Finally, after months of no new insider updates, one of our top sources has gotten new information about how Divine Intervention is shaping the mass arrests that have been planned. The news is very exciting — and very positive.
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Virtually every single ancient culture reports human-looking “gods” who came and brought them written language, mathematics, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, building techniques, astronomy and extensive spiritual teachings.
Gigantic stone structures have been erected within the vast majority of these ancient cultures as well — following remarkably common patterns worldwide. Such feats still strain our current technology almost to its limits.
“Boskop” skulls have been found in South Africa, Mesoamerica, Siberia and elsewhere, with double our current brain size — as reported by Discover Magazine in December 2009. No known human deformity can explain these skulls.
It is quite astonishing that in the face of this much data, we still have not reached a point where the reality of ancient ET contact and assistance is considered common knowledge.
Any widespread recognition of this fact will inevitably create a legendary shift in our society — regardless of how many people will claim to have known it all along.
After several hundred years of frustrating obscurity, it appears that we are on the verge of a stunning mass awakening — to the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial humans guiding our development here on Earth, behind the scenes.
The Visitors appear to be much more knowledgeable about science and spirituality than we are at present — and there is every indication that we are on the threshold of an event that has been predicted for thousands of years, with great precision.
Over 30 different ancient cultures — virtually every ancient philosophical system in the world — was “encoded” with information suggesting that history repeats itself, in vast cycles of 25,920 years.
This was proven by reputable scholars Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in their epic 1969 work Hamlet’s Mill, and brought to mass public awareness by Graham Hancock in his essential 1995 classic, Fingerprints of the Gods.
There is overwhelming evidence that the end of this year, 2012, is when this huge cycle of time — and the events predicted to take place therein — finally reaches its conclusion.
Many have interpreted the prophecies as suggesting that mass death and chaos will occur — in some sort of worldwide cataclysm.
However, this appears to be a great misunderstanding of the language of symbolism and metaphor — which is actually describing a very positive event. What the prophecies foretold is a coming “Golden Age” of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
We are seeing the death of the Old World Order, not the Earth. It is the death of the beliefs and prejudices of ignorance, and the corrupt social structures that upheld them.
This shift is also associated with a transformative “awakening” of the pineal gland in the brain — which, as I explain in the original 2012 Enigma video and in my book The Source Field Investigations, does appear to be our central connection to the Source Field.
One of the most consistent threads that runs throughout ancient spiritual teachings — right up through credible modern sources such as the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Seth Material and the Law of One series — is reincarnation.
In finalizing my new book, The Synchronicity Key, I have gone back to the “roots” of the Edgar Cayce material — such as Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara — and gained a renewed appreciation for how significantly reincarnation affects our lives today.
In short, the Visitors have taught us that the Universe is One. There is only identity. There is no greater mystery than that of Consciousness — and how our own awareness is ultimately the Creator knowing Itself.
Life on Earth is a vast illusion, structured for the explicit purpose of spiritual evolution for all its participants. We have large amounts of time to learn our lessons — across many lifetimes — while living in very significant amnesia of our greater Identity.
Historical epochs and events keep repeating, so as to give us similar situations in parallel cycles of time. All the while, we have choices as to how to react to these epic changes.
Our “past lives” are not dead relics of another time, permanently sealed away from us. Who we are as a soul — and as a conscious, waking personality — is very strongly influenced by who we have been before.
Many Mansions gives a staggering number of real-world examples from over 2,500 “life readings” given during Cayce’s lifetime of how reincarnation affects us in the everyday world.
We are protected from knowing where these personality influences come from, in most cases — but they very much shape who we are, and how we function.
There are many positive aspects to it — such as children who are born with exceptional talents they remember, slightly below their conscious understanding, from other lifetimes.
There is also a full accountability for who we have been, and what we have measured out to others, in our previous lives as well. Some karma must be “suspended” until we are strong enough to be able to process it in a beneficial manner.
Trouble spots and weak points from other lifetimes will keep coming up, again and again, until we can successfully clear them — and keep a positive attitude in the process.
This has all become an extremely present understanding for me. In the last month alone I’ve been in six different countries, performing what will soon be a total of ten speaking events in eight different cities — all by the third weekend of this month.
I didn’t plan or intend it to be this way, but shifting timelines and schedules dating back to last November all coincided to produce the situation I am now working through.
Admittedly, part of why I took on such a dense cluster of work was to finally gain some financial stability. We have five staff who depend on this work for their livelihood, and there are ongoing large expenses, such as venue rentals and airfare.
Almost every event has had at least 200 participants — so it has indeed been a success on that front.
I’ve barely had time to catch my breath throughout all of this. Normally I am only comfortable doing one event a month, but such a relaxed schedule insured I could never really stabilize the work.
In the midst of all this, I had to stop reviewing all comments submitted to the website — so as not to be overwhelmed by the pressure of thousands of people wanting to see the next update.
Avoiding the 10 or 20 intensely negative letters that show up on an average day has been a wonderful healing experience for me — living life on my own terms, rather than through the guise of how others see me.
I originally saw myself getting all kinds of great work done while I was “on the road,” including website posts — but the reality has been very different.
I have been forced to take care of my health, first and foremost, and make sure I am physically capable of doing the events.
In the last 4-5 years I’ve done about eight events where I was in varying stages of severe illness, and it is not fun at all. This includes four events in three different cities where I could barely even make my voice speak. I have never once canceled an event.
There are plenty of personal details of how difficult this tour has been, which I will share at a later time for those who are interested.
Especially today, I have been bombarding myself with nutrition to make sure my health doesn’t collapse — and I still have five events and four cities to go, ending in New York on the 22nd.
The whole thing is very surreal. And yet, I realize that health is determined to a large degree by attitude. The science I lecture about has proven this with great redundancy.
Therefore, I see maintaining a positive, upbeat, inspired attitude, while focusing on maximizing and preserving all aspects of my physical health, as my main objective right now.
I could say, and have said, that this whole process is terrifying — but what good does that really serve me, or anyone else for that matter? I feel blessed to have something to share, and people who want to listen.
The greater context of all this, and why I bothered to bring it up, is how it relates to the subject of reincarnation.
This huge tour is just one of several new ways in which my life is blatantly showing me how poignantly we are affected by our past.
Most regular readers of this website are already aware of the striking facial and astrological similarity I have to Edgar Cayce.
The photographs and evidence is laid out in the Articles section of this website,, and in the 2012 Enigma video.
When Cayce’s work became significantly public in 1942, he worked himself to death in less than three years.
I’ve had to be very careful not to do the same. Now more than ever, I seem to be living in the shadow of that karma.
Having a friend of mine die, less than two months ago, has really impressed upon me the fragile grip we all have on life in the physical.
This is the time of the Great Initiation, forecasted thousands of years in advance.
Everyone is going through the most difficult “facing of the self” they can possibly handle at this time.
So, if you are still managing to have a positive attitude right now, you’re in terrific shape.
A positive focus at this time is not delusion. It’s merely a deeper understanding of who we are, why we are here, and how the grand illusion of life on Earth really functions.
It is unfortunate that most people do not have a reliable, consistent, trustworthy connection to their Higher Self — as the intellect alone is insufficient to put these pieces together and solve this mystery.
The Universe is built that way. For a reason.
The pathway to penetrating its mysteries is ultimately through the heart — not the mind.
Despite how frightening things seem to be right now, the negative forces on Earth were never intended to “win” — nor would they be allowed to.
I learned about the grand conspiracies beginning in 1992. The world did not collapse in on me once I found out about all of this. No one has been herded off to FEMA camps. There has been no declaration of mass martial law.
Over the years, I have read thousands of alarmist predictions of dire catastrophe around every corner. Some were extremely convincing. For years — particularly between 1996 and 2001 — I was captivated by it.
9/11 came and went, but it did not produce anywhere near the degree of upheaval the insiders tell me it had been intended to create.
Rather than being a victory for the negative forces, it ultimately insured their defeat. In the fullness of time, this will be very obvious.
As the tyrants of this world push ever harder for global control, the pushback has become inescapable. They are simply not being permitted to do what they wanted to do.
Permitted by who, you ask? In Law of One terms, this would be a whole range of higher-density beings — ranging from fourth-density straight through to seventh-density.
There is a vast, collaborative effort in place to insure that no matter what the oligarchs try to pull on us, we will never steer into total apocalypse.
The world has continued to remain remarkably balanced, all along, compared to what has been planned by the negative.
The public is waking up. Mass arrests will happen. It’s inevitable as the truth becomes widely known. The very rapid changes in the financial system — such as the imminent collapse of the Euro — show that everything is now reaching a critical mass.
By some credible insider estimates I have been exposed to, major changes may be only weeks away at this point — but we will never know for sure until it actually happens.
Furthermore, as I’ve worked my way through this great initiation of international touring and 13-hour flights, a barrage of incredible dreams are preparing me for major changes to happen in the near future.
Over the last 20 years, I have collected these dreams every morning — and they have been very reliable predictors of future events.
I had a cluster of 7 to 10 very strong dreams prior to 9/11, which spelled out what was going to happen so blatantly that I wrote them all up — linking to where they had already been posted on this site — that very same night.
By comparison, I’ve had literally hundreds of dreams preparing me for this. And they are getting increasingly urgent, dramatic and incredible in scope.
I could second-guess myself all day about whether I should be posting all of these dreams as they come in — but in various ways they keep phrasing and rephrasing exactly the same basic point.
One recent dream that came in after I was back from Europe is a good representation of the overall timbre of data I have been receiving.
In this dream, I was in a mountainous region that I know to be a place where much of the UFO-related “black ops” projects have been relocated to in America.
In this area, I saw a very curious structure. It was a very tall, skinny building, heavily leaning to one side. Gusts of wind caused it to noticeably shift in position.
Each level of the building was an old-fashioned one-room country shack house from the 1800s, with highly dilapidated wood. Each shack was completely empty inside.
There was no stairwell or ladder to move up through the structure. There were at least 20 levels. You would literally have to fly by helicopter or scale the walls to get from one “compartment” of this tower to the next.
I was standing there with a police officer who told me the whole building was about to collapse. I was told that once this happened it would radically change the entire world.
He told me this was our very last chance to climb the wall and get a look at history before it was gone forever.
However, another person had clearly warned me that the building was so close to collapsing that the weight of one person’s body climbing up the side would be enough to cause it to topple over.
I told the police officer it was far too risky. He could do it if he wanted to, but I would not put myself in the face of that much harm.
This dream is one of an ongoing series that seems to be describing the complete collapse of the occult financial system that has enslaved our planet — as well as the compartmentalized secrecy of the UFO and exotic technology cover-up.
Just last night I had another dream where “it” had happened — the arrests — and I was literally surrounded by press at every turn. I tried to escape it, but ultimately realized I needed to take the stage and do the press conference — as this was it.
I certainly understand how people can, and will, write this off as “ego” — but considering how reliable these dreams have been for the last 20 years, I have to take it seriously.
The previous dream from this same morning had me working directly with extraterrestrials, in a top-secret facility, promising them I would do my best to dissipate “interstellar racism” that has written them off as terrifying “Aliens.”
It was very strange and a little unnerving to be around them — it felt very real in the dream — but once we started speaking it put my mind at ease.
One of my main staff members had a remarkable dream from June 3rd, which had certain similarities to the earlier dream I had shared, as follows:
This event caused a huge, worldwide, jubilant celebration. I was one of the people who was there on site, dancing on the ruins of the head, a few days after it had happened.
There is going to be a lot of media fear-mongering as the old system grinds to a halt — probably exceeding the panic of 2008 — but in truth, this type of situation is exactly what we need to create sufficient public awareness to end the problem.
Divine Intervention has dramatically increased. There are a variety of specific examples I will include when I have more time.
The latest briefing revealed how much this Divine Intervention is shaping the strategy that will be used for the mass arrests.
It has become clear that this is a battle against an influence more than against people. And the influence, for lack of a better word, is the Luciferian force — which is described in the Law of One series in detail.
A sudden, violent mass arrest would cause extreme hardship, chaos and disruption to society. This is exactly what the Luciferian force wants.
Now, it is becoming clear that the Divine Intervention is guiding this whole process so that it is occurring bit by bit, here and there, so as to minimize fear and maximize effectiveness.
There will be very big changes — but it has now been realized that rather than assigning a particular date to it, they are watching events unfold and seeing how things keep miraculously improving and working out.
I will have a lot more to say about this next week. I have to go to sleep now so I can get up and do Sydney tomorrow and then Brisbane on Sunday — followed by Melbourne and Perth next weekend, and New York the weekend after that.
This at least breaks the fast, and lets you know I’m still out here. I do thank you for your ongoing support!
i must say i appreciate and i’m always interested in your overall work, but i’m not eager to read your prediction on “world events” because you either exagerate or you are always wrong.
Since no mass arrest, or ufo disclosure or any of those factual things you announced ever happened, (at least not on that giant scale you always predicts)
[Moderator: Right… and because it hasn’t happened yet, that obviously means it never will.]
Great to read you again David and thanks for sharing your time. I hope your health is better.
Much LOVE to you and divinecosmos staff. Peter
Thanks, Beloved!
WHEE-ligiously wonderful words!
Jolly JOY!
one more thing David, with regard to your health, have you had green smoothies? They are my number one health booster. They are made in a high powered blender with fresh greens, water, and some fruit to improve the taste. I use kale, celery, parsley, sometimes cilantro or dandelion greens, and prefer apples for the fruit. Google green smoothies for lots of discussion and recipes. take care, faith
Thank you for this perfectly-timed uplifting info. Take care.
Yay, David!!! This is such good news. It sounds like we really will see it all happen in the next few weeks – enough for the world to see we LW’s weren’t crazy after all. Please do take good care of yourself!
Also, you probably have little idea of how many people are hearing of you, and, following news from you. Your updates are posted and shared all over the place. 🙂
David, in your section on: THEY ARE NOT BEING PERMITTED, you say at the end about the “apocalypse”, quote “we will never steer into total apocalypse.” Do you KNOW what the word apocalypse means??? It simply means: “An apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; “lifting of the veil” or “revelation”) is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.” Look it up here:
So an APOCALYPSE is a good thing, not something to be feared, or worried about. namaste’ brothers and sisters out there….and abundance for all. As for the Drake interview, wake up, educate yourself, know the truth: and spread the light.
Thankx a lot for your work and God bless you
Wow David, thank you– as a long-time dreamer I find the dream material posted by you and others on here to be some of the most valid and compelling confirmation that things are indeed moving along!
I know some skeptics believe in ‘wishful thinking’ or ‘personal fantasy’ dreams but I don’t think they happen, at least I have never had them. Yes, dreams of something FEARED may happen sometimes, as a way to get us to confront the fears.
But dreams like your tower with the crumbling rooms- make me very happy.
:-)Thank you David. Lots of Love and Light:-*
Looks like David Wilcock didn’t get the memo that there will be NO mass arrests! Listen to the latest Drake interview.
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Ahhhh music to my wee ears.So you do see and hear.
Events need to unfold appropriately enough so people can adjust to them and grow from them. I see events unfold around me constantly, which I have seen build for quite some time now anyway.This depends on how you look at the world daily. With regards to the Luciferian force wanting suddeness which would cause kaos in the last paragraph, it is so telling and one that I agree with. Change is good but we must remain vigilant in thinking as clearly as possible about what we’re doing as we do it, so we remain focused and get to where we need to.
every blessing
Wonderful David, and right on cue! I woke up this morning and thought of you, wondering where you were and when we might hear from you again.
All my questions were answered – here was a note in my e-mail box, alerting me to your website. We are all connected, always! I so appreciate your outlook which is calming, and intends to include as many of your brothers and sisters as you possibly can.
My major past influences are the Edgar Cayce work, and the Pleiadian information ever since “Bringers of the Dawn”. Also visionary Ken Carey’s “Starseed Transmissions, Living in a Posthistoric World.”
Your work resonates so well with all I know, and adds in current discussion that continues to expand my vision. From my heart, I thank you so much! Yes, all is well.
I’m sending my blessings and love for this huge and important work that you do. And so glad to hear you are more and more choosing to fully guard your health! 😉
David is right on the money as usual!
Latest from the Resistance Movement:
Negotiations (with the Cabal) Update
I(Cobra) have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.
Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May as there was an unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.
The physical Archons consist of a powerful group inside the Jesuit faction. This group had direct access to nuclear weapons which they were threatening to use if Mass Arrests would commence. As this group was effectively cut away from such access this Tuesday, the Cabal went into panic mode as they had no more leverage to delay their downfall. Therefore they are begging for mercy. They are cornered and they have nothing more to lose. If their only future would be mass arrests and possible execution, the only option they have is to fight an all-out war until their last man falls. If we give them a chance for a peaceful surrender in exchange for a milder treatment after they surrender, they have a motivation to cooperate. I have been present at many negotiations with members of the Cabal and they all follow the same pattern: as long as the bad guys have some power, they will use deceit to your disadvantage as much as they can and as long as they can. When they are finally cornered, most of them become very cooperative and some even genuinely cross over to the Light.
The non-physical Archons could become a real problem in the Mass Arrests scenario. Please understand that Mass Arrests could not happen without the complete reset of the financial system to cut off the Cabal from their remaining financial resources.
At the reset, the non-physical Archons would influence people to spread panic, violence, riots, provoke civilians against the military…Things could really get ugly and spin out of control.
So peaceful surrender of the Cabal is our best option. If the Cabal tries to manipulate the negotiation process, we can still execute the Mass Arrests scenario anytime we want.
In case that things then get ugly and escalate into a war, the Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to assist the Positive Military as the last resort.
Non-negotiable terms of surrender as suggested by the Resistance:
1. The leading members of the Cabal that are public figures must publicly announce surrender of the Cabal over the mass media until a certain deadline. The latest date suggested by the Resistance is June 21st (summer solstice). If the Cabal does not do this, the Mass Arrests scenario continues.
2. Immediately after that, in the next 24 hours, they must permanently step down from all positions of power. They must give in all their property and resources.
They are allowed to keep basic food, clothes and shelter for survival. This will free us to create the future we want, with NESARA, free energy technologies, transparent financial system, non-censored media….
3. They must publicly confess their wrongdoings. Amnesty can then be granted in most cases, with some arrests still taking place.
The reason for polls on this and other websites is for the Positive forces to understand the opinion of the general public so they can perform their negotiations with greater confidence.
Therefore it would be great if someone could get those polls to a mainstream website so that opinions of the mainstream population and their reactions to this would be better understood. Human masses have been programmed immensely and they effectively became parts of the Matrix and no one knows how they will react.
Even if all physical Cabal surrenders, you need to understand that by this act alone the non-physical Archons will not be removed. That is a separate issue and it will be dealt with in a different way.
Taken from Portal2012. blog
namaste all 😀
Thank you for sharing your dreams.
I especially like the image of the broken Statue of Liberty in the plaza of the Vatican.
To me it represents a symbolic expression of Bastille Day {for it is the French who gave that symbol to us} and perhaps the triumph over Medusa.
Thank you David!
David, I am currently reading your book, “Source Field Investigations” and am completely fascinated.
I am sending you love and light to help your body to heal.
Thank you for all you do.
Wishing You Well,
Mother Connie
aka Connie Baum in Nebraska, USA
Thanks for the update. You rock, man! Keep doing what you are doing and don’t forget to drink lots of green tea!
What a special delight to hear your positive insights and perspective. Thanks and loving vibes to keep you healthy these next few weeks.
Looking forward to your return, your new book, and, of course, you movie soon too!
Always happy to know you, David, and learn from you. You spread hope, love, and joy!!
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Oh, and LIGHT, too!!!
Thankyou David for all your hard work. Your work is a life line brings oxygen 🙂 I think you have a lot of light in you and the negative mail you get must, I feel, be because your light is somehow a bit terrifying for them. Glad you’re not reading that anymore.
Sending you a big hug over the etheric highway as you are much appreciated for all that you have done and are doing 🙂
Heaps of Blessings
Sparkle from London uk.
Great information David my own intuition has kept me in a positive space for a long time. I have taken the attitude of what is going on around the world as nothing more than scripted movie thriller. I also decided to you my intent and love to change the script in my own life experienes. This is fun! No fear porn here.
G’day David
We are so glad you are in Australia. Thank you for coming. I look forward to meeting you on Sunday in Brizzie.
I hope you rest deeply and serenely to keep your strength up. Bless you. You are much appreciated. Michele
Outstanding information. It is great to hear this. The Law of One series has also been a great help in understanding certain nuances we as 3d humans have.
The negative entities have their days numbered. New days for humanity lie ahead.
We just have to continue to carry forward our positive vibrations and with time, critical mass will be surpassed and thenceforth we’ll be able to assist more & more positive changes with each new day that springs forth. These are absolutely phenomenal times to live in for a multitude of reasons, and am definitely glad that these are the times we have chosen for ourselves. Exciting times indeed.
Love & Light to All,
Sending love, healing, and support to you and your team David! Keep it up, this awakening would not be possible without you.
Great article, I always look forward to what you have to say david, for more than 5 years I have followed you, and when things seem bad, I know the good is right around the corner, these are great reminders. Thank you for everything you have done, stay healthy.
Dreams: The first weekend of June, I had 2 nights of dreams consecutively with a similar theme; Release of old ways. The first dream I watched people dump TONS of their garbage on the side of the road (all over the world); except it wasn’t garbage. They were dumping material items & things they didn’t value or no longer had any meaning to them. The second dream was the shedding of everything in society much like a snake shedding its skin. It gave way to ‘newness’.
take care of your body, too!)
David, thank you for being a REAL HUMAN BEING. It is quite refreshing.
So, after all this time I have finally connected the dots between [URL][/URL] and [URL][/URL]
And when you get into it, it sounds like pure fiction, but I keep hearing ‘we’re going back to analog from our current digital experience … With system updates’
What we believe as ‘fact’ will become fiction and our current view of ‘fiction’ will become Fact.
My other car is a space ship. Looking so forward to getting the keys back!
Great work everyone! David, you’re the best dear brother. Mods… Thank you for holding the space.
Just don’t forget your Self David! Your mission is huge, your impact is undeniable, and of course you and your staff need to make ends meet.
But you are human, you are individual and you shouldn’t be thrown by the wayside in the process. Take a break, vacation, sit around, rest, recoup, whatever allows you to recharge your soul.
I’m sure you feel like there’s no time for that, but it seems it would be very good for you to make the time, for your own sake and for the sake of all you contribute to this collective transition.
Thank you David for all you have done, are doing and will continue to do! You are a marvelous soul and will undoubtedly be remembered and revered for your amazing efforts during such a grand and groundbreaking time in existence.
I hope that once society meets with the Galactics your readers will have the honor of seeing you receive the full pat on the back from our space family that you so rightfully deserve.
Love you David and staff and everyone! Let’s keep this creation going. It is what WE want it to be!
Peace be with you David!
You are you providing a great service to
humanity as you have in many lives before this one.
We are almost there…just ride the wave!
In Love and Light,
Suzanne Marie
take care of your body, too!)
There are many of us reading David’s work. All is love energy. We need to commit to sending this to David. His mission is for all of us and He needs us now. Send him love energy each day.
Wallace Wattles wrote this in 1910: “I am aware there are people who acquire a vast amount of money by proceeding in direct opposition to the universal law of ‘more life to all’ and cooperation. However, sometimes (for example, in their contribution to the growth of industry) they unconsciously harmonize with substance in its movement towards the betterment of humanity. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, et al., have been the unconscious agents of the Supreme Power in the necessary work of systematizing and organizing productive industry. Their work has contributed immensely toward increased life for all. The multimillionaires are like the monster reptiles of prehistoric eras. They play a necessary part in the evolutionary process, but the same power which produced them will dispose of them.” (from The Science of Getting Rich). How relevant 102 years later!
Blessed Greetins David! thank u for yur courage to share to such great levels. when u say mass arrests, i know u mean of the 1% elite, finally for their crimes against humanity – NOT THE “PEOPLE” under “martial law”, etc. btw, i’m using EFT to resolve intense states, adding a holotropic aspect where i let my body breathe, sound and move as it feels while i tap and speak – it’s been most effective! here’s to the most vital health ever! Divine guidance and protection to u, onelove sofree
Thank you so much David and staff. We love you and send you lots of good juju for your ongoing health and well-being!
You are a Light in the world!