David’s life has been threatened to tell you this story… so we are rushing it out to insure his safety.
This is the big one… over two million tons of gold secretly confiscated by the Federal Reserve to create “bubble money”, and the lawsuit that could bring the whole global conspiracy crashing down.
First of all, I want to thank you for giving this your serious consideration. Nothing I’ve ever written before has gotten me a death threat — and though I consider myself a strong person, I was quite disturbed by it.
I sprung into immediate action to insure this electrifying story went as far as wide as possible — in case anything happened to me.
We now have multiple, powerful insider groups pledging to protect me — and the story has spread so quickly through the Internet that I believe its publicity is its greatest protection.
As I prepare to post this section, we’ve already had over 400,000 hits, 1000 written comments and 21,000 Facebook Likes on Part One in less than six days.
Tens of thousands of people are writing about this on their own websites, and the growth rate is at least geometric, if not logarithmic at this point.
It was 3:30 PM on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 when I found out I might be tortured to death for writing “The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny.”
I was told I should get Part Two out that night for my own protection, as this was the most sensitive, jealously-guarded secret of all — and tomorrow may be too late.
I moved very quickly to protect myself once this call came in, immediately publishing “death threat” updates to my article, which was already extremely popular.
Kerry Cassidy suddenly called me and told me she was going on the radio in 20 minutes and recommended I join her. I ran into the shower and started the show immediately after I dried off in a hurry.
Our outdoor heat pump was dying after 23 years of service, so the room was disturbingly cold. All the lights would noticeably dim for three seconds every minute or two as I heard the compressor struggle in vain to kick on.
I had no idea how long the power would stay on or how much I would be able to get out on the air.
I’d barely had time to think about how horrible it would be to die of torture. It all hit me while I was on the show. From what you’ve been telling me in your letters, hardly anyone can listen to this show without crying.
Our heat pump wasn’t the only equipment that nearly died of exhaustion during this broadcast. We literally collapsed American Freedom Radio’s streaming audio server for the first time in their entire history — due to unprecedented demand.
Kerry’s fast action, as well as Coast bringing me on the air for an update the next night, may very well have saved my life.
However, none of this would have been enough to protect me if you hadn’t sprung into action so quickly — by educating yourself and spreading the word far and wide.
For that, you have my eternal gratitude.
Everyone is pissed off about the world economy right now, and this is the real history of how we all ended up in this position.
It’s not a cosmic, sci-fi story about extraterrestrials and UFOs. (Well, hmm… after re-reading everything, I can’t really say that anymore!) Overall, it’s very tangible, very terrestrial, and very straightforward.
This information is so amazing, and has been kept so secret, that I expect many great movies will be written about it for years to come. You are about to be one of the very first to learn something that will ultimately be common knowledge.
This is Part Two of an article series. The information is quite intricate and not everything will be reiterated. For that reason, you may want to read Part One and get familiar, if you are not already:
In Part One I gave undeniable proof that a lawsuit has been filed in the Southern District Court of New York, naming the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the Italian Republic and the Italian Financial Police as defendants — among others.
This lawsuit is one visible manifestation of an international, 122-nation campaign that is actively bringing down the “Old World Order.” This secretive cabal has been destroying our planet with bubble money — which is backed by nothing but hot air.
This, at least, is what we have all been led to believe. It turns out that the nations of the world actually are on a gold standard… it’s simply been kept hidden from the public, with no accountability.
It may not sound like much, but this is the biggest secret of all. Talking about this is so dangerous that it has remained almost completely invisible — even to the massive numbers of people scouring the Internet for the latest conspiracy news.
I’ve been actively researching the world of occult, insider politics since 1993 — but it took me all this time to finally put the pieces together.
Without finding the right insiders who were willing to risk their lives to help me see the Big Picture, this entire story would never have been possible.
Now, in Part Two, I want to focus in on the “Big Picture” that is now assembling as various insiders come forward — with breathtaking new information.
Before we launch into the story, we need to set up the characters. Otherwise, you may have difficulty understanding how this Nazi-type mentality could exist. Denial is the main weapon that has kept this story secret for so long.
You might also fall into an even more dangerous pattern: the Salem witch-burning mentality of “Us” versus “Them,” “Black” versus “White,” “God’s Chosen” versus “Satan’s Demons.”
These are real people, not cartoon monsters. That is ultimately what guarantees that the plans of these groups cannot succeed.
However, if you don’t know who you’re dealing with, you will never be able to understand them enough to help solve the problem.
The majority of their members are miserable, feel trapped, and want nothing more than to escape — and to be treated with love and respect.
The groups themselves are far too big, interconnected, worldwide and powerful to be transformed from the outside.
The only real shot you have at changing the world is by changing the people in the world — including those within these groups.
You can’t do that by stepping in, acting like a hot shot and telling them what to do. You have to listen to them, understand them, find out what they want, what they need and why they have been hurting so much.
And that’s called love.
So here’s the key: They grew up in a life that is so much worse than anything you’ve experienced that you could barely even begin to understand them — how they really think and feel, moment to moment, day to day.
Nonetheless, it is possible to do so — if not vital.
I believe almost anyone can be “broken” and become sociopathic if they are tortured enough — regardless of their age. Look at any hardened criminal and you will find he got that way from being abused… usually thanks to an alcoholic parent.
Nonetheless, he always has the choice to step back from his own life and look at it like an outside observer.
He can observe himself, see what has happened, and strive to forgive and accept those experiences. He can forgive himself for the things he has done to others as well — seeing how difficult it was for him not to repeat the same patterns.
He can also realize that even though his own family life was horrible, most people are not like that. There is real love out there. There are people who really do care, and will give their lives to help someone else.
However, for most people who have experienced severe abuse, this process of forgiveness is much, much too difficult.
It requires a level of personal strength and willpower they simply cannot produce, because our society lacks effective support systems to help them heal.
If you can’t face your own pain, you usually end up running away from it. This is where alcohol and drugs become very effective tools in making your life more bearable. I speak from experience, with over 19 years of sobriety at this point.
Our abused child then grows into a man. He picks up the bottle just like Daddy did, finding that it helps to mask the pain of the horrors he went through — for a few hours at a time, until he passes out — only to wake up with a terrible hangover.
He abuses his own wife and children in a desperate attempt to release the emotional agony he is feeling inside, and try to feel better about himself.
Unfortunately, abuse just creates more abuse. No one feels ‘loved’ by being abused. They fight back. This just makes Daddy even more angry, which creates even more abuse.
The vicious cycle continues.
There is another form of torture that can create even more psychological damage than being yelled at and beaten. Having sex forced on you against your will, particularly if you are a child, creates very significant damage.
I continue to be shocked at the lack of social awareness about this issue. Everyone should know that forcing sex on another person, even one time, can create an inner scream that will haunt every day of their lives for years and years to come.
I’ve lived with people who have been through this. It’s not pretty.
If you are hurt this way by one of your parents, this creates an even more extreme type of damage — a violation of the sacred bond of family and trust that, again, is almost impossible for the average person to comprehend.
We now know this trauma actually re-wires the brain to be hyper-vigilant… ready to flip into fight-or-flight mode much faster than a person who hasn’t been through this.
They will almost always develop a hair-trigger temper, ready to explode at the slightest provocation. It will be difficult or impossible for them to trust anyone. Everyone is a suspect. Everyone is a thief. Everyone is a scumbag.
They will have extreme anger boiling right below the surface of their conscious mind at all times. Underneath this is a sorrow so profound that they fear if they let themselves cry, they will be unable to stop — and will want to commit suicide.
Many of them will be so damaged they can barely function in society — except in predictable, unchallenging lives with as little exposure to risk, change or genuine hard work as possible. Others will become “thrill seekers” and constantly seek the next adrenaline rush.
It is possible to heal from these events, yes… but it takes a lot of work.
If you have been through a childhood that involved routine humiliation, yelling, beating or other forms of assault, it can be very difficult for you to truly develop empathy for the feelings and emotions of others.
It’s all about you, your pain, your story, your mission.
You will typically build your identity around the idea of being “strong.”
You will also naturally resent those who are “weak.”
You may well see them as easy targets to be exploited and manipulated for your own gain — puppets who can create wealth for you without you having to do very much work.
You may feel you are teaching them a valuable lesson by controlling and manipulating them. The more they listen to what you tell them to do, the better and stronger they will become as people.
Ultimately, they will get strong enough to rise up against you. They have finally awakened to their own power and strength. Now you reveal to them how special they are — and you may even invite them to join you.
Then, together, you can continue to help awaken others who are “weak”. You know that only the most gifted ones will learn how to become “strong” — and understand the deeper reasons behind the seemingly senseless things you have been doing.
The bottom line is that if you abuse and torture a person consistently enough, he will almost inevitably have no sense of compassion or regard for others — unless he can get away from you and go through a profound healing process. It’s that simple.
However, you can tailor your abuse to create extreme loyalty and love in the person. This is done by alternating between severe “punishment” and love-bombing — pumping them up to make them feel special.
A typical analogy is an abusive husband who beats his wife, only to show her “grandiose gestures of affection” afterwards — such as a huge bouquet of roses.
In crisis hotline training, we watched videos of horribly beaten women, with their eyes nearly swollen shut, gushing about how much they still loved their husbands — and how they understood why he beat them.
Like Stockholm Syndrome, you can end up falling in love with the very people who tortured you the most. It is far easier to adopt their beliefs and accept their “punishment” than to go against them, for sedition is death.
The ultimate goal for any group like this is worldwide power and control. That’s the Holy Grail — at least until they reach a level of technology that would allow them to migrate off-planet.
If you can wrap your mind around the idea that people like this actually exist, and have been meticulously planning on world domination for hundreds of years, you can begin to understand how we got where we are today — and how simple their motive really is.
It’s really cool to have money. Let’s face it. You can go out there and do whatever you want — indulging your greatest fantasies.
Now imagine that you could create as much money as you wanted, whenever you wanted, out of thin air.
Once you gain the ability to do this, you have become the ultimate magician — wielding the very essence of the Universe in its physical form.
You can create power, wealth and prestige at the push of a button. If you can dream it, you can do it. You have true mastery and dominion.
People will do whatever you tell them just so they can get a little closer to you — and taste some of the magic. You could be butt-ugly, but now you’re the hottest thing in town — and everybody wants to be your Number One.
The world is truly at your fingertips: “He Who Has the Peso Has the Say-So.”
Unlimited money, for unlimited self-indulgence, is the ultimate goal of everyone who lusts for power — and believes they are one of the “Strong.”
How could you ever hope to pull off such an incredible stunt as to be able to create money out of thin air, all over the world, and have people believe you?
Most people don’t think like this. Very few would be willing to do enough “homework” to figure out how to accomplish such a seemingly impossible feat.
Look at all the different countries and cultures in the world. All those languages. All those customs. All those people. All those lands.
It could take years and years of research by many thousands of people to even begin to understand what might be required to rule over them.
You would need high-level espionage. You would need to dominate every new business that comes along, by whatever means necessary. Many of your best people would lose their lives as they attempt to gain the most sensitive information for you.
Some of your people would train their whole lives to learn one language, just to do one job undercover — and they may never even get the right “window” to use the skills they trained for. It could take years for a spy to gain someone’s trust and learn the deepest secrets.
Naturally, you would need the most extreme secrecy imaginable to accomplish something of this size, scope and complexity.
It would take hundreds of years of meticulous planning to accomplish such a stunning goal — and only your great, great, great, great grand-children would be able to enjoy its ultimate benefits.
It wouldn’t take very long for you to figure out that your number-one enemy is gold and treasure.
The more gold is out there, the more trouble you’ve got.
People are naturally greedy and fearful. Gold represents real wealth they can hold in their hands. If any gold-backed money is available, they will obviously want it — and reject your “worthless paper”.
Let’s say you already know there is an incredibly large amount of gold in the world.
Let’s say you also have a very good idea of where most of it is.
Somehow you’ve got to take that gold “off market” and hide it away forever — without the public ever even knowing about it.
Otherwise, you will always be vulnerable to someone creating a gold-backed financial system.
The ignorant, drooling masses of the weak would immediately lose faith in your printing press… and rush to hoard gold.
Of course, lots of people already have gold. You can’t let them keep it if you want to create your magic money printing press.
Otherwise, they could band together, pool their resources and take you down.
Naturally, they won’t just hand over their gold to you willingly. They will have weapons in their homes — and tell you to come pry the gold out of their cold, dead hands.
That’s the point. You will need to use violence in order to create this new, global financial system.
Military invasions will be necessary to force individual gold holders or even entire nations to give up their assets.
Futhermore, you somehow have to convince the majority of the world’s leaders that it is in their best interest to do this — or else kill them if they don’t go along with it.
Once you’ve got control of the worldwide magic printing press in your hands, it doesn’t matter what the world leaders think — but until then, you’d better give the people a great story.
Create something that really arouses their deepest feelings of patriotism and passion.
When the common people see violence occurring, including invading armies, you need to give them compelling, believable reasons for why these horrible events took place.
Cook up some outrageous assassinations and atrocities against the people who stand in your way. Figure out who you want the people to be angry at, and then blame every nasty thing you did on your new, manufactured enemy.
All of this is nothing but elaborate stagecraft — while the real goal is to get all their gold, so you can create as much money as you want.
In the meantime, you secretly tell the leaders of the various nations that these atrocities are actually a sad but necessary key to creating world peace, security and prosperity — and preventing far greater tragedies from occurring.
Any government, military or financial leaders who disagree with the plan are threatened or killed, to insure everyone is on the same page.
Every leader who goes along with the plan is assured that it will ultimately generate much greater abundance and happiness… a world free of war, suffering and depravity.
That was the promise. That was the carrot. A New World Order… of peace, prosperity and happiness. All of this really got started with the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the Bank of International Settlements in 1921, and the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944.
World leaders are not geniuses. They are often ordinary people with ordinary intellects who happened to win or steal an election. Or, they were simply appointed into that position because of who their parents were.
This plan for a New World Order was presented before them as a necessary evil… which only someone at their illustrious level of power and influence could even hope to understand.
They would undoubtedly spend long nights in bed, staring at the ceiling and tossing and turning in a cold sweat, as they realized what had to be done.
However, sooner or later, as ugly and horrifying as it would be, they would realize they had to act on behalf of the greater good — for their children’s children’s children. And they knew if they didn’t go along with the plan, they would be assassinated.
Every world leader is forced to make decisions that could kill countless numbers of people in order to secure the interests of the country — and the planet. That’s life. That’s reality. That’s what it takes. So put on your uniform, suck it up and get over it.
Yes… it would be very painful to create this new system, but once it was done, everyone’s lives would be much better.
By 1954, the 77 “non-aligned” nations of the world clearly felt they had been deceived.
Instead of the golden era of peace and prosperity they expected to develop after the end of World War II and the signing of the Bretton Woods agreement, the world had been plunged into even deeper horrors.
The United States and the Soviet Union were arming up for total nuclear war and planetary annihilation.
The US dollars that were promised for humanitarian programs to build up developing nations never arrived.
The dollar, as a “global reserve currency”, got distracted into pumping up the military machine.
The non-aligned nations wanted to change the system, but did not have the military force to do anything to stop it. Anyone who dared to make the slightest little whisper about what was going on would be threatened or killed.
This invisible, desperate battle has continued straight through to this very day.
This is the biggest secret. This is the real history of the global financial system. This is the story that almost got me killed. This is a small taste of how the blueprint for global control was meticulously followed… over the course of hundreds of years.
The greatest secret in the world, as I have now discovered, is that “Gold is as Plentiful as Sand.” This is obviously an exaggeration, but apparently not by much. It has been truly stunning for me to uncover this information.
All this gold had to be confiscated, by a vast method of worldwide deception, in order to pave the way for a “New World Order” — where money could be created out of thin air.
To truly understand this highly secretive battle that has led to “The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny,” you have to go back in time.
Everything ultimately becomes East Versus West in this grand “Illuminati” game — as I finally now understand.
My investigation of this story led to direct threats against my life, relayed by one of my top insiders. Therefore I take this very seriously… and I don’t want to leave anything out.
Let’s begin by thinking about wealth. What do people really see as being valuable?
Wealth doesn’t just appear in the form of commodities like gold — it also manifests in high-quality products of various kinds.
Anything that enhances our comfort and enjoyment of life is wealth. It’s something we’re more than happy to pay for.
For thousands of years, Asia was producing the most highly-regarded stuff in the world — including those things that appealed to the most primal human instincts.
Asians discovered there was a white worm that would spin flossy webs of a very fine material. This material could be collected, gently cooked and made into durable clothing that was extremely soft — almost supernaturally soft.
Asians also spent hundreds of generations hunting for the best possible dyes — allowing them to make bright, vibrant colors that were not available anywhere else in the world.
By combining these two technologies, gorgeous, colorful silk fabrics with incredible designs could be produced.
The softness of silk was directly associated with sexual pleasure.
The feeling of wearing or rubbing against silk was enough to get you totally aroused — and it was also very expensive.
Cotton was also a key Asian import. You could make clothes that were much softer, and more comfortable than linen or wool, and much less prone to wrinkling than linen.
Asians were also making all sorts of ceramics, including incredibly detailed vases painted with dragons in gold leaf. Elaborate, fancy china sets were also created, using firing techniques unknown to the Western world.
Still to this day, Westerners have a deep, almost genetic memory of impressing their guests by “breaking out the fine china.”
In the olden days, simply having a genuine china set to serve dinner on was a sign that you were really a hot shot. Otherwise your plates and bowls were probably made out of wood, metal or stone.
Tea-drinking, so central to European life, simply isn’t the same without white ceramic teacups — which could only be purchased in China.
For many hundreds of years, no one had any idea how to make such fine glazed ceramics in the West — though they did finally catch up.
We are bombarded by images. In any given day, we can see tens of thousands of different images of beautiful things and beautiful places… all without ever leaving the home.
It wasn’t until I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York that I realized why people would pay so much money for paintings… back in the old days.
There were no pictures. There were no movies. There was nothing to see. If you didn’t go to these beautiful places in person, you didn’t see anything nice. Period.
Who could afford to travel? And even if you did go somewhere that was beautiful, how much of the view would you really remember as the years went by?
Most people’s lives were too caught up in day-to-day survival to ever see something as majestic as a mountaintop view or a beautiful shore. If they were lucky, they might get to see the color of fresh spring flowers for a few weeks a year — that’s it.
It took a lot of work for me to imagine my way into such a boring, monochromatic life — seeing the exact same things, day after day, and nothing else. Nothing nice. Nothing special. Just the same four wooden walls.
Asians were making rugs that were extremely detailed, colorful and beautiful. Everyone had to have one. It became the focal-point of your home. You could lose yourself in the beauty of its patterns — and let your mind drift to finer worlds.
We completely take flavors for granted these days. People would have literally killed each other to get their hands on those little containers in our kitchen that we haven’t even opened in the last five years.
It’s hard to imagine a life in which the food was as bland and monochromatic as the scenery — but that’s the way it was.
Asia had delicious spices that were unavailable anywhere else in the world — key ingredients we now take for granted in dinners and desserts.
For example, cinnamon was extremely rare and expensive just a couple hundred years ago. It came from the bark of a tree that only grew in Asia.
Not only is cinnamon a well-known aphrodisiac, just think about what happens to almost any dessert with a little cinnamon added in… particularly cooked apples. Without that complex, marvelously seductive note of cinnamon, it’s just not the same.
Nowadays, if you see a jar of cinnamon on the ground, you probably won’t even pick it up. In the old days, you would have grabbed it and ran like hell.
Sugar wasn’t available except as an Asian spice back in those days either. The same goes for coffee. Life just wasn’t as sweet without Asian goods.
Imagine tasting the zing of chili peppers for the first time. Or the distinctive enchantment of coriander — known as cilantro in Mexico, a key ingredient in making guacamole and burritos taste right.
Black pepper was so greatly loved that it is still a cliche’ in the Western world to have it on your table, right next to the salt. This was ultimately the single most profitable and widespread Asian spice export — literally shipping out by the ton.
Ginger adds a deliciously complex buzz to sweet and savory dishes alike. Only the very rich could afford gingerbread or ginger cookies.
The licorice flavor comes from anise… which is native to China. Don’t just think about candy… veggies flavored with anise form an excellent companion to fine meats, such as lamb or fish.
In a Thai restaurant, you will be dazzled by notes of lime leaves, lemongrass, Thai basil, coconut extract and galangal. Imagine the joy of bringing that taste home with you after a long, fascinating adventure into Asia.
Cloves add marvelous subtlety to sweet and savory dishes. They became essential additions into a ham before roasting it — and made cookies and sweet breads ‘pop’ in a way nothing else could. If you were really outrageous you could even smoke them like cigarettes.
Nutmeg was another key Asian spice — a marvelous addition to many dishes. Ever taste egg nog? All that splendid, complex flavor is thanks to nutmeg.
The slightly funky allure of cumin can make meats and savory breads come alive — particularly with some nice salt and some of the other spices included. Pair it up with curry leaves, cardamom and turmeric, also only available from Asia, and now you really have something.
And, for someone who lives on “Earl Grey” black tea as a staple of life, day in and day out, imagine what a game-changer it is the first time you sip a beverage brewed from the finest blossoms of jasmine.
Only the ultra-rich, gold-encrusted Westerners could afford to have the best-tasting food.
Imagine busting out a dinner with even a few of the amazing flavors I’ve just listed above — in an otherwise monochromatic world. Jasmine tea. Cinnamon. Sugar. Ginger. Pepper. Cumin. Coffee. Curry. Cardamom. Licorice. Cloves.
Only the very rich could brighten up their dreary days with the best desserts — and the best flavors mixed into their appetizers and entrees.
Think about how powerful it is to serve someone a meal made with flavors their body immediately craves, with almost a sexual urging — even though they have never tasted them before.
Now imagine these meals being served on incredible gold-leaf china, on a fancy table that sits on top of a majestic Oriental rug — with a huge dragon vase in the corner of the room.
If you want to build your status and power in the world, and put on a big show for a potential investor in your latest venture, this would be a great way to do it. “Where do I sign?”
If your investor still wasn’t ready to sign, there was nothing quite like smokin’ him up on some high-octane Asian opium — the ancient forerunner of modern-day heroin.
After that delicious dinner, a beautiful woman hands him his incredible silk “smoking jacket” — just a sexy Asian robe, disguised with a more manly-sounding name.
The hookah beckons him in to the opium den with its spidery arms. Silk pillows and curtains, in lurid reds and pinks, line the room as the almost absurdly-sweet smoke hangs lazily in the air.
You might also want to burn incense in there to make it smell even more extravagant. Sandalwood was another very expensive, highly sought-after Asian export.
Who knows what kinds of wild sex and mystical dreams he will have once he goes in there — with the prostitutes you’d hired for the occasion?
What a show.
Similar pleasures were used to convince men to commit contract murders for payment, without question — in the Order of Assassins.
One amazing dinner served on fine china, followed by an after-party in the opium den, could practically guarantee you would get all the best business contracts.
The most beautiful and highly prestigious women, from the most illustrious families in the country, would all want to join your lavishly opulent parties.
Asia had every ticket to Paradise the ultra-rich could ever ask for… and what could possibly be worth more?
There’s one big problem, though. The Asians refused to accept anything as payment except gold. No trade. No barter. No money. No nothing.
“Paper money? What is this? You want this, and you want to give me a piece of paper? You… you get the hell out of here!”
If you didn’t have gold, you got sent home empty-handed.
For this same reason, much of the gold of the Roman Empire, and later of the Spanish empire, ended up in Asia.
This is one key way in which 85 percent of the world’s gold ended up in Asia.
When I interviewed Fulford in Part One, his sources had informed him this was the main way that Asia got all the gold.
However, a very high-ranking Asian insider has now given me incredible new information on all of this.
Neither he nor his associates have spoken to Fulford or anyone else in the public eye about what they know — for it is much too dangerous.
It turns out there are massive, massive deposits of gold in Asia that have been kept secret — but more on that in a minute.
This insider did not contact me through the Internet. A good friend of mine told him about me, and what I was working on, during a recent trip he took through Asia. They had already been friends for many years by this point.
Had my friend not discussed my story, and the secrets I’ve been uncovering, he probably never would have heard a thing about the highly dangerous, hidden life this man had been leading — for over 20 years now.
At first, when my friend told me this story, it sounded too good. Too easy. Too convenient. I didn’t even take it seriously. I laughed it off. However, once my life was threatened, I started paying attention.
I spoke to this new insider the day after I got my death threat, using my friend’s phone for security. I asked tons of questions and got the whole story in meticulous detail. It is almost impossible that this could have been a setup to feed me disinformation.
This is not a random stranger. His bonafides are well-established — and for now, he must remain anonymous, along with much of his story. I will call him the Jade Lion.
JL revealed that China is sitting on top of an absolutely colossal gold mine.
Secret gold deposits run through Cambodia, Laos and other countries in Southeast Asia as well. It is as if they are literally standing and walking on gold. It’s everywhere.
This secret gold deposit came under the control of a mysterious group known by various names… a group that was instrumental in the founding of modern-day China.
Some call them the Dragon Family. JL says they simply call themselves the Elders.
This is the same group that was responsible for building over 100 pyramids in the Xian province of China.
Emperor Qin, the first of the Dragon Family to rule China, ordered the “Terra Cotta Soldiers” to be built out of his entire army — each one completely personalized, down to the last man — and then had them all buried under one of the pyramids.
According to another high-level insider who corroborated much of these details, the Elders now live in the Forbidden Zone of China. It’s very highly secure and is almost like a nation-state unto itself.
Very few people can gain access to it at all — and it is in a tough mountainous region.
No one would dare threaten the Elders because they have a vast, worldwide network of contacts, as well as the military power of the current Chinese government behind them.
JL told me the Elders eat an extremely pure diet — and cultivate special herbs and medicines that have given them incredible longevity.
Another insider suggested the Elders may possess secrets about the healing benefits of gold that most people are not aware of either.
This could partly explain the otherwise ridiculous-sounding idea that some Elders can live to be as much as 300 years old.
I know I may have lost you right there. However, I will not let my personal biases get in the way of reporting the truth to you, as it was told to me by Jade Lion and others.
One key Elder handling the lawsuit I am about to discuss — different from the trillion-dollar complaint mentioned in Part One — is apparently 165 years old, according to JL.
I asked JL if the Elders were the direct descendants of humans who were born on another planet and migrated here. He personally has no knowledge of this, and was told their supernatural lifespan was merely due to diet and herbs.
Other high-level insiders have revealed to me that fully five different groups of extraterrestrial humans have colonized the Earth in the past. The Elders are apparently the living descendants of one of these groups.
The larger Chinese pyramids were apparently built as landing platforms for their ships. I have been told there are still vast networks of crystalline pipes underneath the ground, linking these sites together.
Much like an RV-equipped park, these pipes allowed them to have water, sewage and power hookups when they landed. Their ships’ defense systems insured they would remain safe from any locals who wanted to attack them.
Chinese legends do report that the pyramids were built by “the Ancient Ones who descended to Earth in flying metallic dragons,” as I reveal in The Source Field Investigations.
Again, according to top insiders I have spoken with, there were five key groups of off-planet immigrants in more recent times.
Each of these groups became royal families in their respective regions. They have tended to keep their bloodlines intact.
Let me be clear in saying that the Elders are peace-loving, highly evolved people.
They wish to see our world transform into a much more positive, loving and prosperous place for everyone.
This is surely going to be one of the most surprising, mind-blowing things to emerge once we do finally have Disclosure.
It is also quite possible that the Elders brought many of their favorite things over from their home world. This may explain why so many great spices could only be found in Asia and nowhere else.
They may also have released some of their technology to the people — including silk and ceramics manufacturing techniques.
It is also possible that the silkworms themselves were not originally native to this planet — and may have even been genetically engineered to perform their uniquely valuable service.
One of my top insiders told me that the great pyramid-building cultures of Atlantis were all founded by immigrant humans who came here from other worlds.
Some people may be laughing at this now, but I don’t think they have a whole lot of time left to remain ignorant of these things.
Remember — JL did not have any personal knowledge of the Elders being the descendants of off-planet human immigrants.
Nonetheless, I also asked him if the Elders have contact with people who have advanced technology and do not live on Earth — perhaps their own distant relatives.
He personally has no knowledge of this, but he did accept that he may not be on a “need-to-know basis” for information like that.
JL’s data nonetheless provides stunning new context to the story of China’s October Surprise that I’ve been hearing from my own insiders.
If you’ve been following my website, you know I’ve been tracking this story ever since October 2010, when it all really started.
The basic gist of the story was that the Federal Reserve screwed China — and in these negotiations, they were told if they didn’t pay up and surrender, China’s extraterrestrial allies would begin systematically destroying their ability to take over the planet.
There are a wide variety of seemingly inexplicable failures of military equipment that can be attributed to this — including a spectacular failure of 50 ICBMs in Wyoming, during which time a cigar-shaped UFO was seen hovering over the facility.
These extraterrestrials are apparently working with China and other nations to insure the G5 “Illuminati” countries cannot fulfill their plans of global dominance and genocide.
The occult insiders’ plan included the staging of a mass, fake alien invasion, using advanced technology. That is no longer possible.
It’s obvious to most open-minded people that UFOs are real. The story behind them is only known to a very privileged few. I have done my very best to put all the pieces together for you.
Apparently this will all be common knowledge — much sooner than we think.
JL has never met any of the Elders personally. However, he is in contact with someone who lives with them and has been working directly with the Federal Reserve families through the Bank of International Settlements.
The Elders’ main contact has been shot at five times in the last year alone. The Elders sued the Federal Reserve families in September 2010 for gold contracts going back hundreds of years, in a secret world court within the BIS — and the Elders won as of December.
These new figures fit in very nicely with the timing of China’s October Surprise, as I had reported it on this website — though JL had never read any of those articles, nor knew anything about it.
The judgment was for 286 Trillion dollars. The Federal Reserve has been delaying the big payout ever since.
However, JL tells me they have been in intense negotiations on a daily basis since last December, and almost all the details have now been worked out.
We therefore should expect major changes to occur “very, very soon.” [Augh… there’s the “S word” again!!!]
Everyone’s life on Earth will dramatically improve if what Jade Lion is telling me is true.
This case, and its eventual outcome, is a completely separate issue from the trillion-dollar lawsuit I covered in Part One.
The trillion-dollar lawsuit is perfectly provable and on public record.
The 286-trillion-dollar lawsuit, on the other hand, occurred in secrecy — and I have no way of proving it is true at this point.
However, other top insiders have since confirmed that this is very real, and it will probably go public by the Spring.
Another insider referred to the time we are about to head into as a “Reset Point” — and said it has huge significance for life on Earth.
The Elders obviously felt it was vital to China’s national security that they not reveal where this vast supply of gold was… or how much of it they really had.
According to JL, China still has vastly more gold reserves than they have been able to mine in the last few thousand years.
Had the Elders revealed this secret, they may not have been able to maintain the illusion that gold was a highly valuable, highly rare commodity.
The Elders had a key strategic advantage by having a nearly limitless supply of the one thing everyone in the world could agree was “real money”.
It is also possible that the Elders brought a gold-synthesizing technology with them, and still use it to this day.
This could explain why other insiders have scratched their heads and said if such secret mines really did exist, they surely should have known about them.
How did the United States go from being just a few ragtag colonies, with people desperately trying to eke out a living, to becoming the world’s pre-eminent superpower?
Is it really as simple as the idea that they had a lot of land to convert into natural resources — and hence economic power?
Apparently not. Without gold to secretly back up the issuance of American currency, they never would have been able to afford to grow so fast. It would have been a massive bubble that would be constantly threatened with destruction.
According to JL, the biggest secret of the United States is that it was all built up with Asian money — directly from the Elders.
America was a rebellion against colonial, imperial, monarchic rule in Europe — and the Asians saw this as a very necessary investment for their own security.
The Dutch, Portugese and British were duking it out for supremacy over the hugely profitable Asian spice trade by the late 1500s. Things started to get serious by 1600, with the formation of the English East India Company.
The Dutch formed the Dutch East India Company in 1602 as a defensive counter-move against this massive power-play.
Things quickly got bloody and nasty. The English scored a decisive military victory against the Portugese in the Battle of Swally in 1612, and their power grew much faster after that. As it says in Wikipedia,
By a series of five acts around 1670, King Charles II provisioned [the East India Company] with the rights to autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command fortresses and troops and form alliances, to make war and peace, and to exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas.[14]
Essentially, the English were invading Asia, bit by bit — since that’s where all the money was.
They created a corporation that had become a complete nation into itself — an early foreshadowing of the world we live in today. The East India Company could print its own money, declare war, take over any land it wanted to, and make all the rules — with no oversight.
This was all happening right in China’s backyard — and it was all “legal” by 1670. The Elders were obviously very concerned about this — and needed to do something to create an effective resistance against this encroaching menace.
JL told me that the Asians were secretly financing the buildup and development of the United States — well before the American Revolution of 1776.
The people behind the American Revolution obviously had their own agenda, as we now know — but in order to create a massive development project on such a vast scale, they needed an investor… with deep pockets.
The Founding Fathers signed separate, secret contracts for each shipment of gold they received. The Elders fully expected to be paid back for the gold they were shipping out… in time.
They knew it would take many years to build the United States up to the point where it would be fully self-sustaining and profitable on its own — but it was necessary to balance the power equation in the world.
Shiploads of gold, averaging 2000 metric tons per trip, were routinely being sent to the United States. This gold was secretly used as collateral by the United States Treasury to issue currency — financing an unprecedented industrial expansion.
The United States made sure not to give away any of the gold. It was secretly stashed in Mexico and elsewhere as time went on — including places in Asia that were mutually agreed upon for safe keeping.
This secret buildup reached its peak in the 1800s. For almost an entire century, I was told that the United States received as much as two thousand metric tons of gold per month. Every shipload generated a completely separate contract and debt to be repaid.
If you’re not paying attention in American history class, you could easily miss that one day where your teacher talks about how Chinese “slaves” were largely responsible for building the first transcontinental railroad between 1863 and 1869.
The slang name for these laborers was the “Coolies”. Apparently they were the best at shimmying down ropes, planting dynamite in holes cut in the rock, lighting the dynamite and climbing back up the ropes fast enough to avoid getting blown up.
The reality is very different. The “Coolies” were not slaves at all. They were highly-skilled professional builders sent over from Asia. The Chinese didn’t trust Americans to do the job. They sent over their own people to make sure everything went smoothly.
Your history teacher probably never told you what everyone actually called these Chinese laborers back then. They were not called “Coolies” at all:
The Central Pacific’s grade was constructed primarily by many thousands of emigrant workers from China who were commonly referred to at the time as “Celestials” and China as the “Celestial Kingdom.”
Even though at first they were thought to be too weak or fragile to do this type of work, after the first few days on which Chinese were on the line, the decision was made to hire as many as could be found in California (where most were independent gold miners or in service industries such as laundries and kitchens). Many more were imported from China.
Celestial[1] was a term used to describe Chinese emigrants to the United States, Canada and Australia during the 19th century. The term was widely used in the popular mass media of the day.[2][3] The term is from Celestial Empire (Tianchao Daguo [天朝大國]) , a traditional name for China.[4]
Celestials. The Celestial Kingdom. The Celestial Empire. Very interesting.
Just so we are absolutely clear about what this word means, let’s look up the word “Celestial” on dictionary.com:


It’s not that hard to figure out that the name “Celestials” and “Celestial Kingdom” was chosen for a simple purpose.
They were proud of the fact that they came from the sky — from “outer space.” The heavens. Another planet supporting human life. We may have lost all written and spoken records of our “extended family”, but that doesn’t mean we are alone.
Imagine this scene back in the 1800s. Why else would they pick a name like this?
AMERICAN: “Why do you call yourselves the Celestials?”
CELESTIAL: (Points up to the sky and smiles again.)
AMERICAN: (Laughs in disbelief.) “OK. Riiight.”
Another part of this legacy that has carried through into modern times, with very few people being aware of it, is one of the largest tea companies in the world being named after the Celestials — invoking all the mysteries and wonder of the spice trade:
The Celestials were secretly building up America to be a huge industrial power. They had no intention of throwing away their money. The idea was to develop America until it was profitable enough to repay all the original investments.
The transcontinental railroad exploded into view, opening development of these vast territories at unprecedented speed.
Without these massive shipments of gold coming in every month, America could never have experienced such a stunning economic boom. Their currency would have been built on hot air, hyper-inflated, and popped — causing the Dream to come crashing to earth.
The Asians had written contracts for every shipment of gold that came in. There are a huge number of outstanding contracts for the construction of the railroad system. They all still need to be paid back.
This is the core of the 286 trillion-dollar judgment that was found against the Federal Reserve last December, according to JL.
Once America built itself up as an industrial power, it could sell products and export them to the rest of the world. Then, the money they made and goods they produced could be sent back to Asia to repay the loans.
The Celestials probably realized they were being betrayed shortly after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. As soon as the US had this critical piece of infrastructure up and running, they tried to kick all the Celestials out.
They did this by adopting the pejorative term “Coolies”, reframing them as “slaves”, and passing laws making it illegal for them to live in the United States:
The presence of foreigners ineligible to become citizens of the United States is declared to be dangerous to the well-being of the State, and the Legislature shall discourage their immigration by all the means within its power.Asiatic coolieism is a form of human slavery, and is forever prohibited in this State, and all contracts for coolie labor shall be void.All companies or corporations, whether formed in this country or any foreign country, for the importation of such labor, shall be subject to such penalties as the Legislature may prescribe.[9]
According to JL, the Celestials fully realized they were being screwed by 1911, as the United States was making bold moves to create the Federal Reserve.
All gold shipments were halted at this time. Credit was still extended, on a tentative basis, but no longer in the form of any hard assets such as gold.
The Celestials were obviously not aware of the fact that the Federal Reserve System was the visible manifestation of a plan that had been in place since at least the 1700s — as I will conclusively demonstrate in Part Three.
The ultimate goal of the Federal Reserve bankers, and the secret society they were a part of, was just as I said before: to eliminate the gold standard and create limitless amounts of “bubble money”.
Now it might be clearer to you that going after the gold meant going after the Celestials.
In Part One, we described how the Kuomintang dynasty in China moved gold to Taiwan to protect it from being stolen by the Japanese in the “Golden Lily” plundering program.
JL is not aware of any shipments of gold that were sent to the US for safe keeping in 1938.
These shipments may have been from a separate faction of the Dragon Family, or it may just be that JL is unaware of this aspect of the Elders’ plans.
JL did tell me that the Elders have the full backing and support of the Chinese military — and this massive, outstanding US gold debt is causing “absolute terror” in the halls of government.
They know this has to go public — and soon — and once it does, people will be so pissed off that they genuinely fear for their lives.
Let’s stop here — just so you have something to read while I keep working.
In Part Three, which I will release as soon as possible, I will return to our central theme, which is far more documentable — how the “Illuminati” tried to double-cross the Celestials, created a worldwide magic printing press, and almost succeeded.
[DISCLAIMER: Bear in mind that Keenan and Scott, those named in the trillion-dollar lawsuit, are unaware of the information provided by JL. I do not wish to damage their credibility in any way. They have no knowledge of extraterrestrials that I am aware of.
I am not trying to say one group is right and one group is wrong. I’m just presenting you with the information I am receiving, and packaging it the best way I possibly can, so you can make up your own mind.
I am also aware that very little of the insider testimony I’ve shared here can be proven with documentable data at this point. I’ve done my best to connect the dots to outside sources wherever possible.
Nonetheless, the credibility of Jade Lion has been firmly established to me — and this is tying together many different puzzle pieces I’ve been aware of for years now. I find this quite fascinating — and I am sharing the discovery process with you as I go.]
We are putting the finishing touches on Part III. This is a VERY significant and comprehensive article for reasons I am not at liberty to disclose, but should be apparent within a reasonable amount of time.
So yes… I am fine and have been working straight through the holidays, though at a more relaxed speed than during other times of the year.
The moderators informed me we are getting inundated with comments from people linking to a story on Conscious Media Network about someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries that will be launching a new financial system.
THIS IS A HOAX. I am now in direct contact with the top people organizing the 122-nation alliance we have been speaking of, as a consequence of getting deeply involved in investigating and writing about the lawsuit — and they told me this story is not true.
It is possible that we are just dealing with someone looking for publicity. It is also possible that this is intended to distract people from the real issue and do it in a way that can be discredited, so people do not believe the real story.
Anyway, my goal is to have the new article up ASAP. Stay tuned!
The above comments have attracted attention, as we are still being inundated with people linking to this interview as if it were true.
Since I am in direct contact with the organizers of the Monaco Accords — the 122-nation alliance — let me say this:
The “old guard” were not even INVITED to these meetings — and if any of them showed up, they were turned away. Fulford documented all of this at the time.
The number of nations that was chosen — namely 130 — is too close to the Monaco Accords figure to be accidental.
That being said, Kerry Cassidy vouched for the legitimacy of the man giving the information. That would imply that whomever told him this is lying to him.
It is also interesting, and may be significant, that less than 24 hours before this story broke on the Internet, one of the chief organizers of the “real” Monaco Accords was hit by a car and narrowly escaped with his life.
He is very lucky to have had fairly minor injuries, and will be fine. Nonetheless he is in a lot of pain and is mostly staying in bed.
To me, all of this is only further proof that the negative elite are on their last legs and are making desperate moves to stave off their inevitable defeat.
FINANCIAL TYRANNY is now up to 125 manuscript pages. This is my equivalent for “conspiracy theory” as Source Field Investigations was for consciousness science.
I think you all will be very pleased with it. I hate to work under this much time pressure. I have passed out three times in the last week from exhaustion, including one night where I woke up at 3:45 AM with the lights on and my clothes on, lying on my bed.
No measure of negative comments will be sufficient to force me to release this before it is right. It would be better if folks did not hold me to deadline expectations as this is far from an ordinary article. This is a quarter the size of SFI and equally as complex.
I have multiple groups working to save our planet who have very high hopes for the impact this will have. Some content was added by specific request. Please help spread the word far and wide as soon as it is released.
Hi wanderers,
Isn’t this better then watching SG1? hahaha.
Life is far more interesting when you know the truth.
I loved Ben’s saying “the golden rule, those who have the gold make the rules..” so true.
Thanks David, be safe, stay healthy, stay your beautiful self.
And alien family, when are you coming to pick me up? I wanna job with you guys…
So good to hear you are well and safe David, not that I had any doubts you would not be ~ I constantly intuitively feel you have divine protection.
Wonderful post, thank you so much for putting such effort in sharing what you know.
So interesting to read about the Elders of China.
I was quickly reading up on Emperor Qin and came across his alleged desire to find the ‘Elixir of life’ to acquire immortality which supposedly was strongly related to the properties of gold 🙂
I don’t mean to be nit-picky but it seems that that China has only been producing coffee for a little over 100 years. See
Clearly, they’ve been producing tea for centuries…. but not coffee.
It’s very unlikely that our extradimensional allies would join with China or an Asian Coalition or ANY group to FIGHT the Orion-Draconian cabal in the US on earths ground.
Once again I have to refer to the information from Ashayana Deane, who (listen carefully Mr. “I know it all” Moderator) does NOT promote an “All-ETs-Are-Bad-Universe”:
Since ~2000 there is indeed a (deepening) split between the Anglo-American Establishment and “the rest” of the world, which reflects the split between Extradimensional factions:
The “UIR” (United Intruder Resistance) on the one side and the “Rebel Omikron Drakonians” (US and US controlled countries) on the other side. THEY are fighting each other.
There is – on Earth – no military intervention from our extradimensional allies! But intervention there is on multiple levels.
The UFO activities over nuclear missile silos (over the past decades) for example were indeed a clear message demonstrating that a global nuclear holocaust will never occur.
Besides the Drakonians, Necromitons and the Anunnaki groups there are even more powerful players on the scene, which never had any interest to exploit Earths resources or to enslave humanity.
Their primary objective was and is to annihilate all humans! Although they will not succeed with their plans NOW, they manipulated our sun to such a degree, that it is now dying.
From 2230 onwards Earth will be an increasingly uncomfortable place. This timeframe is not a probability anymore. It locked in around 2003 or 2005.
Till then let’s show that ”we can do better” (Phil Schneider).
[Moderator: Deane’s material has almost no correlation to what is in the Law of One series. That’s the main reason why we do not support it.]
Fine work David! Thank you so much for your bravery — not to mention your excellent scholarship! I read this with great delight and I will be greatly anticipating part 3!
I’ve been researching and studying these matters for going on 13 years, and this is all lining up quite well.
Keep up the great work Brother. I send you strength, wisdom, peace, and protection.
“We see again, but with new eyes;
Our hearts beat again, but with new warmth;
Our hands toil with care…
We will meet the beast with courage – we can change ourselves;
We can change ourselves – we will meet the beast with compassion;
We will heal the beast with our love-
Nice work David. I do know one thing for sure: The light will prevail and it will crush the dark.
In light
Once again, David, you have outdone yourself with Part 2! Your brilliance shines through in the easy-to-understand way you write.
We so much appreciate what you are doing for the planet, despite the dangers and hard work involved. I am sending you light and love every morning!
Kim Jong II is dead. No joke. Anonymous was right, time to eat.
David, I have been following your website since 2007 when I purchased my first home computer and discovered the internet( it took me awhile)!!
You have been instrumental in changing how I see the world and myself. My whole paradigm of reality has changed forever and for better, thanks to you.
Even at 62 yrs old there is still a lot to learn about ourselves and world we live in. You have helped make my life richer and filled with joy.
Thank you for being you. I wonder if you know just how many people’s lives you have touched is such a positive way.
Blessings to you David
Thanks David,
Your positivity and determination to not demonize these being’s that represent the PTW is admirable.
I too beleive in compassion above all, that is our gift I feel.
Love and truth and blessings to you and all!
Thank you! How I wish I would have had this knowledge in 1989.
I am concerned with the most likely upcoming passage of HR 3261 which will most likely remove the internet from our grasp. What will be your alternative way of communicating to us?
Love to you, my friend.
[Moderator: They do lots of things to distract people and create outrage over fake issues. The entire economy runs on the Internet including their own stuff. It can’t be shut off.]
i can completely corroborate the psychological component of this story concerning upbringing. up until a few months ago this is the exact story of my life.
early systematic abuse leads to the survival mechanism of creating a bubble of indifference to the pain and suffering of others.
i still have a hard time relating to the pain of others, to this day when i hear the crying of children i almost always start laughing hysterically.
i believe this response is also a survival mechanism to keep me from connecting with my own tortured childhood.
the kicker is when you grow up in this situation, you want to tell people what is going on, however you are taught that you will be beaten worse if you do say something.
this ends up becoming a belief that if people knew what happened to you, they would think you were weak for not doing something to save yourself. it is extremely similar to how a rape victim feels and acts.
luckily i was able to get away from that situation before i was completely consumed.
the real problem for people like myself is we develop the ability to be immune to peer pressure. in conjunction we learn the ability to rationalize everything we do no matter how horrific it may end up being.
what i am saying is there is no way to deal with a person like me unless i allow it. i can completely ignore anything that threatens my belief system without feeling bad for the person i am walling off(at least on the surface).
in the end you only have two options, remove us from our points of power by force, or have us believe we are leaving of our own volition without an inkling that somebody is forcing us from it.
personally i vote option one.
[Moderator: That may be the only way for some. Thank you for sharing. It’s important for people to understand how this happens.]
Thanks David! Interesting as always. Looking forward to when this is finally over!
(note to moderator: the guy who commented that logarithmic and geometric growth are the same is wrong. They are inverse.
David’s mistake was that he assumed logarithmic was a progression in size from geometric (or exponential). The opposite is true.)
Oh My Go[l]d!
Remember the movie Dune? He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! Gold is the Spice.
“Do we have wormsign?
We have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen”.
The giant attacking worms are the cabal, and David is Paul Atreides riding and taming that big ole scary worm with love. “The spice must flow.”
Since gold is plentiful as we have learned, and the “spice” becomes more available, maybe the Elders will share their secrets of the “melange” with all humanity and the Golden Age can be born.
And David, about the death threat, remember “I’m dead to everyone unless I become what I may be” The truth is truly right out in the open.
“Father… father, the sleeper has awakened!”
Hurry Dave publish part 3 soon very soon 😉 8)
Hi David
I have been following for only a few weeks now and find your disclosures both thought provoking and whilst increadible quite feesable after all history is taught to us by the Victors, not the losers.
One thing that does trouble me though is that why, after being massivly ripped off once when financing the growth of USA, did the Chinese allow more Gold to be transported to USA?
Surely they must have known US was controlled by Rothschilds as was Japan. That said i am sure there is more to come on the subject and look forward to more revelations, Keep up the good work David, much love from your friends accross the pond in England.
[Moderator: As David said, it appears to have been a separate faction in China that had its own gold.]
As a new reader of your site I find your work too positive not to be believed, too wonderful not to be true and I feel the heart of you in what you do.
The puzzle pieces are finally fitting together. I add my loving gratitude to the growing list.
Your story about the background of the Old World Order, the abuse, brainwashing, and toll on new child members is chilling.
One point to add: The only thing more damaging to a child than sexual abuse is neglect. The human spirit can overcome anything, the absence of love being the hardest.
Carol B.S. Psychology (26 years clean and sober)
All this waiting and suspense… for you to say actually nothing new.
I’m getting the feeling that you started your story way too strong and now you have no idea how to follow it up.
I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.
[Moderator: The original Part Two was even longer than this. David released this first to break the suspense and give you something to read.
Now settle down, go take a walk and enjoy your life outside the Internet… no time for disappointment.]
I see a few comments that look like the work of the “Water Armies”. No big deal – we are approaching the cusp of a massive change and no human agency can prevent it!
Superb work David, and if I can help with minor historical details (silk rugs were more likely to be displayed on the wall) I would consider it an honor and a privilege.
[Moderator: Yes… paid informants are fighting back HARD at this point. Guys… real people are not as sick and hateful as what you’re writing, particularly when David is fighting for his life by releasing the most dangerous info in the world.
Tighten it up, show some respect or you’re not going to be able to show your employers the fruits of your paid labors.]
we are all behind you dont give into the feare.
you have a good heart and we thank you bor being:-)
Thank you David. Your insights are the most compassionate I have ever had access to.
I feel enlightened by the release of all this information. I am grateful to you.
Thank you David, this is definitely an awesome piece of information! A lot of people will have trouble to wrap their minds around this info, but I personally think this is it!
We are seeing history unraveled and the truth coming out as we go along….part 1,2 and 3, WOW, what a great Christmas present, thank you!!
Much Love All Ways,
Christa 😉
The energetic waves these days – man what a ride.
Here is a video from North Korea, for your consideration:
Those people are crying because their dictator who oppressed them for their whole lives, has passed away.
They were utterly brainwashed since their childhood, into thinking that he was the best for them. And indeed, many of them in turn have lived in that reality, thinking that the outside world is totally evil.
This video very clearly shows the power of programming that can be done on people, something not too far from the portion of what’s written in this very article.
I know that in a few years we will be looking at a similar videos of us, of our very own societies – with similar surreal feelings this video now induces in us.
Europe and Asia had sex, and the result is the United States. Then all the hullabaloo is the teenage years, well a couple of hundred of them.
Now its time to grow up, get a job, act like a responsible nation, learn how to cook Asian food, and start paying the mortgage. Its the history of a baby nation.
Having parents like Asia and Europe has got to have some traumatic ramifications. Maybe now that we realize this we can start looking at truths, and give up the illusion. Time to move ahead…
[Moderator: BIG LOLs!]
Fascinating. Thank you David!
Here is another message for David,
“Please do not let the reports of incidents caused by the activities of the dark Ones, distract you from your focus upon the year 2012.
As you are finding out they are defiantly hitting out, to make a desperate last stand but it will not achieve anything for them. Now that you understand how they operate, you are able to prevent the fallout which usually causes fear.
You are now wise to their method of operation and have become much more discerning, and deny them the outcome they set out to create.
We of the Galactic Federation play our part in protecting those of you under threat, and in some instances have appeared to them personally to give that assurance.
Be assured that all Lightworkers are known to us, and along with their Guides are led along a path that is least likely to lead to confrontation.
It cannot always be avoided, but there are occasions when the dark Ones are those who are at a disadvantage instead of you.
The publicity that they receive is welcomed as it reveals the nature of their modus operandi, and helps others recognize them.
http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled messages/December 2011/salusa__19december2011.htm
Keep up the good work David my boy. Looking forward to part 3 , get it all out there son 😉
Thank God David Wilcock is saying: “Trauma & abuse causing intense suffering, sociopathy and breaks someone..they can use valiant efforts and spiritual alchemy to heal” …
instead of saying: “Everyone choose their experience and they are the way they are because they didnt do the law of attraction right and they like drama”.
[Moderator: David is trying to show how to love. I applaud you for getting it!]
moderated, screened and filtered….. great.
[Moderator: Yes… this is not a place for ignorance and hatred. David pushes people’s buttons by getting them to look at things they might not agree with, but that doesn’t mean we allow them to tear him apart in the comments.]
I always thought BF was a plant, a total and complete fraud, a distraction and a nuisance. Now david you are buying into it? and from your privious article in the series you mention
“Wild stuff… I believe “Management” has spoken once again.”
who is the anon that Kerry was able to bring online at such short notice? I have read articles that Project Camelot has been financed by the Rockefellar Foundation and have often wondered how is it that these ‘truthers’ are permitted to continue promoting and not only promote but thrive with elaborate production.
From what is gathered from your AFR interview, you and the rest of your clan have friends in ‘high’ places, only a phone call away.
my question im getting at i suppose is…. why should we trust you or BF or KC or any of you high budget truthers out there who are obviously getting your backing by mysterious ‘anonamous’ types from so called far far away that hide their identies no different than any other occult organization?
what is there end game, who are they, what do they want, why the charade?
I also want to know who your god is and that of your, “Wild stuff… I believe “Management” has spoken once again.”(“management”) is. Ive studied davids material, camelots material and all those affiliated and co-filliated, jorden maxwell, david icke, etc and the theme is theosophy which parots the like of madam blavatski, alister crowley and lucifer himself when he said, ‘be like god’, ‘do as thou wilt’.
Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law for Crowley refers not to hedonism, fulfilling everyday desires, but to acting in response to that calling.
This anonamous had a think Irish accent and i am aware of irish heritage that of the hollies and the druids, etc, also how they migrated into england and then into middle eastern area.
Im also aware of technologies ect of the hollies and also of Ebla and Er, Terra and of course Camelot and of the universities of ancient Ireland and of Alexandria, the mastery of Solomons Temple and the city of Nazareth.
I need to know whom your association(s) view as their ‘source code’. Is it this theosophy mumbo jumbo, or is it an intelligent “I AM” that is indeed to bring about the ‘Apocalypse’,’the Lifting of the Veil’.
Are the gods these imaginary ETs, any nation can call themselves what they would like, celestial or otherwise and does not make it so.
Even if there were these ETs, were do they rank against this ‘source code’ the ‘I AM’ of ancient that your well versed irish friend should know of which i speak.
I AM just trying to sort out all the idolatry in all this mess we call earth and this thread may lend opportunity for your clarification for those of us that no longer follow irrationally or uncritically any longer thanks to the years of broken and misguided trust that got us here.
thank you so much, love always.
[Moderator: Luciferians do not promote a message of love, acceptance and forgiveness. David’s term “Management” is taken from the Law of One material.
In Biblical terms, David’s ultimate source would be akin to the Christ within all of us.
These attacks are groundless. I know Kerry and she barely has enough money to pay her bills for living in a one-room apartment. Give us a break.]
Ty for this amazing article!
Funny how we tend to overcomplicate things while the truth might actually be more simple.
Just this week i found myself thinking about the honor that goes into the terracotta army.. one for every soldier. that displays a deep appreciation between the ones serving and the served. they must have had one goal. unlike today with their hidden agenda’s.
Still some questions that arise.
The elders learned that they have been had by the manifestation of the federal reserve some 80 years ago.. how come such a powerfull group needs 80 years to bring this to light? after a conspiracy dating back even to 1700?
they let them get this far?! invading countries, killing innocent people, destroying food, this planet and people’s minds and they could do nothing?!
And what happened before america? they must have been really powerfull and lost it somwhere along the way.
( or are we as people to blame for this by our ignorance and greed out of a monochronic state of being?)
i can see why this time is the perfect window though.. Cosmic shift event or not we are groomed properly for change of thought. lets love.
I can not thank you enough for doing everything you can to help in this process. like a true jedi.. with a sword of love piercing the dark.
My shadow cannot withstand your light and thats a wonderful feeling.empowering, ty.
Okay, reason why Chinese people call themselves Celestial_Empire is that couple of centuries ago, we used to be the world superpower, and did not give a fxxx about other countries, we called them ignorant, and not only called ourselves celestial, but also zhong guo, which means the country in the middle.
We were obnoxious enough to ignore all tech breakthroughs in the west and that finally lead to the torture afterwards, and i can see America’s pretty much doing the same thing, after being the sole superpower.
I was born and raised in China, and was not told we had any kind of ET origin of any sort, I wish we had… Never heard of the dragon being “metallic” either.
David, man, I’m not here to ridicule or anything of that nature, just offering opinion from a different perspective.
Look after yourself.
So much hearsay, so much that is ‘secret’ and nothing tangible or verifiable.
I object to the way the public is still being treated like idiots/children in these ‘leaks’ of ‘information’.
We are the ones paying for everything with our health, our lives and our blood and sweat – the message seems to be “keep paying, keep hoping but we can’t tell you what’s going on. But trust us, this really is for your own good.”
Meanwhile, nothing changes for the better, on the contrary. For example, ask the Libyan people if they think things have improved.
The day that someone acknowledges the people’s absolute right to know exactly what is going on, the day someone treats them with the respect and honour they deserve and produces hard facts for all the world to see, will be the day I might think things could change.
Once the truth, with verifiable facts, is made available to everyone, as it absolutely should be, the people will take care of the rest.
Ultimately, everything on the planet is the ‘property’ of every human being on earth. It’s our collective inheritance yet I have never yet seen this fact stated in any of the ‘leaks’. We are constantly being told what we can and can’t have – which is all part of the same game.
Meanwhile, qui bono….. who profits from all this secrecy and intrigue? Certainly not the Very Honorable Jo Bloggs who is as much an equal stakeholder in the world’s resources as anyone else, irrespective of name or title.
[Moderator: Idiots? That’s extremely harsh. I know David’s friend who introduced him to Jade Lion and he’s a wonderful guy. I can assure you David is taking a huge risk in putting this out there.
If this website doesn’t feed your highest excitement, then you are more than welcome to leave it behind and read something else.]
What do you say to Sean David Morton’s claim that the One trillion Dollar lawsuit would have to be filed in International Court because the court of New York has no jurisdiction over the defendants such as the United Nations and that many of the people named would have immunity?
I thought the same thing and figure the attorney for the plaintiff would have to know this.
[Moderator: I’ve seen the Q&A section with the guys in the suit — David sent it out for review — and this is addressed.]
David you are a legend!
peace love freewill happiness abundance JOY
in deepest gratitude for your courage
Bel xxxxx
It’s starting to make sense. The bold in-your-face moves by the US government: activating the FEMA camps, the NDAA bill, and the control/kill switch for the Internet.
They will have to go extreme now, or loose it all, as this information reaches public awareness.
This is very scary from a lot of perspectives, but we must focus on what we want instead. Go back to your heart and center on the this well of endless love. Then act.
We MUST get this into the mainstream media, no matter who their owners are. Inform individual reporters and editors. Appeal to their sense of humanity and their caring for their children.
The very audacity of the governments will help trigger people’s attention.
Secondly, consciously ask for assistance from those off-word people who are here to support freedom and love. It is very important that we ask with a clear intention, as this must reflect our conscious choice.
Thirdly, risk being the fool and tell the key information to all your family, friends and colleagues.
The morphic field will begin to resonate, and by its very nature make it easier with each new success.
What happened to those 500 pictures, concrete evidence, substantial earth-shattering information?
[Moderator: David never said he was releasing any of those pictures. Settle down.
David did not expect Jade Lion to show up, and this completely changed the story of what Part Two was going to be.
If David had waited to do it all at once, it could have been another week… and then you’d be complaining about the delay instead of the lack of “proof”.]
Wow, David – I know you to be great technical writer, reading The SFI. But you really are emotive & polished here.
Thanks for the ongoing read of the winter! You have arrived. Just continue tell the TRUTH!
Peace & Love,
So, as we all know that humankind have been “generated”, many times and fallen down from their divine essence to the current monkey-like being, by several space races (some say 144 other say 97, anyway the concept is enough shared) and furthermore about 13000 years ago Reptilians (Anunnaki) made the last release of the ape-man as a slave for their aims, the question is: who are belonging to these fantomatic Elders?
To the Sirian or Pleiadian or Venusian (Sanat Kumara) people or to the last intervention by the Reptilians as their descendant by bloodlines? And if the case is the second one, how can you state that they are “working” for the wealth of humankind?
You can’t forget the enormeous bulk of data coming from the channelings and what it is told about.
How can we consider these people so?