Now that we have reviewed cargo cults and the idea that a classified mission to colonize space was well underway in the 1800s, it is important to widen our focus.
The next concept of ‘normal’ that needs to be shattered is our idea of time, and the speed with which it passes.
We now have scientific proof that there are lifeforms on earth who experience time far more slowly than we do.
This was discovered by a group of scientists from Ireland and Scotland, and published in 2013:
Flies avoid being swatted in just the same way Keanu Reeves dodges flying bullets in the movie The Matrix – by watching time pass slowly.
To the insect, that rolled-up newspaper moving at lightning speed might as well be inching through thick treacle.
Like Reeves standing back and side-stepping slo-mo bullets, the fly has ample time to escape….
The evidence comes from research into the ability of animals to detect separate flashes of fast-flickering light.
“Critical flicker fusion frequency” – the point at which the flashes seem to merge together, so that a light source appears constant – provides an indication of time perception….
“A lot of researchers have looked at this in different animals by measuring their perception of flickering light,” said Dr Andrew Jackson, from Trinity College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland.
“Some can perceive quite a fast flicker and others much slower, so that a flickering light looks like a blur.
“Interestingly, there’s a large difference between big and small species. Animals smaller than us see the world in slo-mo. It seems to be almost a fact of life.
“Our focus was on vertebrates, but if you look at flies, they can perceive light flickering up to four times faster than we can.
“You can imagine a fly literally seeing everything in slow motion.”
This “flicker frequency” effect has been widely known to insiders for some time.
Our insider Pete Peterson conducted elaborate research in “black ops” projects on the variances among individuals in their actual perception of flickering light.
Certain people can detect a light flickering at a much faster frequency than others.
Those people are not susceptible to propaganda and mind control techniques. They also have an average of 10 to 15 points higher IQ scores.
About 18 percent of the population has this characteristic, and it is distributed across all races.
It does appear that this is directly correlated with the amount of extraterrestrial human DNA that any given person has within them.
This “vibrational increase” can also be taught. It is not strictly genetic in nature. The “ageless wisdom” of all great spiritual teachings tells us how to do this.
Pete also invented a “flicker frequency generator” that was used by all high-level American politicians to help them avoid various mind control strategies.
It was a small matchbox-sized device worn under a suit lapel. You would hold the light up to your eye and turn the dial until the flickering appeared solid.
Then you would wear the device and it would use a form of micro-gravitational currents to stimulate your mind to remain at a higher flicker frequency.
There are various technologies, such as extremely low-frequency or ELF waves, that can negatively affect people’s moods — as one example.
These devices effectively counteracted those influences. All politicians of the 60s and 70s were secretly wearing these devices according to Peterson.
The arrival and interbreeding of extraterrestrial humans on earth — people who look similar to us or just like us — is another great insider secret.
I have encountered this information from a wide variety of independent insiders, and correlated it with ample provable evidence in the everyday world.
In The Ascension Mysteries, we fully trace the 500,000-year history of the human immigrants to Earth who became what we now know as the Cabal.
These people arrived as giants with elongated skulls. The best time estimate of their final crash-landing to Earth is 55,000 years ago, as we discuss in the book.
They were many tens of IQ points ahead of everyone else. They portrayed themselves as “gods” and established rulership all over the world.
Bust of Egyptian Pharaoh Akenhaten / Nefertiti’s Daughter Meritaten — Side View
They created huge civilizations with advanced tech, only to have them repeatedly beaten back into the Stone Age by cataclysms authorized by positive ETs.
Over thousands of years, some of them dropped to normal human heights while retaining the elongated skulls.
This included the Egyptian dynasties, Peru, Boskop South Africa, and Siberia, as discussed in the book.
Others remained as giants, while still having the elongated skulls.
Certain of these scattered, worldwide groups managed to survive, and retained a full record of who they were and where they had originated from.
The documents are still held now in the Vatican. Peterson personally held the books and saw diagrams of huge space stations and ships inside them.
Despite the fascination and detail of this story, this is still only one of a wide variety of groups who are living and working in our solar system at this time.
The Cabal group we call “the Empire” in the book has kept its existence hidden from the rest of us, since they are afraid of being singled out as invaders.
Furthermore, they consider themselves to be the “elite,” the descendants of gods, and the rest of us to be inferior beings — even “useless eaters.”
Some high-level members still have the elongated skulls and remain in hiding. They are not “reptilian shapeshifters,” as some legends have surmised.
As strange as this may sound, this is the main group controlling Western governments, the financial system and media, and it espouses Luciferian beliefs.
The dam is starting to break on this story.
Earlier this week, the main page of Huffington Post carried a testimonial from Elijah Wood of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, exposing darkness in Hollywood.

While he was fortunate enough to have his mother protect him when he went to Hollywood as a kid, Wood admitted, “I’ve been led down dark paths to realize that these things probably are still happening.”
He also said there are “a lot of vipers in this industry” and that Hollywood has “darkness in the underbelly.”
“If you’re innocent, you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed,” he said, “People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey. What upsets me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power.”
Wood may be the highest-level celebrity yet to come forward about what he knows — and it hit the front page of Huffington Post just this week.
A follow-up article on Thursday, May 26th shared the equally damning testimony of Corey Feldman. Things are really picking up on this story.
The Cabal cannot silence people indefinitely. The dam is breaking.
Insiders also told me that “Game of Thrones” was intended to reveal “Illuminati” secrets about British history, thinly disguised as fiction.
I heard this a few years ago, binge-watched 3-4 seasons before being turned off by violence against children, and now finally people are figuring it out.
Though this guy talks a little too fast for my taste, he nonetheless shares a variety of irrefutable points of evidence linking Game of Thrones with British history:
“Game of Thrones” is only one of countless examples of movies and TV shows that expose the Cabal / Illuminati agenda.
The surprising reality is that the deeper you go into studying this, the more propaganda you find.
I was particularly stunned to watch “Zoolander 2,” in which the bloodline of Cain story, a key Cabal myth, was thoroughly presented in the film.
In this religion, Lucifer the serpent was actually an extraterrestrial human who impregnated Eve in the garden.
Abel was Adam’s child, and Cain was Lucifer’s child.
The only difference in the film is that “Cain” is changed to “Steve,” making it more silly-sounding.
Were they copying us? Very unlikely.
Owen Wilson’s character spends the first 15-20 minutes of the movie wearing an eagle-like golden wing over his right eye — a clear Cabal symbol.
This does not mean Wilson is “one of them.” One high-level insider told me “Comedy actors always want to work, and are encouraged to take all offers.”
It does appear that many actors have little or no understanding of what is really going on. That way they are never a threat if they decided to talk.
Justin Bieber is shot to death at the beginning of the movie, and is one of many celebrities who died protecting the secrets of the bloodline.
Movies are written in three-act structures. Act 1 is traditionally pages 1-30 in a screenplay. Act II is 30 through 90. Act III is 90 through 120, and the movie ends.
These three acts are considered to be Setup, Conflict and Resolution. It’s also akin to the idea of Beginning, Middle and Ending.
The entire third act of Zoolander 2 features a child sacrifice of Zoolander’s hidden son, who carries the occult bloodline of “Steve.”
In an astonishing “outing”, a majority of the leading fashion icons in the world appear in their genuine forms as cameos in the third act.
“Zoolander 2’s” deep bench of designer cameos includes Marc Jacobs, Tommy Hilfiger, Alexander Wang and Valentino (we won’t spoil a plot point but rest assured it goes way beyond the step-and-repeat sound bites of the first film).
Valentino, Tommy Hilfiger, Alexander Wang and Marc Jacobs are among the top designers to pop up in Stiller’s catwalk comedy, alongside a handful of models: Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Jourdan Dunn and Karlie Kloss.
There’s even a turn from American Vogue editor Anna Wintour – and, inevitably, Kim Kardashian.
These real-world fashion designers are all wearing hooded cloaks and have gathered in a stony dungeon to participate in the child sacrifice.
No matter how clueless you may be about the existence of this group, I dare you to watch this scene and not get creeped the f-k out.
Here is how it was described on the Kids in Mind site, documenting scenes in films that are potentially damaging for children to watch:
Cloaked and hooded fashion designers enter an old dark stone church and gather around a brightly lit central area.
[In this setting,] another man in gaudy clothing stands and opens a circular area on the floor. A pre-teen boy [then] rises, tied on a cross-like table.
The man shouts and rants about the fashion industry, takes a wide knife and attempts to stab the boy in the heart.
[This occurs] while men and women wearing cloaks chant, “The blood of Steve!” over a dozen times.
The man shouts that he wants the blood of the fat little chosen one.
LONDON, May 20 (Reuters) – British police investigating allegations of historical child sex abuse said more than 1,400 people had been named as suspects including 261 described as “people of public prominence,” including dozens of politicians and TV stars.
Child abuse scandals over the last few years have prompted the government to launch a major public inquiry and for detectives to establish an over-arching investigation into allegations of historical crimes by those in powerful positions.
Chief Constable Simon Bailey, the officer leading that inquiry named “Operation Hydrant,” said 1,433 people were being investigated of whom 216 were now dead.
The suspects included 135 figures from TV, film or radio, 76 politicians involved in both local and national politics, 43 from the music industry and seven from the sporting world.
“This investigation is massive and a testimony to how the attitude to victims is changing,” said Sheila Taylor, chief executive of the National Working Group Network, a charity which tackles child sexual exploitation.
The issue of child abuse came to widespread prominence in 2012 when the late BBC TV presenter Jimmy Savile was shown to have abused hundreds of victims for decades.
Since then, other household names have been convicted, allegations have been made against a number of former or deceased politicians, while detectives are also looking into claims powerful figures forced police to drop inquiries into pedophile rings involving high-profile people.
Bailey said that 666 of the offenders being investigated were alleged to have carried out abuse at institutions including schools, children’s homes, and religious institutions.
The number 666 appears to have been deliberately included in this Reuters article as a clue “for those with eyes to see” that this is a Luciferian cult problem.
The sheer number of public figures involved — 135 media figures, 76 politicians, 43 music industry figures and seven sports personalities — should be considered.
How many more would there really be in an era of only four major television stations? These numbers suggest it is the majority, not a minority.
If you want to read the full, ugly truth of the problem, check out the UK Daily Express article Jimmy Savile Was Part of Satanic Ring.
You will read eyewitness testimony of someone being raped in a children’s hospital by Savile and others in black robes as part of a satanic ritual.
The Ascension Mysteries discusses this problem thoroughly, including how this negative influence in our society affects us in our everyday lives.
It also reveals the full, cosmic scope of how these people got here, and the various ET groups that are at work in the grand drama we are now living in.
We are the new equivalent of Melanesia, (see Part One,) and the world is much bigger and has far more people living on it than what we see on the “islands.”
Major wars are now taking place that are bringing the battle for Full Disclosure to the forefront of our times.
Hillary Clinton is using the promise of disclosure to try to attract more voters into her embattled Presidential campaign, as one example.
The New York Times covered this story in detail as of May 10th.
Furthermore, military maneuvers occurred this past week in Tampa, Florida, suggesting possible training exercises for major events in our near future.
We have heard intel for years now that there will be arrests of many high-level Cabal people at some critical moment, involving combined military maneuvers.

TAMPA — On Wednesday, Special Operations troops from more than a dozen countries jumped out of helicopters, rappelled from buildings and expended hundreds of rounds of ammunition as they attempted to rescue the mayor of this Florida city.
The operation was, of course, an exercise, but it was also a public spectacle for a force that has tried desperately to remain in the shadows despite now being at the forefront of America’s wars.
[U.S. Special Operations units are using faulty rifle sights]
Aside from U.S. Special Operations forces, including Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders and Army Green Berets, countries such as Ireland and Jordan also participated in the exercise. Many of the participants covered their faces, and only a select few were allowed to speak to the media afterward.
“A lot of what we do is a bit secretive, we don’t really advertise much of what we do and there is a reason for it,” U.S. Special Forces Lt. Col. Chris Robeshaw told reporters following the event. “I think … this is maybe a stark reminder that there are young men and women out there putting themselves at risk.”
In several articles on this site, we detailed how at least a part of Anonymous is a secret division of the US military working against the Cabal.
This is one of the groups in what we are now calling the Earth Alliance.
Another sign of the war heating up is that Anonymous has made several very powerful hack attacks against Cabal banks recently:
The banks have been getting away with murder, fraud, conspiracy, war profiteering, money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels, have put millions of people out on the street without food or shelter and have successfully bought all our governments to help keep us silenced.
We represent the voice of the voiceless. We are uniting to make a stand.
The central banks which were attacked in recent days were attacked to remind people that the biggest threat we face to an open and free society is the banks. The bankers are the problem and #OpIcarus is the solution.
Operation Icarus was relaunched in conjunction with a video release announcing the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.”
Since that time, the scope and magnitude of the attacks have increased exponentially, with Anonymous, Ghost Squad Hackers, a number of Sec groups and BannedOffline coordinating attacks — each focusing on separate financial institutions in an effort to maximize the number of targets hit.
In a previous interview with the Free Thought Project, an Anonymous representative clarified that the operation is in no way intended to impact individuals’ accounts held within the banks, explaining that OpIcarus is directed solely at the 1% perpetuating injustice:
We would just like to make it very clear that all targets of #OpIcarus have been Rothschild and BIS central owned banks.
In fact most of the targets so far such as Guernsey, Cyprus, Panama, Jordan, British Virgin Isles, etc are in the top 10 places of tax havens for the elite.
No on-line consumer accounts were harmed, no ATM’s were blocked and no personal client data was leaked. This has been a protest against the Central Banks and the 1% — no innocent or poor people were harmed.
Lt. Col. Gonzales, our high-level insider from the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance, revealed the Cabal’s ancestors crash-landed here 55,000 years ago.
I didn’t have time to get this one into the book, but it is very interesting that the SSP date of 55,000 years ago is very close to what we see in the Law of One series.
The Law of One series has correlated with a huge amount of insider information remarkably well, including the 500,000-year history we spoke of.
In Law of One terms, the key date where trouble started on earth that necessitated a catastrophe was 53,000 years ago.
The exact nature of the trouble was never mentioned at the time, but in hindsight it becomes obvious from the new intel what was being discussed here.
In The Ascension Mysteries, I establish that Ra is actually a positive group whose teachings were horribly contorted into the negative after they left Earth:
21.25 Questioner: Just to quickly refresh my mind— how many years ago did Lemuria suffer its catastrophe?
Ra: …This was approximately fifty thousand [50,000] of your years ago.
The origins being approximately five three, fifty-three thousand [53,000] of your years ago.
The damage being completed in that last small cycle of the first master cycle.
21.26 Questioner: Did you mean to say master or major cycle?
Ra: …The appropriate sound vibration complex is major cycle.
21.27 Questioner: Thank you. Then did the ending of this first major cycle have something to do with the destruction of Lemuria, or did this destruction just happen to occur at the end of that cycle?
Ra: …There is a confluence of energies at the ending of a major cycle.
This encouraged what was already an inevitable adjustment in the movement of the surfaces of your planetary sphere.
21.24 Questioner: As we progress into the second 25,000-year cycle, did— At this time, during this period, was this the period of Lemuria?
Ra: …This is incorrect.
However, those who escaped the destruction of Lemuria by natural catastrophe and were thus of Lemurian background continued their learn/teachings at locations [worldwide.]
[These were] ranging from your South America onward through the Americas as you know them and continuing over what was at that time a bridge which no longer exists.
There were those in what you would call Russia… [tape ends]
Now let’s get back to the science of time perception, as it is of far greater significance in the understanding of certain human ETs than we may realize.
Our Irish and Scottish researchers found large discrepancies in time perception between species on earth, and equated it with their size in this case:
The animals studied covered more than 30 species, including rodents, eels, lizards, chickens, pigeons, dogs, cats and leatherback turtles.
The latter are big creatures with a slow metabolic rate, for whom time passes relatively rapidly.
Smaller, more agile creatures had the most refined ability to perceive information in a unit of time, said the researchers writing in the journal Animal Behaviour.
In other words, they were able to see more flickers of light per second.
This groundbreaking study was further explored in a Scientific American article from July 1st, 2014.
Evidence suggests that distinct species do indeed experience passing time on different scales….
Time perception depends on how rapidly an animal’s nervous system processes sensory information.
To test this ability, researchers show animals a rapidly flashing light. If the light flashes quickly enough, animals (and humans) perceive it as a solid, unblinking light.
The animal’s behavior or its brain activity, as measured by electrodes, reveals the highest frequency at which each species perceives the light as flashing.
Animals that can detect the blinking at higher frequencies are perceiving time at a finer resolution.
In other words, movements and events will appear to unfold more slowly to them—think slow-motion bullet dodging in an action movie.
The scientists who ran the new study gathered data from previous experiments on the rate at which visual information is processed in 34 vertebrates, including lizards, birds, fish and mammals….
Dogs can take in visual information at least 25 percent faster than humans—just enough to make a television show look like a series of flickering images.
It is interesting to reflect on the idea that dogs are not going to enjoy TV as much as we do, because it doesn’t look “real” to them.
The frame refresh rate isn’t fast enough. We are easily fooled even by the 24 frames per second of a film or 30 of video, but they would not be.
The Scientific American article also presented the following graphic, showing the “flicker frequency” of time perception between various species.
This is measured in hertz, or cycles per second:
The sea turtle will observe us as moving 400 percent faster than its own comfort zone, since its time flow runs at 15 hertz and ours runs at 60.
Similarly, the housefly will observe us as moving over 400 percent slower than its own comfort zone, since its flicker frequency is a blazing 250 hertz.
Insects only live a very short time, as far as we are concerned.
At least in some cases there is a direct relationship between lifespan and the speed of time perception.
The fly has lived a full lifespan, and had a variety of dynamic experiences, within the time unit of its very short existence.
There is ample, redundant evidence from insider testimony, scientifically-validated sources like the Law of One material and alternative science that time itself can pass at different speeds.
Some of the truth is even commonly known in Einstein’s relativity model, where traveling at near-light speed causes you to move through time much faster.
If you were inside that ship at near-light speed, you could potentially flip through 1000 years of our history in what you will perceive as one year.
The sources I just mentioned also reveal that some people have evolved to perceive time just like this.
The events that inspired the New Testament in the Bible, for example, could have all been fairly recent developments, when seen from an extraterrestrial perspective.
2 Peter 3:8 is one Bible quote that says “one day with (the mighty ones) is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
Multiple Bible scholars believe the term “day” in this and other passages actually means “year,” thus giving us a 1000-to-1 ratio.
Some of this data is cited in The Ascension Mysteries, which had required my full attention up until I started a much-needed vacation two weeks ago.
Let’s say this Bible quote is not mere speculation or foolishness, but actually based on information obtained from positive extraterrestrial humans.
Let’s say you now perceive 1000 years as one year. Let’s say it is now about to be the equivalent of June 2016 within your own frame of reference.
By this time scale, Earth humans would have only had motorized transportation, beginning with the locomotive, for the last two and a half months or so.
That would mean that prior to March 2016, everyone was traveling by horse and buggy.
Our own civilization would have only developed motorized transportation, communication at a distance and other ‘modern’ niceties since the Spring, and we’re not even all the way into summer yet.
The apparent arrival and teachings of Jesus, as another example, would have only taken place in late May of 2014.
The great catastrophe that wiped out a worldwide civilization some call Atlantis would have scrubbed the surface of the earth clean in about the summer of 2003.
The Lemurian catastrophe of 50,000 years ago would have flattened out the largest civilization of giants who crash-landed on earth in about 1966.
Irrefutable scientific evidence will soon be presented in The Ascension Mysteries revealing that earth-like planets, and human life, is very abundant.
This includes a Cambridge evolution expert openly proclaiming that intelligent life should look human wherever you go — and explaining the reasons why.
Multiple cultures report experiences with human-looking “gods” who gave them all the niceties of our civilization, and then mysteriously diappeared from view.
Like the Bible quote, the vast majority of insider sources confirm that ETs have a vastly different perception of time than we do.
They are able to project themselves into our world and interact with us at a speed we can handle, but apparently this is not sustainable for long periods.
This appears to be a natural aspect of the way intelligent life is designed in our universe as it continues evolving.
As we have argued throughout our books and TV shows, and in The Ascension Mysteries, the universe itself has a cosmic intelligence.
Part of the plan of that cosmic intelligence appears to be that there are vast habitable areas that naturally appear inside planets and moons.
These often involve large, honeycomb-like cave systems, sometimes 20 to 40 miles deep, with natural running water, bio-luminescent bacteria and complex life.
In these organic examples, natural internal heat makes them livable even if they are outside the “Goldilocks Zone” for habitable, watery worlds.
In other cases, intelligent civilizations locate underground areas like these and dramatically upgrade them, making them nearly similar to an Earth-like world inside.
Great efforts have been made to keep those of us on the “islands” from being aware of these places, for now, and of the people who already live in them.
Ascension is ultimately a natural, highly predictable quantum leap in human evolution. In the aftermath, we live through vastly longer periods in one life than before.
As vetted-out sources like the Law of One series assert, there are four separate “quantum leaps” like this we will go through before reuniting with universal consciousness.
Each one of them causes us to experience much longer blocks of time as being “normal”.
A million years could become like a year for someone in “sixth density,” as another rough example of data that is hinted at in the Law of One series.
No one would want to live on the surface of a watery planet if they knew there was going to be an epic catastrophe every 26 years that would wipe them out.
Safe, happy and vibrant places inside the planet are much safer and better bets for civilizations with a naturally-accelerated time perception.
As we thoroughly explore in The Ascension Mysteries, 35 different ancient cultures had the secrets of a 26,000-year cycle embedded in their myths.
The information about this cycle very redundantly includes the idea that the sun gives off a flash of light at the end, and the planet’s surface suffers catastrophes.
I am not at all interested in doom and gloom or “fear porn.” The information about this cycle, and the events that follow, is extremely widespread.
My goal is to reveal the data that we already have, and explore its remarkable implications for people in our own civilization, at our own time frequency.
It seems impossible to fathom that such a rapid change could occur, but if you saw it happen every 26 years, the truth would become very obvious to you.
This becomes your “normal” life. The idea of time passing as fast as it does for a fly, or even faster, and living for such a short time, is almost unthinkable.
In The Ascension Mysteries, we argue that this is a deliberately-designed system by a universal intelligence.
These flashes of light and energy from the sun do appear to activate incredible “superpowers” that are currently locked up in our DNA.
Not everyone gets these abilities when the event arrives.
Your wonderful superpowers only appear if you have developed enough, in the universal sense, that they are now authorized.
This means you are mature enough to use them without doing self-serving and evil things, like overpowering others to make them your slaves.
Great spiritual teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and Moses all encouraged us to be more forgiving, compassionate and helpful to others.
These character traits do appear to be of critical importance in mastering the “class” we are all here to learn — and graduating out of it via Ascension.
As offensive as it may seem to some people, the universe was designed with a very elaborate cosmic plan and purpose for each of us.
That purpose absolutely appears to be a spiritual one. The more we move away from trying to manipulate and control others, the farther along we are.
The “class” is winding up in our current cycle of 26 “Great Years.” The bell is about to ring. Class dismissed.
It will soon be time for Graduation — if you have earned your diploma. This is what all the great religious and spiritual teachings are trying to tell us.
The events in my own life have been unusual enough to convince me that this is definitely going to happen in our near future.
The first half of The Ascension Mysteries is more personal than anything else I have ever written, and lays out exactly what happened to get me there.
By seeing the positive efforts that were made as well as how horribly I had to suffer before turning it all around, you can decide the truth for yourself.
If someone like Jesus only appeared two years ago, in a higher frame of reference, then those teachings now become a last-minute effort to help us.
Only the most vitally important information for our own spiritual evolution would be included, since “cargo cults” can distort the core teachings dramatically.
Time runs so slowly for us that it seems that an event of this magnitude will never actually appear in our Now — but it absolutely will.
Writing The Ascension Mysteries, and summarizing so many different intersecting sources that all tell us the same thing, has been quite an awakening.
There was also a tremendous amount more to be said than I could possibly fit into one book, and that’s why I am sharing all of this with you now.
One of the most important things that will happen to prepare us for this event is a far more widespread disclosure of the truth.
We need an open, worldwide and sober discussion of the available evidence, and of the conclusions that it leads us towards.
Elijah Wood is only the most recent prominent celebrity to help change the hologram and alert us to what is really going on, and how dangerous it is.
Yet, if there are powerful people whose survival and profit depends upon our ignorance, they will do whatever they can to suppress the truth from us.
They are happy to allow “cargo cults” to flourish on the “islands” of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, and keep us shielded from everything and everyone else.
Everything I have shared with you up until now is intended to help familiarize you with what we now know from multiple insiders, including new arrivals.
In fact, certain groups fighting for humanity’s future have been quite disappointed with me for not releasing more of this knowledge as it appears.
Hopefully this article will help to turn the tide. It doesn’t matter if the viewership numbers aren’t that high. It just needs to be out there before these events occur.
“Third density” worlds like ours also have “elites” who manipulate and control us on vast scales.
This is ultimately allowed to occur by a loving universe. The elites hold up a planetary mirror that reflects our own inner childhood back to us.
Though we have not yet had a vast, public meltdown of the elite, the process is well underway. What you do with this available knowledge is your choice.
Another thing these sequential catastrophes provides is a vehicle for discharging tremendous karma — for those who need it.
If karma is real, and “elites” exist who have secretly been responsible for the torture, rape and murder of countless people, they need some way to balance it.
The vast majority of a population will not have invited or authorized these catastrophic events, and higher-level beings will ensure their complete safety.
Furthermore, sources like the Law of One tell us the Earth will activate a new “fourth-density” level that is apparently unaffected by such an event.
Some people will pop into this fourth-density earth, which will start out having all the same things we see here in the third — a perfect mirror.
Others will be rescued by various intelligent means, including being brought into vast Noah’s Ark-type ships or relocated to areas inside the earth.
Technically I am supposed to be on vacation right now, not working like this. I am enjoying two weeks off — or not entirely off — in the Canadian Rockies.
That includes taking the time to make ridiculous poses for my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
This shot was taken at a particularly tempting-looking boulder on the shore of Emerald Lake.
However, a very critical meeting between our insider Corey Goode and the SSP Alliance is about to take place just an hour or two after I post this.
From what I hear, they are unhappy that I haven’t done more to push for Full Disclosure. I do apologize, as the book took a great deal of effort.
This is the first of a series of articles and other creative works I hope to release free of charge to help do my part to move things forward.
There could be developments that affect the rest of our story, and these first two parts have already become huge, so we will end it for now.
The insider operations are so sensitive and timely right now that the Alliance is very concerned about how much intel actually leaks.
As was the case in April, I hope to have the rest of this article emerge very soon, once we fully clarify what is safe to reveal at this time.
Don’t miss it! And I thank you for supporting our efforts by pre-ordering your copy of The Ascension Mysteries today, if you haven’t already done so.
Lastly, there is huge excitement from our audience thanks to the latest episodes of Wisdom Teachings on Gaia.
I am covering, in great detail, the battle for Full Disclosure, and how it is reaching a head at this time.
Each half-hour episode brings in data that is extremely relevant to what is happening right now, and the next installment arrives later today (Monday.)
If you haven’t already subscribed, you can see everything for a buck, and have full access — including downloads — for an entire month.
Lastly, if you would like to read a condensed version of some of the intel that will be featured in the next section, click here for Corey Goode’s synopsis.
The spiritual experiences I have had on this trip, including yet another astonishing time loop effect, have re-ignited my confidence that we will see these changes arrive.
I definitely feel that “productive solitude” is good for everyone — to help change things up and come back into your life with a renewed perspective.
I do my best to make sure that all of my creative works provide that sense of inspiration. Thank you for helping us out by spreading the word!
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Has anyone else heard the Dr. Steven Greer recorded conference call from October 12, 2016 where he states that Corey Goode and Bill Tompkins are recalling “electronic hallucinations” about the space program through an MK Ultra mind control program developed in 1956?
I was like “What?????”. Are Dr. Greer and David that far apart on the disclosure cover-up, and in essence, Dr. Greer is stating that Corey Goode is not a reliable source of information. Anyone have any comments on this?
David you’re awesome. Why don’t you get some time for yourself to recharge. Life is now.
[quote [Quoting "Justin Deschamps"]IF I may, I think you missed the point in the colorful language. Which is that the Gay community is becoming untouchable. No one can question it, much like the Jewish community. It is a perspective which, being a gay man, I know first hand. Being able to discuss ideas without feeling prejudice from others is what I think we need as a collective. Making light of the fact that this is not the case within so-called open cultural circles, like the gay community,
Do you see my point?
I believe they are using the gay community to legalise pedophilia, just as they legalised ‘gay’s, 30 yrs ago.
Media Casually Tours Orlando Shooter’s Apartment Only 24 Hrs After Shooting?
Of interest here, is that his belongings weren’t strewn about as would be expected if his place was searched for evidence.
No need to search for more weapons/explosives? No need to lock the doors? No cause for concern that kids might wander in and walk off guns or ammo? It’s almost as if they knew there wasn’t anything to find.
Well, nothing to find except his expired firearms license and documents related to Islam sitting on his kitchen counter. No need to confiscate those for evidence though, is there?
IF I may, I think you missed the point in the colorful language. Which is that the Gay community is becoming untouchable. No one can question it, much like the Jewish community. It is a perspective which, being a gay man, I know first hand. Being able to discuss ideas without feeling prejudice from others is what I think we need as a collective. Making light of the fact that this is not the case within so-called open cultural circles, like the gay community, but hardly the only one, is not spreading fear. It’s bravely speaking to the truth that maybe politically incorrect. We should definitely support any group which is harmed by others, but blindly accepting something without questioning it, is what got us into this mess in the first place.
So it’s not homophobia. There is a very real power behind the gay community, and speaking to that is hardly spreading fear.
Do you see my point?
“The War Has Gone Hot!” .. any other mention of this anywhere?
I’m Babyblue too lolz cheep cheep
I have this delicious recurring dream that the furious frustrated disenfranchised American public storms to their local ballot box and writes in candidates, any candidates, alive dead or half baked, fully clothed or totally embarrassed. If the majority of the voters refuse to vote for one of the major parties anointed facades then the “democracy” has no clothes. Dear, dear, now what?!