The Meditation Effect proves we can reduce war, terrorism and violence by turning within. Now is the time for us to use this science to help the planet.
I just got off the air with Scout Bartlett, of KEST-Radio in San Francisco, after taping a half-hour radio show that will air later this week.
He is the Host and Producer of two shows — Life Insights Live and Spiritual Perspectives, which air on 1450 AM in the northern California region.
I called in at 11:55 AM Pacific time, and we began taping as of 12 noon — or 3PM Eastern time.
This was quite a show. I exposed the Cabal, false-flag terrorism, and sketched out the Big Picture of where this is all going.
I specifically focused on the fact that even though this appears as a global “Dark Night of the Soul,” this is only one part of a larger story — with a very positive ending.
Right from the beginning, I called special attention to the Meditation Effect.
In this 25-minute show, which only ended a half-hour ago as I write this sentence, I described how 50 different scientific studies have confirmed the Meditation Effect is real.
7000 people get together and meditate — and global terrorism goes down by 72 percent.
Similarly dramatic decreases were seen in war, fatalities and violent crime.
Even if skeptics want to argue about whether or not this is “real,” the fact is that all other variables have been ruled out — including weekends, weather, holidays, et cetera.
This effect has been documented in numerous peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.
I just got done telling Scout that this effect does NOT work the same way for the negative.
If 7000 people thinking thoughts of fear, anger and revenge had the same effect, we’d be in trouble.
I described how a very small group of people are actually running both sides of the major wars — including World War II.
This was revealed to me in a college class in 1992 — after I had already turned off my attention to the television, and kept it off.
Awakening to the existence of this centralized Cabal is essential to a greater spiritual realization.
Confronting your fear, moving through trauma and anguish, and ultimately renewing your faith in a loving Universe is the key to success.
The Meditation Effect proves that the Universe is biased in favor of love, peace and forgiveness.
When we practice this within ourselves, it has a collective, energetic effect on others.
The science behind this is not yet commonly accepted, but the supporting data is extensive — as I’ve been revealing for years now.
In this same radio show, I explained that over 30 ancient cultures had an “encoded” prophecy in their myths of a coming Golden Age.
This was verified by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, two historians at the top of their game in the 1960s.
They wrote an entire book on this subject entitled Hamlet’s Mill — and made a very elaborate and stunning case.
I explained that every myth has the “Hero’s Journey” story embedded in it as well.
This is ultimately a blueprint of the Universal Mind — revealing how we move through cycles of renewal and spiritual awakening in our lives.
The patterns we move through are called “Archetypes” — and one of them is the Dark Night of the Soul.
At this point, it seems that All is Lost, and there is a strong Whiff of Death that cannot be ignored — but it is not the end.
New solutions quickly follow after what seems like a point of no return.
In this new science, war and terrorism is more likely to happen when the collective frequency of consciousness drops sufficiently.
If enough people feel anger, fear, stress and pain, these disasters are much more likely to occur.
One prominent example is the Indonesian tsunami, which occurred right during Christmas — statistically the #1 time of the year for suicide and stress.
Positive emotions protect us from these disasters — by creating a radiant effect that influences the free will of others, so they do not commit heinous acts.
Today is a very significant stress day for the American public. It is April 15th — the day everyone must pay their taxes.
It is a “deadline” — and with the economy being in the dumps, many people are feeling extraordinary stress.
This ultimately lowers our “defense shields”, in terms of how this new science actually operates.
Personally, I know I just could not sleep this morning. I was bolt-awake at 5:30 AM. Then I got up again at 8:30. It was very difficult to stay asleep.
I was not nervous about the radio show, and could not understand where all of this was coming from.
As soon as I looked online after my show, the bombing had occurred. I immediately saw the connection with the show I had just finished up with.
I do absolutely believe there is an international alliance that is seeking to defeat the Cabal.
There is extensive evidence that the Cabal uses terrorism to meet its needs.
It was also timed on an important day — right after the Cabal bank accounts will be replenished.
Part of the Cabal is in America, and relies on stealing our tax revenues for its survival.
It is time for the Alliance to step up and take more definitive action. We’ve been hearing for over a year now that they were ready to move.
By not moving yet, and taking their time, terrible losses have been suffered.
I do understand the strategy behind waiting. Even with fatalities like this, the Cabal is a menacing adversary with control of much of the media.
This is something we only get one chance to do properly. It has to be done right the first time.
In my radio show today, I explained how a small group of about 3000 people are really the key — and within that group, there are only about 100 or less who are the top managers.
By simply nullifying their influence, such as through mass arrests, the entire command system could be changed.
The media could begin singing a different tune — very quickly — once this managerial shift is enacted.
Insiders have told me the Alliance — which includes a majority of the US military, who wish to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic — is prepared to act if the Cabal pushes it too far.
This cowardly and treasonous act of false-flag terrorism will undoubtedly be used in the media as a provocation, attempting to incite much greater hostilities.
Will the Alliance finally get the job done? Will this finally be enough?
I hope so.
And here’s the thing. I don’t have to merely hope.
We can use the new science to help change the outcome — and finally end this global nightmare.
This is a pivotal moment in history.
YOU have the power to change the outcome.
You can choose to obsess on this, feel fear, worry, anger and pain, and drown in hours of footage of atrocities from the scene.
You can also choose to use the Meditation Effect, and enact thoughts of peace, love and happiness — and realize the greater Unity we all share.
We have more than enough people in our audience — which reaches millions, in potential — to make this happen.
YOU can begin voting, right now, for peace and positivity.
We cannot change that this event has happened. We can, however, steer the narrative away from greater violence, and towards greater peace.
It is a remarkable synchronicity that I spelled all of this out on the radio, BEFORE the event actually happened.
I am sure Scout will gladly testify to the fact that we did that entire show before this happened. Otherwise, he would obviously have mentioned it.
I do not believe we are going to stay in darkness forever. Peace is possible. Peace is attainable.
We have the power to create the future we seek. A future of prosperity, goodness, abundance and mutual respect.
Even if you are not sure if this really works, I ask you to please join us now in seeking that place of Pure Consciousness in yourself.
Look to the positive. Reflect on the little things. Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel the love that is always there.
Know in your heart that you are a being of infinite worth, that the Universe is a loving and peaceful place, and that the way you feel, right now, can control the outcome.
I thank you for caring enough to do this.
Please note: I just realized I uploaded this at 3:33 pm. That was NOT intentional. I noticed it immediately after checking the front page.
It further confirms that writing this post was the right move — and we do have the power to change the outcome.
Last night, I finished writing the Captions Log for my new book, The Synchronicity Key.
This was a list of all the images that will be in the final version of the book, as well as the written captions that will go underneath them.
Several of these images were geometric illustrations — including the Platonic Solids. It is the very, very last stage of the process of writing the book, except for one final edit.
Right as I was looking for an image online to complete the collection, I was stunned by Google’s front page illustration. It’s still there right now:
The spherical “coordinates” in the center rotate. Notice that we see drawings of the icosahedron, the tetrahedron and the octahedron all in this illustration — three out of the five Platonic Solids.
I could hardly believe my eyes, given that I was literally doing the last move I needed to make to illustrate how this geometry is the basis of the Universal Mind.
This is the link that Google made over the above illustration:
Here are three article excerpts that explained why they did it. Today is the 306th birthday of Leonhard Euler.
The Guardian on Leonhard Euler Honored by Google Doodle
The birth of the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler has been celebrated by Google with the publishing of an interactive
Google doodle.
Euler was arguably the most important mathematician of the 18th century and one of the greatest of all time.
He introduced most modern mathematical terminology and notation and was also renowned for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, and astronomy.
NDTV on Leonhard Euler Google Doodle
Leonhard Euler, one of the most greatest mathematicians of all times, is the subject of Monday’s Google doodle.
Leonhard Euler is know for introducing much of the mathematical terminology and notation that is used today, such as the notion of a mathematical function.
Euler also made important discoveries in the field of calculus and graph theory.
This last excerpt from the Times of India explains how Euler contributed to the geometry they illustrated on Google.
Times of India on Leonhard Euler Google Doodle
NEW DELHI: Today Google, the search engine giant, celebrates Leonhard Euler’s 306th birth anniversary with an animated Google doodle.
Leonhard Euler (15 April 1707 – 18 September 1783) born in Basel, Switzerland, was a physicist and mathematician whose contribution and discoveries are considered to be significant in the fields of infinitesimal calculus and graph theory.
His area of work included continuum physics, algebra, lunar theory, trigonometry, geometry, infinitesimal calculus. And his work is used as references to explain a large number of topics.
I really did feel like Neo in that scene in The Matrix where he says “My computer is talking to me!” This was another example of many synchronicities that have happened over the years.
This is why we named the book The Synchronicity Key in the first place. This geometry shows up everywhere — from the quantum to universal level.
The new, unified science reveals how this geometry shapes and molds reality as we know it.
In truth, there are always going to be places where you can see fear, doom, death and destruction.
You can focus on those things, and become convinced that this is all there is.
You can also focus on life, love, peace and laughter — and find abundant proof of that reality around you as well.
Choosing to focus on the positive is not naive, it’s not ignorant and it’s not superstitious.
From a scientific perspective, you are helping all of us. And you may just save innocent lives — and cast your vote to help defeat the Cabal.
Here’s another very strange synchronicity I just noticed after posting this article.
The picture I was actually looking for on Google last night, when I saw the geometry, was a diagram of the “magic bullet” theory for JFK’s assassination.
This was one of two images I found — and ended up deciding not to use in the book. Here is the other one.
I just found out that a third explosion is now being reported — at the JFK Library.
Horrific Attack in Boston at JFK Library, Boston Marathon
Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said two “simultaneous explosions” occurred 50 to 100 yards apart near the finish line.
Davis would not say whether the explosions were the result of a terrorist attack, “but you can reach your own conclusions based on what happened.”
“A third incident has occurred at the JFK Library,” he said.
Davis said: “We are not certain these incidents are related, but we are treating them as if they are.”
The fire resulting from the explosion at the JFK Library was put out by 5 p.m. Monday.
I do believe these are not coincidences. On an intuitive, subconscious level, I saw this coming — and it all came together on the radio show.
I also saw some very grisly images of JFK’s corpse after assassination in the morgue while doing this search. It opened my heart to these problems even more.
My point in the book regarding the “magic bullet” theory is that no one really believed it.
In time, it will be seen as a major tipping-point in the Cabal’s eventual defat.
We’ve been taught to keep our heads down, ignore the wolf circling the herd, and hope that he won’t come after us.
In truth, we are not sheep. They are not wolves. We are human beings. We are much more powerful than they are — as soon as we begin claiming it.
I urge you to do this with me now. Pray for peace. Open your heart. Relax your mind. Let’s co-create a better future for everyone — using the new science.
Hits: 137,576
CNN reports just described how the winds in West, Texas suddenly changed direction and began to blow to the southeast. That drove the anhydrous ammonia from the explosion away from the town and people saving them from more injury and death. Coincidence? Probably not.
Just had to share, at the time I read this latest blog post, 1,111 people liked it.
Very interesting information once again David.
I just want to thank you for your excellent work with global awakening!
There are excellent piece of information that should be shared to everyone
I made song called “Meditate for peace” and it went 2:16 long 🙂
If anyone is interested
I’ve got a great idea. U.S. Congressional inditement’s have been issued for Barrack Soetoro Obama, Bush, Chaney, Clinton, General Schwarzkopf, Rumsfeld, etc… for war crimes.
Now let’s co-create a better world by throwing these criminals in prison, and then continue to clean house until all the perpetrators have been arrested.
The Boston Marathon bombing was a distraction from this news being disclosed to the public, and yet only one of many reasons why this tragic event occurred. Look this up, lets spread the word people, time is of the essence.
That better world you want to live in is waiting, so take action and start co-creating!!! :-*
Most people have automatic disbelief about the power of group meditation.
This is the “Secret of Secrets” which negative factions want to keep hidden.
Our task as the minority is to empower the majority with the truth.
a website and app to get people to breath in sync from around the world
Bad things happen every day, it’s called life. We shouldn’t focus on those, but also remember that suffering is suffering no matter where it happens, or to whom.
David, something happened in Waco Texas at a Fertilizer Factory. I’m pretty sure you have already seen the news today about it.
Okay here is the eerie part, back in 1947, there was a event called the Texas City Disaster that happened on this very day of April 17th that involved fertilizer. It states it in the wiki (they got the day wrong, the actual newspaper is April 17th).
Proof, Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack
The TM organization in Fairfield, Iowa, has group meditation twice a day.
@ Vigilence: The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), part of the Institute of HeartMath, has regular worldwide online meditations. Not sure exactly the web site, just Google it. They are very uplifting and I can testify from personal experience this is definitely connecting the entire world through their meditations. Again, no matter what your focus, peace, prosperity, whatever, at this time, the visualization of white, universal light/love engulfing the entire planet seems paramount.
Thank you all for listening.
Thank you for your awesome comment Kelly.
The other night I woke up while being messed with by ghouls in my dream. I woke up from a nightmarish dream. I felt their presence. I stood up to them and told them to leave, very sternly, that they were not wanted or needed here. Went back to sleep in absolute peace!
Whilst waves of sympathy and over the top news coverage were going on about Boston, the media vaguely reported about more bombings in Iraq – 42 killed, 257 injured in one day! Plus the Iran earthquake – dozens more dead and hundreds injured with thousands now homeless…suffering that is not often acknowledged is still suffering.
I send peace and love to all of my fellow beings no matter where or who they are – victims and perpetrators alike – they all need it!
Peace, love and blessings to every one.
Anthony, you should be aware that when David Wilcock first started speaking about the Maharishi Effect and all, he properly represented Maharishi and Transcendental Meditation. After watching these specific references get subsequently diluted out of David’s writings, and then eventually generalized, I realized that someone within the TM Movement had undoubtedly asked David to not use Maharishi’s name or the names of any of his specific techniques or teachings in public writings or presentations.
the 15th of april is a high ritual sacrifice date 4 the “Cabal” Death,taxes and the day the Titanic sunk 101 years ago as well
Intresting endeed…who knows. we know they like to ‘show’ what they are going to do…
Family Guy Episode Predicted Boston Marathon Attack
An episode of the popular show Family Guy which was first aired less than a month ago eerily predicted the Boston Marathon bombings, depicting the main character detonating two bombs in addition to winning the marathon by killing the rest of the participants.
It is important to note that the video shows two clips from different points of the show edited together, but they are from the same episode.
Family Guy Episode Predicted Boston Marathon Attack
The Family Guy/Boston Marathon Clip is NOT a Hoax
Hello All,
I know this video is not completely related to this article, however, it has so much to do with what David is promoting; the unveiling of free energy technology. This video is a disclosure of free energy and advanced technologies by Iranian Physicist Dr. M.T Keshe. The advancements that have been made by him and other scientists is quite simply remarkable, and simply more so. Please follow the link and watch the video. It brought much ease to my heart to hear this man speak about new technologies that are making old methods obsolete, 65 countries accepting the technologies, and a peace treaty to ensure the use of these technologies are for the well-being of humanity.
Thank you David for having a space for information like this to be spread openly and freely. Aum Shanti
and remember where Dr Emoto showed how group meditations cleaned polluted water.We have the power. Synergy is the only power we need right now.
[quote [Quoting "ClaudiaH"]Carolyn,
Rothschild pulled out of the gold market in 2004 – please look at the year that story was posted….
[quote [Quoting "Carolyn"]Rothschild to pull out of gold market after 200 years
Thanks Claud for pointing that out I only saw the date to the left on the article when I was reading it.
All of this is is 21st century PsyOp’s 101 in action. The GOV organizations have been militarizing and building up databases for some time. They have been building infrastructure and laws to back up their planned actions. We had to know that there would be a series of catalysts to be unleashed on the public to bring back the 9/11 ferver of fear and willingness to hand over what is left of our rights out of FREE WILL (The only law they have to abide by). Their pieces are in place and the Queen (Constitution) has been taken and we are now in a Check Mate situation. Many insiders are confused, they know the agenda but do not know what to do about it. The best thing we can do is is flood FEAR (Darkness) with LOVE (LIGHT)… DARKNESS always flee’s LIGHT! YOU are the LIGHT worker, find your quiet place, go to the center of your being and meditate and project LOVE. NOW is the time. There are a lot of White Hats on the “Inside” that need the empowerment of your strength and LIGHT. Lets do it!
I think group meditation is the most important initiative we can take right now to make positive change in the world. Any body know of an organization that organizes group and world-wide meditations regularly?
I saw a caption on the new calling this week “devils week”
Oklahoma , columbine , and Boston
This would support David’s comment that as stress level rises (tax time) more negative things are allowed to happen
You said: “… this effect does NOT work the same way for the negative.”
Well, this is obviously because you can switch on the light, but you can’t switch on the darkness.
All the best, – and thank you deeply for your work.
I believe there are many scenarios at play here that culminate in one tragedy or another: Space, wealth and power being some of them, conjuring of excessive fear and anger being others.
Lately, whenever these massacres occur, I just keep thinking of the Star Trek episode, “First Contact” (and I think the so-called meteors that struck were part of this scenario)- We have “factions” on Earth warring with each other, STS ETs, STO ETs and future Earth humanity all in the picture, the same as in that movie.
Meditation – the light that dissolves the darkness; as above, so below. Visualize a huge outpouring of magnificent white universal light engulfing every aspect of our planet with every meditation and keep it up!
PROOF of Mass Arrests, Resignations and Retirements of Elite
Meditation is key. I wonder if the Maharishi effect refers only to TM? and the “meditation effect,” prayer, etc, have been subsequently scientifically documented, as in fractals – the more in contact with loving consciousness we are, the more the world turns in that direction.
The Boston bombing – I have heard so many rumors which tells me that it was planned by the cabal and we will never know who actually did this.
It rings true to me that this is being done in further attempts to employ gun control, which we all know is the first step the Nazi’s took back in WW-I. I have heard it was gun powder used in the “bombs” or explosions, effective nevertheless.
I have also heard that there was a bomb threat training exercise going on by the Boston Police Dept. that day — too close for coincidence.
Lets face it, someone or something is trying to eliminate not only the human race on planet Earth, but all life as we know it and have total control over what’s left.
Thank you so much David, this has been the most practical and important information I have read following this event. I immediately felt lighter after meditating peace to Boston and received a message of ‘not to worry, this is the beginning of the truth revealed’.
I also noticed that the hits were at 2777 when i first viewed the page. That night i battled ghouls in my dreams all night and won.
My initial response to this was to be heartsick. “Not again” I thought; how can the cabal be so blatent. Surely this will be the one to reveal everything! I certainly hope so. I am so glad i read your page and feel that your advice to meditate peace was a perfect healing balm for the heart-sickness i felt and i’m sure in some way, combined with everyone else, it has done some good.
May i also ask that we send a peaceful meditation to Iraq, where more than 50 people were also killed during bombings on the same day.
For those looking for a great loving kindness meditation to spread peace and love and to tip the scales to the good in this Boston Marathon situation, Master Stephen Co recorded a guided meditation. Just follow the link below.
The Wesak Buddhist meditation is coming on April 25, and you can join literally millions of people around the world in this meditation to bless the world with peace and loving kindness.
Namaste and blessings
I think that the fact that these bombings occurred on tax day and “patriots day” in Boston point to them being done by an American and someone who values synchronicity (ie: the cabal). It is also interesting how they are now asking for any video footage of the attack. If I didn’t know better this would be the perfect way to shift public opinion on government surveillance.
Rothschild pulled out of the gold market in 2004 – please look at the year that story was posted….
Meghan- what does ‘DL’ mean in your post?
Thank you David for your insights. As always they are revealing and timely.
There is a a sect of Buddhism whose sole purpose is to bring about Kosen- rufu, world peace. The practice entails chanting the mantra “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo”. There are millions of practitioners all over the world who are devoted to this practice and the cause for world peace. And interestingly enough it incorporates so much of what you have been talking aobut how our mind(s) work. I have been following you for a long while and have never before spoke here of my/this pracitice. The time seems right to do so.
Awesome article. After I heard the news I started looking for your article on this happening. We all have to get the word out to everyone who will be receptive to this to meditate on the love and light and not on the hate and darkness. Thank you for all you do.
The “Meditation Effect” as you call it, is actually named the “Maharishi Effect” in honor of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi directed scientists in the fields of physiology, psychology, sociology, and physics to investigate the phenomenon of the group dynamics of consciousness. When scientists from all these separate disciplines were able to show research results confirming this theory, it was named after Maharishi in honor of him. It lessens your credibility as a scientist not to give credit where credit is due. What mystifies me most is that you give credit to so many other sources, authors. and entities. But not for Maharishi. He was one of the great spiritual leaders of our age. Yet you obscure all reference to his contributions to spiritual development.
There is no Messiah in the New Paradigm. We are all Co-Creators and we all must take responsibility for our lives. – Inelia Benz –
Download the New Operating System for Humanity.
Good idea… I will forward to all.
This thing they’re doing with the drills happening just as a terror event happens: it is called Project Gladio.
This was a program used by US agents in Italy, Brussels, Germany and other countries to keep “centrist” NATO-friendly governments in power. Worth watching.
The patterns keep repeating.
David and team:
It is indeed reassuring to know that thought alone, one of the basic concepts taught in the Law of One, can bring about not only physical manifestation but also quell wicked ambitions. Among the more difficult aspects of ‘rising above’ the physical to put distance between the perception of a never-ending good versus evil scenario, it seems to me, involves also being responsible for recognizing our own potential for inappropriate actions in dealing with negativity. Not that we should turn our cheeks, but be even that much more determined to create the place for the positive by thinking it into being.
Agree with David, was awake at 6:30 am EDT for no reason on Monday, taxes already done/in. Kids/grand kids/family all fine.
Just could not shake the feeling that I needed to be praying, but did not for the life of me know the who/what/where/when/why throughout the day, until I turned on the TV just after 3:30 pm to see the horrific events unfold. This has only happened one other time and it was during the Colorado theater shootings during the exact time they were happening there, while I was on east coast time.
I’ve been told that I have intercessory prayers going up to heaven and need to stay synchronized and obey whenever that feeling comes over me.
Shalom all and may justice be served swiftly for those families/victims left behind to pick up the pieces.
You have to watch this talk from the 2013 UFO international congress – delores cannon amazing!!
I don’t know whether if it be true or not, I will leave it up to everyone here and David and his insiders.
P.S. I apologize if I accidently make duplicates of this post, the number/word thing seems to be acting up.