According to insiders, official ‘government’ Disclosure is now underway — and the real story behind the alleged Bin Laden incident was shockingly different than what I expected to hear. The overall news is extremely positive, though we may have to endure further disruptive events to get there.
[Major Update Sunday, May 8th, 9AM PST — New end section added regarding Bin Laden issue.]
In the last week of March, insiders from two different groups — the European Rothschild faction and others affiliated with the Obama administration — independently told me that major new developments towards a formal, official “government” Disclosure were imminent.
I was not told exactly what these developments would be — only that it would be a significant step forward.
Of course, if an official announcement does finally happen, it will be the most significant event in recorded human history. This obviously makes it a fantastic opportunity to explore — both as a journalist as well as a spiritual seeker.
No one can be sure of the scope or the magnitude of changes Disclosure will create, but it is undoubtedly vast — and ultimately very positive, paving the way for the “Golden Age” predicted in almost every religious and spiritual tradition in recorded history.
Every source I work with must prove their bona-fides on an ongoing basis. If I catch them lying, trying to use me to pass disinformation, or working a hidden agenda, I break off the contact. I only work with people who really want the best for humanity — and are willing to pass along material that will help.
Both groups gave me the same approximate time window for when we would see these “major new developments.” Administration sources said “two weeks” and the European sources said “within a month” — all in the last week of March.
I was strongly advised not to say anything — and I stayed quiet, knowing that I could ruin the whole process if I leaked any of the details.
The FBI released stunning new UFO documents almost exactly two weeks later. The NSA released nearly twice as many UFO documents a mere ten days after that. All of this happened “within a month” of when I had these conversations — just as I had been told.
Both sources later confirmed these document releases did indeed represent the first stage of what they were talking about — a formal, open, official ‘government’ Disclosure, approved at the very highest levels of the insider world.
The FBI documents appeared on April 11th, 2011 — right as I was in the “middle of nowhere,” on my first real vacation in years — after bringing my San Francisco Convergence to a satisfying conclusion.
The cell-phone wireless Internet was so bad that dialup would have been a Godsend. The trees were happy enough, but now more than ever I needed ACCESS!
I waited hours for these documents to download — literally. 27 different items appeared when I used the search function to look for “flying saucers” — and I still haven’t had time to go through most of them:
The Guy Hottel document really stood out the most — not just in my own eyes, but in those of the world’s media as well:
Literally on the same day these documents were released, the press jumped right in and wrote a series of interesting articles. Here are some links for you to explore at your leisure — if you haven’t already seen them:
You may already be aware that JFK’s assassination occurred just ten days after he made an official request for information about UFOs.
Now, suddenly, this case is being blatantly and convincingly argued in the mainstream media.
Normally UFO developments like this are measured out in small doses, as far as the media is concerned — but this was an impressive cluster. These articles are surprisingly rich in content and details — far better than the standard “puff pieces.”
Military Jets Follow Virginia UFO: April 14, 2011Two Virginia reports describe military jets apparently following a UFO in the early morning hours of April 14, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.A witness near Andrews Air Force Base reports a loud roar from an approaching craft at about 3:08 a.m. on April 14, 2011, in MUFON Case # 28687.“These jets seemed to be flying pretty low and I have never seen or heard them flying over at this time of night – never,” the witness stated. “I looked up to see what is making all that noise, but did not see the jets.”Video of UFO Being Chased By Three USAF Fighter Jets
AOL: University Prof Calls for Congressional UFO HearingCiting findings from a 12-year-old groundbreaking French UFO study, University of Missouri-Columbia psychologist and adjunct professor of peace studies Bill Wickersham has issued a call for congressional leaders to boldly go where their predecessors wouldn’t….So does Wickersham think there’s a real chance that a new congressional hearing on UFOs might actually come to pass in the current political climate?“Not right now,” he said. “And what’s more, look at what happened to [2008 Ohio Democratic presidential candidate] Dennis Kucinich.
The giggle factor, the ridicule, the ignorance, the apathy, denial — all these things that surround this issue. It takes a lot of guts for a politician [to speak out on UFOs]. Most politicians run from it.”
On the very same day Professor Wickersham called for open Congressional hearings, the NSA released 42 UFO-related documents on their own official website. KABOOM!
Though the bottom of the page says “Date Posted: January 15, 2009,” many different media sources reported that this page either appeared or at least got major new updates as of April 21, 2011 — a mere ten days after the FBI documents had emerged.
Most people, including those in the media, automatically gravitated to the bottom of the NSA’s list — where documents related to ET messages appear.
At first blush, it appears that genuine messages had been received — and this was being openly acknowledged:
Official Disclosure? NSA Document Admits ET Contact October 21, 2004, the NSA approved for release to the public a portion of their NSA Journal Vol. XIV No. 1. This is a report of a presentation given to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne regarding the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that had been received “from outer space”.Apparently, these messages had actually been received via the Sputnik satellite, but no one had any idea how to decode them at the time.At some time, unspecified in the document, Dr. Howard Campaigne and some other NSA super mathematicians in the crypto department had been given the task of decoding the messages. There were a total of 29 messages to be decoded—quite an undertaking.It is curious, to say the least, that this document was cleared for release on October 21, 2004. Why was that? Because the NSA did not release it into public information until April 21, 2011.Though cleared for release, the NSA had been stonewalling it along with hundreds of other NSA documents about contact with UFOs and extraterrestrials — until they lost the lawsuit brought by Peter Gersten, a lawyer from Arizona.When they well and truly lost, the judge’s order had to be carried out — and the documents had to be released.
Part of creating a good story, and avoiding panic by allowing the skeptics to feel like they have won ‘points’, is to put things out there that appear credible — only to have further investigations pull them apart.
People writing about these ‘leaks’ get excited, publish their findings and are then embarrassed when the skeptics dig deeper and find out that there was a prosaic explanation.
This was one of those cases — but remember, we’re still only talking about two examples out of a set of 42 different documents.
NSA ET Signals Only ‘Practice’On April 21, 2011 the National Security Agency posted documents from their Technical Journal which had some interesting articles about extraterrestrials.Some have assumed that these documents were pertaining to messages received from extraterrestrials, an easy mistake to make with article titles such as “Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages.”These documents are actually related to exercises for practicing deciphering coded messages that extraterrestrials may send us in the future.However, there is still a story here, because these exercises were started by a prominent NSA cryptologist who believed more attention needed to be given to the investigation of UFOs and the possibility that we may be contacted soon.
When I spoke to key insiders about Bin Laden, I fully expected to hear that he had died a long time ago — either in a firefight in December 2001, or of kidney failure in 2002 or 2003.
These rumors are so persistent that they appeared in a recent Daily Mail article as well.
The internet is abuzz with claims that Bin Laden died long ago – perhaps of liver or kidney failure, perhaps killed in the allied assault on the Afghan Tora Bora mountains in 2001, perhaps assassinated at some other time.The argument goes that his body was kept hidden, and his death a secret, so that America could justify the continuation of the War on Terror, along with billions in military expenditure. Only now, some suggest, has America decided it is time to announce his death, along with an elaborate cover-story.Some were even suggesting yesterday that the news was suddenly released to divert attention from evidence-less claims that Barack Obama was not born in America, so is not lawfully president…
I was admittedly shocked — if not disappointed — to hear from very credible sources that, in fact, this really was Bin Laden. The real Osama Bin Laden — not a stand-in. Come on, you have GOT to be kidding me.
Are we ever going to see a picture to confirm this? Maybe and maybe not. Apparently, the problem with releasing the photograph is that there is a canteloupe-sized piece of his head missing in the region of the left eye — and it is extremely horrific to look at.
Even if this picture was released, many people would refuse to believe it. There is no such thing as irrefutable evidence anymore. Everything can be questioned — and there is no limit to how far you can go with it.
I was told that if they hadn’t buried the body within a day, the entire Muslim world would have been infuriated — and this would have created very significant danger for Western nations.
I was also told that if they had buried him anywhere on land, a shrine would have been created there and it would have further solidified his legacy as a martyr — which also would have increased the risk.
“Unless you’ve lived in the Middle East and really spent some time there, you can’t understand how powerful and prevalent these customs really are, David.”
Apparently, Bin Laden was organizing and training people to conduct attacks against Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.
The people believed they were doing the right thing — by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.
However, if that oil had ever been able to flow out of Iraq, the supply would have gone up — and prices would have come crashing down.
Bin Laden apparently could have been killed a long, long time ago. His whereabouts were known — but no one went after him.
He was being kept alive in order to boost oil prices and profits.
No one who profited from high oil prices had any intention of ever seeing Bin Laden killed.
For that same reason, the Obama Administration’s surprise operation has sent shock-waves through the insider community.
It is also interesting to note that Obama was apparently the only one in his administration who didn’t want to blow the whole compound to smithereens.
Over 115 different sources of computer data have now been seized from Osama Bin Laden’s compound — including five computers, ten hard drives and over 100 storage devices including data CDs, data DVDs and thumb drives.
Intelligence experts in Afghanistan are today sifting through a treasure trove of computer hard drives and other intelligence captured from the compound in Pakistan – described by one official as ‘the mother load’.A senior U.S. official said Navy SEALs had recovered 10 hard drives, 5 computers and more than 100 storage devices from the compound – including discs, DVDs and thumb drives.
This could turn into very big news. What if Bin Laden was still actively in contact with certain groups — at a level that is so treasonous as to be absolutely astonishing to the average person?
Use your imagination and think about it. Who would know — and who would want you to know?
Whether any of this will see the light of day or not, I have no idea — but this may have the potential to completely unveil the truth behind 9/11 and many other dark conspiracies once and for all.
I also see the strike against Bin Laden as a tremendous foreshadowing of what Disclosure will be like for the average person.
In order for Disclosure to occur, some very great negative forces will have to exposed and nullified. In the conventional Western media mindset, Bin Laden was THE ULTIMATE evil.
For many truth-seekers, “the ultimate evil” on this planet goes much farther than Bin Laden.
The exposure and nullification of these groups should ideally occur in the form of world tribunals rather than gangland-style shootings, as we apparently just saw with Bin Laden.
I believe there are many innocent people trapped within these groups — and it would be a great atrocity to start new Salem witch trials and treat everyone as if they were equally culpable.
For now, the point is that Bin Laden’s apparent death is a “very big event” in mass consciousness. Disclosure would be a much, much bigger event.
I did say that a plan for Disclosure was approved by all the various “alphabet soup” agencies.
I did not say that they agreed to do this willingly.
In fact, it appears they had no choice.
These documents would probably never have been released, except for the fact that the BRICS alliance — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (with Nigeria and Congo apparently soon to follow) — insisted that it happen.
BRICS now possesses the resources, numbers, manpower and assets — including extraterrestrial assistance — to force the negative factions on this planet to stand down. And if the Western agencies didn’t disclose, BRICS was going to do it without them.
I believe the strike against Bin Laden was conducted with the direct oversight and collaboration of the BRICS alliance.
Chinese premier Hu Jintao visited the US for a major summit in January — and according to my top insiders, an extraterrestrial human diplomat came along with him to negotiate the terms for Disclosure and the standing down of negative factions.
The visitor was apparently wearing a brown jacket, and was there at the initial meeting with Vice President Biden when Jintao first arrived.
I was told that there are certain pictures, which may or may not ever have made it into the mainstream media, showing Biden and others looking completely dazzled to meet this enigmatic man and shake his hand.
This summit came as a direct result of China’s October Surprise — where extraterrestrial allies of BRICS began systematically destroying classified military assets beginning in October 2010, as I have documented in several prior articles.
The sudden mass deaths of birds and fish, beginning in late December and continuing into early January, appeared to be the result of desperate HAARP counter-strikes against these attacks.
So far, I have not been able to find any photograph of a man in a brown coat during the time of this diplomatic visit. If you find anything like this, please send it along and we’ll use it!
This mid-January summit appears to have been a direct precursor to the official Disclosure plan that was drawn up in mid-March. The documents were then released in April — followed by the stunning attack against Bin Laden.
Everything had obviously come to a head by the end of March. That’s when I heard from multiple sources that a final Disclosure plan had been submitted for all the insider agencies to sign off on.
After the China / US summit in January, BRICS apparently took steps in March that sealed the deal.
One possible example of an ‘endgame maneuver’ was an edgy article from March 1st that threatened to openly disclose the existence of joint human / ET bases now in existence on the Moon.
India’s Space Research Organization Announces “Giant Underground Chamber” on MoonBack in 2009, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA announced a moon hole deep enough to contain a small human base. Now, the Indian Space Research Organization has discovered a “giant underground chamber” near the Moon’s equator, in the Oceanus Procellarum area.The huge cave— discovered by the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft—is more than one mile long (1.7 kilometers) and 393 feet wide (120 meters).By comparison, the vertical hole that Jaxa discovered was only 213 feet (65 meters across) and 289 feet deep (88 meters). This new chamber is big enough to contain a small lunar city or a secret Nazi base with a few thousand UFOs.The Indian researchers have published a paper detailing their findings and talking about the possibility of making this giant underground vault as a future human base. The settlement would be protected from radiation, micro-meteor impacts, dust and extreme temperature changes by the lava structure….They also point out that explorers would only need minimal construction, without the added cost of having to use expensive shields against the hazardous lunar environment.If humans ever colonize this chamber, I hope they call the city Attilan. [Silicon India]
The very same day this article on a possible Moon base came out — March 1st — an unidentified flying object was shot down in Russia.
This appears to have been an Old World Order asset, snooping around where it didn’t belong and acting in a threatening manner.
Part of what leads me to think this is “one of ours” is the mention of a “pyramid-shaped UFO.” Apparently this system utilizes the same technology as the flying black triangle — only now you have three triangles formed into a pyramid shape.
This may have been one of the key events that led the insiders to realize they had to surrender. If their own technology could be shot down by the Russians, or their ET allies, they no longer possessed the needed military advantage to win the battle.
Massive UFO Crash in Russia UFO event of Roswell proportions has taken place in Russia and is being ignored by Western media. On March 1 in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, a huge object, glowing pink and blue according to some accounts, was seen by thousands of locals as it hurtled towards Earth.An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area. Curious and frightened residents inundated various police and rescue departments with phone calls. The military soon confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs.One villager, Mr Sergei Ivanov, described what he saw: “It did not look like an aircraft, more like a UFO or some other unexplained object”.Soon a large array of officials inundated the area: Army chiefs, Air Defense personnel, Ministry of Defense officials, heads of police, Emergency Ministry staff, geophysicists, avionics experts and members of the secret service.These officials made their way towards site of the alleged crash, declared the event classified and announced to the media that the specific area of impact would not be revealed.Meanwhile a sizable number of journalists arrived in the region and fanned out to the area’s various settlements in search of witnesses: And they found them in the hundreds. Some locals blamed the event on a alien UFO base said to exist beneath Lake Baikal. Others talked of intense UFO activity leading up up the event.The head of a primary school in the town of Vasilevka recounted how she saw a giant pyramid shaped UFO in the skies above the area in June 2010.The mayor of the village of Bayanday, Anatoly Tabinaev, talked of a giant flying saucer that shot a ray of light onto the ground near his house. Another group of residents talked about an odd object that “crashed” near the village leaving behind only mysterious footprints.Only hours prior to this event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia claim to have picked up a UFO on radar travelling at 6000 mph at a height of 65000. When they tried to speak with the crew of that craft they heard bizarre cat noises being uttered to them.[DW: This may be the result of voice-encrypting technology — and does not necessarily imply that the occupants were extraterrestrials.]Are these two events connected? Was this the craft that crashed later that day? And finally: Did the craft actually crash at all or was this just a noisy landing?The video below shows some footage taken of the event….
The British press appears to be involved in the Resistance — and the push for Disclosure. I would imagine there are strong elements in the British press who are openly cooperating with the BRICS alliance on their goals.
I was surprised to see a possible case of time travel — suggesting that someone from our own time traveled back to ancient China, and accidentally left her antique Swiss finger watch behind.
There is obviously no way of knowing what is going on here, or if it’s even real. The article was originally published in 2008, but it suddenly started making the rounds again in March 2011.
It is possible that this was left behind by a woman who traveled back in time — to hopefully stop China from becoming the formidable adversary it has now become. This may be why the artifact was found in a tomb from the royal family.
It is possible that a targeted assassination was performed and the watch fell off in the process. Perhaps it was hoped that the Chinese royal bloodline could be thrown off by doing this — and future events could be altered.
Obviously, if this was the plan, it didn’t work.
Century-old Swiss watch discovered in ancient tomb sealed for 400 yearsArchaeologists are stumped after finding a 100-year-old Swiss watch in an ancient tomb that was sealed more than 400 years ago.They believed they were the first to visit the Ming dynasty grave in Shangsi, southern China, since its occupant’s funeral.But inside they uncovered a miniature watch in the shape of a ring marked ‘Swiss’ that is thought to be just a century old.The mysterious timepiece was encrusted in mud and rock and had stopped at 10:06 am.Watches were not around at the time of the Ming Dynasty and Switzerland did not even exist as a country, an expert pointed out.The archaeologists were filming a documentary with two journalists when they made the puzzling discovery.When we tried to remove the soil wrapped around the coffin, suddenly a piece of rock dropped off and hit the ground with metallic sound,’ said Jiang Yanyu, former curator of the Guangxi Museum.‘We picked up the object, and found it was a ring.‘After removing the covering soil and examining it further, we were shocked to see it was a watch,’ he added.The Ming Dynasty – or the Empire of the Great Ming – was the was ruling dynasty in China from 1368 to 1644.
Another possible example of a BRICS crackdown in March was that a pedophile ring was threatened to be exposed — running all the way up to the highest levels.
In a seemingly desperate counter-move against BRICS, the IMF announced on March 8th that China and Brazil were “Growing Too Fast.”
The very next day, another article emerged attacking India for allegedly being riddled with corruption.
This was on March 9th. Neither article appeared to have much of an impact. The horrific Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster began just after March 10th — and was vastly more severe.
Benjamin Fulford had been saying for two years that the Rockefeller faction was threatening Japan with earthquake weapons that would target nuclear facilities.
The quake was on March 11th. On March 7th, Fulford discussed a similar attack that had just been perpetuated against Christchurch, New Zealand because they refused to offer their island paradise to the New World Order as a refuge (Emphasis added.)
There is extreme turbulence in world events as the campaign to oust the rogue cabal in control of the United States enters its final phase.One sign is a cut-off of some oil supplies to the U.S. regime, according to US military intelligence. Another is that Serbian operatives claim to have smuggled a nuclear weapon near BIS headquarters in Switzerland.Yet another is that the one million American Satanists are using earthquake weapon blackmail in an effort to force New Zealand to give them their South Island as a refuge.Meanwhile, promises of imminent mass arrests of cabal members continue to be repeated by high level sources but so far, the Washington D.C. criminal enterprise continues to create global mayhem.The D.C. crime syndicate has been trying but failing to overthrow the governments of Libya and Saudi Arabia because these countries are no longer accepting their dollars as payment for oil….To make up for the loss of money the D.C. cabal is jacking up US consumer gasoline prices….In another sign the cabal is getting desperate, a Rand Corporation weather and earthquake weapon operative by the name of Thad Allen, was in Christchurch New Zealand with 8 congress whores just before the earthquake happened there, a Pentagon source says.They left two hours before the earthquake started….However, according to Australian White Dragon Society sources the Satanists have been demanding either Tasmania or the South Island of New Zealand as a refuge for the million or so Satanists who will have to flee the U.S. before the American people wake up. The Islanders say they will fight rather than hand over their land.The only Islands now being offered to them are the crocodile infested Island of Pok Pok near Bougainville, one of Islands on the Mauritius Archipelago and an island near the Dominican Republic. These islands will only be available to members of the Cabal who agree to finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Massive Fish Swarms Off Coast of Acapulco After TsunamiThe shores of Acapulco’s beaches were this weekend teeming with masses of fish packed so tightly they looked like an oil slick from above.Thousands of sardines, anchovies, stripped bass and mackerel surged along the coast of the Mexican resort in an event believed to be linked to the devastating Japanese tsunami.Delighted fishermen rushed out in wooden motor boats, abandoning their rods and nets and simply scooping the fish up with buckets.
These quakes may take a long time to build up to. Japan cut the Old World Order off financially as of two years ago. Almost exactly one year ago, deep-sea fish suddenly appeared on the Japanese shores.
Like the fish in Acapulco, this may have been the result of the earthquake weapons first being turned on. It began just before the massive Chile and Haiti quakes — which Fulford and others had already associated as HAARP-related strikes from the same insiders.
Apparently, once they were finishing up with Chile and Haiti, they began working on Japan. This also suggests that the technology is far from perfect — it may well require quite some time to build up to a really large quake.
Oarfish Omen Spells Earthquake Disaster For Japan – March 4, 2010The appearance of the fish follows Saturday’s destructive 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile and the January 12 tremors in Haiti, which claimed an estimated 200,000 lives.A quake with a magnitude of 6.4 has also struck southern Taiwan.This rash of tectonic movements around the Pacific “Rim of Fire” is heightening concern that Japan – the most earthquake-prone country in the world — is next in line for a major earthquake.Those concerns have been stoked by the unexplained appearance of a fish that is known traditionally as the Messenger from the Sea God’s Palace.The giant oarfish can grow up to five metres in length and is usually to be found at depths of 1,000 metres and very rarely above 200 metres from the surface. Long and slender with a dorsal fin the length of its body, the oarfish resembles a snake.In recent weeks, 10 specimens have been found either washed ashore or in fishing nets off Ishikawa Prefecture, half-a-dozen have been caught in nets off Toyama Prefecture and others have been reported in Kyoto, Shimane and Nagasaki prefectures, all on the northern coast.According to traditional Japanese lore, the fish rise to the surface and beach themselves to warn of an impending earthquake – and there are scientific theories that bottom-dwelling fish may very well be susceptible to movements in seismic fault lines and act in uncharacteristic ways in advance of an earthquake….“In ancient times Japanese people believed that fish warned of coming earthquakes, particularly catfish,” Hiroshi Tajihi, deputy director of the Kobe Earthquake Centre, told the Daily Telegraph.“But these are just old superstitions and there is no scientific relationship between these sightings and an earthquake,” he said.
By March 19th, it seems that the game was over. The Japan operation was far too sloppy. As Fulford wrote in his private blog, the Japanese knew it was not an accident — as well as many others who follow alternative media.
Over 200,000 US personnel had to evacuate Japan — not because of a radiation threat, but because they had been “kicked out.” This may well have been the final straw that led to various insider agencies signing off on the Disclosure plan.
200,000 US Personnel Evacuating from Japan to US West Coast CitiesSEATTLE, Wash. — Thousands of U.S. military and Department of Defense personnel are being voluntarily evacuated from Japan to Seattle and Joint Base Lewis-McChord following last week’s earthquake and tsunami.The USO confirmed Friday that 15,000 U.S. personnel and their dependents will be hosted at USO centers at SeaTac and JBLM in the coming days. The evacuation is part of the U.S. State Department’s voluntary evacuation of U.S. personnel following growing concerns at nuclear plants in Japan.About 6,700 people are expected to arrive at SeaTac and 8,000 at Lewis-McChord, the USO said. The USO centers will act as a hub for military support.The News Tribune reported that about 240 military members and their families evacuated from Japan arrived at Sea-Tac Saturday morning, the first of a wave of several thousand expected to arrive in the Puget Sound area this week.“There’s about 190 children and 50 adults who just passed through customs,” said Don Leingang, executive director of the local USO, which is helping feed the arrivals and help the to connecting flights. “It’s pretty eye watering, if you really want to know.”Leingang told The News Tribune that the next flight is due Monday.The USO is seeking donations as they plan to support an influx of people in the coming days. Donations can be made online at USO said about 200,000 U.S. personnel are being evacuated from Japan to U.S. West Coast cities including San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle/JBLM.
Sarah Palin may have been guided to make a direct attack against BRICS on March 20th — the day after the mass exodus of US personnel from Japan was announced.
Palin tried to get India to distrust China — thereby weakening the alliance. This is most likely what various advisers told her to say.
Palin Tries to Warn India About ChinaThe former Governor of Alaska and reality TV star Sarah Palin has suggested China is preparing itself to launch a military offensive.She questioned why the Far East country was stockpiling ballistic missiles, submarines and ‘new-age, ultramodern aircraft’ seemed unjustified when it did not face an outside threat.‘What’s with the military buildup?’ She said. ‘China’s military growth can’t just be for defensive purposes.’
Again — by this point I hope you can see that what these insiders told me has a credible, trackable story behind it. Not all of these elements I mentioned may be a part of it, but there are enough clues to make a compelling suggestion.
If everything I’m hearing is true, then Disclosure will be moving forward soon. And if it doesn’t move fast enough, BRICS will do it themselves.
There is a massive propaganda effort underway to make Disclosure as negative as possible — to create maximum fear of extraterrestrials once the truth is known. I will go into much more detail about this in my next article.
I want to see Disclosure move way beyond the simple idea that extraterrestrials are real. That’s only the kindergarten class. We have the potential for a much more incredible body of information to come through.
I have been working as hard as I can to insure that Disclosure can be steered in a positive direction — with scientific evidence that is undeniable, rather than hearsay, speculation and conspiracy theories.
Imagine what could happen if the concepts I’m about to share with you could become commonly known and understood. If my book gets the attention it deserves, everything I’m saying here is a logical outcropping of the science I present in it.
In the next part of this article, you’ll get a deeper look at what the insiders have told me — and how the scientific aspects I have arranged fit in. This will be coming soon — no more two-week breaks.
Believe me — I am very glad that my schedule is finally freeing up — but come August, you will find out that the book will have been very well worth the sacrifices I had to make to get there.
The morning after I wrote this, the moderators informed me that we are getting tons of comments coming in! Each one must be read and approved — it’s not automatic — so please be patient.
Our hit counters are still totally malfunctioning in the aftermath of our site upgrades to prevent against hackers… but wow — thank you all so much for your kind words and support!
[Note: We probably lost about the first 20 to 30,000 hits, but we did manage to fix the counter.]
Many readers are sending in comments regarding the Bin Laden issue and believe I have been lied to. There have been well over 250 total comments by the time I am writing this.
I cannot go into all the details of why the sources I work with have passed multiple tests of credibility and trustworthiness. To release those details would compromise our safety. Nor do I have the time to “rewrite the whole book” every time I publish a new article, and reveal all the intricacies of what I can say — and have said before.
The risks I take are very palpable. This is not a movie. It’s not a video game. And it’s definitely not my imagination. These are real people, working real jobs, who have rigorously proved their bonafides and are now leaking highly sensitive information.
They have been proven correct on many, many occasions — revealing hidden things that became openly true and provable later on. I have weeded through dozens of leads to affiliate with the people I trust the most.
I have also rigorously maintained contact with my Higher Self through dreams on a daily basis — ever since I stopped using any and all mind-altering chemicals as of September 21, 1992.
This day-by-day contact with my own soul is absolutely critical in terms of prioritizing how I use my time, who I talk to, what I focus on and who I am willing to believe — or at least consider the possibility that they might be telling me the truth.
There have been many hundreds of occasions where dreams tip me off about something I was not able to see in my waking mind — at least not fast enough to have avoided suffering, distraction or other upsets.
Mentioning what I heard about the Bin Laden issue was about as edgy as I ever get in terms of what I am willing to ‘leak’. I released a good part of this insider’s tale because I felt it made a positive contribution to the dialogue on this issue.
It was also a fascinatingly different perspective than everything else out there. That alone makes it interesting and worth mentioning.
If what I heard is indeed true, then the news is very encouraging — and even if I had heard nothing, I believe this announcement is a foreshadowing of much bigger and much more positive developments.
Charged emotions can create so much static that the deeper messages that arise from the whispers of the soul can be completely blotted out. I highly recommend maintaining a mindfulness practice and not letting yourself get rattled by anything you see or experience.
In this world your mind is presented with conflicting information constantly. No matter how far you go or how hard you work to seek the truth, you can never really be sure of anything. The ego wants to stay in control, but this is a complete illusion.
I do believe there is a truth you can find within your heart. A truth where we are all One, where the universe is built of loving energy, and where all negativity, violence, condescension, sarcasm and fear-mongering must eventually crumble to dust.
You may be too wounded to let yourself believe this is all moving in a positive direction — but more and more people are getting it, and I’m doing my best to help document the ways in which I see this happening.
I cannot be sure that my sources are telling me the truth. Nor can anyone be sure that all the rumors of Bin Laden’s death were true.
Every permutation of “Bin Laden Died a Long Time Ago” information has now been repeatedly offered in the comments section. Bombed in December 2001. Kidney failure in 02 or 03. Benazir Bhutto’s BBC interview. Steve Pieciznik on Alex Jones. Et cetera.
None of it is prima facie evidence, however. It’s all hearsay. Every bit of it. No body was ever produced and positively identified.
I can’t prove that my speculations are true either. What I heard is also hearsay. Every bit of it. It’s just a different way of looking at the same situation.
No one will ever be able to prove what is what on this story. No level of ‘proof’ that is offered can ever convince anyone of anything.
If we can understand and accept that, we can elevate the tone to a point where we can dispassionately examine what may be true, and contemplate alternative explanations that, while they may be unpopular, could nonetheless provide new insights.
We can prove the Rockefeller Faction financed Hitler in the early 20th century and imported all the German tradecraft after World War II with Project Paperclip. This tradecraft includes the most highly effective propaganda techniques the world has ever known.
These guys have made a cottage industry out of being several steps ahead of everyone else. Even when you think you know what they’re up to, they’re already working on some other way in which they can seed new disinformation into the mix.
Imagine now that there was a treasonous collaboration with Bin Laden all along. Imagine that there was never a falling out with “Tim Osman” after he first was trained and financed by the US to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
Imagine that there are rooms where everyone laughs about how deluded the ‘sheep’ really are. Where the most seemingly violent enemies are actually back-slapping, butt-kissing buddies.
Given what we already know, I can totally ‘buy’ the idea that Bin Laden was very good at what he did, was a great employee, and was promised he would be kept alive as a thank-you for all his hard work.
9/11 was definitely not done by a bunch of jihadists with box-cutters. The operation was highly sophisticated, and I have heard that multiple methods were used to literally ‘dustify’ the buildings and leave nothing but a handful of I-beams that were quickly carted off.
People don’t accept the obvious flaws in the 9/11 story because of fear.
If “The Government” did 9/11, that is a terrifying place to go within yourself.
It’s a place you’re not willing to go unless your life is already so messed up that you don’t really care about the feeling of hopelessness, paranoia and terror it creates in you — at least at first.
9/11 bought the Rockefeller Faction the time and money they needed to jump-start the war machine, refinance the ailing defense contractors, and attempt to pass new laws that could have created a global fascist dictatorship — to try to fulfill their plans for a New World Order.
I can totally buy that part of the gratuity Bin Laden was offered for his role in “the greatest science fiction story ever told” was a masterful propaganda campaign — in which multiple doubts were seeded, at the very highest levels, to make it all but a certainty in everyone’s mind that he had died long ago.
Similarly, the story was allowed to completely die in the mainstream media — hence the sarcastic term “Osama Bin Forgotten.”
Imagine how many suicide bombers could be inspired to kill themselves by meeting the ultimate “rock star” of terrorism in person. Speaking with him. Shaking his hand. Getting a big smile and a pat on the back. Bonding with him as a surrogate father — after your real father was long since dead from sectarian violence.
It takes a lot to get someone to offer their own life and risk the most hideous, prolonged torture.
What better incentive can you offer than to keep the ultimate “rock star” of terrorism alive? The Greatest Devil the West Has Ever Known — a Freedom Fighter now there to be their friend, teacher and father figure?
This makes perfect sense from the negative elite’s perspective. They love to be behind the scenes, treating people as completely expendable, pitiful and worthless — and enjoying the sarcastic pleasure of tricking them on the most profound levels possible.
By keeping Bin Laden alive, they could create an army of Useful Fools. All these people are actually doing the dirtiest of dirty jobs for the very group they hate the most — and they are totally clueless!
Every time they blow themselves up, they generate even more money for their hidden masters — by keeping oil prices high.
It’s sick. It’s sarcastic. And it’s exactly how the negative elite love to work. They love to have things going on that are so odious, so treasonous, so revolting that no one will believe it even after they find it — because it’s just too repulsive.
The real question we all need to ask ourselves, in my opinion, is why we are being confronted with these thoughtforms — over and over again? What in us is causing this ‘mirror’ to appear out there in the world?
I do believe Bin Laden’s apparent assassination has shocked the insider world, based on what I’ve heard and how it resonates with my own internal BS-meter.
These insiders do not like Obama. Not one bit. There is no point in arguing with them, and I don’t. Their opinions are too entrenched. I just listen to what they have to say and make up my own mind about what I choose to believe.
The insiders did not want to give Obama anything whatsoever that would inspire the public to like him. Not a single shred of good news — and certainly nothing like this. They work overtime to keep the hate as high and as violent as posisble.
I’ve been hearing all kinds of stories about how they wanted him to get thrown out over the birth certificate issue, or assassinated, or have an untimely ‘accident,’ et cetera. They’ve even worked an Obama assassination into The Event, as the next article will reveal.
The whole game is for you to hate the president.
If you do hate the president, you’re exactly where they want you to be.
All your energy is directed on one target, one focal-point, who can easily be killed, sidelined or voted out of office.
More importantly, you hate. You engage in it. You live in it. You feel it. You obsess on it.
Hate is your life, your passion and your focus. It’s your campaign — and you need everyone to agree with you because you are so outraged.
Guess what? You are right where they want you to be. You are a perfect product of your conditioning. You are doing your job as a foot-soldier for the elite.
They do things to make you mad… so that you will be mad. That’s the whole point.
You are actively maintaining the very state of consciousness that ensures we will need further death and destruction offered to us before we will awaken to loving-kindness — as a planet.
The real issue is not politics. It’s not who is in office. It’s how each of us choose to think and feel about ourselves, and how we in turn treat others.
Disclosure is ultimately about discovering that we are at a very early stage of human evolution — and are being inspired to push to the next level.
If you want to evolve to a higher spiritual level, you have only two options:
1. You can shoot for 95-percent service to self. This is impossible to achieve without raping, torturing and killing people on a mass level. If you don’t have the stomach for that, you are wasting your time by doing anything negative.
2. You can shoot for 51-percent-or-more of service to others — which involves being compassionate, friendly and supportive.
This is actually far more difficult than the negative path, in many ways — because it necessitates that your own Ego — the identity you have enjoyed your entire life — will be humiliated, crucified and completely destroyed… to pave the way for a greater manifestation of who you really are.
Those are your choices. It’s all spelled out in the Law of One series. If you choose the negative path, you’re going to have to balance it out in later lifetimes and go positive anyway — so you save yourself a lot more time by doing it now.
51 percent is the minimum you need to graduate — but obviously the farther you go, the closer you are to re-aligning with your true essence.
It is possible to become a true pillar of strength and a beacon of light for others. It is possible to make contact with your Higher Self, discover your greatest Purpose and embody that creativity and inspiration in everything you think, see and do.
To liberate yourself from fear is to embrace truth. To embrace love. To embrace Identity — in the greatest sense.
So I leave you with these questions:
Who are you?
Do you have enough courage — enough trust — enough faith — to become who you really are — by maintaining a positive, loving, supportive attitude towards yourself and others?
Are you aware that your ego — your personality self — is being utterly crucified? Is it clear to you, yet, that your ego cannot possibly survive this ordeal?
Do you understand what may be in store for you if you stop fighting the inevitable — and allow that shell you built around your heart to break open?
Can you see love where others only see hate? Are you a beacon of hope for others — who are not yet capable of understanding that they are being crucified, or that anything positive could ever come from all of this?
Are you creating your own Ascension, right now, by the state of consciousness you choose to maintain in your life?
Think about it — and we’ll talk soon.
Thanks David as always for your updates. I always appreciate the links you provide.
I had already been looking through the FBI files before your post, but I did not know about the NSA files.
thank U David ….
we Love U …
we welcome the Shifting !!!!
I feel Love – i feel lightly like a butterfly …
Blessings to all Beings living on our sacred GAIA !!!!
with Laughs Light & Golden Rays
Hello David, you may want to read this before going on with the rest of the article.
Bin Laden has been dead for a decade. The “announcement” was the 1st step of the plan to release negativity and to make people stop fearing. It will be later addressed and explained.
I’m not sure how more lies can positively cover the previous lies, though…
[Moderator: Channeling is an opinion — filtered through the mind of a person who does their best to get out of the way. It cannot ever be 100-percent accurate.
Strong beliefs ALWAYS can influence the results. If you haven’t seen David’s “Access Your Higher Self” yet I highly recommend it, as he goes into detail about this.
In the Law of One series they frequently say how important it is that you not use channeling to get ‘transient’ information. This means any information that would not matter as much in 10,000 years as it does today.
If you do seek this type of information in channeling, it is almost a certainty that your results will be ‘mixed’.]
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama meets Monday behind closed doors with top officials at high-level talks between the U.S. and China.
The evening meeting at the White House will include Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo.
The gathering will cap a day of talks at the State Department, the Department of the Interior and the Treasury Department. The talks conclude Tuesday.
The annual meetings have been broadened this year to cover foreign policy.
Earlier in the day, the president will meet with the crew of the space shuttle Discovery, which returned from its final mission in March.
WOW . . . and due to not wishing to be seen as “too clever by half,” I did not want to speculate on the POTUS actually being an off-worlder.
However, as the moderator (you are a superb moderator!) stated earlier, this intense focus on Obama’s place of birth, while ostensibly an attempt to discredit him, may unwittingly be a first step in disclosure.
As I pondered this over the last few weeks, it would make sense that those at the highest levels know his birthplace and might even be quite pissed that he is the POTUS, so they have created this “hangout” about his not being a U.S. citizen by birth.
From my perspective, it would be AWESOME to learn that Obama is an off-worlder by birth. I love President Obama and I send him waves of love every day, as I know what a difficult job he has.
(Madtown USA Planet Earth)
[Moderator: LOL… you are right. These negative groups seem to invariably create the very things they oppose the most.
Rather than making everyone hate Obama, if it turns out that people consider him a human ET, that could actually work to his advantage.
They have calculated that people will fear and hate human ETs but there is no guarantee they will… regardless of the propaganda.]
I don’t get the 95% negative and 51% positive thing. Is there someone keeping score what good or bad things we did? Who decides what’s bad and what’s good?
Also, if you’re raised in an environment that supports aberrant behaviour you’re very likely to copy you actions related to your surroundings.
What you do depends greatly in what environment you’re raised in. So it’s hard to say we can just choose to be negative or positive.
If I’m hungry, don’t have anything to eat I’ll be more likely to steal food and if nobody taught me better, maybe kill someone to get access to my necessities of life.
I Would love if you could comment on this. Or maybe some of the moderators.
take care,
[Moderator: There is much more detail about this in the Law of One series. Your Higher Self is indeed “keeping score,” though I wouldn’t use that term.
Everything you do in your life has a hidden backdrop, which is spiritual in nature. Every decision, every action is either moving forward or moving backward on that path.
Many people are born into extreme difficulty to work off karma from other lives. In these difficult environments it is much harder to “polarize positive.”]
Tough crowd, eh? I’m exhausted by all of the public vitriol against Obama.
There’s obviously many layers to this story, but the main point is that something has permanently changed with this news. Maybe we’ll find out all of it, maybe we won’t.
To all of the people who say (or imply) that this damages David’s credibility in some way I offer my perspective:
I too have doubted David very, very strongly in the past based upon information/prophecies/posts that seemed utterly ridiculous at the time (see an earlier post of mine).
However, I gradually began to work my way back into his material after the financial crisis, I began to see that many of the sources which I’d previously used to internally “debunk” him were seriously flawed — and had significant reasons to push a given agenda.
To all of the doubters – many of whom seem to be of the opinion that Obama is some kind of “Manchurian Candidate” or even worse a villainous Antichrist – I pose this very specific request:
What is David’s incentive for posting this information that obviously contradicts much of the “alternative” media?
I reach two possible reasons. One is that David is trying to set himself apart by “bucking convention” in order to attract more attention to his website.
The latter, which rings true to me, is that he is actually taking a HUGE risk by advocating this interpretation of events “behind the scenes”.
To me, many of the sources being used to “expose” David’s OBL stance as false have significant fearmongering agendas, as fear causes more people to watch or listen in.
If you are a fearmonger, it is much, much easier to project brash statements and retract them because everything is ultimately a conspiracy of some bogeymen.
If you really search David’s past writings and references, there are many times where he’s virtually seemed to be the sole positive-voiced dissenter working within a fearful and paranoia-driven subculture.
David consistently gets ridiculed because “he SAYS he’s Edgar Cayce” or “he just wants to make money” or “blah blah blah”.
As I stated in a comment attached to his last article, he likely needs to cast a wide net in order to dredge up any flotsam or jetsam that may eventually be “woken up”.
This is a thankless task, as many of us will constantly assume that we know about these matters better than he does.
He’s paid his dues, and for that I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
Final point – this is not to say that he should be worshiped, as this would be a huge violation of free will AND also starts a person down the road of not being responsible for what they think and feel (i.e. becoming a mindless sheep once again).
Rather, explore in your own heart/mind/spirit what your incentives are to believe or disbelieve a statement such as “It really WAS OBL”, and figure out what lies in yourself that would cause you to cling so strongly to one belief or another that you’re willing to verbally tear the guy a new “***hole” for violating this apparently core belief you hold.
Take responsibility for your own thoughts and beliefs. David’s doing that for himself, and trying to be of service the best way he can in this incarnation.
At least that’s the conclusion I’ve come to in feeling through my own heart/mind/spirit.
[Moderator: Thank you SO MUCH for this spirited statement of truth as you see it.
What you also do not realize is that there is a definite threshold of hatred and sarcasm that automatically insures that a comment will not make it.
Any time David mentions a word about Obama we are inundated with the most severe hatred you can imagine.
David is absolutely right to begin addressing this directly. This is a site that promotes positive thinking and spiritual growth, and if you dwell in hatred you are literally a pawn in the game of the very powers you claim to oppose.
Remember — all he’s doing is offering an opinion, and if you don’t like it you certainly do not have to commit acts of extreme verbal violence.]
I have two questions:
Some time ago DW said one of his contacts gave him more detailed info as to the specifics of the ETs and that he was cataloging them, will he come back on that?
Has Mr X’s (RIP) testimony got something to do with the push for disclosure, i.e. that by the end of 2012 the ET’s were going to make themselves known no matter what? Have DW’s insider contacts ever commented on the validity of his testimony?
[Moderator: The whole final chapter of David’s new book underlines the importance of that — and if you read the second-to-last blog post he gives an impressive body of evidence from India that the end of 2012 may be “it” as far as open ET visitation is concerned.]
I haver never commented before.
But your second update is magnificent, thats why i read your stuff.
You understand that what we feel and think is the most important thing. You understand that we can love life no matter what, love all there is, (unconditional love).
You understand that if we feel good, if we love, if we have compassion on the “bad guys”, we are wining this game.
You understand that its up to us to feel bad or to feel good, to love-help people or to hate-dont help people, its our choice, a choice between love and hate.
Love makes us feel good, love helps other people feel good, hate makes us and others feel bad. What do we prefer? The answer is obvious. Love is the answer.
Great text! Keep spreading light. Thank you.
PS: Neptune is in Pisces now, feel the love!
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The site is relatively popular among users in the cities of Haparanda (where it is ranked #25) and Delft (#129).’s visitors view 2.1 unique pages each day on average. The site is based in the US.»
You guys should definitely come to Europe! 😉
PS. Don’t get me wrong, dear fellow readers, but too much ObamaSama stuff… Aren’t we missing the truly important point(s)?
PPS. What about the colateral disclosure related trickling? Realized any increase in discreet info about electric cars???
The prices don’t make them popular, but they’re more and more visible every day (ecofriendly and so SILENT, I love them!!!).
Love and Light
As someone mentioned earlier the easiest explanation for the ‘fact’ that Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2001 (some say ’02 or ’03) and was then killed again by Obama in 2011 is . . . CLONES.
If you look at recent movies such as the Wachowski brother’s ‘V for Vendetta’ or even ‘Vantage point’ the prime minister and the president have CLONES. i.e if one is killed then they have another, a spare.
Alex Collier has talked about this for years – particularly when it came to Jimmy Carter. (Remember the biblical text where if you cut the head off the best then 2 grow back??)
Benjamin fulford has also mentioned that Bush senior was killed in that army barrack shooting a couple of years ago . . .so how is Bush senior still alive? He has a clone.
It’s obvious that Osama had a clone then one died in 2001 of kidney failure (clones often die younger/sooner than the original due to genetic problems) then the real one, or another clone was killed in the shooting recently. there may be more clones of Osama . . .
Obama certainly will also have a clone – that’s why in some photos it looks like he has had brain surgery – it’s his clone. Sometimes he has short hair then the next day his hair is longer. It’s clones.
Intutively the reason I feel that Obama is having difficulty with his birth certificiate is the fact that he was not born on Earth – so they have had to fake the certificate.
I have a strong feeling he was born on Mars and is thus ‘non’ terrestrial. When disclosure happens this may be revealed . . . as genetically he is partly human partly alien. Like a royal blood marriage to keep the peace.
[Moderator: Whether you realize it or not, you’ve anticipated one of the things David will be discussing in his next article, based on conversations he and I have had.
David doesn’t believe Obama is a hybrid. However, this constant, relentless focus on where he was born could clearly be seen as a preparation for Disclosure. The deeper message being “If you’re not born here, you’re the enemy.”
I know David would love to have clones of himself… for one, we’d get more updates!]
Thank you David, for keeping it “real”. I love that you are mind – always fact checking; and as these things get more & more complicated; not denying where unbiased (informed), thoughtful speculations is called for.
So far, if I try to “triangulate the truth” – I’ve found it helpful to see your info first. Then I follow on to B, Fulford, Kerry Cassidy, IGC (SaLusa), Project Camelot, Global Visionary (Jean Hudon), and many more, like NASA, JPL, NOAA, HAARP….
Then match them, but reading through the lines/lies of the mainstream media (CNN, BBC, Reuters, etc.) – to form a reality that I live in.
David; to date yours (DC) always “pulls it together’ in the tightest, most coherent package.
I can’t believe your time management skills, and one day hope to attend your seminar.
Peace & Love, Doug
First, How you come to the conclusion that they want us to dislike Obama amazes when you consider the FACT that most of the media drools all over him and have since the election.
And second, there’s more than two options or choices and this does have to do with disclosure…stay in Jesus because this is the big trick that the bible warns us of…and disclosure will lead to the deception.
Other than that, good article.
[Moderator: Have you seen FOX lately? Or do they not constitute “the media” in your view?
I read a lot of Huffington Post and Obama is getting SLAMMED on there left and right. There is a big difference between what people are TOLD to think is going on in “The Media” and what is actually happening.
This is all part of the propaganda David is talking about. His question remains valid — are you doing your job for the elite in creating hate, or are you Ascending by creating love?]
‘The Thiaoouba Prophecy’!?
There are so many things wrong with that guys story/perspective, I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Either he or his ‘extra terrestrials’ are completely delusional (can’t be more egalitarian than that, can I?!).
As many glaring contradictions as other prevalent works of this nature, exploiting the pervasiveness of the Bible/Torah influence on human consciousness like a vampire-hack in the post ‘Twilight’ popular fiction scene. GAH!
If his spiritual masters/guides are the best example of evolved entities, then it does not bode well. Fortunately they almost certainly aren’t.
Nor do I think that his proto-cult is going to ‘take off’. (Even the ‘Raelians’ are at least slightly more amusing/entertaining… for example).
His/their take on the origins and destiny of the ‘Hebrews’ is particularly absurd and distasteful [though I can grasp why the Moderators friend Larry Seyer might enjoy the romance of it].
The preposterous take on soul-evolution… I won’t even bother!
Read the book if you want some light entertainment, but don’t go near it if your expecting any genuine insight.
And if you are particularly sensitive to rigid stupidity presented as universal ‘truth’, then don’t go near it, it will only annoy you.
May you all find greater wisdom and ‘truth’ than that contained in Monsieur Desmarquets ridiculous book.
(Try ‘Noddy’ perhaps… )
[Moderator: A lot of shame in this post. David always says if it works for you, then use it, and if not, then discard it and don’t look back.
Some people are obviously getting benefit from this material. We haven’t officially studied it enough to have formed an opinion, but your response is definitely worth considering.]
GABRIEL:”What’s with all you birthers and deathers?”…..
You have got the point….imho, it is not the point here to believed or not to Jones or Icke or Wilcock words…to many believers in town!!!
David, does a wonderful job, a great researcher and thinker..i hope anybody can taste his job and enrich his own knowledge…but i hope it is not a matter of believing…
my wish and feeling in a short slogan for this new era comeing is “NO MORE INTERMEDIARES”…in the sense that each of us can potentially feel and express the creative universal force within…
personally i love David works most of the time, but i have no problems to say that i do not buy his vision on Obama…and second he is a bit to New Age style to me…but that does not mean that i am correct or that i do not respect his job…
and thanks God,even in this forum, same people can write different ideas..Paolo
[Moderator: Thank you for a more respectful criticism. The overall ethic I see these days is a new spin on an old saying:
“If you don’t have something nice to say…
So very few of us have first hand experience of these issues that move us so passionately.
Other than a much appreciated synchronicity here and there, all of our information and most of our belief systems regarding what’s really going on out there have been filtered through someone else’s controlled perception before showing up on a tv screen or website.
If none of it can be fully true or fully trusted, the ONLY way for us to discern information is to evaluate if it feels more like love or more like hate and fear.
Thanks so much for emphasizing this concept!
We don’t have to believe a damn thing we are told, but events or announcements that lead to peaceful and joyous celebration in the streets will change this world.
The purpose of the ego that is most useful for my understanding in its goal to separate and divide with distrust and difference and hate.
The ego achieves this goal through incremental movement away from the realization that we are all one.
When people listen to Obama’s word choices which nearly always suggest incremental movements towards cooperation and unity and compassion, and they feel hatred and distrust, it becomes very clear the Ego has taken over.
Thanks so much for validation of my feelings and passions in striving to see the world around me reflect the achievement of my own higher state of mind.
[Moderator: Some people get it — thanks for your own passionate response!]
Hello David,
I am a Ben F’s registerd reader.
Just find out people sighted a lot of UFOs Shinjuku in Tokyo May 8, 2011 which is yeseterday. I leave YouTube video address here if you are interested in.
Lots of love,
Your second update is spot on. That is real disclosure. Opening of our heart in the centre of our own micro universe.
Our ego has to step back and make room for this to happen.
I wonder what it would be like to see the promised land, knowing that me, the ego can not enter. It makes me sad, but I know it is the only way to revive the original me, the real me.
Thank You Bobby for Sharing a Great book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet. However the link You provided is not Giving who seek it the material, they Can download the book for Free here:
I Have read Thiaoouba Prophecy many times, and every time it gets Better, and Better!!! 🙂
You Matter,
Matt Sicotte:-):-)
Hey David & Moderator.
Thanxx for being WHO U are, and for a nice update.
I would like to mark and copy this one from David, because this is so right on. Thanx David for your word.
Lightworker, footsoldier or whatever you wanna call it.
( this was taken from David Wilcock’s blog, and my comments on this is:
Be aware of your focus and share your info in balance with your heart. …It’s easy for many people to get trapped by the dark elite madness stuff )
The whole game is for you to hate the president. If you do hate the president, you’re exactly where they want you to be….
[Moderator: The rest of this was a re-posting of the end of David’s article so we clipped it here.]
Oh, David, great addendum to a great blog! I was just thinking tonight that there wasn’t a lot of compassion in politics–that that was what was missing, with worrying about “who’s right, who’s wrong, who deserves what, etc.”
I remember being really strongly struck by one statement from the head of the Nazi propaganda machine who said, “The only truth to having a lie believed is merely to tell it often enough.” That is what conditioning is, ultimately. And it is very effective.
I have a friend who is a tea partying, radical right, racist, and with whom I have little in common except for where we worked, and yet, being so different, I love him as a friend.
I do not agree with him, most of the time, and sometimes he will send me hate-oriented, rhetoric-laden email campaigns that have riled him up (about Congress, Obama, Mexicans, etc), and he passes them along because he feels this is his way to “do something about it.”
I usually write back that it is easier to manipulate people who are angry, and to pay attention to how he feels, and what good does it do to rile everyone up but probably to distract from a bigger issue?
Hate and rhetoric lower the vibration. I remember one of your blogs–gosh, maybe from a year ago–said that “It’s a frequency war.”
I still believe that.
I am seeing more and more workshops and people engaging in accessing the divine, connection with higher self, etc, that it’s beautiful to see, contrasting the “common mood” from just ten years ago.
I see it shifting. I feel it shifting. It IS shifting.
I think it’s partly our conditioning that causes us to react to rhetoric, and conditioning is part of the ego, the “false self” that is attached to control, to a “story” of who we are.
I pray the that mass “ego” will transform very soon–that it is already transforming, gently shifting and loosening, as our true selves shine through, freed from hate and conditioning and illusions of control.
[Moderator: Very well put. Thank you!]
You said similar things in the 10 min HAARP Footage, that a disclosure is coming up, though it never came. You are unnecessarily optimistic even this time. I feel that there would be a golden age, which would resurrect the Aryan civilization. It would start from West Bengal in India.
[Moderator: I would say optimism is QUITE necessary if we want to create the Golden Age…]
David is absolutely right…
fear, negativity, the dark path- or love?
love is the solution to all healing. love is healing. i have just begun to embrace this to a greater extent myself.
if you are focused on judging anything- details or the big picture- then that is a sure sign that your ego is getting in the way of love that, without ego, would naturally be flooding your whole being in such an amazing way.
for anyone who has not experienced this feeling yet- you will if you just sit still and focus on the heart and love. and soon, you wont be concerned with petty things, or even major “dilemmas.”
life will flow smooth, and you will feel PERFECT as you are.
it is my hope that everyone comes to experience this…
WOW Thanks David
Like you I was befuddled when I saw the news of Bin Laden’s death, my first thought was ” Ok what is really going on here” and you gave us this fascinating up date. Its still hard to digest, time will tell us the truth.
Keep up the great research and much love to you!!!
Moderator–Somehow my post was entered before I was ready. I just wanted to say that this entire situation with bin Laden seems to have been created in order that everyone will be confused.
Obama is using this “device” as a way to direct exposure to the truth of 9/11. (As Matthew states).
I believe Obama is being guided by the light forces and this is all being played out exactly as it needs to be.
Can people stop bickering about bin laden and birth certificates? Of all the things in the world I can imagine being worth worrying about, these things both seem quite pointless.
@ Bobby and Joan
Thanks to you both for the links to Thiaoouba Prophecy. I had never heard of it before, and just finished reading it. Quite the story.
Whether the facts are true, or fictional really does not matter. Instead, the principles are about as genuine as anyone could ask.
There is a repeating theme in the book that is rarely described with much detail: the concept of working with Nature.
If you have not read it, “Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon” by Machaelle Small Wright describes in great detail how she accessed parallel dimensions directly by learning to work with Nature.
She is about as down to earth and grounded in ordinary life as you could ask.
It was published some time ago, but Amazon still has it.
Hi everyone! Its funny people should mention the Thiaoouba Prophecy, because that was the first book that shattered my mental shell. Ive read that book about 3-4 times because I learn something new everytime.
Frankly im astounded David has never read it! This book ties into everything he has been saying and Validates his work.
I read this about 4 years ago. Ironically the way I discovered Davids work was by searching information from the Thiaoouba Prophecy. And just like the book, he has changed my life.
I HIGHLY suggest at least checking it out. I also suggest reading The Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner (2 Physicists). The book discusses many experiments you can use that validate that we create our own reality.
Oh and David, im sure I dont need to tell you this, but never let these negative individuals get you down. I dont see any of them sacrificing their time to help humanity. You are doing amazing!
Love from Central Illinois!! Ketan S.
Thank you David. An amazing statement of calm and insight. Has anyone noticed how you never offer an insight with the directions to hate someone?
The intensity of the moment just keeps building. Maybe, just maybe, something good this way comes.
Love you and the work you do to bring Light and Love to us all.
Unless I’m interpreting this wrong, I don’t agree with this.
“If you want to evolve to a higher spiritual level, you have only two options:
1. You can shoot for 95-percent service to self. This is impossible to achieve without raping, torturing and killing people on a mass level. If you don’t have the stomach for that, you are wasting your time by doing anything negative.
2. You can shoot for 51-percent-or-more of service to others — which involves being compassionate, friendly and supportive.
This is actually far more difficult than the negative path, in many ways — because it necessitates that your own Ego — the identity you have enjoyed your entire life — will be humiliated, crucified and completely destroyed… to pave the way for a greater manifestation of who you really are.
51 percent is the minimum you need to graduate — but obviously the farther you go, the closer you are to re-aligning with your true essence.”
So, if I want to evolve, I either must be a tyrannical maniac, or destroy my ego helping others?
I don’t see helping yourself and helping others as a scale where one moves down as the other moves up.
Some hermit could live alone their entire existence and never help nor harm anyone, could they not evolve spiritually?
If I go equal 50-50 helping myself and helping others, I won’t evolve because I need that extra 1%? I’m sorry, I believe in a universe where everybody wins. The ego doesn’t need to die it just needs to be in balance.
*Waves to the moderator* I doubt David will read this, so hello moderator person. I’m often intrigued by David’s discoveries and appreciate a place I can go to see what I consider the ‘real’ stories going on in the world.
This bit just didn’t sit right with me, intuitively.
[Moderator: You have hit one of the points that is explained much more fully in the Law of One series. Go to the Books section and read the Law of One Study Guide as a good starter.
One point they make is that maintaining loving consciousness IS service to others, even if you are out in the woods alone. David makes this point in many articles and at every conference.]
Thank you so much for the article and mostly for the second update where “you are really delivering the goods”!
Awesome as usual!!!
My admiration and appreciation also goes out to the moderator!!!
[Moderator: Thanks… it’s nice to hear!]
Hi david Great light has shining to the world to your new post.
Thanks a lot
Love and light.
OMG David, THANK YOU for your compelling, thoughtful, thought-provoking, and absolutely SPOT ON update this morning.
Your words resonate with me like a thousand and one tones simultaneously rising.
When you say, “The real question we all need to ask ourselves, in my opinion, is why we are being confronted with these thoughtforms — over and over again? What in us is causing this ‘mirror’ to appear out there in the world?” you capture the essence of this egoistic struggle.
This is the question I ask myself EVERY day as I strive to contact my Higher Self and seek guidance and the Love.
And you are SO right: this is NOT easy. It is actually MUCH harder than the service-to-self path, because it means giving up that ego.
You write, “Do you have enough courage — enough trust — enough faith — to become who you really are — by maintaining a positive, loving, supportive attitude towards yourself and others?” This is essence of the journey.
David, you are an AMAZING individual, and I count myself among the lucky and the blessed to be alive right now and have the benefit of your tireless work.
(Madison, WI USA)
After reading this post I headed to Google to find information about this Siberian UFO incident. Below is a Russian TV reporting.
Several residents are interviewed, and there is even some good quality footage. Many comments were posted from skeptics who say the light looks like an ambulance.
Well fine, but the real meat is in the testimonials. I speak Russian so I can give you the jest of it.
The first lady interviewed said she saw a thousand objects fly INTO the ground. The man interviewed said that in order to believe what he saw, you would have to see it yourself. “seeing is believing”.
While all the interviewees are taken seriously, there is the obligatory debunk at the end, presented by some academic: it was probably a meteor shower, who knows.
The funny thing is the footage they show looks nothing like a meteor shower!
It is very significant to see Russian media give this kind of air time to this.
I feel that even if the human being representing “Osama Bin Laden” is still alive or long-dead, the fiction/ bogey-man/straw-man “Osama” is dead and that is what matters.
Consider that if Osama is still alive and shows up in the near future then Obama and the government have a mighty big hole to dig themselves out of or be buried in.
Looking forward to seeing David in Seattle this weekend!
I think what people don’t seem to take into consideration is that it doesn’t really matter if this was the “real” Bin Laden or not.
Much of Bin Laden was actually a fiction created and used (specifically by the Bush/Cheney government era) to frighten the US into some very nasty and unconstitutional changes (NWO type changes).
Whether it was really Bin Laden or not, the “threat” from him being “alive and hidden” has now been ended by Obama and his team.
I feel it was a brilliant chess move by Obama and I bet it sure ticked off the Bush/Cheney crowd. Their bogey man is now publicly dead.
[Moderator: David told me he is going to point out, in his next article, how Obama just said on 60 Minutes that “the vast majority” of his most senior cabinet members and aides had NO IDEA that he was doing this operation — nor did his own family.
Why be so distrustful of his own senior cabinet members? You are absolutely right. This tailors the whole public perception of ‘terror’ and what is going on, and the people who were kept out of the loop on this were obviously part of the problem.
Disclosure is probably being worked out in a very similar fashion.]
Thanks for the second part David. Hopefully many will answer the personal questionnaire you added at the end.
I do hope more than 51% will understand the service to others path. It is our way home.
I don’t know David.
First of all I would like to thank you for the effort and time put into your work. It truly is amazing.
But I don’t know about Obama. He just doesn’t resonate with me, he doesn’t look like he’s from the light. I have read several things on him, and I just can’t see how he could be “good”…
Maybe I’m being fed too much disinfo, but the fact that nobody knows where he’s from is odd.
Keep on going David!
[Moderator: The scope of disinfo that has been put out about Obama is absolutely mind-boggling. More resources have been put into getting you to hate this person than probably anyone else in human history, as David just said.]
David, I love you, but you’ve got to stop misusing “sarcastic”. It makes you sound silly when you keep saying it where it doesn’t fit. You might mean “cynical” or perhaps even “sadistic”.
Sarcasm is a kind of wry and ironic humor. This shadow government stuff isn’t humorous or ironic. It’s just f-ed up. PLEASE find a better adjective!
[Moderator: I don’t know… David has told me about the personalities of these folks and ‘sarcastic’ is the best way to describe it. Sarcasm can be a very cruel experience that ruins marriages and has massive potential to cause hurt.]
This might have been true on other planets.
I’ve come to learn that we’re here on Earth as fractals of the whole universe and that we already have gone through the octaves. My next step is to integrate all my aspects, both negative and positive, and its not about chosing a new dualistic way of living. I am becoming oness, moving above the Densities into a higher state of being of true unconditional love.
That’s my journey home. Earth is facilitating it for me and everyone else.
The densities doesn’t appeal to me, altough I do truly know they exist but as part of a lower dualistic part of this universe. That lower part is huge, its magnificent but still its part of a dualistic way of living.
I am not positive nor negative. Im both. And I love all! No conditons, no judgement!
Thanks David for another awesome post! I can’t wait for the update! Your work is stunning! And it will be awesome when the disclosure happens and I do believe it will be positive 🙂
Much much love to you all!
[Moderator: David is quoting from the Law of One here — and they do make the point that “the polarities are integrated” by the time you move into sixth density.]