Finally, after months of no new insider updates, one of our top sources has gotten new information about how Divine Intervention is shaping the mass arrests that have been planned. The news is very exciting — and very positive.
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Virtually every single ancient culture reports human-looking “gods” who came and brought them written language, mathematics, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, building techniques, astronomy and extensive spiritual teachings.
Gigantic stone structures have been erected within the vast majority of these ancient cultures as well — following remarkably common patterns worldwide. Such feats still strain our current technology almost to its limits.
“Boskop” skulls have been found in South Africa, Mesoamerica, Siberia and elsewhere, with double our current brain size — as reported by Discover Magazine in December 2009. No known human deformity can explain these skulls.
It is quite astonishing that in the face of this much data, we still have not reached a point where the reality of ancient ET contact and assistance is considered common knowledge.
Any widespread recognition of this fact will inevitably create a legendary shift in our society — regardless of how many people will claim to have known it all along.
After several hundred years of frustrating obscurity, it appears that we are on the verge of a stunning mass awakening — to the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial humans guiding our development here on Earth, behind the scenes.
The Visitors appear to be much more knowledgeable about science and spirituality than we are at present — and there is every indication that we are on the threshold of an event that has been predicted for thousands of years, with great precision.
Over 30 different ancient cultures — virtually every ancient philosophical system in the world — was “encoded” with information suggesting that history repeats itself, in vast cycles of 25,920 years.
This was proven by reputable scholars Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in their epic 1969 work Hamlet’s Mill, and brought to mass public awareness by Graham Hancock in his essential 1995 classic, Fingerprints of the Gods.
There is overwhelming evidence that the end of this year, 2012, is when this huge cycle of time — and the events predicted to take place therein — finally reaches its conclusion.
Many have interpreted the prophecies as suggesting that mass death and chaos will occur — in some sort of worldwide cataclysm.
However, this appears to be a great misunderstanding of the language of symbolism and metaphor — which is actually describing a very positive event. What the prophecies foretold is a coming “Golden Age” of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
We are seeing the death of the Old World Order, not the Earth. It is the death of the beliefs and prejudices of ignorance, and the corrupt social structures that upheld them.
This shift is also associated with a transformative “awakening” of the pineal gland in the brain — which, as I explain in the original 2012 Enigma video and in my book The Source Field Investigations, does appear to be our central connection to the Source Field.
One of the most consistent threads that runs throughout ancient spiritual teachings — right up through credible modern sources such as the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Seth Material and the Law of One series — is reincarnation.
In finalizing my new book, The Synchronicity Key, I have gone back to the “roots” of the Edgar Cayce material — such as Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara — and gained a renewed appreciation for how significantly reincarnation affects our lives today.
In short, the Visitors have taught us that the Universe is One. There is only identity. There is no greater mystery than that of Consciousness — and how our own awareness is ultimately the Creator knowing Itself.
Life on Earth is a vast illusion, structured for the explicit purpose of spiritual evolution for all its participants. We have large amounts of time to learn our lessons — across many lifetimes — while living in very significant amnesia of our greater Identity.
Historical epochs and events keep repeating, so as to give us similar situations in parallel cycles of time. All the while, we have choices as to how to react to these epic changes.
Our “past lives” are not dead relics of another time, permanently sealed away from us. Who we are as a soul — and as a conscious, waking personality — is very strongly influenced by who we have been before.
Many Mansions gives a staggering number of real-world examples from over 2,500 “life readings” given during Cayce’s lifetime of how reincarnation affects us in the everyday world.
We are protected from knowing where these personality influences come from, in most cases — but they very much shape who we are, and how we function.
There are many positive aspects to it — such as children who are born with exceptional talents they remember, slightly below their conscious understanding, from other lifetimes.
There is also a full accountability for who we have been, and what we have measured out to others, in our previous lives as well. Some karma must be “suspended” until we are strong enough to be able to process it in a beneficial manner.
Trouble spots and weak points from other lifetimes will keep coming up, again and again, until we can successfully clear them — and keep a positive attitude in the process.
This has all become an extremely present understanding for me. In the last month alone I’ve been in six different countries, performing what will soon be a total of ten speaking events in eight different cities — all by the third weekend of this month.
I didn’t plan or intend it to be this way, but shifting timelines and schedules dating back to last November all coincided to produce the situation I am now working through.
Admittedly, part of why I took on such a dense cluster of work was to finally gain some financial stability. We have five staff who depend on this work for their livelihood, and there are ongoing large expenses, such as venue rentals and airfare.
Almost every event has had at least 200 participants — so it has indeed been a success on that front.
I’ve barely had time to catch my breath throughout all of this. Normally I am only comfortable doing one event a month, but such a relaxed schedule insured I could never really stabilize the work.
In the midst of all this, I had to stop reviewing all comments submitted to the website — so as not to be overwhelmed by the pressure of thousands of people wanting to see the next update.
Avoiding the 10 or 20 intensely negative letters that show up on an average day has been a wonderful healing experience for me — living life on my own terms, rather than through the guise of how others see me.
I originally saw myself getting all kinds of great work done while I was “on the road,” including website posts — but the reality has been very different.
I have been forced to take care of my health, first and foremost, and make sure I am physically capable of doing the events.
In the last 4-5 years I’ve done about eight events where I was in varying stages of severe illness, and it is not fun at all. This includes four events in three different cities where I could barely even make my voice speak. I have never once canceled an event.
There are plenty of personal details of how difficult this tour has been, which I will share at a later time for those who are interested.
Especially today, I have been bombarding myself with nutrition to make sure my health doesn’t collapse — and I still have five events and four cities to go, ending in New York on the 22nd.
The whole thing is very surreal. And yet, I realize that health is determined to a large degree by attitude. The science I lecture about has proven this with great redundancy.
Therefore, I see maintaining a positive, upbeat, inspired attitude, while focusing on maximizing and preserving all aspects of my physical health, as my main objective right now.
I could say, and have said, that this whole process is terrifying — but what good does that really serve me, or anyone else for that matter? I feel blessed to have something to share, and people who want to listen.
The greater context of all this, and why I bothered to bring it up, is how it relates to the subject of reincarnation.
This huge tour is just one of several new ways in which my life is blatantly showing me how poignantly we are affected by our past.
Most regular readers of this website are already aware of the striking facial and astrological similarity I have to Edgar Cayce.
The photographs and evidence is laid out in the Articles section of this website,, and in the 2012 Enigma video.
When Cayce’s work became significantly public in 1942, he worked himself to death in less than three years.
I’ve had to be very careful not to do the same. Now more than ever, I seem to be living in the shadow of that karma.
Having a friend of mine die, less than two months ago, has really impressed upon me the fragile grip we all have on life in the physical.
This is the time of the Great Initiation, forecasted thousands of years in advance.
Everyone is going through the most difficult “facing of the self” they can possibly handle at this time.
So, if you are still managing to have a positive attitude right now, you’re in terrific shape.
A positive focus at this time is not delusion. It’s merely a deeper understanding of who we are, why we are here, and how the grand illusion of life on Earth really functions.
It is unfortunate that most people do not have a reliable, consistent, trustworthy connection to their Higher Self — as the intellect alone is insufficient to put these pieces together and solve this mystery.
The Universe is built that way. For a reason.
The pathway to penetrating its mysteries is ultimately through the heart — not the mind.
Despite how frightening things seem to be right now, the negative forces on Earth were never intended to “win” — nor would they be allowed to.
I learned about the grand conspiracies beginning in 1992. The world did not collapse in on me once I found out about all of this. No one has been herded off to FEMA camps. There has been no declaration of mass martial law.
Over the years, I have read thousands of alarmist predictions of dire catastrophe around every corner. Some were extremely convincing. For years — particularly between 1996 and 2001 — I was captivated by it.
9/11 came and went, but it did not produce anywhere near the degree of upheaval the insiders tell me it had been intended to create.
Rather than being a victory for the negative forces, it ultimately insured their defeat. In the fullness of time, this will be very obvious.
As the tyrants of this world push ever harder for global control, the pushback has become inescapable. They are simply not being permitted to do what they wanted to do.
Permitted by who, you ask? In Law of One terms, this would be a whole range of higher-density beings — ranging from fourth-density straight through to seventh-density.
There is a vast, collaborative effort in place to insure that no matter what the oligarchs try to pull on us, we will never steer into total apocalypse.
The world has continued to remain remarkably balanced, all along, compared to what has been planned by the negative.
The public is waking up. Mass arrests will happen. It’s inevitable as the truth becomes widely known. The very rapid changes in the financial system — such as the imminent collapse of the Euro — show that everything is now reaching a critical mass.
By some credible insider estimates I have been exposed to, major changes may be only weeks away at this point — but we will never know for sure until it actually happens.
Furthermore, as I’ve worked my way through this great initiation of international touring and 13-hour flights, a barrage of incredible dreams are preparing me for major changes to happen in the near future.
Over the last 20 years, I have collected these dreams every morning — and they have been very reliable predictors of future events.
I had a cluster of 7 to 10 very strong dreams prior to 9/11, which spelled out what was going to happen so blatantly that I wrote them all up — linking to where they had already been posted on this site — that very same night.
By comparison, I’ve had literally hundreds of dreams preparing me for this. And they are getting increasingly urgent, dramatic and incredible in scope.
I could second-guess myself all day about whether I should be posting all of these dreams as they come in — but in various ways they keep phrasing and rephrasing exactly the same basic point.
One recent dream that came in after I was back from Europe is a good representation of the overall timbre of data I have been receiving.
In this dream, I was in a mountainous region that I know to be a place where much of the UFO-related “black ops” projects have been relocated to in America.
In this area, I saw a very curious structure. It was a very tall, skinny building, heavily leaning to one side. Gusts of wind caused it to noticeably shift in position.
Each level of the building was an old-fashioned one-room country shack house from the 1800s, with highly dilapidated wood. Each shack was completely empty inside.
There was no stairwell or ladder to move up through the structure. There were at least 20 levels. You would literally have to fly by helicopter or scale the walls to get from one “compartment” of this tower to the next.
I was standing there with a police officer who told me the whole building was about to collapse. I was told that once this happened it would radically change the entire world.
He told me this was our very last chance to climb the wall and get a look at history before it was gone forever.
However, another person had clearly warned me that the building was so close to collapsing that the weight of one person’s body climbing up the side would be enough to cause it to topple over.
I told the police officer it was far too risky. He could do it if he wanted to, but I would not put myself in the face of that much harm.
This dream is one of an ongoing series that seems to be describing the complete collapse of the occult financial system that has enslaved our planet — as well as the compartmentalized secrecy of the UFO and exotic technology cover-up.
Just last night I had another dream where “it” had happened — the arrests — and I was literally surrounded by press at every turn. I tried to escape it, but ultimately realized I needed to take the stage and do the press conference — as this was it.
I certainly understand how people can, and will, write this off as “ego” — but considering how reliable these dreams have been for the last 20 years, I have to take it seriously.
The previous dream from this same morning had me working directly with extraterrestrials, in a top-secret facility, promising them I would do my best to dissipate “interstellar racism” that has written them off as terrifying “Aliens.”
It was very strange and a little unnerving to be around them — it felt very real in the dream — but once we started speaking it put my mind at ease.
One of my main staff members had a remarkable dream from June 3rd, which had certain similarities to the earlier dream I had shared, as follows:
This event caused a huge, worldwide, jubilant celebration. I was one of the people who was there on site, dancing on the ruins of the head, a few days after it had happened.
There is going to be a lot of media fear-mongering as the old system grinds to a halt — probably exceeding the panic of 2008 — but in truth, this type of situation is exactly what we need to create sufficient public awareness to end the problem.
Divine Intervention has dramatically increased. There are a variety of specific examples I will include when I have more time.
The latest briefing revealed how much this Divine Intervention is shaping the strategy that will be used for the mass arrests.
It has become clear that this is a battle against an influence more than against people. And the influence, for lack of a better word, is the Luciferian force — which is described in the Law of One series in detail.
A sudden, violent mass arrest would cause extreme hardship, chaos and disruption to society. This is exactly what the Luciferian force wants.
Now, it is becoming clear that the Divine Intervention is guiding this whole process so that it is occurring bit by bit, here and there, so as to minimize fear and maximize effectiveness.
There will be very big changes — but it has now been realized that rather than assigning a particular date to it, they are watching events unfold and seeing how things keep miraculously improving and working out.
I will have a lot more to say about this next week. I have to go to sleep now so I can get up and do Sydney tomorrow and then Brisbane on Sunday — followed by Melbourne and Perth next weekend, and New York the weekend after that.
This at least breaks the fast, and lets you know I’m still out here. I do thank you for your ongoing support!
What to do with the Cabal when they Peacefully Surrender
How about… They can’t use a computer, telephone, digital / analog device, TV, transportation, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELECTRONIC,
And have to Live in the Woods, attend Group Therapy together, yoga, meditation, art etc. INDEFINITELY until their Insanity is Cured. (LOL)
Of course they would have basic nescessities. Food, Shelter, water… but these people need Serious Rehab.
A few weeks ago, I was feeling quite, ‘Off with their Heads!’ mentality, but if they truly are scared, well, I actually have mercy.
Poor little Children, They do need a good session of TIME OUT though.
Now, under these circumstances, if they do not want to agree to these terms… well, um, it sounds like they’re not really willing to give up power.
I mean really, doesn’t everyone want a super nice vacation right about now? We all know how hard personal growth work is… having to own up to your own sh*tty behavior at times.. well, it hurts.
Lets give the ‘Powers that Were’ a Personal Growth Vacation! Yeah!!!
Anyone? Thoughts?
IT’S TIME!! (Thanks Inelia)
Surrender of the Cabal meditation:
While I don’t believe in reincarnation as such, I do believe in memory passed on to another. I believe you have a great heart and a good spirit.
Be careful to test waters, for it is true, that the plan for deceit will be so ingenious, so clever, that it could even mislead the elite of the forces for good. For it is and has always been a war between good and evil forces that we are caught between. I’ve seen many things myself that even relating the events sound incredible, excepting my own knowledge of the truth of it.
And you are right. My feelings of Edgar Cayce are that he was as well a great heart and gentle spirit that others have often misrepresented him after his death for their own selfish needs. If the memory is in your dna, you are proned to fall into the same cycle; but, mental workings do take a toll on the physical body. One just must be careful and not allow the push to overide your need to heal in the meantime.
Take care and be aware to know the difference between the light and the darkness. We will know each other by this, we see the soul, not the outer shell.
I´m glad it´s YOUR BUM, NOT OURS!!
Again a spiral (like the Norwegian?)
Dear Cabal, if you can’t beat Divine Intervention (you never will) join them!
We are one.
Hello David and Mods.
Thanks for showing up David!
I wish you get back in shape to be able to present all the lectures you need.
Don´t make the same mistake as Cayce´s!!
Take care your health!!
Have you ever thought to come to Brazil for a lecture?
We´re more than 200.000.000 people down here!!
Just a thought.
Elohim Bless you
and all your Staff.
Seen in an article on
Love the humor, this will be keeping up the frequency.
May the Blessings of God rest upon you.
May God’s Peace abide with you.
May God’s Presence illuminate your heart.
Now and forevermore.
~ Sufi Prayer
So glad that you bring up reincarnation. Reincarnation is soo important to understanding ourselves as spiritual beings because the soul lives forever and we make the choices now of what we will be dealing with in the future because we work out the karma of our past in the present and we create our future by what we do now so it is important to do as Jesus once said and that is to treat others as you would have them treat you. You can almost never go wrong if you are loving, kind and considerate of the living things around you that is to show respect for their life force and how they play an important part in the infinite universe that exists on the inner and outer.
If people really understood the significance of reincarnation, what a better world this would be. It would be about soul evolution not material greed. It would be about the end of racism because people would understand that they have lived many lives of many colors and creeds. It would be about not creating karma because when you harm others, you are really harming yourself. What a nicer world it would be if people would get reincarnation. Another thing is that there would be no hidden mysteries because somewhere in some past life, someone would know the truth. Every past deed or experience is recorded in our soul or psychic anatomy and it can be accessed by inner attunement or conscious awareness, dreams, etc.
Please keep up the good work David!!!! 😀
Message from an Oath Keeper:
This corroborates Drake Bailey’s latest reports that there are ‘negotiations’ currently in progress at the highest levels. In case you have not heard, the mass arrest campaign, as David says, have altered/shifted in scope. The cabalists, more specifically, the HEADS of the hydra, The Committee of 300, are negotiating a ‘surrender’ of sorts with whomever is involved in these negotiations on the part of the good guys, i.e. The Dragon Family and the Pentagon (I’m hearing that the joint chiefs are in on this). This now has to do with the opening up of NESARA as well as several hundred suppressed technologies, along with a complete restoration of the Constitutional Republic. These efforts will effectively strip power away from these people. According to Drake, arrests will still be taking place in the aftermath of this. Apparently, threats were made by leading members of the cabal that if federal marshals and law enforcement start coming after people, they will fight to the death, meaning that innocent civilians will be targets in a bloody conflict that will come sudden and come hard, with little warning.
Here is the most important part: There is currently a ‘vote’ or a ‘poll’ being conducted in which ‘we the people’ are being asked if we agree to the terms of these negotiations. You can vote until early on Saturday, June 9th. Here is the link: Apparently, this is to be passed on by Drake directly to the folks involved in the negotiation process as a ‘chip’ on the table to show these people what we want.
I also HIGHLY suggest that you take the time to listen to Drake’s latest broadcast, now on Global Voice 2012: (click on ‘Drake and Company rebroadcast’ for June 7th). Talk about a mind blower 🙂
Also putting this out there: I’m following all of this very closely from inside Oath Keepers, and the more of us connected, the better. If David or anyone else here wants to contact me, please email: [email protected]. I’m in a position to inform and educated once ‘events’ start taking place; and they WILL take place.
I’m in complete agreement with David that we are very close to something here. David seems pretty sure that light will prevail and that everything will go smoothly, but what we are faced with now seems to be a negotiation for the cabal to surrender or a firefight to end this chaos, in which innocent people will die in the take down. I’m staying positive yet staying frosty. I suggest that you all do the same.
Maybe those that are able to heal can send David some remote healing? Also anyone who has a private conversation with him, whom is a healer, may also take the chance to send their enery his way. Lets all try and support David on his journey.Love peace and mung beans xox
David thank you for your letter …… I have just recently been reading your post David’s,Hawaiian Kauilapele and others posted on his Blog . I am interested in the information I’m readding about . Howerver I find myself getting frustrated
,depressed and at times skeptical of the information. I don’t know what to believe it sounds so much like a fairytale novel….. Sorry to sound so skeptical/cynical . Much of what I read resonates with something inside me that I have thought about my intire life but have been unwilling to share with others . I am looking forward to total disclosure , and a REAL CHANGE from Business as usual . I have looked to my Goverment to Man-up my entire 61 yrs over and over when I start to have some confidence “THEY” do somthing to TRASH my Hope ………….. so THANKS
Musing: sometimes illness or delicate health is an indication of a highly sensitive nervous system in the human instrument, and/or a being who has chosen to take on a large chunk of collective “karma”. In fact, I’d say we’ve accrued so much detritus at this point in “history” that no one is untouched by it.
Actually, it appears that humanity itself has been very ill for a long time, “infected” by a stealth pathogen, a vampiric “wetiko”, another word for archon or luciferian force…?
Fortunately, most of us are fundamentally “allergic” to the insane, fake version of reality we’ve been force fed to try and keep us docile hosts. You can’t stop the true signal, so you layer a fake one over it, but receiving discordant signals sets up a dissonance, an internal conflict at the soul level.
This eventually activates our (auto)immune system, which can lead to um, diarrhea. It’s a natural process of purging. We’ve reached the inevitable tipping point, like the garbage landslide in the movie “Idiocracy”, lol.
First the impacted gunk has to come to the surface, to consciousness, be seen and acknowledged, then it can be flushed away, revealing the gem of our core Self, the one that is connected to the Source, so it remembers how to surf the “primordial particle” Wave.
The accelerating Convergence of a myriad of factors that at first glance seem catastrophic is indeed a Divine Invitation to fully activate our dormant codons, at which point we become inhospitable to wetiko. But we have to choose to accept the invitation, which we can do by clearing anything that blocks our own antennae, so we can receive the pure signal that tunes our DNA.
By facing our own unhealed stuff, in whatever form it is manifesting right now ( with whatever good humor we can muster), we are all doing our part to *process* this collective crap session. ( yes it is true, Moderator, that you can’t force a shite, and let’s face it, we are in the middle of the mother of all shites, aren’t we, so this could take a while IMHO 😮 ).
Each of us must do this internal cleaning, like ho’oponopono, in the depth of ourselves, following our own unique Homing beacon. So please let us *all* be gentle and kind with ourselves and each other, especially now, and not judge our own or others experiences, remembering the bigger picture.
It is wise to put your own oxygen mask on before attempting to help others 😉 The stress we are under is immense as we approach the “singularity”. It’s enough pressure to create a diamond.
Shine on you Crazy Diamond! 8)
David, well done and hang in there, we live in the most exiting times, thanks for the new feedback and good luck with all the talks.
“timbre of data” — I like it!!
Drake was on a radio show on 6/6, I do not have the link, but I believe you can catch it through He completely contradicted everything he has said up until now. He asserts no mass arrests, he stipulates the “cabal” wants terms and he is having a poll to bring to the white hats in the Pentgon. He was so bad, the host at then end told him she lost all faith in everything he had to say, and after spending 3 hours listening to the broadcast, I could do nothing less than agree. Drake is full of it and I hope you steer clear of him. Do not be fooled, we are no clser to the miracle than 10 years ago, these guys lie.
So what’s the point of partying and banging pots & pans, you ask?
How’s that to change the world for the better?
I could say “read up a little, watch videos, and ask that question again”, maybe.
But here’s another answer : it remains to be seen what exact meaning this has (it’s certainly a lot more that student tuition, that’s beyond obvious at this point).
Here is an example of real, tangible, constructive change : people are finally meeting up to talk about all this.
I still haven’t seen even a mention in mainstream media, but Autonomous Neighbourhood Assemblies have started :
This is just the kind of change that we have all been waiting for.
Only this heartfelt, from the ground-up change that is happening can break through the conditioning and reach the wasted people, one sad, lonesome, polluted mind at a time.
They have a long way to go, but we are not far away from them :we are right here, and have so much to tell them.
They are the ones we have to help, because they will be the ones to help us.
Yeah, we’d like to do this all in one fell swoop, but it seems that would be rude to them… but don’t worry, there is no reason why people who follow can’t change direction.
Given a real, honest choice between being mindless slaves in a cruel world or free, loved and loving participants in an excitingly new and changing mindset, I’m not too worried what their choice would be…
But we must still break through the barrier of mainstream insanity and denial, and that does not look easy.
If you are reading this, you are among a select few who are at least aware enough to read up on this, whatever your conclusions may be.
Please do your small, easy part by continuing to inform yourself as exactly as possible, and if you can, by spreading the information as much as you can.
Those aren’t just empty slogans :
Don’t hate the media, become the media (Jello Biafra)
Be the change you wish to see in the world (Ghandi)
Now is a time when you can do this.
Now is a time when you should live this.
Much love from Montréal, Québec, Canada.
So happy to get some news from the Wilcock crew, it’s been a while.
Ok, so, doubters : i’m one of you.
I think we’ve all had to rethink our expectations over the mass arrests scenario.
To be sure, it is unsettling to see so much trouble and bad news still brewing. But…
But as much as I’ve feared, in these last weeks/months, that somehow the “dark ones” are hanging unto their power, I’ve also had much, much reasons to rejoice and have real, tangible hope for the very close, immediate future.
Actually, for the last few weeks (since half of may, basically), I’ve barely had time to check up and follow this story. Why?
Because I’ve been caught up in the unprecedented mass awakening that is happening in Quebec, brought on initially by the student fight against government theft & obedience to big business, and exploded when the government enacted an insane, fascist law to suppress any and all dissent from the people (and passed it off as only a student-issue related law, which it clearly isn’t).
Oh, for sure I’m often depressed by how much “normal” people still don’t get it, and expect things to just go quietly back to how they were before, but what I can feel in my bones is that such a thing is just not possible anymore.
Please, do not be taken over by the fear porn.
Sadly, even people waking up too often fall for it – i was shocked to hear in an interview LadyDragon talk to Drake about downtown Montreal being some sort of hellish warzone.
That is simply not true.
It is what the controlled media want you and the people to believe.
Sure, yes, there are moments of tension and confrontation. Obviously.
Especially since the police, all too often, are ordered to attack and provoke so as to justify cracking down on otherwise peaceful (and might i even say fun?) protests.
But overall, things are fine and not “unpleasant chaos” at all. Yeah, sure, many policemen and women take their work a little too seriously, and a little too far. But you should see all the others : they’re smiling under their helmets.
They can’t say, but they are with us.
I could go on and on about the pots & pans revolution, and how it is showing the people that they are the change, they are the power…
That, my friends, is mostly why I’ve had no time to wait on Wilcock or decipher Fulford’s latest, etc : i’ve been too busy being a part of the change myself, where I live, among friends and foes and neighbours and strangers.
And I have never felt so alive. I, like most of you, have been waiting for this all my life.
Sometimes it’s been hard, to see how blind and evil and hypocritical the government is acting, and sad to see how so many good people are duped. But the lies are too obvious, the shame is too big to hide.
We are awake and we are not going asleep again, and slowly but surely, more and more people will see through the cheap manipulations and lies.
That is the real change.
That is something you can see, but better yet, that is something you can do too.
Doubters, naysayers, this might just be my most IMPORTANT MESSAGE to you :
The problem is not the “Cabal” anymore.
The problem is the happily enslaved, brainwashed masses who still believe the illusions passed on to them.
They are why a sudden, brutal shift should still not happen right now : because it would be against their “will”, and scare them.
In a roundabout, slightly skewed way, it wouldn’t be… democratic.
It suddenly seems obvious : as long as so many people are capable of buying such crap from a criminal, illegitimate government, we the rising people are branded as enemies and rioters.
“Journalists” continue to blatantly enforce the status quo mindset, even exceptionnally rudely & violently as an elected government official tries to explain to them why it is morally right for him to have been arrested along with his people because of an unjust law (sorry, no english version, maybe subtitles are coming) :
ENGLISH speakers/readers :
Here is a great, wonderfully helpful site for reading real reports, opinions and journalism regarding the social revolution in Quebec :
I think you owe Rod an apology for his posting. It was actually a positive thing, not a judgement. Read it again. He was assigning David the role of “raving lunatic” as sighted in the quote as a perveyor and provider of truth to the masses that have swallowed lies for so long.
I’m sure you are more than tired of having to go through negative posts, but I might caution you to read them more critically before providing a critical response to something that on the surface MIGHT seem like a negative comment. In short, beware of complacency in reviewing posts.
[Moderator: SOMEONE who is not me did not read the comment correctly b/c they are stressed out from WORKING TOO MUCH… yes Rod, I apologize on behalf of whatever someone else said that is not the REAL moderator that was rude. I understood what you were saying, thanks,
– the real moderator 🙂 ]
Dear David, thank you for your love, your light.
The conference in Amsterdam was so beautifull, especially the meditation, in the city center, in the church on one of the canals, was very powerfull.
Finally my eager for knowledge about the pyramids, that I hve had all my life, has come to some sort of rest and deep understanding.
Thank you so much for being you, love for you all
To tha hatey-hatez:
“On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points.”
Virginia Woolf
I would also say it is true of ecstasy, for ecstasy and agony are not that different anyway.
Thoughts are things, make yours count.
We should do a group meditation for David’s health…you know, like the ones that have been going on to bring in the Divine Feminine energies, and the removal of the “ducks that were” (I can’t call them powerful any more).
What say you?
Thanks for the update – Hope the rest of the tour goes well!
Can’t wait to ‘see the view on the other side’
Thank you Brother,much Love & Light to you,Namaste.
I have a marsh mellow, yellow polka dot bridge to sell in Brooklyn, going cheap.
It should be easy to find a buyer here on this site.
Oh, BTW – Santa and the tooth fairy is also on their way to save us from the evil globalists, Just sit back, do nothing and wait. Total BS!
[Moderator: Wow what a brilliant comment. Slow clap.]
David, Really love the tone of this newsletter.
I can really tell you are not reading the negative stuff….And sending you support on this next leg of your ongoing initiation.
Thanks for all that you do!!!!!
Wow I was shocked to read about the Statue of Liberty dream. I had a dream several nights ago that my husband and I were watching tv when a special news announcement came on that the statue of liberty had fallen. They went to a reporter who was on the scene and they were showing the statue as it fell. The weird part of the dream for me was that I had a good feeling about the statue falling. For days I’ve wondered. Seeing your staff member also dreamed of the statue falling under different circumstances, shocked me.
David, drink vegetable juice for energy and health!
apple, carrot, celery, kale, ginger is a great energizing juice with plenty of vitamins too.
And plenty of fruit will keep brain power at tip top shape.
Very inspiring article btw, to think we’re potentially only weeks away from the flood gates opening! (In a very non-violent mass awakening kinda flood…)
I love your work david and believe in it.
I have seen no mass arrests. still see chemtrails. stupid laws implemented. wars etc.
When will we see real hardcore evidence?
nitty gritty. where rubber meets the road. where there is no way we can doubt anymore.
Im just tired. very tired.
but I believe in the good.
SO ready for change. lets DO IT.
Thank you Mr. Wilcock. You know me.
Tell David he wouldn’t be sick all the time if he were getting his daily intake of Cannabinoids. However, since the plant that is most abundant of Cannabinoids is illegal due to racism and pure outright lies and scare tactics, and David has long since stopped using it for whatever his reasons were, he still has hope. Tell him to get some Echinacea Purourea Root. It is GREAT for the immune system, and is believed to have Canna-Mimetrics that work on the CB2 receptors in the body to boost the immune system, just like Cannabis would. Echinacea is perfectly legal, and i hear it’s really good at keeping one’s health up. Be sure NOT to get Echinacea from a store though, get like the actual root or get it from somewhere that’s good. Cuz the stuff at the store doesn’t include root most of the time and is generally standardized. So take care of that health buddy.
thank you David,
yes even half a year before all these happenings and info would have looked like hoaxes to me..
but i quickly got up and browsed n read n found out lots of info. and on my way to the light n love lessons, i came to accept and even wish for the new world to come and so all of us will be in the light and abundance, no lack no limitations anymore as we have been slaves n dominated by the dark ones.
thank you for the light and interest you have for all of us.
There is definitely something going on, I feel really safe, like never before. Also I saw a bright UFO yesterday, I think that they are protecting us and are going to guide us through the darkness.
True, a bunch of us were starting to ask where you had gone, man! Good to know! Blessings!
David, be safe. While a student of Edgar for my entire life, it was your Source Field Investigations that explained his knowledge. That is the example of positive Karma and one Life expanding on the previous Life via reincarnation. I can only imagine what you next Life will entail. I thank both you and Edgar for leading me to my own awaking.
David- Your important work continues to breathe life into my hopes for the future. You are loved!!
David, I’m a personal trainer, I could help you!
I too have been captivated by the dire predictions and alarmists (many are very convincing), and have also read Internet comments that say David Wilcock teaches false Hope of Peace.
However, I can’t ignore my own personal awakening that intensified last July. I got up one morning and was lead to the computer and intuitively typed and clicked on various links that explained the situation we’re in. In fact, I was contacted by a ring of pinpoint aqua blue lights 3 days later that downloaded images into my head. This force hung around my house for 3 days.
I also notice more and more people are awakening every day, which is connected to the Truth Vibrations that David Icke says is coming in. Why would all this be happening if we were just going to be permanently cut off to our higher selves and live in infinity of tyranny?
I have to agree with Jessica Schaub (crystal child) who says, “heat and pressure makes coal into a Diamond.” Her statement goes along with David Wilcock’s statement…
“There is going to be a lot of media fear-mongering as the old system grinds to a halt — probably exceeding the panic of 2008 — but in truth, this type of situation is exactly what we need to create sufficient public awareness to end the problem.”
Furthermore, it has become apparent that if we want our outside world to change, we have to change our world within so we need to work out our unresolved issues and envision a world we want to live in. I am seeing more and more how we are all connected “As above, so below” and the echo effect. The answers are in the circle of life and nature!
One of the downloaded images I received lead me to the 1982 movie by Jim Henson’s “The Dark Crystal,” in which a Gelfing embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of the magical crystal that had cracked and created two races: the Skeksis, vulture-like tyrants (referred as the lizzies) and the Mystics, hunchbacked natural wizards. At some point, you see the leader of each of the two races simultaneously die indicating that they are connected as one. In the end, the Gelfing inserts the shard into the magic crystal and the Skeksis and Mystics merge into tall glowing beings, one of whom says “we are again one,” apologizes to the Gelfing for causing so much trouble, and then the beings depart.
Additionally, I had a dream right before I woke up on “Leap Day,” which showed me standing on earth, looking up in outer space and watching a war between alien spacecraft when all of a sudden an unexpected golden white light came in and overpowered everything. I felt an energy shift when I woke up and a few days later, I started to see postings on the Internet about Divine Intervention.
This morning before I woke up I had another dream, in which the earth was dark and some destruction had taken place, one of which was a big bridge. I was feeling the urgency of an energy shift that was going to make us come face to face with our dark shadows that were created by our hateful and lower feeling thoughts. I still had some unresolved issues but felt blocked in taking care of them. I said, “I’m scared” knowing I was going to be confronted. I laid down on my bed thinking about the horrible things to come when my shadow appeared as a reptilian demonic being dressed in armor who was twice my size. He came over picked me up in a cradle position while one of my legs was dangling by his side. Our thoughts merged in a forgiving manner and then we became one. The darkness of the earth lifted and we were in a golden age. One of the first things that came to my mind when I woke up was David Wilcock. When I logged into my email account this morning, the first email listed at the top was the email link to this article from David Wilcock.
Currently, I feel a huge energy shift is about to happen… so we’ll just see!
Thank you David. Sending you Light & Love from Sweden.
God Bless all of you, and don’t work too hard, remember, if you need a reason to take a break, just remember your work is better and more effective in the long run over the course of your life and even over the course of a few years or a year if you take care of yourself than if you go full tilt all the time.