.]
I donated a copy of SFI to the local library. Today I’ve been sharing the good news on your blog like mad on Facebook, even with a “political chatter” group that is like the rocky soil in the parable. It’s too important for me to worry about tomatoes getting thrown!
It all sounds very encouraging. If this is indeed true, it will be one of the surest causes for celebration I could have imagined.
I received my copy of SFI about a week and a half ago. I am very proud to have been a part of this disclosure process, even if it was just in the form of contributing my own positive thoughts, and “voting with my wallet”, as you say.
Thanks so much for all that you do, David. You’re amazing.
I’ve been following David for quite some time and bought his book in August (I am half way through).
Although I have heard a lot of this information before, some new material along with how the book flows opens up new interesting doors that I didn’t quite realize before.
Please support this book and cause. It’s not like David is asking for millions of dollars or God will strike him dead. David produced a great product in turn for a fair price. Enjoy!
OK… this was a good read, and one which brings hope. Lets pray it’s not false.
I have to remain semi skeptical about this because it’s too good to be true, but the following months will I hope start to add weight to the article.
I’m open minded, not skeptical, just a little guarded. If all this is crap and just a way to earn a living, then may karma deal you and yours a hefty blow.
On the positive side however, having read many articles, books and web sites, it does seem to add up. Is the end coming for these nasty people? Hopefully.
For now though… what can we do, how can we become part of the army that’s fighting these people. Many of us want to help in ways other than spreading links and buying books.
If you’re the genuine article Sir, I thank you. Please don’t be offended (if you ever have time to read these comments) by my paranoid thoughts. I’ve become accustomed to “Trust No One”.
Please keep it up, and again, thank you. Feel free to use my email address to contact/update me.
The problem I have with this story is the fact that there’s no doubt that people would have died in nuclear attacks of this magnitude… David quotes as many as 60,000 dead.
In “The Law of One” which David mentions regularly, Ra states very clearly that human beings will never again be permitted to die by nuclear blast due to the fact that these victims are permanent destroyed.
By being permanently destroyed these victims are thus removed from the oneness of the universe which damages the entire universe. These aliens stated that they have worked very hard to attempt to “heal” the Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims and vowed to never allow such a thing to occur again.
Therefor, I have my doubts that people would have been permitted to die in these attacks, which casts doubt on the entire tale.
It’s a great story but I’m skeptical at this point.
[Moderator: The Law of One does say these people in Hiroshima were pulled out before the blast went off so as to avoid that destruction. The same may have applied here. We also do not know what type of explosives were used.]
ex Czechoslovakia no more man. Just as ex Yugoslavia. They were all communist torture forced countries, especially second one. Lots of blood leaked for freedom there.
And one can say, that Soviet union was dismantled just months ago, when Kosovo republic separated from Serbia. And it’s not over yet-these days it is boiling there!
With all due respect David, there is no longer Czechoslovakia but Czech Republic and Slovakia separately 🙂
It seems to has no significance but for us from the regions of Poland, Czech Republic etc. it’s important 🙂
By the way, your articles are magnificent and I have been trying to read all of them, with some difficulties of course because I’m not native American or English 🙂
I applaud your book and your work but I caution you against taking everything Fulford says at face value. While I can’t dispute everything he says, there are some facts that he has gotten wrong.
The missing $2.3 Trillion isn’t money sitting in some bank account somewhere. It’s the total of all US defense budgets since WW2 that the Pentagon spent but lost track of ie. Congress asked where did all this money go to and the Pentagon couldn’t answer the question.
Interestingly, the civil financial analysts, that were hired to find out the answer, just happened to be working in the part of the Pentagon that was destroyed on 9/11 and they were killed.
I also find the notion that the Titanic was deliberately sunk absurd. There is no evidence that it was sunk by anything other than an iceberg. Where is Fulford’s evidence for this.
Why hasn’t he played his recordings that he keeps claiming he has and why hasn’t the Green and Red Society, that he claimed he was speaking for first, sent out their 100,000 ninjas(his words) to annihilate the elite, as Fulford threatened they would years ago, if the elite didn’t immediately cease and desist their anti-population activities.
I do not believe most of what Fulford says and I urge you not to hitch your star to him in case he is exposed as a fraud. The claim of nuke attacks on underground US bases should be easy to disprove if there are no roads leading to the epicentres of those two quakes. Even underground bases have to have roads leading to them to bring in supplies, people and the initial construction equipment.
I hope Fulford is right but he makes such outrageous claims that I no longer believe anything he says.
VERY interesting interview, but I agree with Pablo’s comment about the need to edit with alternate colors or something to set off the transcript from the added commentary. It will make it easier for me and others to go back and pick out the extras. PLEASE???? I even offer to do it if nobody else will. Seriously.
Other comments by Dianna about forgiveness and recognizing the contrast of why we have evil are valid.
Victoria mentioned the need for individual change, and Ted mentions sharing food…all of these are part of what we need to do going forward. BEing the peace we wish to see in the world, and serving others will get us where we need to go.
Speaking of service, kudos to both Ben and David for all their work over the years in bringing facts to light.
The truth is not only “out there” but within each of us to know and use to the best of our ability. We need to awaken from the distraction and programming that has closed us off from the flow of the universe for thousands of years.
Our individual consciousness is a part of that bigger picture. There are many words, names, and labels for what is wrong, yet many of us know deep down what is right to DO.
I wish to point out, however, that the big focus on finances and money are the way for us all to keep an eye on what is happening.
This is how I follow so much of what Ben is saying in his research, bless and protect him.
While commerce is important, we do need to move away from the “sales” mindset which objectifies the spiritual beauty we enjoy. We are seeing a stratification of class, between the have and have-nots, when it comes to the economy.
So much of the currency is baseless paper–so why do we still insist on its presence in our lives? We are ALL able to share our talents and skills freely. Does an apple tree expect compensation for its fruit?
Who are we to attach our abilities or part of the timeless time we spend to that very same cabal mentioned in this interview–the ones who control the useless paper and central banks? The sooner we get over the broken, closed system of money, the better.
Sorry if this hurts book sales, but I post blogs for free (http://kathycustren.multiply.com/). If we are going to continue moving forward, then uniting in service to each other is what is going to get us there.
We can burn the money to keep warm if we have to; it has already been used to kill too many people, if you think about the eugenics aspect. I think life experiences are more cosmically important than any currency in existence currently.
That is what this interview is really all about–whether we unite in peaceful change in a new reality, or continue to permit others to kill or otherwise make life miserable.
People are going to need a lot of help, and David’s work helps to “debrief” the programming that so many have ingested over the most recent generations. Why put a price on that? Why must any writer sell thoughts that are a part of that larger consciousness? Or is there a cost to a truly free press that I am missing? ~ Blessings!;-)
[Moderator: With no sunlight and water, the apple tree would surely die. David is working to bring us into a society free of greed and want, and for now it is perfectly sacred and just for him to make money, as otherwise his efforts to change consciousness would be impossible to sustain.]
I think there should be a combination of a Truth and Reconciliation opportunity as well as arrests.
Some members of the Powers That Were are not trustworthy of a truthful reconciliation.
[Moderator: Apparently 4000 arrests have already taken place.]
Pre-ordered the hard cover of SFI months ago, and as David said, before I knew it, it beautifully showed up in the mail.
I thought the audio book would be in the range of the $50’s – $60’s – to my surprise, I paid Barnes and Noble a visit and ordered it for the awesome price of $27 and some change including tax and shipping.
Got it in the mail yesterday and I must say it’s wonderful to hear David in impeccable diction recite his Master Piece.
I highly recommend the audio book, it’s great for long drives and you can share the experience as well with anyone else willing to listen.
Peace, Pablo.
I was so excited while reading the Source Field Investigations that i started designing a little pyramid to be installed over my bed in the area of my head to help activate my pineal gland.
The basis is 24 each long over a 52 inches wide plywood supported by the room wall and 2 pillars of heavy 4 inches plastic tubing.
4 adapters used to fix a toilet on plywood were used to stabilize the 2 extremities of the pillars. I use absolutely no metal screw or nails. Everything stand by is own weigh.
My total expense was 120$. I used 7 rows of heavy toilet paper. I used sheet-rock between the rows because it is easy to cut with a simple cutter.
On the first night, I immediately discovered a different form of sleeping, more deep and restoring energy, with no wake up to urinate before 7h a.m. instead of the 3 or 4 time I use to wake-up for this and no turning around all night because the blood circulation was better and less pain in my feet.
I also observed something different during a nap in the afternoon, being able to fall asleep in less than one minute and feeling completely refresh after 90 minutes sleep.
During the day, I will use my little pyramid to activate water and vitamin to regulate my blood sugar.
In the evening, I just discovered that my living room is immediately over the pyramid which is in the basement and I was so amazed to feel a new form of energy helping me to watch TV very late and read SFI and watch Project Camelot with no collation (small meal), only water in the evening.
I hope to be able to use activated water soon and I intend to progressively stop using caffeine.
Thank you David, for the marvelous information in your book and mp3.
One other thing I want to add to what I was talking about regarding compartmentalization to keep big sercrets secret, and the contruction of those cities, there’s tons, I mean TONS of abandoned roads that are not on GPS or on the maps.
I’ve biked down a fair number of them searching for them on a map or a GPS. Fun hobby by the way, hopefully I won’t get killed while doing that…
Given that, access points can be anywhere. It’s also not hard to have them excluded from the US geological survey. Heck, you can’t scan Area 51 with google earth.
There’s actually a LOT of places that are deliberately removed from the maps, nuclear silos, installations, etc.
Speaking of Area 51, and the question of how can such big secrets be kept secret, I find it interesting that when people question that, they always ignore how it is that so many people work at Area 51, and yet practically nothing escapes about what’s going in there.
Well until Dan Burisch’s testimony. And some pissed off technicians, who interestingly, are only upset at their treatment, but none will come forward about what’s actually going on in there. Which means we only really have Burisch’s info.
So, if only one many, out of many thousands will leak something, what does that tell you about how hard it is to keep big secrets secret?
Think Manhattan Project, if you want another massive secret that was kept secret, or the massive research cities the USSR built, with thousands of people working there, and yet we didn’t find out about, say, the Tsar bomba (world’s biggest nuclear bomb) until the day it detonated. And we didn’t really learn about them until the fall of the USSR in 1989!
I personally find Fulford very credible, because I look for economic and logistic data to back up his statements.
US Treasury data has indicated that China’s stopped buying US Treasury bills.
A long time back, after Fulford made the statement of his “Ninjas going after the “nazi’s pt deux””, (2008), Israel suddenly had an article about how Israelis were going to suffer from a lack of sushi, because they were kicking out all the ethnic Japanese chefs!
That made me do a double take that time.
Not to mention the video of him meeting David Rockefeller. You can’t be a nobody and meet David Rockefeller. In fact, you can’t be a somebody and meet David Rockefeller. Which means Fulford has some serious muscle backing him up.
Each time Fulford’s mentioned something, I don’t go for direct evidence, because that’s impossible to find in such contorted media, I look for the small articles on logistics that correlate.
And so far, scarily, he’s been on the money time after time after time. Like this one about atomic bombs. Which is why those data charts on the Virginia Earthquake vs. normal earthquakes is very very interesting.
Speaking of which, I love the intro to that Video on Fulford. Brings me back to my childhood days of NINJA THEATER with Sho Kosugi! Damn, I’d watch conspiracy shows if they had some random samurai dude eviscerating the air with a katana at the start.
All the best,
Da Asian Brutha
Thanks, David. I read this last night and am still digesting it all. Amazing stuff.
FYI: the Occupation of Wall Street has begun. Watch it live here:
I am fascinated by your work, and I am reading your book. I also follow the research conducted by Richard Hoagland and Bill Ryan (I guess BR is more of a reporter).
It is intriguing now that the three of you are taking different stances on current events..sort of “lines in the sand”.
Ryan flat-out states that he completely disagrees with your last blog post (in his Avalon forum). Hoagland, of course, is championing his idea that Elenin is an alien craft.
He is clear (on facebk) that he only agrees with some of your ideas. You haven’t supported his Elenin stuff.
All of you present your ideas well, and I “want to believe”. As 2012/13 approaches, it will become evident who was right. I hope you and Hoagland both win.
Skeptic – I have one thing to say about your question about how massive secrets can be secret by so many people, and it’s actually not that hard.
You ought to read a book called The Hunt for Zero Point, which is authored by a Jane’s Defense analyst.
If you know what Jane’s Defense is, it’s the world’s oldest and premier military technologies journal.
In the book he goes through a basic technique called “compartmentalization”, where the multiple components are operated on independently by many many different parties, without the knowledge of another party working on a component that interfaces with it.
In fact, most of the parties have no idea what the component is for, other than that it has to have a certain input, and a certain output.
All the parties are controlled by a very tight knit management at the top, where at most 2 or maybe three people know how all the components fit together.
Also, blackmailing 2 or three people at the top, and maybe 8 managers in the middle, who don’t know their existence with each other, is a hell of a lot easier to do than to black mail say, 100,000 people in the separate teams at the bottom.
In fact, if you take these two underground cities as fact, it’s not all that hard to keep it secret.
First, during the Cold War, you have contractors instructed to tunnel deep to build nuclear fallout shelters. “We’re defending America from the Russians, and need shelters that can house 30,000 people”. Then you ostensibly “abandon” them.
Then to connect the two cities, you have contractors in intervening periods cut the tunnels, but not attach them, ostensibly for sewer line and powerline layment.
Small teams later are sent in to demolish the thin line separating them, and after a period of say 20 years, you’d have one long tunnel from end to end, say Colorado to Virginia.
The Top Secret Intelligence establishment, which ballooned under Bush Jr, and is well documented in the Washington Post (National Security Inc), has multitudes of buildings, which are extended by at least 10 levels below ground.
One only has to hire contractors under this visage to equip and furnish the underground cities, under the theme of “the battle against terrorism”. After all, when you’re in an elevator going down in a mine shaft, do you have any idea how far down you’ve gone? No.
In each time, the contractors are told that they’re building sewer tunnels, creating lower levels for staff in the intelligence establishment, connecting power cables to power DC or Denver, for benign reasons, all the while only two maybe three at the top know what’s going on.
A good “benign” reason is for bomb proof data centers. You can find underground datacenters, incidentally, commercially to house your archive tapes. I remember that service existing in the 90’s.
They also used, incidentally, old fall out shelters and abandoned retrofitted mines.
In fact, the best way to know if this is really true, is to take a look at National Security Inc, by Dana Priest, of the Washington Post, and get an overall figure of what’s “officially” spent, multiply that by two (general rule in beauracratic accounting for wasteful government expenditures), and then attempt to figure out what could the double of that cost apply to.
Even better, because of the confusing net of “Top Secret” agencies, a whole alphabet soup of them, it gets even easier to hide procurements within that mess. Obscuring via confusion.
Compartmentalization was practiced in the manufacturing of the super battle ship Yamato (which is how the Japanese escaped the naval tonnage accords), in Soviet Russia’s lunar orbiter program, The F-117 stealth fighter program, and many many other skunk works type programs. It’s not hard to keep big secrets secret that way.
Otherwise, we would’ve known about the F-117 stealth long long before test flights.
Do you have any idea how many thousands of engineers and technicians, scientists and professors, and University research centers worked on that program? And remember, that program ran from 1984 to 1992.
A lot of people worked on that program, and yet not a single secret of it ever leaked out. That’s how effective compartmentalization is.
Yours in da wacky times,
Da Asian Brutha
….the Andromeda Council are claiming involvement in this operation….
Looks like the hits on this article are about three-fold… the implications could only be good…
David and/or Moderator,
Thank you again for another great article. I am truly enjoying your book. Even though I am only on chapter 10, I have been so blown away thus far.
I did have one question if I may, the Pyramid of Life you talk about in Chapter 8, is that something you or someone you know have actually applied? I am seriously considering purchasing one of them.
Many thanks again for all your years of research and your part in helping bring about Disclosure.
Much Love,
The contents of the BF interview are exactly what so many want to hear. That is precisely what makes it all so suspect, i.e., it’s wishful thinking.
Just as a test, I searched for the expulsion of the Swiss “lawmaker” from the Bilderberger meeting at St. Moritz last June. It turned out to be an Italian EU(?) MP and there was no news of the Bilderberger’s fleeing.
[Moderator: Obviously they wouldn’t want this story leaking into the media if it were indeed true.]
I have mixed feelings about the way Ben ends sentences with OK? – anyone else get this?
And I continue to ask: How is any of this possible if positive ET’s had supposedly put a moratorium on the use of nuclear bombs on Earth? This is a glaring contradiction that needs to be addressed.
A simple “I have no idea what has changed to have allowed this to happen” would suffice, but at the very least an acknowledgment of the discrepancy, please?
[Moderator: We still do not know if nukes were used… keep that in mind. There’s plenty of nasty stuff they could have done this with.
David’s sources know very little about what actually was done because no one can get in there.]
Karma is a bitch! HAHA LMAO!!!
I’m celebrating tonight! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
David D raises a point that came to my mind as well.
He brings up the Law of One and what Ra told us about the victims that died in the nuclear blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On pages 219-220 of Book 1, Ra states that there were interventions in order to ensure that the entities would remain entities.
However, Ra then responds to a follow-up question saying that those who underwent this trauma “have not yet fully begun the healing process”.
I suppose that in their pre-birth agreement these souls would have agreed to undergo this trauma.
6,666 people is a fan of David Wilcock’s facebook page.. What could it mean? lol
I know that 666 means unity of Earth consciousness, according to “Serpent of Life” by Drunvalo Melchizidek..
Thanks for the info, David!
Charlotte, did you know that Benjamin Netanyahu has said: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up & blow away.”
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”
On the day of the 9/11 attacks, Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US/Israeli relations. His quick reply was, “It’s very good. . .Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel).”
OfCourse13, I’m a woman who agrees with Matt about Ron Paul!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, David, for your continuing sterling work.
I pre-ordered SFI last month from a local online book store in South Africa with a delivery date of 1 September. The bad news is there’s been a delay. The good news is I should have it in about 10 days.
I’m looking forward to sharing the book with family and friends who do not know your work.
I just received a call telling me a stand-off between the police and 50,000 protesters who have gathered in New York City is poised to occur.
The caller has informed NYC police have order the protesters to disperse by 10:00 PM and the protesters are stating they will refuse to follow the order.
As with the ongoing anti-banker protests in Greece, Spain and in fact throughout Europe, the protests here in the U.S. will be largely or entirely ignored by the corporate / M$M media.
We now have the masses gathering against the Wall Street Bankers. In fact, the word around the rumor mill, is protesters are planning to divert rallies planned this fall in Washington D.C, and other major cities, to join forces against the bankers on their home turf.
whether this information is valid or not is largely a moot point—
the ‘new earth’ (as with all true teachings) is allegorical and refers to metanoia (a new mind) that only comes through dying to yourself—
therefore all of the new age and exoterically religious are still trapped in thought/illusion—
the proof is that you still look to the outside world with hope and in your reaction to this truth—
there is only one conspiracy theory (fact)—that you who read this are still egoic and in imagination—
start seeing your own darkness (by telling the truth of YOU, not pointing the finger at the NWO etc) and Light can enter, then you will not want anything to do with this sick world and its deluded hypocritical population which you are presently a member of!
guy finley is the best teacher around today. ‘namaste’ and ‘love and light’ are just words that you know nothing of presently—‘how dark is the darkness that calls itself the light’.
there’s nothing you can do to escape yourself……..now you will call this (truth) negative, but to say it’s negative is negative!!
This is so in line with the William Bramley’s book “The Gods of Eden”!
I strongly recommend reading it. Its available for download, just Google it.
Excellent interview!!!
I still do not understand why they think the cabal are running out of money? Or that nobody will take their money? That doesn’t make sense to me.
They should have a mass fortune set aside from all the covert activities and why would this money not be accepted?
I also get the impression that David finds more fault with the two Bush men and friends than with any Democratic leaders. Aren’t they all the same. Aren’t the Clintons just as evil?
Isn’t Obama helping our stimulus money end up in London banks? It has felt like Obama was working for the NWO ever since he started. Isn’t Obama connected to George Soros who in turn is connected to the London elite?
Are people really waking up out in the world? Sure some are questioning the gov’t in general but I don’t see much else.
Or maybe it is because my facebook friends are from the midwest. So frustrated with them.
I decided to “risk” retaliation and told them of evidence presented at a 9/11 conference in Canada…….. that there were explosives found in the World Trade Center dust.
I got blasted back on that. If people won’t even consider this how will they open their eyes to what is really going on? They need to open their eyes instead of roll their eyes.
BTY- Does David know who is behind that 9/11 truth conference that was just held in Canada that the main stream media didn’t cover?
If the Moderator could please explain any of this better I would appreciate it.
It’s interesting how so many people, coming at these amazing times from different perspectives, are telling us the same stuff.
Inelia Benz (if you’ve never heard of her, check out this video…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feZqzZUV19w) where she explains that unlike the rest of us, who are spiritual beings stuck in karma driven cycles of reincarnation into physical bodies, she incarnated directly from Source into a physical body for the sole purpose of helping to raise the energy vibration of the planet so that we can successfully make the shift to a new world.
She recently mentioned on her blog that something really big happened during the last week of August (http://www.ascension101.com/en/ascension-information/45-august-2011/144-spaceship-earth-and-you-are-the-captain.html).
She called it the splitting of the Worlds where everyone in the world “voted” at a very deep subconscious level whether or not they wanted to ascend with mother earth to a new world paradigm.
The vote is over. The “war” between dark and light is essentially over, and the “light” has won. Even though the number choosing not to evolve was larger than those choosing to do so, those ready to move into this new paradigm won the vote because energy of higher vibration is so much stronger than energy at lower vibrations.
Now those choosing not to evolve will not reincarnate back into this new world once they leave it. How this will all play out remains to be seen.
Interesting info.
The one thing i don’t understand is how this interview presents information that has created a MAJOR turning point in the plan to destroy most of us, and ben fulford acts like he’s got to go get his laundry or something at the end of the interview.
I mean really, was the pizza delivery guy at the door? Did he have to go drop a big deucer? What could possibly be more important than spending an hour or two to communicate this extremely important turn of events in our human history?
This is certainly “explosive” information. Just a thought…I know David likes to back up his work with substantial evidence….has there been any official missing persons reports in Colorado or Virgina in the three weeks since the “Earth Quakes”?
It would just seem likely that if up to 60,000 people had expired in these “attacks” that
some family members would be concerned.
Fulford has made some outrageous claims in the past on his paid blog, such as that Obama would not return to the United States after his meetings in the UK earlier this year.
I truly appreciate the positive spin that David puts on where we are headed and all the documented footnotes in SFI.
I suppose we will see how things develop in the coming months.
Fascinating times indeed!
[Moderator: I have heard David say many of the people in these bases are permanent residents — particularly because with portal technology, they can go planet-hopping as needed.]
Hi David.
Thanks for the great post.
I thought you might like to know that this morning UFO Digest published a short article I wrote recommending The Source Field Investigations.
URL to the article is:
Keep up the great work.
I donated a copy of SFI to the local library. Today I’ve been sharing the good news on your blog like mad on Facebook, even with a “political chatter” group that is like the rocky soil in the parable. It’s too important for me to worry about tomatoes getting thrown!
Hi David!
Awesome article! Thank you, thank you for your courage and insight! Keeping my eye on an age of peace and prosperity!
It all sounds very encouraging. If this is indeed true, it will be one of the surest causes for celebration I could have imagined.
I received my copy of SFI about a week and a half ago. I am very proud to have been a part of this disclosure process, even if it was just in the form of contributing my own positive thoughts, and “voting with my wallet”, as you say.
Thanks so much for all that you do, David. You’re amazing.
I’ve been following David for quite some time and bought his book in August (I am half way through).
Although I have heard a lot of this information before, some new material along with how the book flows opens up new interesting doors that I didn’t quite realize before.
Please support this book and cause. It’s not like David is asking for millions of dollars or God will strike him dead. David produced a great product in turn for a fair price. Enjoy!
OK… this was a good read, and one which brings hope. Lets pray it’s not false.
I have to remain semi skeptical about this because it’s too good to be true, but the following months will I hope start to add weight to the article.
I’m open minded, not skeptical, just a little guarded. If all this is crap and just a way to earn a living, then may karma deal you and yours a hefty blow.
On the positive side however, having read many articles, books and web sites, it does seem to add up. Is the end coming for these nasty people? Hopefully.
For now though… what can we do, how can we become part of the army that’s fighting these people. Many of us want to help in ways other than spreading links and buying books.
If you’re the genuine article Sir, I thank you. Please don’t be offended (if you ever have time to read these comments) by my paranoid thoughts. I’ve become accustomed to “Trust No One”.
Please keep it up, and again, thank you.
Feel free to use my email address to contact/update me.
The problem I have with this story is the fact that there’s no doubt that people would have died in nuclear attacks of this magnitude… David quotes as many as 60,000 dead.
In “The Law of One” which David mentions regularly, Ra states very clearly that human beings will never again be permitted to die by nuclear blast due to the fact that these victims are permanent destroyed.
By being permanently destroyed these victims are thus removed from the oneness of the universe which damages the entire universe. These aliens stated that they have worked very hard to attempt to “heal” the Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims and vowed to never allow such a thing to occur again.
Therefor, I have my doubts that people would have been permitted to die in these attacks, which casts doubt on the entire tale.
It’s a great story but I’m skeptical at this point.
[Moderator: The Law of One does say these people in Hiroshima were pulled out before the blast went off so as to avoid that destruction. The same may have applied here. We also do not know what type of explosives were used.]
ex Czechoslovakia no more man. Just as ex Yugoslavia. They were all communist torture forced countries, especially second one. Lots of blood leaked for freedom there.
And one can say, that Soviet union was dismantled just months ago, when Kosovo republic separated from Serbia. And it’s not over yet-these days it is boiling there!
With all due respect David, there is no longer Czechoslovakia but Czech Republic and Slovakia separately 🙂
It seems to has no significance but for us from the regions of Poland, Czech Republic etc. it’s important 🙂
By the way, your articles are magnificent and I have been trying to read all of them, with some difficulties of course because I’m not native American or English 🙂
thins are going to start to ‘heat up’ soon.
sept. 20 is an important date and sept. 23, with the start of the 6th night of the mayan-aisse calendar.
and by oct. 28, you they can all make tuna salad with it.
world renown expert on the mayan-aisse calendar.
I applaud your book and your work but I caution you against taking everything Fulford says at face value. While I can’t dispute everything he says, there are some facts that he has gotten wrong.
The missing $2.3 Trillion isn’t money sitting in some bank account somewhere. It’s the total of all US defense budgets since WW2 that the Pentagon spent but lost track of ie. Congress asked where did all this money go to and the Pentagon couldn’t answer the question.
Interestingly, the civil financial analysts, that were hired to find out the answer, just happened to be working in the part of the Pentagon that was destroyed on 9/11 and they were killed.
I also find the notion that the Titanic was deliberately sunk absurd. There is no evidence that it was sunk by anything other than an iceberg. Where is Fulford’s evidence for this.
Why hasn’t he played his recordings that he keeps claiming he has and why hasn’t the Green and Red Society, that he claimed he was speaking for first, sent out their 100,000 ninjas(his words) to annihilate the elite, as Fulford threatened they would years ago, if the elite didn’t immediately cease and desist their anti-population activities.
I do not believe most of what Fulford says and I urge you not to hitch your star to him in case he is exposed as a fraud. The claim of nuke attacks on underground US bases should be easy to disprove if there are no roads leading to the epicentres of those two quakes. Even underground bases have to have roads leading to them to bring in supplies, people and the initial construction equipment.
I hope Fulford is right but he makes such outrageous claims that I no longer believe anything he says.
The Lord speaks of “the Change” And the Coming GLORY… and a Harvest…
if this is true…. then babylon is falling!
down with nwo! peace love and solidarity
VERY interesting interview, but I agree with Pablo’s comment about the need to edit with alternate colors or something to set off the transcript from the added commentary. It will make it easier for me and others to go back and pick out the extras. PLEASE???? I even offer to do it if nobody else will. Seriously.
Other comments by Dianna about forgiveness and recognizing the contrast of why we have evil are valid.
Victoria mentioned the need for individual change, and Ted mentions sharing food…all of these are part of what we need to do going forward. BEing the peace we wish to see in the world, and serving others will get us where we need to go.
Speaking of service, kudos to both Ben and David for all their work over the years in bringing facts to light.
The truth is not only “out there” but within each of us to know and use to the best of our ability. We need to awaken from the distraction and programming that has closed us off from the flow of the universe for thousands of years.
Our individual consciousness is a part of that bigger picture. There are many words, names, and labels for what is wrong, yet many of us know deep down what is right to DO.
I wish to point out, however, that the big focus on finances and money are the way for us all to keep an eye on what is happening.
This is how I follow so much of what Ben is saying in his research, bless and protect him.
While commerce is important, we do need to move away from the “sales” mindset which objectifies the spiritual beauty we enjoy. We are seeing a stratification of class, between the have and have-nots, when it comes to the economy.
So much of the currency is baseless paper–so why do we still insist on its presence in our lives? We are ALL able to share our talents and skills freely. Does an apple tree expect compensation for its fruit?
Who are we to attach our abilities or part of the timeless time we spend to that very same cabal mentioned in this interview–the ones who control the useless paper and central banks? The sooner we get over the broken, closed system of money, the better.
Sorry if this hurts book sales, but I post blogs for free (http://kathycustren.multiply.com/). If we are going to continue moving forward, then uniting in service to each other is what is going to get us there.
We can burn the money to keep warm if we have to; it has already been used to kill too many people, if you think about the eugenics aspect. I think life experiences are more cosmically important than any currency in existence currently.
That is what this interview is really all about–whether we unite in peaceful change in a new reality, or continue to permit others to kill or otherwise make life miserable.
People are going to need a lot of help, and David’s work helps to “debrief” the programming that so many have ingested over the most recent generations. Why put a price on that? Why must any writer sell thoughts that are a part of that larger consciousness? Or is there a cost to a truly free press that I am missing? ~ Blessings!;-)
[Moderator: With no sunlight and water, the apple tree would surely die. David is working to bring us into a society free of greed and want, and for now it is perfectly sacred and just for him to make money, as otherwise his efforts to change consciousness would be impossible to sustain.]