Finally, after months of no new insider updates, one of our top sources has gotten new information about how Divine Intervention is shaping the mass arrests that have been planned. The news is very exciting — and very positive.
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Virtually every single ancient culture reports human-looking “gods” who came and brought them written language, mathematics, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, building techniques, astronomy and extensive spiritual teachings.
Gigantic stone structures have been erected within the vast majority of these ancient cultures as well — following remarkably common patterns worldwide. Such feats still strain our current technology almost to its limits.
“Boskop” skulls have been found in South Africa, Mesoamerica, Siberia and elsewhere, with double our current brain size — as reported by Discover Magazine in December 2009. No known human deformity can explain these skulls.
It is quite astonishing that in the face of this much data, we still have not reached a point where the reality of ancient ET contact and assistance is considered common knowledge.
Any widespread recognition of this fact will inevitably create a legendary shift in our society — regardless of how many people will claim to have known it all along.
After several hundred years of frustrating obscurity, it appears that we are on the verge of a stunning mass awakening — to the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial humans guiding our development here on Earth, behind the scenes.
The Visitors appear to be much more knowledgeable about science and spirituality than we are at present — and there is every indication that we are on the threshold of an event that has been predicted for thousands of years, with great precision.
Over 30 different ancient cultures — virtually every ancient philosophical system in the world — was “encoded” with information suggesting that history repeats itself, in vast cycles of 25,920 years.
This was proven by reputable scholars Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in their epic 1969 work Hamlet’s Mill, and brought to mass public awareness by Graham Hancock in his essential 1995 classic, Fingerprints of the Gods.
There is overwhelming evidence that the end of this year, 2012, is when this huge cycle of time — and the events predicted to take place therein — finally reaches its conclusion.
Many have interpreted the prophecies as suggesting that mass death and chaos will occur — in some sort of worldwide cataclysm.
However, this appears to be a great misunderstanding of the language of symbolism and metaphor — which is actually describing a very positive event. What the prophecies foretold is a coming “Golden Age” of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
We are seeing the death of the Old World Order, not the Earth. It is the death of the beliefs and prejudices of ignorance, and the corrupt social structures that upheld them.
This shift is also associated with a transformative “awakening” of the pineal gland in the brain — which, as I explain in the original 2012 Enigma video and in my book The Source Field Investigations, does appear to be our central connection to the Source Field.
One of the most consistent threads that runs throughout ancient spiritual teachings — right up through credible modern sources such as the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Seth Material and the Law of One series — is reincarnation.
In finalizing my new book, The Synchronicity Key, I have gone back to the “roots” of the Edgar Cayce material — such as Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara — and gained a renewed appreciation for how significantly reincarnation affects our lives today.
In short, the Visitors have taught us that the Universe is One. There is only identity. There is no greater mystery than that of Consciousness — and how our own awareness is ultimately the Creator knowing Itself.
Life on Earth is a vast illusion, structured for the explicit purpose of spiritual evolution for all its participants. We have large amounts of time to learn our lessons — across many lifetimes — while living in very significant amnesia of our greater Identity.
Historical epochs and events keep repeating, so as to give us similar situations in parallel cycles of time. All the while, we have choices as to how to react to these epic changes.
Our “past lives” are not dead relics of another time, permanently sealed away from us. Who we are as a soul — and as a conscious, waking personality — is very strongly influenced by who we have been before.
Many Mansions gives a staggering number of real-world examples from over 2,500 “life readings” given during Cayce’s lifetime of how reincarnation affects us in the everyday world.
We are protected from knowing where these personality influences come from, in most cases — but they very much shape who we are, and how we function.
There are many positive aspects to it — such as children who are born with exceptional talents they remember, slightly below their conscious understanding, from other lifetimes.
There is also a full accountability for who we have been, and what we have measured out to others, in our previous lives as well. Some karma must be “suspended” until we are strong enough to be able to process it in a beneficial manner.
Trouble spots and weak points from other lifetimes will keep coming up, again and again, until we can successfully clear them — and keep a positive attitude in the process.
This has all become an extremely present understanding for me. In the last month alone I’ve been in six different countries, performing what will soon be a total of ten speaking events in eight different cities — all by the third weekend of this month.
I didn’t plan or intend it to be this way, but shifting timelines and schedules dating back to last November all coincided to produce the situation I am now working through.
Admittedly, part of why I took on such a dense cluster of work was to finally gain some financial stability. We have five staff who depend on this work for their livelihood, and there are ongoing large expenses, such as venue rentals and airfare.
Almost every event has had at least 200 participants — so it has indeed been a success on that front.
I’ve barely had time to catch my breath throughout all of this. Normally I am only comfortable doing one event a month, but such a relaxed schedule insured I could never really stabilize the work.
In the midst of all this, I had to stop reviewing all comments submitted to the website — so as not to be overwhelmed by the pressure of thousands of people wanting to see the next update.
Avoiding the 10 or 20 intensely negative letters that show up on an average day has been a wonderful healing experience for me — living life on my own terms, rather than through the guise of how others see me.
I originally saw myself getting all kinds of great work done while I was “on the road,” including website posts — but the reality has been very different.
I have been forced to take care of my health, first and foremost, and make sure I am physically capable of doing the events.
In the last 4-5 years I’ve done about eight events where I was in varying stages of severe illness, and it is not fun at all. This includes four events in three different cities where I could barely even make my voice speak. I have never once canceled an event.
There are plenty of personal details of how difficult this tour has been, which I will share at a later time for those who are interested.
Especially today, I have been bombarding myself with nutrition to make sure my health doesn’t collapse — and I still have five events and four cities to go, ending in New York on the 22nd.
The whole thing is very surreal. And yet, I realize that health is determined to a large degree by attitude. The science I lecture about has proven this with great redundancy.
Therefore, I see maintaining a positive, upbeat, inspired attitude, while focusing on maximizing and preserving all aspects of my physical health, as my main objective right now.
I could say, and have said, that this whole process is terrifying — but what good does that really serve me, or anyone else for that matter? I feel blessed to have something to share, and people who want to listen.
The greater context of all this, and why I bothered to bring it up, is how it relates to the subject of reincarnation.
This huge tour is just one of several new ways in which my life is blatantly showing me how poignantly we are affected by our past.
Most regular readers of this website are already aware of the striking facial and astrological similarity I have to Edgar Cayce.
The photographs and evidence is laid out in the Articles section of this website,, and in the 2012 Enigma video.
When Cayce’s work became significantly public in 1942, he worked himself to death in less than three years.
I’ve had to be very careful not to do the same. Now more than ever, I seem to be living in the shadow of that karma.
Having a friend of mine die, less than two months ago, has really impressed upon me the fragile grip we all have on life in the physical.
This is the time of the Great Initiation, forecasted thousands of years in advance.
Everyone is going through the most difficult “facing of the self” they can possibly handle at this time.
So, if you are still managing to have a positive attitude right now, you’re in terrific shape.
A positive focus at this time is not delusion. It’s merely a deeper understanding of who we are, why we are here, and how the grand illusion of life on Earth really functions.
It is unfortunate that most people do not have a reliable, consistent, trustworthy connection to their Higher Self — as the intellect alone is insufficient to put these pieces together and solve this mystery.
The Universe is built that way. For a reason.
The pathway to penetrating its mysteries is ultimately through the heart — not the mind.
Despite how frightening things seem to be right now, the negative forces on Earth were never intended to “win” — nor would they be allowed to.
I learned about the grand conspiracies beginning in 1992. The world did not collapse in on me once I found out about all of this. No one has been herded off to FEMA camps. There has been no declaration of mass martial law.
Over the years, I have read thousands of alarmist predictions of dire catastrophe around every corner. Some were extremely convincing. For years — particularly between 1996 and 2001 — I was captivated by it.
9/11 came and went, but it did not produce anywhere near the degree of upheaval the insiders tell me it had been intended to create.
Rather than being a victory for the negative forces, it ultimately insured their defeat. In the fullness of time, this will be very obvious.
As the tyrants of this world push ever harder for global control, the pushback has become inescapable. They are simply not being permitted to do what they wanted to do.
Permitted by who, you ask? In Law of One terms, this would be a whole range of higher-density beings — ranging from fourth-density straight through to seventh-density.
There is a vast, collaborative effort in place to insure that no matter what the oligarchs try to pull on us, we will never steer into total apocalypse.
The world has continued to remain remarkably balanced, all along, compared to what has been planned by the negative.
The public is waking up. Mass arrests will happen. It’s inevitable as the truth becomes widely known. The very rapid changes in the financial system — such as the imminent collapse of the Euro — show that everything is now reaching a critical mass.
By some credible insider estimates I have been exposed to, major changes may be only weeks away at this point — but we will never know for sure until it actually happens.
Furthermore, as I’ve worked my way through this great initiation of international touring and 13-hour flights, a barrage of incredible dreams are preparing me for major changes to happen in the near future.
Over the last 20 years, I have collected these dreams every morning — and they have been very reliable predictors of future events.
I had a cluster of 7 to 10 very strong dreams prior to 9/11, which spelled out what was going to happen so blatantly that I wrote them all up — linking to where they had already been posted on this site — that very same night.
By comparison, I’ve had literally hundreds of dreams preparing me for this. And they are getting increasingly urgent, dramatic and incredible in scope.
I could second-guess myself all day about whether I should be posting all of these dreams as they come in — but in various ways they keep phrasing and rephrasing exactly the same basic point.
One recent dream that came in after I was back from Europe is a good representation of the overall timbre of data I have been receiving.
In this dream, I was in a mountainous region that I know to be a place where much of the UFO-related “black ops” projects have been relocated to in America.
In this area, I saw a very curious structure. It was a very tall, skinny building, heavily leaning to one side. Gusts of wind caused it to noticeably shift in position.
Each level of the building was an old-fashioned one-room country shack house from the 1800s, with highly dilapidated wood. Each shack was completely empty inside.
There was no stairwell or ladder to move up through the structure. There were at least 20 levels. You would literally have to fly by helicopter or scale the walls to get from one “compartment” of this tower to the next.
I was standing there with a police officer who told me the whole building was about to collapse. I was told that once this happened it would radically change the entire world.
He told me this was our very last chance to climb the wall and get a look at history before it was gone forever.
However, another person had clearly warned me that the building was so close to collapsing that the weight of one person’s body climbing up the side would be enough to cause it to topple over.
I told the police officer it was far too risky. He could do it if he wanted to, but I would not put myself in the face of that much harm.
This dream is one of an ongoing series that seems to be describing the complete collapse of the occult financial system that has enslaved our planet — as well as the compartmentalized secrecy of the UFO and exotic technology cover-up.
Just last night I had another dream where “it” had happened — the arrests — and I was literally surrounded by press at every turn. I tried to escape it, but ultimately realized I needed to take the stage and do the press conference — as this was it.
I certainly understand how people can, and will, write this off as “ego” — but considering how reliable these dreams have been for the last 20 years, I have to take it seriously.
The previous dream from this same morning had me working directly with extraterrestrials, in a top-secret facility, promising them I would do my best to dissipate “interstellar racism” that has written them off as terrifying “Aliens.”
It was very strange and a little unnerving to be around them — it felt very real in the dream — but once we started speaking it put my mind at ease.
One of my main staff members had a remarkable dream from June 3rd, which had certain similarities to the earlier dream I had shared, as follows:
This event caused a huge, worldwide, jubilant celebration. I was one of the people who was there on site, dancing on the ruins of the head, a few days after it had happened.
There is going to be a lot of media fear-mongering as the old system grinds to a halt — probably exceeding the panic of 2008 — but in truth, this type of situation is exactly what we need to create sufficient public awareness to end the problem.
Divine Intervention has dramatically increased. There are a variety of specific examples I will include when I have more time.
The latest briefing revealed how much this Divine Intervention is shaping the strategy that will be used for the mass arrests.
It has become clear that this is a battle against an influence more than against people. And the influence, for lack of a better word, is the Luciferian force — which is described in the Law of One series in detail.
A sudden, violent mass arrest would cause extreme hardship, chaos and disruption to society. This is exactly what the Luciferian force wants.
Now, it is becoming clear that the Divine Intervention is guiding this whole process so that it is occurring bit by bit, here and there, so as to minimize fear and maximize effectiveness.
There will be very big changes — but it has now been realized that rather than assigning a particular date to it, they are watching events unfold and seeing how things keep miraculously improving and working out.
I will have a lot more to say about this next week. I have to go to sleep now so I can get up and do Sydney tomorrow and then Brisbane on Sunday — followed by Melbourne and Perth next weekend, and New York the weekend after that.
This at least breaks the fast, and lets you know I’m still out here. I do thank you for your ongoing support!
Greetings and Gratitudes to David from David,
I wish to suggest you try the benefits of the Moringa tree leafs to sustain your health.
It certainly helps our family allot.
Joy and happiness
Being likewise a scholar, bewitched. As was I on the 12th and 13th of May among your audience. Admiring your courage to speak up and out for humanity and what was always known to us, I send you utmost strength and wish you the best of health throughout your journey.
Great to see you’re taking care of yourself while maintaining such a busy schedule. I’ve been having a series of dreams as well.
One question, though I know David or mods probably wouldn’t give this kind of advice. The company I work for went public recently, and they offer stock options to employees. I’ve bought some of these, but from the sounds of things, the existing stock market won’t be around for long. It’s not a HUGE investment on my part, but now i’m thinking i might wanna cash the shares in. Or, maybe, the complete opposite; in that the shares might be worth something as the dollar becomes useless. Just some food for thought.
Anyways, great luck on your tour. I’ll have to start paying more attention to dreams and recording them, as I’ll be there for your ‘finish line’ in New York. Greatly looking forward to it!
Your postings are always a “putting into words” what I feel is transpiring to the collective. Thank you so very much for applying your heart and mind to our great awakening.
Please consider taking a minute to ask the Aussie audiences to pray for Australian and Indonesian government clemency toward Schapelle Corby.
Happy trails.
You know of course David that you always have our support. We all know that the light “wins” in the end and, the end is near.
Very excited to see this unfold.
Be well brother and, always remember to take time for yourself. Self care works wonders but, of course, you know that.
Peace and blessings always
Gracias por las buenas nuevas, sabes que eres una inspiración para mucha gente.
Me ha alegrado mucho saber lo de las conferencias en habla hispana, estaré atenta para no perdérmelo.
…y no fuerces la máquina, (la salud) 😛
Siempre tuve la impresión de que la Unión Europea se acabaría disolviendo; me gustaría que hiciésemos como Islandia, (soy española).
Quería terminar diciendo que en ningún momento he escrito aquí cosas destructivas; quizá alguien se hizo pasar por mí cuando quise unirme al foro. Aclarado esto, y una vez mas, gracias por las buenas nuevas!
David, un saludo para tí y para todo el equipo
Its good to hear from you and know that you are well, perhaps working too hard.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge it is very thought provoking.
Keep safe !
THANK YOU DEAR DAVID to think of “us” and write a new article inspite your exhausting tour!I’m sure the GOOD Maters and Guides are with you to PROTECT YOU ALWAYS – surrounded WITH LOVE – !
You will probably get lots of comments from readers who are disappointed that this blog doesn’t contain more new news. To me, this is confirmation of your integrity, David.
And I have to say that your words above confirm my own avenues of research.
The one remaining concern is the possibility that certain people (we all know who) are trying to ignite a conflict in the middle east.
Update from Drake
Listen to his latest broadcast from Wed 6-6-12 here (scroll down halfway):
Callers grilled him and this is FULL of new time sensitive info! He is asking us to vote on a compromise, form more info go here:
It’s a simple 3 question survey to see if We The People would be amenable to a peaceful arrangement. The poll closes at Noon on Saturday June 9 so don’t delay.
Ho’oponopono for your health…I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you.
Thank you David and Mods for this new input.
I do not remeber my dreams generally but the other day I dreamt that I was buying a bottle of mineral water 50ml and was asked to pay £50.I remember thinking things have started to happen for real, the manipulation of the weather and the speculation of water to deprive people of vital resources.
Other dream that repited itself was that my finger was being bitten by a rat and a month o so later my thumb was being bitten by my cat and was so extremely painful that I thought that i might have to hurt or kill him to stop from bitting my finger, however the pain was so horrendous that I woke up before having to make the decision about my cat, just as well because hurting my cat would have as awfully painful as the bite. I will welcome if anybody could tell me what these dreams might mean.
The energies at the moment are very strong and unsettling – difficult to ignore or deal with them when so many people around me are speriencing things that they consider negative.
Thank you. Your following words just triggered the “Eureka!” moment I needed to put my own situation into perspective.
What was before; a dismally crummy situation, that was beginning to negatively impact me in subtle ways beyond the situation itself. Has now been revealed as just another test.
While I had acknowledged that I had my own part in the blame. The involvement of the others in the blame had caused me to wish for harm to befall them.
The bad situation will play out one way or another, regardless of how I may feel about the involvement of the others. But how I regard them at that time is what truly counts. No longer will there be ill will.
Again. Thank You.
The synchronicity is done on purpose at this point I’m sure, all it takes is a click of the button while watching the clock. You people act like this is the hand of god or something…lol
Love the light that is shinning from this sight. The information and message here is perfect and resonates with my heart. Thanks for all your hard work David. Can’t wait to get the new book..
Love to all
David, glad you shared with us this most exciting and crazy time in your journey. We will all be here waiting for you, no worries on that! Glad you are taking care of yourself and much appreciate you taking time to update us! You are loved, all is well! Have a blast!!! 8)
thank you David for your hard work and divine information that has opened our eyes our minds and awaken conscoius in many in bosnia
thank you david…..for everything!!!
Always good to hear from David! Take care of yourself.
The first dream with the skinny building made me think of the Washington Monument. It did have some damage to it last fall with the “earthquake.”
I don’t think its open again yet. Certainly, if that came down it would be a huge metaphor!
Thank you David!
I thought it of interest, and hope you will consider this posting beneficial and supporting of everyone’s hard work.
From Kerry’s Blog: Bill Brockbrader needs your help!
Bill Brockbrader contacted me from County Jail where he is waiting for trial and hoping to get released on bail. He believes if he receives a large amount of mail in support of his cause that they will allow him to post bail.
He is asking for those who wish to support him to write to him at this address:
William Brockbrader 1046233 c/o ADA County Jail 7210 Barrister Dr. Boise, ID 83704
Note: you must include a Return Address & Name or the jail will not deliver the mail!!!
As I stated in a previous blog statement Bill Brockbrader is being harrassed as a whistleblower in order to silence him….
My letter:
[quote]Dear Bill;
A few words of thanks and encouragement. Thank you for the honor and integrity which has infused your activities and the way you have conducted yourself. I have been very moved by this display of character and personal honor. As I listen, watch and learn, I have been encourage to be a better American as well as a better world and global citizen. Where there was resignation I found not just a hope but actions I could take with others that would make the world a better place. You’ve inspired the best in me and I hope to live and perform those actions with the same honor and integrity that inspired them. May it live, grow and abound within us all!
I would be remiss not to mention your service to our country and countrymen, yes even those who now incarcerate you and have the authority to detain or enforce the law in a gentler more lenient fashion. May this show of solidarity remind them of who we are as Americans and that they are not apart from that.
All the best to you and yours, may you return home soon and the truth prevail.
Continued – Something weird is going on with me trying to post. You can view a streaming session with Braco at or – this eneregy has been helping people connect to their higher selves and heal and break from the chords of duality that have been holding a majority back in the collective. David, I know you are on overdrive, but please, please check out Braco because you and your team deserve this miraculous energy. Love and light always for your earth star walk. Matthe
You are awsome. :-*
David, I love the tone of this letter. Sending you lots of support to make it through this initiation.
Thank you David and moderators for your unselfish work as you keep folks in the loop.
A Andromedian healer just turned me on to Braco after her and her husband received a miraculous healing. We all have worked with Max and Mother Meera and Braco blows those experiences out of the water. Please check it out. This is a wave of source energy that could support the work you are trying to do with conveying love, light and fogiveness in the collective for the Golden Age Age. Braco is similar to Ester Hicks and Abraham. It is described as source energy flowing through Braco and if people open their heart chakra to receive this energy, miracles are being declared all over the world.
David and mods, I know you are slammed but if you would please check Braco out, I think miracles forhe has european and
Dude! Take it easy with all the conferences and just build a membership site already. It’s bound to be better on your health/financial situation and also allows you to reach way more people!!!
Also, I am curious to hear your readers thoughts on this article
It seems right up our alley when it comes to the positive future we all know is inevitable. What role does faith play in this process and what is it we should each be doing with this information in order to co create this future we envision.
The best news here is that you, David, are putting God first in your life by taking care of your whole self, including your physical well-being.
Please KNOW that you are so well-loved by the vast majority of us.
Angels surround you always; and may peace, love & joy be forever yours.
We will send you light, love and energy and good health. We’d like you to stick around after
all of this is done. Edgar Cayce live up to his 60’s. My God, you are still young. Take care of yourself. God bless!
I’m very curious: Does anyone know if David has read “Thiaoouba Prophecies”? I remember there is a picture in one of his online videos on youtube he shows where he mentions the noticable size difference between a tall figure and the surrounding people. The appearance of the figure accurately fits the description of the race of advanced beings described in the book. Tall, long hair, curvy and slender figure. Keep it up David, you’ve got my support and a lot more.
David —
I am so happy to hear you are focusing on music again! You have a great talent there.
Paying the bills is always stressful and here we go again — more work and less time for creativity. Striking a balance there can be difficult, but it looks like you have your “ducks in a row.”
BTW — I’ve been working lots of OT, too, just trying to keep from starving and/or living on a park bench somewhere.
Just remember, the ideas you present, as well as your own personage that is presenting those ideas — as you travel the world, this is a huge benefit to consciousness everywhere.
Others with their “fear porn” and finger pointing have some relevance, but your perspective comes from and radiates directly love and light.
So, it looks like you are on the “downhill” as far as your speaking engagements go. You will have time to catch your breath soon.
Taking care of yourself is top priority.
I think that we all love to hear your comments and perspectives about whatever topic you feel relevant or want to talk about. It doesn’t always have to be an e-book, although very enjoyable and I, for one, am waiting with great anticipation for your new writings about synchronicity.
Just hearing a comment from you and knowing you are alright once in awhile is very calming.
Knowing the peril that your work puts you in at times — well, its just nice to know you are doing okay once in awhile.
You have made a lot of virtual friends here. We really do care about you.
Again, about the negative hate/fear comments — to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction – right? The lighter you are, the darker they are, but in the end, that light always cuts right through the darkness and endures.
I know, it is so hard to do when traveling, but take good care of yourself!
Great to hear from you. We love you David!
so much looking for to meeting with you in Brisbane.
Its going to be an awesome for us all.
Thank you David!
Sending you much Love and Light.
Fail to see “mass arrests.” You’re a nut, David. 😛
Thank you! ~Love&Light~
I can’t believe David that every article has an amazing synchronicity. Last one 11:11, the one before 18:18, now it’s 5:55 which is accroding to Drunvalo Melchizedek the number of completion (mystery schools view),”the highest number”, Christ number, representing unity consciousness.
It’s truly amazing.
Glad to know that you are taking care of yourself healthwise. Everything else will unfold in it’s time. Thank you for all the effort you put into this.
I recently had a similar dream to staff dream of June 3rd – the implications are obvious: I am in my grandma’s apartment in Virginia Beach overlooking the ocean [she lives in the same neighborhood as David’s 1990’s beach shack, which I visited a few times as a kid]. A giant purple Goddess comes into view a hundred yards out to sea. The water is barely half way up to her knees. This giant woman is effortlessly carrying the Statue of Liberty, an object seemingly fashioned in her image, although much more stern and rigid than this matronly Saint. She places the Statue upright in the water and summons a team of smaller deities, who help her re-fashion the Statue in the true image of the Divine Feminine. The Army shows up but can do nothing to stop her – in fact, they do not want to stop her. I realize Disclosure in imminent.
Equally important is Lao Russell’s Code of Ethics:
Lao Russell’s Code of Ethics for a living philosophy:
To bring blessing on yourself, bless your neighbor.
To enrich yourself, enrich your neighbors.
Honor your neighbor and your neighbor will honor you.
To sorely hurt yourself, hurt your neighbor.
He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
The measure of a man’s wealth, is the measure of the wealth he has given.
To enrich yourself with many friends, enrich your friends with yourself.
That which you take away from any man, the world will take away from you.
When you take the first step to give yourself to that which you want, it will also take the first step to give itself to you.
Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon. They spread from you out to infinity beyond your horizon.
The whole Universe is a mirror which reflects back to you, that which you reflect into it.
Love is like the ascent of a high mountain peak. It comes ever nearer to you as you go ever nearer to it.
Copyright, 1955, by the University of Science and Philosophy
David and Mods,
Please please take care of your health and find pockets of time to mediate and rest. Does wonders amidst the hectic schedule. This may be your learning journey to do things differently, know how to pace yourself, manage your health and yes, ‘hang up’ when you need to!
I know how it is to read negative baseless comments. I usually brace myself and envelope myself with loving energy before reading or doing something that I know will affect my emotions. Negative words give out negative vibes even though these are lies. I still subject myself to scrutiny if any of the comments may be true to ensure my ego is not acting up.
Looking forward to your new book so I can better understand my own synchronicities experienced.
You are so right to say this time is most difficult time to know oneself. While waiting for updates from you, I have been reflecting on myself. I also realised that instead of waiting for your updates, I should be active in my own living and reflection and dwell deep within me to know myself, what I am and what I am not and to be brave enough to accept and be me.
Divinity is with us and within us. Each of us have our own journey to make and yet all roads lead to same place as we are all ONE.
Love and Light to all