Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets’ expectations.
[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]
Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.
In my full-length e-book entitled Financial Tyranny, I shared everything I have gathered on this controversial subject — since I first found out about it in 1992.
If you have already read Financial Tyranny, the full scope of the problem we now face will be much more apparent as you enter into this investigation. Some of it will become clear as you read this first section.
This is the sequel to Financial Tyranny — where we talk about the “good side”.
Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been “vetted out” for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.
A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation — working for the good of humanity — is about to make its move.
We now know that the plan for mass arrests has been very actively in the works for at least 33 years. A five-inch thick briefing document was presented to our new contact in 1979 that outlined the whole plan.
A staggering wealth of irrefutable evidence is backing this plan, including over 22 eighteen-wheeler truckloads’ worth of documents that have long since been scanned and secured in multiple locations.
We were told that one single file-box of documents like this was strong enough to bring down the former Italian government, as you see here:
The people who are about to do this are well aware of every concern you have — as an informed reader of truth websites and materials.
Martial law will NOT be declared when this happens.
The military will NOT take control of the government.
Innocent civilians will NOT be imprisoned or harmed in any way.
Any troops who attempt to carry out unlawful orders of this sort, on behalf of the “bad guys,” will be outnumbered and resisted.
Every effort will be made to focus on eliminating the problem — and immediately returning the power to the people in an orderly fashion.
New elections will need to be organized, considering that many, if not most politicians in the United States could be found culpable — either directly or through failure to have taken action.
This alliance intends to break out free energy and many other technologies that were stolen from us. The fossil fuel economy ensured that occult global control and the systematic killing of our planet would continue.
We now know that 90 percent of the US military are aware of this plan in some form — and at least 60 percent are in support of it. Many more federal marshals, police, active and retired military, and civilians will help out once they realize what is happening.
Our warriors pledged their lives to protect us. The world is not in a cartoon war between “good” and “evil”, with everyone in government, corporations, media and military on the “dark” side.
Our brave and valiant soldiers have taken an oath: To protect the Constitution of the United States, and its people, against all enemies — foreign AND domestic.
They did not pledge their lives — their blood — to keep a handful of sociopathic, genocidal bankers in control of the planet, its people and its resources.
We all have to live here. And if your superiors are systematically killing the planet, they are not superior.
They are similar to a massive infection that must be treated with powerful antibiotics — before it destroys the host.
Everyone has seen enough Illuminati movies by now to know that if you work for these people, no matter how high up or important you think you may be, they will undoubtedly betray you.
Many, many top generals left active duty, since Bush I, because they realized what was happening — but they certainly did not retire.
We all owe them a significant debt of gratitude.
Everything is now coming to a head — very rapidly.
The signs may be mysterious, but they are increasingly obvious.
We will review some of them in this investigation.
I do understand the difficulty of believing that such a massive, coordinated maneuver would even be possible.
If you speak to real military people, and truly understand the role they chose to fulfill, the bigger question is: “How could they NOT do something like this?”
How could they stand by and do nothing while the entire planet itself — and all life on it — is being destroyed?
If a mother and child are being tortured to death in front of you, and you have the means to stop it, would you just stand there and watch?
Unless you are a sociopath, you would do something. And most people — including our military personnel — are not sociopaths. That number is only estimated to be 1 in 100 people, as we will see later on.
Nonetheless, the scope of the negative side is so vast that it seemed impossible to be defeated — or even resisted.
If our planet was a strictly ‘closed’ system with no outside players and no higher spiritual forces involved, I would definitely have to agree that this plan is so well-thought out, so massive, systemic and vast that it would be nearly impossible to defeat.
However, Divine Intervention — not a fantasy, but very real and very tangible assistance — is insuring that our movement into true freedom and peace will occur… with the absolute minimum amount of damage possible.
Dozens of ancient cultures featured the same prophecies about the times we are now in. These prophecies all directed our attention to a 26,000-year cycle in the Earth’s axis as being the key issue to study.
As I revealed in The Source Field Investigations, the Mayan Calendar, Egyptian astronomy, Greek astronomy and Hindu astronomy all triangulated on the period of 2012-2014 as the end of the cycle — ushering in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity.
[Technically, the Hindus are the only ones to have mentioned 2014, by tying it to a rare conjunction involving Jupiter.]
The oldest, original prophecies were not doom and gloom oriented at all. They indicated that although we would go through difficulties, like we’ve already been seeing, the end results would be extremely positive.
Top insiders have now confirmed that everyone in the Pentagon is now aware that some form of Divine Intervention is happening — regardless of what side they are on.
Most of them do not know who is responsible. Even the “bad guys” are now saying it could be “Angels or Aliens” doing this stuff.
No one on Earth has the technology to do the things they are now seeing — regardless of how classified that technology may be.
It is utterly astonishing that even the “bad guys” are now acknowledging this may be an angelic intervention.
Very few people have dared to break ranks and reveal what is happening, as this information is considered very highly classified.
They know that speaking out could get them, and their families, tortured and killed.
I have decided to personally take the risks involved in order to help alleviate fear — and help you understand what is happening.
Divine Intervention is very real.
You may be surprised to discover how extensive the intervention has now become — and how far back in time the trail of evidence goes.
The forces behind the great religions of the world are not mythological. They are not historical artifacts buried away in scrolls and texts fewer and fewer people bother to read.
They’ve been here all along. They have openly walked among us in every ancient culture — and were highly revered.
They have their own rules, their own governing bodies, and their own code of ethics.
They have avoided appearing in any obvious, worldwide, public fashion for well over 1000 years now.
Nonetheless, they have been thoroughly involved this entire time — guiding and steering our evolution.
This critical step allowed us to become “modern”, and to give us the opportunity to forget that they ever really existed — even as they continued to guide our development, behind the scenes.
And now — very recently — the rules have changed… and they are being permitted to do much, much more to help the Earth and its people evolve into a higher state of consciousness.
You can’t fully understand the truth if you are still living in denial.
Some of the strongest denial is from people who still believe that the “bad guys” are winning — and are unwilling or unable to see the obvious signs of how the whole house of cards is coming down.
For that same reason, in the first section of this investigation, we will go through a variety of pieces of current-day evidence — showing how Financial Tyranny is already very, very close to collapsing.
One of the most shocking pieces of evidence is a very public divorce between warring Illuminati factions — namely JP Morgan/Federal Reserve versus the occult powers that have secretly occupied and seized control of the Vatican.
After reviewing many of these types of current examples, we will then debut brand-new whistleblower testimony — suggesting 9/11 was indeed an “inside job.”
This adds valuable context to our discussion of Financial Tyranny — and gives even more evidence that the official story was a complete fabrication.
We will also explore the shocking evidence that a 7.4 earthquake on March 20th in Mexico was man-made — for a nefarious purpose, by a group that knows it has run out of time.
In Section II, we will explore the mysteries, shared by insiders at great personal risk, revealing how Divine Intervention is occurring — to prevent World War III and defeat Financial Tyranny.
Some of this material has already been distributed online. However, I will be featuring many other fascinating data points that have remained highly classified and unavailable to the public up until now.
Then as we head into Section III, we will open up the vault, so to speak — and explore an astonishing wealth of data that helps explain who is performing these increasingly bizarre interventions — and why.
This stunning body of information has been available to us all along — and has been almost completely overlooked.
Most of the pages I gathered this data from still have less than 50 hits — as of today’s date.
Section III will add incredible context to everything we’ve discussed up until then… and you won’t want to miss it. I myself didn’t realize what we really had until I went back and did the “homework.”
Some of this new data came in the form of highly clever time-encoded prophecies that could not be fully understood and appreciated until the actual dates took place.
As it turns out, the date of March 13th, 2012 was given, years in advance, as a pivotal moment in the defeat of the Old World Order. This was all documented — and can easily be verified.
I was stunned to discover this data, for the first time, on March 11, 2012. I would have loved to have been fast enough to get it posted the next day, but this investigation could not be rushed.
March 13th was also when the ancient cycles of the Mayan Calendar went into full lock-step synchronization — regardless of which of three counting systems you use.
These cycles will now remain harmonized — right straight through until the Calendar’s conclusion on December 21, 2012.
Of course, perma-skeptics will immediately get a satisfying laugh from this — and that’s fine — but in The Source Field Investigations, chapter 16, page 337-358, I proved that the Mayan Calendar cycles are all neatly tied in with planetary and celestial movements.
There is solid scientific data for how planetary movements affect human behavior and emotions, which I am incorporating into my new book, The Synchronicity Key, due out this fall.
A very interesting real-world correlation occurred around the prophetic March 13th date.
The very next day after this cycle synchronization occurred — March 14th, 2012 — a top Goldman Sachs official blew the whistle on Financial Tyranny… triggering an avalanche that has only just begun.
Goldman Sachs is one of the main Federal Reserve banking families — along with the likes of JP Morgan, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
I have had many personal examples of “angelic” or “extraterrestrial” forces bending time and giving me accurate prophecies. Many of them have been documented on this website.
As one recent example, last February I published very powerful dreams telling me “the next disaster on the scope of the BP oil spill” was about to occur — and three weeks later we had the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
I have twenty years of documenting my dreams every morning. They have been remarkably accurate in predicting the future.
Four years after I began this practice, I established direct contact with the people who are helping this planet “from above.”
For this same reason, I do not see a difference between “angels” and “extraterrestrials.”
The media has manipulated us into believing extraterrestrials are scary creatures.
Once people realize that the vast majority of them are humans — and in many cases nearly indistinguishable from us in their appearance — the fear factor will significantly reduce.
Over the years I have built up a team of reliable and trustworthy intelligence sources — people who have direct access to various parts of the highly classified insider world.
The UFO cover-up has been a key part of this insider world all along. Modern computer technology is only one of many tools we have reverse-engineered from this “celestial endowment” of deliberately crashed discs.
If events like Roswell hadn’t happened, we may not have developed computer technology at all. Thankfully, we now have the full power of the Internet as we move through the great prophetic year of 2012.
Furthermore, the technologies we did not get public access to are so advanced that everything we see in Star Trek, Stargate and just about any other sci-fi movie you can think of is available now — ready to use.
Many insiders have confirmed this. You can see them, hear them and meet them at conferences. The main avenues for Disclosure have been Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project and Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan’s Project Camelot. I have closely worked with both groups.
Laughter and sarcasm is simply the result of an elaborate brainwashing campaign — ongoing since the 1940s — and it is rooted in fear. This fear was programmed — by an astonishing crush of xenophobic Hollywood propaganda films.
Regardless of most people’s inability to believe such a vast conspiracy is possible, earth humanity is already an interstellar species. The truth simply hasn’t been aired in the mainstream media… yet.
Our opinions have been cleverly manipulated by a vast, occult conspiracy going back hundreds of years in the past — if not thousands.
The higher forces ultimately are not allowed to intervene, beyond a certain level, before a given moment in time. That moment has now arrived — as has been predicted for thousands of years.
Prior to the moment of mass, public Divine Intervention, the negative forces on Earth will be confused — as many of their dirty tricks will be allowed to occur, while many others — far more devastating — are completely blocked.
The negative elite intended for 9/11 to be the “kill shot” that would defeat all resistance — and usher in the New World Order.
History has a great sense of irony, as 9/11 became the critical error that triggered a global awakening — and ensured the cabal’s own defeat.
This is almost certainly why it was allowed to occur — by the same higher forces that are now systematically preventing much greater atrocities from occurring.
The enormous scope of these interventions will become clear as you read Section II — and they have been ongoing since at least the dawning of the nuclear age.
Most importantly, Divine Intervention cannot occur until and unless there is a significant-enough movement from the mass public to support these actions. Those are the rules.
That mass public will has finally arrived — and the positive militaries of the world will help ensure it will succeed.
If the rumors I am hearing are true, we will soon see mass arrests of many key conspirators in government, military, finance companies, defense contractors, media, pharmaceutical corporations and so on.
The evidence that will be presented will leave no conceivable room for doubt — except, perhaps, for those most addicted to “fear porn”, who automatically assume whatever they see, hear and read must be the opposite of the truth — regardless of the evidence.
Benjamin Fulford, former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, has been covering this evolving story on a week-by-week basis for well over three years now — and other sources have since come forward.
Fulford spoke for over a year about a lawsuit that would help break open this vast conspiracy — and end Financial Tyranny. An exact date for the filing of the complaint was given as it got closer.
A little over a week after the date — on November 23, 2011 — the complaint was filed, for everyone to read. The legal expenses involved in its preparation were vast. Fulford’s credibility was significantly enhanced. He promised — and his sources delivered.
Little did I know that by publicly tearing it apart and looking for flaws and weaknesses, I would be contacted by the alliance that filed it — and would become one of its strongest public advocates.
I can now say from firsthand knowledge that this 134-nation alliance is supporting an imminent, massive geopolitical shift — into freedom.
Our ancient brothers and sisters, seemingly lost to the pages of history, have provided critical support — now including direct, astonishing military interventions — to help make this unprecedented operation achievable… and ensure its success.
Therefore, it is now safe to say that everything is happening right on schedule.
This may sound crazy to you now. I get that. I would have felt the same way if I had not found so much evidence to the contrary — much of which I released in the epic Source Field Investigations book.
Once we realize the human race is much, much more extensive than we thought, and that our relatives do indeed follow a Prime Directive, we will marvel at how many obvious signposts we have overlooked.
For over 1200 years now, our ancient human allies have been using a unique method to communicate with us — and all of these communications were focused on what is happening now.
During the last 30 years in particular, they have used this system extensively — revealing who they are, what they are doing, and why they are doing it.
All of this will be laid out for you in Section III.
For now, we will go into the “meat” of Section I — and discuss some of the obvious, public signposts of what is about to happen.
The vast majority of trouble in the world is being generated by a highly occult, highly secretive elite, hidden away in the G5 countries — and manipulating the financial system, politicians and militaries behind the scenes.
There are increasingly blatant signals that the mass arrests are about to happen. CEOs and top corporate executives are now resigning in massive numbers.
“American Kabuki” has diligently cataloged an incredible 450 confirmed resignations — just since September 1, 2011 — in chronological order, complete with supporting links in every case.
The number of resignations has significantly increased in the last 2-3 months, including an astonishing number of very high-profile people.
For example, there was a remarkable 48-percent increase in the number of CEO resignations just between the months of December and January — as you are about to see.
Skeptics — who may well be paid disinformants — have tried to write this off as all part of the normal turnover in the corporate world. However, a Fiscal Times article from February 23rd clearly revealed this is not “normal” at all.
The mass resignations have not gone unnoticed to the readers of The Fiscal Times. This is a very real story — causing very real anxiety.
Michelle Hirsch wrote “What CEO Musical Chairs Means to the Job Market” for The Fiscal Times on February 23, 2012 — to hopefully soothe their readers’ fears.
After three years of relative stability in the corner offices of corporate America, 2012 is shaping up as a year of CEO musical chairs.
That’s because a wave of executives are looking to step down, cash in their stock options as stocks rise and avoid new government regulations that many see as too challenging and stressful….
In particular, the revolving door is spinning faster among health care and financial services executives, who are jumping ship, retiring, or being forced out at a quicker clip than their counterparts in other industries.
Last month, 25 health care CEOs and 13 financial services CEOs departed, making those sectors the two biggest culprits of the rising turnover tide.
A growing push from the federal government to police the financial services industry and clamp down on executive compensation is prompting the exodus of CEOs in the financial services industry, said Don Hambrick, a professor at Penn State’s Smeal School of Business….
The number of CEOs who left their posts in January spiked by 48 percent over December, rising to 123 – the highest level since May 2010, according to data from outplacement service firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Fifty-one percent resigned or stepped down, 26 percent retired, and only 9 percent left to take other jobs….
While changes at the top may unnerve some employees, rarely do CEO switches bring about mass terminations of existing employees, [Matt McGreal, a principal at Crist|Kolder Associates, a CEO search firm] said.
The 450 resignations are documented, proven, and cannot be shot down.
This Fiscal Times article is our key to prove that this is real enough to be tracked by the media, and is in no way part of “normal turnover” in the corporate world.
We applaud Fiscal Times for their bravery in covering this evolving story.
Better yet, these mass resignations are only one part of a much larger mosaic of stunning new developments.
Mass arrests have already taken place against senior staff of the Fox-owned Sun tabloid in England in three separate bursts — now encompassing 21 top Sun employees under “Operation Weeting”.
In case you haven’t followed this story, Fox (News Corporation) was working with the police and the government to tap people’s phone calls and voicemails — and publish disparaging information on celebrities and public figures through these ill-gotten means.
When you include the two other known operations that have been reported — code-named Elveden and Tuleta — the total number of arrests has now encompassed a stunning 47 people.
The number of people arrested in Operation Weeting, which has been running since last January when police reopened investigations, stands at 21.
Two other linked investigations – Operation Elveden into corrupt payments to police and Operation Tuleta into computer hacking – have resulted in 26 [additional] arrests.
Rupert Murdoch’s son, James Murdoch, resigned from his position as executive chairman of News International on February 29th — indicating the extreme scope of the trouble.
In time, this resignation will be seen as a monumental event — one of the greatest signposts of the mass arrests that were about to happen.
American readers may not be aware of the power and magnitude of what is already happening in the UK — but our next excerpt will spell it out very nicely.
It may also be significant that Murdoch announced his resignation on February 29, 2012.
As our graph shows, February 29, 2012 is the “Day Out of Time” immediately preceding the pivotal March 13th Mayan Calendar date — where the cycles shift into full synchronization.
This “Day Out of Time” has great significance in the Mayan system, as we will see in Section III.
Some scholars consider this “day out of time” to be “highly exceptional”, in that it has “never happened before and will never happen again” in the Mayan system — and it directly sets up the final synchronization date of March 13th.
The above image was generated years before 2012 — in anticipation of the events that were predicted to come.
Little did we know that the “Day Out of Time” would become the very day that Fox News International effectively admitted, to the public, that the accusations against them were true.
The crimes they are accused of could, and will, ultimately engulf a vast majority of the mainstream media — in its totality. Not all journalists are culpable, but those who wanted to keep their jobs have been heavily manipulated.
Here is the article that announced James Murdoch’s resignation — and revealed many things the American press has fastidiously avoided discussing.
I certainly would not want to take the invitation to “step into my office” from any News Corporation psychiatrist — given what we know about MK-Ultra techniques, which were revealed in open Congressional hearings from the 1970s.
Prime Minister David Cameron, the highest elected official in Great Britain, turned on Murdoch in the hopes of saving himself — as he has been directly linked to the corruption.
The blowback from this “Epic Greek Tragedy” — the “biggest corporate scandal since 1720” — will almost certainly return to the United States. Obviously these criminal practices within the Fox News empire were not limited to the United Kingdom.
It is very likely that other journalists, in other media conglomerates, are starting to feel the same sense of foreboding.
How much have you been hearing about this “epic” story in the Federal Reserve-controlled American corporate media?
Insider sources revealed a “plot twist” in this story to Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot — whom I’ve collaborated with for years now in our search for truth and freedom.
This critical detail has not emerged… yet… but the trials have barely even started. If the full-blown mass arrests do happen, the disclosure of what you are about to read will pale in comparison to everything else that comes out.
March 8, 2012 Update 12:35PM
ACCORDING TO A SOURCE: There is a deep shadow network behind the traditional telephone network that you only get access to by invitation.
It involves people who are on the criminal side — as well as, no doubt, government and alphabet agency types who tap into phone calls, and then sell them on a black market for lots of money.
[They are sold] to, for example, HIGH FREQUENCY TRADERS (HFTs) — who then use this info to make trades, currency calls, etc.
You can see where a network like this can be very advantageous to the participants.
FURTHER: This also relates back to the recent MURDOCH TELEPHONE TAPPING SCANDAL … because what apparently did not come out during that inquiry and trial is that Murdoch’s boys did not have to tap anyone’s phone directly.
Instead, they simply connected with an individual who then gave them access to this hidden phone network.
They told them what calls, from which people, they wanted to PURCHASE… and paid them for the ‘tapped calls’.
There is no question that News International owns and runs the right-wing hate speech industry in the US. They are now engulfed in a massive scandal on this front as well.
Advertisers have abandoned Rush Limbaugh’s program in droves — 98 different corporations within days of when the problem started.
This was triggered by the public uproar that occurred when Limbaugh labeled Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” and a “prostitute” — for lobbying to provide better public access to birth control.
Premiere Networks is circulating a list of 98 advertisers who want to avoid “environments likely to stir negative sentiments.”
Clear Channel is the mega-conglomerate that owns Premiere Radio Networks, which carries Rush Limbaugh and almost all other right-wing hate-radio “shock jocks.”
As the Rush Limbaugh scandal continues to explode in its scope and proportions, the Los Angeles city council has stepped in — and passed a resolution forcing media companies to avoid broadcasting racist and sexist slurs.
The very next day, the law was passed, 13-2, in the Los Angeles City Council — as you can read here.
What you’re seeing here is only a tiny taste of what is about to come. These are but the very first pebbles to have fallen from the coming avalanche. The roaring sound is becoming harder and harder to ignore.
The public hearings that will result from these mass arrests will break the whole story of Financial Tyranny wide open.
This will happen right on schedule — following prophecies that were given to us thousands of years ago.
Greg Smith, a former high-ranking Goldman Sachs employee blew the whistle in a New York Times editorial on March 14, 2012 — triggering a revolutionary public awakening now being called “Muppetgate.”
So far, very few have “connected the dots” and realized that Goldman Sachs is one of the main Federal Reserve banking conglomerates — but I doubt this part of the story will remain secret for very long.
According to Smith, Goldman executives call their clients “Muppets” and treat them as pathetic sub-humans — purely to be exploited and stolen from. This has effectively revealed the sociopathic “Illuminati” mindset to the mass public.
Goldman Sachs has already gone into financial free-fall from this expose’ — hemorrhaging more than two billion dollars in a matter of days.
The move is a blow to the Vatican’s drive to have its bank included in Europe’s “white list” of states that comply with international standards against tax fraud and money-laundering.
The bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), enacted major reforms last year in an attempt to get Europe’s seal of approval and put behind it scandals that have included accusations of money laundering and fraud.
Italy’s leading financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore reported at the weekend that JP Morgan Chase in Milan had told the IOR of the closing of its account in a letter on Feb. 15.
The letter said the IOR’s account in Italy’s business capital would gradually be phased out starting on March 16 and closed on March 30.
In Milan, JP Morgan Chase declined to comment and the Vatican also had no comment. It was not possible to contact IOR officials because Monday was a holiday in the Vatican.
Il Sole said JP Morgan Chase informed the IOR that the account was being closed because the bank’s Milan branch felt the IOR had failed to provide sufficient information on money transfers.
The financial newspaper, which gave the number of the IOR account, said some 1.5 billion euros passed through it in about 18 months.
In September, 2010, Italian investigators froze 23 million euros ($33 million) in funds in two Italian banks after opening an investigation into possible money-laundering.
The bank said it did nothing wrong and was just transferring funds between its own accounts. The money was released in June 2011 but Rome magistrates are continuing their probe.
The public image of the bank has also been harmed by the so-called “Vatileaks” scandal, in which highly sensitive documents, including letters to Pope Benedict, were published in Italian media….
Furthermore, within days after we published Finanical Tyranny, Lord James of Blackheath publicly blew the whistle on 15 trillion dollars of fraud before the British Parliament — validating everything we had just reported.
Specifically, Blackheath discusses three sums of $5 trillion each — corresponding to 750,000 metric TONS of gold. This is significantly more gold than has ever existed in the “legitimate”, registered economy, which weighs in only around 120,000 metric tons.
Lord James also reveals that his evidence includes an original, signed document from Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner — which he has in his personal possession.
This is an utterly explosive accusation — and we have definitely not seen the end of it yet.
The original link can be found here — and you have to scroll ahead to 17:20 in order to hear Blackheath’s speech.
Once I’m in the flow of a weekend conference like this, it’s very difficult to make time to do other things — like work on this article.
I was going to try to post Section II in the cracks, and I dug in there just now — but I can see I will need about three or four hours to get it done.
Therefore, you don’t need to keep re-loading this weekend to see new updates. I will make another notification when the new section is posted — hopefully early this coming week — and will also tell you when the dynamic updates will be finished.
Thank you for all your support!
I was glued,as I listen to the whole show,SPELLBOUND!!!
I found it interesting that Fulford mentioned The Queen of England is part of this White Dragon Society. I love what you guys are saying, but we gotta be careful of what these guy’s agenda might be. Hopefully we’re not just trading one greedy faction’s BS for another.
So does that mean there are really two illuminati’s, and they’re like at war with eachother? What side is the vatican on? Are they old money, or new money? I’m very fuzzy about who is who.
With all due respect. If you listen to the interview and you watch the fulford video with the plug for Putin…? You have to think? Since “drake” spent forever saying HOW they would shut borders, arrest people etc.. but no time saying “who” will be in charge or whatever… and has David all teed up to tell his audience NOT TO WORRY… this is a full disinfo op. Remember no matter “who” tells you “not to panic”… at that point it is time to panic…
Spirits incarnate, living as humans in our midst; moving openly and freely, yet undetected by the masses, or even their hosts. Like the spasms of a decapitated body, the fact of the matter, that’s precisely what it is; if you really think about it. Their illusions are many, which overtake the sleepwalking masses. Now know that they do take flesh and walk among men, to mold a new species. Puppet masters, the supersession of humanity. Die young, stay pretty. Just a message for the stoke… SaintVeil.
2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
“For the secret (veil) power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.”
Ezekiel 38:16
“And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, so that the heathen may come to know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes (Russia/China).”
Just thought the mods could notify the right people about the misspelling of David’s name on “Drake’s interview with David Wilcox on March 28, 2012 regarding Imminent
Mass Arrests…audio (12 parts)”
Cheers for this great stuff btw:-) Im listening to it over and over.. waiting on the transcription of it to research some areas more in depth.
interesting blog ^
thank you for this article, also, david and crew.
Way to go, David and Drake! I hope you will succeed and if you win this battle, you will go down in the history of mankind as heroes.
I’m waiting for this wind of independence to blow across the ocean and sweep off the ruling cabal in my country.
A great part of our nation has been traumatized with the murder of our President and his retinue, desecrations of their bodies, their honor discredited by the journalistic hogwash.
The magnitude of shenanigans in the ongoing investigation run and supervised by the above mentioned cabal is mind boggling.
The concept of the reptilian beings is beyond my ken but I am inclined to think that if ever they have existed on our soil, they choose now to concentrate in our TV, government institutions and our Parliament.
All the best, the interview was very uplifting.
A few more points to ponder:
It does seem that “Drake” limits his focus on events that will happen within the borders of the U.S., but such an upheaval will surely become global instantly. One of the primary concerns here would be Israel. With the sudden lack of “protection” by the American/Zionist goon-squad, I think it possible that a covert retaliation (such as the recent Jim Stone interview on Project Camelot describes) could be likely.
The next matter is the financial one: Does this include a takeover of the Fed? I would assume so, but I do not think that was mentioned.
Now, assuming that the Fed actually has quintillions of dollars in their accounts, how will this affect the balance of all the other main global money hoarders, such as the Rothchilds, the British royalty, the Vatican, the mysterious Asian accounts, the prosperity accounts, etc?
If all of this dormant money was accounted into the real world, it would be a number that most people do not have the vocabulary to describe. It would buy everything on the planet many times over. Has anyone seen a good estimate of this kind of information?
On another note: Why has Fulford now said that the Lord Blackheath stuff is just a result of disinformation? Strange…
I see a few major components for a proverbial “perfect storm” of phenomenal change lining up all at once. The thing is now becoming believable and exciting.
Hope David will provide some insight on this stuff. I think everyone here is really impatiently waiting for the actual “divine intervention” aspect of all this.
Bring it on.
Interesting interview for sure, but for now I’m not putting all my eggs in this or any other basket. I certainly don’t intend to sit round gloating, waiting & eating popcorn expecting others to do the work – insiders or ETs – we should all be contributing to ourselves.
Besides, as I look out the window right now I’m still seeing them lay chemtrails and HAARP activity IS FULL ON again today, energetically polluting the environment and poisoning the very air my grandchildren are expected to breathe…just like they’ve been doing most other days for the past 10 years or so.
So as much as I can feel positive that a few ‘high-flyers’ are going to get snagged & this may herald in a change for the better on our planet, I also acknowledge there is a lot of ‘bad stuff’ carrying on unabated everywhere I look, so perhaps its also time for a kindly reality check too? As things stand right now, we really don’t have a lot to celebrate do we?…..well not yet at least.
Be positive for sure, but it might pay to keep those feet firmly on the ground for a while yet as our planet is still very much in the hands of the wrong people.
LOVE THE DRAKE!! well done guys.
David, thank you for your articles! Hello from Russia..
Good article overall, although I do have a few questions, especially after listening to the Drake interviews.
What is to prevent the military from being a part of a greater subversion? After all, almost every act accomplished in the past by the military has served only a very few and hurt the majority, including their own rank and file.
After the current slate is wiped clean, and all the criminals against humanity and planet are stopped, what guarantees the current status will not return?
Drake stated that there are no *Sovereign States* currently. What will it take then to build these sovereign states that are part of the peaceful, global/galactic community, who will do it?
One of the reasons I ask is because of my own personal experience, noting that everyone around wants escape from tyranny, yet none, except for a very few, make any resistance against tyranny.
Most people, if not all around me, appear to be part of the plot in subversion, first convincingly believing in the ideals of liberty and personal freedom then completely negating that through their actions.
Are the just scared, or something else?
I feel a little concerned.
Since defeating Financial Tyranny, i have been faced with many personal inquiries… and i did my best to channel all of them into a post that i couldn’t post at the end of the investigation due to its longevity and in the forums it was basically censored… although there was no negative message on it, just posting what if, what if all of this is just part of the plan… and all the good we think will come, its just another system of control, taking us from one hole, to a bigger one…
In my personal spiritual road i have meet with many beings and end up in many “other places”, and i haven´t ever found good in those beings…
So just what if… this is the part where the architect tells us we can pick twenty something people from the matrix to rebuild zion…
And this was never ending…
[Moderator: I don’t know what you are talking about referring to picking 20 people, but your experience is not shared about only meeting bad e.t.’s]
Hi Drake,
I hope you can answer this question here. Many people who have financially educated themselves have bought gold and silver to protect their savings from the Fed’s printing press. In recent David Wilcock blogs, we’ve learned that there is a lot more gold in the world (and possibly silver as well) than official statistics claim. If these metals are not “precious,” have we made a mistake in buying them? Is it better to stay in US dollars?
What is the best way to protect one’s savings through the coming changes?
Thank you very much!
A new alert was just posted on Drake’s website:[url[/url]
In pertinent part: “White hats including old money, military, veterans, federal marshals, and local law officials are going to arrest them in April.”
I also enjoy the note under “What Not to Do”: “Don’t run into a bank and start shooting people.”
Wise words. 😉
BTW, Just for giggles I checked the hit counter on this website shortly after David posted his interview with Drake on Thursday night and it was 3,969. Less than 48 hours later it’s at 16,701. Not bad, DC fans!
Thanks David, Mods, etc. Peace.
re: freedom of speech
Psychopaths promote freedom as the highest good, because they want to be free to pursue all their ridiculous and evil schemes.
By accepting freedom as the highest good, you preserve not only the freedom to tell the truth, but also the freedom to lie; in actual practice the freedom to lie inevitably becomes the requirement to lie.
For those who can develop a conscience, truth trumps freedom always and everywhere.
Wow, exciting interview! Thank you David and Drake, for that powerful message. I’m starting to believe it will really happen. Like waking from a bad dream and catching your breath:-)
Thank you so MUch!!!! yes!!
I just listened to this again, and one other thing occurs.. Don’t know if others felt this as well, but… it seems like the element of surprise would be crucial to the success of such a takedown, and with this being published first and especially the 24 hour viral thing – I understand it is partly to abate panic of the public, but doesn’t this also kind of enable the flight of these folks if they know a day ahead exactly when they will be arrested?
Drake didn’t say too much about what other countries are doing, it was mostly US-centric, but I am hoping that this lockdown of the airports and borders will occur well BEFORE the 24 hours “notice.”
One thing that haunts me are the words about people being “appointed” (temporarily, he said, but still..) to certain positions. This echoes part of what Obama’s most current EO states. So this may lend some credence to the idea that Obama signed that to enable this action of which Drake speaks. BUT – if this action puts us back to the legislation of 1812, then any EOs automatically become null and void. So this is a point of continued confusion over Obama.
I guess what I’m saying is that the difference between what this scary EO Obama signed says, and what Drake is talking about… seems rather thin to me. A razor’s edge between fascism and freedom. Does anybody else see this parallel?
I want to be totally positive about this, but – so much heartbreak after hope has me feeling very, very cautious about what I believe these days. It will be interesting to see what transpires, to say the least.
Just for the record, the idea of locked down borders and closed airports, no matter WHO is talking about it, makes me nervous.
I just want truth. This confusion is exhausting.
Thanks for indulging my ruminations.. ; )
So much love from your thoughts and words Dave. The 11’s, I find many times they’re associated with you and your work!
Logged on the computer today at 11:33 — well, better check Dave’s site.
So, @Michael F. — about how to make a pyramid —
1. You can make a pyramid out of anything – it doesn’t even need sides, just the angles connected together.
2. Start by making a square base — 10 inches, 20 inches, 30 inches.
3. Make it as high or low as you wish — different heights are used for different purposes.
I sell Nick Edwards Pyramids. He has been in the business since the 1970s and knows how the angulations work. His pyramids are based on the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
For more info, go to my site – I’ve just completed a huge research project of my own with pyramids last year and the findings are posted there.
You can also access Nick’s web site from there and, of course, Nick’s Pyramids are available there for purchase.
So many people are on the path of revenge. So many want to know exactly what to do in the expected (perceived) coming turmoil.
The Native Americans have been saying for years, “Learn how to grow food.” You can look at this as fear-based or you can look at this as simply an important thing to know — how do plants grow? How do plants live?
By the way, the use of pyramids in growing food — charging soil, seeds, water and harvesting the most amazing vegetables, flowers and herbs is priceless.
I trust David’s info, and, most of what he says rings very true with the way I see things, too.
I truly believe the underground bases in North America have been destroyed. There has been a huge consciousness shift since the reports of that last year. Much of the mind control has been lifted.
The underground bases around the globe are also undergoing the same eradication. The PTW are not winning anymore and they are getting weaker.
I’ve noticed recently with all the financial turmoil that the chemtrail spraying around here is slowing, if not stopped altogether (haven’t really had a chance to check that the past couple of days).
However, we still have the fluroride, pharmaceutical and GMO issues. I’ve heard Willie Nelson and others have gotten together and filed a huge Monsanto law suit.
The Drake comments — I’m skeptical. It all sounds too good to be true. I’ve heard other interviews from him.
As David says, there may very well be a “militia within a militia” working to restore the US Constitution and eliminate the Nazi/Mafia factions. The rest — I feel like Drake may just be telling people what he feels they want to hear and that makes me skeptical.
Either way, I must say this is a step in the right direction.
Optimum — keep meditating! Keep those chakras spinning and full of light. Stay Zen 🙂 Help others. Share your light with them. Those who reside in the light are watching and are helping — right now.
P&L Right back atcha!
Cynthia, B.MSc.
I notice a great effort to identify me.
I am Drake, my real name.
I am attempting to keep my full identity confidential to protect my wife and myself.
This also protects many people I associate with and my contacts.
The last reason is to keep 400 million emails out of my email box…believe it or not, I do have other activities, like making sure I can get information We The People need.
Until the actions I’ve spoken of start taking place, I will keep things this way.
I hope this clarifies things a bit.
Thank you all.
i just saw this video, and here ya go, David. Just as you’ve been saying. BRICS is growing!!! World Economics is shifting:
Hi David
how people can be sure that these arrests will be the real change?
I trust in Drake’s words, but nowadays it’s very difficult for me to really believe in something arriving “to save us and the whole World”.
It could be a smart effort of the Cabal to create a bran new “revolution” e put everybody toward a big golden cage…laughing and singing all together.
Don’t you believe so?
I would like to understand what kind of prove we’ll see in a few weeks.
I don’t want to see a simple “turnover”!
Anyway, if this is a huge battle for Freedom and for Human Prosperity and Happiness, I wish all my best to the heroes that will take part on it.
Peace & Happiness!
I just have one question (well, maybe 2): Why use the name “Drake” when anyone who goes to the Freedomizer site (which was actually first introduced here by someone else on the FT section), can easily determine the name of this man, who is Jim Duensing, and in the program description what he is talking about is called … dare I say it … NESARA. What gives?
[Moderator: Drake has already posted a comment indicating that he did use his real first name. He does not want to give his full name at this time for his own privacy and saftey.]
Ive been following this stuff for sometime now – largely all I read is david’s stuff here, David Icke and Benjamin Fulford.
I just HOPE you guys are REAL and you speak TRUTH and you are not insiders spreading misinformation. I so hope you guys are genuine…
[Moderator: I assure you that David is doing his very personal best to help our planet and live in truth! Anyone else, I personally can’t speak for. ]
During my best working years when I had a good union job, and thought I always would, I was never totally happy. People would say, “Dave you are doing so well, why so sad?” and I had no answer. I was only in this very good position for a few years, and then the weakening economy and the anti union climate of the 80s reached my little corner of the world, and the entire shift that I was on lost their jobs, right after I had signed the loan for a new car.
It is easy to understand why I have not been happy since then, working much tougher jobs, with very high stress and low pay, loss of health, and now poverty. Yet I never realized until the last few years why I was not happy when I was doing so well. The hint was given to me when people said “Dave, you still have some work and a roof over your head, and food every day. Cheer up. You still have a lot to be grateful for.”
Well, that’s true, so far, but I still felt very sad, most of the time. Thinking about that, I realized that many others, in fact, a third of the world population, don’t even have the basics of life, such as housing and food, never mind medical care and education. In this country’s declining economy, there are more and more of them within walking distance of where I live, in a nation that once prided itself on being the richest in the world.
I am now aware that at some level, I have always felt the pain caused by poverty, cruelty, and environmental destruction, and it has always caused me an unshakable, deep sadness, even during times when I lived in denial or even ignorance of it.
I now call this the “great sadness”. It is what motivated me to make the very difficult and long transition to a vegetarian diet. My political beliefs started changing early in life, and by the time I was in my late 20s, I became mostly a tree hugging liberal. I drove small cars, gave as little of my money as possible to big corporations, and did what I could to promote compassion and ecological balance. I thought that by doing these things, I could help make the world a better place to live.
Now I see that even if I reduce my share of responsibility for the world’s problems to as little as possible, the profound sadness is still there. Politics don’t matter. Even good deeds don’t matter. The problem is still there.
Given the last few years, and my understanding of who and what are really responsible for the world’s problems, I now see a ray of hope in what you have been posting here. If it is indeed true that this evil cabal is losing its footing, and will soon be gone, that is wonderful news. I would love to see a day when most of the suffering of this world comes to an end, and we can have the world many of us have always believed is possible.
[Moderator: Thank you for this inspiring post! : ) ]
If the US Marshalls are a part of the Department of Justice, guess who’s going to arrested first? 😉
Anyone else notice how all the haters and trolls always get Davids name wrong? They always call him, Wilcox. Amazing…
[Moderator: FREUDIAN!]
Ever since I read Financial Tyranny, I have been looking at your website almost everyday for new updates.
And Finally today I see this new article, Awesome stuff. It also confirms alot of other articles that I read including channelings by the GFOL and the Ashtar Command.
Your definitely right to state that we are being guided by higher order or beings. This has always been the case for “Project Earth”.
We are an experiment for 3rd dimensional duality (limitation is the lesson). This too is also coming to an end in 2012.
Much Love David! People like you, Benjamin Fulford and Drake will be held to the highest admiration!
P.S Don’t forget about the STARSEEDS!
awesome..and amazing….change is on the way, I have felt it! Great Work David
I don’t know if it’s that Drake speaks like a down to earth good old boy, but what he says resonates and I’m just really excited about April. Bring on the Golden Age!
1: I am a little concerned by all of the comments by people claiming to be calm and peaceful, but using cruel words to describe people whoa re not less human than you or me. If people are led astray by their society and ego long enough (consider those who are born into the lifestyle, too), they may be easily given to the cruel and apathetic hunger for power that we see, today. The current paradigm makes it to easy to ignore nature and subtle sciences. Try not to hate, and certainly don’t claim to be better while wishing ill on others. That’s my two cents, anyway. 🙂
2: Moderator, thanks so much for the answer, I greatly appreciate it!
This site and commentary look like a left-wing lovefest with David looking like an obvious hardcore liberal. That’s a great way to earn little respect with a large percentage of the viewing audience with such off-base, convoluted remarks concerning “hate”. Ridiculous.
I doubt you’ll print this.
[Moderator: Well at least you didn’t call us pathetic like the last poster so hey why not. : ) ]
[Moderator: translate?]
Stephen Colbert and Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
WONDERFUL INTERVIEW with a “down to earth” Astro physicist
Humor, Beauty, Connection, Knowledge
The day will come when a persons “assets”or “vaule” will not be measured in money but in knowledge and skill.
Hi David,
With regards to the Drake interview, it doesn’t mention anything about what happen to President Obama?
I got the impression from the Drake interview that there will be a 24hr period where Drake and others will have been givin the green light that this cabal takeover will soon occur.
Does this mean we will be alerted as well? Hoping you guys have some kind of countdown clock posted when this occurs. Hoping…
In any case, the work you guys have done is amazing – thank you!!
We are One in the Light…