Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen?
The Vegas mass shooting may well be the most horribly botched "inside job" in modern history. Millions of newly-awakened people are getting their first chance to see a JFK, 9/11-style cover-up unfolding in real time.
A meta-analysis of the independent "citizen journalism" on this critical subject reveals that many key elements are missing, despite the unprecedented, massive number of contributors to the narrative.
A variety of insider reports suggest we are finally closing in on a civilization-defining moment of truth-telling and disclosure that could dramatically improve life on earth as we know it.
Our goal in sharing this with you is to shed light on this tragedy, expose the perpetrators and spread the information far and wide.
You are encouraged to make videos, write articles, borrow ideas (with credit), and contribute to the narrative in whatever way you can.
The best way we can honor the victims of this shocking tragedy is to make a strong push for the full truth to be exposed.
This is not 1963, nor 2001. The mainstream media has become a joke. If "they" won't give us an honest version of the story, we need to write it ourselves.
UPDATED Next Afternoon. Scroll until the red areas in Part Four and if you already read the rest, don't miss it!
FINAL UPDATE 2nd day, 10/12: Two important new details added to Part Four. This investigation is now page-locked and any new info will be a new article.
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